#morro wo
mavratt · 1 year
Modern au but people keep mistaking Morro for Gerard Way.
So much so that the Ninja start calling him Gerard just to piss him off.
The first time this happens is when he's is walking down the street on the way to go steal shit or something and some random person stops him and asks for a photo and he's just like "I'm not the green ninja." And the person is like "No, I love your band." And he's just... so confused????
Idk, thought it was funny lmao.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 11 months
Summary: The Ninja find an old photo
Warnings: kinda bad writing, author is tired
Prompt: Past | Childhood | "Who is that again?"
Extra: The Ninja get to learn about my pre-canon AU! Set just barely before S7. Like, maybe a day before.
A cloud of dust flooded the air.
Jay coughed and sneezed as a majority of it coated his fluffy brown hair, pale freckled skin, and electric blue clothes. He glared at Kai, who stood precariously on a ladder above his blue counterpart, a guilty smile on his face.
Zane sighed and swept the dust off Jay and out of the temple as Kai brought down another box.
"Watch it, jerk!" The air sparked angrily with Jay's outburst, brunette hair frizzing up. "You covered me in dust!"
"Sorry, the box had a label and I wanted to read it," Kai responded, although there was an obvious lack of regret in his tone.
Jay huffed, "Hope it was worth it, this shirt's my favorite."
The two then ogled the label, which read "Cre + Wo + Spin".
Kai wrinkled his brow, trying to understand what it meant.
"Cre + Wo + Spin?" Jay questioned.
Kai shrugged and carried the cardboard container over to the miscellaneous pile.
Sensei Wu spotted the box as he entered the room. He gently pried the box open, a sentimental look on his face as he viewed the contents.
The Ninja, interested in what had caught their master's attention, crowded the old dragoni. There was a photo of six people at the top of the pile, which Sensei Wu carefully lifted out of storage.
Some of the people looked familiar. There were young Wu and Garmadon, Kai recognised his and Nya's parents, Ray and Maya, and Cole recognised his mother, Lily. They all quietly noticed a child that easily matched the description of Morro, had the ghost been alive and younger. The one they were stumped on was the blond lady with her arms excitedly hooked around Maya and Lily's shoulders, a beaming smile painted on her features.
"Who is that again?" Jay asked, pointing to the blonde woman.
"That is your biological mother, Jay. Her name was Libber. Unfortunately, your mother passed, and I am unsure as to what happened to your father," Wu informed him.
The Ninja gasped, while Jay zoned out. Nya discreetly tapped his arm until he returned to focus.
"Morro knew our parents?" Nya questioned.
Wu nodded, not removing his gaze from the preserved picture. "Before they all left to start their own lives, we were very closely knit. And even when they did, it was not uncommon for us or them to visit."
"Did Morro know my mom?" Lloyd asked out of pure curiosity.
"Yes, although they were not close," his sensei answered.
"What was it like back then?" Zane wondered.
"Lively is a word for it," Wu exhaled as he reminisced. "Morro was much happier and didn't care as much for being the Green Ninja. Ray and Maya often jokingly referred to him as their son, saying that if I hadn't adopted him, they would've."
"Woah, woah, woah. You adopted Morro?" Jay blanched as the Ninja stared at Wu in shock.
"Well, it was a long time ago, but yes," he admitted. "He and Garmadon were particularly close as well. Since the prophecy wasn't often taken seriously then, they would joke about Morro's believed role of the Green Ninja, and Garmadon's as the great evil. He would always listen to Libber's endless stream of words, and he enjoyed dancing with Lily."
The old man waited for the information to sink in. "I'm sure your parents are the reason he didn't spiral earlier, and I'm ever grateful for their unconditional, supportive love that they happily gave to everyone. I'm sure they are all proud of who you are today."
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mangasstuffcomics · 1 year
A whole subreddit to hate on a fictional character where did you get the idea that wu was the one who sealed the serpentine in there tombs the show never showed him doing so infact the only ones that where shown to do so where ray and Maya
People acting like wu alone is responsible for the stuff with serpentine is ridiculous
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One comparing garmadon and the serpentine um no garmadon never had choice in his evil and there's no way your saying that lloyd took control of the serpentine because he was evil no lloyd wasn't evil he had been expelled from darkleys was homeless and only did what he did to impress the only parent he actually had i his n life he was 8 to 10 years old and no good influence in his life until the ninja and wu
To compare lloyd to aspheeera who one promised wu she wouldn't use spinjitzu for evil and broke that promise and actually committed treason against the king of the serpentine she used wu to further own plans
Not mention wu was child at that point and here's the one people who blame wu for garmadon turning evil there's no way for wu as child to have know that garmadon fetching his sword would get him bit by the great devoured
But wo doesn't tell the ninjas anything until it roo late one morro was gone had been gone for more 40 years and wu had no idea morro was the cursed realm either wu telling them about morro would not have made a difference
And the overlord too even if wu told them that tje overlord would come back it wouldn't make a difference
Aspheera had been sealed since he was child for 1000 years I don't see a reason why wu needed to tell the ninja about her
Like he somehow could have some predicted that ninja would go on quest to the prymid that happened to have aspheeera in it
People are really expecting wu to be somehow beable to predict the future
Wu haters are something else
Then we have people who will outright ignore canon I've seen wu doesn't care about his students wu doesn't care about garmadon and morro and garmadon doesn't care about wu
These people act like wu is evil incarnate and the worst ever and misako too and hate on lloyd too while stanning garmadon while acting like garmadon is compelety innocent and hasn't done a thing wrong
How do hate the 3 most important people to character you stan
Wu haters in 2023 really
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realityandrebirth · 2 years
Summary: Morro manages to capture the Water Ninja, however temporarily.
Warnings: minor reference to torture.
Morrotober: Day One
When Bansha brought the Water Ninja before him in chains, Morro savored the moment. "So you were my old master's last hope?" he said with a sneer. "All it took was a little vengestone to put you out of commission!"
The Water Ninja glared at him. "A little vengestone could stop your hot air, too!" she spat. "Let Lloyd go."
Morro laughed. "You're in no position to demand anything, girl!"
Her name is Nya, said the boy he possessed.
He fought Lloyd's mind back under. "So what should I do with you?" he said, walking in a slow circle around the room. "Torture you? Imprison you?"
Bansha cleared her throat. "We should kill her," she rasped.
Nya's body tensed. She said nothing.
Morro shrugged. "I wouldn't go that far."
"Why not?" Bansha stared at him, her eyes piercing. "She's a danger to us alive. Get rid of the Master of Water and the ninja have nothing and no one to stop us."
"If we have her, we have leverage against the ninja," Morro said. "I wouldn't throw that away so quickly."
"We have leverage. Have you forgotten whose body you're borrowing?"
Morro spun to face Bansha. "Watch your tone," he snarled. "I am your superior, in case you've forgotten. I answer only to the Preeminent herself. Leave. I wish to speak with her alone."
Bansha tilted her head, but even she knew better than to disobey a direct order. She left. Morro breathed out and turned to the Water Ninja.
"What do you know about Wojira?" he said in a low voice.
Nya blinked. "What?"
"Don't play dumb, Water Ninja." Morro moved right in her face, forcing her to lean back. "Wojira. The storm spirit. Wu told me stories of her."
"He never told those stories to me," Nya said, with more than a trace of bitterness. "He didn't even tell me I had these powers."
Morro grit his teeth. He may be outside the Preeminent's influence, but even speaking the name risked punishment when he returned. "Wo-ji-ra," he said. "A legendary storm spirit. Long ago, before Ninjago was named, she gave birth to twins of the storm and the wave. The first masters of wind and water."
Please, Wojira, help me! I'm yours, aren't I? Please, get me out of here!
"What," Nya said, "like we're related or something?"
His body seized. Morro was thrashing in the Preeminent's grip, screaming and crying for someone to save him. In desperation, he called out to Wojira. Please, he wailed, please, aren't you the one who rules over the storm? Don't you watch over your descendants, your children? Please, Wojira, save me!
When he came to, Lloyd was in control. Morro raged and scrabbled for control inside his mind, but, for the second time, Lloyd kept him down. The cuffs unlocked, and Nya pulled the chains off her wrists.
"Go," Lloyd managed to say. "Nya, run!"
Nya grabbed his hand. "Lloyd, I can't leave you with–"
But Lloyd wasn't in control anymore. Morro wrenched his hand away, staggering backwards. "Useless!" he shouted. "Run, Water Ninja! You can't run forever! Wojira can't save you–no one can!"
He had no excuse to give to Bansha when she returned to find the Water Ninja gone. "It won't happen again," Morro said. There was no judgement Bansha could give him that was worse than what the Preeminent would do if he failed.
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firesofdainix · 2 years
October 13: Arts and Crafts | Reading | "Do it again."
My queue for the entire month is running out. Anyways I love Morro and I also love adding tons of fantasical elements into the series.
AO3 Version
Pre-canon, details is that Morro had not chosen his name and uses terms such as ‘boy’ and ‘child’ as names. Also my take on the First Elemental Master of Wind.
A long time ago, there lived a tribe in the Storm Archipelago. They are peaceful people, having existed in the Realm of Ninjago even before Time Had A Name. Their skins are like glowing amethysts, but their hearts are as pure as gold. They are there, fighting on the side of the First Spinjitzu Master against the legendary Sea Serpent. While they are well-known for their title of the Keepers of the Amulet, they are, however, secretive; their rituals and customs have never been exposed to the public, and they are kind, yet protective people. They are the Children of— Wohi— Woji—
“Ugh!” The young boy exclaims, closing the book out of sheer anger and irritation. He glares at the Ancient Ninjargon, frustrated that he has fumbled over a simple name. The characters of this letter — the Serpent of the Storm and Sea — are strange, never seen anything like it. With a scowl, he looks over another book with Modern Ninjargon to cross-reference it with the Old Ninjargon book. He still could not comprehend why Wu wanted him to decipher and understand the context and language of the old tribes, when it is anything but a dead language. Only historians and people who've lived through time can understand these basic characters, but not a child. He huffs, putting his head on his hands whilst he continues to scowl at the history records in Old Ninjargon. "Why do I have to read this? This is for old folks! I'm not old!"
“You may not be old, but you must be patient, boy,” Wu says as the young boy scrunches his face, attempting to pronounce the name of this grand sea serpent. She was beautiful, from all the paintings and artwork derived from her Majesty, gemstones gleaming at the top of her head. She looks to be leering, her eyes glaring at him through the pages. He shivers at her glance, even when she is simply a fictional story. "You can read through those characters the way you can weave through the training grounds."
He wants to comment that they are, in fact, different things, but he returns to reading the book. If it is to enhance his reading skills, well, he supposed that he should give it a try. He's never been given the right education when it comes to his literacy, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
"The character is pronounced as Wojira," Wu says as his fingers brush over the old, yellowed pages. His touch was gentle, careful, and promising. Morro stares at it with a look of allurement. “Can you say it again?”
Peering at these characters, swirling in his mind like an alphabet, he once again narrows as he opens his mouth to say it. “Wo…jira.” He draws out the ‘i’ in the ‘ji’, but, from the nod he received from Wu, it appears his hardships are lucrative.
So, he continues to read at a more sedated and prone pace.
They are the children of Wojira, the Serpent of Storm and Sea, the Bringer of Winds, and the Summoner of Waves. She was the sole creature in this Realm until one of her more explosive conquests created the Merlopians which habituate the Sea, and next the Keepers, who find life on the tempests easier to navigate. Due to being created by the Great Serpent herself, two of these people were granted her elements, Water and Wind. Her rage and her fickle mind cannot be tamed nor contained by her children, however; they waged a seemingly endless war against their creator, to usurp her hold in their world. Their attempts of defeating Wojira were fruitless and futile— until arrival of a refugee from a war appeared in the guise of a meteor, crashing down onto the wild waves of the Sea.
He brightens at the mention of the First Spinjitzu Master, and he continues with this passage, immediately eager.
Introducing himself as the First Spinjitzu Master, he harnesses the ability to Create and Destroy, despite his physique that of a child’s. He offers to help the Keepers and the Merlopians in their discomfiture over their master. Motivated, they began their last attack against Wojira, their armor polished, their spears sharpened, with the First Spinjitzu Master leading the battle. Yet, it seems to be ending the same way it always had been; Keepers shattered, the Merlopians crushed underneath the seafloor; even with the assistance of this all-powerful deity, they could not win against their master. Perhaps, then, they realize, that this world only belongs to her. That is, until the first Master of Water, N—
The young boy puffs his cheek out in annoyance, as he stares at the characters, attempting to placate what it meant. Come on, Boy! You have heard of her name, and heard her mentioned in various legends and storybooks! Do not stutter!
Wu returns with a stack of books, and Morro grimaces at the sight of it. He was already having trouble with one book, what about a dozen?
Yet, his eyes were encouragingly affable, so, he continues reading.
Nya— he mentally cheers for himself at the closeness of the name — was a Merlopian, and she desires for the day their mother, Wojira, shall lose herself in the depths of the sea. With only a spear at hand, she rides the waves, her incredible control over water rivaling that of the Serpent herself. She finds Wojira’s weakness as she rides a wave as big as the serpent: the two Amulets, the Storm Amulet and the Wave Amulet. Realizing what she must sacrifice to give her people a great future, she merges with the Endless Sea, relinquishing all the sides that make her mortal. Becoming the very thing that Wojira controls made Nyad able to best the erratic Serpent. For the first time, the seas were calm, and the gales are nothing but far in between.
Wojira retreats into the sea, cast into a deep sleep. She will only awaken when both the amulets on her head are placed; Nyad, meanwhile, lost herself to the sea. And the First Spinjitzu Master went on to create Ninjago, never forgetting the sacrifice she offered her people for freedom.
Morro lets out a deep breath, feeling exhausted already. He closes the book softly (the last time he closed an old book harshly, Wu had started crying), and looks at his master, who was flipping through the pages of the ancient scrolls and texts.
When Wu seems to realize the silence sinking into his shoulders, he perks up and gives Morro a supportive look. “Well done.”
The boy huffs, puffing his cheeks and crossing his arms. “I want another story.”
The blonde ruminates for a moment, before taking out the book he had just finished writing yesterday. According to him, every hundred years or so, old books begin to become worn, fragile, and easy to be lost. And, since there is various information that may be lost in these books, especially since they are written in old tongues, it is his master’s job to start codifying and writing everything into New Ninjargon. He feels a twinge of pity for his master; always becoming frustrated when he bumps into ambiguous meanings, new terms, and other things in which language barriers become a big deal. Morro would not want to take over his job.
“What about this one?” Wu offers, his fingers tracing over the Old Ninjargon.
His jade eyes fixate on the characters. “The Tale of Morro.”
His master smiles. “Indeed. I believe you should learn more about the First Recorded Master of Wind. He is quite an interesting figure in history.”
He rolls his eyes. “He’s going to be one of the most boring figures in history, then.”
There was an uncomfortable smile flashing through Wu’s eyes. “When my father told me of him, I never slumbered for weeks.”
Immediately interested, the boy, with dainty fingers, flip over the first page to start.
Years after Wojira has been defeated, and the First Spinjitzu Master finished the Stone Wars which led to Time Finally Having a Name, he establishes the First Generation of the Elemental Masters. One fateful day, he meets a Keeper washed in the shore of his newly created land. Legends say he was exiled from his home for attempting to steal the Storm Amulet to exploit it into the mainland. However, fragmentary records from the First Spinjitzu Master himself implicated that he was tried for murder and proven guilty.
The boy’s eyes grow wide. “Woah! Murder?!”
Wu gives the book a look of utter distaste. “There is a reason why he is a scary story, and why the Element of Wind is considered to be cursed.”
“Why is that?”
“... I believe it will be better if you simply read it.”
“But it’s not even a storybook! It’s literally a legend with some fact behind it!”
But Wu resumes his job codifying everything into his books, and, with a petulant sigh, the young boy returns to the soothing pages of the books.
Their name was Morro; despite being cast out from the Island for reasons undisclosed to the public, he and the First Spinjitzu Master’s relationship was cordial and amiable. They were his closest companion out of all the Elemental Masters, occasionally seen talking and laughing with one another when the rest are out in their tasks and—
“Ugh, this is hopeless!” The boy seethes as he looks at the unfamiliar Old Ninjargon characters. Wu gives him a sympathetic look.
“Do it again,” Wu replies, patting his head. He pushes his hands away, disliking the way he wants to be pat on the head again. He did not need any patronizing convincing from his master, for only he can console himself into thinking he would be literate.
So, he reads once more.
He skips through a couple of verses, feeling inadequate over being unable to make sense of the rather seemingly incomprehensible characters, but also feeling bored with the story. Where’s the action? The background as to why Morro, the First Master of Wind, was considered as a ghost story?
When he finds a certain illustration with Morro, his purple skin glinting in the painting, along with the First Spinjitzu Master, back turned, glancing over him, he starts to read.
Morro was a pleasing companion— loyal, honest to a fault, and quite friendly with the others. Regardless of this, many accounts often describe him as a person with a concerning personality. When the Creator of Ninjago is not around, they will occasionally satiate their bad habits through fighting and indulging in other things which was contrary to the FSM’s teachings. They additionally have a troubling obsession with the elements, theirs included. Not only were they morally complicit in contrast to their friend, but they also take their friendship with him in a severe way, a hardcore believer of his teachings. He believes that anyone else who opposes his ideology must be indoctrinated, or, worse…
The young boy widens his eyes, feeling a morbid fascination overgrowing within him, as if the winds are speaking to him about the tale of the First Master of Wind, their gusts thoroughly as severe as what he believes Morro was.
He was not feeling goosebumps spread on his skin as he reads on; rather, he was filled with curiosity and excitement as to how his story ends. After all, he was simply defending his friend, the person who made him important— what’s wrong with defending him?
Morro overstepped his boundaries in his 24th year of life— one day, he encountered a group of naysayers, criticizing the rule of the First Spinjitzu Master. Overtaken by anger and pride for their friend, he did a forbidden, unprecedented even, Wind technique.
The young boy turns to the next page and becomes indignant when he only sees the painting of Morro, boot planted on a corpse’s face, without any Ninjargon alphabet failing to construe the story.
“What?!” He speaks up, which grabs Wu’s attention. “Where is this ‘forbidden Wind technique’?!”
Wu gives him a stern look. “Something I hope you will not find the truth in the light of day.”
“You’re the one who gave me this book!”
“Simply because my father told me of their story when I was the same age as you! Now, I have immediately realized too late this was not appropriate to little children!”
“Master, please tell me what kind of wind technique he made that got every history book here to say he defended your father too much!”
“Young boy, get back to reading!”
Said young boy sticking his tongue out, but he reads once more.
This action enraged the First Spinjitzu Master, who called for a trial that rendered Morro as guilty of the crime he had comitted. Betrayed by his friend, the FSM exiled Morro from the Elemental Alliance. His whereabouts a year later stopped coming altogether.
The young boy raises a brow, flipping through the pages to attempt to see what crime Morro had done other than planting his boot on a well-deserved man’s corpse. “That’s it?”
“Pardon?” Wu asks, finally finished with what seems to be the first chapter of his current project.
“This is the ‘Tale of Morro’?” He refers to the book’s title with a questionably disappointed look on his face. “The man told in scary stories? The man disgraced from the Elemental Alliance? That’s him?”
“The book is for children. I have censored most mature topics from this book.”
“You could’ve forewarned me! I feel as if I’m starving from the information I don’t think I’ll find in these books!”
A ghost of a smile appears on Wu’s face. “Indeed; you’ll never find any existing data on the Wind technique. Even my father had been privy to it.” A sense of bitterness touches upon his tone.
The young boy chooses to ignore that. “But can you just tell me why Morro was in the wrong for seemingly killing these hooligans? He was just defending his friend!”
Wu’s smile becomes concerned. “Boy, there is a difference between friendship… and obsession.”
The boy still looks confused. “So he’s… obsessed with the First Spinjitzu Master? Yet… I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
His master ruffles his hair, eliciting an annoying whine from the boy. "You will understand why my father had to do what he has done to Morro. He was not the best Elemental Master to have graced the world my father had made.”
“But your dad just cast your friend away! Simply because he is obsessed with him!”
Wu sighs, “Obsession is where you always yearn; always missing them. You ache for something so much that you may as well force yourself into giving into the obsessive fills of your heart.”
He blinks. “I literally have no idea what you said.”
The older man blinks and lets out another deep sigh. “Well, you are only a young boy, so as you grow older… you may gain perception over the differences between companionship and obsession.”
The boy lets out an unconvinced hum, before his fingers find the elegant painting of Morro, the First Master of Wind. He had a small smile decorating his features, contrasting his heavy eyes and brows, who fit more stern individuals (such as Wu, but he did not want to get bonked by his dumb staff again). His dark hair, almost looking smooth and flat, looking like a rock hiding the geode that is his skin, was straight and ghostly. He had armor on, clad in gold and amethyst glades, as if he was always ready for a battle to break out.
He also notices his eyes.
His eyes were the same green as the young boy’s, except it was tinged with gold and blue streaks whizzing past it like wind currents.
The young boy closes the book as he feels something strange bloom in his chest.
Something about Morro was familiar to him.
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Charlie auf Fuerteventura - Teil 1: Morro Jable
Freunde der Sonne, ich habe endlich rausgekriegt, wie man in diesem schrecklichen Hotel-WLAN ne stabile Verbindung kriegt: Man geht einfach raus auf den Balkon, wo es keine Wände gibt, die das WLAN-Signal abdämpfen. Hier ist es zwar windig aber egal, alles für ein stabiles WLAN!
Fuerteventura ist die älteste und zweitgrößte der kanarischen Inseln. Seit 2009 ist sie UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat und seit 2015 UNESCO-Lichtschutzgebiet.
Es scheint, als hätten wir den Fluch endlich gebrochen, den dieses Mal sind wir ohne Probleme vom Mietwagen abholen rausgefahren. Ich seh’s schon kommen: Stattdessen kriegen wir dann Probleme beim Mietwagen abgeben.
Mein Vater hatte die tolle Idee, sich kein T-Shirt unter seinen Pullover zu ziehen und hat sich dann nicht nur die ganze Zeit bis zum Hotel beschwert, dass ihm warm ist sondern musste sich dann im Hotel auch erstmal hinlegen
Dieses Hotel ist sehr auf deutsche Urlauber ausgerichtet und das merkt man u.a. daran, dass sie sich denken, dass in eigentich fleischfreie Gerichte definitiv Speck reingehört - was natürlich nicht auf dem Schild daneben steht. Es ist jeden Tag eine Überraschung: Ist das eine normale Suppe/normale Beilage oder haben sie doch Speck reingemacht?
Da der Hotelfernseher hier wieder keinen Kopfhöreranschluss hat, hat mein Vater sich jetzt ein Buch aus dem Bücherregal geholt und liest. Das ist erst das dritte Mal in seinem ganzen Erwachsenenleben, dass er freiwillig ein Buch liest und die ersten beiden Male hat er das Buch nichtmal ausgelesen.
Anyway, jetzt, wo ich endlich eine stabile WLAN-Verbindung habe, kann ich endlich berichten, was wir gestern gemacht haben. Wir waren in dem Ort Morro Jable. Ursprünglich ein kleines Fischerdorf, jetzt Tourismushochburg, seit Anfang der 1970er eine Straße dorthin gebaut wurde.
Was zusammen mit dem hässlichen Leuchtturm sehr dystopisch aussieht.
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Ebenfalls dystopisch: Die gruseligen Kinderstatuen im Kreisverkehr am Ortseingang.
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Das sind längst nicht alle. Insgesamt stehen dort 30 von ihnen rum.
Kommen wir nun zu den weniger dystopischen Teilen des Ortes. Zum Beispiel die Salzwiesen neben dem Leuchtturm (Naturschutzgebiet)
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Was macht diese Willy Brandt Statue hier? Ganz einfach: Willy Brandt war öfters auf Kur auf Fuerteventura und durch die Medienberichte darüber wurde Fuerteventura als Urlaubsziel populär. Man hat ihm sogar extra eine eigene Funkstation eingerichtet, weil es noch keine Telefonleitungen gab. Home Office in den 70ern!
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Und natürlich, typisch für Fuerteventura: Der Sandstrand
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Vom Hafen von Morro Jable legen Fähren auf die anderen Inseln ab.
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Außerdem gibt es im Hafenbecken Stachelrochen in freier Wildbahn zu bestaunen. Sie kommen freiwillig vom offenen Meer in den Hafen geschwommen, weil sie genau wissen, dass es hier Futter gibt. Ihr kennt sie vielleicht als die Tierart, die Steve Irwin getötet hat.
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Ebenfalls am Hafen befindet sich eine Meeresschildkrötenaufzucht- und Auffangstation. Sie ist Teil eines Projekts, dass die Unechte Karettschildkröte wieder auf Fuerteventura ansiedeln soll, was auch teilweise bereits geglückt ist. Außerdem werden hier verletzte Meeresschildkröten so lange gepflegt, bis sie wieder in die Freiheit entlassen werden können.
Sie haben zwar noch bis zum 23. Januar geschlossen, weil die Behörden ihre jährliche Überprüfung durchführen, aber die Angestellten bieten Zaungästen an, gegen eine kleine Spende ihr Handy kurz an sich zu nehmen und Fotos zu machen.
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Außerdem habe ich das Schlaraffenland für Liebhaber von gemusterter Kleidung gefunden. Koala Bay hat zwar nur Filialen an der spanischen Küste und auf den Inseln, aber sie haben eine Onlineshop und liefern auch nach Deutschland. Und weil in Spanien gerade Winterschlussverkauf ist, ist vieles runtergesetzt. Die Größen fangen zwar erst bei S an, aber die fällt klein aus.
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Kommen wir nun zur Katzenrückschau der letzten Tage
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vonpinguinenzulamas · 7 months
Arica, 11.02.24
Nach dem Frühstück unternehmen wir nur eine Stadtrundfahrt, da wir morgen ein längere Tour vorhaben.
Die sehenswerte Innenstadt ist sehr überschaubar. Vielleicht am interessantesten ist die Kathedrale San Marcos, die von Gustave Eiffel konstruiert wurde, dem Erbauer des Eiffelturms. Die schönsten Gebäude in Chile sind alle über 100 Jahre und stammen aus der Zeit, wo Chile durch den Abbau und Verkauf von Salpeter reich war. Wenn man heute Chile besucht, sieht man überall, dass diese glorreichen Zeiten längst vorbei sind.
Anschließend fahren wir zum stadtnahen Hügel El Morro hoch, der eine Höhe von 137m hat und einen guten Ausblick bietet. Die Chilenen haben hier 1868 in einer Schlacht von nur einer Stunde die Peruaner vertrieben; seitdem ist dieser Hügel in nationaler Erinnerung.
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aweebwrites · 5 years
(Soooo here's another part to the Rejected Prophecy Au. Creds for the AU goes to @mostlysunnydays and @cakeking-cole and the idea itself goes to @ceata88 ! Hope you all enjoy!)
Things have been strange between Lloyd and the ninja. It may have something to do with his father's last words to Wu and Misako before he sacrificed himself for his sake.
'Nya, you have always looked out for my son. I hope I do not burden you by requesting you continue doing so.’ Garmadon had requested, from where he was floating mid way to the portal to the Cursed Realm above.
“It would be an honour.” Nya says, head lifted defiantly under the looks Wu and Misako tossed her.
Garmadon nodded then looked towards his so called brother and wife.
‘Know this Wu.’ He spoke, his tone dark and vengeful. 'I sacrifice myself for the sake of my son's future. Not for you, not for Misako, not for your ninja and not even for Ninjago. You pride yourself as a great Sensei when you are no better than I was with the Devour's venom running thickly in my veins! You should know more than anyone else here that destiny is a fickle thing. Destiny decided that my son would be Ninjago's savior and no matter the torment and ridicule you, Misako or the ninja cast upon him will change that! And for that, I will never forgive any of you. I pray it rests upon your conscience until each of your dying days, the horrors you have all inflicted on my son. And know Wu, that our father's judgement awaits you.’ He hissed at his brother before nodding at Lloyd who couldn't stop the tears that fell into the opened book.
‘Sono, hokido, bo-rock!’ Lloyd had yelled, completing the spell.
'I will always love you son!’ Garmadon had yelled as he was launched upward into the portal, the general flying down afterwards.
After it was all over and done, Lloyd had left, taking Nya with him who had refused to interact above the necessary courtesies with her brother and the other ninja.
They had spent some time in a tiny apartment in Ninjago that worked out well considering that there was just two of them. Since Lloyd looked older, it wasn't too hard nabbing a small job stacking shelves in a small grocery store and Nya picked up her old job working at the auto body shop. It worked out. Until a week or so after the whole incident, they got a letter from the others. (Nya knew Zane and P.I.X.A.L were to blame for finding their location.) Apparently they're building a tea shop where Sensei Garmadon’s monastery once was.
It took an hour to calm Lloyd down after that. Just to know his and his father's home was destroyed for some shitty tea shop sent him off the rails. It took another hour for him to stop crying after the initial anger past. Nya was pissed. Rightfully so. His father's death had already been so hard on him. The night terrors haven't even begun to cease. Why in the name of the First Spinjitsu Master would they destroy their home?! They discussed their offer to return and live with them in the Bounty and help them run the shop. Nya didn't want him 10 feet near any of them and while he didn't want to be anywhere close to them, the shop was built on his father's grounds. They had to keep the business open or else they'd have to sell it and he would lose even more.
Nya agreed to go and assist, knowing they had enough savings for her to be able to take a few short weeks off. But she would not be staying at the Bounty with them. She used her old Harley she left in the auto body shop oh so long ago as her means of transportation to and from their apartment, keeping lloyd updated on everything that has been happening. Soon enough, the shop was done and opening day was here. He decided that he had been hiding long enough. Since he apparently had the third biggest share, he decided to at the very least help out somehow.
On arrival with Nya, he noticed that the Ninja had just returned, looking spiffy in their new gi, riding their elemental dragons. He didn't care too much. His father had taught him that not everything should matter to him while rebuilding his self-esteem.
“Well well. Look who finally decided to show their face.” Jay says as they hopped off their elemental dragons.
Lloyd didn't need to look to know Nya was glaring something fierce.
“Watch it lightning mouth.” Nya says, standing protectively before Lloyd.
“It's ok Nya.” Lloyd says with a find smile, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Don't act so friendly with my sister you-”
“That's enough Kai.” Zane says firmly, shooting the fire ninja a glare but he kept glaring at Lloyd.
“It's nice to see you guys.” Lloyd says and that was sadly the truth.
He had barely seen them over the course of these months. Despite how they treated him, it was nice to know they were healthy and ok.
“Let's go Lloyd.” Nya says, tugging him away once Zane opened his mouth to respond.
Zane sighed as he looked down, guilt eating at him. They had been nothing short of horrible to him from the very first moment they met him. Not to mention when they went back in time to try and prevent him from becoming the green ninja…
“Don't you have better things to do than feel sorry for yourself?” P.I.X.A.L prompted him, crossing her arms and tapping her foot in the right corner of his vision. “Like making it up to that poor boy you your friends have all but tortured these past few years?” She says pointedly.
“Of course.” Zane sighed, following behind Lloyd and Nya, the other Ninja wearing unkind expressions on their face.
“I don't care what Sensei says. Once a brat, always a brat.” Cole huffed.
“I'm with you.” Kai nodded.
“Me too.” Jay agrees.
Inside the teachop, Misako had just finished stocking the shelves then turned around at the sight of footsteps, gasping a little as she saw her wary son.
“Lloyd.” She whispered, walking out from behind the counter and walking over to him- but Lloyd backed away completely, pressing his back against the shelving of teapots.
“Hello.” Lloyd says with a small, formal bow, face carefully blank and something in Misako shattered.
She caused this. Her son can't even look her in the eye. He doesn't even call her mother. She turned away, covering her face as Nya went to his side, asking if he was ok and if she need to kick any ass. Wu came out then to see Misako quietly crying into her hands and Lloyd looking uncomfortable nearby.
“What did he-” Wu cut himself self odd as he stopped mid step.
Shame washed over him as his brother's word and his actions towards his young nephew returned to his mind. He was so quick to assume, to pin the blame on Lloyd, who had done nothing wrong. Wu took off his rice hat as he walked towards his nephew.
“Close enough.” Nya says, holding a hand out to stop Wu from getting any closer.
“Lloyd.” Wu says and he looked on, both lost and uncomfortable as his uncle knelt from his allowed distance. “I have come to realise I haven't been the best uncle.” He began as Nya took a call from her cell.
Lloyd on the other hand was confused and wary. What was he trying to do? Was there another baddie out there he needed him to defeat? What could it be? He already gave up his golden power at their insistence and they all have their powers back from Chen, what else does he need?
“I know-”
“Sorry Wu.” Nya says, cutting him off. “Lloyd, there's been a break in at the museum.” She says, turning to him and he almost sighed out loud in relief.
“Nothing we can't take care of. After all, we're the ones-”
“They requested for Lloyd specifically.” Nya says flatly, cutting Cole off.
“I'll see you later then Nya.” Lloyd says then went to take off- only to bite back a groan once Zane called after him.
“Your gi.” Was all he says, presenting the updated one to him.
Nya took it and inspected it before nodding at it and handing it over to Lloyd.
“Go. We'll catch up later.” She told him and he nodded before taking off.
“What are you? His mom?” Kai asked with a scowl.
“I'm his friend. And if I act like his mother then it's because someone has to be.” Nya says, glaring at all of them before walking behind the counter. “I only agreed to help you guys with Steep Wisdom if you keep things strictly business wise and right now, we need customers.” She says, walking out with the box of uniforms and fliers before shoving them into Kai's arms.
“So why don't you and your friends make yourselves useful Kai.” She says, glaring up at him as he gritted his teeth.
She then turned away, going back to the counter.
“What? You want us to hang out fliers?! No wa-”
“Why did you think I ordered them to begin with?” Wu asked, slipping his hat back on and resting a comforting hand against Misako's shoulder. “Nya is correct. We need customers. I need you four to advertise. And no powers.” He says firmly, making three of the four of them grumble.
Lloyd just couldn't catch a break, couldn't he? First it was the weight of becoming the green ninja, then, it was the weight of being the green ninja, the pressure of defeating his father then the Overlord times two, then being guilt tripped into heading to Chen's island with the other ninja, then losing his father, all of that topped off with his uncles, mother's and 'fellow ninja's’ oppression and now this! A ghost who has possessed sand of all things, wearing the allied armor.
“You can't have the allied armor!” Lloyd yelled at the sand figure before him from his place slumped against the ground.
“The armor's nice, but it's not the only thing I want to possess…” Morro says, looking down at the chest plate before looking back at Lloyd with a smirk.
“What else do you want?” Lloyd asked, warily.
“You!” Morro yelled, lunging at him and Lloyd yelled as the ghost entered him, leaving a pile of sand in his lap.
“N-no! Get out of me!” Lloyd yelled as he gripped his head, the Night Watchman stepping back, horrified.
Morro only laughed as he took full control of his body, standing up now.
“Foolish ninja. I own you now!” Morro yelled then laughed loudly as the Night Watchman ran for his life.
‘You won't win!’ Lloyd yelled in his own head, unable to control himself any more, no matter how much he fought.
“Oh? Won't I? And who will stop me? The ninja that hate you so much for being the green ninja? Or is it your little girlfriend?” Morro mocked as he walked out of the room, towards the exit.
'Wait… You want to be the green ninja?’ Lloyd asked, picking it up from Morro's mind once he felt his jealousy at the word.
“I was meant to be the green ninja! Me! Not you or anyone else!” Morro hissed, stomping angrily out of the museum.
Lloyd was silent, watching from his place firmly in the back seat of his own body. Yet another person who wants to be the green ninja. Yet another person to hate him. Yet another blow waiting to be struck at his new defences he put up around himself, to protect himself. The blow can't land if he let him in, now can it?
'Then by all means… Be my guest.’ He says, surprising Morro as he allowed himself to sink completely under his possession.
Why would he not fight him? Morro sneered, taking to the air.
‘So you think you're so much better than the title of green ninja huh? You're nothing but a fool! You will only make my plans run through more smoothly!’ Morro thought both bitter and triumphantly.
'You'll learn on your own that having the title of green ninja is far worse than being possessed.’ Lloyd's voice echoed, barely there.
He closed his eyes as he let himself float under the deep waters of possession. Nya will be upset and his father too if he were still here. But they should understand. Here Morro was, inadvertently offering him a break from being the green ninja. A break from all the pain and anxiety. He would be a fool not to accept. If Morro wanted to take his place, fine by him. For now, he can rest…
“Sensei!” Zane yelled as they rushed into Steep Wisdom where Nya was serving their first customer, Misako busying herself with unnecessary dusting.
“Yes?” Wu answered, coming from the back with a sachet of tea herbs.
“We were getting the word out- “And there was this wind!-” “And our powers disappeared!”
“You were using your powers?” Wu asked, looking at them disappointedly.
“Yeah, yeah. We're bad students and whatever but what happened to our powers?!” Jay yelled when a sudden gust of wind blew into the shop, setting off alarm bells for Wu.
“If your powers are gone, something must have happened to…” Wu says, a feeling of dread washing over him.
“Of course.” Kai says, facepalming. “Lloyd.”
“It’s Lloyd!” The customer's daughter yelled, pointing him out as he walked through the gates to Steep Wisdom.
“I know that wind… That's not Lloyd.” Wu says and Nya looked at him alarmed.
“Not Lloyd?! Then what happened to him?!” Nya asked as the ninja all ran out to meet him.
“No time.” Wu says, turning to Misako, instructing her to take the customer's away.
“Step aside.” Morro says as the ninja a stood before the shop.
“Why don't you step aside and tell us what did you do to our powers!” Jay yelled at him and Morro was unimpressed.
“I want a word with your master.” He demanded.
“Floyd must just be going through puberty.” Jay huffed, crossing his arms.
“Enough playing around and give us our powers back! They aren't yours!” Kai yelled at him as Zane analyzed him.
“What? Being the chosen one isn't enough for you?!” Cole yelled too.
“Stop.” Zane says, throwing out a hand towards them, gaining their attention. “I’m sensing a foreign entity has taken over his body. Someone else is controlling Lloyd.” He warned them.
“What? The brat got himself possessed?” Kai huffed and Zane glared at him. “Serves him right for being so weak. But now it's our problem because our powers are linked to the punk.” Kai says, cracking his knuckles.
“You're wasting my time. Move before I make you.” Morro says annoyed.
“Make us?” Jay scoffed.
“I never had a problem kicking your ass before you were possessed and I ain't got one now!” Cole growled but the words struck deep inside Lloyd's possessed body.
Lloyd opened his eyes in the abyss of possession, fury he never knew he possessed waking up with him as well. His eyes shone with raw fury and it showed outside as well. He always reasoned that it was for the good of training the beatings he took from them, that it was to make him a better person. Now he realises that it was all out abuse. He should have realised back then but he was no longer the fool he once was. Now, now he wants revenge.
'What the hell do you think you're-’
“No problem kicking my ass huh?” 'Lloyd’ spoke, his voice mixing between Morro's and his own. “I'd like to see you try that now.” He says, throwing his arms open and Cole growled before charging at him.
“Cocky little- woah!” Cole yelled as he was hoisted high in the air by green tinged wind.
He was then sucked down towards the ground hard, grunting once he made impact.
“Get up.” 'Lloyd’ mocked, more Lloyd than Morro right now.
“Don't you hurt Cole you-”
“Or what?” Lloyd asked, walking towards them, green energy and wind in one hand. “You'll make sure I regret it? Call me names? Hurt me?” He asked, hoisting both Jay and Kai up in the air, using Morro's wind, ignoring said ghost's attempts to recover his possession.
“Guess what?” Lloyd says, tilting his head to the side. “The pathetic little Lloyd you all knew is dead and gone!” He yelled, slamming them both into the ground then blew Zane back as he ran towards him.
“Please Lloyd! We are sorry! Let us make things right with you!” Zane yelled as he was swept up in a whirlwind.
He grunted once he was slammed out of it by a burst of green energy.
“Make things right?” Lloyd whispered, looking down at them all as he rose off of his feet by the green whirlwind around him. “You all had your chance to make things right.” He says, watching them all struggle to get to their feet.
Morro blinked once he suddenly found himself in control again.
'Do whatever you want with them. But leave Nya out of it.’ Was all Lloyd said to him before letting the possession wash over him again, pulling him under.
Morro growled as he reached his hand towards the windmill once Zane pulled out his shurikens.
“Don't think you can get in control so easily next time, Lloyd.” He growled to himself as he slammed the windmill down on the four.
Lloyd didn't comment. He was sick and tired of them and of everything. Let someone else save the day. Let someone else suffer. Let someone else be the green ninja.
Nya looked out from the shop's entrance, horrified. She promised to protect him... Lloyd...
'A s  l o n g  a s i t i s n ‘ t  me , t h e n
I ‘ l l  b e f i n e.’
(So I know for a fact that I will be writing another piece for this to fill in some blanks. Tomorrow at best. I kinda mushed together bits and pieces of everyone's suggestions and this happened! 😄 I hope you all liked it!)
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viajeeconomico · 5 years
Wir lassen Zentralamerika & Kolumbien hinter uns, & freuen uns auf eine komplett neue Kultur, Sprache, Kulinarik :-D & natürlich die Familie.
Wir begrenzten unseren Aufenthalt in Rio de Janeiro auf drei Nächte. Die wunderschön gelegene Grossstadt ist...halt einfach gross. :-P Wir hielten uns ans Touri-Programm, das die Jesus-Statue & den Copacabana-Strand beinhaltete. Danach fuhren wir 8h nördlich nach Vitória, wo wir zwei Nächte verbrachten. Die schöne, ruhige & überschaubare Stadt gefiel uns gut. Man könnte die Stadt geologisch gesehen auch als kleines Rio bezeichnen. Von da ging’s nun über Nacht 10h weiter bis Porto Seguro/Arraial d’Ajuda.
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Escadaria Selaron
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Horizont mit Smog
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Mueso da Amanhã
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auf dem Morro do Moreno
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bloghierundanderswo · 6 years
Wenn es draußen kalt, grau und ungemütlich ist brauchen wir ein bisschen Sonne und spanisches Lebensgefühl.  Um Kraft und Energie für das neue Jahr zu tanken eignet sich am besten ein Kurzurlaub auf den Kanaren.
Im Januar 2015 waren wir auf Fuerteventura und im Januar 2018 auf La Palma. Dieses Jahr wollen wir wieder eine der kanarischen 7 Inseln besuchen und entschieden uns für Teneriffa.
Morgen soll unsere Reise losgehen, aber diesmal aber diesmal war es unsicher wann und ob wir fliegen können. Da vor einigen Tagen die Germania, die Fluggesellschaft die uns nach Teneriffa fliegen sollte, Insolvenz angemeldet hat, sucht nun der Reiseveranstalter nach Alternativmöglichkeiten. Zuerst sollten wir einen Alternativflug bekomen, der dann doch nicht stattfand und die Reise wurde dann ganz storniert. Da ich aber unbedingt in die Sonne will, buchte ich gleich eine neue Reise. So geht es morgen, hoffe ich doch, Richtung Puerto de la Cruz.
Bevor ich dann über unsere Erfahrungen auf Teneriffa schreiben kann, möchte ich euch hier noch ein paar Tipps für Fuerteventura und La Palma geben.
Der Januar war eine gute Zeit um der Kälte zu entfliehen und ein bisschen Sonne zu tanken.
R2 Hotel – Bahia Playa
Wir verbrachten unsere Urlaubswoche im R2 Hotel-Bahia Playa in Tarajalejo. Es ist eine weitläufige Hotelanlage, mit mehreren Pools, Bars, Restaurants und noch mehr. Wir hatten ein eigenes Bungalow mit 2 Zimmern und private Terrasse. Es ist ein Erwachsenenhotel, aber mal eine Woche ohne Kindern entspannen, ist ja auch mal schön.
Das Hotel liegt in Tarajalejo, direkt am Meer. Taralalejo ist ein kleiner Fischerort, in dem es nicht viel zu sehen gibt. Es gibt aber eine Busverbindung in die nächst größere Stadt und man kommt auch mit dem Bus gut zum Flughafen. Dort haben wir uns ein Auto gemietet (ist auf der Insel nicht teuer) um den Rest der Insel zu erkunden.
Hier sind ein paar Bilder vom Hotel:
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 Fünf Orte die du auf Fuerteventura besuchen solltest:
Parque natural de corralejo
Unbedingt sollte man einen Spaziergang durch die Dünen des Parque natural de corralejo machen. Der Naturpark befindet sich im Nordosten der Insel. Der Park wurde 1982 gegründet. Der helle, feine Sand aus Muschelkalk bildet eine wunderschöne Dünenlandschaft.
Betancuria ist eine der 6 Regionen Fuerteventura. Ihr Verwaltungszentrum ist das Dorf Betancuria. Es gilt als das historisch bedeutsamste Ort Fuerteventuras. In Betancuria kann man viele Sehenswürdigkeiten auf engen Raum besuchen. Mit seinen verwinkelten Gässchen und den alten Häusern ist es bestimmt einer der schönsten Orte Fuerteventuras. Es gibt mehrere Restaurants die in schöner Umgebung zum Verweilen einladen. (Siehe Gastrotipp)
                 Punta de Jandia
Die Punta de Jandia mit den schönen Leuchturm befindet sich am äussersten Süd-Westzipfel Fuerteventuras. Sie ragt in den Atlantik hinein. Dort herrschen starke Winde und ein gefährlicher Wellengang. Das Baden ist von der Inselregierung verboten worden, da durch die Unterwasserströmungen jährlich Urlauber ums Leben kommen. Es ist eine schöne Autotour bis zur Südspitze. Es empfiehlt sich sowieso ein Auto zu mieten um die Insel zu erkunden.
Noch ein schöner Ort ist Ajuy. Es ist ein kleiner Fischerort an der Westküste Fuerteventuras. Der Ort wird von schroffen Kalksteinfelsen umrahmt.
Interessantes aus Wikipedia: Unweit des Ortes ging Anfang des 15. Jahrhunderts der Normanne Jean de Béthencourt an Land, um die Insel für die spanische Krone zu erobern.
Puerto de la Peña, ein heutiger Ortsteil von Ajuy war lange Zeit der Hafen der früheren Inselhauptstadt Betancuria. Auf Grund blutiger Piratenangriffe, trägt der schwarze Strand den Beinamen Playa de los Muertos – „Strand der Toten“.
Centro de interpretacion morro velosa
Wenn man einen Ausflug nach Betancuria unternimmt, sollte man den Centro de interpretacion morro velosa besuchen. Der Aussichtspunkt Mirador de Moro Velosa liegt auf einem Vulkankegel auf einer Höhe von etwa 645 Metern. Der Ort Betancuria ist etwa 3 Kilometer entfernt. Der Aussichtspunkt besteht aus einem Restaurant und einer Terrasse, welche sich in künstlerischer Weise in die Landschaft einfügen. Entworfen wurde der Aussichtspunkt von einer Verwandten des berühmten lanzarotenischen Künstlers César Manrique. (mehr Infos)
Die Aussicht war toll und der Kaffee sehr günstig!
Gastrotipps: Essen und Trinken auf Fuerteventura:
Tapas Essen in Betancuria
Wir waren im Cafe Santa Maria. Man kann dort leckere Tapas essen und in einem wunderschönen tropischen Garten sitzen.
Gin Tonic trinken an der Costa Calma
Zu jedem Urlaub am Meer gehört für mich auch ein GinTonic mit wunderbarer Aussicht. Ich habe eine kleine Strandbar, die “Palmita Snack Bar”, an der Costa Calma gefunden, an der nichts zwischen meinen Drink und das Meer war, außer ein bisschen Sand.
Danach kann man noch einen Spaziergang durch den schönen Strand der Costa Calma machen.
Die nächste Kanareninsel die wir besuchten war La Palma.
La Palma
Es war schon lange mein Wunsch die kleine grüne Insel “la isla bonita” zu besuchen. Im Januar 2018 war es dann soweit.
Wir haben uns für einen Urlaub im Südwesten der Insel entschieden, da diese Seite die sonnigere ist. Besonders im Frühjahr kann es auf der Ostseite eher regnen. Überhaupt ist das Wetter auf la Palma sehr interessant und wechselt teilweise von Ort zu Ort. Während es in den Bergen regnet, scheint am Strand die Sonne. Ich habe noch nie soviele Regenbögen gesehen wie auf la Palma.
Unser Hotel, La Palma & Teneguía Princess, hatte eine wunderbare Lage. Es liegt direkt oberhalb des Meeres umgeben von Bananenplantagen. So konnten wir jedem Morgen mit einen Frühstück in der Sonne und den Blick auf den Atlantik beginnen. Die Hotelanlage ist groß, passt sich aber gut in die Landschaft ein. Sie ist geschmackvoll gestaltet, im Stil eines kanarischen Dorfes.
  Unser Lieblingsfrühstücksplatz:
Hier noch ein paar Bilder vom Hotel:
Neben unserem Hotel war eine schöne kleine Bucht mit schwarzen Lavasand.
Fünf Orte die du auf La Palma besuchen solltest:
Santa Cruz de la Palma
Du solltest unbedingt die Inselhauptstadt Santa Cruz de la Palma besuchen und die hübschen Häuser mit den berühmten Balkonen anschauen. In Santa Cruz gibt es viele kleine schöne Läden die zum bummeln einladen und wo man schöne Mitbringsel für daheim kriegen kann. In den Kneipen und Restaurants kann man sich dann, bei einen Bier und Tapas oder Süßes und Kaffee, eine Pause gönnen. Am Hafen von Santa Cruz stehen oft einige große Kreuzfahrtschiffe.
Fuencaliente – Vulkane, Saline und Leuchturm
In Fuencaliente, ganz in der Nähe unseres Hotels gibt es zwei Vulkane, San Antonio (ca. 350m) und Teneguía (ca. 450m). Wir haben beide besucht. Für unsere Wanderung auf den Teneguía haben wir zwei Anläufe gebraucht. Bei unseren ersten Versuch, wurde das Wetter plötzlich schlechter und der Wind peitschte einen den kalten Regen ins Gesicht, sodass wir umdrehen mussten. Etwas weiter am Weg, war das Wetter wieder normal. So ist es halt auf La Palma.
Bei unseren zweiten Versuch machten wir die Wanderung um den Vulkan rum. Für unsere Wanderung benutzten wir die Wanderapp vom Michael-Müller-Verlag. Wir kamen damit recht gut zurecht, aber teilweise war der Weg doch nicht so einfach wie beschrieben.
Wir sind nicht bis zum Leuchturm “Faro de Fuencaliente” gelaufen, da unser Auto auf der anderen Seite stand. Wenn man will, kann man vom Vulkan runter bis zum Leuchturm laufen. Wir sind aber mit den Auto hingefahren und haben im Restaurant des Leuchturm leckere “papas arrugadas mit mojo” gegessen, das ist ein typisches kleines Gericht auf den Kanaren und sehr lecker. Beim Leuchturm befinden sich auch die Salinen von Fuencaliente. Auf den Weg zurück vom Leuchturm konnten wir noch einen schönen Regenbogen an einer wilden Küste bewundern.
Nationalpark Caldera de Taburiente
Sehr schön zum Wandern ist auch der Nationalpark Caldera de Taburiente. Wir konnten leider nicht den höchsten Berg la Palmas, die Roque de los Muchachos besuchen, da das Wetter zu schlecht war. Es hatte oben auf den Berg geschneit und der Zugang war gesperrt. Auf den Weg zur Caldera de Taburiente, haben wir einige schöne Regenbögen gesehen und auch die Mandelbäume standen schon in voller Blüte. Nähere Infos zum Nationalpark findet ihr auf www.caldera-de-taburiente.de.
Der Lorbeerwald auf la Palma
Im Nordosten der Insel liegt einer der bedeutesten Lorbeerwälder der kanarischen Inseln. Das 511 Hektar große Gebiet des »El Canal y los Tilos« wurde bereits 1983 von der UNESCO zum Weltbiosphärenreservat »Los Tilos« erklärt, dem ersten Biosphärenreservat der Kanarischen Inseln überhaupt. Heute ist die gesamte Insel La Palma ein Weltbiosphärenreservat (»Reserva Mundial de la Biosfera La Palma«) und auch die Inseln Lanzarote und El Hierro besitzen Biosphärenreservate. Den Kern dieses Biosphärenreservats bildet aber nach wie vor Los Tilos. (Quelle: http://www.caldera-de-taburiente.de/los-tilos-la-palma)
Es war eine sehr schöne Wanderung durch die feuchten Wälder und Schluchten.
Puntagorda – Mandelblüte und Drachenbäume
Auf den Kanaren wird gerne gefeiert. Es gibt viele Fiestas und wir hatten das Glück, dass zufällig in der Woche als wir auf la Palma waren das Mandelblütenfest “La Fiesta de Los Almendros” in Puntagorda stattfand. Puntagorda ist ein kleiner Ort im Nordwesten der Insel. Es war ein tolles Fest und die Stimmung war großartig. Es gab zwei Bühnen und mehrere Stände für Essen und Trinken. Die Leute tanzten auf der Straße, ob alt ob jung, alle hatten Spaß.
Als wir im Puntagorda (liegt auf 600m Höhe) ankammen, war es viel kälter als im Süden. Zum Glück hatte ich eine lange Hose zum umziehen dabei.
Hier ein Video aus youtube von diesen Jahr, damit ihr euch vorstellen könnt wie die Stimmung war:
Die Drachenbäume
Berühmt sind auch die Zwillings­drachenbäume bei Puntagorda. Die Drachenbäume wachsen auf den Kanaren und stehen unter Naturschutz. Für die Ureinwohner der Kanaren (den Guanchen) sind sie heilig. Sie sind ein Symbol für Fruchtbarkeit und Weisheit.
Aber nicht nur die Drachenbäume sind beeindruckend, auch die Bananenstauden, Avocadobäumen oder Palmen und natürlich die vielen Blumen machen die Insel zauberhaft.
Restaurant Chipi Chipi
Bei unseren Ausflug nach Santa Cruz fanden wir ein tolles Restaurant in der Nähe. Das “Chipi Chipi” liegt etwas oberhalb von Santa Cruz, ca. 15 Fahrminuten entfernt. Nicht nur der Name klingt lustig. Es ist auch außergewöhnlich gebaut und künstlerisch eingerichtet. Leider waren wir abends da und zu dunkel um alle Details im Innenhof zu sehen. Es lohnt sich tagsüber hinzugehen. Einen guten Eindruck kriegt man auf der Internetseite des Restaurants . Dort kann man auch eine 360º Tour durch das Restaurant machen.
Wir hatten eine kleine Kabine für uns allein. Das “Chipi Chipi” ist ein Grillrestaurant, es gibt also hauptsächlich Fleisch, Fisch und Wurst.
Restaurant Taberna del Puerto in Tazacorte
Auch ein sehr schöner Restaurant in super Lage. Ist das Restaurant Taberna del Puerto am Hafen von Tazacorta. Wir haben dort gegrillten Fisch gegesen und es war sehr gut.
Gin Tonic mit Aussicht
Mein Gin Tonic genoß ich diesmal in der Strandbar “Kiosco Reme” in el Remo.
La Palma ist eine wunderschöne  und sehr abwechslungsreiche Insel. Es gäbe noch sehr vieles über was ich schreiben könnte und sehr vieles was ich noch auf la Palma machen möchte. Ich komme bestimmt mal wieder!  Morgen geht es dann Richtung Teneriffa, dann könnt ihr bald lesen was wir dort so alles erleben.
Winterurlaub auf den Kanaren Wenn es draußen kalt, grau und ungemütlich ist brauchen wir ein bisschen Sonne und spanisches Lebensgefühl. Um Kraft und Energie für das neue Jahr zu tanken eignet sich am besten ein Kurzurlaub auf den Kanaren.
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taledemon · 7 years
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all right, finally Lloyd and Morro !! to which nobody expected it xDDD I added morro for this specific party that we are about to celebrate, we all have someone who is no longer physically with us, I have more than 2 people that I can’t see again. the video of his realization (except for Morro,) will upload it tomorrow. >wO))/
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Morro do Sao Paulo
Nach einer längeren Fahrt von Salvador aus (Uber-Fähre-Bus-zu Fuss-Schnellboot-zu Fuss, insg. 5h), haben wir es endlich nach Morro do Sao Paulo geschafft. Morro do Sao Paulo ist Teil einer Gruppe von Inseln, die glücklicherweise vorwiegend unbewohnt und naturbelassen sind. Dh. unendliche Palmen- und Mangrovenwälder und lange Strände. Morro do Sao Paulo selbst ist ziemlich touristisch, ein beliebter Urlaubsort. Man kann dem Trubel aber entfliehen in dem man ein bisschen wandert oder radelt. Die Radtour war das schönste, wir sind an wunderschöne einsame Strände gekommen bei konstant hervorragendem Wetter. 
Abends haben wir jedes Mal den Sonnenuntergang von einem Felsen angeschaut wo, wie stets in Brasilien, jemand leckere Cocktails verkaufte. Eine Spezialität dort ist die Kakaofrucht mit Wodka, schmeckt erstaunlich gut und sah hübsch aus :)
Donnerstag haben wir am Strand bei einer Party bis zum Sonnenaufgang getanzt und ulalala konnten die Mädels (und auch Jungs!) tanzen.. und die Cocktails. Ein Traum :) Nach 2h Schlaf sind wir dann ziemlich fertig die 5h mit 5 Verkehrsmitteln zurück nach Salvador.
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reisemeister · 7 years
Die Pazifikküste hoch…
mit einem kurzen Zwischenstopp in Malibu
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nach Morro Bay
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wo wir ein paar Tage gezeltet und uns ausgeruht haben. Ein sehr schöner Ort mit einem tollen Strand voller Sanddollars.
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paralavrar · 5 years
a terra devastada (de t.s. eliot)
I. O Enterro dos Mortos
Abril é o cruelíssimo mês, criando Lilazes da terra morta, mesclando Memória e desejo, atiçando Raízes toscas com chuva de primavera. O inverno nos aqueceu, cobrindo A terra de neve esquecida, nutrindo Um pouco de vida com tubérculos secos. O verão nos pegou de surpresa, vindo pro Starnbergersee Com um aguaceiro; paramos na colunata, E seguimos na luz do sol, ao Hofgarten, E tomamos café, e conversamos uma horinha. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. E na nossa infância, lá na casa do arquiduque, Meu primo, ele me levou de trenó, E eu fiquei com medo. Ele disse, Marie, Marie, segura firme. E morro abaixo. Nas montanhas, é lá que você se sente livre. Eu leio, a noite quase toda, e vou pro sul no inverno.
Quais são as raízes que cingem, que ramos crescem Desse entulho pétreo? Filho do homem, Não podes dizer, ou supor, pois conheces apenas Uma pilha de imagens partidas, onde o sol bate, E o tronco morto não oferece nenhum abrigo, o grilo nenhum alivio, E a pedra seca nenhum som de água. Apenas, há sombra debaixo desta pedra rubra, (Vem ficar debaixo da sombra desta pedra rubra), E vou mostrar-te algo diferente tanto da Tua sombra ao amanhecer avançando às tuas costas, Quanto da tua sombra ao anoitecer emergindo ao teu encontro; Vou mostrar-te o pavor num punhado de poeira.                     Frisch weht der Wind                     Der Heimat zu                     Mein Irisch Kind,                     Wo weilest du? "Você me deu jacintos a primeira vez faz um ano; "Eles me chamavam de menina dos jacintos." — Mas quando voltamos, tarde, do jardim de jacintos, Seus braços plenos, e seu cabelo molhado, eu não pude Falar, e meus olhos falharam, eu não estava vivo nem morto, e não sabia de nada. Olhando dentro do coração da luz, o silêncio. Oed’ und leer das Meer.
Madame Sossóstriz, famosa clarividente, Tava bem gripada, não obstante, É conhecida por ser a mulher mais sábia da Europa, Com um baralho traiçoeiro. Esta, disse ela, é sua carta, o Marujo Fenício afogado, (Aquelas pérolas eram seus olhos. Veja!) Esta é Belladona, a Senhora dos Rochedos, A senhora das situações. Este é o homem dos três cajados, e esta é a Roda, E este é o mercador caolho, e esta carta Que está em branco é algo que ele leva nas costas, Que me é proibido ver. Não encontro O Enforcado. Tema a morte pela água. Vejo grandes multidões, rondando num círculo. Obrigada. Se você vir a dona Equitone querida, Diz que eu levo o horóscopo em pessoa: Hoje em dia todo cuidado é pouco.
Cidade Irreal, Sob a névoa marrom de uma aurora de inverno, Multidões escoaram sobre a ponte de Londres, tantos, Não considerei que a morte já desatou tantos. Suspiros, curtos e esporádicos, eram soltos, E cada um fitava à frente de seus pés. Escoaram morro acima e desceram a Rua King William, Pronde Santa Maria Woolnoth mantinha as horas Com um baque morto no último toque das nove. Ali vi um conhecido, e o detive, rogando: 'Stetson! 'Tu que estiveste comigo nas naus em Milas! 'O cadáver que plantaste ano passado no teu jardim, 'Já está brotando? Florescerá este ano? 'Ou será que a geada repentina perturbou seu leito? 'Ó, afaste o Cão para longe, que é amigo do homem, 'Ou com suas garras ele desenterra de novo! Tu! hypocrite lecteur! — mon semblable, — mon frère!'
II. Uma Partida de Xadrez
O assento que ocupava, qual um trono lustrado, Brilhava sobre o mármore, onde o espelho Sustido por pés talhados de vinhedos em fruto Dos quais um Cupido dourado lançava uma olhadela (Um outro cobria os olhos por trás da asa) Duplicava as chamas de castiçais de sete braços Refletindo a luz sobre a mesa enquanto O resplendor de suas joias alcançava-o, De estojos de cetim jorrando em rica profusão; Em frascos ebúrneos e vidros de cores Destampados, espreitavam seus estranhos perfumes sintéticos, Untos, pós ou líquidos — turbavam, confundiam E afogavam os sentidos nos aromas; atiçados pelo ar Que refrescava pela janela, eles se alçavam Assoberbando as chamas alongadas das velas, Lançavam sua fumaça contra a laqueária, Atiçando os motivos do teto ornamentado. Imenso lenho marinho nutrido de cobre Queimava em verde e abóbora, emoldurado pela pedra de cores, Em cuja luz triste nadava um boto cinzelado. Acima da lareira arcaica se expunha Como se uma janela desse para a cena silvana, Filomela mudada, pelo bárbaro rei, Compelida rudemente; mas lá o rouxinol Enchia o deserto de sua voz inviolável, Ainda assim lamentava, ainda assim o mundo perseguia, 'Chut Chut' para ouvidos sujos. E outras épocas definhadas nas tábuas Contavam as paredes; formas que fitavam Curvadas, curvando-se, calando a sala encerrada. Passos tocavam as escadas. Sob a lareira, sob o pente, seu cabelo Espalhando-se em pontas flamejantes Brilhou em palavras, e então ficou loucamente imóvel.
'Estou mal dos nervos hoje. É, mal. Fica comigo. Fala comigo. Por que você nunca fala? Fala. O que você tá pensando? Que pensando? Que? Eu nunca sei o que você tá pensando. Pensa.'
Eu penso que estamos no beco dos ratos Onde os mortos perderam seus ossos.
'Que barulho é esse?' O vento debaixo da porta. 'Que barulho é esse agora? O que o vento tá fazendo?' Nada novamente nada. 'Você ‘Não sabe nada? Não vê nada? Não lembra 'Nada?'
Eu lembro Aquelas pérolas que eram seus olhos. 'Você está vivo, ou não? Não tem nada na sua cabeça?' Mas U U U U essa Batida Shakesperririana Tão elegante E tão brilhante 'O que eu tenho que fazer agora? O que eu tenho que fazer? Eu tenho que disparar pela rua como eu estou De cabelo solto, assim. O que temos que fazer amanhã? O que temos que fazer nesse mundo?' A água quente às dez. E se chover, carro fechado às quatro. E deveremos jogar uma partida de xadrez, Apertando olhos sem pálpebras e esperando baterem na porta.
Quando o marido da Lili foi dispensado, eu disse — Falei sem meias palavras, eu mesma disse pra ela ANDA LOGO TÁ NA HORA O Alberto tá voltando, se arruma um pouco. Ele vai querer saber o que você fez com o dinheiro que ele te deu Pra arranjar seus dentes. Deu sim, que eu vi. Arranca tudo, Lili, e arruma uma dentadura, Ele disse, eu juro, não suporto nem te olhar. E nem eu, eu disse, e pensa no coitado do Alberto, Ficou quatro anos no exército, quer aproveitar, E se você não agradar, tem quem agrade, eu disse. Ah se tem, ela disse. Ou coisa parecida, eu disse. Aí eu já sei quem agradecer, ela disse, e me encarou. ANDA LOGO TÁ NA HORA Se você não gosta pode deixar, eu disse. Tem quem se dá o luxo de escolher, diferente de você. Mas se o Alberto se mandar, não vai ser por falta de aviso. Você tinha que ter vergonha, eu disse, de parecer tão arcaica. (E ela só tem trinta e um.) Não é culpa minha, ela disse, fazendo beicinho, É os comprimidos que eu tomei, pra tirar ele, ela disse. (Ela já teve cinco, e quase morreu do Jorginho.) O farmacêutico disse que ia ficar tudo bem, mas nunca fui a mesma. Você só pensa bobagem, eu disse. Bom, se o Alberto não te deixa quieta, é isso aí, eu disse, Você se casa pra quê se não é pra ter filho? ANDA LOGO TÁ NA HORA Bom, no domingo o Alberto tava em casa, assaram pernil, E me chamaram pra jantar, pra pegar a coisa quente — ANDA LOGO TÁ NA HORA ANDA LOGO TÁ NA HORA Boa noite, Gui. Boa noite, Lu. Boa noite, Mei. Boa noite. Tchau tchau. Boa noite. Boa noite. Boa noite, senhoras, boa noite, doces senhoras, boa noite, boa noite.
III. O Sermão do Fogo
A tenda do rio está partida: os derradeiros dedos de folha Engolfam-se e afundam na margem úmida. O vento Cruza a terra escura, despercebido. As ninfas se foram. Doce Tâmisa, corre suave, até acabar minha canção O rio não leva garrafas vazias, embalagens, pontas de cigarro Ou outros rastros de noites de verão. As ninfas se foram. E seus amigos, os herdeiros vadios dos diretores da City; Se foram, sem deixar endereço. Junto às águas do Leman eu sentei e chorei... Doce Tâmisa, corre suave, até acabar minha canção Doce Tâmisa, corre suave, que não faço barulho nem falação Porém às minhas costas ouço um baque frio O chocalhar dos ossos, e riso de orelha a orelha.
Um rato rastejou suave pela vegetação Arrastando sua barriga gosmenta na margem Enquanto eu pescava no canal opaco Numa noite de inverno nas cercanias do gasômetro Meditando sobre o rei meu irmão naufragado E o rei meu pai finado antes dele. Corpos brancos nus sobre o solo baixo e úmido E ossos atirados num sótão baixo e seco. Chocalhados apenas pelo pé do rato, ano a ano. Porém às minhas costas às vezes ouço O som das buzinas e dos motores, que levarão Sweeney para Dona Porter na primavera Ah estava a Dona Porter sob a lua Com a filha sua, Lavaram o pé na coca-cola Et, o ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!
Piu piu piu Chut chut chut chut chut chut Compelida rude Tereu
Cidade Irreal Sob a névoa marrom de um meio-dia de inverno, O seu Eugênides, o mercador de Esmirna, Barba por fazer, com o bolso cheio de passas C.i.f., Londres: documentos em vista, Me convida em francês demótico Para um almoço no Cannon Street Hotel Seguido de um fim de semana no Metropole.
Na hora violeta, quando olhos e espinhas Erguem-se da mesa, quando a máquina humana espera Como um taxi tremendo esperando, Eu, Tirésias, conquanto cego, tremendo entre duas vidas Velho com seios enrugados de mulher, posso ver Na hora violeta, a hora vespertina que almeja O lar, e traz o marujo do mar ao lar, A secretária em casa na hora do chá, limpa o desjejum, acende O fogão, e serve comida na lata. Estendidas arriscadamente pela janela, Suas combinações secam-se com o toque dos últimos raios de sol, No divã empilhadas (à noite sua cama) Meias, chinelos, camisolas e espartilhos. Eu, Tirésias, velho de tetas enrugadas Notei a cena, e pressagiei o resto — Também eu aguardava o convidado. Ele, moço carbunculoso, chega, Um funcionário de corretora, de olhar ambicioso Um desses tacanhos em quem a confiança cai Como uma cartola num milionário. É a hora propícia, assim ele supõe, Acabaram a refeição, ela com tédio e cansaço Arroja-se por envolvê-la em carícias Que são admitidas, se por ventura indesejadas. Corado e decidido, ele ataca de vez; Mãos intrometidas não são repelidas; Sua vaidade dispensa reações, E faz boas-vindas da indiferença (E eu, Tirésias, sofri tudo de antemão Efetuado nesse mesmo divã ou cama; Eu, aquele que sentou às muralhas de Tebas E vagou entre os mais tacanhos dos mortos.) Outorga um último beijo condescendente, E se vai tateando pela escada escura...
Ela vira e detém o olhar no espelho Quase alheia ao amante que partiu; Sua mente permite um meio pensamento: 'Agora está feito: e que bom que acabou.' Assim a amável mulher inclina-se vacilante e, Vagando pelo quarto, solitária, Afaga seu cabelo com mão automática E põe a bolacha no toca-discos.
'Tal música apanhou-me pelas águas' E pelo Strand, subindo a Rua Queen Victoria. Ó, City citadina, por vezes posso ouvir Ao lado de um bar em Lower Thames Street O agradável plangor de um bandolim E o tumulto e o vozerio lá de dentro Onde pescadores repousam ao meio-dia: onde os muros De Magnus Martyr sustentam O inexplicável esplendor em ouro e branco jônico.
O rio sua Óleo e piche As barcas vagam Virando a maré Velas rubras Amplas A sota-vento, pendem da verga pesada Barcas lavam Troncos à deriva Pelo Greenwich Reach Depois da Ilha dos Cãos, Eialalá laiá Uialalá laialalá
Elizabeth e Leicester Batem remos Popa formada Em concha dourada Carmim e ouro A vaga forte Vento sudoeste Leva rio abaixo O dobre dos sinos Torres brancas Eialalá laiá Uialalá laialalá
'Bondes e árvores empoeiradas. Highbury me gestou. Richmond e Kew Me aniquilou. Em Richmond ergui os joelhos Indolentes ao chão da canoa estreita.'
'Meus pés estão em Moorgate, e meu coração Sob meus pés. Depois do acontecido Ele chorou. Prometeu um 'novo começo'. Nem falei nada. Que mágoa eu teria?
'Em Margate Sands. Não posso conectar Nada com nada. As unhas quebradas de mãos sujas. Meu povo, meu povo humilde que não espera Nada.' la la
A Cartago então cheguei
Ardendo ardendo ardendo ardendo Ó Senhor Vós me arrebatais Ó Senhor arrebatais ardendo
IV. Morte pela Água
Flebas, o Fenício, morto há uma quinzena, Esqueceu o grito das gaivotas e a funda vaga do mar E os ganhos e perdas. Uma corrente sob o mar Colheu seus ossos num sussurro. Enquanto alçava-se e afundava Passou as fases da idade e da juventude Entrando no turbilhão. Gentio ou judeu Ó tu que giras o timão e mira a barlavento, Considera Flebas, que um dia foi belo e alto como tu.
V. O Que Disse o Trovão
Após a tocha rubra em rostos suados Após a geada silenciosa nos jardins Após a agonia em lugares pétreos A gritaria e a choradeira A prisão e o palácio e a reverberação De trovão de primavera sobre montanhas distantes Aquele que estava vivo agora está morto Com um pouco de paciência
Aqui não há água, apenas pedra Pedra e nenhuma água e a estrada arenosa A estrada subindo como vento entre as montanhas Que são montanhas de pedra sem água Houvesse água deveríamos parar e tomar Entre rochas não se pode parar ou pensar Suor seco e pés na areia Houvesse água entre as pedras Montanhosa boca morta de dentes cariados que não sabem cuspir Aqui nem se pode ficar de pé nem deitado nem sentado Nem mesmo há silêncio nas montanhas Só seco trovão estéril sem chuva Nem mesmo há solidão nas montanhas Só soturnas faces rubras zombam e rosnam Nas portas de casas de pau a pique Houvesse água E nenhuma pedra Houvesse pedra E também água E água Uma fonte Uma poça entre as pedras Houvesse som de água apenas Não a cigarra E grama seca cantando Mas som de água sobre a pedra Onde o tordo-eremita canta nos pinhais Plic ploc plic ploc ploc ploc ploc Mas não há água
Quem é o terceiro que caminha sempre ao teu lado? Quando eu conto, há apenas eu e tu juntos Mas quando olho adiante pela estrada branca Há sempre um outro caminhando a teu lado Deslizando envolto em um manto marrom, encapuzado Não sei se homem ou mulher — Mas quem é aquele do outro lado de ti?
Que som é aquele que se eleva no ar Murmúrio de materna lamentação Quem são aquelas hordas encapuzadas abarrotando-se Sobre infindas planícies, vacilando na terra fissurada Circundada pelo horizonte apenas O que é a cidade sobre as montanhas Fissuras e reformas e estouros no ar violeta Torres tombadas Jerusalem Atenas Alexandria Viena Londres Irreal
Uma mulher puxou as cordas da cabeleira negra E, tangendo-as, fez música sussurrada E morcegos com faces infantis sob a luz violeta Assoviaram e bateram asas E arrastaram-se de cabeça baixa por um muro enegrecido E penduradas ao contrário no ar havia torres Dobrando sinos evocativos, que cuidavam das horas E vozes cantando em cisternas vazias e poços exauridos.
Nesse buraco decadente entre as montanhas No luar turvo, a grama está cantando Sobre as covas reviradas, junto à capela Eis a capela vazia, lar apenas para o vento. Não tem janelas e a porta balança, Ossos secos não ferem ninguém. Apenas um galo na cumeeira Co có ricó co co ricó Num clarão de relâmpago. Então uma úmida rajada Trazendo chuva
O Ganga afundou, e as folhas murchas Esperavam chuva, enquanto as nuvens negras Reuniam-se bem distantes, sobre Himavanta. A selva se curvava, encolhida em silêncio. Então falou o trovão DA Datta: o que demos? Meu amigo, o sangue que agita meu peito A terrível audácia de um momento de entrega Que uma idade de prudência jamais poderá retirar Graças a isso, e apenas isso, existimos O que não se há de achar nos nossos obituários Ou em memórias veladas pela aranha benévola Ou sob selos rompidos pelo advogado esquálido Em nossos quartos vazios DA Dayadhvam: eu ouvi a chave Girar na porta uma vez e girar uma vez só Pensamos na chave, cada um em seu cárcere Pensando na chave, cada um confirma seu cárcere Só ao cair da noite, etéreos rumores Revivem por um momento um Coriolano alquebrado DA Damyata: O barco respondeu Alegremente, à mão perita em leme e remo O mar estava calmo, seu coração teria respondido Alegremente, quando convidado, golpeando obedientes As mãos no controle.
Sentei-me na praia Pescando, com a árida planície atrás de mim Devo ao menos pôr minhas terras em ordem? A ponte de Londres está caindo está caindo está caindo Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina Quando fiam uti chelidon — Ó andorinha andorinha Le Prince d'Aquitane à la tour abolie Com esses fragmentos eu escorei minhas ruínas Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe. Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.                 Shantih     shantih     shantih
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blogbleistift · 7 years
10 Tipps für Porto
1) Torre dos Clérigos
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Wenn man in einer Stadt ankommt, finde ich es immer gut, sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen. Einmal auf die Stadt runterschauen, die Dimensionen erahnen, sich ein bisschen orientieren. Das geht in Porto ganz gut auf dem Torre dos Clérigos. Im Anschluss kann man sich noch die Livraria Lello anschauen, einer der ältesten Buchläden in Portugal.
2) Jardim do Morro
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Wunderbare Aussicht auf die Stadt und ein guter Rückzugsort, wenn man sich mal für eine Stunde von den ganzen Eindrücken erholen möchte.
3) Portwein probieren
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Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, direkt beim Produzenten einen Portwein zu probieren. Wir waren z.B. bei Quinta Santa Eufemia, das Foto oben war aber in einer kleinen Bar in der Nähe der Ponte Dom Luís I, auf höhe des oberen Stockwerks der Brücke - wo man rüber zu Tipp Nr. 2 kommt ;)
4) Frühstück im Café Mesa 325
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Das nette und günstige Café war ganz in der Nähe unserer Unterkunft, aber auch wenn man nicht direkt um die Ecke wohnt lohnt es sich für einen leckeren Bagel, Müsli und Pasteis de Nata - dazu gibt’s Third Wave Coffee zu einem drittel der Berliner Preise.
5) Mercado do Bolhão
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Ein bunter Markt zum schlendern und einkaufen. Davor empfiehlt es sich, in der Confeitaria do Bolhão ein süßes Teilchen zu essen. Wer den brutalistischen Baustil mag, kann dann noch beim Auto-Silo Parkhaus (1964) vorbei gehen.
6) Casa da Música
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Sehenswerte Architektur. Es lohnt sich aber auch, mal das Programm zu prüfen, wir haben zwar kein Konzert dort gesehen aber das würde ich beim nächsten Mal dann machen.
7) Museu de Serralves
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Ein Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, das mir ganz gut gefallen hat. Außerdem gehört ein schöner Garten dazu.
8) Praia do Ourigo
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Man kann ganz bequem mit der Tram zu dieem Strand fahren und dort den Sonnenuntergang genießen. Oder natürlich schwimmen gehen, aber dafür war’s an dem Tag zu frisch und windig.
9) Porto City Tram Tour Line 1
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Nicht nur in Lissabon gibt es eine urige “alte” Tram. Nachdem wir in Porto ansonsten quasi nur zu Fuß unterwegs waren, war mir das eine willkommene und erholsame Abwechslung bei der Erkundung der Stadt.
10) BOP Café
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Nette klassische Bar mit einer großen Plattensammlung, wo wir portugiesisches Craftbeer getrunken haben. Das Essen sah aber auch ganz lecker aus.
Allgemein war ich von Porto sehr angetan und auch etwas positiv überrascht wie cool diese Stadt ist, da die meisten Leute doch eher nach Lissabon fahren. Nachdem ich in beiden Städten inzwischen mehrere Tage verbracht habe, kann ich für mich persönlich sagen, dass Porto absolut mithalten kann, mindestens. Porto ist gefühlt sogar ein bisschen entspannter. Falls ihr demnächst mal hinfahrt: ich gebe gerne Auskunft zu den oben genannten Tipps. Und ihr dürft mir dann gerne eine kleine Flasche Portwein mitbringen ;)
Wer noch mehr Anhaltspunkte für Porto sucht kann gerne meine “Porto dies das” Liste auf Foursquare speichern, da ist vielleicht auch noch was relevantes dabei.
Die Orte auf dieser Liste habe ich alle Ende Juni 2017 besucht und die Fotos sind von mir, können aber unter der CC-BY Lizenz mit Namensnennung weiterverwendet werden. Leider ist die Qualität der Fotos nicht so gut, da Tumblr die runterskaliert :( 
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sveasch · 7 years
Der erste Tag - o primeiro dia
Meine erste Nacht in Rio habe ich schon mal sehr gut geschlafen. Heute Morgen haben mich dann Jana und Alex gefragt, ob ich den Tag mit ihnen verbringen möchte. Die beiden sind Cariocas, kommen also aus Rio. Jana arbeitet im Centro in einem Schönheits-irgendwas und Alex macht was mit Informatik. Die beiden waren heute unglaublich nett zu mir. Sie haben mir soo viel gezeigt.. Dazu gleich mehr. Heute Morgen habe ich auch noch die Freundin von Tim kennengelernt, die ab und zu bei ihm hier ist. Ich habe leider gerade ihren Namen vergessen. Sie spricht auf jeden Fall auch Englisch und Deutsch und war mal ein Jahr als Au Pair in München. :D
Die Gegend, wo ich wohne, ist sehr ruhig. Man hört lediglich ab und zu ein Flugzeug starten, hier in der Nähe ist nämlich der andere Flughafen Rios. Die Straße, in der ich wohne, ist mit Kopfsteinpflaster ausgelegt und schon recht steil, weil der Stadtteil, Laranjeras (das bedeutet übrigens Orangen) am Berghang liegt. In unserer Straße gibt es auch kleine Äffchen, davon haben wir heute einige in den Bäumen rumturnen gesehen :)
Nun zu heute. Zuerst sind wir heute zum Praia Vermelha (gelben Strand) gefahren und auf den Berg Morro da Urca gewandert. Das war unglaublich schön. Der Weg wäre so in Deutschland nicht möglich, da es etliche Stolperfallen in Form von Ästen und Steinen gab :D aber er war richtig schön, führte durch den “Regenwald“ und dort waren auch ein paar Äffchen (Micos) zu sehen :) es war ein bisschen als würde ich Schlafwandeln, es hat sich einfach überhaupt gar nicht real angefühlt, sondern einfach nur wie ein schöner Traum. Der Weg war eigentlich auch gar nicht so anstrengend,man musste halt nur aufpassen, dass man nicht stolpert. Heute waren anscheinend 30 Grad, was sich aber überhaupt nicht so angefühlt hat. Der Weg war eigentlich auch komplett von Bäumen verschattet, was wirklich sehr angenehm war :) Oben angekommen, hatten wir eine wunder,wundervolle Aussicht auf Rio. Man konnte die Stadtteile Botafogo, Flamengo und Gloria sehen und sogar bis zu der Insel schauen, auf der meine Uni ist, die schon recht weit im Norden ist. Der Ausblick ist wirklich atemberaubend. Auf der einen Seite das Meer und auf der anderen Seite grüne Berge und dazwischen Häuser. Bis zum Horizont konnte man leicht die Silhouetten im Nebel verschwommener Berge sehen... Ich kann die Schönheit gar nicht in Worte fassen, ich habe zwar Fotos gemacht, aber ich glaube das muss man einfach mal gesehen haben. Ich werde auf jeden Fall nochmal dahin zurückkehren. Der Morro da Urca war sehr gut besucht heute. Jana und Alex haben mir gesagt, dass wir richtig Glück mit dem Wetter haben, letzte Woche hat’s wohl die ganze Zeit geregnet :D Oben gab es dann verschiedene Essens- und Trinkenstände. Wir haben uns eine Art Acai-Slush-Eis mit Müsli geteilt, ein ganz neuer Geschmack für mich, aber sehr lecker! Und heute habe ich dort auch das erste Mal aus einer Kokosnuss getrunken :D
Ich hätte den ganzen Tag da oben stehen und mich an der Stadt sattsehen können. Falls jemand von euch mal nach Rio fährt, kann ich das nur wärmstens empfehlen!
Wir sind dann aber doch wieder runtergegangen und sind weitergefahren nach Laranjeras zu einem Platz, wo gerade ein Markt stattgefunden hat. Dort gab es Bier und Caipirinha, Schmuck, Kissen, Kleider und allerlei schöne Dinge. In der Mitte des Platzes saßen ein paar Leute, die Musik gemacht haben. Es kamen immer wieder Leute hinzu, die mitgesungen und mitgetanzt haben. Dort haben wir ein befreundetes Paar von den beiden getroffen, mit dem wir nach Santa Teresa gefahren sind. Santa Teresa ist ein wunderschönes Künstlerviertel in Rio. Wir haben in einer Bar gegessen und das Essen wurde komplett von allen geteilt. Vor allem die Vorspeise hat mir sehr gut geschmeckt (”Blätterteigtaschen” mit Schinken). Danach sind wir kurz durch Santa Teresa gewandert und auf eine Bar aufmerksam geworden, in der eine Band gespielt hat. Wir sind dort noch etwas geblieben und dann irgendwann gegangen, weil es wegen des Windes ziemlich kalt und zugig wurde, die Fenster waren nämlich komplett offen. Wir sind dann zu Fuß zu einer Busstation gegangen und mit Bus nach Hause gefahren. Praktischerweise gibt es dort in der Nähe einen Supermercado, wo ich mir noch ein paar Früchte, Müsli und Joghurt für morgen gekauft habe. :) dann sind wir nach Hause und nun sitze ich draußen am Pool und schreibe hier diesen Text. Unsere Nachbarn hören gerade Come Together. :) Es ist eigentlich noch ganz angenehm, aber schon etwas frisch. Ich habe heute eine zweite Decke von meiner Vermieterin bekommen, weil es die letzte Nacht mit einer Decke doch etwas frisch war. Aber das Wetter an sich finde ich super, es ist tagsüber schön warm und nachts nicht zuu kalt. Es wäre schön, wenn es so bleiben würde, aber spätestens ab Dezember soll es wohl richtig heiß werden.
Als wir eben zurückgekehrt sind, war es schon dunkel und was ich total verrückt finde, ist, dass der Mond anders aussieht. Der ist nämlich gerade ein U. :D das habe ich gestern im Taxi schon gedacht. Da merkt man mal, dass man echt weit weg von Deutschland ist.
Hier habe ich dann noch Tim kennengelernt, der auch hier wohnt. Er kommt aus England und teacht Englisch an einer britischen Schule hier und ist irgendwie ganz witzig. :D
Also insgesamt war es ein richtig toller erster Tag, ich habe sehr, sehr viel gesehen und Jana und Alex haben mir viele interessante Dinge gezeigt und erzählt und das schätze ich sehr, weil sie einfach so viel über die Stadt wissen. Wenn ich alleine gewesen wäre, hätte ich das alles nicht in der Form organisieren können. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und sehr kaputt. :)
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