#most of my titles are v boring i fear lol
whichwoods · 1 year
ask game going around!! ty for the tag @goodbadbaby 💕
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
the thrill of hitting you where it hurts (hotd, a/b/o) dead!rhaenyra tragicomedy (hotd, a/b/o) wwi arranged marriage au/daemonheimer (lucemond) (hotd, a/b/o) poetree mafia baby-trap au (otgw, a/b/o) THE UNKNOWN IS PURGATORY AND NO ONE GETS OUT :) (otgw) broken bride au (listen to the album by ludo!!!) (tgwcf) antarctica era (tgwcf) just percy and nico (pjo)
tagging a few here (please ignore at your leisure lmao <;3) @fail-writer @callmebill @catchingthefever @aemondtargaryenn
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maddiethebull · 4 years
Satan (Obey Me!) - Prompt #9 - “I could quote a thousand poems, but none can describe what I feel.”
I’m BACK Y’ALL After some InTrOSpeCtioN and HeaLiNG and LoTS of CRyINg ;)
Sorry for my absence. I hope you like it and thank you for making a request! Requested by @l3v1sblog
Here’s a song to listen to while reading if you’d like:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R0Ix90hFu8 
You were cleaning around the lounge of The House of Lamentation, it was your chore for the day to help dust and reorganize whatever silverware or centerpieces that may be out of place. You always thought it was such a bore, you never found anything cool to talk about with the brothers while you cleaned there, unlike the many times you’d found an interesting book to talk about with Satan whilst you cleaned the library. Or the times that you found household items with huge bites taken out of them and asking Beel if he did it and him so innocently denying it… You were about to put some silverware away when something caught your eye, though, it was a red, leather bound book. There wasn't any writing on the cover, piquing your interest, so you opened it and the first thing you saw was a poem titled Suns and Seraphim dedicated to…… WAIT THAT’S YOUR NAME???. It read, 
“Could seraphim descend to earthly ground, 
For chance to brush thine lips with hues of rose;
Discard their grace and heav’nly guise, cast down,
They would; just as the sun is always bound.
The moon will rise upon the sun’s repose 
With gifts to thee inside night skies of opal tone
Of diamonds who’s shine dare not oppose  
That which resides in precious eyes, thine own. 
Si j'avais été dans le royaume des cieux 
Pour vous donner ces soleils souriants 
Et regarder votre beauté, 
Mon cœur volage me tenterait d'arracher 
Mes ailes angéliques et descendre; 
Je quitterais ce paradis creux pour être en Eden 
Avec mon amant, Mon ange de la terre, vous.
(written by Madeline Melcher (me lol) I dont know french so I used a translator btw)
Your jaw dropped, who could have written this?? It popped up in your head that it was most likely either Lucifer or Satan, it definitely wasn’t Mammon, Levi, or Beel. The maybes were Belphie and Asmo, but the chances they wrote that were rather slim. 
Curiosity killed the cat and you couldn’t restrain your fingers from flipping through the many filled pages of the notebook. Another page had read, 
“I could quote a thousand poems, but none can describe what I feel when I’m with you. You are a glimpse of a Heaven lost to betrayal, a sun that, for so long, I’ve been missing. I promise, someday I’ll show you these and then I’ll take you on a picnic (maybe in the human world?).”
Involuntarily, a smile made its way to your lips and a blush to your cheeks until you heard a knock on your door, it was Lucifer,
“MC, Why aren't you cleaning?”
Your heart sped up, what if it was Lucifer who wrote this? You began stuttering, you liked him, sure, but not in the way these poems talk about. Oh god… what if you had to turn down the second most powerful demon ever? Oh lawd. 
“MC, we enjoy having you here but if you don’t finish your chores and put down whatever book you're reading-”
A HUGE sigh of relief escaped you, 
“So you don’t know this book?” You asked, still slightly on edge. 
He answered, “How could I know what you’re reading? There's not even a title on it.” He sighed and stepped closer, he eyed the book and,  “Is that Satan’s Journal? Oh dear, MC, I believe you’ve made a rather stupid mistake.”
Your eyes were open wide as you sat completely still and quiet staring at the book in your hands. Lucifer spoke up, seeing that you looked quite shocked and perhaps a bit scared, 
“If you would like, I can put it back where it was. Though I will be giving you extra chores because it seems that you also know what you did was an invasion of my annoying brother’s privacy.”
You thought a moment then spoke, 
“No, I don’t feel good about that… I think I should give it back to him. I don’t wanna lie to him.”
“If that’s what you would like to do then I am nobody to stop you, just be careful and if something happens then don’t refrain from calling me for help.”
“Thank you Lu-”
In a seemingly dejected and scoffing tone Lucifer said, “And do your chores.” 
With that he left you all alone to contemplate a plan to give Satan his journal back. Your mind was clouded with a million thoughts, the most prominent one being ‘he really thinks of me like that?’ A brush of pink crept onto your cheeks, thinking of him writing these poems. Thinking of him thinking of you. You wished so much that you could just revel in these thoughts, but the issue at hand was that, like Lucifer had said, you invaded Satan’s privacy. ‘What if he doesn’t feel that way anymore...’ Excitement and fear mixed inside your mind making you feel overwhelmed. How would you go about this?
‘Maybe I can just leave it in front of his door with a note on it. But, no, what if someone else picks it up?’ 
‘I could just burn it and forget about everything…….. No, MC, that’s NOT what’s gonna happen.’
You thought and thought and came to the realization that the easiest and most moral way to take care of the situation was just to knock on his door and hand it to him. You would tell him what you did and apologize and it would go very super incredibly smooth… yeah. You picked up the book ad headed towards Satan’s room with conviction, ‘you can do this MC!’ you thought. But when you got to his room, you froze like Mammon’s credit cards. 
You’d never felt more anxious in your life. You liked Satan a great deal, he was handsome and charming, he had a soft side that he showed you often, he was wonderful. Even though these poems were made out to you, you felt as if it couldn't possibly be real. And moreover, this was the Avatar of Wrath’s personal journal that you had gone through... You breathed heavily to calm your nerves and gave yourself a mini pep talk. Then, finally, you  meekly knocked on the door. Satan opened the door and saw you standing there, a smile crossed his face, 
His blonde locks messily hung around his bright green eyes with a beautiful happy go lucky look in them, 
“Hello, MC, find something interesting today? I certainly did and would very much like to give it to you.” A sweet chuckle ran off his words as he began to show you in but he froze and his expression changed drastically. 
With his eyes open wide he asked while pointing to the book, 
“What’s that?”
Stuttering and mumbling, fumbling your words you managed to get out a small “I’m sorry”
Silence. Silence that was louder than the rumble of a volcano.
He cleared his throat, 
“Did- did you read it?” his eyes fixated on the book you held, he looked incredibly worried. You weren't looking at him so you could only assume that his visage was pure rage, something you, a mere human, were terrified of.
You were cut off by a chuckle, although this time it wasn’t sweet, per say, more nervous. But through your ever amazing perception skills, you again thought he was angry with you and as he said, 
“MC, I-”
You blurted out, “I’m sorry!” and ran away. 
Your heart beat a million miles per hour as you hastily made your way to your room, locking the door and looking down to see that your dumbass TOOK THE BOOK. You were silent on the outside, but screaming like Hell on the inside. 
Just then, a voice wriggled it’s way through the wooden door, it was Asmo. 
“MC, do you think I could borrow your hair straightener? Mine broke and I can’t go anywhere looking like this!”
Shakily, you replied, “Sure, it’s just on my bathroom counter.”
He waltzed in all happy and pretty but the look on your face made him stop in his tracks,
“What’s wrong?” With those two words, you nearly burst into tears.
“Oh hun…” he said as he put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, letting you rest your head on his arm. “Why don’t we go to my room and talk about it? I’ll even give you a makeover, that’d be nice, yeah?”
You wiped the tears from your cheeks, “Yeah.”
You told him all about it as he did your makeup, making you feel slightly better, though, it wasn’t really the makeup, it was more seeing how much the brothers cared about you in times like this. He began to finish his own makeup as you sat down on the bed and your restless thoughts ran out of your mouth as if it were a marathon.
“And he got angry at me, I can’t stand seeing him angry, and and-”
“MC, honey, calm down,” he said as he finished doing his eye makeup, focusing on his reflection in the vanity mirror. 
“How can I? These poems, they’re beautiful but I just read his journal without asking and I feel so horrible about it. And I’m really scared of him when he gets angry… I just don’t know if I can face him right now.” You flopped from sitting up to splaying out on the pale pink bedspread.
“You said the exact same thing just five minutes ago! You won’t get anywhere from repeating that.”
“UGH but it's all I can think about right now… What if he hates me because of this…”
Asmo let out a light chuckle, “He doesn’t hate you sweetie, I don’t think he can.”
You frowned, “You don’t know that.”
After a moment’s pause, looking at how distraught you were with the current situation, Asmo spoke again,
“MC, let me tell you a secret, I’ve been watching this whole thing unravel, I could sense rom com vibes since the day you waltzed in! You should’ve heard the way he talked about you, it was constant ‘MC this and MC that’ ‘Oh I made MC laugh today,’ ‘MC let me borrow her pen’ ‘MC asked me to get coffee,’” Asmo said while doing a ridiculous impression of Satan, “But you can’t tell him I told you this or he’ll probably string me up by the ankles.”
You chuckled and when your smile faded, Asmo looked you in the eye and said in a sincere voice,
“He likes you girlie, I would even say he loves you. I’ve never seen him care about someone so much. When I said I don’t think he can hate you, I meant it. So go back there and tell him what you feel, this is the climax of your love story! And believe me when I say a good climax can fix anything!”
“Asmo ew.”
“Hehe, too much?”
You looked at the red book cover, “He really said that?”
Asmo rolled his eyes with a smile, 
“Yes! So what’re you waiting for?? I can feel the stress seeping out of you and it's not good for my skin.”
Meanwhile in his room Satan was pacing like a worried cat, mumbling to himself. ‘I knew MC didn’t feel that way…’ ‘How could I be so reckless? I left my journal in the dining room of all places!’ With a frustrated grunt, he brought his hands to his face, lowkey slapping himself in the face.  He sat down on his bed and tousled with his hair, as he did so, his focus was taken by a single blooming Mirage Flower on his desk. He winced and flopped onto his bed face down. The sigh he let out after that held an almost tangible emotion of frustration. He was frustrated with himself, but also with you. He didn’t plan on you finding out like this and it made him feel, well, kind of lame. He imagined telling you many times, none were as embarrassing as you reading his journal. He wanted to sweep you off of your feet like a prince in one of Levi’s animes, with the flowers mysteriously blooming and all of that. He turned to the side, restless and angry with himself and again was there the flower he had secretly picked from Diavolo’s garden, only to give to you. His lips turned to a frown and he sat up again, taking the flower from it’s vase and like a child, he plucked each petal saying “MC loves me.” “MC loves me not.” As the flower diminished to just the stem he finished with “MC loves me.” ‘Hmph, I look like I’m losing it, don’t I?’ he thought. Still, this powerful demon’s heart felt aflutter from something as silly as the words “MC loves me” as he plucked the final petal from the pistal. Those petals that would soon dry out and crumble to dust reflected in his aquamarine eyes like lilies floating in a pond. His brow furrowed and he decided it best to lay down looking the other way. 
You got off of Asmo’s bed, dropping the journal with the spine facing the ground, making it open to the last page that had only one sentence on it. Your heart beat sped up as you read the short entry and what you read was enough to make you happy for entire lifetimes. 
“I've loved you every day before today and I will love you every day after.”
You didn’t know why, but it was enough to bring the hint of tears to your eyes. He really thought of you like that? Did you think of him like that? As intensely in love as these poems and pages had shown?
Now holding the book in your hands, looking at the same red leather cover but seeing something different. You smiled, and said “Yeah. I think I do.”
Asmo turned around with a confused look on his face, “You do what?”
A blush rose to your cheeks much like a rose in bloom, 
“I love him.”
You left the room determined, set firmly on a path to Satan’s bedroom. 
All alone in his room, Asmo chuckled, 
“Have fun dearie.”
This was a long one, I wrote this over a long period of time and I changed it up a lot. I was feeling sad when I wrote a lot of this, so it’s a bit really sad and I decided to end it like this because it kind of felt right? Like instead of explaining the whole thing from beginning to end, it would be a better read and be a better experience for the readers to be able to imagine whatever ending they would like when confronting the character Satan. I’m open to writing an ending that includes MC finally confronting him, though, just say the word and I’ll finish the story in a different way :) Thanks for reading! <3
also as a BONUS:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9raS7-NisU this song is basically what Satan was thinking the entire time lmao 
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Amelia & Jac
Amelia: [okay so I'll put here what we said, for Jac's 18th Savannah sent her some flowers and Amelia binned them, obviously a big fight ensued and they haven't interacted from then in September to now which is nearly Christmas until Amelia sends her a christmas gift of the gay book with a portrait of Jac inside that'll just fall out when she picks it up and a chanel lipstick of some cute shade or other] Jac: [my vibe was if it was left on the step, leaving the book out there and taking the lipstick to send a message 'cos assumedly we'll walk past at some point as we live central] Amelia: [love that] Jac: If you were gonna take it upon yourself to decide I didn't want Savannah's gift, you should have also realised the same rule would apply to yourself Amelia: maybe Jac: No, you should have Jac: you wasted your money and time Amelia: I've got nothing else to do with either, so it hardly matters Jac: I'm not your distraction Jac: leave me alone Amelia: no, you're way more than that Amelia: but okay Jac: I don't have the energy for this Amelia: I didn't do this to force a conversation with you Jac: right Amelia: you're right, I shouldn't have got you anything Jac: you really shouldn't Jac: I don't want anything from you Amelia: alright, message received Jac: for fuck's sake Amelia: What do you want me to say? Amelia: it's been months, I miss you, I hate this Jac: You're about a lifetime too late for any of this Jac: things change Amelia: just go then Jac: Don't tell me what to do Jac: you haven't even apologized Amelia: because you're the only one who can tell me what I should or shouldn't do, okay then Jac: I declined your gift because I don't fucking want it Jac: that's my decision Jac: you can't force it on me Amelia: like it was my decision to get you one, even if you don't fucking want it Amelia: like it's my decision not to apologise when I'm not sorry Jac: it wasn't your decision to make Amelia: I know that Jac: She reached out to me Jac: and you ruined it Amelia: she didn't reach out, it was a cop out Jac: she remembered Jac: she didn't have to do anything Amelia: she didn't do anything Amelia: not even sign her name Amelia: fuck's sake,  and you're mad at ME for my lack of apology Jac: Yes she did, she sent my favourite flowers Jac: and yes I'm fucking mad at you, you don't even know what you started Amelia: at least hold her to the same standard Jac: No, because you aren't the same Jac: and this gift meant something to me, the gesture did Jac: and you couldn't stand that so you took it away Amelia: the false hope meant something to you Amelia: of course I can't stand that Jac: there's nothing false about it Jac: she was never here for my birthday before, not as my friend, she had no reason to remember, I'm blocked on anything that would tell her Amelia: because it's so hard to get around being blocked Jac: so, that would just prove she cared enough to look Jac: either way, that meant something Amelia: it doesn't mean she's coming back Amelia: or dumping her boyfriend Jac: it still means more to me than anything you could ever give or do Jac: so you deal with that Amelia: I can't Jac: You'll find my sympathy running a bit low Amelia: that's how I always find it Jac: I don't have the space in my head or my life to care about you Jac: alright, and I've never said different Amelia: yeah you have Jac: when? Jac: a million years ago when we were kids Jac: life's moved on from then Amelia: this year, things have happened that mean something, you've made space for me and cared about me Amelia: I don't need words, you lie whenever you speak anyway Amelia: and yeah, that's how long it's been, that's she's been gone and I've been here for you Amelia: you can't deal with that any better than you're telling me I have to Jac: I've only cared about myself Jac: that's facts Jac: you've been of some use and that's about as deep as it gets Jac: ask anyone, Amelia Amelia: No Jac: Yes Amelia: you love to make me look and feel crazy but I'm actually not Jac: because normal people throw other people's presents away Amelia: you know why I did Jac: and normal people let themselves be treated like this Jac: yeah, you're so right Amelia: there's a massive gap between normal and the levels of delusional you're trying to make me out to be right now Jac: I'm not trying to make you out to be anything Jac: I'm trying to get you to leave me alone, at best Amelia: and I've said I will Jac: then go Amelia: [does] Amelia: [gonna take this moment to tell you what the book is, We Are Okay by Nina LaCour it's obvs gay and YA again but we've lost the optimism of the previous Christmas because this one is about grief and loss and loneliness, basically this girl leaves her life behind without saying a word (again to go to college lol) after her grandad dies but then her friend who she's in love with and who I think is straight comes to visit her there so she gotta start dealing with all her shit, very apt Amelia well done. I think it does have a happy ending for said main character based on the title but not a fluffy one and she isn't getting with that friend I'm p sure] Amelia: [In clearer terms, this is a book about Marin, a girl who has lost her grandfather, and in doing so, pushed away her former best friend, Mabel. So when Mabel comes to town, Marin does not know what to do with the memories. Marin at once does not want Mabel here, regrets her being here, but also desperately wants Mabel to love her. She has walls up and she wants them down, but she is too terrified for them to ever come down. Marin has lost everything, including Mabel, her best friend and her maybe-something-more.  But it’s not a romance between Marin and Mabel. That is what is perhaps the saddest part. I once saw Nina LaCour talk live about this book, and she said something that perfectly sums up what is so arresting about this book: being queer and in love with your best friend is different than being straight and in love with your best friend. One is an experience in first love, and one is also that, but with an added experience of fear – not of rejection but of disgust. We do not want to hurt our best friends by loving them. We have learned to be ashamed of love and we carry that with us, through thick and through thin. BYE] Jac: [well, v on the nose, soz we won't be reading that hun and we didn't read the last one, so rude] Amelia: [maybe years from now bitch you will and you'll see what we were trying to give you] Jac: [perhaps but clearly not this one as it has essentially washed away lmao] Amelia: [something v poetic about a book about grief and loss and loneliness getting left on the step to disintegrate, when this is a film or netflix show I'll be v smug] Jac: [truly, the drama of it all] Jac: [setting it on fire is so last year, anyway, my thought is Amelia sees Jac and Jesse out somewhere but not out out like somewhere boring and every day which is confusing as it was to the fam 'cos she knows she's not talking or hanging out with them so she's like hmm] Amelia: [good idea but I don't know how I'm gonna be like oi what are you doing when it's none of your business hen LOL] Jac: [Jesse could talk to her 'cos we've established doesn't take a hint and it's like the most awkward] Amelia: [yeah because they are gonna be lowkey friends off and on even though she said they weren't after the vday thing last year so and maybe she asks about his gig he's meant to be doing or whatever cos he would've had to announce he ain't doing it on socials and everything like] Jac: [Jac just casually snapping at her like mind yo business Amelia] Amelia: [I'll pick the convo up after that fun little interaction then] Jac: [when you shoulda said nothing but it came out henny] Amelia: Don't talk to me like that Jac: Don't talk to my brother how's that Amelia: redundant Amelia: because I'll talk to him whenever I like as long as he's not the one upset about it Jac: Yeah, you've established you're a liar before now Amelia: No, we've established I have nothing to gain by keeping any promises to you Jac: and I give a fuck about what you wanna take from me Jac: you need to disappear, I don't want you in my life now, not even peripherally Amelia: I don't wanna take anything from you and I'm not Amelia: but disappearing isn't an option for a bit Jac: Contradict yourself immediately, it's really not a waste of my time Amelia: You're wasting your own time by continuing to have a go at me Amelia: when school's over we'll both be leaving, until then we're both stuck Jac: It wouldn't be a waste of time if you actually listened Amelia: likewise Jac: to what? Amelia: me obviously Jac: you have nothing I've ever wanted to hear Jac: and you're continuing to talk more bullshit now Jac: literally, mind your own business, it should not be hard Amelia: neither should getting your head around the concept that me talking to Jess isn't about you Jac: he isn't your friend Jac: he's my brother, I trump any kind of connection you had or wanna have for whatever sad reason Jac: so yeah, fuck off Amelia: if you want to make him choose, give him your bullshit ultimatum, I won't be Jac: No, you leave us alone Jac: it's like having a fucking stalker Jac: I am sick of the sight of you Amelia: I have left you alone like you asked Amelia: he's asked me to do no such thing Jac: You're pathetic Jac: get some friends of your own and you wouldn't have to cling on to someone being civil towards you Amelia: I've heard it all before Jac: then take the hint Jac: I'm so fed up of you and your moping Amelia: then take the 'advice' you're trying to give me and fuck off Jac: you see me coming, you should turn the other way Jac: I did not need to see you today, fuck's sake Amelia: yeah, I'll turn my desk around too, get back into detention, it has been a while Amelia: I wasn't looking for you, I don't want to see you either Jac: then it's in your best interest to run when you see Jesse coming then Jac: so glad you reached the logical conclusion, try to do it at the time next time, tah Amelia: bye then Jac: you're unbelievable Jac: you don't even feel remotely bad for what you've done Amelia: of course I fucking do Jac: bullshit Amelia: No it's not Amelia: but I'm not going to sit here and type out how and why I feel like shit when it means nothing Jac: you aren't sorry, you said, and you've not made any kind of attempt to actually make amends, not that you can now, it's too late Jac: it's all about how you feel and that you miss me and whatever else Jac: you don't care what I've been through Amelia: I'm not sorry for 🗑💐 but I'm sorry for hurting you Amelia: and that this means I'm not there now for whatever is happening Amelia: like you said, it's too late now Amelia: and like you also said, even if I was there, it's not good enough anyway so Jac: because this isn't some soppy book you read Jac: you aren't gonna save me and it'll all be happily ever afters Jac: this is real life and it's so much bigger than all this Jac: shit that you care about Amelia: yeah, it's my real life too Jac: none of this is real Jac: you're putting off getting one by kidding yourself that this will ever happen Amelia: it is to me Jac: just wait Jac: you'll find out soon enough Jac: this is nothing, all of it Amelia: maybe to you Jac: no fucking maybe Jac: you're a child, your problems are childish Jac: that's factual and I can't pretend to entertain it now Amelia: then don't Amelia: my problems aren't the same as yours because I'm not you any more than I could be Savannah fucking Moore, but guess what, it's not a competition Jac: they're non-existent Amelia: No, they exist, same as I do Amelia: but you don't have to bother about them or me Jac: Get over yourself, Amelia Jac: people have real shit going on, real stuff to deal with Jac: and you want anyone to care about your self-inflicted, whiney, entitled bullshit Jac: for what? 'cos you're an AMAZING friend, yeah, you don't use everything to your advantage or make it all about you Amelia: not really, I want you get away from me like you keep saying you want Jac: I didn't send you a present, loser Amelia: I didn't start a conversation about it Amelia: or keep this one going Jac: because you should feel fucking bad about what you did and you don't Jac: not even an eighth of what I do Amelia: I do feel bad, what do you want me to do to prove it, kill myself? For fuck's sake Jac: yeah good idea Amelia: nothing is good enough for you Amelia: you'd even twist that into something it isn't Jac: fucking try it Jac: I don't want you around Amelia: okay Jac: my life is ruined Jac: you don't get to be okay, you don't get to care about your pathetic crush Amelia: you don't get to tell me what to do or how to feel because your life is ruined Jac: Yes I do Amelia: No you don't Jac: really 'cos you've been pretty easy to manipulate this far Jac: don't act as if you've had say in anything Jac: that's about the only use you have had Amelia: well it's over, all of it Jac: call it like it hasn't been for months on my say so Jac: what is the point of you being alive, actually Amelia: I don't know Amelia: my parents, I guess Jac: good luck with getting that to last then Amelia: 🤞🍀🌠 Jac: give you 'til your late 20s before that stops being enough Amelia: it already isn't Jac: like I said, find some real trauma like the rest of us Jac: gives you something to cling to Amelia: or more to collapse under the weight of Jac: you don't even want to survive Amelia: and what? Jac: and that's the fundamental reason Savannah is better than you Jac: and I am too Jac: all I have is the shit behind me to drive me forwards Jac: and your ideal is to wallow in it Amelia: you've got a million reasons why, I don't care how they're numbered, to be honest Jac: you deserve the nothing you're left with and the nothingness that's coming Amelia: that's worked out perfectly then Jac: I swear to God you're lucky he was there Jac: any other day Amelia: yeah Amelia: you know what lessons to find me in Jac: I'm taking time off Jac: so you can have them Amelia: I really am lucky Amelia: maybe it'll make me care about 20 years in the future, like you do, or 5 or 1 Amelia: drive me forwards too Jac: unlikely Amelia: right now it is Amelia: I'm just trying to get through this conversation Jac: Jesus Amelia: my 🤔💭 exactly Jac: you clueless bitch Amelia: what am I supposed to be clued into? Amelia: we haven't spoken for ages Jac: and that's hardly a mystery Amelia: slag me off as much as you like, I don't know what's going on Jac: didn't inherit that off your mum then Amelia: clearly not Jac: yeah well when she finds out somehow you can hear all about it Amelia: finds out what? Jac: now you're gonna ask how I am Amelia: if you were in the hospital again or something that's more important than any of this bullshit Amelia: please just tell me Jac: no, because you did a grand gesture I didn't ask for so now I'm really all good Amelia: a Christmas present isn't a grand gesture Amelia: or what matters Jac: yeah, no shit it isn't Amelia: can you just Jac: what, tell you what's wrong with me? Jac: will that make you feel better Amelia: No Jac: yeah, that makes it almost seem worth it Amelia: forget it Amelia: I'll find out when everyone else does or I won't Jac: yeah Jac: your fake concern for 2 seconds was really comforting Amelia: nothing about this is fake for me Amelia: I don't know how many more times or ways I can make that fucking obvious Jac: you're all talk Jac: I expect nothing more or less from you at this point Amelia: because talking is all I can do Amelia: you won't take a 🎁 I'm not risking an actual gesture Jac: yeah, I heard Jac: nothing in it for you Amelia: okay, tell me I'm wrong Amelia: tell me there is Jac: no Amelia: say something Amelia: give me literally anything Jac: how many times can you be told it's not about you before you get it Jac: it's not about caring because I throw you false hope Jac: we were friends, once Amelia: which is exactly why I want you to tell me what it's really about Amelia: I care about you, I fucking love you Amelia: and something bad has happened Jac: depends on your point of view Amelia: put all of this bullshit between us aside and talk to me Amelia: you said it, we were friends Jac: I don't know if I actually want to hurt you this bad Jac: call me stupid Amelia: it's not about me, remember? Jac: still Jac: it's Amelia: you aren't going to talk to anyone else Jac: Jesse knows Jac: and my parents Amelia: that doesn't mean they know how you feel, just what's happened Jac: you won't be able to know either Jac: it isn't gay Amelia: this can still be one of those times where you say things to me that you don't to anyone else, if you want Amelia: if it'll help you Jac: Nothing will help me Jac: but I don't care Jac: I've got a baby Amelia: what? Jac: a dead one now Amelia: oh Jac: yep Amelia: when? Jac: it's why Jesse cancelled his gig Amelia: of course Amelia: that makes sense Jac: so now you know Amelia: yeah Jac: so yeah, there's nothing to be said or done and that's seriously it Amelia: okay, well I'm here if that ever changes Amelia: my mum's never gotten over it but I know talking helped her Jac: talking isn't going to assuage the guilt of creating and destroying life Jac: maybe I'll go pray but I doubt that does either Amelia: I don't know Amelia: there must be a reason therapy is so popular, you're the wannabe psychologist Jac: hope Jac: I'm not interested Amelia: alright, no talking Amelia: do you want to go out? Jac: and bleed over the four pairs of tights I'd have to wear to stop it running straight down my legs? Amelia: a no would be a perfectly acceptable answer Jac: yeah, it's perfectly acceptable to bother a therapist about it so you never mention it to anyone else Amelia: you're not going to mention it anyway, you've said as much Jac: that has nothing to do with your sensibilities Jac: if I wanted to, I could go into horrific detail Amelia: yeah, you could Amelia: you could also bleed all over my car if you wanted to Jac: Yeah right Jac: your entire street is curtain twitchers Amelia: we won't be hanging out on my street Jac: there's nowhere I could go that'll make me forget either Amelia: you've been stuck inside for days with your family, it's hardly a grand gesture to suggest taking you literally anywhere else Amelia: but okay Jac: Jess won't let me go anyway Jac: last time I said I'd hang out with you and he believed it I fucked your girlfriend so Amelia: you kissed her Jac: oh yeah Jac: same difference Amelia: no Amelia: there's quite a big difference Jac: maybe I told him I did then Jac: I don't remember Amelia: probably Jac: the outcome was the same is the point Amelia: the point is, Jess won't let you go Amelia: I got that Jac: I had to have someone come with Amelia: yeah Jac: not about to ask the poor sod who did it Amelia: have you told him though? Jac: yeah Jac: fucking embarrassing Amelia: I assume you're less likely to accidentally run into him than you are me Jac: I think I got points for dealing with it and being cool anyway Jac: go me Amelia: great Jac: it don't matter Jac: only would have if he'd kicked up a fuss Jac: but he didn't seem the sort and that's one less thing for me to feel guilty about so fuck it Amelia: does Darla know? Jac: I told her false alarm Jac: had to ask her about him so Amelia: then why do you think everyone's going to find out? Jac: people somehow always do Jac: I don't care anymore, not now Amelia: if my mum hasn't heard, it's unlikely Amelia: she knew about your alcohol poisoning immediately Jac: beneath her to have connections with an abortion clinic Amelia: she's not god squad Jac: close enough Amelia: my aunt had one after having Olivia, there was something wrong with the baby apparently Amelia: my mum wasn't protesting outside Jac: that's different then Jac: you have a reason, people can repeat that to themselves until they forget about it Amelia: you had a reason too Amelia: everyone does Jac: no, I had an excuse Amelia: you had a reason Jac: no, I didn't Amelia: yeah, you did Amelia: and if anyone else did it for the same reason you wouldn't call it an excuse Jac: Yes I would Amelia: you hate yourself, before this, after this and because of this Amelia: stop Jac: I didn't need to get pregnant, I did and then I killed it Jac: anyone who did that, I'd think exactly the same Amelia: you didn't mean to Amelia: and if you're going to punish yourself this hard for every mistake you ever make then you're going to last even less time than you think I will Jac: You don't act like that not not mean to Jac: all I need to do is live this year then I'll be doing what I actually want Amelia: and that's enough of a reason, don't you get that Jac: enough of a reason for what Amelia: you can't just have a baby you don't want Amelia: it's not like fucking lads you don't care about Jac: no one made me do any of it Jac: so it's not a reason Jac: it's stepping away from any responsibility Amelia: you made you Amelia: and you'd be a shit mum Jac: no, that's bullshit Jac: you tell yourself what you like about it but I know what I did Amelia: tell me you enjoyed it, any of the times Jac: it's sex Jac: that's one of but not the only point Amelia: say it then Amelia: what your point is Jac: Why am I repeating myself? Jac: I know what I did Jac: you aren't going to convince me otherwise Amelia: Why are you doing it? Jac: Well I can't anymore, actually Jac: 2 weeks minimum Amelia: but why have you ever? Jac: because I want to Amelia: you want Savannah Amelia: it hasn't helped you forget that, it won't Jac: neither do you but you didn't tell me not to do that Jac: I can still want to fuck guys Jac: end of Amelia: fine, I'll say it now Jac: yeah Amelia: I can't do this any more Jac: we aren't Amelia: we've said that before, it has to be different this time Jac: whatever Jac: you expect me to make promises to you? Jac: I don't fucking care, Amelia Jac: you deal with it, it's not my problem Amelia: okay Jac: Christ sake Amelia: What? Jac: Never mind, right, off you go Amelia: I'm not going Jac: 🙄 Amelia: you don't care, I heard you before Jac: you want it to be different this time Jac: do something about it Amelia: I'm not having sex with you, that's what I'm doing differently Jac: what's the point in that Jac: doing all the other shit, there's barely any difference Amelia: because I shouldn't have ever but I can't take any of it back Jac: we don't need to be friends either Amelia: we're not Jac: then leave Jac: why half-arse it, that's my point Amelia: I can't leave Jac: just the situation Jac: you don't actually need to kill yourself Amelia: no, I can't leave you Jac: don't be daft Amelia: I'm not repeating myself either Jac: please yourself Amelia: fuck you Jac: you'll be a long time waiting for a thank you Jac: I didn't ask for this Amelia: neither did I Jac: you have a choice Amelia: yeah, and I've made it Jac: and what? Jac: what would you like me to say? Amelia: don't say anything Amelia: I'd honestly love that Jac: yeah, I bet Amelia: the back and forth between utter lies and bullshit and brutal fucking honesty is worse than just the gaslighting Jac: then go away Jac: you're doing this to you Jac: I don't want you here Amelia: you're doing it to me Jac: no, I'm not Amelia: you are Jac: I'm literally telling you to go Amelia: you're always telling me to go Amelia: it's been over a year Jac: your lack of resolve is not my fault Amelia: if you really don't want me here, do something about it Jac: No, because I'm not crying about it Jac: if you feel so gaslit, fuck off Jac: don't reply, don't engage Jac: I don't owe you anything Amelia: you're literally complaining about it Jac: because you're crying wolf Jac: I can and will do what I want, that's how it's always been Amelia: It's no different for me, I've always done what I want too Jac: no, you're being horribly manipulated and used Jac: poor little Amelia Amelia: you fucking said it as a brag earlier Amelia: how easy it is Jac: so why are you repeating it back to me, like I don't know? Jac: you're waiting for me to deny it, or apologize and say it's not true and I care SO much Jac: get real Amelia: I'm waiting for you to stop Amelia: actually do anything you say you're going to Jac: why? Jac: why are you expecting me to act like I'm fine when I'm not Jac: keep making the same wrong call and act surprised when I do what feels right Jac: for fuck's sake, Amelia Amelia: I don't know Amelia: maybe because I'm not fine either but I don't treat you like this Jac: maybe 'cos you've got no willpower Jac: maybe 'cos struggling is a competition and I'm winning Amelia: maybe Jac: 🤔💭 on that Amelia: obviously Jac: fun never stops Jac: enjoy, like Amelia: 🎢 🎠🎪 Jac: 'tis the season Amelia: Merry Christmas 🎄🎅⛄ Jac: great Amelia: yeah Jac: make you feel better that? Amelia: 1. you literally don't care 2. neither do I Jac: I'm literally still bleeding from having my baby chemically expelled and you don't get any joy out of wishing me a Merry Christmas? Jac: what is the fucking point, if you're gonna be a cunt, commit to it Amelia: there's no point to any of this, we both get that Jac: nah, it actually makes me feel better to make you feel worse Jac: that's the point Jac: I have loads of them Jac: it's you who has zero idea what the fuck she's doing Jac: as per Amelia: oh well in that case, carry on Jac: if you hadn't worked that out by now, there is no hope for you Amelia: there's no hope for me anyway, as you've said repeatedly Jac: you seem pretty resigned to this whole victim thing you've got going on Jac: it's a fair observation Amelia: I'm sure it is Jac: yep, that's right, curl up into a ball 'til it's over Jac: fuck this Amelia: until what's over? Jac: the attack, whatever you wanna call it Amelia: I don't want to call it anything, I don't want to do this Amelia: you're the one who's getting something out of it, unless that's another lie Jac: then don't Jac: why the fuck are you still here? Amelia: because I can't fucking leave when you're in the middle of an abortion Amelia: for fuck's sake Jac: the good friend points are not being counted any more Amelia: I don't care Amelia: if this is all I can do, over nothing, then so be it Jac: you're gonna let yourself be a punching bag Jac: seriously Amelia: why not? Amelia: it's not like it's the first time, or that I haven't for things that matter less Amelia: and it's too late to change any of that Jac: because I want you to stop Jac: to fight back Jac: to not do this shit anymore Amelia: I'm not fighting you right now, even if I had the strength to ever Jac: it's like Jac: you don't understand how dangerous it is Jac: what if this was someone else Jac: do you wanna end up like that, getting knocked about and taken advantage of Amelia: I don't give a fuck about the future, remember? Jac: well stop it Amelia: no Jac: stop Amelia: no Jac: fine Jac: I'll go Amelia: okay, go
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thorofasgard007 · 5 years
Casting my WIP:  “Blade of Penance Volume I:  Bore of Great Sacrifice”
Haven’t posted anything in a while thought I would put up a fun game for us aspiring authors out there.  My first draft nears completion.  Just a the final fight, “mop-up” and a couple appendices to write.  Hoping to be done this week while I am on vacation. *fingers crossed*
Anyway, I saw a YouTube video posted by an authortuber I follow named Kim Chance where she went through the dream casting of her newest book Seeker (soon to be released here is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Rmhm8HhE8).  I was thinking while I was running some errands earlier today I should do something similar.  If my novel(s) ever get made into a movie whom would I cast as each character?  So I decided to post that here and see what other authors/aspiring authors would cast as their characters.  Name the character, a brief description of them, then the actor/actress and why you would cast them.  
Here are the rules:  #1)  You have to use the actors/actresses as they are TODAY.  No using “Early 80′s Arnold” or Clint Eastwood like he was when he played Dirty Harry.  It also goes without saying you can’t use actors that have retired from acting or passed away.  #2)  If there is a seminal movie/tv show in your genre you cannot use actors from that franchise.  Since this rule can really make things difficult you can use up to TWO exceptions to rule #2.  Since my WIP is epic fantasy both actors from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies and Game of Thrones are disqualified.
Okay here we go.
The father of my hero Kaaldor.  A former general and hero of the Battle of Gos.  The last scion of the House of Dranus who’s progenitor alongside Ka’Reyus The Elven Warrior King lead the Great Liberation against the Dragon Rule of Rab Yangin 500 years ago.  Few either human or elf could match his skill with the blade save maybe one.
At first I thought of The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment:  Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  I even used his physique as a bit of a template when I was doing up his character model.  However in the end I thought he should be cast a bit younger (Don’t hit me with the People’s Elbow Rock.)
Therefore I will use one of my exceptions early and go with Aquaman, aka Kahl Drogo, Mr. Jason Mamoa.
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The Elven Warrior King and Grandfather to my hero.  Unquestionably the greatest warrior alive.  Has gone unmatched in swordsmanship for over 500 years.  Single headedly fought and slew three dragons at once.  Him and Dranus (Dorath’s ancestor) tag-teamed to slay the corrupted dragon lord Rab Yangin to free the continent of Kalis from drake rule.  Is Dorath his equal as a warrior??? SPOILERS :)
For him I batted around a few choices including Liam Neeson and Russel Crowe of course cgi would have to be used to size them down because as an elf Ka’Reyus was only 5 feet tall.
I finally decided on Wolverine himself (aka Jean ValJean, aka PT Barnum) Hugh Jackman.
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(Yes this is an older pic... but I wanted one of him as Wolverine :) )
Princess Almelphia:
Mother of Kaaldor.  Only child of Ka’Reyus.  The unchallenged beauty of Elvendom.  All the nobility compete for her attention not only for her beauty but that whomever she chose as her husband would be the likely successor to the elven throne.  She is also is the only member of the royal house with any magical ability, even though it is just limited to reading the memories left behind on things/people that she touches.  While my hero was growing up she always called him her “little champion” and he did everything he could to live up to that title.
She was a tough choice.  If I wanted to use my second exception I would have chosen The Khalessi herself Emilia Clarke but considering Jason Mamoa is Dorath… that may be a little much.  I also considered Miranda Otto (aka Eowyn) but again didn’t want to use my second exception.  Therefore I decided to go with Jenna Coleman aka Clara Oswald from Dr. Who, and Queen Victoria on Victoria.
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Here she is from the “Robin Hood Episode” of Dr. Who so you could see how she would look in a fantasy setting.
Lifelong friend of Ka’Reyus and Elvul Ka’s(the elven nation’s) foremost smith.  Him and Ka’Reyus both learned their weaponry by working his father’s forge.  Growing up Kaaldor learned from Ka’Vatch at the same forge.  To be a great warrior you must both know your weapons and then know yourself.  The weapons part started with Ka’Vatch after an 8 year old Kaaldor hid in his smith from bullies that didn’t like that he was half human.
For him I thought about Michael Ironside.  Granted you usually see him as a bad guy (and he plays a great villain, especially with his voice work... if they ever do a live action version of Darkseid they should have him reprise the role from his voice work on Superman: TAS etc).  However age is a factor.  Therefor I chose Josh Brolin aka Thanos… aka Cable.
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Ka’Draoi: (pronounced Ka’ DREE, gotta love Gaelic)
Grand Thaumaturge of Elvul Ka’ and one of the world’s most powerful wizards.  He draws his power from the Blue Flame like all elves and fought along side Ka’Reyus and Dranus in The Great Liberation.  Being such a long time friend of the king he can often get away with breaches of proper decorum and has been known to have a bit of a ...shall we say “unique” sense of humour.
My original choice for this role was of course Sean Connery... but he has been retired from acting for some time.  I thought about Terrance Stamp (aka General Zod from Superman II, my all time favourite movie villain) but decided against it.  I didn’t want to use another exception or to be seen as him being a Gandalf clone so no Sir Ian McKellan.
In the end I chose another James Bond Pierce Brosnan, he can command the regal presence and wisdom Ka’Draoi needs, plus have the comic timing to pull off the sense of humour needed.
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Ok.  That covers Kaaldor’s family and the elves.  Now lets move on to some more human characters.
Admiral Jagaran:
He is the Admiral of the Palan fleet (the main villain nation of the story) and in command of its new flagship The Jorgmundr (a ship completely made of dragonbone).  He is a very skilled warrior, especially at see and a cunning strategist.  He always takes the most straightforward path to victory whether it is an honourable choice or not.  However he has been known to let his ego get the better of him.
My first choice was Peter Wingfield.  Highlander fans will recognise him as Methos from the 90′s Highlander TV series.  (As a point of trivia I watched some of Methos’ sword fights on the series to map out some of this character’s move sets).  However he has apparently retired from acting and at last report was pursuing a career in medicine.
So instead I went with Rome’s Ray Stevenson, he has been in many other things but I mostly know him as Titus Pullo on Rome, Volstagg from the MCU and as Frank Castle in Punisher: War Zone (I should dust that one off I haven’t watched it in a while)
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The Mage assigned to the Jorgmundr.  Although he technically outranks Jagaran as he is a mage his role on the ship is similar to that of a “political officer” on the old Soviet ships.  He is your classic sadist that makes King Joffrey and Reese Bolton look like boy scouts.  He prefers to invoke fear in his adversaries of what he may do than to actually inflict the pain.
For him I went back to the MCU and chose Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki.  I just love him as a villain.
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(Point of trivia... he originally auditioned for the part of Thor... go fig because he was so good as Loki.)
The chief slave-driver on The Jorgmundr, and a sadist son of a... gun (trying to keep this PG) in his own right.  He takes perverse pleasure in publicly and brutally executing slaves that can no longer work in the bowels of the ship... or just make an example of.  As he is more a hand to hand brute than a swordsman I went with a wrestler/actor for him.  Dave Bautista from Guardians of the Galaxy (gee I am pulling a lot from the MCU) and Spectre, also a former WWE Champion.
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Ok... let’s get away from the villains for a bit.
The classic dashing rogue.  Thinks he is “the pyres” gift to women and even names his lockpicks after his conquests.  Never met a maiden he didn’t want to hit on.  Or a full coin-purse he didn’t want to cut.  Always ready with a witty retort but also willing to help when he sees something unjust.  Kaaldor sometimes sees him as his best friend... and other times wants to punch him.  But they somehow make it work as they defend the village of Belieret from the warlord Tyv.
This character needs the comic timing that only Ryan Reynolds can provide.  I have been a fan of his since he was in Blade: Trinity (not as bad as everybody says) and he was dead on casting as Deadpool.
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A Baegian merchant that is one of the few in Belieret willing to learn how to fight to protect his new home.  His own brother betrayed him when the Baegian King became a vassal for Q’Rab The Sorcerer King of Palis and Klok began to speak ill of the new regime.  He couldn’t let hit happen again with Tyv.
I have chosen a bit of an odd choice.  A TV actor named Alimi Ballard.  He has been on many TV shows but I mostly remember him as David Sinclair on Numb3rs.
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Ok lets do some more villains then we will go for the Hero and Heroine.
The warlord that is pulling the old extortion racket on the village of Belieret.  He blames Ka’Reyus for ***SPOILERS***.  Little do the villagers know he is just a cog in the machinery of one of Q’Rab’s plans.  In the meantime he plans to take his revenge on Ka’Reyus by sending him Kaaldor’s head.
For this I am going cast Clancy Brown, mostly because he played my #2 all time favourite movie villain The Kurgan in Highlander.  You would also recognise him from The Shawshank Redemption and Starship Troopers.  He as also done a lot of voice work, including Lex Luthor for Superman: TAS, Savage Oppress on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Mr. Krabs on SpongeBob SquarePants (lol).
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Apprentice to the Sorcerer Q’Rab and Master/Mistress to Anonyus.  She suffers no failure and many of her apprentices have felt her wrath.  None have lived to tell the tale.  Her vanity is her weakness and although devoted to Q’Rab for centuries she has been known to have her own machinations to undermine his plans.  You only briefly see her in the first book... but I plan to have her take a much larger role in book 2.
For her... if she is willing to be a redhead my first choice is Wonder Woman herself Gal Gadot.  She can be both regal, the flirt to ensnare men but then switch gears to be something menacing all at once.
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(come on I had to choose a Wonder Woman pic... all the world is waiting for you... and the powers you possess :) )
Sorcerer King of Palis and has ruled for over 200 years.  He draws his power from the Black Flame and rarely gets his hands dirty himself but is always a Master of Puppets pulling strings from afar.  All under his rule are fanatically devoted to him.  Whenever he is mentioned they finish the sentence with “May his reign be eternal”.   It has yet to be determined who is the more powerful wizard if him and Ka’Draoi were to meet in a duel, and the true goal of his plans while he is at war with the nation of Corlot are ****SPOILERS****.  His origins are ***SPOILERS***.
For him I went with a bit of an odd choice, I needed a classical type of actor but one that wasn’t your standard English baddie.  I went with Alexander Siddig.  While best known as Dr. Bashir on Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine, he also has a long movie and TV career including 24, Gotham on the small screen and Kingdom of Heaven and The Nativity Story on the big screen.  If he can pull off both The Angel Gabriel and Ra’s Al Ghul he can pull of Q’Rab.  (Note:  As he was also Doran Tyrell on Game of Thrones... he is my second exception)
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Ok... you are saying enough with the villains.  Fine lets get to the main event.  My hero and heroine.  First the Heroine:
Daughter of the captain of The Divine Lady, the ship that Kaaldor is a passenger on when The Jorgmundr strikes.  While able to fight for herself knows when she is out of her depth and instead fits into the facilitator role to get Kaaldor what he needs to win.  She can also act as the diplomat to Kaaldor’s brute force as she knows not every problem can best be solved by the right amount of smashing.  She is not the damsel in distress like Lois Lane that always needs a Superman to rescue her, but she also knows she doesn’t have to be Xena to be strong either.
This one was a hard choice... The aforementioned Jenna Coleman was a strong contender at one point.  I also considered Rosa Salazar (loved her in Alita Battle Angel) however in the end (maybe because I just did a binge watch of Cobra Kai over the Labour Day Weekend) I chose Mary Mouser (Samantha LaRusso on Cobra Kai).  Her look is the right combo of innocence, beauty and strength which is what you need to play Renna.
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The hero of the story.  Half-elf and half human.  Trained by his grandfather since he was eight years old to be a warrior without equal.  He was even able to fight Ka’Reyus to a draw.  Though of the elvish royal family very few fully accept him as part of elvish society.  He can never let an injustice stand and sometimes gets himself deep in a bad situation by acting without thinking.  But still is the one willing to act when others are too scared to.  In the end he must complete his quest to ***SPOILERS***
For him I originally thought of Daniel Cudmore, I best remember him as Colossus in X-Men 2 and X-Men 3 (boy did three SUCK).  However in the end thought a Hemsworth was a better fit.  Not Chris (Thor)… but Liam (Expendables 2, The Hunger Games).  (Note:  He will probably have to bulk up a bit as when I wrote the character I was thinking “Early 80′s Arnold”)
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Well There you go... It was a lot of fun going through this.  For all you authors/aspiring authors out there... lets see your own lists.  Use the Tag below. :)
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mainstreamloupe · 4 years
'Thank U, Next' inspire and embraces personal growth that anybody can relate to as a cherished token to keep the lessons learned on reach.
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It took Ariana a musical journey to discover that speaking your mind from a place of honesty, brings natural catharsis to traumatic experiences. On Sweetener, she displayed her most inner-revolutionary thoughts acknowledging her strengths, opening up about new states of mind and mantras about her life that colored the blank spaces on her mind.
Thank u, Next, released just six months later, expose Ariana's raw grief but find resolution and closure in thankfulness.
Every track thrives inwards like growing roots, whether in it's production as in the nature of it's the creation.
When the 26-year-old singer found herself involved in a heartbreaking loss to an ex-boyfriend while being on a new relationship, her pain and shame only needed voice and acceptance. On 'Ghostin', Ariana recognizes the heavy baggage that she's been carrying around. Her promise is down to earth, she asks for forgiveness and promises for a better tomorrow. When she admits this transitioning state as something natural, she finds relief and answers her own prayers.
'Needy' and 'Imagine' share with 'Ghostin' not only its slow-tempo composition but the introspective tasks that she needs to complete to start healing. On 'Needy', she addresses the difficulties her personality might create, but instead of sharing them with a sense of regret, she embraces her own way of being and seeks for understanding.
Thank U, Next, wouldn't serve as a reflective relief of concerns without her opening and transparency on her self-awareness.
When she overthinks, she lets us know her train of thought through the therapeutic 'In My Head'. The lesson on the track is a grown-up scenario where, instead of regret, she takes responsibility for the outcomes for these emotional attachments.
On the composition, Thank U, Next seems engineered by a similar catalog of synths that sound cohesive with one another. The chosen melodies and the supporting beats get familiar like they did between 'Needy' and 'Makeup', but they never fall in a repetitive or plain sound scenario.
Another stage that had its own glimpse on 'Sweetener' with the empowering 'successful', is Ariana's state of power-acknowledgment. On ‘7 rings’ Ariana sounds comfortable sampling ‘The Sound of Music’ for its verses but puts her money where her mouth is with opulence and feminism. The beats share hip-hop infused rhythms and her vocals sparkle up on new dimensions when she merges with the fast tempos needed.
‘7 rings’ talks about drinks and diamonds but reflects an honest stage that exposes confidence and joy. The track, inspired and curated after a shopping spree afternoon in jewelry with friends and champagne, share that Ariana is not alone through this phase and hangs with people that remind her and inspire to move on.
“7 rings” debuted at #1 on the Hot 100 during the week ending February 2, 2019. Grande became the fifth artist in the chart’s history to have multiple number one debuts. The song spent five consecutive weeks at the chart’s summit.
Ariana talked to fans about its meaning and place in Thank U, Next and shared on Twitter:
“@arianagrande: indeeeed. but i guess thank u, next is more vulnerable and gentle lol. seven rings is jus like ..... a flex. friendship anthem. how the homies WANT u to feel. what the ‘thank u next’ energy evolves into while embracing a new chapter (even tho both moods /energies are v present).”
This same encouraging freedom and free-spoken success channels other sides of confidence on other tracks like the closing ‘Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored’. Shocking since its title, Ariana samples N’Sync and haves fun. There’s no further meaning to it than allowing yourself to play along with the moment and feel free and confident.
At this time Ariana shows there are no more tears left to cry for her, not by saying it, but by showing it.
As everyone’s break-up and healing process, Ariana seamed to finally learn something really important to move on with these lessons. On the Max Martin engineered ‘Bloodline’ Ariana already learned what she wants and what she doesn’t. She talks about a “friends with benefits” relationship but knows that this type of relationship without commitment is not only what she wants but what she needs.
Ariana’s state of mind since ‘Sweetener’ has changed, but a more artistic take like ‘God is a woman’ and ‘the light is comin’ stays lyrically on the hallucinating ‘NASA’. Ariana’s need for space and time literally, to understand her own emotions, translates in an outer-space adventure that levitates within milky-way metaphors that work in the pledge for clarity.
The production on the instrumentals is led by a joyful song-title spelling that leads to a bubbly and catchy hook that addresses space as a timeout for her emotions and a galactic metaphor that transports your attention to the gravitating bass that flows constantly around her soft vocalizations.
This tale on the need for time to work on herself is explained and discussed wider on songs like ‘Fake Smile’ and ‘Bad Idea’. On these tracks, Ariana clears her emotions, she works on finding and acting how she needs and puts away the expectations over her actions. 'Fake Smile' glows as more vulnerable and down to earth than ‘Bad Idea’ since it’s way to happiness is found by a pure thought of losing fear to show and being clear with her emotions. 'Bad Idea' resolves these issues by using someone else, something way more immature than the other ones.
Ariana not only went through a break-up and finding inner strength by herself, but she also found confidence in her commercial success and she embraced the artist she is and the power it gives her. She now learned that the person next to her doesn’t define her anymore, but her legacy does. She’s learning to have fun, she learned that honesty and talking about your thoughts gives you clarity, and, as the title track cleverly pinpoints, the most powerful action to heal relies on thankfulness.
'Thank U, Next' wasn't a big worldwide only by its fresh production arrangements and friendly beats, but the honesty on the lyrics that go along cohesive with the instrumentals made the tracks easy to relate and worked as a token to remember hard phases that love always bring out and the sincere performance by Ariana made it enjoyable and cherish-material.
When you learn and embrace your power, you grow and 'Thank U, Next is powerful because of its self-awareness, not only for Ariana Grande, but for a generation that is growing with her.
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hacksnyderpage-blog · 7 years
BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE REVIEW (don't you just love saying it? I hated the film's title since day one) THE CRITICS ARE WRONG! Ben Affleck V Snyderman: Dawn Of Jam-It-All-Into-One-Movie ISN'T worse than Man Of Murder! BvS does deserve its 27% score on Rotten Tomatoes, but Man Of Murder deserves about a 12% on it, if that. The movie's opening weekend box office (even with the massive two day drop once bad word of mouth got out) only proves what we've already known for a longtime: that audiences WANT to see Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman in a movie, they want to see DC characters, no matter how bad the movie is or how badly it depicts the characters. How sad it is that Warner Butchers and the awful filmmakers it hires continually shits on the good faith and enthusiasm and interest of the audience instead of rewarding it with a great film that does all of the characters justice for once. I understand how critics are confused though: Man Of Murder, for all its faults, its shakey-cam, poor editing, lack of character and story development, weak attempt at shuffled storytelling, tonal inconsistency and just plain old inconsistency, is still a more focused film than BvS in that at the end of the day it's just supposed to be telling Snyderman's origin story. Dawn Of Jam-It-All-Into-One-Movie, on the other hand, tried to do a Justice League origin, Dark Knight Returns, Death Of Superman, Injustice, and Knightmare all in one film, while still trying to set up and tease upcoming films, even at the expense of itself. Ben Affleck V Snyderman is really simultaneously both a better yet worse film than Man Of Murder though. Better in the sense that there were more moments that I liked in it than MOS, but worse because it's actually less "focused". There were 3 main improvements in BvS over Man Of Murder: 1.) No whorish product placement 2.) Less shakey-cam/the camera is actually held still for more than 3 seconds at a time 3.) They can't ruin Superman's origin again since they did that in the last movie...all that was left for them to do was ruin the Clark Kent aspect and kill him, which they did (more on that later) The film is so ludicrously self serious and pretentious that I found myself laughing at moments that were not supposed to be funny. They say there's no humor in the snyderverse, but I disagree, this movie was full of funny moments: - The Wayne murder and young metersoxual mop-top haircut dime-a-dozen child actor Bruce Wayne falling slow-mo down a hole and floating on bats was a riot - The "fuckit" credits sequence where credits are casually dropped on screen as scenes from the movie play, I thought they stopped doing that shit in superhero movies a while ago...that was a clear indicator that the film would be a pile of shit right there - That wheelchair Jesse Zuckerberg tried out for Scoot McNairy whirring every time it moved made me laugh my ass off -- almost reminded me of that one Mad TV skit, "The Brightlings", where Seth Green plays an old man in a motor-powered wheelchair who rides it into people (Almost as funny as BvS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljPO6H1c7tw ). I literally blurted out "Lieutenant Dan" in the theater when Scoot McNairy's character was bailed out of prison and went to see Lex, and everyone fucking laughed. - The blairing shitty egyptian techno music that played every time Gall Gagot showed up was distractingly comical - Jason Momoa's douchey Battlefield Earth character holding his breath underwater was a knee slapper - Batman hitting Superman with a sink was fucking hilarious -- they jammed everything into this film including the kitchen sink, maybe Snyder was just trying to homage Frank Miller's timeless classic & critical darling film version of The Spirit in which Gabriel Macht hits Samuel L Jackson with a sink in front of a green screen...Snyder loves to borrow from Frank Miller, you know. - "Martha" being the safe word had me grabbing my sides in laughter and unbelief. And they said there's no jokes in the snyderverse.... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TLDR review of the film: - It sucks- Jesse Zuckerberg was a predictably terrible choice for Lex Luthor, who is also written horrendously - Gall Gagot is a terrible actress and a terrible Wonder Woman choice- Superman is shit on- It's more of a Batman movie than a Superman movie...which is to say it's a Batman movie - Snyder's Doomsday is still more accurate than Snyder's Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Lex Luthor- Affleck was fine - The last 40 minutes of the film are the only time I ever gave a shit - Lex vs Superman on the roof, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday vs everyone are the only interesting parts and where I was semi entertained and gave a damn- Jeremy Irons' Alfred is the best thing in the movie ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... LONG DETAILED, IN DEPTH REVIEW: I will address the rest of the film in sections, starting with my thoughts on how it handled the characters below: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SUPERMAN: Snyder shits the bed with Superman again, and even Cavill is awful this time. Cavill's "Superman" has 3 expressions: sad, sad, and more sad. But Cavill is of course the last problem with Snyder's "Superman", the biggest problems have always been Snyder and the writing. The movie is custom made to make trailers out of. We're robbed of so many potentially great Superman moments in this film, moments that we thought were just teases in the trailers for maybe big action scenes....turns out they were just teases in the movie too. There are several moments in the film where you think a great Superman moment is coming, but they never happen: - There's a scene where Lois Lane is held hostage by terrorists (right after she remarks that she's "not a woman, she's a reporter", BARF), where you think Supes is going to swoop in and fight the bad guys...I'm there waiting, thinking, hoping it's going to be awesome and that we'll finally get to see Superman do something Superman-like and that it will feel like a Superman movie, but nope. He just kills the terrorist holding Lois hostage (after a guy that's supposed to be Jimmy Olsen is shot in the head) in the dumbest way possible and the scene is over. I'd have thought a heat vision blast to the guy would have been smart...but since Snyder is not smart, he instead has Superman jump at him. Dumb (also, looks like that "killing to learn not to kill" rule only beget....more killing, eh, snyderbots? Hahaha). - Do we get to see Superman saving people from a burning building and putting the fires out? Nope, instead we see him bringing one person out of this huge fire behind him and standing there to be touched like the messiah. - Superman dragging a boat on a chain, oh boy, so we get to see him go into the water and dig it up? Nope....just mopey Supes walking along the ice with what a burden it is to help people and be a superhero weighing upon him. He's good but "everyone"/talking heads hate him...like Spider-Man. He's good but people fear him...like the X-Men. He even gets a flashback pep talk scene with Kevin Costner on a mountain top (perhaps where the tornado dropped him, LOL), who gives Snyderman a "Silence of the Horses" speech (I LOL'd when Clark, like Clarice, asked if the horse nightmare ever stopped). This is Costner's version of Alfred's "Burn the forrest down" speech in The Dark Knight. They make Snyderman pretty much like everything but Superman, really. - Do we get to see Supes save those people on the roof from the flood we saw in the trailer? Nope....just him hovering there like the messiah again in exactly what the trailer showed. - How about a shirt rip scene, we at least get that, right? Nope! Snyder sets one up when Clark sees the Day Of The Dead fire on TV....and then cuts it off. - A bomb goes off in Congress, with a huge fire on TV, and does Snyderman put the fire out, and try to get the remaining people outside to safety? Nope.....he just stands there and looks at the ground. There is virtually zero reveling and enjoying the Superman character in the film on behalf of the filmmakers, whereas we get scene after scene of Batman beating up thugs and showing off his array of popularity that are made with excitement, Superman gets no such thing. There's no awe or sense of wonder or fun the way Snyder handles these scenes with Superman. They're treated as background for bits of boring, uninteresting, pretentious, lofty dialogue pseudo-philosophizing about "does the world need superheroes?" and "what is a man?" and all that bullshit you don't go to a Superman movie for. These should have been exciting action pieces where we see Superman being heroic finally... instead they feel like Snyder dutifully tacked them into the film because he suddenly remembered Superman was in the movie and he had to do some shit with him too. Snyder doesn't like or understand Superman though. It's blatant and thrown in your face in the dialogue in the movie too, everything from "It's not 1938 so you can't be principled and stand for something anymore" to "Superman was never real", and finally -- and most egregiously, from the mouth of Snyderman himself, hands down the line I hated the most in the film, the scene that made me almost get up in anger -- the part where Snyderman says to Amy Adams: "No one stays good in this world"..... and mopily, sadly flies away to fight Ben Affleck. That line, the delivery, and everything in it is the literal antithesis of Superman in every sense imaginable, and I think probably more than anything sums up best why Snyder doesn't get it. Snyder figuratively killed Superman in Man Of Murder, he literally killed him in BvS in addition to ripping the character apart with every other line of dialogue, references to the shitty Injustice videogame storyline where Superman is a codependent simp who turns evil because Lois Lane is killed (complete opposite of what he did when she died in Kingdom Come), Snyder killed Professor Hamilton, he killed Mercy Graves (who is also terribly miscast as Tao Okamoto -- an anorexic asian chick with hipster glasses -- Snyder does not give a FUCK about the Superman universe), and he killed Jimmy Olsen after replacing him with "Jenny" on the Daily Planet roster in Man Of Murder....and there are still people who think Snyder likes Superman, lol? Wake the fuck up! Snyder can't even be consistent with his own bullshit take on the character: "Superman was never real, it was just the dream of a farmer from Kansas", wrong, Zack, in your version, "Superman" is all holy-space-ghost-papa Jor El's idea, and him telling Clark he is space Jesus and the bridge between worlds is why Clark becomes Superman in your version; it was because he was told to, not because it was a dream of Clark's own, or did you forget that? It's okay though, I don't blame you for not wanting to rewatch Man Of Murder before you made this film, I would not either.
Snyder's Clark is also awful and comes off jealous of Batman. "Batman is sticking his nose in people's shit where it doesn't belong!!" is the summary of why Clark dislikes Batman, meanwhile Snyderman does the same stuff. The bathtub scene with Amy Adams was stupid, chemistry-less, and a cheap way of saying "hey, these two are in a relationship" without ever actually having to develop it. A kiss on top of some dead bodies because it's the last 20 minutes of Man Of Murder and it hadn't happened yet, and suddenly they're moving in together in BvS. And I still say fuck you, Snyder, for removing the red trunks. Guess it's easier to rape the characters without their "underwear" on like I pointed out, eh, Zack?
Also, Martha Kent is a waitress now. I really hated that, just like when they had her working at Sears in Man Of Murder. Guess it's not "hip" and "rebooted" enough if she's a farmer. A "post modern" take on Superman sucks all of the "super" out of the character.
The few decent Superman moments are very small in this movie: Batman punching Superman in the face as the kryptonite gas started wearing off and Batman's reaction as his punches lost their effect was the only really good Superman moment in it. I liked Supes flying Doomsday into space, and I liked the scene where Supes walked into Congress and walked up to Holly Hunter in the hearing...that was cool and felt semi-Superman-ish. I also liked that they referenced Clark's middle name of "Joseph" in the film, but Lex should never have known who he was, especially not without a story explanation, but more on that later....
There's one other moment in the film that seems "Supermanish", and it's at the end, very briefly (if you blink, you'll miss it), where Superman, Batman, and Waifer Woman are standing together, where Supes starts talking about Doomsday with Batman and the two start talking about how they can stop him...I thought to myself "this is nice, this seems like the fucking Justice League, feels like World's Finest.."...it was immediately more interesting than anything else in the film where the two were at odds, it felt right and natural, seeing them work together, and then....poof. It was gone. Lost in a CGI explosion of poorly rendered characters, fire, plotholes, and shitty egyptian techno music. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... BATMAN: Snyder and Warner Butchers clearly like Batman the best and it shows. There's no question that Batman is handled the best of all the heroes in this film. Snyder gets half of the character right.... and then fucks up the other half. Some people didn't like Batman branding people, I was fine with it. Though I'm sure Snyder didn't intend it to be this way, I thought it was a nice callback to Batman's Zorro roots. Zorro would carve a letter "Z" into his victims with a sword...not that different a concept if you think about it. I liked that Bruce Wayne did his own detective shit here, I liked the entrance to the batcave being through a river that opened, and I especially liked the black and gray costume. It also needs the trunks, but there's a moment in the film where Batman gets out of the batmobile and walks up to the batcave computer and the way he looked and moved made me lean over to my friend and say "That looks like fucking Batman!", so I was thrilled to see the most visually accurate Batman in live action since the '89 film. Suit was a little bulky for my tastes and the ears were a bit small, but I understood the look they were going for and can appreciate it.
Now onto the bad stuff: there's a scene where Bruce Wayne goes undercover at some fight club and he's dressed just like Bruce Wayne, it made me laugh because surely, Bruce would have been in a disguise of some sort. Here it was just Affleck in his default Wayne look. Matches Malone would've been cool, but they'd have had to explain that character I suppose (since it's just Wayne with a mustache, which would have been comical without the background on that character), but they jam enough other references into the film and don't bother to explain them, so I'm not sure why they didn't bother with Matches too, but whatever. Where they fuck up with Batman is they make him a hypocritical idiot. He supposedly doesn't like Snyderman because he causes collateral damage, but that's half of what Affeck's Batman does. While I prefer a Batman that doesn't kill because there's a lot more mileage and drama they get out of the character that way when he has stronger morals, I'm fine with a Batman who kills the bad guys, but if that's the case, the Joker should be dead, and so should all of his rogues gallery, really. Going to kill Superman because there's a 1% chance he might be a bad guy and letting known, repetitive, unremorseful killers live is stupid. I don't have a problem with a Batman that kills, '30s Batman killed, Burton's Batman killed, yeah, yeah, I know that, snyderbots, but they only killed BAD GUYS. They didn't leave a metric fuck ton of deadly collateral damage nonchalantly in their wake, which is the problem I have with Batfleck, particularly given his criticism of Snyderman. This Batman just doesn't give a fuck if there's innocent bystanders and they get hurt.... he destroys a boat and a wall that don't need to be destroyed. Snyder didn't want to have his Batman shoot a guy in the head to save Martha.... I don't know why, but instead he wanted him to blow up the guy's flamethrower, causing a massive explosion that would have killed Martha, as he "rescues" her from it... whereas a bullet would have been one clean kill.
I don't really care for Batman with the voice augmentor, either.... I like that they at least showed how it worked though with Alfred testing it. But yeah, Snyder gets certain aspects of Batman right, then shits on them to tell the story he wants to tell. Batman is a detective early on.... but suddenly he can't figure out that Superman is good, something even Alfred knows. He's mad at collateral damage Supes caused in Metropolis, but he causes collateral damage all around Gotham. He makes a kryptonite spear and gas, but....no monkey knuckles, or, ya know, a bullet. Snyder's Batman is basically a moron. But Affleck played the moronic Bats well. Josh Brolin would have been a better old Batman and Bruce Wayne, but they should never have done Bruce as an older man to begin with, he should have been the same age as Supes, you know, like in the comics and Dark Knight Returns, but more on that later. I liked this batmobile better than the tumbler at least.
The fight with Superman being resolved by "Martha" was idiotic. Batman spends months, weeks training and hating Superman, with an in-depth list of reasons why....and suddenly all of that is resolved, all of his suspicions and fears of Superman just float away because their moms have the same name. Sure, the way to Bruce's heart would probably be through his parents, but this was just bullshit inconsistency for even this shitty take on Batman. Affleck gave a fine performance....although I never buy him completely as Bruce Wayne. I still see Ben Affleck. Yes, he's acting and making an effort....but there are scenes where it really feels like you're watching a guy act and not an immersed character in a movie, if that makes sense. Still, he's a better actor than Cavill...which doesn't set the bar very high performance-wise for this film. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... LEX LUTHOR:
Jesse Zuckerberg is a decent actor and gives a good performance in this movie....but not as Lex Luthor. Lex in this movie is the worst live action version of the character ever. Jars of piss and feeding people Jolly Ranchers aren't who Lex Luthor is. This Lex leaves notes for people -- that they don't even get -- signed as someone else to start trouble, he gives jars of piss to people, shoves candy in people's mouths, he has ticks... he's basically like a high school prankster. I fully expect the extended cut of the film to include a scene of him leaving a flaming bag of shit at Wayne Manor and ringing the doorbell before running away, blaming Superman. 
Maybe this is what Eisenberg was going for, but his "Lex" was honestly hard to watch in many scenes. Reminded me of Jim Carey's Riddler, maybe Dr Sivana, but he also reminded me of Hector Hammond in the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern film (which was also hard to watch -- both the film and the Hector Hammond character I mean). I'm not sure what he was going for here....he was almost more like the Joker than Lex in some scenes. They even have him talk about his abusive father as he monologues to Superman like Joker in The Dark Knight, and make remarks at Lois too ("Ooh, you're feisty!" = "Little fight in ya, I like that!"), before throwing her off a building...just like Ledger's Joker threw Maggie Gylenhaal out of a building in The TDK. I know Lex has had abusive parents before in the comics.... but they should have revealed this info in a different way from how it was done with The Joker in TDK. 
This Lex was so fay and effete, when the guy he feeds the candy to comes up to him and says "maybe we can help each other", I half thought Lex was going to give him a blowjob when he told him to step into his office. His plan of getting Batman to fight Superman and then Doomsday to destroy everything if it didn't work made no sense. Neither did how he deduced the secret identities of Batman and Superman -- there's zero explanation for it.
As predicted, Jesse Zuckerberg as Lex Luthor is the third worst casting in a superhero film of all time, right after Gall Gagot as Wonder Woman (2), and Ezra Miller as The Flash (1). There is no "Heath Ledger" or "Michael Keaton" "surprise" here, as anyone with a brain could have deduced (and did, like yours truly) the moment he was cast. This Lex also has terrible motivation for hating Superman, if you can even call it motivation at all....he basically hates him because he has powers and only people with knowledge should have powers, or something? Lots of esoteric mumbo jumbo about "gods" and "man" do not a great character make. He actually seemed even less like Lex Luthor to me once his head was shaved: then he just came across as Michael Cera with a shaved head, like some little wimpy kid, mumbling about shit in jail, evoking nothing but pity. "Ding ding ding ding ding" thank God they brought Terrio on board, eh, snyderbots? LOL! What a joke. Jesse Zuckerberg -- as I've said since day one -- would have been a better Riddler, Toyman, or even Dr Sivana or Jimmy Olsen, he was never going to be a good Lex Luthor, he had zero chance. Decent actor, but terribly miscast. A dog cannot play a cat and vice versa. Get it, snyderbots. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. LOIS LANE: Her character sucked in this movie. I've never liked Amy Adams as Lois Lane, she doesn't look like her, and Lois should be closer in age to Clark. Lois should not be a few or several years older than Clark. But then again, everyone's been around before Clark in the snyderverse: Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc....so fuck it, Lois may as well be too. Her faux feminist dialogue about how she's "not a woman, but a reporter" were total fucking cringe too. Amy Adams' Lois is the most unlikable Lois ever to appear live action, in my opinion. She's not funny, she's not witty, she's not vulnerable, she's not all that pretty, she's not nosey, she's not playfully competitive... she just sucks. The scene where Supes catches Lois from her perspective was the only good scene with her. Having her save Superman again and again was awful, and so was having her show up wherever the plot needed her to be....like tossing the kryptonite spear, then retrieving it later not knowing it was needed. More on that sloppiness later... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PERRY "WHITE": Laurence Fishburne is actually great in this movie. One of the few good actors and good performances in this film. I liked him....not as Perry White, he's totally miscast, Perry's not black, sorry not sorry...everything must be darker in Snyder's world, including Perry White I guess...but I liked Fishburne as an actor in this film being a good actor giving a good performance. It's refreshing to see, especially when the movie's this bad. It helped to get through certain scenes. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ALFRED: Jeremy Irons' Alfred is the best thing in the film, and a better Alfred than Michael Caine, in my opinion. He's funny, he's not preachy, he doesn't always have a speech prepared or fortune cookie advice, he's just the butler doing butler-y and helpful things (even though they *said* he's a "bodyguard", not a "butler" in the snyderverse...thankfully not much of that came through), and I liked that. He even gets a few lines in the film directly from the comics, which only makes him feel more Alfred-y. Only complaint -- which is not even Irons' fault -- is that there's not more of an age distance between he and Affleck. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... WONDER WOMAN: Gall Gagot was every bit as awful as I thought she'd be. Looks like Jeff Goldblum in the face, has a pool cue body, and terrible English speaking and acting skills. Her brown costume also sucked and so did that shitty blairing Egyptian techno music that played whenever she showed up. Her little smile while fighting Doomsday -- supposedly for her life, a force that's so powerful it kills Superman -- was out of place and stupid, a dumb tryhard attempt to remphasize that she's a "warrior" and "strong woman who can take on da boys!" bullshit. Her feminazi dialogue about how bad men are was also heavy handed and fucking sucked. Gall's the second worst casting of all time and she shouldn't have been in the film, neither should her character have been in the film for that matter. Cybore and Aquamariner shouldn't have been in the film, either.  Gall Gagot is a terrible actress and can't even speak fluent english. Stupid people and snyderbots who don't know anything about Wonder Woman will think this is great "cuz she not from merikah dah!!!". But what they don't get is that Wonder Woman is a PHYSICALLY PERFECT MAGICAL character and can speak any language of her choice fluently and perfectly, and therefore she would speak English perfectly and without an accent. Secondly, if she WERE to have an accent, it'd be a GREEK one, not an Israeli one, so the moronic snyderbots are even wrong by their own logic. Because it's not really about "realism" or whatever other bullshit they say, it's about changing the characters into the actors to accommodate the shitty casting. They've done it with Lex Luthor and Jesse Zuckerberg quite obviously, likewise with Jason Momariner and the tattoos and Aquaman, but for some reason snyderbots can't see that so clearly with Gall Gagot Wafer Woman....perhaps that's because they have no idea what Wonder Woman is supposed to be like. Fan-fake shits. Also, lack of boobs, ass, hips, and curves is a completely perfect and valid criticism of the person who is supposed to be playing WONDER WOMAN. A sex symbol, a supposed physically perfect woman. Why is it we can have a physically accurate Batman and Superman, but suddenly it's wrong and hateful to hold the person playing Wonder Woman to the same standard? Snyderbots are morons. If the roles were reversed they'd have someone like DJ Qualls as Superman. 
Gall Gagot shouldn't be playing Wonder Woman because she doesn't look or talk like her, and cannot. Wonder Woman is physically perfect, has blue eyes, boobs, hips, ass, is athletic, etc. Gall Gagot is a pool cue. Gall Gagot looks like Jeff Goldblum in the face. Gall Gagot has the English speaking and acting skills of a paper bag. Wonder Woman can speak any language of her choosing fluently and perfectly because she is magical, therefore she would not have an Israeli accent. If she had an accent at all, she would have a Greek one since she is based in Greek mythology, not an Israeli one. The Wonder Woman costume is iconic. The stars on the suit look great. America did not invent stars, nor does it have ownership of them, or the colors blue, red, white, and yellow. It's entirely possible a magical ancient civilization like Wonder Woman's may have had these colors and stars long before america did, therefore there is no reason to get rid of the stars on her uniform because she's not from America. She could also still be an ambassador to the country and deliberately choose her outfit for those reasons....removing the stars on Wonder Woman's suit removes an element of her iconography because america hating pussified cuckolds are in control of the characters. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with what does and does not make sense for the characters, because having stars made as much sense as anything else about the character. Ask yourselves two questions, snyderbots:
- Do you like the characters? - Do you think there's anything wrong with them? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, then why do you support such shitty representations of them on screen? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... THE FLASH: Ezra Miller looked just like Gall Gagot in the film, and he also looked just like Ezra Fairy Allen Miller: long dark hair, asian androgynous looking face, facial hair, and looked nothing like any version of The Flash. Also sounded like a Bizarro James Franco when he spoke. Him saving Zack Snyder the cameo convenience store clerk (who's he think he is, Stan Lee?) from a robbery in the crappy email footage was fitting in that the two worst things about the snyderverse should of course share a scene together. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DOOMSDAY: Doomsday's look was disappointing, but still looked more like Doomsday than Snyder's Aquaman looked like Aquaman, Flash looked like Flash, Wonder Woman looked like Wonder Woman, and Lex looked like Lex, so I can't fault him much visually. However, breathing fire and sending off nuclear pulses was fucking lame. Just keep him a big monster that fucks shit up. His origin in the film was pretty dumb though: Snyder has Lex cut himself over Zod's dead body in some alien fluid and wammo, this makes Doomsday. It comes off as more "voodoo" than science, but whatever. Thought it would have been cool to show Lex creating Doomsday in a lab somewhere, gradually over time, this just seemed like there wasn't much though put into it, but whatever. People will say "They're aliens, so who knows how their tech works?"...I'll say that's true, but this just seemed lazy and stupid. I was fine with Doomsday being the big bad since I consider him a throwaway character with no personality and he's basically just a thing to punch, so it didn't bum me out that we didn't see him on Krypton and all that, I would have been fine if they handled him as a Cadmus creation like in the Bruce Timm Justice League cartoons, but the way they brought him about in the film was just stupid. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... THE STORY: It's dumb. ALL FLASHBACKS AND DREAM SEQUENCES SHOULD HAVE BEEN CUT FROM THE MOVIE. The entire flashback sequence with young meterosexual haircut Bruce Wayne falling down a hole and witnessing his parents' murder in slow-mo should have been cut out of the beginning of the film entirely, if it were in the film at all it should have been a flashback when Bruce is brooding in the cave later on in the film. They should never have opened with it, and then went to another flashback on top of it. All of the dream sequences for Batman that teased Darkseid, where Snyderman Temple Of Doom heart-grabs Batman (since Supes can only become evil in the snyderverse) should have been left out of the film. They should have just tried to focus on Batman and Superman and doing a strong character piece instead of setting up yet another movie when they can't even set this film up right. Superman just became Superman and they kill him in his second movie. They also kill Clark Kent -- why? Just more effort and ludicrousness if they choose to bring Clark back too -- it was utterly pointless to kill him, but then again, Snyder hates the Clark Kent element of the character so maybe Clark won't return at all. Also, if Superman can come back and he was stabbed in the heart, why couldn't Zod? He only had his neck snapped.
Why not give Wonder Woman the kryptonite spear (she's good with ancient weapons, right, after all, she's even got a friggin' sword and shield!) and have Superman push Doomsday onto it? If they'd have talked to Batman, perhaps they could have come up with a pla-- oh wait, this Batman is an idiot in this version, nevermind. 
Batman hides under a piece of building to avoid Doomsday's nuclear blast, meanwhile buildings all around him are destroyed by it. The flashback scene at the beginning of the film would have been enough motivation to show why Batman is concerned about Snyderman, the film should have opened with that and left it that way instead of doing the origin yet again and pointless dream sequences to show why Batman hates him.
Amidst the 9/11 imagery (again), the Metropolis flashback from the perspective of the people was cool, particularly when we see Superman get knocked into a building from their point of view, but the world's being destroyed by a giant dubstep weapon literally right outside a building window, and Bruce Wayne has to call the guy who works there to tell him to evacuate the building before anyone has the good sense to get out. This was moronic. (Also, even with its retcon of the Man Of Murder ending, BvS only re-emphasized what was already obvious from Man Of Murder: METROPOLIS WAS NOT EVACUATED AND THERE WERE MANY PEOPLE THERE WHEN SNYDERMAN FOUGHT ZOD, just for the snyderbots keeping score ;) )
Snyderman is blamed for killing terorists....who were obviously killed with machine guns. Do they really think he'd grab a machine gun and just shoot them when he can snap their necks and push them through walls? Maybe they just think Snyderman is that hardcore...I don't know, but the logic and reasoning behind this was stupid. 
Also, CONGRESS is destroyed. A fucking bomb goes off, and that's the last we hear of it. It's never brought up again in the film.
You can't copy and paste parts of Dark Knight Returns into this story because there's nothing else from it to go along with it: you can't do a DKR style Batman that's an old man with a history but a young rookie Superman with no history, and the two just met so they have no history with each other, and therefore no DKR conflict, as their history, the fact that they'd both lived as long as each other and lived through the same events and dealt with them differently, is the driving force behind their conflict in DKR.... BvS has none of that. But Snyder doesn't give a shit, he just copies and pastes all of the Dark Knight Returns Batman shit that he liked into the movie and hoped the rest would contort around it, continuity he established in MOS where Supes was supposedly the first ever DC hero be damned. Now we got Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and pretty much everyone else older and around longer than Supes. The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg should never been in the film, and their cameo placement is handled in the most lazy, shoehorned, uncreative manner, at the most inappropriate time in the film. We get what is essentially little teaser trailers for each of the characters that had everything but a release date sticker attached to it, right as we're about to finally see Batman and Superman fight, the thing the entire movie was supposedly built around, that everyone bought a ticket for, they have a 6 minute interruption of Gall Gagot opening emails right as the fight is about to happen. Also, imagine if you're a kid watching these email videos and don't know who the characters are (why would you? They're unrecognizable). They're all scary and unlikable: Zack Snyer being rescued by a man that looks like a woman with a ponytail and beard in a convenience store robbery, a klingon with glowing white eyes in the water, a black guy's head and chest strapped to a board screaming at the camera....if you were a kid, you were probably like "WTF is this?". It's uncomfortable and there's no excitement to it...it's just scary looking people screaming at shit.
The film is full of bad pacing, bad editing, and inconsistency, it's just a series of scenes happening again with no flow or harmony to them. What little energy the fight between Batman and Superman had leading up to it is dissolved by the inappropriate placement of the email scene, which takes you out of the movie. Even when Superman lands to fight Batman, his attitude and mannerisms seem absolutely different from the last moment we saw him. The tone is off...and it feels phony. Cavill's acting in the scene is terrible "Stop...ugh...You don't understand!"...sounded like a sound bite from a videogame. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... EASTER EGGS/VISUAL REFERENCES: Dark Knight Returns, Batman punching through a wall saying "I believe you", Batman standing on something high with a rifle, Batman jumping with his arm stretched in the air, Knightmare Batnan, The Man-Bat in the Wayne's tomb during another dream sequence (with VENOM leaking out of it, LOL), Superman looking zombie like after a nuke, Superman floating in space and opening his eyes to reveal heat vision like in Injustice, Superman falling a certain way to look like his Death Of Superman comic pose after Doomsday kills him, the silver "S" shield on the black coffin, Flash showing up to warn Batman about something like in Crisis On Infinite Earths, it was cool to see a Parademon (they looked good), I got all of the visual references to the comics, and I appreciated them and thought they were cool. They helped me -- a comics fan -- get through an otherwise unbearable film. Unfortunately they mean nothing to the general audience and non comic book people who just came in the hopes of a good movie, they also do nothing for the story. I think it's great that Zack Snyder vaguely seemingly understands the picture parts of the comic books, but he doesn't understand any of the characters, motivations, or stories, and therein lies the problem, since it makes everything else meaningless. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... THE SCORE: It's terrible. Un-hummable, unmemorable....it will not stand the test of time like anything John Williams, Danny Elfman, or Shirley Walker have done. It's quite generic, just boring, droll background music, and at the same time bombastic and loud. Hans Zimmer retiring from doing superhero films is one of the best things to come out of this movie. He can take Junkie XL with him for that matter. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... And that about sums up most of my thoughts on the film. It's a long read, jumbled and chaotic (not unlike the film), so I apologize, and I'm sure I probably left some stuff out which I'll kick myself later for, but what do you think? What were your thoughts on the film?
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