#mostly for categorization purposes. they need to be separate
vivitalks · 5 months
guys i genuinely don't know what to do. my quirky little destiel fic which was already far too long to begin with now has a second smaller fic nested inside of it and somehow the second smaller fic is the absolute crackfest of this supernatural/tazamnesty crossover where dean lowkey hooks up with barclay the bigfoot and i don't KNOW what to DO. do i cut the scene. do i post it separately. do i post it separately but ALSO leave it in the fic. do i just pretend like barclay is an OC i made up and all the references to the fictional town of kepler west virginia are incidental. WHAT IS THE MOVE HERE
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A Timeline of Events in the Artemis Fowl Series
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If anyone's interested, I did do an actual analysis for where I pulled some of these dates from. But because I cannot type succinctly to save my life, it's 5,000 words long, so that's below the cut. I also put the timeline there again, but in three separate images, so hopefully they load well enough to be fully legible if the above isn't.
A thousand thanks to @sadbitchapologist and @zahnie for their help and advice with this, despite neither of them having any more than the barest interest in the series and therefore having no clue what I was on about. Thanks also to @orangerosebush for fielding completely out-of-the-blue questions about the French school system, so I didn't have to attempt to navigate web search results to figure out what mandatory gym classes were like for the sole purpose of plotting Luc's birthday on here.
An Analysis of the Timelines in the Artemis Fowl Series
A Brief Introduction
The Artemis Fowl series is made up of eight books covering a range of years and events. I wanted to see how accurate the timelines present in the books were, as well as try and plot out some other details implied in the novels but not explicitly stated, to have a better understanding of the overall world-building. To that end, I went through the series and made the above timeline. I colour-coded it based on the relevance of the specific items to certain categories, namely Humans, Fairies, Villains, and the Series itself. This does mean that some things could have fit into multiple categories. For instance, you will see some items involving Opal categorized as Fairy-Specific (such as her college years, as those are fairly neutral to the main plot or her villainy), Villain-Specific (such as her setting up her emergency fund, as that is mostly related to her schemes as opposed to relevant to her existence as a fairy, or part of the main plot of the series), and Plot-Specific (such as her opening the Berserker Gate, the primary plot point for the final book).
Before we really delve into things though, we should establish the baseline assumptions I was working with. Firstly, I am only using the original series. I have not used anything written in The Fowl Twins trilogy, given that those books seem to ret-con a considerable amount of the original information, and that is far too many headaches to give myself. Any supplemental series information, such as the short stories found in The Artemis Fowl Files, or anything from interviews is also not included. The premise here is: using just the original books, what is the event timeline of the world? The second thing we need to establish is that I am using the North American releases of the novels. I did make notes on where each bit of information comes from, but there isn’t really a citation style for this kind of thing, so I’m not sure how relevant that is. The third assumption is that the first book takes place the year it was originally published. According to my copy, the original publication was 2001, with the first American paperback edition coming out in 2002, and the first mass market paperback being released in 2003. This means our starting point is in 2001.
For sake of clarity, this analysis will start with setting the dates of the books and continue on from there.
The Basics of The Books
With that out of the way, let’s talk about the first book, Artemis Fowl (AF). It is actually not until the very end of the book that we get a solid answer for when it takes place. It’s only in the last few pages of the novel that Angeline Fowl leaves her attic room after all the plot points are tied up and announces that it is Christmas Day. This might be cause for concern – Angeline had not previously been established as a particularly reliable narrator – but given that we are asked to believe that Holly’s ‘feel better’ mood booster worked, and that neither Butler nor Artemis balk at or question the pronouncement that is Christmas Day, we’ll accept that it’s true and move on. This means that, with Butler’s earlier announcement that he was stuck doing four months of stakeout, we can say with a fair amount of certainty that Artemis obtained and translated the Fairy Book in September 2001, and managed to capture a fairy in December of the same year.
Moving on to Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (TAI), we are given a decent chunk of information, albeit spread out a bit. The first is the announcement that the ransom drop for Artemis Fowl I is to be held on the fourteenth. The fourteenth of what, you might ask? Well, we are told that Artemis is currently thirteen years old. Clearly, things are past September 1, 2002 (we know Artemis’s birthday is September 1 based on information in both the fifth and seventh books). We are also told that Luc Carrere has been trading with the goblins for six months, starting in July. That puts us in either December or January, but we can narrow it down further since Artemis gives us another helpful clue. He mentions they are not expecting to see the dawn while attempting to rescue his father in the Arctic. There are only a few latitudes on Earth where polar night (of any type) occurs, and at Murmansk, polar twilight occurs between December 10 – January 2. Combining all of this, we learn that TAI takes place December 14, 2002, give or take a few days to either side.
This can be corroborated by information in Book 3, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code (TEC). After Holly heals Artemis Senior, we are told that it takes over two months for him to wake up. Since we are specifically told two months, as opposed to two and a half or three, we can conclude that the events of TEC take place in March 2003. Mulch gives us some information that confirms this. He was living in LA “less than four months ago,” and since he was conscripted to help with the events of TAI in December, a March plotline fits the bill. We are given further confirmation as well: Spiro mentions that Artemis will be fourteen in six months. A specific date for Artemis & Co.’s attack on Spiro’s Needle can be pulled from the throw-away line that Pex and Chips are “burying” Mulch on the full moon. A quick web search tells us that the full moon in March of 2003 takes place on March 14, and the rest of the events in the novel take place roughly two days to either side of that.
In Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception (TOD), the fourth book in the series, we are given several very clear indications of when the events take place. Firstly, Artemis is contemplating that at fourteen years and three months old, he is the youngest person to successfully obtain The Fairy Thief. Based on previously noted details that his birthday is in September, the events of TOD must take place in December of 2003. Additionally, we are told that things are the middle of winter and Opal has been in a coma for eleven months and counting as of the end of TAI, another December plot.
Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony (TLC) requires the most math and interpretation so far to figure out when it takes place. We know Artemis is still fourteen, so the main events clearly happen sometime between January 2004 and September 2004. Beyond that, we are using a fair amount of context clues. Artemis and Butler have evidently been traveling for four months looking for demons, so we are dealing with events in at least May. But that still leaves us several summertime months to work with, so to establish a timeline here, we will need to look forward a bit. In the sixth book, Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox (TTP), it’s noted that Artemis is not yet fifteen, and has, on multiple occasions, spent the full moon in the study. Ergo, he’s spent at least a few months back from Hybras. If he has been back for two months and not yet turned fifteen, he would have had to have returned by July at the latest, and since he returns almost three years later than he leaves, we are looking at him returning in either May or June. This would have him disappearing to Hybras – and by extension, dealing with the earlier events in the book – in June, July, or August. After his conversation with Minerva, he notes to Butler that they “are planning a June wedding,” which wouldn’t make sense to say if they were currently in the month of June. From all of this, we can extrapolate that the first three-quarters of TLC take place in late July or early August 2004, with the triumphant return of our intrepid heroes occurring in June 2007.
As previously stated, TTP mentions that Artemis is still not fifteen, but is nearly there. He has also been home again for at least two months. This would put the events of the sixth book in August 2007. At least, the events set in the current time period. TTP does bring back time travel, and with it some problems. We are told that Artemis and Holly jump back nearly eight years to Artemis being ten and trying to fund searches for his missing father. This would put the events of the past in early 2000. However, other details presented regarding Artemis Senior’s disappearance, which we will discuss later, make that impossible. Artemis also admits, in TEC, that he was eleven when his father disappeared, not ten. If we take a bit of creative license with our interpretations and base the time-jump to the past on other presented information as opposed to the dates given in TTP, we can say that Holly and Artemis instead return to early 2001. This lines up with further details, such as the sinking of the Fowl Star (as calculated a few paragraphs down in this analysis) occurring in December of 2000, and the textual confirmation in TTP that it’s barely two months past that sinking when Artemis brokers the deal(s) regarding the silky sifaka lemur. Since, at the end of the day, the time jump impacts very little in the grand scheme of things, and the year 2001 actually fits in better with other textual evidence and events, that’s what I’m going with for this timeline.
The seventh book, Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex (TAC) gives us a very helpful base point! It takes place on Artemis’s fifteenth birthday, September 1. From our previous results on setting dates for book events, that would be September 1, 2007. The sections in which Butler and Juliet are fighting mesmerized wrestling fans and meeting up with Mulch are noted in the novel as happening “the day before,” which would fall on August 31, 2007.
Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian (TLG), the eighth and final book in the series, creates some problems. If we assume that Artemis starts receiving treatment for his Atlantis Complex immediately after diagnosis in TAC¸ that would put him receiving treatment in September 2007. We are told he is certified as cured after six months. Yet we are also told that the rest of the events of the book take place in the week or so leading up to the Christmas holidays. Everything so far has said that the Artemis Fowl series follows the current calendar, in which case there is no way that six months can fit between September 1, 2007 and December 25, 2007. However, the only reference to Christmas is in two lines noting that the Fowl parents were planning on holidaying with their children on a foreign beach. If we simply say that six months have passed, and they are instead planning on spending the Irish school system’s spring holidays in the French Riviera, everything else lines up much better. So that’s what I’ve done. This would also put the resurrection of Artemis, after the events of the book and a further six months have passed, at roughly September of 2008. There is a pleasing symmetry to Artemis being born and then re-born in September, though if you want to get really technical and say the events of TLG take place during the 2008 March full moon as Opal claims (as noted in another web search as March 28), a six-month wait time for the clone to grow would put the resurrection in October. Still, there is something to be said for having a boy’s ghost haunting a clone of himself close to All Hallows. Since it’s the last plot point of the series, you can choose which you’d like; it doesn’t have to lead to anything else after it.
Let’s Talk Timelines: The Beginning of the Line to The End of The 19th Century
Now that we have our baseline book time periods established, we can get into the math used to determine some of the events in the timeline above. Several events are easy; we are given specific dates for them. Turnball Root meets Leonor in 1938, Juliet wins the Miss Sugar Beet Fair beauty contest in 1999. Other things are based on some basic math, such as Artemis claiming his parents got married fourteen years prior to AF¸ putting that event in 1987.
The majority of the items on the above timeline, however, do take some mathematics, extrapolation, and interpretation to plot out. To try and keep everything organized, we’ll start at the far left of the timeline, and work our way forwards, looking at events oldest-to-newest to explain why they are where they are on the graph. I won’t be getting too in-depth on everything in the graph, since I’m not sure how relevant the notes on the very minor side characters such as Carla Frazetti are, but I’ll at least try to touch on some of the more relevant points.
To start with, the Battle of Taillte was noted in the 2000’s as being ten thousand years ago, putting that at 8000 BCE. Similarly, the last dome breach at Atlantis was apparently eight thousand years ago in the 2000’s, so that would be 6000 BCE. Troll sideshows were legal in the early middle ages, which implies they were not legal after that. A quick web search says the early middle ages ended around 1000. The first crusades were in 1096-1099, and as those crusades are the start point of the Butler-Fowl working relationship, a point for noting that comes next on the graph.
From there, we get into more modern – relatively speaking – events. Briar Cudgeon and Julius Root are noted as attending the LEP Academy together and being raised in the same tunnel, as well as having about 600 years of history together. If one assumes “being raised in the same tunnel” is similar to the human equivalent of “growing up in the same neighbourhood,” we can assume the two were born roughly 600 years ago, in the 1400’s. Vinyaya is portrayed as being of a similar age to Root, so her birth can also be put in the same general era. We are also told that Fowl Manor was originally a castle built in the fifteenth century, that in the early 2000’s the theories of timeline corruption were first introduced over five centuries ago, and that cloning has been banned for over five hundred years, so those three events are also tossed into the 1400’s.
Julius Root is noted as doing his LEP basic training 500 years ago in Ireland, so that would have to be in the 1500’s. He would have attended the Academy before then, putting that in the mid-to-late 1400’s. As previously stated, he was in the Academy with Cudgeon. Opal also met Cudgeon in college, and competed with Foaly for science prizes there, so they were all in school at the same time.
Mulch now enters the picture. We aren’t ever given a specific age range for him, but we are told about his career. He has, apparently, spent three centuries in and out of prison after a couple centuries of success as a thief. This would make him at least five hundred years old. There is a brief mention that he tried the athletic route at college before becoming a thief, so he would have to be an adult at that point, putting his age at roughly 550 years during the events of the series.
We then enter a period filled in from one-off lines throughout the series, presumably added to give some depth to the world. Things about the wine cellar at Fowl Manor being a seventeenth century addition, Captain Eusebius Fowl and his crew dying in the eighteenth century, and Mulch first faking his own death over two hundred years ago.
Time Marches On: The 20th Century
There is nothing of much relevance to linger on between the 1550’s and the 20th century, so we’ll jump ahead to the 1900’s, when we have Holly Short’s birthday. She is in her eighties during TLC, and her father died “over twenty years ago” when she was “barely sixty” as of TAI. Based on that, she would have been in her early eighties in 2002, putting her birthday sometime in the 1920’s. What a doll.
A few more birthdays now appear, and we’ll ignore, for the most part, some of the irrelevant ones. I don’t think we are at all concerned with Gaspard Paradizo’s birthday, or Mikhael Vassikin. We are, however, rather more interested in Jon Spiro, Domovoi Butler, and Artemis Fowl I.
Jon Spiro enters the series in TEC, as a middle-aged American. A quick search on the Internet says that middle age is generally noted as being between the ages of 40 to 60. We are told that Spiro has worked in three main industries over the past two and a half decades. Additionally, we are told that law enforcement has been “trying to put [him] away for thirty years.” If we assume he entered the working world at twenty, spent five years developing his professional self, and then started going down a path of questionable legality to get the police after him, that would put him at fifty-five in 2003, and born in the late 1940’s.
It was a bit easier to determine Domovoi Butler’s age, and we can get more specific with his actual birthday. We are told that he is forty at the start of TEC, and he is still forty during TOD. From that, we can assume his birthday is not between March – December, which means it has to be between January – March. Now, we can just leave things there, but contextually, Butler says in late March 2003 that “a lot of people know [him] as a forty-year old man.” Since I doubt he’s the kind of person who introduces himself by announcing that his birthday was last week, we can assume that his birthday is not in March. Since about half the books in the series take place in December, and there is never any mention of Butler’s birthday coming up soon, we can likely assume it isn’t in January. We can therefore conclude Butler was born in February, 40 years before 2003, which puts his birth year in 1963.
We then have Artemis Fowl I. This one took the most extrapolation to determine. We know he has run an ethical empire for a few years as of 2007, which coincides with his return to his family after being kidnapped by the Mafia. He apparently ran a successful criminal empire for two decades before that, though, so in 2007 he has been working for at least 25 years. Based on the interactions he had with his own son, I’ve assumed he was also taught to take over the family business from a young age. If he started working at his age of majority at 18 (as possible in the 1980’s in Ireland, based on a web search), we can assume he was born in roughly the mid 60’s.
Billy Kong, born Jonah Lee, is one to touch on. He plays a large role in TLC, during which we are given possibly the most backstory of any villain in the series. He was evidently born in the early 1970’s, and was eight years old in the early 1980’s. Mathematically, that can only lend itself to so many birth years, so it’s easy enough to put his birthdate somewhere in 1973, and his brother’s death date in 1981.
While we’re here, let’s talk about the 1980’s. A lot of things happen in the 80’s, so we’ll be here for a few paragraphs. Butler would have graduated Madam Ko’s Academy in the early ‘80s, Artemis I would have started working in his family’s business and stolen some warrior mummies (of note, the theft is only noted as being in Artemis Sr.’s “gangster days,” but if you are a young, rich criminal, you’d likely commit a wild theft in your early years as opposed to your thirties, which is why this is put in here). Additionally, in the mid 1980’s, Holly graduates the LEP Academy and her mother dies, as noted in TTP when she is contemplating missing three years of her friends lives.
Butler would have started his five-year stint in Russia with an espionage unit in the mid-to-late 80’s, and become a big brother in 1985. Juliet is noted at being four years older than Artemis in AF in 2001, and he is twelve then, making her sixteen at the time. We can extrapolate the month from TEC, wherein she is apparently eighteen when she is called regarding her brother’s apparent death. At the time, we are told what gifts she received for her birthday, implying it was fairly recent. Additionally, Artemis was only thirteen at that time, which would make Juliet five years older than Artemis. If, however, we trust that acolytes at Madam Ko’s start their training on their tenth birthday and get one chance to graduate per year, it would make sense for that one chance to be on their birthday, or within a day or two to allow for as much training time as possible. Since Juliet was in the midst of this one graduation evaluation when she gets the phone call and joins the crew for the March heist at Spiro’s Needle, she’d have to be born in March. (We can also corroborate this with some details from AF: if AF  takes place in mid-September, that would be just after Artemis’s birthday, which puts the 4-year age difference back into play.)
Spelltropy begins for the People in 1987, if it appeared 20 years ago from 2007. Artemis I and Angeline Fowl would get married in 1987. They would have their first child, Artemis Fowl II, in 1989, as calculated by Artemis being twelve during the initial siege of the Manor in December 2001. Artemis II’s grandfather was noted as having been dead for over ten years at that point, and it was mentioned in TEC that Angeline married her husband before he really took over the family business, so those events would likely happen when Artemis was but a baby in 1990.
The ‘90s are a period where a lot of things are happening, but few are particularly important. Spelltropy has a cure found, Minerva Paradizo is born, Juliet begins her bodyguard training and her brother refuses to let her shave her hair. These, and other events in the 90’s, are mostly calculated by math along the lines of “Event A happened X number of years ago,” but since the 90’s was mostly a time of worldbuilding events rather than plot events, we’ll just skim over the specific details.
‘You Are Here’: The 21st Century, and Where The Storytelling Begins
Welcome to the 2000’s! The kick-off point of not only the 2000’s, but also the entire series, is the sinking of the Fowl Star. We aren’t given a specific date for this, but we are given enough information to extrapolate the date. Specifically, in September 2001, in AF, we are told Fowl Sr. has been missing for almost a year. In TAI, in December, we are told he has been missing for almost two years. That does have the potential to have the ship go down in either December or January, so we need to use a bit more details from TAI to make a final determination. Mikhael Vassikin and Kamar were told to dump Fowl’s body in the Kola if he didn’t wake up in “another year,” so they’ve been looking after him for one at that point. Fowl Sr. wakes up two weeks before the deadline, and as noted earlier, the ransom drop for him takes place December 14, after he has been awake for perhaps a week. From that, we can tell that the deadline for “another year” was mid to late December, putting the initial sinking of the Fowl Star in late 2000.
The analysis gets a bit confusing at this point, because 2001 is when future Artemis and Holly join the party via time travel, as well as having their regular selves in the timestream. Essentially, we’ve established the timeline for the events of TTP above, so we know the whole lemur fiasco takes place in March 2001. Artemis wakes up at the end of that book thinking about fairies, which ties in rather neatly to him then dragging Butler across three continents for six false alarms (with an assumed approximate 3 weeks between each jaunt) before striking metaphorical gold in Ho Chi Minh City in September. During their time-traveling, Holly also gets a chance to talk to Root, who wonders why she isn’t in Hamburg, which was noted in AF as Holly’s first major failure as a Recon officer and was nearly preceding the events of AF. The time-traveling would also mean that Opal would have had to harvest her DNA for future diabolical plans before March 2001, when her younger self travels to the future. Since it takes up to two years to grow a clone to adulthood, and her clone has to be ready in September 2003, we are a few months off in the time requirements, but really, for a practice that’s been outlawed for 500 years, I can offer a bit of leeway.
We are now well and truly in the thick of the main events of the series. Most of this will be tied into the initial assessments we made way at the beginning of this essay, where we established when each book occurs. Because of this, we aren’t going to spend time on anything plot-related. However, a brief note on Turnball Root and Artemis’s Atlantis Complex is likely in order. Artemis was, as previously stated, dealing with his return from Hybras and the after-effects of stealing magic during July and August of 2007. His Atlantis Complex, and Turnball Root’s plan to escape the Deeps prison, are in full swing in September of that year. We have a brief note in TAC during the evacuation of Atlantis, that Turnball had, a month before, spied on Artemis and noted his Atlantis Complex developing. Therefore, Artemis’s Complex likely came into play in late July or early August 2007. This is close enough to Artemis’s magic theft to make sense for the deterioration of his mental health, and enough time for Butler to have started to notice something was wrong, as he did. We can therefore assume that Atlantis Complex, at least in the case of magic-stealing humans who have a propensity for time travel and getting involved in supremely complicated and improbable plots, develops relatively quickly.
This leaves just one major discussion point from the last few books: the age of Artemis’s twin brothers, Beckett and Myles. The twins are first introduced at the very end of TLC. They are written as being two during the events of TTP, three during the events of TAC, and four during the events of TLG. Regardless of the time-traveling shenanigans of their elder brother, it is impossible for the twins to age two years in the eight months between Artemis’s return from Hybras in June 2007 and the finale of the series in March of 2008, so we need to look at what makes sense.
Myles has already potty-trained himself, and done so at fourteen months, so they must be at least that old. Their other behaviours would make sense for them to be two in TTP. Diapers are still a part of their lives, and their language and vocabulary fit what a two-year-old would have, at least in Beckett’s case. Since Artemis was surprised by their existence, it doesn’t seem likely that  Angeline would have known she was pregnant, or at least not have told Artemis yet, when he went to Limbo. Ergo, they can’t be any older than two, since (one would hope) Artemis would have noticed his mother’s pregnancy if the twins were any older.
Additionally, in TLG, we know Artemis gave his brother a birthday present, so he had to have been around during the twin’s birthday at least once. With this fact, the twins cannot be born between March – June, which just leaves the question of when are the twins born?
 The most logical answer is February 2005. If Angeline was early on in her pregnancy, say six weeks (which is when most women start noticing symptoms), when Artemis disappeared in July 2004, she wouldn’t necessarily have told him yet. Then, if we assume that since most twin births occur around the 35-week mark, that would math out to having the twins be born in February of 2005. Fast forward, and they would turn one in February 2006, and two in February 2007, which puts them at the correct age for the events of TTP. [One could argue, of course, that a twin pregnancy in an older woman (unfortunately, there is nothing in the series to indicate Angeline’s age) and in a woman already dealing with significant stress could result in a very premature birth, thereby voiding any of this math and leaving the whole question of the twin’s birthday unanswered. However, since I’d rather not subject the Fowl parents to the strife and misery of having one son missing and presumed dead, and their younger children in the NICU with a low survival rate, I’m working with the assumption that the pregnancy was a healthy and normal one.]
The brief comment from Juliet in TAC about the twins being three can be passed off by them being a little over two-and-a-half and Juliet not being around as she is touring in Mexico. By the time TLG takes place, in March of 2008, the twins would have had their third birthday, allowing for Artemis to give Myles his chair as a birthday present, Beckett to be old enough to no longer need diapers, and the behaviours to act more like children than infants. While this doesn’t quite allow for the repeated textual confirmations in TLG that the twins are four, we’ll go with what mathematically makes sense.
That brings us to the end of the timeline! Not everything is touched on in the timeline, and not everything in the books is plotted (we are never given enough context to know Foaly’s or Opal’s birthdates, for instance). But the main events of the Artemis Fowl series are all analyzed, mathematically or logically or textually corroborated, and plotted out, for use or ignoring as personal preference dictates.
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watermanaustralia · 2 years
Mining Industry (Mineral Ore Processing) Wastewater Treatment Technologies
The mining industry is one of the most important earning sources for many different countries. This industry might be categorized under chemical industries or geophysical industries based on characteristics of the mining industries. Even though mining industry is less diverse it is important to understand waste management initiatives or exploring initiatives so that mining generated waste can be minimized at source and accidents can be tackled to protect the environment and environmental components. Mining industry consists of a cluster of process that are involved in the extraction, management and processing of naturally occurring solid minerals from the earth surface. Coal, diamond, metallic ores, oil, and so on are economically valuable products that can be obtained from mining. Mineral processing, surface mining, market of mining equipment, and other processes are also a part of the mining industry.
Water is used in large quantities for mineral processing. Mineral processing requires about 500 litres for every ton of ground. As mined ores continue to trend towards lower and lower grades, the need for more water is likely to increase. The mining industry depletes water supplies with high usage and pollutions them with discharges from waste rock impoundments. Water is preferred in mineral processing because it is a low cost and low energy way of transporting materials between processes. It is an essential ingredient for some chemical processes and is a very efficient medium for supplying chemicals and mixing materials. It is the most convenient medium for separation of minerals from rocks. In mining application, treatment wastewater is a crucial step. Water is used to recover metals from ore. Mainly the usage of water in mining industry is for mineral processing, dust suppression, slurry transport and employees’ needs. Mostly water used in mining operations come from groundwater streams, lakes, rivers or from commercial water suppliers. During this process mineral contaminants and other solids accumulate in the water, contamination it. This contaminated mining water can neither be reused or returned to the environment without treatment. Some mining companies pay outside companies to collect and transport wastewater which can be inefficient and costly. Wastewater can also be stores in retention ponds, but they lose their effectiveness overtime. One of the most effective ways of treating wastewater is on-site with various chemicals and filtration methods. Onsite treatment has several benefits like,
Cost effective.
Long-term sustainability and full control of treatment process.
Water can be reused once treated.
Maximum water can be recovered with near close-lopped solution.
Water is used in large quantities for ore processing those effects freshwater reserves moreover water also gets polluted from discharged mine effluent and tailings and waste rock impoundments seepage.
Mine water types and uses:
Large quantities of water are used in mining industries for the purpose of mineral processing and refining, dust suppression, slurry transport, tailings disposal, and potable and hygiene needs. Water is qualified in three categories-based on quality:
Raw water: This water comes from precipitation, rivers, and lakes. It is used for many things, including employee needs, process make-up water, shaft and underground mine water demand, mobile fleet washing, and fire water.
Compliant flow (non-contact water): This is clean surface runoff water. This water is usually separated from the contaminated mine areas to reduce treatment requirements and facility sizes.
Non-compliant flow (contact water): Water having contact with mining, mineral processing, and tailings disposal is called contact water and cannot be directly released into the environment without treatment. In order to minimize freshwater consumption, this water is usually collected and used on site for various purposes. Any excess contact water that is not reused will need to be treated.
Processes in mining industry (mineral ore processing):
After the extraction mineral ore is processed in the mining industry by using the following methods:
Size reduction (Crushing, Grinding)
Size control (Screening, Classification)
Enrichment (Washing, Gravity separation, Flotation, Magnetic separation, Leaching)
Upgrading (Sedimentation, Mechanical dewatering, Thermal drying, Thermal processing)
Materials handling (Unloading, Storing, Feeding, Conveying)
Slurry handling (Slurry transportation, Agitation and mixing)
Wear in operation
Operation and environment
Process systems
Metallurgical process can result in the release of large amounts of acidic and alkaline waters that have high concentrations of sulphates, cyanides, trace metals etc. During flotation metal elements are liberated into the process water due to the surface dissolution of minerals.
Characteristics of wastewater:
In mining industry, the contamination of water can be placed in five main categories i.e., physical, chemical (organic), chemical (inorganic), biological and radioactive. Biological pollutants mostly come from domestic or sanitary sources. Radioactive pollutants come from uranium deposits and open-cut mines. In the mining industry the physical and chemical type of pollutants are most critical.
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Water temperature is a good indicator of biological activity. When the temperature of water is within the range of 5 oC to 30 oC, every 10 oC increase in the temperature of water results in the doubling of biological activity. However, the mining operations that add excess heat to the mine effluent are few, therefore thermal pollution is not considered a major problem associated with mining.
The solubility of metals in water depends on its ph. Precipitation of metal oxides is induced at high pH, whereas low pH values result in soluble species. The rang of pH scale if from 0-14, where a pH value of 7 is considered neutral. In case of coal that has high Sulphur content, the Sulphur can react with water and oxygen in the presence of bacteria resulting in the production of Sulphur acid. The acid lowers the pH of water. Water with pH bellow l6.5 can be corrosive to plumbing fixtures and reticulation.
Suspended solids:
When solid matter concentrates in water in suspended form, it gives rise to the most common and visible water pollution problem. In mining wastewater suspended solids consist of silt and fine ore material, that can remain suspended in water for prolonged periods of time.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Electrical Conductivity (EC):
TDS means the total dissolved solids content of water, whereas electrical conductivity refers to the ability of aqueous solution to carry electrical current. Coal mining discharges have a high level of mineralization and in most cases, a relationship can be established between total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity. Due to which total suspended solids can be easily determined because electrical conductivity can be measured readily using instruments.  The electrical conductivity of mine water ranges from 1000-10,000 µS/cm.
Indirect measurement f suspended solids in water is called turbidity. The suspended matter can scatter the light, which gives water a cloudy appearance. When turbidity increases, light penetration deceases and heat absorption increases which renders the water unfit for use.  Moreover, particles causing turbidity acts as a medium of transport and absorption for bacteria.
Alkalinity is defined as the measure of waters ability to neutralize acids. Water that has high alkalinity cannot be used because it is caustic. However, if mine water has access alkalinity the reduction in pH due to biochemical reaction of Sulphur compounds with water can be avoided.
Dissolution of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid can cause acidity in mine waters, due to which pH will reduce resulting I the dissociated of unwanted metals in the water.
Chloride is normally present in water in small quantities. However, water with high concentration of chloride and cause corrosion in pipe systems. Also, water with high chloride level cannot be used for irrigation or for domestic purposes.
Some quantity of sulphate is naturally present in water, however biological oxidation of pyrites can result in dissolved sulphate which can increase the concentration of sulphate leading to laxative effect on the consumer and unpleasant taste.
Nutrients (Nitrogen and phosphorous):
In mine wastewater the concentration of nitrogen is small and is not considered a problem. Phosphorous occurs I the water as phosphate and it is essential for plants growth. However excess qualities can lead to eutrophication. Phosphate discharge is a problem only in phosphate mines, however, in other mines phosphate is present in trace amount and isn’t a problem.
Non-toxic metals: 
In mine waters, metals such as Na, K, Ca, Mn, Fe and Mg can be found in varying concentrations. These metals are considered non-toxic, however, Ca and Mg ions can cause water hardness, whereas Fe and Mn ions can cause discoloration of water. They can also get deposited in pipe handling systems.
Toxic metals:
In coal industry metals like aluminium, zinc and barium can be found in water, however, the quantities are small. Depending on the type of processing used, in metalliferous mining industry metal effluents may contain arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, gold, lead, mercury, vanadium and in the case of uranium mining, other radioactive substances may be present.
It is important to categorize, assess and control the discharge of these in both discontinued and active mines in order to protect the environment. If not controlled, heavy metals discharged from the mines can contaminate waterbodies and damage aquatic life.
Wastewater treatment in mining industry (Mineral Ore Processing):
pH adjuster chemicals: Restoring the pH level to the correct range is one of the first things to consider while treating wastewater from mining activities. adjusting the pH can help maintain the water quality and prevent the metals from being suspended and dissolving in water. A chemical reaction occurs when the pH of the water is being raised, resulting in insoluble metal particles that can be easily dealt with. Chemical pH adjusters will aid in reducing the acidity of the wastewater, with the goal of achieving a pH of around 8 before moving on to the additional treatment options.
Using flocculants and coagulants: Coagulants and Flocculants are special chemicals that clump together the small metal particles and other solid pollutants suspended in the used water which makes it easier to filter them out. There is a wide variety of wastewater coagulants available, each developed for a specific application, so it’s critical to choose the right one for your needs.
Mining wastewater and sludge dewatering techniques: It is critical to treat the sludge produced during the mining operation. One of the most crucial steps in this process is to eliminate any extra water from the sludge that results in a solid waste that can be readily controlled, disposed of, and transported. this procedure is called Sludge dewatering
Sludge dewatering processes vary, and the best one relies your budget, available space, kind of mining, environmental circumstances and local geology. Following processes are mostly used in mining industries.
Hydro cyclones: The use of hydro cyclones is one of the most common techniques for dealing with sludge in the mining sector. This technique is efficient in removing solids from water and is used in many settings due to its versatility and efficacy. In this technique centrifugal force is used in order to remove solids from wastewater. The main advantage of this technique is that it can process large amount of wastewater without requiring a lot of floorspace and has no moving parts. However, it can’t be used in isolation and another wastewater treatment process has to be used with it.
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Belt Press Filter: In mining operations, belt press is a very popular choice as it is quick to set up and doesn’t require high initial investment. Therefore, they are commonly used for dewatering mining sludge processes as they are cost effective. It consists of two moving belts that are running between rollers. Wastewater passes over the belts and through the rollers and solids are collected in the form of clumps known as cake. These clumps can be easily removed from the belt press.
Although, initially belt press is easy and cheap to set up however it becomes expensive to run because:
It requires flocculant.
Replacing belts is expensive and they need to be replaced frequently.
The solid cake produces in the end need to go through further processing before disposal.
Figure 2: The way how Belt press filter works
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Filter presses: This is the most efficient and top-rated method for the removal of solids from wastewater. Waste slurry is pumped through various chambers of filter press by pumps. The chambers consist of plates that removes solids when the slurry passes through. In the end the treated water from the press is released back into the system. Filter presses are efficient and cost effective.
In mining industry two types of filter presses are used low pressure filter press and high-pressure filter press. However, due to inefficiency and complexity, low pressure filter presses are less commonly used in the mining industry.
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Neutralization: Pollution control measures that are required to preserve receiving stream biota include neutralization of excessive acidity in wastewater. For large consumptive uses, first consideration is usually given to a low-cost material such as lime or limestone, which can be used for acid neutralization. Many factors may be involved in neutralization. The use of limestone for neutralizing acidic wastewater is attractive because it is available in many areas at the lowest cost per unit of basicity. Limestone neutralization has a reputation of being unreliable due to the high incidence of failures in the past. Fouling is the main problem associated with stationary bed of limestone.
Precipitants to treat the Mining water
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Gravity sedimentation: This process is used in ore dressing operations for clarification of water to either reuse it or discharge it. Water is separated from finely ground ore and tailings by using settling tanks or thickeners and tailing ponds. Apart from water recovery and pollution abatement, this process also helps in the recovery of chemical reagents used in used in flotation circuits.
Activated carbon: Activated carbon is used in powdered as well as granular form. granular activated carbon has been economically and successfully used for the treatment of secondary effluents at South Lake Tahoe. This plant’s spent carbon is removed from the carbon beds for thermal regeneration and then returned to the beds for reuse. Wastewater treatment techniques based on powdered activated carbon are currently being developed, and they offer a lot of promise in terms of lowering treatment facility capital costs. Powdered carbon techniques remove both suspended debris and dissolved organics at the same time.
Figure 4: Treatment of wastewater in Mining mineral ore processing by activated carbon
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Physical-chemical methods: There are many physical-chemical methods that can be used for wastewater removal. Wastewater treatment involves the removal of one or more substances rather than bulk separation of the dissolved matter from the wastewater. Chemical treatment can be used to remove undesirable substances from wastewater. Chemical precipitation methods are one of the most economical ways to clean up wastewater. Inexpensive chemicals such as lime can be used to effect precipitation reactions. The low cost of the sedimentation process makes the equipment required for precipitation processes relatively inexpensive. Addition chlorine, hypochlorite salts, ozone, chlorine dioxide, permanganate salts and other oxidants can be used to oxidize wastewater.
The most used chemicals in mining wastewater treatment are pH adjusters and specialist coagulants, but there are a variety of other specialty chemicals that can be utilized to a great advantage. Corrosion inhibitors and biocides, for example, are used to restrict the growth of algae and bacteria. In locations with hard water, water softeners may be beneficial.
Treatment of wastewater using membrane technologies:
This Wastewater Recovery treatment is mainly used to treat water polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This method removes impurities from water by using barrier that allows certain substances to pass and block the others. Depending upon the contaminants, several different types of membranes can be used. Apart from other mechanisms such as hydrophobic effects and adsorption on the membrane surface, these technologies use size exclusion as a means of removing pollutants during the treatment of polluted waterways. Microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis are all membrane technologies. The latter is a water purification process that relies on high-pressure membrane filtration.
Membrane filtration- Microfiltration and ultrafiltration: This process uses microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes to treat wastewater and is similar to sand or media filters that can remove suspended solids but not dissolved solids. This process can work under pressure and vacuum and is commonly used to treat wastewater to remove bacteria and viruses.
Reverse Osmosis—Nanofiltration/Membrane Softening: Osmosis is defined as the tendency of two solutions of varying salinities to neutralize. Reverse osmosis overcomes the natural tendency through pressure and forces the pure water through a semi permeable membrane while the pollutants are concentrated on the feed side of the membrane.
Nanofiltration operates the same way reverse osmosis does. The only difference is that the membrane is a bit loose and allows salts to pass through while blocking larger dissolved molecules.
To remove bacteria and other contaminants found in the water as molecules and ions, reverse osmosis uses nonporous filter membranes (0.2-1.0 nm) and works by using steric effect or dimensional exclusion electric charges, exclusion, and solute-solvent-membrane physicochemical interactions. It is more effective than standard procedures for removing bioorganic pollutants from wastewater from homes and biomedical centres, such as hormones and bioactive components of pharmaceuticals.
Reverse osmosis, which has been utilized in the manufacture of drinking water for more than 30 years, is now being employed more frequently in the treatment of wastewater. Membrane filtration has been a more viable option in the production of recyclable water from industrial effluent since 1990, thanks to the development of environmental regulations in both developed and developing countries.
Figure 5: Wastewater treatment and its recycling in ore flotation
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Benefits of treating wastewater:
Provides Clean and Reusable Water: Throwing away wastewater is harmful to nature. If there is any water that cannot be used for consumption, it should be treated so that it won’t affect the atmosphere. Wastewater can be treated through an industrial water plant and can be reused. It can be further refined for human consumption.
Protect Environment: Wastewater contains a lot of waste materials. The water from the industrial sector contains harmful chemicals that can be fatal if left in the open. The industrial water treatment plant can remove the harmful ingredients from the water. Therefore, the water can be used for personal or industrial purposes and this will help in the reduction of environmental pollution as well.
Keeps Disease Away: Wastewater contains bacteria, viruses and other chemicals that can make the consumer sick and can also be fatal. Treatment of wastewater can help reduce the risk of diseases from consumption of water.
Strengthens Economy: A lot of money goes into preventing pollution. Millions of dollars are spent for cleaning contaminated water bodies. So, treatment of water on site can help save money.
Produces Energy: Water can be used for the production of electricity. The industrial water treatment plant can use its own power during the treatment process. Electricity can be generated while the water treatment process is on. It can sell the rest of the electricity to the national grid.
Avoid Industrial Equipment Damage: Waste can damage industrial equipment and pipe systems.
Minimize waste: Water treatment can help in the minimization of waste. Moreover, it can also prevent the wastage of water.
How Mining Industry Can Improve Water Efficiency:
There are following way to improve the water efficiency in Mining Industry (Mineral Ore Processing):
Evaluate Opportunities for Energy and Chemical Optimization: One way to improve water efficiency in the mining industry is to evaluate opportunities for energy and chemical efficiency. It means that industries need to find out if there is a possibility to lower the energy usage by water resources at mines such as aerators, blowers, and pumps.
Ensure Compliance by Optimizing Chemical Dosage in the Water/Wastewater Treatment Processes: The next step is to make sure that the water/wastewater treatment process is complying by maximizing chemical dosage. With the use of artificial intelligence, industries can maximize their chemical dosage setpoints without straying from the compliance limits.
Leverage Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Energy in Water/Wastewater Treatment Processes to Lower Water Related Costs: Artificial intelligence can reduce energy in water treatment processes and can help save on water related costs. By installing an artificial intelligence system at the mining site, it becomes easier to monitor the water assets remotely for energy consumption. This will also help to save energy and money.
Ensure Wastewater Treatment Processes Are Reusing as Much Water as Possible: It is important to reuse as much water as possible. Water efficiency cannot be achieved if water usage if not optimized for wastewater treatment process.
Leverage Historical Data to Enable AI to Help Optimize Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes: Predicting is done based on what has happened in the past. In order to improve water and wastewater treatment processes at mining sites, industries need to provide past data related to that so AI can learn from it and make predictions.
Ensure Wastewater Treatment Process Is Leveraging AI to Optimize Water for Reuse: Artificial intelligence allows operators to recirculate process water to minimize water intake, tailing storage, and effluent discharge volumes. Industries can save up to 30% on operational expenditures by enabling intelligent water and wastewater operations.
Increase Water Reuse by Optimizing Membrane Downtime and Recovery: The seventh and final way the mining industry can improve is by increasing the reuse of water through optimization of membrane downtime and recovery. Artificial intelligence can help do this by enabling membrane recovery optimization, membrane cleaning scheduling, and filtration optimization.
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rpcomtrade · 2 years
Welding Gloves Selection Guide: Types, Features, and Applications
Welding gloves are personal protective equipment (PPE) that shield welders’ hands from welding hazards. Leather gloves are the most popular material for making welding gloves. These gloves let the user move their fingers while protecting them from electrical shock, extreme heat, and UV and infrared radiation. They also protect against wear and tear and give the user a better grip. Welding gloves are usually part of a set that includes a helmet, coveralls, etc., but they are made with extra care because they are so close to the welding process. Gloves are worn over the hand, with separate sheaths for each finger and thumb. Right off the bat, it should be said that welding gloves do exist, but they are usually less useful. 
Whatever the case, the functional principle remains the same: these garments are made of long-lasting, electrically non conductive, and heat-dissipating materials. To improve the glove’s protection, additional materials will be used. Many gloves have oversized cuffs that act as a vambrace-like barrier against forearm splatter. 
Types of welding gloves
Split or top leather is the primary component of welding gloves. Different kinds of materials used to make welding gloves vary in how comfortable they are, which is usually a sharp contrast to how durable the gloves are. Welding gloves are typically categorized into three levels of comfort and durability on the basis of their application. Even though these gloves are labeled for a certain type of welding, they can be used for a wide range of welding techniques. 
TIG welding gloves provide adequate protection while maintaining finger sensitivity. The purpose of MIG welding gloves is to offer maximum protection and some dexterity. Stick welding gloves or leather gloves are typically the most durable type of welding gloves.
Features of welding gloves
Welding gloves are multipurpose PPE because welding is a multipurpose occupation. Aside from the actual welding time, welding entails a variety of tasks. The chipping hammer and grinder must be used safely, so gloves that can handle the demands of those tasks must have a good non-slip grip and a reinforced flexible palm. These gloves can be used for both delicate fingerwork and hard, heavy work. You can perform both of these tasks while wearing good gloves. You need a lot of dexterity to turn the adjustment screw on a small set of vise grips or put a light welding rod into a stinger. Your gloves should give you that dexterity. Lastly, some glove makers make models that don’t get wet, don’t get dirty, or are brightly colored so people can see them.
Welders who work underwater wear standard diving gear and linesman gloves. This is mostly to keep from getting an electric shock.
To steady and support the stinger, welding gloves are also used as work rests. So they should have some firmness to the material along the pinky side and the back of the hand. Or it can actually have built-in or sewn-in pads or ridges.
Keep in mind that there are both left- and right-handed people in the world, so glove supports and pads must be available in both.
Also, welding gloves or leather gloves need to be cleaned properly so that they don’t lose any of their protective qualities. The company from which you buy the gloves can tell you how to clean, care for, and keep them in good shape.
Read more - https://rpcomtrade.com/welding-gloves-selection-guide-types-features-and-applications/
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inforelationship · 2 years
What is paper clipping and the signs to look to?
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Today's relationship seems to be volatile and dynamic different from what the matter used to be before 50 years. The introduction of the digital age has complicated the matter in which the majority of relationships remain undefinable. In response, the lexicons of terms to simplify the expansive love terms are also increasingly becoming more communicative than ever before. 
Now, it is important to note that the normal relationships where people used to date, engage and get married are no longer the norm; instead, every dating stereotype whose presence was not described before is now clearly illustrated, which is mostly attributed to the exacerbation of the dating apps coming into existence. 
With the advent of dating stereotypes, relationship experts have also tried not to sit idly until they explicate the complications of emerging dating terminologies as the new relationship terms have taken centre stage. 
Now than before, every stage of a relationship is categorically explained, whether the relationship is reciprocated by the crush or the person you are seeing is crushing on another person, or the engaged person is interested outside the engagement zone are all explained.
Nonetheless, there are many dating scenarios that go hand-in-hand with emerging terminologies on the dating scene, such as ghosting, breadcrumbing, and gaslighting, among many others. 
In fact, "paper clippers" or "paper clipping" are among those new dating terms on the scene that you need to understand. 
Illustrator Samantha Rothenberg first came with an Instagram post and captioned the image, which attracted almost 14,000 likes.
The word paper clipping or paper clippers was inspired by the artwork of Samantha Rothenberg, whose Instagram post under the name Violet Clair.
She described the text messages of a guy who used to send creepy pop-up messages out of nowhere after separating as paper clippings.
"Sometimes, I pop up for no reason at all. See, the truth is, I'm damaged, flaky, and not particularly interested in you. But I don't want you to forget I exist," Samantha's illustrated Instagram post explained.
On an Instagram post-Rothenberg first came up with the word "paperclipping", which later attracted attention from the New York Post, Glamour and NBC, among other publications.
Dating experts have defined "paper clipping" as a dating situation where someone comes back into the life of a person they abandoned with the purpose of making them feel about themselves and then leaves again. 
It is a weird dating situation in which a psycho person feels good, re-energized, and confident by emotionally using other persons in their interest. The "Clippy" person makes you think that they are interested in you without indicating any signs of a committed relationship.  
"Paperclipping is when someone has you on the back burner, and it feels like you are about to go cold. They will reach you not in an attempt to move things forward but to re-stoke the flame and make sure you are still an option," Rothenberg said in an interview with Refinery 29. 
"It's quite typical, and there's something empowering about giving the action a name." 
According to the Collins Dictionary, "paper clipping" is when a person you dated abruptly sends you a message after a long absence, then vanishes once more.
According to Carla Maine Manly, a clinical psychologist, "paperclipping" is a new term for old-age behaviour in which a person with flaky behaviour exploits others in exchange for their self-worth by feeding on apparent connection and emotional reactions of others.
With the Manly description, definitely, paper clippers are emotional predators who will exploit any chances available to any person who weakly exposes them to their quarters. In most cases, paper clippers will leave out of the place before things get tangible and then reappear unexpectedly to invalidate their self-worth.
It's likely that you may be "paperclipped" without knowing. Yet, by paying attention to these trivial signs, there are sure ways that you will realize whether you are "paperclipped" or not.
They give you false hopes
The paper clippers will do all that they can to make sure that you feel the vibrancy and hope in your life, and then they will leave you again and give out excuses for their past behaviours. The clippers or paper clippers will continually ghost you and do whatever they can to cancel the plans despite the willingness to show the commitments.
Cold conversations
The sure signs of the paper clippers are that their conversation with them is going to bore and get cold because they have no legitimate purpose of moving things in the mutually benefiting mode between you and them. 
All they have to do is to initiate conversations that seek to know what you feel about them but couldn't have a meaningful conversation with you. Talking to them is going to put you into deep confusion, leaving the person hanging in a dilemma on what to do next about themselves.
Random appearance
Usually, when people take long without talking to each other for quite some time, the chances are that they are going to be surprised when they get messaged or called on when someone who abandoned them appears in such a manner. Paperclippers will shock you with comebacks and nagging conversations that will make you feel hopeful. You will rather find out that their actions weren't really genuine.
What to do if you are "paperclipped."
The best way to deal with "paper clippers" is to avoid them when they reappear. Just know they are always the same, and the problem is not on you but their flaky behaviour and repulsive attitude attached to their personality. Don't let their indistinct conversations confuse you; instead, tell them straight away what they want to communicate.
It is advisable to abandon the undefined unhealthy messages which do not sound communicatively straightforward from Clippy persons. 
If you are "paperclipped", it is important to keep in your mind that it's never your part to be blamed, but instead, the blame should be shifted to them. It doesn't either mean that you have done wrong or there is something unattractive about you. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with keeping Clippy persons outside your friend zone; it makes you well. You should also understand that you will find other people who treat you well and respect you deservingly. 
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script-a-world · 2 years
Submitted via Google Form:
I'm trying to design an alien species that is categorised as both plant and animal. Is that possible? Or only if defined to how we define plant and animal? In that case how could aliens define them differently?
I'm suppose you may already be thinking of stuff people create that do seem to be both plant and animal. Like those carnivorous plants with whip like vines that can seize prey - but they're considered plants and not an animal. Then there are ents in Tolkien's work. But those are still animals that resemble trees, not considered plants. Not what I'm looking for.
Miri: Scientifically, we differentiate plant vs animal at a cellular level: plant cells do not have a cell wall, animal cells do. That’s just the start of the differences, which are mostly contradictory enough that they could not exist in the same being. A table of differences can be found at https://www.toppr.com/guides/biology/difference-between/plants-and-animals/ (and more information is available at many sites with a quick “plant vs animal” google search as this is a topic that was covered in many high school biology classes in North America when I was in school - I have fond memories of doing stains of plant cells to look at under the microscope.).
Aliens may not even have the same concepts of “plant” and “animal”. We haven’t met any (so far as we’ve been publicly told) so it’s all up to imagination. This may be a case of Aunt Scripty’s Rule of Reality - you break it, you bought it. Consider if it’s something you really need to define that accurately. If they think it’s a plant or think it’s an animal, does it matter to your plot if it really is? Is anyone pulling out the microscopes to check? If they are, then it’s worth making those distinctions in your story and building what it means in your world. If it doesn’t matter to the plot, and it’s never going to come up, this may be a bit of world building you can keep behind the curtain.
Feral: Plants and animals are not even the only defined categories of life in our world. You seem to be drawing your categorization of life from Linnaean taxonomy, which is not a particularly helpful classification system as it was developed in 1735, aka before Darwin proposed the theory of evolution. If you look at other taxonomic ranking systems, like Whittaker’s 1969 Five Kingdoms or Woese’s 1977 Six Kingdoms, you might find more inspiration for how the domains of life may be divided and categorized. And increasingly, it’s being accepted that it’s not just humans or even non-human animals, but plants can have a form of intelligence, and possibly anything or everything else could experience consciousness.
Utuabzu: sounds like you're describing fungi, archea and bacteria, none of which are plants or animals but are most certainly alive. Fungi have been observed to transmit electrical signals across their mycelia and to react to stimulus, which may indicate some level of awareness (if they think or feel, it's in a way that's pretty alien to us). Lichens are even weirder, being composite organisms made of various combos of fungus, bacteria and plants, and also being some of the oldest land organisms and the sturdiest (lichens are the only plant-like-things growing on Antarctica, and the ISS has had problems with lichens on its outer hull).
Plenty of plants react to each other and their environment and plant cognition is a legitimate field of study within botany, so plants that move and act more like animals are perfectly possible. But honestly, if you're working with aliens, there's no need to fit things neatly into the taxonomic categories we're used to. They're alien organisms, they'll have (presumably) had an entirely separate evolutionary history and fall into their own categories. You can have human characters refer to things as plants and animals, and then have another character correct them if you want.
For worldbuilding purposes your most important concern is going to be the difference between autotrophes (organisms that create their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis) and heterotrophes (organisms that must acquire energy from other organisms, generally by eating them). Autotrophes tend to be more sessile (unable to move) because motility (the ability to move) requires energy and specialised structures that don't necessarily make sense for something that just needs a source of light energy or chemical energy and nutrients. Heterotrophes do tend to be motile because they have to find food, but there are plenty of sessile heterotrophes. Most corals, sponges, and fungi either rely on water currents to bring them food, or grow outwards to find more food and are able to reproduce and spread out in sufficient volume that it doesn't really matter that their food will run out. Remember, evolution doesn't prefer the “best” lifeforms, just the ones that continue to successfully reproduce.
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theartofdreaming1 · 3 years
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Katniss, bravely stepping inbetween Gale and Thread (and his whip) - she’s so courageous and protective, she deserves the world 😭
As usual, my thoughts regarding this week’s prompts and (many) random thoughts on chapters 7-9 are below the cut. (Is it just me, or are my notes getting longer and longer with each and every post? I swear, this book is so meaty, we’ll soon reach the point where I have to type out the entire chapter, with my thoughts in the margins)
“Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else in unthinkable.” 
I think these words are a result of Katniss being so afraid of losing Gale that she’s kinda overcompensating; their relationship has been strained these past few months and they’d just had a row, separating from each other on bad terms - and the next time she sees him, he’s been whipped so bad that he’s lost consciousness and could be potentially dying from his wounds. Of course she’s so terrified of losing him, that she’s holding on as tightly as she can to him. It’s important to keep in mind how important their relationship is to her and we see that in her preceding thoughts: What a pair we were - fatherless, frightened, but fiercely commited, too, to keeping our families alive. Desperate, yet no longer alone after that day, because we’d found each other. I think of a hundred moments in the woods, lazy afternoons fishing, the day I taught him to swim, that time I twisted my knee and he carried me home. Mutually counting each other, watching each other’s backs, forcing each other to be brave. - Gale was the first person who was her equal, a kindred spirit, her partner. After Katniss had lost both of her parents when her father died and her mother succumbed to her depression - the people who were supposed to care for her and guide her through growing up - she was stuck with the role of sole provider and protector of her family at age eleven. She must have been so lonely all this time until she met this boy who understood what she was going through and they learned from each other and shouldered their burdens together, to take off some of the overwhelming pressure. Of course that relationship, of course Gale is important to her. But also now their relationship has become more fragile, after the Games they are in danger of growing apart - it’s got to be so terrifying to feel like the one proper, mutual relationship you’ve had seems to be slipping through your fingers. With everything that’s going on, her entire life as it is teetering on the razor’s edge (heck, the president himself has been threatening her and her family!), it’s no wonder that Katniss is craving that familiarity and safety that her relationship with Gale used to provide her with. And seeing Gale in this state just has her holding on to him more tightly than ever.
Hmm, no big moment is coming to my mind right now; I think I’m always most impressed by the tiny moments that show how tenacious, resilient and fiercely kind humans can be - like Darius stepping forward to stop Gale’s cruel punishment, Leevy volunteering to tell Hazelle about Gale and promising to stay with the Hawthorne children, Madge bringing the morphling, Katniss pressing Darius’s hand in the Training Center, Twill taking Bonnie with her to flee to D13 and so on.
I believe that Katniss was honestly surprised to learn that Gale had feelings for her; she had categorically shut down the idea of entering a romantic relationship for herself, so I don’t think she’d seriously consider anyone being romantically interested in her in return (that’s not how that works, of course, but I think that’s how she perceived the whole shtick). Their kiss threw her completely for a loop and if anything, she mostly saw it as something that contributed to the deterioration of their previous, easy and comfortable relationship.
Chapter 7
A mockingjay is a creature the Capitol never intended to exist. [...] They hadn’t anticipated its will to live. - In a way, the Capitol continues to make this mistake with the people living in the districts, too - underestimating their will to live (opposed to just surviving)
I look in his [Gale’s] eyes. His temper can’t quite mask the hurt, the sense of betrayal he feels at my engagement to Peeta. This will be my last chance, this meeting today, to not lose Gale forever. - Okay, we don’t know how much Katniss might be (incorrectly) presuming here, but the idea that Gale might feel betrayal because his best friend is being forced into an engagement pisses me off. It’s fine if he’s feeling jealous because she’s being paired off with Peeta when he wishes he could have a shot with her, but how in the world does this even rate as a betrayal?! A) It’s done against her will and B) Just because they’re friends doesn’t mean Katniss owes him anything when we’re talking about romantic feelings... Ugh 😒 Also, it’s quite noteworthy how insecure Katniss feels about their relationship - she’s constantly worried Gale will drop her and their friendship (waiting for Gale after the camera teams left after winning the Games: I’d begun to think that he’d given up on me in the weeks that had passed.- Ch. 2) and it doesn’t help that she’s been through that extreme, traumatic experience without him and they haven’t had much opportunity to spend a lot of time with each other (with the Victory Tour and Gale having to work so much) and when they do hang out, they don’t seem to really talk much, which doesn’t exactly help...
He [Gale] tosses the gloves on my lap. “Here. I don’t want your fiancé’s old gloves.” “He’s not my fiancé. That’s just part of the act. And these aren’t his gloves. They were Cinna’s,” I say. “Give them back, then, he says. - Gale can be so petty sometimes 🙄
While I talk, [...] [Gale] occupies himself with turning the food in the leather bag into a meal for us. Toasting bread and cheese, coring apples, placing chestnuts in the fire to roast. I watch his hands, his beautiful, capable fingers. Scarred, as mine were before the Captiol erased all marks from my skin, but strong and deft. [...] Hands I trust. - Oh boy, this moment really shows how these two are at cross purposes right now - Gale’s prepping the food as you would for a toasting (romantic connotation), while Katniss is oberserving his hands, thinking how their hands used to match (not anymore!) and basically wishing herself back into the time before the Games, when things were ‘simpler’/more clearly defined (and also platonic!); there is nothing romantic from her P.O.V. - it’s all about the friendship and trust
[Gale] steps in and I feel myself lifted off the ground. The room spins, and I have to lock my arms around Gale’s neck to brace myself. He’s laughing, happy. “Hey!” I protest, but I’m laughing, too. Gale sets me down but doesn’t release his hold on me. “Okay, let’s run away.” [...] “You’re sure?” I say. [...] “I’m sure. I’m completely, entirely, one hundred percent sure.” - Yeah, and I’m sure you’re not going to change your opinion in the next five minutes, Gale... In his defense, Gale didn’t know all the details, so in that regard it’s totally valid that he might decide to change his mind after having more input... It’s just that Katniss specifically asks him whether he’s sure and his reply is so full of conviction (100% sure!), only for him to do a complete 180 just a couple of minutes later; Gale’s very hot and cold, which makes for such a harsh contrast when compared to Peeta’s more measured reaction later in the chapter
He tilts his forehead down to rest against mine and pulls me closer. [...] I don’t try to move away. Why should I, anyway? His voice drops to a whisper. “I love you.” That’s why. - Oh man, Katniss just can’t catch a break 😞 Really not wise of Gale to drop the L-bomb here (after, what? a kiss they never talked about and little else... their communication is truly abysmal and it’s really damaging to their relationship, hurting the both of them)
“Gale, I can’t think about anyone that way now. All I can think about, every day, is how afraid I am. And there doesn’t seem to be room for anything else. If we could get somewhere safe, maybe I could be different. I don’t know.” I can see him swallowing his disappointment. “So, we’ll go. We’ll find out.” - I mean, honestly, I totally understand where Katniss is coming from - she doesn’t need a romantic interest, she needs a partner, which is why she’s been so eager to talk to her hunting partner, someone she’s used to rely on for survival and now he’s also confounding their relationship by introducing that romance-angle (as if it wasn’t bad enough that her relationship with Peeta got kind of messed up when that same angle was forced upon them prematurely)... Also, telling how Katniss thinks she’d have to be different to maybe even consider a romantic relationship with Gale - Katniss as she is right now just can’t see herself wanting to be with Gale romantically; it would require a change... I’ve got to give Gale credit for still going along with it, and trying to push past his disappointment, though
“My [Gale’s] mother is going to take some convincing.” [...] “Mine, too. I’ll just have to make her see reason. Take her for a long walk. Make sure she understands we won’t survive the alternative.” “She’ll understand. I watched a lot of the Games with her and Prim. She won’t say no to you,” says Gale. - That’s interesting, I wonder what exactly Gale means by that? That Mrs. Everdeen won’t say no to Katniss because she feels guilty that Katniss had to go through the Games or because watching her daughter compete in the Games really made her realize how messed up Panem is? Or that she’s more inclined to trust Katniss’s judgement after everything that has happened?
“Haymitch will be the real challenge.” “Haymitch?” Gale abandons the chestnuts. “You’re asking him to come with us?” “I have to, Gale. I can’t leave him and Peeta because they’d-” His scowl cuts me off. “What?” “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how large our party was,” he snaps at me. - Gale doesn’t seem to have realized how close and important Peeta and Haymitch have become to Katniss... maybe because they never properly talked about this aspect of Katniss’s life (I swear, their shoddy communication must account for at least half of the damage their relationship has taken in these past few months alone)
“What if he [Peeta] decides to stay?” he [Gale] asks. I try to sound indifferent, but my voice cracks. “Then he stays.” “You’d leave him behind?” Gale asks. “To save Prim and my mother, yes,” I answer. “I mean, no! I’ll get him to come.” “And me, would you leave me?” Gale’s expression is rock hard now. - Boy, oh boy! I think Gale knows (like Peeta) that Katniss could never leave behind the people she cares about; then, he’s kind of gauging whether Peeta has already received the Katniss Everdeen Stamp of ‘Caring’ - and, as it turns out, he has! And then Gale ends up making it into a bit of  competition by asking her whether she would leave him behind (or, alternately, her turning him down has him confused about the depth of their relationship, I dunno); not fun
“There’s an uprising in Eight?” he [Gale] says in a hushed voice. I try to backpedal. To defuse him, as I tried to defuse the districts. - Katniss is going to be about as successful as she’d been at defusing the districts, too - But here we have another example of Katniss trying to rein in Gale’s temper because she’s afraid he’s going to get himself in trouble (like when she decided not to tell him about Snow’s visit to her house because she was worried what he’d do with that information)... It’s really not great that she feels the need to censor herself so he won’t do something dangerous... Katniss knows first-hand how badly impulsive actions and decisions can be received in the Capitol - and she never even meant for a rebellion to happen!
“And it’s my fault, Gale. Because of what I did in the arena. If I had just killed myself with those berries, none of this would’ve happened. Peeta could have come home and lived, and everyone else would have been safe. too.” “Safe to do what?” he says in a gentler tone. “Starve? Work like slaves? Send their kids to the reaping? You haven’t hurt people - you’ve given them an opportunity. They just have to be brave enough to take it. - Katniss is taking all the responsibility upon herself again... Gale is right to point out that she was merely a catalyst, not the cause for the rebellion - the cause are the awful living conditions of the people in the districts
“Stop it! You don’t know what you’re saying. The Peacekeepers outside of Twelve, they’re not like Darius, or even Cray! The lives of district people - they mean less than nothing to them!” I say. “That’s why we have to join the fight!” he answers harshly. “No! we have to leave here before they kill us and a lot of other people, too!” [...] “You leave, then, I’d never go in a million years.” [...] “What about your family?” “What about the other families, Katniss? The ones who can’t run away?” - This discourse is so painful because they are both right - Katniss has seen more of the districts and how things are handled beyond the (relatively tame) confines of D12 and it’s fair that she wants to know that the people she cares about are safe from harm; Gale, of course, has a point commenting that not everyone has that opportunity and the only way to have a long-lasting, wide-spread improvement of their conditions is through rebelling against their oppressor - but that will inevitably come along with sacrifices and collateral damage and it’s easy to say that it will be worth it in the long run, but when those who are hurt/dead could end up being your loved ones, it’s definitely easier said than done
He throws Cinna’s gloves at my feet. “I changed my mind. I don’t want anything they made in the Capitol.” And he’s gone. I look down at the gloves. Anything they made in the Capitol? Was that directed at me? Does he think I am now just another product of the Capitol and therefore something untouchable? The unfairness of it all fills me with rage. But it’s mixed up with fear over what kind of crazy thing he might do next. - Gale getting rid of Cinna’s gloves just because they are from the Capitol is a prime example of this “us vs. them” mindset that he will be (worringly) fast to adopt - of course, perceiving the opposite side as “other” will make it easier to fight against them; however, it’s all too easy to lose sight of your opponent’s humanity when you think like that (think of how Gale has a hard time understanding Katniss’s distress upon seeing her prep team being treated so terribly/inhumanely in D13); Katniss feeling upset that Gale might perceive her as a product of the Capitol instead of its victim is understandable (and isn’t that exactly what the inhabitants of D13 are going to think of Peeta in MJ?) - and yet, she is still worried Gale could get himself into trouble with his impulsivity; she’s a good bean
”Going to town?” I ask. “Yes. I’m supposed to eat dinner with my family,” he [Peeta] says. - I’m tripping over the word ‘supposed’ here - it doesn’t sound like Peeta’s looking forward to hanging out with his fam, although it can’t be that often, since they’ve been away on Victory Tour and he is living alone (maybe the end of the chapter will give us another hint why that is 😒😒)... I can’t help but wonder whether these family dinners are mainly for public perception (in that case... it really is no wonder Peeta is so good at playing the cameras - poor guy had to fool the outside world his entire life) or because they are the only chance for Peeta to hang out with any of the members of his family he might actually want to spend some time with
“Peeta, if I asked you to run away from the district with me, would you?” Peeta takes my arm, bringing me to a stop. He doesn’t need to check my face to see if I’m serious. “Depends on why you’re asking.” President Snow wasn’t convinced by me. There’s an uprising in District Eight. We have to get out,” I say. “By ‘we’ do you mean just you and me? No. Who else would be going?” he asks. - Peeta doesn’t just blindly agree to Katniss’s proposal; he needs to know what’s going on first (he has been burnt before - no more secrets!) - and it’s a testament to how well he knows her that as soon as he’s asking whether she meant just the two of them, he corrects himself because knows that Katniss would never leave the ones she cares about behind
“What about Gale?” he says. “I don’t know. He might have other plans,” I say. Peeta shakes his head and gives me rueful smile. “I bet he does. Sure, Katniss, I’ll go.” I feel a slight twinge of hope. “You will?” “Yeah. But I don’t think for a minute you will,” he says. [...] “Then you don’t know me. Be ready. It could be any time.” - Telling how Peeta immediately agrees to the plan once he gathers that Gale won’t come - he knows that Katniss cares about Gale and could never leave him behind, ergo she’d never actually leave under these circumstances - he knows her so well. Also, Katniss’s reaction is like that of a petulant child, it’s kind of funny 😄
“Katniss, hold up.” [...] “I really will go, if you want me to. I just think we better talk it through with Haymitch. Make sure we won’t be making things worse for everyone.” - Ultimately, Peeta would follow Katniss to the ends of the earth - doesn’t mean that he can’t throw in a sensible suggestion in there as well 😉 (Also, in the next chapter we will see how Katniss, Gale, and Peeta might be a little too inexperienced/naive to be able to form accurate expectations of what is to come - Haymitch and his generation have a little more experience in that regard)
He raises his head. “What’s that?” [...] I haven’t noticed the strange noise coming from the square. A whistling, the sound of an impact, the intake of breath from a crowd. “Come on,” Peeta says, his face suddenly hard. I don’t know why. I can’t place the sound, even guess at the situation. But it means something bad to him. - Why does my sweet boy know what a whipping sounds like, Suzanne, huh?! Care to explain that? 😭
Peeta steps up on a crate against the wall of the sweetshop and offers me a hand while he scans the square. I’m halfway up when he suddenly blocks my way. “Get down. Get out of here!” He’s whispering, but his voice is harsh with insistence. - Peeta was offering his hand to help Katniss up the crate because they are a team (and he’s a gentleman)! It’s only when he recognizes who is receiving those lashes and realizes that Katniss will lose her shit once she knows, which could make the current situation even worse, that he urges her to leave, and he is not the only one to think that: - Voices hiss. “Get out of here, girl.” “Only make it worse.” What do you want to do? Get him killed?”
Chapter 8
It’s too late to stop the arm from descending, and I instinctively know I won’t have the power to block it. Instead I throw myself directly between the whip and Gale. I’ve flung out my arms to protext as much of his broken body as possible, so there’s nothing to deflect the lash. I take the full force of it across the left side of my face. - Katniss is so selfless; she knows that it’s either Gale getting hit again or a lash to her own face and she chooses the latter
“Hold it!” a voice barks. Haymitch appears and trips over a Peacekeeper lying on the ground. It’s Darius. [...] He’s knocked out but still breathing. What happened? Did he try to come to Gale’s aid before I got here? - Haymitch sure appeared quickly - I can easily imagine Peeta taking off immediately to get him (or send someone to bring him to the square) once he knew Katniss couldn’t be stopped; but if Haymitch had been at his house in Victor’s Village, there is no way he’d have made that quickly to the square... maybe he was already at the Hob and had gotten wind of the whole situation? Also, poor Darius! Wearing a uniform/being in some sort of position of power is no guarantee you won’t get punished as soon as you show the tiniest glimpse of compassion - in a place like Panem, nobody is safe from the caprice of the people in charge
I see a flicker of recognition in the eyes of the man with the whip. [...] it wouldn’t be easy to identify me as the victor of the last Hunger Games. Especially with half my face swelling up. But Haymitch has been showing up on television for years, and he’d be difficult to forget. - Getting Haymitch truly was the smartest move to make (which is why I’m pretty sure it was a move on Peeta’s part - he’d know how to use reminders of ‘appearances’ to ensure a punishment wouldn’t go ‘too far’, y’know 😢). But also - Thread must have lived under a flipping rock, to not being able to recognizes Katniss (her face must have been plastered all over the place during the Victory Tour, which just had concluded recently) - or he was just too in the heat of the moment, with someone opposing him, bleugh 😒
“He [Gale] was poaching. What business is it of hers, anyway?” says the man. “He’s her cousin.” Peeta’s got my other arm now, but gently. “And she’s my fiancée. So if you want to get to him, expect to go through both of us.” - I love how Peeta’s just laying it down as it is; his phrasing just sounds so factual, rather than provocative (although it is, of course); he really has a way with words - Maybe we’re it. The only three people in the district who could make a stand like this. Although it’s sure to be temporary. There will be repercussions. - Haymitch, Peeta, and Katniss working together as a team again! Also, a good example of the effect people with public influence can have 
One [Peacekeeper], a woman named Purnia who eats regularly at Greasy Sae’s, steps forward stiffly. “I believe, for a first offense, the required number of lashes has been dispensed, sir. Unless your sentence is death, which we would carry out by firing squad.” “Is that the standard protocol here?” asks the Head Peacekeeper. “Yes, sir,” Purnia says, and several others nod in agreement. I’m sure none of them actually know because, in the Hob, the standard protocol for someone showing up with a wild turkey is for everybody to bid on the drumsticks. - It’s kinda nice to see the local Peacekeepers supporting Purnia’s claim to get this display to stop - this is the only way out of this situation where Thread’s authority is not openly challenged (and we know Thread doesn’t take well to having his authority challenged - see Darius)
There’s no stretcher, but the old woman at the clothing stall sells us the board that serves as her countertop. “Just don’t tell where you got it,” she says, packing up the rest of her goods quickly. Most of the square has emptied, fear getting the better of compassion. But after what happened, I can’t blame anyone. - It’s sad how that air of intimidation makes people want to mask their acts of compassion (and also says a lot about the precariousness of the existing living situations if that old lady is still selling that board - I’d never even consider exchanging money for that, but that’s probably my privileged situation showing here; Katniss brings up the theme of fear vs compassion - very fitting, since it seems to be her driving force (although, generally, her compassion wins out over her fear) and despite her assertion that fear appears to be getting the better of compassion we see a good amount of people reaching out to help, such as the following example:
Leevy, a girl who lives a few houses down from mine in the Seam, takes my arm. My mother kept her little brother alive last year when he caught the measles. “Need help getting back?” Her gray eyes are scared but determined. - The subtle suggestion here that Leevy might be further motivated to help out because Katniss’s mom helped her little brother is also an excellent example of how kindness breeds kindness
“Get some snow on that,” Haymitch orders over his shoulder. I scoop up a handful of snow and press it against my cheek, numbing a bit of the pain. - This moment reminded me of Peeta immediately reaching for some ice from that fruit tureen after Haymitch hit him on their way to the Games in THG (Ch. 4) - their different immediate reactions to getting hit in the face could simply be due to the fact that Katniss is a little too preoccupied worrying about Gale to think about her injury, of course, but I feel like you could also interpret them as examples for how much experience Katniss and Peeta have with being hit in the face, respectively...
Gale must have gone to Cray’s house, as he’s done a hundred times, knowing Cray pays well for a wild turkey. Instead he found the new Head Peacekeeper, a man they heard someone call Romulus Thread. No one knows what happened to Cray. He was buying white liquor in the Hob just this morning [...] but now he’s nowhere to be found. - As I’ve already mentioned regarding Darius, inhabiting some position of power does not guarantee you any safety in Panem (there is always someone more powerful who will treat their inferiors like garbage, if they feel like it)
By the time I showed up, he [Gale]’d been lashed at least forty times. He passed out around thirty. - Jesus 😨 poor Gale!
“What about Darius?” Peeta asks.“ After about twenty lashes, he stepped in, saying that was enough. Only he didn’t do it smart and official, like Purnia did. He grabbed Thread’s arm and Thread hit him in the head with the butt of the whip. Nothing good waiting for him,” says Bristel. - It’s so messed up how it is not enough to have someone who’d stand up and do something about a horrible situation - they have to do it the right way, or else they’re toast; there really shouldn’t have to be a smart way of doing the right thing
Snow begins, thick and wet, making visibility even more difficult. - (President) Snow is coming down hard on them, making it hard to see what’s up ahead
Ever so gently, she [Mrs. Everdeen] begins to clean the mutilated flesh on Gale’s back. I feel sick to the stomach, useless, the remaining snow dripping from my glove into a puddle on the floor. Peeta puts me in a chair and holds a cloth filled with fresh snow to my cheek. - Although she’s quite squeamish, Katniss stays as Gale gets treated (the force that holds the loved ones of the hurt/dying, just like when Peeta was being treated after their Games); meanwhile, Peeta is taking care of Katniss - there is so much care + love to be found in this moment
My mother has to save the strongest [painkillers] for the worst pain, but what is the worst pain? To me, it’s always the pain that is present. If I were in charge, those painkillers would be gone in a day because I have so little ability to watch suffering. - Honestly, same; I can’t stomach seeing other people suffer without feeling overwhelmed and feeling like crying... I don’t know how professionals do it
“Just give him the medicine!” I scream at her. [...] “Take her out,” says my mother. Haymitch and Peeta literally carry me from the room while I shout obscenities at her. They pin me down on a bed in one of the extra bedrooms until I stop fighting. - Oof. Poor Katniss! But yeah, it was the best call to remove her from the situation, Mrs. E. had to focus on what she was doing... Also, Haymitch and Peeta are the ones to get Katniss out of there and stay with her - these three take care of each other!
After a while, my mother comes in and treats my face. Then she holds my hand, stroking my arm, while Haymitch fills her in on what happened with Gale. “So it’s starting again?” she says. “Like before?” - Katniss’s mom has become a much more active and soothing presence in this book, I like it... Also, what does “again” mean? Does this imply there has been an attempted uprising in D12 that needed to be squashed before?
Cray would have been disliked, anyway, because of the uniform he wore, but it was his habit of luring starving young women into his bed for money that made him an object of loathing in the district. In really bad times, the hungriest would gather at his door at nightfall, vying for the chance to earn a few coins to feed their families by selling their bodies. Had I been older when my father died, I might have been among them. - Horrifying and absolutely disgusting 🤢 Those poor women! How desperate they must have been! 
... when the doorbell rings, I shoot straight out of bed. [...] “They [the peacekeepers] can’t have him,” I say. “Might be you they’re after,” Haymitch reminds me. “Or you,” I say. “Not my house,” Haymitch points out. “But I’ll get the door.” “No, I’ll get it,” says my mother quietly. - Again, Mrs. Everdeen is taking the initiative! She was so watered down in the movies
[Madge] holds out a small, damp cardboard box to me. “Use these for your friend,” she says. I take off the lid of the box, revealing half a dozen vials of clear liquid. [...] “What is that stuff?” asks Peeta. “It’s from the Capitol. It’s called morphling,” my mother answers. “I didn’t even know Madge knew Gale,” says Peeta. “We used to sell her strawberries,” I say almost angrily. What am I angry about, though? Not that she has brought the medicine, surely. “She must have quite a taste for them,” says Haymitch. That’s what nettles me. It’s the implication that there’s something going on between Gale and Madge. And I don’t like it. “She’s my friend” is all I say. - I mean, Katniss could be mad because A) Gale had literally just told her he loved her a few hours ago and if there was something (reciprocated) going on between Gale and Madge, that would have been pretty shitty for both girls involved and also B) she is friends with both of them and it would be hurtful to learn that two of your closest friends had been seeing each other without telling you anything about it... also, she’s super upset over Gale getting so seriously hurt just after they’d had an argument, her feelings are all over the place
... I’m selfish. I’m a coward. I’m the kind of girl, who, when she might actually be of use, would run to stay alive and leave those who couldn’t follow to suffer and die. This is the girl Gale met in the woods today. No wonder I won the Games. No decent person ever does. You saved Peeta, I think weakly. But now I question even that. I knew good and well that my life back in District 12 would be unlivable if I let that boy die. - Yes, Katniss, you knew that your life back in D12 would have been unlivable if he died - but not because you feared that people would shun you; it was because you “couldn’t lose the boy with the bread” and because “if he dies, I’ll never go home, not really”... This is an excellent example of how distorted your memories can get when you are in a bad headspace at present
The berries. I realize the answer to who I am lies in that handful poisonous fruit. If I held them out to save Peeta because I knew I would be shunned if I came back without him, then I am despicable. If I held them out because I loved him, I am still self-centered, although forgivable. But if I held them out to defy the Capitol, I am someone of worth. - Katniss, you don’t have to be planning to overthrow a corrupt and cruel government to be someone of worth! You’re someone of worth just by being yourself! - The trouble is, I don’t know exactly what was going on inside me at that moment. - Frankly, very rarely are our motivations clearly defined by a single factor - or my professor would not have been able to teach an entire semester-long course on motivation psychology😉)
Chapter 9
Gale’s dead to the world, but his fingers are locked around mine. I smell fresh bread and turn my stiff neck to find Peeta looking down at me with such a sad expression. I get the sense that he’s been watching us awhile. “Go on up to bed, Katniss. I’ll look after him now,” he says. - Peeta! Must have been hard for him to see Katniss like this (and the underlying strength of Katniss and Gale’s relationship, when his relationship with Katniss is still not all that solidified), and yet he’s being such a good bean about it 😭
I give a strangled cry and wake with a start, sweating and shivering at once. Cradling my damaged cheek in my hand, I remind myself that it was not Clove but Thread who gave me this wound. I wish that Peeta were here to hold me, until I remember I’m not supposed to wish that anymore. I have chosen Gale and the rebellion, and a future with Peeta is the Capitol’s design, not mine. - Katniss, gurl... Maybe your instinctive desire to receive comfort from Peeta is trying to tell you something??!? Also, Katniss is forcing this strange dichotomous association of Gale = rebellion and Peeta = Capitol, when in just a bit, she’s clearly connecting Peeta to the rebellion as well (aside from the fact that Peeta was basically the first person to suggest to her that maybe a rebellion was necessary... just saying)
Fighting the Capitol assures their swift retaliation. I must accept that at any moment I can be arrested. [...] There might be torture. Mutliation. A bullet through the skull in the town square [...] I imagine these things and I’m terrified, but let’s face it: They’ve been lurking in the back of my brain, anyway. [...] I’m already a target. - Oh geez! Despite admitting that she’s terrified of what the Capitol is capable fo doing to her, Katniss is still pretty composed naming the possible horrors in store for her, which is just a heartbreaking reminder of how many terrible things she has already had to endure.🙁
Now comes the harder part. I have to face the fact that my family and friends might share this fate. Prim. I need only to think of Prim and all my resolve disintegrates. It’s my job to protect her. [...] I can’t let the Capitol hurt Prim. - 😭😭😭 Katniss has reached a point where she can put her own need for survival/physical intactness aside, but the thought of something awful happening to Prim stops her short (it’s so strange to think that, in a twisted way, it wasn’t the Capitol who’d ended up inflicting the final harm upon Prim...)
And then it hit’s me. They already have. They have killed her father in those wretched mines. They have sat by as she almost starved to death. [...] She has been hurt far worse than I had at the age of twelve. And even that pales in comparison with Rue’s life. [...] Prim... Rue... aren’t they the very reason I have to try to fight? Because what has been done to them is so wrong, so beyond justification, so evil that there is no choice? Because no one has the right to treat them as they have been treated? Yes. This is the thing to remember when fear threatens to swallow me up. What I am about to do, whatever any of us are forced to endure, it is for them. - All these things are very true and it’s also very fitting that the main motivation for Katniss would be to ensure a better future for the children of Panem (and to avenge the evils done to the people close to her heart... while Katniss of course can see the abstract bigger picture/reason for the rebellion, she always operates best when it comes to specific people/circumstances she has a deep, personal connection with)... But also: all these things apply to you, too, Katniss! Despite your tendency to feel responsible for everything and everyone, you’re still a child that had to grow up way too fast and had to endure way too much!
We need someone to direct us and reassure us this is possible. And I don’t think I’m that person. I may have been a catalyst for rebellion, but a leader should be someone with conviction, and I’m barely a convert myself. Someone with unflinching courage, and I’m still working hard at finding mine. Someone with clear and persuasive words, and I’m so easily tongue-tied. Words. I think of words and I think of Peeta. - Katniss’s idea of a great leader for the rebellion is Peeta - interesting, isn’t it (she could have considered Gale, but no)? She makes a good point, though: it helps when a leader has plenty of charisma, and our boy has that in spades; he’s got a good set of morals, is not above joining in on the action/risking his own neck when the need arises and is very genuine and purposeful with his words and actions, which is inspiring... I think Katniss is severely underselling how courageous she is, though
He could move a crowd to action, I bet, if he chose to. Would find the things to say. But I’m sure the idea has never crossed his mind. - Why would you assume that, Katniss? Peeta’s literally the one to suggest to you that trying to placate the district might not be the right thing to do... Peeta’s not someone who’d stir up trouble just for the sake of stirring up trouble, sure; he’s much more deliberate about doing things the ‘right’ way, but he’s not generally opposed to challenging authorities (he’s literally the one to openly gift some of your winnings to another district!)
She knows what she’s doing, my mother. I feel a pang of remorse about yesterday, the awful things I yelled at her as Peeta and Haymitch dragged me from the kitchen. “I’m sorry. About screaming at you yesterday.” - It’s so sweet how Katniss feels sorry for yelling at her mom and apologizes to her; their relationship really has improved so much in this book - “I’ve heard worse,” she says. “You’ve seen how people are, when someone they love is in pain.” Someone they love. [...] Of course, I love Gale. But what kind of love does she mean? What do I mean when I say I love Gale? I don’t know. I did kiss him last night, in a moment when my emotions were running so high. But i’m sure he doesn’t remember it. Does he? I hope not. - Katniss is struggling to figure out in what way she loves Gale... She definitely doesn’t want him to remember their kiss because she knows it wouldn’t be fair to give him the hope that she might be able to return his romantic feelings when she is still in the dark about her own
... and I can’t really think about kissing when I’ve got a rebellion to incite. I give my head a little shake to clear it. “Where’s Peeta?” I say. - Lol, goes on to immediately mention the guy she’s been kissing these past few weeks (see, with Peeta you could actually have both: kissing and rebellion, Katniss - he’s the perfect man, isn’t he? 😉😋)
“He went home when he heard you stirring. Didn’t want to leave his house unattended during the storm,” says my mother. - Yeah, I don’t think Peeta left because of his house; I’m pretty sure he needed some time to himself after seeing Katniss and Gale this morning - he is the type of person who needs to be alone to work through his feelings when he’s feeling upset - “Did he get back all right?” [...] “Why don’t you give him a call and check?” she says. I go into the study, a room I’ve pretty much avoided since my meeting with President Snow, and dial Peeta’s number. After a few rings he answers. “Hey. I just wanted to make sure you got home,” I say. “Katniss. I live three houses away from you,” he says. “I know, but with the weather and all,” I say. “Well, I’m fine. Thank you for checking.” There’s a long pause. “How’s Gale?” - Aww, Katniss is worried about Peeta and gives him a call, although she hates being in the study 😊 Also, her calling him must have been at least of some reassurance to Peeta that she genuinely cares about him, in some way (though, he’s still clearly busy processing her relationship with Gale, since he’s asking about him as if he hadn’t seen that dude just a couple of minutes prior)
“Have you seen Haymitch today?” “I checked in on him. Dead drunk. But I built up his fire and left him some bread,” he says. “I wanted to talk to - to both of you.” I don’t dare add more, here on my phone, which is surely tapped. -  Despite everything, Peeta still made sure to look after Haymitch! And I know, there is also the issue of their houses themselves potentially being bugged, but I couldn’t help imagining how they could easily avoid the whole phone-tapping thing simply by using a tin can telephone (they do live pretty close to each other, after all) 😂
“You don’t even have a phone,” I say. “Effie had that fixed,” he [Haymitch] says. “Do you know she asked me if I’d like to give you away? I told her the sooner the better.” “Haymitch.” I can hear the pleading creeping into my voice. “Katniss.” He mimics my tone. “It won’t work.” - Okay, but Haymitch mimicking Katniss’s tone reminds me so much of when Peeta mimicked her tone towards the end of their Games, when she was trying to persuade him to climb into a tree as a lookout while he was insistent she’d show him some plants to gather; these three, I swear! 😂 On a sad note, Haymitch is talking from experience here when he’s advising Katniss not to challenge the Capitol 🥺😢
Some streets away from the square, I see a blaze flare up. None of us has to say it. That can only be the Hob going up in smoke. I think of Greasy Sae, Ripper, all my friends who make their livings there. - Katniss considers the people from the Hob her friends - honestly, even if the Hawthornes, Everdeens, Peeta and Haymitch all had agreed to leave D12, I don’t think Katniss would have been able to go through with it - she cares too much about the people in D12 to have been able to leave them to their fate
“Well, I better go see how much rubbing alcohol the apothecary can spare.” He [Haymitch] trudges off across the square and I look at Peeta. “What’s he want that for?” Then I realize the answer. “We can’t let him drink it. He’ll kill himself, or at the very least go blind. I’ve got some white liquor put away at home.” “Me, too. Maybe that will hold him until Ripper finds a way to be back in business,” says Peeta. - Another instance of Katniss and Peeta being on the same wavelength, having taken precautions to help out Haymitch so he doesn’t have to go cold turkey again
We find Hazelle in her house, nursing a very sick Posy. I recognize the measles spots. “I couldn’t leave her,” she says. “I knew Gale’d be in the best possible hands.” - The second mention of someone having contracted the measles in D12 - Why the heck does the Capitol withhold measles vaccination from the people in the districts?! They’re inflicting unnecessary damage onto the very people they want to exploit... But I guess cruelty isn’t always about playing it smart and logical...
When we’re outside, I turn to Peeta. “You go on back. I want to walk by the Hob.” “I’ll go with you,” he says. “No. I’ve dragged you into enough trouble,” I tell him. “And avoiding a stroll by the Hob... that’s going to fix things for me?” He smiles and takes my hand. - They are a team, they stick together (and they are constantly holding hands, always physically linked to each other)😩💕 Also, Peeta pointing out the irrationality of Katniss’s train of thought to calm her down and stay with her reminds me of how he’s going to use logical reasoning to calm her down after the jabberjays in the Quarter Quell arena
We go back to the square. I buy some cakes from Peeta’s father while they exchange small talk about the weather. No one mentions the ugly tools of torture just yards from the front door. The last thing I notice as we leave the square is that I do not recognize even one of the Peacekeepers’ faces. - How weird is it that Peeta and his dad just talk about the weather?! Is this supposed to illustrate how in the Mellark family they just ignored the ugliness going on in their lives *cough cough* the abuse *cough cough* and just pretended that everything was fine, on a very superficial level? Also, it makes perfect sense that the Peacekeepers have been exchanged; the more time we spend with people, the more likely we are to like them - that won’t do if you want to have a ruthless authoritarian police force in the districts
As the days pass, things go from bad to worse. The mines stay shut for two weeks, and by that time half of District 12 is starving. The number of kids signing up for tesserae soars, but they often don’t receive their grain. Food shortages begin, and even those with money come away from stores empty-handed. [...] The eagerly awaited food promised for Parcel Day arrives spoiled and defiled by rodents. - This is just so awful and despicable 😞 Life in the districts was already horrible but now the government does not even honor the extortionary rules they themselves have set up! I can’t help but wonder if the lack of food could be traced back to rebellions in the food supplying districts and, to keep this from the inhabitants of the Capitol, the reduced amount of good food was (obviously) kept for the Capitolites, so that the bad food had to be sent to the districts, anyway... It just seems like such a breach of ‘honor’/etiquette on the Capitol’s part, I dunno... Or maybe Snow was just desperate to use any means necessary to stamp out any potential rebellions in the districts that he still had some control over...
Gale goes home with no more talk of rebellion between us. But I can’t help thinking that everything he sees will only strengthen his resolve to fight back. [...] Rory has signed up for tesserae, something Gale can’t even speak about - Poor, Gale! Poor Hawthornes :(
My fingers have all but decided to release the arrow when I see the object in the glove. It’s a small white circle of flat bread. More of a cracker, really. Gray and soggy around the edges. But an image is clearly stamped in the center of it. It’s my mockingjay. - It is so very telling that the true symbol of the rebellion combines something symbolic of Katniss (which also contains a nod to Rue) and something symbolic of Peeta (the bread/cracker!) The people in the districts have rightfully recognized the both of them as symbol of the rebellion; they have a truer vision of the matter than the more artifically/forcefully constructed symbol of rebellion that D13 /Coin will push - we will also see that when the people in D13 will view Peeta as a traitor, while the rebels Katniss will visit in D8 instead ask her about Peeta and assure her that they know he was speaking under duress
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Undertale/Deltarune theme analysis and Weird Route predictions
I've seen a few people post things saying they're worried about the Weird route in Deltarune tainting their save file like in Undertale. And while there's certainly precedent, I suspect that's not going to happen. Partly because it doesn't work as well with the episodic nature+multiple save files, but mostly because of my take on each game's theme. Which I think necessitated that Undertale pull that trick, but doesn't for Deltarune.
Undertale's Theme
Undertale is a story about the power to save and load a video game, and the power it gives you over the NPCs.
It makes that power explicitly canon as early as possible and draws attention to it constantly. It hammers home that you are categorically stronger than your opponents. The source of that power is a major plot coupon and is central to several characters' backstories. And it relishes in every opportunity to subvert that power.
There's a character who remembers everything, and calls you out if you abuse it. There's a character who is aware you're doing it but never claims to keep his memory. There's several points where someone intuits from your expression that you've already seen a cutscene. And there's plenty of instances where they just remember useless details which they ignore or deny.
It drives the plot too. There's not one but two boss battles where Flowey steals your save power and uses it to toy with you. You can only get the good ending by using time travel after getting another ending. Flowey's backstory is a 1:1 metaphor for how you use it in the bad story route. And the fact that you've already seen the other endings is effectively the player's (not Chara's) canonical motive for said story route.
So if the game is about your ability to save, and the power it gives you over everyone else... the ending to the No Mercy route needed to support that for maximum punch. It needed to hit you with a consequence that was beyond your ability to undo, as the final word on a route that was meant to be the final bit of content a player would see. (The pacifist post-ending also has a final jab at your save power--not by taking it away, but by trying to convince you you shouldn't use it. After all, for many players that would also be the final content they see).
Deltarune's Theme
So far, the plot of Deltarune doesn't really care that you can save and load the game. It's not even clear you have that power canonically, and as of chapter 2 the timeline doesn't follow the same rules (though the save-related changes are likely for practical purposes rather than narrative). The narrative also does nothing to undermine either chapter's final or secret boss as a threat.
Instead, Deltarune is about the power to control a character. It again makes that power explicitly canon as early as possible and draws attention to it constantly, and all three of the main party members explore different angles on it. (There's also the theme of whether your choices "matter", but it's too early to see where that's going.)
Susie spends half a chapter ignoring orders and working counter to your goals until she finds her own motivation to play along, then continues to occasionally rebel against some commands and at Ralsei's insistence on letting you make all the choices. She also overtly cannot hear your commands during the segments where she's separated from you.
Ralsei goes out of his way to give every choice to the player and backs almost every decision you make, while seeming to know that Kris isn't Kris and keeping secrets. Twice he tricks you into letting him have a private conversation with Kris.
And Kris... aside from the scenes where they shrug off your control, and the constant references to their history, there's several points in chapter 2 where people notice Kris doesn't agree with whatever choice the player made, or agrees very strongly.
I don't think I need to explain how chapter 2's Weird Route is also 100% about this theme.
So if that's the subject matter... overriding your time travel powers isn't very on-topic. Instead, he needs to subvert our power to control the party or Kris in particular. (Though given he has precedent, he might mess with our other saves too).
Predictions for the Weird Route
I predict that to get the same impact, Toby is going to do one or more of the following instead:
Have you lose access to the "correct" party members for large stretches of time. Not just for the occasional boss fight, I'm talking, like, the majority of a chapter, maybe multiple chapters. Either they'll be replaced by more pliable characters (ie Noelle), or Kris will go it alone (likely with some buffed acts like in Spamton Neo). I consider this the bare minimum we're likely to see, but I expect Toby's going to dig deeper.
We will permanently lose access to Kris. I think the most impactful way Toby could show off our negative influence on Kris would be to have them outright die, either by suicide or with a former party member killing them. Though they might just permanently reject the player's control instead. Depending on how events play out, I could see Noelle, Ralsei or the vessel you created in chapter 1 all as viable candidates for our new host. If this happens, I expect it to be 1-2 chapters before the end of the story (not right before the end, but the earlier it comes the harder Toby's job is).
There will be more segments where we have someone "in our party" but they refuse all orders and work counter to our goals, same as what Susie did but in reverse. I'm not really sure how that would look narratively, but mechanically it would get the point across.
If there is an impact on other saves, I expect it will be in the form of either extra (cruel) dialog options or by having Kris pick an option for you. At the most extreme I could envision Kris picking for you in every non-critical dialog prompt. But in that case, I expect it would mostly shoehorn you into the nicer options. It definitely won't lock off either story route, and I expect Toby will avoid changing the final cutscene (not that that means much).
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millenniumblog · 3 years
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[ID: A chart describing the core values of each of the nine Enneagram personality types with YuGiOh characters correlated to each of the types.]
YuGiOh Enneagram Analysis, Part #1
Please note that this is the “boring” informational post about Enneagram with the Types listed and explained as well as a few other things. The next post is what has the actual, in-depth character profiles promised!
Introduction & Motivation
Over the past several months, I have been trying to analyze my strengths and weaknesses as a writer and learn more. I have been writing fanfiction since I was a little kid, making my first FF.net account in 2003 when I would have been twelve years old. Even before that, I was a lurker and wrote fics to share with my childhood best friend on paper or floppy discs.
YuGiOh came into my life at some point shortly thereafter. I know this, because I spent my thirteenth birthday in a comic book shop, mostly watching some of my male friends play the trading card game. I had some of the cards, but I was never much of a player, unable to keep up with the seemingly rapid rule changes. Besides that, I was always way more interested in the story and characters than I was in the card game. I remember I even wanted to call “YuGiOh cards” “Duel Monsters” instead to make it seem a little closer to tween-y LARPing.
Eventually, I gave up on collecting cards or trying to ply the game. I felt that while my male friends didn’t mind me being around when they played, they weren’t extremely interested in helping me learn or keep up. I felt I had other strengths, so I started carrying around a notebook even more than I already did. I started my fledgling forays into online fandom. And YuGiOh was a big part of the beginning of that.
I can’t remember posting any YuGiOh fic in particular, and I’m sure that if I had it would make me cringe now. What I do remember is reading some and also spending a lot of time lying on my bed, headphones plugged into a small purple stereo, listening to the first of the two American-released CDs with YuGiOh-inspired music on them. In particular, the last three tracks were pieces of music from the original score composed for the 4Kids dub, which is - for some reason - different from the original Japanese music.
During that time, I would fantasize and conjure my own YuGiOh plots in my head, most of which were focused on the Ancient Egyptian and more spooky, spiritual, and horror themes in the show. I was really fascinated with the reincarnation angle, though my understanding of and opinions on how that works have grown with time.
Years went by, and I didn’t think about YuGiOh much at all. Then, something happened in 2018. I don’t know what got in my head, but it was like all the joy I once found in thinking about the YuGiOh characters came back in a giddy conversation with my childhood best friend. Then, for a little while, it wouldn’t leave me alone.
I started writing for the fandom then, and after several detours, I’m trying to get back in the groove of it.
My approach to the tone of YuGiOh-fanning is that it’s a bit serious, but it’s also with a tongue placed in my cheek because of how incomprehensible or silly the plot can be on a meta level. Sometimes, it almost brings tears to my eyes by being so over-the-top about something that, in the real world, would make no sense at all. But the drama, in the context of the universe, somehow rings true.
I think that’s all owing to how most of the primary characters are just... really freaking great characters.
It has often puzzled me. Like, did Takahashi do all this layering on purpose? Is it really there, or did earnest fanon just make it seem like it? And, as a person, I am always here for a good fan-and-canon symbiosis.
This post is going to be, from here on, an effort to match the YuGiOh characters to the 9 Enneagram Personality Types. I am writing this for my own benefit as I continue to work on my pet YuGiOh fanfiction project, It’s Always Sunny in Domino City, which is a mixture of YGOTAS-vibes-and-concepts taken seriously and a sincere take on fanfiction for the actual canon. It’s dramedy about a sizeable chunk of the main cast a few years post-canon with some canon divergence such as the Memory World arc not yet and possibly never-happening. If that sounds like something you’d like, I would humbly request you check it out!
Either way, this will be an in-depth character analysis cheatsheet for all of the characters above, based on my observations, opinions, and feelings. I invite discussion, but it’s fine if we need to agree to totally disagree!
If you are interested and enjoy what’s below the Read More and in the coming second post, then you are welcome to utilize the character analyses to aid you in your own fanwork!
What is Enneagram, and why am I using it?
Enneagram is a personality categorization system that one might compare to the somewhat better-known MBTI. However, in the words of excellent writing-advice YouTuber, Abbie Emmons:
MBTI shows us how we behave.
Enneagram shows us what we believe.
I will be referencing Abbie’s video Using The ENNEAGRAM To Write CONFLICTED CHARACTERS and her free Enneagram-cheatsheet, available in the description of the linked video. Whether it’s before you continue reading or after, if you’re interested in writing, I would highly recommend you check out her channel!
The Enneagram system has nine basic personality types that overlap and interact in really interesting ways. It is not a hard science, and it’s not a horoscope. Instead, it’s supposed to be “based on conventional wisdom and modern psychology.” All I can say is that with every set of characters I’ve tried it with, it works! Once you get the hang of it, it feels kind of like ~✰~magic~✰~!
Below, I will list Abbie’s simplified definitions of each of the personality types, in order:
Type 1: The Reformer
The Rational, Idealistic Type:
Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and Perfectionistic
Basic Fear: Of being corrupt/evil, defective
Basic Desire: To be good, to have integrity, to be balanced
Key Motivations: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone.
Type 2: The Helper
The Caring, Interpersonal Type:
Generous, Demonstrative, People-Pleasing, and Possessive
Basic Fear: Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved
Basic Desire: To feel loved
Key Motivations: Want to be loved, to express their feelings for others, to be needed and appreciated, to get others to respond to them, to vindicate their claims about themselves.
Type 3: The Achiever
The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type:
Adaptable, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious
Basic Fear: Of being worthless
Basic Desire: To feel valuable and worthwhile
Key Motivations: Want to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others.
Type 4: The Individualist
The Sensitive, Introspective Type:
Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental
Basic Fear: That they have no identity or personal significance
Basic Desire: To find themselves and their significance (to create an identity)
Key Motivations: Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a "rescuer."
Type 5: The Investigator
The Intense, Cerebral Type:
Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated
Basic Fear: Being useless, helpless, or incapable
Basic Desire: To be capable and competent
Key Motivations: Want to possess knowledge, to understand the environment, to have everything figured out as a way of defending the self from threats from the environment.
Type 6: The Loyalist
The Committed, Security-Oriented Type:
Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious
Basic Fear: Of being without support and guidance
Basic Desire: To have security and support
Key Motivations: Want to have security, to feel supported by others, to have certitude and reassurance, to test the attitudes of others toward them, to fight against anxiety and insecurity.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
The Busy, Variety-Seeking Type:
Spontaneous, Versatile, Acquisitive, and Scattered
Basic Fear: Of being deprived and in pain
Basic Desire: To be satisfied and content—to have their needs fulfilled
Key Motivations: Want to maintain their freedom and happiness, to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep themselves excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain.
Type 8: The Challenger
The Powerful, Dominating Type:
Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational
Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others
Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life and destiny)
Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type:
Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent
Basic Fear: Of loss and separation
Basic Desire: To have inner stability, "peace of mind"
Key Motivations: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.
Now that you’ve seen all those, what do you think your favorite character is? In YuGiOh or anything else! It works great for original characters and even yourself and your loved ones.
The actual Character Profiles will be in coming post(s), but continue reading if you want me to explain more about how and why the Enneagram is a great personality typing system. #nonspon, or whatever.
The Enneagram Chart
Now, you could just go to the Enneagram Institute’s page on How the System Works, but below I’ll cut it down to only the parts I’m interested in and explain those in a way that helps me.
Unlike in astrology or MBTI, which are both more restrictive in different ways, the relative position of each type matters a bit on the Enneagram chart, because it can be used to visualize a lot of things about a person!
The Basic Chart
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The Types are shown in a clockwise fashion with “1″ in the 1 o’clock position on an analog clock. The interior lines mean things, but I have trouble reading it without further delineation.
Centers of Response
Below are two small charts, displayed side-by-side. (If it’s too small, try right-click, open in new tab!)
The chart on the left shows the three “centers.” The “centers” indicate the first ‘processing language’ a person would use to respond to stimuli.
Type 8, Type 9, and Type 1 respond first based on instinct (primal, gut-feeling). If you want to go Freudian, this is from the id.
Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 respond first based on feelings (social or personal desires, the heart). If you want to go Freudian, this is from the ego.
Type 5, Type 6, and Type 7 respond first based on thoughts (analytical rather than emotional, the head). If you want to go Freudian, this is from the superego.
Remember that, of course, every single type and person engages their instincts, their emotions, and their thoughts at different times and to different degrees, and some of these are learned or changed behaviors. This is about what their innate drive toward that would be.
Likewise, the same “centers” can also be used for the chart on the right. You will notice that all three of these are defined by what is typically considered a negative emotion. This is because this is about a person’s instinctive, not particularly conscious emotional response when they are backed into a corner and deprived of something that is core to the needs of their personality type.
Type 8, Type 9, and Type 1 tend to respond to a threat to their psychic well-being with anger/rage.
Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 tend to respond to a threat to their psychic well-being with shame.
Type 5, Type 6, and Type 7 tend to respond to a threat to their psychic well-being with fear.
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Stress vs. Growth
We all know that there are times when a person isn’t acting like themselves, for better or for worse. Usually, “You’re not acting like yourself,” means that a person is behaving badly. Of course, it’s way easier to withdraw and bristle and defend rather than growing in the midst of adversity. However, it is certainly possible to experience character growth in response to experiences, good and bad. Unlike a lot of other personality typing schemes, the Enneagram has a way to display and predict what stress and growth do to a person.
The Enneagram never suggests that any Type is an island unto itself. Every person contains multitudes, but a person’s Type is likely to remain relatively stable throughout their lives, once they have had a chance to develop any personality at all. This means that when a person is stressed or growing that they do not become the type they emulate. Rather, they are more highly expressing that aspects of their personality that reflect those drives and desires but in a way that is either fraught, sickly, or unwell (in the case of stress), or aspirational, flying-high, and incorporating the hard-lessons into who a person is going to be going forward (in the case of growth). The latter, especially, isn’t a sustainable mode, while a stressed person can become more entrenched in their bad habits and defensive coping mechanisms.
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Note the white, directional arrows. Each number has an arrow point pointing to it and an arrow leading away from it. The point indicates that this is the stress manifestation for the Type at the origin of that arrow. The origin of each arrow indicates the Type being described.
Confused? Let me finally give you a YuGiOh example.
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When I was trying to identify the Types of the characters, defining Marik was difficult, because he has a “Yami,” or Dark Side, which has its own personality and will but which is not its own separate soul or person than Marik himself. Rather, it’s a kind of fantasy/magic-assisted personality splintering where Yami Marik is a full manifestation of the negative traits Marik needed to embody to survive.
So, for reference:
When stressed, Type 1 behaves more like Type 4. 
When stressed, Type 2 behaves more like Type 8.
When stressed, Type 3 behaves more like Type 9.
When stressed, Type 4 behaves more like Type 2.
When stressed, Type 5 behaves more like Type 7.
When stressed, Type 6 behaves more like Type 3.
When stressed, Type 7 behaves more like Type 1.
When stressed, Type 8 behaves more like Type 5.
When stressed, Type 9 behaves more like Type 6.
Alternatively, you can use these sequences to follow the stress lines:
Think of the above-explanation in reverse.
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The sequence:
As a Type 1 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 7.
As a Type 2 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 4.
As a Type 3 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 6.
As a Type 4 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 1.
As a Type 5 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 8.
As a Type 6 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 9.
As a Type 7 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 5.
As a Type 8 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 2.
As a Type 9 grows, they incorporate more positive traits of Type 3.
The final thing to know about the Enneagram chart for my purposes is about wings. The wing of your personality traits accounts for the complementary and contradictory aspects of your personality. They are the inconsistencies that make you human, predicted and jumped in. Typically, a person is not thought to have both possible wings but one or the other. A wing is one of the two adjacent Types to yours, the number before, or the number after, and it is annotated, for example:
Type 1, Wing 2: 1w2
Type 1, Wing 9: 1w9
Link to Part 2 Here!
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viswatech · 2 years
In computers, memory is the most essential component of the normal functioning of any system. The computer system categorizes the memory for different purposes and uses. In this section, we have discussed the classification of memory in detail. Also, we will discuss types of memory, features of memory, RAM, ROM, SRAM, DRAM, and its advantages and disadvantages.
What is computer memory?
Computer memory
is any physical device, used to store data, information or instruction temporarily or permanently. It is the collection of storage units that stores binary information in the form of bits. The memory block is split into a small number of components, called cells. Each cell has a unique address to store the data in memory, ranging from zero to memory size minus one. For example, if the size of computer memory is 64k words, the memory units have 64 * 1024 = 65536 locations or cells. The address of the memory's cells varies from 0 to 65535.
Why do we need a computer memory?
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In the computer system, we need computer memory to store various types of data like text, images, video, audio, documents, etc. We can retrieve it when the data is required. For example, when we write and execute any computer program, it is initially stored in primary memory. If the processor does not need particular items for a longer time, the program or data is automatically saved into the permanent or secondary memory. Then the data is called from secondary memory to main memory and performs the execution of codes.
Features of Memory
Following are the different features of the memory system that includes:
1.       Location: It represents the internal or external location of the memory in a computer. The internal memory is inbuilt in computer memory. It is also known as primary memory. the example of primary memory are registers, cache and main memory. Whereas, external memory is the separate storage device from the computer, such as disk, tape, USB pen drive.
2.       Capacity: It is the most important feature of computer memory. Storage capacity can vary in external and internal memory. External devices' storage capacity is measured in terms of bytes, whereas the internal memory is measured with bytes or words. The storage word length can vary in bits, such as 8, 16 or 32 bits.
3.       Access Methods: Memory can be accessed through four modes of memory.
   DMA: As the name specifies, Direct Memory Address (DMA) is a method that allows input/output (I/O) devices to access or retrieve data directly or from the main memory.
    Sequential Access Method: The sequential access method is used in a data storage device to read stored data sequentially from the computer memory. Whereas, the data received from random access memory (RAM) can be in any order.
    Random Access Method: It is a method used to randomly access data from memory. This method is the opposite of SAM. For example, to go from A to Z in random access, we can directly jump to any specified location. In the Sequential method, we have to follow all intervening from A to Z to reach at the particular memory location.
    Associative Access Method: It is a special type of memory that optimizes search performance through defined data to directly access the stored information based on a memory address.
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4.       Unit of transfer: As the name suggests, a unit of transfer measures the transfer rate of bits that can be read or write in or out of the memory devices. The transfer rate of data can be different in external and internal memory.
   Internal memory: The transfer rate of bits is mostly equal to the word                                           size.
    External memory: The transfer rate of bit or unit is not equal to the        word length. It is always greater than a word or may be referred to as blocks.
5.       Performance: The performance of memory is majorly divided into three parts.
    Access Time: In random access memory, it represents the total time taken by memory devices to perform a read or write operation that an address is sent to memory.
   Memory Cycle Time: Total time required to access memory block and additional required time before starting second access.
    Transfer rate: It describes the transfer rate of data used to transmit memory to or from an external or internal memory device. Bit transfer can be different for different external and internal devices.
6.       Physical types: It defines the physical type of memory used in a computer such as magnetic, semiconductor, magneto-optical and optical.
7.       Organization: It defines the physical structure of the bits used in memory.
8.       Physical characteristics: It specifies the physical behavior of the memory like volatile, non-volatile or non-erasable memory. Volatile memory is known as RAM, which requires power to retain stored information, and if any power loss has occurred, stored data will be lost. Non-volatile memory is a permanent storage memory that is used to obtain any stored information, even when the power is off. Non-erasable memory is a type of memory that cannot be erased after the manufactured like ROM because at the time of manufactured ROM are programmed.
Classification of Memory 
Primary or Main Memory
Primary memory is also known as the computer system's main memory that communicates directly within the CPU
, Auxiliary memory and the Cache memory. Main memory is used to kept programs or data when the processor is active to use them. When a program or data is activated to execute, the processor first loads instructions or programs from secondary memory into main memory, and then the processor starts execution. Accessing or executing of data from primary memory is faster because it has a cache or register memory that provides faster response, and it is located closer to the CPU
. The primary memory is volatile, which means the data in memory can be lost if it is not saved when a power failure occurs. It is costlier than secondary memory, and the main memory capacity is limited as compared to secondary memory.
The primary memory is further divided into two parts:
1.       RAM (Random Access Memory)
2.       ROM (Read Only Memory)
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Random Access Memory (RAM)
is one of the faster types of main memory accessed directly by the CPU. It is the hardware in a computer device to temporarily store data, programs or program results. It is used to read/write data in memory until the machine is working. It is volatile, which means if a power failure occurs or the computer is turned off, the information stored in RAM
will be lost. All data stored in computer memory can be read or accessed randomly at any time.
 There are two types of RAM:
DRAM: DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) is a type of RAM that is used for the dynamic storage of data in RAM. In DRAM, each cell carries one-bit information. The cell is made up of two parts: a capacitor and a transistor. The size of the capacitor and the transistor is so small, requiring millions of them to store on a single chip. Hence, a DRAM chip can hold more data than an SRAM chip of the same size. However, the capacitor needs to be continuously refreshed to retain information because DRAM is volatile. If the power is switched off, the data store in memory is lost.
Characteristics of DRAM
1.       It requires continuously refreshed to retain the data.
2.       It is slower than SRAM
3.       It holds a large amount of data
4.       It is the combination of capacitor and transistor
5.       It is less expensive as compared to SRAM
6.       Less power consumption
SRAM: SRMA (Static Random-Access Memory) is a type of RAM used to store static data in the memory. It means to store data in SRAM remains active as long as the computer system has a power supply. However, data is lost in SRAM when power failures have occurred.
Characteristics of Static Ram
1.       It does not require to refresh.
2.       It is faster than DRAM
3.       It is expensive.
4.       High power consumption
5.       Longer life
6.       Large size
7.       Uses as a cache memory
Advantages of RAM
It     is a faster type of memory in a computer.
It     requires less power to operate.
Program     loads much faster
More     RAM increases the performance of a system and can multitask.
Perform     read and write operations.
The     processor can read information faster than a hard disc, floppy, USB, etc.
Disadvantages of RAM
Less     RAM reduces the speed and performance of a computer.
Due     to volatile, it requires electricity to preserve the data.
It     is expensive than ROM
It     is unreliable as compared to ROM
The     Size of RAM is limited.
Read-Only Memory (ROM)
is a memory device or storage medium that is used to permanently store information inside a chip. It is a read-only memory that can only read stored information, data or programs, but we cannot write or modify anything. A ROM contains some important instructions or program data that are required to start or boot a computer. It is a non-volatile memory; it means that the stored information cannot be lost even when the power is turned off or the system is shut down.
 Types of ROM
There are five types of Read Only Memory:
1.       MROM (Masked Read Only Memory):
MROM is the oldest type of read-only memory whose program or data is pre-configured by the integrated circuit manufacture at the time of manufacturing. Therefore, a program or instruction stored within the MROM chip cannot be changed by the user.
2.       PROM(ProgrammableReadOnlyMemory):
  It is a type of digital read-only memory, in which the user can write any type of information or program only once. It means it is the empty PROM chip in which the user can write the desired content or program only once using the special PROM programmer or PROM burner device; after that, the data or instruction cannot be changed or erased.
3.       EPROM(ErasableandProgrammableReadOnlyMemory):
It is the type of read only memory in which stored data can be erased and re-programmed only once in the EPROM memory. It is a non-volatile memory chip that holds data when there is no power supply and can also store data for a minimum of 10 to 20 years. In EPROM, if we want to erase any stored data and re-programmed it, first, we need to pass the ultraviolet light for 40 minutes to erase the data; after that, the data is re-created in EPROM.
4.       EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory): The EEROM is an electrically erasable and programmable read only memory used to erase stored data using a high voltage electrical charge and re-programmed it. It is also a non-volatile memory whose data cannot be erased or lost; even the power is turned off. In EEPROM, the stored data can be erased and reprogrammed up to 10 thousand times, and the data erase one byte at a time.
5.       Flash ROM: Flash memory is a non-volatile storage memory chip that can be written or programmed in small units called Block or Sector. Flash Memory is an EEPROM form of computer memory, and the contents or data cannot be lost when the power source is turned off. It is also used to transfer data between the computer and digital devices.
Advantages of ROM
1.       It is a non-volatile memory in which stored information can be lost even power is turned off.
2.       It is static, so it does not require refreshing the content every time.
3.       Data can be stored permanently.
4.       It is easy to test and store large data as compared to RAM.
5.       These cannot be changed accidently
6.       It is cheaper than RAM.
7.       It is simple and reliable as compared to RAM.
8.       It helps to start the computer and loads the OS.
Disadvantages of ROM
1.       Store data cannot be updated or modify except to read the existing data.
2.       It is a slower memory than RAM to access the stored data.
3.       It takes around 40 minutes to destroy the existing data using the high charge of ultraviolet light.
Secondary Memory
Secondary memory
is a permanent storage space to hold a large amount of data. Secondary memory is also known as external memory that representing the various storage media (hard drives, USB, CDs, flash drives and DVDs) on which the computer data and program can be saved on a long term basis. However, it is cheaper and slower than the main memory. Unlike primary memory, secondary memory cannot be accessed directly by the CPU. Instead of that, secondary memory data is first loaded into the RAM (Random Access Memory) and then sent to the processor to read and update the data. Secondary memory devices also include magnetic disks like hard disk and floppy disks, an optical disk such as CDs and CDROMs, and magnetic tapes.
Features of Secondary Memory
Its     speed is slower than the primary/ main memory.
Store     data cannot be lost due to non-volatile nature.
It     can store large collections of different types, such as audio, video,     pictures, text, software, etc.
All     the stored data in a secondary memory cannot be lost because it is a     permanent storage area; even the power is turned off.
It     has various optical and magnetic memories to store data.
Types of Secondary Memory
The following are the types of secondary memory devices:
Hard Disk
A hard disk is a computer's permanent storage device. It is a non-volatile disk that permanently stores data, programs, and files, and cannot lose store data when the computer's power source is switched off. Typically, it is located internally on computer's motherboard that stores and retrieves data using one or more rigid fast rotating disk platters inside an air-sealed casing. It is a large storage device, found on every computer or laptop for permanently storing installed software, music, text documentation, videos, operating system, and data until the user did not delete.
 Floppy Disk
A floppy disk is a secondary storage system that consisting of thin, flexible magnetic coating disks for holding electronic data such as computer files. It is also known as Floppy Diskette that comes in three sizes like 8 inches, 5.5 inches and 3.5 inches. The stored data of a floppy disk can be accessed through the floppy disk drive. Furthermore, it is the only way through a new program installed on a computer or backup of the information. However, it is the oldest type of portable storage device, which can store data up to 1.44 MB. Since most programs were larger, that required multiple floppy diskettes to store large amounts of data. Therefore, it is not used due to very low memory storage.
 CD (Compact Disc)
is an optical disk storage device, stands for Compact Disc. It is a storage device used to store various data types like audio, videos, files, OS, Back-Up file, and any other information useful to a computer. The CD has a width of 1.2 mm and 12 cm in height, which can store approximately 783 MB of data size. It uses laser light to read and write data from the CDs.
 Types of CDs
1.       CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory): It is mainly used for bulk size mass like audio CDs, software and computer games at the time of manufacture. Users can only read data, text, music, videos from the disc, but they cannot modify or burnt it.
2.       CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable): The type of Compact Disc used to write once by the user; after that, it cannot be modified or erased.
3.       CD-RW (Compact Disc Rewritable): It is a rewritable CD disc, often used to write or delete the stored data.
DVD Drive/Disc
DVD is an optical disc storage device, stands for Digital Video Display or Digital Versatile Disc. It has the same size as a CD but can store a larger amount of data than a compact disc. It was developed in 1995 by Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba and Philips four electronics companies. DVD drives are divided into three types, such as DVD ROM (Read Only Memory), DVD R (Recordable) and DVD RW (Rewritable or Erasable). It can store multiple data formats like audio, videos, images, software, operating system, etc. The storing capacity of data in DVD is 4.7 GB to 17 GB.
 Blu Ray Disc (BD)
Blu Ray is an Optical disc storage device used to store a large amount of data or high definition of video recording and playing other media files. It uses laser technology to read the stored data of the Blu-ray Disk. It can store more data at a greater density as compared to CD/ DVD. For example, compact discs allow us to store 700 MB of data, and in DVDs, it provides up to 8 GB of storage capacity, while Blu-ray Discs provide 28 GB of space to store data.
Pen Drive
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A pen drive is a portable device used to permanently store data and is also known as a USB flash drive. It is commonly used to store and transfer the data connected to a computer using a USB port. It does not have any moveable part to store the data; it uses an integrated circuit chip that stores the data. It allows the users to store and transfer data like audio, videos, images, etc. from one computer to any USB pen drive. The storing capacity of pen drives from 64 MB to 128 GB or more.
 Cache Memory
It is a small-sized chip-based computer memory that lies between the CPU and the main memory. It is a faster, high performance and temporary memory to enhance the performance of the CPU. It stores all the data and instructions that are often used by computer CPUs. It also reduces the access time of data from the main memory. It is faster than the main memory, and sometimes, it is also called CPU memory because it is very close to the CPU chip. The following are the levels of cache memory.
 1.       L1 Cache: The L1 cache is also known as the onboard, internal, or primary cache. It is built with the help of the CPU. Its speed is very high, and the size of the L1 cache varies from 8 KB to 128 KB.
2.       L2 Cache: It is also known as external or secondary cache, which requires fast access time to store temporary data. It is built into a separate chip in a motherboard, not built into the CPU like the L1 level. The size of the L2 cache may be 128 KB to 1 MB.
3.       L3 Cache: L3 cache levels are generally used with high performance and capacity of the computer. It is built into a motherboard. Its speed is very slow, and the maximum size up to 8 MB.
Advantages of Cache Memory
1.       Cache memory is the faster memory as compared to the main memory.
2.       It stores all data and instructions that are repeatedly used by the CPU for improving the performance of a computer.
3.       The access time of data is less than the main memory.
Disadvantage of Cache Memory
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1.       It is very costly as compared to the Main memory and the Secondary memory.
2.       It has limited storage capacity.
Register Memory
The register memory is a temporary storage area for storing and transferring the data and the instructions to a computer. It is the smallest and fastest memory of a computer. It is a part of computer memory located in the CPU as the form of registers. The register memory is 16, 32 and 64 bits in size. It temporarily stores data instructions and the address of the memory that is repeatedly used to provide faster response to the CPU.
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nanami-says · 4 years
Part III (1/2): chapters 19-25
Vs. Mahito Arc
Chapter 19 (aka why this blog exists)
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J:”Yeah, we know that. But we flatter her because she looks easy.”
⇒ ”And the three of them know it as well. But they flatter you exaggeratedly anyway because they think you’ll let them do you”
Actually Junpei’s lines.
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J:”I can’t believe people like that go to my school.”
Not incorrect, I just want to point out that Junpei didn’t just say “people”, the word he used is “race” (人種), which implies he doesn’t see them as the same kind of human he is.
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J:”Was it that guy who did it? There’s no way a person could do that! If he did it, he must not be human.”
⇒ “Was it that person just now? No, would such a thing be even possible for a human being? And if it was, would they really be a ‘human being’?”
Overall correct but the flow was different. Mind you, 人 can be translated both as “person” and “human being” (among others) depending on the context. Imo this captures the nuance better but YMMV!
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N:”I’m here to identify the truth and uphold the law. There was a time when I thought the society had the same goals”
⇒ ”Adapting to the facts [in front of you] and managing yourself accordingly. That’s who I am. There was a time where I mistakenly believed society operated on the same basis.”
This was really hard to translate, especially since the phrase Nanami uses here is rather formal language. I actually checked the official anime subtitles for this one and they went with “I adhere to the facts and judge on that basis”, which I guess is close enough? I’d probably go with it as well if not for the fact that he doesn’t just say 律する but 己を律する (己/onore = I/me in humble language).
Seems like the exact meaning of the phrase is difficult to understand even for Japanese people - there are whole articles out there breaking down the meaning and giving examples of how to implement it in life 8D Anyway, the simplest explanation is “to control yourself”, with further nuance of “enforcing rules on yourself in order to achieve a goal”, “restricting your desires and impulses by your own will” etc.
Thanks a lot, Gege.
Btw, Ino, who respects Nanami greatly and considers him a mentor, actually uses the same phrase, word for word, in ch. 95! (事実に即し、己を律する) That’s how important it is. Also, continuity!
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Y:”Let’s do it!”
N:”There’s no need to get excited”
⇒ Y:“Let’s go all out!!”
 N:”No, if moderate’s enough, let’s just do it moderately”
They both used descriptors for just what kind of intensity they should approach the mission with. Imo, an important distinction because after they learn the full extent of the situation, Nanami takes back his words from this moment and agrees with Yuuji, going as far as to use the same words Yuuji did here.
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N:”I wonder what others would think hearing you say that”
⇒ “I’m sure the others wouldn’t want to hear that from you [of all people]”
So not so much “don’t be rude” as “dude, you’re the weirdest of them all”. Emphasis mine.
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N:”What I learned at Jujutsu High is that jujutsu sorcerers are idiots” 
& “What I realized while at the office is that work is idiotic”
He actually says “shit” both times lol. If it was just the humour that suffered here, it still wouldn’t be too awful but unfortunately it’s not just that. The “sorcerers are shit” line gets recalled when Nanami’s facing death, trapped in Mahito’s domain, which makes it pretty damn important. It gets translated yet differently by the official release then, too, which further damages continuity I believe Gege intended for this.
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”So I took the lesser of two evils. Nothing more, nothing less”
⇒ “If both are shit, then I just chose the one I’m more cut out for. That’s all as far as the reason for my coming back is concerned.”
I mean, if we realllllly insist on watering down everything that Nanami says (as JJK translators apparently did), then the basic meaning was conveyed but the original wording and nuance was closer to what I proposed.
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N:”Prove to me that you can be useful in spite of the demon Sukuna inside of you”
⇒ “Give your best to prove that you’re useful despite carrying the bomb that Sukuna is.”
Considering how 2 pages later Nanami tells Yuuji that he’s not the one Yuuji should be proving himself to, it’d have been weird if this is actually what he’d said, wouldn’t it. But Nanami’s nothing if not reasonable, so that wasn’t the case.
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Y:”I’m weak and useless. I’ve been hearing a lot of that these days”
⇒ “That I’m weak and useless... I’ve been realising that to a painful extent these days”
“I’ve been hearing it” would imply that someone was actually saying it either to Yuuji himself or to others which he was aware of. (I mean, other than Sukuna.) The original wording doesn’t really hold such connotation.
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N:”If you think you’re in trouble, let me know”
Y:”Have some faith in me, will ya? Just a little.”
N:”It’s not about faith.(...)”
Y:”A child? I’d rather be underestimated”.
⇒ N:“If you decide you cannot win, please call me.”
Y:”Aren’t you underestimating me too much?”
N:”This is not about ‘underestimating’ or ‘not underestimating’.(...)
Y:”[Even] being underestimated would’ve been better over being treated like a kid.”
I guess the translators wanted to avoid saying “underestimate” 3 times in a row? Albeit that’s what the original does.
More importantly though!!
N:”I’m an adult and you’re a child. I have the obligation to look after you”
⇒ “(...) It’s my obligation to prioritise you over myself.”
Quite a different nuance, right. Not just “I have to look after you” but “your well-being [life] takes priority over my own”.
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N:”Experiencing these little losses is what helps people grow into adults”
⇒ “It’s the accumulation of such small despairs that turns people into adults”
Not that wildly different but despairs (hopelessnesses) >>> losses, y/y. Also “helps” made it sound more positive when it’s both a poignant and at the same time dry statement.
Chapter 20
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N:”There are techniques that aren’t affected if revealed to certain enemies”
Those two feel more like separate examples to me. I.e. that there are techniques that aren’t affected if revealed, and there are some enemies that you can afford to reveal your technique to. Could apply simultaneously but don’t necessarily have to, if that makes sense?
“There is a merit to revealing one’s hand and the rules it initiates. You can make your technique even more effective.”
⇒ “It has its merits too. The ‘binding’ of ‘revealing one’s hand’ amplifies the effectiveness of your technique.”
Wild lost “binding” appears! Like I indicated before, it’s the lack of consistency to translating terms that are consistent in the original, that has negatively affected the fans’ ability to understand the basics of jjk techniques and world-building.
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[Explaining Yuuji’s divergent fist]
GJ:”But it’s a lot easier said than done for anyone else.”
⇒ “It’s not something that can be easily done on purpose”
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N:”His physical strength is superhuman. The impact of his hit doesn’t have incredibly strong energy, but it’s still about 20% more than a normal sorcerer. That means his delayed hit comes from his main source of cursed energy. It must be quite annoying for those on the receiving end. Such potential. If he’s able to go out all and combine his full physical strength with a cursed technique…”
⇒ “(...) The initial impact contains little cursed energy but it still achieves 120% of an average sorcerer. And then the actual cursed energy hits with a delay. For those on the receiving end it must be more unpleasant than one could imagine. And he’s got potential for growth, too. If he becomes able to add 100% of cursed energy to a 100% body…”
Uhh, this was a tricky one because on the first read it doesn’t seem that terribly wrong but when you read the original carefully, you realise this and that got lost in translation. My version should be closer to the original meaning.
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I:”We’re going to have to ask the murderer about the technique”
⇒ “That’s just something that you can’t know unless you ask the offender about their technique”
Obviously Ieiri wasn’t suggesting to literally ask the murderer.
“However there’s evidence the brain stems were modified. Their consciousness were also modified to create a state of confusion”
⇒ (...) This was probably done to create a disturbance of consciousness... a state of mental confusion”
Slightly different nuance for this one.
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Y:”For me, the gravity of death is the same regardless. This isn’t right!”
First sentence is mostly correct but it should’ve been “the gravity of death of another person” (emphasis mine).
Second sentence sounds too mild for what is actually Yuuji being super mad specifically about the way those people were killed? The phrase he uses means something like "This is just in way too poor taste”, “way too vulgar” etc. I guess if you went for a less literal translation, you could say “just too disgusting”/”revolting”.
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N:”This matter won’t be taken care of so easily. Let’s do it”
⇒ “Looks like ‘moderately’ won’t be enough here. Let’s go all out.”
This is the instance of Nanami retracting his words and backing Yuuji up by borrowing his own words that I mentioned earlier!
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M:”Jujutsu sorcerers brand such entities as “special grade potential spirits” and fear them as much as powerful curses. The fact that they categorize them as such really shows their shallowness”
⇒ “Jujutsu sorcerers register them as “special grade potential apparitions” and remain on alert against them [on alert for their appearance]. The same applies to powerful unidentified curses. That they categorise them as ‘potential apparitions’ just shows how little they truly see.”
It’s not that sorcerers fear them per se but that they (most likely) monitor them and are on guard against them. When followed up by the “what people truly genuinely fear are natural disasters [forces of nature]” conversation, it becomes clear that what Mahito scorns sorcerers for is their short-sightedness for thinking all powerful curses must be born out of people’s imagination, ~urban legends~ etc.
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[Junpei asking what Mahito was born from]
M:”Thanks to the hatred spewed between people I was born”
⇒ “I’m a curse born out of the fear and hatred people harbour towards [other] people"
or even
“I’m a curse born out of people hating and fearing people”
Again a quite different nuance. They really shouldn’t have edited “fear” out.
Chapter 21
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J:’Don’t you think that whoever first said, ‘The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference’ must be rotting in hell? There’s no way hating people is better than feeling indifferent towards them.”
⇒ “(...) There’s no way that approaching others with evil intentions is better than not interacting [with them] at all”
The first sentence is mostly fine although the original doesn’t include the “is not hate” bit, it only says “the opposite of love is indifference”. The second part is quite different. After all, hating doesn’t necessarily imply there’s any action taken.
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“Complicating simple things for the sake of meaning is such a Japanese thing to do”
⇒ “Japanese sure love it - complicating simple answers and gloating in it”
I didn’t like the “for the sake of meaning” bit, imo it’s over-interpreting.
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J:”Indifference. That’s what humans should strive for.”
M:”Sounds more like revenge”
J:“Are you saying that I got it all mixed up?”
Junpei’s first line here is fine although interestingly enough he puts it as “a virtue humans should strive for”. Then it’s
⇒ M:“And yet you wish for revenge”
J:”Are you trying to say I’m contradicting myself?”
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M:”In this world, only I understand the soul’s composition. I can even transmogrify living beings. Emotions come from the soul. It’s too simplistic to call it ‘heart’. People overthink the things they can’t see. (...)”
⇒ “In this world I’m the only one who understands the soul’s composition. After all, I change the shape of living beings by touching it. Emotions are products of the metabolism of the soul. It’s altogether too mechanical [of a process] to call it a heart. People assign too much value to things invisible to the eye.(...)”
Last one is literally “consider ‘special’ way too much”, simpler wording than what I went with but I tried to make it more legible.
The “metabolism of the soul” phrase is especially vital because Junpei throws it at Yuuji almost word for word when confronted by him at the school after his mother’s death.
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More philosophy lessons from Mahito-sensei \o/
“Don’t limit yourself to just being indifferent. There’s no reason to live by such a restricting philosophy.”
⇒ “Don’t allow yourself to be shackled by the ideal called ‘indifference’. There’s no need for there to be consistency in one’s way of life.”
Mahito actually takes the “is ‘consistency’ necessary” stance a few times in the manga, including when he and Getou squabble about the relationship between the body and the soul in Shibuya. A pity about the mistranslation here.
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“I support everything you represent, Junpei”
⇒ “I’ll affirm your everything, Junpei”
Imo the act of supporting and the act of affirming while similar aren’t one and the same, hence the change.
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N:”Either come alone, or risk bringing Itadori with me. I chose the former, nothing more. He’s still a child, after all.”
⇒ “The risk of venturing [into the enemy’s territory] alone, or the risk of bringing Itadori-kun with me. I simply chose the former. He’s still a child, after all.”
Idk, I feel like cutting out “the risk” from the first option makes Nanami sound more callous? Like Yuuji’s a liability and going by himself is a sounder option. Whereas, it was actually him weighing two risks against each other and deciding that potentially endangering Yuuji is the one he can afford less.
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[After Yuuji asks why he doesn’t know important jujutsu related stuff.]
I:”Because Gojou’s your mentor.” ⇒ “it’s because Gojou’s ...”
He actually uses a lovely adjective to describe Gojou, which can mean a plethora of things, including: irresponsible, sloppy, lazy, unreliable, careless, perfunctory etc. etc.
Ichiji? Not a member of Gojou Satoru Fanclub.
Y:”This feels like a bad plan”
⇒ “This feels so staged, I don’t like it.”
Lit. “play [perform, read] one's own work”. I think what Yuuji might’ve meant here was that the plan felt dishonest? Second sentence could also be “I don’t feel up for it.”
Chapter 22
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M:”Was that some kind of cursed technique?”
N:”What do you mean by ‘some kind’? I don’t appreciate questions that are left open to interpretation”
⇒ “(...) I hate abstract questions that put the whole burden on the other person”
Lit. “that leave it to others”. Other than Nanami being more straightforward with “hate”/”dislike”, I think this was him expressing he doesn’t like people who don’t even try to think for themselves and immediately demand answers from others instead.
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“It would be silly to not assume a connection(...)”
⇒ “It would be more unnatural not to assume a connection(...)”
Different wording (unnatural instead of silly), which imo affects Nanami’s characterisation.
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M:”The shape of the body will always be dependent on the shape of the soul”
This sounds a bit too passive and generic? Closer to “The shape of the body gets pulled along by the shape of the soul”, which is literally what Mahito’s technique does.
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I’m heavily paraphrasing but!
magazine raw scans: ”it's 6:30 PM now and I started working at 11 AM, so I'm going to finish by 7PM no matter what”
official English release:”it's 5:30 PM now and I started at 10, gotta finish by 6”
The time change is so random, I wonder if Gege simply changed it themselves for the volume release. Maybe to bring it closer to the common office job times? Typical Japanese work day at the office begins at 9AM and lasts 8h + 1h break (completely unpaid but compulsory). I guess if Nanami skipped the break then working 10AM-6PM would make it exactly 8h?
The biggest mystery of jjk.
Chapter 23
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M:”Even if sorcerers can protect their bodies using cursed energy, they can’t protect their souls”
⇒ “Even if sorcerers can protect their bodies using cursed energy, they [just] aren’t used to protecting their souls”.
So it’s not that they “can’t” as in “are incapable of” and more that there’s never been the need, so they never learned how and aren’t used to doing it. As proven by Yuuji later it’s not impossible.
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M:”Overtime? He restricts himself based on time! He was limiting his power until now!”
⇒ “Overtime work? A ‘biding’ based on time! He was suppressing his power by himself until now!”
Another instance where “binding” as a term makes its appearance (it even uses quotation marks) but wasn’t properly denoted by the translators.
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M:”A large-scale attack, and he doesn’t care if he gets hit while doing it!”
⇒ “A large-scale attack [done] with the resolve of [potentially] getting killed along with me!”.
The phrase Mahito uses here is 相打ち, lit. “killing [hitting] each other at the same time”. Also, “doesn’t care” and “is prepared/has the resolve” are quite different, aren’t they.
Chapter 24
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J:”The way a perfectionist is willing to lay everything out there is beautifully portrayed”
⇒ ”The change in emotions [leading up] to a perfectionist abandoning everything is properly portrayed here”
I’m including this because knowing Gege, it’s not just simple movie talk, and it’s actually foreshadowing Yuuji’s future fate or something 8D
I can’t decide if it’s “abandon” (also “throw out of the window”) or “sacrifice” because the word used can mean either. I’m leaving that to everyone’s interpretation.
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“Like I thought, that sorcerer’s nuts!”
⇒ “He doesn’t look it but he sure does reckless things, that sorcerer”
How does "he doesn't look it but (...)" even become "like I thought (...)"? He was laughing at and enjoying the contrast between Nanami's appearance/attitude and his actions/fighting.
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M:”My cursed energy is also controlled by my will”
⇒ “The spending of cursed energy too is among things I can supply by myself.”
I’m not entirely sure because it’s a tricky one, so take this one with a grain of salt. But the official release is definitely missing “spending/expenditure” and Mahito isn’t talking about using/manipulating his cursed energy in general but “the amount of cursed energy spent”.
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“Mr. Irresponsible Gojou” ⇒  “Devil-may-care Gojou-san”
“Mr. Mature Nanami” ⇒ “The adult of [all] adults Nanami-san”/”the adult above all adults”
I just really enjoy Ichiji and his little epithets, I guess.
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J:”Have you ever killed anyone?”
⇒ “Have you ever killed a human being/another human?”
Just putting it out there because imo there's a distinction between “anyone” and “a human being”. Especially considering how much of this arc was questioning what being a human means.
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Y:”Um… I mean, the choice to kill will definitely find its way to me”
⇒ "How to put it... once I've killed someone, "killing" would become one of the possible options [to take] in my life".
Maybe the nuance was there in the official release too and I just didn't pick up on it but to me the former makes it sound more like he’s saying "I may still have to kill one day". Whereas the original seems to hold the connotation that if you do something once - even if it’s something as horrible as killing another human being - it becomes easier to do it again in the future because it's a choice you've made before, it's not untouchable anymore.
Chapter 25
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[Yuuji expressing his regret over Nanami choosing to go fight Mahito alone.]
"Am I in your way, Nanamin?”
⇒ “Am I a burden [to you], Nanamin?”
A different nuance for this line.
“’My friend died but I wasn’t there because I’m a child.’ I wouldn't do that to you. That said"
⇒ "’My comrade died. But I wasn’t there. Why? Because I am a child.’ I would hate something like that" [to be put in such a position]
And this is just pure mistranslation. The whole “my comrade died but I wasn’t there because I’m a child” line is actually Yuuji painting a possible scenario (he does it with short sentences but the speech is overall polite). What they translated as “that said” was actually a follow-up to that scenario and could be translated as “something like that”.
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N:”Being a child is not a bad thing”
⇒ “Being a child is in no way a crime”
I wanted to point this out since the original word’s most common meaning is actually “sin”, which is significantly heavier than just “not a bad thing”. Could also go with a milder “is not something to feel guilty about” here I guess.
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G:”How’s the curtain coming along?”
M:”Can’t get in, can get out. This only applies to humans with weak cursed energy.”
⇒ G:”What’s the effect of the ‘curtain’?”
M:“Can't get out from the inside, can get in from the outside. (...)”
Literally the opposite for the curtain’s effect. Emphasis is Gege’s, too! Also Getou’s question was actually about how exactly the curtain in question would work, and not just how it was coming along.
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M:”We’ll make them fight and force Yuji Itadori to make a binding vow in Sukuna’s favor”
Just to reiterate, whenever “binding vow” appears, it’s actually just “binding”.
[to part iii (2/2)]
[to part iii (2/2)]
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
It just occurred to me that the LOV could be considered to be a post-left anarchist insurrection group, not a revolutionary group. They don't have a coherent ideology beyond the status quo being garbage and it needing to be destroyed. They have their individual reasons and wants, but in the end of the day they don't have a world they want to build. To them insurrection is the end goal itself. Do you agree?
Hmmm, i think its really hard to categorize them cause they are more complicated than they seemed so i think both group (anarchist insurrection group and revolutionary group) dont really fit it.
So i will explain why i think like this with every member separately. I will pass Magne cause she is dead and Twice, you know, he just wanted family. I will pass them.
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And Toga too. She is not interested in world issues, she just wants to live normal life with her own way but thats not all. She tried to explain herself to Uraraka cause she somehow tried to reach out to her, trying to find a connection.
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Spinner said with his own words, he wants to change things. He is even the one who questioned Shigaraki about this.
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And we learnt Mr Compress's past too. And from what we can learn, he is here to change things too.
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If Dabi only wants to destroy, why would he bother to talk with civillians? He obviouslt trying to reach out to them.
And the one who is the most related to this question;
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Yeah, we know that he always says i want to destroıy and all but you can see his actions mostly opposites with what he says.
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If Shigaraki only want to destroy and not changing things, then why he bothers to explain himself to heroes?
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Shigaraki isnt someone who is not interested in changing cause he changes things with the way he treats his team. Then why he destroy it? One, he was forced into this role. Second, he truly doesnt hope for better future, he cant imagine better future from his limited perspective.
See? They all basically same things. Yeah, they are hurted by society and wants to destroy it but they also want to change things too.
Basically, what i am trying to say is;
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Yes, they dont have particular ideology, they dont really have plan for better future and yeah, they want to destroy hero society but that doesnt mean that they dont want rebuild things. They clearly want to change things too, we can see from their behaviours but their main focus is destroy first. Those people lost their lifes, to them, everything is better than now. Thats why main focus is destroying society. Also this destruction of society is to change things.
Heroes doesnt want to change anything cause they are ok with society. But league does everything for it. Anything is better than now for people who werent saved.
This is why i think they dont fit both group cause their purpose is NOT just destruction and they dont really rebuild things now but i do believe that they truly want to change things but its really hard from their place. Hope you understand me.
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inkwellfire · 4 years
Inkwell’s Updated Commission Information
If you’re interested in commissioning me, please email me at [email protected], or send me a direct message through Tumblr! -
Please do not request anything that would be considered R-rated. If you’re unsure if I’ll be willing to do what you’d like to commission, please feel free to ask.
All Prices are in USD. Payments can be made through Pay Pal (my paypal.me link), or Square through my Website InkwellArtist.com and in the Commission Me! tab! ^u^ (Note: due to website limitations it is categorized as a ‘donation’. While donations are very welcome, this does not mean payment for a commission is optional).
I ask that payments be made before Line Art is drawn.
Price ranges subject to complexity of expressions/pose. Prices are all Per Character unless otherwise noted Line Art pricing is the Base Price, and all other prices are added upon it.
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Line Art: Bust: $20 up to $25, Half Body: $22 up to $28, Full Body: $25 up to $30.
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Flat Color: additional $10 to line art pricing
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Full Color: additional $20 to line art pricing, Color Outline: additional $5
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Dynamic Shading: additional $10 to the Whole Artwork (is Not per Character)
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Full Color Backgrounds: additional $40 up to $60 to the whole artwork
More Pricing Details/Examples below the Read More
Forgive me Tumblr, for this is Long. Below is pricing details for further background options, animals, icons, art style variations, and- newly added: Comics!! And now: T-Shirts and Stickers! (separate post) As well as a brief explanation to how I work!
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Line Art Backgrounds: $20-$45, Flat/Color: additional +$10-$20 to line art pricing, Gradient/Simple Design: $5-$10
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Animals: Line art: $10 up to $30, Color: additional $10 up to $25
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Icons: $30 up to $55 (use above prices to get an estimate of about how much it would be in terms of complexity), Pride Icon Discount: Save $5! <3
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Comics: Character Pricing (based upon most complex pose) + $5-$20 per panel. Background Pricing Per Setting (Not Per Panel) Color prices: Characters Only- +$10-$35 per panel (Not Per Character), Full Color Scene: +$40-60 per panel, Key Object/Characteristic Color: +$5-$10 per panel.
Example: There are 2 characters, with one full body scene of 1 character (25) and one half-body scene of the second (22)- with 4 panels, and one setting (20), the line art would cost $208.
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Stylization: Business As Usual (My Style): +$0 (I’ll assume that you’ll want this style unless otherwise noted!), Semi-realism: +$5, Anime: +8, Cartoon: +$5, Realism (Please provide references): +$20-$30 (note: I do not use line-art with the Realism style) Other Styles: feel free to ask!
Other: Feel free to ask about things such as Maps, simple designs, prop design, photo manipulation, gifs/animations/animatics and more! 
How it Works:
After I get your message I’ll respond as soon as possible asking you to describe your commission to the best of your ability- if you can, make sure you note if you’d like bust/half/full body lineart, your color preference, and the other important details about what you’d like.
After that I’ll be able to lead you through any additional questions I need in order to get an idea of how complex it is and I’ll be able to do the math to get a preliminary price out there!
After that’s discussed, I’ll be able to provide you with a series of sketches to choose from and work out adjustments if needed! After a sketch is selected and worked with to get a better concept of what you need, I’ll get started on line art! This usually takes me about a day or two for most pieces. Please note you will need to pay for the commission once I get started on line art! I will not begin drawing line art until I have received the payment for the artwork.
After that, it’s mostly a matter of sending you my progress and asking if anything needs adjustment. Feel free to add anything you want! If you find this would change the price of the artwork, I will be very open to discuss it further with you. I’m always hoping to make something *you* want, so never feel bad for asking me to change something.
Everything’s first come- first serve. I’ll try to inform you of how many people are ahead of you and an estimated time-frame of how long it may take me to get to you and/or complete your project.
Thank you!  Feel free to ask any and all questions that come to mind, and I’ll do my best to answer them! There are no bad questions!
- Further Notes/Disclaimers
I may raise the prices upon further discussion should the piece be particularly complex or challenging enough to increase estimated time spent on the project. It is very unlikely I will increase prices above the high-end bracket stated here for any particular project. It’s why I included the ranges in the first place. I want to make this something that is fair to both your budget and my time, energy, and supplies, I’m very willing to help you figure out how I can make something you want within your budget! Low-end bracket non-negotiable. Any price increase above the high-end bracket would be due to a general pricing increase overall.
If you would like to pull out of any projects you must do so before completion. I will provide you with the initial sketch(es) as soon as I complete it. Please inform me then or beforehand if you no longer wish to commission me! For both your own and my sake!
If you wish to pull out of a colored project, and I’ve already completed line art, I ask that you pay for the line art (same with a project with backgrounds or additional characters)
I ask that you only use these commissions for Personal Use unless you talk to me first! If you would like to use my art/designs for Commercial Purposes, you must get my explicit permission. I sign all artwork! If you don’t wish for it to be signed, or would like it to be signed in a particular place/way, please discuss that with me. It is very likely I will post the complete commission to one of tumblr blogs (and/or possibly other social media accounts/website/portfolio). If you would prefer I didn’t, or did so in a particular way, please discuss that with me! That’s it! If you got though this all, I applaud your determination and appreciate your interest! If you still have questions, again, please ask!
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cecilspeaks · 4 years
173 - The Hundred Year Play
Quoth the raven: [bird noises] Welcome to Night Vale.
Listeners, some exciting news from the world of theatre! The 100 year play is about to reach its final scene. Yes, this is the play that has been running continuously since 1920. Written by a brilliant playwright Hannah Hershman, designed to take exactly 100 years to perform. And the tireless volunteer of the Night Vale Players Playhouse have been going through those scenes, one after another, for decade upon decade. There’s little time to rehearse, for each hour brings new scenes and each scene will only be performed once the play moves on, in order to keep up with the tight schedule needed to execute the entire script before a century elapses.
It is a monumental work of theatre, but like all work, it must some day cease. Today, specifically. I will be in attendance at that historic moment, when the final scene is performed and the curtain closes on the 100 year play.   More soon, but first the news.
We bring you the latest on the lawsuit “The estate of Franklin Chen vs. the city of Night Vale”. As you know, this case has grown so large and complicated that I’ve not had the time to discuss it in my usual community radio broadcasts. But instead, have started a true crime podcast called “Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen”, in which I strive to get to the truth of just what happened on that fateful night when five-headed dragon Hiram McDaniels met Frank Chen, and then later Frank Chen’s body was found covered in burns and claw marks. It’s a confounding mystery. The Sheriff’s Secret Police announce that it seems really complicated and they’re not even gonna try to solve that sucker. “Oh, what?” a Secret Police spokesman muttered at an earthworm he found in his garden. “You want us to fail? You wanna see us fail? That’s why you want us to investigate this case, to see us fail at it?” The family of Frank Chen say they merely want the appropriate parties, in this case the city of Night Vale, Hiram McDaniels and an omniscient conception of God, to take responsibility for their part in this tragedy. The trial is now in its 10th month, and has included spirited re-enactments of the supposed murder by helpful Players Playhouse performers in between their work on the 100 year play. 3 changes of judge and venue due to “some dragon attacks and constant interruptions from a local audio journalist, who hosts a widely respected true crime podcast”. Still, with all this, we near a verdict. Judge Chaplin has indicated she will issue her ruling soon. “Like in the next year or so?” she said. “Certainly within 5 years. Listen, I don’t owe you a verdict, just because you’re paying me to do a job, you can’t rush me to do it. The verdict will be done when. It’s. Done.” Chaplin then huffed out of the courtroom followed by journalists shouting recommendations for episodes of their podcast to listen to.
I was present, you know, on opening night of the 100 year play. Ah, how the theatre buzzed! Of course this was partly the audience, thrilled to be at the start of such an unprecedented work, but mostly – it was the insects. The Night Vale Players Playhouse had quite a pest problem at the time, and still does. It’s difficult to do pest control when there is a 100 year long play being performed on stage at every hour of every day. The curtain opened those many years ago on a simple set of a studio apartment,  a kitchen, a cot, a window overlooking a brick wall. A man sits in the corner deep in thought. A doorbell rings. “Come in, it’s open,” the man says. A woman enters, flustered. She is holding a newborn. “There’s been a murder!” she says. “The victim was alone in a room, and all the doors and windows were locked. “My god!” the man says and springs up. “Who could have done this, and how?!” the woman tells him: “It turns out to be the gardener, Mr. Spreckle. He served with the victim in the war and never could forgive him for what happened there. He threw a venomous snake through an air vent.” The man sits back down, nodding. “Aah! So the mystery is solved.” As a playwright, Hannah Hershman did not believe in stringing up mysteries a second longer than was necessary. The baby in the woman’s arm stirs. “Shush, shush little one!” the woman says. The man looks out the window where he cannot see the sky. “It might look like rain,” he says. “Who knows?” Thus began a journey of 100 years.
And now a word from our sponsors. Today’s episode is sponsored by the Night Vale Medical Board, which would like to remind you that it is important to drink enough water throughout the day. Drink more water! Your body cannot function without water. Without water, you are just dust made animate. Water forms the squelching mud of sentience. Try to have at least ten big glasses of water. Not over the entire day, right now. See if you can get all ten of them down. Explore the capacity of your stomach. See if you can make it burst. You will either feel so much better, or an organ will explode and you will day painfully. And either one is more interesting than the mundane now. You should drink even more water than that. Wander out of your door, search the Earth for liquids. Find a lake and drain the entire thing, until the bottom feeders flop helplessly on the flatlands. Laugh slushingly as you look upon the destruction you have wrought. The power that you possess now that you are well hydrated. Move on from the lake and come to the shore of an ocean. All oceans are one ocean that we have arbitrarily categorized by language. The sea knows no separation, and neither will you when you lay belly down on the sand, put your lips against the waves and guzzle the ocean. The ocean is salty. It will not be very hydrating, so you’ll need to drink a lot of it. Keep going until the tower tops of Atlantis see sky again for the first time in centuries, until the strange glowing creatures of the deep-deep are exposed, splayed out from their bodies now that they no longer have the immense pressure of the ocean depths to keep their structure intact. And once you have drunk the oceans, turn your eyes to the stars. For there is water out there too, and you must suck dry the universe. This has been a message from the Night Vale Medical Board.
20 years passed without me thinking about the 100 year play. You know how it is. One day you’re an intern at the local radio station doing all the normal errands like getting coffee and painting pentacles upon Station Management doors as part of the ritual of the slumbering ancients. Then 20 years passes and everything is different for you. Your boss is gone and now you are a host of the community radio station, and there are so many new responsibilities and worries and lucid nightmares in which you explore a broken landscape of colossal ruins. So with all of that, I just kind of forgot the 100 year play was happening. But they were toiling away in there, doing scenes around the clock, building and tearing down sets at a frantic pace, trying to keep up with the script that relentlessly went on, page after page. And sometimes one of the people working on the play would wonder: how does this all end? But before they could flip ahead and look, there would be another scene that had to be performed and they wouldn’t have a chance. So no one knew how it ended. No one except Hannah Hershman, the mysterious author of this centennial play.
Soon after becoming radio host, during the reading of a Community Calendar, I was reminded that the play was still going on, and so decided to check in. I put on my best tux, you know it’s the one with the scales and the confetti canon. And then took myself to a night at the theatre. I can’t say what happened in the plot since that first scene, but certainly much had transpired. We were now in a space colony thousands of years from now, and the set was simple, just some sleek chairs and a black backdrop dotted with white stars of paint. A woman was giving a monologue about the distance she felt between the planet she was born on, which I believe was supposed to be Earth, and the planet she now stood on. I understood from what she was saying that the trip she had taken to this planet was one way, and that she would never return to the place she was born. “We… are… all of us… moved… by time,” she whispered in a cracked, hoarse voice. “Not… one of us dies… in the world… we were born into.” Sitting in my seat in that darkened theatre, I knew two facts with certainty. The first was that this woman had been giving a monologue for several days now. She wavered on her feet, speaking the entire four hours that I was there. And I don’t know how much longer she spoke after I left, but it could have been weeks. She was pale and her voice was barely audible, but there was something transfixing about it, and the audience sat in perfect silence, leaning forward to hear her words. The other fact I understood was that this woman was the newborn from the very first scene. Not just the same character, but the same actor. 20 years later, she was still on that stage, still portraying the life to the child we had been introduced to in the opening lines. She was an extraordinary performer, presumably, having had a literal lifetime of practice. And that was the last time I saw the play, until tonight, when I will go to watch the final scene.
But first, let’s have a look at that Community Calendar. Tonight the school board is meeting to discuss the issues of school lunches. It seems that some in power argue that it isn’t enough that for some reason we charge the kids actual money for these lunches. They argue that the students should also be required to give devotion and worship to a great glowing cloud, whose benevolent power will fill their lives with purpose. Due to new privacy rules, we cannot say which member of the school board made this suggestion. The board will be taking public comment in a small flimsy wooden booth out by the highway. Just enter the damp, dark interior and whisper your comment, and it will be heard. Perhaps not by the school board, but certainly by something.
Tuesday morning, Lee Marvin will be offering free acting classes at the rec center. The class is entitled “Acting is just lying. We’ll teach you how acting is just saying things that aren’t true, with emotions you don’t feel, so that you may fool those watching with these mistruths.” Fortunately, Marvin commented: “Most people don’t want to be told the truth and prefer the quiet comfort of a lie well told.” Classes are pay what you want, starting at 10,000 dollars.
Thursday Josh Crayton will be taking the form of a waterfall in Grove Park, so that neighborhood kids may swim in him. There is not a lot of swimming opportunities in a town as dry as Night Vale, and so this is a generous move on Josh’s part. He has promised that he has been working on the form and has added a water slide and a sunbathing deck. He asks that everyone swim safely and please not leave any trash on him.
Friday, the corn field will appear in the middle of town, right where it does each September, as the air turns cooler and the sky in the west takes on a certain shade of green. The corn field emanates a power electric and awful. Please, do not go into the corn field, as we don’t know what lives in there or what it wants. The City Council would like to remind you that the corn field is perfectly safe. It is perfect and it is safe. 
Finally, Saturday never happened. Not if you know what’s good for you. Got it? This has been the Community Calendar.
Oh! Look at the time. Here I am blathering on and the play is about to end. OK, let me grab my new mini recorder that Carlos got me for my birthday. It’s only 35 pounds and the antenna is a highly reasonable 7 feet. And I’ll see you all there.
Ah. What’s the weather like for my commute?
[Shallow Eyes” by Brad Bensko. https://www.bradbenskomusic.com/]
Carlos and I are at the theatre! The audience is a buzz, with excitement yes, but also many of them are the insects that infest this theatre. The bugs became entranced by the story over the years, passing down through brief generation after brief generation, the history of all that happened before. The story of the play became something of a religion to this creepy crawly civilization. And so now the bugs are jittering on the walls, thrilled to be the generation that gets to see the end of this great tale.
The curtain rises on a scene I recognize well. It is the simple set of a studio apartment. A kitchen, a cot, a window overlooking a brick wall. A man sits in the corner deep in thought. A doorbell rings. “Come on, it’s open,” the man calls. A woman enters. She is very old, tottering unsteadily on legs that have carried for her many many years. “Please take my seat,” the man says with genuine concern. “Thank you,” she says, collapsing with relief onto the cushions and then looking out, as if for the first time, noticing the audience. I know this woman. I first saw her as a baby and later as a 20-year-old. It seems she has lived her whole life on this stage, taking part in this play. “My name,” the woman says, “is Hannah Hershman. I was born in this theatre, clutching a script in my arms that was bigger than I was. My twin, in a way. I started acting in that script of mine before I was even aware of the world. I grew up in that script, lived my entire life in the play I had written from infancy to now.” And she rises, and the man reaches out to help, but she waves him away. She speaks, her- her voice is strong, ringing out through the theatre. “The play ends with my death, because the play is my life. It is bounded by the same hours and minutes that I am.” the audience is rapt, many have tears in their eyes. Even the insects weep. “Thank you for these hundred years,” Hannah Hershman says. “This script is complete.” She walks to the window. “It might look like rain,” she says. “Who knows?” The lights dim.
Thunderous applause, cries of acclaim, and Hannah Hershman dies to the best possible sound a person can hear: concrete evidence of the good they have done in the lives of other humans.
Stay tuned next for the second ever Night Vale Players Playhouse production, now that they finally finished this one. They’re going to do “Godspell”. And from the script of a life I have not yet finished performing, Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Many are called, but few are chosen. And fewer still pick up. Because most calls are spam these days.
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nukyster-blog · 4 years
Changing course Chapter 16) Abomination of Men
Like a quiet lonesome observer, Ivar watched Piglet get throughout the days. She was troubled, on edge and obviously scared of something. But Ivar hadn’t been able to place his finger on the source of Piglet's great discomfort. It bothered him to be left in the dark while some unknown force was wearing his only companion down. In the course of a few days, her dark eyes turned vacant and lost their usual soft glimmer of optimism. Ever since their rough start, Piglet had always worn her burdens with a tilted up chin and shoulders back. She simply endured her poor course of life and was able to treasure all bright moments.
Ivar had envied her for that, but now that her overall brightness started to fade away, he missed the way she’d smile vividly at the scrawny lamb who succeeded to skittle after her throughout the courtyard. All of her happiness diluted along with her spirit. 
The distance between them grew and it got on Ivar's nerves because he had no say in it, she simply seemed to hide and slowly fade away. She had grown a habit of nail biting, which showed mostly during their usual game-time in between dusk and darkness. She was there but at the same time not; fighting inner battles and fears all on her own.
As for today, she’d been slumped against the wall, cracking eggs and mixing them with herbs, onions and spices without uttering a word. His few attempts to start a conversation had been fruitless, so he gave up and let her do her job as he did his. The rest of the day passed dreadfully slow and the evening promised another boring pass of time. 
“Wahid, arbe, sitta?” Ivar questioned a few times but received no response from around the corner. So he swiped a few handfuls of hay together, turned on his side in an attempt to sleep.
Ivar woke up abruptly and he didn’t know why. His eyes flashed open and his limbs flexed in shock. With his senses still dull from sleep, he tried to categorize the danger lurking in the dancing shadows of the semi-dark shed. A candle was lit, the animals sounded nervous, indicating that the danger was close. The stench of cold-sweat and fear hung in the air. And there was something else, someone else.
Ivar’s breath caught in his throat and his heart started pounding when he heard Piglet’s muffled cries and a raw voice breaking. 
Adrenaline poured itself into his veins and in a state of utter alertness, Ivar dragged himself to the wooden wall that separated him from the assault. Through the cracks, a scene played out: Piglet struggled against her attacker, shooting her right leg out. But her movements were far too slow and instead helped the attacker rather than hinder. Her legs were kicked apart and hands moved from her waist to her arms, trapping them above her head. Roughly, Piglet was shoved down.
Ivar’s eyes were glued on jewel encrusted ringed fingers. They crept their way to Piglets bosom, squeezing roughly. In an instant, Piglet grew still and her dark eyes widened as far as they could. 
Ivar could not tell how much time passed between Piglet’s eyes changing from shock, to disgust, to utter revulsion. During that moment, Ivar found himself frozen solid. Unable to move, to shout or even breath. As he watched his only companion being wronged in such an inhumane way, he realised the true extent of his powerlessness. 
The assault abruptly stopped and Piglet’s attacker jerked away from her, his croaky voice shouting in disgust. Piglet received a fist in her face, which was so low down and dirty, due to her arms being pinned above her head, she had no way of blocking it. 
Her attacker let go of her completely and quickly stood back on his two feet. Ivar managed to break his spell and crawled towards the end of his box in order to catch a glimpse of the coward. 
Before the bastard had the chance to flee, their eyes locked and enlarged; one in surprise, the other in a complete and utter state of loathing. 
In front of Ivar stood a young man. Although his overall appearance screamed wealth and fortune, his physical features were meager and plain. The only notable feature was the man’s harelip; the small cleft did not allow him to close his mouth properly. 
Ivar’s physical appearance made his opponent’s mouth drop entirely and a gleam of sweat ran down from under the man’s brown fringe. Their eyes never blinked nor looked away, it was a contest of some sorts and Ivar was dead-set on winning. 
Inwardly, he roared when the bastard drew his gaze down and scoffed, trying to save his dignity by ridiculing Ivar. 
Ivar glared at him and now that he was the victor, he looked the bastard over from head to toe and eventually stopped at the young man’s crotch, which was noticeably piss stained. 
‘She pissed on him,’ Ivar realised as gratification morphed his lips into a sly grin. 
When the young man noticed Ivar’s focus, he drew out a handkerchief and frantically rubbed the stains, an ineffective venture. 
“Oh, did that little savage make a fool out of you,” Ivar sneered and tksed, motioning him to come closer and cross Piglet’s makeshift line, “why don’t you prove yourself to be a man and fight one.” 
Ivar crawled up as close as his shackles allowed him and pushed himself up on his knuckles.
  “Congratulations, you will be my main target, once I’ve murdered the Giant.” 
Ivar surprised himself by the way he was able to keep all his anger and loathing inside his chest and transpire it into his gaze. He must be wearing a hellish mask, because even though the young man did not understand his word, he gulped thickly and took a few steps back, which meant increasing his distance from Piglet. 
“Good, keep walking you pathetic human being,” Ivar whispered as his eyes fixated on the young man’s back. 
The royal bastard left their shed and locked their door. Which meant he had keys and was able to come in and out whenever he pleased. 
The reason for Piglet's dread left the pair of them in a suffocating silence. Ivar quietly retreated to the wooden wall that separated them. Cautiously, he glanced through the cracks and noticed how Piglet had drawn her knees up to her chest and hid her face in between them. 
Ivar swallowed dryly and rubbed the back of his head, at a loss for words, he tried to summon up anything that would make Piglet’s current situation more endurable. After a few attempts to open his mouth and speak up, he realised there wasn’t enough comfort in the world to ease Piglet’s pain. It left a bitter taste inside his mouth and it struck him what Piglet’s reasons were for keeping up her poor personal hygiene. She clung to that wall of stench and filth in order to keep everyone at a safe distance. 
It was her weeping that made him feel guilty on behalf of all men. Her sounds were heart wrenching and raw. As her tears came in waves, moments of sobbing broken apart by short pauses to recover her breath, before spiraling back into that dreadful sound of losing hope. 
It was enough to make Ivar drop his head and press his palms against his ears. He didn’t want to be present during her breakdown, but he had no choice in the matter. Just like Piglet had no choice but to pick herself up in the morning, get back to work and if needed, turn the other cheek. 
Because she was a nothing, they both were nothings. They were not allowed to have feelings, nor thoughts, nor emotions. Those were privileges for the rich, for the free. Not for property, not for things. 
It took until early morning for Piglet’s sobs to evolve into chants for her God. Ivar hadn’t been able to move or sleep. His thoughts had been too occupied while he’d tried to drown out all of Piglet’s sounds. He too had prayed to his Gods, to give him a proper chance to slaughter the young man that harmed Piglet. That was all he needed, one moment in the shadows; to kill that bastard without getting caught. Because that would earn him a punishment worse than death; crucifixion, burned alive. Or being hoisted on the wheel, until the Giant broke every bone in his body. Oh yes, those Christians cursed the heathens for being soulless, but when it came to torture they were rather creative themselves. 
In all honesty, Ivar could live with that thought; of being tortured to death, as long as it was an eye for an eye. Avenging Piglet by destroying a Christian would earn him a place at the table in Valhalla. 
But it seemed wrong for Piglet to suffer the same punishment. Whether he liked it or not, their fates had intertwined from the moment he woke up in the shed. And that must mean something. Ivar could only hope that all of their suffering was for a greater good, a better purpose than to be exploited by the Christians. And so he prayed to Odin, the All-Father for strength and willpower, to endure just a little bit longer until the perfect opportunity would reveal itself. So he’d be able to burn this entire place down, with every last master burning within it.
The next morning, Piglet wasn’t able to meet his eyes. Although she had nothing to be ashamed of, she did her absolute best to avoid him. Without a word, she fled the shed with the cattle and didn’t meet with Ivar until late in the afternoon, where both were forced to work in the kitchen. 
Ivar remained silent too, observing how Piglet just sat next to him. Her features dominated by a profound form of sadness, fatigue engraved in her worn down face. Her hands trembled but managed to work their way through countless potatoes and onions. 
Once back at the shed, she brought him fresh water and a dish that involved actual meat. But Ivar didn’t manage to get a bite down his throat and placed the bowl away, heading towards his trough in order to freshen up. 
Ivar was scrubbing the filth from his upper legs and lower waist when something cluttered onto the floor. Craning his neck over his shoulder, he was just in time to notice how Piglet’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body collapsed onto the floor, next to the full bowl she’d dropped. 
Her limbs started to spasm and soon her entire body was convulsing. Her hands twitched over the makeshift line and Ivar sprung into action.
He drew her into his box and vividly remembered how the Giant smacked her until she came back to her senses. But it seemed cruel to hit an unconscious woman, especially one that still wore the bruise of a golden ring on her cheek from the previous night. Instead of beating the seizure out of her, Ivar frantically shook her shoulders and tried to keep her arms and legs from hitting the wooden panels. 
Slowly, the whites of her eyes shifted back and she blinked a few times. With a vacant stare, she tried to catch up with her whereabouts; down onto the floor, on the other side of the line, with Ivar naked, towering over her. 
Betrayal manifested after the third blink and with feeble fists, she hit his bare chest. Ivar wasn’t aware of her presumptions until she started crying again and snapped her teeth at him. 
“No, Piglet I’m not-” but before he could finish his sentence, she managed to sink her teeth into his lower arm and bit through. 
Ivar skillfully smothered the reflex to slap her, yet grabbed her neck in an attempt to stop her from biting him. But Piglet was now a dog with a bone, quite literally and would not stop her teeth from sinking deeper into Ivar’s skin, to the point of drawing blood. 
“Piglet stop!” Ivar growled at her as the stinging sensation turned to a burning row of shards penetrating his flesh. 
“Maksura,” he shouted in defeat, allowing his most embarrassing default to be on display. He’d heard her use that word before, she’d been speaking about his broken legs. 
“Maksura, damn it Piglet, my prick doesn’t work, stop biting me!” he confessed pointing at his worthless member.
His words had some effect on Piglet, at least enough to make her stop biting a chunk out of his arm. Her jaw relaxed, Ivar let go of her neck and she quickly shuffled backwards until she sat on the safe side of the line.
“Maksura?” She questioned breathless, gesturing to Ivar’s crotch. 
A part of him shattered and laid in a thousand tiny pieces in the middle of the hay covered floor when he nodded. 
“Yes, maksura, I’m broken,” Ivar whispered with a faint voice and fought the warmth that spread to his cheeks, “I can’t hurt you, not like that.” A sweltering heat wave bloomed and burned his face brightly red. He drew his gaze down and squeezed his eyes shut, for he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his sniveling in. 
He overheard her scatter back on her feet and retreat to her box. His eyes were stinging and there was a lump in his throat the size of a fortress, one he could not swallow away.  
Dejection met him like an old friend; remembering all the other shared events that stayed with him as he rapidly put his clothes back on. 
Completely empty, Ivar retreated to the farthest side of his box, away from Piglet, for she now knew his most painful secret. That he could not get it up, that he was incapable of fucking a woman. 
Solemnly, he licked the blood from his wrist and counted sixteen perfect teeth marks. She got him good, had been able to get underneath his skin in a variety of ways. 
A/N: This too was a very important chapter, one that revealed secrets and fears. The title speaks for itself and goes two ways; one for the young man who wronged Piglet. And two, for Ivar who perceives himself as un-human due to his inabilities. I hope I was able to write this chapter well enough, I wanted to be ‘blunt’ and ‘in your face’ of how the lives of slaves are. No sugarcoating, no soft edges, this is what men can do to others, simply because they do see them as human beings. 
I also think this chapter changes the dynamic between Piglet and Ivar, because she now knows he isn’t able to hurt her like that, which makes him different to other men. 
This chapter means a lot to me, if you can please let me know what you think.
Xoxoxo Nukyster  
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
President Trump is one of the only presidents in modern memory who has kept his tax returns private, and attempts to force their release have sparked a mountain of litigation, reaching all the way to the Supreme Court.
But the Supreme Court’s verdict on whether Trump’s banks and accounting firm can be required to release his personal financial records is a bit of a mixed bag.
On the one hand, the court delivered Trump a major defeat, dismissing his most expansive claims to presidential immunity. Trump has argued that while in the White House, he can’t be criminally investigated. But the court ruled in a 7-2 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts that New York prosecutors do have the authority to subpoena his business records, sending the case back to the lower court.
But in the second ruling on Trump’s tax returns — which was also a 7-2 decision written by Roberts — which involved three House committees’ subpoenas for his records, the court essentially punted. The justices emphasized the House does have the authority to issue subpoenas related to oversight of the executive branch, but they said lower court judges didn’t properly weigh the separation of powers issues inherent in the requests — suggesting that Congress’s power to investigate the president is not unlimited. The ruling also sent that case back to the lower courts for further consideration.
That means Trump’s much-sought-after tax returns will almost certainly remain under wraps until after the election in November.
In essence, neither side quite got what it wanted, which is why untangling the legal and practical implications of the two rulings is important. In both sets of cases, Trump’s lawyers made extraordinarily far-reaching claims about what it means to be commander in chief. And those arguments did not find an especially receptive audience with most of the justices — including Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, who Trump appointed to the court. (Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were the two dissenting votes in both cases.)
In the case involving the New York prosecutor’s subpoena for his financial records, Trump’s legal team contended that the criminal legal process couldn’t touch him while he was president — a claim that the justices roundly rejected. “Two hundred years ago, a great jurist of our Court established that no citizen, not even the President, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding,” Roberts wrote in his opinion. “We reaffirm that principle today and hold that the President is neither absolutely immune from state criminal subpoenas seeking his private papers nor entitled to a heightened standard of need.”
Similarly, in the case involving Congress, Trump’s lawyers argued that the House couldn’t subpoena his financial records because they didn’t serve a legitimate legislative purpose. House Democrats had argued that the documents were necessary to shed light on possible foreign entanglements by Trump and money laundering by Trump and his family. Trump’s arguments didn’t get much traction here either, although the court also suggested that it was wary about the breadth of House Democrats’ subpoena. Bottom line: Congress emerged from the case with its authority to conduct executive branch oversight mostly intact, but in the short term, Trump got a big practical win, because it’s now virtually guaranteed that his tax returns will stay out of the public eye until after the election.
That’s because even though the court ruled that Trump’s arguments about sweeping presidential immunity don’t hold water, Roberts noted that Trump could still try to fight the subpoenas as an ordinary citizen, so the case could continue for some time. And even if the New York prosecutors get the documents in a relatively timely way, they’ll remain under wraps as the criminal investigation moves forward, which is almost guaranteed to keep them out of public view at least until after the election, if they’re ever made public at all. Meanwhile, the legal battle between Trump and House Democrats certainly won’t be resolved before November either as the cases are returning to the lower courts for more litigation.
And ultimately that’s a significant electoral victory for Trump, even if his claims to sweeping executive power were mostly dismissed. Because with four months until the election, the last thing Trump probably wanted was a news cycle devoted to the contents of his tax returns. But it is striking that seven Supreme Court justices, including Roberts, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, weren’t on Trump’s side when he claimed broad immunity from prosecution and investigation while in office.
Throughout his presidency, Trump has pushed an expansive view of presidential power that could reverberate long past his own time in the White House. Today, the Supreme Court didn’t buy it.
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