#more than twilight renaissance
jasperhaleobsessed · 9 months
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Jasper Hale in Eclipse (2010) X
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threestarsinline · 10 months
It's the 2010's all over again and I am HERE for it:
-The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games) movie coming out this Friday
-The Percy Jackson series in a little more than a month
-The Twilight reboot show in development
-And the Harry Potter one too
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
hey besties, it's me, AO3 author garbanzosoprese. remember that time i wrote In the Afterlight and Come Nightfall? haha yeah, me too. anyway, if you'd like to know when Eclipse is live, drop a comment or a tag, DM me, comment on my fic, shoot me an ask, or send up a smoke signal. i'll let you know when ch01 is published! cheers:)
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denalilily · 2 months
I believe everyone should be making more bad memes about twilight. it's good for our fandom's health
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cto10121 · 1 year
I was re-watching Movie Eclipse and Bella’s ending monologue struck me, especially when she affirms that her decision to become a vampire was “not all about” Edward.
Bella: I’ve always felt out of step. Like literally, stumbling through my life. I’ve never felt normal. Because I’m not normal. I don’t wanna be. I’ve had to face death and loss and pain, in your world. But, I’ve also never felt stronger...more real, more...myself. Because it’s my world, too. It’s where I belong.
Edward: So, it’s not just about me.
Bella: No, sorry.
So nice of the screenwriter to take Meyer’s careful notes on the love triangle and plunk them nigh artlessly in her script. But this mess of an adaptation still does a bad job of portraying this for these reasons:
The movies all but removed Bella’s “abnormality.” Bella being emotionally (and perhaps physically) neglected by her mother and even by Charlie, her parentification, doesn’t exist in the movie. Movie Bella doesn’t cook or clean for Charlie and her relationship with Renée is so wholesome and squeaky clean it’s sickening. Without this backstory, Movie Bella’s attraction to Edward and vampirism in general makes no sense. She is just a normal girl and her home life is fine. Edward even wants her to keep her human life and friends. Why go full vamp?
The movie never portrays Bella as “out of step” in the human world or at the La Push. At times she seems to mourn its (future) loss more keenly than in the books (especially that scene with her mother), whereas Book Bella decides on a proper farewell out of responsibility and obligation. The first movie does this a little better, but it still deletes many small incidents of her friends not getting Bella back (her sense of humor, her values, etc) and how boring Forks is as a small town. Nor does the screenplay have Movie Bella out of step at La Push or with Jacob. Movie Bella seems much more comfortable with Jacob even though Book Bella was genuinely irritated and downright raging at him. Only the punching is kept, and that just reads as out of character for her film self.
Bella’s longing for vampirism is canonically tied Edward, and the movie’s weak attempt at undermining this in the name of feminism is downright laughable. Sure, she would still be fascinated with the world sans Edward, but immortality would not be as strong as an allure. What the movie doesn’t realize is Edward is Bella: He is her other half. Star-crossed lovers and all. It is about the transformative nature of love that leads people into being “better” versions of themselves. Bella gains power and confidence while Edward becomes humanized and more understanding of Bella. Just because it is about Edward, it doesn’t mean it isn’t also about Bella herself.
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kwop-kilawtley · 10 months
“At least Bella wanted Edward & loved him & chose him.”
I wanted, loved & chose my abusive ex for years.
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theinheriteddutchess · 10 months
Is Edward the Golden Child?
"we can't kill humans" and then Esmee is telling him "go on, have a little bite if you must, it's not your fault". They move baby and forth for him. They're nearly exposed because of him. They break the pact with the wolfpack because they've turned bella.
Edward goes against everything Carlisle wanted probably, to not hurt or be a threat to humans (please, it makes no sense, I know! Because you would not send bloodlusting vampires to a school full of children!! They can pretend to all be over 18 and that they have some job whatever, no one would care they are rich, it is expected. Just stay away from innocents).
Edward runs off and tried to get himself killed. Gets the Volturi to target them. Cause a possible war...
I mean, why does everyone think he's the greatest? He's the biggest screw up in that family and yet everyone is listening and going out of their way to help (safe) him.
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vintageseawitch · 2 months
eddie boi was at the peak of "him being interesting in any way, shape or form" when he was feeding on baddies & he did more for the sake of humanity than the Cullen & Denali ✨️ecological disaster✨️ clans put together 🥰🧛‍♂️🩸
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askalicebecausewhynot · 11 months
Hi who is your favorite brother?and why?
For the sake of my future, I'm not going to answer this.
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As the only person I know that knows about Twilight, I have a bizarre and strange question. I am sorry.
Question: in twilight, can 2 vampires have a child together? What about a vampire and a human? If they can have a child, will the child age?
With regrets,
No need to apologize! Fortunately for you, book 4 (breaking dawn) spends a significant amount of time answering these exact questions in canon!!
Can 2 vampires have a child together? No. The body needs to change to accommodate a baby/pregnancy, and vampire bodies are incapable of change. If it was possible, Rosalie would've found a way
Can a vampire and a human have a child? Yes, certain pairings! If the human is capable of getting pregnant, and the vampire is capable of impregnating (which just means they were capable of impregnating as a human), then a vampire can impregnate a human. This is how Edward and Bella have a kid together, Renesmee :)
Will the child age? Yes, and this is a big problem in book 4. A vampire-human hybrid will age rapidly, pregnancy lasting about a month, and then speeding through human developmental milestone and stages, reaching physical maturity in 7 years (they're born with an adult mental capacity). At that point, however, the speed tapers off and they remain unchanging and immortal like a vampire--though they are not identical to vampires; their human attributes do affect them. For example: only male hybrids are venomous, their skin isn't as sparkly and then can blend in in sunlight, they have circulatory systems and normal eye colors, and they can live off both blood and human food. However, they are incredibly fast and strong like vampires, and smarter than any human.
Hybrids are, however, incredibly rare. It takes significant self restraint for a vampire to impregnant a human without losing control and feeding on them--and very very few (2 people) are even willing or motivated to try. And of 5 known hybrids, only 1 has been birthed without killing her mother (they have a habit of bursting through the stomach and feeding on their carrier); in order to survive, the carrier must be turned into a vampire as well, as there's simply no other way to survive the injuries of the birth.
And to be clear: a vampire-human hybrid is very different from an immortal child. An immortal child is a human child transformed the traditional way via venom, which completely freezes them in time as an unchanging child. This is highly illegal because immortal children cannot develop past their transformation age, cannot mature, and yet have all the strength and power of a normal vampire, making them incapable of protecting the secrecy of vampire existence. Imagine a toddler who can level entire villages with a temper tantrum. The technical age of a child in this situation is iffy, but I'd say generally 10 and below is bad.
I hope that helps with whatever you need to info for!
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littlemelly · 2 years
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the bisexual panic personified
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catgirlforeskin · 3 months
"even the most gentle suggestions that trying out other games could be good." ^ .... ?? "We should round up everyone who still likes DnD 5e and hold their faces down into hot coals until the smell of charred melting flesh suffocates our noses! Who’s with me!" "an rpg so alien to the design philosophy of DnD that hearing it makes cr fans’ heads explode into tf2 gore giblets" & you keep saying that you'd give people a list of other ttrpg's to play... and you don't. you just shit on stuff and whine. i don't even like dnd anymore because all the manuals are "big" but insubstantial and wizards of the coast are greedy and making the game worse.. but it doesn't mean you have to be rude to the people who still enjoy it.
You’re right, we don’t have to be rude to people who still enjoy 5e. We have to kill them
I’ve had several posts about other systems to play, usually as answers to asks I’ve gotten, if tumblr search worked better you could look on my blog quite easily. But for posterity’s sake…
Crunchier games:
-most similar to DnD 5e: Pathfinder 2e. All rules free online, extremely popular
-faster, high stakes cinematic combat with more flexibility in setting: Mythras
-apocalyptic survival exploration with good gun-based combat: Twilight 2000 4e. Easily reskinned for other settings that keep the same thematic core
-people will get mad if I don’t mention Lancer, it’s a mech game, I just think it’s okay personally.
Pf2e and Lancer are combat as sport while mythras and t2000 are more combat as war (explainer here)
Lighter Games:
-OSR: Old School Renaissance, this is a school of RPGs based on original DnD and adventuring with fragile characters defined by gear instead of abilities who should always fight dirty and creatively, trying to outwit opponents instead of engaging head-on. Mausritter and Dragonbane are my current favs, but there’s hundreds of games in this genre of all different kinds of themes. Favors GM rulings over written rules⭐️Great for people who already play 5e in a much more freeform style⭐️
-PbtA: Powered by the Apocalypse, a school of RPGs based on Apocalypse World. Strong mechanical support for collaboratively making your story at the table. ⭐️Great for people who prefer roleplay and narrative⭐️. People often recommend Dungeon World because it’s similar to old dnd, personally I just think it’s okay. Current fav is The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power for Game of Thrones feeling stories, Fellowship is good for LotR style fantasy. Hundreds of games in this genre and the subgenre Forged in the Dark (FitD) for games based on Blades in the Dark. Current fav is Rebel Crown.
Closing thoughts:
-Umm suck me off :)
-Free League Publishing makes a ton of rpgs and pretty much all of them are good, I highly recommend anything they do. FIST is a fun osr and pbta hybrid. Riddle of Steel and its successors are cool rpgs trying to simulate real sword fights unfortunately mostly made by reactionary dipshits. There’s tons of unique rules light stuff outside of OSR or PbtA design space as well, go on the various rpg subreddits, go to rpg blogs, go to itch.io and explore. r/rpg is a great resource and I’ve learned about so many good systems from it.
-I hope this one shows up when searching my blog for rpg posts in the future so silly people don’t go “you never recommend games you’re just a HATER!” I love to hate but it’s slightly more fun to play good rpgs with friends than it is to be a hater online. Oh my god I didn’t even mention GMless games, good lord uhhh check out Quiet Year and The Zone okay love you all bye bye I want 100 5e player scalps xoxo
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Random Facts About Joan
Bayverse!Raphael x reader
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All Children Minerva Ragnar
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A/N: Just thought it would be fun to give you a small list of things about each kid, and I hope you guys will find it just as fun❤️
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Warnings: None❤️
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The name Joan was sort of Raphael’s idea, with a good input from you. Raph would really like to name his children after strong warrior’s but came up short on names. That led you to the name Joan, after Joan of Arc. The patron saint that defended the French nation, who became a military leader. Raph found it fitting, citing that he and his brothers were named after renaissance painters, it made sense to name his first daughter after a martyr from the 1400’s.
Resting bitch face? That is Joan’s standard mode. She’s really inherited her father’s default scowling expression, narrowed eyes and downturned mouth. Paired with the crossing of her arms, she really looked like a small twin to her father.
As per tradition, when Joan turned 15, Splinter granted her a weapon that would serve her the best throughout her life, based on her preferences, her skills and her personality. Her chosen weapon was a pair of kusari-fundo. Chains with weights at the ends. And boy is she good at using them. Romeo was shocked when she almost pulled his odachi out of his hands, just by wrapping one of her chains around the blade.
Joan HATES messes. Especially in her room. She can’t take it. Her room is always clean, and she rarely lets people in there (all though it has happened that people snuck their way in. Looking at Dorothy here…), because she can’t take the thought of people messing up her things. Just don’t touch her things, unless you wish to lose a finger.
When Joan turned 13, your husband decided it was a good idea to get your first born a punching bag, especially after seeing how much she liked to use his. And that turned out to be an amazing idea, with Joan wanting it set up in her room the moment she got it.
Raph’s old boxing gloves? They’re Joan’s now. She got them/stole them, so that she could practice on her own punching bag.
It is no secret that Joan is a tough one. Actually, she might even be tougher than her own father, with an absolute iron will. Back when Joan was a young, half human half mutant turtle toddler, there was no such thing as Joan moving in order to get to Raph. No, Raph would have to move in order to get to her. She could be standing on the other side of the room, locking eyes with your husband when he was sitting on the couch, and then raise her arms, letting him know that she wanted him to carry her to the couch. And guess what, Raph would do it. Which later on would cause a lot of troubles with your second born, but that is not what we’re talking about today.
Okay, maybe Joan isn’t the toughest cookie in the world, but she is damn tough. But, she does have guilty pleasures that could be classified as more “soft”. Joan is secretly a big fan of Twilight. She has all the books and all the movies, and will watch them in her room in secret. But how did she get those books and movies without anybody knowing? Well, you’ll have to ask Joan about that.
But Joan’s absolute devastation, there was a time where Dorothy came bursting into her room, looking for a hiding spot, right in the middle of Breaking Dawn part 1. And that was how Dorothy came to know of her cousin's secret, promising not to tell anyone… if she could borrow the movies whenever she wanted to.
Ooooooooh! Who often sneaks out to the city at night? Joan does that! Who does it even if her father says it’s bad? Joan does that! But doesn’t care because humans are fun. Joan does that! And at 20 has a boyfriend from above? Joan does that!
Now back to some more family oriented. Joan LOVES spending time with her grandparents. She could be drinking tea with Master Splinter before one on one training, or spend the weekend with your parents, and she would be having the time of her life.
To most people, tough cookie Joan might seem unapproachable, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Well, that was if you knew her. As the oldest of three, she tended to be protective of her younger siblings. With a four year difference between her and Minerva, and a seven year difference between Joan and Ragnar, it was natural for her to take on a parental role at times. Even if it wasn’t needed with you and Raph around. It did happen from time to time, each time because Joan wanted what was best for her younger siblings.
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panlight · 7 months
whats it like being one of the biggest twilight blogs on tumblr??
also your commitment to twilight is strooonggg because i could never 😭
Honestly I try not to think about it because I very much do not want to be a 'big name fan' and also I am incredibly shy irl. When I look at the follower count and think about it for more than two seconds, I kind of want to throw up :) Like I would never stand in front of a crowd and spout Opinions about YA books irl yet I do it every day on here? Why? How?
That said, I'm having so much fun. I especially LOVE the turn the fandom has taken since 'the Renaissance' because I've always kind of been a "I didn't say I liked it, I said it fascinated me" sort of 'fan' and in the early days of fandom it was like you were EITHER a hardcore Twihard who thought E/B had the greatest love of all time and freaked out if anyone criticized them OR a virulent anti who thought anyone who enjoyed Twilight on any level was a Bad Person. Big NO THANKS to both. The vibes of the Renaissance are more about critique and commentary and awareness and jokes and headcanons and "I love this character but they suck" and THAT's much more my speed.
But mostly I am a creature of habit and checking tumblr is part of my routine now. I will be here at least until I finish KUWTC but probably even longer as long as anyone else is still sticking around.
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cto10121 · 5 months
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“Edward was shrugging out of his jacket. I suddenly realized that I had never once noticed what he was wearing—not just tonight, but ever. I just couldn’t seem to look away from his face. I made myself look now, focusing. He was removing a light beige leather jacket now; underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater. It fit him snugly, emphasizing how muscular his chest was.” (Twilight, p. 169-170)
“He pulled off his T-shirt, already spotted with blood, and threw it to me. I wadded it up and held it tightly to my forehead.” (New Moon, p. 188)
Yeah…what she really wants(tm).
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