motherofqups · 2 years
Weights & Measures: Chapter 14
I Stand Here Waiting For You to Bang the Gong
CW: CW: Smoking, brief images of bondage, drug use, physical and sexual assault
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knight-engale · 10 months
list five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers
Of course! :D
This is super cheesy but, my friends! They're the reason I can survive being a cashier! For all its faults, I've made more friends in this fandom than in any other one and it feels amazing and I love them
Cool weather, which I'm HOPING we start seeing soon because I'm roasting (it's like 90+F right now, save me)
A very specific and slightly convoluted alternate timeline for my main blorbo Morgan. I've been thinking about it a lot recently and I want to ramble about it
Seeing art by my mutuals. It makes my day to see all the silly little guys in my phone 💙
Rin Penrose, especially now that she's out as ace
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aria-i-adagio · 4 months
Last Line Game
tagged by @atypicalacademic tagging @hoochieblues @motherofqups and @ankoku-jin
Evyn slept fitfully. He woke before Sindre, coming to gradually, aware first of the thumping of a heart beneath his ear and coarse hair under his cheek, then the heavy arm wrapped loosely around him. Sindre was as warm as ever. With the blanket over them, he was almost too warm.
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kidlightnings · 3 months
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twin elk at the masquerade // weights & measures (@motherofqups) fanwork
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bubbles-the-banshee · 9 months
Last Sentence Tag!
Thank you @bigtiddythanos for the tag. Hope you don't mind me posting this on my writing blog. My sentence is from Goddess Dead, so it just helps me keep track of stuff.
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything), and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
It���s the least I can do, and it’s less than they deserve.
No pressure tags: @morvantmortuary, @jmathesonandsiblings, @toribookworm22, @vissentasenadz, @eldritchcircus, @words-after-midnight, @chaospixiemagic, @buginateacup, @maximoffwxnda, @lorna-d-m, @motherofqups, and @scuttle-buttle
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
💦🌧💛 for Jinana!
💦crystal waters- do they have a signature spell or style of casting magic? did they learn it or were they born with it?
Jinana, like Heron and Asra, was born with a latent connection to a source of great magical power that manifested in childhood (hirs happens to be a connection to primal Chaos, where Heron is connected to the primal Order and Asra to the Arcana realm/The Magician). Fortunately, all of them managed to find a person or entity willing to train them, because an untrained sorcerer risks injury, insanity, and/or death if they lack an internal framework to channel the power safely when it fully manifests (usually at puberty).
Hir 'signature' move is to ride the tides of chaos, so to speak, opening the floodgates on hir power and pouring it into a single spell. It can dramatically increase the power of the spell s/he is attempting to cast, or even allow hir to cast spells s/he normally cannot. It also has highly unpredictable side-effects, some of which can be permanent (at least until a Remove Curse spell is cast) or even potentially deadly.
🌧eucalyptus rain- how do they like to spend a rainy day?
Answered here, but here's a bonus:
Anjali hates a rainy day, and will happily spend it curled up around Julian's feet (she's far too large to get in his lap, though she does try) or sprawled in front of the fire, warming her spotty belly.
💛honeysuckle- do they like pet names / nicknames? do they call their LI(s) by any specific names or are they called any specific names?
I've talked about this a bit before, but honestly Weird Food Nicknames are kind of the best as far as Jinana is concerned. But s/he does have certain terms of endearment s/he uses with specific partners:
Asra: calls hir ya albi (my heart), s/he calls him jaanu (my life/heart).
Julian: calls hir darling, my dear or dearest, s/he returns this. When s/he is actively dominating him, s/he may additionally call him sweetling or sweetheart... and it is the only time s/he calls him Ilya.
Nadia: is not much for pet names, actually, though will occasionally call hir my very dear or sanam (lover/sweetheart). Later on, Jinana occasionally calls her Diya, meaning light or gift.
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mountain-man-cumeth · 4 years
Firstly - I would die for Kara Secondly - I about lost it in the last page of your tent fade to black comic - Kara with his legs kicked up while going downtown I thought I was the only dumb bitch in the world who did that!!!
where else are they suppose to go?!
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Iris: happy birthday, darling Alec! A little song for your special day: 💐
“Oh my god, thank you, Iris!” Alec grins widely, her cheeks warm as she listens to the song. “I love it—it means a lot to me that you thought of me with this!”
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apprenticeofcups · 4 years
Malak what’s your favorite thing about Julian?And who is your favorite of his friends??
Everything! He’s the cleverest, and funniest, and goodest - uh - best! Doctor, and he gives the best neck-scritches. The Countess - pretty lady - is best! Her nails are long - good for neck-scritches! - M
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vesuviannights · 5 years
No words, just Björk noises
(I’m using it as a fic title whether it was intended to be or not sorry I don’t make the rules)
Julian/MC. Dinner at the palace with Asra, Nadia, Portia. 
MC excuses themselves to the bathroom, but after about ten minutes Julian becomes concerned and says that he might go check on them. 
As he stands, multiple things happen: he slams his knees on the underside of the table, he throws his hands out to steady himself and throws water all over Asra, and he makes what can only be described as dolphin noises. All because MC, after magicking their way under the table and into undoing Julian’s pants unnoticed, had chosen that exact moment to close their mouth around his cock.
Julian slowly lowers himself back into his seat, tears in his eyes, and can only stutter and choke when everyone asks if he’s alright as MC sucks him off under the table.
Send me a fic title and I’ll give you a fic summary! ✨🖤
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drdevoraak · 4 years
moodboard: iris keshet
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For @motherofqups ~
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motherofqups · 10 months
The fatter the better 🍑
You get it!!!!
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queenofeden · 4 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!! 💖💖
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aria-i-adagio · 5 months
WIP Ask Meme
Bold of you to think I'm organized enough to have a WIP folder @hoochieblues.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I'm adapting these to brief descriptions. If there are any ongoing files in my GDrive I'll include the title/first line, but those are temp then everything moves to Scrivener.
Tagging: @atypicalacademic @motherofqups @niffty24, @ankoku-jin and @hollyand-writes
Here's what we have going on right now:
(In addition to the super fun work of writing my own bloody geometry textbook because the major publishers can't be bothered to do it decently/even vaguely in line with the current academic standards.)
Thrift Shop Vikings continues. It is cringe, it is dark, it is... hopefully actually decent. It has also grown from, "eh, think I can make the Nanowrimo draft into a decent short novel" to "yeah... this is going to be three genre length novels." I want to say I'm 80% of the way to beta-reader ready draft of Act 1, but I'm scared of jinxing myself. (That said, if anyone is interested in not quite Game of Thrones level dark fantasy, with yours truly treating crack [omegaverse] seriously, HMU. This is... not for everyone, and much darker than the fic I've written.)
Once Sindre had recovered enough to not feel that he needed to sleep until the end of days and the final battle, he began waking with the sun. Misery barely described... There's an idiom: as useless as nipples on a man
Where the Elfroot Grows is not dead. It is just percolating. In fact, recently Jeanne has been very loud about being the POV character for the arrival back at Skyhold. Also, the fish out of water appeal of forcing Rhys though Halamshiral is just too damn much. Also, I feel entirely empowered to make up my own canon now.
Jeanne became one of Rhys's primary minders Scene: Getting Hawke moving Rhys wakes to a kiss pressed to the back of his neck Adrian's arm remains extended R&D Ocean
On that note, I'm not really filing the serial numbers off WTEG per se, because I think I've backed far enough up to basic fantasy tropes. Or maybe I'm filing the serial numbers off, IDK and IDC. Either way, I'm at the world-building, occasional scene writing, creating lore, boning up on history and anarchist theory stage of taking the elements I particularly like and running with them, while paying more attention to consistent characterization and general coherence in terms of theory and theology. Currently has more of a steampunk vibe, as I can't quite pull off the level of 'sweeping social change more than mage rebellion' with a thoroughly medieval world-build. I would get into my Xnity, but to the left, meanderings here, but it would turn into a thesis. Anyway, both this and Thrift Shop Vikings are engaged with the idea that anyone who believes god is on their side is as dangerous as hell, just in very different directions.
And @hollyand-writes I really do have enough of an outline for Gatsby meets Kirkwall to get somewhere with it. Just maybe not until the school year is over. Every time I drive past the road named for the local moonshiners I'm reminded/start thinking on it.
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kidlightnings · 4 months
a dream is a conversation
kyros + nadia | 1969 words | gen
“I have known you a long time, have I not?” she asks. He feels a shiver, something cold and faraway still somehow in his skin. “Is this your dream, or mine?” she asks. “A dream…is a conversation. It is a story we are both telling.”
ky and nadia leave a room together
a crossover with weights & measures by @motherofqups, a w&m fanfiction, as it were - directly connects to moc's worldstate and contains heavy references to the apprentice multiverse
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asrasotherbottom · 5 years
Reading for a reading! Are you feeling spoopy, tough, or soft today?
aw thank you
Two of Pentacles: Reversed
Its easy to feel overwhelmed by things in life. To get out from under that, work on identifying places in your life that are out of balance and bring them back in line. 
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