#more likely than yoiu think
angelpuns · 7 months
I've been reading a lot of Autistic Hanzo fanfics lately so if anyone wants some recommendations i got a whole list-
this also includes mchanzo
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Hi hi! Have you seen the new Rook and Jade cards?
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TWST REALLY SAID HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (they dropped these card designs when it was still Christmas day in my time zone www) 🤡 IMAGINE THE PURE DISTRESS AND TERROR I FELT WHEN I SAW THE NEWS FOR THE FIRST TIME, I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY BREAKfAST The New Year Attire card artwork looks fantastic this year!! zs,j bdhjvkas3t77135f38odwOYdtSIvyiadiyisa I THINK THE tHIRD ANON SAID IT BEST, TREY, ROOK, AND JADE LOOK LIKE YAKUZA DRESSED NICELY TO USHER IN THE NEW YEAR 😭 and Ortho's there to be their cute and innocent errand boy nephew (when in reality he's committing just as many crimes as they are); I KNOW this kid's not above pulling out a laser beam and threatening people to get what he wants.
Trey finally gets another event SSR (man deserves it after like 4 Rs OTL) and not gonna lie, he kinda looks like my grandpa in that outfit... I really like the pattern on his rose print scarf and the flowerpiece though; you can also see the classic Heartslabyul solid sleeve-checkered sleeve combo. The parasol he's holding is nice too, it makes me think about him whimsically twirling it around as he walks through confetti.
This isn't one of my favorite looks for Ortho, but again I really appreciate how the designers and artists used their creativity to reinterpret the traditional NY garb into robotic parts! You can tell Ortho's "clothes" are more blocky and rigid than the others', yet it still retains the festive feel of the line. There seem to be cables and wires attached to the piece pinned to his chest, and, of course, three doggos at his waist to symbolize Cerberus~
Trey and Ortho being on the same banner... It feels like Ortho was dropped off for Trey to babysit, and Trey's the kind old grandpa who dotes on his grandkid.
... Okay, that's enough of being civil 😇
t315751vAUVgddfiyCUvILNDADFFIYAIBFQEOBNABHOACsdaafjkuc??F<>>Mw/q12yft7BLINJZ>?????m,A'PSCPK[QJNsn;nbegquo PLEASE, I'M SCREAMING AND CRYinf aG ON THE GORUNDA RN OTL Of course TWST would release a new Rook SSR not too long after I said Rollo has replaced Rook in my heart as the superior pseudo French anime boy, OF COURSE. WHY DiD THE YM HAVE TO GIVE hiM SUCH A SMYSTERIOSYF SMU g FACE TOO..... . . . ........ . . . .... . . . . AND THAT LIGHTING??//????? ? ?? ? ?hELLO??? ?? ? ?? ? ????? ? GORGEOUS 😭 THE FAN??? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? HOW HE's POSED AEJQWHLBIWQ WIHT IT, weL,Ccopmaifn G YOU INTO YHTE SHOP... I'M GOIBNG TO DUCKIUFN G CHEW HSis FINGNERS OFF, HOLD ME BACK BEOFRE I DOn kqw fhgutiuqfvwofueiyviHnsoguewtqtbwipFFQEGFVIVOQE8?>vLM;N;AEGFLQMJEINP I'm not super into Rook's outfit though; the peacock imagery incorporated into his robes and stuck in his hat are kinda... too much for me? The colors are also weirdly blocked out; it looks odd to have the hat as being the one prominent part of the outfit in red. I would have expected... I don't know, more red throughout the entire outfit? BUT IT'S OKAY, ROOK'S FACE STILL LOOKS GOOD AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS HERE
I love the fact that Rook and Jade are on the same banner this was made specifically to target me/j, shady bitches deserve to be next to other shady bitches 🤣 Imagine how much pettiness and fake smiling will be had between them????? ???? ??? ? I’ve been dying for more interactions between these two, so this is really a treat for me!! 😋
To summarize: yeaaaaaah uh my rolls are in trouble come 2024 🪦
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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f...FANK YOIU SO MYUCH!!! 🥰💖💖💖
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My cookies can eat and drink :0 but that's mostly becuase I imagine my cookies as more.. people than cookies <XD
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Ah, I'm afraid I cannot help you there. I seem to be physically incapable of explaining how I draw things. I've made some hand/art tutorials in the past but I just cant seem to explain myself well-
It boils down to: "Well.. I just, draw it. And uh.. if it looks kind'a off? Draw it a little differently. And if it still looks off.. then uh.. just draw it again, until it looks right." <XDD Not really helpful.. sorry!..
Also thank you so much!! :DD Your compliments mean the world!! 💖
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ALKSF XDD That sounds great, I'll keep that in mind! :}
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(Post in question)
XD It sure is!
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That is a good idea! I'll have to keep this in mind! :0 ..Though I do love receiving asks.. 🥺
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XDD I've been told that Jangles looks like Papyrus, they might fight right in!
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Oooo that's a good idea! I might have to try that! :00
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(Post in question) (..Or was it this post-)
ALKJSWDJ XDD I'm glad you liked it!! :DD
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Probably like warm canned tuna fish spread across a gingerbread cookie XDD
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I'm unfamiliar with the world of happy tree friends.. is it safe there? If so, sure they'll stay! :D
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That condition was tacked on last minute.. I haven't put much thought into it.. but I'm sure situations like that are very possible :00 I'll have to think more on it! :oo
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Can they do that?? Man, Tuna could really use that- <XD
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I don't know.. do they? :0
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Aww!! 🥰💖🥰
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I'm not sure.. idk how more cookies in the game are made- <XD
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I'm not sure.. I assume a world made of candy would be rather normal to them..? :0
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(Post in question)
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I would assume negative.. since a real cookie jar is a bunch of cookies kept "sealed" away in a jar. Its probably the equivalent of a prison to them! :00
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My interests come and go. We're bound to see more of it someday, :o
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Thank you XDD I hope it works!
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ooooo good question! :00
Its rare that Seafoam gets really stressed or overwhelmed. Its the mark of a good Captain to keep his cool when under pressure. But if there comes a time where his stress is high and he cant get away from the situation, he probably seeks out Octo for help. Getting him to take over so that he can step away or just to help him in general. In which Octo is always willing to help.
Octo is the same as Seafoam. Really good under pressure and rarely gets overwhelmed. But just like Seafoam, if things get to be too much he would seek out Seafoam for help. Maybe even getting Seafoam to take control so can get a few minutes to himself.
Red probably gets stressed a lot, the poor kid :< He just runs to Coco, Seafoam, Blue or even Octo if he can. Just the nearest parental/protective figure that can resolve the situation for him <XD
I can see Blue diving deeper or swimming out a ways from the ship when stressed. The whale equivalent of taking a walk <XD
Cuttlefish probably uses her powers to slip out of any situation and find a quiet space to calm down. Removing herself from the situation usually fixes her up pretty quick. Spider crab is the same, just going to find a space alone where he can calm himself down. Usually by taking deep breaths and soaking up the quiet.
Urchin, Louis, Coco, Tuna and Ellie probably would all just find a way to leave the situation to go pace and rant when stressed. Even if they have to make a scene in order to leave.
I can see Pinwheel fleeing to Seafoam whenever something becomes too much to handle. Getting him to step in and help her, though she might not fully leave the situation. Since Seafoam provides her comfort, she might hover nearby while Seafoam resolves the situation for her.. 🥺
(Also thank you for the ask/prompt! Was very tasty😋)
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@artistmad (Post in question)
:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! XDD
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On Air Island - chapter 1 - part 3
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In today's installment, we are unfortunately hitting one issue this game has, which is that the quality of translation sporadically drops in some branches. Now is a good time to remember that this is a Korean indie game with a developer team that fits into one single screen in the credits. Fortunately though ya boy Dragon has been handling mtl for ages and knows exactly how to make it yield actual result instead of garbled nonsense, so I added the translation to the video and the 'script 👍 Lemme know if this format works!
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Ah right: A.H.M, Shishinao, and Shirashinao are all~ Naoto's nicknames. I'm pretty sure that's also a translation thing, but it's way funnier like this? Let's give him a few more. Naonao~
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
———— ———— ————
Hanse: The result for the 1st day settlement is! Mr. Fact in the 1st place and Honari for 2nd place!
[player] donated 50 Small Heart: (Voice) Hanse, don't be discouraged!
[Hanse, don't be discouraged!]
Predator: Ugh. Kissme3: Ha, ha, ha.
Hanse: ……………!
hasebuck: Ha, ha, ha. 9nine: Look how surprised he is hanmanse: He looks so cute...
Hanse: Wow......! I was surprised that you were able to post a voice message......
bbongGGu: Seems like he didn't know it So_yool: Adorbs
Hanse: But somehow...... Is it my mood? I feel like all eyes are on me......
Mr.Fact: You almost freaked me out? Don't freak out, it's only just begun. { What, huh? You almost got discouraged~? It's only the beginning, so don't get discouraged, yeah? }
jimjman: What is it? Wannable: ;; VivaViva: Why is he like that
Hanse: Ugh, I'm sorry, Mr.Fact......
OnlyHim: Hanse's expression is hardening in real time boksunga: Be mindful Mr. Fact;
Mr.Fact: Oh, but~ I'll never get to the top. You can't take a shot at me. Okay? { Oh, but~ Quit dreaming of getting to the top. You're no match for me. Okay? }
OnlyHim: <Chat deleted by cleanbot>. ASHA: He's so fake NARICHAN: He just live by his name, Mr. Fact
Honari: But they say to dream big, right?
hansevly: ?! Perish: Oh…?
Honari: Even if you can't. { Even if you can’t achieve it. }
kimbab: Be careful Hanse! PunchHim: This is exciting, someone bring me some popcorn. FactOppa: (nom nom nom)
Mr.Fact: What? You're interrupting me?
island: Is that you? RealFact: If you're rich and popular, you're older than me.
Mr.Fact: You're thick as a board~ You're not afraid of the stares? { Honari, you're thick-skinned~ Are you not afraid of the viewers' gazes? }
Elvis: Suddenly? UglyFace: Are you going to drag Honari here?
Honari: What? I have no idea what you're talking about......
Snitch: ... Fearless: I feel sorry for Nari… hanse1se: Do dum;;
Hanse: Okay, wait......
DUMMY: Refrain yoursel Hanse. outnow: I will ** yoiu if you touch Hanse!
DUCKACOON: What's all the noise, quack? We'll keep going, quack!
Steward: Hey MyMaster: So boring CLAPCLAP: Thank God
Mr.Fact: I'm not even in first place. { Ugh, you’re not the first place, what do you know. }
doremipa: Woah that's crossing the line tho hansefan: Do you think 1st place can do everything?
Honari: … … … … …
Hanse: Ha... ... ... ... ...
kimbab: Eeek Imcrazy: Maybe this is how he treats lower ranks
DUCKACOON: A decent meal was prepared for the middle ranks quack.
lalala99: So-so Thief Jin: Just so-so BeSlave: Hahhhaha So-so
Naoto: Why on earth would you give it such an unappealing name?
rusure: I'm losing my appetite haahaha Rolling: Is it that harsh? Know_all donated 20 Ordinary Clover: Yep! Let me explain so, Shishinao is Naoto Know_all donated 15 Small Spade: Rumour said that he resigned from a broadcasting company and started his own broadcast
Naoto: I mean, it's not exactly broadcast quality...... We'll see. Tomorrow, we'll go to the top. { Anyway, considering the level of the broadcast… Just wait and see. Tomorrow, I will move up to the top. }
Perish: Fighting~ Flos: What? Crying? NARILOL: Anyone think the rank won't be changed? Angelic: 1111111 180x181: 222222222 Know_all donated 20 Touching Diamond: Moreover there is a rumour saying that he is son of a politician, it's interesting fight between the father and son!
Alice: It's too overwhelming for me......!
Carat: But I'm pretty sure Hanse won't be number one. Melody23: What a fact we got here
Alice: Above all............... You're holding my meal as hostage!
c'monya: There was a rumour that Alice is come from a conglomerat family. Know_all donated 5 Amazing Diamond: She is an influencer going by the name ALICE KingCry: It's not a rumour, it's a fact. Know_all donated 10 Amazing Diamond: I don't really remember but i think she start knitting for a hobby and got famous
Alice: That's just so evil---!
BeAKing: She is offended? Imfather: Oh my god. LoveCute: She'll get home by helicopter then Know_all donated 15 Small Clover: Honeslty, if she is the daughter of the S Company's president, they might have support her
Hanse: So.... Naoto is the 3rd place, Alice is in the 4th place. But the gap in vote results between them is quite significant.
Igiveu: I wonder if she's ever had a good meal. koncijeu: No wonder she's so annoyed.
Is A.H.M okay?
Wow, ALICE has such a nice voice.*sarcasm*
(Voice) Hanse, don't be discouraged!
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bloozz · 2 years
: angst, hurt/comfort, , injuries!! pt 1? ambiguous ending
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— a pearl by mitski
"you wouldn't understand! how could you if you haven't even lived as long as I have !? YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH! "
that was what set you off, the breaking point to just go. you couldn't take it anymore, it felt like hours of arguing and it hurt, it burned.
his words were more painful than being stabbed, they pierced you to your core. feeling vulnerable, you ran through the door with held back tears flowing down your cheeks. you didn't even know what events happened that caused you to have this huge fight.
fresh air and some space was probably just what you needed to get away from the heavy thoughts in your mind. the sight of him with the look of disgust and fiery replaying in your mind over and over again.
you were starting to slow down from exhaustion and fatigue. It was overwhelming. feeling your heartbeat beat faster and faster.
plopping onto the floor you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. your eyes were puffy, and swollen red. usually your arguments wouldn't get this far..
your thoughts were interrupted when a group of bandits came up behind you demanding for your valuables. your mind wasn't in the right place at the moment, you tried to walk away.
a hand grasped at your neck, cutting off your oxygen source. you tried kicking them off but it was a futile attempt. is this how it ends? the last thing you felt was a slap on your face.
when you woke up it was night... or some other time you couldn't tell. how long have you been out? a stinging pain was in your cheek which made you remember the events that happened.
your legs hurt. A LOT. but you had to make it home. you don't want your could be last moment with him to be an argument. it could be anything but that.
while you were suffering to move, scaramouche was rolling in bed unable to find any sort of sleep, where are you? you should be home by now. the silence was overbearing and he couldn't take it, deciding to take his coat and go outside to find you.
although taking some time, you were still found, with bruises, from your legs to your face. It made him almost need to take a step back if not for the concern and worry punching him. he ran to you quickly, as quick as he could.
wanderer picked you up with urgency and lifted you all the way home. he didn't mean it. he didn't mean anything, please wake up.
you couldn't remember what'd happened. you woke up back at home covered in bandages with the wanderer sitting beside you dozed off. you could see his eyes puffy and red, just like yours the day you had your guys' argument.
you didn't want to talk to him. you think he didn't want to talk to you either. Well, that's what you thought. Wanderer was panicking. and that was definitely an understatement.
"please, talk to me." wanderer mumbled while sitting on the beds corner.
. . .
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THANK YOIU!!! SHOULD I CONTINUE? ALSO HAPPY APRIL FOOLS 2023!! I don't wanna be mean and trick you with no fic so here you go!!!
Likes are appreciated
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bubuslutty · 1 year
question: is there some sort of choir music in Frank or Billy's head whenever they stop in front the statues/paintings because golly—look at their sweetheart??? 🤧
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but also! just humour me w this one but I just ADORE the idea of the reader/Ms R being this badass of a woman and yet some of her styles almost have an innocent look to it, if not for the way she dresses or the suggestive placement of her jewellery!!
like, to think something as simple as a butterfly thigh chain or white bow heels would drive Frank and Billy so fucking WILD, especially when they're watching you chew someone out??? you know good and well to leave them on for when the three of you are doing the nasty 👁👄👁 OOH IM ACTING UP AGAINNN
warning: a bit of nsfw at the end
I imagine them staring at the paintings framed in gold with Ave Maria playing in their heads, sung by the amazing Luciano Pavarotti simply because it is one of Billy's favourite songs to listen to when he's lounging in their home. But also because no matter how they try to act normal around their sweetheart and her paintings, it's hard for them to see her without an element of divinity to her nature. 
I haven't explored her mutant nature yet (which she IS but haven't mentioned it in the story just yet, soon tho I promise), but I'd like to imagine her as a mutant, perhaps with powers close to those of Poison Ivy from DC? Able to grow plants in the palm of her hand without a blink. And this never fails to steal Frank and Billy's breath away everytime she does it. Also, it plays a role in them looking at her like she's more than just a woman, she's a mutant, but also perhaps something like a fae or a nymph, just like those that are depicted in paintings in art galleries and museums. Which makes Frank and Billy want to worship the ground she walks on. 
About Ms R's more innocent looks- I am totally into the idea that her style's versatile, not only she'll dress like she's on her way to divorce her billionaire husband and expose his nudes sent to his mistress to the media, but also like a princess. She doesn't allow her job to taint her personality, yes she can be tough, intimidating, absolutely vicious and literally deadly, but she can also be sweet and gentle as a dove. 
When the mood strikes, she'll wear pretty pastel colours to her office, she'll wear lace, silk and chiffon, with the prettiest most feminine jewelry there is. She thrives in dressing up in clothes that can be so easily damaged, not fit for fighting; pretty skirts, dresses, sweaters, knee length socks, you name it, she has it all. 
Frank and Billy would go crazy whenever she does because she'll look so pretty, so out of place, and suddenly they have to do everything in their power to protect her even more than they already do and give their girl whatever she wants, be it their own hearts ripped out of their chests. They don't even want her feet to touch the ground, they'll be so close to just taking off their jackets and laying them on the floor for her like in those old movies.
I love the idea of her wearing butterfly thigh chains, those dainty ones that sparkle when the sunlight hits them. She would probably call one of her boys to put it on for her. 
Both Billy and Frank would either have her laying on the bed, her elbows supporting her weight, or sitting in a chair, leg in their careful hands. She would receive kisses from her calves to the inside of her thighs before they even clip the chain shut.
omg and white bow heels??? You better believe if they see dirt or something spilt on the floor she will be carried bridal style anywhere, everywhere. It doesn't matter if they're out in the streets, or inside a restaurant, she will be carried like she weighs nothing by Billy or Frank.
Frank would sometimes place her feet on his lap, thumbing at the pretty bows on her heels while they're meeting up with some client. She would be leaning against Billy's chest, listening to whatever the other person is saying. And if the said client decides to be dick and piss her off, she'll pull her legs from Frank's lap and put them on the table, a pretty skirt sitting high on her soft thighs, leaving the length of her legs naked. And she'll glare at the client, clench her jaw and tilt her head in the way that let's Frank and Billy know that the client has fucked up, and that they'll regret it.
They're even more in love with her when she chews out her own men while dressed in white, gold and pearls. A pretty picture, absolutely perfect, and so out of place in their dark office, her club and amongst her men, dressed in black, dressed to kill. When she looks angry or frustrated looking like that, Frank and Billy can't help but feel their cocks stirring, trying to behave and not annoy her even more, even if they always end up in the sofa in her office semi-naked at some point in the day.
And after a long day of work, she'll find herself at home, sandwiched between two warm chests, getting kissed all over her naked body, with only her pair of white bow heels, a dainty necklace that Frank and Billy gifted her, earrings, small bows clipped to her hair and a pair of white lace gloves. 
She would look so pretty, so perfect, a bride of sin and desire.
In the end, she would end up with white dripping down her wet tender thighs, and on her hickey littered chest, matching her pretty accessories while making her feel loved, cherished, owned and worshiped.
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hehehwhshrh I hope that was alright 🤧
thank you again for your beautiful ask, I love getting other people's thoughts, it's so fun 💖
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equalperson · 7 months
ohhh my god i don't even know where to start. this dumb bitch popped up on my "foryou" page (twitter) and they had thisp rofile picture of smithers smoking. like, that one where he's all unshaven and such. from "blood feud," if you actually fucking know anything about him. anywayh i checked their profile and they aren't even a simpsons fan, that insipid fucking cunt.
i don't know why it's pissing meo ff so much?? i hate people in my territory. shut up about your transition, i don't care. good for you, i'm prettier. i'm better at being trans. i'm cuter. i'm handsomer. i look good in skirts and jeans. everybody has thought that i'm hot shit since i was born. my doctor said i should've gotten into modeling when i was a toddler. people still say that about me, even as a man. if i were on testosterone, it would look better on me. you'll never be anything compared to me. i hope you live your life knowing that, living in my shadow, you failure of a man.
i'm so territorial, i don't know why. other people are allowed to be simpsons fans, but never one-up me. I'M the smithers guy. that's MY special interest. you've never felt the way i feel about him. you don't think about him as much as i do. i bet you're not even autistic. i bet he isn't even your comfort character. you could be having a paranoid episode and he wouldn't even help. i bet you're not even psychotic. just another way that i'm more worldly than you. i know everything, bitch. my disabilities give me experience. my heart and lungs and eyes may hurt constantly and i may be constantly confused and scared but at least i have experiences. i'm interesting. can you say the same???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
how fucking vapid. i bet they don't even know the context of the photo. how conceited of you to identify yourself by his pain without even understanding it. "ohhh he looks depressed he's smoking isn't that so me??" no it isn't. you'll never spend as many hours psychoanalyzing him as i have. you'll never be as knowledgeable as i am. one day, you'll be dead and gone, and you'll have nothing. i'll have everything. i'm going to be something.
that's my main special interest, man. i'm fine with people using simpsons profile pictures or posting about the simpsons without being a fan, but I'M the authority on smithers. he's not even popular. there are like five other fans of him. yet people who don't even think about him like that invade my space, my domain. i'll kill you, dumbass.
people masquerading as me, pretending to be something special. remember that evil bitch who uploaded that stupid post on here in 2023? "oh smithers would listen to lana del ray. smithers would be a tumblr user. smithers would post about fucking that old man and we'd all think it was normal." SHUT UP I HATE YOU. i hate yoy i hate you ia hate yoiu i fucking HATE YOU. SHUT UP AND DIE. I WISH YOU WERE DEAD. i'll bash your head in if we ever cross paths, cunt. (NOT BEING LITERAL don't report me)
the way they took my prestige from me. it got, what? tens of thousands of notes, maybe hundreds of thousands? i don't remember. they didn't deserve that. look at their tumblr, they don't even post about them. fucking south park fan. pretending to care about him when i deserve all their glory.
i was so upset back then. i was taking a break from tumblr and didn't even know what was happening. i found out a month or two after it went viral. i was so ruined. everything was destroyed. everything was gone. i thought i failed. i was so upset with myself and i couldn't shake it off for days until i eventually called a crisis hotline. i just couldn't take it. i can't fucking live like this. but then i just started thinking like... wait....what's my problem?? it's THEIR fault. THEY'RE the one who hurt me. nobody can do that. the worst crime in the world is bothering me, offending me, making me doubt myself. what a devil. fucking pig.
i never confronted them or anything, i don't do that. but every fucking day i thought about them and how much i hated them. i stopped at some point but thinking about them still makes me so fucking angry. they think they're so big. they think theye'r as good as i am. news flash, dumbass!! we aren't equal, we aren't all special. it's what parents tell us to make us feel good about ourselves but still be good to others. you're below me. you're an ant under my foot, i'm a god. you're nothing compared to me. stay in your lane. live and die in your disgusting pocket of earth.
i hate when people think they can just do whatever they want with my interests. like them or find something else. find some ugly anime aesthetic image if you want your profile picture to be smoking so bad. you post selfies, do it yourself! you'll never make it work, though.
i can't even vent about it on twitter because they're mutuals with one of my mutuals. that's my favorite mutual on there, they can't see me parasocially telling their other mutual to kill themselves.
god i hope this doesn't pop up in any tags. i'd hate if other simpsons fans saw this. what if they go on my main?? i'll be fucking ruined. those boors aren't ready for an openly narcissistic influence. i don't even have a following on my main yet. i need to become their god first.
WAIT fuck i forgot to block them on twitter. i don't even remember their handle. i don't even know if i can go back. just seeing their page makes me so fucking angry. thinking about them makes me angry. i need them dead. i can't wait to check out their obituary in 40 years and see that i outlive them. i'll have achieved godhood while they'll have come and gone like a passing fad. i'll have freedom and fame, i'll be a revolutionary. i'll sell books and they'll be best-sellers. i'll change the way the world looks at us. but not them. i'll be something, though.
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the-firebird69 · 18 days
This was a really weird thing to hear about but he thought he'd go pick the money up and then he remembered there's a curse on it but then he figured out he could tell the people and try and figure out what it is and his clans gone for the most part so why would they be gone if the money wasn't used and it might mean that here's the money and all you used it for was to offer us assistance and labor and work and you didn't even get to spend it and it means that they went after the clan and got him to help do it so they might know where it's buried. But he says that the Mac proper are the ones who kept them from using it and this idiot next door just wants to try and use extortion and it is about their code and II know what it is it's pretty bad it was against the my grand nephew too but the Mac Proper already know what it means. In closing I would say that this is one of the biggest fines i've ever heard around him and then he kept it a secret for so long means that he could have other secrets and he's right people will try and use this against him if they find that money there but really it's only going to be for like one crew or one plan and he says probably not and we get how that works and what these guys do is they take the bottle the container and they clean it and they get him some pickles or pretzels and what it really means is his wife was pregnant and he didn't get it and he still doesn't 'cause he didn't do anything with her at that point but she came in and made it so he couldn't see her in stow and may have been the one who made the jackfall
mac daddy
and thnk yoiu ok we see hhah lol
Hera My husband says it's more like some sort of demon and it's the one in Westro he thinks it flew there and he found out that someone said they spotted something and it was will and bill again. And it followed him to to Westboro. And there's a reason why they were in stow and conquered and they moved to Westboro because of it it made it worse it's a lot of money it's a bit more than 15,000 and it kept rolling it up and putting it in there I don't think he knows how much money it is and he doesn't really he guessed.
There was a lot of money and it was more than 15 grand but less than 20 and it matches up with the Social Security number. It was clean crisp new dollar bills no clean and crisp new $100 bills and twenties and 50s and he was amazed but really to to shovel a driveway out by hand it was around 30 to 50 dollars and he did other jobs that are worth more he was just a kid but he made a lot of money and they did not count that on his Social Security and they probably would need the money to prove that he made it and Camilla doesn't like it but our son does because of certain people doing it and they're the ones she is fighting.
Thor Freya
an yeh ok you were in it and stuff and wont touch it we see why dan will lol
and not yet ok might lol
dan nd it is real. and ours. an i use it and dole it out. nd take over ss and myself nd ok tht is a positive way and good
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telestotelezzz · 5 months
You want a long anonymous message? I can cook one up!!
I genuinely think you’re one of the most kind people i’ve ever met. You deserve so much more credit than you give yourself. You’re like the best friend I never had, if that even makes sense to say? You’re fun to talk to, this sounds incredibly and embarrassingly sappy but you’re one of the few people that i feel 100% comfortable talking to. You give off this vibe of comfort without judgement like I can talk as myself and not have to worry about being too talkative or bothersome and, of course, you still have human emotions and you’re allowed to feel those things but there’s not a lot of people i feel so able to freely talk about my interests with and stuff.
I got off-topic I think, oops— Let me add, you’re a very funny person. I genuinely adore your sense of humor. I think i might’ve subconsciously picked up some of it? Sometimes i say something or I See something I think is funny and I think, “Sounds like something Lucifer would say.” I would talk to you way more often if I wasn’t so shit at starting and ending conversations, sadly ;;
I know sometimes you do feel your lows, and I just wanna say, I care about you. Words don’t do a lot, there’s no magical cure for feelings, but please try to keep in mind that even when you’re at your lowest there are people who Care about you. and love you even! Love you for your artwork, your writing, your humor, your interests, your personality, your kindness, you. And the way you inspire people and make people happy and are a fucking amazing friend. Out of this world. Like a world future star!
Sorry if this long of a message feels weird,, Near the end I’ve kinda given up on trying to hide most of my typing style because you’re most likely gonna know who this was anyway— unless I did a good job of being anonymous? That’d be surprising I think. Anyway, you’re wonderful, Lucifer, everything that you are.
i have no clue who yoiu are because i am Terrible at recognizing typing styles unless its super distinct ....... you have kept your anonymity do not fret
i actually read this last night and started like. tearing up???which is why i didnt respond as soon as i saw this ask + i wanted to be on a computer to type like a real response. Not that i know how to give much of one because i am rendered Speechless
this is maybe the nicest message ive ever gotten and the nicest thibgs ive ever been told and it means a Lot to me and its crazy to think that you spent time typing it and you mean it and ???!?!??!kind of silly because its some Message on the internet but i think im going to think back to this a lot when im sad and know that i can hold on for a little longer because there is in fact someone who cares about me. im so glad i can be a good friend to you adn that you feel comfortable around me thats really what i strive to be i just want to be a nice person who helps people and makes em feel Happy (❁´◡`❁)
thank you so much idk who you are (except that we're friends which just makes me want to go and give you a hug even though I CANT why dont computer let me reach through the screen) but i really needed this message i think and it means A Lot to me :)))) (this is probably not everything i will want to say and ill absolutely go and kick myself because i didnt think of something i wanted to say and you cant edit tumblr posts like you could in the Olden Days)
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rahulblog89 · 1 year
Gretta the great
Quinta hte printa..we like you but we don't know if you are a good person...we think you might be using use to get to a bbetter lkight...you know us more than we know yoiu..i don't think so.
Take the baiot ltell it to em straight all inside we never have to ewwait.
i play light wars with the cashew nut citie odreams it was a fiend in you that did that not the person you are now./.. know yourself better..you wasnt ot have mroe than you have..a that is yhour ikdea of excellence..the only truth avaiuklavbvbkle to us is that which lives in oiur soul.,.we mist fight to keep iut eanew.
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healingsht · 2 years
I hope you will live and know what you need no more no less
I know who I am, I know where I am going, I'm just wondering. will I be With you ? My memory is still intact even after all those meds, I wonder about whether you evolved with me or just grew and became something else I know your memory is shady I know you can't remember all the truths we encovered and all the things we learned together. I sure hope you are safe I wonder here at 3 am if you are going to be an image or a person in my family's history if you will forever belong in my head or if you will come to evolve and change with me I can only see that the world is really big so big anyone can be sucked into it and yet whilst being what could be sucked in by that world evermoving and everchanging I only think about how you will do and how you will manage I know that whatever you do and whoever yoiu become, I'll always love you and take the rest of my life if needed Just to stay beside you and learn all the way you have changed and evolved There is still a connection between you and me but I don't feel as close as we were before And that is a good thing we evolved all there was to evolve we dicoered everything about each other and yet the wold is full of unknowns I hope you don't go to where you will be in sure danger and hope you are everyday more secured than the one before I will always be here for you if you ever come to need an open ear or a growing person to help you along this rigged path we seem to be following I hope that whereever you are you are trying your best to be the new you That you learn how to live with living everyday as much as u want and still have some brainrecources to put it into memories you will hold onto forever These memories ill always be here with you and my intact one is always reminding me of you I hope you become the you that you want not that you wanted or that you will want but a present ever so changing Everyday is a new day to start over and everyday is another day to live fully as you whoever it is at that time I myself am stuck between time as I know you were never being in imaginbation whilst living life I know that you can't be the same as I am and I will never ask you to be I just hope you are here for you when you need it and hope you grow and change amaze me and get better everyday being the best you there is ever been at least at this time that's for sure I will be waiting between times as always I am wondering if you will ever come back to me too You are changing ever so slightly that you are no open book While I open to everything to the cost I bare I hope you who's the other version of me that would make for the best genius if we ever were to merge I have my time and moments and you do too I hope we will have moments together in the future clore or not doesn't matter I still hope that you will be an active figure in my life and yet you're never felt more like a picture but I love you so I know you still welcome forgetfulness as you change everyday the earth create and ever writing this I'm open to wounds of all kinds and yet I don't want to see my past as a weapon to ignore the worse in my current life I want to use it to change in many way that the wolrd hasn't learned to deal with because no one ever wanted to go that far down this road I still feel like you are the other side of a coin that together we would be one as never to be subtracted Yet I don't go out of my way for you and you don't either I will be a mark for everything as long as i am alive as i am sure you will be a mark of everyday Your everso changing way is always reassuring when I see that my past is still as always I guess some things never ghange that much as much as the earth is rotating around the sun but is slightly moving towards it I hope our fate is still entertwine with each other because of the beauty I can see everytime you are with me neither dead or present you are some kind of each always as unsettling as it is to be a part of your history I know it is a burden for you to be a part of mine Soul mate yet ever so different thank you for every lesson you make me learn and I hope to contribute at least a bit of how you do and act As i am always remembering you I hope that actions will lead the memory departement As something that you would one day untangle and become full as you are not in a cocoon but ever and always something that can't be still for a moment I sit here late as it is wondering if we are ever crossing paths again and just smiling because even just the past is enough for a future beautifull and whole as I hope you will find that one day I still am not but who knows maybe one day the people in my life will change me so much I won't eb able to be the one I feel like i am as I was made I try to stay in the present for some time and work on myself to become more even though our age will never define us it will always be a mark that we are geniuses and thta we have potential to give for a whole life and another I still get lost in my memory I hope you won't get upset cause I still am me and you are still both the imlage in my mind and the person you chose or not to be I have and always will be open to anything coming from you, I know you will always take it back to me if you ever need maybe i am just thinking of someone I have lost maybe of someone that will reappear but i am sure i never want to live in a world that wouldn't accept both our essence as we can make colors like a rainbow we also are the light in each other that is reassuring that others mihgt be able to understand us
Because at one point we were that symbiose and didn't eve know maybe we wil find thge other piece that we foiud in each other but it'll never be the same as with you as you are always a new one and i am always inprinted with new memories uniqueness as I can't find in nature or anywhere I hope you will find that and curve around it like you are meant to be I hope you haev a great day and every day that follows as even more colorfull you will maybe never fet in my sight again but you will always be in the intact memory that is so hurtful yet so important to me, I hope you find a path and get a way to live as not doing so can only result in a chaos that even bring us with it You are the best I have ever met and ever seen You are the one I aspired for You are the being that is everything and yet chose to be a lot more I hope to see you and cultivate more feelings as it is starting to be in the realm of the new and the bright as I was one day as you are each one Love you and all you will be and the being you are in this infinite space that seems to be holding things up but had us belong to each others
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
i got an info about Instagram post by Ashley who is behind my trolling on Tumblr.
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for goodness sake, woman, words:
stop playing a victim in the case when you contact me numerous times and you post about me with your jealous tantrums after I have found similarity with Tazer and M
I am not Marketa!!!!! I wish to look like her and have her life but I don't even think so busy a complicated woman juggling work, private life and charity is spending hours behind the screen spitting vile bile like you and hovering over at least three NHLers over a decades, calling Kathy fat, journo Marketa Cray and Amanda weird...
No one does to you anything on Instagram!!! I have just sent message to M about you Visibly she and Tazer blocked you what I am not in shock You called her his bff but I have always thought how a captain of Chicago Blackhawks who is not active on social media and selective with following people picks up you with your fan account (crazy obsession based on your tantrums, unhealthy obsession and erotic fan fic about him and you) from wide group of fan accounts. Of course....M's company's IN posted some nice comments so Tazer followed you
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He has stopped to follow you as soon as possible after your rambling about Marketa and rubbish here, calling me to be her and dragging Sidney Crosby into it...well, your all obsession from more than decade ago, so you were able to find familiar yourself with her face on very boring IN account. She blocked you, Tazer unfollowed you. That's what friends do with no friends.
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visibly all NHLers, certainly your holy trio over 30+ Crosby, Toews, Kane are doing absolutely anything for their fitness and life, so Kathy, Amanda or any female sport journo yoiu trash. also according you ,supermodel, Marketa B Linden W has anything to do beside her work and life than being glued to this drama on Tumblr and your fan fics Thats why she shows with factory settings of her face being around 35 and so her toned body and all work Katyy us according you fat and meeting Crosby at the events only. you stalk Amanda's family IN accounts and dont forget to go bananas that also Crosby with the Pens got an udea fron Marine Corps as M was Captain General Royal Marines. yes, anybody is stalking you, hurting you and you dont trash me or known females or NHL WAGs online. Visibly very nice and happy. Dont forget to send ne tons of comments, questions about M and writting from your one account to another one ...scanning any IN accounts and added new people. Jonathan Toewa has stopped to follow you. Quite telling how he has started to follow you😊
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jonnyconstantine reblogged your post “peterquillsuggestion: this dumb website is in need of some love, so reblog this if you like the person you reblogged it...”
#An amazing writer that doesnt only produces quantity but qaulity. #They always amaze me how they put so much of their heart into so many interests. #There is so many fandoms that would be sadder w/out them. #did i mention BRILLIANT WRITER cuz yea
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darkenedreaper · 3 years
I deleted the anons post because I’m dumb but have it stored in my mind.
More requests coming soon
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Laura Barton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, sorry.
Summary: After reader confesses her feeling to Natasha, Natasha choose Bruce, but she starts to regret her choice after the reader starts moving on.
Don’t Move On Without Me
You and the Russian, always had a special connection. Maybe it was because yoiu knew each other from the very start and knew about each others pasts. Maybe it was because when one if you was in the dark, the other would be the light. If one of you had a nightmare, you’d be running into each other room to have a peaceful rest of the night in the others arms. Natasha always came to you, no matter what the reason. The media and paparazzi had always tried to pose you off as a couple, and of course the fans shipped you. 
However, away from friendly things were romantic glances, or holding each other in front of the others the way Tony and Pepper would hold each other. If you were cooking, because Natasha can’t, she would be rubbing your arm, or rubbing your shoulder blade while telling you about her day. And on movie nights, she begged you not to miss it because of work. So it was instinct to brig your laptop along to movie night and while you would be typing away while the others watched the film, she’d snuggle up into your side, occasionally glancing at your screen. 
Everything was going fine and you thought you were getting closer and your confidence was building to ask Natasha out, but that all changed when Bruce had started to ‘hit’ on her. He would tell her stupid science jokes, and each time, her smile would grow wider, and her laugh became more from the heart, differently from when you made her laugh. If you woke up from a nightmare4, you’d do your routine thing by knocking on her door before gently opening the door there, only to see her bed was empty. Nights like that, you’d ask Jarvis where she was and he would constantly reply with, ‘Ms Romanoff has taken vacancy in Dr Banners room’.
Your Natasha had changed towards you. All of that was confirmed when her ad Dr Banner became an item. Tony of course threw a couples party but you chose to spend the night in your office. You’d doubt anyone would notice because they were too busy swooning over the mismatched couple. Bruce would stand awkward and slightly hunched. whilst she would stand ever so perfectly. Like the statue of a goddess, a smile plastering her face now and then. Ever since they became an item, you’d been overworking yourself, much to Steve's dismay. And so you wouldn’t think that anyone would notice you slipping out. Your raised your head at the sound of soft shoes on the harsh tiled floor, looking up to Clint wife, Laura. She was the only one who knew about your infatuation with Natasha. Laura would invite you over frequently, to take your mind of Natasha for a few hours. And every night, she would send a reminder to get to bed by an appropriate time, along with a loving message. Laura cared enough ot see how your habits had changed. She cared enough about you enough to just send a text. So she sat with you until it was time for Clint to take her and the kids back. Natasha didn’t care. Although you never knew what she really felt. 
Ever since Natasha and Bruce had coupled up, she has started to see less of you. She knew it was cruel of her to ignore you, but she didn’t want to face you and pretend she was happy with her boyfriend. She didn’t want to stay in his room night after night. She wanted to be by his side when she was scared, or anxious or when she had something funny today. But she wanted to do that with you. She had snuck out of the scientists arms to enyer your room only to see you weren’t there. Your phone was. She decided to check if you had anythig connected to it. She found what she was looking for on the icons at the top right, but she also saw 2 new messages from Julia. She put herself upright and at the thought of this Julia, she felt a pang of jealousy rise in her chest. She didn’t even know the woman or who she was to you, but she didn't like her. Nat missed having you by her side in movie night, but she didn’t get the chance to save your seat because Bruce lobbed himself next to her. She wanted to tell the team to wait until you’d arrive, but you’d missed the last 3 movies, so they played it anyway. Natasha didn’t care about the action on the screen because she got up in searrch of you. And during the first half of the movie ,she had actually removed his arm around her neck.
Natasha asked Jarvis where you were and he told her you were in your office. Natasha stalked the corridor to your office quietly, and before she could see you, she heard the keyboard and mouse clicking away. She smiled to herself for a second remembering how she called you a workaholic but enjoyed watching you concentrate. But seconds after her smile turned into a frown when her ears heard Jarvis say, ‘Ms L/N, you have an incoming call from Julia. Would you like me to connect it to your laptop?’ She heard your voice a little clearer and her heart sank a little when she heard you answer it. 
‘Hey babe, how's work?’, the voice she assumed the voice was Julia's. It was the first time in weeks, that she had heard your voice. She slowly walked off, not wanting to hear anymore. She had silently walked off to your room and slumped herself onto the floor outside your door. Maybe you’d wait for her. But all she’d tell anyone know was that she’d be waiting for you. You were happy talking to another woman. And it was evident this woman was closer than Natasha will ever get. 
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idv-marythefairy · 3 years
Hi, I just saw your S/O from future headcanons is it ok for me to request it but with different characters? (If I can, the character is vera, Mary, wu chang and geisha) take your time with it.
nsure thing!!! omg, you guys are so sweet!!! i love you <3!!!! don’t be afraid to request anything! i can write whatever you want me to!! it will take time, though, since i have uni and projects to focus on! but fear not, i’m never going to ignore a single request!!
i hope you enjoy!!
what the heck were you on about? what were you telling her? are you nuts? maybe a few screws loose? do you want her to slap you back to reality?
she’s the type of person that won’t believe until they see it with their eyes
you showed her all the things that would surely make her believe you: your laptop, your phone, headphones, internet, new machines etc.
“hmmm... okay!” “ ‘okay’ what?” “okay, i believe you, i presume.” “well... that was...” “what about perfumes? did they make any new ones?”
oh, you took her to many perfume stores and she REFUSED to leave, not until she “smelled every single perfume on the shelves”
“well, the were nice but NEVER better than mine!”
she explored every online store that is fashion and make-up related
one would probably think that she paid more attention to perfume store but i believe that vera, being the proud and arrogant perfumer that she is, wouldn’t even care about other perfume stores, she thinks she’s the best perfumer in the world
she gives off the “feel depressed? add to cart!” vibe
i’d like to think that she’s into modern furniture and she likes to visit IKEA a lot
she usually buys stuff that you believe are unnecessary
“why spend money like that?” “just because! plus, i really needed those!” “this is what you tell me EVERY TIME we go out just to window shop!” “this time i mean it.” “THIS IS WHAT YOU TOLD ME LAST TIME WHEN YOU ALMOST BOUGHT EVERYTHING FROM ZARA!!”
she probably made many social media accounts and posted her perfumes
she gained many followers which she took upon herself -.-’
there was one time during christmas when she bought a whole bunch of expensive gifts for you
“VERA! i mean, it’s not like i don’t like the gifts you bought me but, you spent A LOT of money! don’t do that!” “i’d spend every last penny i have for you ;)” “O//W//O”
expect her to own versace, gucci, prada, fenty beauty, kylie cosmetics and anything that is EXPENSIVE
it made you feel kind of scared to buy her a present since she goes for TOO expensive things
“honey, i love everything yoiu buy me because YOU bought it! the thought is what ACTUALLY counts!”
i am 101% she listens to megan the stallion, cardi b, nicki minaj, the pussycat dolls, destiny’s child and beyonce
bad b!tch energy!
nails on pOINT!
mary was intrigued
she was in awe, she refused to believe you deep inside but a part of her told her that you were actually telling her the truth
she wanted to know EVERYTHING 
literally, you introduced her to zara, sephora, nail artists, makeup artists and many other things and people that you thought she’d aprove of
she bought almost the whole zara, just like vera
she showered you with gifts too
she became familiar with the internet and the right way to use it petty quickly
i’m pretty sure she’d get a bit too weirded out upon hearing megan the stallion and other rappers
“wow, is this what you listen to? why are talking about... girls’ private areas?! have they no shame?!”
i think she’d like clairo, mitski and cavetown, i think she’d live for them
her wardrobe just got upgraded and A LOT BIGGER THAN IT ALREADY WAS!!!
istg, pass some clothes to those in need smh!
anyone can tell that she started having an obsession with buying shoes, a lot of shoes
“um, mary, i think you’re over-doing it-” “shhh! i never over-do it!” “but-” “shhhh!!!”
she became instagram famous as soon as she made the made an account of her own
she CONSTANTLY adds to her story and uploads pictures and videos of her with you, her doing something/ going somewhere etc.
mary is the definition of the word “classy”, trust me!
she has STYLE!
she, also, started using the internet for other reasons too like cooking your favorite food, finding movies to watch with you, book tickets for a trip in france, anything that would make you happy
“and i oop? what is that?” “oh, it’s a phrase we use to express shock, surprise and excitement” “oh, so i can say ‘and i oop’ when i see you :)?” “aw <3″
“yeah, right!” “fan, maybe they’re telling the truth.” “and how do we know that, xie?”
xie knew that you’d never lie but fan was the one who was hard to convince
four words only: PAIN. IN. THE. BEHIND!
“hmmm... still, not enough to convince me.”
ok, you had had enough and were ready to punch some convincing into him
“fan, that was more than enough! you really can’t believe them?”
okay, he gave in eventually but still had some doubts
they had mixed feelings for all the new gadgets and discoveries and kept their distance until, one day, you caught fan... he was scrolling throughyour phone... watching pewdiepie...
“are you kidding me right now?” “it’s not what you think-” “oh, i think it is what it is, mr fan!” “no, i was just checking...” “checking what? checking out youtube? i never taught you how to use youtube! that means-” “alright, alright! you caught me! i do use your phone!” “i noticed... ‘how to get my girlfriend going’, huh? seriously?” “HOW DID YOU-” “GOOGLE HISTORYYYYYYY!”
i think that they would instantly like travis scott, lil nas x, ayesha erotica, drake and cardi b, nicki minaj or eminem, idk
tiktok obsession
“(y/n), can you do that hot trend on tiktok where the grind-” “NO! PERIODT!”
i think that they’d adapt to the new technologies you brought for them pretty quickly and make a part of their daily life too
every single detail about them changed
they send you links from songs that remind them of you (awww babies!!!!)
they don’t have any interest on gaining any insta followers but for some reason they have a lot
you introduced them to gaming, xie showed no major interest but fan was ALL IN FOR IT!!
definitely into cod, dbd and any mario kart, he LOVES competition 
you always kick his booty at mario XD
they have no interest in buying too much from e-shops, they like shopping but not too much like the two previous characters
they do buy you gifts without your knowledge and surprise you with it after a hard day
they use the internet to find new things to do with you in order to see you with a big and bright smile on your face
okay, same as mary: totally confused and couldn’t believe you tbh
the moment you proved her beliefs wrong, she started asking a whole bunch of questions about the so-called :internet”, how society has evolved, what’s new, what clothes are in-fashion, everything you could possibly imagine
this actually resulted in you introducing her to online shopping and let me tell you, she’s OBSESSED with it!!
she would spend every penny left in her pocket on shopping sprees if she was given the chance to do so
she, too, loves showering you with gifts, she wants to put a smile on your face
she looks up traditional japanese recipes for you to give a try (geisha-> best cook ever <3) (btw, love you geisha mains <3333)
during the holidays, she booked tickets to japan to show you around
she started using, instagram and pinterest to learn what’s new in the japanese fashion so that she can adapt to the new society she now lives in thanks to you
she got the new iphone 12 and was dead ass confused because she mostly used your laptop to do everything for some reason
her texts are freaking adorable, i can’t-
“hey, darling, i hope you’re doing good!” or “have ou eaten? if not, let’s go out to eat at your favorite restaurant!” or “hey, cutie! i just wanted to tell you that i love you ^^”
she learned slang slowly but it was worth it
“lmao means ‘laughing my... behind... off, right?” ‘yes but, like, you still have a thing about saying the word ‘ass’?” “it’s pretty inappropriate, don’t you think?” “i mean, it could have been worse!”
during holidays, i think michiko-san would be the type of person to look up some recipes to get everyone’s spirits in the mood (ex: christmas)
she was quick to catch wind of the LGBTQ+ community and became pretty aware of the existance of people with neopronouns/multiple pronouns, enby people and the list goes on
netflix is a necessity for her!!
she started watching james charles, nicki tutorials etc. to learn how to do new make-up looks, she started learning how to paint and properly take care of her nails and hair
she thought that since she liked the way her style and dakly routine changed, a BIG change must take place: redecoration of your apartement!! (if you two live together, if not, then hers)
she got everything ready and IMMEDIATELY got to work!
woman’s dedicated <3
she couldn’t be more thankful that you showed her to this new way of life!!
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paraholix · 3 years
I don't know much about Madoka but I think the newest thing yoiu drew was really good! I love the use of color, the piece looks very nice
this is such a sweet compliment, thank you! glad you like the colors, i spent more time than i would like to admit adjusting them
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