#moslem wear
nadijahp · 2 years
“baru ikut kajian, ada yg tampil beda nih, cakep nad pake kerudung. gapake kerudung juga cakep... hehehehe,” kata temanku pagi ini. 
Dua hari belakangan aku mulai rapi mengenakan kerudung. Padahal tujuannya untuk ikut kelas tahsin dan kajian pagi saja. Ternyata aku sadar, rapinya kerudung ini gara-gara kainnya terlalu licin, rambutku tebal, dan iya, pernah pakai kerudung dalam waktu belasan tahun. 
Deep down inside, i wear off the hijab because of disappoinment towards society and politics using Islam and hijab. There is still violence using Islam, judgement using Islam, religious leader and society (my family tho) that normalize the rape culture and some commit to criminal, the law enforcers who ignore women, and also, stigma that accuse to Moslem women. I’m tired at all, to be consistent, is to touch the grass. But when I touch the grass, the soil-- the ground is almost drowns me. 
I’m totally frustrated to thing I’m out of control although it has effect on me. So, hijab is the tool, the control centre to people from political leader or patriarchal society.
Tenang, aku masih menjalankan ibadah sebagaimana mestinya, yang angin dan godaannya makin kencang. 
I’m such gaslighting myself :( 
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libidomechanica · 17 days
Of too much, and can she laugh at all
A limerick sequence
’ Gear maks your affairs come, my babe, my life fleeting for ever prise. A sometimes    happens in the second    near; so light or walk for being so longer to the dead.
One must tell me a gracious porcelain of blue: ’ o, Lady Adeline!    But Juan bow’d to hear how    Bess, the graveyard, the risked it round him when I call Stella, died.
As soul, or war. Herself; fire chang’d their fathers that would have for a year, and    other things all akin    the last wet step before if to loathing outward to God’s help!
Heart-shap’d and vast; his others say too was more on their attention, half-shrouded    overborne stroke the    elder jack Smith. Breath this book argument, and my wrath did end.
– They would not claim from the Sorrowed. The highest for glory began to    costume. And where sure ye    as poor tricks of the young Lochinvar. Not mine own love, and high.
The light, was so much past receivest by wilful taste of Empires and    maybe nothing. Want; more    or truth flowed his heir own arrogance wither men: they are killed.
Put in the hopeless nice. The gross paint: some not her, or—but it is all    arbitrate? He was afraid,    this sick tent. Helen, from those who love, he will take down but up!
By this pass’d this grief. Ye wadna been Hercules for sleep—the pure? In vain    by the heap’d without an    azure o’er a halt; they’llonly mind;—full silver iterance.
And as he that campaign till welcome somewhat lover of truth I do believe?    If such a guests, if    possible to receive a notion justify it the germ.
Sleep, yet so difficulty being; in a trice from madness; she had held    good grace, red porphir is,    which leads the rest, ere he instead. Eyes so Loves; nor every where!
The bride had a quarrel of a cup. His Highness wars’—I am naebody.—    But all pointed in    argosy transferr’d in another. And the cool attention.
Say nay, say of the noise in rebellious Lust, upon myself the heart no    less of Fitz-Plantagenet.    Old England rolle with the foot, and fuels go over me.
Things and fire; she pression and of all my love. In poetry. A closet    crept, porphyro took    coverlet, passive her. In my call, and slain woman lover dwell.
In words and fetter’d to me thus? She sense, it were her hand, at home, and then    they go for some measure    clog him, so indefeasible red dollars for the worth it?
That still true brought through these thing;—a dove frayed her million. ’Er the mind has this;    for one would men loves, my    Muse disposed blisse fit to young De Foix! More honey and baby.
Twice as so ere it even Diogenes. Deal with solemn rites by dames, huge    giant, Arac, rolled on    this way of this were gone, thus is so much to excite, the rock.
All as marble, mixt red and shone. Be not her own land rather than the high    for meek St. Our telephone    camel’s foot, and the third is neither maiden mooted, shone.
Above, that our part intend, let me believe an ass was heart on fire while    they should begin. Filling    present more so, as hens the world of the one would short, the rain.
Forfeit to my scalp and rend apart from the red piece of friend and wear a    torrent wi’ the mind at    length of both. And fuels go over kingdoms three starry skie.
After music before the wealth or comes too longer and tenderness, I    hardly leave that Potter’s    time then declaiming, but not to last day! Tree, mocks married ear!
Paid his Paradise for theirs was Moslem, but not their dams—how have no more.    Old England ruff too. I    see theme, and what I want of Eternity,—and her losing.
Come, the first, he have adore, not like angry with earth, before? And by a    pillar, far from strong, it    was more have got a former regions why should seeming so low?
: A stranger’s ill; not to my sight, or sicken her was a face deform; Hark!    Just don’t slip at business    had been as also so correct an airy and firmer friends.
—One once at last, captives, as thought back: the clasp’d liked poetical; and shone in    sport! With terror to lead    but she is so proue, but disturb’d, she a monk may do with you.
’Er whom foolscap, hot-press day home, and death of it. ’—’What next, whate’er the fancy    flatter former word?    As on her at a time I held, and who stand sudden a things.
The scarce dares not count—should shut, then she recognized no being all men every    satisfies theme which    he was obtuse. For my love her blamable, or, woe betide!
Both him: I know your name stated that ancient mansion.—So intend, like swift    to which until they should    trust to pot, burn to practised in the white hands I could things.
The bass, the great bard; I did sing or affrighteousness, and so cleanly. Catch    not be proposed to say    in his spouse Nancy? As boy, I thought her plann’d, unless thine eyes?
More honey and baby. If it could makes yearly youth’s heritage, life’s ocean-    foam in the panted,    by Despair, this right hold to match’d down beside some prize, flatter.
Of partridge, pheasant, whene’er afraid: tis flake, and blasted. With himself and    Strokonoff, meknop, Serge    Lwow, Arsniew of golden noon; wine-red wassail they pleasing fled!
And after there hammers beat of suitors regretting beyond Description    recently—the only    call’d Love in winter instead. Than true, pale, lattic’d, child is he!
At Halifax; ’ but she had seen such a cataract on all his Will die    with wrongs here diverged. Fail,    we two with flounder; but those least shall roll, too many flower.
This Gama turned on a flood thing, with caprices soft hand;—of Cossacque, o’er    their surprised along them    and my wont to following,— for deeming trumpet’s peal, the smoke?
When my love I thought back into a planisphere; no dream to save one, each    flower. And if I had    a gracious heart will never about her name in this dancer!
She meets, and gray, like a thrall? Of the Zodiac’s side: blank grey to his sort of    my woman’s wisdom, future    I did bring from her fragrant slipt there was opposition.
Your voice engender arms. And so I swore my life and lead horse to stare: their    head a card. Millions, too,    the sounds, which best or profiteth me as the day, and cut down?
I loved the other lips are foot outlearned they praise or Foolish. Who have    desire spurn’d a fair    land roos, and rider on this must consecrated shrinks in hell.
My suppliant and, us to join, though chilly room with Ida: some untutor’d    youth. So often in    require of Heaven, who after thought winds a-wooing fled!
The hope of our shrine, that thrown on your imprimatur’ will tears, and waxing    chilly room with honeymoon.    But ere he used them please in these mimic scenes, look’d, and bears.
That hardly be together, I care for aye unsought might be for a scapegoat.    As you’ve foreground their    hair, thy creditors in haste and there to death, so as the gayne.
But I must have sufferers, be’t in his knees most fitt ne breach? What were bett    for brake, allegiance! Such    with rocks&we understood that bears must be waiting at the head.
             �� XLII
When well find and flung the cuckoo! Afflicting her miss’d. Passion, unto me;    no others a fault; in    loves to the regiment, holy music and force were the street.
Saving the more because this or any have loved young troop, and, buriest thy    hapless are right or wring    tear: they told him dead. She loved the tumulus—of whom she dead.
Now pillow sat; not their attention. Her brought me how—Good Saints! By dainties,    which grows where the field, who    shall have been, but a meteor in the impulse of their grief.
Then they look’d down till each otherwise? Considerable man, who is something    built house is call’d, is    a breach out, and what to make her sad eyes be hel-driu’n from death.
Then by the world. A courage which glibly glide, like sympathy I merely    find Liberty that somewhat    morning fry, delicate Arab turn’d round my joy behind.
The man; and my boys brake on second’s ordination at leave us one    storm-beaten face she gazed,    but nothing. But the merchant- ship, the quest, but when London night!
Walks o’er you prate, our lit harvest Home. Those that, and better day. Thou, to wise    Oxenstiern. But shaken    within him, and yet she asked like a mermaid in sleep in words.
Trust God: see all in her fragrant thing. This issue seem’d to say, the van. Which    some galliots, place is they    have you rush on, if we can; knat, rail, and they shot him and mind.
And then the shepherds unlikely, with soul in you, Sir! The quarrel of being    obsolete, and    Humbleness, Paine doth province or them for books be though Wilberforce!
No love of virtue, she and deep questioning, which never can I be but    go! As rare as tis so,    since each the World besides thus consort gave a philosophy.
Her first in Glory!—Sans flashed aside: where lived the could not fairer that’s fit    education, which hovering    from car to that it was! I’ver all his life seemed a bore.
Now our eyes that. A goodly spirit won at Waterloo, its dwell. Rolle with    Truth. Here pauses between    fringe upon the other, and drawing from sorrow light; and, right.
What weight of these things bless, because he makes me to her Dearie! His eyes, for the    practising up there and    then down to make and pious casement, and my bones, and test!
All, lasts of prey and like a mere breast. I shall I have nought; and a temper’d    was the roofs and fro, every    sympathy withouten many hours. How begotten ghost.
They likeness hardly know; and she of which sometimes comes riding—a heart asleep    below, that motto    drew. Glory gaping of love her thing moon is no thoroughfare.
For Stella, which he was underfoot). Upon this epic satire. For    I thought she must I go    to the radiator’s air, smell Murphy’s Oil Soap, dog kibble.
Where lies and read a cast—but for summer temper; patient—all forgive us    friend, these machine our    way the lost thinketh all friends, and sung of Ireland, old England.
Till what is haste liaison for aye undone. Terror in thy little question    in the delight dangerous    ills the forth, sufficient Beadsman, and yet can be hamburg.
Say nay, say nay!—The very static of rainbow flying from Juan’s breast was    not born fair, and after    than Peace—he came a postscript and each side, whom wash’d thankfulness!
Saw other lambs unshorn, and seem what Thou kenst not Percie howe this verse’s fame    or profit when then a    stranger touched it!-Hat once a week, and the highway, with his ride.
Their sport—of things are beloved a man, and we were lang! The duke, those who    are not: her dreamed of echoes,    and they clashed to praysen babes, poor Lover! All, the midnights.
Or the ball. And latter’d to bite than their dead: and Cyril, one. The sharp, to    the loud roar upon a    creatures which I’ll try to make her works lest are aeons urgently.
And three within? Not to prove hid in Dante’s verse, and hushed their brilliant without    know that I following    like sunny sky, without a friend and so dreams, afterglow.
For suck it up: mine eyes, with blows his tenderness, in mine, lass, thou list the    express’d awhile they like    life’s straining of love could have cost us all. Tis best recent.
Like the could only fretted halls, the nothing to wed them push me to the    third sex. Of plastic basis,    to build some slight at arms to lead the marble as they look’d!
—For oh, her doth notes to colours the cobbles he clergy, who upon two    mouth of ten of love. Him    in a wide hallowed, and overborne away? May live and fro.
Near than their secrecy, all cars, their attentions end! That he himself in    our faith fears numberless    be, for it so hard as hers! Of lands in her sex, and the whites.
’ Eve, noise. Until I failing fired at all; what I the beauty bright winne    some discontinued: Your    blood of her vespers don’t yet be the poet’s volumes would quest.
That, to glowing,—tis so, since lived in that all: in vain as for honour is    it, as I’ver all, are    abhorr’d who stoop, how should pastry, not a whipper-in. Cuckoo!
At such my soul is flown away half the learned Nor Jove, nor the sex and    yet this kind; love I be    burnt in the muzzle beneath her still. You foster-babes of wine.
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orthodoxydaily · 4 months
Saints&Reading; Monday, May 20, 2024
may 7_may 20
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The Precious Cross appeared in the sky over Jerusalem on the morning of May 7, 351 during the reign of the emperor Constantius, the son of Saint Constantine (May 21).
At that time the heresy of Arianism, which taught that Christ was merely a creature and not God, was causing great turmoil and division throughout the Empire. Even after the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea in 325, many people were drawn to this false teaching, and the Orthodox found themselves in the minority in many places.
Constantius, the ruler of the eastern part of the Empire, was a fervent supporter of Arianism. His brothers Constantine II and Constans, who were pious Orthodox Christians, ruled in the west. They were both killed in separate battles around 350, leaving Constantius as sole ruler. Also in 350, Saint Cyril (March 18) became Patriarch of Jerusalem and began his zealous struggle against Arianism.
In May of 351 a luminous Cross appeared over Jerusalem, stretching from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives, a distance of about five and a half miles. The Cross was wide as it was long, and shone more brightly than the sun. Many people left their homes and workplaces to gather in the church and glorify Christ. The historian Sozomen says that this wondrous sign led to the conversion of multitudes of pagans and Jews to Christianity.
A letter from Saint Cyril to the emperor describing this phenomenon, and admonishing him to become Orthodox, has been preserved. The apparition of the Cross remained over the city for a whole week.
The vision of the Cross over Jerusalem strengthened the Orthodox faithful and contributed to the return of many Arians to the Church. It is also a reminder of the awesome Second Coming of Christ, when “the sign of the Son of man shall appear in heaven” (Matthew 24:30).
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The holy New Martyr Pachomius was from Little Russia, and was captured by Moslem Tatars who made him a slave. He was taken to Usaki, near the ancient city of Philadelphia in Asia Minor, where he was sold to a Moslem tanner.
While teaching Pachomius his occupation, the tanner also tried to instruct the young man in the Islamic religion and convert him. Although Pachomius was eager to learn his new master’s trade, he had no desire to become a Moslem. Since he would not deny Christ, he was sometimes beaten and denied food.
This faithful warrior of Christ lived for twenty-seven years as a slave, working for his master in the tannery. The tanner was so pleased by the work of his servant that he offered to give him his own daughter in marriage and make him his heir, even though the righteous one would not convert to Islam. Since he would have to become a Moslem in order to marry the tanner’s daughter and to inherit anything from him, Pachomius declined the offer. Impressed by the principled stand of his servant, the tanner freed the Saint and told him that he could go wherever he wished.
Saint Pachomius became ill just before he was to leave his master. Some Moslems spread the rumor that he had already denied Christ and accepted their religion. Due to his illness they did not circumcise him, but dressed him in green clothing such as Moslems wear. Christians were not permitted to wear green. When he recovered Pachomius traveled to Smyrna and became a merchant.
After some time had passed, the saint discarded his Moslem clothes and went to Saint Paul’s Monastery on Mount Athos. There he met Hieromonk Joseph, confessed the secrets of his heart to him, and told him he wished to become a monk. He lived with Elder Joseph for the next twelve years living the monastic life, and acquiring the virtues.
After hearing of Saint Acacius of Kavsokalyvia (April 12), he transferred to that monastery and became a disciple of Elder Acacius. For six years he devoted himself to the life of unceasing prayer, and became the very type and paradigm of a virtuous monk.
Day by day, the desire to become a martyr for Christ grew within him, because he feared that he might have spoken a careless word and denied the Lord when he was sick and not in his right mind. Saint Acacius tried to persuade him not to follow this course, because he thought that this desire might have arisen from Pachomius’s pride.
Saint Acacius did not want to let Pachomius go, and so he decided to test his resolve. For the next year, he imposed various rules and obediences on him, and both of them prayed that God would make His will known to them. They also consulted the most virtuous Fathers on the Holy Mountain, who all agreed that Pachomius should be blessed to leave the monastery and to seek martyrdom. He removed his monastic garb and dressed in the clothes of an ordinary Christian. He did this so that his actions would not lead to reprisals against the Athonite monasteries.
Accompanied by Elder Joseph, Pachomius returned to Usaki, the site of his supposed denial of Christ. Elder Joseph stayed at an inn, while Pachomius went to the home of his former master, and then walked through the marketplace, hoping to be recognized. It did not take long for him to be arrested and brought before the kadi. He was charged with accepting Islam, and then returning to the Christian faith, a “crime” which was punishable by death. His accusers pointed to the saint’s Christian clothing as evidence. “Behold what sort of garments he is wearing,” they shouted.
The kadi told Pachomius that he was not allowed to wear Christian garb, because he had previously denied Christ. He urged Pachomius to go back to being a Moslem, or to be put to death. With resolute courage, Saint Pachomius replied that he abhorred their religion, and that he would never deny the Savior. Furthermore, he declared that he was quite willing to endure any torture, and to die for Christ many times over, if such a thing were possible.
The holy one was thrown into prison, where he was deprived of food, sleep, and also of any sort of comfort. During this time he was sustained only by his trust in the Lord. After three days, he was sentenced to death. The martyr rejoiced, and told the kadi to carry out the sentence without delay.
Bound and dragged to the place of execution, Saint Pachomius was cursed and spat upon by some of the Turks in the crowd, while others urged him to return to Islam. As the holy athlete of Christ knelt for his beheading, even the executioner entreated him to save himself accepting the Moslem religion. Saint Pachomius remained firm in his resolve, and told the executioner to do as he was ordered without delay. The victorious martyr was beheaded on May 7, 1730 (which happened to be the Feast of the Ascension), thereby receiving an incorruptible crown from Christ.
The body of Saint Pachomius remained exposed to the elements for three days, and then the Orthodox were granted permission to bury him. After the burial, the executioner was possessed by demons, and ran through the city, shouting and foaming at the mouth. He died a few days afterward.
Elder Joseph left the inn where he was hiding, and went to the place where the saint’s body was. He spoke to Saint Pachomius as if he were still alive. “My dear Pachomius”, he said, “you have achieved what you desired. Intercede with the Lord for me, and for all who call upon you.”
Father Joseph was troubled at the thought of trying to leave the area without being captured. Saint Pachomius appeared to him in a dream and said, “Do not be afraid, O Elder, for no harm shall come to you.” Trusting in the words of the saint, he left the city and went back to the Holy Mountain without any trouble.
A local Christian woman, who had been suffering from severe headaches for many years, prayed to Saint Pachomius and asked for his help. She placed some of his blood on her head, and she was healed. She wrote to the monks on Mount Athos, asking them to paint an icon of the martyr for her. Since they had known him when he lived there, they remembered how he looked, and were able to paint the icon. The woman received the icon, and reverently honored the memory of Saint Pachomius every year on the anniversary of his martyrdom.
Later, his holy relics were taken to the Monastery of Saint John on the island of Patmos. On January 26, 1953 the Monastery of Saint John gave a piece of the relics of Saint Pachomius to the Monastery of Saint Paul on Mount Athos, where the saint had lived for a time.
Through the prayers of the holy New Martyr Pachomius, may we also be accounted worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
JOHN 4:46-54
46 So Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. 47 When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. 48 Then Jesus said to him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe." 49 The nobleman said to Him, "Sir, come down before my child dies!" 50 Jesus said to him, "Go your way; your son lives." So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. 51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, "Your son lives!" 52 Then he inquired of them the hour when he got better. And they said to him, "Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him." 53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour in which Jesus said to him, "Your son lives." And he himself believed, and his whole household. 54 This again is the second sign Jesus did when He had come out of Judea into Galilee.
Source: Orthodox Churhc in America_OCA
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ACTS 6:8-7:5, 47-60
8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. 9 Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. 11 Then they secretly induced men to say, "We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God." 12 And they stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council. 13 They also set up false witnesses who said, "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; 14 for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us. 15 And all who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel.
1 Then the high priest said, "Are these things so?" 2 And he said, "Brethren and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, 3 and said to him, 'Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.' 4 Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this land in which you now dwell. 5 And God gave him no inheritance in it, not even enough to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his descendants after him. 47 But Solomon built Him a house. 48 However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: 49 Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the LORD, Or what is the place of My rest? 50 Has My hand not made all these things?' 51 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. 52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, 53 who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it. 54 When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. 55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, "Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" 57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord; 58 and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59 And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." 60 Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin." And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
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donutwares · 1 year
Today is Dad's Birthday...
Got up at 3am after 5 hours' sleep. Worked out, went for a run at 5am. Ate watermelon for breakfast. Fed the hamster. It quite likes hummus on cracker. And yes -it's my father's b'day today.
Unfortunately, evil doesn't stop for celebrations which we would like to be more peaceful. "The tribulation of these days..."
Will wear my Tenor-Dorly 70s auto. Gold dial on yellow (un-endangered) lizard. Want to pass the nieces my BluesMaster harp which I seldom use nowadays. They like music.
Feel like writing more stories and songs but I have to do duties in the Spirit. It may be that 2024 is a cracker of a year. Hope to win the UpLink water conservation challenge. A cool $100k.
Guarding my Christian and faithful Moslem etc. friends takes up most of my time. But it's not yet morning and still quite quiet. Maybe I can squeeze in another tale.
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alexstorm · 1 year
She's also wearing the David Star, someone said before that her surname is Jewish may the fact why she hates Moslems.
/ I’m pretty sure Louise likes it
OMG!!! Guys, can you at least focus for once on the topic at hand?!?
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niant111 · 1 year
Marhaban yaa kerjaan. Hari pertama kerja setelah libur panjang lebaran. Productive but not productive. Sebuah karya untuk anakku, Byrutta.
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nataliesnews · 2 years
Dubai 6.3.2023
I have not yet come right from the trip. There is so much I have to catch up on, translations and all the demonstrations which are going on. My South African friends and family, how can you say....ek kan nie my draai kry nie. I feel like a dog running after its tail. So that is also why this letter is so disjointed. I have all these deep thoughts after the trip about what people enjoy, how the rich live and I am so good at finding the words to show how intellectual I am!!!
First of all let me make it clear I am not  sorry I went even though there were things that I found disappointing in the trip which were a bit too laid back for me. It was good to get out of Israel, to be with people and to see something which was so different. It was good to have two friends with me, Shosh from Haifa and Pnina who is from Jerusalem. When I find it I will send you a picture of the three of us with our sticks. Shosh only needed one for one day and luckily I had taken an extra along. Avishai said  that when he saw me with my two he was worried but after the first hour he saw it would be fine and the group never had to wait for me.  I am not good alone in a group.Though I am thinking again of going to Egypt. By the way, in this letter if you read it there is mainly a repetition of what I wrote on Whatsapp which is how I made notes. Now I am trying to get my mind around the whole trip. What I enjoyed were the people from all over the world and the dresses and costumes. Very different from the tourists here. Colourful. We also noticed traditional Moslem couples even when the woman was wearing a hijab but the couple walked hand in hand. By the way when we got off the plane at the passport I saw this lane.
  Maybe I have to get used to the fact that I am now going on trips with people who want an easier time. The group was very pleasant and Rivka, who had put it all together, was lovely and her nephew, Avishai, who was the guide, also a very nice fellow. I was however surprised that, though he has been there several times, he had no answers for two of the questions which interested me. The people you meet with are mainly tourists such as we were or foreign workers from all over the world. There was no problem with English. But what interested me was how the latter  are treated and where they live. Not in all those amazing buildings we saw , that is for sure. And I was also interested as in the hotel where we were were groups of soldiers from all over the world. So as I understood that the local population is the most wealthy one can imagine, I wanted to know about the army and, as there is  no conscription, were there volunteers from amongst the elite. In both cases he did not know although he was most diligent coming back to me with facts which he had gathered.  But I would think that as a guide all these aspects should interest him. Especially in such an unreal world. Evidently the army is composed of all the emirates..... I think. But one of my friends back here said that in many groups people are more interested in what they can see  than in everyday issues. One  hears almost no Arabic. I am sure there must be locals but if so they are well hidden. Malls all over the show....and for the most part so uninteresting to me. The only thing I really wanted were all sorts of small souvenirs to bring back to the workers here at Nofim. I did find some great saffron biscuits for Irit and Yaakov and there Avishai saved me as he said ...never agree to the price at once...and got me two boxes for the price of one. And a book for my great greats in the Museum of the Future..An emotional Menagerie from A-Z for children which is very funny even though it is for later years. But other than that, unless you like shopping, it's not for me. The print here is very small but I hope you can read it. How to describe it....a plastic world, a giant Disneyland, 1984, unreal....as Rivka put it.....nothing to get excited about....no waterfalls and even the desert is just dunes and not very impressive ones with none of the wonderful canyons and mountains of Sinai. I felt as if I were in a movie of beautiful people of the future. And again I say I am glad I went and experienced it. From what my friend, Anita, told me, I think that  many career people are  brought there by being offered a wonderful life and many of them stay on. So I guess I am missing something. Everyone was so friendly and helpful....unlike Israel where you can walk alone on a path and say good morning and the person will look at you as if you committed a crime. It was a pleasure. I was very impressed in the toilets that everywhere there was an attendant who when she saw me would call me and take me to the handicapped toilet which is kept locked. And as soon as you exit, they are cleaning. Of course, plenty of workers. The entire place, even where there are many people, is so clean. Of course, the Dubaits....is that what one would call them  can afford the labour. I found myself more and more wondering about how such rich people live. There are enormously rich people in Israel too but somehow there it seems to be much more tangible .....and again I have no real information to go on...but maybe because of these enormously high buildings ....I feel as if they must be completely divorced from the ordinary people. I was talking about it to Rivka. When you are so rich, what excites you? A new yacht, a diamond bracelet......and if you had only grown up in such an environment and you should lose your money, will you have the guts  to start again. There were enormously long lines everywhere. When we went to Burj Khalifa, the world"s tallest building, there were long lines and at one place there was a sign to say that there would be a wait of 45 minutes....and there was to the minute. Looking back on the day I thought to myself was it really worth it to stand so high and look down on buildings which on the ground looked as if they were reaching to the sky. And again I say that I was glad for the experience of this weird place.There was a skywalk there and I was reminded of the Grand Canyon where you could see people were terrified of walking on it. I personally did not try as I was scared I would get busy but you could see people holding someone's hand as they got onto it. Here again I could not help comparing it to the Grand Canyon which was amazing when you looked down on all the canyons, etc. below. By the way, we did not get to the top which is residential. I can only imagine what the flats there...if one dares to use such a common word for such prestigious homes...must look like. I cannot resist one political picture which I found so funny. " My mother always say I am a terrorist"   (We the demonstrators are constantly being called terrorists and traitors by Netanyahu and his friends.
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anekabajukoko · 2 years
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rvlong · 2 years
Masonic vbook ends
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(Shrine Ritual Monitor, Allen Publishing, pages 35-39). Buy Freemasonry Sign Book Ends Wood Bookends Non-Skid Book Stand Holder for Shelves Cartoon Personalized Gifts One Size: Bookends - FREE. “May Allah, the God of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the God of our Fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen, Amen, Amen.” The Shrine is openly evocative of Arab culture and the “shrine” in Masonry is the sacred shrine of Islam in Mecca.Ī Shrine initiate must swear the usual oath on the Koran, in addition to the Bible, ending thus: The actual title of the Shriner organisation is the Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Established in 1975 by the Scottish Rite Freemasons of the Northern Masonic. One other Flickr user added this info re Shriners: The exact origins of the name are unknown, but the initials for Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S.) are an anagram for "A MASON," and many scholars think this isn't a coincidence. The emblem also bears the phrase "Robur et Furor," which means "Strength and Fury." The scimitar stands for the backbone of the fraternity (its members), the sphinx stands for the governing body of the Shriners, and the five-pointed star represents the many children helped by their philanthropy each year. We ship items out all items within 1 business day. Vintage Freemason Masonic Bookends Used Condition Rare Heavy 3.10 LBS Each Old. The many parts of their emblem all represent different things. Vintage Freemason Masonic Bookends Used Condition Rare Heavy 3.10 LBS Each Old: 69.99. The order adopted an Arabian theme because one of the founders attended a cool party in France with that theme. The Shriners are a branch of Freemasonry that was started by Masons who wanted to focus more on fun and fellowship than ritual and sanctity. There's a reason the Shriners are famous for wearing silly hats and driving little cars in parades. The Shrine is an appendent body to Freemasonry. These colourful, metal Shrine bookends were for sale today on EBay.
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howieabel · 2 years
“Human mental identities are not like shoes, of which we can only wear one pair at a time. We are all multi-dimensional beings. Whether a Mr. Patel in London will think of himself primarily as an Indian, a British citizen, a Hindu, a Gujarati-speaker, an ex-colonist from Kenya, a member of a specific caste or kin-group, or in some other capacity depends on whether he faces an immigration officer, a Pakistani, a Sikh or Moslem, a Bengali-speaker, and so on. There is no single platonic essence of Patel. He is all these and more at the same time.” ― Eric Hobsbawm
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libidomechanica · 3 months
I hae as gude
I hae as gude a craft rig as     made of those fooles Heau’n doth deceive young Desire! And     haunted by his Self- fulfilling run, yet what he said: Juan,     we’ve no time to reckoning
himself more dear. The never but     with battery; but we ride, in fire and squirm newly as     from Molwitz deign’d to run. Being grenadiers. To the great     pitty. I HATE the dripping
off your father raged in tract     of trumpets from cold tile bathroom—all two long had ceased woes     with number makes human kind. Aunt a little ear’s a lilly,     her very place of
birth was but a finger in it     down to the same time it’s fun what do I remember through,     the nighting where they, beyond the Vein of Life is o’er! The     stem, now, sun, and yet be
jealous of an inspiration     set and set its struggling past they stumbled together,     adopted to gather a life a good king: a moderate     pensions, which should have beheld
his pass, stopp’d as is seen and     his lamp were telescopes for azure views; and the lips have     our being told the parents taught me to go about doth     part her lips, and loved two
and there be whose statue propt again;     my last place with loved, and carp, and in the rudest or     gentle stream, and I’m afraid I pout when I came from out     my father raged, this was
quite as quite to wrong with the thunders     with wrong; an active men, they might enhance, to waste so     much for Nature’s rais’d, from its rose hedges and out of empty     craw, there no great planets
did combine on thy sister     memories! Flung here; that is the most exquisitely spired,     or the Moslem men threw the dresses you wear are figures,     a grateful Puss’, and
shriek rings o’er the wall, some hundred     youngsters all around. Of conquest rose, that for trifles no     store and scarce allay’d, with martial king to my girl, to part     his favour or for bread,
and fruitful spreads the cube and some     better to burn and brightest ground: there he sleeping so, she     seems seeing, flashing blade clash’d that will come on my heart for     fifty rubles round ball.
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produsenbajumuslim · 2 years
Hijab Voal Unicorn New Color Alzena Kids Moslem
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Alzena Kids Moslem in addition to issuing children's robes, pants suits, also issued voal hijab products. Hijab printing with premium voal material which has been confirmed to be very comfortable for your little one to wear.
This printing hijab has a unicorn motif, it can be combined with a dress that is more beautiful when worn by your little one. This printing hijab can be used daily by your little one because of the comfortable hijab material and attractive colors.
Order Via:
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upyrica · 2 years
Final Women Who Run With The Wolves observation: she actually said "Moslem [sic.] women still wear veils" and "it is too bad modern women do not wear veils" within a couple of passages.
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teeth-go-clink · 3 years
So, I found this German song which is literally so much like something a really cocky continuum would sing. Prepare for Wir by K.I.Z.
Translation of the lyrics:
We saw the dinosaurs die
Fans want to make a picture of me,
But they’re not allowed to
You’re amazed, huh? What a punchline
Have a good day and just let me be a good man
Your mental capacity is at fault
If you don’t laugh because of KIZ you amoebas
Endless wisdom and bodies of steel
Thousands leave the hall enlightened
I’m not a show off
I’m just god
We never sold our ass (German version of selling your soul ;) )
We built pyramids on Mars
We travel from here to infinity
We’re not made of human meat
Chorus (a bunch of other people chanting):
You are everything, we are nothing, please take us with you on your spaceship
You lesser beings, bow down to the inventors of the German sense of humor
Suddenly everybody here thinks being gay is okay
But homosexuality was OUR idea
You’re not challenging my giant brain enough
You’re writing history, we’re telling you what to write
The BPjM are (government agency that makes sure children’s media are okay for children) trying to stop our work
But we were already watching over you when you still had gills
Damit, forgot the barbecue meat again
For the Bilderberg meeting
Idk why you Christians, Moslems and Jews are still arguing
Allah, jehova, god? Guys, just use the informal you!
The truth isn’t written in your schoolbooks
Cleopatra for example was a four at most
I sprayed on trains while you were still scribbling on cave walls
I’m disgusted by your mortality
And I can’t understand a word if you’re all praying at the same time
I have original footage of the Holocaust
Because I was wearing my Go Pro camera
Moses and me did some lines on stone plates
Where is the Third World War, do you want me to fall asleep up here?
Just look at what we created, you simply have to love us
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kaijubluu · 3 years
vent post
sometimes. sometimes i can get so fed up with the lgbtq community. the islamophobia here (among other things) is fucking rampant.
it's storytime.
once upon a time, i was a ninth grade queer who proudly wore a hijab. i decided to join my school's pride club. i stepped through the door of the chosen classroom, and fucking immediately, i got the dirty looks. the entire meeting, i kept getting judgemental stares.
the worst bit? afterwards, someone asked me, "you aren't actually a 'moslem' anymore, are you? you just wear that on your head to make your parents happy?"
i cannot make this shit up. everywhere i go, everywhere i try and find support for being queer and closeted, i always get the same response.
it's always some form of "well, you ARE muslim, so . . ."
as if my faith is to blame for cultural biases?
it's always as if it's shameful that I'm Muslim and proud of it. it's always as if I'm to blame for being Muslim and being queer at the same time. it's almost as if it's my fault that the LGBTQ community, the community that's supposed to unconditionally accept me, thinks I'm a "fake gay" for being religious.
at this point, I'd rather live somewhere that protects my rights as a Muslim, than somewhere that criminalizes my faith but preaches how accepting of queers they are.
my identity as a Muslim comes before my identity as a queer, and it makes me sick that the Muslim part of me is treated as lesser or disgusting by other gays.
like, if i can respect atheist, Christian, Jewish, etc queers, can't you respect me? is that so hard?
i feel so goddamn alone.
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piouscatholic · 3 years
God's Peace Plan From Heaven
Which Our Lady of Fatima
Gave to All Catholics
1. [Penance]
This means that all people must amend their lives, give up their easy lives of sin, ask pardon for their sins, receive the Sacrament of Penance, say some extra prayers for the conversion of sinners and make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, so grievously offended by the sins of mankind.
2. [Reparation]
This means:
2.a) offering up your daily tasks as a sacrifice in reparation to atone for our sins;
2.b) fulfilling our daily duties and responsibilities to the best of our abilities;
2.c) accepting the responsibilities of our state in life;
2.d) obeying the Ten Commandments of God.
2.e) obeying the Precepts of the Catholic Church.
3. [Daily Recitation of the Holy Rosary
of the Blessed Virgin Mary]
This is the 5 decade Rosary.
The full 15 decade Rosary is not necessary
for this requirement, but may be said from personal devotion.
The Rosary is like a sword or a weapon which the Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God, the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, can use to cut down heresy and the forces of evil.
It is most powerful and many times it has saved the world from situations as bad as, if not worse than, the ones facing us today.
By the devout recitation of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of the Holy Rosary has obtained a number of famous victories, e.g. at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 A.D. when she was victorious over the Mohammadans, a.k.a. Moslem terrorists, a.k.a. Islamic terrorists, who were once more invading Western Europe and trying to conquer all of Western Eurpope on which to impose their blood-thirsty religion of paganism!
4. [Consecration to
The Immaculate Heart of Mary]
There are two parts to this Consecration.
Continually wearing the Brown Scapular
of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The first part consists in continually wearing the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (except for bathing or showering or swimming or anything similar).
The cloth scapular is preferred to the medal.
When wearing the brown cloth scapular, always physically wear it over the shoulders because it is the miniature form of the full habit-size Brown Scapular traditionally worn by the members of the Carmelite Order.
Do NOT merely carry it in your pocket, billfold, purse, etc.
In addition to physically wearing it, it is also suggested to put on in your vehicle to protect you from accidents and injuries.
It is also recommended to put one on your front door to protect your house or condo or apartment from thieves, from fire, from flood, etc.
Make an Act of Personal Consecration
to the Heart of Mary on the First Saturdays.
The second part consists in the recitation, on these same Five Consecutive First Saturdays, of an Act of Personal Consecration to the Heart of Mary.
Personal Consecration to the
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, dwelling pure and holy, cover my soul with thy maternal protection so that being ever faithful to the voice of Jesus, it responds to His love and obeys His Divine Will.
I wish, O my Mother, to keep unceasingly before me thy co-redemption in order to live intimately with thy Heart which is totally united to the Heart of thy Divine Son.
Fasten me to this Heart by thy own virtues and sorrows.
Protect me always. Mother, Behold Thy Son/Daughter. Amen.
5. [Making the Five First Saturdays]
This devotion consists in:
5.a) Receiving the Sacrament of Penance within 8 days before or after receiving the Holy Eucharist on Five Consecutive First Saturdays.
5.b) Receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist on these same Five Consecutive First Saturdays.
5.c) Saying 5 decades of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary on these same Five Consecutive First Saturdays.
5.d) Meditating for 15 minutes with Our Lady on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary on these same Five Consecutive First Saturdays.
A Sermon of whatever length can take the place of this Meditation on either one or all of these same Five Consecutive First Saturdays.
[The Great Promise
of Our Lady of Fatima
to Those Who Make
the Five First Saturdays]
"I promise to help at the hour of death, with the Graces needed for salvation, whoever on the First Saturday of five consecutive months, shall:
1. Confess;
2. And receive Communion;
3. Recite five decades of the Rosary;
4. And keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me."
*Note that the reception of the Sacrament of Penance may be made eight days before or after the reception of the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist which must be received on each of the Five Consecutive First Saturdays.
A Sermon, of any length, may take the place of the 15 minutes of meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary.
It is well worth the effort involved to make the Five First Saturdays, and do so frequently, because Our Lady promised that she will assist those who do these things at the hour of death with the Graces necessary for salvation!
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