#most magical of nights
stwur · 1 year
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Happy Solstice Everyone
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justaz · 2 months
arthur (prince of camelot) still has to study under a tutor bc yknow uther wants him to be very intelligent before becoming king or something bc its super important idk idc anyways merlin is doing chores in his chambers while arthur is squinting at a book and merlin eventually caves and asks him what he’s reading and arthur gruffly explains that its a collection of stories from greece that make absolutely no sense so merlin asks him to read them outloud to him. arthur of course teases him and calls him an idiot and asks how he could possibly help but does as he’s asked and reads the stories to merlin as he does his chores. merlin (being crushed under the weight of destiny and tormented by the prophecies that kilgharrah spews) understands the stories almost immediately and gets all excited and starts rambling about them with arthur. arthur is glad to have someone who understands so he can give something that reflects a hint of understanding to his tutor who accepts it and moves onto the next unit of education.
the thing is, arthur finds more stories in camelot’s library and brings them up to his room to read them aloud to merlin under the guise of completing his studies but really he just wants to watch as merlin’s eyes gleam when he understands whats happening and listen to him ramble on and on about them bc he’s gay. the stories stick with merlin though and he realizes that they’re cautionary tales, that the heroes who were told too much of their future doomed themself to fulfill them - that them fighting the prophecies led to their completion. merlin takes it to heart and gives a big “fuck you” to kilgharrah before forging his own fate and helping morgana with her magic and handing out an olive branch to mordred and now everyone can live happily and peacefully in an albion teeming with magic.
#merlin and arthur are of course at each others side in the end#merlin is curled up with arthur in their bed and says a silent thank you to his king for saving him#arthur returns the sentiment wholeheartedly#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#fic idea#fanfic#fanfiction#headcanon#hc#head canon#merthur prompt#i have my own hc of fate vs destiny in bbc merlin and i like to incorporate that into everything i write#but then i realize that not everyone thinks that way lmao#i like to think that destiny is unavoidable. merlin and arthur are destined to form albion and lead it together#i think fate is like a fragile version of destiny#i think most people are tied to fate and will follow what they are fated to do unless those who arent tied down by fate change course#like i hc that seers are able to see the potential future of what is to happen should they not interfere#and the goddess leaves it up to them to choose. so like seers arent tied down by fate and can change the course of history#since merlin is literally magic incarnate i also think he isnt tied down by fate and can act to change things#kilgharrah told merlin the prophecy that would result in the dragon getting free and ending the pendragon line#and since merlin never got close w like any druids or magic users. no one told him the inner workings of fate vs destiny#so he listened to the dragons warnings dooming him to fulfill the prophecy that brought about one of the worst possible futures#bc the dragon was salty about his whole species being eradicated by uther and vowed to destroy the pendragon line#omg im ranting okay post over thank you and good night
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thekendallkathryn · 23 hours
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💛 nap of a star ⭐
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br-kker · 8 months
I hate flying through books so quickly and not enjoying them to their fullest extent
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itsbenedict · 2 years
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anghraine · 5 months
I struggled enough with the "best video game" meme I just reblogged that I decided to make a poll of all my personal favorites!
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bee-does-things · 1 year
One thing I’ve noticed from the Roots of Chaos fandom is that nobody seems to like Wulf. Or at least not as much as they like all the lesbians. And that makes me sad.
He’s my favorite character from A Day of Fallen Night, his storyline with Tunuva was both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, and he’s just such a good man? Never in my life has there been a male character in fantasy I related to so much and actively rooted for. Never once did his chapters drag for me. He’s so interesting, and still I’ve yet to find a single piece of fanfiction that so much as mentions him by name. I’ve seen one piece of fan art of him. And literally nobody even seems to think about Thrit. I’m being fed scraps here.
I just think Wulfert Glenn deserves more love from the fandom. He’s such an integral part of the story, and I don’t think it could have been the same without him.
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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the legends speak of it as a kind of enthrallment: the life ended by the tiger is tied to the tiger. in this way there is a line of souls following the beast, for no reason except to show that they were killed. that they could be saved - if only the beast would die [...] in the dark of the wood you see it walk, shadow to shadow, followed by loss after loss after loss, a tail trailing seemingly into the deep death of night [...]
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Merlin doin highly public and suspicious magic to add some spice to his life in Camelot
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#listen#tell me i’m wrong#this boy really be gagging for that spice in life like he’s fuckin christopher columbus#that time he made the campfire dragon directly in front of arthur and morgana while telling hunith with a straight face that he’d be careful#that time he created the Ealdor toranado with his hand out in broad daylight#that time he levitated and jangled the keys directly next to arthurs head#that time he swiped arthurs breakfast sausages from right under his nose like a treasonous glizzy guzzler#that time he let his eyes glow in front of literally everyone at knight practice just to magically mess arthur up and watch him get wrecked#that time he lit up the wraith in the middle of the courtyard like it was fucking bonfire night#the multiple times he deadass levitated spears instead of just picking them up and subtly using magic to guide their aim#the multiple times his feral little ass kept creating disguises to sass the life out of the royal family#the multiple times his feral little ass kept creating disguises even though he knew he’d be recognized by his eyes#the multiple times his feral little ass kept getting recognized for his eyes and still never fuckin changed them#iconic#if you’re not adding so much spice to your life that your fellow medieval peasants would die of flavor shock are you even really living#I’m as dead as merlin would be if literally anyone in camelot could recognize magic#merlin#truly the most chaotic bitch of 500AD#and I support him so much#in a land of myth#and a time of absolute fuckery#bbc merlin
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totallyradicalmucky · 10 months
Your honor may I present to you the dumbest friend group ever
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flashhwing · 3 months
I hate when youre having a dream and your brain makes up a guy and goes “okay you have a strong emotional attachment to this guy” and you’re like okay cool I love this guy I’d do anything for him. and then he fuckin dies
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if i had a nickel for every time there was a cool-toned antagonistic teenaged cyclops character with terrible hair in a kids show who had just the most awful things happen to them, ended up paralyzed and stuck lying there on the ground for a while at some point, and just wanted to save everyone but couldn’t save anyone, i’d have two nickels. which isnt a lot
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but it’s weird that it happened twice
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volturiwolf · 6 months
About last night’s Joker Out concert in Barcelona:
This girlie here is a changed woman.
I’m still shaking because so many things happened during my first ever gig of theirs, besides seeing them live (oh my Jan, they’re so tall)
Jan took the gift bag I had for them from my hands. He was looking at it curiously because 1) it was from a bookstore actually, 2) it was in a language he probably didn’t encounter before (maybe he did but I wouldn’t know). He opened it, saw the snacks, and he bowed-thanked me. I died right there.
Bojan saw my sign and literally said “Thessaloniki, Greece” and something along the lines of thanking me for being there? After he said Thessaloniki, I lost sense, like I didn’t realize what was happening
Bojan gave me the mic to sing Umazane Misli in Greek and I tried not to panic, to read the correct lyrics, all while trying to notice what Bojan was doing and stealing secret looks from Jan and Nace
How are all these possible in my first gig? 🥹 I’m so happy and grateful for them and I hope they come to Greece because I’m desperate to see them live again
(but I cannot afford to spend over 2k euros again to fly and stay in another city again 🥹🥹🥹)
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thewinedarksea · 7 months
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we went to iceland! (pt 2, colorful version)
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moeblob · 3 days
Someone sent me a message on Discord like "why is everyone obsessed with the Random Guy" in regards to the tags on my previous post. SO. I definitely rambled there but also I love this plot a whole lot and it's very dear to me so:
Tolliver is the "Just a Guy" who Kronos wants dead for stealing all of the Devil's focus. The thing is, Tolliver doesn't WANT the focus but not much he can do! He was born and his parents opted to sell /his/ soul to the succubi in exchange for wealth and fame. So while they retained souls (and then promptly died after ticking off the wrong people with their money and habits, coincidental deaths of course) he doesn't have that leniency. He can do whatever he wants and he'll still be dragged to Hell when he dies even if he's a saint. His soul is already waiting for him down there.
So the Devil is like "well, time to send low ranking demons after my living toy but I distinctly do not wish him dead yet" and that's not really a thing Tolliver knows. So he thinks if he doesn't really fight back he's just gonna die early and while he doesn't think it's nice on earth, he'd rather not start his eternal burning quite yet. So he uses a magic marker (literally) to ward off and banish the demons. That's why the Devil is invested in him - it's entertainment on earth with his future property!
Kronos going up to kill him and then failing and then becoming his roommate is actually the reason why other demons kinda track Tolliver. They're tracking Kronos. They need Kronos back in Hell come on stop loitering on earth buddy. (he continues to loiter on earth)
The siren is purely coincidental in that Tolliver sees her when it's cold and gives her his jacket completely unaware she isn't even human. Then we have one of the bad guys, The Boogeyman. He feeds off of nightmares and that means Tolliver is a delight since all he HAS is nightmares. Man's never had a good dream in his life. So it's a nice little "promised" meal but he ropes the Sandman into luring others to sleep for him to feed off of. Eventually Lady Luck gets involved with Boogie and she's a bit arrogant and childish (there's lore there) and then she sees Tolliver. Fighting against Boogie's grasp despite having nothing to fight for. And she decides he deserves one win in his life since it's clear that the hand he's been dealt sucks. And stops helping Boogie which ends up being his demise.
All the demons that directly interact with Tolliver aren't there for the random guy, honestly. They're there for Kronos. Who unfortunately is obsessed with Tolliver (and he's got such a weird gay crush on the guy and gets so emotionally distraught when Tolliver doesn't feel the same cause he doesn't feel anything for anyone because he doesn't have a soul and feels zero attachment.)
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