#mori answers
lordrandreaming · 26 days
I fear I may pass away from the chronic lack of pregnant Messmer Babygorl content 😔😔😔😔
Im so sorry for the lack of pregnant Messmer.. I've been busy! I went to a job interview today!
I'll whip up some mpreg wifesmer sketches for you and post them as soon as I can!
If there's anything you'd like to see with pregnant Messmer, please do send it in the inbox! I take pregnant Messmer requests happily! :D❤💛💚💙💜🔥
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you-are-a-saucy-boi · 2 years
Wait OMG I just saw your banner!!! I love Against Me and Laura Jane Grace their music so fucking good!! Do you have a favorite song? I really like 3 of hearts and Baby I'm an Anarchist, I saw her show not to long ago it was amazing!
YOU SAW HER FUCKING SHOW??? i'm so fucking jealous!! my fabourite songs are Two Coffins and True Trans Soul Rebel because Mortality and Gender my beloved <33
you fully have such good fucking taste omfg. do you like The Oozes? i went to one of their gigs recently and it was absolutely fucking fantastic, would recommend
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shujiinkou · 2 years
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oikasugayama · 6 months
Bsd chart for how loud the guys are in bed? Please? Maybe?
you requested this on jan. 6 and i really took my time.........thank you for your patience (: i'm not necessarily back, but i've been wanting to post something for a while~
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They're louder than they realize...
Atsushi, Poe, and Ranpo. (All three get completely lost in the throes of passion and don't realize to the slightest extent how loud they're being.)
They're loud and they're absolutely unapologetic.
Mori, Chuuya, Nikolai, Tachihara. (Three of them (M, N, T) are cocky and essentially putting on a show for you of how good they feel, whereas Chuuya is just naturally vocal and isn't going to hide it.)
You honestly expected them to be louder...
Akutagawa (is naturally quiet and does not change in bed), Dazai (is so stunned by the touch of someone he's finally let in that his whimpers and moans are all breathy and soft), Fukuzawa (is too calm to be loud-- he can control himself very well).
They try to keep themselves from being too obnoxious.
Ango, Fyodor, Kunikida. (While Fyodor may be embarrassed to be loud lest you realize the control you have over him, the other two are quiet out of some misconception that you wouldn't think it's attractive for them to be loud.)
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i-eat-mold · 1 month
I am eating your sketch refs of teen skk
they are yummy and very scrumptious
apologies they are GONE now but nom nom nom
i had to draw this so quickly on my phone but you don’t understand i HAD to. so here’s a snack for you my guy
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they sent this to mori
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originalartblog · 10 months
Throwing bio facts into people's ask inboxes
Adélie penguins build their nests out of rocks, and will steal rocks from other adélie's nest to build theirs if they can't find good ones.
Penguins were my class' assigned animal in 2nd year of primary school, it was the year I became obsessed with them, thank you for the penguin fact I love it
I was gonna make a joke with the blorbos but remembered wan! already did it once so I looked it up and uh
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they made Chuuya a whole 10cm (~4in) shorter here than in his intro page in volume 6, which says he's 160cm, but APPARENTLY the 3rd official guidebook ALSO says he's 150cm and I need someone to clear that up right now
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leaderofthemafia · 16 days
Hey! Where the hell is the zombie Dazai?? What’d you do with him?!
Chuuya, my dear, I have Dazai stored away in my basement. I experimented with 'cursed ink' on him.
The results were… intriguing but incomplete.
Unfortunately, my supply ran dry, and now I must seek more from Francis ( @thegreatf1tzgerald ). Is there a particular reason for your inquiry?
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ratsbanes · 1 month
Regarding Mori and Dazai’s relationship, the way I see it Mori giving Dazai so much power at such a young age, knowing how unstable Dazai was, was the abuse. I’m not even saying Mori had purely bad intentions, I think Mori projects a lot when it comes to Dazai so he thought that working for the PM, doing something he excels at, would fulfil Dazai as it fulfilled Mori, but it obviously did not. And BSD makes a point of showing the harm of children, but also young adults, having too much power and responsibility time and time again, so the way Mori basically let Dazai run wild seemed always sad to me because it’s not like Dazai’s guns were toys. Dazai was in charge of a lot of missions that got a lot of people killed or hurt. He literally let an emotionally impulsive teen play with guns and torture and whatnot. Also another thing we often see in BSD is how power is extremely isolating and alienating, so making Dazai, who already felt alienated from a lot of peers bc of his intelligence and depression, an executive only added to that. Anywayyy sorry for rambling but your post just made me think! Hope you have a lovely day!
no youre great anon! i believe that this is the beauty of dazai and moris relationship, its pretty ambiguous so it begs room for multiple interpretations. i think ive mentioned mori giving dazai so much power before as being part of the abuse, but the interpretation comes from why mori would want to give dazai so much power.
mori does have a constant problem of assuming dazai is just like him. its the exact reason why he assumes odas death would mean nothing to dazai, even though its very clear he has his own set of morals and values. i also think there might have been some personal intentions from it as well, almost as a way for mori to keep a closer eye on dazai, whether that was because mori is a controlling bastard or because he wanted dazai to be his successor is up in the air (i like to believe its a bit of both).
i also like the point of dazais teenage power play! ive called dazai in the mafia "the dumb decision of a fourteen year old" before, which is pretty much exactly what happened. mori knew how smart dazai was, but he also knew how impressionable he was. dazai definitely would never admit it, but he needed someone there for him. mori chose to fill that role for dazai as well as letting dazai do a lot of the hard work for him. pretty much moris signature.
this is such a good ask anon, a lot of people forget that dazai was really just a teenager in the mafia. i would imagine its like being a preteen in college. you look all big and smart and mature, which you absolutely are, but youre also the most alone you could ever be.
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thewritetofreespeech · 10 months
Hey! Hope you’re doing good. May I ask a scenario about Mori Ougai x reader where reader used to work at the mafia, and they dated but reader decided that she didn’t want to be part of the mafia anymore so she leaves the mafia and Mori but later she finds out that she’s pregnant and Mori finds out too later
Bungou Stray Dogs: Mori Ougai x Reader
It was a beautiful sunny day in Yokohama. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect for the park.
You sit on a bench and watch your daughter play with some of the other children, but mostly alone, in the sun. Enjoying a few moments of peace & quiet.
Moments like these were few and far between.
“I thought you were never going to come back here.”
You felt a cold chill run up your spine at a familiar voice behind you. A big, dark cloud rolling back into your life. “My sister died. I had to come back and settle her affairs.”
“My condolences.” Mori replied. Moving from behind your bench to sitting right beside you. You weren’t sure if that made him more or less dangerous.
“Don’t bother. You never liked her.”
“Condolences have no manner of like or dislike. They are just condolences.” He replied. “Besides. She tried to keep us apart.”
“Don’t blame her. You drove us apart not my sister.”
“We seem to have very different opinion of events. As always.”
To the casual observer, it looked like they were having a calm, polite conversation. No one would be aware of the tension between them. Nor could they be aware of their unique abilities coiled inside each other ready to strike.
It’s funny. There was a time you remember not long ago that you were desperate to be with one another. Now you were just desperate to get away.
“She is mine. Isn’t she.”
It’s a question you were waiting for but hoped you wouldn’t have to answer. “Yes. You don’t seem surprised.”
“The eyes.” Ah, yes. He had you there. You had to look into them every day and be reminded of the man you once loved and left. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You would make me stay.” ‘Make’ was a strong word. Sure, now he would have made you, but at the time he would have just encouraged you to stay. Told you sweet nothings about the life you would have together as a family. Say all the right words to have you keep the baby. And you would have fallen for it, and you would have stayed. “But I didn’t want my child to grow up born a criminal.” There were no innocents in the mafia.
You expected Mori to put up a fight. To argue with you. To yell, to scream, to do something. You never expected him to just get up and prepare to walk away. “I would like to send you money.”
“We don’t need it.” You had a good job doing enhanced ability consolations in the city you were living in. A city which you didn’t want Mori to know.
“Can I meet her?”
“I would rather you didn’t.”
Again, to your surprise, Mori doesn’t put up a fight. “Give me a call the next time you are in town.” Which you both know will be never.
Still, you lie to each other and tell him, “I’ll do that.” Before Mori walked off and disappeared into the crowd.
A few moments later your daughter ran up to you. Red face and a little out of breath. “Who was that momma?!”
“He’s an old friend.”
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lordrandreaming · 8 months
🍡Ok hear me out,
☂️Kagero and his mighty steed :
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I don't know who you are and why you adhere to my tastes so well...
*coughs* what about... Kagero... Pregnant.... Riding on Mizu's back 😭
Mizutsune is SUCH a smooth moving wyvern! I love how they sound too.. I beat the crap out of the poor things and get ×5 plates 😂 (not in one.. Nothing THAT crazy has happened to me..) But when I beat the crap outta Magnamalo I get 1 in 100..
ANYWAY- yes. I will hear you out.
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you-are-a-saucy-boi · 2 years
you are a saucy boy: is’t so, indeed?
this trick may chance scathe you, i know what:
you must contrary me! marry, 'tis time.
AYYY i love when people get the reference!!! we read romeo and juliet in high school and i just thought it was a hilarious insult + wanted to change my url (at the time mine was a bit too instagram and i wanted to join the Silly Url crowd)
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shujiinkou · 2 years
why can't you all tag stuff the same way it's annoying having to block and mute different tags for things I don't wanna see
ayo why you taking your anger out on me lmao? just block and mute the tags or better yet you may be in the fully wrong fandom
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oikasugayama · 10 months
what if: alignment chart of when you trip in front of them
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Atsushi, Sigma, Oda, Junichiro, Poe are genuinely worried about you but Mori is pretending to care.
Fukuzawa and Chuuya chuckle a little, Chuuya might help you up if you're pals. Tachihara laughs a little but isn't rushing to help.
Dazai and Ranpo are laughing their asses off. Nikolai is manically cackling. They all probably made you fall.
Mushitaro and Fyodor are chuckling and judging you. Bram scoffs and makes fun of your coordination. Akutagawa side-eyes you and turns away.
Kunikida and Ango could honestly swap places depending on the day. They're not laughing but they're also likely keeping their hands to themselves, as is professional.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
major if u ship Tim and Oliver does this mean their beloved children Poundcake and Mori have met. this is so fucking important
i have fantastic news
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[ID: A monochrome comic on a pink background of Poundcake the pit bull and Mori the black cat. In the first two panels, Poundcake is drawn with more detail, while Mori is more of a vageuly cat-shaped blob with a face, and the final panel shows them with similar levels of higher detail. Poundcake and Mori are near each other, Poundcake standing and leaning close with big shiny eyes, and Mori hunched down in nervousness. Tim and Oliver speak off-screen.
Tim: Be sweet, pup-cake~ Oliver: Aw, Mori, it's okay!
Then Mori proceeds to bap Poundcake on the face with his paw, wrinkling her forehead, to which she does not react.
Tim: Oop- Oliver: Oh dear
Later, Poundcake is laying her head down and smiling as Mori gently holds her still with one paw as he grooms her just under her ear, purring.
Tim and Oliver: AWWWW
end ID]
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Thank you! I am begging you to reconsider.
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leaderofthemafia · 8 days
//timeskipping cuz waking up is yippeee
Dazai woke up and walked around a little, unaware of where exactly he was but how else was he gonna figure it out than to wander?
*Mori, emerging from a nearby room, spots Dazai wandering aimlessly. He approaches with a gentle smile.*
Ah, Dazai, you're awake. Feeling any better? Perhaps some breakfast would settle your stomach?
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