#more specifically this is about Liam Gallagher
frootyrooties · 2 years
now wait a minute, i read recently that there are rumours of a possible oasis tour this year. if this becomes a reality, i’m gonna lose it. this is making me think back to the days when i was constantly pining for that damn Liam Gallagher. for goodness sake, he was like my Eric Stewart before i even knew about 10cc.
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thoughts on the gallagher siblings’ relationships with fiona
and what specific and nuanced role she takes on in their lives—mother, sister, or something in between.
special thanks to @aceyanaheim for not only listening to me ramble on and on about my silly little gallagher siblings thoughts, but also for sharing so many insightful and poignant ideas themselves on the matter. thanks so much for the brain worms! <3
lip’s relationship with his sister is complicated. they’re only four years apart in age, so he’s a little more conscious of fiona’s situation than the other kids.
he doesn’t see it all—fi keeps her struggles a little too under wraps for that—but he knows what she’s had to sacrifice to take care of them all (“i stole so fiona didn’t have to work a third job to cover the bills” s11). he knows how alone she feels (“you’re not supermom; you don’t have to do it all yourself” s3). he knows she struggles (seeing her cry over the sticks and skates job in s1). he knows what she’s lost in the process (“you called her mom” s1). he knows that the kids aren't fair to her a lot of the time ("we've taken you for granted. i know i have" s4).
but as much as lip sees what fiona goes through, as much as he picks up jobs to help out with the bills, as much as he takes care of the little ones, he’s still a kid in need of a mother figure. he still leans on fiona, hard.
all of s2, lip struggles with seeing fiona as a sister vs. a mother. he wants independence, he wants to follow his own plans in life, and he doesn’t want anyone to stop him—in his mind, who’s fiona to tell him what to do? he can drop out if he wants to. he’s done one more year than her! she can’t make him go. she can’t. she’s not his mom.
but, well, isn’t she? he’s still a kid who messed up and needs help. he’s still a boy who can’t go it all alone. he’s still a sixteen year old child who finally comes home and gives his big sister a hug because, despite all his big talk, he needs her. he does. and fiona loves him more than anything. she just wants what’s best for him, even if she struggles to express it in a manner that doesn’t push him away.
lip doesn’t want to call fiona “mom” (s3) but he’s okay with her taking guardianship. and why wouldn’t he be? she’s done the job his whole life. and he sees that.
the problem is that lip, as much as he wants to be independent of fiona, as much as he wants to see her as a sister and not a mom, he can’t help but to idealize her. he still craves for the perfect mom in his head that never messes up and always takes care of them, and since monica for sure was never going to be that mom, he’s superimposed that desire over fiona. but that version of her doesn’t exist. that version of any mother doesn’t exist. mothers are human. they mess up. they make mistakes. even if no one wants them to.
so when fiona messes up (s3 with the club money, s4 with liam, s8 with the apartment, s9 with the drinking) it’s unthinkable to him. he’s furious with her—rightfully so, she did mess up—but he’s disproportionately angry because she was supposed to be their mom! she was supposed to be good and never fuck up and always take care of them! so when she breaks that image of perfection in his head, it shatters his trust in her, somewhat unfairly so.
fiona’s not allowed to mess up. she can’t. she’s not supposed to. she’s supposed to be the one taking care of everyone, not in need of care herself. lip is understanding and gentle and supportive when it’s ian or debbie or carl, and fiona’s the same with him, but when fiona’s spiraling into addiction and her life is falling apart, he’s all tough love. maybe it terrifies him.
when she leaves, it’s obviously sad. but he’s grown by then to know that she’s her own person, not just a mother figure to them all. it’s hard. but he’s at that point that everyone comes to in life when they realize their parents are individuals with their own lives and hopes and dreams. and he lets her go.
at the end of the day, a huge part of lip’s relationships with fiona is his eternal struggle between wanting independence and wanting a mom—and not just any mom, but a mom he can trust and love and depend on. that mom is fiona, even when she fucks up.
ian was fiona’s first baby. he was the first child she really, truly raised—lip was always her boy, but he was also her second-in-command, blurring the lines between brother and son, working together with her to take care of the others—while ian was the first baby she was all on her own for. the “we were living in a car once…” speech in s3 makes that clear.
in the early seasons, it’s clear that ian defers to fiona quite a bit. he listens to her, seeks her out for comfort, respects her word like that of a mother. fiona calls him sweetface, expresses maternal affection with him, and he is receptive of it all in that long-suffering way older teens tend to be with their moms. their relationship is more mother-son than anything else.
but at the same time, he's still marginally aware of her struggles, too, just like lip; the conversation he has with his brother in s3 when fi tries to get guardianship ("she's only twenty-two!") makes it clear that he worries for her, doesn't want her to take on a terrible burden for them. so it's clear that, though he does see fiona in a maternal light, he isn't blind to her reality.
this all changes, however, when ian starts to grow up and want independence and freedom. fiona tries to give him this in s4 when he joins the army, even though it doesn't work out. and in s5, when he is finally forced to confront his own struggles with mental illness and deal with his bipolar disorder, he starts to bond more with monica.
now, this is understandable, seeing as they share the same mood disorder and he feels connected to her through their similar struggles. at first, he actually resents being compared to her ("i'm not fucking monica" s5), but the more they communicate and bond (s7), the more he comes to care for her.
s8 shows ian genuinely mourning his mother (getting sentimental over her meth, getting a tattoo for her), and the other gallaghers don't really understand it, which upsets him; in his mind, that's their mom! why aren't they upset too? i think it's lost on ian that no one else in the family ever had the same connection with monica that he did. she bonded with him; she didn't do the same for the others before her repeated abandonment.
so ian starts to see monica as "mom." where does that leave fiona?
i think this truly marks the final shift of their relationship from parent-child to siblings. especially when looking at s8, where they're fighting over the church. in 'occupy fiona,' ian is furious with her perceived selfishness, and screams at her when she attempts her typical motherly nagging in the form of asking him if he's taking his meds. which, fair; that must be frustrating to hear. but this makes it clear that they're on two separate pages: fiona still sees him as a son. ian sees him as a sister.
but fiona's seeking independence, too. she's seeking an identity that is distinct from her role as caretaker. it isn't just ian growing apart from his sister that's shifted their relationship so dramatically; both characters seek an escape from their family and a life where they can be independent and all grown-up. and in a typical parent-child relationship, only one side of the equation feels those growing pains. in this situation, it's both.
of course, no matter how much they grow apart and hurt each other, they still adore one another. ian's the one fiona goes to for advice about leaving in s9, after all. he's the one who urges her to go and save herself from another lifetime of gallagher chaos. so really, the change in their relationship doesn't destroy their bond; it just alters it a little.
debbie had, i think, one of the most tumultuous relationships with her sister. as a little girl, she definitely saw fiona as a mother figure, and was very attached to her, almost subconsciously so. the "i wanna stay with fiona" from s1, the way she sought her out for comfort after monica's suicide attempt in s2, the terror she felt at being separated from her after dcfs got involved in s3—it all makes it very clear that little debbie very much saw fiona as her mom.
she still had some understanding of her sister's struggles—"fiona takes care of everyone, but who takes care of fiona?" (s1)—but she was still a little girl and fiona was still her mom.
and then monica came crashing back into their lives. debbie very reluctantly accepted her in, hugging her at sheila's and allowing her to buy her dolls (even though she didn't play with them anymore!) just to humor her mother's attempts to build a relationship. so, as much as debbie unconsciously saw fiona as a mother figure, she still always had this craving for monica—her real mom.
it makes me think of debbie's assertion to sheila in s1 that if monica ever came back and apologized, she'd "forgive her in a heartbeat. because she's [debbie's] mom." she was still a little girl hanging onto the dream that her mom will come home and love her and take care of her. and she barely realized that she'd found someone else to fill in the gap monica left behind, but it's just not the same. she still wants her real mom.
season 4 marks the shift of debbie's character from seeing fiona as a mom to seeing her as a sister—or, at least, wanting to see her as a sister. like ian, she was desperate for independence. she was being peer pressured by girls at school, she was interested in boys, she didn't want to be seen or treated like a baby anymore. she was fed up with fiona still treating her like she's her daughter because she's not. she doesn't want to be.
and anyway, fiona was busy with her new job at the cup company and her new boyfriend mike. she wasn't around all the time anymore. sheila'd been babysitting more and more. debbie was the one taking liam to and from head start. she felt abandoned, alone, with fiona not around as much as before.
she sought comfort in sammi. she found purpose in her friends, in boys. it's a very knee-jerk teenage-girl reaction: to find connection in others when you're mad at your mom. but for debbie, she wasn't just shifting away from fiona as a daughter growing distant from her mom, she was shifting away from the idea of fiona as her mom in the first place.
and then, of course, franny happened and drove a terrible wedge between them both. debbie grappled with her identity as a mother. she rejected fiona's help and advice in favor of her quest for independence. monica returned, made her feel like debbie's a good mom. frank supported her. and debbie was in a position where she had both her parents on her side—her real parents—while fiona opposed her. this, i think, solidified fiona in her mind as her sister. not her mother figure anymore.
don't get me wrong; fiona was in the right opposing her at this time. debbie's pregnancy was a stupid idea. it really did ruin her life and her character overall, and it was unfair of debbie to expect fiona's support in that situation. fiona was being a good mother by telling her she was making a mistake. she still saw debbie as her little girl. debbie's the one who didn't accept that anymore.
after debbie and fiona made up later in the show, they settled into a true sister-sister relationship. debbie came to see fiona at her worst ("she broke her wrist, she's nonstop ugly crying" s9) and tried to take care of her, while fiona still tried to resist the flipping of their roles ("i'm fine. i'm fine." s9). debbie fucked up ford for her that season. got angry and protective on her behalf.
and when fiona left at the end of the season, she left as debbie's sister. no longer her mom. at least, not from debbie's perspective anymore.
carl's relationship with fiona, i believe, was one of the least complicated and most wholesome ones on the show. carl absolutely saw fiona as a mom in the early seasons, without a doubt. he listened to her even when he didn't want to, like a little boy to his mother ("did you brush your teeth? carl?" "yes, ugh!!!!" s1), reluctantly learned lessons from her ("privacy's important" s2), looked to her for permission for things (glancing at her when monica asked him to pass the salad in s1 and only doing it when fiona nodded yes), and sought her out for comfort after monica's suicide attempt (s3).
carl's the only one i can vividly remember saying he loves his sister ("'night, fiona, love you" s1) or thanking her for what she's done for them all ("thanks for being a great sister" s3). at least when he was little, fiona was without a doubt his mom.
it certainly helps that he never really bonded with monica. she left when he was too little to start seeing her as a mom, and every time she returned, she never really took the time to get to know him or connect with him. but carl did briefly bond with frank (the fake cancer arc in s3, "i'm shaving your head to let the sun rays in"), and was the only one who cared about him potentially dying in season four, tending to him in the hospital when no one else did.
season four is when he, like debbie, starts to rebel against fiona's parenting. he's angry and sad and mean and it all comes out in the form of sharp words and beating up kids at school and getting into all kinds of trouble. he's mad at fiona for not caring about frank, but he's also just mad at the world—understandly so. he's fourteen.
the trouble continues well into season 6. carl gets mixed up with g-doggg, starts selling drugs. frank helps him get into the drug world, but he gets caught. he goes to juvie, comes back a little harder, a little meaner. sells harder stuff, sells guns. the whole time, he's established a sort of distance from fiona, because he's too cool for deep, vulnerable relationships, or so he thinks. and the whole time, fiona continues to love him, tries to connect with him, attempts to open his eyes and make him realize how dangerous what he's doing is, but he's determined to be his own man, to earn the respect of his buddies. he feels like frank's the only one who understands.
but then he gets hurt and scared. he sees someone die. he wants out. and frank—who he hasn't like, loved, per-say, but has at least trusted and established some sort of camaraderie with through their shared misdeeds—betrays him, scares the shit out of him with his anger and disappointment. and who does carl have to fall back on but fiona?
fiona tells him she's proud of him. she and sean help him get out of the drug world. their relationship is finally rekindled. and it's around his time when carl overhears fiona cry to sean about being exhausted and scared about losing the house (s6). and it terrifies him, because here's his strong big sister, the woman who raised him, young and vulnerable and afraid. and he steps up and gives her the money to buy back the house. he's there for her. he's being a good man.
from then on, carl shapes up and his character is on track to make something better of himself. he takes on some form of responsibility, denounces his father, and goes to military school. and fiona's so fucking proud of her boy. because he is her boy—always will be, no matter how much he tries to be a strong, independent, grown-up.
when he comes home in s7, he's grown to be a kind, goodhearted, respectful young man. he doesn't refuse her hugs and kisses. he admits—though with some hesitation—that "you were right, fiona! and we were so fucking wrong!" in s8. and when monica dies, he's... conflicted. but he's okay. because fiona was always his mom, anyway. and that never changed.
liam has never known any parent other than fiona.
sure, lip helped a great deal with taking care of him and raising him, and, much later, he bonded quite a bit with frank. and his relationship with most of his siblings is very parental at its core—he’s the baby, after all, and all of his siblings had a hand in raising him.
but fiona was the one who fed and changed and cared for him his whole life. took him to work with her as a baby (s1). dealt with his hair when he had lice (s6). stood up for him against anyone who dared to hurt him (s9). it was always her, really, in the end. it was only her.
liam was just a baby when monica left. and he was—what, 6?—when she died. there are a few times when she randomly returns when they spent time together, but he doesn’t even really remember her because he was too little. he’s never known a mother other than fi. she’s the only one that matters, really.
i’m still upset that she didn’t take liam with her when she left in s9, and that we didn’t see them stay in contact throughout the remainder of the show. obviously, this was just because emmy rossum left, so it’s just a reflection of the writers working around their situations, but it just felt heartbreakingly unrealistic to me.
they loved each other so much. that was her son, her little boy, her baby bear. she was his mom. no two ways about it.
it wasn't until after fiona distanced herself from the family and then left that liam and frank grew close. frank got him into private school (s8), recruited liam to steal from his rich friends (s8/9), and liam, in turn, made it his mission to take care of frank when his health started declining and his mind started deteriorating to his alcholic dementia (s10/11). part of that connection was absolutely due to liam's bigheartedness; he's such a good, loving kid, with so much forgiveness and love to give to people.
i also wonder if a part of that connection resulted from the desire for parental love and affection. liam's smart enough to know that frank will never care for him the way fiona did, but he seems at peace with his father's shortcomings. he wants a relationship with him anyway.
regardless of the reasoning, liam was so loved by his family and his parental figures—both fiona and frank.
in conclusion
i think, from fiona's perspective, she was always the kids' mom ("my siblings are my kids" s9), even though at times her relationship with them blurred the lines between maternal and sisterly. but from the kids' points of view, she was always a very complicated figure in their lives.
the gallagher siblings' complex relationships with their sister are really at the heart of the show; she is the matriarch, the thing holding everyone together, after all. not all the kids had easy connections to her. many of them grappled with their vision of her as a mother vs. a sister. but that doesn't erase what she did for them.
she still raised them. she still cared for them, mothered them. as messy as their relationships were a great deal of the time, she was the best parent those kids ever fucking had. she was their mother through and through, and that is what made shameless truly, unabashedly, shameless.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 4 months
✨It's the Wednesday Tag Gaammmme✨
happy wednesday everyone, this game has me feeling incredibly sentimental
thanks for tagging me @jrooc @creepkinginc @energievie @doshiart @energievie @lingy910y @blue-disco-lights @spookygingerr
How did you get into the fandom? 
I watched Shameless when someone recommend it and loved the show for many many reasons but the unreal depth and chemistry in Ian and Mickey's relationship came as a real shock to me
How long have you been here?
I actually went back and looked for this question and found out this blogs one year anniversary was a couple weeks ago!
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
what’s your favourite now? 
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
I honestly have no idea, but gallavichlover19 was the first person I really interacted with and they were really sweet about In Your Love
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
I think @softmick and @jrooc and @callivich were the first who like, tagged me in things so I thought (and still think!) they're super neat
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
I distinctly remember reading the broad shouldered beasts series and thinking oh wow, this fandom has some incredible fanfic quality
First fan art that blew your mind? 
this one was the first that i really really adored, and again, still do
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
This isnt super original, but I havent been able to read highschool au since i was in highschool, its just not that fun or interesting to me but there are always exceptions
What surprised you most about this fandom?
I mean, obviously like everyone else, the gallavich community on here is so sweet and creative and welcoming and I think we generally haver very respectful and nuanced conversations about this complex show, which is awesome
Im also a little surprised by how many non-americans are in the fandom, the commentary that the show makes broadly about the culture of america and very specifically chicago could be more alienating than other tv/movie exports so the fact that it still resonates is interesting and super cool to me. i tried to watch the UK version and just felt like i didnt grasp the cultural context
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
literally the first time they hooked up in Mickey's bedroom, like you could just tell these two matched each others freak and the love story that unfolded just grew so beautifully and organically
Ian or Mickey?
you know what? IanandMickey. if the gallaghers have to deal with the fact that theyre slowly morphing into a single being, so do we.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you?
Honestly, I think Liam. Maybe? Independant, clever, eclectic, resourceful and thoughtful. And i think hes probably the most introverted in the bunch
hi! tagging below
@iansw0rld @mmmichyyy @mickittotheman @ian-galagher
@mickeym4ndy @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @deathclassic
@em-harlsnow @mybrainismelted @heymrspatel @thepupperino
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astaraels · 6 months
You just gave me a prompt idea. Pride and prejudice but gallavich??????? If you would be so kind as to indulge me with a ficlet I would love you most ardently 🥺
Okay so anon you're in luck that I've been rereading a lot of my queer historical romance so if you'll pardon me the indulgence, I'm gonna have so much fun with this. You're gonna get a ficlet AND a whole lot of world building, so buckle up, m'dear 😘
(tagging @callivich and @holymurdock since they both cheered me on with this one, y'all're the best~)
Ian and his brother stood in the corner of the room, each of them with a drink in hand and feeling marvelously out of place. At least, Ian certainly did—he wasn't sure how he ended up being dragged along to a soirée like this, but his little sister had begged and pleaded because "if nothing else I'll need someone to dance with, and you're so much better at it than Phillip." The row that had started lasted them until Fiona bustled them all off for morning chores. Everyone had to pitch in at the estate, except for Liam, of course.
He took another swig of the cloying champagne, hiding his grimace; he'd rather be drinking a decent stout at the village tavern. Everyone minded their own business there; here, it was as if one's presence was all anyone needed to justify striking up a conversation. There were more unfamiliar faces than he'd expected at this party, although it was crowded enough that he felt safe to let his eyes wander a little.
The dance floor was positively flooded with young men and women, smiling pleasantly at each other as they tried to converse through the steps of a lively quadrille. Both of his sisters had been claimed for a dance; Deborah looked positively thrilled, while Fiona seemed as if she'd prefer to be somewhere else. Ian couldn't help but laugh when he saw how enthusiastic Fiona's partner was compared to her own bland smile. At the very least, their family had to keep up appearances, what with their father's reputation.
A young woman in a pale purple dress walked past them, her matching gloves strangely pushed down her arms until they bunched up at her wrists. When Ian looked again, he realized it was the same girl who'd asked him for a dance earlier, but he'd had to turn down—politely, of course—although he was quite impressed by her approaching him. Not many young gentry ladies would be willing to break convention in such a way. A shame Ian felt nothing for the fairer sex; she might have been someone he could have made a match with.
He watched with passive interest as the girl dispersed into the crowd, letting his gaze follow various other party goers as they engaged in conversation or found new partners for the dancing. Just another country party for eligible young people to meet, after all; there wasn't much else in the way of distractions, unfortunately—not even a room where men might play at cards. That had come as a disappointment for Ian. He'd been teaching the younger ones, and Deborah in particular had quite the knack for it. She might have been all of fifteen, but were young ladies allowed into the gambling hells that Ian and Phillip frequented, she'd clear them all out in a night.
Ian was still amusing himself with the image of his young sister taking the coats off of gentlemen's backs to pay off debts of honor, when he heard an angry voice call out from the crowd.
"Oy, you! Gallagher! You damned blackguard! That's right, I've some goddamn words for you, you piece of shite!"
Several of the ladies nearby gasped at the language; Ian, who had learned worse from the Army men stationed in the village, only looked up at the man advancing on him and set his glass to the side. He stuck his chin out stubbornly and crossed his arms, using his height to his advantage.
"There's quite a number of Gallaghers here," he said. "You might need to be more specific."
"I'm talkin' about you, bloody ginger bastard! You tried takin' advantages with my sister!" The man's accent was rougher than his language, which was almost impressive. He cracked his knuckles, and Ian could see the distinctive blue ink of tattoos peeking out from under the man's coat sleeves. "You admit what you did, and maybe I won't have to drag your apology out your mouth along with your back teeth!"
"I did nothing of the sort," Ian said, immediately putting his back up. Next to him, Phillip set his drink down on a table close by, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ian in a show of brotherly solidarity. "A young lady requested a dance from me earlier. I declined, but I said nothing insulting, much less took advantage."
The girl in question stood behind her brother; they were both quite striking, with pale skin and dark features, and the brother's intense blue eyes caught Ian off-guard. He regained his composure quickly, however, determined not to let himself be caught on the back foot by some do-nothing rogue. He's only defending his sister, a voice said in the back of Ian's mind. You'd do the same for yours. Which was true, but he might at least pull the offender to one side instead of starting a confrontation such as this.
"You callin' my sister a liar, are you?" the man said loudly, which only made the sister scowl at Ian. His face burned hot at the offense—he'd turned down a dance, for heaven's sake, not besmirched her virtue. "In that case-" he took two steps forward and punched Ian square in the jaw. "Come near her again and it'll be a bloody pistol next time!"
"Oy!" Ian shouted, blood suddenly boiling. It was one thing to put off insults to his character, but this was a step too far. He moved forward until he was in the brute's face, and damn his eyes because they were indeed far too good-looking than a man like this deserved. It only served to make him angrier. "I will not stand by and let you continue to speak lies!" He knew this was an idiotic idea, but sometimes one had to do very stupid things and apologize for them later.
The shorter man nodded, looking as if he were sizing Ian up. "Right, then," he said, voice rougher than Ian had expected, and damn if it wasn't a sound that hit him in the best—worst—way. "Outside with you. We settle this here and now."
Phillip finally deigned to step in, putting an arm out to push in front of Ian. "This is a party," he said, in that condescending voice of his that set Ian's teeth on edge. "I'm sure our hosts wouldn't appreciate a fight between guests as a way to end the evening, lively as it might be."
The dark-haired man started to speak, but his sister reached out and grabbed his arm. She spoke in a low voice, low enough for only her brother's ears, and then he turned back to Ian. "This is your one and only warning, then, Gallagher," he practically spat. "Next time we meet you won't be so lucky. Or have your brother to take your lumps for you."
Ian moved forward into the other man's space, using his greater height to crowd him in. "There won't be a next time," he said through gritted teeth. "If I never see you again in my life, I'll count myself damn lucky. But if I do, you'd best hope we're in decent company, or we'll see who's a quicker shot."
(And here's the world building, under a cut because it got really long)
So the Gallaghers are in the business of coal (because that was a Big Deal at the time, finding coal deposits with the Industrial Era making a big wave) because their great grandparents came from Ireland and established themselves in England. Frank is a wily bastard with a nose to ferret out how to steal shit from under people's noses, so he's a master scam artist but has to move around constantly to run different schemes so the Gallaghers rarely see him. Monica is dead, either in childbirth when she had Liam or from taking too much laudanum.
Fiona, being the eldest, has to get them all presentable to Society and keep up maintaining the house and property along with Lip. They'd likely be at least lower gentry, so they've got land and a few servants, but they're not tenant farmers. Lip may be the one who gets to inherit but everyone knows Fiona is in charge of the household. (p&p fans, I'm imagining them in a similar situation as the Bennets—things aren't great but they're doing their best.)
The Milkoviches immigrated from the Russian empire probably either during the reign of Empress Elizabeth or Tsar Peter III (just before Catherine the Great), and they're still considered outsiders due to their heritage, but Mickey has worked hard to get Mandy a Season so she might make a good marriage and thus have a good life. Mickey makes his money off of wealthier men because he's damn good at gambling and wins a great deal of money playing cards.
As in the ficlet, Ian and Mickey ofc meet ugly like in canon, and they'd have a few run-ins until Mandy and Ian come to an understanding, which is when she tells Mickey to apologize to Ian (he's just trying to stand up for his sister's honor, okay, it's not his fault she keeps changing her mind!)
Also there are ~lingering looks~ and ~fingertips brushing~ against each other when they finally shake hands and call it a truce after getting into a few dust ups. After they do so, Ian thinks hmm and starts to like, seek out Mickey when they're at the tavern in the village or society gatherings for the gentry, and he's pretty certain that they share the same "proclivities" and it all comes to a head when they get into a heated discussion and Ian ends up shoving him against a wall and notices how Mickey reacts and then they fuck nasty in an empty room, but Mickey says not to kiss him, because that's something ladies expect and he's anything but.
Ian ofc is disappointed but at least he feels smug about being right, even if Mickey still calls him a damn Irish bastard and Ian shoots back that he's some Muscovite imbecile (Muscovite being what they used to call people from Russia ofc because I'm pretty sure Ukraine wasn't even on a map at this time in history), but yet they still seek each other out for ~assignations~ while constantly sniping at each other to the point where their rivalry becomes well known in Society. Rivals to lovers is delightful, I can't help it!
They play at hating each other in public but behind closed doors they're fucking nasty and Ian absolutely gets swept off his feet. Mickey does too, obviously, but he has to hide his feelings so Ian doesn't get too attached and ruin a good thing. (Spoiler alert: this fails miserably.) Terry Milkovich, by the by, is currently rotting in debtors' prison awaiting transportation to Australia and good fucking riddance to him (sorry aussies!).
I also love the idea of Debbie wanting to mix in Society and Fiona trying to run the Gallagher estate (which may not be a large one but it's their home) and Carl having dreams of joining the army—Ian wanted to as well but he probably had to stay home and take care of the younger ones, and it's not like he's going to make a Society marriage, anyway. Also Debbie thinks she wants a season to get a husband but ends up being like 👀 at all the fine young ladies—I also just love the idea that she's great at cards from playing with her brothers and learning how to fuzz the cards 🤣
Ian still has bipolar disorder in this au—it's a family secret. Whenever he starts to have an episode—by this point they all recognize the signs—he stays at home and the siblings just say he has a "weak constitution" and ofc he knows the staff gossip about him but better than being sent off to a sanitorium and away from his family. And he hates not being able to control his own mind but his siblings love him and they all promise to take care of him no matter what (it's why he never got to join the army like he'd hoped for, but he still helps Carl learn how to use a rifle, and practice drilling, and all that such like).
This kind of got away from me and I don't have a solid concept beyond all of...this. I know you asked for p&p, anon, so I tried to at least keep to the spirit of the thing, and I hope you like it regardless?? <3 I'd love to hear what other people think about this one, so please share your thoughts!
Eventually there would be, y'know, plot—probably something to do with land inheritance, Frank scamming people and it coming back to bite the Gallaghers in the ass, and both Lip and Debbie end up finding out about Ian and Mickey; Ian would have a bipolar episode and instead of running away, Mickey gets worried about him and is like, oh no I'm having feelings this is Not Good, but at this point he knows he's in too deep. Also he and Ian will have to work together for some reason or another and put their public rivalry to bed (lol).
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Round One
The Gallaghers (Shameless) VS the Kirigaya-Yuki family (Sword Art Online Abridged)
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The Gallaghers
Members: Frank, Fiona, Philip "Lip", Ian, Carl, Debbie, Liam
"Unemployed single father, who is alcohol and drug addict, and his philosophy is not to care about his children, then they'll learn how to survive. And that's what they are doing surviving instead of living. The kids have to manage on their own. Every one for themselve. And that's all very nicely said. But it such a fucked up family." More propaganda here
The Kirigaya-Yuki family
Members: Kirito (Kazuto Kirigaya), Asuna Yuki, Yui, Suguha Kirigaya, Asuna's parents, grandpa Kirigaya
"Boy meets girl, boy accuses girl of war crimes, boy gets real high, girl yells at boy, boy and girl solve murder, boy and girl watch as murderer is beaten to death, boy stabs ghost." "FROM THE ABRIDGED VERSION SPECIFICALLY: Kirito and Asuna are canonically described as 'less people than a loose collection of character defects'. They adopt a daughter to use as a pawn for their mind games after they accidentally got married. Said daughter knew the whole time and deliberately inserted herself into their family out of curiosity. Also Kirito's sister constantly belittles and mocks him but turns out she resents him because they both studied kendo under their grandfather but Kirito quit and their grandfather became harsher on Suguha but she kept doing it bc she hoped Kirito would come back but he spent all his time gaming and coding instead. He had no idea so when she lashed out he thought she was just being cruel for no reason. Also Asuna's dad sold her into marriage while she was in a coma."
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Maybe you’ve talked about this before but i feel like there is some symbolism to Jamie wearing so many crosses on his jewelry last episode? Maybe the meaning is just BISEXUAL and HOT. I feel like there could be more to it than that??
The cross earring did have a whole George Michael vibe going on which I've seen a few others mention (worth noting that Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go! is on the s3 soundtrack) but outside of that I'm not sure of the specifics in that regard! If anyone reading this happens to be a bisexual fashion icon with knowledge to impart then please chime in!
From a fashion perspective, Jamie has always worn clothes that embody the Madchester aesthetic, and they've really dialled it up to 11 this season. The windbreaker, tracksuit bottoms & white trainers, the highlights and curtains, the tinted sunglasses - all very Liam Gallagher. The chunky cross jewelry is also a Liam Gallagher fashion statement - there's a picture of him with Damon Albarn wearing a cross neck chain combo very similar to Jamie's in 3x03.
This could be a reach but maybe they're setting up a Gallagher brothers style rivalry between Jamie & Zava?
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power-chords · 8 months
you know, grain of salt bc im nobody and know nothing. but re: your post about oasis motif in heat 2; i certainly think youre self-evidently on to something with what the idea of an oasis represents as a theme. when it comes to the references to the actual band specifically, tho, bc it cant all just be about the name/word, right- i immediately wonder if it has to do with inviting comparison between the relationship central to heat as a narrative and the relationship between noel and liam gallagher. bc i mean. heat is famously about this intense (arguably intimate, and more intense due to its intimacy, and more intimate due to its intensity, ad nauseum feedback loop) mutually antagonistic rivalry right? from my understanding. and noel and liam gallagher.. fucking hate each other but they are. Literally brothers and truly could never hope to escape the (grotesque? humiliating?) visceral quality of that connection regardless of how much it is left to degrade. does that scan? just something that occurred to me right away ig
WELL funny you should mention that… Neil makes a “throwaway” comment in the film about a brother he was separated from and lost touch with; in the book, Vincent’s full name is revealed to be Vincent Thomas Hanna (“Thomas” meaning “twin”). There’s even a Paolo character introduced in the novel who, based on other textual clues, might be a reference to a certain Paolo Hewitt:
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Mann went to film school in London and resided in the UK for several years afterward to, ahem, escape the Vietnam draft. He has remarked many times in interviews that he lived the full Swinging Sixties experience. So it’s not like he’s unfamiliar with the territory.
Oasis also as a band represents a cyclical return to form, the rebirth/re-emergence/re-invigoration of a style of popular music that until the nineties was broadly considered passé and even retrograde. Cue Britpop, Oasis, and the decade of Cool Britannia. (The novel concludes with a Pontiac Firebird crashing and burning and Vincent discovering a heart-shaped locket with Neil’s photo in it among the wreckage… LMAO.) A few days ago BFI posted their full talk with Mann that was recorded at the beginning of the year, and he makes passing mention to what he was trying to impart with the first couple seasons of Miami Vice on TV, a sort of “neo-rock ‘n’ roll” spirit. So while I had never really pegged him for an Oasis fan, there’s clearly enough associative congruence for him to work with. All You Need is Love, maybe.
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I do wonder what kind of relationship Mann has with his own brother, if indeed he has one at all. His father’s sudden death in his early twenties “shattered the family,” according to that Wall Street Journal piece from the Heat 2 press tour in 2022. Who knows what that means! He’s mentioned David a few times by his birth name, and not many details otherwise, but cursory Googling reveals that he does not go by that name any longer, and may be a practitioner of the Hindu faith. That’s as far as he goes, and as far as I can speculate!
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padmesgreene · 19 days
so i've been reading pride & prejudice and following and learning more about oasis, especially about liam gallagher to be specific. don't be surprised when if i draw liam as mr. darcy.
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yallcantread · 1 year
Sorry for being late, as @sadgirlcoded asked for.. here’s a thread of the 1975/Matty Healy and their acts of activism/support of marginalized communities ranging from tweets, donations, flags, and rants. Im adding emojis to the titles cause I want to. Yep.
Before I begin I want to stress that Matty Healy is known for being an activist, anybody that’s a fan already knows this but if you aren’t a fan and you’ve come across this post (thank you for reading it) then let me just state that fact.
I’m starting this post with a quote from a NME article a journalist made. He said: “Dubai isn’t necessarily the kind of place you’d expect to find Matty Healy: committed hedonist and full-time stoner; wearer of an ever-changing array of threadbare vintage band T-shirts; reigning Greatest Frontman In Pop, and an outspoken champion of women, youth, the environment, minorities and the LGBTQ+ community.”
1. Malaysia’s Good Vibes Festival 🇲🇾
The most recent act of activism I’d say is the situation at Malaysia’s festival. I’m going to link the rant, articles about the rant, the transcript of the rant, and all that jazz.
“What happened?” In my own words, Malaysia is known to be a highly homophobic country, where being gay is considered illegal, and the rights for LGBTQ individuals are severely restricted. For a more in-depth understanding of their laws and the cultural treatment of LGBTQ people, you can find more information here.
I was unaware of the extent of Malaysia’s homophobia until this recent situation unfolded. The band 1975 performed in Malaysia without realizing the country’s stance on LGBTQ rights. Matty, the band’s lead vocalist, acknowledges their mistake and implies that they won’t be returning for future performances in Malaysia.
During the performance, Matty expressed his frustration with the government’s homophobic policies and openly criticized them, sending a strong message against their discriminatory actions. He then decided to rebel against those stupid homophobic laws by grabbing his bandmate Ross and kissing him on stage.
As a result of the band’s actions, the concert had to be cut short by 45 minutes, and the government cancelled the remaining festival, using the 1975’s performance as a pretext, which many see as an unjustified excuse.
Overall, the incident highlights the significant challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia and the importance of raising awareness about LGBTQ rights and equality worldwide.
A quick summary of the situation from a verified source will be right here.
“Where can I watch the rant?” You can watch Matty Healy’s important speech right here.
“How is this activism? Isn’t this disrespectful to the Malaysian government and people? Doesn’t this make it harder for the gay Malaysian community? Isn’t this white savorism?”
No. If you’re interested in my opinion, I’ll provide it at the end of this post as it might be a bit lengthy. However, if you prefer a concise rundown from a journalist’s perspective, then here.
2. Streets of London 🇬🇧
Streets of London is a charity to support the homeless people of London. Matty Healy amongst other famous British singers like Liam Gallagher and Paul McCartney donated money and prizes to the cause. You can read more about this specific project right here.
If you want to donate to the cause I’ll add a link under the title “streets of London” if you’d like to learn about the homeless epidemic in London click right here. While you’re here there’s a homeless epidemic in every western country especially America. If you need any help securing housing let me know the state you live in and I’ll provide some resources!
3. The 1975 helped finance a new LGBTQ+ center in London. 🏳️‍🌈
This one is very very very very important. I should’ve made this the second one following the Malaysian article but I’m not redoing it sorry. A lot of people in the Malaysian incident wrongfully stated that Matty Healy is virtue signaling or is someone that wants to appear like a hero. In this section, Matty talks about how he doesn’t want to appear virtue-signaling. READ IT ALL.
There’s more to the article but I’m going to input all the important bits in the post. If you want to read the full article here it is.
The 1975 have helped finance a new LGBTQ+ community centre for London, making a significant donation that has allowed the project to secure its fundraising target.
Matthew Healy, the band’s frontman, told the Observer: “You might wonder why it is needed, and even ask yourself what exactly is everyone still scared of, but sadly, I think stigma still exists even in London and we still have some way to go.”
Healy, 29, added that he was surprised to find the capital city did not have a place for LGBTQ+ people to meet and support one another. New York, Berlin, Los Angeles and Manchester already have such venues – and London did once. A Gay and Lesbian Centre in Farringdon was shut down in the early 1990s, because of a lack of funding and management disagreements about its core purpose. But now a team of volunteers, including the activist and journalist Michael Segalov, are attempting to set up a new and more welcoming place for London’s large LGBTQ+ community that could have a more stable future.
“When a friend of mine sent me the link, I was quite surprised that such a good idea had not yet raised enough to get over the threshold,” said Healy, “I am a bit wary of talking about it because I don’t want to appear to be virtue-signalling, but me and the others in the band all felt it was obviously a good thing to put our money towards.”
4. Raising awareness towards climate change + Using funds to donate to a environmental movement☀️🌎.
If you’re a fan of the 1975 then you already know how they worked alongside Greta Thunberg, the young climate change activist, and put an iconic and important message in the opening track on the album “Notes on a Conditional Form”
I’m going to link the interview here but I’ll post important bits of it in the thread like I did before. I’ll be doing that throughout this entire post if you haven’t noticed.
In an interview with the Sunday Times Healy, then 31, said that Greta Thunberg had gone to "bigger artists" than the band to work with but had been turned away.
Healy said: “I feel like big statements will be made by pop stars, but they’ll do it when the cultural narrative has massaged a subject enough for it to be not really a statement any more. A narrative needs to be seen as progressive but also safe. I call it ‘workshop woke’.”
Matty Healy described Greta, 17 at the time, as the most punk person he has ever met, adding that he wanted to include her on the album so her voice was "documented in a formal place in pop culture".
The money raised from the track went to environmental movement, Extinction Rebellion.
“What have the 1975 done to make their tours environmentally friendly?” An annoying conservative of the name David Davies (corny lame name for a lame cornball) asked the same silly question. For more context he criticized the 1975 calling them hypocrites for their track on the climate crisis. He condescendingly asked how the band was going to get to these places such as Asia and other continents.
If you want to read that loser’s open letter here it is.
“But what have they done?” The 1975 have taken steps to make their tours more eco-friendly, introducing hybrid-powered generators with solar arrays and sustainably-sourced Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel to power shows along with supporting reforestation charities through ticket sales. You can read more about that here.
5. Another article/quote I should’ve put following the Malaysian festival.
This is my all time favorite interview. Read it ALL. A quote made by Matty Healy in regards to going to Dubai, a place known for their human rights violations amongst other things. I’m going to link an article of the things problematic things that Dubai is known for. So you can read that right here.
This part of the post is really important because it highlights how strongly Matty Healy believes in people’s rights and how he has always been outwardly against any homophobic or racist agenda promoted by any country. He has always been known to rebel against the government’s policies.
An interviewer asked Matty if he had emptied his bags and pockets for drugs before going to Dubai. Matty mentioned he had to wait in immigration for an hour and that they had went through every pocket he had. He didn’t bring any drugs. After stating this the interviewer followed with “So drugs are not worth getting arrested for. But principles? That’s a different matter.”
Matty responds with:
““I would go to jail for what I stand for, you know – I feel like I’m in one of the only punk bands in the world,” says Matty. “I’m profoundly anti-religion and I always have been. I don’t agree with a dogmatic, pious adherence to scripture, because I believe that creates more pain for more people on a global level than it does solace for people on the individual level. I think it’s a selfish act. But I also understand that religion and culture are two very, very, very different things. So I understand the idea of if you say to somebody, I don’t know, ‘your religion is stupid’, it can for some people be the equivalent of somebody saying, ‘your face is ugly’, because it’s so deeply ingrained in who they are. I would never come over here and be disrespectful to people to make a point. But I’m never going to not stand up for women. I’m not going to not stand up for gay people. I’m not going to not stand up for minorities. So it’s my job to come out here and…”
The interviewer cuts him off and asks “But you’re going to have to really watch what you say tonight, no?”
Matty responds with “Well, I’m not allowed to have ‘GOD LOVES F*GS’ written on my chest, which I probably am going to. So that will be interesting.”
The interviewer replies with “And risk getting arrested before your headline slot at Reading and Leeds? The big one? The one it’s all been building up to?”
Matty responds with “Yeah, that’s the only thing that I’m thinking. But you know, people need to say this kind of shit, man. There’s not many bands like mine that come to this part of the world. What kid in Dubai, who’s coming to a 1975 show, wants me to say nothing?”
The interview says “But it’s not those kids you have to worry about.
Matty replies with “Well, that’s my job.”
If you want to read that entire interview you can do so here. In this article he also mentions how he wanted to create the 1975 styled hijabs for his Muslim fans.
6. More climate change stuff 🌎☀️
I didn’t want to add it to the other climate change post because I wanted it to be its own individual thing. I also didn’t want to make it too long.
But The 1975 has made strides in creating a more sustainable future for the music industry and fans alike. The 2020 merch was made of upcycled, repurposed older merch that is printed with the latest album art. Alternatively, when touring started back up again, the could bring their existing merchandise and have it printed on for free. The 1975 had also partnered with REVERB to make their touring experiences more sustainable.
Their partnership with REVERB can be read here, please click this link. It’s an entire list of environmental things they’ve done.
7. Women’s rights + Pro-Choice 💪
In the summer of 2019, Alabama’s conservative governor Kay Ivey passed a law that banned abortion at any stages for any reasons including sexual assault and for life saving purposes. Matty Healy was one if not the only male with a platform in the music industry that said something about this law in 2019. Many male actors made a tweet or two here and there but Matty Healy made a passionate speech in Alabama about the ruling. He made it at the “Hangout Music Festival”
He started off by saying “The reason I’m so angry is because I don’t believe [the ban] is about the preservation of life, I believe it’s about the controlling of women.”
He went on to criticise those who passed the law, saying “you are not men of God, you are simply misogynistic wankers.”
He added: “You know what else is important? Freedom for women to do with their reproductive organs what they want.”
You can watch the full speech here.
8. Black Lives Matter/Love If We Made It.
Before I begin I want to state again that I’m a black person. No, I am not secretly Matty Healy like many messages in my inbox keep saying that I am. I’m not even British. But I’m flattered?
Anywho. If you were on the internet during the summer of 2020 then you were aware of the death of George Floyd and the protests that followed after it. To give you a run down, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer even though he had no weapon on him, was obeying orders and hadn’t committed a crime. A police officer by the name of Derek Chauvin choked him with his knee. Even though bystanders and George Floyd himself kept saying he couldn’t breathe Derek Chauvin continued to choke George Floyd. George Floyd’s death caused understandable anger, around this time there were other innocent black people who had their lives taken away due to police brutality. Before George Floyd died a young black woman named Breonna Taylor was wrongfully murdered in March of 2020, the police had issued a no knock warrant on her apartment the police shot through her home instantly killing her with one of the bullets. So with all this happening so closely together clearly there was tension growing between police and the public more specifically the black community.
Many white people like Matty Healy voiced their support for the black community and protestors. He shamed those claiming that “all lives matters.” Before the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, in October of 2018 the 1975 created an amazing song called “Love It If We Made It” the song isn’t one of those songs that are baseless and run along the lines of “racism is bad. black people are rad!” or some other corny stuff that has no actual purpose but to pander. If you listen to the song and look at the lyrics it talks about sexual assault, systematic racism, the prison industry and how it profits off of black men, police brutality and more on. The song basically is saying that even though all these messed up horrible things are happening, the song title and chorus saying “I’d love it if we made it” is showing a hopeful and optimistic message basically saying it will get better.
Around the time George Floyd died Matty had tweeted the following:
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So, this song caused quite a controversy, and I vividly remember that day on Twitter. It was disheartening to witness how low and desperate some people went just to gain retweets. Let me clarify what I mean by ‘low and pathetic.’ I’m not talking about those who genuinely brought awareness to the situation; I’m referring to individuals who tweeted just for the sake of it, seeking attention and validation.
This behavior is unfortunately common on Twitter whenever a tragedy occurs. Instead of focusing on the actual issue at hand, some individuals choose to preemptively call out others or engage with troll/bait accounts just to showcase their cleverness. It seems as though they are more interested in getting a viral tweet than in contributing constructively to the conversation.
Whether it’s a tragic incident like a drug overdose or police brutality, some people seem to prioritize their online presence over genuine empathy and thoughtful engagement. Rather than blocking unhelpful accounts, they choose to engage in unproductive exchanges, which only perpetuate negativity.
As an example, let’s consider a situation where someone has tragically died from a drug overdose. It’s disheartening to observe how certain individuals with a significant number of followers on Twitter would suddenly tweet things like “don’t tell the family of xyz how to grieve; let them grieve on their own time!” even though no one had actually made such insensitive comments to begin with. Similarly, they might post, “why am I seeing people talking about how xyz deserved to die because he took those drugs?” when in reality, no legitimate non-troll account had said anything of that nature.
Furthermore, these individuals may deliberately twist the meaning of innocent statements just to gain retweets and attention. For instance, if someone were to innocently mention, “man, drugs are so scary,” they might quote-tweet it with “why are you making his death about drugs?” The tweet then gains thousands of retweets, and people start labeling the original poster as a horrible person based on the out-of-context quote.
This behavior on Twitter exemplifies a disturbing trend of seeking validation and attention through manipulating sensitive situations. It undermines genuine empathy and thoughtful discussion, instead promoting a culture of unnecessary outrage and divisiveness.
If you’re familiar with Twitter, you probably know what I’m referring to. However, if you’re not on Twitter, it might seem absurd and overwhelming.
During the time of George Floyd’s death, there was a lot of discourse and discussions on the platform. Unfortunately, much of the conversation seemed performative, with people sharing opinions just for retweets and validation. The way these tweets were phrased and how people reacted to others’ tweets revealed their intentions.
At that time, the discourse predominantly revolved around police brutality and George Floyd, and any deviation from that topic would often result in attacks. People would reply to your tweets with condescending remarks like “hello?? read the room” or other judgmental statements to make you appear selfish or ignorant. Even on personal occasions like birthdays, people expected consistent tweeting about George Floyd or police brutality.
This behavior created an atmosphere where genuine conversations and empathy were overshadowed by a desire for online recognition. It became difficult for people to have meaningful discussions about a wide range of topics without fear of backlash or being labeled as insensitive.
I recall a situation where a user on Twitter got upset with me because someone had formed a moment of silence or something similar for George Floyd, I believe. During that moment, people were supposedly not “allowed to tweet,” but I did tweet something unrelated, and I ended up being labeled as a horrible person.
Looking back, it seemed amusing at the time, but it was also incredibly absurd.
This is basically what happened with Matty. During this time Matty tweeted the above photo, people attacked him and said things along the lines of “why are you making George Floyd’s death about you?” “Why are you using his death to get clicks??” or other crazy things. I remember this day vividly cause I defended him. They’d tweet things like “Matty Healy using the death of innocent blank people to promote his music is disgusting” when clearly that was not what he was doing. And those people knew it.
Because of this Matty deleted the tweet and made a new one (I’m horrible at adding photos to tumblr I’m young but this site still confuses me even though i was frequent on here in 2013 so I’m copy and pasting the tweet)
“@Truman_Black: Sorry i did not link my song in that tweet to make it about me it's just that the song is literally about this disgusting situation and speaks more eloquently than i can on twitter XXX”
Then he replied to the tweet with the song link, but later after facing more backlash he deactivated his twitter. When asked why he stated he didn’t want to be used as a pawn in a culture war.
I was going to add a bunch of tweets that matty had made years ago but for some odd reasons the tweets are cropped and i can’t post them to where they’ll show all the way. Sorry guys I’m really shit
If there’s something I missed send it to me and I’ll add it!
Also here’s my opinion on the Malaysian festival and Matty kissing Ross.
My thoughts:
In case anyone wants to debate with me, I want to make my position clear:
Idk if you can swear on here but F word 🇲🇾. Malaysian government’s homophobic stance is unacceptable, and anyone defending such a country’s discriminatory policies deserves criticism. Matty Healy’s act of kissing his bandmate does not hinder progress towards gay rights. The real issue lies in the government’s foundation on religion, particularly when religious beliefs are used to oppress people. As long as religion is the forefront of your laws, you will never have rights. And you know it. People want someone to blame instead of admitting that religion is the problem. It’s easier to blame Matty Healy then blaming the system you were instilled to believe in.
People’s rights and the ability to love who they want are of paramount importance, and they should take precedence over religion. We know that gay and trans individuals exist and are human beings, while the existence of God remains unproven. It’s perplexing how the lack of evidence for something can lead to numerous human rights violations, wars, and deaths.
Matty Healy’s actions were commendable, and it is not “white saviorism.” The term itself is often misused and is stupid. It came from that dumb tumblr blog “your fave is problematic.” The Malaysian government tries to manipulate public opinion, making it crucial to stay critical and not be swayed by their attempts to evoke pity or misconstrue the issue as a matter of cultural disrespect.
Even if you’re Malaysian Idrc lol. A person named O'Shae Sibley was dancing to Beyoncé this month outside of a gas station and these group of men came up to him and told him to stop dancing, then one of the men proceeded to STAB him. He got murdered just because he was dancing to Beyoncé. That’s homophobia. And you want to know why they asked him to stop dancing, “A witness, Summy Ullah, told the Daily News the young men had been harassing Sibley's group because their behavior offended them.
“They were saying, ‘Oh, we’re Muslim, so don’t do this in front of me,’” said Ullah, 32.
Ullah added, “Nothing else was going on. They were only dancing.” He said someone asked, "Why are you dancing in your underwear?”
I don’t know why religion ever took precedent over someone’s sexuality but let me be clear, your right to religion doesn’t trump over someone’s right to love who they love and to be happy with who they are.
Homophobic government isn’t just “wahh gay people can’t get married” it’s “oh a man was walking in a feminine way, so i murdered him.” And the government siding with the homophobic person that murdered the random stranger. Homophobia is extremely dangerous. If a government is homophobic, most likely they’re misogynistic as well. They see femininity or any form of being feminine as a threat. There’s nothing wrong with being feminine and there’s nothing wrong with liking the same sex. People deserve better, not religions and not God but people. People we can feel and touch.
You aren’t entitled to feel comfortable, if your right to feel comfortable trumps someone’s right to love who they wanna love then you have no right to comfortability.
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spacerockwriting · 10 months
Got tagged by @energievie and @skylerwinchester so thank you friends! Sorry I'm late with this!
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? Probably a musician or something along those lines. Or someone in film? Something along those lines.
2. what's your most trivial / dumbest hot take? Never cook carrots. They should never be cooked, only raw. Also, just because your business has gay employees, doesn't meant it's not a homophobic business.
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? I'd be like my professor and do one of those super specific niche courses and would probably do one on South Park and it's impact on the world and all that shit. Or just matt and trey in general.
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? West Side Ian and Mickey adjustments for sure, learning how to live on the west side, learning to adjust to a different life. The Gallaghers learning how to adjust to a life without Frank. Debs either calming down or fucking off and leaving Franny to be taken care of. Some more of Franny's tomboy-ness. Lip and Tami and Liam and that whole thing, Fiona either coming back, or settling some. Carl's bisexual awakening bc I need that and have been spoiled.
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology.) Hades. According to the Percy Jackson tests, it's Hades <3
6. what’s something you love about yourself? Uhhh creativity? My opened mindedness? I dunno.
7. describe your day in 5 emojis: I'm on my computer right now so no emojis.
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? Kermit
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie! Ohm.
I've been on television
Rabbits are my favorite animal
I've been in films
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name? I have a cat named Nico. He's named after Nico Di Angelo from Percy Jackson.
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence.
I cant fucking find the pictures rn but basically. No sun ever. I live in a cave. Emo Peter Pan cave boy. Who is short. And drinks mountain dew
12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? Iced coffee, cant have tea bc it hates my tum tums, or some sort of Mountain Dew or soda
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life?
Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low.
now lets see if I can get this galladrabble out
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gardenerian · 1 year
my dear, my brother is being an asshole, so i'm going around collectong any gallavich plus Gallagher sibling headcanons you got 💕💕💕 thank u in advance
hi there! sorry i missed seeing this! i am more than happy to oblige 💓 we love siblings in this house! today i am thinkin about fiona, i think she deserves a lil love.
i am picturing a surprise party for her. more specifically, i am picturing the entire gallagher family roadtripping down south to see her. there is much bickering and many shenanigans along the way. mickey steals a snickers from each gas station.
they get there in time to surprise her.... maybe for her birthday? graduation? new house? idk. but mickey and lip help them all sneak into her place to decorate and set up. classic gallagher banner, and a huge cake that liam decorated. ian spends the whole time making a chain of streamers.
she comes home and - SURPRISE! 🎉 fiona flips out and throws her keys at the first person she sees, which happens to be carl. once she realizes who is in her house, she bursts into tears. ian probably does too, so does debbie. and they all scoop her up and hug her, even mickey, even though he grumbles as they all pull away 😇 then they celebrate and dance and sneak into the pool after it closes for a cannonball contest 🥳🥳🥳
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How Harry Could Improve
1. Post! Photos! On! IG! Nobody expects selfies from him but just the occasional pic of him on vacation, or something quirky he's seen on his travels, or a book he's read and recommends! His caption game used to be strong and showcased his sense of humor.
2. Find another London best friend who isn't Controversial Corden who nobody likes.
3. Take more care with your street style. Leave the hair clip, the woolly hat and the trackies at home. He killed street style between 2013-2017.
How Louis Could Improve
1. He won't stop smoking cigarettes and weed but he could stop glamorizing it by posting photos of himself doing it. I can't think of anyone else who does that these days including his idol Liam G.
2. Don't drink alcohol on stage or take pics with fans when you're clearly very drunk or high.
3. Ditch the fake Manchester accent you use when you sing. He never had this in 1d or on Walls. A lot of fans found the FitF songs hard to understand.
For Harry:
1. I miss Harry being active on social media. I know he might be trying to seem mysterious and unattainable, but I remember even when he posted while in 1D, at least in the years that I was a fan, he still retained that mystery and intrigue because his tweets were often cryptic and he rarely posted on instagram. Likewise, those posts also had cryptic captions. He comes off as super pretentious when he refuses to engage with fans via social media when most other celebrities do.
2. You are who your friends are. He has multiple zionist friends, has a bizarrely obsessive allyship towards Jewish people and Judaism, and pumps his fist at the Israel flag. It's clear that he is a PROUD zionist—but not proud enough to lose his career over his views. I know many celebrities right now aren't speaking up, but I'd rather they just tell us they're on Israel's side than say nothing. Like, don't be a pussy about it.
3. His street style used to look so fashionable and interesting. I guess he's just tired these days of having to "go to work" and get papped, so he doesn't put the effort in most of the time. That's my guess.
For Louis:
1. Yeah, there are no excuses for that. He needs to have some shame, especially when he knows he has so many teen fans. Most smokers I've known have discouraged me from picking it up. All Louis is doing is encouraging. Like, why? If time travel was possible, I wonder if Louis would want to tell his past self not to start smoking. Like I said, most smokers I've known regret it.
2. He has a very serious problem. Every alcoholic I've known used alcohol to "self-medicate" when all they had was depression, anxiety, or some kind of personality disorder that they never got diagnosed. I've talked about this before—I think Louis has ADHD and has not gotten a diagnosis. I have it myself, so that's why I recognize the symptoms he showcases. He was an alcoholic before his mother died, but I think it's only worsened since then. He's going down the route Liam (Payne) went. I fear he'll never recognize the problem for what it is though.
3. In 1D, they all had to sing in semi-American accents, so I wouldn't use that as an example of what Louis's "real accent" is. I'm not great with British accent differences, so if you could give me an example of Louis singing a specific word in both Walls and FITF in completely different accents, please do. If he really is putting on a fake accent to copy Liam Gallagher or whatever, that's... really cringey, ngl.
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ameliataylor-beken · 2 years
Influences on Fashion Trends
In this lecture we explored different influences on fashion trends, such as global issues including the pandemic, cost of living crisis, and sustainability, as well as the impact of celebrities and fashion bloggers. Celebrities in particular are influential, as the 'trickle down theory' shows how the famous and wealthy gain access to the latest styles, which then trickles down to the lower social classes who try to emulate those in power. A clear example of the power of celebrity influence is Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's wardrobe, specifically her little black dress which continues to be a fashion staple both on and off the runway today.
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However, this is not always the case, as the 'bubble up theory' relies on street fashion to influence designers and work it's way up to the high end market and the 'trickle across theory' represents something that is accessible at all levels.
We also learnt about subcultures and style tribes, discussing how style tribes are more focused on aesthetics, with arguably little interest in the political and countercultural messages that groups like the Mods (1960s) and the Punks (1980s) were trying to express.
For our first activity my group was given the Mod subculture to explore. Evidence to suggest that this subculture has never really disappeared from our shelves, includes the Dior SS22 collection, which was heavily inspired by artist Anna Paparatti's series of painting from the 60s titled 'The Great Game'. The collection was also inspired by Marc Bohan, who worked as Dior's artistic director from 1961-89, with particular reference to his 'slim' look of 1961, featuring short hemlines, sharp silhouettes and a bright colour palette.
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We also found evidence to suggest that the Mod subculture is relevant to youth culture today, as this was originally a response to the austerity of the wartime generation, with teenagers wanting to experience a greater sense of freedom, arguably similar to what teenagers have experienced today, following the constraints of the pandemic. This can be evidenced by Miu Miu's spring 22 ready to wear collection, which featured office wear paired with distressed miniskirts and crop tops, to reflect the rebellious nature of the collection.
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The last thing we researched was how the mod subculture has changed and evolved over the years. An article written for GQ magazine (2014), titled 'The kids were alright', explores how although the political and cultural meaning behind the movement has faded, the style has remained, due to its continual adaptation and the emphasis on making 'Mod' your own. The article also argues that the Mod subculture is most at risk of dying out during the periods it is most popular and starts to become a part of the mainstream. For example, with the Jam leading a Mod revival in the 70s and the 90s 'Britpop' era with Liam and Noel Gallagher.
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gaitskiller · 15 days
i’ll never be able to get into oasis like i did with the beatles because while yes liam gallagher does very much fit the profile of music men i become obsessed with, oasis are ingrained in the british cultural consciousness in a vastly more annoying way than the beatles are. for example with beatles songs yes you hear them out and about a lot of course but there’s no one specific song thats like. the song. wonderwall however……they will never make me like you and i just won’t get past that
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supersonic1994 · 6 months
Any chance you have some absolutely wretched britpop quotes saved? Like them just being total assholes to each other any band idc .... theres no good compilation that I can find and I figured you'd be a good place to start <3 ilyyy
the only britpop I’m into would be oasis really! As for insane things they’ve said…god. So many. I’m thinking of that recent quote of Noel’s that I reblogged about Anais and Donovan. You’ll find everything under either my “Noel Gallagher” or “Liam Gallagher” tag! I’m sorry I can’t be more specific, you’ll have to do a bit of digging through my archives ;-)
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r-we-taire-yet · 6 months
The Failed Assassinations of Helena Tempus Entry 3
July 24th, 1875
     I have arrived in Latrobe and said goodbye to my new friend Mr. Sullivan who was continuing on. My Uncle Liam was waiting for me at the station and he brought me a jar of blueberries as a welcoming gift. He looks much like my mother, which shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did. Uncle Liam is about the same height as me, and shares my mother’s auburn hair and her green eyes. Aside from my eyes, it’s even more obvious to me now that I take after the Gallagher side of the family more than I do my father’s side.
     Uncle Liam is a quiet man, much like myself. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands unless he’s working, and he doesn’t seem to know what to say unless he is discussing gardening, but he is a pleasant fellow regardless. I can understand his interest in discussing safe topics that he enjoys, I have been known to behave the same way.
     He led the way to his home near the estate and showed me where I’m going to stay. His home is bigger than the one I share with my parents, and there is a room just for me, which is an exciting development. It’s a very basic room, no real decorations, just a bed, a chair, a table, a pitcher and basin, and a shelf by the bed. It is very clear the shelf was home made and put up by my uncle, he is not skilled at woodworking and this is not a very good shelf.
     Even so, he made it for me, and he said that it was specifically so I would have somewhere for me to put a lantern so I could read in bed, and so I could place my books there when I was done for the night. He didn’t need to do that. He chose to spend time doing something he wasn’t good at so I would have something personal in this room. I don’t think I’ve ever heard my uncle say he loved me, or anyone, but I think this is what love is. My uncle is awkward and fidgety and odd, but he brought me blueberries to welcome me and made me a shelf when he didn’t need to. I think I’m going to enjoy my time here after all.
Enjoying the story? You can read the rest of the posted chapters on my ko-fi! I am posting chapters weekly!
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