#most bath motivation is to stop humans smelling me
unhindercd · 6 months
Please avoid rotting, the humans will smell you
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aspecriddler · 2 years
My Personal Self Care Guide
this isn't what I normally post about, but I'm feeling motivated and inspired so I thought I would share my self care tips, tricks, and products
note: this is not a comprehensive, one size fits all thing. some of these may work for you and others may not. none of this is meant in bad faith
feel free to add to this btw
Belief System
the first and foremost thing is to find compassion for yourself and your body. you deserve to care for yourself, full stop, no exceptions, no excuses. you deserve it
second, don't shame others for how they take care of themselves. it will probably look different from you and that is okay and normal. you're not better than someone else because you're different, you're just humans
third, do not try too hard. do not give in to the myth of consumerism. you don't need a million different products to be beautiful and feel good about yourself. you do not need to make yourself into something palatable and marketable, and in fact doing so is harmful and very much not self care
These are the three tenets of self care. Use them liberally and wisely
Tips and Tricks
hydration is key. you need hydration so much and you probably don't even realize it. I personally get most of my hydration from (unsweetened) tea both hot and iced. the tap water isn't super clean where I live so boiling the water is more hydrating and it removes anything bad that might fuck with me. I suggest doing the same even if you're not in the same situation. also it gives a much more natural caffeine boost than coffee does
acne is a natural part of being human. prevention methods include washing your face at least once a day, changing your bedding frequently, and avoiding touching your face. when breakouts happen don't mess with it or pop it, that can lead to infection and scarring. instead try pimple patches or bandaids with acne medication on them
choose a signature scent and coordinate your products with it. I personally made mine roses with an undertone of eucalyptus and sandalwood, but it doesn't need to be that complex. doing this makes the scent much more noticeable which makes you more memorable
if you don't have textured hair (I am white so I don't have many tips for poc, very sorry), wash and condition it every other day (on average). also using heat protection spray on wet hair can help prevent frizz
Skincare and Products
the best rule of thumb I have is "the simpler the better"
you literally need a total of six products minimum and ten maximum and all of them you can find either at a local drugstore or supermarket
for hair care I just use suave brand. it's like three dollars and as far as I know doesn't have a lot of the harmful stuff more expensive hair products will have. again this does mostly apply to non black hair, deeply sorry but I'm just not qualified to speak on it
do not use exfoliating products on your face. scrubs, charcoal strips, etc. they are all going to cause you more breakouts so you'll buy more products. same goes for fancy lip balms. look for stuff that's meant for sensitive skin and is unscented
body wash is important but what kind you get doesn't really matter. I get rose scented cuz of my signature scent thing but in the end as long as it gets you clean it's cool
deodorant. in this case the natural kind probably won't cut it. just get something with a scent you like, but avoid brands like old spice because the heavy scents can cause chemical burns. I personally use dove men's brand in a solid stick, but it's truly up to preference. also shaving is in no way necessary for anyone but I've found shaving my pits makes me sweat and smell less
exfoliate in the shower if you feel like it. I personally use Dr. Teals epsom salt products because they're cheap, reliable, and they smell good (they have lavender and eucalyptus, I prefer the latter). make an epsom salt bath for relaxation and pain relief, use the salt scrub for exfoliating and pain relief, and/or use the body oils for moisture. a lot of these things are very texture so be sure to find what works best for you
moisturizing! you can never go wrong with plain Vaseline. it's safe to use pretty much everywhere and is super effective. it's my holy grail and a big tub is like five bucks. I also use it as facial moisturizer, though I go out of my way to get their rose lip care (they also have cocoa butter)
I already talked about heat spray for hair but that's another one of the optional products
Recap: the only things you really need are shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, deodorant, and vaseline for moisture. Optional products include scents (perfume, cologne, body spray), heat spray for hair, exfoliating scrubs/epsom salts, and specialized lip care
do what works for you
don't buy in to capitalism and consumer culture
be kind to yourself and your body
create a signature scent
the simpler the better
support others in their self care journeys
That's all from me, have a lovely day 🌹
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makahimetenshi · 9 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 5 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
This is the continuation of the fifth drabble called How i meet your mother and the story of how Arya Maxson was conceived which originally comes from my drabbles uploaded in Two separated ways, and I might do a fifth and six part even. Im already writing the fifth part, it was a mistake to separate the porn chapter from the normal one since I have so much borderline anyway.
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Its been days since his “negotiation” with Sentinel Nora and they haven’t spoke to each other at all. She was around walking and working in DC, in the Citadel, but didn’t talk to him at all, and he neither do honestly.
They cross looks sometimes but nothing more. Maybe he dodget a bullet like Dane said, maybe he  avoided a redflag by pulling out, of course it wasn’t intelligent from his side to…agree.
It wasn’t something a gentleman do but he used her, that’s the simple true, tricked her just for sex and then never call again, not even for that dinner.
Until a week later he found on his schedule a reunion with the Sentinel, she booked on his calendar…
One week later he found himself nervous to see her again, specially after well not giving her his part of the agreement, it wasn’t neither specified what was the subject of the reunion, the motive…but in any case he put on his best underwear last night after a shower, just for…precaution.
The door was open by his guards and the sentinel in her black suit appeared, with a laser rifle on her back and…and odd and horrible smell
-Oh my god its it molerat blood? –ask Arthur seeing the wet stains on her suit, she nodded –what happened?
-Under the bridge 100 mts above there’s no raiders anymore taking it every fucking time we clean it because we left mines  on the floor…but when some fool trespass the warning signs and explodes the scattering parts attracts  molerats- yeah he recognized the smell of that creatures blood, kinda special, he rag his nose a bit trying to unsuccessfully hide his discomfort at the smell while she serene talked- difficult to believe or not the molerats knows better how to avoid the traps than the humans, so the place gets  infestated of molerats eating between the mines, they spread diseases so better to fumigate the place time by time
The smell in the air was becoming umbereable to keep breathing, he cant hide anymore his discomfort and wasn’t planning in hiding it anymore to keep decorum nono he was too old for that
-Sentinel you should bathe first and then we have the reunion, Ill move…
-Indeed, I heard the elders quarters have a big and comfortable bathtub  -he stop in his place at hearing that, she had such a serene face  while talking but then it was all silence and he look at her and she has a small red smirk  in her lips.
Did she just…? Ohhhhhhh
He stood there in silence, he was hella surprised and taked off guard and she was there so confident and serene.
Like flirting to the elder in his quarters was nothing to worry about.
And heck yeah it was working! Sure…sure…
-What can I say? The rank has its benefits- he mumble, noticing he has been standing there a while without moving because the position on his feets hurts. Both were adults and he gets flustered like a teen around her when she moks him-Sure, ill prepare the water…make yourself comfortable –he said trying to hide his nerviosism, damn he was a prey under her control, difficult to resist and think at all…
-Yeah this boots takes a lot of time to take off, we don’t wanna have them on again don’t we? –Arthur  quickly ran to the bathroom at hearing that mermaid call and open the  water, staring to mix it with the hot and cold to make it comfortable even tho that womans bathe in hot water.
Okay okay she was going to try again…he supposed this could happen…an he was glad it was happening honestly, he had good time, but it worries a bit being so unsure of her intentions…
He sat at the edge of the tub and look at the water filing and raising level, then breath out getting lost in his thoughts while he unlaced his own boots with his fingers too, after all better get prepared.
She wanted to get impregnated…and he wasn’t so sure about it, so soon with someone he knows too little, of course he was going to pull out again, will she allow it? She should know he wont cum inside today no matter if she purposely seeks for it again, or even pleads, but the sentinel is too successful and has too much pride to even think on pleading, nono, there’s something else in her head, she knows he is not going to cum inside today or in some near future then…why? What are her intentions?
What’s her plan? She is not exactly looking for just a partner…
Of course cuming outside its not a warranty that she isn’t going to get pregnant, he is well aware of that, she could get pregnant just by doing it despite cuming outside, and doing it a second time knowing it puts his head in conflict, he…well doesn’t exactly likes the idea of being pressured by the council to have a son but the sentinel is a great match for that purpose, so a child with her wasn’t exactly the problem, if it happens with her well…nothing to waste I guess. But the reality was scary, having a child with a woman he doesn’t know her intentions and even was warned about her odd behavior by the man who spend the last 10 years at her side…
Her reputation, achievements, resources, wealth, education and history in the brotherhood makes her a perfect fit for him, the partner someother will say he deserves…the part that she was a faction leader and someone apparently very rich…also her plans  of possessing the Tempenny tower heck yeah she already ran the business of the Pittsburg forge!
Oh no everything sounded so good but he was so aware that it was dangerous, maybe it was his dick talking…
-Elder –a pair of arms hug him from behind, the man was so startled by being lost in his own thoughts that he slipped from where he was sitting and fell completely into the water of the bathtub, also pushing Nora who fell on top of him, both getting soaked, specially the elder with his coat.
-Jesus Christ don’t do that! –said a very altered elder looking around still very disorientated how did she sneak so perfectly!? Didn’t hear her at all!
But Nora didn’t seem to mind about his distress and confusion, in fact…
-Oh im so sorry elder –she said getting on top of him moving her legs around his hips placing an arm at his side using the floor of the bathub as support and the other arm at the side of his head against the wall. Arthur look at her with some…surprise…terror…she didn’t seem bothered by getting wet at all. Subhuman. –I just wanna ask you if you could give me a hand with the zipper of my suit, seems a bit stuck
The man blinked and swallowed hard.
But it’s a front zipper…
Bold, a bold move, even he wouldn’t do it, and she had so much confidence!
Was she really rejected by Danse? She acted like someone who was never rejected before…
His body was completely submerged in the water while at their bare feets the water from the tap keep falling.
Still in shock he tried to move his shoulders, his coat felt so heavy now soaked…
-Only if you help me with my coat –the way she smiled at him made a cold shiver run on his spine, would she really allow him to cum outside? The sentinel wasn't the type of person who stopped when she didn't get what she wanted.
Slowly, like she wanted to keep his eyes on her, she sat on his hips moving her thighs slowly backwards, raising her chest while her hands moved to his neck and shoulders, holding on the edges of the now soaking coat –you got me all wet elder –she said with a velvety whisper, his cheeks blushed so hard at hearing it, it sounded so hot-its only fair I do the same
He bite on the insides of his cheek and his hands posed on her thighs, squeezing a bit under the water, loving the sensation of the suit so stretched against her skin, then moved up to her stomach touching everywhere, giving her tickles when they leave the water, and then all the way up the zipper to her neck.
-I mean it seriously –he said placing some fingers on the zipper and the other hand completely surrounding her neck, feeling it very thinn, looking directly on her eyes- don’t ever try to scare me again sentinel –she swallowed understanding the menace, and nodded
-Alright –she said now pushing the coat down his shoulders, the man watched the slow motion and then the hand on the zipper moved down, showing her bare chest and this time…she had a bra, oh my didn’t he said something about the appropriate way of dressing? Good she take notes.
Later on, he pulled out again.
But she didn’t say anything about it, just dry with a towel coming out the bathub, dress and leave like nothing happened, the fact that she didn’t say anything was important, not word, just dress with a small smile…and leave.
Oh he knew she was planning something, he didn’t understand what yet
Should he ask Danse?
But the sequence repeated again, and they sleep together, well not exactly sleep because they did it in the food storage of the ring B exactly…oh its hard to keep a boner in the cold environment, and she didn’t even cum, she just swallow his seed down her throat…
I mean it was expected because there wasn't much they could do in there, it wasn't a comfortable place but he was hella surprised for the fact that she…swallow, he didn’t even get the chance to touch her because she was there pulling his underwear down to blow him by her own initiative.
Was she really that into him? He thought she only wanted to get pregnant and that’s all but today they crossed looks in a hallway totally by coincidence, walked towards each other after holding gaze at far for more seconds they were proud  and she…suggested…to hold his hand…and he grab it and move the woman somewhere else, they ended up making up all the way until getting inside the food storage.
When he heard the swallow the hand behind her head tangled between her black locks moved to her chin, holding it, moving her head slowly up
-Look at me –he order, and she did, locking their eyes together. Doesn’t she look amazing? With her eyes red and watery- Do you mind if we still have that dinner I mentioned the first time?
She looked…surprised, and cute with her cheeks red.
-Oh –from a brief moment he saw what apparently was shame in the moment she moved up a hand to clean a string of saliva going down her mouth- yeah okay
The same answer hu?
-Up –again he order, and she did, when she was standing in front of him he placed both hands under her cheeks and deeply kiss her, tongue going inside and everything, tasting himself in her saliva, playing with the tongue that satisfied him a few moments ago. The kiss intensified until both needed to separate for breathing, even him broke the kiss to gain some air but smiled satisfied at seeing her shaking her legs  -ill wait for you in my quarters at 9 to dinner, there’s something you want I should know?
-I like pasterys, I steal some donuts from the kitchen a few times and they were delicious
Silence, he looked at her kinda pissed off.
-Those were my donuts –at hearing that she laughed a bit- I specially order the 6 box for me –well well that’s why some of his orders came with 5 donuts instead of 6!
-You could give me the name of the baker and we are good
-Oh im giving you something else tonight –at saying that she froze with a small  unprepared shy smile, was that surprise? Did she also liked it daring and bold?
-Ill dress for the occasion then
-Inside my quarters comfortable and simple
-Better than the flight suits
At hearing that, now he blushed
At 9 Nora was in his door wearing a Casual outfit and he open the door wearing…a Bathrobe
-Food just arrived –he informed happy to see her laugh  to his very thoughtful outfit
-What is this a naked man? –she said laughing but then catch the fact that he didn’t get it –you know It is said to work 2 out of 3 times…-still he apparently didn’t get it, maybe he didn’t do it because of that- never mind it’s a prewar joke
-Don’t have me standing in my undies in public in front of the sentinel please –she went inside the room an close the door, doing a bold move to stand on her toes and kiss him in the cheek, just that, leaving the man stupid and frozen in his place- can we eat first? Its still warm and the drinks…
-Sure –she said with a very…nice, really nice smile, Arthur liked that smile.
Each one sat on their side of the table, Nora the first thing she did was serve them both a little whiskey.
-Glad we are talking –he said with confidence, he felt confident, like this was going really…well…confusing, but good, felt comfortable around such a beautiful woman, she had a strong presence that gives the idea of eating men up but at least him was growing comfortable around, at least what he can manage.
Or maybe he was imagining things from pure lust.
-So you are the type of guy who cool his whisky? –she ask at feeling the bottle cold.
-Not exactly, I just didn’t know how you like it and cool it in case of anything.
-Mmm i prefer to drink it at room temperature
-Yeah –she smiled and then pick up her knife to cut on her Ribeye steak
-I have a doubt –he says and she looks at him, eating- how are you planning to buy the Tenpenny Tower? Allistair was 80 when I was 10, im surprised he lived until now
-For strange it seems I don’t, I know people who surpassed that age –the man raised an eyebrow confused also picking his knife- lets just say I have the paperwork done already
-I don’t get it
-Do you want to enter in details? –mmm maybe not, not dinning, he denied with his head.
-Im just surprised, even I don’t have my life planned like that to retire
-Do you plan to retire?
-Well no
-What if i…-a hand sneak in the tablecloth picking up one of his hands all suddenly, the hand with a knife- bought your retirement elder?
Silence, but despite everything she keep composure, she keep her smile.
-I don’t think that would be easy at all, im a Maxson –she keep smiling at him, in silence, no, he wasn’t ready for this conversation, too green, didn’t trust her enough
-You may be right, I would need more years of savings for another person retirement, it took me a lot to secure mine
-But are you planning in keeping the Tenpenny Tower as a residential place?
-The old gag made it his business until now, I think is a pretty solid model, self-sustainable, also I like places were people can be…just people…ill keep it that way
-You said you had a rich family back then doesn’t? –she nodded, chewing on her steak-why did they do for living?
-My grandfather owned the Grey Tortoise company
Arthur cutlery fall from his hands at hearing that completely shocked
-You are kidding –she raised her shoulders, didn’t expect such surprised reaction, she didn’t think he would recognize that name.
-No, im not
-The cigarette company? –she nodded, keep eating- no fucking way
-I had nothing to do with  my father heritage, that was all for my brothers –Arthur picked up his cutlery again and cut on his meat- after all he had a football team as family, didn’t exactly need another lawyer on his accounts, pay my career and weeding to keep me away from the company
-Wait you said your father was a politician –he asked recomposing and starting to eat.
-Yes, when my first brother turned 15 he introduced him to the company, trying to make him heir, never giving him any money that he wasn’t producing by his own work, there’s a big age difference between my brothers and me, I was the last and only daughter –she sighted, it wasn’t never easy talking about this- when 3 of my brothers started doing profit on the company my father moved to the politics, confident that they would do a good job at keeping our fortune so he can explore other fields, and apparently they did with his guidance because the other 4 brothers were working full time on the family company doing profits in no time
-Sounds like the whole family was compenetrated with making money –well Nora also had the spark for business and making money apparently, runs on her family.
-It took them their youth, I had my son when I was 34 without any hurry enjoying at maximum my marriage,  none of my brothers had wives, their lifes were just the company or my father politics career to make money, none had children, I was the first one in the family to give my father a grandchildren, his legacy fall on my son shoulders…that didn’t last much of course – Well the bombs, they took your land and now you're left all alone.
Not precisely alone, she had her family, until…she didn’t have it anymore
So she has an inherited and completely  natural talent for business, lit.
-And your last name Howard?
-From my husband Nate, my father introduced us, both meet in campaign for the war and we fell for the other instantly, we stick together a lot of years before my son –she said still eating on her steak
That is nice, getting to know each other over time, she wasn’t giving him the same treatment but he understand that she is running out of time to having a baby…
-Well I dont have much memorys of my mother and father but they were pretty important too –said Arthur drinking a bit on his whisky
-Its clearly not the same picture –she said trying to laugh a bit for the ridiculous
-For the money?
-No, our childhoods at least were completely different
-What do you mean?
The woman left the cutlery on the plate with a very loud noise and a face of disgust.
-I was in the top notch of the world  and then the world goes boom boom, and you…well never actually knew any better than this.
There it was, the things Danse mention. She hates everything. Despises the wastelands
-I carry with pride the  education I have because even if I didn’t experience it I knew that some time ago there was…a better –he said chewing on his food, not exactly pissed from the conversation, just chatting
-I suppose the history  is the better the wastelands can offer to people –Nora realized she was breaking the good mood of the night by whining so much about something so broad and abstract like life itself so she just take another sip of whisky and shut the fuck up but before…she realized something else, one last time, she needed this out of her chest like a need, a huge realization-we are kinda the last ones of our lineages doesn’t?
Nora realized not even her son was the last one, but her.
Arthur open his eyes and stop in his place, he was about to eat a piece of meat and…
It was true.
Of course hers wasn’t as important for the history as him but…
-But we are doing the best this world can offer us to not disappoint our forefathers
Silence, she closed her eyes and sighted, taking some seconds to think with her eyes in the darkness- You are doing a good job elder
He smiled.
-Please, call me Arthur –he said drinking on his glass of whisky.
-Will you call me Nora?
-Well it would be weird calling the mother of my child for her title doesn’t? impractical at least
Hearing that make the woman blush, sheeeeeeeez, didn’t expect it, she drink her full glass and then pick up the bottle to serve some more with a smile looking elsewere.
-Slowdown Arthur – oh that was his name on her lips, it sounded…good - we still have the dessert – she said with her red lips against the edges of the glass
If the two of them procreate and have a child…both were going to join and save their heritages. Well, Noras one was fucked up and pretty much loose all except for what she built until now but his…He had time but she…was running out time.
-Hows dinner then Nora? –he ask with a smile seeing her laugh.
-Better than Grilled radroach for sure 
-Nothing hard to beat then, I have a box of  Fudge fusion donuts so this time you can ask and not steal from me
-Who says im the type who ask for things? –she say that as a joke but for some reason it disturbed a bit the man making his eyebrow twitch as he bite on his meat.
That’s right, he didn’t know her that much. Lets not forget that.
After a while, Nora was clearing the table and gathering the dishes from the small dinner they had. Arthur was looking for the box of donuts and some paper napkins.
-Leave them in the bathroom, ill clean later –she nodded, the image of her in that casual outfit carrying the dishes give him a strange feeling of peace he never felt before, she looked like one of that prewar posters of the perfect wives.
She obeys without saying much, Arthur was preparing the table again until he look behind his back and there she was, looking at him directly stranding.
-Im sorry, I wanted to surprise you and then I remember what you say
-Yeah –he sat, patting on the chair next to him for her to sit-its because im the elder, im not allowed to relax and low my defense, you are really lucky that I didn’t knock you down that day
-You couldn’t knock me down even if you wanted –she say that joking but then pay attention and he wasn’t playing
-I mean it, its not a game for me, im prepared for an attack all times, my position is very important and a lot of people rely in my safety to keep the brotherhood on…
-Alright, I understand, its really that instinctive to have a bad reaction? –Nora sat on the chair next to him
-I could hurt you badly, because of my training to save my life in any case I will not hesitate –he didn’t exactly know if he was opening up because he felt…nice around or menacing her, stating some points, the warnings Danse gave him come to his mind now he was unsure of what his posture was around her. It confuses him, in one note he was comfortable and in another he didn’t know anything or why was she doing this.
-Then I suppose I should make you keep your eyes on me –she said placing a soft hand on his knee, just his naked knee.
He froze, and smiled nervous, getting aroused  with a very heavy heat in his chest all suddenly.
-I wont loose you from sight for sure
She was very flirtatious, maybe to seduce him, dindt actually know her that much to know if she was like that with Danse. For what he understand, she persued him in a very pitiful way and didn’t work, was this a new fenme fatale method? Using all her charms at all cost?
Damn he should really talk to him.
Both started to eat their donuts talking, just talking, it was nice to chat, but it was pretty obvious that on both sides they were closing distances, sitting up better and accommodating themselves to get closer to each other.
In no time they were making out, tasting the chocolate chips into the others mouth, savoring the crumbs on the others tongue, feeling the greasy texture of frosting in the walls of their mouths. When stealing the others breath Nora lean her back against the table, but Arthur quickly stand up and pick up her hands up to his chest.
-What…?-she ask with a smile and a few chocolate crumbs in the side of her mouth.
-We have the bed this time –for some reason her entire face shine, and stand, Arthur guided her hands to the bed but she was the one pushing him to sit in the mattress soon enough, holding on his shoulders loosing the bathrobe down his back, using these for support at the same time that her legs were positioned next to his thighs to sit on top.
-Do you want me to sleep here tonight? –she ask leaning her head to a side to take her hair out of the way.
-Im not letting you sleep –the woman breath in and bite on her lip, leaning down to kiss him deeply on the lips. Arthur corresponded to intensify the kiss more.
They spend the night, and this time, sleep together, at least a bit, until it was five and she wanted to get out from his quarters so nobody can see her walking so close.
Again, he pulled out, but this time they shared bed, his bed.
When she closed silently the door he keeps looking in direction were she disappeared, like he was missing something.
What were her intentions?
This situation had been dragging on.
He was very aware of what her objective was, they both were because they talked about it constantly, but they were not achieving it because he did not let himself and she was not pressuring or forcing him to accomplish it. But the reality was that they were delaying him and he didn't understand why she didn't look for him more.
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#like... i think thee'd have to be thunderbolts raining down as i flipped off the sky to motivate me to even consider... how i would tell th
My Top Posts in 2022:
you know, in almost every horror movie ive seen where the premise is that the whole family/community are cannibals and th3ey just have whole rooms for bodies to be hanging about in different pieces
like...99% of the movies just have it in some filthy shed or room covered in old blood and mold, with flies and meat hanging up sans refrigeration
like how has the whole ass cmmunity or family not died from rotten meat? from salmonella? half the time they don't even clean the bodies before they kill them so they're caked in mud
pretty sure humans have weird shit that lives on our skin just chilling and waiting for a cut or microtear to get inside and cause chaos
you would think an entire household or town dedicated to luring tourists and murdering them for meat would have discovered a more efficient and food safe way to do it.
not to MENTION like how does this happen? you go to a town meeting one day and on the ballot is a) lowering the speed limit around the school, b) funding the community garden restoration, and c) becoming a covert murder factory for fun, food and frivolity...
Things that would make more sense than a hotel that traps people: a SPA
the people coming in are usually the health-conscious type, they have some form of bath or soak throughout the process, they're relaxed, and you could put paralytics in the facemasks or something
not to mention, most rural towns (where this shit is usually set?) have butchers and mobile butchers at that with their own set up and clean room type equipment. there's heaps in our area. Wouldn't it be less suspicious to have them turn up, grab the bodies and transport them to another area for dismemberment? People are used to mobile butchers doing this sort of thing with cowsa, pigs, goats, etc. Plus they'd at least have clean equipment and less chance of unsanitary items used for the dispersement of meat etc.
The butcher shop would be the first place you'd think of for cold storage, but what about the freezers in the local supermarket? Assuming there's a walk-in and everyone's on board so the new people in town won't squeal to anyone.
The local ice cream truck or shop? Maybe?
If it's small enough the pub might have one of those converted shipping containers out back that's now a giant freezer.
Not sure how they'd store it, but like there has to be a better premise for the horror of the movie than 'opened fridge in dirty house to find a head or fingers'.
I think you could absolutely pull a subtle horror story out of this, and they could legit gaslight the tourists (only taking specific ones) by advertising the hotel as haunted.
you KNOW that people will already be on edge thinking they might see a ghost, and will manufacture paranormal incidents, which is the real trojan horse here. so you go in thinking its a ghost movie or maybe a cryptid movie, so when the occasional bone or skull is found it's like "oh no, the ghost/cryptid did it"
the whole time the protagonist(s) are having just the most amazing meals and customer service... never suspecting.
NOT TO MENTION none of that bone windchimes bullshit.
What is the one thing a LOT of farmers use? It smells like vomit so you always know its in use? Blood and Bone fertiliser. no questions asked for anyone who has been in a farming area. It really helps gardens bc nutrients (its legit blood and bone with other mixtures, usually the offal and such from abbottoirs)...
Maybe the locals are like super funny about it. There's a whole year-round halloween attraction with real skeletons and just enough tacky decorations that no one questions them.
Or the doctor's office has a like 6ft skeleton and the school uses it on occasion for biology.
the real question is like, what are funeral rights like in a town dedicated to eating people?
Is a town member considered Sacred and Off the Menu?
Or is it an honour to have your body shared amongst your loved ones after death? Does anything change in the event of like, an unexpected or accidental passing?
If you have a combine harvester accident, and you lose an arm, does the amputated limb go on the menu or it is carefully disposed of?
They never really look into how this whole system works in terms of a full town structure. It's always some shitty "protag snaps awake and screams at dead bodies" thing as people leer or masked people cut up bodies"
If they expanded on it, it could be interesting.
But that's just me, I'd want to know WHY a whole town went full hannibal and how that impacted all the other systems. Government, health, education, political/legal, community events?
Do they have a section for Special Meat Dishes in the local show / bake-off?
See the full post
57 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
...can a mimic get into a hospital/magical medical center with dr clerics or whatever, and pretend to be an organ?
Like, eat what was in the transport carrier, and get transplanted?
That could be a really fucked up DnD campaign where it slowly starts to bond to the body and fights for ful control of the limbs, and noone in the party knows until the changes are physical...
It could go:
a) the horror route, where they lose out to them and become a monster, and perhaps this is how mimics gain the mass to become a greater threat
b) the tragic hero route, where they see they are being consumed and sacrifice themselves to save the others
c) the changeling route, where the two mix into a new entity either with, or against, the will of both the mimic and the host
d) the symbiote route, where they bond and learn to live together, even begin to work together and maybe even love one another much to the discomfort of the other party members sharing the tent
e) the trial by fire route, where only through great suffering can the means to remove the creature or make it inert be gained
f) the medusa route, where the host is strengthened through (faith, medicine, magic, other) and is able to overcome the parasitic thing and force it into inertia so it 'dies' but remains as the organ itself
g) the feral route, where the host embraces the desires radiating through them and becomes wildly unhinged around concepts like 'good/bad' and 'friend/food' as the tendrils slip into their mind but still retains primary consciousness
h) the mirror route, where the creature takes control if the host is unconsious and has a different 'self', but will usually only act to preserve the body
i) the What? route, where the hero just wakes up as a normal person with a strange ability to shapeshift or blend into surroundings without any explanation and is just like 'fuck it let's gooooo'
j) the Aw YEah route, the same as i) but it's a bard, and they use it for... reasons of charisma, seduction and experimentation
k) the What To Do When You're Expecting route, this could be the final part of a mimic lifecycle and the hero was a good option to carry their spawn or eggs or magical essence or however you want to play that. mostly bc it would be hilarious to have someone being healed mid-battle and the cleric being like, 'uh, congratulations and im not sure what it is but there's a lot of teeth...'
l) the Choose route, where the host has a crucial moment to choose to keep the mimic or destroy it despite the cost and has to think about the benefits and problems. like, it could be attached to any other letter scenario as well, or random.
m) the PAssive route, weird but hear me out... the cleric catches it, and believes fervently that their patron or deity would want them to help soothe the anger and bloodlust, to bring this creature to peace and handles the issues through intense meditation or calm
n) the Zombie route, where the creature bonds to the hero and fills their blood with spores. non toxic, not harmful, but it does push for them to bring their bodily fluids into contact with the others around them. maybe they get hurt in battle more easily, maybe they're more seductive than usual, or more violent (eg biting in fights), and it targets the party. because it wants to build a protective brood around the host that are loyal to the mimic and will die to keep it safe / has readily available back-up hosts around.
o) the It Takes a Village route, smooshing concepts (k) and (n) together, so that the mimic builds a whole interconnected family of ifferent biologies to spawn through. giving the future mimics unique and durable genetics. more autonomy for hosts, but it pushes emotional bonds as well, and builds an army to protect spawn.
p) the Bonding Song route, where it uses the basic idea of (n) but to gradually make the infected cease movement and settle in a safe, secluded place all together with one mobile to bring food to them as the others meld together physically into a big organic Thing that will slowly form into a Boss Mimic. The mobile one remaining will continue to feed it, and help lead adventurers to it.
Probably others
74 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
cant shake this shitty headcanon in my brain of percy accidentally seducing the others in vox machina by teaching them how to do court dances
something the gentry and nobility are schooled in from a young age bc half their interactions with other noble houses are at balls where all dancing is regimented and very public, the most physical contact with someone outside your own household, usually
But it's all 'hands pressed as you step in counterpoint' and maybe a few flourishes or dips to show you have some mastery
its all fun and games until you realise how close you both are, and that you have the instructors full attention as he shows you how to dance (and not make an ass of yourself at the next formal dinner/ball / charity royal or-gee or whatever the money havers get up to in their free time)
Scanlan would be fun, though, imagine the strict discipline of dance trying to quell a bard whose entire way of motion to music involves hip thrusts and disco moves???
just saying, could be hilarious, could be very cute too
having trouble picturing a few of them, but as a spectator sport it would be very entertaining
89 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Master List - Creativity Help/Art Block Busting for Writers & Artists
Post for AUs & Tropes
Post for Monster-Making (Mundane Items)
Post for Dryad Creation
Post for Fae/Fairy Creation
Post for Random Character Weaknesses
Post for Random Superpowers
Post for Mermaid Making
Post for Monster Mixology
Post for Making a Randomised Centaur/Taur
Post for Winged Creatures
96 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i feel like the voix machina group could have handled the percy situation much easier if they have an enchanted like, pole catcher thing
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like... "I am death and vengeance and-"
*snick* "Gotcha, let's get you a snickers."
324 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mmvalentine · 3 years
Can I please get a moonstone palace bathtub smut for feysand???
Honey I'm sorry this took me soooo long, this was actually the last one on my list before I decided to cut off my prompt intake so I did always mean to write it I've just not been having as much motivation lately! But yes, let's do this, let's get SOAPY!
Rhys was a little drunk.
Feyre had been at the Summer Court with Amren all day, up to their necks in meetings. Rhys had been doing the same at the day court and Helion conducted his official court business... differently. And so it was that Rhys got home just after Feyre, rather worse for wear.
"Feyre!" he called, slurring a little.
"In here," she called back, in the middle of folding some clothes away. Rhys poked his head round the door.
"Oh," he said. "There you are."
"In... our room? Yes, where else would I be?"
Rhys sighed. "I couldn't remember which house I was supposed to be at. I went to the house by the river, but it's all covered up."
"Yes," Feyre agreed, her lips twitching. "Renovations, remember?"
"So then I went to the House of the Wind," Rhys continued. "But Cassian and Nesta were there and kicked me out, so I went to the townhouse, and then remembered that Nyx lives there now- did you know our son is an adult who lives alone?"
"I did know that."
"So then I went to the cabin but you weren't there either... and here you are in the moonshine palace." He shook his head, and corrected himself. "The moonstone palace. Feyre we have so many houses."
"We do," Feyre smiled. "And you have had so much to drink. Moonshine indeed."
"Yes, well, you know Helion's rules. You have to do a shot every time you raise a new point. Or win a point. Or concede a point. Next time, I'm going to see Tarquin and you can deal with Helion."
"Tarquin doesn't like you, and you know I can't get through the agenda with Helion's rules."
Rhys looked outraged for a second. "Why?" he demanded.
"Because I am half the size of Helion. Maybe less."
"No, why doesn't Tarquin like me? Everybody likes me."
"Darling I have a more pressing question."
"Yes, what is it?"
"What... is all over you?"
Rhys looked down at himself, and appeared to think about it for a second. "It's marmalade," he said eventually.
"It's what?"
"A delegate from the human realm brought it."
"Okay," Feyre said slowly. "But why is it all over you?"
"You know, I have no idea."
"And how did you get it on your wings?"
Rhys turned his head quickly. "My wings are out?"
Feyre laughed. "Okay, never mind. Let's just get you cleaned up and into bed."
Rhys' expression shifted then, and bewilderment became something much more wicked.
"You know," he said, "the marmalade is quite delicious. You should give it a try. You could clean me off with your tongue."
Feyre rolled her eyes, and pushed her mate toward the large bathtub. Around the bathroom, candles flickered to life of their own accord.
"Or I could just clean you off with a sponge like a regular fae."
"Oh so you are going to be doing the cleaning," Rhys said, his eyes lighting. And with that, his orange stained suit disappeared and he pulled her against his naked chest.
Feyre landed with her hands on his skin, and her breath caught at the sudden movement. She made to push him away, but when she looked up at his face Rhys was looking at her with an intensity she did not think he was capable of in his inebriated state.
"You're joining me, yes?" Rhys purred, and already his hands were pulling at the fastenings behind her back.
"Well I-"
"Of course you are," and then faster than she expected he had the dress falling around her feet, and his teeth on her left nipple.
"Woah, okay, down boy," she struggled out. "You have sticky stuff in your hair."
"Marmalade," Rhys reminded her.
"Right." She led Rhys to the tub, and they both climbed in. Feyre bundled her hair on top of her head while Rhys located the aforementioned sponge, and handed it to her. He waved his hand and the tub filled with bubbles, and beneath them Rhys pulled Feyre's legs to circle around his waist. She slid along the smooth bottom of the tub, and when she reached Rhys she found him suddenly hard between her legs.
Her eyes went wide, but she did not acknowledge it. Instead, plunged the sponge into the water and then rubbed it over Rhys' chest and neck where the sticky substance had gotten under his shirt. Rhys, his hands idle, scooped hot water up Feyre's back and shoulders, and let his fingertips follow the line of her spine.
"We haven't had a bath together in ages," he said softly, eyes on her ear where his thumb stroked, as his palm rested against the side of her throat.
"Well," Feyre said, trying to concentrate on cleaning him up, "it's not often you're in need of such thorough cleaning."
Rhys reached forward and pulled Feyre up onto his lap, his cock now pressing insistently against her.
"Maybe I should get dirty more often then," he murmured, and then Feyre was avoiding his gaze as she dunked the sponge again and used it to clean the stuff out of his hair. A sweet orange smell was drifting through the steam as she went.
"You know you don't have to go to such extreme measures for us to spend time together," Feyre said, and then swiped the soapy sponge all the way down one of Rhys' wings.
Rhys shuddered violently in shock and pleasure as Feyre collected more water and rubbed down his other wing.
"Ohhh darling," he groaned. "Do that again."
Feyre bit back a smile and moved the sponge in circles, peering over Rhys' shoulder and carefully wiping away all the marks on the leathery surface. Rhys' hands had left her back and were now gripping the edges of the tub. His forehead was leaning against her chest, and she made sure to get her sponge into the curves of his joints, and around the base of his wing's talon. She lifted a wing back to get the underside, and pretended to not notice the way Rhys' cock twitched beneath her as she wiped rough strokes down the inside edge.
Rhys groaned again, and put his teeth in her shoulder. Feyre was fairly satisfied that she had gotten the muck off him, and was now squeezing water over him to clear the suds off.
"Is that better?" she crooned.
"Mmm it's the most exquisite torture," Rhys replied, and started to move her hips with his hands so that she was sliding up and down in his lap while she swirled more hot water over his wings. His motion stuttered when she ran the sponge over a particularly sensitive spot, and then he had his arms tight around her and then he had his mouth on hers and was leaning forward to kiss her harder.
Feyre dropped the sponge and tangled her hands in his hair. She had always loved how he looked with his hair wet and slicked back. Rhys kissed her greedily, and she had to admit she was also quite fond of fooling around when Rhys was tipsy. There was just something a little looser, a little messy but sexy about him when he was handsy-drunk, and even though Feyre hadn't been drinking, the intoxication seemed to be contagious.
Feyre drank the taste of moonshine off Rhys' lips and got lost in the tingling sensation where his fingers gripped her. And then he lifted her hips and brought her right down on his cock under the water.
It should be so familiar by now. A hundred years together, and one might think this wouldn't surprise Feyre anymore. But every time, every single time the pleasure of Rhys inside her was almost too much to bear. Feyre cried out and grabbed a hold of his shoulders, hanging on tightly as he started to bounce her in his lap.
"Fuuuck Feyre, fuck," Rhys groaned, as his head fell back against the edge of the tub and his hips tilted up to get deeper inside her. His eyes closed but his hands clutched tighter, and then Feyre took a hold of the sides of the tub to get leverage as they quickened their pace. "Gods you could kill a male fucking like this."
Rhys sat up suddenly, water sloshing noisily as closed his mouth over one of her breasts. His hand came up to massage the other, and his free hand squeezed her backside. Feyre moaned as his teeth touched her nipple, and changed her motion so that she was grinding into his lap instead of moving up and down. Rhys' tongue flicked over her peaked nipple and it seemed to echo in her clit, over and over until she was clawing at his neck and pushing back her orgasm, trying to stretch the feeling out.
Rhys saw it coming, dragged her mouth back to his and then kissed her with her tongue sucked into his mouth as he got his hands back on her hips and slammed into her exactly how he wanted it and not letting her hold anything back. And then she was screaming as she climaxed, head tipped back and sweat and steam and bubbles plastering the stray strands to her face as she came apart in the bathtub. Rhys was not far behind, and Feyre reveled in the unguarded, unrestrained sounds that he made, too.
When they had stopped moving, they sat for minutes just curled together like that. Eventually, Rhys yawned and Feyre kissed his head before whispering "Let's go to bed."
"I'll just sleep here," Rhys mumbled.
"You can't sleep in the bathtub," Feyre argued.
"Sure I can," Rhys said. "I'm doing it right now."
Feyre rolled her eyes, and disentangled herself from Rhys' arms. He growled in protest, but she managed to climb out of the tub and wrap a towel around herself.
"Alright your turn, come on."
Rhys slid down in the bath.
"Come on you big baby." Feyre reached in and hauled her giant, heavy mate out of the water with some difficulty, and decided it would be easier to magic him dry.
Rhys practically fell into bed and was asleep within seconds- but not before he managed to grab a hold of Feyre, pull her tight into his body, and kiss the back of her neck while his arms wound round her middle.
"Good night my love," Feyre said quietly, and then used magic again to send their clothes to the laundry and snuff the candles out, since once Rhys was unconscious and wrapped around her like this, there was no getting up until morning.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars @fandomstalker27
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nonobadcat · 3 years
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All For One X Gender Neutral Reader - Drabble
Prompt can be found here - Warning: reading prompt in advance may contain spoilers
Word count: <1000
Timeline: Post potato face, but pre-series. Tomura is about 16 in this.
Rating: Mature - mentions of panties and negligee - Minors dni
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It was something you’d never gotten used to: the way blind men don’t need light.
No matter the time of day, the laboratory was covered in a carpet of shadows. The green-blue of the monitors bathed the room in an eerie glow, like a full moon above a dark lagoon. The hiss of the breathing apparatus echoed along the conduits. The fluid pump would rattle occasionally as it pushed a vitamin drip through the IV lines.
While most of the monitors contained data on the nomus in the tanks, the bottom right always made you smile. On it, the jagged beating of a heart flitted across the screen. You pressed your weight against the door until it clicked shut. The soft noise was enough to speed the pace of the heart about ten beats per minute. The message was clear.
You were more than welcome here.
“Well…" There was a short pause as his voice lilted upwards with amusement. "I wasn’t expecting you to be awake at this hour."
You kicked off the door and padded your way softly to the other side of the room. Thankful the light of the computers was enough to guide your path. You dodged a tether of cords and a bundle of wires. The bubbling of the tanks was relaxing. It reminded you of an aquarium.
“I was worried about you,” you replied. You stopped a few feet short of the leather chair and tucked your hands behind your back. Your fingers found each other as you started to fiddle with your own digits. You cocked your head and made a curious titter. “Are you sleeping all right?”
The large leather chair creaked as All For One turned to face you. When he hummed, it radiated down the breathing tube. The grey apparatus connected to his trachea didn’t phase you anymore. If anything, it was a gift that allowed you to see his smile. His broad, toothy grin was sharper than a crocodile’s fangs and more intoxicating than liquor.
“It’s easier for me to sleep upright. You know this.”
Though his blind eyes couldn’t make out the fine details, All For One’s Infrared quirk allowed him to see your posture. You tilted your head down as your bare foot twisted into the floor. With his hearing more acute than ever, he could make out the click of a temptIng tongue on pouty lips.
Your fingers twirled around each other. “It doesn’t make me worry about you less,” you mumbled in a coquettish tone.
All For One thumbed his chin. The pad of his broad index finger stroked his lower lip. “If you’re so worried, then come here and see for yourself how I am.”
It was adorable, the way your body perked at his words. Your movements were slow and cautious, like a cat sniffing out a new human. However, when he held his hand out to you, your fingers wrapped around his. He could feel the pulse of your heart quicken as you slipped into his lap. You dangled your legs across his dress slacks and nuzzled your head into his chest. There was a deep inhale and a contented sigh.
“You’re warm,” you murmured.
All For One’s hand trailed down your side, taking in the exquisite texture of your short negligee. Though he’d never seen it, the expensive silk was lovely to touch. After all, nothing less than the best would have been fit for his lover. The only thing he regretted was that it could never be as lovely as your hands crawling over his body.
As his fingers slipped under the edge of the fabric, a short chuckle escaped his lips. The lacey panties he’d purchased for you were already wet.
“My dear, I’m starting to suspect you had some ulterior motives in coming here tonight.”
A noncommittal hum rumbled in your chest. “It’s possible.”
Broad, calloused fingers took your chin in their grip. He raised your face to him, he could feel the warmth of your breath tickle across his nose. As your hair shifted, he caught a whiff of your favorite scent and some sort of sweet cherry. His thumb found the glossy smooth balm as he stroked your lips. His pants tightened as his grin stretched the scars on his face.
Oh… clearly it was more than possible.
As he brought your mouth to hover just beside his, he uttered only three words:
“You naughty tease.”
All For One sat bolt upright in his chair, his hands dropping from the keyboard. Despite his lack of eyes, his head turned on instinct towards the boy beside him. He could smell the nose curling musk of unwashed teenager. He’d have to remind his protege to shower more often. The boy’s room was becoming unbearable to walk past.
With a deep inhale, the demon lord of Japan answered. “Yes, Tomura?”
“Are you…” there was a long pause. “...writing fanfiction?”
All For One reached out and ruffled the boy’s hair. He cringed at the greasy texture. Dry shampoo. He would have Kurogiri purchase dry shampoo as soon as the pharmacy opened.
“Reader insert fanfiction to be precise,” All For One replied.
Tomura scratched his neck and cocked his head. “Why?”
All For One’s grin split his face. “Because my boy, my simps need their fix.”
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
(trigger warning : smoking, mention of death)
Another day, another restorative morning, as if nothing else can motivate me enough to finally cut my laze and start the new day already.
I got off my bed and my eyes instinctively gazed out the window beside me at the wall. As usual, there wasn't much outside, just the same trees and lawns you would find in any other neighbourhood, yet I never seem to get tired of looking at them over and over every time I wake up. It was like a part of my everyday morning ritual which I definitely shouldn't miss, and honestly, I was fine with it. I was not the type of person to actively look for spices in my life after all, and even if I start to crave for it someday, I just wait for it to come to me.
Otherwise, everything just gotta be restful, that's all I want, to be honest.
The water was pleasantly chill to bathe in, too, and so was the dawn's sea breeze swishing through the balcony as soon as the curtains were tucked out and the windows were pulled open. If anything warm right now, it was the brisk sun and the brimming cup of steaming café au lait thawing my bare arms and fingers as I stepped out to lean onto the grill of my terrace. My feet were bare as well, touching the cool tiles beneath them as I felt the tingling sensation through my nerves.
I was still in my pyjamas, my hair up in a bun and it was still seven. Other than some elder citizens walking outside to get the minty air rushing and stray cats and dogs yawning and stretching, the scene in front of me was almost deserted.
It all felt quiet, but it wasn't prickly. The birds were still tweeting, the bulk of leaves rustled in a shimmer, and I could even hear my sigh as I blew the hot vapour from my cup, my lips slowly savouring the coffee bit by bit. It was very peaceful, I liked it.
But unfortunately, it wasn't real.
"미스......미스.....일어나 미스!"
I jolted up from the unfamiliar voice presumably calling out for me. So it was all a dream? I wasn't enjoying a utopian morning at my balcony back in Miami?? But it all felt so real....from the taste of coffee to the warmth I felt of the drink. So it was all my imagination? Wow huh....looks like the power of my mind is going to be a mystery to me for a while. I never knew that my brain could fool me into believing that I was relaxing at my home, and not dozing off in a Korean tourist bus.
"Ugghmm...Huh?" Still groggy from my sleep, I blinked twice before looking outside the window of the bus. By the look of it, I think we had come to the final stop. Before letting out anything else from my mouth, I silently turned my gaze onto the one who broke my slumber, namely the bus conductor.
He is looking right at me. Come on, say something....!!
"U-Ummm...." I stumbled, my index slowly moving to point at the complex the bus had stopped near at.
"역???" I cringed as I tried to pronounce the exotic word. Fuck. I didn't expect my voice to crack right in front of the bus conductor. And before anyone raises a question, no. I don't know Korean. I just happened to memorize only the important words I might need to communicate during my journey to Korea. But while I was still at home I felt pretty confident in myself, what happened to me now? It wasn't unusual of me, I am a human after all and I get nervous at times too. Yet it was.... surprising.
Hmm...it must be the anxiety of being in an alien country where everything is different from what I am aware of and what I have experienced so far. Different ambience, different language, and different people. Very strange and foreign, to be frank. But fresh and young, like a bite of a ripe green apple.
Nevertheless, the conductor just laughed at me and patted my shoulder very strongly. Ouch but Woah, now I could see why he was hired as the conductor. Strong arms, sharp eyes, along with a charm of his own to make people at ease. Even to a 'lost' newcomer like me.
"Yes yes! 역! Correct! Wanna come out??" With a grin twinkling on his bright face, he stepped away to let me through. I felt more relaxed than before as soon as I heard English from him, and it was pretty fluent too.
A small relieved smile broke on my lips too as I grab hold of my guitar case and my backpack and get up. My legs had gotten a bit numb inside my boots from not moving them much throughout the ride, and my jacket was almost off my shoulders.
"감사합니다" I quickly muttered before adjusting everything on me and stepping out of the bus. I didn't want to stammer again and, even if I wasn't in a hurry, I still wanted to make sure I reach where I was called to at an early hand.
"Have a safe journey!" The conductor waved at me, and I gladly turned around to return the gesture before entering the lobby. After I had made it inside, I left my belongings at a convenient place and went to the bathroom to fix my face and clothes.
I had been travelling for almost twenty hours; An eighteen-hour flight and a two-hour bus. It was back-to-back, and hardly I had the time to refresh myself properly and smoke a bit, but now was my chance to do so before I carry on to reach my destination.
With the help of the large mirror on the wall, I first removed my contact lenses and then washed my face and combed my hair. It had grown pretty long. But I wasn't planning on cutting them any sooner. I also dusted my jacket and jeans off and straightened my t-shirt inside.
After I was sure everything had been set, I put my lenses back on and vaguely looked around the room, and finding no one except me, I quickly stand near the ventilator above me and light my cigarette. What I was doing right now poses a threat to my health and is illegal, but this was a guilty pleasure of mine. I admit it shamelessly because why not. I have nothing to lose. We all are gonna die one day, so it's better we make the most of our lives and I was just doing that. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just because I said I don't seek adventure vigorously, does not mean I don't have any thrill in my life at all. I do have it. Everyone has it. You just gotta make it interesting in your way, and that's how you gotta roll, champ.
Anyways, after a couple of puffs, I got disposed of the cigar and shooed off the smoke around me. It was only after everything seemed clear that I washed my life hands and dried them, then left the restroom and grabbed my luggage back before I started to stride again, to the reception counter.
After all the formalities were taken care of, I finally breathed the outside air of Korean afternoon. The sun was luminous and overhead, but the heat wasn't as severe as back in Miami. The number of clouds here are much more than there, or was it just for this particular day? I had no idea.
I am not a tourist here. I came here for a business trip, you can say. A man from here, a freelancing musical artist, had personally requested and invited me for a musical collaboration. The deal itself sounded quite intriguing, also with the fact that I'm half-Korean thanks to my father's lineage, yet ironically I have neither ever seen Korea with my own eyes nor I have witnessed its culture. Until today, that is.
So here I am now, strolling in the middle of the bustling city surrounded by college students touring around, laughing and talking with their classmates and munching on unique dishes and snacks I had never seen before. And while I was busy observing them, someone bumped into me, breaking my contact.
"Oh! 실례합니다!" It was a young blond guy, wearing a light blue hoodie with a couple of smiley badges pinned to his chest. He quickly bowed after apologizing and for briefly taking a glance at my face, hastily trots in the opposite direction. I eyed him, judging by his clothes and the books he was carrying in his arms, he looked like a college student. Hmm...no wonder why he was in a hurry. He must be late to class or something.
But anyway, I continued walking. That musical man had told me to wait near the back alley of a coffee shop that was close to the station. Hmm, that would be easy to locate. The coffee shop was right in front of me! Hah, how easy.
And so, without wasting any time, I ambled towards the cafè. It was a cute little shop, in my opinion. The smell of roasted coffee beans and bubbling creamy milk was evident in the atmosphere, and the colour scheme of the shop had pallettes of vanilla and caramel. It was like I had entered not a shop but inside a nestling coffee cup! Pretty cool, especially for someone who loves coffee like me.
Also, a bunch of customers were inside too. This place was not lonely at all. Some couples were on a date, singles who just want peace of mind with a complimentary cup of coffee, and business workers too! To be honest, I liked one of the employee's suits too. It was of a short brunette woman with glasses. She was kind of cute too. And by how she was still typing away rapidly on her phone even while on her break, tells how much of a busy woman she must be. Damn, God forbid that I ever be this much busy in my career.
Working even at breaks. Scary, in my opinion.
Needless to say, that wasn't why I was here for. The city was new to me so naturally, I would be curious, but business comes first in such a case. And in this case, it's my case. So bringing myself back to schedule, I leave to the back alley, waiting for that man so we could finally meet after talking through emails and phone calls.
But......what was that man's name again?
Hmm, weird name. But as someone who prefers to be called CJ than Catherine Joseph, I am no one to say so. Or even judge so.
Zen......I wonder what kind of person he would be in flesh. Same friendly and confident as the impression of him in my mind? Or just some different personality I never saw coming? Well, only time will tell that. But right now, we wait.
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himikiyo · 3 years
in saecula saeculorum // himikiyo week day 3
Himikiyo Week Day 3: Vice + Virtue
"If you’re so against the idea of people getting hurt, you should have thought twice before summoning a demon."
Read on AO3, DRA, or under the cut.
Demons did not exist in the modern world. That was common sense, accepted by nearly everyone save fringe conspiracy theorists and fanatics of all types. Those who would believe in something so patently unscientific, so laughable, would be deemed worthy of ridicule themselves. There was no use for the supernatural when humans had triumphed over the natural world itself.
That was the party line, anyway. It was taught to children in schools, passed on in social interactions and media. Even those curious enough to seek out old tomes and uncover the stories within were motivated to dismiss them as legends. Stories of such things were fascinating, but they were from a less educated time. When people didn’t understand the world around them, they were motivated to devise stories of evil beings to explain their misfortunes.
None of it was real. Humanity’s biggest danger was itself.
Locked in a dusty church basement, one girl felt differently.
“Angie hopes you find the answers you seek, Himiko-chan! Remember though, Kami-sama might just smite you down if you aren’t careful! Even as powerful as he is, he doesn’t take threats lightly.” Setting down a small stack of books and clapping her hands together to brush off the dust, Angie took a step back towards the door. “Oh, and lock up when you’re done, okay? Technically Angie isn’t supposed to leave anyone alone here.”
“Yeah, got it. I’ll be sure to take care of everything.”
“In that case, good night!”
Just like that, she was gone. Himiko stayed where she was and waited until the patter of Angie’s footsteps faded out entirely, leaving only silence behind. It was a little creepy alone in a church at night, she had to admit. Best friend or not, Angie’s religious devotion was unnerving even in the daylight. Himiko was more interested in other aspects of the arcane. Things that wouldn’t be taken so lightly if discovered. For the experiments she wanted to perform, the church basement was safer than her apartment in more ways than one.
Summoning a demon was risky at best.
She already had the proper page marked. The candles were lit. The offerings were nearly ready. The demon — whose name in the book was an illegible scrawl, written in a language Himiko had never seen before — would appear or they wouldn’t. Her years of study had convinced her that these creatures were out there, lurking beyond the boundaries of normal human perception, but if she was wrong, this would be the time for that to be proven too.
Her hand trembled as she flicked the light switch off, plunging the room into dim candlelight.
The shakiness made it more difficult to draw blood, scarlet droplets scattering onto the page she was reading from as much as into the bowl they were meant for.
This was an academic experiment, yes, but it was a deeper part of her that would be devastated if it failed. A part of her that thought someone non-human might provide the kind of companionship and understanding she’d always lacked. Angie was sweet, but she couldn’t honestly say they saw eye to eye.
She carried on with the ritual, occasionally glancing around the darkened room to look for any changes. Nothing.
“Maybe...this isn’t going to work,” Himiko said softly to herself, gaze dropping to her own bloodied arm. “Maybe everyone’s right. If demons exist, we don’t really know how to summon them. Not anymore. They aren’t coming.”
Visually, not a single thing changed after she said that. She was alone. From the emptiness, though, an unknown voice made itself heard.
“Not coming? But I am already here. You humans really are blind.” A whispery chuckle followed those words, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.
“What? Who said that?” She turned, fumbling for the lights.
“Yumeno Himiko, I have answered your call. It’s been many years since a mortal last pulled me from the depths, but I am, as always, delighted to serve.” Though the voice was disembodied, not providing any visual clues to help her, she could clearly imagine an evil, toothy grin, like a monster waiting for its prey.
Ignoring the stinging pain still shooting up her arm from the ceremonial cut, she finally slammed her hand against the light switch, bathing the room in brightness. The sudden change made her eyes water, but even before she adjusted, she could tell it did nothing to illuminate her new companion’s location.
“Further introductions are in order, aren’t they?” the voice continued. “Demons’ true names tend to be a struggle for such limited creatures to pronounce, so I took the liberty of selecting a human name for myself a few centuries ago. I am Shinguuji Korekiyo.”
Taking a few steps over to the counter, Himiko grabbed the bandage she’d prepared and pressed it to her arm.
“Um, that’s nice, but...would you mind being...visible, Shinguuji-sama?” she asked meekly, being as polite and deferental as she possibly could. It was beginning to occur to her that she might be in over her head.
“Ah. Yes.” Just like that, she was suddenly aware of a presence behind her. Before she could turn to look, she could feel something brushing against the back of her neck. Someone’s nails? They felt sharper than that though, more like claws. A shiver running down her spine, Himiko tensed, feeling unnaturally warm fingertips graze along her pulse point. The heat wasn’t only coming from their hand though. It seemed to radiate from their entire body, like she was standing in front of a fire. Like if she leaned just a little closer, it might devour her.
After a moment, the hand retreated. She turned, and in the half second it took, they were no longer right behind her. Instead, she saw a figure leaning almost lazily against the opposite wall. For the most part, they appeared human. Lanky and incredibly tall, the way they held themself betrayed strength far beyond what their build might suggest. The mask covering most of their face made it impossible to know whether the smile she imagined was truly present, but the sparkle in their eyes suggested it might well be.
“Thank...you...” she croaked, not wanting to say anything that might make this demon — because yes, it was abundantly clear they were one, appearances aside — upset with her.
“Humans can be broken so easily,” Shinguuji mused. “Both physically and mentally. I’d almost forgotten how entertaining it is. Now, tell me, what is it you summoned me for?”
“To prove I could, I guess. That was part of it, anyway. And to learn from you. Studying magic on my own isn’t the same as having a master. And the third reason, I guess, is just...companionship.” Arm nicely wrapped now, she had no excuse to look anywhere but at them, though her face was burning with embarrassment.
“Study? Well, perhaps you’re smarter than you seem choosing me then. I’m partial to research myself. I do hope we can have some fun outside the classroom too, however.” Himiko knew without a doubt then, mask or not. They were definitely grinning, almost leering.
“What kind of fun do you mean?”
Moving closer again, they replied, “Shall we kill together? There must be people you want gone, yes? I can make quick work of them.”
That sent a chill down her spine, canceling out the pleasant remnants of warmth almost immediately. She was no idiot, of course. She understood that demons were violent by nature. But she didn’t call them for anything like that. They...couldn’t insist that she help them get that kind of ‘fun,’ could they?
“What? No. I don’t want to hurt anyone,” she said, pretending she couldn’t hear her own voice shaking. “Sure, there’s people I don’t get along with, but killing? And...besides, should you really be saying things like that in a church?” Himiko didn’t believe, especially not in Angie’s god, but it seemed as good an excuse as any.
“I don’t fear gods,” Shinguuji said dismissively. “They have no power over me. If you’re so against the idea of people getting hurt, you should have thought twice before summoning a demon. My kind isn’t meant to linger in the mortal world for long without reason, and it’s been so many years since I was last given a chance to...sate my appetite.”
“No, we can’t,” she repeated. She could hear the glee in their voice, like they were enjoying not only the prospect of murder, but the experience of winding her up over it. She was probably giving them exactly what they wanted, but she couldn’t help it.
“Well, if you’re so steadfast in your beliefs...I could always kill you instead, yes? We signed no formal contract. I’m under no obligation to keep you safe.”
In that moment, she was acutely aware of everything around her. The occasional flicker and buzz of the fluorescent lights, the musty basement smell of the air, and more than anything, the imposing presence across from her. If they really wanted to kill her, there would be nothing stopping them. But they were just watching her — beautiful, dangerous, and all too satisfied with themself.
Shinguuji laughed, closing the remaining distance between them. A hand cupped her chin, gently guiding her to meet their eyes. They were a brighter, more intense amber than she’d ever seen in a human being.
“Flattering me to keep yourself alive? Well well, that’s one way to go about it. I’m pleased to hear that you find me so beautiful.”
“I didn’t say that!” Their grip, if it could even be called that, was exceedingly light. It wouldn’t be remotely difficult to pull away and avert her eyes, but she didn’t. She was captivated.
“You didn’t need to. You thought about it. So then, what will it be? I have no real need to kill you, not when I can gain energy from you in other ways. And you’re so entertaining besides. If you’d simply allow me to possess you, you would have access to power beyond your wildest dreams.”
“And what’s the catch? There’s no way something that lets you...feed on my energy doesn’t have any negatives.” She chose not to comment on just how close they were now. The warmth of a lithe, not quite human body pressed against her own was oddly comforting.
“There is no catch. However, if it would make you feel better, I’d be willing to write up a formal contract.”
“I’ll look at it then,” she said grudgingly, one of her own arms starting to slip around them in return. “But before that, no weird possession or mind control or anything. And no murder.”
“Mm, I’ll make you fall in love with it yet. Perhaps when we seal our contract with a kiss?”
“We don’t need to do that.”
Shinguuji laughed, once again backing off from the overly intimate invasion of her personal space. “Indeed we don’t. But don’t let it be said that I didn’t offer.”
“Let’s just go home for now. People won’t notice that you’re not human, will they?” Maybe, just maybe, she’d end up taking them up on it.
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dreamingwithbts · 4 years
Not everything is what it seems - Chapter 7
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Genre: Poly!Au; Hybrid! Au; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid! BTS x Female!Reader; Human!Reader; Wolf!Namjoon; Peacock!Seokjin; Siamese Cat!Yoongi; Golden Retriever Dog!Hoseok; Munchkin Cat!Jimin; Fox!Taehyung; Bunny!Jungkook
Summary: Y/N is the youngest CEO from a big company, and she has to adopt a hybrid in order to make her figure good between others companies since her cold attitude makes everyone away for her, but when she adopts seven hybrids is it for the good of the company or it’s something else?
“What happen?” Namjoon asks. “Look.” Jin says pointing to the TV that shows a last hour news. “That’s Y/N!” Hobi says. “Did something happen to her?” Jimin asks thinking the worse. “I don’t think so.” Namjoon says petting Jimin ears calming him down.
 BTS Pov’s
“At the last hour Y/N L/N, the youngest CEO and owner of the most know lawyer company has arrested the powerful man who was wanted for a long time because of the crimes of abusing and killing hybrids. For the first time a young woman was capable of arresting such a powerful and wanted criminal.” The reported says making the seven hybrids gasp in shock. “There she is!” “Y/N can you please say a few words.” The reporters started to surround her and the hybrids could see that she was tired. “There’s really nothing I can say. What I did today it’s what any human should do, protect and care, both human and hybrid. Now excuse me.” Y/N says leaving the reporters screaming more questions, but she enters her car without a word.
“I never expected this.” Jin says, the first of the seven to break the silence after what they hear. “So that’s her job.” Jimin says. “Protect the hybrids.” Hobi says. “I have an idea!” Taehyung says suddenly getting up excited.
 Y/N Pov’s
I enter my car, sighing tired, tired of my job, tired of the press. I quickly turn on my car and drive home, not knowing that my seven hybrids knew what I did and the surprise that it was waiting for me. After a few hours of driving I finally arrived home, I park my car and thank the servers who opened the door for me, yawning I start going to the stairs but before that I stop and look around. “Silence...Too much silence.” I think suspicious.
“Miss, can you please follow us.” The stupid bunny accompanied by the dumb fox says appearing in front of me, dress like they were one of my butlers. “What are you wearing?” I ask them, but they just push me to walk up the stairs in silence. “Why are acting weirder than normal?” I ask them but they only smile bigger at me. The two hybrids and I arrived at my bedroom, and they open the doors making me see the rest of my hybrids there. “Welcome home!” They all say, everyone dressed weirdly and smiling too big for my liking. “This way please.” The strange peacock says, him and the nice wolf both lead me to my bathroom that was full of candles, flowers and petals on the floor and a full bath with bubbles and a bath bomb who smelled really nice. “The strange peacock and I made this, please enjoy.” The nice wolf says, both hybrids leaving me alone in the bathroom, shocked. “They did this for me.” I think and start undressing not knowing the surprise wasn’t over yet.
Relaxed, I start leaving the bathtub and dry myself, looking around I see pyjamas laying down perfectly, so I wear them. “These are really comfortable.” I think then leave the bathroom only to still see the seven hybrids there. “Sit down please!” A smiling Jimin takes my hand and makes me sit in the middle of the bed I look around and see everyone smiling then Jimin sits in front of me and starts massaging my feet, and before I can say anything someone starts massaging my shoulders, looking up I see the angry cat smiling at me. “What are guys doing?” I ask them more confused now. “Hobi! Bring the food!” The strange peacock says and quickly the smiling dog brings the food with the help of the dumb fox and the stupid bunny. “I really need to start saying their names after all this.” I think watching them.
“Look, I’m not complaining about any of this, this was all very nice, but I didn’t adopt any of you for you to do this.” I say stopping the massage. “We know, but we saw what you did.” Namjoon, the nice wolf, says. “We were watching the news.” Yoongi, the angry cat, says making me finally understand the situation. “I see.” I say. “We never knew the help you are giving to us, hybrids. We were shocked watching the news we didn’t know what to think, not only you help them you are also helping us, and we wanted to help you, so when we saw how tired you were speaking to the journalist, Tae had and idea.” Namjoon says, and I almost blush and smile at his words. “Wait? The dumb fox, Taehyung, can think?” I ask sarcastically joking making everyone laugh and Taehyung to pout. “Tae had and idea to make a little spa day when you got home, so this is it, we could only do this in such short time.” Namjoon continue. “Thank you, I appreciate it a lot.” I say smiling a little to them not knowing what to say. “It’s not over yet!” Hobi, the smiling dog says. “Right! We still need to watch the movie!” Jungkook, the stupid bunny, says happy and quickly everyone sit or lay down next to me on the bed and on the floor, Jimin being the only one cuddling me, and we start watching the movie.
I look around and see the hybrids too focus on the movie and I smile, liking this feeling, until everyone started complaining of some of them sitting on their tails or couldn't see the movie because of someone’s ears.
 Few Hours Later
“The movie was so good!” Jungkook screams almost excited. “It actually was a good movie.” Jin says, making Namjoon and Hobi agreeing with him. “Shhh!” Jimin silence them and everyone looks at the hybrid who was pointing to a sleeping Y/N. “She must be really tired.” Tae says. “Can’t blame her.” Yoongi says yawning. “I think we should all go to bed too.” Namjoon says and everyone nods starting to get up, some yawning. “Wait....” A sleepy voice stops them, and they look seeing Y/N half awake, half asleep. “All of you. Stay.” Y/N says falling asleep almost immediately. “Well, she said it so.” Yoongi says being the first to lay down next to her followed by Jimin who lay down on her other side, nervous everyone lays down again and sleep thorough the night.
All the eight had the best sleep they ever had in their life and without her knowing, Y/N walls are starting to fall because of these seven hybrids.
Note:  I'm sorry, I'm having 0 motivation to write BTS stories.
Tag List: @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @petitbeans​ @ky-is-the-name​​ @kokomaesadie​​ @classybouquetsworld  @daydreamindollie​ @xanny91​ @hopefuloperaangelnerd​ @fivesecondsofsarang​ @hannahdinse8​ @xsmilebitesx​ @cisila @drunkzseok​ @rjsmochii​ @justmethehero​​ @celineann91​​ @holaaaf​​
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sternenstaub28 · 4 years
*comes in late with Starbucks to ace awareness week*
My take on ace Geralt and his coming out to Jaskier.
Read the whole thing on ao3.
Life was an exchange. You gave to gain. People gave money and Geralt offered his skills. People offered food and a bed and Geralt gave them money. Geralt craved the touch of a human body and people either expected coin or his body in return. His body, in one capacity or another, was really the only thing of worth Geralt had to offer.
The witcher had learned early in his life that affection didn't come cheap, especially not to him. The first person outside of Kaer Morhen who'd offered him a hug was a whore at a brothel. Then she insisted on doing her work as well. Geralt didn't mind, but really thought the whole deal was overrated. Yennefer had also wanted to pay him in sex for the work he did for her. It wasn't entirely uncommon for his contracts, Geralt knew some people liked the idea of laying with a witcher, of taming the monster. It was an adventure to them. He didn't exactly mind it but never understood why people considered it as something special.
So when he met Jaskier, he expected the same. There was a human who wanted him for services. At first Geralt was confused about what exactly Jaskier promised himself from this adventure. The stories he could understand and for several months he didn't think about what else Jaskier could want from him. Accepted the easy touches and kind company with a grumble he didn't mean. People rarely bumped shoulders or touched his arm just because they could and he thought this kind of affection was a fair trade for all the songs Jaskier got in return.
But when they met up again in the next spring and again and again, Geralt started to question the bard's motives. He had gotten his songs, what else did he want? They had traveled for two weeks without a contract in sight, when Geralt decided he needed to find out what made Jaskier stay. The bard was working on a song for a noble, a commission he hated but it paid well. So why was he still at Geralt's side, bandaging his wounds, touching his shoulder and scooting closer in cold nights? People didn't give a witcher these things for free.
One night when Jaskier had to pay for their room at the inn, Geralt not having a single coin left but in dire need of a weaponsmith, he confronted the bard. The witcher knew Jaskier favored men and women equally and flirted with anything that moved. Surely lying with him would be pleasant enough. Actually, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted Jaskier to feel good under his touch. It being returned would be fine as well, if not exactly what he wanted. So after they'd eaten and bathed, Geralt took his jittering nerves and approached Jaskier, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Big blue eyes looked up at him, surprise clearly written in the bard's face but Geralt also noticed the quick glance down his chest and the way heat rose to Jaskier's cheeks.
"Geralt? Everything okay?" the bard asked and he knew he wouldn't risk losing this. This closeness and friendship they had. It was no real hardship to sleep with someone after all, just not his favored activity. Geralt took the pen out of Jaskier's hand and pulled the man up, looking at his face for any sign of discomfort but all he could see and smell was curious arousal. He pushed his bard at the wall and kissed him. This was something he enjoyed a lot, to feel skin meet skin, soft lips opening to let him enter, the trust it needed to allow him to nibble at his bard's neck. Jaskier gasped and held on for dear life, kissing back with zeal.
But when Geralt started to unlace his always half open doublet, Jaskier stilled his hands. "As much as I enjoy this Geralt, would you tell me what brought this on?" he asked breathlessly, trying very hard not to look where Geralt was feeling his towel slip away. "Giving you a reason to stay." Geralt mumbled, nibbling at the bard's jaw as he had learned many people enjoyed. Seeing the other man shudder was satisfying. Even if he didn't fully understand the whole deal, to know he could reduce Jaskier to a breathless mess was still rewarding on its own.
Confused blue eyes looked up at him and he could smell the arousal in Jaskier lessen. "I'm not going anywhere, Geralt. Unless you want me to?" The bard cocked his head, clearly confused by their exchange when it was so simple. Geralt would offer the bard his body and for that he'd get a kind travel companion at his side. It was an exchange. He didn't want to talk about it anymore, Jaskier's confusion puzzled him, wasn't this what the bard wanted? His songs had suggested as much.
Instead of embracing Geralt again, Jaskier took both of his hands and led him to the bed. So it really was what he wanted. Geralt was glad to see he hadn't read the situation entirely wrong after all. But then the bard offered Geralt his shirt and pants and motioned for him to sit down. "Darling, as much as I'd love to absolutely ravage you, I don't feel comfortable doing so without us talking first. Why do you think I'll leave and why do you think you need to kiss me to stop me from going away?" Geralt was glad he couldn't blush when he felt heat rise up to his face. "Everyone leaves. But sometimes they stay longer if we do this." he mumbled, not meeting Jaskier's eyes. The unhappiness and tension radiating from his bard would have been visible even for someone who couldn't smell emotions.
Lute calloused hands took his and Geralt enjoyed their warmth, the kindness they promised. The nights they´d have to huddle together for warmth were always the ones he slept soundest. “Geralt, darling, look at me please?” Jaskier asked and the blue pools of concern he met almost made him crumble. “Is this what you want? If so, I'll gladly share the bed with you in any capacity. But it's not, right? Not really. I know you by now and you look like you do before you go out for a difficult hunt.”
The witcher couldn´t remember the last time somebody had asked him what he wanted, most people just assumed a witcher would be happy for any kind of carnal pleasure and should be grateful they allowed him to get this close. Not even Yennefer, who had literally been in his thoughts, had bothered to check if he wanted this, just assumed. Grasping at Jaskier´s hand, he decided to jump, to tell Jaskier the truth. If the bard refused to sleep with him, he would leave soon anyway, so if Geralt´s truth sped that decision up, it wouldn't really matter, would it?
"I…" he took a deep breath and Jaskier squeezed his hand reassuringly, "I don't hate it?" Geralt managed to say before his throat closed up again. Why was he so nervous about this talk? How could this be harder than what he had originally planned to do?
"Is that a question, my dear?" Jaskier smiled but it didn't feel like he was laughing at him. Geralt shook his head, "It's like, I don't get the whole thing about sex? It's fun in a physical way but I don't miss its absence. I see beauty in some people but never felt the need to invite them to my bed." When was the last time he'd talked this much and been this open about his emotions? Emotions he wasn't supposed to have in the first place. "The trials must have broken me that way." Suddenly a gentle hand cupped his cheeks and Geralt hadn't even noticed he'd averted his eyes from Jaskier's, waiting for the mocking to start. "Darling, you're not broken. You're beautiful and perfect and this is entirely normal. You're not the only person to experience this." Jaskier said, holding his face close. Geralt could smell how serious the bard took this, any hint of arousal had vanished from the air and been replaced by worry.
The witcher didn't know what to say or do, so he decided to wait and absorb the warmth Jaskier offered so freely, leaning into the touch. The bard scrambled closer and sat on his lap. "This okay?" Geralt nodded, surprised at so much offered contact but too confused to question it. "I want you to feel comfortable, darling. And I'm not going to leave you just because you don't want to sleep with me." The witcher was about to object but Jaskier put a finger on his lips, stopping him, "I'm not going to leave you Geralt. Unless you ask me to. And I don't expect any kind of recompensation from you." Well muscled arms from practicing the lute embraced him and pulled Geralt's head to Jaskier's chest. "And I am very grateful you trust me enough to talk to me, love. And that you want to have me around." A small kiss was pressed to the crown of his head.
Geralt wrapped his arms around the warm weight in his lap, enjoying the contact and steady heartbeat next to his ear. His chest felt ready to burst. "Can we still sleep in the same bed?" The witcher asked, glad his voice was muffled by Jaskier's shirt so that the bard could just ignore him if he wanted to. "Yes, of course darling. I wouldn't want to share a bed with anyone else but you." the bard answered and caressed his back. "Tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable and also what you desire and we will figure everything out as we go." Geralt nodded into Jaskier's shirt. "And what about you? What do you get out of this? I'm not good with sharing. I wouldn't want you to lack anything, to be unsatisfied." Oh, talking was absolutely easier with his face hidden into a shirt that smelled like honey and kindness and gentle fingers tracing patterns into his back.
Jaskier squeezed his frame, "I get to stay with you." he whispered. "Geralt, you're one of the most important people in my life and I've been in love with you for years. And for anything else, I've seen quite a few interesting toys in the last town, we'll make do." The bard waggled his fingers and eyebrows exaggeratedly and Geralt couldn't stop an amused huff bubbling up his chest. Maybe this could really work, maybe Jaskier didn't see him just as a tool, Geralt thought when the bard laid them both down on the bed, hugging his back and burying his face between Geralt's shoulder blades.
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Goretober D31: Halloween House of Horrors- NCT 2020
NCT 2020 + Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: sirens, werewolves, hybrids, vampires, fallen angels, ghosts, zombies, demons, devil, creepy doctors, mad scientists, serial killers, fangs, mildly suggestive themes.
Word Count: 4,651
Note: Hendery is in this despite the current situation. That part was written long before anything happened. I haven’t included him in the tags, since I know that is important and will not help clear the tags. Still I put this out. If the situation doesn’t resolve I’ll consider editing this piece, depending on how much time I have and so on. If it does resolve I may consider adding him to the tags.
“Hi! Welcome aboard as part of the NCT House of Horrors this year. I know it seems a little early for you to be here, but we have so things to get in order before we can open the haunted house to the public. That being said I’ve arranged this list of things we need that I’d like for you to get. I’ll text it to you along with directions on where to look for them.”  Your new boss informs you and soon enough your phone dings,
~1 New Message~
- 3 Sirens
-2 Hybrids
- 2 Werewolves
- 2 Vampires
-2 Fallen Angels
- 2 Ghosts
- 2 Zombies
- 2 Demons
- 1 Devil
- 1 Creepy Doctor
- 2 Mad Scientists 
-2 Serial Killers
Your brows furrow as you look over the list and the map that your boss had texted you before looking up at them again, “Oh so you need me to find actors for the house then?”
Your new boss practically rolls with laughter at your question, shaking their head, “ No silly. The reason why our house is always the best, is because we don’t work with actors, we use the real thing. I’d be careful too the werewolves can be especially feisty around some of the others. That map should have fairy accurate locations from where they are and as long as you’ve got the badge I gave you on you should be fine! If you run into any problems just look into the manual I gave you, you should also find starting rates of pay for each of them in there as well. Good luck!” 
With that your boss is back inside the house closing the large double doors shut behind them, leaving you on your own with the task of collecting together what you thought a few moments ago were nonexistent beings. Looking over the locations on the map your boss had given you, you try to determine the most logical path to use to get everywhere. It meaning that you were starting with the sirens, likely one of the most dangerous ones you’d be dealing with. Yet, the coast came up before anything else, and so that seemed like the most logical starting place. 
The ocean not seeming so keen on you being it's latest visitor as the sky filled with dark clouds, only occasionally brightening with a crack of lightening only to return to darkness as waves crashes ashore. Your breath shaky as you step closer soon hearing voices mingled in with the waves, signaling that you've found what you were searching for. Though they still managed to startle you.
"Well what do we have here? Such a pretty human all alone. That's not safe for you." A voice calls from the side the man it belongs to shaking his head a little and sending droplets flying from his still damp hair as two other dripping men hung out behind him.
Your hand shakes slightly as you point out the badge to them, "I-I was sent here to hire some sirens for our haunted house. Would you three be interested?"
One of the other men chuckles as your voice trembles and you try to shake off your tremors to flip through the manual to find what you were to offer them.
The third man snickering slightly before speaking up, "Don't bother precious, we've worked there before we know the pay. If you're gonna be the one there with us then I'll accept at least. I'm Renjun. This is Jaemin and Mark.... I'm sure we'd all love to join you."
"G-Great I still have to find the others for the house is it alright if you head there in your own?" You inquire assuming they knew the way if they'd been before.
"I mean we could, but that wouldn't be a horrible thing to do considering you're going to be going to unsafe places alone then. We'll come with. Offer you some help." Jaemin offers with a soft smirk that had you gulping as your spot the sharp teeth. Maybe this job hadn't been the best idea....it was too late to back down now though. Next you would have to make your way to find the hybrids. Assuming from the wording that any variety would be fine for the house.
"So precious where are we off to? What do we have to find?" Mark asks as he slinks in closer, arm slipping around your middle and causing you to tense a little at being so close to someone so potentially dangerous.
"We need two hybrids they should be between here and the werewolves." You let him know as you looked over the map, earning a soft hum in acknowledgement.
"We know where to find them." Renjun lets you know, taking the lead as Mark and Jaemin stood at either side of you, even if Mark kept his arm to himself now. You were somewhat relieved they weren't using their abilities to trap you, but you were sure that didn't mean they wouldn't use their teeth or anything if they felt like it. Yet, your boss had assured you protection somehow so at this point you'd just have to trust that.
"We're getting close to hybrid territory now, we'll have to keep an eye out, we'll probably run into some soon. Or more of they'll find us." Jaemin is already glancing around for any signs that someone might have caught onto your being there.
Things so silent that you felt as if your heartbeat echoed through the forest, a hazy fog only making your vision worse. Though the sirens with you didn't seem too fazed by it. Though they did freeze as a low growl sounded behind you all, it feeling as though the deep rumble of it vibrates through your soul.
"Just what are you all doing here? Did the little human really think an escort of sirens would keep them safe through our territory?" The voice practically mocked, whoever owned it staying well hidden between the trees still, leaving you only vaguely aware of the direction he was in.
Mocking laughter coming from the opposite direction as suddenly as the first voice came, "Unlucky for you sweet thing sirens won't stop us one bit."
"Show them your badge." Mark whispers to your trembling form, your hands shaking as you move to hold up your badge for them to see.
"I-I'm just passing through to search for some hybrids to come work at our haunted house. The sirens are coming with to the house as well." The laughter rings out again in response to your stuttering voice. The two hybrids stepping into your line of sight as they still move to circle you as if sizing your group up. One a black panther hybrid, with piercing eyes, his long tail flicking behind him. The other a spotted hyena hybrid, explaining the laughter, his sharp teeth much more noticeable than the panther's as he seems to still be chuckling softly at your group.
"Oh so you are untouchable sweet thing....if going to the house means being around you maybe we'll take up your offer. I'm Jeno and the hyena hybrid is Taeil." The panther licks his lips as he eyes you up once more before nodding to the other hybrid.
"Don't worry we won't bite~ Unless you ask is to that is~" Taeil adds with a playful snap of his teeth before giggling almost....almost.... innocently. They made you uncomfortable quite in the same way as the sirens had, but you knew that searching for other willing hybrids might take a lot of time and delay your getting back and getting away from them. So you decided to put up with it.
"Fine, you two can be the hybrids I guess....so next we need to find two werewolves." You determine looking over your list and map. Jeno scoffing and rolling his eyes at your mention of werewolves, but the way his tail bristled is what truly have him away even if the words wouldn't be admitted by the hybrid himself.
"Whatever let's just find them and move on with our lives." Jeno's words hold venom as he takes the lead. For the first time since you've met you notice Taeil doesn't seem to laugh as he trails behind the younger. Things seeming much tenser than you had thought it had been with the sirens when going to find the hybrids, not that you had a big cat leading the way to wolves. Jeno pausing suddenly, ears twitching towards the trees to your left.
“They’re here.” Taeil tells you glancing that way as well, “You might want to make yourself known before the blood bath starts though.”
His words weren’t fast enough to motivate you, but the growls being exchanged between Jeno and the forest certainly were.
“Wait, we aren’t here to fight!” You quickly call out holding up your hands, badge showing in one, “I’m here to hire some werewolves for our haunted house!”
You hear a scoff before two faces show through the darkness, drawing closer the one’s ears a white while the other a rusty brown color.
“Let me guess we’ll be stuck working with the cat again?” The one who scoffed rolls his eyes as he speaks.
“W-Well he’s going to be working there yes. Though whether you two will be in the same area I can’t say for sure...” You stutter out hearing the rumbling growl from behind you where Jeno paces eyeing the wolves cautiously.
“We’re in.” The one with rusty brown ears chuckles, “I’m Hendery and this is Sicheng.” He nods his head towards the one with white ears who is slowly stalking closer to you.
“You smell good, that’s definitely a perk.” Sicheng gives you a hungry grin, almost on top of you before Jeno slips between you both baring his teeth at the wolf.
“We were here first mutt! Back. Off.” Jeno’s growl is met by both Sicheng’s and Hendery’s, not phased by being out numbers as Taeil paced anxiously behind you knowing how ugly this could get very quickly. Clearing your throat and stomping your foot you gather their attention to you.
“I’m under protection by working for the haunted house, yes?” Your question has them nodding despite being a little lost at the suddenness of where it seemed to come from, “Well then since all of you are employees of them now too that protection applies to all of you now, even from other workers. What’s more, we don’t have time for this right now. We don’t even have half the people we need to gather. Now if this really is going to be a problem I’ll send all of you off without me so you can be separated.”
Your threat to make them leave you seems to stick as they shape up, throwing a few muttered growls as a final point before turning away from each other.
“We aren’t going to go anywhere and let you get yourself lost or worse all alone in these woods. Besides it’s not like it can get worse than this. So who are we going to get next?” Hendery inquired as you looked over the map on your phone once more.
“Next we need to find two vampires.” You inform him with a sharp nod before heading in the direction that the map said as he sighs loudly.
“I stand corrected, it can apparently get much worse.” He mumbles behind you as Sicheng takes the lead through their territory, though he slowly falls back behind you as your group leaves his comfort zone and enters the vampires territory, knowing it’d be safer for him to be behind you now.
“Wow is it really that time already? You little humans sure love that haunted house don’t you?” A voice chuckles before a man, or vampire rather, appears before you.
“Lucas I don’t think it would be wise if you came this year, not after what happened between us last year.” Sicheng counters only making Lucas smirk wickedly.
“Oh? And let you have this pretty little thing all to yourself? I don’t think so.” Lucas steps closer holding eye contact with you, “They still need you to get fallen angels little one?”
You blink at him for a moment, looking between him and the list before nodding meekly, “Y-Yes, but I need another vampire first too.”
“Just follow me little one, we’ll find you another vampire and the fallen angels in the same spot.” Lucas insists turning to lead the way, expecting you to follow instead of waiting for you to actually move. The wolves especially bristling as you scurry after him, knowing he was leading you right into the heart of his coven. That being where the fallen angels that they found would stay in a highly esteemed position. Knowledge that you didn’t have until you were standing before the castle that was bustling with the liveliest nature a place that seemed to scream death could. This being the energy you assumed the haunted house you worked for hoped to achieve. 
“So they did send someone today hmm?” A man chuckles as you follow Lucas inside, “Guess that means I lot the bet and will be joining you. I’m Haechan.” 
He addresses you at the end, when he finally looks over your form. Taking his time to appreciate your appearance before licking his lips and giving the quickest flash of his fangs, before his grin is gone.
“Why are you here though? You could have just called me.” Haechan turns back to the other vampire. 
“She was tasked with getting a few fallen angels too, and I thought everyone might just appreciate the view...” Lucas smirks eyeing you up again. 
“It is a nice view and I doubt some of us would mind coming to help them with whatever.” The voice belongs to the same person whose gaze pierces your form from over the banister, “If they need more than one of us I have an idea of someone who might like to tag along too. Wouldn’t you Yuta?”
“I certainly would.” Another man nods in agreement as he descends the stairwell before you, “What do you say pretty? Do Johnny and I seem like the perfect fallen angels for you?”
From the way Yuta smugly grinned at you it seemed as though he already knew what you would say.
“S-Sure, I mean I’m not too particularly picky. I just need to find people and get them back.”  You try to seem unfazed, but something about them just seemed to affect you. The sirens seemed to pick up on it though, Mark moving to look into your eyes to break off their affect with his own, before breaking his so you could think clearly.
“None of that now. You know the rules so play by them or there will be trouble.” Jaemin adds from behind you. Yuta snickers but backs down for the time being at least. 
Haechan tilts his head watching you, “So little human where are we off to next?”
“Next we have to find some ghosts.” You tell him, holding a map in a way so that a lot in your group could see if they so choose.
“Ah they might be harder to find, they can be a little shy at times.” Johnny sighs before leading the way, “You may have to call out to no one when we get there and see if any are willing to show themselves after hearing what you have to say.” 
You nod in understanding as you leave the coven for the forest again, specifically a clearing in the forest. Filled with ruins from a collapse block city, fog settling in as you enter it. 
“H-Hello? I’m here with the haunted house to ask some ghosts to come work there for us. We’re hoping to get two to join us, when we get there we can offer you different things, or I can show you some of the incentives in this book here.” You feel silly talking to the air since you didn’t see anyone yet.
“Oh, that’s why you’re here? Does that mean we can be friends if we come with you?” A voice sounds behind you before a foggy face is besides yours, smiling and wide eyed looking at you. He looked so young and innocent that you wondered what could have possibly happened to him.
“S-Sure, what’s your name?” You ask turning to face him hoping for no more surprises.
“I’m Chenle! And I know a friend who would be willing to come too, he’s just a little shy, but I can go get him!” The ghost beams as you from his spot, letting you nod before vanishing before your eyes again. Appearing only a moment later with another ghost besides him, “This is my friend Xiaojun. He’ll come too!” 
“Hello Xiaojun.” You smile giving the shier ghost a small wave, which he returns fading a little bit as he hides behind his friend observing the whole group, “It’s alright, the second you join us you’re guaranteed protection from anyone and anything.”
 Your assurance seems to lure him out a little further until he came to stand by your side. If he could have he likely would have grabbed your hand at this point, considering the chill that ran over your arm only a moment after he took a spot at your side.
“Next we’re off to find some zombies, do you know where we’re going Xiaojun?” He nods in response, but seems hesitant about leading the way, glancing between you and the path ahead.
“I can lead the way! Xiaojun can stay with you and just double check where we’re going!” Chenle offers happily as he already drifts away towards the direction of the zombies.
“I-I’m friends with one of the zombies you should let me go get them, it’s safer than you going in there where they all are. Even if you have protection.” Xiaojun’s voice is in a soft whisper as he speaks to you.
“If that’s what you’d like to do then sure go get your friends. I’ll wait here for you to bring them to me, as long as you trust them, and then we’ll be on our way. Simple as that.” You smile, giving him some soft encouragement to do what he suggested and go to get them himself.
Xiaojun vanishing before your eyes before twirling back into view only moments later with two what you would assume are zombies following behind him, “ This is Sungchan and Chittaphon, but you can call him Ten if it’s easier.”
You look at Chenle with wide eyes, leaning over to whisper softly to him, “They look so human like.” 
Chenle giggles, “Zombies aren’t as dramatically obvious as most humans think. They’re pretty well hidden, like vampires. You’ve probably seen one before, which is fine. They’re only really dangerous in large groups and they come out here when they struggle to control themselves.”
You pickup on what he meant as you look at them again to see their hungry eyes and the way Chittaphon licks his lips while looking at you that way. You shuddering in effect and almost cowering away.
“It’s okay, you’re not in danger. We just can’t help but notice how delicious you look pretty.” Sungchan smiles so sweetly at you. Too many of them looked far too innocent to be so deadly, you wondered if the same would be true for those who were still left to get. Tensing only for a moment as Chittaphon links his arm with yous.
“May I see the map? I’d like to know where we’re going.” Chittaphon blinks at you, looking over your shoulder at the item in question.
“O-Oh um sure...here you go Ten.” You angle it better for him to see as he hums softly.
“This should be interesting. Who exactly are you going to get from there?” Chittaphon inquires with a raised brow.
“Well....next on the list is...”You pause, gulping as you realize who is next for you to get, “N-Next is the devil and two demons.”
“Will Doyoung allow that?” Sungchan looks at some of the others to answer his question knowing that you would be lost.
“He always says that it’s based on how busy they are, but in reality he does it based on how attractive the person asking is. So in this case I’d bet that it’ll be fine.” Haechan chuckles and you feel yourself flushing a little at the compliment despite who it was coming from. Not realizing how much jealousy it might stir up in the whole group as you felt heat rise to your cheeks. Though for an entirely different reason than the heat you felt on your skin when you reached the gates of hell.
“Well what’s such an angelic thing like you doing someplace like this? Looking for trouble?” One of the two men standing guard at the gates asked.
“N-No, no trouble, I-I just came here because I was tasked with getting the devil and some demons to make our haunted house better.” You respond, eyes squinting slightly at the flashes from the scorching fires behind them.
“Hm we’ll see what he has to say then. You better hope this isn’t a waste of his time though. Or there will be trouble.” The other man says before disappearing into the flames, returning with a third man behind him. One with piercing red eyes.
“Well hello pretty, YangYang said you needed something?” He smirks almost lazily at you, seeming oh so comfortable in your presence at the moment. 
“Y-Yes, I’m supposed to see about bringing the devil and some demons with me.” You inform him, opening the page designated for him to display it for them to see.
“Well pretty it would be our pleasure to join you. I think we can make that work at least for a while. Especially to enjoy your presence a little longer. As for introductions I’m Doyoung the devil himself. The one who came to get me is YangYang and the diligent guard is Shotaro. They’ll be the ones joining us.” Doyoung snaps and the gates open, the three slipping out to join your group before they close behind them once again.
“Well you have quite the large group here is that everyone now?” Shotaro looks over the various people who have been ardently following you the whole time.
“We have to collect a few more people as we go through the city to get back to the haunted house. Though apparently three will be in the hospital together, one is a doctor and two work in the labs there.” You glance at the map before starting off again, “After that we’ll just need to find some serial killers and then that’ll be everyone.” 
Though coming upon the hospital you hadn’t been expecting it to be empty, the abandoned building lit by only a trail of lights leading off into either direction. Debating before deciding to go to the right first and following the stairwell up until you were met with another lit trail. Following it and the slowly growing sounds of clanking in the distance.
“Hello? Is anyone here? I was sent to find some people at this hospital.” You call out, eyes widening as a head pokes out from a doorway in the distance before the figure steps out, looking over you.
“Why hello doll. You look perfectly healthy who on earth could you be looking for here?” The man questions though his smiles is slightly off-putting, letting you know he was likely one of the ones you were looking for.
“Have you worked for the haunted house before? As there creepy doctor? I was told I could find them and the mad scientists here.” You try to calm you rapidly beating heart as your fight or flight response tried to kick in once again.
“I certainly am who you’re looking for doll, I’m Qian Kun, the mad scientists though are the other direction when you first come in. Go get them while I wrap up what I’m doing and I’ll meet you at the entrance, okay?” Despite your being a little curious as to what exactly he had been doing you were too afraid to do anything other than go look for the others, afraid you might see something that would continue to haunt you afterwards. So you followed the lights back past the entrance and to the stairwell on the opposite side of the hospital, following it down until you were met once again by more lights. Greeted this time by the sound of shattering glass.
“Are there any people down here, who would be willing to be mad scientists at a haunted house?” You call out not sure what exactly they could have dropped everywhere or if it was dangerous.
“Oh! Is it already that time of year again?” You hear a voice chuckle before two men slip out of the room, pushing their goggles atop their heads.
“Sounds like it would be a great time.” The other smiles at you, “We’ll gladly come with.  I’m Taeyong.”
“And I’m Jisung.” The other waves, “ Looks like you have almost everyone already. Let’s get going then, we wouldn’t want to take too long getting back. After all I’m sure there’s still more to prepare before people can start showing up.”
You nod and quickly retrace your steps to the entrance where Kun is waiting for you, smiling at the sight of you, “So who do you have left?”
“Just some serial killers it says.” You bite your lip slightly anxious about trying to find people like that without any harm to yourself.
“Ah I know some, they’ve helped me with some research before. Is two enough?” Kun inquires already starting off in the direction he knew they’d be in.
“Yes, two is exactly what they wanted me to get.” You nod following him into a warehouse that smelled heavily of bleach.
“Jaehyun? Jungwoo?” Kun called looking around, “Is it safe in here for innocent eyes? I have a pretty face here with a proposition for you both.”
“Oh is that so?” One man asked with a grin as he appeared, wiping off his hands as another follows behind.
“It’s alright lovely, we just finished cleaning up. There’s nothing traumatic to see here, unless that’s what you were hoping for.” The other seems too sweet for all the implications surrounding him.
“N-No I’m alright. I’m just here to ask if you’d be willing to work at the haunted house that sent me? They offer different things to the various people they want to come work for them.” You explain as the one puts his hand up to stop you from flipping through the book.
“We’re aware of the stipulations lovely. We’ll come along. It’ll spice things up.” the first man shrugs.
“So who is who then?” You question recalling the names Kun had called out when you had arrived.
“I’m Jungwoo and he’s Jaehyun.” The second man answered, Jaehyun tossing the cloth he’d been using to wipe his hands off to the side.
“Well lead the way lovely, you’re in charge now.” Jaehyun insisted, though despite his words you felt like the least in charge person of the entire group. Eager to get back to your boss before anything could go wrong or any little bickering could break out into something more.
“Ah great work Y/N! Looks like you got everyone!” You boss excitedly joined you, “ You can go help with the inside of the house now if you want.”
Once you had left your boss turned to the group that had followed you here, “So have you all decided what you want as payment?”
The response among them was almost immediate and entirely unanimous in decision......
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bbugyu · 4 years
a dragon's kingdom
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he never wanted to stop learning about you, and you never knew how much you needed him by your side.
part one | part two
wc.5009 | smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, royal au, princess!reader and knight!cheol, penelope is the best character, sex constantly, it's called the honeymoon stage, unprotected sex, lots of it, lk impreg kink?, confessions mid-coitus, oops she pukes (not during sex oh my god), food consumption, mentions of death & mental instability, lots of crying
why do i care so much about lore and names and backstory and motivation. anyways i've created an entire world if you wanna know about literally any person that is offhandedly mentioned in this fic i can give u their origin story, including he horses. this part is really story heavy but also pretty sex heavy so have fun!!! also im in love with seungcheol but what's new.
"this feels strange."
you hummed, pulling out a pair of pants from a drawer and holding it up to seungcheol. "what do you mean? wearing someone else's clothes?"
he shook his head no, looking around the bedroom you had brought him to with the promise of clean pants. you had gone through all the rooms, you told him, as you led him through the castle wearing a light tunic tucked into a pair of trousers. you'd collected the clothes you liked, that fit you, and brought them to the tower, but there was plenty that didn't fit your criteria, and you were pretty sure he would fit into the clothes in the third bedroom to the left of the kitchen, past the main dining hall, a room you had discovered to be a counselmen's quarters. "you've been gone for so long, but i was at the kingdom only yesterday."
you looked to him, folding the pants over your arm. "what's it like now?"
a wash of realization caught seungcheol off guard. "my god, you've missed so much."
he changed, insisting you looked the opposite direction despite the fact that you had already seen all of him only hours earlier, and you fiddled your fingers and joked about peeking, but only stole a glance when you heard him buckling a belt that had also been found in the room. you exited the couselmen's room and he helped you onto his horse, leading her down the hall in the direction you told him. you patted down calliope's black mane as she walked alongside seungcheol, listening to him describe the castle ground and all the changes that had been made in the last decade.
"the statue, in the fountain?" you nodded when he looked at you. "it's all three of you now. they added you and the queen probably six months after your disappearance."
"that doesn't sound like father."
seungcheol paused, looking up at you. "i didn't know the king personally until only a few years ago, but he's not the ruthless leader you knew him as any more. your loss changed him."
you should have been more interested in your own father, but you couldn't help the way your mind wandered to fond memories of the flowers and gardens. "are there still lilies?"
"yes, of course," he said. "one of the back gardens was planted in your honor, right by the gates. i've never seen so many colors of lilies in my life."
you were quiet for almost too long, and seungcheol looked to you, immediately noticing the tears welling up in your eyes. "does mother go there often?"
"hey, hey hey," he instantly mounted his horse behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your shoulder gently. "yes. every day."
you inhaled sharply, blinking your eyes rapidly to quell the tears. "she used to love roses," you started.
"she still does," he confirmed, and you didn't even realize that you had mourned for her as though she were dead.
"there's a garden here," you continued, wiping at your eyes and rubbing the moisture away on the pants you wore, seungcheol's hands resting on your stomach as he listened to you. "it was almost dead when i found it, but i take care of the roses there. i'll show it to you later."
seungcheol nodded and pressed a kiss to your cheek, making you smile vaguely. 
"there's a stable, also," you said, sniffing your nose. "you might recognize the horses. i suppose we should bring them back with us, as well."
he faltered. "from past missions?"
"only three," you clarified, gently nudging his steed around a corner towards the kitchens. "most of them ran to the fields, but three have stayed. i've named them. one had letters carved into its armor plate, but it was damaged - i could only read valerie."
"valkyrie," seungcheol said immediately. "tan colored horse, correct? with a white diamond on her head."
you turned in his grip. "yes, exactly!"
his stomach felt heavy suddenly. "she was captain varian's steed. he trained me for years, his mission was last fall."
"i'm sorry," you said, lacing your fingers with his on your lap as you recognized his loss. you thought of a year ago, when you had found the horse. you did your best to remember who had come at that time. "though it may not be consolation, i believe he was the one penelope ran from the grounds."
seungcheol's fingers tensed between yours. "she-"
"didn't kill him," you finished. "he was a good man."
he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in relief, his forehead landing on your shoulder. "he was."
"i wasn't sure the horse was his, though i kept it in case he returned. the forests around here are deadly, but there's a village nearby, so i had hope..." you pursed your lips, thinking of how blasé you had always been about the men that failed to save you, not thinking at the time of the people they knew before they came. "i should have done more."
"you did what you could have," seungcheol reassured, his lips on your shoulder as he curled his arms tighter around you. "thank you for telling me."
you relished in the feeling of his arms around you, sighing as you let your head fall back against his shoulder. "i didn't realize how much i missed human contact."
you felt his breath on your neck when he let out a short chuckle. "i've never had it like this."
"neither have i," you said, adjusting to look him in the eye. he was only a breath away, his lips, his jaw, his neck. he had only arrived that morning, but your attachment to him could never get greater than it was now. you wondered if you glowed like he did in this moment - radiating gold in the streams of light from the afternoon sun. "i like it a lot."
a dimple showed itself on his cheek, and you smiled back at it. he kissed you gently, and your shoulders raised at the goosebumps it gave you. "i do, too," he said, running his lips across your cheek and down your neck.
"seungcheol," you sighed. "we just took a bath."
"and you smell divine," he said, smiling against your skin. you laughed at him, mostly because of his near flat out refusal to bathe with you earlier. 
"i've drawn a bath," you had said, wearing only a satin robe as you returned to the main room. "i'd be happy if you joined me."
seungcheol was laid out on your bed, blanket covering as little as it had to, an arm laid over his face as he did his best to recover his soul after you had pulled it straight out of him twice. "go ahead," he replied, fearful of what seeing your form again would do to him. "i'll make sure no one bothers you."
you laughed, crawling onto your thick mattress to bother him a bit more. "my knight in shining armor, making sure none of the inhabitants of this abandoned castle bother me while i bathe."
"anything for my princess," he said, rolling his head towards where you laid, prodding at his chest.
he saw the mischief in your eyes, and god, he hated how easily he fell under your intoxicating spell. but he only hated it for a moment, before you led him into your candle-lit washroom, the flames glinting off the glistening tiles of your tub and a view of the surrounding forest through sheer curtains. all he could do was sigh in resignation as you held his hand, letting the robe fall off your shoulders.
during that bath, your name sounded like a song coming from his lips, and it fell upon your blushed ears in the most delightful way. you had never even imagined what the first time hearing your name in someone else's voice in eight years would be like, but you couldn't stop replaying that moment in your mind.
"there should be apples in a basket right inside the door of the pantry," you said, pointing to a door as you lit the candles in the kitchen. seungcheol went to the door you gestured to and grabbed a few of the red fruit, biting into one. you walked over to the window and drew the curtains, letting the sun in. you usually left them open, but the rain in the evening before made you even sadder than you had already been this week. now, opening them back up, it felt like a fresh beginning. 
"i have eggs," you said, tapping your cheek, realizing you truly didn't know how to entertain guests. "lots of fruit and vegetables. there's a whole field of potatoes."
seungcheol smiled as he approached you. "whatever you want, i'm not picky. i am going to give calli some apples, though."
you nodded and smiled when he planted a kiss on your cheek, then took another bite of the apple. you watched him trot up the steps to the hall where his horse waited, and you looked around briefly before deciding to wash rice and stoke a fire.
you didn't know how to cook before you came here. you still didn't, really, just the bits of things you remembered watching the cooks in the kitchen when you and your best friend were hiding from your fathers, but it had been enough for you to learn, alone, with only a young dragon as a mentor. meat scared you still - you tried to slaughter a chicken as a seventeen year old and you were so scared of undercooking it that you had roasted it dry - but you had learned how to work with everything that popped up in the plotted fields behind the castle. with the addition of horses, you had been able to take spare jewelry you found to the village and trade for some things you needed - hay and oats, mostly, to care for them - and some things you missed, like rice and cheese. you grunted lightly as you set the heavy cast iron bowl of rice and water over a stovetop, settling the wood lid on it as seungcheol returned.
"how can i help?"
you stared at him for a moment. "you want to help?"
his eyebrows raised. "yes?"
"sorry," you said suddenly, shaking your head as you squeezed your eyes shut. "this is still weird."
he laughed, leaning against the stone wall. "take your time, princess."
"how are your knife skills?"
he pouted and shrugged. "i manage."
you laughed, walking to the pantry to retrieve some vegetables. "do you like squash? they grew like crazy this year."
you checked the rice periodically as it boiled, and you stir fried the vegetables that seungcheol chopped for you. you found another rice bowl - you had never needed more than one - and filled both with rice before frying two eggs.
"i can't believe you've been alone all this time," he said later, pulling a spoon from his mouth. "how did you learn to do all this?"
you told him about your afternoons spent in the kitchen as a child, being more of a nuisance than anything. he laughed when you told him that you had tipped over a pot of stew into the fire below, extinguishing it and creating a thick paste as the stew mixed with ash. you had gotten banished from the kitchen for a year only a few months before you were taken, but you supposed you had picked up some translatable skills during your other visits. 
he asked you about your captor, the mad king that had instilled fear in your kingdom's people with your kidnapping. you told him that king edgar was driven to madness by a cruel curse, and you met his true self only after you had arrived to his kingdom - the kingdom whose people abandoned it in fear of the dragon - where he broke down and clutched you. you reminded him of his own daughter, he had said, a beautiful princess by the name of penelope. he said he never knew what came of her, but you knew she was the one that had been cursed.
"the dragon," seungcheol started, his breath catching. no wonder you shared such a close connection with her.
you nodded. "he thought he was crazy for hearing her voice in his head. she was trying to tell him the whole time."
you were quiet when you told him that the late king's madness is what killed him, only a year after you had arrived.
it was his idea to send calliope back to the kingdom with a letter. he was positive she would make it on her own - she had made the trip several times, despite the king forbidding seungcheol from attempting to save you until now. "scouting missions," he explained when you raised an eyebrow at him, his tone unconvincing. he understood why you wished to stay, and he really could not deny the allure of living in a private castle with you for a little while, but he worried that his delayed return would make everyone assume the worst.
"i could write a letter," he said, to tell them what had happened and that you needed time to wrap some things up here, gather the things that should come back with you. "or you could, my princess, if you're hoping for a more dramatic return."
you were laying in the grass, watching the sun reflect orange against the clouds as it began to set over the horizon, using seungcheol as a pillow. you hummed, rolling to lay on your stomach and plucking a blade of grass to inspect. he watched you, and tucked your hair behind your ear as you thought. "you should write it, i think. they might come to collect us if i do. should we send her off in the morning?"
he nodded at you, his hand still on your cheek. you leaned your head into it, craving the way he held you suddenly.
there were countless days where you had lain similar to where you were now, in the grass clearing surrounded by red rose bushes, the earliest times spent sobbing until your throat was sore and your eyes swollen while you came to terms with being truly alone here. now, though, you laid with your savior and lover, and his presence alone changed the atmosphere. suddenly, these roses that were a source of painful memory for you had an air of romance to them.
"should i tell them?" you wondered aloud. "that i chose to stay all these years?"
seungcheol's thumb glided across your cheek bone. "do you think they would understand?"
your eyebrows crinkled. "you know them better than me, now," you said, ripping the grass in your fingers to pieces. "i know mother would, but i'm not sure about father."
"i think he would," he said quietly. your eyes met his. "heartbreak breeds empathy. i'm sure he would even forgive king edgar if you told him his story."
you considered that for a moment. "maybe i should write the letter, then."
with calliope in the stables, penelope flew the two of you back to the tower for the evening so that you could figure out what all to write, but it was back in that garden the next evening, laying in that same spot, where seungcheol's fingers dug into your waist as you rode him, the sky painted pink and purple behind you. your hips rolled on his, your blouse unbuttoned too low and your pants discarded somewhere they shouldn't be, and you watched his neck stretch against the green grass, a bruise from your biting the previous day showing itself directly over a bulging vein. he filled you in a way that felt new every time, and you sighed, your hands against his bare chest pushing yourself up off him, only to sink down again repeatedly.
his hands tensed on you as he groaned, trying his best to hold out for your second release, but you were making it incredibly difficult for him. you leaned back, palms on his thighs as you lifted yourself off him, and you would never forget the erotic noise that fell from his lips as you seated yourself deeply.
"princess," he groaned, his hands hungrily running down your thighs. "i won't last much longer like this."
the title read more as a pet name, and you couldn't help but clench at the need in his voice, making him choke. "god, me neither."
"please," he gasped out, eyes pleading. "please, can i-"
you nodded desperately, and it took him only seconds to sit up, crossing his legs behind you, cradling you in his arms as he rolled his hips up into you. your jaw dropped in a silent moan, and it took a moment for your vocal chords to catch up, but it wasn't long before you were making all sorts of embarrassing noises for him.
"baby," he panted, his lips pausing their work against your throat. "oh, god, i'm gonna cum."
"yes," you begged. "please. please, seungcheol."
he groaned into your neck, and you whined as you felt him shoot into you, spurring your own orgasm. your throbbing walls milked him dry, and the two of you were panting as you came down, clutching each other in a garden.
you were grateful that he didn't comment on the way you practically waddled the rest of the evening, but you never noticed the proud look on his face whenever he watched you. he did that to you, he thought. and you wanted him to do it to you again and again and again.
each morning, when seungcheol woke with your bare form draped over his side, he felt like the luckiest man on the planet, and you couldn't help but smile when you woke to his quiet and gentle ministrations against your neck, his hands warm against your skin as he pulled you closer to him.
"my darling," he muttered against your throat, adoring the way you felt in his arms, and his honey coated voice made you drunk with desire despite the sleep in your eyes. "when will i ever get enough of you?"
you giggled as you reached for him, making him moan when your hand made contact with his member. "perhaps we'll slow down in a year."
seungcheol thought that sounded okay, but when you wrapped your warm mouth around him, it suddenly sounded too soon.
there was clothing you would miss too much, you told him. the tunics you wore as comfort for years, the most beautiful dress you had ever seen, and god, the trousers. you had never been allowed to wear them before, but the convenience of fewer, less cumbersome layers proved itself again and again, especially now that you had a reason to undress more often.
"i think you look beautiful," he announced matter of factly, seated in the floor only two feet away from you, when you said offhandedly that the dresses probably suited you more. "now and always."
you smiled at him as you folded the clothing into saddlebags. "you're not so bad to look at either," you said, letting him lean over the pile of clothing to kiss you.
the more seungcheol told you about the kingdom, the more you itched to return. you missed the trees and parks surrounding the castle grounds, the cobblestone streets that you would secretly wander down, and you especially missed the way people would smile at you and ask if you were away from the castle alone.
"of course," you would reply, exchanging coin for a snack of bread despite the baker's insistence that you take it for free. "do you think the guards would have let me if they knew?"
the people were your main reason to return. you thought of the citizens that you hadn't seen in so long. you wondered how the children you remembered coming into the world had grown up. you wondered how the shops managed. you asked seungcheol about some, the ones you could remember, and he happily told you the bakery a few blocks away from the back garden gates of the castle was doing well.
you missed your family. with the promise of seeing them soon, your heart ached, even if you had felt spiteful towards them in your youth. you would never agree with everything they did - thus was the nature of an ever evolving world - but you couldn't help but remember the times they had laughed with you. while they had expectations for you, they still cared for you. they still raised you. they still loved you unconditionally.
you missed everyone you saw every day, all the other inhabitants of the castle. your cousin, whose parents died in war when he was only a child, but always had a devil may care attitude anyways. the cooks and help you bothered, but always laughed at your antics. your handmaiden, who had always kept a close eye on you, even if she never told the king about your secret excursions. you thought of your father's right hand man and closest friend, advisor kim. you thought of his son, whom you had been raised with in the castle. he had always been your best friend, your beacon of common sense, and your slightly reluctant partner in crime. you spent much of your long years away daydreaming about his laugh and hugs.
"mingyu," you said, trailing off slightly. you were sitting in the shade of a tree, watching seungcheol throw knives at a target. "is he well?"
"advisor kim?" he adjusted his posture, grunting slightly as he put a telling amount of force behind his throw. "as well as he can be, i suppose. we don't speak much."
"not advisor kim," you said, brows furrowed. "his son. he's around our age."
seungcheol looked to you, his eyes softening. "oh, princess, i'm so sorry." he paused as he kneeled before you, putting a hand to your cheek. "mingyu's father passed six years ago. he's been the king's advisor ever since."
he held you as you sobbed against him, mourning the man you had referred to as your uncle for most of your childhood, and your heart shattered as you thought of all the loss mingyu had endured.
he was smart, and it made sense to you that the king asked him to succeed his father, though you thought it a little cruel. mingyu had always been the most well read person you knew, and was the reason you had decided to make a mission of reading every book in your stone prison. he always had excitedly told you about the latest novel he'd read, or what he had learned in the political journal he'd snuck from his father's office, eyes shining and baring the wolf-like grin you adored. you never understood it back then, but now, having reread most of the books you had access to, you couldn't wait to get your hands on anything he would recommend to you when you could ask him in only a few short days.
you asked that you spend an afternoon with penelope, and seungcheol respected your time with her, despite the boredom that itched at his legs while he sat in your tower alone. he counted your paintings for the umpteenth, wondering how had you done this for so long. he decided he would go check on the horses.
you asked penelope if she truly wished to stay. "we could find someone to help you," you said. "i'm sure father has someone that can reverse the spell."
sweet princess, her warm voice rang in your ears despite her never opening her mouth. i've no family, no subjects, and no sense of humanity. 
you chewed on your cheek, knowing your wet eyes gave you away. "you have me."
she chirped, nuzzling her nose against your arm. and for your companionship all these years, i am grateful. but punishing the wicked is my duty, i have accepted my fate and so should you.
"i accept it," you said, wiping at your face with the sleeves of your dress. "but i'll remain unhappy with it."
penelope's sweet giggle was your favorite thing to hear in your mind, for you could almost imagine the woman that it once belonged to. do visit sometime. though i'd prefer if you left the knight at home.
you laughed despite the tears streaming down your face, and your hand ran over her snout. "you would like mingyu more, anyways."
there were three horses to bring back with you, but only two riders. due to this fact alone, seungcheol told you it would likely take a full day to return to the kingdom.
"maybe longer," he thought aloud, his wandering eyes finding yours as you leaned against a post in the stable. "we might have to camp a night."
"leave in the morning, arrive the next?" he nodded at your question. "that's not awful. it's hard to believe that i've been this close to you this whole time."
seungcheol agreed with you, wishing that he had gone against the king's orders and found you sooner, especially when your fingers fiddled with the collar of his shirt. "if only i had known how close i was to bliss, i would have been by your side for years."
you sighed, content, and wrapped your arms around his torso, your cheek landing on his firm chest as he leaned into you.
the first time the phrase i love you came from him, he was curled over you in your bed. your hands were digging into his hair, his lips were slotted over yours, and you were trying your best to ignore the stinging in your eyes as he pushed into you again, the words hushed against your mouth.
you looked up at him, shellshocked, but he never took your silence as judgement. "i love you," he repeated. "more than i've ever loved another person."
a moan was forced from you with a combination of his words and his movements, and it jump-started your confession. "i love you, too, my knight."
his forehead rest against yours, slick with sweat, as he slowly drove himself into you. your thighs ached, partly from the repeated trips up and down the stairs as you packed, but mostly from the way he gripped the backs of them, pushing them until your knees were nearly at your shoulders. the angle let him too far into you, you thought. if anyone were to die from feeling too much pleasure, it would be you, in that moment, as seungcheol bit at your lower lip and muttered sweet nothings into your mouth.
after nearly a decade of ruling a lonely kingdom, you were so close to returning to the castle in which you were raised. you had set the chickens free from their coop, your horses were prepared for the journey, and your stomach ached at the thought. your nerves got the better of you as you emptied your stomach of its contents behind a tree.
"it's okay, my love," seungcheol said, his hands pulling your hair behind your shoulders and rubbing your back. "i'm right here."
"damn shame," you choked out, catching your breath. "i really enjoyed that breakfast."
he did his best to not laugh despite your joking tone. he stayed by your side as your head swam, and asked if the ride back should be delayed.
"no," you shook your head, accepting the water he handed you. "if we stay a day, i'll make excuses to stay forever. i'll be okay."
he recognized the defeat in your words. despite the weakened state you had woken up in, you were right. this place felt like paradise, and you never wanted it to end, but you had a kingdom waiting for you.
penelope watched over you both, laid out in the grass as you made your final preparations, and you wrapped your arms around her neck as you held back tears.
"i'll visit. i promise."
seungcheol wrung his fingers behind his back as he watched you speak with her quietly. he could never quite shake his fear of the majestic being (he had squeezed his eyes shut and clung to you whenever she had flown you two to the tower), and he had a feeling that she disliked him due to their first impression, but he knew you loved her like a sister. then, the dragon's deep firey eyes moved to meet his, her voice creeping into his mind for the first time, causing a chill to run up his spine.
protect her in my stead.
he put a hand over his heart and nodded, and when the dragon broke eye contact, he felt as though he finally understood her.
seungcheol kept a close eye on you as you rode river, a horse he couldn't remember the original name of, but that you named after the location at which you found him. he vaguely remembered the man that rode him before, but he was one that seungcheol had never liked much. every time you swayed slightly, he insisted on taking a break so you could lay down, but you waved him off, not wanting to delay your return any more than you already had.
"oh, dear seungcheol," you said, a smile on your lips. "you will be such an empathetic king one day. good thing i'll be there to make the hard decisions."
he couldn't argue - he never could. you were wise beyond your years and more observant than the people he debated against at home, most of which with whom his arguments ended in him threatening to fight. but with you, he always understood the deep thought and logic behind your words. you had a way of speaking that calmed conflict instead of fostering it, and for that reason alone, he thought you were destined to rule, and he would happy to be by your side as you did.
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luxurxously-pale · 3 years
Words Left Unsaid six
warning- ddlg/little space
word count- 4499  
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Reid, being Reid, immediately took notice of her body language. “Yes...” he trails off and looks her up and down. “Are you okay?” He asks her softly “is there something you would like to tell me?” He asks her. He wasn’t sure how to approach this. The dogs starting licking on her face, noting her distress too
Adelyn let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, she avoided his eyes looking anywhere but him. She immediately looked in the direction he pulled her from to see if Jake was still there. “I uh we should probably head back to your house?” She said it more like a question, she wasn’t sure why she wanted to be at his house rather than hers but all she knew was she wanted to be away from the public, there were way too many variables to focus on
He nodded even though he was ready to interrogate the living hell out of her when they got home. He took a quick peak around to see if he saw anything suspicious. He grabbed her hand and immediately dragged all four of them out of the alley. He started speed walking to get back to his place. “You have a lot to explain.” He warns her as he watches his apartment building appear
Adelyn avoided his gaze the entire walk, she withdrew her hand from his almost immediately focusing more on the beautiful dog that was happily trotting alongside the two agents. She glanced up at him hearing his voice she gave a slight nod, her brain drifting to the painful memories of the past
Reid quickly got them in the apartment, locking the doors. He then went and made sure that all the windows were locked even though he was up pretty high. “Now either you can tell only me the story of how you know him and have an emotional support puppy or you could tell the whole team. Your pick.” He tells her softly as he scoops up the dogs
Adelyn followed him basically running up the stairs, she let out a small breath feeling slightly better now that he secured the room. It didn’t stop her from walking around the apartment to check each room. She felt foolish but she also knew it was the only way she could focus on a conversation. She turned to him hearing him speak, she chewed on the inside of her lower lip her eyebrows furrowed, “I know- knew…him.” She muttered out, she walked back toward the couch with the intent to sit down but it was useless- she started to pace as she was going through all the situations possible and impossible, “I- how the fuck is he even here?! He- I-'' she spoke mostly to herself, “I did everything right..I got rid of the house, cards and all even changed my last name!” She shook her head still pacing angrily- she knew by the time Spencer would stop her she would break down, she didn't know who to trust in the moment-though she truly did know who to trust but in the moment her brain was fried
Spencer watched her start having a breakdown. He put the puppies down on the couch and wrapped her in a hug. Most times he wasn’t one for hugs but he figured she really needed this. “It’s okay. Let’s take some deep breaths then we will start.” He tells her softly. “Let’s just focus on taking breaths. In and out. Let’s calm our mind.” He at one point was considering becoming a therapist, he went to school for it too for a little bit. He ended up not liking it. “Now start when you and your body feels ready.”
Adelyn flinched immediately when he wrapped his arms around her, she was about to fight against him until she heard his voice. She let out a small sound- it was a mixture of fear and relief. She took a few minutes before she let out a few shaky breaths. “I- he-'' she shook her head a little leaning into him a little more, “I was engaged to him..” she muttered, “I was with him for 4 or so years..we got engaged after the third..then as the fourth approached I called it off..'' She knew she would have to continue so she did without prompting. “It was fine the first year..then as we went into the second I noticed he changed..sure he went out a lot was a very closed off person but he started to get aggressive…controlling. Then by the third he was..” she paused to take a breath she clenched her jaw letting herself calm down so her voice didn’t sound as watery “By the third well..” she let out a bitter laugh, “He was constantly on about  how i shouldn’t go out, I shouldn’t dress like I did..how I wasn’t enough.” She frowned a bit, “The middle of the third year he started to get physical..” she trailed off leaning into him to the point she was basically hanging off of Spencer
He stood there and hugged her, he softly and slowly grabbed her hand, making sure she knew where his hand was going. He let his thumb caress her hand. He made sure not to make any sudden moves as he didn’t want to startle her. Though hearing that another human being could hurt someone for no reason angered him greatly. How could someone be so cruel as to do that to another human? He never understood it. “Remember to take deep breaths'' he didn’t know what else to say other than that. Sure he was a genius but no one had discovered how to take another person's pain away. He really wishes he could take all those terrible memories away. He wanted to say sorry but he was almost sure that he would sound stupid. “Do you need to sit down?” He asks her softly
Adelyn was damn near shaking like a leaf, she never spoke about this with anyone. She was constantly moving from place to place. She thought the BAU was a good place to settle considering how safe it seemed. She nodded a little hearing the words ‘sit down’ she followed him to the couch staying glued to his side, “After I left…he’s been following every step..I thought I got far enough but apparently not…I didn’t know what he truly did.” She frowned feeling stupid considering she had been training to be a profiler much to his disliking- which was also a part of his sick motive when abusing her
He sat down, keeping his arms around her. He listened to her, trying not to show his anger as that’s not what she needed right now. What she needed was someone to hold her and listen. He could take care of his anger later on, now wasn’t a good time and might scare her off. “Well I’m here now and I’m going to protect you.” He says confidently. “If he wants to get to you, he’ll have to get through me first.” He tells her. “Now this is a weird question but what’s your favorite smell?” He has a perfect plan for her to relax.
Adelyn couldn’t find it in herself to calm down but hearing him utter the promise of protecting her, her rigid body started to become putty against him. She let out a laugh hearing the odd question, “My fav-'' she paused a minute to think, “Uh..I’m not really sure? I guess the smell of a beach? I’m not sure how to describe it..it’s been ages'' her voice came out small almost a whisper
He nods and slowly unwraps himself from her and plops the puppies on her. “Now I’ll be right back.” He promises. He quickly rushes to the bathroom and runs her a bath. He found the closest ‘beach’ smelling bath bombs he could. Yes he had bath bombs and was prepared to fight anyone who laughed at him. Baths are calming and recommended by doctors. He walks back out and grabs some cookies and milk, putting them next to the bath. He shuts off the water before walking out to her “I ran you a bath with some snacks. Something to help you relax your muscles and brain.” He explains
Adelyn nodded a little before she cuddled into the fluff of a puppy, the puppy didn’t put up much of a fight. She looked up at him with a curious look, “I..” she frowned, feeling foolish for what she was about to say but she knew he wouldn’t judge her, “I don’t want to be alone..” she looked down, finding the pattern in the puppy’s fur to be much more interesting.
He stands there and thinks for a moment. “Well I could always just face the door while you lay there.” He suggests “well if you’re comfortable with that.” His face turns into a very dark red. He didn’t want her to think he was some type of creep. “I just want to do whatever makes you comfortable. Though I do suggest you take a bath as doctors always talk about how helpful they are for your mind.”
Adelyn nodded a little, she chewed on her lower lip and gently moved the pup that was on her lap, “Do you have bubbles?” She questioned quietly, “If you do we can just use that to cover me…if not I don’t mind we are both adults..I trust you Spence.” She wasn’t quick to trust but something about him made her feel safe..comfortable.
He nods “of course I have bubbles. Who doesn’t keep bubbles.” He asks her as if she just asked the world's stupidest question. He went to the bathroom and poured some in before walking back out. “I once read an article that said humans like hot baths because it reminds them of the womb so I tried to match womb temperature but that’s hard to do with a bathtub so I did the best I could.” He informs her, happily
Adelyn let out a small giggle, she slowly felt herself relaxing. It helped that Spencer was the biggest dork in the world. She followed behind him quietly listening to him, she let out a loud laugh hearing the fact, “Spence..” She paused a minute to look down with a big smile. It was similar to his signature smile, “You’re a big dork.” She giggled a bit before she quickly hugged him, her head resting on his chest
He smiled down at her and was taken aback by the hug but quickly hugged her back. He rubbed her back softly “I just want to create a relaxing environment for you. I can’t imagine what it was like having to relive that to tell me.” He explains to her “you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for and I’m proud of you for telling me. You don’t ever have to keep stuff from me. You know that right?” He asks her softly. He wasn’t a touch type of person but he really liked hugs from her
Adelyn felt herself blush at his praises, she knew she had a soft spot for them but coming from him it felt completely different. She nodded a little before she begrudgingly let go of him, “I know..” she gave him a sad smile before she took a deep breath, “Alright pretty boy turn around and get the bubbles.” She giggled a bit
He chuckled as he pointed toward the gallon of bubbles he had put on the counter. He turned around and faced the door. He made sure he sat where you couldn’t even see the toilet that was near the bath, in the corner of his vision. In his mind she had trusted him with her privacy and he needs to make sure he takes it very seriously. “I hope the bath isn’t too cold.” He tells her softly
Adelyn nodded a little undressing, tying her hair up in a bun trying to ignore him in the room even though she desperately needed someone with her. Before carefully pouring the bubbles into the water, she got distracted when he spoke, pouring way too much. She let out a small sound of surprise and annoyance, she dipped her finger in the water, “It’s perfect.” She smiled a bit before slipping into the tub carefully. She let out a content sound submerging herself to her shoulders. “alright…you can look now.”
He slowly turns around, unsure if this was going to make her uncomfortable. He stood up to sit down on the toilet. “I love baths. They just give me the type of relaxation that nothing else can. Not even books.” He chuckles softly as he looks down at his hands, not sure where to look. He was clearly a little nervous. He didn’t want to accidentally disrespect her.
Adelyn giggled a little, “who would’ve thought, our very own Spence liked baths and relaxing.” She teased looking over at him she took in his nervous state and let out a small giggle, “Spence…as much as I appreciate you not looking I'm completely covered…I may have put WAY too much bubbles so I’m most definitely not going to be giving you a free show.” She smiled
He chuckles softly “I know but..” he trails off “it’s just you trusted me enough to be in the bathroom with you and I’m scared that I’m somehow going to break that trust. I know that sounds stupid but I guess I’m just nervous.” He shrugs softly. “You’re a great person and I really don’t want you to be mad at me or anything.” He explains to her. He wasn’t one for explaining how he was feeling though he felt comfortable with her. It was like how he was comfortable with telling Derek things. Just he’s known her for a lot less of time
Adelyn smiled a little she was about to reach over and grab his hand but she knew for one, water would get everywhere him included and for two she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable so she simply looked up at him with a comforting smile, “Spence..it’s not stupid! You’re literally the sweetest guy there is.” She smiled more, admitting it with a light blush, “I won’t get mad I promise I know you have no malicious intentions..at least I hope not.” She joked a bit hoping to soften the somewhat tense air. She wasn’t sure how but he had effectively calmed her down to the point she basically forgot Jake was in town.
He chuckles softly “you know the roof has an amazing view if you want to go check it out after your bath.” He suggests it to her. “I like going up there after hard cases and just talking to the stars. It’s actually really nice because believe it or not the stars don’t talk back.” He jokes with her as his smile comes back to his face. “They are great listeners, don’t even interrupt!” He exclaims
Adelyn's head tilted back as she laughed her eyes crinkling at the edges, she shook her head a bit and looked up at him, she then realized she didn’t have a change of clothes causing her to purse her lips a bit, “Hey Spencer” she dragged out the last syllable before putting on her best pout paired with puppy dog eyes even though she knew he wouldn’t care about her question, “Do you have a shirt I could borrow?”
He nods “of course I do.” He tells her “I’ll go grab some clothes quickly. He came back with an old band tee and some sweatpants. “I know they’ll be a bit big on you but I didn’t think you’d mind as it would be comfy. I’ve always found baggy clothes better than any other type of clothes.” He tells her as he lays them on the counter “if you’re ready to get out, I’m going to quickly step out so you can do whatever you need.” He tells her
Adelyn smiled a bit and she got slightly anxious with him stepping out but allowed it knowing she couldn’t lean on him forever. She waited five more minutes before she got out drying herself off. She was glad she took a shower before she went to his house, sliding on the pair of panties she wore before since they were still basically clean. She glared at her bra, not wanting to deal with it, so she simply slid on the T-shirt. She looked at the pants and held them to her hips snorting a bit seeing they would definitely fall off, she shrugged a bit folding them nicely, she was hoping Spence wouldn’t be uncomfortable with her leaving off the pants along with her bra- she was comfortable enough with him that she didn’t care. she cleaned up the slight mess she made and headed back to him.
He was on the couch with the puppies cuddled up to him. He cracked open a book while he waited for her. When she walked back out she almost took his breath away. She looked adorable in his hoodie and no pants. He quickly drew his gaze away, knowing that he’d soak in her appearance all day long if he could. “I’m glad I could help with her bath.” He speaks, breaking the silence
Adelyn set the pants down on a chair before carefully folding her bra into the bag she had brought with. She looked over with a smile, “Thank you by the way…you have no idea how much it means.” She quietly walked over sitting down next to him, the dogs made it almost impossible to give personal space but she personally didn’t mind. She looked over at him with a soft smile, her eyes full of vulnerability, “You’re the first person to calm me down- not only so fast but really in general.”
He smiles softly at her “I’m really glad I could help you.” He was so happy he could help her. He loved helping people, that’s why he joined the FBI after all. Though another part of his mind was going elsewhere as he couldn’t stop thinking about how soft her lips must be. “Are you hungry or thirsty? Or tired?” He asks her, he was trying to keep himself distracted from the thoughts that crept in from how good she currently locked
Adelyn shrugged a bit leaning into him without really thinking about it, it was basically instincts at this point. She wasn’t sure what she wanted at the moment besides him as stupid as she thought she sounded. “Just you.” She mumbled her eyes drooping a bit, the whole event taking a toll on her.
His breath hitched in his throat a bit as she leaned into him more. He had to make himself focus on his book so he could actually be a supportive friend and make sure she was okay. His arm went around her and his hand went up to her hair to play with it. “Why don’t I read some of the books?” He asks her. He didn’t wait for an answer as he softly started reading aloud and playing with her hair.
Adelyn basically went limp when he started to play with her hair, she let out a small sound of agreement when he offered to read. She brought her legs up curling into his side more, after about 5 minutes of him reading to her she passed out completely content and feeling safe
He continued reading for another ten before he softly closed the book. He carefully got up and grabbed a blanket. He laid it over her and kissed her head softly. “Sweet dreams.” He decided they would talk to the team in the morning about Jake. Until then he wanted her to be well rested. He walked back to his room and laid in bed, thinking about her until he finally drifted off to sleep
Adelyn made a small displeasing noise when he moved but simply fell back asleep, she woke up around 3am panicked, she shot up looking around and relaxed slightly realizing she was okay. She got up hesitantly and carefully, quietly slipping into Spencer’s room. She climbed into his bed feeling like a child, she didn’t want to wake him so she simply slid beside him under the covers cuddling into his side
In his sleep he cuddled up to her, wrapping one arm around her. By the morning they had both the dogs laying in between them. Spencer woke up early like usual. He groaned as he sat up and looked around. His eyes landed on Adelyn, she was even pretty while asleep. He got up and started to make some eggs for her when she woke up. That and coffee.
Adelyn shifted a bit feeling the bed move when Spence got up before she simply cuddled into one of the dogs that was closer to her. She woke up 10 minutes later when the dog she was laying on aggressively got up running to the window barking seeing a bird. She made a displeased sound squinting at the dog
Spencer jumped a little bit when he heard the dogs barking and walked into the room. “I’m sorry for them waking you up.” He chuckles softly as he grabs one of the dogs. “They’re so vocal. Who would’ve guessed.” He shrugs with a smile “there’s some eggs and coffee in the kitchen.” He informs her
Adelyn looked over hearing him and she smiled sleepily at him before making grabby hands at him like a child, she wasn’t sure why- okay maybe she did know why but she wouldn’t admit it but she wanted to just stay in bed all day with him or at least have some sort of physical contact. She never realized how much she craved it when she had a bad day, she had gotten a taste of it from him and she was suddenly addicted it was like he was one of the most expensive street drug there was
He smiled softly and picked her up. “Let’s go eat in the kitchen. We can lay in bed for the first half of the day then we have to talk to the team about what happened yesterday okay?” He asks her softly as they walk out of his room. “We can’t avoid that forever.” He informs her as he sits her down at a stool
Adelyn let out a noise of surprise she wasn’t expecting him to lift her, she let out a small noise letting him know she was listening, she cuddled into him yawning quietly, she stilled a bit realizing what he was saying, “Do we have to Spence?” She asked quietly once he set her down. She looked at the table in front of her picking at the fraying table cloth
He nods softly “I know you don’t want to but I also know you don’t want to live in fear for the rest of your life.” He tells her as he places a plate and cup in front of her. “So let’s get him behind bars as fast as we can so then we don’t have to deal with him anymore.” He grabs himself his own cup of coffee. “Only temporary pain for a long time of relief”
Adelyn nodded a little and looked down. She let out a small breath, she felt bad but she ignored the food grabbing the mug taking a sip of it, she curled into herself as she held the warm mug, “I..He has a pattern.” She whispered
He nods as he listens to her “we might want to save this talk for the team as a whole. Everyone else can do a better job than just two people.” He explained to her. “So we will finish up our food and then we will go cuddle in bed for a little bit? Does that sound good to you?” He asks her “though by noon I’m calling the team.” He informs her
Adelyn nodded a little and gave him a slight smile over the mug, she curled into herself a little more suddenly grateful about how petite she was. She chewed on her lip, “I’m not that hungry..” she frowned, “I’m sorry…” she wasn’t sure why but she started to tear up feeling awful for not eating something he clearly made and from how kind he was being
He kissed the top of her head “it’s okay. You’re reliving a traumatic event. It’s normal to be scared and not want to eat. We will try again later.” He tells her as he picks her back up, chuckling softly as he does so. “Let’s go read some books for a little bit.” He tells her, carrying her back to the room.
Adelyn nodded a little and she set her head on his shoulder sniffling a little. She had noticed before when she got like this- she felt somewhat floaty, like she didn’t have a care in the world, she simply wanted to just simply…be. She never drew attention to it considering she had bigger things to worry about, but with Spencer she seemed to just simply slip into that floaty headspace
Spencer was starting to pick up on more and more signs that she liked acting younger at some points. He read a book a while back on DDLG and started connecting some behavior to her. He didn’t know how to bring it up, so he didn’t. At least not for now. He laid in bed and read a book to her until noon. “It’s time for me to call them.” He tells her softly
Adelyn listened as he read to her cuddling into his side, her head resting on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat and voice calmed her down to the point she started to toy with the ends of her hair, a habit she noticed a while back. She had a bad habit of sucking her thumb or and a habit toying with the ends of her hair when she was in this headspace and when she was completely content. She tensed a bit hearing him mention calling them, she chewed on her lower lip her eyes welling up with tears due to stress, “I-“ she frowned a bit and looked at the book her had in his hands, she let out a small defeated sigh muttering a small okay her voice an octave higher than usual.
He played with her hair for a couple minutes “while I’m calling them you should most likely get dressed as you know how much they love being in our business.” He chuckles softly. He slowly gets up off the bed and grabs his phone. He dialed hotch. He knew he could get the team to his house faster than anyone else.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Good Omens - I Was Given Four Rules to Follow ... I Broke Every One: Chapter 3/3 (Rated PG13)
Summary: When Warlock Dowling is summoned to the old South Downs cottage of Aziraphale and Crowley to help clean out their attic, presumably after their deaths, he is given four rules to follow.
... He breaks every single one.
Read on AO3.
January 15th –
He opened his eyes!
He opened his eyes and looked at me!
After hours of waiting in the dark and in the cold, despairing every second and wishing I was dead myself, he opened his eyes.
But it came close to being all for naught because I almost died myself right then and there.
It was good to see him with his eyes wide open, but the golden eyes I loved so much are gone. 
These new eyes are white on white, the pupils infinitely dark, the irises torn. They stare without blinking. They look into me, into my soul, it seems. They connect to the love that runs deep within me, to every touch he has ever left on my skin, to every promise we both made. 
But they do not recognize me. 
Am I, at all, familiar to him?
I don’t want to reject him, whether he knows me or not. But those eyes unnerve me.
There’s so much about them that’s innocent and frightened.
So much about them that’s desolate and dead.
We literally spent the morning just looking at one another.
I would give anything to know what’s going on in his mind. 
What does he see when he looks at me? 
I want to reach out and touch him, but I’m afraid. I know it won’t be the same. He won’t be warm, won't be comforting. What could be worse than a dead copy of a once alive and loving creature? I don’t know. 
But whatever this is, it might be. 
He won’t smell like Crowley. He won’t have his cheek, won't have his soothing voice. It’s almost as if I adopted some wild animal and decided to make it my husband.
What have I done?
January 16th –
All day long, he tried to move, grunting with the effort of struggling to stand up and get out of bed. He didn’t speak words; he just groaned. I wanted to help him. I wanted to pretend that he was simply convalescing after a horrible illness. I wanted to bathe him and dress him. I wanted to sit him down in front of the television, prop up his feet, and feed him brandy and ice-cream. I wanted to put this chapter behind us and get on with our lives.
I wanted to make believe him dying had never happened.
But I’m not that good an actor.
He behaves exactly the way the old woman warned me he would. He reminds me of a child.
I never wanted children.
This is the ‘in sickness and in health’ part of the marriage package, which I agreed to without hesitation.
Never mind the ‘till death do us part’ portion.
This comes with my vows, and I will honor them.
My love will help him. I know it will.
Can I really do this, or am I fooling myself?
January 17th –
I’m trying my best to take the bad with the good.
I managed to get him to the living room sofa. His legs were stiff, and he couldn’t seem to bend his knees.
He had been declared dead-on-arrival because of the injury to his neck. But I wonder if anything else is broken. I wasn’t really paying attention to the doctor when he went over the extent of Crowley’s injuries. After I heard the word dead, I tuned out.
I should get a copy of Crowley’s hospital records.
But if his legs are broken, how will I deal with that? Will the potion magically fix everything? It brought him back to life. Could fixing broken legs be more difficult than reanimating a corpse? What is the extent of the potion's effects? Do I need a secondary potion of some kind to repair internal injuries?
Maybe I should call the shopkeeper back and ask.
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
He stumbled numerous times and fell on me. I did my best not to cringe at his touch or accidentally drop him. But those eyes, so close to mine, were like looking into a nightmare. I could see through them to the veins and arteries behind, the blood inside them black and unhealthy.
The fourth time he stumbled, though, I got the feeling that maybe he was falling on purpose so that I would be forced to catch him.
I even thought I saw the shadow of a smile cross his lips.
I watched him as he sat in front of the TV and renewed his passion for The Golden Girls. That show had been one of his favorites since he was a small boy.
He sat so still. 
He didn’t swallow. 
He didn’t appear to breathe.
The only time he moved was when he looked over to where I sat, I think, to make sure I was still there.
He sat for hours and watched TV. 
There was nothing else for him to do.
I fed him salad for dinner, let him stay in front of the television instead of making him go to the dining room table. I didn’t see any reason to move him. He leaned down and sniffed the cold lettuce leaves, but he did not eat.
Neither did I.
January 19th –
After a full day of limping him around the house, Crowley is surprisingly steady on his feet. He can make it from the bedroom to the living room sofa by himself. It takes him a while, but he can do it.
His body is still in rigor, but he seems to be getting more comfortable with it.
I should be jumping for joy at his progress. The more mobile he becomes, the less dependent he will be on me. Every day that he improves, even a little, he is closer to becoming the man he was.
But I don’t know how comfortable I am with that anymore.
January 21st -
He doesn’t sleep. And now that he doesn’t rely on me to get around the house, neither do I. I know he sees me as a parent-figure, so he won’t hurt me. But he’s such an alien creature. Not like the old Crowley at all.
It’s strange having this version of him around the house.
When Crowley was
Before the accident, Crowley was so independent. He didn’t need me, didn’t need my help with anything.
But now, he needs to be near me all the time.
I understood there would be a change in our dynamic, but it’s such a striking change that it’s difficult to get used to.
I took a shower for the first time in days. I left him in the living room watching TV, but when I finished and opened the curtain, there he was, standing there … staring.
I fell asleep for about an hour afterward, and when I woke up, he was kneeling beside me, again staring at me.
He’s always staring.
What does he think about doing when he stares at me?
January 22nd –
I finally broke down and gave Crowley a shower. He didn’t stink, but there was something about him, something that smelled … well, I can't seem to find the words to describe it. 
I just wanted it gone.
I’ve seen the injuries to his chest numerous times, but I haven't paid much attention to his back.
When I saw them, I almost threw up.
And he noticed. 
He heard me gag. 
I gasped, held in my urge to be sick.
He turned to face me, and for the first time, he had an expression on his face different from his blank one … but also different from that smile I thought I saw when I was helping him walk around the house.
He looked hurt.
January 27th -
Each day that he improves, I debate telling our friends that he's here. I know they miss us terribly. But in the end, it would be too cruel. He’s not himself anymore. He never will be. Most days, I curse myself for doing this to him. My motives were selfish. I wasn’t thinking of anyone but myself when I made the decision to bring him back. 
I wasn’t even thinking of him.
Our lives are unrecognizable. We’ll never travel the world like we'd planned. Who knows if I’ll make it back to my bookshop? Should probably shut it down and have my books transported here. The way things look, the rest of our days will be spent in this cottage. 
I have to be okay with that.
But what about Crowley?
If you asked rational me if I think he wants to live this half-life, with no potential to be anything other than a human puppet, who only barely resembles the man that was Anthony J Crowley, I would have to say no. Absolutely not.
But I can’t turn back now.
What am I expected to do? Poison his tea? Smother him in his sleep?
Would attempting to kill him even work?
And what about his soul? 
If there is a Heaven, I surely pulled him out of it with my cock-eyed plan. What if there is no going back for him? 
I can only hope that my love for him is enough to keep him from hating me when he’s able to comprehend what I’ve done to him.
February 1st –
I’ve finally gotten him to eat – bits and pieces mostly, bites of vegetables and corners of bread. It doesn’t seem like he likes it, but he eats it, and that’s good. He eats because I tell him to. It shows that he trusts me.
He’s more self-sufficient now. 
He showers and brushes his teeth on his own. He picks out his pajamas and dresses himself. Sometimes he tries his hand at making the bed. He is attempting to be more vocal, but he has yet to say a single thing that isn’t a grunt or a moan.
I’ve been looking up the subject of speech delay on the Internet, trying to find ways to help him learn. I came across one website in particular with fun, creative ideas. I started making flashcards of consonant blends and one-syllable words. I felt so accomplished, so hopeful, like I was actually doing something positive toward the goal of moving us forward. I felt confident that after a little work with them, everything would be all right. I was so excited to show them to him, but then I realized …
… I have no idea if he can read.
February 3rd –
I tried calling the old woman at the antique shop in Soho to ask about the effects of the potion, but the phone has been disconnected.
I guess they went out of business after all.
It doesn’t matter. Nothing appears to be broken. Or maybe it’s that he doesn’t feel pain.
I was teaching him how to cook, hoping it would bring a bit of the old Crowley back. We used to cook together all the time. Honestly, we weren't all that good at it, but that didn't stop us from trying. We had just gotten the hang of a decent souffle before ...
Anyway ...
I started him small. 
I had him grating cheese. 
Seemed simple enough. The grater stands on its own, so not much to juggle. But he pressed too hard, ran the grater over the backs of his fingers, scraped off skin. He didn’t so much as flinch. I think it bothered me more than it bothered him. I bandaged it up and, without thinking, I kissed the wound. I looked at him in utter shock …
… and he smiled.
My heart leapt.
It’s so nice to see him smile again. 
I never thought I would.
February 4th –
I took off Crowley’s bandage, and his wound from the cheese grater is gone! There’s not a trace of it left!
I guess that answers that question.
I should be relieved, but it bothers me, and I don’t know why.
February 21st –
Today was the most unexpectedly intense, depressing, and wonderful day all at once.
It started when Crowley woke this morning. He got up before me and tried to make me crepes. I had no idea why. He hadn't tried to cook by himself before, didn't even show an interest in cooking without me. He burned them, himself, and the stove all in one go. The fire alarm woke me, blaring in my ears. I managed to get to the extinguisher in time, but poor Crowley looked heartbroken over his ruined pan of blackened food.
Then, before lunch, he wanted to go outside. I think he was trying to sneak out, but I caught him jiggling the front doorknob (he has yet to master the bolt - thank God). When I caught him, he slammed his hand on the door in frustration and sprinted for the back one. I followed him, knowing it was locked and that he wouldn’t be able to open it. When I reached him, he was trying to wedge his way out of the old cat flap. (Note to self - board up the cat flaps! I don’t know why we kept them. We’ve never owned a cat.) 
I patted him gently on the shoulder and asked him what he needed. He stood up and groaned, moving his mouth and wiggling his tongue, making nonsensical sounds. When he couldn’t say what he needed to, he pointed out the window to the garden. I assumed he wanted to check on his dahlias. I’m a disaster with flowers, and, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to keep them up the way he could. 
Of course, it's one degree outside. The poor things are frozen solid. They're not even flowers any longer, I don't think, but the frigid remains of what they once were.
But he’d had yet to show any interest in them, either, before today. 
I shrugged, repeated that I didn’t understand. He pointed more forcefully, jabbing at the window with his index finger.
“I don’t know what you're trying to tell me, my dear,” I said. “Do you want to go for a walk?” 
I've taken him walking around Soho a few times. I've been trying to tie up loose ends, decide if selling the bookshop is the road to take. I wrapped him up in a full-length coat and scarf with just his eyes peeking out. I guess he enjoyed it, but he’d never asked to go outside. He shook his head and pointed again, this time at the dying rose bushes that I hadn’t had time to deadhead. I didn’t get it. I shook my head, and he stormed off to the bedroom.
I followed him there, but he blocked the door.
I could hear him inside, moaning. It was horrible. It sounded like pain and embarrassment and frustration, all rolled together. And I couldn’t help him.
He wouldn’t let me.
I tried to lure him out several times, but he didn’t come out till dinner time.
And when he did, he was dressed in a black Bergdorf suit.
Crowley has dozens of expensive black suits, and he looks stunning in all of them.
But this suit.
This suit in particular.
This suit had been hanging front and center in his closet.
Because it was the suit I had planned on burying him in.
It threw me for a loop, dragging me kicking and screaming back to that day I found out he had died, before I’d decided to try bringing him back, before I knew that I could. I took out the suit to air it. I guess I hadn’t put it back with the others because there it was, standing before me with the living corpse of my husband inside.
The sight took all the air out of my lungs.
“Take it off,” I said quietly, trying not to alarm him, but how was I supposed to explain to my somewhat dead husband that I didn’t want to see him dressed in the suit I had planned on putting him in the ground in?
He looked confused and shook his head, opening his mouth and groaning.
“Please, Crowley,” I begged, hoping he would hear my anguish and understand, “take it off.”
He stomped his foot and shook his head, the way a petulant child would. It should have been cute, but I couldn’t handle it. I've had issues getting used to his looks lo these many weeks, but for the first time since he came back to me, he looked dead.
“Take it off!” I screamed. I ran at him, grabbed the lapels, trying to tear it off his body. He held me, pinned my arms, and I could feel his renewed strength. I hadn’t really let him touch me before, but now I knew that if he wanted to, he could probably hurt me.
I stared up at him, realizing that he was hovering above me, and I was lying on my back on the floor. My heart stopped. He had never looked menacing before. Even in death, he seemed so innocent. But now, he looked like a monster. He had a piece of paper balled in his grasp, and he tried to make me look at it, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from his face – pale and cold and lifeless, regardless of the fact that he was my Crowley.
He stared at me, trying to speak.
It hit me like a pile of bricks.
That’s exactly what he was doing. 
His lips were moving in exaggerated, grotesque ways that shouldn’t be able to turn sound into words, but they were.
“A … Az … Azi …”
Crowley blinked and shook his head.
“Azir …”
“Aziraphale?” I asked in awe that he was trying to say my name.
Crowley laughed. It was a glorious, hollow, frankly frightening sound, but I couldn’t help smiling when I heard it. He put his fingers to my lips. 
I guess he didn’t want me to steal his thunder.
“Azzzir-uh-phale,” he said, smacking his lips. “I … lo … I lov …” Crowley swallowed again, closing his eyes, trying to make the words in his head match the movement of his lips. “I … love … you … Azzzir-uh-phale.”
Crowley tapped again at the paper on the floor. This time I did what he wanted and looked. He had torn off the current page from the calendar and was poking at a box circled shakily in red. I peered down at it.
I could have cried.
“Our ... our anniversary?” I asked, looking into his broken eyes. He sighed, nodding.
It was our anniversary.
He’d wanted to make me breakfast in bed … for our anniversary.
He’d wanted to get me roses … for our anniversary.
My husband had wanted to do something nice for me … for our anniversary.
My husband had spent all day teaching himself how to say, “I love you, Aziraphale,” because there was nothing else he could do for me.
My husband remembered our anniversary ...
... even when I had not.
June 4th -
Five months-ish later…
I can’t believe it! 
I cannot believe it!
Five months later and we’ve made it! Despite the odds. Despite the difficulties and the heartaches. Despite every time I thought about giving up, here we are.
We spend our days wrapped in each other’s arms. We watch TV. I read books out loud - he sits and listens. Crowley is re-learning how to drive, and I’m on the hunt for a new Bentley. Our lives might not be what they were before, but they’re perfect for us.
We’ve managed to go to the city more, spent a few glorious nights at our flat in Mayfair. We've even interacted with one or two of our old friends. It's a wonder what some foundation and blusher can accomplish! I told them it was a medical miracle, and they believed me.
Because that's what Crowley is.
A miracle!
Okay, maybe I am tempting fate. But maybe fate needs to be tempted from time to time! 
His vocabulary has expanded immensely, and a hint of his old suave confidence has come back, along with the muddy accent I so often teased him about.
I am finally at a point where I am optimistic about the future.
Because I’m beginning to think that there might actually be one for us.
August 13th –
I woke this morning to a strange squealing noise. At first, I thought it might be the smoke alarm again - odd since we got the cooking situation sorted, I thought. The longer I listened to it, the more I realized it wasn’t the smoke alarm. It didn’t sound familiar at all, so I didn’t worry too much about it. As long as an errant sheep didn’t get hit by a car, there was really no reason to jump out of bed and investigate. After a few minutes of listening to the goings-on outside, I determined that wasn’t the case, so I considered going back to sleep.
But then I noticed that Crowley wasn’t laying beside me in bed.
That isn’t too unusual. He’s normally the first one up on any given day. I just curl back into a ball holding his pillow to my chest until he returns.
He always returns.
The squealing wasn’t really that weird. I’ve thought for the last few months that we might have rats. Or squirrels. Or possums. I’ve heard that same squealing a few times before. But seeing as I can’t find any evidence of rodent-caused destruction anywhere in the house, I haven’t been too aggressive about hunting it down.
My stomach began to growl. I guessed I had been asleep for longer than I thought. Instead of returning to bed, I decided to make some waffles for breakfast. So I got up and went out into the kitchen.
That’s where I found Crowley.
He was crouching on the floor …
… covered in blood …
… biting into the spine of what used to be a raggedy old Maine coon …
I looked at him.
He looked at me.
He grinned his old, sly grin, licked his bloody lips, and said, "Hello, Aziraphale. Can I get you a cuppa tea? I know just how you like it."
He winked at me, and my heart stuttered.
I may have a problem.
Those are the last words on the page.
A page where the ink is smeared from tears, and the edges crusted in blood.
I haven’t seen Aziraphale or Crowley in decades. They used to send the occasional letter, but those stopped a while ago, and they never call. But something tells me neither of them ever left this house alive.
I’m afraid my time, too, has run out. I came to this house alone. But huddled in the darkest corner of the attic, I hear footsteps coming closer, a sour voice on the wind calling my name …
Ka-thunk …
“Warlock …”
Ka-thunk …
“Warlock …”
Ka-thunk …
“Warlock …”
“Warlock Dowling!” Crowley calls, barging into the attic, footsteps heavy on the worn floorboards. “Are you recording another one of those Clip-Clop thingies again?”
“It’s TikTok, Nanny,” Warlock replies, rolling his eyes, “and no. I’m reading a story for my YouTube channel.”
“Well … you done getting a costume together or wot?” Crowley asks, changing the subject, saving face that he actually understands anything Warlock just said. “Adam and his hooligans are gonna be here in a minute. Aziraphale is gonna have kittens if you’re not ready to go Tricks or Treats!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Warlock says, gathering up his camera. He loves Halloween with a passion, but he’d been eyeing this one journal in Aziraphale’s bookshop for some time now. This video he’s been putting together promises to be epic - the crowning achievement of his burgeoning story channel. Most horror story channels get their material from the Creepypasta Reddit, but he has a unique source of original material … when he can get out to Soho, that is. “I’m coming.” He pulls the lapels of the leather jacket he’s borrowing for the evening together in front to tighten it up. 
It’s slim fit as it used to be Crowley’s from back in the day, but thirteen-year-old Warlock still swims in it. 
Warlock marches to the door under Crowley’s watchful eye. Before he can make his way through, Crowley stops him, slipping a hand underneath the jacket and rescuing an extraneous prop - an antique journal.
“Have you been snoopin’ through Angel’s old manuscripts again?” Crowley asks, wiping the cover clean. “You know how he feels bout that.”
“I know,” Warlock admits sheepishly, “but my audience loves them! I get thousands of hits off his stories! Besides, I put my own twist on them, freshen them up a bit.”
“Do you now?” Crowley asks with an unamused eyebrow notched.
“Why didn't he get them published?” Warlock shifts gears before the lecturing can start. “He’s an amazing writer!”
“He had his reasons,” Crowley mumbles, flipping through the pages. After skimming a passage or two, he puts it down on a pile of similar journals, a shiver sliding down his snakey spine. “Oof! Those things’ll give you nightmares.”
“They should terrify you. He’s murdered you in every single one!”
“Ah, but he does it with love.” Crowley grins wide enough to swallow his whole face. “It’s an honor.” 
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of the boys with a pregnant mc??
1/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™ "Holy shit, you're pregnant?" he yelps out of nowhere. Truth is, you don't know wtf he's talking about.
Sniffs the air around you and then gets those dog zoomies in human form. He just runs around the house and comes back into the parlor, looking at you and saying "I'm going to be a fucking father!"
When he calms down and sits, you ask him wtf is going on and he says "I can smell your hormones and you're pregnant?"
You might pass out but no, not with the Super Dad™ looking out for you.
After you actually confirm with a very disgusted Ethan saying something like "ew you both fucked" and leaving, he's going to be overprotective of you.
No running down the stairs. No hard training, just jogs. Not too much. No swords, missy! No running in the hallways, no beer, no to staying in cold baths like you do, no getting sick, eating is a MUST and he's going to play with you in wolf form so you're never down, no stress too, if you want some space, your man's got you, he'll go do something. You're going to have to eat even if you're a chalice.
He will hunt more and eat animals to save your blood and just drink to complete his diet. He might even give you some of his blood once a month.
Gets super excited when the baby moves. Loves them because they kick Ivan's head when he tries to listen to your tummy.
When you're about to give birth he also senses first. Whimpers like a puppy and scoops you up, taking you to the room and doing as planned. Won't leave your side and when he sees your baby's first ever blink, he cries quietly. Will thank you so much.
He's also going to put up the cutest room of all of them. There will be some flowers, nice windows and many fur comfy sheets and the crib is bigger than him. No one knows why.
He is 2/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™. He was under the suspicion that something in your body was changing. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
But then in one night where you both were sleeping together he turned his face upwards and he started to think about how calm the last days had been. His hand caressed your waist lovingly to soothe you when you stirred a little in bed. Your shirt rode up and he was a little weirded out by how your skin seemed thin to the touch.
Almost as if your belly was growing. In fact, he noticed that it was, but it was so little...
He sat up with his back straight like the wall and gasped.
He decided to try and find out without alarming you, but his mind was already making scenarios where your baby would grow up to be an amazing adult and you'd love a great life together.
Is super careful with you, makes sure you're always lively and he chooses some of the softest fabrics for the baby. Sometimes he smiles to himself and closes his hand where the baby moved.
Gets scared when the baby makes weird shapes on your tummy and then giggles. They're so energetic and seem healthy!
When he sleeps, he is always looking forward to meeting his kid again and again, even if they still didn't make it to the world.
Will read you so much poetry and try to make you relax as much as you can.
Will be silent during the birth. Just whispering how proud he is, a wavering smile on his face and tears of pure joy staining his cheeks. When he feels the baby's face, he will gasp. They're so small and delicate. Even if he could see, he could never capture with him brushes how pretty his child was.
3/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do.™ He's a demon, for God's sake! (ba doom tssss)
I headcanon that Beliath can feel people's life energy because if demons such as him and Leandra don't know which prey is worth all the power usage and time, life would turn dangerous. It's a basic power to a demon: feel how many people there are in a place by their energy. He will sense your mood swings and most importantly, he will sense a change in your energy.
He's going to be final about it when he gets in the kitchen after helping with the garden to find you sitting with a very creeped out Aaron in the kitchen, eating a beef bigger than your head like your life depended on it even if you had no urges to eat anymore.
He would try to feel for your energy and then he'd sense something like a second presence.
He'd frown deeply. "Aaron, come closer to me." He'd say looking at the floor. "I don't know what's happening to them. They just said to bring meat back home and forced me to make this stew." He said.
"I wash hoongry!" They snarled with their mouth full. Beliath, however, was paler than usual. When Aaron moved, the presence didn't fade. It was inside of his s/o.
You'll be the prettiest pregnant in the world. You'll get jewelry, healthy meals, massages, pedicure, hair care, pretty clothes and he'll even do your makeup when he senses you're close to give birth. He's always making sure you're treated like royalty and you'll never have to stretch your arm out fully.
He'll be very loving and protective. After you give birth he'll find you to be the prettiest person he's ever seen and that's final.
When you're giving birth he's going to be your biggest motivation. He will squeeze you hand and tell you to keep going. Someone like you can pull this off without any doubt.
He doesn't cry much, just a few tears. He's just too mesmerized to ever focus on crying. Your baby is the epitome of beauty. And they smile often. He laughs at their gums.
Part 1/2 of the Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
He'll only realize when your tummy is growing. He will think you're getting chubby and will blush: you'd look so cute and soft.
but then, in one of these nights where he rests his head on your tummy, it kicks his face!
The both of you will tell almost like the "Stop! I couldda dropped my croissant!" Dude. Now he thinks you're sick!
That is until Ethan, with his eyes bigger than saucers bc he was deceived with the story that you have a strange illness comes to check up on you and then he just rolls his eyes and deadpans, "So, you've knocked MC up and now you want to say they're sick?"
After that, he is even more worried. Looks at himself in the mirror every day for the next nine months thinking that he is going to be a god-damned father. But doesn't let up. Your kid will have a room ready in five days. Seeing him and Beliath putting a crib together is priceless. Bel gets his head smacked with his part of the wood pieces often.
"love, there's paint on your hair. Over here." He's never going to be composed. He's blushing and rushing to the bathroom to clean it.
When the baby is about to come into the world, he's going to ball his eyes out. More than the baby. The baby might give him a stank face for stealing his moment.
Sole member of the group "I Knew From The Start But I Just Denied It Because How Tf Will A Crazy Bastard Like Me Help My Pregnant Partner Raise a Whole Entirety Of a Child?"
He's trying his best to brace himself to be a father. But he just can't imagine not making it harder for you. How was he supposed to teach a kid how to live if he wasn't prepared to go on after 80 years himself?
One day after lost sleep, he will look at himself in the mirror thinking he's just that war doctor that isn't mentality stable. But then it will click: he IS the war doctor. He had made many difficult choices and saw life fade in front of him. He always made the difficult choices. Always chose who was going to live. And he was going to do it again. His child would fucking live. And he was going to make sure of that.
Getting exercise just the right amount, eating right, waking up early and resting early under Ethan's supportive and determined gaze, that's how it would be. Even if he was always taking care of you, he was bracing himself for the possibilities, for be your doctor when you gave birth, for watching over the baby. That's all he could do as he didn't know how to be more than a friend to your baby. If your baby ever loved him.
But as the months ran long and short at the same time, he watched your every gesture. The way you talked to the baby. The way you'd caress and poke your tummy lightly creating little rhythms when you sang. The way you'd mock him when you didn't realize he was there and say he was such a worried and careful father. Saying things the baby would love about him.
Was it possible that even without him seeing a good father on himself, you were actually... Excited?
After that, he went softer still. He'd be mesmerized when the baby moved, when he imagined their tiny hands closed in fists as they ran through the house. Would they be a troublemaker? They could definitely get along. He found himself closer to you, earning and waiting to see what they could do. How they'd change his perception of things even more.
He might not know what he wants for your baby, but he knows what he doesn't want for them and you're definitely with him in this. That's a start, right?
The kind of dad to say the kid's tummy looks like a watermelon. Scares you saying he's giving him some ugly name. Laughs a lot at you and says he's so happy.
Part 2/2 of Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
You see, you know when there are these pregnant women that have really small tummies and then the baby suddenly punches some room for themselves out of nOWHERE and grow? That was it.
He was like "aww look at ur tummy hehehe kiss kiss cute!"
But then in one of these days, he rests his head on your tummy and the baby is like "oof get off of me I'm sWEATING" and then they jAB HIS HEAD.
He jumps up so high and out the bed that you would mistake him for a long ass frog. He points at your tummy and yells "ETHAAAAAAN"
Ethan isn't even rude seeing how terrified he is. Aaron barges in and then suddenly is full of grow ass men watching your man-kicking tummy. Turns out you were just pregnant. Maybe he'll try yahoo answers? Goooosh, this is hard.
When he collects his thoughts, will be more responsible, shy and clingy. He planned this once in his life before, so he's very happy that this happened now that he's sure of you. You put up with him this whole time, he is sure you're gonna be a good mommy too.
With every single piece of clothing the others bring, he gets more and more excited. Confides in Aaron a lot and when he tells the wolf that he can be the godfather, he literally howls and lifts him up. They might cry in the woods.
He is very soft and he will give you support when it's time for the birth. He just won't cry like Vlad bc after the baby cries and Ethan sighs blissfully he passes out in relief. Ethan groans. But takes care of him anyways. He suddenly got softer after the announcement. He seemed to bond with Ivan... But dONT TELL HIM THAT.
He's also going to make u listen to classical music for your child to be born Smart™ and a Person Of Culture™.
Actually very serious and emotional. Vladimir could never with all his crying.
Your kid is gonna grow up very sweet, but not the type to sit down and be bullied or dismissed bc they'll only know that from their father honestly. I stan your baby
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Birth of Something New Ch.1 (ConnorxPregnantReader)
I started writing this fic on Ao3 and it was pretty popular. I thought I would post it here, like my other stories. I read some pregnancy fics where the couple were trying for a child or it didn’t really explain how reader got pregnant. I wanted to go a different route. I hope y’all enjoy this, if not, I still have my other fics roaming around here. 
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It started with the nausea. You woke up one morning feeling terrible before eventually emptying your stomach contents into the toilet. You figured it was just the flu or something you ate that didn't agree with you, so when Connor offered to take you to the doctor, you declined.
"I'll just... take today off and rest."
Your words did nothing to placate your fiance's worries, but he said nothing more as he rubbed your back when you violently gagged. After an hour or so, you were starting to feel better. Still, you took the day anyway as a precaution. Connor offered to stay to help you, but one person out of work is plenty. That didn't stop him from coming home on his lunch break to check on you, even making you a light lunch.
The nausea didn't stop. It would happen at random times, or when you caught a particular smell. While sometimes you could get past it, most of the time Connor would watch as you made your way to the nearest restroom as discretely as possible, following after you when he could.
You started sleeping more. Waking you for work had always been a hassle, but you usually were up and motivated after a half hour or so. Now, it was like you were never fully awake, even falling asleep at your desk a few times and being reprimanded by Captain Fowler.
When you flew off the handle after Connor had accidentally bumped into you getting up from the couch, he knew something wasn't right. You weren't the most mild mannered person he knew, your 'spit-fire' personality a trait he's come to love, but you rarely snapped at him.
Connor had promised you that he wouldn't scan you unless it was a life or death situation. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate it, you just didn't like knowing he could see your inner workings. He didn't want to break your trust, but your behavior could be indicative of an underlying illness that could be potentially fatal if left unchecked, and you still refused to go to the hospital. While you were sleeping, he performed the scan.
There, within your womb, was the early stages of another life.
Everything seemed to freeze at that moment. Panic tried to make itself known as he stares at the almost unidentifiable mass in your lower abdomen. The scan supplied that you were about five weeks pregnant. Going back through his memory, he recalled it to be a relatively busy week for you. There had been an influx of anti-android gang activity, and as the head emergency android technician, you were sent out to assist any injured androids. Connor and Hank still had their own duties in homicide, but it was slow moving, so Connor actually beat you home several times. He also noted an increase in your libido, using free time to engage him in sexual acts rather than catching up on rest. While he had pointed this out, you complained you were too worked up to sleep.
Had you been so lascivious that you found another partner while he was not around? Was he not enough for you? Under normal circumstances, he would have never questioned your love and devotion, but the evidence was right there for him to see. A child he could not produce.
Was that it? Did your basic human nature outweigh your fealty to him? He could swear his love to the stars and back, but it would never be enough to procreate.
Connor's processors were overtaxed, conflicting with one another. Possibilities and other statistics popping up as he tried to prove that what he saw was wrong, or some logical explanation that could explain any other way you could have became pregnant.
He couldn't explain it. You had slept with another man.
He felt like shouting, screaming as rage roiled around his body faster than thirium. He wanted to cry, the pain of being cast aside threatened to drop him to his knees. It was this kind of pain that makes Connor understand why androids are not supposed to feel, supposed to be incapable of it.
He can't bring himself to lie back down with you, as if he wasn't just a replaceable body for you to use. He stumbles to the living room, clipping his shoulder on the bedroom door as he exits. He couldn't see past the warnings in his vision, telling him he was overheating and needs to lower his stress level. Times like these, you were always there to ground him, but now you were the reason for his downward spiral.
You woke up, hearing movement throughout the bedroom. Feeling next to you, you noticed that Connor was no longer there. Slowly clambering out of bed, you looked to the time on the nightstand. 1:38am. There was the familiar queasiness sitting in the background. At this point, there wasn't much left in your poor stomach. It was becoming a problem to eat anything and keeping it down. Perhaps Connor was right, maybe you should make an appointment to get this checked out.
Your head swam as you stood, almost dropping you to the ground before your vision returned. Eyes adjusting to the darkness, you made your way out the bedroom in search of your future husband. You enjoyed addressing him as such, loving his flustered reaction. It was almost as nice as hearing him call you his future wife.
Seeing part of the living room bathed in red killed all feelings except panic.
"Connor! What's wrong?" The deviant was sitting on the couch, head in his hand over his eyes as his LED was a solid red. You rushed over but before you could make contact he flinched away. Collecting yourself, you got down on your knees in front of him,
"Connor? What's bothering you?"
It almost seemed like he wasn't going to answer you. When he did, it was a deep, cold voice rather than the rich honey he usually used when he spoke to you.
"You're pregnant."
You regarded him with a confounded look. Clearly you must have misheard him.
He looked up. There was a storm in his ordinarily warm eyes, ice cold and sharp enough to pierce skin, and it terrified you.
"You're pregnant."
"T-that's not possible," your voice shook as he kept his eyes locked on you. Why was he acting like this? And why does he think you're pregnant?
"I scanned you while you were sleeping. You are pregnant."
A feeling of heartbreaking astonishment washed away some of the fear. "You scanned me? You promised me you wouldn't do that."
"Why? Worried I might have found out about your affair sooner?"
"Affair? I'm no-"
"Don't you dare fucking lie to me!" His words piercing harder than any bullet ever could. "You can't hide the evidence from me! It's right there!" He jabbed his finger towards your lower abdomen, you falling backwards onto your ass from the sudden motion. He was towering over you. Never have you felt this level of fear, especially not from your Connor.
"Am I not enough for you? Have I not given you everything that you ask of me?" He could see tears forming in your eyes, a part of him screaming at himself, begging him to stop.
His pleas fell on deaf ears as he seethed.
"Was I ever anything to you? Did you ever see me as more than a machine you could toy with, then toss aside when you're done?"
You tried to form words, deny his accusations, but he cut you off at every opportunity as you hiccupped and weeped. His hands shot out and gripped your upper arms, tight enough to leave marks as he gave you a rough shake.
"What am I to you!?!"
"I'M SCARED!!!" You shrieked. Like a cornered animal, you fought to get loose, kicking and scratching at him. Your petrified voice snapped him out of his acrimony. He let go as you shoved yourself as far away from him as you could, slamming into the far wall with a squeak.
What was wrong with him? How could he do such a thing to you? You, who had been his light for so long. You were shaking, harsh breaths as panic and fear smothered you.
"Y-Y/n... I-" he slowly reached out to you, but you recoiled before dashing off to the bedroom. He could hear the click of the lock as he fell to his knees. Even through the door he could hear your sharp gasps and deep sobs. The sounds tormented him as he broke down and cried.
At some point in the night, his stress levels hit 95% and he was forced into emergency low power mode, a setting he downloaded to deal with work stress. Only when his internal alarm told him it was time to get ready for work did he stir. He was still on his knees on the living room floor, tears dried and leaving a residue he could feel on his cheeks and chin.
Slowly standing, he looked down the hall. The bedroom door was shut, but you had stopped crying. He thought about knocking on the door and informing you of the time, of sitting down and having a proper discussion, even of apologizing. You might have broken his heart, but the pieces were still yours, and under no circumstances should he have hurt you the way that he did.
In the end, he knew he was the last person you wanted to see right now, so he got ready. For a moment he wondered what he was going to wear, his work clothes were in the closet of the bedroom, until he noticed a pair of jeans and a button-down folded neatly on the table, fresh socks tucked in his shoes. He almost broke down again. Even after what he put you though, you still snuck out and made sure he was taken care of. He got dressed with the weight of that thought in mind. It didn't make any sense. Nothing you did was indicative that you betrayed him. After a few more minutes of hesitation, he turned and left for work, leaving you alone.
You came in to work an hour late. You had make-up on, something you rarely bothered with. Somehow you had managed to cover up the bags under your eyes quite well, but the RK800 could still see them. To the unwitting eye, it would seem like you were fine, smiling and waving at fellow co-workers. Connor saw right through your facade, the fake smiles and forced laughs.
"Never would have pegged her as the 'sleeping around' type," Hank glanced over at you, to which you fake a smile before going back to talking with one of the android officers.
Hank wasn't as washed-up as Gavin might have people believing. He saw how you avoided Connor, practically running away from him when he ventured too close. Connor had already confessed to what happened last night, along with what was currently baking in your oven. While he sure as hell doesn't condone what Connor did, he understands where the kid's coming from.
You, however, he had known longer than Connor. There hadn't been any boyfriend or what have you before Connor as far as he knew. You hid insecurities behind high standards, and Connor had been the first one to see that. You wore thick armor to protect yourself, but Connor could see through you like glass, as you did him.
Hank thought he had never seen you happier, until Connor proposed a few months back. As soon as the law passed that recognized human/android marriages, the two of you would set a date. You had been so excited, and you showed off the deep blue crystal to anyone who ventured too close. A thirium diamond, made using some of Connor's own blue blood. Hank thought it was gross, but it did look nice.
The two of you were always clinging to each other, and when you weren't, you sure as hell always talked about the other all the damn time. You didn't fit the profile for a cheater, but that doesn't explain how you ended up pregnant.
"Could she have been raped?" Hank hated that it could be a possibility, but it wasn't off the table.
"Y/n is a capable person, even if someone had successfully assaulted her, she would have fought and therefore would of had bruises or scratch marks. There were only small bruises on her hips and one decent size bruise on her right thigh from hitting the corner of her desk."
"What were the small bruises from?"
"Me. I held her too tightly."
"You're fuckin' disgusting." Hank sneered. Suddenly, Hank snapped his head to something behind Connor. "What the fuck?"
Connor followed Hank's gaze and spotted four male androids, dressed in Cyberlife attire, standing in front of your office. They took six crates of bottled thirium while you talked to a female android, also dressed in a Cyberlife embroidered lab coat. You signed a document and handed over some papers before shaking her hand.
"The fuck was that all about?"
You looked over at Connor for the first time today, looking like you needed to say something, only to change your mind and head back into your office.
"You gonna see what she wants?" Hank eyed the RK800.
Connor's gaze lingered where you had stood,
"...No. I believe I will only make things worse should I go to her. I think the best course is to wait until she approaches me." The android turned away and brought his focus to the list of reports on his terminal.
Days went by like this. While you were pretending everything was normal, Connor had thrown himself into his work, a habit he developed when he was unable to deal with his problems or emotions and needed a distraction. He was filling out reports like a mad man, scanning drone footage near crime scenes, analyzing evidence, all in an effort to hide from his problems. He could almost forget how much he misses holding you in his arms, seeing your smile, or listening to your heartbeat.
He could almost forget how much he loves you, and how much it fucking hurt.
He only went home to change his clothes. While he didn't sweat like humans did, working out in the field can be quite filthy. Every time he did, there would be fresh clothes sitting on the table in the kitchen, even a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt should he decide to stay.
He had hardly seen you at all during this time, only locking eyes with you once and it had been terrifying. The light that shined in your eyes was out completely, leaving behind an empty shell. He never thought he would see you like that, and he wishes he never did.
At night, sometimes, he would hear you crying behind the locked bedroom door, the sound like a knife to his heart. Any efforts made to rectify the situation, or at least discuss the next step for them, was met with silence. You refused to unlock the door and he couldn't scare you again by forcing his way in.
Sometimes he felt a sense of injustice. You had cheated on him, betrayed him, and now he feels the need to apologize to you? At these moments, he feels his worse, because he knows that rage he can't control is waiting for the perfect time to strike.
"I don't know what to do. She won't speak to me. I'm still angry about what she did, but at the same time I don't think I can handle this much longer."
Hank leaned back and scratched at his beard, "I don't know what to tell ya, son. This is one of those things you have to decide on yer own. It's a huge change, no matter..." Hank looked up at the large newscreen, prompting Connor to tune in as well.
"...Cyberlife is recalling 190,000 bottles of thirium after several reports came in of pregnancy in human women after their android partner consumed the contaminated substance. It is believed that an experimental formula meant to help androids and humans conceive a child had been accidentally mass produced. Cyberlife is investigating the incident and asks any who might have been affected to report to a nearby Cyberlife hospital for further treatment..."
"Holy shit."
Connor turned to his partner, eyes wide as his breathing picked up, fast and shallow. He had been injured the week before you conceived, stabbed by a suspect trying to flee. It was minor, but you gave him some thirium to replenish what he lost. Then there were those androids the other day, carrying out all the thirium you had on hand. It all lined up with one another, which means...
"She didn't..." Connor couldn't finish his sentence, because the weight of those words crashed around him. It meant what he did to you was for nothing. The love of his life was now petrified of him, and it was all his fault.
He sprang up, chair falling over as he did. "I need to go talk to her. I need..."
"You need to calm down," Hank got up and rushed over, blocking Connor in as he picked up the fallen chair. Connor was pacing, trying to get past Hank. Other officers were starting to look on, but the lieutenant waved them off.
"All yer gonna do is scare her if you go marching in there looking like that."
At that, Connor sat back down. He focused on his breathing rather than the thoughts racing though his mind. Did this mean you were carrying his child? Was he going to be a father? Would you ever forgive him? Guilt and shame flooded his systems. It was him who had betrayed you.
"Why don't you go home early today? Clear your mind, think carefully about how you're going to handle the situation."
Connor looked up, as if to argue, before dropping his head and nodding. He got up without another word and made his way toward the exit. Hank took the opportunity to head towards your office.
"Hey, Y/n."
You looked up and flashed him one of your fake smiles. It didn't even reach your eyes.
"Hey, Hank, do you need something?"
He closed the door and your smile fell. Getting a good look at you, Hank could only think of one thing.
"You look like shit."
Your skin was pale and almost had a sickly hue to it. Your make-up was no longer able to hide the swollen, dark circles under your dull eyes. It seemed like you were going to puke at any second. He also couldn't be sure, but it looked like you lost weight.
You sighed, "Did you really come in here just to say that? If so, I don't need you to, I already know." You turned back to your computer.
"Actually, I came in here to talk to ya about Connor." You visibly tensed. "Did you happen to see the news report?"
"I didn't have to. Cyberlife came and replaced all the thirium I had stockpiled. They told me why and asked for a list of people who might have ingested it. They already know about me and Connor and informed me to go to a Cyberlife hospital. I haven't had time."
"Wait a minute, you knew for three days that Connor drank tainted thirium and didn't say anything?"
"Four nights ago he accused me of cheating and wouldn't even give me the benefit of defending myself. Why would it be different now? 'Hey, Connor, turns out I'm pregnant because you drank magic blue blood. We cool right?'" You turned to him, irritated, "And don't act all innocent. I seen the way you looked at me, like I somehow disappointed you. You know me a hell of a lot better than that, Hank!"
"What the hell did you expect me to think?Connor sure as fuck couldn't knock you up!" Hank growled.
"And yet, here we are." You spoke with a calm anger before doubling over, grabbing the trash can under your desk and heaving up a small amount of bile. The agitation left Hank as he went to help, but you swatted his hands away. "Fuck off." You choked out.
"When was the last time you ate somethin'?"
"I'm fine. You didn't care ten minutes ago, why start now?"
Hank didn't say anything. It was true. He knew you were pregnant, knew that you had been sick beforehand, and yet, not once did he ask since the fight how you were doing. He had viewed Connor as the victim without even meaning to. He didn't even ask if you wanted to press charges against Connor for harming you. Wasn't he a fucking cop?
"Shit, kid, I didn't-"
"It's fine, Hank, I get it, he's like a son to you."
"That don't make what he or I did right. Listen, if you don't feel safe around him, I can send an officer out to detain him."
You shook your head, "No, I can't exactly blame him for feeling how he felt, even if he was being an asshole. I would have thought the same. I'm not going to ruin his record like that."
"Well, if you want, he can stay at my place for a while. Least until you feel comfortable with being around 'im."
"As much as he scared me, I'm even more terrified at the prospect of being alone right now. People are not going to be happy about Cyberlife finding a way to breed their bots. It's another step towards evolution and to our extinction. I've already been alerted to several cases of women being attacked outside Cyberlife hospitals and because Connor is famous, many already know he's engaged to a human. I don't want to be alone right now."
"Alright, well, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Even if you need a place to stay, my door is open."
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." A message popped up on your computer about a domestic abuse case involving an android, asking for your assistance. These had been popping up a lot lately, especially before the announcement. You stood up, gripping the desk as you threatened to crumple to the floor. The headache you had developed left you blind with its searing pain. Hank again reached out, helping to keep you upright until your moment of dizziness passed.
"You need to go to the hospital."
You nodded as you hurried out, not really listening at this point. You had a job to do, and you weren't going to let Connor, Hank, or even the child in your stomach get in your way.
By the time your shift ended, you were exhausted and agitated. Your headache was only getting worse, unable to take any medication in case it affected the baby. You managed to eat some grapes, but who knows how long they will stay down.
Once at home you noticed that the lights were on. Connor had beat you home for the first time since this all started. Anxiety tried to surface but your irritation was quick to kill it. Walking through the door you were quick to notice the smell of food lingering in the air. Your stomach turned painfully, not ready for the next round of dry heaves. The second thing you noted was how immaculate the the place looked. You haven't felt much like cleaning and just said 'fuck it'.
Connor rounded the corner from the bathroom and froze when he saw you, LED flashing red before settling on yellow. With where he stood, he blocked the bedroom door, not that you really felt like going that way anyway. It was your house too, and you weren't going to keep hiding in your bedroom. Connor stayed where he was, afraid to scare you off again, as he spoke softly the words he had put together and memorized.
"I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, and I can understand if you never want to see me again." He paused, the thought that it might be a possibility painful. He drew in a breath to steady himself, "What I did was unforgivable. I questioned your love when you needed me the most, even going so far as to hurt you. If you do decide to forgive me, I promise I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, and I will never doubt you again."
In the back of your mind, you were happy he finally believed you. Here he was, asking for forgiveness, true remorse written on his face. You believed every word and wanted nothing more than for things to go back to normal, to be held in his arms and let him mend the hurt in your heart.
However, you were still tired and resentful, and the hurt you were feeling wanted to be known.
"What? Now that you saw it on the news you suddenly believe me?" Connor looked away in shame, biting his lower lip. "I get that this is an unusual circumstance, but I expected a little more faith in me than that. I shouldn't have to be afraid of what might happen if you get pissed off again!"
"You're right, you shouldn't, and I don't want you to be. I never want you to look at me again the way you did that night."
"And don't think I'm not still angry that you scanned me! You promised me, and you didn't even ask! And what the hell is that smell?"
Connor looked towards the kitchen, "I made dinner. I couldn't sit still and I figured you would want something to eat when you got home."
"Throw it away, it's making me sick!"
Connor looked both confused and hurt, "It's your favorite..."
"I don't want..." your throbbing head started to swim, the room spinning as you fell. Connor ran over and caught you.
"Y/n! What's wrong?" He noted your flushed skin, temperature running higher than usual. "I need to scan you to figure out what's wrong."
You sighed before you nodded, too tired to care at this point. A quick scan revealed you were extremely dehydrated and malnourished. Your heart rate was also much higher than usual.
Hoisting you up in his arms, he carried you to your car and set you down in the front passenger seat before climbing into the driver's side. He hesitated to which hospital he should take you to. Deciding on a Cyberlife ran hospital, he drove to the nearest one. You both needed answers.
You had fallen asleep almost immediately. He tried not to think about how he had let you get to this state. You might have been too stubborn for your own good, neglecting your health at a crucial time in your life, but had Connor not been so busy being pissed off and upset, you would have never reached this state. When he asked you to be his partner, he vowed to always take care of you. Now, as he pulled up, bold, red letters lit up a corner of his vision.
Mission Failed
He entered the lobby, you bundled in his arms. Two android nurses came up and preformed their own scan.
"Come this way, please." They led him to a small room with two beds, both of which were empty. The room had been fitted for humans, rather than the androids that usually came here. "Set her down on one of the beds and we'll start administering an IV drip." Connor did as he was told, watching as the two nurses worked on you. They set up the heart monitor and slipped a needle under your skin, allowing you the hydration and some of the nutrition you desperately needed.
"The drip will take approximately twenty minutes to finish administering. Once it's finished, Dr. Bower will do an examination and determine the next course of action. He will also inform you of what's going to happen and answer any questions you might have, along with listing all available options."
"Thank you," the nurse only smiled back before they both left, leaving him alone with you. Even asleep you looked to be in pain. Connor can only hope he made the right decision taking you here instead of a regular hospital.
When the revolution ended, Cyberlife was crumbling. Everyone thought for sure that they would be bankrupt before the year was out. If that happened, it would deal a huge blow to the already crumbling economy.
Then, Kamski stepped up and offered to be CEO again. Naturally, nobody refused and Kamski was able to turn things around. He started developing upgrades for androids and selling them on the market. He converted factories and previous storage buildings into android hospitals. While androids were weary to go to these places or get upgrades, they slowly got accustomed to it. Connor couldn't even begin to imagine what could have happened that would cause this accident when their reputation was hanging by a thread already.
You began to stir and Connor moved to sit in a chair next to your bed. He hesitated before gently taking your hand in his, feeling the ring resting on your third finger. Despite the situation, it still felt nice to feel your warmth again. He had missed it so much.
You begrudgingly opened your eyes, feeling an itch in your arm. You went to pick at it, but Connor knew you too well, holding your hand a little tighter.
"But it itches."
Connor could laugh at the normality of it all. If he wasn't so guilt-ridden, he just might have. Your pout has none of the enmity that your words held previously.
"This is my fault."
You groaned, "Dammit, Connor, stop that! I was the one who refused to go to the hospital before it got to this point. You even told me to." Despite your harsh words, you didn't pull your hand back. Instead, he felt your thumb sliding back and forth against his own. Your face softened.
"I guess we have a lot to talk about."
He put his head down. This was it. You were leaving him. He had failed you and you were done with him. He felt your fingers run through his hair. He turned his head and gazed at you. While you still looked so tired, you wore the softest smile he had ever seen from you.
"Silly man. I was talking about the baby."
"Oh." Right, of course. In the midst of everything, he had almost forgotten what had started it all. "Do you forgive me?"
"If you rub my shoulders when we get home."
He scoffed, "I think I can handle that."
"Then, yes, I forgive you." Your face hardened, "but if you EVER pull that shit again, I will shoot you."
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