#more an observation on which of my ocs tend to be my favorites tbh
iggyfing · 5 months
making up a character in my own head: oooh he's so wretched and tormented by the horrible fallout of a poor choice he once made
making up a character to play in a video game: i'm gonna make a woman that is so bastard
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strooples · 2 years
Slice-of-life stories
SOL stories or other genres (but with elements of SOL/a SOL feel at times) tend to be my favorite thing to experiment with when coming up with a lot of my stories. Whether they’re upbeat or depressive, more adventurous or more day-to-day realism etc.
So I thought about some of the story ideas I have plans to make one day or just like to think up! I have basically a billion different story ideas and more OC’s than I could count (IDK if I’ll ever post/talk about them here one day?? might have to do something separate there). Some of which have been planned for years — though never written down.
Off the top of my head we have:
A small story revolving around 3 young adult friends who live together in the top floors of a flower shop. The shop is located in the city center of a big city, where usage of public transport is common. The main character being a girl named Juniper, who gets taken in by 2 roommate friends named Pandora (whose family owns the flower shop) and Ainsley when Juniper’s family kicks her out. The story is just a series of the 3 helping Juniper navigate her first few years as an adult, Juniper playing catch up from not being able to learn how to do a lot of things under her parents’ care, as they all explore the city together.
A comic I have in one of my old sketchbooks from 2019 about a girl who does art but is the struggling-to-stay-motivated type (LOL, I guess this is relatable) and works at a sandwich shop. Basically just some small tidbits of her trying to find her place in the world as she introspects through her job, place in the world, future, and self-comparisons. Some goofy scenes happen too, like bumping into old high school classmates at her job or meeting an artist she’s both admired/compared herself to and becoming good friends in an ironic-kinda way.
Another comic idea of a girl who works in a tea shop but has a gigantic pink pterodactyl friend… it’s supposed to be random and on the humorous side here (but I suck with writing humor sometimes, so I’m figuring this one out). The pterodactyl basically gets the tea shop worker girl out of a ton of hijinks in their crazy/chaotic city, where some new customers or a new recently-hired worker tend to draw strings of crazy events that pile up into some more surrealist randomness. *TBH I sort of like having characters in service jobs of big city environments ((not necessarily food or drink places; it could be something random like a librarian bc of the observations they can make of a diverse range of people)).
Some series of short stories of a happy family I wanted to get down. Exploring a 3-generational household that includes: The grandparents, their daughter (the mom) and her husband (the dad) who marries into the family, their 2 kids, 1 of the kid’s friends who stops by often (as their household becomes like a 2nd home to him), and a single mom + her child residing in their extra room — a friend of the 1st mom and whose kid has been friends with the siblings for most of their life. They’re kind people who help others (which explains why the single mom + the siblings’ friend is integral to their family as one of their own), and everyone looks out for each other. TBH, this is probably a story intended to stay happy + wholesome since it’s a bit of an escapism to see everyone have such a happy place together, no one abandoned or left behind. So my intention was to create stories that abound. Like how the quieter sibling has always struggled to fit in at school, the parents’ past love story, the 1st mom’s childhood as the only child, the single mother and her daughter’s story (+ their previous struggles with a living situation), the friend who comes by often and his feelings, how the grandparents are coping in old (etc etc). I guess I also love weaving stories by understanding people in layers, remembering real life people I’ve interacted with, and trying to understand and envision those characters’ lives similarly.
I have one more that’s kind of a nod to Gary Paulson’s “Paintings from the Cave: Three Novellas” — a book I read in schooling that’s stuck with me for a long time. So basically, it’s 3 separate stories in the same book with a common theme: How the companionship of dogs and art have helped characters cope in difficult times. The first story being a kid who copes with a hopeless life by ceramics, the second a girl who never belonged at home or in school by the friendship of dogs, and the last, a guy whose hope in life is both drawing and dogs.
My own idea was generally theming it around sleep problems that pour into your life, and how kids similarly cope with cats and art. But like “Paintings from the Cave,” it’ll still have a bit of a depressive/somber undertone.
So you get sleep issues like:
Insomnia due to anxiety + trauma for the main character of the first story, whose semi-nocturnal cats and sketchbook keeps them company in the moments awake before dawn. I haven’t planned this part out a lot.
Narcolepsy, as a medical condition that screws with a girl’s life (cause community college + work always sucks if you get sleepy in the day but are utterly unable to sleep at night). Because of her situation, she’s almost flunked a few times and a lot of her employers sadly had to let her go. So she decides to use her imbalanced sleep cycle to volunteer at a local shelter that needs night volunteers — where friendly cats help her regain a sense of confidence. You can’t fail at cats or get rejected from them like in a work environment — so long as they’re given space, care, food, and adequate shelter. So their lack of judgment soothes her in such a way.
Being a self-taught lucid dreamer who often uses sleep to escape reality. That leads to their hospitalization later on. But after being let go, they’re guided by a social worker who’s now organized to come by + help plan their life. They decide one day to use some of their dreams’ events and adventures as the springboard to draw out stories. I guess in a way, using art as a new coping mechanism and way to experience joy while awake.
There was a last story I made for a project in my last year of high school that’s also primarily late night-based and involves a sleepless protagonist (IK this is kind of a running thread — unintentional here). I haven’t really taken it seriously or planned in-depth, but it’s also one that crossed my mind ever so often. The plot basically goes:
A young adult lady works as a translator whose job is to travel between countries to work on translation projects. Her company of employment has bases in tons of different countries that work to transcribe anything from newspapers, books, or subtitles on screen. They have different departments for stable work vs. freelancing, and she’s somewhat 50/50 an office worker and a freelancer (tho the freelancery bits take her all over). She’s fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and English — partaking a project that requires her Mandarin + Cantonese skills. But upon the journey, she meets someone who eventually shakes up her quiet, lonely life between countries.
All in all, each of these stories takes the day-to-day situations and pacing. SOL is sorta what I use as a tool to explore different people’s life situations or see through different lenses for a day. Every now and then, I get ideas for new SOL-themed stories but it’s mainly these in my mind right now. I have many that aren’t in this genre though… but explaining my magic-fantasy-adventure-worldbuildy stories will take forever in comparison lolol.
Maybe one of these days, I can motivate myself to act upon my ideas?
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Hello :3 💋💋💋💋
Here for the OC ask game :DDDD
I hope u have been well btw I am cuddling u uwu
If these are too much my bad;; 🧍🏾‍♀️. Just pick what you wanna answer if so, lol.
For Cherry thee sexy angel with chibi form:
❤️ - What is one of her best memories?
🧠 - What do you like most about her?
For her daughter, babygworl Emilia:
🍕 - What is her favorite food?
💀 - Does she have any phobias?
For grandmommy muscle Eline:
🧊 - Is her current design the first one?
🍀 - What originally inspired her creation?
For Mochi 🍡 Da liddol guy <3:
🎹 - Does he have Hobbies?
🌺 - Does he have a love interest?
Also unrelated but thinking about spiderverse Author and kissing her forehead <333333
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY thank u love :3 (things r just going but we walking)
MAN been a while since I heard those names lmao
For cherry
-Best memory:
Seeing a galaxy for the first time in person. She would always see them in holograms when she was younger as she accompanied her mom
And when Emilia was born. She's seen beings from different worlds struggle to bring life into the world and even so she could had call for magic to be done easier and faster, yet she decided to let her baby be born naturally to really understand that struggle as her fascination for mortal life...probably one of the days she cried the most
-What do I like about her:
I just love her tbh, even tho I haven't drawn her in a while I still rotate her design in my head cuz she really pretty to me. Also cuz it sorta camed out after I created the blog so she basically followed since day one, cherry reactions were the first thing I started to post here so she been with me for good while (i shoulded tagged them.....ugh..)
For Emilia
-Fave food:
She has more a obsession with greasy food, pizza, spaghetti, or anything deep fried is her FAVORITE. And that just gets worse as she gets older skskksksk
She doesn't develop any fears until she becomes older. Its more of the fear of ending alone....she is celestial being after all so her lifespan is WAY longer than mortals
But even higher beings cannot continue forever....just like the sun
For Eline
Yeah, pretty much! Although now looking at it I should probably giver her a fresh look.....maybe one day......
I don't think I had any inspo for her other just making sense on where cherry camed from, haven't really worked on her until u put her name KDJDIADJNFQJEFQJJBBFL
He sorta just like observing what ane does and maybe bit of violence. Eating is another favorite, ane tends to end up feeling bit too full which is why she doesn't allow him near food much skskskk (like that comic where star platinum just ketp eating until jotaro couldn't take it no more KSMSMDDKJDNSNK)
Since mochi's part of Ane if she falls in love with someone he will feel that love for that person and becomes like a clingy cat to them (in that case jotaro would be the target lolololol)
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romantichore-blog · 2 years
9, 21, 22, and 41 for the writing ask! :D
hi!! thank you so much for these! 💜
9. Current WIP
😳 so, so many. I've been dreaming of going through all my folders old and new to sort out everything and see what stays and what goes. hopefully soon when I get a break from work and college. then I'm working on the sequel to my Resident Evil fanfic that I somehow completed last year.
cheaty answer but to be quite honest the biggest WIP is working on my confidence to start posting things. I've always had trouble with the 'putting myself out there' part and it has limited me greatly over the years. lots of things I didn't write, lots of thing I gave up on because I was too scared to post and thus lost motivation. it's a slow process but we're making progress!
21. Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
this one is really difficult! I usually get attached to a character I find intriguing for a while, but it changes over time. my favorite part of writing any character is going deep in their emotions and motives though, and making them suffer tbh, so I tend to enjoy writing characters that are considered 'villainous', and characters that lack clear character development in canon. think Cullen and his bullshit 'redemption arc' in Inquisition. because of this I tend to enjoy writing original characters the most, seeing as there's so much to develop and it's so fun to do.
lately I've noticed that my thing is more improving what already exists rather than building something from the ground up, so I latch onto characters who need some extra love.
I used to feel like I needed to be very close to canon for my writing to be worthy, or at least very well explained, which is why I shied away from most Bethesda characters. a little too tabula rasa for me to improve upon, which means I've spent the last 10 years playing these games but never even tried to write much about the characters in them. another WIP haha
22. Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
listen I know we're starting to see a pattern here but I promise we're working on everything 🙃 up until very recently I never dared to write the pairings I enjoy the most out of fear I'd spoil it or not do it justice. which means I've neglected my favorite characters for years because of the feeling of not worthy, if I write it it's going to suck. which is absolute bullshit, I know.
I love, love, love writing OC x OC stuff, though. I love getting the fictional people together. or not, actually, because I much prefer writing pre-relationship shenanigans to established ones. give me slow burn or give me death.
41. Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
I legit could write entire essays on this probably, and have been known to ramble, so bear with me for this one. I love talking about writing.
in practical terms, I'd say never forget that writing is a skill and it's not usually something we're encouraged to work upon. we usually write because we're obligated to and it becomes a chore more than anything. then when you finally do it for you, the first few times it's probably not what you expected, which can make you feel like you're just not suited for this. which is a lie.
which leads me to: writing is a great way to explore your own feelings, challenge your own perceptions, and ultimately learn about yourself. how you see the world, what brings you joy, things you'd rather avoid. it's also an observational skill, so it can help you understand others better - and empathy is always great to exercise. not to get too deep into discourse territory, but fiction, be it reading or writing, is a great, safe way to explore.
and for the last bit, my favorite writing advice actually came from Varric, in Dragon Age 2: "A good story you don't really write. It was always there. You just uncover it." so get out there and get to digging, learn what you can and record what you see the weird fictional people doing. they'll tell you.
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for the character thing; cody, obi wan, and ur oc pova (is that how you spell it?)
YEAHYEAHYEAH (also that is how you spell it) I see we’re doing the whole family and I LOVE it.
I was in the middle of answering this and then I went to find my favorite episodes and Tumblr ate whatever I was working on sooooo I start over.
Why I like them: Sass. Fandom’s interpretation as Ultimate Big Brother (behind Alpha-17, of course). Mysterious scar. And he’s pretty.
Why I don’t: Honestly? The fact that the clones are slave soldiers, and the fact that fandom tends to give racially biased interpretations of the clones (I’m guilty of this too). Nothing to do with Cody himself, honestly, which isn’t to say he’s perfect or anything, I find him to be rough around the edges but who wouldn’t be in his shoes?
Favorite episode: s1e16 The Hidden Enemy. This one is probably on my top 5 list even without Cody. But guys. GUYS. “Hey there, Slick. Gun’s empty.” WHAT COULD BE MORE ICONIC?
Favorite film: Okay technically these questions were “episode/scene if a movie” and “season/movie” but because he’s in both I’m gonna have to go with a film for this one. Revenge of the Sith. Listen, I can’t watch ROTS without crying but damn if I don’t love Cody in it anyway. The lightsaber scene will ALWAYS get me. (Season 1 gets an honorable mention.)
Favorite line: Uh. Well. Okay so. “Hey there, Slick. Gun’s empty.” *holds up mag* LISTEN GUYS I LOVE THAT ONE. Although he also gets points for “I’m putting you in charge of this one.” I don’t know if season 1 just has a lot of iconic Cody lines, or if it’s because I’ve been watching that season in Spanish lately.
Favorite outfit: ... his armor? No actually though, I love his Phase II armor. Phase I is cool but Phase II has the cool ventilators. And how can I not make fun of his antenna?
OTP: Codywan. Ideally in a post-war fix-it or semi-fix-it where there isn’t a huge power imbalance, but I’ve been known to read Codywan stuff that takes place during the war, especially before I was as cognizant of the power imbalance as I am now.
BroTP: Cody and Rex. I’m sure y’all saw that one coming. I mean it’s CODY and REX, I’m pretty sure that’s everyone’s BroTP!
Headcanon: So this might be a good time to mention that I headcanon everyone everywhere as autistic. Everyone is autistic. Cody is autistic. Okay actually though, I headcanon that Cody has a great deal of anxiety. He handles it well, and he has a support system, but given his entire life, and the fact that he’s a Marshal Commander, and further more the headcanon we collectively have that Obi-Wan insists on promoting Cody to get out of paperwork because Cody deserves it, he’s probably anxious. And man, same.
Unpopular opinion: Do I have one? Tbh I don’t know how to determine whether an opinion about a character is unpopular. How do we define unpopular? Do we mean just like, not commonly known or shared? Because if so, I once again raise for your consideration: everyone is autistic, therefore Cody is autistic.
A wish: For Disney to retcon Order 66. Barring that, for the Bad Batch show to give him a happy ending involving the removal of his chip and the opportunity to live happily ever after with Obi-Wan on Tatooine. (Is the Bad Batch show going to be live-action like Kenobi? Because PLEASE give me Temuera Morrison playing Cody in both.)
An oh-gosh-please-don’t-ever-happen: Don’t laugh. Order 66. Listen I KNOW it’s canon but that doesn’t mean I have to like it!
5 words to best describe them: Salty. Snarky. Protective. Competent. Thoughtful.
My nickname for them: honestly, just Codes or Kote. Not much to get out of Cody, really.
Why I like them: HE’S PRETTY. And sassy. There’s a pattern here.
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s ever a time in canon that he acknowledges all the issues with the clones’ existence. He does in fanon, which I can appreciate, but canonically he’s like, “ah yes, we bought 3.2 million humans. We’ll just stick them in this war I guess.” Also frankly he’s a bit oblivious, bordering on daft, especially considering he’s the Negotiator, I mean he KEPT HIS LAST NAME when he went into hiding. I still love him though.
Favorite scene: That deleted “good girl, Boga” scene, which just hits different when you’ve read Master & Apprentice and know how much he loves varactyls. I don’t care that it’s deleted. It’s my favorite. (Plus you’ll probably like this better than my favorite episode, which is the Kadavo episode.)
Favorite film: Attack of the Clones. Listen listen listen, he has a lot of good moments in TCW, but hands down it’s AOTC.
Favorite line: Eheheheheheh. Eheheheheheheh. Eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh. “Hello there!”
Favorite outfit: Was gonna make a comment about Jedi robes but then I remembered his stolen Mandalorian armor in The Lawless and *swoons* that’s one pretty outfit.
OTP: ... also Codywan. Again, ideally in an AU with less of a power imbalance, I mean it doesn’t matter how much he promotes Cody, canonically he’s still a Jedi and Cody is still a slave and I just don’t love that but I live for Codywan. Domestic Codywan? *chef’s kiss*
BroTP: probably Obi-Wan and Anakin. Maybe Obi and Padmé? Idk I have Thoughts about Anakin, he’s a problem child, but not much can top the agony in “You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!” (I like whump, okay?) Also just. Can you imagine the Negotiator just being buds with Senator Amidala? Helping each other with domestic disputes and speeches? Working on a Clone Rights Bill? Yeah. Can it be a broT3? What if we just don’t have Anakin and Padmé dating? It’s such an unhealthy relationship. That’s it, broT3 is Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan.
Headcanon: ACE!OBI ACE!OBI ACE!OBI!!!!!! Also,,, autistic!Obi. I know I know, but actually genuinely @fromryloth-tocorellia has some pretty good autistic!Obi-Wan stuff, including Obi-Wan being semi-verbal, low-verbal, and non-verbal. Autistic characters is a hill I will die on, and Obi-Wan is a character I happen to enjoy projecting on (oops). Plus, if I headcanon Cody and Obi-Wan as autistic, then the entire Ibonek family is autistic, and I love that.
Unpopular opinion: The only reason Obi-Wan “left Anakin to die” was because there was nothing he could safely do to help. When I was taking first aid classes, one of the first things they told us was that, unless there is no danger to yourself, you do not help. You wait for actual first responders to show up. If Obi-Wan had tried to help Anakin, either Anakin would have killed him or Obi-Wan would also have been severely burned. And if he had stayed, he may have been caught by Palpatine. Is it sad that he left? Absolutely. Heartbreaking. I don’t think it was a GOOD decision. But he didn’t just leave him to die; there was no other safe option. There were no good decisions here. I have a lot of thoughts about this, I have half-written essays on Discord about it, feel free to ask further questions.
A wish: For Qui-Gon’s dying words to be retconned. I know I wrote that post about how his dying words were full of trust in Obi-Wan and I stand by that, but that doesn’t mean Obi-Wan realized that, or that they were a good choice.
An oh-gosh-please-don’t-ever-happen: For the Kenobi show to be sad. It’s not allowed. Obi-Wan can have one fight, and that’s it, he is happy as a clam on Tatooine because he DESERVES GOODNESS DAMNIT.
5 words to best describe them: Kind. Soft. Warm. Compassionate. Daft.
My nickname for them: Obi
What I like about them: They’re my OC and I can do whatever I want with them!
What I don’t: They’re my OC and I’m in charge of them.
(Okay actually though:)
What I like about them: Nonverbal. Pink. Perpetually grumpy.
What I don’t: perpetually grumpy. Seriously how did that happen? Why did I do that? Why is the only time they AREN’T grumpy around Rex or when shopping with Obi-Wan?
Favorite scene: The adoption scene in “Observations on the Nature of Cody Ibonek”.
Favorite work: Probably “Observations”. It’s the first one that’s entirely from Pova’s point of view.
Favorite line: “He was making fun of my stimming. I was already having a bad day. I punched him. It’s whatever.” POVA NO. (Pova yes.)
Favorite outfit: Uh. Haven’t given it much thought yet? Haven’t done many character designs, although fromryloth-tocorellia did one for me and it’s my icon at @ver-writes-things if you want to check that out? Also my Halloween costume is gonna be a super basic cosplay of them and I’ll probably post that.
OTP: None. First of all, the oldest I’ve written them so far is 14. Second, I don’t have any other characters their age yet. Maybe the six kids from the Gathering episode survived? But even then I probably wouldn’t ship it. And I mean, not every character needs a romantic ship.
BroTP: Either Pova and Rex or Pova and Luke. Rex is like big brother/cool uncle, and Luke is like little brother. As of right now, though, definitely Rex, as I haven’t written much of anything with Luke.
Headcanon: I don’t have any because all my headcanons about this character are CANON! Man I love having OCs.
Unpopular opinion: to quote Paige Layle on TikTok: “Stop using the term low functioning autistics when you really mean that they’re just nonverbal. And nonverbal autistics still have a lot to say, they just have a hard time talking.” Basically, I’m certain that as this AU gains traction, Pova’s gonna start getting flak from readers for being nonverbal. It hasn’t happened yet, and maybe I’m just being pessimistic, but just in case someone needs the reminder: No. Stop now. Pova’s autistic. And nonverbal. And not a savant (man I fucking hate that trope). But they are a capable Jedi and, with Cody and Obi, developed a very functional sign language comprised of Jedi hand signals, trade sign language (like from episode 5 of the Mandalorian, that the Tuskens use?), and ARC signals. There will be NO functioning labels on this AU, and Pova has and will continue to have PLENTY to say. If you have a problem you know where the door is.
A wish: For everyone to love my kiddo as much as I do!
An oh-gosh-please-don’t-ever-happen: Listen Pova is gonna have a good and happy life. There is trauma and there is bullying and there is heartache but they are going to live a good life with two AMAZING dads. So there is no “don’t ever happen” because it won’t.
5 words to best describe them: Sneaky. Quiet. Excitable. Compassionate. Snarky.
My nickname for them: Kiddo or my kiddo.
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imaghostwriter · 6 years
11/11/11 (or more like 44/11/11)
Rules: Answer 11 Questions, Ask Eleven Questions, Tag Eleven People!
alright, so i had a lot of people tagging me in this one and i was really happy about every single one! but to sum things up a little (and also so that i wouldn’t have to come up with 44 questions myself) i decided to put it all in one post. i will tag 11 people with 11 questions of my own and answer all 44 questions i received under the cut.
thanks to the wonderful @thewritingsofart, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, @writingsonesdreams and @waywordwriter for being awesome and for tagging me! xx
now, here are my 11 questions:
1. if you had to rewrite the earliest work you remember writing, what would you change?
2. have you ever written fanfiction? if so, what was your first fic about?
3. do you have any foolproof methods against writer’s block?
4. have you ever thought about quitting writing?
5. is there an author who you feel influences you as a writer?
6. would you like to have fanfiction written about your works?
7. what is the nicest compliment you’ve ever received on one of your works?
8. have you ever cried over one of your own stories?
9. do you draw about your own stories?
10. have you ever written an au about one of your own stories?
11. have you ever written something creative in another language than english? if so, which one was it? and which language do you prefer?
sooo, those were my 11 questions. now my 11 victims are: @storyteller-kaelo, @metaphors-and-melodrama, @wasted-hymn, @authorified, @writingnosefreak, @quilloftheclouds, @bookenders, @vhum, @madammuffins, @catgirlwarrior, @blueinkblot
and for those who are interested, here are my answers:
1. In what other format do you enjoy reading a novel? Script, Poem, Diary, Illustrated, etc.
i love stories of all kinds, the format doesn't really matter
2. What POV do you prefer reading from? Writing from?
third person, both reading and writing. it doesn't matter if the narrator is omniscent or stays up close and personal with the protagonist
3. Do you remember what your first creative writing piece was?
i remember the first one i created outside of school lmao it was awful but i've also grown a lot since then and i still remember my first work fondly. and tbh i still like the idea so i gottagive little me probs for that. it was about a girl who wakes up with no memories, in a world where everyone believes to have a certain destiny and thus doesn't question what happens to them bc they accept everything to be part of a greater scheme and she starts rebelling against that bc she doesn't want to accept that she was supposed to forget everything about her life and then tons of stuff happens
4. What are you working on now?
a fantasy novel which is a collab with a writer friend that i still know from school and a drama novel, set in the 1960's
5. How do you get in the mood to write?
usually i just reread what i've already written and that does the trick for me but if not then go back to my outline and work a little on that which reminds me of all the cool stuff that i wanna write that's yet to come
6. What in your daily life inspires you to write?
everything and anything. inspiration doesn't come from a certain place from me, it's compeltely random. i just hear or see or read something and it sparks an idea and then i'm stuck with it
7. Do you have a favorite writing snack(s)?
i don't snack much whilst writing tbh bc then i need my hands to write. but i snack a lot to procrastinate and then any snack will do
8. Who do you go to first when you want someone to read/look over your writing?
the friend i do my fantasy collab with is the only friend whom i'm entrusted with almost everything i've written in the last three years and i've even shared some of my older stories with her
9. What got you started in writing for pleasure?
i can't remember if there was a specific reason that got me started. i always liked the creative writing tasks that we got in class so one day i wanted to try writing a book. that was pretty much it
10. How do you create your characters? Do you use a character sheet or another method?
my characters are usually the first thing that come to me so i don't actually use any specific method to create them. they all serve the plot and are built for necessity around my protagonist to create the most believable and most fun dynamic that ultimately leads my main oc to where they need to be
11. If you could have one famous person, from today or history, to read your best piece of writing, who would it be? This includes authors
jane austen probably bc i think she could give me good advice on character dynamics and would smack me on the head for making a man the pov character in my drama novel. but i also think she would be super nice and encouraging in her advice. also she's one of my favourite authors so there's that
Heels or flats? flats! i can't walk in heels properly
What’s your favorite Starbucks drink? i don't go to starbucks. if i go to any café i usually get tea if i stay in or coffee if it's to go
Winter or summer both are very uncomfortable, temperature-wise. but i'll go with summer bc it's nice to be too hot for once when you're usually always too cold
Do you write short stories? heck yeah i do!
Favorite author? jane austen bc i always feel good when reading her books
3 words to describe your protagonist(s) going only with daniel from my drama novel: repressed, oblivious, gay
3 words to describe your antagonist(s) well, in my drama novel there is no clear antagonist as in it's not a person and in my fantasy novel the protagonists are kind of the bad guys so i don't really know how to answer this. capitalism? prejudice? believing you know what's best for the people you love and acting on it until your behaviour is downright abusive? none of these are three words but i'm rolling with it
Favorite school subject? constantly changed. when i graduated it was english, german, spanish, art and philosophy
Favorite book(s)? also ever-changing but since i picked jane austen as my favourite author i'm going with pride and prejudice
Favorite music genre? don't have one, it all depends on the song but atm i listen to a lot of old rock
How was your day today? veryyy stressful and emotionally exhausting but i also got to see a good friend of mine that i hadn't seen in some time now and that was nice!
1. What part of worldbuilding do you like the least? i'm a sucker for worldbuilding to the point where i procrastinate writing bc i worldbuild too much. there is no part that i don't like
2. Do you write in your own language? If not, why? i do! but i also write in english. at first bc it forced me to simplify my sentences due to a lack of vocabulary but now bc i like it and it gives me the possibiliy to share my work with a wider audience!
3. How many of your characters are orphans or have absent parents? not too many, actually. i think it's mostly a thing in my drama novel where it's 2.5/5 (one being an orphan, the other having abusive parents and one case where i'm not even sure if it's just a very complicated relationship or if it counts as downright abusive but the story doesn't dive too deply into it either). in my fantasy novel it's just 2/6!
4. Do you have any happily married couples in your story? uhhh... now that i think about it.. i don't. wow. never realized that, you really got me there!
5. What kind of visual arts (cinema, sculpture, painting…) inspires you and your stories? all.
6. Did you ever go somewhere and think “this is exactly my story’s setting”? not really. but certain places do sometimes inspire me to set my story somewhere similar. my trip to cambodia led to an outline for a pirate story that has yet to be written
7. If you take public transports, do you ever look at the people around you and imagine their story? yesss, i am 100% that creep that is constantly observing and analysing other people
8. What is the last book you read (or are currently reading)? Would you recommend it? it was "the death of mrs. westaway" and i definetely recommend it! it was a good read. even though i guessed the ending it was still thrilling and it didn't chip away any of the suspense bc the author always kept me questioning myself and always had me asking "but what if i'm wrong?"
9. When was the last time you read fanfiction and what was it about? maybe about two weeks ago? i can't remember what it was about bc it was just small bits of fluff but i do remember that it was a merthur fanfic
10. What is the first thing that came to you for your WIP? Was it a scene, a character, or something else? going with my drama novel: it started out with the idea to write something where the story couldn't stand the way it does if a single sentence where to be taken out. to have something written so minimalistically that only what is absolutely necessary remains but still have it be interesting, engaging and compelling. so i started writing something from the pov of someone who is just the most oblivious rhabbarb the world has ever seen. the rest evolved around it
11. Is there a genre or writing format you’d like to try in the future? not currently. these things tend to come to me with time and as soon as they do i try them out at once bc i can't wait haha
1. How much of your writing is influenced by your daily life? Like does what happened during the day affect what and how you write? not intentionally but when it happens (and i notice it happening, usually) then it influences mostly my characters. their aspirations, their internal conflicts. the reason why daniel is struggling with the expectations of others is bc it's something i experience myself, although maybe not as strongly as he does. but then again, that's kind of a universal experience so it's not that noticable
2. How much of you is inside your characters? every single one of them has something from me but i always make sure to never make them too similar to me and whenever i see myself too much in them i start changing them around until i can distance myself enough from them to be able to write about someone else's experiences instead of my own
3. Do you start writing from the beginning or somewhere else? yes, i usually do
4. What is the most difficult for you about writing? connecting scenes. i never know when to write something out or to sum it up in one sentence and just dive into the next scene. it confuses me to no end
5. What is the hardest part about creating characters for you? my characters tend to come very naturally to me. they're born out of necessity for the plot and thus are fitted to it. i guess what is most difficult for me is reminding myself of the fact that all my charas have a live outside of the plot, except for my protagonist and usually have more than just that one (1) friend
6. What are the themes of your wip and what do they mean to you? both my wips deal with questions of morality, loyalty and autonomy and those are all themes that i spend a lot of my free time thinking about and/or that are very important personally. especially autonomy was always something that i was taught to value as a child and that my parents value a lot as well, even more than most germans which is saying something.
7. What books/movies/series whatever inspired or influenced your current wip the most? i honestly don't know. they're both not consciously inspired by specific media although i don't doubt that i was influenced by a lot of different works
8. What would be the biggest appreciation of your work for you? if someone loved it. if someone would read it not just once but then again just bc they felt like it and wanted to insert themselves into the world again. if someone would love the characters and bond with them. if my work meant something personal to someone.
9. Why did you choose to write this wip and not something else? What’s so special about it? my fantasy novel: i wanted to do a collab with a friend of mine whom i've known for a while now and she only writes fantasy so i thought it would be a good excuse to try myself out in the genre my drama novel: i honestly don't know. i can't even remember how the idea came to me but suddenly i was heads deep in a 1960's period drama about a gay dude and social pressure. i guess it was the way i write it, as minimal as possible, that appealed most to me
10. What kind of scenes do you not want to write/don’t enjoys writing but can’t get around them? scenes where i don't know what's going to happen plotwise but only the feeling that i want to get across
11. What part of the writing process is your favourite? (Coming up with the idea, thinking, outlining, researching, writing itself, editing, reading what you have written, etc) worldbuilding and creating characters bc i get to enjoy the creative process without worrying too much about perfection and editing bc it's meditative and bc i feel proud for completing my draft and don't have to worry about still having to write anything out. but i also love reading what i’ve already written! i guess in the end i have fun with all the parts lmao
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muggle-writes · 6 years
11 questions
tagged by @writergurll
1. What is your favourite writing quote?
I.... don't collect quotes. I could Google one right now but that's not the same because I won't feel any long-term connection to it. but my favorite writing advice derived from a quote is the equivalent of "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" because you can't edit words that aren't there. write and keep writing, it can be good later, now you just want there to be enough words to work with
2. What is the name of your childhood favourite book?
Hmm Ender's Game was a favorite. as were the Harry Potter books.
3. When did you start writing?
the first time I wrote a story and cared about it, not just because it was required for class, was probably 7th grade? but I've been crafting stories to lull myself to sleep with for years, at least as young as 3rd grade. and now a solid half of my writing process is zoning in to that same narrated imaginationland that I tell my bedtime stories from, and crafting the story in a similar way (the thing with actually writing it down later is, now it does matter whether the story is self-consistent.)
4. Do you listen to music when you write?
usually, yeah. I have found what works best for me is putting on soundtracks from video games I haven't played. video game music is designed to be played on repeat, to complement but not distract from a task. and if it's music from video games I haven't played, then I don't get distracted remembering what I loved about the game. (the times I don't listen to music it's usually because everything is too distracting. music is too distracting, silence is too distracting, the surface I'm sitting upon is too distracting... on those days I get a cold drink and write in silence and hope and pretend I'm a functional writer. alternately I was so ready to write I put in my headphones and got in the zone and wrote 4 pages before I realized I was still listening to silence)
5. Who is your favourite character to write?
oooh, good question.
I like to write observant characters, because whether or not they're correct in their observations, it forces me to think about how truths can be misconstrued or hidden, or whether they're obvious to all or just to those who look. It also gives me an excuse to over-describe everything, when the character is observant enough to notice and mentally comment on all the details I want to add.
but also I like writing any characters when I have a strong sense of their voice, enough to be confident that I'm writing them in character
6. How do you come up with names for your characters?
I write a lot of fanfiction which makes names mostly a moot question, but when I am actually generating character names, I've got a few methods:
for a fantasy universe with names that resemble American names but aren't actually recognizable, I kinda just babble gibberish that also sounds vaguely like names until something sounds right. Then I repeat it a few times to make sure it still sounds right, and modify if needed. (...often I realize weeks or months later that a name sounds like something else and I'm surprised with myself for not noticing the similarity and then I second guess the character's name. once I wound up with a character whose name turned out to be the brand on the water fountains at my school.)
if I'm writing vaguely modern English or white-American names, I'll go through names I know and try them out, filtering by how pretentious the name sounds against family background.
and when I have to come up with names with other backgrounds I'll use baby naming websites or lists of "25 most common names in [country]
7. What’s your favourite book?
heck that's a really good question. I like lots of books. usually whatever I'm reading at the time is my "favorite" unless it's awful.
idk if I have a permanent favorite book, but the Harry Potter, Belgariad, Xanth, Pern, and Ender series all really shaped my sense of storytelling
8. What is your favourite part of writing?
either when I have a great idea and I get it down on paper/into a document before that initial burst of inspiration fades, or seeing people's reactions to my work, or occasionally just rereading something I wrote months or years prior and just enjoying it as much then as I did at first.
9. Who is a writer you look up to?
As much as I don't like his politics, I have been really drawn into nearly everything I've read of Orson Scott Card's (if I was old enough to Get It. tbh most of the Ender sequels went over my head bc I read them too young). and that's something I aspire to, to be so skillful, and to weave such a compelling story, that even people who want to dislike me are willing to kinda ignore that and forget it and pick up something I wrote just because my name's on it so they trust it to be good
10. Which genre is favourite to read?
when I was younger I liked both fantasy and sci fi pretty equally, but even though they can overlap, the tone is so different between the genres that I tend to prefer fantasy
11. How did you come up with your current wip?
lol which one? all my current wips are fanfiction (the last original piece I had half a plot for, I outlined and then abandoned during high school). usually I'll watch an episode or a movie and come away imagining "what if..." and if I get enough of a divergence from the original and I still feel strongly that I think it's worth writing, I'll start writing it up. I've started pieces because they were happening in my imaginationland and I wanted to force the scenes to be completed. occasionally I let a character (OC or fandom) work through a crisis I'm trying to pretend isn't happening in my own life. Several of my crossovers are inspired by "those characters should interact, it would be funny/drama-prone/intriguing/etc" (eg Julie Kwan & Hermione Granger: more-than-competent, sarcastic, academic friends. sounds excellent. OACET agent & Jodie Starling: time for (supposedly ex-)FBI shenanigans and Conan can be the one out of the loop for once. just things like that that sound like something interesting will happen) sometimes it's based on fandom commentary I've read (what if the Dursleys died instead and Lily and James raised Dudley) or just straight up "write the thing you want to read" (my long wip right now is because I got hooked on a trope and few of the fics were complete and none of them contained twists I thought would fit so I'm writing my own).
inspiration comes from lots of places and then it all kinda gets filtered through "what do I spend more than a single afternoon polishing in imaginationland?" and what survives is usually what I write.
anyway I'm not organized enough to have a taglist. I imagine I'm supposed to tag 11 people? but maybe @knightbusofdoom or @elizabethsyson to answer questions? no pressure.
and anyone else that wants can either do it and tag me or dm me and I'll edit you in so you're properly tagged
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bitchesofostwick · 6 years
writer’s questionnaire
tagged by @a-shakespearean-in-paris​ thank you!! :)
short stories, novels, or poems? i prefer writing short stories, tbh. i love my longfic but i’m writing it long because it’s a story that needs to be told start to finish, in it’s entirety. but i prefer (and believe i’m better at) writing shorter, briefer moments. you can do so much and tell so much in a small space when you put your mind to it.
what genre do you prefer reading? i hate saying this, but i haven’t read a book for fun since before college. literature was one component of my major, and assigned reading drained any desire i ever had to pick up a book. i miss it, and i’ll go back to them one day, but for now, i stick to fics only. in terms of genre there...damn, there’s a time and a place for smut and i do love to indulge in that from time to time, but i will lay my life down for hurt/comfort fics. i will die for them. like...catch me on any given night crying over a hurt/comfort story, i literally do it all the time.
what genre do you prefer writing? angst and hurt/comfort! i love fluff and i love happy endings but like...the realism of writing anger and angst and tension and heartbreak is so compelling to me. give your characters flaws. write scenes that hurt and make your heart ache. write conflicts. that’s how they learn and become better people, and that’s what makes all the fluff so much sweeter later on.
are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person? a planner! my longfic is well outlined, and all of my one shots are well thought out in advance.
what music do you listen to while writing? nooooooo music (as much as i usually love it). but i do write well with background noise, like having sports on TV or something.
fave books/movies? see the above comment about books (the last series i read was a song of ice and fire in high school lol). movies? i have so many, and a lot of them definitely influence my writing. all of the star wars episodes i-vi and the two spinoffs, sergio leone’s dollars trilogy (my love for westerns shows in my OCs’ constant need for revenge), atonement, gone with the wind, most tarantino movies (this shows in my OCs too tbh...beatrix kiddo? big emilia mood), goodfellas, hercules, mulan, the lion king, full metal jacket, never let me go, much ado about nothing, coco, both mamma mia movies, definitely many more that i just can’t think of but those are some Big Faves.
any current WIPs? yes! my ongoing longfic, A World Alone, as well as an art trade fic.
if someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be? a plain long-sleeved black dress with lacy tights, boots, and a flannel + my oversized denim jacket.
create a character description for yourself: tones of gold, and dark and brown eyes that let on more of her feelings than she thinks. 
do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing? not directly, other than myself. otherwise, i’ll pull bits and pieces and traits from other people, but never their entire personalities.
are you kill-happy with characters? nooooo. i only have one non-canon death planned (and it’s a non-canon character anyway). otherwise, my OCs go through enough shit without me killing someone off.
coffee or tea while writing? tea! i tend to do most of my writing in the late morning and afternoon, which would be after i have my morning coffee or two.
slow or fast writer? slow. sure, i can write a 3k chapter in one sitting. but that “one sitting” is going to be a three- or four-hour ordeal.
where/who/what do you find inspiration from? myself and my own experiences, first and foremost. but i am also truly and genuinely inspired by other fic writers, both here on tumblr and fics i’ve stumbled upon on ao3.
if you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be? probably a bard! always collecting secrets and tales but still having that rogue-ish aspect.
most fave book cliche? least fave book cliche? i love LOVE fake relationships, mutual pining because they’re too shy/dumb to confess feelings, and caretaking (like one is sick/injured and the other cares for them). least favorites? love triangles, and equating “strong female character” with “emotionless female character who happens to be good at punching stuff.”
fave scenes to write? minimal dialogue/action scenes where the narration is based in one character’s thoughts, emotions, actions and observations.
most productive time of day for writing? late morning through late afternoon. any later and i tend to ramble a bit. i’ll READ fic late into the night, but i tend to stop writing after dinnertime if i can.
reason for writing? i used to love it and i’m trying to love it again (i’m mostly there, but you know). and because i’m so in love with my own OCs--and when you want something done right, you need to do it yourself!
phew! that was long haha. @dickeybbqpit @veridium-bye @fourletterepithet @gingerbreton @daydreamingdragonage @trvelyans
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luckilyluculent · 6 years
2, 6, 7, 13, 17, 18; Eleanor: 31, 34, 39, 45; Felix: 26, 35, 40; Belsaadi: 36, 38, 43.
This is long as hell so all the answered questions are under the cut
EVERYBODY(as of 5/22/2018)’SQUESTIONS –
The first OC of mine that likedirectly leaps to mind whenever I see the word “mentor” is probably Henry Blake—he’s.One of the many unlisted and not directly on my blog, but his literalprofession is teaching and you don’t get more mentor-y than that! He’s alsotaken people under his wing before directly. Henry was also straight up made asan homage to my first ever like, thought out character (a warrior cat namedFicklestar lmao) and one of the more important things to the character he wasbased on was his role as mentor to a friend’s character. I wanted to keep thatprevalent in all iterations of this character, Henry is just the most recentreally (though he and Ficklestar aren’t even that similar rofl).
I’d also probably categorize myboy Malik as a mentor as well, seeing as he just sort of. Casually adoptseveryone and everything that he comes across. He would definitely like to thinkthat’s more of him just defecting to be a pack leader, but he spends so muchtime teaching others and trying to help them grow that I can’t help but want tolabel him as that. He’d make a great teacher if he wasn’t so busy trying tokeep all of his adopted children safe smh.
Funnily enough, I think thatlabel would go to my character Cat the most. Mostly because he’s the one thattends to take a position of responsibility and look after everyone. Likeliterally, he basically quietly sits back and watches most of the time. But he’salways there with an open ear or shoulder, and because he’s veryobservant/insightful he tends to notice when things are going wrong or ifsomeone needs help. Cat’s also got like, a super strong mama bear streak withthe people that he cares about and though he’s usually very calm, cool andcollected he gets real mad real fast when someone he loves is in trouble.
I wanted to give this to Bels—I reallydid, but like I’ve realized that a huge part of Belsaadi’s character narrativeis that I wanted her to learn how to stand on her own. Not just with people,but sometimes in front of them and without them. So this took a little bit morethinking on my part, and I actually think I’m going to land on my character Eleanorfor that.
Eleanor is just very young andnaive! She was prone to making snap decisions that weren’t so great, andDamakos (who I am dubbing the mom friend of that party, sorry Tess) was oftenwho she looked to for guidance when she thought that she needed some. Eleanorneeded someone in general that filled a role of looking after her, and I’vetried playing her outside of her original party and it has just felt odd andincomplete. Maybe I can try again sometimes, but who knows.
HM this is an interestingthought. I don’t often think of my characters as duos or as hanging out—out ofthe D&D squad I’d probably say that Eleanor and Belsaadi would make areally good compliment to one another. Eleanor has enough gentle warmth toreign in the times that Bels tends to dip toward more bloody and not-so-goodsolutions, she’d be very good for keeping Bels firmly “good” aligned to behonest and would be a good force for her to not only look after (and thusfinally take on some responsibility) but also to keep her mindset towardherself more healthy since Eleanor’s not afraid to call people out and steerthem gently into more positive thinking. Bels would be great for Eleanor inthat Bels would probably encourage her to try to consider people’s intentionsmore. She’d let Eleanor flourish in her positivity but would actually probablybe one of the few characters that would try to curb her naivety, using her ownexperiences to guide and steer her straight. So they’d both sort of guide oneanother, which would be lovely in its own way. Bels would also absolutely callEleanor out often on her choice of men, which is something Eleanor needed tbh.
As for the whole Delry crew(which is where the likes of Cat and Henry and Malik are popping up) I wouldlove, absolutely love to have my Jester and Flavius tear shit up together. Youtake my sassy magic-eating demon-boy and mix him with the swashbuckling rogueand I’m sure they’d have some really fun adventures together. They wouldn’tnecessarily compliment each other emotionally (if anything they’d get into alot of trouble together and Jester would aggravate Flav’s want to keep peopleat a playful arm’s length and Flav would aggravate Jester’s issue of notnecessarily caring about others if he doesn’t know them at all). Still! They’dbe a fun like, fighting team in any case. Their physical and magical abilitieswould compliment in fun ways, and I’d love to write it out sometime.
…Bels would hate my characterStephanie. Steph was the first dnd character I had and lawful evil, and Belswould have just enough insight on her (Steph, even though she was a bard, hadmost of her stats in intelligence) to pick up on the fact that Steph was mostlytrying to manipulate everyone into liking her. That alone would drive Bels upthe wall, but Stephanie’s need to play dumb so consistently that she keepsinformation that could ultimately help others close to her chest unless itbenefits her would make Bels want to wring her neck. Steph wouldn’t care forBelsaadi because she’d call her out all the time, and that would make heruncomfortable and honestly just. Pissed off most of the time.
[steeples fingers] I.
Probably my character Gawain andEleanor. Gawain’s basically a paladin housing like 200 ancient evil spiritsinside of him (like Gawain himself would be fine, but not like… the one withthe fun ghosts in him) to protect his brother. He’d probably try to see how farhe could push Eleanor’s want to “save” him by doing truly awful things—first tostrangers, then to her family and the people around her. Eleanor wouldn’t stickaround for the whole thing, but she’d hold out faith for long enough to gethurt and it would… eugh. It’d be bad. Toxic, abusive. Not a good time.
Oh yeah! Eleanor’s the youngestof several siblings and she gets along really well with all of them. In fact,of all my characters Eleanor has the most healthy like, family relationship Iswear. She was using Sending to contact her parents regularly while adventuringon the road, and even sending letters and gifts to other members of her family.I’m fairly certain she’s on good terms with her extended family too tbh.
Perhaps the oddest—and one of myfavorites—thing Eleanor ever did to bond with someone was to dangle off of Theo’sbicep to see how strong he was. This while wearing her full armor by the way.Also her entire friendship with Athrun in general? The fact that he talked inher head constantly when he was a warlock and she was just like “mmkay!” thewhole time basically? It was pretty wild.
Pelor—yeah she’s that kind ofcleric haha. Eleanor just wouldn’t be Eleanor without Pelor to guide her, it’ssuch a large part of who she is and what she does and what she views as goodthat I honestly can’t even really play her in a game that doesn’t include himin the pantheon. She’d probably follow that up with saying her father—he taughther that being kind was not always easy, it would often—in fact—be the hardestthing she could do, but to embrace her kindness because it was part of who shewas.
Eleanor is pretty open withpeople that she loves and cares about! She tends to tell those she trusts whenshe has a crush on someone, and has never been the sort that likes to lie. Shedoes, however, often hide when she’s not feeling happy or good about something—it’sher job to be the happy cheerful one after all! She’s their sunshine! Sometimesshe feels like she has to put aside her fears because of that.
Well, considering that during aone shot Felix very warmly convinced two guards of the place we were sneakinginto that he was a recruit and ended up mopping the floors for a good portion ofthe boss battle—Felix makes friends very easily. Having a high charisma helps,but Felix is just a warm and friendly person in general. He rarely dislikespeople, and when he does he tries to see their point of view before stickingwith it. He’s pretty endearing too, even if he’s a bit of a dope.
This is a little hard to say—currentlyI’d probably state his mother, though his friend Cass is edging up there to behonest. He’s always been supported and loved by her, and she did a lot for himwhen he was transitioning in just being a great loving force. She didn’t evenreally blame him for when the house burnt down in the end! He cares very muchabout her and wants her to stay safe, no matter where he is and what he ends updoing.
Is it odd to say himself? Felixisn’t a selfish boy by any means, but he believes in growing and learning andbeing the very best you can be! He doesn’t like to let things get him down forvery long, and is quick to motivate himself and push himself forward when hefeels he might end up in a slump. Though he can be sad or upset like manypeople and faces a lot of situations that make him worry, he wants to besomeone good and help people out!
Bels has changed so much as a character since she firststarted her journey—genuinely being loved and cared about by other people was ahuge factor in that. Bels actually kind of cares about herself now? Which isutterly wild to me. She cares abouther future, and what she does. She doesn’t want to throw her life away but livefor the people that she loves and cares about—and for herself. Which is huge. Bels started out filled to thebrim with self-loathing, half certain that the reason she was abandoned andtreated how she was was her fault. She’s grown in confidence since then, butalso in the person that she is. She’s not just someone who can turn into a bearnow, she knows her own flaws but she’s aware of her strengths too (and not justthe physical ones).
Also, god can I talk about whatwould have happened if Rowan died? She loved Rowan, Belsaadi adored Rowan. It’sthe strongest example of platonic love I have literally ever written in mywhole life. I love them and their relationship to pieces, and for a long timeif Rowan died Bels would have just. Stopped. I couldn’t imagine her withoutRowan at all.
And then I thought, but Rowanwould not like that.
And then Bels started thinking Rowan would not like that. Bels lost a lot ofpeople on her adventures—first Darth, her sort of adopted brother Meero andeven her very first friend Nilus. Rowan was the last of the main party still left with Bels, and I knew losing herwould break her heart—but it wouldn’t make Bels break herself. Or breakentirely. Or just stop trying. Because Bels lost so much she finally learned what it meant to lose people you loved.
She learned that you need to keepliving and carrying on the pieces of them with you. You try to be cautious likeDarth, but sometimes you’re reckless like Meero, you laugh like Nilus whenthings seem darkest. She learned that you’re all at once the people you loveand your own self, and that she—Belsaadi—deserved to live even if she lost itall. That she could get sad, get angry, but she could never let it poison her. Because ultimately what all thosepeople, the people that loved her, would want is for her to keep livinghappily.
Anyway. So yeah, she changed alot. My Bels, I was proud of her by the time that campaign couldn’t continue,even if we never reached the full end of her story.
Ah. I talk a lot about howBelsaadi falls in love easily—far easier than any of my other characters. I don’toften consider that trait a flaw, but when you go to the extent that Bels did thenI definitely do. Belsaadi was so, sodesperate for love. Even after she got it she was always clawing for it ineverything she needed—and Bels, she had a lot of love to give, but she was desperate. And that was a character flaw. Bels had a lot ofromantic relationships that were either barely touched or regrets that shenever acted on. It made her very prone to leaping headfirst into it. She lovedthe idea of love.
Lately? In moments where shefeels like her life is on the line unfortunately. Or when someone else’s lifeis on the line. Whether she’s stepping through portals to answer misguidedcalls for help or if she’s trying to keep herself and her friends alive—a lotof her adventure has been GO GO GO. There haven’t been many lasting friendsthat she’s made where she was feeling something below the level of EXTREMESTRESS. Guess that’s what you get for trying to save the world.
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franeridart · 7 years
hey I hope you're happy (since you obviously deserve it)
!!!!!!!!!! Thank you??? I hope you’re happy too, anon!!!
Anon said:Wow Tetsutetsu and Kaminari like a couple? Really? Ok, that is interesting, but I don’t know if it is possible. Why do you put them together?
I mean, it’s a crack ship, being possible isn’t really its point haha they’re not supposed to make much sense, as far as canon goes? If I remember right they do come from the same prefecture, so maybe they knew of each other/ knew each other before UA, but as far as I’m concerned my interest in the ship comes from the quirk compatibility, really. It’s nothing I put much thought into, and I do have many ships for both of them I like better, but the idea of the two of them together is fun so why not
Anon said:The kamitetsu was really cute!!! It was also really super cute when two people spoke at the same time/had the same thought you mixed their colors!!! That was honestly a very nice touch and cute! I love your art it makes me so happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!! And I’m glad you liked that, for a while I thought mixing the colors like that was gonna make it confusing hahaha
Anon said:Just stopped by to say your artwork makes me so incredibly happy, and always improves my day!! I hope you have a great rest of the year because you deserve it!! Thank you for everything you do!
Sob thank you so much for taking the time to send this message!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Anon said:I’m sorry for clogging your inbox with this (you don’t have to write back), but wanted to say I hope you feel better real soon and also to say thank you (so very much!!) for sharing your art. Selfish of me to say so, but it really really has cheered me up after a bad day. Lots of love to you!
I’m!!!! So happy I could help you feel better, anon!!!!! I hope your day is going 100x better, right now!!!! And thank you for the well wishes ;u;
Anon said:have you thought about this or what do you think about it?: Tokoyami / Mina ?
Never thought about it before, actually :O but why not? I’m not sure they’d work as far as personalities go, but they’re definitely aesthetically pleasing next to each other! Their designs work well together haha
Anon said:*Climbs out of the chimney, covered in soot and very disgruntled* I’ll have you know, good sire. *Tips hat.* That I just read the entirety of the Dgray man because of your laven art. And I- *Dabs at eyes, voice cracking* -am having more feelings than I ever wanted.
AAAHHHHHH I’M SORRY FOR THE UNWANTED FEELS but I’m??? so glad you decided to check the manga out????????????? I hope you liked it oh g o d that manga is my life !!!
Anon said:This isn’t like a “secret request for a drawing” but don’t you think there needs to be a hug between Deku and All Might somewhere in the manga?!? I mean c'mon, Deku cries at the drop of a hat, someone give the boy a hug! Plus, I feel like All Might is a kind of father figure for Deku!! Sorry, I just needed to get that out XD. Love your artwork though!! My heart skips a beat at the sight of it. And my love for Baku and Kiri has been extended.
We actually had one tho!
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an heartbreaking moment I 100% understand why you’d remove from your memory tbh, I cried, I’m still crying
Anon said:OOF i love your OCs..
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Anon said:Heyyy I just wanted to say that I love your art with all my heart and the cat person/dog person one was so lovely.. I’m weak to kiribaku with animals.
So am I anon aaahhhhh !!!!!!!!! and thank you so so so so so much!!!!
Anon said:Just curious… do you have a personal favorite of your own art that you’ve posted?
Hmmmm not really, but if I had to pick one it’d be this one (which… does say something about my process and how to make it better……..) (a something I’m willingly ignoring) anyway usually what I’m the most satisfied with is the last thing I’ve posted haha
Anon said:Your art style brings out Kirishima’s adorableness even more. Holy heck I love how cute he is when you draw him. (And Bakugou and the rest of the kids too!)
THANK YOU!!!!!! I think it might be because I find him so incredibly cute, so I try to portray just how cute I think he is the most hahaha I’m glad I’m managing that well enough!!!!
Anon said: Hello~ Sending some love because you deserve it! I was having a shitty day (as always for me these days) and saw your Baku and Kiri cat & dog art and instantly felt a little better. My heart always feels lifted, and a smile replaces my tears, when I see your beautiful art! Even the kinda sad ones. If my heart hurts a bit from the sad arts, at least it’s because of the love expressed in the piece, and not heartache from personal things. Thank you, as always, for sharing your work.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the kind words oh my god!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just want to tell you i’m now 10000 times gayer than i was before i’m blushing so much at your latest bakushima art… it’s sososo Good, i love you
:O thank you!!!!! I love you lots too!!!!
Anon said: I see you ship Bakugo and Kiri together. Why do you ship them? Just wondering cause i love hearing why people ship certain people. P.S: i soooooooo ship them as well.
God, that’s one hard question to answer easily - I somewhat talked about it here? tho it was more specifically about why chapter 90 kills me haha but yeah to sum it up I’d say that my favorite ship for Kirishima is Bakugou because I think he’s the one that understands Kirishima best, the one that’s been there the most for him when Kirishima needed it, the one that always knows what to say to him and the one Kirishima holds onto when he needs strength, he’s the one that’s shown the most concern for Kirishima and the only one that’s actively done something to make him feel better when Kirishima needed it. He’s the one Kirishima gravitates towards the most and the one Kirishima shows most sides of himself to, too. And my favorite ship for Bakugou is Kirishima because Kirishima’s the only one that actually tries to see behind Bakugou’s anger, the one that since the start looked at him rage and saw a teen in pain, the only one that actually knows how to talk to him and the only one that doesn’t even need to try, he’s just naturally Bakugou’s perfect match in personality. He’s the one that likes Bakugou as he is, for what he is, not part of him but all of him, completely. He’s the one that’d risk his life for Bakugou no questions asked, and he’s the one Bakugou’s the most willing to spend time with, the one Bakugou talks to and shares with and accepts help from. 
I like the relationship they share with each other the most out of every other relationship they have with other characters because they’re comfortable with one another and care for one another in an active way, do everything they can to make sure the other is happy and safe. Because they’re each other’s strength and greatest ally and best friend. I like that they’re aware of each other, that they know each other, that they like each other - not in a subtext kind of way, but in an obvious, on screen, there-was-a-chapter-in-which-that-was-actually-spelled-out way. I like how Kirisihima always knows what’s up with Bakugou, and I like how he’s the proxy to go to when people don’t know where Bakugou is, and I like that he always knows. I like that it’s implied they spend a lot of time alone together. I like that Kirishima said that Bakugou has a broken way of talking, but he isn’t a bad guy and he can’t say he dislikes how Bakugou tends to make enemies left and right, and I like that Bakugou took his hand and smiled at him. I like that Bakugou never yells at him and always calls him by name and never ignores him, and I like that Kirishima calls him out on his rudeness but still likes him and supports him and follows him. I like their relationship the most because it’s the most important relationship for either of them, because it’s healthy and equal and happy, and I ship it because seeing it as romantic from where they stand now, to me, isn’t a huge step at all
And I like this ship above any other ship, even above the ships with other characters that share similar relationships as far as support and love goes, because they’re fun, and rowdy, and bright and loud and dynamic, and I have fun thinking about them interacting more than I have fun thinking about anyone else. And because they’re separately my favorite characters, and I think together they’d be the happiest they could ever manage, and I really, really want that for both them. To be happy with the person that understands them the most and loves and supports them the most, and with whom they can be the most comfortable and open and at peace. I think they could be home to each other, really. They’re a pretty obvious ship, to me haha
Anon said:My dude! Have you seen the trailer for the new Guillermo del Toro movie? Shape of water? It has some similarities to your shark kiri au!
I’ve read some things, yeah :O hadn’t really linked it to the AU tho, that’s an interesting observation !!!!
Anon said:the RR on baku’s wristband is for Red Riot, i assume? :)
YESSSS I tend to dress Bakugou in Red Riot merch a lot hahaha
Anon said:FRAN oml those bakugous??? Are amazing???? I love love love the lines so much they look so good and clean and sharp and I don’t have words but they’re just so so good the poses are amazing and ahhhhhh you did??? So good?? I feel like you’re constantly improving so much it’s amazing ahhhhhh I’m so in love w ur style I !!! Hope ur having a lovely day!!! Bless you
THANK!!!! YOU!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!! Holy shit I’m crying !!!!!!! g o ds o
Anon said:Hi! I’m new to the BNHA fandom, and really love your art! I’m just starting to get into BakuShima and TodoDeku too, but just a couple days ago I read you say that MomoJirou are also pretty obvious about their gayness, including one time you saying you’re completely sure Kirishima and Jirou have a crush on those two canonically and, could I ask you to explain this to me? I’m all about it, this is not a complain! I just want to know more about them, thank you!
I wouldn’t say they’re canonically into them, but I do feel like, if I were to point someone they might be romantically into, that’s who I’d point to hahaha but yeah Jirou and Momo! They haven’t appeared much in canon so after all there isn’t too much behind the ship, more for shortage of scenes than anything else, but Jirou tends to blush a lot around Momo, she’s really protective of Momo, she’s pointed out how cute Momo is on more than one occasion, and their friendship is seriously cute - they’re always together? And when they’re not Jirou gravitates towards Momo a lot, you see her in the background waving at Momo or walking towards Momo really really often - of course all of these things can (and most probably are) just proofs of their being best friends! But it’s a good relationship I love a lot, which is why I ship it~
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lostfanboy · 7 years
Who are your OCs friendo
This ask makes me so happy omg-
Okay so there’s about 10 that I talk about/draw actively
Grech Campbell -My Baby Boy. He’s an absolute mess, super grumpy, and occasionally acts like an asshole. He tones it down as he gets older, though. Say ‘self-destructive tendencies’ or ‘unhealthy coping mechanisms’ three times in the mirror and he’ll appear to sit on your bathroom floor and cry. He’s awkward and sarcastic and Emo as all hell (which all of his friends tease him for). His passion is ballet and he’s damn good at it. He is a Bi icon and has way too much internalized homophobia/biphobia for his health
Skye Bloom - my wife- She’s angery and tough and will Fight. She’s super protective of her friends/family and is unwilling to deal with your bullshit. She’s secretly the squad Mom and is much more caring and sweet then she would ever let on. She’s cynical and distrustful, but will do anything for the ones she cares about. She’s trans and a lesbian and very very in love with her smol girlfriend.
Ember Green - my other wife, and also Skye’s twin sister. She’s excitable and has ADHD and her mind runs a thousand miles per hour. She’s super sweet and encouraging and loves music and dancing and encouraging people to see the best in themselves. She’s confident in herself and her body and she doesn’t take any shit. She loves people and the world around her. She’s bisexual and is one of the people that helps Grech accept himself.
Cole Petit - a small ball of sass and spite. No joke this boy literally runs on spite. He certainly doesn’t take care of himself enough to run on actual energy. He has a lot of medical issues and since he isn’t physically fit he prides himself in being Smort and he can be kinda cocky in that area. He’s a huge nerd and he Never Hecking Sleeps. He’s trans and gay, as well as demisexual and demiromantic.
Leonardo Cadash - Leo is a fabulous and Extra motherfucker. He’s Irish and tbh kinda gossipy and the head cheerleader at his school. He and Ember are best friends and they love to dance together. He’s actually not sure of his gender identity and has been questioning it for a while, but knows he isn’t male. (He’s happy with any pronouns.) He’s gay as all hell tho.
Angel Killian - A SWEET PASTEL CHILD!! I love him so much. He’s a pastel king and wears makeup and has on point nails on and is just this ball of sweetness and optimism- Though he’s petty as fuck when he’s mad. He’s kind and super socially anxious and unless he’s really mad he usually keeps his thoughts to himself. His favorite artist is Dodie Clark and he loves cats, fuzzy blankets, and styling people’s hair and makeup. Also gay as hell.
Oli Lowe - Genderfluid and a punk icon. They’re curious and kind and a people-person. They preach self acceptance and love and are not afraid to fight you. Their honestly Extra as all hell and is also a huge fan of music and dancing. Their really good at reading people and being able to tell when someone is lying, and are outspoken and warm. They tend to make people smile just by being around them. Their a lesbian/attracted to women
James Hart - Grech’s boyfriend, autistic, Oli’s best friend, and the other punk icon of the team. He’s snarky and open-minded, and he’s quiet and observant. He’s funny and patient and positive. He’s blind, and has the terrifying ability to tell who’s approaching him by the sound of their walk. He uses finger guns a lot and is a romantic sap. Pansexual icon and has a passion for psychology and it’s related fields.
Last, but not least is my Dragon Age Origins Oc: Raven Tabris - This boy is honestly a Hecking mess and is grumpy, quiet, and closed off until you get to know him. He tends to get flustered when people pay him compliments and is reckless and pretty intense in battle. He’s also gay as hell and isn’t really sure who decided to give him the responsibility to save the whole world, but he’s sure they Fucked Up.EDIT: HECK I FORGOT ADRIENAdrien Colfer: This boy is a Big Nerd and he’s confused /constantly/. References usually go right the fuck over his head and he has a strange and very particular sense of humor, usually having to do with obscure memes. He’s extroverted and while most people know him, he doesn’t actually have that many friends. He’s super awkward and dorky and surprisingly athletic despite the fact he’s one of the clumsiest people alive. Probably not a surprise by this point, buuut he’s gay as hell
(Sorry I took so long to answer this! I was in school when I got it and couldn’t respond right away
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whipsmcrt · 7 years
The struggles of an rper ♡
tagged by: @therealricksanchezpleasestandup​ (( aaaa thanks friendo! ) tagging: Anyone
NAME:  - NICKNAME: Maya / Mayahime AGE: 25 FACE CLAIM: Sometimes Ahiru, mostly just using the muse’s face for expressions  PRONOUNS: - HEIGHT: 5″7″ BIRTHDAY: 10 / 18 
AESTHETIC: Goth, classic and vintage. Pretty things. Quiet beaches. Clouds. Starry nights. 
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: The 69 Eyes - Dance D’amour
FAVORITE MUSE(S) YOU’VE WRITTEN: My Osmosis Jones OC Mos. Her confidence and bitterness, the ingredients for really many kind of things??? I love her. Please love her. I love Summer, perhaps the only canon character who has stayed with me. ( + now I’m occupied with two arrogant ladies. PLS )
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON YOUR CURRENT MUSE ( THAT YOU ARE POSTING THIS ON ): I liked her as a character since the episode one. My friends started to move to R&M fandom and at the time there weren’t really Summers around so I made one and never regretted.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE: She is very colourful personality. Having her struggles, both shallow and deep which are interesting to observe. She was introduced as this decent sidekick annoying big sister in the beginning but look at her now! I also love the fact there are so many people rping characters from the show which creates bases & playgrounds for interaction. Like on Mos I have found it more challenging. 
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING: I just... pour my frustration to it xD I dig my old teenage memories and angst and just let it flow ~
In writing generally, I digest literature, music of all kind while I am a metal person, true stories, other shows etc. I may find some things just to fit for my characters. Any teenage stuff for Summer. 
FAVORITE TYPES OF THREADS: Plotted with room for surprises. Tbh. I am just so scatterbrained with stuff to be organized. I am action / horror person, while I do love to exhaust my partners with dialogue too LOL. I am also sucker for chaotic partnerships. I love to see my muses to find deep relationships in good and bad. 
BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE:  Well, language. I’ve tried to do my best to mimic speech language & style but tend to write too literacy style?? My muses shall always have bit bad grammar ( sorry. ). Also to stay canon respectful while adding headcanons of my own. I just want to do her justice as she is.
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eviator · 8 years
For the OC prof: charlie!
 @somski Thanks for asking! I had a really fun time with this actually! :)
Full Name: Charles “Charlie” Pathos Westerberg
Gender and Sexuality: Male, and he’s pretty gay
Pronouns: He/Him
Ethnicity/Species: Human, Dutch-Irish (dad), Spanish-Armenian (mom)
Birthplace and Birthdate: Port Townsend, Washington; May 5, 1999 (he’s about fourteen in my story though)
Guilty Pleasures: Indulging in over-expensive coffees (he’s a low-key sugar junkie and gets really booschy drinks), really big turtleneck sweaters, buying glasses that look nearly identical but are different colors (he wears big ol’ Pidge Holt style circular glasses and his favorites are the gold ones!), anything caramel, new white Chucks, over-buying books, purposefully goading on the horrible librarian at his favorite library (Mr. Colin is generally a terrible person so at least its warranted), comic bookssssss, webcomics, and being (shyly) affectionate with Addy!
Phobias: SPIDERS, really weird things like random 18th C diseases he’s positive he’ll contract some way even though it’s definitely impossible (he read a book on remedies once and now he’s virtually scarred for life), being unable to pronounce people’s names, the back of his closet at night, bees in general, WASPS SPECIFICALLY, lakes where he can’t see the bottom (fishing accident gone wrong don’t ask), hearing birds on a silent midday morning, and these aren’t really phobias exactly but he’s pretty scared of 1) losing Addy (having him taken away) and 2) his father
What They Would Be Famous For: Saving his library from being shut down, or more specifically (in terms of the narrative he’s in which is, by the way, a story that involves magic where he gets transported into the world of books and helps to save dying literature in a very action-packed manner along with Addy and Penelope!) helping to save the sentient beings of the literary world
What They Would Get Arrested For: Jay-walking tbh, he’s such a big anxious nerd he wouldn’t do anything else (and it would be just his luck too)
OC You Ship Him With: Addy! Who he gets together with at the end of his story! They live together kinda!
OC Most Likely to Murder Him: In his story, Penny would cause she’s constantly putting up with him being a big doofus, but in terms of ALL my OCs? I’d have to say SEBastian, who’s definitely pretty malicious and doesn’t have a problem using people and putting them in harms way so (also he’s kind of sentient technology and not really a person but he’s conscious so I guess that counts?(also he’s in Hogarth’s story!))
Favorite Movie/ Book Genre: Definitely fantasy (but don’t tell Addy that, cause Addy is from the Adventure Genre and Penny is from Fantasy/Romance and he tends to get jealous over Charlie’s favors)
Talents and/or Powers: Charlie, while being as observant as a brick, rather isolated, and confused by social cues at best, he’s creatively a very intelligent person and excels in writing. Also he’s got snark for days so I’ll applaud that here.
Why Someone Might Love Him: He’s bumbling and clumsy (and yes these are very much selling points thank you very much, and he has a very strong set of morals, and he’s sarcastic, and witty, and not-so charming, but its ridiculously cute, and he tries doing stupid things like jumping into a puddle and spilling his drink all over his shirt, but he’s curious and kind and just a big ol’ goof
Why Someone Might Hate Him: Okay so he’s pretty dense? And really awkward? And can sometimes be insensitive without meaning to be, but it doesn’t come off that way because he’s so set in his beliefs, which he definitely needs convincing to abandon.He also struggles to hold his own in a fight? Even after adventuring, he’s still pretty much dead weight in a full on battle (but what he lacks in physical aptitude and consciousness he makes up for with intellect and heart!)
How They Change: Charlie gets a better grasp on repercussions and that his actions, whether or not he believes they’re right, can have serious effect, which hi didn’t always take into account. 
Why I Love Him: He’s snarky and wears big sweaters I don’t see what’s not to love lol
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