#more kaku screen time please
hyerichan · 4 months
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Look at his face. I think this single panel is so meaningful. I really hope we get some flashbacks or better yet: a redemption arc for my favourite villain <3
(Just go back to W7 and live your dreamlife hon’)
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Uchusen Vol. 182 (Autumn 2023) Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger | Detail of Super Sentai Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
Publication: October 2, 2023
Taisei Sakai x Watanabe Aoto x Kaku So x Masashi Ikeda Interview
The story has entered a new chapter! The actors who play the kings have grown just as much as their characters through more than half a year of filming. In this issue, we asked Taisei Sakai, Watanabe Aoto, Kaku So, and Masashi Ikeda about stories from filming and their enthusiasm for the new chapter.
"First, we'd like to talk about the battle against the Earth Empire, Bugnarak, which was depicted in episode 26. While filming, did you notice any growth in your characters?"
Ikeda: Jeramie has grown significantly. Gradually, he's become more human, and has shown new sides and changes in his feelings, which gave off the feeling that he was being "updated" as I played the role.
Sakai: Gira hasn't changed much in terms of his character, but I felt that the feelings he has for his people have changed greatly since becoming king.
Watanabe: The impact of Yanma's first appearance was strong, so I think the way he's depicted is to show the various sides of him. As an actor, it was fun to see developments continue, allowing me to play new aspects of his character.
Kaku: There was a big change in Kaguragi with the absence of Racules……I enjoyed acting and having conversations with (Masato) Yano-chan, who plays the role of Racules, and many people complimented us on our performance by saying, "It's like something out of a Taiga drama,* only more profound." However, I get the strong impression that Kaguragi remains the same, and is as relaxed as ever. Perhaps more impressive than the change in character, is the growing friendship between the cast members over the past six months. We even go out to eat after filming finishes….. (*annual historical drama by NHK)
Watanabe: With the exception of our days off, we're always together.
"Looking back, please tell us about any episodes that left a particularly strong impression on you."
Kaku: It would have to be episode 26. It's the last episode of the first chapter, and I was moved by the scene where Gira and the others resolve things with the Bugnarak. The one that was most fun to play was episode 24, which was the summer festival episode. Wearing a yukata in that worldview was also fun.
Ikeda: Episode 26 is definitely memorable, but if I had to choose the best one, I'd say it's episode 11. I think that the scene where Jeramie made his first appearance, taking off the spider mask he's worn for 2,000 years, was the first step in his new life. I'll never forget that scene.
Watanabe: The first film shoot I had was together with Gira. From there, everyone came together in episode 5, and after Legend King-Ohger arrived, Jeramie joined us…..When I think back on the process, the most memorable moment was when all 6 of us were together for the shoot. In particular, I was moved by episode 19, when it was announced that we were, "The Five Kingdom Unusual Incident Countermeasure Lifesaving Force," abbreviated as, "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger!"
Sakai: The 6 of us transforming together in episode 19 left a deep impression on me as well. I was amazed when I saw the finished video for the first time. I was impressed by the wonderful effects of the screen cracking at the moments of impact.
Ikeda: It was fun to see everyone fighting together, and gave off an atmosphere unique to the Sentai series.
"We'd also like to ask about the retainers who support the kings. What are everyone's impressions of Douga, Shiokara, Kuroda, and Gerojim?"
Kaku: Despite the fact that he hides his face, I'm glad that Kuroda is very popular. I discussed with (Hajime) Kanzaki-san, who plays Kuroda, that the relationship between Kaguragi and Kuroda is that of a lord and a spy, but Kuroda's personality became alot more prominent, and he's since come to the forefront. Before I knew it, he became an essential part of King-Ohger.
Ikeda: Gerojim is so cute! When I watch the broadcasts, I can't help but laugh when Tomokazu Seki-san (Gerojim's voice actor) interjects between my lines. I never thought I'd have a retainer, or that he'd even ride in God King-Ohger. I did alot of acting with monsters, especially scenes with (Riichi) Seike-san, who plays Desnarak VIII. Seike-san is a really passionate actor, and before we performed the farewell scene between Desnarak VIII and Jeramie in episode 26, Seike-san encouraged me with, "Come at me with everything you've got!" In the beginning, I wasn't used to acting with Suit Actors, but thanks to Seike-san and the others, I was able to act naturally, which made me very happy.
Watanabe: Shiokara and the others are a good group of friends who react to every single thing Yanma does. On our days off, Chiwata Yuhei-kun, who plays the role of Shiokara, takes the initiative in arranging dinner parties for the N'Kosopa team. I'm very grateful that communication is connected through Chiwata-kun, and I'm also happy that just like in the show, Shiokara plays the role of connecting me with our citizens.
Sakai: Episodes between Douga and Gira haven't really been depicted, but it seems like a strong relationship was formed over the 2 years between episodes 26 and 27. They must have thought of ways to ensure that food would reach the children, and how to run the country while coming up with ideas together on how to better serve the people.
"Did the staff tell you about any changes that occurred during the span of those 2 years?"
Sakai: I haven't been told the specifics, but Director Kazuya Kamihoriuchi told me that he wanted Gira to be the same as before, but to show a casual composure when performing final attacks.
Ikeda: Although Jeramie's 2,000 years old, on the inside, he's as innocent as a child and is inspired by every single thing that happens to him. So, I think he's taken in alot during those 2 years. Especially in the new chapter, we can see his growth as he tries to express his feelings to the other kings in a straightforward manner. The biggest change was that Jeramie became king, so he must've been busy building a nation for the past 2 years, right? That's what I think atleast. Personally, I'm happy that my country is finally being projected on the LED wall.
Kaku: Kaguragi was arrested for using an underground cultivator called "Arijigoku," which could also be used as a weapon, but he was probably conscious of the fight against Racules, so was making agricultural machines that could be converted into weapons. However, even after 2 years, I still don't know what he's thinking. I wonder what forms of communication he'll start to use……Now that Racules is gone, it seems easy to deceive anyone, so I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll do (laughs).
Watanabe: Not only Kaguragi, but Yanma was also arrested for monopolizing electricity to create the Ultra PC called, "Under Heaven and Earth, I'm the only one." This just shows that even 2 years later, the kings can't sit still.
"The imprisonment of the kings was a surprise, but at the same time, the new chapter has brought changes in hairstyles and costumes."
Watanabe: I was told that the visuals would change when we started depicting what was happening 2 years later. So, I suggested a more mature haircut, thinking it’ll help Yanma settle down, but Director Kamihoriuchi immediately rejected it. Then came the blonde pompadour, and I thought that he was far from settling down, and that his "peak" was yet to come. I actually had the opportunity to suggest a new visual to the Director, and as it was also one of the choices for Yanma's original costume, the short gakuran was chosen
Kaku: Kaguragi has black hair, but I thought it would've been better if he had brown hair….but, that didn't work out (laughs). I'm looking forward to letting my hair down and seeing how the viewers react.
Ikeda: Jeramie now wears a cloak, which makes him look more dignified as a king. Also, the fact that he can now proudly show his Bugnarak hand is a sign that humans and Bugnarak have become closer over the past 2 years, and that the world has become more peaceful. This also seems to have had a significant change in his personality.
Sakai: My changes were left up to the make up artists (laughs). My hair is longer and parted down the middle, and I'm wearing the same clothes as Racules…..I've made a bunch of suggestions myself, but nothing's been approved (laughs). I wonder, will the reason for why he's wearing Racules's clothes and his hairstyle change be revealed in future episodes…..? That's what I imagine.
"By the way, when was everyone made aware of the new chapter?"
Kaku: I think it was right after the dubbing for "Adventure Heaven." The costumes were going to change from episode 27, and there were discussions of, "What are we going to do about it?"
Watanabe: It was about 2 weeks before we started filming, so we didn't have alot of time.
Ikeda: When they said it took place 2 years later, I had the image of a new development in an anime, so it made me very motivated.
"Episode 28 featured a difficult episode of switching roles. Gira and Jeramie, Yanma and Rita, Kaguragi and Hymeno switched, how did you like each of the roles you played?"
Watanabe: I tried to play the role in my own way without asking Yuzuki-chan too many questions. I tried to exaggerate Rita's image by keeping my distance from them except for the physical part, and I wonder, did it come out good? On the other hand, Yuzuki-chan asked me various questions, but since we didn't have many scenes where we talked to each other, I didn't know what was going on until I watched the broadcast.
Kaku: I was also looking forward to seeing how Marie (Erika-san) would play Kaguragi. In my case, I discussed this with Marie, and we began to imitate each other, starting with our finger movements one by one. However, at the start of filming, Director Kamioriuchi told me that it, "Wasn't interesting." I panicked when I heard his comments. The Director wanted her to play the role as if she were an exaggerated imitation of "Hollywood Zakoshisyoh,*" and from there, he expanded on the image he had for Hymeno. But, was I really becoming Hymeno? I was worried at first. Marie's performance as Kaguragi was so far out there, that it was almost too much. She would say, "Ro~Yal~Arms~!!" and I would respond with, "I've never said it like that!," and so she had to try again (laughs). (*Japanese comedian)
Sakai: It’s really difficult for one person to come up with a performance that took about six months to create. Ikeda-kun taught me in detail about Jeramie's gestures, the way he walked, and even the tone of his voice, and I studied and consulted with him alot during filming.
Ikeda: I could tell that we were thinking about the various elements of each other. I kept in mind that we should try to respect each other and exaggerate the other person's character to make it just right.
"We'd also like to ask you about the "Kingdom Dance Competition" that became a hot topic when it was released over the summer. What’s the story behind that video of you dancing "Zenryoku King" in a decisive competition?”
Kaku: It was difficult in many ways! (laughs). I thought I only had to do the scenes where I appeared, but then I realized that I had to dance to all of them. It was very hard, partly because we were filming the movie at the same time.
Sakai: But, that was the first time all the cast members got together for filming. King-Ohger had alot of filming done in the different countries, so it was rare for everyone to gather together, including the entourage. That's why filming it was lively and fun.
Ikeda: I personally have something to say about the distributed video! I was told that since it was being done in one take, even if we made a mistake, it would still be used. However, the other members mistakes weren't included, and only my mistakes were picked up......(laughs). This is to the staff! Couldn't you have just changed the order of the shots?!
Watanabe: But, the Bugnarak team's dancing was wonderful.
Ikeda: That's because Seike-san gathered the team's Suit Actors and even held a strategy meeting.
Kaku: The sexy poses of Rita and Morfonia in Gokkan were ordered by Director Kamihoriuchi. It was interesting to see that Morfonia didn't seem too happy about it (laughs).
"Finally, can you tell us about the development of the new chapter and its highlights?"
Kaku: I think that the pasts of Kaguragi and Suzume will be further explored, which will deepen your love for the characters. I'm looking forward to the future of this story, not only as an actor, but also as a viewer.
Ikeda: I think that not only the pasts of each king and their retainers, but also the mysteries of the world of King-Ohger will continue to be revealed. I want to know the ending as soon as possible, so I can't wait to receive the next script!
Watanabe: Not just Yanma, but past stories related to N'Kosopa will also be depicted, so I hope you'll continue to watch King-Ohger every week!
Sakai: Gira is especially mysterious. He was born into a royal family, and yet he ended up in an orphanage, and we don't know why he knows about the Wrath of God. Even I don't know the truth behind it, but I've been imagining alot of different things as I play the role. I hope that from now on, you'll continue to support King-Ohger! _
Murakami Erika x Yuzuki Hirakawa Interview
Following the male cast members, we asked Murakami Erika, who plays the role of Hymeno Ran, and Yuzuki Hirakawa, who plays the role of Rita Kaniska, to talk to us. The two of them will talk about everything, from the changes they went through during the six months of filming, the costume changes that accompanied the start of the second chapter, and even the untold story of the body swapping episode depicted in episode 28.
"With episode 26, the battle against the Earth Empire, Bugnarak, has come to an end. Having played Hymeno and Rita for six months since the first episode, how do you feel your characters have changed?"
Murakami: Hymeno was the type of queen who wasn't suited for collective actions, having led people according to her own selfishness. But, when the Bugnarak attacked, she decided to join forces with the other kings to save Chikyu. In episode 7, there's a scene where Hymeno couldn't respond immediately to Gira saying the words, "Let's be friends!" After that, I think she gradually developed a mutual relationship with Gira and the others, and was able to grow toward her goal of saving Chikyu.
Hirakawa: Rita has slowly begun to depend on others. I think that they're gradually becoming able to express their honest feelings. In the beginning, Rita was building walls against others on their own, but as the story progressed, their barrier against the other kings gradually grew smaller. As a result, their self control to suppress their feelings have weakened, which is why they've started to sometimes scream in front of others.
"Hymeno has her retainer Sebastian, and Rita has their retainer Morfonia. As Hymeno and Rita, were there many scenes where you interacted with those two characters?"
Murakami: Sebastian is the one who listens to Hymeno's every request and spoils her. But, when taking God King-Ohger into battle in episode 25, although she was afraid that she might get them killed in battle, she asked Sebastian and the others, "It's incredibly selfish, but will you hear me out?," as if begging them to fight with her. It really was a lovely moment where I felt the relationship of trust between the king of Ishabana and her entourage.
Hirakawa: Originally, Rita and Morfonia had a professional relationship only. Then, during episode 10, Morfonia approached Rita, and the distance between them changed. In episode 25, Rita asked Morfonia for a favor outside of work, and I think this showed that the relationship between the two of them has grown even deeper.
"How is your relationship with Hiroto Yoshimitsu-san, who plays Sebastian, and Kasumi Hasegawa-san, who plays Morfonia?"
Murakami: Yoshimitsu-san is really sweet to me (laughs). He's always buying me something tasty.
Hirakawa: It was daifuku the other day (laughs).
Murakami: It was delicious~ (laughs). Also, when I would raise my voice during a scene, (Mizushima) Marina-san, who plays Elegance Moun, would become worried and give me throat lozenges…..Since the members of Ishabana's entourage are all older than me, they spoil me as if I were their daughter.
Hirakawa: Kasumin (Hasegawa-san) is like a kind big sister who's always looking out for me. Possibly due to both of us being from Kyushu, we became good friends the more we started hanging out in our private lives. Recently, we've been doing live streams together, and have become closer than ever.
"Looking back up to episode 26, what were the most memorable scenes?"
Hirakawa: Rita's past being portrayed in episode 16 was the most memorable for me. Rita's past was hard to imagine and rather mysterious. Although not everything was explained, I think that episode 16, which explained why they became king and what happened to them in the past, was the episode that impacted me the most in the past six months.
Murakami: We've been filming for six months, but the most memorable was episode 3. Hymeno's selfish, but she's also a king, so she has her beliefs. I'm most attached to episode 3 in the sense that it depicts Hymeno's inner self. But, after learning in episode 7 that her parents deaths were caused by scorpion poison, she can no longer hold back her feelings…..This development was also important for Hymeno. Although she expresses her own strength, she also feels resentment toward the unsolved case, and I acted while thinking about Hymeno's inner thoughts.
"Has anything changed in the relationship between the cast members?"
Murakami: After about four or five months, everyone would laugh at me no matter what I said. I can now speak my mind without worrying (laughs). I'm not really good at expressing my opinions in front of other people, but I've become able to do so with confidence. My mother, who watched "King-chan" (TTFC talk show), even said to me, "I think you've become more comfortable with the other cast members, and your sense of humor has improved, hasn't it?"
Hirakawa: You really make us laugh over trivial things. I was surprised at first, because Marie's wasn't the comedic type. Now, I'm also in the mood to play along.
Murakami: Recently, Kaku-san, Aoto-kun and I went out for dinner, and we ended up going to 4 different places. We were having so much fun, that I didn't realize we were moving from one restaurant to another. I've come to trust them both with all my heart, and I even surprised myself at how well I could get along with people.
Hirakawa: I may not have changed in any way, but……What do you think? Have you noticed anything?
Murakami: In the beginning, Yuzuki didn't complain at all, right? But lately, she's started mumbling things like, "It's painful," and, "I'm tired."
Hirakawa: I'm not good at telling people that I'm having a hard time. I'm mindful of not saying anything because I'm concerned about worrying or bothering others. But, I think I've gotten too close to Marie and the others, so it comes out unconsciously. Because we're together every day, I feel like I don't have to care anymore, as we share the same physically and mentally demanding times.
Murakami: That being said, the stage greeting held in Fukuoka for "Adventure Heaven" was like a field trip. Even though it was work, everyone was having fun and it felt like being on vacation.
Hirakawa: Marie joined us on a different plane, but she was wearing big sunglasses and looked like a celebrity going overseas. I took a bunch of pictures of Marie and sent them in the group chat…..
Murakami: I suddenly noticed that there were alot of hidden photos taken of me in the group chat (laughs). As revenge, next time, I'll take lots of cool photos of everyone…..It was really fun. The cast of King-Ohger is friendly regardless of gender, so it really makes you feel like you're back in high school. Until now, I haven't had the opportunity to work with so many colleagues who are aiming for the same goal, so it's very refreshing,
"Episode 27 onward will be the second chapter, and will depict the battle against the Uchu Five Jesters in the world 2 years later. What was your impression when you first heard about the new chapter?"
Murakami: We know what happens next when we receive the scripts, so I was really surprised when I read the scripts for episodes 27-29. It's 2 years later, but worst of all, we're out of the picture (laughs). As I read on, I realized that we were imprisoned! I thought that was an interesting angle.
Hirakawa: I've never heard of time skips in the middle of a story within the Super Sentai series, have you? I was also told that the visuals would be changing. I felt very honored to be able to participate in a production that provided such a rare experience.
Murakami: I'm really happy because there are so many new things happening within King-Ohger, including filming with an LED wall.
"We'd like to hear more about when you learned about the new costumes."
Murakami: If I'm remembering right, I was having a review meeting with Director Kamihoriuchi at a yakiniku restaurant, when he casually said to me, "Think about what kind of visuals you want." At the time, I thought it would be for a one time episode, so I thought, "Gira with a shaved head?" or something…..I was thinking things like that, but then I heard that they were asking about new visuals to be used from episode 27 onward. In Hymeno's case, up until now it's always been about cute things, but I talked about how it'd be cooler to express herself with natural elements, rather than to dress her up. As a result, I ended up with a costume like that of a female knight. The hairstyle, which used to change each episode, was shifted to include more hair extensions and different colors
Hirakawa: Rita's costume has changed only in that the length of their jacket has become shorter, but their hairstyle has changed alot. Actually, I've been saying that I wanted to cut my hair since the beginning of filming. However, this wasn't allowed in the beginning, and filming proceeded with my long hair. Director Kamihoriuchi remembered this and suggested that, "Rita should cut their hair after two years." Rita was given a short hair cut and was able to turn their visuals in a cooler direction.
"Does this mean that the costumes were made lighter to accommodate the summer shoot?"
Murakami: I don't think so. It was still hot (laughs).
Hirakawa: It was hot……(laughs).
"2 years later, Hymeno was charged with arson, and Rita was imprisoned in Gokkan for violating the Labor Standards Law. How have Hymeno and Rita changed during the span of 2 years, and how will you interpret these changes through your performance?"
Murakami: I felt that we were able to fight while being aware of our respective roles. In the beginning, the kings weren't well organized, but over the past 2 years, they seem to have developed a sense of camaraderie.
Hirakawa: Their resolve as a king has become stronger, and I think it shows in their visuals. However, Rita has grown in their ability to talk with the others as friends, while also taking their feelings into consideration.
"Episode 28, the most recently aired episode, depicted the body swapping of the kings. Murakami-san plays Kaguragi and Hirakawa-san plays Yanma. How was the filming for that?"
Murakami: I'm so tired! In all my time in the entertainment industry, I've never acted in such a disorganized manner, so I'm worried that everyone will be turned off by my performance. Kaku-san is very kind, so he said, "It was fun!," but I was still worried about it! (laughs). I think the most obvious way to express Kaguragi's performance is through his eyes, so I tried my best to open my eyes while spreading my legs, but I overdid it and we had to reshoot. However, the reason I was able to do such a disorganized performance may be because I get along so well with everyone and am able to tell jokes and make funny faces.
Hirakawa: I didn't really prepare for the role of Yanma that much. That's because I'm abit like Yanma in some aspects of my everyday life (laughs). I studied yankii like postures, but other than that, I tried not to think about anything other than playing a passionate guy named Yanma. More than that, when I was playing the role of Yanma, I was showing my entire face, so I was very conscious of that. I've been performing with my face hidden for more than half a year, so I was surprised at how embarrassed I felt showing my face (laughs). While checking the monitor, I thought to myself, "This is what I look like……"
"What did you think of Hymeno being played by Kaku-san, and Rita being played by Watanabe-san?"
Murakami: I was surprised to realize that this is what Hymeno looks like from other people's perspective. When Hymeno couldn't accept Kaguragi's body, I think I would've wanted to say, "I can't take it!," and run away. However, Kaku acting all depressed was very cute. I was very happy that he opened up a side of Hymeno that I didn't have.
Hirakawa: Aoto just did whatever he wanted (laughs). Even though I thought to myself, "They wouldn't open their eyes that wide, would they?," I felt that Yuzuki Hirakawa's performance broadened the range of Rita's character. Due to the stress of having their body swapped, Rita's emotions are more tense than usual. It made me realize that I could show these kinds of facial expressions. It made it easier for me to do my future performances.
Murakami: Now that I think about it, during filming for episode 27, Director Kamihoriuchi was laughing while watching the monitor the whole time (laughs).
Hirakawa: Before I knew it, I became more determined to make the Director laugh.
"It was because of that determination that it turned into such an outrageous episode. Now, we're anxious to see what'll happen next, but what would you two like the fans to pay attention to when watching the show?"
Murakami: The foreshadowing from previous episodes are gradually being revealed, and there are episodes in which each character's pasts are explored in depth. For example, Sebastian's real name, which hasn't currently been revealed, may be mentioned, and even if you haven't watched it up to this point, I'd like you to watch King-Ohger, even if you start from the new chapter!
Hirakawa: Also, there's an all out action episode by Director Sakamoto Hiroshi. Although filming hasn't started yet (at the time of this interview), I've heard that there'll be lots of action, so I'm really looking forward to doing the performance. It'd make me happy if you could continue to watch every week!
Shinichiro Miki (Kamejim Voice Actor)
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger has entered its second chapter, but there's only one enemy leader that's survived from the first chapter. His name, is Kamejim Unka! He was the one behind the 2,000 year battle between humans and Bugnarak, and is one of the Uchu Five Jesters who serve under the Uchu King, Dagded Dujardin. The voice is provided by veteran voice actor Shinichiro Miki, making this his first performance in the Super Sentai series. Miki is a big fan of King-Ohger himself, so how does he approach the role of Kamejim Unka?
"Miki-san is also known for his role as Sieg in "Kamen Rider Den-O," but this is his first performance in the Super Sentai series. What are your impressions of the series?"
Miki: I love tokusatsu productions, and have been watching them since "Himitsu Sentai Goranger," which is from my generation. But, after I started working as a voice actor, whenever I heard the voice of someone I knew who was appearing in those shows, I stopped watching them out of jealousy (laughs). It was only after I started working on Den-O that those feelings toned down abit, and I was able to watch them again. These days, I listen to the voices of my juniors and think to myself, "(Yuki) Kaji-kun is really doing his best~." Even so, I still get jealous (laughs).
"What was your impression when you first heard about the setting of King-Ohger, and the role of Kamejim that Miki-san plays?"
Miki: I felt that there were alot of new elements, and thought, "This is interesting and different from previous Super Sentai!" When I first saw Kamejim's design, my impression was, "It's really cool!" I was told that he was a, "Sharp intellectual, and a faithful subordinate of King Desnarak VIII," although, I expected him to have something happening behind the scenes (laughs). I got the impression that he was polite with his words, but I couldn't understand his true feelings, and during the audition, I was conscious of trying to convey the nuances of that part well.
"There seems to have been various decisions made as recording progressed, so were there any changes in the way you created the role compared to the beginning?"
Miki: As the story progresses, we're learning more about his character, and there are alot more parts of him that, "Dare to say the opposite of what he means, but still holds true." Along with this, the range of my speaking style has expanded, and I try to be aware of the thought behind the dialogue as I go into recording.
"You said that you expected, "Something to be happening behind the scenes," and we have the impression that Kamejim evolved into a character with one or two quirks as a result of Miki-san's performance."
Miki: Thank you so much. Well, things just turned out that way (laughs). That being said, I think the result is from a good mix of not only my voice acting, but the performance of Suit Actor (Masato) Tsutamune-san acting out my character. Even though the meaning of the dialogue doesn't change, we're recording while focusing on the way he speaks during the action scenes. For this reason, during dubbing scenes, I try to pick up on the movements of Tsutamune-san's hands and fingers as much as possible from the footage.
"Capturing the theatrical elements from a Suit Actor's performance requires a different skill set from that of an anime."
Miki: In the sense that Tsutamune-san plays the role and adds his voice to the finished video, it's more similar to dubbing a foreign film than to an anime. However, being able to go and observe filming and talk with Tsutamune-san, and being able to work with the actors to create the show, is what makes it different from foreign films. I believe that communicating in this way is one of the most important aspects of perfecting a character.
"What kinds of conversations did you have at the recording studio with Shimura Tomoyuki-san, Desnarak VIII's voice actor, who Kamejim served until episode 26?"
Miki: I call him "Shimu-nii," as we've known each other for over 20 years. So, from the first recording session, we said to each other, "This is reassuring!" However, Shimu-nii is a "doer." When the Director asks him to do something on set, he does so many things that it becomes too much. Because of his personality, he brings smiles to everyone on set. The true character of Desnarak VIII……Although he's not a person, I think the kindness towards his fellow comrades is linked to Shimu-nii's kindness.
"Also, speaking of characters played by actors rather than voice actors, don't you have alot of interactions with Jeramie?"
Miki: We've never done the recording together. Kamejim doesn't have much to do with Jeramie, so there weren't many scenes where we had direct conversations. It's like we just talked to ourselves…..Jeramie has lived for 2,000 years, but he has a more child like side to him compared to Gira. From Kamejim's point of view, I think he thought that part of him is adorable.
"From episode 27, the story enters the second chapter, where the King-Ohgers confront Kamejim Unka and those from the Uchu Five Jesters. When did Miki-san learn of these developments?"
Miki: I had heard beforehand that, "There's an even more powerful enemy in the universe, and that Kamejim was a spy sent by that enemy," but when he was defeated by God King-Ohger and exploded in episode 26, I was worried that he wouldn't be coming back (laughs). In order to prepare for the role, I was given alittle more information than the viewers, and was shocked by the scripts around episode 27. After receiving a new script at the office, I often look them over while having a drink, and there were many moving developments, including the scene where Desnarak VIII defends Jeramie. I cry every time I read it. If I hadn't been able to participate after episode 27 though, I might've cried in a different way. I survived, so at that time, my tears were that of relief (laughs). The storytelling in King-Ohger has a wonderful way of creating a story that can also resonate with the hearts of adults.
"Now that Kamejim Unka has been revealed as one of the Uchu Five Jesters, how did you react to his change in position?"
Miki: I think he's most comfortable in a position like that, as a second in command. I think he's the type of person who leaves the big things to someone else and enjoys doing what he wants to do. The way he reappears in episode 27 is also typical of him. Objectively, I think of him with, "He always looks like he's having fun," and, "I wish I could live like that."
"Since your position changed, did your role change in any way?"
Miki: There were basically no changes. There's a change when the person he supports is nearby and when they’re not, but up until episode 26 and from episode 27 onwards, there's no change in personality, just a change in the person he serves. However, since his comrades of the Uchu Five Jesters have appeared and are in the same position as him, I think there’ll be new aspects in the interactions with them that have never been seen before.
"Characters in the same position consist of Goma Rosalia, Hilbil Leech, and Minongan Moth. What kind of conversations did you have with the cast members who play them?"
Miki: The Uchu Five Jesters cast has a great lineup, with (Kazuhiro) Yamaji-san and (Miyuki) Sawashiro-san. I don't have much of an opportunity to talk with them, but I talked to Tomokazu Seki the other day, and he said, "It seems like they picked me since Minongan Moth is a character who doesn't talk much" (laughs). Then I remember telling (Ishida) Akira-kun, "I'm happy we're working on the same program again."
"On the other hand, you were in charge of the narration for “The Secret of King Racules,” which is available on the Toei's Tokusatsu Official YouTube Channel."
Miki: In the main show, Jeramie narrates the story, but since "The Secret of King Racules" is the story of the "Worst King," it was decided that since I'm on the evil side, I would be in charge of the narration. However, if I did it as Kamejim, it would be too obvious, so I tried to do it in a calm manner, keeping the narration style in mind.
"What do you think about the story in "The Secret of King Racules?"
Miki: I cried. It's alittle more mature than the main story, and the final scene was especially emotional. I also liked the screen composition, where the faces of King Racules and Vedalia are alternately shown in close ups in the background. It was also very emotional that Kofuki, who appeared in that work, rode the 20 person combined God King-Ohger in episode 25 of the main story.
"Miki-san said he cries as he reads the script, but which scenes in the episodes that have aired so far have been most memorable?"
Miki: There's too many! Like the scene in episode 16 where Rita says, "Thank you," in a small voice after receiving the Moffun from Hymeno, or the scene in episode 25, where the retainers of each country expressing their feelings towards the kings is depicted…..There are really too many to choose from. I watch the broadcasts 3 times every Sunday. First, I watch the reactions on SNS in real time, saying things like, "I can see why people would react this way here," and, "I see!" (laughs). Then, while drinking, I would do it a second and then third time. Afterwards, while reading the script for the next episode, which had already been dubbed, I'd think, "This is what happens after this, huh," and then start to cry (laughs). Even though I didn't appear in it, I went to the theater to see "Adventure Heaven" as a fan.
"You're looking at this from a genuine fan's perspective, rather than from a performer's perspective."
Miki: Of course, there are things I can reflect on about myself, but that's something I can make use of in my next job. While I want to reflect, I also want to have fun with the fans. In all my years as a voice actor, this may be the first work that makes me feel this way.
"Why are you so enthusiastic about King-Ohger?"
Miki: There's one reason for participating in it, but I think there's also many other reasons, such as the story, the wonderful character designs, and the fact that the filming method is different from what we've seen before. Maybe it's the excitement and sense of being with everyone in an era and worldview that's different from usual.
"King-Ohger continues to have unpredictable developments, Miki-san, please tell us what you think we should focus on going forward."
Miki: The development of Gira's involvement with the Kyoryuger's has become an even newer development within the new developments of the second chapter. I'm sure that these developments will continue to go beyond the expectations of the fans who have been watching the show. Although I know the story alittle earlier than you readers, I'd like to look forward to the future developments with a passionate attitude. When I see words related to King-Ohger trending on SNS every Sunday morning, I feel happy as if they were my own, and this show has taught me how to enjoy watching it with the fans. I hope you'll continue to enjoy your time with me!
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millecrepe · 1 year
I thought the relay interview for the movie was cute so translation under the cut
Q. Please introduce yourself
Taisei: Thank you Kuwagon! In the role of Gira Husty, Sakai Taisei.
Aoto: I'll take you to the top like a grasshopper! In the role of Yanma Gast, I'm Watanabe Aoto.
Erica: Let's go! Scorpie <3 Playing Hymeno Ran, I'm Murakami Erica.
Yuzuki/Yuzuyan: The mirror of the people, in the role of Rita Kaniska, Hirakawa Yuzuki.
Masashi: Did you have a good dream? ~ Playing Jerami Brasieri, Ikeda Masashi "to sa ~" (or so it goes).
Q. What do you like about your character?
Taisei: He's always outright and full of emotions!
Aoto: I respect that air of distance he puts up with people.
Erica: The way she always gets involved and be kind.
Yuzuyan: Eeeeeh, they're intersting...
Souchan: Eeeeeh, he's cute!
Masashi: Umm, his elocution.
Q. If you became a king what would you like?
Taisei: To slack off.
Aoto: I want to eat delicious foods.
Erica: If I was a king that's it? I want to try out lots of different fashion/styles.
Yuzuyan: Eeee, er, I'd like to eat luxurious foods everyday.
Souchan: I want to end wars (make them disappear). (everyone: wwwwww)
Masashi: Eeer I want Doraemon as my retainer. (everyone: wooo)
Q. What kind of extraordinary power would you like?
Taisei: Is it as a king? Er... Manipulating time. (everyone: ohooo) (taisei makes extra gestures) (everyone: wwww)
Aoto: Umm, free control over weight.
Erica: A power that would let me travel to various place... A door to everywhere! (off screen: Wait is it okay to say??)
Yuzuyan: (laughs at Erica's question) Err, something simple, to fly!
Souchan: I want to eat honyaku konjac (t/n > ref to Doraemon "translation gummy" he wants to speak every language)
Masashi: I want to be a human car-wash (t/n > ?? if you know what he means teach me, "want to be like a bathtub or something")
Q. If you could change countries, which king would you like to be?
Taisei: Yanma Gast. His chivalry... I like it ✧
Aoto: Kaguragi Dibowsky! I want to eat delicious foods (editors: second time lol)
Erica: Rita Kaniska, I want to become very smart.
Yuzuyan: Hymeno Ran, I want to wear a cute dress :)
Souchan: Hymeno Ran, eer, I want to be very strong (macho sdkfjhskdf) (everyone: akjzhdfkshfdslkf is that right???)
Masashi: Hymeno Ran, I want to be/feel beautiful.
Q. What's your favourite episode?
Taisei: Waah eer, the 1st? Ye personally I liked the first when I showed resolve to stand up to Racules!
Aoto: The 10th! When Legend KingOhger appeared!
Erica: 17th, when Gira and Yanma clashed and bonded more.
Yuzuyan: The 16th, when we saw Rita's right eye, it's my fav.
Souchan: 15th when we got confused about Suzume.
Masashi: 11th I like the spider mask.
Q. Can you imitate your second in command?
Taisei: I'll do Racules!! King of Shugoddom, Racules Husty. I am the country. (everyone: wwwww souchan: so he's the second)
Aoto: (imitating Shiokara) Here comes! Detective Pillbug ~ (t/n > sorry I forgot the ref ;-;)
Erica: (rolling her fake mustache in the manner of Sebas) (editors: Sebastian??)
Yuzuyan: (imitating Morfonia) Rita ~
Souchan: (imitating Kuroda) LORD KAGURAGI!!
Masashi: (imitating Gerojim <3) Jeramiii... I think you are the most suitable to rule over Chikyu...
Q. Who would you take on a deserted island?
Taisei: Uwaa eer, Kaku-san! Like he's so kind, he would give me everything... (everyone: wooah)
Aoto: I would take Kaku-san too, I think he would have brought food with him.
Erica: For me a character, Yanma! I think he would develop/create something from nothing!
Yuzuyan: Kaku-san also, he would protect me.
Souchan: Myself! Like I'm pretty strong...
Masashi: Kaku-san! I want to become strong (macho) (everyone: wwwww)
Q. If you could travel to another world, what kind of place would you go?
Taisei: In the show? Ummmmm, I'd go to Toufu! Want to eat good food.
Aoto: Let's see. A world where we all talk the same language, all 7billion of humans. (everyone: waah)
Erica: A place with a lot of different sceneries... a world where I can explore like in a rpg.
Yuzuyan: Another world... eeeer, hmmmmmm, WAH HARD TO SAY (everyone: wwwww)
Souchan: I want to go to a world with the cutting-edge technology of N'Kosopa!
Masashi: A world where there's no timescape. (everyone: wooo)
Q. Tell us what you like about the person after you.
Taisei: (looks back) Chivalry (repeats it again)
Aoto: Her guts!
Erica: Very kind and cheerful person! (yuzuyan: peace sign)
Yuzuyan: His funny side (who laughs a lot)!
Souchan: The fact that he'll definitely laugh at even my most boring gag! (everyone: wwww masashi: who will)
Masashi: His cute side.
Q. Altogether, do a pose of the kingohgers getting along!
Everyone: (peace signs) Kuwagooon!
Q. Please do your Moffun's voice.
Everyone: Rittan (moffun's imitation)
Masashi: Let's do it in relay.
Taisei: Rittan... Rittan. Rita, I like you.
Aoto: Rittaaaaaaan wwwww (goes off embarrassed) (yuzuyan: that's not right wwww)
Erica: Rita is a genius.
Yuzuyan: Welcome back Rittan...
Souchan: Jerami Brasieri...
Masashi: Rittan I love you (aishiteru) (yuzuyan: no that's too much)
Q. Expose something cute from a cast member.
Taisei: Eeeee?? Um Aoto, he seperates his lunch in half (half and half) (everyone: wwww)
Aoto: Ikeda-kun's reaction when a moth came flying. (imitates his fright) (everyone: wwww souchan: right right!)
Erica: Yuzuyan when she forgot her gloves (imitates flustered yuzuyan) (everyone: www yuzuyan: it's true!!)
Yuzuyan: Eee hm that's difficult (erica: ye right?) eeeer let's see... Taisei, when he made a mistake "SORRY SORRY"
Souchan: Aoto in the Line gc "ah shoot I drank a little and I cried reading the script..." so he said (everyone: gibberish agreeing laughing at aoto)
Masashi: Souchan's hm. When Souchan overreacted to a gag "THERE'S NO WAY THAT HAPPENED" line (everyone: wwww)
Q. Invite fans on a date to see the Kingohger movie.
Taisei: (gets close and winks) I'm waiting on the other side... (everyone: woooooo)
Aoto: Come (t/n > I'm sorry he just said 'koi yo' I'm howling)
Erica: (tsun) It's not like I want to go with you or anything... (taisei: wah)
Yuzuyan: Let's watch the movie. (plain)
Souchan: (playing cute) So hm I got two tickets and not really have anybody to go with, would you like to go together? (everyone: oh that's a good way around wwww)
Masashi: Let's (nah) I'm appearing (in the movie) won't you come together with me?
Q. Give us a reason to go see the movie.
Taisei: A thrilling and magnificent fantasy!
Aoto: The Gira fight at the climax where we all 6 unite!
Erica: The set is so extravagant/impressive it has great impact!
Yuzuyan: The super cool cast!!
Souchan: You'll get to learn about the 6 kings' past, it's so good!
Masashi: When we cross to the world of the dead, you'll definitely cry!!
(everyone gets in position) Go watch the movie!!! (waves at the camera)
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Mito Komon: Voyage To Ezo (1961).
Tokugawa Mitsukuni was a nephew of Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of Japan's Tokugawa Shōgunate (1603-1868), and the daimyo of Mito Domain. After his death in 1701, Mitsukuni-sama's life was fictionalized into a kōdan (an oral story) entitled Mito Mitsukuni Man'yūki, that told of his extensive travels.
The kōdan was dramatized for the stage several times, then became a novel, Mito Komon, a television series in 1951, and numerous films from nearly every studio in Japan.
Mito Komon is a former vice-shōgun and retired daimyo. He is disguised as a commoner, a retired crepe merchant named Mitsuemon. He is accompanied by two young samurai: the mischievous Sasaki Sukesaburo (aka Duke-san), and the more serious Atsumi Kakunoshin (Kaku-san). The three wander Japan, righting wrongs along the way.
The scenarios are always the same: traveling incognito, the trio discover some nefarious plot or wrongdoings. They investigate, expose the evildoer(s), fight and defeat the bad guys, then Mitsuemon reveals his true identity and passes judgement. The three men then head off to find the next problem to solve.
Formulaic, but it works. So well, in fact, that a Mito Komon television series that debuted in 1969 ran for 42 (!!!!!!!!!!!) seasons! All while additional film versions were released to theaters!
Anyhoo, in this film directed by Kunio Watanabe, Daiei Film decided to go all out. The studio's three biggest stars were cast as the heroic trio: Shintaro (Zatoichi) Katsu as Kaku-san, Raizo (Nemuri Kyoshiro) Ichikawa as Suke-san - both cast against type, which I loved - and Kazuo Hasegawa as Mitsuemon.
The story involves the trio taking a trip to the island of Ezo, known now as Hokkaido. There they get involved in some troubles brewing on the island between the native Ainu people, the ruling Matsumae clan, Russian pirates/gunrunners, and all sorts of other shenanigans.
To top it off, Hasegawa-san does double duty as both Lord Ito and the Grand Chief of the Ainu, getting plenty of screen time in bargain.
All in all, quite an enjoyable romp! It left me wanting to see these three actors continuing their adventures across Japan. However, it appears that it's some unwritten tradition that the trio - at least in the films - always be played by different actors (at least that's what I've surmised from my limited research; please correct me if I'm wrong).
In the meantime I'll be hunting down more Mito Komon films. I just learned today that there's a mid-1960s one with the late, great Akira Takarada as Suke-san that I'm eager to watch.
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mofffun · 10 months
King-Chan #8: ep28 body swap ep visual commentary
unreliable incomplete notes
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mofu note: they were speaking fast, laughing and overlapping all the time i couldn't get everything. this is like ~85% of the long TTFC ver. The Gira/mie is strong in this one.
Kaku-san is hosting this time (thank them for letting Taisei off the hook)
Aoto/Yanma can't join because of schedule conflicts. He wrote a detailed memo with timestamps that Yuzuki will read out for him
[ep27 Recap]
So praised the narration and Masashi the bgm.
Erica noted the tonal shift between ep27's desolation and ep28's shenanigans.
They were all impressed by Dugded's CG universe in ep27. The visuals are more than anything they can imagine just from the script alone.
Erica asked if wire work was hard for Taisei. He said he was hung up for a whole day and his waist hurt.
Everyone calling for Aoto when Yanma shows up on screen.
Everyone going "ara" when Himeno shows up.
Everyone clapping for Kaguragi.
Masashi: *claps table* Objection! Why am I the only one injured here?! Everyone is so cool but I'm all beat up!
So: So you want to complain? Please, face the camera.
Masashi: *looks to front* I have a complaint!
Taisei: Even if you're beat up, it's a beautiful sight. (lit. idiom: beautiful like a painting)
Everyone: Ara!
Masashi: Ara... Thank you. How nice of you. ;D
Erica: Kamihori-san said so too :) (in the roundtable with Takamina and ⚙🕸)
[Dugded's room]
So: That was when the Five Jesters only had four members.
Erica: I kept wondering what that transparent sphere is.
Masashi: Balance ball.
Erica: But it's transparent?
Taisei: *loading* Yeah, it is.
(mofu note: KOPN28 said the transparent effect is achieved by incomplete composition from the green props. They are wrapped in plastic for a different reflection rate with the green background so a semi-transparent effect can be achieved.)
Taisei: What's everyone's favourite jester?
So, Taisei, Yuzuki: Goma.
Masashi: Minnogan
Erica: Glodi
[Sleeping Angel]
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🦋🕸⚙🏵 STOP!!!
🐝: What?!!!
Aoto Memo #1: Kaku-san's first cut as Himeno: an angel's sleeping face (寝顔天使)
So: He's praising me? *waves around* Thank you, Aoto! Thank you, Aoto! *finger heart*
Masashi: Wait, does Himeno smile in her sleep too?
So: Well, it's not written but they told me to do what I like so that's my image of her.
Erica: It's like she had a nice dream.
[Honeybee stretch] caption: んっ❤
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Taisei: *wake-up stretch* I also like your wake-up stretch.
Masashi: How did you come up with that?
So: Image. She looks like she will say something like that.
Erica: *wake-up stretch* So not a "hnnnnnnnnn" but just "hn"? 
Masashi: the "hn" comes after the stretch? *Masashi & Yuzuki mimics*
Aoto Memo #2: Kaku-san's Himeno, first time we see her first breath in the morning. Fishy but too cute, I forgive him. (初発生初吐息 / あざといけど可愛いすぎて / 許しちゃう自分がいる)
Masashi: He loves this scene!
Yuzuki: He gave me the memo but it's pretty much all Kaku-san XD
So: Thank you, Aoto! *does Aoto's favourite pose and Yuzuki follows*
So noted it's the first time we see Kaguragi's sleepwear.
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The cast didn't understand the Chikyu script on Kaguragi's phone for Himeno as well. Erica heard from Mizuma-san (head maid) what it means when they went for a meal together.
So: Isn't it awesome the fans can decode that?
Taisei: What does it actually mean...?
Erica & So: *villainess evil laugh hand* Someone who looks down on others.
(mofu note: 高飛車 [たかびしゃ] is a Japanese Chess [shogi] technical term that lends into describing a domineering person.)
Yuzuki: the maids jumped when you stomp on the floor
Erica: Sebas got rounder too.
So: When did I ever slap my thighs??
Erica: That was Kamihori-san's idea.
[Rita's first Skapon Tanuki]
So noted Rita was barefoot in the first scene.
Yuzuki: Yanma said I did a nice Skapon Tanuki
So: Did he write it down? It's your own part, you need to pause it and read it properly.
Yuzuki: I thought we don't have to pause for this. He just said "Rita's first Skapon Tanuki. Nice Skapon Tanuki."
[Yanma's Rita scream]
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Yuzuki: (paused anyway) OK, this pause is just right. He overdid it. I don't roll my eyes or tremble. XD
They all said GiraJera is super similar, esp. the voices.
The "Tyrant King! King of In-betweens!" exchange is not in the script according to Taisei.
So mentioned Jera-in-Gira checks out his right arm and Taisei laughed embarrassingly, looking over to Yuzuki and said he practised Jeramie's hand movements.
Yuzuki: Wait wait wait. This happened that morning at the entrance of the studio. When I was coming back to the studio, Taisei was coming the other way. He keeps doing Jeramie's hand. *mimics Taisei mimics Jeramie's tosa hand*.
Taisei: I was practising this scene. "'This means...' Ah it's Yuzuyan."
They noticed the OP narration changed from 5 to 6 countries and "man who would become king" became "rebel warriors".
[Rita sitting down]
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So: Rita's new pose sitting down is a big surprise too. It's quite different from what we've seen so far.
Yuzuki: I was waiting for the cameras to get ready. Because the sword is so heavy, I put it down and leaned on it to wait. They told me it's alright to sit down for a bit, and that ended up in the OP.
Masashi: That pose is cool.
So: It fits Rita's character.
[Jeramie's throne]
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Masashi: What do you guys think of the throne? Is it cool? 
Team: Cool! Congrats! *claps*
But I have another complaint.
Yuzuki: You only have complaints? >v<
So: It's alright, let's hear it.
Masashi: My throne is just a green box* and a green screen, and then I have to pretend sitting on it all majestically. You all have an actual throne.
So: Aoto is not here right now, but he even has a PC desk! XD
(*箱馬 Hakouma = standardized wooden boxes for blocking in theatre, english term: apple box)
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Aoto memo #3: "After the opening during sponsor intros, the stacking shugods are cute, I like it."
Masashi: *leans in closer* God Kamakirki's claws are cute like this. *mimics kamakiri claws*
Erica: It always does that, behind the throne too. *mimics kamakiri claws*
Taisei: Aoto is detail-oriented to see that.
Erica: The shugods look like they get along.
So: Kaguragi and Himeno are arguing about the dumbbell in this scene, but over here (Yanma & Rita) something's happening too. This scene is always fun to watch and rewatch every time.
Yuzuki: Gira and Jeramie's reaction is fun to watch too. *confused about how to call Jera-in-Gira, Masashi corrects her* Gira-in-Jera is always *mimics Gira's wide-eyed confusion* and behind him is like *mimics Jeramie's open arms*
Taisei: We filmed more footage than usually needed for this scene.
So: The director let us act freely in this scene so it came out fun.
Taisei: Yes, everyone got to show their personality.
Erica: Right. We were like playing around.
Masashi: We were enjoying ourselves too much, weren't we?
Erica: It was very chaotic at first, during table read.
So: Right, Kamihori-san told us to act freely. He instructed us one-by-one what mannerisms to pay attention to as another character.
Erica: The dumbbell wasn't in the script at first. 
Masashi: Was Kaguragi ever a bodybuilder?
So: No, but he's a power-type character and we want to show that. We thought of slicing the throne in half, but that's impossible of course. Takada Masashi-san (Spider Kumonos SA) suggested the dumbbell.
Erica: Tera-san (Teramoto Shugo, Hachi Ohger SA) said it should fly away.
16:51 Masashi/Yuzuki ???
So: Does Rita do the Moffun chirps themself?
Yuzuki: Rita does, but here was Aoto's improvisation on set. 
(mofu note: Yuzuki keeps using 勝手に to describe Aoto. a little bit accusing that he's doing all these by himself (light-hearted of course), as she later revealed that Aoto didn't discuss with her at all how to portray Rita. It fits with Aoto's style that he prefers the on-set chemistry and doesn't discuss much with the N'kosopa team as well.)
So: Why does Himeno have a second dumbbell when the first one is swept away?!
17:27 Yuzuki & So: *mimics Ootono-sama arm in sync*
[🤔Kaguragi vs. Himeno]
Erica: I don't quite understand (the nuance of) Kaku-san's chin-touching gesture so I asked the director. He said that was touching his beard. But Himeno sometimes touches the tip of her chin when thinking too, so I need to open my thumb and forefinger wider (to grab my whole chin).
Yuzuki: *laughing under her breath*
Erica: What?
Masashi: Don't just laugh sneakily.
Yuzuki: No! XD Taisei is saying in a small voice, "it feels nice to rub the stubs" XD Only I heard him. He keeps muttering something like "じょりじょり" right next to my ear! XD
Taisei: I just resonated with the scene.
So: Right, when the beard grows back a little.
[Erica's ad-lib: "Muscles to protect the people!"]
Masashi: The legendary line is here.
So: Mari is awesome for reacting to my ad-lib so quickly. She asked me if there are more exercises than just the bicep curl, and I said the side raise. She asked, "Then what muscles does this train?" "I'm not sure..."
Then filming started... no, that was during the test, she answered "Muscles to protect the people!"
Erica: The truth is I forgot the names of the arm muscles.
Taisei: I was next to Kamihori-san. He said, "Genius."
Erica: Well, this is the fruit of everyone's hard work.
Yuzuki: this shot when everyone switched to serious mode when the enemy shows up is cool.
Erica too focused in playing Kaguragi her elbow was scratched by the shugoddom chair's handle.
Aoto memo #4: "Rita's line "Been waiting for you" is super cool I want to say it. Jealousy Brasieri."
Yuzuki: *faces camera* Um. Aoto. Can you not do a silly pun in a letter? I am the one who has to read it out.
Taisei: Somehow I can see and hear that in Aoto's voice and his expression.
That line is added on set by Kamihori. Yanma had beef with Goma because he attacked N'kosopa in ep27.
cap: no naming sense.
Erica: I love this line, it's very Himeno-like.
So praised Masashi's hensin is very Gira-like.
cap: kaku henshin
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They love Kaku-san's As-Himeno henshin they go back and watch it again.
So: Actually I wanted to click the Kamikiri switch, but only the Hachi works so my face is "whatever 😠"
Yzy: Your gesture is like a praying mantis leg too.
Mss: I want this as a Line stamp.
22:24 🏵🕸🦋 mimics "もう!"
[Moffun pat]
So: What's up with patting Moffun and the pon pon sound?
Yuzuki: Usually I'll do the pon pon sound too, but this is all Aoto's idea here. "I can't always just hold Moffun in my hand." So he asked the prop master to pin it onto him. There isn't a pocket on his jacket. "Will it stay if I pat it?" He didn't do the Moffun pat in the test though, just the actual take.
cap: mari henshin
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Erica: This is me trying my best to bring about that physique after the director told me to observe Kaku-san. My inner thighs ended up hurting a lot because of the squats. But that was good exercise for blood circulation so any swelling is gone now.
[J!Gira's shiso kourai]
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Taisei added an "Ahh~ ああ~っ❤" in post-recording, Masahi said if it was him, it would've been "Uhn~"
Taisei: But you can barely hear it in the final product thought. It got covered up by the sound effects. *holds imaginary crown above head* /kachaan! Ahh~
Kaku: (when Spider Kumonos hugs Gira from behind) Your voices here are too similar!
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Aoto memo #5: これYanmaであり平川結月 いいね (This is Hirakawa Yuzuki with Yanma mixed in. Good.)
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Aoto memo #6
そうね仕方ないね やつは
可愛い... ♡
Right... There's no other way... He is....
No, I can't keep it in anymore, let me say it:
Kawaii... ♡
So: He was holding it in the whole time?? Was he? Thank you, Aoto. *finger heart*
[The boys' love gossips]
Masashi: I'm feeling kinda jealous... I was the first one to call Kaku-san kawaii! AOTO!!!
Taisei, Yuzuki, Erica: It has started...
Masashi: It's too much of an inside joke. >D<
So: The love triangle?
Taisei: a real tug of war... (ガチガチ)
Masashi: Aoto and I both like So-chan.
So: And that Taisei and Masashi are dating?
Taisei & Masashi: *nods* Yes.
Masashi: We're clear now?
So: It seems so. Either way, we can always cut out this part.
[ohsama walk]
So: look at Rita's radiant smile!
Masashi: Yeah, it's Yanma.
Yuzuki: Right, because he's plotting something. Look, look, he's up to no good.
Masashi: The set was filled with laughter here. This scene is too interesting.
Erica: (Kaku-san is) skipping too.
So: Does Himeno skip when walking?
Masashi: No, right?
Erica: demo sebas ha two step de skip suru kara...  [??? no idea what she's talking about]
So: So it's not impossible?
Erica: Maybe once rarely. She is also a good dancer.
So: Maybe if she is too happy.
[H!Kagu in Toufu]
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Erica: Kamakiri is kawaii with Scorpi.
Erica loves Kaku-san copying Himeno's habitual hand gestures.
a section mute for spoilers (week filming ep38)
The fan is actually (already) broken in half for this scene
[Y!Rita releases Nkosopa prisoners]
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Taisei: That's like Yanma.
So & Masashi: That's like Hirakawa Yuzuki.
Yuzuki: Yeah, the high-five is not in the script.
Yuzuki: Here it comes. He overdid the scream.
[Jera-Gira square scene]
Yuzuki pointed out it's a nice distinction that Gira-in-Jera turns back first hearing his name is called. Taisei replied that it's Kamihori's instruction. They loved the scene of the two's back.
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(J!Gira says thank you when the woman clarified she is worried for instead of about the bugnarok)
Masashi: a good expression. a good expression.
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[Staff: How do Taisei & Masshi achieve such good acting?]
Masashi: "What would Gira do?" "What would Jeramie do?"...
Taisei: We discussed it in length until the actual filming day.
Masashi: And we did the voice tuning together too!
Taisei: I asked him to repeat his lines for me...
Masashi: And he would mimic it from there on.
Taisei: Maybe we actually switched.
(Staff: Even the angles of head tilt are similar)
Taise: Yes. We incorporated each other's unique features.
(mofu note: they are literally finishing each other's sentences)
Masashi: Because we're close! 
Taisei: That's the reason?
So: Because you two are dating?
Masashi: Yes, because we're dating!
Taisei: *picks up Masashi's hand* Right. It's out of frame, but we're actually holding hands.
*cast wheeze* *Masashi tried to hit Taisei on the head but he blocked it*
Masashi: That's right. Because we're dating!
Taisei: Apologies. *bows*
Masashi: Because we became good friends with each other, we can give that performance without talking. It's like we actually switched. That's the story.
So: Next time when you're asked what you like about your fellow cast, you can just mimic it.
Taisei & Masashi: Yes.
Masashi: Even the little details.
Taisei: Even the tiny details? Every nook and cranny?
Masashi: That's enough for now!
Yuzuki: okay, okay, let's move on ^o^"
[Honeybee 2]
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Masashi, So like that Himeno had to get hands-on and improved Toufu's medical care.
The wasabi used is a high-class one, worth 2,000yen each. Three were prepared. Yoshimitsu-san (Sebas) told them at the end of the day not to waste it and it was distributed among the crew.
Taisei squeezed his eyes to figure out if the river background is composite. It's LED wall.
Good wasabi only grows in good water so the crop is suitable for Ishabana where water is an important design element.
(Putting down the wasabi root on Sebastian's tray) Erica: It's important to inject that power into my movements.
So: I like the "sore ha nani yori" line after here.
[Yanma & Rita's prisoner hamster wheel]
Yuzuki: No really, everyone is having such a touching scene, what ARE we doing?! Gira and Jeramie moved forward peace between humans and bugnaroks. Himeno and Kaguragi understood each other better and with a touching piano bgm too. What ARE we doing? It's meaningless to just send prisoners back and forth. Why did our relationship become worse?
Erica: For the two of you, arguing is proof that you are friends with each other. 
Yuzuki: These two synced on the wrong channel. "What ARE we doing?!" Yanma said so too.
Aoto memo #6: "What are we doing?!"
They all laughed at Yanma's exasperated sigh picking up the phone.
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[Baka Ninja]
They like the "idiot ninja" line and Yuzuki said it's actually corrected in dubbing. The original line is something like "It's back". Since Rita has their mouth covered, it's easy to correct their lines in post.
(mofu note: I remember Yuzuki said something similar but I forgot the source. Sometimes her lines are cut for the same reason too, just because the director thinks it's cooler if Rita doesn't speak there.)
[Final fight]
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Erica's second Kaguragi henshin is her second take. She kinda overdid it the first time, it looked a bit silly.
They can't distinguish who yelled "お待だせ" for Gira and Jeramie.
Masashi: (when they switch back) Gira's laughter here is cute. "A ha ha".
Finisher: cool
[BAAN vs. Bang!]
Masashi: That BAAN is not me at all! I'm certain! This is Tai-pi's Baang.
So: How do you usually say it then?
Masashi: Just Bang! (shorter, less blunt)
Taisei: No, I said it in an earlier take!
Masashi: You did. The one you couldn't quite get right.
Taisei: When I'm doing the "Bang!", it doesn't quite sound like Jeramie. But in the end, I went with the version that gives it his all for the "Bang"
(mofu note: i rmb seeing the same comment on jp twitter. they say Gira's is バーン (katakana) and Jeramie's is Bang! (english))
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Masashi: The madness in Morfo's expression is incredible.
Masashi: Mari, how many times did you get hit?
Erica: At first I was supposed to get hit four times, but to sync with the others' timing, it got cut down to two times.
Aoto memo #7: "23:04 The kings have fallen?! What will happen next?!"
They filmed this scene multiple times so everyone falls at the same time.
Yuzuki: Shiokara's bat is too fast and I only have one eye, it's hard to give reaction to that.
Erica is surprised to find out everyone agrees on what they find interesting.
Masashi mentioned they had doubts and worries when they first received the script, but they enjoyed it a lot. The director told them that it's going to be a hard episode to film, especially for Erica, all mysteriously before handing them the script, so she felt a bit of pressure there. During table read, Kamihori was the most tense. They mixed up who speak which lines that led to lots of laughs. That in turn gave them a bit of confidence, because they were worried the comedic bits were not gonna hit.They also learn to understand a character different from their own better.
Aoto didn't discuss with Yuzuki at all how to portray Rita at all. So explained that Aoto said Yuzuki would ban his ideas if he talked to her. Yuzuki said she won't but the boys disagree. Because Aoto did what he wanted with Rita, the possibilities of Rita's character has expanded upon his interpretation as well. Same goes for other characters.
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szasfuckingwife · 2 years
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Watching her fade away
Warnings: Angst, overdose, implied drug use, injury mentions
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Since you were the rightfully titled ‘Bonten Doctor’, you had to deal with shit all the time. One day, it’s Kokonoi with a small cut on his face, the other day its Ran with a knife sticking out of his thigh. You’ve seen some shit but what did you expect agreeing to a job with gangsters?
Rainbows and peaches?
Everything you’ve ever dealt with was physical, you could always spot the pain. And when you did deal with them, you did it with ease. That’s why you were payed so much, because you did your job and did it well.
But one day, there was loud knocks on your apartment door.
“For fucks sake..” You muttered, getting up from the warmth of the couch. You took a long, tired walk to the door as the knocks got louder and more frequent. “I’m coming, damn!”
When you opened the door, you saw Ran and Rindou.
“We need your help.”
Your brow raised.
There was no blood on them. Not a scratch in sight. Was it Mikey? That means you’d have to get to him immediately. Shit, you’d have to get all your equipment, get dressed…no fuck that. Just get to-
“[Y/N]!” Ran brought your attention back to him as you saw Rindou carrying someone.
Carrying Sanzu.
His cotton candy pink hair draped over his face like curtains so you couldn’t see his face. “What’s wrong with him?”
Seeing this as an invitation inside your home, the men brushed past you and laid Sanzu on your dinner table. “He OD’d..Too much fucking coke..” Rindou explained with a grunt.
“Shit…” You cursed to yourself. Everyone always said that Sanzu was the ‘crackhead’ of the group but, you’ve never seen it for yourself.
You got some sedation and more medicine to reverse the effects. Rindou and Ran had to hold down a shaking Sanzu whilst you worked your magic.
You wondered why Sanzu was like this. He had money, power, girls at his beck and call ; what more could you want? Why would someone throw their life away?
The two brothers plopped Sanzu on your couch after you said he could stay the night. They wouldn’t stop thanking you before leaving.
One thing Rindou said stuck with you.
“You saved his life.”
“Do you want croissants? Apple or Orange Juice?”
He swore he was dreaming.
He heard your sweet voice as he woke up, the sun outside all but confirmed this paradise.
Could this be Earth?
Was he dead?
Was this heaven?
Sanzu looked around his surroundings and saw that he was on the couch. After aggressively rubbing his eye, he turned around and saw you in the kitchen.
Just like he dreamed.
You were humming to some stupid song whilst the mouth watering smell of breakfast lingered in the air. He saw your cat making an infinity sign in between your legs whilst purring.
And then, you looked at him. A sweet rosy smile.
God, you were so beautiful.
After some time, you came, put some food on the table and sat next to him. “How are you feeling, Haruchiyo?”
He liked the way you called him by his name.
“Shit.” He honestly answered.
You chuckled as you sipped your coffee. “Not surprised.”
Sanzu sort of jumped when he felt two paws on his lap. Your cat sat on him like Sanzu was a bed. To be honest, you’ve never seen your cat more comfortable with a stranger.
“You’re lucky she likes you.”
“At least I’m earning her respect.”
Just before you let out your hearty laugh, your phone began to ring.
Please don’t be him, Sanzu silently prayed.
“Sorry, lemme just take this.” You smiled at him.
Sanzu didn’t miss the name that shone on your phone screen. But even if he did, he would’ve already known who it was. By your smile, by your eagerness, the way you instinctively dropped everything you were doing just to answer his stupid phone call.
As you were in the kitchen, Sanzu began stroking the cat in his lap whilst he heard you speak.
“Hey, Kaku!”
The excitement in your voice made him sick. Why did he make you so happy? What could he do that Sanzu couldn’t?
“Kakucho, it’s 8 in the morning you can’t just talk like that!” You gave him that flirty laugh. Sanzu knows. He had to hear it whilst you talked to him in Bonten Hq.
Honestly, he was tired.
Why couldn’t he have you?
“Okay, I love you. I’ll see you later.”
Why couldn’t you love him?
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{Poor zuzu}
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yokohamabeans · 2 years
What are your personal thoughts on each of the Tenjiku guys? You said you had a soft spot for them so I'm curious 👀 obviously you love Kaku and Ran but why and what about the others? Please word dump all you want lol
ANON are you sure you wanna unleash me like this?? Alright alright alright... Since you asked for it...
I love Tenjiku because out of all the antagonist gangs in TokRev, the villainous found family trope is the strongest and most genuine with them, and I'M ALL FOR IT BABY!!! They're built up as this gang of incorrigible sadists who have no qualms about dealing drugs, ruining lives and murder, and yet they all readily took the rap for Mikey, Toman and even (at least some of) the lower-ranked Tenjiku members, and we get official art of Tenjiku just having fun and genuinely enjoying each other's companies. Each of the S-62 is an asshole of some level and yet they truly cared for each other AND KAKUCHO! Always remember that none of them snitched on Kakucho when they were arrested, and even Ran tried to deter South from getting to him. A bunch of big brothers... all of them... Honour among thieves... (I have so many thoughts about them meeting and forging strong bonds in juvie, and even more about how they took in Kakucho ahhh) Also, Tenjiku's strong Eastern/'Chinese' theme is just really appealing to me. Tenjiku being from Yokohama (which has Japan's largest Chinatown), the Journey to the West references, Four Heavenly Kings, Yin-Yang motif etc. (Speaking of Yin-Yang, the Yin-Yang dynamic between Izana and Kakucho is just so strong that it even shows in their colour schemes haha)
Alright, now on to the individual members...
Izana: My heart is broken...... There are many tragic characters in TokRev but Izana just has to be the most tragic. Yes, he's had a wretched fate but at the same time, he's also convinced himself of it a lot and driven himself down that path. Not only does he stubbornly denies Kakucho's and Tenjiku's respect and loyalty, he even undermines their camaraderie as fear and self-agenda. This is a person so consumed by his own demons that even in death, when he has done the most altruistic deed of sacrificing his life for another, he still believes that there is no salvation for him (which I find realistic tbh, because there's no way Mikey could've convinced otherwise in one night, when Izana's been telling himself that he's beyond redemption his whole life). He is shown to lack any empathy nor love for his men/subordinates, but I'm sure he must have shown some off-screen because why would the S-62, a bunch of selfish jerks, be so sincerely loyal to him? I hope Wakui gives us more Tenjiku content in the DVD extra booklets. Izana as a character is just so enigmatic and mysterious, IMO. His background as a character is practically fully explored but at the same time, you get the feeling that you can't know what his thoughts are (or maybe that's just me). Kakucho has been with him almost his whole life, but I still think that even Kakucho does not fully understand Izana. If there was anyone who really knew Izana, it would be Shinichirou. Anyway, this guy is the definition of the 'Alas, Poor Villain' trope and my heart is in pieces because of him.
Mucho: Like Kakucho, Mucho is very much of a 'Wrong Place' kinda guy. He's mentioned to Sanzu that he's got 'nowhere to go' which is why he's in the gang life, but you can tell that he does want to be a good person. He's compassionate and fair to his subordinates and Sanzu, can distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil. He’s really underrated as a character: this guy is obviously strong and powerful, and also self-disciplined, smart and cunning (his long con game?? Wow). Out of all TokRev characters (aside from Shin) he’s probably the most mature and sensible, and he’s also really self-aware as a person (he knows where his morals lie and admits he would’ve been better off with Mikey instead of Izana, but he just can’t help but commit himself to Tenjiku). It’s a pity cuz he would’ve been a terrific Oyabun. And when you think about it, his death is really sad (too bad Sanzu stole all the attention LOL). I have the feeling that he wanted to turn over a new leaf and repent his sins (either by joining or helping Toman, or even just giving up the gang life) after his 2nd juvie stint, but got murdered upon release (sooooo yakuza-esque btw haha I wonder if it was Wakui’s homage to yakuza films). And he did say he was all alone, so I wonder if anyone ever found out that he died. Did the remaining Tenjiku members (especially Kakucho) look for him?? How did they feel if they found out about his death?? It’s unlikely but I hope Wakui sheds some light on this!! Anyway, Mucho needs more appreciation!!
Mocchi: Unfortunately I can’t really form much of an opinion about Mocchi because he doesn’t get as much screen time and introspection as the other characters haha. But at the very least we know that he values honour in fights, really enjoys fighting, openly acknowledges/respects his teammates’ strengths (Haitani Bros) and is one of the goofier guys in Tenjiku. I think as a youth/young adult he probably hung and went out more with the other ‘fun’ guys like the Haitanis, but seems to have grown up more grounded/cautious/responsible because he was shown being kinda naggy about how Sanzu should dispose of the corpses. All in all, he seems to be the pretty standard ‘muscle brute’ guy, but hopefully Wakui will give him more spotlight in the upcoming chapters!! (Also, I just feel kinda bad for him cuz he’s always left out of the fandom’s thirst for Tenjiku/Bonten💀)
Shion: Again, can’t really say much about him because the limited chapters and panels he’s been in only show him to be an overconfident butt monkey haha. I don’t think he’s exceptionally strong, my headcanon about him is that he’s got clout and a place in the S-62 because of other factors like connections (perhaps from his BD era) and just the general reputation of a wacky guy who’d do literally anything. There’s a chance that Wakui might give him more spotlight and a backstory to hype him up as a character because he’s facing off against Akkun, and I think Wakui might wanna give Akkun a little more dignity by fighting someone ‘strong’/‘impressive’.
Ran & Rindou: HAHA ACTUALLY I like Rindou more than I do Ran 😜 Rindou’s character design appeals more to me, and his personality (simultaneously lazy and disinterested and yet cocky, bratty and sadistic) is just more fun than Ran lmao. I’ve said quite a bit about them (and trust me I’m gonna say more) so I’ll just talk about why I like them here. I’m not gonna lie anon. Like most Haitani stans it’s mainly thirst over their character designs and general mysterious and enigmatic charisma. I was really neutral on them upon their first introduction (Valhalla viewing gallery) but then Tenjiku gave them way more of a personality and then with their Bonten appearance?? I was a goner!!! And there’s something so interesting about their incredibly close brotherly bond, I’m just waiting on the edge of my seat and biting my nails for the next Haitani backstory reveal!!
Kakucho: WHY DO I LOVE KAKUCHO?? ANON WHY DO I BREATHE?? Jokes aside: I think I’ve always had a thing for the dark-haired brooding type but I just really love Kakucho’s character. Despite his absolutely tragic and horrible childhood, he’s a good person through and through and doesn’t make excuses for himself nor his actions. In a way, he’s kind of a foil to Izana: they both have a traumatic past, were in the same orphanage, experienced the loss of an important person (Shinichirou for Izana, Izana for Kakucho). Izana goes down deeper into the dark path, blames other people for his agony and strives to make others suffer too. But Kakucho doesn’t lose himself, takes it all upon himself and never wants to hurt other people (out of the context of a fight). His loyalty to Izana is more heartbreaking because you know that he’s struggled a lot (probably secretly) with his morals while being steadfast and loyal to Izana. I think he views himself as a bad person, not in the ‘guilty’ way but in the ‘I did what I had to do and so I’ll live with that’ kind of way. He’s just so steady and solid as a character I love him. You can be neutral about him but there’s no way to dislike this guy!!!
Well anon you asked for this!! My unhinged primal thoughts about Tenjiku (or at least the core members, I know Koko, Sanzu, Kisaki and Hanma were part of them too but they were never truly aligned with them)!! I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinion about them too if you don’t mind sharing!!
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takenyoomies · 3 years
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Title: Bitter Kaku Decoration Pairing: Kakucho x Reader Genre: Fluff Tags: Kakucho singing to you, kinda canon-compliant, is this a song fic, some suggestive mentions towards the end(unrelated to y/n), drinking, imi doesn't know how to write tags Characters: Kakucho Hitto, Haruchiyo "Sanzu" Akashi , Kanji Mochizuki Summary: Your friend asks if you two can go to a bar on the night of her birthday. Instead of hanging out and having a good time, you find yourself sitting alone in one of the leather chairs, aimlessly scrolling on your phone as you plan your exit plan without her because she ditched you for some pink-haired weirdo who showed up out of nowhere. That is until you find out the bar plays live music.
Based around the song Bitter Choco Decoration Lyrics can be found here
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You'd like to say you didn't know how you got into this situation, though you full well know how you did.
"y/n, since it's my birthday soon...can we go here?" Your friend questioned, well...pouted.
Glancing over to the bright screen of your friend's phone, you squinted at the lettering and symbols on what looked to be an internet flyer. Inwardly, what made you question if people still plastered cars with flyers. Inwardly sighing, you considered this a potential win for society, then.
"y/n!" Your friend called out to you in exasperation, noticing you'd drifted off into thought.
"Sure, looks good to me." You lied with a shrug of your shoulders, not exactly reading what the flyer had said.
Not reading that flyer is what precisely had landed you in your current predicament. Bored out of your mind, sitting alone in a dilapidated leather chair, watching a dimly lit empty stage while your friend was likely...You know... you didn't want to think about what your friend was doing at the moment with the man at the bar that they had been eyeing for the past hour. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you checked the time, and not even a couple of hours had passed since your arrival at the relatively deserted bar.
You didn't understand why your friend wanted to come here. There were other bars with a better atmosphere and most definitely less seedy-looking people hanging around. More and more, you felt the pit of doubt increase in your stomach as your eyes trained over to the exit and how it would be oh so easy to leave this declining situation. That until there was a crackle from an overhead PA system, jarring you from your negative spiral of thoughts.
"Alright, we're going to start our evening artists...Would the first artist step onto the stage?" A smooth voice spoke over the system, almost causing you to forget about your woes.
What happened next was all but interesting and frightening at the same time. Several people piled into the bar from the outside seating area, causing a somewhat claustrophobic situation to occur for you. You hadn't expected something such as a performance to cause so much excitement as several of those now what you would have considered "scary" and "frightening" people were mingling before you discussing how they were excited for the performances tonight. Were you on mars or in a bar? That was indeed a good question as you stared straight ahead.
"Have you ever been here before?" Someone asked you, your head slowly turning to them.
They nodded their head, "You're in for a treat tonight."
Humming in acknowledgment that only caused you to wonder the meaning of that statement.
"Our first artist, Kakucho Hitto, please step on stage."
There was small applause from the crowd. However, you held your own in favor of watching said "Kakucho Hitto" step on stage.
You weren't sure what surprised you more about the man that all but floated onto the hardwood floor above the crowd. Perhaps it was the fact his figure seemed nearly see-through with how little of a presence he possessed, or the scar that wrapped his face in a way that caused you to want to look at him rather than away, or his raven locks that gently brushed against his cheeks as he walked. Leaning forward on your knees, your eyes watched his every movement as he quickly adjusted a microphone, giving it a couple of taps. It was when he looked down to adjust the base, both of your eyes met for the first time.
His gaze was piercing.
There was something about it you couldn't exactly put your finger on. It felt as though sound ceased to exist in this plane of reality when he looked into your eyes. You considered it a primal fight or flight response; having been caught staring is a bit embarrassing after all. But, even if this lasted for mere seconds, you could tell there was an amount of stress, anger, fear...You wondered what this "Kakucho Hitto" lived through. As his gaze broke from your own, your eyes caught on something.
Was that a smirk?!
"Riiight, so Kakucho here is going to be singing...Hey, Kakucho, how do you even say this-"
"Just turn on the music, Sanzu." The man on stage replied annoyedly, his eyes rolling slightly as he refocused on the crowd in front of himself.
You noticed that was a different voice from earlier; in fact, you were sure that was the same voice as the one guy your friend had been all over. Raising a brow at the oddity of the situation, you focused on the gentle music that flowed in from the speakers.
"Hope all of you will enjoy this," Kakucho spoke gently as the music rose, the crowd clapping once more before settling down, your eyes drifting to how the man had unbuttoned his black button-down shirt slightly to reveal a tattoo on his chest. The music lulled slowly into silence before a bassline picked up, and Kakucho took a small breath.
His somewhat cold gaze almost seemed to soften as he began to drawl out the lyrics to the song, as his eyes seemed to fill with the emotion behind the song rather than his own. His hands slowly reached up to the microphone in front of him, grasping it in a longing manner as his eyes became half-lidded.
He reached a hand towards the crowd as he continued singing, causing a minor uproar around you. Internally, you wished they would stop clamoring because all you wanted to hear was his voice.
As he reached the pre-chorus of the song, his extended hand met the tattoo on his chest, not so gently pounding out every beat. You felt yourself hinge on each action as he leads into the chorus, only to realize his gaze was once again meeting your own. Heart sinking into your stomach as he smirked and once again looked away, you felt as though you were just a piece in his game for the night.
As the song continued, there were other instances of the man named "Kakucho Hitto" looking your way only to look away with an amused look on his face. Eventually, you tried to stop looking. But, that…seemed to be the wrong answer? He only seemed to up his strategy at getting your attention by taking the microphone off its stand and walking around the stage while he quickly belted out the lyrics.
Deciding to look up once again was likely one of the most significant mistakes of the night, as the man's face had become slightly reddened from the stage lights and exertion, and his shirt seemed to reveal more and more of his jutting collar bone. You wanted, no needed to look away, but once again, he caught you staring. Red-handed. This time, however, he smiled.
Oh no.
You were not going down like this.
You were going to shove down the feelings you were feeling in your chest, stomach, head…You were until he began whispering the lyrics like it was some ASMR Youtube channel. Wanting to be mad but realizing how contradictory that would be, you kept your eyes on the stage for the outro. The man seemed to be having a good time with himself, the gentle smile returning to his face as he slid the microphone into its holster before whispering the final lyrics, his eyes slowly making their way to your form.
Blinking, you thought the best idea you could pose was pointing to yourself and mouthing a "me." Sometimes, you wondered if your humor would get you killed. Though when you saw his shoulders rises and fall with what looked to be a laugh, you felt a bit better about things.
"Alright, that's it for Kakucho Hitto tonight. Folks next up is Kaji Mochi and his…Who even let him play the banjo…"
A couple laughs could be heard in the audience as you moved from your seat, your escape plan beginning to sound like the idea of the century. You came, saw a cute guy, alright, time to ditch before your night goes down the tubes. The only problem was finding your friend; the only clue was that guy's voice.
"Not now, trying to figure something out."
There was a pause in your head before you turned around, seeing the raven-haired man behind you, blinking in shock. Yet, you could only laugh at your accidental refusal to talk to him.
"I'm sorr- I'm sorry, that's really funny."
He seemed perturbed by the comment, though you figured he might be used to it by now, "It's not."
"Oh, trust me, it is." You assured, your anxiety slowly fading as you watched his facial expressions shift from one of annoyance to softened amusement.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to drink, but…" He looked at the phone in your hand, "You seem busy."
It was your turn to blink. The offer genuinely caught you by surprise as it seemed relatively low stakes, "I'm just trying to find my friend." You explained with a laugh, "I think they wandered off with the person who talked earlier…Sanzu?"
Sighing heavily, the dark-haired man shook his head, "Sanzu…"
Tilting your head to the side, you pursed your lips at the tone of his voice, "Oh, is that bad?"
"They'll be fine, probably." He shrugged.
Thinking a moment before pointing, "Does this mean I need to go beat him up?"
Kakucho snorted at the thought, "You?"
"Yeah, me!" You huffed triumphantly.
"Sure, I'll put my money on you…uh…" He thought a moment, "I don't know your name."
"Secret." You joked, "Buy me a drink, and maybe I'll tell you."
The raven-haired man shook his head before the rare smile appeared again, "Sure."
As the bartender poured your drinks, you laid eyes on a physical copy of the flyer that had been on your friend's phone. Then, sliding it over to yourself as Kakucho seemed to busy himself talking with other patrons.
Bar Bonten
Performances this weekend
And listed below were a couple people, though what caught your eye was the symbol at the top. You'd seen it before on the news. Specifically attached to crimes about homicide, drugs, and prostitution. You almost laughed, though holding it in. This was a bar owned by one of the top gangs, and you were likely sitting with one of their top members…who liked to sing in his spare time.
"Everything okay?" The man next to you asked.
"Yep, though I'm going to hit the bathroom." You stated, pushing out your chair and starting to walk towards the bathrooms until you saw the back exit wide open. Your thoughts went to your friend, was there actually a way to help them. You could contact the police, but would they do anything?
"You've been standing there a while, you okay?"
You turned to face the raven-haired man standing behind you, a brow raised, "Ah, on second thought, never mind."
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vemuabhi · 4 years
Kaku, Lucci and Jabra - First Meetings and Kiss
Annyong Haseyo!! This was requested by REDFRLegend (Wattpad)
This is my first time writing for these 3 members. I hope its not too OOC. I made these in Modern Universe.
I hope you like it!
Pairings :
Kaku X Reader
Lucci X Reader
Jabra X Reader
Word Count : 5.8K (I promised you, I will do justice for your request)
Warnings : Not Proof read, so please forgive me for any mistakes.
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A/N : I absolutely enjoyed writing for these three. I thought I'd hardly be able to write 500 words but... when I first wrote Kaku I didn't even notice the word count in the beginning. But it reached 1K words and I was shocked. I thought I couldn't beat this count for Lucci and I was definitely sure that I wont be able to write that much for Jabra. But Lucci beat Kaku's word count and it was 1.9K words. I received another shock when Jabra's story word count surpassed these two's. Jabra's was  2.6K words. I was speechless when I noticed that. Now to think of it, I am now in love with these people. I didn't like them because of Robin chan arc. But now... these people stole my heart. Please help me. I can't...
Kaku - 1K
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Warnings : None
A/N : The meeting of this was so weird but the rest of the story is not that weird. Please read it.
You were so excited to watch the new movie which you waited so long to watch. By avoiding many posts and people who spoil everything, you went to the theatre and took the ticket. You were alone and thought that you could spend some quality time with yourself. You wanted to check your makeup so, you went to the restroom. As soon as you walked into the washroom, you saw a man with a long nose staring at you. His eyes were open wide as well as his mouth and his cheeks were flushed pink after seeing you.
'What the!?', you thought as you took a few steps back and then another man came into the restroom. You saw him and then again you looked at the long nose man. Then your legs worked their magic and you ran away. You ran towards the girls restroom which was on the floor above without even caring who was looking at you. You were completely embarrassed to walk into the men's restroom like that.
You looked into the mirror and noticed that your cheeks were also red from the embarrassment. You placed your hands on your face and whined. 'It's okay. Just forget this and watch the movie', you thought and you looked at the mirror again.
After heading to the movie hall with your tickets and popcorn, you sat in your seat and tried to concentrate on the movie. You watched the movie as you ate your popcorn. The movie didn't even finish 30 minutes at least and you noticed how terrible it was. Completely different from the plot you imagined after watching the trailer. Everything about the movie was so bad. Your frown didn't fade away as the scenes kept going.
"Do you hate it too?", whispered the person beside you.
"Omg, its... its totally different from what I expected. I really don't like it", you whispered as you still kept looking at the screen and kept eating popcorn.
"I really had high expectations about this movie. I never thought the plot would go like this", you said and then looked to your side. Then you saw the same long nose person, who you saw in the men's restroom. You blushed and hung your head low as you looked at him. He noticed that you were still upset about it and said, "Its okay. Everyone makes mistakes like that once in a while", he said and you slowly looked at him. He cheeks turned red as you looked at him. He averted his gaze to the movie and said, "Its their fault for not constructing extra washrooms", you chuckled as you heard that. He gave you a side glance and smiled. After more 10 minutes of discussing how the movie was getting annoying you sighed in defeat. "All my money is wasted on this, and now even my time"
He gave you a side glance and asked, "So... if you also feel like that... wanna go and grab a bite?"
Your heart skipped a beat. You didn't expect this but... you really wanted to go. A faint blush was visible on his cheeks as you nodded yes. The two of you went and sat at the restaurant and talked about movies and music. It seemed like your tastes matched and you were really happy to have a new friend.
"I'm Kaku by the way. We kept talking and didn't introduce ourselves", he chuckled and you realised that he was right.
"OMG! I didn't realise that. I'm Y/N" you replied. As you both finished your food, you decided exchanged numbers before you left.
Every day you two kept talking about stuff you both liked and slowly, the conversations turned to daily routines and then meme war at each other. You didn't knew how time passed while you both talked. You both decided to meet again for another movie and this movie was good than the previous one. For some reason you didn't feel awkward with him at all. After the movie you both strolled in the park. You felt so happy beside him. With him the conversation was never dead.
After a few more movie meetings, you were talking to him on the phone as usual.
"So, yeah... I heard there was a new pet café opened and people are loving it. Wanna go on a... date with me?", he asked as your cheeks turned red. You said yes and then you both discussed on the time and place of your meeting. Your heart was beating faster and you couldn't stop this excitement for meeting him. Actually you were even happier for every time you met him. 'This time... it's different. It's a date', you thought as you placed your hands on your cheeks.
The day of your date, you wore the new clothes and applied some makeup then went to the café. He stood from his place as he saw you enter the café. You approached him and he still was still standing without moving an inch. You smiled at him and shook his shoulder. He then blinked and chuckled nervously. Your date was really cute with him blushing as you both played with the animals. After you decided to leave, he took you home as it was dark. He blushed as he linked his hand with yours and with the free hand he gently tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.
He looked into your eyes for permission. You just smiled back at him and nodded. He leaned down as you slowly closed your eyes. Your lips touched with his and you felt so happy at that moment. His hand slowly caressed your cheeks and the other trailed to your waist to pull you even closer. Your hands tugged the back of his shirt as you just tilted your face to deepen the kiss. You both parted for air and looked into each other's eyes. It felt right with him. You were truly happy to be with him and he was feeling the same. You two were falling in love.
Lucci – 1.9K
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Warnings : Mention of alcohol but mostly fluff
A/N : I really loved this story too. Yeah, its a bit awkward but trust me, you will get past it.
The week was completely trash. Not one good thing happened and as if your problems were not enough, your boss dumped so much more work on you and your weekend almost went to waste. As you were so determined to complete your work, you had some free time and went to the new bar. The bar looked so beautiful and neat. People were drinking and singing. You ordered a drink for yourself and were trying to forget the shit week you had.
‘I need to buy new shoes/heels. These are about to get ruined’, you thought as you sipped your drink looking at your shoes/heels. Then suddenly you saw your asshole ex enter into the bar with another person. ‘That Dick, he is already with someone new’, you thought. You really wanted to leave but you didn’t want to seem single if your ex sees you. Your gaze landed on the person beside you, who was minding his own business. He had interesting beard. He was actually cute. You saw that he paid for his drinks and got up.
You stood before him as you blocked his way. He looked confused at your actions. You gulped. He was pretty tall, had sharp eyes and was having a serious expression. You asked him, “Are you leaving?” to which he just gave you a weird look and nodded.
“Good! Let’s go together, please”, you said as you held his hand. If weird and confused could be one expression, he had that. As he was about to protest, you stopped him and said, “Please. Don’t ask anything. I’ll answer your questions. But please come with me”.
He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds to think and then sighed, giving his permission. You linked your arm with his and smiled happily as you made your way out of the bar and YES! Your ex saw you with a guy way too handsome than him. Your ego boost increased X100 with that expression on your ex’s face. You laughed as you walked. Suddenly you felt a tug on your arm and you then noticed that you were dragging that stranger for a while now. You face turned red because of embarrassment. You let go of him and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t notice that I was dragging you along with me. I just wanted to get out of there because of my ex. And I got to leave with a handsome guy like you. You should’ve seen his face”, you said and laughed again thinking about that jerk ex. “So, thank you”, you ended as you looked at him.
He just nodded and left. ‘Huh… it… looked like he didn’t even care’, well to be honest you would’ve been happy if he was interested. ‘Well, its fine. My ex saw me with that handsome guy. It’s all I need’, you hummed to yourself and went to your house.
The next week, you had a new contract from a client and you had to visit the client at his office and talk about the project with your boss.
“So, Rob Lucci is our client and I hope you know that atleast… we should meet him now”, said your boss looking at you. You nodded quickly and followed him behind. Mr. Jabra was a strict man but, he was a good person.
Mr. Jabra led you into Mr. Lucci’s office and you both were waiting for him to come and meet you. Apparently that person Lucci was a very busy man and could only afford this day to talk about the project. As the door swung opened you and Mr. Jabra stood up. Your eyes widened as you looked at him. He was the same person who you met at the bar a few nights prior. He and Mr. Jabra shook hands and then you two sat in your chairs. He sat in front of you two and talked about the project. He seemed like, he didn’t even remember you. So you let that thought go away and started to listen to him. This was the first time you heard him speak. He had a deep voice and was really good. He was very particular and you noted them down just for future references. After the meeting you both thanked him and you followed your boss but as you were about to exit his cabin you fell on your face.
Your boss gasped and asked, “Y/N! are you okay?” with worry. Then you felt an arm on your shoulder. You looked at the owner of the arms, and it was Mr. Lucci. He was beside you. Your face turned red as you saw his handsome features so close. He helped you up and you thanked him. You then noticed that one of your shoe/heel was actually ruined. The client and also the boss noticed that.
“It’s ruined. Wait here. I’ll send my secretary”, Mr Lucci said. You looked at Mr. Jabra and he nodded. Then Mr. Lucci and Mr. Jabra went ahead. You didn’t know why he told you to wait there but you obliged. Then a beautiful lady came where you were waiting. She was wearing delicate specs and had silky blond hair. She had brown paper bag with her.
“Hello! You must be Y/N. I’m Kalifa. Mr. Lucci told me you were here”, she introduced herself and you nodded.
“So, if you don’t mind we only have these here. But, I’m sure you can wear them for temporarily”, she said as she handed me the brown paper bag she held. You looked inside and saw a new pair of shoes.
“Thank you so much!!”, you bowed to her and she left. You took the shoes out and wore them. Coincidentally, when you wore them, they were a perfect fit for you. ‘And then the prince and Cinderella stayed happily ever after’, the sentence suddenly popped into your brain and you chuckled. Then you noticed if someone was watching you. Luckily no one saw you laughing to yourself. You placed your ruined pair into the bag and headed towards the exit. There you saw your boss waiting for you. You quickly dumped your shoes bag in the trash can and headed towards Mr. Jabra.
He smiled widely as he looked at you. “Y/N!! You are here! Lets go”, he said and went towards his car as you followed him. Apparently, the the contract with the company was also made for another project if this was going to be successful. You also were happy that the company was getting more contracts.
As you and your team made the project, you and Mr. Lucci had to meet a few more times. His seriousness was really captivating to you. The passion towards work, really inspired you too. Slowly you found yourself reading about his company and his articles. You really started to like the man and your respect also grew.
After the project completion, luckily everyone liked it and it was a huge success. So, the client company held a party and invited your company too. You all were very happy for your work to be successful. The party was held on the terrace of the building. But there were security to take care of people, if they get too drunk.
You got yourself a second drink and leaned on the wall. Then you saw that Mr. Lucci was leaving the place. You followed him and now you saw that he was heading towards the elevator.
“Hey! Please wait!”, you said and sure he waited for you to come. “Thankyou”, you said as you also got in. He pressed the button for the ground floor.
“Sir, you can at least enjoy in these times. It’s ok to be carefree once in a while”, you said as he turned to look at you. You sipped your drink and continued, “Everyone is really happy and really admire you. If you join them they would be even more happy”, you said and he averted his gaze from you. If you weren’t drunk, you would’ve noticed his cheeks dusted pink.
“Yeah, but… not everyone likes me. Some people find me gloomy. So, I don’t want to let their sprits down”, for once, he talked about himself and not about work.
“NO WAY! Heck, even I too like you. You are so passionate and inspiring”, you being drunk said it casually but he stared at you with his eyes wide open and cheeks completely red. “You sure are serious about your work but you aren’t gloomy. You are really kind. I heard that you even take care and donate for the wildlife sanctuary. I really appreciate and admire that”, you smiled at him and exited the lift. He followed your steps and said, “How… are you going to go? You can’t drive in the state you are in”, he said as he looked at you.
“You looked back at him and replied, “I’ll call a cab”
‘Ofcourse, you’ll call a cab. Why did I even ask the most stupid question’, thought Lucci.
“I think you forgot but, we both met in a bar. I stopped you from leaving and tagged along with you”, you said.
“I remember”, he said making you stop in your tracks. You turned and looked at him. He came closer and stood before you.
“I never forgot you, or that time”, he said as you gulped.
“I thought you weren’t interested in me”, you said as you chuckled.
“I… wasn’t.”
“Ouch! That hurt”, you said as you placed your hands on your heart. He chuckled at your actions and it was the very first time you ever saw him laugh.
“Let me rephrase it, I wasn’t interested at that weird stranger who dragged me to an unknown location”, you were embarrassed at what he said. ‘Of course who would be interested in a person who did that’ your head hung low. But he continued, “But… I remembered the drunk person, who called me handsome. That clumsy person who fell down, the hardworking one, who made the project successful”, he said and he came closer and whispered, “I’m interested to know more about that person”, your face turned red at what he said. Now he was the one who walked first and you followed him. He stopped at his car and said, “Let me drop you”
You obliged and sat in the fancy car. He suddenly leaned closer to you and you closed your eyes. Then you heard a click. You opened what was that sound and saw that he placed your seatbelt. You got embarrassed and he chuckled.
After sometime you reached your house and again he leaned in closer to you. He removed the seatbelt but he stayed still looking into your eyes. You leaned towards him and captured his lips with yours. You placed your hands his raven hair and he placed one of his hand on the back of your neck and the other on your cheek. Your make out session with him lasted for a while then you smiled at him and looked at your lap. He smiled and pecked your cheek. You got out of the car and waved bye to him. He did the same but then he told you to come closer. As you were close to the window of his car, he again pulled you close and kissed you. After that he smiled and left the place. You went to your room and changed your clothes. You plopped on the bed and thought about the kiss you two had. It was so intense and passionate. Little did you know, a new beautiful story really was awaiting for you.
Jabra – 2.6K
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Warnings : Angst, hurt, comfort, TW! sexual harassment 
A/n: The story for writing him came to me and I was so in love. I hope you enjoy it.
You get ready as usual and get on the train to go for work. It was an everyday routine for you. You tended to go early to avoid rush hours. Anyhow, you couldn’t avoid the evening traffic and people, so you at least tried to be early. This was peaceful and quite with just you and a few other people on the train. You had your book in your hand to pass the time while you went to your stop. You then saw a new face get on the train. He was a tall man with different kind of beard.
He sat opposite of you and put on his headphones. He was quiet for a while but suddenly, he started to sing out the song he was listening to. You looked at him and saw that he was really immersed in the song and didn’t realise that he was singing out loudly.
You smiled to yourself at his actions. He wasn’t singing amazingly but, he was singing with his heart and you really admired that. He wasn’t horrible too. Just in between. After one song, he started to sing another song. You stopped reading and listened to him sing. You soon reached your stop and got down. He was still humming and singing. You went to work and started to work, but as you worked, the songs he sang were playing in your head. You shrugged it off and started to work, but the songs still played in your head.
The next day, you saw the same man enter the train. After a few minutes, he started to sing again. You listened to his songs till you reached your stop.
This became a routine to you every day and you never once, didn’t fail to stop listening to his songs. Eventually you started to like his singing and his voice. You didn’t finish that page of your book ever since he started to sing. You once noticed that he was singing the song that you liked too. You jammed to that song inside your head.
One day as he was giving you his free concert, another man got on the train and sat beside you. The new person, told the man before you to stop sing. That man got embarrassed and apologised. He didn’t even hum the entire ride. You came back to your book and noticed that you forgot what the story was so, you had to come back a few pages and read it again. To be honest, you felt bad for the singer. The entire ride was really quiet and… dull. You got down at your stop and looked at the man one last time and headed to your office.
The next day also the singer stayed silent and the new man sat beside you. You didn’t even hear the man hum. He was silent that day too… and the day after… and after… he stopped singing.
One day, you were on the same place as usual and the singing man sat opposite of you. The stranger sat beside you like always. You really didn’t mind but… then you felt his shoulder touching you. You noticed that he was sitting closer to you than before. You carefully moved a bit till your shoulders weren’t touching. But after a few minutes, your shoulders brushed again. You didn’t like how a person was touching you. You moved again and after few minutes you noticed the person touching you again! You gulped and you followed your instincts.
You sat beside the man opposite to you and he noticed you now. He didn’t mind you sitting there until he noticed that the other man also made his way towards you and sat real close to you. Now, you don’t have place to move. You frowned at how that jerk kept doing that. You were about to say something but then you saw that the singing man, stood abruptly and glared at the other man.
“Don’t you have shame? She doesn’t like it. Stop it or else do you want me to break your hand?”, that man clicked his tongue and left the train as soon as the doors opened. You smiled at the singer and said, “Thankyou so much”. To which he just smiled and took his spot.
Things were silent and then he said you, “I… I am sorry, I didn’t notice it first”.
“No, its not your fault”, you replied as you smiled at him. You continued, “I really don’t like the rush hours because of people like this. But I guess, for them, the time really doesn’t affect”.
“I’m sorry to hear that”, he said and you indicated no.
“You aren’t the one who did that. Don’t apologise”, you said as you got up and continued “Its my stop. I’ll go. bye”
He watched your form leave. Just like every day. You didn’t knew. But he also noticed you. But only when you left.
The next day, you sat in your spot and waited. The singer came and sat opposite to you. He smiled at you and you returned the same.
“You know”, you said and he looked at you as he listened carefully. “You sing well. Don’t let that person’s words get to you”
He gasped and his eyes opened wide. His cheeks turned red.
“So, you didn’t knew you were singing out this whole time? You sang from the first day you started to take this train”, you chuckled as you said that.
“Oh noo… I really didn’t knew I was singing every day. I’m sorry I did that. I must have disturbed you”, you whined as he held his head by his hands and placed his elbows on his knees.
“But… I did enjoy the free concert”, you said as he blushed even more.
"Oh god.... it so weird", he said looking at you.
"Why? How is it weird. Many people tend to sing like that", you closed your book and placed your elbows on your knees as you looked at him.
He covered his face and replied, "No... not that...", he sighed and replied, "you saying you liked my singing... its weird. Everyone says I suck at it. But... this is different"
"Owh! So rude... you aren't so bad. They just... need to listen to you more", you told him as you leaned back.
"Tha...thankyou. you are so kind", he said as he smiled. You asked about some of the songs that you liked while he sang and he answered everything to you. Then you got down at your stop and went to office.
The talking about music then changed to movies, then books. He wasn't much of a reader but he heard about the stories and stuff from his other friends and was really interested while you were talking about them.
After some days, you both sat beside each other while you both listened to music while you shared headphones.
You recommend him a few songs and he instantly got hooked on all of them. Exchanged phone numbers made you guys even closer and the meetings on the train while you went to jobs were becoming even more special.
One morning as usual you talked but... he seemed a bit restless.
"What happened? Are you okay?", you asked him as he just stayed silent. He looked down at his shoes and avoided to look at you.
"Jabra, if you wont tell me, I can't know. Tell me if something is bothering you", you said as he straightened his back and looked at you.
"I don't feel so good today... I feel like something bad is going to happen and I just... can't get rid of this feeling", he confessed.
"Oh no! Why? Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. You'll stay safe. I'll pray", you assured him but he shook his head no.
"I'm not... talking about myself.... I'm talking about... you, Y/N", he looked deep into your eyes.
You chuckled and said, "Me? Don't worry. Nothing will happen. I'll be fine", you said assuring him.
He smiled weakly and said, "Yeah... maybe I'm over thinking"
You patted his shoulder and got up. You got out of the train and waved bye to him. But... even if you said you were going to be fine, Jabra just couldn't get the uncertain feeling out of his heart and mind.
That evening, as work piled up, you had to stay late and work a bit more. Jabra messaged you a few times and you replied saying you were fine.
That night at 11 pm you started to go towards the station alone. The streets were a bit too empty and you felt like the traffic would be much better than this. You then got an idea and opened your phone.
'CALL SINGER', Your phone displayed and you hit the green button. He almost immediately picked it up and asked you whether you were okay or not. You giggled and said you were fine.
"So... did you eat?", he asked
"Nope... i actually am leaving the office now-"
"WHAT! NOW! Y/N. I told you the area where you were working isn't safe after dark. Why didn't you listen?", he didn't let you finish and started to worry about you.
"Jabra, listen. My boss gave me work, while I was about to leave. So I had no choice. It's not like I didn't listen to you", you pout as he clicked his tongue.
"Tsk... I really want to talk to that stupid boss of yours. How could he make you stay so late"
"Just let it be... I... just wanted to talk to you", you said as you gulped hearing footsteps... getting closer to you.
"Y/N what happened?", he sensed your distress and asked you.
"I... it might be my imagination but... I thought I could hear... footsteps?", you whispered as you kept walking.
"Y/N... listen to me carefully. Don't turn back. Just keep walking and make use of your senses and don't turn off the phone. Keep it on even if you aren't talking to me", he said.
"I am not able to hear them anymore but... Jabra... I'm scared", you told him the truth.
"Y/N don't be. Don't cry. Put on a brave front. I'm coming", he said as you heard his door closing. He was really coming for you now and this time... you were sure you heard the footsteps again.
You reached the station and noticed that someone was definitely following you. You told jabra and he said to quicken your pace and get on the train. You did as he told you and you heard the footsteps running after you. You ran towards the train and just as you made it in then the doors closed. Then you saw the person who ran after you.
Your eyes widened as you saw his face. He was the same guy who harassed you on the train a few weeks ago.  He had a sinister looking grin on his face as he indicated an indecent hand gesture.
Tears slid down your cheeks as you kept eye contact with him and the train moved forward.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU GET ON THE TRAIN? Y/N PLEASE ANSWER! PLEASE", you noticed that you didn't answer Jabra and he was having a panic attack.
"Jabra... I got on the train but I ... I saw him", you said between sobs.
"Who was it?"
"That pervert from the other day. You also saw him. He looked so sinister Jabra... I can't even explain", you cried as you told him.
His didn't know how to feel. Was he supposed to be relieved that you escaped for now or was he supposed to feel sad that you were crying.
He knew one thing for sure... He was hella angry at that asshole for making you so scared and cry.
After travelling alone for a few minutes and crying on the phone, you then saw that Jabra was waiting on a stop for you. You ran out of the train and hugged him tight as he also held you close. He wasn't going to forgive himself for letting you experience that alone. He was mad at himself for not being there for you, when you needed him the most. He held you as if you were going to disappear if he let you go.
Jabra then dropped you at your home on his bike as you still hugged him. The adrenaline was still making your hands shiver even after you reached your house. You let him stay at your place for that night. But you couldn't sleep for a long time. That experience was terrifying. But as he soothingly caressed your hair, you fell asleep.
He didn’t had a small crush on you. It was already love for him. He wanted to take you out on dates and dinner. Wanted to see you smile. Wanted to come to your house and hug you while you slept… But he didn’t wanted that to happen like this. This was heart breaking for him.
The next day, you took the day off and curled in your blanket. Jabra already left, after leaving a note. You were alone in your house. Then you got a message from Jabra, with a link. You opened it and saw that, a killer and rapist was arrested and sent to jail. Tears rolled down your cheek as you saw that.
Then you pressed the call button and in a few rings, Jabra picked up.
“Y/N! I’m sorry, I had to leave but-”
“Thankyou! Thank you so much”, you didn’t let him finish his sentence and thanked him.
“Don’t cry my dear. It’s okay now. He is in jail and… he will never ever hurt you or anyone else again”, he said as you sniffed.
Actually, after you fell asleep, Jabra left the house and searched for that man. After finding him, he beat him up and handed him over to the police.
You called him over to your place and as he reached the door you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tight. He blushed hard at your sudden hug but still he embraced you. You pulled him into the house and closed the door.
You took his hand and said, “I love you”, his eyes widened at your words. “And don’t mistake it for gratitude or something else. I really liked you from a long time. But the way… you”, your tears returned to you as you continued, “Prioritize me and give importance to me is just… truly beautiful”, you got closer to him and added, “I… love you. Will you go out with me?”
“YES! YES! YES I love you too!” he also exclaimed and hugged you tight. Then you pulled back a bit to see his face then placed your hand on the back of his neck.
“Can I?” you asked him as he turned like a tomato and nodded. You brought him closer to you and kissed him gently. He wiped the tears on your cheek with one of his hand and the other stayed between your shoulder blades. You ran your fingers in his hair as the other caressed his back. Your actions sent shivers up and down his spine. You two broke the kiss for air and looked into each other’s eyes. You pressed your foreheads together and smiled as you pecked his cheek. This felt magical. With him, it was always different and beautiful. You thanked your stars for making him meet you.
OMG!! I am so in love with them now. Please help me. I hope you enjoyed these One shots. Like I promised, they aren't just a few lines or scribbles.  Comment your favourite among these?
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asususasa · 5 years
Things my friend and I have said about One Piece:
"Leaving Luffy and Zoro together is like leaving a 5-year-old with a 6-year-old."
"I'd pay to watch Big Mom's musical numbers in a theater."
"Oda, pls."
"Okama Sanji is the most majestic thing I've ever seen."
"I wanna see Law and Zoro in a dress. Make it happen, Oda."
"Caesar is the mistreated pet of the strawhats, change my mind."
-Sends a photo of random character- "Look at this idiot, I love them."
"THe pANdA Is RIgHT THerE!!11!!"
"I want to fangirl with Barto so much."
-Starting Whole Cake Island- "I HATE the power rangers."
-Mid Whole Cake- "I love Reijuu. She's my baby. Waifu. Perfect girl. Protect her."
-At the end of Whole Cake- "I can't hate the power rangers, they're such a meme."
"God, Law is such a mood..."
"Remember when I hated Bon-chan? Yeah, me neither."
"I wanna hug [random character, mostly Luffy] so much I could fucking die."
"Why is there a hot talking pineapple in my screen?"
"Doffy + Mingo = Doffingo."
"Fuck atheism, Usopp is my god now."
-Sends photo of random character- "Akdjjsoslndosk"
"-Sigh- They're mine now."
"Shachi and Penguin? You mean the loves of my life?"
"I want to slap Caesar. But with love, you know? I mean, he's crap but he's so stupid I can't help but to pity him."
-When we discovered Kaku & co. were bad guys- "Wow I feel fuckING BETRAYED."
"I didn't think I'd say this but... I LOVE Brulée."
"Holy shit Pudding, chill."
"This guy's laugh is hilarious lol"
"Omg I swear if he laughs ONE MORE TIME-"
"I miss Zoro being sent flying by Luffy."
"Look at Robin being the perfect waifu she is."
"I wish I could be like Buggy. Do nothing and still reach the top."
-Someone gets friendly with Law- "YEAH GIVE HIM ALL THE LOVE!!!"
"Sweat from my eyes? No! These are TEARS!"
-Someone being cute/an epic battle/someone being stupid- "Well, I think I just died."
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drkineildwicks · 5 years
Temtem first thoughts - 1/24/2020
Okay, starting Temtem, let’s see how this goes….
Oh dear it’s at capacity I’m going to have to wait
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Is there a way to make it windowed I don’t much care for full screen
I can get out because I have two screens but I want to be able to jot down my thoughts if I’m going to be discussing this and maybe game blogging?
Oh my queue went down a thousand while typing this
Okay, so I’ll write up some of my stories while I wait….
Still misspelling Muirahara as Murihara dangit
Need to catch up with that show but I have concerns
Down to 4999…
Okay now we’re down to 3277…
Went down about a thousand in five minutes that’s not bad
Reading through what I wrote last night it’s basically prepper guys
I should find a local prepper group it’s not like it’s useless stuff to know
Character design
One or two…one or two….
So much character design….
I’m going with the Lena haircut
Or how I do Obake in Obake Itoko
IDK have to think on it
Do I go with my usual name or….
Usual name I’ll go with like, a Lena-Obake name mashup for the inevitable fanfiction
Wait how many characters am I allowed I could do one for me and then—
We’ll stick with Kineil for now
Love how it acts like we know what we’re doing
Love the art nice and clean
Oh that’s how you talk and interact press F to pay respects
Oh now I gotta pick one
Looks like…a little dinosaur, a monkey, and a floaty thing….
The floaty thing matches my current color scheme….
Aw who am I kidding little turtle guy wins
Turtlinni I regret nothing
Love the move descriptions
“Mirror, mirror in my hand, who’s the best tamer in the Archipelago?” “No idea, but you get SPDEF”
Okay don’t like Max at all
Do I go with punny names or pop culture references….
Meet Tikitu!
So they’re stored in cards it’s like Pokémon meets Yu-Gi-Oh!
“Keep an eye on Max please?”  Sure, whatever
Pff everyone’s poking around in the buildings
Okay catching time
Not sure what this is
Another girl though
Okay next one
Oh you can make them hold off on attacking that’s nice
It’s a friendly little bird…with star-shaped hair….
Oh good you can heal them at your house
Props to whomever is named Tomato Ketchup
Okay caught a Tateru
Another girl Yugi’s going to be the token boy
Hmm, looks like a hamster….
Tay-toe I need a life
Aww that’s a cute thing!
Kaku it’s a boy Yugi can have a male friend
Hmm, likes to poison people….
So Hypnosis works just as well here as it does in Pokémon….
All right Tay-toe knows an offensive move!
Okay rotate some tems around to give them a break and share XP
So I’m not sure what happens when you catch more than six
Okay this one’s a little bug thing…Snuggie
So we’ve got Yugi and Nightshade as the two boys, the rest are girls, girl power is at the max
Yugi and Nightshade are nice little guys too so they’re happy to hang with the girls :D
Had to run back home and heal again
Semi-Brock you go dude XD
And Easy-Bake Oven I love this
So I guess I found the first checkpoint I can heal from here
And store temtem
But I had to break for dinner so got off so other people could play gonna finish up my writing for the day and then get back on this game is FUN
I don't even mind the full window just put my doc in the second screen and type
In the meantime, the squad:
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So far it’s worth every penny nice and polished and pretty haven’t encountered any bugs the only problem is the queue but THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF A PROBLEM
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watchingalloys · 4 years
FREE BOOKS TO READ ONLINE || Blue Moon (Jack Reacher, #24) || FULL ACCESS
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 Reading : Blue Moon (Jack Reacher, #24)
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Title : Blue Moon (Jack Reacher, #24)
Author : Lee Child
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
 About Books
?This is a random universe,? Reacher says. ?Once in a blue moon things turn out just right.? This isn?t one of those times. Reacher is on a Greyhound bus, minding his own business, with no particular place to go, and all the time in the world to get there. Then he steps off the bus to help an old man who is obviously just a victim waiting to happen. But you know what they say about good deeds. Now Reacher wants to make it right. An elderly couple have made a few well-meaning mistakes, and now they owe big money to some very bad people. One brazen move leads to another, and suddenly Reacher finds himself a wanted man in the middle of a brutal turf war between rival Ukrainian and Albanian gangs. Reacher has to stay one step ahead of the loan sharks, the thugs, and the assassins. He teams up with a fed-up waitress who knows a little more than she?s letting on, and sets out to take down the powerful and make the greedy pay. It?s a long shot. The odds are against him. But Reacher believes
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Title : Blue Moon (Jack Reacher, #24)
Author : Lee Child
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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Title : Blue Moon (Jack Reacher, #24)
Author : Lee Child
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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Title : Blue Moon (Jack Reacher, #24)
Author : Lee Child
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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hawaiiayla · 4 years
DOWNLOAD BOOKS PDF || The Keystone Approach: Healing Arthritis and Psoriasis by Restoring the Microbiome || FULL PAGE
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 Reading : The Keystone Approach: Healing Arthritis and Psoriasis by Restoring the Microbiome
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Title : The Keystone Approach: Healing Arthritis and Psoriasis by Restoring the Microbiome
Author : Rebecca Fett
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
 About Books
The Keystone Approach is based on a profound shift in our understanding of autoimmunity. New clinical studies have found that the cause is often disruption to the microbiome. This may be either an excess of inflammatory species of gut microbes, or a lack of beneficial immune-calming microbes.This innovative new book provides a systematic, evidence-based plan to address both of these elements, from the perspective of an acclaimed science writer who successfully treated her own debilitating psoriatic arthritis. This easy-to-follow plan, based on an in-depth analysis of more than 400 scientific studies, will likely help a wide variety of autoimmune conditions, but it is most specifically tailored to address the underlying causes of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, juvenile arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, uveitis, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, and rheumatoid arthritis."It's rare to find an alternative health book so thoroughly backed by scientific studies, but The Keystone Approach is
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Title : The Keystone Approach: Healing Arthritis and Psoriasis by Restoring the Microbiome
Author : Rebecca Fett
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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Author : Rebecca Fett
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Screen Reader : Support
Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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Title : The Keystone Approach: Healing Arthritis and Psoriasis by Restoring the Microbiome
Author : Rebecca Fett
Support in : Android, Mac, Windows, IOS, PC
Screen Reader : Support
Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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From the ask meme: all the odd numbers!
Ah, Rachel, you know me well. :D
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?Well this is one of those questions that could have a lot of answers, but… read Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (and its follow-up, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul). Watch the anime series Interviews with Monster Girls. Listen to pretty much all of Sithu Aye’s music (but especially Isles and Set Course For Andromeda).
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.Yeah, if I got into this I’d be here all night typing, and I kinda wanna go to bed. I’ll pick 5 recent fandoms (pretty much all anime lol): Hyperdimension Neptunia/Neptune, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid/Tohru, New Game!/Ko Yagami, Mysterious Girlfriend X/Mikoto Urabe, and Princess Jellyfish/Tsukimi Kurashita.
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?*extremely Bart voice* A human going!LOL no in all seriousness I definitely consider myself a “human being” in this sense. I’m not what you’d call an active person, in that particular sense of the word.
7. do you care about your ethnicity?This is a funny one to answer, isn’t it? My immediate answer is “no,” with the implied afterthought “because I’m white.” I benefit from privilege so it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. But I know that the world as it is has so many people for whom it IS a big deal, and I don’t want to be insulting to them. I don’t know.
9. are you an artist?Maybe.
11. describe your ideal day.Sleeping until I naturally wake up. Eating breakfast with my kind and charming wife and our adorable daughter. Having fun at home, maybe going out somewhere for lunch, maybe running a few errands. Lazing about at home and spending the evening (after the kid goes to bed) playing video games and watching anime.
13. inside or outdoors?I want to say outdoors. I really do. But in the winter it’s too damn cold, and in the summer there are too damn many bugs. My ideal situation is a compromise; some sort of screened porch or something that lets the air and the sounds and smells of outside come through, but that keeps the bugs out.
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.-Hyperspace by Michio Kaku-The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav-No Logo by Naomi Klein-The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams-a whole bunch of stuff by Robert Heinlein
17. would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?Pretty much, yeah. I reblog the stuff that interests me, or that I want to share my scalding-hot takes about. I post lots of these ask memes and “get to know me” stuff and I answer all questions like that honestly, so yeah, I’d say this is a good representation of who I am.
19. which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?Well, Pottermore says I’m a Ravenclaw, but it’s obviously looking to sort you into one of the four houses, so… in all honesty I’d probably be a muggle lol.
21. do you love easily?Oh, yes. It can be kind of a problem sometimes.
23. how often would you want to see your family every year?If you mean my parents, then this is a hard one to answer. For my dad, I feel like I already see him too much, but on the other hand I feel like I should be around for him more often. For my mom, well, I’ll never get to see her again, so obviously I want to and would see her every day if I could.Other than that I don’t really have any close family. Pretty much everyone else in my family lives at least 4 hours away and we might see each other for certain special occasions, or else I just generally don’t talk to them that often, and I’m mostly fine with that.
25. could you live as a hermit?SIGN ME THE FUCK UP PLEASE
27. do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?Not in the least! But then, I remain convinced that the “real me” is some sort of 4-dimensional energy being that cannot be perceived directly, so it’d be hard for my outward appearance to match that.
29. three songs that you connect with right now.-Sithu Aye - Oceania-fourfolium - SAKURA Skip-TRANSMISSIONS - My World
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Kaku "keeps cool," breaks scoring drought with clutch finish for Red Bulls
Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports
August 26, 201811:40PM EDT
HARRISON, N.J. – If the New York Red Bulls were going to keep pace in the race for the Supporters’ Shield, they needed a difference-maker to step up. And the man they brought in this offseason to do just that came through on Sunday.
In a tight, chippy game, Alejandro Romero “Kaku” Gamarra provided the seminal moment, netting a slick second-half goal to give the Red Bulls a 1-0 home win over Atlantic Cup rivals D.C. United. For a player who has gone through a bit of a rough spell the past month, the goal was needed on a personal level – but it lifted a team also very much in need of a big moment.
Wednesday’s 1-1 New York Derby draw at Yankee Stadium against nine-man New York City FC felt more like a loss: A glorious chance to draw level with Atlanta United in the Shield race instead saw the Red Bulls tread water.
As they dueled a lively United side to a stalemate, it was beginning to feel like another ho-hum night for the Red Bulls. Then Gamarra stepped up with a moment of brilliance.
“Sometimes things don’t work out, you don’t get goals, you don’t get assists,” Gamarra told MLSsoccer.com after the match via a translator.
“You have to keep cool. The team supported me at all times, even when things got difficult. I’m thankful and I tried to give back to them something positive.”
The 56th-minute goal featured a bit of industry and a bit of the sublime, showcasing what makes Gamarra such an intriguing part of his team. The Argentinean – acquired this offseason at a reported Red Bulls-record transfer fee – took three touches to free himself and then, from nearly 20 yards out, fired home his first finish since a May 5th win over NYCFC.
It’s the fourth goal of the season for Gamarra, the league leader in assists (14), and comes after he hadn’t featured on the boxscore the last four games. Gamarra was fairly invisible against NYCFC at midweek but Sunday’s performance gives the Red Bulls hope that their playmaker can step up in key moments down the home stretch as his team hunts hardware.
“Today I’m really happy for him because he’s working hard also every day,” midfielder Marc Rzatkowski told MLSsoccer.com. “I know everybody expects goals and assists, but we know that he’s the guy that can play the last ball, the important ball. We know how important he is for us.”
Gamarra appeared none too pleased to be taken off in the 74th minute of last week’s 2-2 draw at Vancouver. But the Paraguayan international stayed the course in training and bounced back on Sunday night in a tough moment for his side.
“I couldn’t score but I had to keep my cool, try to help out in terms of the group,” Gamarra said. “Don’t worry about personal stuff so much, don’t get upset and leave everything on the field. I’m happy to have scored the goal and am focused on the next match.”
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entmtbiz · 7 years
China's First International 3D Cartoon Series Starring Action Film Legend Jackie Chan Launched Today in Beijing
Blazing a trail for Chinese cultural creativity by twinning dreamland with realityBEIJING, Apr. 13, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- International action film star Jackie Chan unveiled his new 3D cartoon series - All New Jackie Chan Adventures - China's first international standard high budget animation production - at a press conference in Beijing, China today.
The new US$6m, 104 episode cartoon series will feature the epic adventures of a cartoon version of Jackie Chan, but designed for the first time to appeal to young Chinese audience, following the success of the American animated TV series, Jackie Chan Adventures, which was an international hit in the early 2000s.
All New Jackie Chan Adventures will debut later this year and bring the adventures and comedy that are popular in Jackie's films into a cartoon context, and will also star child actor Kyana Poppy Downs as the main character's trusted partner and classmate.
The premise of the new cartoon series, centers on a team of protagonists guarding against monsters who threaten the 'dreamlands' - so that every child can have sweet dreams at night.
All New Jackie Chan Adventures is set to raise the bar for China's animation industry in general; becoming the first Chinese-funded cartoon series to be made to international production standards.
While the show has been conceived to win the hearts of Chinese children, the team also plans to roll out All New Jackie Chan Adventures to international markets. The previous hit series, Jackie Chan Adventures, which aired from 2000-2005 set off a craze among audiences in 60 countries since it was aired on Kid's WB - and the team plans to go global once more.
All New Jackie Chan Adventures has been created following detailed research into the cultural nuances of how to engage young Chinese minds - a first in the animation industry in China. Comprehensive research focused on the psychological needs and viewership habits of Chinese children through five-rounds of research over one and a half years, and surveyed students from (6-8 years old) at grade 1-3 of primary schools in seven Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Shenyang, Zhongshan, Chengdu and Changsha.
The team of researchers concluded that viewers preferred subject matter involving comedy, magic and adventure, illustrated through bright and eye-catching colours. Further rounds of research helped give the producers insights into how best to build out the image of the leading role, how the characters should be designed, as well as to devise appropriate supporting characters and scenes.
The series also promotes positive values for the young audiences, with storylines embodying Chinese etiquette and traditional virtues, teaching good habits and discipline, principles which mirror Jackie Chan's own beliefs and practices.
"With young children increasingly searching for new role models to look up, it is imperative that celebrities in China use their influence to help shape the values of today's young Chinese children and indeed people in general," said Jackie Chan.
After receiving extremely positive feedback from major broadcasting channels in China and overseas, the first season is already scheduled on at least three children's satellite TV channels and 200 terrestrial TV channels in China, including Hunan TV Children's Channel, BTV's Kaku Children's Channel, Toonmax TV, and more.
An intellectual property-based multi-channel model is planned for All New Jackie Chan Adventures that will also extend its influence beyond the TV series to be featured in videogames, in product franchising, stage plays, books, and in theme parks with an aim to unleash the full potential value of this series across the industry chain.
"This new cartoon series is not limited to the TV screen. In many ways, it will be children's companion as they grow up," Jackie Chan said at the event.
About Jackie Chan
Beloved for his comic timing, acrobatic fighting style and innovative stunts, Jackie Chan has appeared in more than 200 movies since becoming a child actor in his native Hong Kong in the 1960s.
One of the few celebrities in the world so famous that he hardly needs introducing, his Hollywood breakthrough came with Rumble in the Bronx in 1996, and he has gone on to be become a global star through the Rush Hour movies, Shanghai Noon, The Karate Kid and the Kung Fu Panda series of animated films.
After a glittering career spanning five decades in the film industry, including directing and producing, he received an honorary Oscar in 2016.
For more information about Jackie Chan, please visit his official website: http://jackiechan.com
Production Company: Zhejiang Talent Television&Film Co., Ltd, Khorgas JJ Culture Media Co., Ltd, and VJ Animation Studio.
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://ift.tt/2p9VO5D
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: China's First International 3D Cartoon Series Starring Action Film Legend Jackie Chan Launched Today in Beijing
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