#most surprised by sages 👀
stephschoices · 2 years
ocs as a love language.
thank you so much @sysba for tagging me đŸ„°đŸ’ž took this quiz for a few of my current favs I’ve been thinking about lately ~
I’ll tag @griffin-wood @fateunwritten-if @gloomcat-mess @unithecorn @lavinet and anyone else who wants to do it ~
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an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
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violent devotion
Everyone seems to think you are faithless, but the thing is you haven’t yet found someone who will bring you to your knees and make you raise your head in reverence. This world has stopped bringing you joy, you want more of the divine. You want to dedicate your entire existence to someone; you want to make them realise they are not something terrible, make them see just how much beauty they are bringing to this world. You want to be the only one for them, the only one they have chosen to love. There’s a god shaped pit inside of you and only they can fit in it. And what if they choose to walk away? Didn’t I say this was violent devotion?
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a knife called grief
You have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? You can run but not without them. You want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything.You want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. You want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. Because you know you’d do that for them.
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an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
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a story that ends in blood
The world has always been unkind, and when you have turned to yourself for comfort you have come face to face with an empty pit which seems to be laughing. You don’t care if it kills you but once you find someone whom you love and who loves you back, you will make sure nothing happens to them. They are yours. You will make a tear in this world and create a new place for you and your love if it comes to that. Because it has always been about love, and it is how it always ends.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
Monkey King reborn deserves all the love! How about MKR Wukong x Albino haired female demon reader. Let's just say she's "special", what I mean special she has a mental illness called Social Anxiety and ADHD. But despised of her mental illness she's very strong with magic, However the celestials put a circlet around her neck. She was wondering around by herself, and didn't realize the dangers around her, especially demons who wants to capture and marry her. Luckily she was saved by the Great Sage himself, the crew notice how nervous and distracted she is which the Monk is concerned about her, he decided to let her joined them. She got used to them in couple months and the Monkey King is very VERY protective towards her since she's kinda weak with a circlet around her neck but she still can defend herself. But Wukong will still be her protector ❀
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Female
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Sun Wukong-Monkey King
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I mean-👀 You're a pretty thing. Plump and beautiful! Your appearance is also rare, with uncommon looks that make others jealous. And the fact that you're well versed in magic is incredible! Even with the circlet sapping most of your powers, you're still able to kick ass! Who wouldn't want to marry you?
Unfortunately, you're used to having all sorts of weirdos coming after you, and though you always have it under control, it's pretty annoying. You'd like to enjoy your day without being chased after.
Sadly, it seemed like it was going to be another day of demons trying to capture and force marriage upon you, but to your surprise, you're saved by the infamous Sun Wukong.
You’ve heard a lot about him, and the rumors do him a disservice. He’s a lot more handsome than others said, and you're kinda mad that you haven't seen him till now. Though, the rumors about him being cocky and sneaky are true.
The others eventually catch up and question your predicament, which you explain to them. They can see that it's getting you down just by talking about it. Tang Sanzang asks you to join so that you'll be better protected. You agree and begin the journey with them .
Wukong definitely understand the circlet, but he sympathizes with you more because unlike him, he can use all of his powers freely, while you can't. He asks for the name of all the Celestials who put the damned item on you and won't give up until he gets names. He wants to avenge you.
They immediately notice your ADHD, what with your constant movement and short attention span. They’re usually able to get you back on track and calm you down. They'll also help you with reminding you about things you need to do or get.
The Anxiety gets better with them, but Wukong and the others usually step in to talk. They are a bit confused. Talking to people is easy, but they understand to a degree. It makes you uncomfortable, so they won't push you to do it, but if you ask for help in talking to others, they'll be glad to assist.
You’re still somewhat strong, so anyone who judges you can get a good hit or two from you. Wukong will still jump in and stomp them in for daring to insult/attack him.
He becomes more protective as time goes by. He’s come to care a great deal about you, and you’re too interesting to let go. He can never tell what you’re going to next, and it excites him. The same goes for you, never knowing what he's gonna do, the cheeky remarks he makes.
And though less demons come after you, the monkey demon still has his guard up. He's not gonna take that chance, nor will he let you be tainted by those lowly demons. They don't deserve you.
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skyward-floored · 26 days
berry link for the wip game? i'm very curious 👀💛
Berry Link is a little zelda au I’ve created, where Link has six older sisters who just so happen to be the six maidens/sages who are the key to freeing Ganon. He has to go on a quest to save them, and save Hyrule too of course. I call him Berry Link because his whole story has a big plant theme going on (his sisters all have flower names, there’s plant things he had to collect, etc), plus he loves blackberries, so his sisters and most people in his village call him Berry.
I’ve mostly just been writing some short scenes for him here and there, but maybe someday I’ll fit them all together into a bigger fic. Either way, here’s a scene I’ve been working on lately—
Link carefully took the flowers out of his pack, the blooms still as vibrant as when he’d first collected them from the temples. The petals glowed a bit in the sunlight, and Zelda leaned closer, her eyes wide.
“What are these?” Zelda asked in fascination, and Link held them out, vibrant greenish-yellow, soft blue, and warm reddish-orange.
“The three flowers of the goddesses,” he said simply, then pointed to each one in turn. “Blossom of Courage, Wisdom, and Power. I had to find them in these temple things, it took me a while— my grandpa said you’d know what to do with them.”
“Really?” Zelda said in confusion, staring at the flowers. “Oh. I... I’m sorry Link, I don’t think I do. I’ve never seen anything like these before.”
Link felt his hope plummet. “You’re sure?”
Zelda nodded, giving him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Link. I really haven’t.”
“I have.”
The two of them squeaked in surprise, Link scrambling not to drop the flowers as he grabbed for his sword, both of them whirling around. Standing a few paces away in a uniform reminiscent of the soldiers Link had seen around, was a teenager around the age of some of Link’s older sisters.
“Basil! Don’t sneak up on us!” Zelda pouted, and Basil, apparently, gave her a small smile as he walked over.
“Sorry Zellie. But I do know what your friend is asking about.”
Zelda immediately perked up. “You do?!”
“Sure. The flowers of the goddesses are mentioned in some older books I’ve read, they’re the key to freeing the Master Sword,” Basil said in a matter-of-fact voice.
“The what?” Link and Zelda asked simultaneously. Basil sighed.
“Don’t you kids pay attention in history class? The Master Sword. Pure weapon of light and goodness, slays demons, seals evil. It was locked up in a secure location so nobody could access it unless it was needed again,” he explained, a hand on his hip. “And those blossoms are the key to getting it.”
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95jezzica · 2 months
Additional Scion Jobs
Long title: Additional Classes & Jobs I think would suit/have suited the Scions. 👀 (And no, I'm not gonna cheat and put Scholar on all of them, although in some case it would actually fit).
[Sorry in advance, the European FFXIV servers went down and they didn't bother to get them up again before the planned maintenance in a few hours, SO this accidentally became a long one post of thoughts, so I'm putting it below 'Read More']. 😂
So. Additional Classes & Jobs I think would have suited the Scions.
Minfilia Warde: White Mage. 🌟 I always wished for her to get something more to fight back with - and White Mage would fit her with the themes of seeking peace, harmony and wanting to support her friends. Seeing as Minfillia spends most of ARR stuck back in the HQ overseeing their operations it'd also make sense to make her a Healer who can take care of her returning comrades once they come back from their missions. Minor spoilers for HW/Shadowbringers, but her being White Mage could also further explain her connections and deeds later on in the game. Though there's a lot of memes about White Mage being a "green DPS" I think she'd be more focused on the healing part.
Tataru Taru: I was about to jokingly say Machinist to give her a gun, but jokes aside I'd give her the class/job Botanist. đŸŒŒ Tataru not being a fighter but still wanting to help is kind of a plot-point within the game, and so I shall abide by the rules. (Though I suppose her being an Arcanist can still be considered canon considering the blue quests in Stormblood?). At any rate I think she'd fit well as a Botanist. Not only would it give her a way to Sneak around, but it'd also help her Gather the resources she or her friends need. As her only listed canon class is Weaver on the wiki, I'm also tempted to add Leatherworker and Culinarian into the list, seeing as we do have some moments where she already works on these even if they're not listed as canon classes (yet?).
Y'shtola "Master of Destruction" Rhul: Summoner. đŸ”„ No one can deny Y'Shtola is a master of magic. With Conjurer & Black Mage already under her belt it should come to no surprise I think she would continue with a similar line of study, and because of this I think she'd be perfect as Summoner. We COULD technically argue Arcanist/Summoner is semi-canon considering her past studies, but since it's not listed as one of her canon classes/jobs I shall not count it as one either, because the job is too perfect for her to ignore. Additionally I could see her pick up Blue Mage for the challenge it'd give her, even if it wouldn't be a main-job she'd use in world-deciding battles.
Lyse Hext: Dancer (and/or Monk?). đŸ’ƒđŸœ I was admittedly surprised Lyse's only canon listed class/job on the Wiki is Pugilist, and I honestly can't remember if Lyse ever got to upgrade to Monk, but I could have sworn she got the Dancer? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but either way I think she'd fit well with the Dancer job. She has always been light on her feet and being Dancer would also give her a ranged class to complement Pugilist/Monk, which is very close-ranged.
Papalymo Totolymo: I'd say Sage, after much consideration. 🛡 He was a difficult one to decide on though, but in the end I think it's the one who would make the most sense for him given the lore of Sage being a Sharlayan job difficult to master. It's also canon Papalymo studied the arcane for most of his life, so it'd make sense to give him something related to magic outside of him being a Thaumaturge. That, and I don't feel like he'd fit as a Scholar (the job), Astrologian, Summoner, Red Mage or Pictomancer. I could give a maybe to White Mage, but that's a MAYbe.
Thancred Waters: đŸ”« Machinist was obviously my first thought, because hey, canon Gunbreaker already - but given his past as both Gladiator & Rogue he also has a lot of potential as Dark Knight and/or Viper, all which I feel would fit him well. Since he's already a tank with Gunbreaker I'd say Thancred getting Machinist and Viper would be the most useful for him though, and would let him use his experience at the same time as giving him better DPS stats. đŸ”Ș
Urianger Augurelt: Scholar, to the surprise of absolutely no one. 😂 xD Listen, if any of the scions deserves the Scholar job, it's him - and it'd be especially fitting for Shadowbringers and give additional reason(s) as to how and why he was able to get along so well with the fae. 🍄 Perhaps a little more surprising is instead that I think he'd also do well as a Reaper. Urianger has proven again and again he does what's necessary to save those he cares about, even at the risk of earning their scorn, and since he's already a canon Astrologian with Scholar added to the list from me Reaper is a good way to balance him out a bit to not only be focused on the healing jobs. đŸ‘» Especially since there's already so many Scions who are Thaumaturge and/or Black Mages and I can't really imagine him taking on a job as a tank. Even with his character development I wouldn't say he enjoys being the center of attention.
Alphinaud Leveilleur: I so badly want to give him a DPS job, but tbh I don't think he'd really fit as any of them? As previous Arcanist and nowadays Scholar/Sage I could simply give him Summoner and be done with it, but it'd be kind of ironic to see him running around summoning a mini-Bahamut. If hard-pressed I'd give him Pictomancer instead, which would be a fun nod to Shadowbringers/Endwalkers as well, but it doesn't feel like a perfect fit either. 🖌 Tbh the perfect job for him would be a tank focused on magic with magical shields and the likes, and to this day I badly wish FFXIV will introduce one in the future. Sadly I think it might be difficult for them to make it different enough from Sage, so Idk if I'll ever get my wish come true.
Alisaie Leveilleur: Gunbreaker. đŸ”« / "Jezzica, WHY!???" / Okay, so admittedly part of it is because it'd be hilarious to see her run around with a big gun, but given her personality a job as a tank would actually suit her very well and make her tanky enough to actually continue to stand in the aoe without moving. đŸ”« Alisaie is not the healer in a battle, but doesn't mind helping out with healing outside of it. She's loud, honest, and loves being in the middle of it all. Additionally Alisaie has always been the most outspoken about how everyone is relying too much on you (the WoL). Her being a tank fits her personality really well, and quite frankly I think she would quickly become a Dark Knight if you (the WoL) ever died within the game. Given the fact Alisaie is already a Red Mage she also has potential as a Viper, but at the current time I still think Gunbreaker would fit her the best as an additional class/job.
Krile Baldesion: Another difficult one, but I'd probably give her Dancer based on vibes alone from the DT-trailer(s) and her already being a canon healer and Pictomancer. đŸ’ƒđŸœ She's a difficult one though, because I haven't spent as much time with her in the game yet.
Estinien "Wyrmblood" Varlineau: Defeating dragons was his entire life for so long that I think he'd struggle to be anything but a Dragoon even if he has another purpose now. đŸČ The fact that he was basically raised by the former Azure Dragoon after being orphaned wouldn't have made it easier to introduce Estinien to another job either. 🐉 Part of me wanted to put Estinien's additional job as a Dark Knight ⚔ , but tbh he's more of a "attack is the best defense" kind of guy, and he's more driven by attacking the problem than defending those behind him. đŸȘ“ He could potentially fit well as a Warrior, but then he'd probably be a "one-man army" kind of Warrior who forgets to turn on his stance. 😂 Anyway, in all likelyhood I think Estinien would aim for another DPS if he had to add another job, and amongst those I think Reaper might actually be the best fit. Purely physically he could do a good job as Pugilist as well, but I have a hard time imagining him go around unlocking chakra(s) and/or later upgrading to Monk. x)
G'Raha Tia: đŸ± Jack of All Trades, Master of None, is yet always better than Master of One. With that said I think we can all agree that adding Summoner to his list of already many jobs is too perfect to ignore. 😂 With Archer/Black Mage/Paladin/White Mage already under his belt we probably shouldn't add more to his big list after that though. 😂 xD
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darethshirl · 7 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
super late with this but better late than never! thank you for the tags @fadedsweater, @anneapocalypse, and @dragon--sage đŸ„°đŸ„° tagging back @roguelioness, @sarsaparillia, @korcariiwitch, @queenaeducan, @rosella-writes, @dreadfutures, @melisusthewee, @mel-0n-earth and anyone who sees this and wants to do it tbh!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern!
Goblins were disgusting, wretched little creatures, but even Astarion had to admit they knew how to throw a party.
from i'm not beaten by this yet (you can't tell me to regret) (bloodweave, explicit, 3k words)
It was only after Astarion had finished the kill—after the gut-deep slash, the satisfying spurt of blood—that he realized he was being watched.
from tear it through my heart (again, again, again) (tavstarion, mature, 4k words)
The cemetery was a quiet, unassuming little place, hidden between a shabby building and a formerly-tall church wall that was swiftly falling into ruin.
from cradle me with grace (tavstarion, explicit, 3k words)
Baldur’s Gate buzzed with all the activity of a healthy city, lively and unchanging throughout the ages.
from so long to this wretched form (tavstarion, teen, 4k words)
The tower at Moonrise was both more imposing and more cramped than Astarion had imagined.
from take me under, take me home (tavstarion, teen, 6k words)
The moon shone high overhead, and Ketheric Thorm’s world was crumbling all around him.
from deus proditus (Ketheric study, general, 1k words)
The thing was, Astarion really had wanted her from the moment he’d first laid eyes on her.
from let me wrap my teeth around the world (tavstarion, explicit, 5k words)
In retrospect, John should have waited before bringing his friends back to life.
from like prometheus we are bound, our godforsaken lot (John/Mercy/Augustine, The Locked Tomb, general, 2k words)
It starts so abruptly that Cliff doesn’t even realize what’s happening.
from you know how to make me crawl (Cliff/David, Black Mirror, explicit, 1k words)
Despite everything, and despite what her future memories will tell her, Erica grew up relatively happy in the House of Slaughter.
from ain’t it a gentle sound, the rolling in the graves (Erica study, Something Is Killing The Children, teen, 2k words)
so!! first of all I'm surprised I had to go deep enough that I ran out of bg3 fics lmao. I'd almost forgotten I'd written that black mirror fic!! and yet I didnt go far enough to reach a dragon age one đŸ„Č I really have left this fandom huh (for now! đŸ˜€đŸș)
second of all, I'm surprised by how short some of these are! I definitely think of myself as more wordy, and I prefer my longer sentences when I look at this. I think the weakest are the bg3 ones in the middle where I have to establish which act we're in (and let me tell you I STRUGGLED with that Baldur's Gate city description, it was literally the last part I wrote in the fic and you can kinda tell i wanted to get things over with aksdh)
I do prefer the ones that are more character-centric (poor Ketheric, so dramatic lmao). I think if you're going in fandom-blind John's line is the most striking (he can bring people back from the dead???) even tho if you have the context it's not that impressive an opening 😂 And I super enjoyed writing astarion being a dick about goblins!
but I gotta say my favourite line is the "it was only after Astarion had finished the kill" etc etc from tear it through my heart đŸ„°đŸ„° in fact I liked that line so much I made it the summary! these are the kind of vibes I want to always achieve 👀 also, honestly, I should start in action/medias res more often! it seems like a fun style I've tragically underused so far
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plasticfangtastic · 5 months
The Boys season 4 trailer rambles. 1/2
Got a couple things on my mind after seeing the trailer 3 times, and if i get anything wrong...just accept am rambling and seeing shit.
this is ll out of order btw.
first off--
Sister Sage and The Deep date night? 👀
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Love how they are having blooming onions, just love how the deep is risking onion breath on a date with a girl way above his level, like you are such a confident man.
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Got a feeling this two scenes happen right after each other.
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His fucked up way to comfrot Ryan after he gets upset over killing somebody, I am more surprised to know that Homelander was there and presumably early enough to have stopped Ryan from killing pancake man, no doubt he is proud of him in the back doubt he is angry at him in any way, also we might get Homie eating/drinking soemthing other than oysters and milk but I would not be shocked if its for a guest of Ryan (Maybe Zoe?) unless he develop a healthy relationship with sugary food since he got his son.
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baking cookie scene I supposed (ignroed the edit on the image) wonder what conversation transpired here, did Butcher told Ryan about Becca and HL and somehow he still picked HL?
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Was he going to but he chickened out the moment HL showed up? or did HL gave him visitation's rights and showed up once he realized Butcher was gonna blabber, bcuz Ryan looked like he was about to cry.
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Are we gonna get treated to a whole ass The Seven on Ice sequence?
Like why? but also Homelander should wear this sparkly ass suit, like you know he would look so fine in it.
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and I guess we get spoiled the fate of the one characther I will never understand the vitriol and hatred people have over which is Todd, guess the Deep and company will just bash him and his buddies head like is Purge night, he might not be todd and I mean background dude next to hat guy but he looks like todd to me, so i guess we can have MM and his wife get back together.
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due to spoilers I know whats going on in this scene(I forgot to screen shot the face of Firecracker in this scene as she looks almost remorseful to kill Cameron over here) also they probably shouldnt have showed Cameron and the Gen V kids so early on the trailers, we can also see Sister Sage and Tek Knight in the background, and I think Ashley was also in the room which we then see her proabbly trying to figure out how to survive this shit with Also Ashley.
I love Ashley but she reeps what she sows after what she did to the Gen V kids cuz both Sam and Cate are direct victims of her actions.
What shocks me the most is that A-Train is in both the killing of Todd and Cameron, are these the moments that made him realize that he has to run away (no pun intended) from HL, this coupled with Hughie's voice over makes me feel like that might be the case.
end of part 1/2
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Talk Shop Tuesday - so 'main gehra tamas tu sunehra savera (main tera)' is one of the best and most heartbreaking ATLA fics I've ever read, and I'd love to know how you wrote it and what advice you have for anyone who wants to do a fusion fic like that, because the way you combined the two was excellent.
Ahhh thank you, I’m so glad you liked it! To be honest, I wrote it because when I was watching the Hasan x Aisha episode of Ms. Marvel (the flashback one), I kept thinking “wow this would be a really cool Maiko AU”, and then I told one of my friends that, and she basically went “👀👀” because of course she did, she’s my top enabler 😂
So from there, it was just a matter of figuring out the logistics. I’ve had a bunch of fusion crossover ideas (and this isn’t even the first fusion fic I’ve written for Maiko), but logistics are definitely the tricky part
though here, it wasn’t altogether difficult.
Here’s the link to the fic for those who don’t know it! More discussion about it (+ advice about fusion fics) under the cut:
It meant ATLA canon divergence, obviously, because canon Maiko wouldn’t jive with this - they’ve known each other since they were small kids. So, in this version, I decided they never did. Mai met Azula and Ty Lee after Zuko’s banishment, and they were friends. Three years pass Ty Lee runs off to join the circus, and Ozai pushes for Azula to be declared Crown Princess a year early on her upcoming 15th birthday, since Zuko is of age to be Crown Prince but not around to actually be declared so.
Ofc the Sages are reluctant, since Zuko is only missing and not dead, so Azula convinces Mai to go out and find Zuko and bring him back to be executed.
(And also, btw, in this fic, Zuko isn’t involved in any of the Avatar business. He just kinda went off and made a quiet life for himself somewhere else. Maybe Iroh was with him at one point, but
he isn’t anymore, because that didn’t fit the framing of this fic.)
And that, in essence, lays the groundwork. This enables Mai and Zuko to meet much like Hasan and Aisha did, on a distant farmhouse where they then fall in love. The rest of it kinda fell into place after that
though ofc with the addition of Izumi.
And ofc Aisha’s “magic” became Zuko’s rainbow fire here - presumably he learned the proper way to firebend during his years away, and his firebending can change color at will now.
Honestly, my advice for fusion fics is this: I haven’t written all my fusion fic ideas, because some of them just don’t get to the writing stage, but for the ones that do, the logistics fell into place because I went “okay, I clearly need to change canon, but what do I have to change and what can I keep?” Be open to possibly having to throw out chunks of canon that you might’ve liked, to make it fit in a fusion
but if it doesn’t work, then don’t force it. Most people won’t get too hung up on the little details, but you’re the writer - if you’re not satisfied with it, then that’ll show in the fic. It’s okay if an idea doesn’t work
and maybe it will later, you never know! Just give it time, and be patient with it. Fusion fics tend to be tricky beasts, but they’re incredibly satisfying to get right. More power to anyone who has written a fusion fic (or multiple), I salute you. It’s not easy.
Oh also
suggestion: don’t expect them to be popular 😂 even if you’re combining two very popular fandoms, it’s not always a guarantee that people will like it, because crossovers aren’t always popular (Arrowverse shows being the exception, because tbh they’re all one big fandom). This one WAS fairly popular, much to my pleasant surprise—it’s still one of my most popular fics—but my other fusion fic wasn’t so much. And that’s fine—I had fun writing it, and the person I wrote it for loved it, and that’s all I needed. If even a few people are happy with my fic and touched by it, and it makes me happy, that’s worth it 💞
talk shop tuesday!
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dainty-fingertips · 2 years
Oh. My. God. I’d love to see a fic based after your latest fic of the Sinister Six and the engineer reader, and I’d LOOVEEEE to see one where Montana takes out the reader on a date and the reader increasingly gets more flustered at his antics 👀
MONTANA SUPREMACY HELLO OMG y’all already know what’s about to happen
For me? ||Montana x fem!reader
word count: 2016
summary: After a successful night dealing with the web-slinger, the Sinister Six return to the base in the best mood you’ve ever seen them in. Montana, especially, who, in his fit of confident euphoria, invites you out for a first date. His flirting seems to have quite an effect on you, though

trigger warnings: none!! :)
written in third person pov so I wouldn’t get any weird looks from my family on vacation
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Her heels wobbled slightly as she moved to the front door of the establishment. Not out of inexperience, but out of sheer nervousness. This was not only her first date with a supervillain, but with Montana specifically. That smug bastard had swept her into his arms when he had gotten home with the other five, pulled his mask off, and pressed a long kiss to her knuckles. Only then did he invite her out to dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in New York. In a sputtering fit of bashfulness, she uttered a meager acceptance. The night’s search for the web-slinger must have gone well.
Pulling her dress down a little more, she approached the person standing at the entrance podium outside. “Hi!” She gave them a small smile and a nod, of which they responded with one in turn. “Hello, welcome.” She swallowed thickly her saliva and clasped her hands together in front of her. “I’m here for a date, I don’t know if he’s here or not
?” They quirked an eyebrow and looked down at the tablet attached to the podium for a moment in thought. “Guy with the cowboy hat?” A giddy musing of laughter bubbled out as a soft, embarrassed giggle at the question. “Yeah, that’s him.” The bouncer grinned and motioned for her to follow them inside.
The interior of the restaurant was familiar in a nostalgic sense, only because her parents had once brought her for her birthday several years ago. There was an iron chandelier with mock candles flickering the lobby in a dim but warm light, dark wooden floors, a touched-up cobble fireplace, and a pleasantly stitched sage green rug in the middle of the floor. She was lead into the next room to the right, the first of four dining areas. It was carpeted everywhere except for underneath the tables with mounted lanterns and tea candles on every table. Montana was nowhere to be seen here.
She was transferred from the bouncer to a waiter who was informed of the smooth-talking cowboy and his now-present date. The waiter, after a quick nod in the general direction, began to lead her through the second dining area, the third, and outside to the fourth. There she saw him, seated at a table in the large outdoor seating area near the middle. A pleasant array of candles were in the center of the glass-plated table, warmly casting their light on Montana’s stunningly handsome face.
Noticing him, she inhaled sharply and quickly told the waiter that she could go from there. He nodded and retreated back inside, leaving her to greet Montana by herself. Once again, she used her hands to fiddle with her dress and situate her hair and when she finally put them back at her sides, she and Montana were staring wide-eyed at each other across the patio. Taking a deep breath, she began to take hopeful-yet weary-steps to the table.
Montana stood up, his surprised look quickly replaced with an impressed eyebrow raise and a welcoming grin. “Well, well!” He approached her and met her at her seat, taking her hand in his own and pressing his lips to her knuckles once more. “Ain’t you prettier than a magnolia in May?” She couldn’t help but look down at her feet with a bashful smile spreading across her face. “T-Thank you for inviting me to dinner. I wanted to dress up for you.” She giggled, covering her face. “For me, huh?”
Montana’s grin evolved slowly into a smirk. “Shoot, ‘S awful sweet of you, sugar.” She realized then the connotations that came with what she’d just said and her face began to burn. “N-No, not- I just mean that, y-you know
” Without making TOO much of a move, he pulled out her chair and sat back down with her. There were two glasses of water on both of their sides of the table, and she began to think that might be the only way she’d be able to get her cheeks to turn back to a healthy color.
She picked up her glass, somehow cold despite a lack of ice, and took a long sip from it. Montana chuckled at her flustered attempts to cool herself off from the inside out. He took a sip of his own in response. She set her glass down, and before either could say a word, the waiter returned. The two decided to share a glass of red wine together, and when the waiter left to fetch it, she turned back to Montana.
“So, I’m curious
” she began, smiling softly at him. Her face was now significantly less red than it had been. Montana tilted his head and uttered a small “Mmm?”, ushering her to continue. “What happened yesterday?” He furrowed his brows for a second. “Whaddya mean, sugar?” She crossed her ankles and relaxed her posture slightly. “What’s got you in such a good mood? You walked in and kissed my knuckles and asked me out on a date. Here, no less.” She smiled softly.
Montana returned the gesture, smiling and tipping his hat up slightly. “Just a, uh
 spur of confidence, will ya.” He winked. “I been wantin’a take you out for date for some time now, you know.” She raised her eyebrows in surprise. He said it so casually! She could never admit that so easily
 Is that so?” She sunk into her seat slightly. Montana chuckled again, lower than before. “Mmmm. You seem surprised.” He smirked. “W-Well, a little!” She sighed sharply, noting the stark quickening of her heartbeat. Montana leaned forward slightly, resting his hands on the table. “I ain’t never seen you so shy before.” She remained silent and wide-eyed as he spoke, unsure of how else to respond.
“Didn’t know all I had to do to get you all flustered was to wear cashmere and take you to dinner. I’d’ve done it a long time ago. You’re awful cute when you’re embarrassed.” His smug facial expressions only made it worse. Her face grew about as red as the wine they were served immediately after. She hadn’t even had the chance to look at the menu! Tonight, she realized, was going to be long. Not that she minded, though. Montana’s playful yet sincere gaze would keep her energized enough to survive the dinner.
By the time the check had been brought and their stomachs were full, they decided to find a bench to rest at not too far away, but still within Central Park. Montana had his arm around her the entire time, saying sweet things and then talking about whatever came to his mind. He was certainly one for conversation. At some point, however, his words trailed off, and his eyes softened and he looked at her with something that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
Montana’s hand slipped over her own and he pulled her in to lean against him. “Are you alright?” She asked him, scooting a little closer until her thigh was completely against his own. He smiled a little wider and tipped his hat up, tsking his tongue a few times. He reached his hand upward to prop a finger under her chin and his thumb on the frontside. “Darlin’, I ain’t never been better.”
Once again her throat dried up and her hands grew clammy, all because of Montana and his smooth-talking mannerisms. His fingers against her skin made it impossible for her to shy away from him. “But I want you to tell me
” he reached with his thumb and grazed it across her bottom lip, his low grin twitching slightly. A shiver ran down her body, ricocheting from the top of her head through her arms and sending sparks through her fingertips as they shakily began to rest themselves on him.
“Are you alright, darlin’?” He crooned, his teasing eyes flickering from her lips briefly and back to her eyes. Just a long enough glance to make her begin to writhe. “M-Mont
” she couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. She could only close her eyes and nod, shuddering slightly. She had never wanted to implode more in her life. The games he played with her always made her a mess.
“Well, shoot, sugar. In ‘at case, how’s about we sign off on a good note?” He chuckled darkly, holding her chin more firmly. There is a point in time, when one goes on a dinner date with Shocker, where the teasing becomes a catalyst for questionable judgement. And as a result, one might not be opposed to begging for a healthy kiss from him. She was no exception. Despite her sudden inability to form coherent sentences, she did what she knew she could do.
Hesitantly, almost scared, she quivered and began to look down at his lips the way he’d been looking at hers. This time, however, it was no mere teasing glance. It was a gaze, a display of longing and of what bordered on desperation. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she needed his kiss the way she needed air to breathe. Montana’s lips parted slightly. “Whaddya say?” He whispered, voice low in the near silence.
Her face was blazing. This had been something she’d thought about for months. Was it now really happening? Was this it?
It was.
Within seconds, his hand had moved to her cheek and was guiding her face toward his own and he pressed his lips against her own. Her breath hitched and her hands trembled but he moved his other hand to her back and pulled her fully against himself. Her entire world stopped around her. The only things that could move were her lips on his. She managed to let her eyes shut and she melted into his touch, feeling his hands begin to move away from their initial spots. He ran them up her arms and let them rest on her biceps, squeezing her tightly enough that it would surely leave a mark.
Montana felt like he was on the moon.
He had never tasted lips as sweet as hers. Never had he felt skin as beautiful as hers. She felt like an Angel under his fingertips. His eyes remained closed and the kiss deepened; it couldn’t have gone any other way. With the desperation radiating off of them both, how could they simply stop now? She moved her hand up and removed his hat, holding it in one hand and using the other to run her fingers through his hair. He shuddered at the feeling of her fingertips ghosting along his scalp.
He tilted his head to the side and, despite the internal protest, he had to pull away. A gasp of air flooded into both of their mouths, but they didn’t move away. He pressed his forehead to hers and held her tightly, eyes half lidded and staring at nothing in particular. Neither of them could look at eachother. Her shoulders raised up and down with each influx of her lungs, and he adjusted his grip onto them to gently hold her rather than grasp her tightly. He gazed into her eyes, finally, and saw how dialatef her pupils had become. He could only smile again and press a long, gentle kiss to her forehead.
Finally, he had done it. He had kissed her, and she had kissed him. His smile wasn’t malicious or teasing any more. He was just
 happy. He slid his arms around her back and pulled her into an embrace. “Thank you
 thanks for comin’ to supper with me, darlin’.” He did not sound like Montana. He didn’t sound like a supervillain. He sounded like a normal person. Like a guy who finally, finally got the chance to kiss the girl.
“S-Say, Montana,” she whispered lowly. “mind if we go out another time, too?” Montana’s lips tilted up into a genuine, real smile once more; a sight she was simply ecstatic to see. “So’s ‘at an invitation for a second date?” A small chuckle slipped past her slightly swollen lips. “As long as it’s you.”
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
‘👀 haha for al-haitham
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send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around.
The teamwork of two brightest minds of the Akademiya certainly brings out the most intriguing of rumors between the common folk. They gossip and they giggle, or they gasp and they feel scandalized. They're still people and they're still fools no matter how highly academically they might stand. It's common knowledge Al-Haitham is the least teamwork friendly person to work with and Zarina's own stubborn approach to research is brought up by the community. Perhaps, that's why several scholars who couldn't defeat their curious would inquire Sokolova about working with the Scribe.
Zarina raises her eyebrow at the questions thrown at her, wondering when they've turned into such an energetic, chippery folk. Their eyes gleam with interest but also some concern. Aw, they seem to care about HER wellbeing so much.
Al-Haitham is so unfriendly, so brash, how can you work with him! Such common words are spoken in flurries at her when her office is invaded by several scholars.
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"Al-Haitham is quite a wonderful young man," she says, watching the expressions on the intruders change from concern to either deeper concern, to relief, to doubt, to horror. They all reacted so differently, but before anyone could speak a word, Sokolova lifts her hand to ask them to be quiet. "He's quiet, diligent and does his job as he needs to. He also makes sure we stay on top and do not stay working overtime. I believe, such efficiency is good, wouldn't you say? It's also been a while since I've heard such straightforward back and forths during research. Never have my ideas been shot down so fast solely for the sake of cutting down time."
—But he is so...
"Scary?" She asks, a sly smirk appearing on silverette's lips.
—N-no! He just doesn't seem like someone who would work well with you.
"Ow, that hurts, mind you!" There's laughter in the air to alleviate the awkwardness. "To your surprise, I adjust to my teammate's moods and behaviors to make the job easier. Though, I do think Al-Haitham will avoid me after this project is done."
Questions looks are shared.
—Miss Sokolova, please don't tell us...
"I do like to tease, alright? Just one expression from him would be worth it! I do my job, alright. I just want one change from the rock-face stoic handsomness."
—Don't tell me you also make questionable remarks about his appearance.
"Who do you take me for?!"
—A flirtatious individual...
"Well, yeah, but I only asked about his biceps..."
"I DIDN'T HIT ON HIM! IT WAS A JOKE!" A second of silence. "And what do you mean better than that?! Can't I appreciate a pretty person?!"
—This is why Sage Naphis told us to keep an eye on you...
"Wow. Betrayed."
—Maybe the Scribe really IS the losing side here... I feel bad now.
"Aaaaalright, everyone, get the hell out."
At least, as expected, they stopped digging deeper into what they're working on and switched their mind from asking her about her teammate and started to dive into scolding her for the 'inappropriate flirting at work' as a comedic outlet. The tensions and worries easily forgotten, and Zarina thinks to herself that she couldn't give less of a damn to answer their questions about the Scribe. Not today, at least. She still needed those brains to work with her on appointed schedule.
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night-faye · 3 months
11) You can do this. WE can do this." Literally same speech MK gave Macky before. I LOVE this whole scene its such a good speech, so much emotion and inspo and power and heart and soul. A lot more solid than the one against Inky. That's what a scrap of mental stability will do to ya! Wukong fights so gracefully and cool, and he gets a HUG and the smile at MK and Mei <3 <3 he is everything đŸ„ș so many feelings in this monkey.
12) Macky's "ugh this guy" parallels Mei's "ugh this guy" to Ao Lie XD the way they draw him in crayon is always so funny. just hanging, getting dragged along, or brooding turned away from everyone. also MAGIC TAXI MACKY lol just dumping everybody, heyyy did your magic ears hear them coming 👀 *magic school bus theme song plays* always gotta go on a not normal life changing field trip with Macky! snuck in a bit of Toph from ATLA there. It's so good seeing him on the side of the heroes. He's so dedicated when he wants to be.
13) "I will test the limits of Sun Wukong's immortality." COLD. "I don't know how you stomach it, brother. The Six Earred Macaque fighting alongside his own replacements!" my favorite icecream flavor is "bad guys mocking Macky in a way that digs deep to make him appear angsty and pathetic like the audience has to gasp at this or something yet shows a prominent character strength. his loyalty. he don't CARE." also HIS FIGHTING STYLE IS SO COOL SLIPPING AND SLIDING ALL OVER THE ROCKS. So smooth, doing a super spin, sliding like the cool kids do down the stair railing and diving into a shadow portal <3 YES he called Macky out with that line 😂 I can never get sick of people exposing Macky with the most dramatic lines ever its too gosh darn fun, like they usually save this kind of taunting for the hero. but Macky is our special snowflake. it VERY MUCH has a reputation as a writing trope for snowflake MCs. also Macky's surprise at seeing Mei angry and fight <3 team ups yay, get used to your new found family Macaroon. After so long, Macky finally gets to speak up and say how much he hates Peng ^_^ good for him! and bc it's Macky's shiny new personality, WHO HOLDS GRUDGES. "You always were the most cowardly of the bunch." SAVAGE. CATASTROPHIC EVENT. five dead. 2 injured.
14) "If you will not kneel before your Emperor, you will p E r i SH before your Emperor." WUKONG'S FACE PLS HE'S JUST A LIL GUY HE DIDN'T ASK YOU ALL TO BE SO CRAZY ABOUT HIM. "I should have never trusted the Monkey King. The False Sage Equal to NOTHING." COLD. FRIGID COLD. CHILLS. 👀
15) THIS IS IT. These are the exact scenes that parallel for the 3rd time Wukong protecting MK twice, from Macky and from the Ink Spear, AND is in fact, exactly what Macky showed in Shadow Play because it was MK floating exactly like this same pose in his monkey form!! You go foreshadowing Macadoodle lol.
16) MK's "well alright then." is a response to Inky's "then prove us wrong."
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🍃 Working with Team 7 🍃
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Naruto's Team 7 x Female reader
What would it be like working with Kakashi and the gang?
Warnings: again none... who is she?!?!
A/N: Surprise! This is the last of the OG headcannons I wrote like a month ago 😅 I'm currently working on Goshiki X Female Manager feat. Shiratorizawa and Karasuno x Manager!
Let's just start off by saying that whether you were reluctant to join or eager to be apart of the team, you'll need all the mental and emotional strength you can muscle
You are in your early 20s and a skilled Ninja in your own right
How you managed to get shafted with Team 7 is beyond me 🙄
Chunin and Jonin alike are jealous you got picked for Kakashi's team
Kakashi pretends not to care
Mans cares very much
You are an excellent Ninja and Kakashi is looking forward to working with you
Also he because he's got a big fat crush
NE WAYS you are assigned to the most chaotic team
Queue Naruto đŸ€žâ€â™‚ïž
Naruto is very much attached to you from the beginning
He still believes he's going to be Hokage and he wants to learn everything he can
Enter him bugging you non stop to teach him all the Jitsu you know
Honestly very surprised by the sheer amount of food he can inhale
Sasuke is a different story
Opposite side of the spectrum from Naruto
He listens but is just as cocky as his blonde counterpart
You have to seperate them numerous times
Kakashi is zero help
Sasuke respects you but otherwise minds his own business
His life's mission is to piss Naruto off âœ‹đŸ»
And he suceeds
Constant bickering
Sakura is literally your only savior
Girl simps hard for Sasuke but she manages to keep it under control once team 7 gets rolling
Just kidding 😃
Dealing with Sakura's crush is the WORST
You have to constantly reassure her of her own abilities
Sakura is the least confident in her skills and requires alot of praise
Queue all of the praise
Even praise for Kakashi
Also call Kakashi "Sensai" and see what happens 😏
Sakura is your assistant in everything you do
You two are the only ones working hard to complete the missions around the village
Sakura takes to smacking Naruto so you don't have to 😊
Kakashi trusts you enough to just let you lead
You are literally the only functioning adult on the squad
Any change the mans gets to read his novel he will take it âœŒđŸ»
Speaking of Kakashi, you've seem his face
Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura don't believe you
You simply shrug it off because you know how hot that man is đŸ„”
When team 7 enters the Chunin exams, you worry for their safety but trust in their abilities
You make Sakura and Sasuke promise to keep Naruto alive
Sakura agrees
Sasuke says he's not a miracle worker 😐
When Sasuke and Naruto make it to the finals, you help them where you can
That mostly means making sure they recover
So much for that YN, you failed miserably
Sasuke said đŸ§â€â™‚ïžâœŒđŸ» and went off with Kakashi
Naruto started working with Pervy Sage
Speaking of Pervy Sage, you may have slapped him a few times
20 times
Mans has no control and you are a sight 👀
When the sound village attacks during the 3rd round of the exams, you take to fighting
Might Guy just stares 👁👄👁
You look very attractive kicking butt
Kakashi sends you to help protect the village
Enter those large snakes 🐍
Whether you are grossed out by snakes or not, no thanks
Pervy Sage to the rescue
After he saves the village from Orochimaru's scaly bbys, you give him a kiss on the cheek
Pervy Sage asks for your hand in marriage
Pervy Sage face đŸ‘šđŸ»â€đŸŠł meet YNs palm âœ‹đŸ»
He knows he deserved it
Give the man a headpat and all is forgiven
All in all, your squad is very erratic, has very little intelligence (aside for Sakura and occasional Kakashi) and requires the most work to keep alive
In other words, you wouldn't have it any other way 😊
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keijiism · 3 years
I'm not very sure if you're taking requests rn but could I req M4 (or any character of your choosing really) with an Mc that has an onlyfans back on earth? How would they react to MC having a decently well-known Onlyfans and maybe Mc showing them a vid? 👀👀
(p.s I'm in love with your work you're one of my favorite hc writers ever!!)
— M4 finding out mc has an onlyfans
gn!reader | THANK U!!! a title of honour,,,... love the idea of mc having a phone with enough battery for horny time. this is a priority i can respect. what the hell does OF even look like...
:) ? you think his reaction to finding out mc modeled lingerie was bad? he finds out they have an OF account and he thinks he might implode
tbh in awe and pretty ? proud ? of them being successful. the man can respect a job and being good at it. part of him Is saying he should :) check that mc would only really do this with him :) ;) but you know
letting sage pick what video to watch means he's picking whatever has the most views. i mean, it blew up for a reason, right? [BONK] boy is he right !! boy!!! oh man. he didn't know what to expect but he is Exceptionally Pleasantly Surprised
thinking about sage pushing the phone away and leaning so close ,, his gaze flickering from their lips to their eyes,, "do you wanna try that out with me?"
whatever they were doing in the video,, sage is Absolutely going to try to recreate. just for fun you know? like This is how you were touching yourself, right? aw can you do the same pose you were doing? you looked so nice :)
he tries to jokingly ask if mc thinks he'd be as successful as them. he would be. r u kidding....
confused > shocked > flustered > horny
he's got his thing with gods but boy is felix thanking the universe for mc having their phone right now
part of him, in the back of his head, is actually appreciating the high quality of the videos. he isn't listening to it very much rn tho
felix finding out mc has some kinks that he didn't already know about . that he also,, maybe,, has. he'll bring it up once he's recovered just give him a minute maybe
he's horny. sorry . this guy's sex drive has never been low and seeing them wear those outfits and playing with themself is going to make felix,, Expeditiously horny
[bonks you over the head] mc bringing up his exhibitionism kink (even with felix only vaguely understanding what being recorded means) "you'd love to be recorded, wouldn't you? want people to watch you feel good because of me, right?"
[bonks you again] felix teasing Them . "are you embarrassed? you can touch yourself for thousands of people, can't you? do this for me," "you looked so nice all dressed up in that video. should i buy an outfit for you here as well?"
ooooo she's into it omg.... FBDHGB
she can't even focus on the question of what those toys are when she's watching mc touch themself and whine. (though if they actually talked about them ,, she'd probably want to try them out a little herself)
takes a while just scrolling through Photos, not even mentioning the amount of videos. her eyes keep glancing up at mc while she looks at everything they've posted. mc freezes a little when she gets That Look TM ;) :) ;) :) ;)
pays very close attention to how they touch themself . she doesn't Say anything but it's like that spongebob clip where there's a bunch of them hard at work in his head u know,, she's writing and storing and burning it into her memory as if she won't get to watch this again
the thought of anisa putting her hand on mc's thigh/waist before leaning in and whispering in their ear and complimenting them . asking if "we could try out some ideas she just had..." :)
if mc is even a little shocked at how bold she suddenly gets,, anisa smiles (+ blushes a little) because how could she Not when they look So Nice Right Now? "
this is dangerous information /lh
the idea of an entire platform just for this kind of content is so foreign but also Not Unwelcome? at least when mc is involved. wink wink nudge nudge
mc must be especially confident and have a lot of time on their hands right now because as soon as he sees the first few Very Revealing Photos? yeah you're in for a fun ride
rime watches the video that they have in silence. mc can't read the expression on his face most of the time (what they Can figure out is what parts he likes the most . his mouth twitches upward or he glances at them just for a second)
and like. it's weird because it's Rime. You Know? but then the video ends. "...rime?"
it makes more sense why he was quiet when he's suddenly getting really close and dragging his hand up to rest on their waist
Absolutely teases them . "i know you can touch yourself," "do i feel better than your little toys?" "you got really good at knowing your audience, huh? knew how to pose and what sounds to make?" "i'm the only one who sees you like this now though,"
tags // @felixescellun @diamo-chan @chubbywasouski @felixismytrophywife @bananacockatiel
my taglist... #epic!
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liliyawisteria · 3 years
Chapter Three: The Hunt
Contents: Liliya and Sage go bounty hunting. Liliya begins to hear whispers of Sage’s past.
Pairing: Sage x Liliya
Word Count: 5,493
Notes: this chapter was a hard one to get through but I’m gonna write about their trip to Porrima next 👀 gotta figure out some things for them to do on the way
The walk to the tavern was awkward, to say the least. Sage’s feeble attempts at conversation with his new trainee were met with short answers. It seemed Liliya was giving him the cold shoulder after his outburst back in Anisa’s study. He tried not to think about the look on her face when he’d suggested he wasn’t looking forward to spending time with her. True, it had surprised him a great deal when Anisa told him she had chosen him to mentor and train her, but his heart had still fluttered at the news. And now he had no excuse to delay repairing his Relic-something he’d been putting off for the past five years.
A couple of regulars greeted Sage once they arrived at the tavern and the bartender poured out a tankard of ale. Sage swept it off the counter and led Liliya to a cramped booth near the back of the building. Despite the bustling, lively atmosphere, he found the air between them was wound tighter than a bowstring. He must have really hurt her feelings. He shook his head at the thought and threw his head back to down the tankard of ale in his hand.
“So, what’s the plan?” Liliya asked, her voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper as she watched the bartender set down a glass of water. When he didn’t answer right away, she looked back at him to see his throat bobbing as he drained every last ounce of beer from his tankard.
“Ahhh, much better!” He exclaimed, slamming the empty glass to the table, shaking the booth.
Liliya raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing and went back to observing the grimy establishment. He sighed as the barkeep wordlessly swept his empty glass away and replaced it with another.
He noticed his heartbeat quicken as his gaze settled on her in her new clothes; he’d tried to seem disinterested back at the tower, but he had to admit that she looked damn good in them. The other bar-goers seemed to think so as well; he noticed most of them staring her down, but she was oblivious. He’d have to keep a close eye on this one to keep her safe.
“You were saying
?” Sage smiled at her but could feel the tension between them growing more taut. He leaned forward, his knee brushing against hers under the table.
She jumped, yanking her legs back with a frown. He watched as she settled back in her seat, arms folded, as she leveled her gaze with his.
“Why the glum face?” He asked. He was being sincere enough, he thought.
The cord finally snapped.
“Do you really consider this ‘babysitting’? Like I’m a child who needs to be
 minded or watched?” Her brow furrowed as the words rushed out of her mouth.
Sage flinched, closing one eye with a sharp hiss. “I, ah
 Didn’t mean that. It’s
 I work better alone. Spent the last few years that way.”
He’d turned into somewhat of a lone wolf after abandoning the Starsworn that fateful night- after his Relic had snapped and everything had turned upside-down. His attempts to keep Liliya at arms length had been futile thus far, and now they’d be working in close proximity. It was unfamiliar territory.
His brows knit as he lowered his eyes to the white foam lapping at the brim of his glass. “I’m not safe to be around.”
“Because of the work you do,” Liliya concluded. Her eyes had softened and she seemed at least less annoyed with him.
He sighed and didn’t elaborate on her comment. “People
 complicate things. They get in the way.”
He scratched the back of his left ear, looking askance before finally meeting her gaze. “Look, I’m sorry, Liliya. I’m no good at this team stuff. Still, I shouldn’t have been such an, uh
“Greedy seagull?” Liliya offered, a small smirk on her face.
His ears flattened, but a hint of red rose on his cheeks. “Nicer than I would have put it.”
She hummed in amusement. “My second choice was going to be ‘pompous ass’-“
“Hey!” Sage protested, but broke into a laugh as she grinned at him, propping her head up on her palm.
“I know Felix paid you, but I’m not your client. You’re supposed to teach me, not just protect me,” she said earnestly. “I may be new and I’ll probably fuck up a lot, but if you try, I’ll try.” She extended her hand over the table towards him. “Just give me a chance. Deal?”
His heart fluttered at her words, surprising him. She really seemed to want to do this. How could he deny her now? His eyes lingered on her hand for a heartbeat before he nudged the glass to the side. His calloused hand enveloped hers in a firm shake.
“Deal.” He said with a smile as he looked into those captivating eyes of hers.
She smiled back at him warmly and took a sip of the water the barkeep had brought over to her, eyes searching the tavern. He had to remind himself more than once that they were here on business, not so that he could stare at the woman sat opposite to him.
“Now, why exactly are we here?” She asked, as if reading his mind. He still wasn’t convinced she wasn’t telepathic.
“I thought that’d be obvious,” he laughed. They’d been talking about bounties before they set off for the tavern.
Liliya tapped at her cheek. She seemed to do that when she was thinking. Suddenly she raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit closer to him. “This isn’t supposed to be a date, is it?”
Sage straightened up, eyes wide. A *date*? “Huh? You think this is romantic?”
Sage hadn’t been on many dates in his time, but he was certain a dingy hole-in-the-wall like the Saucy Gull was *not* romantic. He watched as Liliya propped her chin on her palm once more and shrugged.
“I mean, it’s kind of romantic, right? Maybe a little bit?” She gave him a sly little smile, indicating she was probably just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
He leaned forward, elbows resting on the tabletop and blinked at her very slowly. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Oh, Liliya
 What kind of lowlife scum would drag you to the cheapest watering hole in this damn town. And make you watch ‘em drink? You deserve better than that.”
Liliya seemed surprised at his sudden sentiment, and he had to admit he was as well. Things just kept spilling out of his mouth around her.
She hummed in response and averted her eyes for a moment. “Nevermind. Forget I said anything.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at this strange woman; he found her so adorable and he was actually enjoying the time they spent together. Usually he couldn’t wait to rid himself of company and slip off to be alone, but she kept him on his toes.
“You really *do* find this romantic, huh?” He mused. “Suppose I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“Oh, planning to take me on a real date now, are we?” She grinned up at him through thick lashes, mischief twinkling in her eyes, as he began to sputter.
“W-what? No!” He exclaimed, wrinkling his nose. “I don’t do dates.”
“Shame,” Liliya sighed. Had she actually been alluding to wanting a date with *him*? It couldn’t be. No one would willingly spend time with him, let alone in a romantic setting.
Suddenly, Liliya lunged for the fresh tankard on the table, breaking Sage from his thoughts. Her fingers barely grazed the glass before he slid it out of her reach. “I can’t have you getting hurt ‘cause I let you get sauced on the job.”
She rolled her eyes at him, “Says the man getting sauced on the job.”
“I need you awake and alert,” he said, shaking his head with a smile as she folded her arms at him. “We bring this bounty in and drinks are on me tonight.”
“Hmm, sounds like a date to me,” she teased.
He decided to ignore that one, though a hint of red rose on his cheeks. “And this? This is nothing. You ought to see me after a keg, or three.”
Liliya laughed at his boast, “Ditto.”
He looked her up and down with a raised brow. “Liliya, how do I put this? You are
“Hey! Don’t underestimate me, Sage,” she protested. “I think I may need to challenge you to a drinking competition to prove myself.”
He shook his head with a grin and continued to sip from his glass.
“Fine,” Liliya said. “What’s the plan, then? Who’s the target? Are we scoping out leads? Investigating clues?”
Sage raised his brow at her with a bemused chuckle. She really put a lot of thought into things, didn’t she?
“No need. Our guy’s right there. Good ole Jackrabbit Jason.” He nodded slightly to the bar behind her. “Typical small town scumbag, robbing those poorer an’ feebler than himself to get by. He’s the dopey human by the bar with the sorry excuse for a beard. Hasn’t budged since we walked in.”
“How do you know he’s wanted?” Liliya asked as she peeked around her shoulder. She suddenly hummed in understanding as she caught a glimpse of a wall plastered with wanted posters. Jackrabbit Jason sat directly beneath one bearing his exact likeness, down to his unfortunate facial hair.
“Seriously? How has this guy not been caught,” Liliya remarked, turning back to Sage and rolling her eyes.
“He’s got a nasty reputation. Did a real number on the last idiot that tried to get ‘em,” Sage explained, then lowered his voice to a suggestive tone. “Besides, you know what they say about jackrabbits.”
Liliya gave him a warning look and opened her mouth to speak before deciding better of it. Sage smiled wolfishly at her over the top of his tankard. “They’re faster than devils. Hard to catch, and good at hiding. If we approach him directly he’s like to make a run for it.”
“So how do we catch him?” She asked.
He leaned back in his seat and shrugged. “You tell me. You like plans so much, go on and make one.”
“Why is this suddenly feeling like the worlds deadliest internship?” She rolled her eyes with a sniff, but he could see the wheels in her head begin spinning as she leaned forward on her elbows and began to tap at her cheek. Such a cute quirk, that was. “What if we set a trap? We can wait outside for him to leave and spring!”
Sage stared into the effervescent depths of his tankard, but a smile tugged at his lips. He’d never admit it, but he was already impressed at her efforts to help. “Not a terrible idea
Liliya sat back with an exasperated huff. “Why do I feel like there’s a ‘but’ coming?”
“There’s three exits, not counting windows. Too many for the two of us to cover alone,” Sage explained, then chuckled, clearly pleased with himself. “How’s that for teaching? I’m not half bad at this.”
“You haven’t taught me anything yet, Sage,” Liliya said as Sage’s ears suddenly perked up and his eyes widened.
“Shit,” he muttered, “he’s onto us.”
“Don’t look-“ Sage began, but Liliya had already twisted around to find the Jackrabbit Jason frozen, half-seated at the bar. He blinked once, twice, and then bolted away from the counter alarmingly quickly.
Sage leapt from the booth, booking it after the Jackrabbit as Liliya started after him and then hesitated.
“Wait! What about your drinks?” She was concerned about *that*?
“They’re on my tab,” he called out.
“I thought you just paid off your tab!” He heard her shout as the door swung shut behind him.
Liliya ran after Sage through the streets of Mournfall, suddenly grateful for the belt Anisa had included in her outfit that allowed her to hike up her skirts. The scent of roasting meats wafted through the air, mingling with a whiff of brine from the nearby lake. She’d hoped to get a tour of the marketplace, but not like this. She nearly ran into Sage as he stopped suddenly, searching the crowd for their target.
“Damn, which way’d he go?” Sage mumbled, trying to catch a glimpse of the elusive Jackrabbit.
For a heartbeat, Liliya feared they’d lost him as she scanned the marketplace and caught her breath. Suddenly she saw it: a clear path of disarray left in his wake.
“There!” She exclaimed, pointing in his direction.
“Let’s go!”
Sage took off after the Jackrabbit as he plowed through a peddler’s fruit stand, scattering crates across their path. He sailed over the debris without missing a step, but Liliya stumbled and fell behind. She pressed on to the best of her ability but soon realized she had lost her mentor, leaving her stranded within a sea of people. She shouldered her way through the current, panic beginning to rise in her chest when Sage didn’t reappear.
She was about to call out to to him when an armored hand closed around hers.
“There you are,” Said said softly and then gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as her heart fluttered. He pivoted and started off again, slower this time.
The pair chased the Jackrabbit through the marketplace until they finally cornered him in a dingy alleyway staring down a dead end.
Liliya panted, hunching over and grabbing her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Sage hardly seemed winded; she’d definitely have to get in better shape if she wanted to keep up with him.
“Nice try, Jackrabbit,” Sage started, “but this ends here.”
The crook whirled around to face his captors, face twisted with anger. “Not another step! Or, or-“
She caught Sage glance her way before he stepped between her and the Jackrabbit.
“Or what?” Sage barked out a laugh and sneered at the man. “You’ll scale that wall like a gecko? Go on, I wanna see you try.”
Sage was clearly enjoying this, Liliya noticed. The Jackrabbit suddenly whipped a rusty dagger out of his jacket. He let out a strangled scream as he charged towards Sage, dagger held high. Liliya could only watch, eyes wide with fright- she didn’t want Sage to get hurt.
Suddenly, in a blur of black and blond, a stranger dropped from above, landing in a crouch between the charging crook and Sage. Liliya gaped at the black-clad figure as she rose to catch the Jackrabbit’s outstretched dagger arm. Turning on her heel, she used his momentum to hurl him onto the ground so hard his blade bounced free. He crumbled down at Sage’s feet.
Liliya stared at the Jackrabbit for just a moment before turning back to regard their mysterious savior. It was a tall, blond woman with piercing blue eyes and feline ears, much like Sage’s, that matched her hair. She donned an all-black body suit with matching boots and armor, a black cape draped over her shoulders. Liliya felt her face heat up at the woman’s intense gaze on Sage.
The stranger straightened and took a cautious step toward Sage, eyes narrowing.
“Skulking in dark alleys meting out justice to those you deem unworthy?” She mused and then scoffed at Sage, regarding him with such an intense loathing, Liliya could feel her breath catch. “Small wonder your hands aren’t stained red from all the blood you’ve spilled.”
Liliya felt a chill run down her spine at the words. She couldn’t be talking about Sage, could she?
“I’ve seen your heart and it’s blacker than the magic coursing through your veins, Sage Lesath,” the stranger continued.
Well, that answered her question. She dared a glance at him as he drew his sword and she fell behind him, keeping her distance from the woman in black. His brows were furrowed in concentration and what looked like confusion.
Who are you?” The warning edge to his voice bordered on a growl. Liliya felt goosebumps rise on her arms as she begin to feel an ominous heat rising off of him like it had the evening prior.
“Three years I’ve searched for you, *Red Wraith*. The Night Mother must be smiling on me today,” the woman snarled.
Red Wraith? Liliya glanced sideways at Sage who was frozen save for the erratic twitching of his tail.
“You killed someone you called a brother once- someone I loved. You slaughtered him like an animal, and then you ran rather than face justice.” She flashed a brilliant smile that didn’t touch her eyes. “Your life ends here.”
Liliya’s eyes widened further as she watched the woman’s blue irises bleed to red, just like Sage’s had.
“Hate to disappoint you, but I don’t plan on dying today,” Sage quipped, still holding a stance that showed he was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.
The woman’s smile cracked. In a blink, twin swords appeared in her hands and she lunged toward Sage. He parried a flurry of lightning quick swipes, but her assault was relentless. Liliya watched in frozen horror as they dueled.
“Show yourself, Wraith,” the woman taunted with a snarl, “Show me the monster that killed my brother.”
Sage stumbled at her sudden words, a grimace painted on his rugged face. With a graceful sweep, she effortlessly knocked his sword aside.
“No!” He exclaimed, grappling for his weapon as the woman advanced on him.
“Sage!” Liliya shouted, causing the woman to stop in her tracks. The stranger’s chilling gaze settled on Liliya.
“Gods damn it, Liliya!” Sage pleaded, never taking his eyes off their assailant. “Run!”
“What if I killed this one first? Will you face me then?” The woman mused.
Before Liliya could react, the woman leapt at her, swinging her twin swords down in unison. She raised her hands, bracing for a blow that didn’t come.
Sage dove in front of her to block the strike. He gritted his teeth together, pouring all his strength into holding the woman back. She steadily pushed the razor sharp edge of his blade closer and closer to his throat. His eyes now glowed an unsettling red.
Sage let out a low growl as black energy crackled between locked swords. He snarled, suddenly throwing the woman back. She let out a yelp as the wall she hit crumbled on impact, raining stone and dust. Liliya watched in horror as she somehow emerged from the wreckage unscathed.
She grinned at him, her glowing eyes mirroring Sage’s. “I knew you still had it in you.”
Sage glowered silently, each ragged breath wracking his hunched form. Liliya wanted to reach out to him, but suddenly shouts of alarm echoed through the streets- onlookers drawn to the commotion.
The woman’s lips twitched. “It seems we have company. I suppose we’ll have to finish this later.”
She sheathed her swords and leapt, vaulting clear out of the alley and onto a nearby roof. Liliya remained frozen until Sage lunged to pursue her.
“Sage, stop!”
His knuckles whitened around the hilt of his sword, but his red eyes snapped towards her.
“What are you doing? We didn’t come here to fight her!” She took one step to him, then two. Her trembling hand reached out toward his shoulder, the searing heat radiating off of him tickling her palm. What was happening to him?
Sage abruptly lurched forward with a pained groan. He doubled over, burying his face in his gloved hand, his sword dangling from the other.
He took two slow, deep breaths. When he opened his eyes, they’d returned to their usual amber color. He grimaced, closing one of his eyes and gazing at her with the other. “Liliya
“Are you okay?” She asked, her tone laced with concern. This was twice in two nights she had seen his eyes turn red- something was going on with him.
“Yeah,” he said, closing both eyes now. He didn’t elaborate as he sheathed his sword and then cast a look at the crowd beginning to gather around the mouth of the alley. The Jackrabbit was still sprawled out on the street. “Come on, we’ve got a job to finish.”
Sage hefted the Jackrabbit’s limp body over his shoulder with ease, and then set off without a word, Liliya following close behind.
The Jackrabbit had still been out cold when they’d turned him in. Sage hadn’t said much of anything since their encounter with their mysterious assailant which Liliya found troubling. She hadn’t known him long, but she still found it odd when he wasn’t chatting up a storm. As the sky darkened, the pair returned to the tavern so Sage could honor his half of their deal. Neither party seemed to be in a celebratory mood after their latest encounter.
They’d settled back in the same booth as earlier and nursed their drinks in a tense silence for a while. Liliya watched Sage as he fidgeted in his seat and finally gathered the courage to ask the question gnawing at the forefront of her mind.
“Who was that?”
Sage listlessly traced a groove where tally marks had been carved into the tabletop. He huffed out a sigh, never meeting her gaze. “
No one important.”
She leaned forward, elbows on the table, with a quirked brow. “Do people normally jump out of the shadows hell bent on killing you? And what was all that she said? About murder and the Red Wraith?”
Sage flinched at the mention of that name, his tail twitching angrily. His eyes darkened as he took a deep swig from his tankard. “It was a misunderstanding. Leave it be.”
Liliya considered his warning tone for a moment before deciding to push him a bit further. “That didn’t sound like a misunderstanding. That sounded like she wanted revenge.”
“Sell your sword long enough and someday or another, someone’s gonna come after you,” he said with a sigh. “Let’s just say I’ve done a lot that I’m not too proud of. There’s no use dwelling in the past. What’s done is done.”
He punctuated the statement with another deep drink from his glass and fell silent, resting his chin on his wrist to gaze out across the crowded bar. The din in the bar filled the silence between them as they sat quietly across from each other. Liliya decided to cease her questions for the time being.
Sage raised his tankard to his lips once more before sighing and lowering it.
“For what it’s worth
” He started and then took a deep breath before meeting Liliya’s eyes. “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there to keep me from running off half-cocked. So
Liliya felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she smiled at his genuine tone. She leaned back and sipped at her own tankard of ale, gazing upon her ashen-haired mentor until her eyes rested on the sword strapped to his back. The pommel gleamed a dull black in the tavern’s hazy light. She suddenly found herself curious; she’d always been interested in weapons, especially ones from her favorite video games.
“I’ve got to admit, Sage,” she said, “you really know your way around a sword.”
He looked up at her with a small grin that showed off a pointed tooth. “You haven’t seen nothing yet.”
She wondered for a moment about the weapon; if it was rare or had any enchantments or a creepy backstory. Or if he would let her hold it.
Sage peered at her over the rim of his glass, eyes suddenly twinkling. “What are you looking at?”
She started for a moment, cheeks flushing with embarrassment at being caught staring, before the words tumbled from her mouth without her thinking. “Is it okay if I touch it?”
Sage paused mid-sip, his ears perking up on his head. He tilted his head slowly until a lock of his ashen hair fell over his eyes.
“Mmm?” He hummed as his lips curled up suggestively, lowering his voice to a sultry tone. “Far as I’m concerned, Liliya, you can put your hands wherever you want.”
She regarded him for a heartbeat before deciding to play along with his relentless flirting and teasing. That always seemed to get him flustered. She donned her best doe eyes, feigning innocence. “You mean it? I can touch anything I want and you won’t mind?”
“Oh yeah,” his voice dipped to a low, breathy purr. “I’m all yours.”
She was certain *that* wasn’t true, given the reputation they’d discussed the evening prior, exaggerated or not. Still, she leaned further forward, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she bit her lip. “You mean if I wanted to touch your ears, or your arms
“What about your tail or
” She trailed off, gaze locked with Sage’s. This was too much fun.
Sage perked up at this, leaning further onto the table himself with a grin, his eyes growing wide and dark as he hung on her every word.
” She said with a small sigh and then sat back in her seat laughing. “I just wanted to see your sword. It looks cool.”
His brow furrowed just slightly before he blinked once, twice. His throat bobbed before he started very slowly. “Let me get this straight
 You want me to whip it out for you right here?”
He smiled wide enough to show his fangs. Liliya raised an eyebrow. “If by ‘it’ you mean your sword, then yeah.” Sage was still grinning at her with a dopey look on his face. “
We’re still talking about your sword right?”
“Oh, Liliya. Much as I’d love to, I’d be a pretty terrible teacher if I let you hold a sword outright.” He said, then raised an eyebrow at her with a sly grin. “Seeing as how you’re inexperienced.”
There was something sleazy about the way his eyes raked across her as he spoke. She was certain they weren’t talking about his sword anymore.
She jutted her chin at him. “Says who? For all you know I’ve handled all kinds of swords.”
His ears twitched at her confident smile. Liliya could practically see him scrambling for an excuse. A smile tugged at her lips.
“Yeah, well, uh
” He coughed, a light blush painting his cheeks. “I doubt you’ve handled one like mine, so
“I’ll be gentle,” she said with a sly smile.
Sage raised his tankard and hesitated, clearly torn between talking and drinking.
“Look, Liliya. I live and die by this blade. I don’t let just anyone put their hands on it,” he said, his tone more sincere.
“Please?” Liliya whined. Sage was supposed to train her, wasn’t he? “I’ve worked with expensive props before. Fragile ones too. I won’t drop it.”
Sage made a disinterested grunt, taking a deep gulp of his ale.
“I know I can handle it! It didn’t even look that big-“
“Hey now!” Sage interrupted with a frown. “It’s big enough. And it’s not the size that matters
Liliya giggled at his expression, sipping her own beer. “Okay
 but it’s no claymore.”
Sage sat back abruptly and draped his arms over the back of the booth. His tail noisily thwacked against the bench beside him. “Hmph, maybe another day when I’m in a teaching mood.”
“So, never,” she said, laughing as he leaned forward, his knee bumping against hers.
“Eager, aren’t you? How’s this? When the day comes that I think you can handle it
” He paused, gazing at her with another grin. “I’ll let you polish my sword
 if you ask nicely.” He chuckled under his breath. “Hells, play your cards right and I’ll let you grope it all you want. If you catch my drift.”
Liliya groaned with a roll of her eyes as Sage winked at her, still smirking. “Forget I ever asked.”
She watched as Sage rolled his shoulders, wincing when one gave a sharp crack. “I can’t seem to go a week without someone trying to kill me. Guess I’m gonna have to teach you how to fight eventually.”
“That *is* the only think you’re good at, right?” Liliya teased.
“Oh, I’ve a few other talents
” Sage purred before straightening, sobering abruptly. “Today didn’t go exactly as planned. But you were
 well not good. Not bad either. All right, I suppose.”
“Thanks. You’re an all right teacher,” she paused, “I suppose.”
He chuckled in response, his knee bumping against hers as he nodded at her glass. She tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach each time he brushed against her. “You’d best drink that before I do. Cheers.”
Sage lifted his tankard as Liliya rolled her eyes. “Don’t know why you insisted on this size. I can handle my alcohol, Sage.”
He hummed in amusement. “We can see about that later.”
His cup crashed into hers, sending beer spilling onto her fingers. She gingerly licked her knuckles, only remembering her manners after she caught Sage watching her with a blush on his cheeks. “What? It’s good!”
He chuckled and then smiled at her, shaking his head. “
Nothing. Drink up.”
Judging her single drink to be enough for the evening, Sage walked her back to the barracks. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness as they said their farewells for the evening, after lingering in the hall a few minutes more to chat. He’d promised to be back the next day, she told herself.
She found her way back to the study easily enough. The events of the day began to catch up to her in the absence of adrenaline or Sage’s warm presence. To her surprise, the lights in the study were still on in the office. Felix hunched over Anisa’s desk, poring over an old book.
“Good evening, Liliya,” he greeted her with a warm smile. “It heartens me to see you return in one piece. I trust your hunt was a success.”
“More or less,” Liliya admitted with a sigh, thoughts swirling with images of a certain mercenary. “I’m surprised I survived.”
“Well then, you must be tired. I’ll take my leave,” he said, removing his eyeglasses and pushing away from the desk.
“Have you ever heard of The Red Wraith?” She asked suddenly, brows furrowed together. She couldn’t stop thinking about the earlier encounter with the strange woman, the things she’d said to Sage with such hatred.
Felix blinked. He leaned his elbows back on the desk, steepling his fingers. “Indeed, I have. The Red Wraith was a foul beast driven by an unbridled lust for blood. It was rumored to haunt the streets of Porrima by night. In truth, I’ve not heard a word of it in years.”
“You mean the Red Wraith isn’t real?” Liliya asked, hopeful. Sage couldn’t be the Wraith if it hadn’t attacked in years- if it was even real-, could he?
Felix rubbed his glasses on his shirt before folding them into his jacket. “I’d wager the Red Wraith was a legend designed to frighten naughty Porriman children into minding their manners. Or some foolish patrician’s pet lapwyvern cut loose.”
Relief flooded Liliya’s senses for just a moment before a voice came from the door.
“The Red Wraith is real.” Anisa stood in the doorway, her arms overflowing with folded blankets. She shouldered the door shut behind her. “My old captain Ajax saw it once. It was one of those wintery nights when fog blankets the harbor. Ajax was on patrol when he heard a howl. He thought it was the wind until the screaming started. He followed the screams to the dockmaster’s office. The door was in splinters, the floor slippery with blood.
He saw a massive, shadowy beast feasting on the dockmaster’s remains. Ajax said he’d never forget the beast’s eyes- like two burning embers in the dark. He ran. The next morning they found the dockmaster- *most* of him, anyway- strewn all over the piers.”
Liliya’s stomach churned at the story but Felix only clicked his tongue in response. “Sounds like a tall tale to me. Any feral beast could have done that.”
Anisa set the blankets down on the couch and dusted her hands. “Yes, but the Wraith only preyed on the wicked. The old dockmaster was famously corrupt. I’ve never heard of a monster with morals. Have you?”
For a moment it was silent save for the crackling of the fireplace. Liliya’s head swum with questions she couldn’t manage to bring to her lips. Felix cleared his throat suddenly.
“Regardless, you needn’t be afraid, Liliya. We are far from Porrima. And myths can do you no harm.” He paused on his way out to give her a pat on the arm.
She responded with a weak smile, but her mind kept drawing her back to the image of Sage’s lurid, red eyes.
6 notes · View notes
terrm9 · 3 years
Chiara’s finishing her shift when Ethan surprises her with a mysterious date invitation, refusing to reveal any details. How does she react? What has Grumpsey planned for them? 👀💖
I’d like to know the answers for my beloved Lina & Tatum and Jackie & Sage if it’s not too much đŸ„°
PS. I love you forever ❀❀❀
Hilde my love❀❀❀ thank you for thinking of me when sending these beautiful asks. I love you more!❀
(this has gotten embrassingly long so I will put everything under the cut <3)
E & C
"A mysterious date?" Chiara smiles softly, looking down on Ethan while sitting on his office desk, legs crossed and a coffee in her hand.
"You do not need to label it this way."
"Well it is a date and you refuse to share any details. There are not many more labels I could use," she grins, stroking his hair with her free hand.
"Just wait for me at seven, okay?"
"Is there a dresscode?"
"What you are wearing now is appropriate," Ethan responds, looking approvingly at her outfit consisting of a black pencil skirt and q dark green satin blouse.
"Okay," she smiles again and jumps down from the desk. "See you at seven then. I am looking forward to it."
She leaves the room without any other question.
Chiara is extremely patient. Definitely most patient of all my OCs. If Ethan wants to surprise her, she will gladly let him surprise her. She knows him and trusts him and so she knows she does not need to worry about his surprises.
He takes her to the MFA in Boston, where the French Impressionism exhibition is held. Impressionism is Chiara's favourite art movement and even though galleries are not really Ethan's scene, he knows how much it means for Chiara to visit them with him. So he takes her there and lets her roam the building as much as she wants and then they have dinner at the restaurant by the river where he patiently and intently listens to all that she has to say about the paintings and the painters, even though he understands nothing😂
L & T
"What do you mean plans for tonight? What plans?" Lina asks after swallowing her pasta.
"The surprise part of those plans is supposed to remain, you know. Surprise."
They are sitting opposite of each other at the restaurant they meet for lunch at every Thursday.
"No way," Lina waves her hand (a fork still in it) in the air. "Spill it. Now."
"The bookstore?"
"I am not saying anything, Lina," Tatum says calmly, continuing with his lunch absolutely unfazed.
Lina's unpatience is nothing new - he has been her best friend for twenty years now. She hates surprises and he loves to surprise her.
"A dinner? A theatre? A drive-in theatre?"
"Lina," he looks at her pointedly. "It's a surprise. I took a day off tomorrow since you have one too, and that will be the only clue you are getting."
"What do I need to take with myself? Are we staying the night?"
"I will take care of everything."
Lina is as unpatient as Chiara is patient. She is the WORST when it comes to this😂 (a.k.a Lina is me)
She asks for the bookstore first, because there is this tiny little bookstore near their home that they visit every Saturday morning - they just wander through the store, find a book or two that they would like to read and talk about them for some time and then have a brunch in the coffee shop nearby.
The date does have something to do with books - Tatum managed to buy a poems collection by Lina's fav author that has been long sold out everywhere. He drives them to the small, secluded beach where they used to spend their summers when they were kids (it's ~2 hours drive away) and reads the poems to Lina while she lays in his lap, her eyes closed and face peaceful. Tatum reading to her is Lina's love language. When the darkness falls, they swim in the ocean and then they obviously have sex. They spend the night in a motel nearby - for the old times' sake.
J & S
"Are you still free tonight?" Jackie asks as she sits down next to Sage, the tray with her lunch on it hitting the table a little bit too hard.
"Yes," Sage nods, closing the journal she has just been reading. "Why?"
"I want to take you somewhere."
"Where?" Sage asks suspiciously.
"That's a," Jackie rolls her lips, "surprise."
"Why?" Sage narrows her eyes now.
"So that you are surprised?" Jackie throws her hands into the air.
"But why?"
The doubts don't leave Sage's voice as she observes her friend. Her, uh, girlfriend, she corrects herself in her head, even though she still has a hard time wrapping the very same head around the fact that Jackie Varma is her girlfriend.
Her Jackie. That has always been the most fitting label anyway. Her Jackie.
"Jesus Christ, Mitchell, just let me take you on a romantic date, okay?" Jackie blurts out before biting into her sandwich with much more agression than she normally does.
The blush spreading from Sage's neck to cheeks and to her ears makes her face burn and she looks down at her own lunch in order to hide the wide smile involuntarily spreading on her face.
Jackie is taking her on a romantic date.
Sage, even though she loves Jackie and does not doubt her as a partner, is still new to the whole relationship thing (Jackie is her first everything ever). She is suspicious and it is natural for her to be skeptical, so she questions everything.
Even though J & S have been friends for 3 years before getting together and they really, truly love each other deeply, the beginning of their relationship makes them both nervous and act awkward. Which I love very much 😂
Jackie takes her out for a beautiful, romantic dinner on the rooftop at the restaurant with the best view in the whole Boston. It’s very clichĂ© and sweet and romantic and something Jackie has never done before and never felt the need to do for anyone but Sage. God forbid someone sees her as a romantic soul - but if Sage knows that even Jackie feels this strongly for her, well, that cannot hurt anyone.
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