#mourning a fictional character hair style
keyleth-clay · 3 months
I'm really curious about your Kryn dynasty hair headcanons 💜💜
Okay so like, full disclosure, the vast majority of this comes from the brilliant minds of @quinn-of-aebradore and her fic What is left behind, and hanap (who I don't think is on tumblr?) and their fic Unbinding. Bullet points for simplicity's sake:
The only headcanon on this list that isn't directly inspired by a fanfic lol. Elves in fantasy media are so frequently portrayed with long, flowing hair - just take your pick of any elven character from Lord of the Rings, for example. As such, whenever elves show up in any other fictional media, I always just assume that they have the same long, elegant hair (unless described otherwise). At some indeterminate point in the past, I ended up learning how the Han Chinese had (at least for a very long time, if not in present day) traditionally stopped cutting their hair once they reached adulthood - @ziseviolet has a great post about that over here - and the two points of information neatly dovetailed into a headcanon for the Kryn Dynasty.
With one slight alteration, that is - in addition to new souls and unconsecuted souls no longer cutting their hair upon reaching adulthood, consecuted souls would stop cutting their hair once the returning soul becomes apparent and anamnesis is completed, as a signifier of the once-adult soul returning to the world. The long, uncut hair represents the long life they've lived, and the even longer succession of experiences of the soul.
Building off of the idea that not cutting your hair would leave it fairly unwieldy in the day-to-day, and the incredibly detailed elven-inspired braid hairstyles you can find all over social media (especially Pinterest), the idea of braids being the main traditional hairstyle(s) of the Kryn Dynasty sprung up. This would predominantly apply to the Drow of the Dynasty, along with any other consecuted souls who ended up in non-Drow bodies, with more freedom of hairstyle choice being afforded to non-consecuted citizens.
Inspired by What is left behind: the idea of different styles of braids being worn for different occasions. Like, there's a difference between their everyday braids, their standard ceremonial braids, braids for weddings, braids for funerals, etc. I am also totally in love with the idea of having ribbons or other similar materials woven into the braids, and especially with the Den colours that @quinn-of-aebradore came up with (Den Thelyss teal and silver, my beloved 💙🤍). Wearing the wrong style of braid to the wrong occasion would be a major social faux pas, and the correct colours and the right amounts of each colour are also important, though perhaps slightly less so than the braids style itself.
Also inspired by What is left behind: the idea of a mourning braid, which must be worn for a certain amount of time. Quinn made the period of mourning be a week in their fic, but I could easily see some people choosing to wear theirs longer, especially if the deceased was someone they were particularly close to, or if they were an unconsecuted soul, and as such the mourner would not be able to reunite with them.
Last one from What is left behind: building off of the Den colours woven into the braid, ceremonial braids will also use specific combinations of the Den's colours to mark the relationship the wearer has with the person the ceremony is for. For example, in the fic, Verin wears a mourning braid with "one silver, two teal, marking the deceased as his sibling." Deirta wears one silver and one teal, for her child. Further extrapolation should be pretty simple from there.
Inspired by Unbinding: the number of braids. I adore the idea of an additional braid being added for each major accomplishment and milestone of a person's life, because it already merges so well with the spiritual ideas of the unbroken strand of hair representing the long life and rebirth of the soul, and the cultural/societal significance to the style of braids and the colours woven into them. Now, the hair becomes a status symbol - the more braids, the more intricate the patterns and more impressive the person looks, as a direct reflection of what they've accomplished in their lives. The Umavi's , for example, would have incredibly complicated patterns of braids, while lower-ranked members of the Dens would probably only have one to three braids.
Inspired by Unbinding - and by "inspired", I mean that's straight up what happens in the fic: Essek cutting his hair off. That's a big deal, and by that I mean an enormous social taboo to the point of scandal. Hair signifies the Den, the soul's accomplishments, the journey of the soul through many lives as guided by the Luxon. Cutting that off could easily represent cutting the life short (which isn't totally inaccurate in this case, given that Essek isn't consecuted), could represent spurning the Den (again, not necessarily inaccurate in Essek's case), so on and so forth.
That being said, I think it's quite thematically appropriate for the Shadowhand (which according to Matt Mercer, is "those who focus on the dark mysteries of Exandria for the Bright Queen") to keep his hair cut short - it prevents people from learning too much about him at a glance, without Den colours or length or number of braids to tell them what he's done or who he's associated with. That being said, I don't imagine Essek cut his hair with any of that in mind - instead, it was one of the few, small ways that he could quietly rebel against a culture that he never fully believed in.
With all of that, I genuinely cannot picture Essek with longer hair. That's not a knock to Matt's depiction of him - he's his character, after all. And that's not a knock to the fanartists, either. My brain just refuses to make the mental connection of "Drow with shoulder length hair = Essek Thelyss". But, of course, none of this is canon anyways and I just like playing in this sandbox.
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furballfaggot · 10 months
just had a dream where there was a homebrew 3ds game (although it played exactly like a regular ds game) called Julie's Jewelbox that was deliberately made as a "creepy" game but without the tropes like "ooooh its hAUUUnteeeddd!!!!" or "jumpscare Here jumpscare There put another one in the Corner lots of Blood etc etc" and was the focus of many a horror-gaming youtuber at the time
there were segments where you had to watch a video on the top screen and then answer 4 mostly-related questions as you went along on the bottom screen, you had a pet you couldnt actually take care of (no button on the menu) but i think also couldnt die so they just deteriorated as you played, gamemodes and minigames that were entirely unfinished ("This feature is not implemented yet!") and just displayed broken models and sprites or fucked up backgrounds and shit, there were a lot of cameos from famous youtubers in the videos (first two i can remember are matpat and tom cardy) for like Zero Reason, and the music was all intentionally made to be just Stereotypically Creepy enough to be off-putting
the videos themselves were reminiscent of things like This House Has People In It, and they were done in the styles of the cameos. tom cardy got a music video, matpat specifically got a game theory live bit for some reason, etc. etc. and most of them involved the characters they played (fictional versions of themselves) just. quietly dying by the end. no fanfare, no jumpscare, no mourning. just dead! you couldnt return to the videos afterwards, would just claim that the feature wasnt implemented yet, and those characters wouldnt appear in any other videos
the pet i mentioned 3 decades ago would always be on the top screen in the menu, which youd be booted back to every time you finished something, and they would have an animation where they turn to look at you from the side of the screen where youd see their devolving condition in detail before it hard cut to them just sitting on the top screen doing some idle animations -- though notably they still looked like ass
all the ui and menus were pink. it was made to resemble a stereotypical "girls game" through and through. julie herself was a woman with brown hair in a ponytail with a purple shirt on. which is strikingly similar to my fashion sense around the time the look and vibes of the game as advertised in a world where it was a normal ds game would have sold me on it actually. funny how that works! anyways julie was barely present in the game itself but she sure as hell had voice lines and these voice lines would pop in at various points to comment on things
i remember 2 distinct moments that, of all things, the in-game keyboards were fucked. you couldnt type with the 3ds keyboard so you had to use the in-game ones, but one of them had the strangest letter inputs and the other had the strangest way of ordering the letters. ill doodle em when ive got time but i assure you it was not fun
when i woke up i was convinced it was real for like a solid 30 seconds. it is not
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mytvjunk · 3 years
YR fandom vs Omar & Edvins hair
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I understand that some of you are in mourning due to Edvins new haircut, but it's really not that deep. But since some of you are really imploding, let's take a small but deep look at the fandoms relationship with Omar and Edvins hair these past few months. First of all, I really like Edvins new haircut...he looks handsome and dapper. And this haircut is perhaps a small metamorphic change thats happening with Wilhelms character in the upcoming season. He lightly touched on it during a live convo with fellow YR Co star Felicia where he detailed "now i don't have to stand... like this..." and made a gesture of brushing his hair away from his face twice and then stopped himself from going further and said:
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You also shouldn't be shocked that he dyed his hair back to brown, because as you know, Wilhelms hair is dark brown on the show. And I fully comprehend that a lot of us have adapted a strong emotional connection with Omar & Edvins hair, which is so closely associated with their fictional characters, but there's no need to attack Edvin for this new hairdo & write harshly judgmental posts about it simply because some of you can't handle change.
But unfortunately not only is this behavior not new, it has slowly started to build its own online history...For example, when fans started to notice how long and how much lighter Edvins hair had become shortly after the premiere of the series, there wasn't a full online outcry, but people still had somthing to say about it and he felt compelled to answer them:
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I'm randomly digging into this nonsensical situation because I partially find it amusing that somehow their hairstyles are becoming a reoccurring issue within (some) of the fandom. I honestly first notice it happening when Omar cut his curls several months ago:
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Not only were some fans quite negative towards Omar for his decision to cut his hair, some went as far as to leaving nasty comments on his hairdressers IG business profile, attacking her as if she had committed a crime, when she was just paid to do a job. The rude comments flooded her profile once again (several weeks after) when she teased that Omar was shortening his hair again, when in fact it was only a simple trim job she was hired to do.
I think it's also important to highlight when Omar got cornrows this past summer. Many immediately accused him of appropriating black culture, he listened to the reasonings and the next morning he posted a video of himself confirming that he had removed the cornrows, alongside a Twitter note praising African culture. I don't believe he meant to do wrong, but it's clear he didn't know or fully understand the history of cornrows and how it correlates with African culture, so it makes sense why he was called out by the masses. And granted there is a much deeper and more important conversation that should be had about the appropriation of hair styles and appropriating any cultures aesthetics, but I'm not diving into that in this post, as it's a much more complex discussion that deserves it's own concentrated post.
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- And this is not to say that every comment has been negative whenever they do somthing different with their hair, because there is alot of praise out there, but I think people need to learn to separate the real person from the character they are playing. And I know that most of the outcry comes from love because listen, I understand the magic their hair possesses and the emotional hold it can have on you, but Omar and Edvin are more than just their hair and they are more than just Simon & Wilhelm. So I write this in hopes that some of you go easy on them whenever they get a new haircut or dye job. It's honestly not that big of a deal. And if you look into Omar's past history, he's had every possible hairstyle you can think of. I'm sure his old fans from his FO&O days are not really phased by these changes anymore. And Edvin is rocking a cut that's very reminiscent of one he had as a kid.
Anyways, enough of this nonsense for now
Stay golden, friends best ❤
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smalltownfae · 3 years
Top five problematic tropes from your favorite authors you'd want shot ala Old Yeller-style?
I don't know the name of many tropes so I will just describe what is common to happen and that I dislike. I am fine with most things and the problematic aspects depend more of the way something is presented than that element in itself.
1 - Paedophiles presented in a good light. This goes for Robin Hobb and her male adult characters that end up with minors way younger than they are. This is especially true for the character named Reyn, but Hobb uses this so much. Liveship Traders and Rain Wild Chronicles are the worst offenders. I also think "Fledgling" by Octavia E. Butler is going the same way, but I haven't finished yet. The excuse given is that this vampire that has the body of a 10 year old is actually 50 something so it's alright if full grown adults have sex with her (no, it's not. Not for me and I wish I didn't make movies in my head while reading). Honestly Butler has problematic content in her other works but so far it has always been well addressed so this one so far is really disappointing. "Daughter of the Forest" by Marillier also has a minor/adult relationship and so does "Fire and Hemlock" by Diana Wynne Jones. It's way too common especially in fantasy and I am begging authors to stop this bullshit.
2 - Consent is not sexy. Another Hobb one, but I like to think she got a little better at it given the character of Alise. A lot of female characters seem to not like men that actually care about consent. Althea is the main one that comes to mind for her reaction to Grag being careful compared to Brashen and their awful first time together that she apparently liked and it was so messed up. But, besides female characters there is also the shady situation of how Sedric's relationship with Carson started. Sedric did say yes, but I am not sure that counts as consent given that he had just attempted suicide and was in a vulnerable state, you know? The Xenogenesis trilogy by Butler also has a lot of consent issues but given the alien perspective and that the humans keep addressing the issue I don't find it as problematic there.
3 - No women left single/Everyone must pair up until the end of their lives. Hobb has this issue once again. Let women be single! Sometimes it doesn’t make sense for them to end up with the ones they end up with. This is especially bothersome and obvious in the Rain Wild Chronicles. There is also the fact that Fitz never seems to move on from Molly, ignoring the message of wiser characters like Kettle. The first love is forever is a really tiresome trope in fiction given how unrealistic it is in real life. Juliet Marillier absolutely has this problem too, but she writes romance and I think it happens even more often in those books. It’s not enough that the main characters have to end up with a man, their sister also needs to have some. Both often use the same love interest forever and ever and if something happens that separates them, they mourn their loss until the end of their lives and never fall in love again (unless first love interest was evil then it’s ok to be together with someone else).
4 - Queer/Queer-coded characters are evil. Look, I like a well dressed gay villain, but it’s a problematic trope. Why must the good guys be identified by wearing potato sacks? Hobb often makes her well-dressed characters evil and they are often queer-coded at least (Regal, Illistore, Dwalia, Hest, Kennit...). There are a few exceptions, but often if it’s noted that someone wears perfume and spends time caring about their clothes and hair they will turn out to be evil or at least not very nice at first (Malta, Sedric). This can include Terez from First Law because even if everyone in that world is pretty shitty, Terez often gets the worst end of the stick because not enough time was given for readers to understand her and she is just see as the men-hating lesbian. Meanwhile, the fans are still worshipping a mass murderer and a torturer. Then there are also people thinking Leo is the worst ever for what he did (even if that is on the fandom, but it’s still bothersome that 2 of the most hated characters in the fandom are gay). I can also include that one character from “Parable of the Talents” by Octavia E. Butler, even if he isn’t the main evil.
5 - Men and women can’t be just friends. If there is a deep friendship between opposite sexes it will more often than not lead to romance. I am not saying this doesn’t happen, but it doesn’t happen as often as fiction makes us think. I always had male friends. This makes me appreciate Rin and Kitay’s relationship in the Poppy War so much more because authors often refuse to let men and women be just friends. On the other hand, characters of the same sex can’t be in love. Are you joking? They have this deep bond because it’s the extreme power of friendship and nothing else. Who cares if that relationship is the most developed? Who cares if they are the first in each others’ minds? There is a character of the opposite sex waiting for boring interactions. I really had enough with this shit. Authors either learn to make characters of the opposite sex interesting and have a great dynamic with the love interest or just stop trying to force a character to be heterosexual, especially when it doesn’t make any sense that they are still hung up on a character they seldom see in their lives.
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Not-so-long white elf hair?
Am I on again about Runaan’s hair? Yes, yes I am! *finger guns*
Runaan’s worked really hard on his appearance. He wants it to say everything he wishes and nothing he doesn’t. And his look does have a lot to say:
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But @hoothalcyon​ got me thinking about one particular bit of Runaan’s look that seems to only be visible here in this one image:
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Is this a short lock of hair? It could just be an artistic take on the fact that Runaan has a ridiculous amount of long white elf hair, which he does. Just oodles and armfuls of it, it’s everywhere, RIP the Ruthari household shower drain.
Or, it could be a fun detail with a specific bit of character development behind it. Hair cutting can be a highly symbolic act, especially for a character with distinct long hair.
It’s interesting that this apparently cut lock has been deliberately hidden beneath Runaan’s voluminous hairstyle, as if its visibility might expose some kind of secret or weakness.. but what? Is Runaan just Moonshadowing things again, or is there something he’s shy or even embarrassed about regarding his potentially missing hair?
Hair can be cut in mourning--see Amaya, who may have chopped her hair in mourning for Sarai, and the gay icon Achilles, who cut a lock of his hair in mourning over Patroclus.
It can also be cut for failure or defeat. A recent fictional example is the long-haired and undefeated Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones, whose people would cut their hair when they lost a battle--and he never had.
Hair is also given as a sign of deep affection, in curls and locks, and kept by friends and lovers as a remembrance token, especially when they must be apart. There are few gifts as intimate as literally giving a piece of yourself to another.
And then there’s the angsty possibility that Runaan didn’t cut it himself. Ethari might have taken it for a spell Runaan willingly agreed to, and that’s very soft and fluffy. But perhaps Avizandum had it taken, maybe as part of a blood promise that bound Runaan to his assassin leader duty or somesuch. Or Runaan had a close call when he got those scars on his chest, and he also lost a lock of hair during the same incident, for magic either primal or dark. We saw Rayla’s braid getting burned for magic, and it seems that much of dark magic has a primal magic inspiration, so I suppose it’s possible that a Moonshadow braid could be consumed during a Moon spell too.
If I were to take a guess--which I’m super gonna do--I’d guess Runaan’s hair was given as a gift. It’s got to be ridiculously hard to get up close behind an accomplished assassin long enough to cut his hair and then survive long enough to get back out of range!
Ethari makes gifts all the time. He is a crafter, a creator. He brings new things into the world. It’s easy for him to imagine and make things that didn’t exist before. Runaan is a taker, though. He doesn’t create, he destroys. And he’s super focused on that, so he probably doesn’t have a lot of soft hobbies in which he makes stuff. Alas.
But you know what he does have? His beautiful long hair. It’s unique to him. No one else has that hair. Runaan likes to give his husband things, he likes to speak Ethari’s love language to him. But perhaps early in their relationship (how fast does elf hair grow, anyway?) he impulsively sliced off a lock and handed it over so Ethari could remember him while he was away on a mission. Or perhaps it was part of their wedding ritual to braid and cut a long lock of hair and then hold its ends and dance, Prince-of-Egypt style.
The more important Runaan’s hair is to him, the more significant it is if this is a chopped lock. Did he cut it recently, or has it grown out from being chopped much closer to his head? Did he give it out of affection, dedication? In apology, out of guilt? As a promise? Is it involved in a magic spell? Was it taken from him? Where is it now?
I’ll tell you where I want it to be. I want it to be braided and looped over a little mushroom light next to Ethari’s side of the bathroom mirror, where it catches all the prettiest light glimmers, and he can look at it anytime he wants to, and it never fails to make him smile, because he put that braid in Runaan’s hair, and when Runaan gave him that braided lock, it was the first time anyone had ever given Ethari swirlies.
Do I have a fic in which Runaan braids and cuts a lock of his own hair for a magic spell with Ethari? Yes, I do. Did I know about this apparent short lock in Runaan’s hair when I wrote it? Nope!
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ao3feed-larry · 3 years
Beyond The Doors
by EnoughLightHome
Louis’ life isn’t charmed, but it isn’t bad either. He’s a hardworking student, plays on the football team, and lives with his Gran, who’s raised him since he was a baby. He’s well-liked by his peers, even if he doesn’t have any “friends”, per se. It's an ordinary life.
Until his Gran is the victim of a botched robbery.
3 months shy of his 18th birthday, Louis suddenly finds himself mourning her death with his new guardian, Zayn, his estranged, addict, half-brother who he hasn't seen in 7 years.
Then one day, when cleaning out his Gran’s room, Louis makes a stunning discovery: an endless hallway filled with infinite doors into other realms. To escape his own harrowing reality, Louis begins to help the people beyond the doors, aiding them across time and space… until a curly-haired cook with a heart-stopping smile accidentally gets stuck in the wrong realm.
Determined to get Harry back home, Louis finds himself on a mission to fix the problems beyond the doors until he finds the one Harry came from, armed only with the Irish exchange student, his problematic half-brother, a suspiciously familiar-looking lad, and a mysterious brand of magic that seems to come from deep inside Louis’ own veins…
Words: 2758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Anne Cox, Ed Sheeran
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Time Travel, Multiverse, Alternate Universe - Magic, Folklore, Depression, Panic Attacks, Strangers to Lovers, Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Character Death, High School, Trauma, Happy Ending, Pining, Angst, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Slow Burn, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mental Health Issues, So much angst, Alternate Reality, so many feelings, A Little Bit Quantum Leap-ish, A Little Bit Doctor Who-ish, Violence, War, Guys When I Say So Much Angst I Seriously Mean It, Coming of Age, Healing, Recovery, Falling In Love, Forgiveness, Personal Growth, Loss of Innocence, Swearing
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/3fkuN7V
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quetzalcoatlzz · 4 years
The History behind the Fiction (aka doing tons of research for my don’t starve fancomic)
Howdy to all my friends and readers!!!! I’m real glad y'all are enjoying my Western AU! Ive got a lot of stories planned for this world and I hope yall will stick around for em all! 
I don’t know if you can tell....but I love the old west. It’s one of my special interests since i was a little kid!!! Naturally, since I love the old west- I like to go out of my way to learn as much as I can about it! 
Lord there’s a lot to learn though- Sorry if this post doesn't cover all my research- but if y'all have any questions please feel free to ask!! (Its gonna be a long infodump post- so be warned!)
First off Id like to talk about the characters and the setting!
I decided to set the story in the early to mid 1870s in Texas, in the fictional town of Constant. Also known as the Gilded age, post Civil War America was a period of rapid economic growth, expansion and innovation. It was also a time when many of the Old west’s most famous legends were active, and making a name for themselves! Think Red Cloud, Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, Calamity Jane, etc. 
Anyways, theres a lot of good material to draw inspiration from in this era, so thats what I did!!
Wilson is a newly graduated doctor- which i found fitting for him due to his love of science and scientific advancements. 
(here is my first sketch of him!!! and his outfit!!!) 
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Ready made clothing was common in this era, and since wilson is relatively short- he wears elastic sleeve garters to keep his sleeves the appropriate length!
I havent shown many of his tools in the comic yet- but I frequently reference this catalogue of medical equipment to inform the procedures!
I have a book of the history of costume that let me get a good sense of the different styles of dress between working class men and upper class men in the era, but I also frequently referenced this 1873 publication of the west-end gazette
Here are the images that I partially designed Wilson and Maxwells Costumes from
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Maxwell is a wealthy Rancher with lots of land , living just outside of the town of Constant. Beef was in VERY high demand, and Maxwell makes his fortune by managing Longhorns. 
Max went through a couple of iterations where I tried to incorporate his victorian skin hairstyle, but I found that it didn’t fit the era very well, based on hairstyles seen in photographs during the era. Plus, I feel that the heat of the southern united states would probably not fare well with poor old max. 
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His brother Jack lives in San Fransisco- and has made his fortunes through his shipping company- which primarily exports goods from California to New York City. He lives in a comfortable home with his wife and children- but ever since Abigail died, Wendy has been acting strangely. 
Wendy is one of my favorite characters to draw and write for, as well as one of the most fun characters to research for!!! She is in mourning, for her dear departed sister Abigail. her bonnet is based on those found in the M’me Demorest of winter 1860.  (no reason to have a new bonnet when your old one will suffice)
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I dress her plainly in the comic, and a bit behind the fashions of the times due to her associations with her family’s wealth and image, and the demise of Abigail. Her dress is shaped after those from the late 1860s-1870s. 
(I have lots of resources for women’s fashions during this era and way more- but I have found the delineator , M’me. Demorest’s Mirror of Fashions, and Godey’s Lady’s book to be some of the best resources for fashion and cultural references of the times!!!)
Usually mourning for a sibling is worn for 6 months, but Wendy definitely feels that her grief is enough to wear mourning forever.
Before she was in mourning though- she and Abigail would sport the latest in young ladies fashions!  Here they are sporting an Alice style hair ribbon, and a lovely dress found in the met’s fashion plate collection  as well as a lovely American casket
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Aside from fashion, I try my best to keep the set dressing accurate! and it’s not just about props, but about the actual architecture that the characters inhabit. 
The Carter ranch house is based on the floor plans that can be found in Hobbs’s Architecture  - (jump to page 196 to see the house i modeled the residence after specifically)
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The carriage too- can be found here in Brewster & Baldwin’s illustrated Catalogue !
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The interior of Mr. Carter’s Home is decorated in Gothic Revival style- as can be seen in the details on the banister, as well as the ornament found in the furniture in his study. Some elements, such as his easy chair, are based on regency furniture. I find it would be too unrealistic for a crotchety old man in the American west to be entirely on top of the latest interior decorations, and besides- why throw out a perfectly good chair? 
I designed his carpet myself based on english needlepoint rugs made during the gothic revival era, and as with Maxwell’s tea cups and the wallpaper in the hallway, decorated it with patterns based on the evil flowers of don’t starve. 
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The sconces,  doorknobs  curtains are also based on productions from the era, though I confess that I have lost a few of my sources. (I’ll try my best to find them though!!)
If anyone is interested in looking through my sources, here is my archive.org collection! I hope yall find this stuff as compelling as I do!!
Thank yall again for reading!!! I love u!!!
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
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Ten Years On [1]
Fandom: Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins Characters: Escanor, Merlin  Warning: Major character death, Angst Rating: T  Part: 1 of 3
My first entry of three for @escalin-week Escalin Weekend 2020. Part 2 and 3 will be published this weekend.
Ten years on, Liones is healed from the Second Holy War. The kingdom is thriving as it welcomes its new king and queen, the losses mourned but not forgotten, the people finding new hope and life in the peace that has settled over all of Britannia. Even Camelot, to the south, is rebuilding and renewing itself, Edinburgh now open and cleaned of death, the Fairy King’s Forest thriving with magic.
Escanor lives a very ordinary life, and for that he is glad. His days had never been ordinary: rather extraordinary, in fact, but he is a simple man who wants simple things and this new life, his third or fourth depending on one’s count, suits him just fine. He has an ordinary wife and an ordinary job and their ordinary home sits in an ordinary town. They are booksellers now, with their own store and everything, paid for by the pensions Meliodas had insisted to give to them for being Holy Knights one or two lifetimes ago.
It had been Merlin’s idea to buy a printing press, and now they publish writings as well. It was a way for her to push him to publish his poems, but she claimed it as selfish so she could put her own work into books. Soon they were well-known publishers of fine fiction and nonfiction, giving them an ordinary but comfortable life in their not-too-big not-too-small town where they raise their daughter.
This life is the easiest so far, his favorite, more so than prince or monster or bartender or knight. It is fitting, he assumes, considering this life was the most painful to create. He had stood on the battlefield, dying, giving his last words to Merlin. She was his sun and his moon, his stars, and he had to tell her, she had to know before he was gone from the world that she was loved. It was all he ever wanted, to love her, to look at her and see that she knew she was loved.
But Merlin had other ideas. It had pained him for quite a while to know she had given up Infinity to save him; after all, what is Merlin without magic? But she waves him away when he opines on the loss she must suffer to this day, telling him that she too always wanted ordinary. They gave up extraordinary together, on that day when she took the power of the gods and used it to sew muscle and skin and bone and breathe into his organs, making him whole.
Whole, and human. Both of them, completely ordinary humans.
They did what humans do: they married. Perhaps the day was just like any other, the ceremony the same, the dress and the cake and the hugs from their friends. Perhaps that night was the same, when they joined the way humans had done since the dawn of time. Perhaps their life is the same, mending socks and buying bread and arguing over whose turn it is to shut the windows. It is an ordinary life, but in its simplicity is something more, more than Escanor could have ever dreamed.
Perhaps there is nothing more ordinary than finding a baby in your arms nine months later. Escanor had cringed a bit at the bright orange hair and brown eyes, having hoped beyond hope that their child would be the image of Merlin; but she had been so pleased, and the moment the baby was laid in his arms he was shocked at the way it stirred something so wonderfully ordinary inside him as love. He had written his best-selling book that very night, hours upon hours of poetry describing the joys of the ordinary.
They had named her Avalon, and the three lived their lives in happiness. Fatherhood was a surprising talent of Escanor’s; he had retained some of the height and strength of the day yet the gentleness of the night, thanks to Merlin’s cleverness with magic. He was the perfect combination of both, a blend of prince and knight and friend. And like any other ordinary human, he thought that it would never end.
Human lives are fragile. Human lives are finite. Unlike the goddesses and demons and fairies and giants who enjoy years unimagined on the earth, whose powers work constantly by soaking up the energy of Briannia and healing all wounds great and small, humans work differently. Their strength is in their mortality, Merlin had told him once; for knowing it all could be gone makes them work harder, care more, invest all. Humans have inherited the earth because they are the only ones who could lose it. Escanor had chuckled at that, only partly understanding, because humans are mortal yet they win over the gods? It was extraordinary.
Today is not ordinary at all. It starts out the same: Escanor rises from the bed, alone, as Merlin often is up with the sun to write or check on an experiment or fill any orders before opening the shop. He washes his face and teeth before checking the kitchen, finding the bread he had left to warm on a little shelf over the hearth and the tea things laid out, his ritual every night so Merlin will have them waiting and ready in the morning.
He stares for a long time at the bread that has grown a bit crusty and the spoon that sits perfectly untouched next to the cup. He does not know how many minutes go by until he shakes himself, deciding to let the little tableau stay for now.
Escanor moves back into the bedroom, his feet quiet on the floor, and begins to dress. Usually he wears a pair of brown breeches and a comfortable linen shirt and a vest over all. Merlin teases him for his plain sense of style, but he reminds her if she wanted to be married to a man who could wear the latest fashions then she ought to have made him a bit shorter and less broad when she rebuilt his body. Of course, Merlin would not change an inch on him, so they leave the bold fashion choices to her.
Today is not ordinary. Today he wears black. Today he does not put on a vest, but a coat, and he does not fumble for the reading glasses he needs now that he is human. Today he must wear a hat.
The shop will not open today, so Escanor sits on his chair, looking out the window. He had spent many days and nights just like this with Avalon in his arms, ignoring Merlin’s warnings he would spoil the child if he did not let the baby sleep. But Escanor didn’t mind, thinking he would carry her forever if needed. 
Where is Avalon now? He frowns for a moment, but remembers she is with Elaine. Yes, Ban and Elaine have the girl, staying with them at the Boar Hat. Ban is the proprietor there now, and even though he would not ordinarily approve of a girl of ten staying at a tavern, it is for the best, for now.
He watches the morning slowly unfold, wondering why the world is so quiet today. Do they know? Perhaps it’s his hearing, and he thinks he ought to see the doctor to check. He is getting on in years, after all.
A knock on the door breaks him from his thoughts. To his surprise, the Grand Master steps inside, but then Escanor remembers. It is a huge honor to be escorted by the Great Holy Knight, and as Howzer’s face turns to him with a sad kindness, Escanor remembers many things.
“Sir Escanor. I am so very sorry.” He strides forward, surety looking well on him. Escanor stands quickly as Howzer takes his hand. “This is a loss unbearable.”
“It’s fine,” he answers.
“Are you ready to go?”
Escanor nods. He lets the knight lead him out, thinking that Howzer will want to take care of him. They ride in the carriage in silence, until it becomes too heavy and Howzer begins to talk of things he remembers, the war they had shared. He is speaking of Istar when they arrive.
“Thank you,” Escanor says.
Howzer nods. “The others are waiting.”
Afterwards, it’s not so bad. Escanor sits at a table in the Great Hall and looks at his teacup. It is not unlike the one back at the house, the one untouched. Only this one has a fine mist rising from inside, and he watches it swirl with some curiosity.
The chair next to him moves and he looks over to see Ban folding himself into it. “You all right?” he asks.
There is a bit of whisky on his breath. Escanor nods. “I suppose I ought to—”
“You ought to do nothing but sit right there,” Ban interrupts. “You don’t do a thing until you’re ready, you hear?”
Escanor nods. “Good,” Ban continues. “I was sent over here to see if you’re hungry, but of course that’s nonsense. So let’s just pretend we are talking to keep the others off our backs, all right? Otherwise you’ll have Elaine and Elizabeth and Diane on top of you, and that’s a punishment you don’t need right now.”
“Of course,” Escanor replies.
Ban nods. He pours himself some tea, and Escanor spies the flask he pulls from his coat. A generous portion goes into the cup before he tops off Escanor’s as well. “There we are. That will help the bite.”
“Thank you.”
Ban drains his cup, but Escanor’s remains untouched. “It’s difficult, isn’t it?” he asks. Escanor glances over as Ban stares downwards. “Being human again, I mean. You and I, we were supposed to live forever. Merlin too, even though whether she was human or not to begin with I never really understood, if I’m being honest.”
It is startling to hear her name, but even more startling is Ban’s honesty. “Yes, it’s strange,” he agrees, not sure what to say.
“Our choices have been made long ago, and I would not take my power back for an instant, because it saved Elaine.” He watches as Ban pours another cup of tea, spiking it again generously before taking a sip. “You must remember that, Escanor. I would never, ever take that power back, even though it made me human. I would give up that immortality a hundred times a hundred to save Elaine.”
The words are registering, but they feel too distant to understand. “I’ll remember,” he says.
“Good.” Ban looks at him now. “We’ll keep Avalon for a while. She and Lancelot get along well, and it’s good for her to be around people. Elaine needs something to do anyway, seeing how the boy can’t stand to be mothered anymore.” He tilts his head a bit. “That all right with you?”
“Yes, yes it’s fine. Good. Avalon… she needs to be around people.”
Ban nods. He pushes to his feet and pats him on the shoulder. “That should keep the vultures at bay a while longer. Sit and stare at your tea, and let Howzer take you home. I’ll send him in a half hour.”
Escanor nods again, thinking in thirty minutes’ time, he’ll need to go home. He’ll go home and retrieve the bread and wash the cup and sweep the kitchen floor in case there are crumbs. He’ll remove his coat and store it away again, and then review the manuscripts waiting on the desk that he has neglected the past week. He will have an ordinary evening at home. 
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
General Information Age: 36 Date of birth: May 17th Sign: Taurus Race: Orc Romantic status: Dedicated to Marie, Mina and Cam, available Social status: Commoner
Traits of Voice Accent: French Languages spoken: Orcish, Elvish, Dwarvish, Infernal, Common and Common Sign Language Style of speaking: Not overly formal, but more polite than not.
Physical Appearence Height: 7'3" or 221 cm Build: Fat. Big. Stocky. Muscled. Eye colour: Blue Skin colour: Green Shape of face: Ovular Distinguishing features: Wing tattoos on the back of her arm / shoulders. Scars. Beauty marks. Hair colour: Purple Hair style: Braids of various styles Posture: Hunches when necessary for conversation, prefers standing straight Piercings: Septum, three per ear
Personality Traits: I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups. I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find equitable solutions. Flaws: I have trouble trusting my allies. I am lost and adrift. I am unable to commit to a path or ambition. Education: Fantasy high school equivalent, lol. On the job training. Ideal: Glory. I must earn glory, for myself and my people. Personal goals: Happiness. Stability. General attitude: Positive. Wants to see the best in everyone. Religious values: Polytheism with a host of fictional Orcish deities. Hobbies: Singing and playing the lyre
Health Sleeping habits: Wakes early regardless of when she does to bed. Likes nine hours if she can get it. Energy level: High. Eating habits: High carbs. Healthy when possible. Three meals a day and snacks when the money is there. Memory: Strong.
History Birth country: Southern Rose Hometown: Realta Past places of residence: Veiligheid Family: Mother (Yevelda) is a seamstress. Father (Thokk) was a healer. Friends who are OCs: Grubash, Imsh, Zed, Tanner Friends belonging to friends: Lou, Desdemona, Lucille, Roxton Briefly explain life story: Mentored from ages nine to sixteen in Realta. Signed up for Wolf's Run guild age seventeen as coming of age with rivals. Worked as a squire until age twenty when helped enough ranking Wolf's Run guild members. Worked as a scout until age twenty-two when father died. Worked as a body guard until age twenty-seven when she discovered she was pregnant. Met Ga'el (DM came up with original name. I'm renaming them) Iberis at age twenty-five. Skeptics to lovers? (lmao) She realized Iberis wasn't being truthful / forthcoming about who they were from the country of Elanlune because they knew the country's queen on a first name basis. When she discovered her pregnancy, she left her home without telling them. She cut ties with her guild, and left on strained or disastrous terms. She returned home to her mother, expecting to give birth and start anew. Miscarried at seven months. Left for Veiligheid after three months of mourning. Met Lou sometime soon after. Worked with him in his church for some time, then went on a wild adventure (dnd campaign that never properly ended). Met Cam and Marie during adventure. Returned to their home town in northern Elanlune near the Southern Rose border. Expressed romantic interest that was returned. Eventually returned home to Southern Rose to visit friends and family, returned to find Cam and Marie had started flirting with Mina, and a new dynamic started being explored.
Combat Class: Ranger Style of fighting: dual-wield axes (preferred), bow Skills (dnd lvl 6): Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival
Template I messed with for this character profile: HERE.
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Requests for my 33 days of Halloween event are now open! The fics will be posted each day starting October 1st until November 2nd. After the event a Masterlist will be uploaded. The prompt list and easy requesting links are under the cut!
❤️ Memento Mori and Happy Haunting ❤️
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Requests are open until October 3rd at 11pm EST. Cick here to request any mix of the prompts below, any additional dark content/holiday specific content is more than welcome- just make sure to include a character/fandom I write for!
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Telling Scary Stories/Watching Scary Movies
Carving or painting Pumpkins
Corn/Hay Mazes/Apple picking
Decorating for Halloween
Walking through Haunted Houses/Going to Haunts
Decorating Sugar Skulls/Preparing for Dia de los Muertos
Holding a Séance/using tarot cards
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Demons (also Incubus/Succubus)
Frankenstein or his monster
The Mummy
The Headless Horseman (Dullahans)
The Fair Folk/Fae/Faeries
Cryptids (mothman/Bigfoot, etc.)
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The Holiday Special: This genre is family friendly and focus on the warm and cozy feeling associated with the holiday and bringing people together. It features found families, and wholesome couples.
The B-Movie: This genre embodies trashy fun! Like a frat/sorority party filled with drama, sex, booze, and a little Halloween or horror flavor. Blood, guts, missing limbs/heads, broken bones, and other over the top/cheesey effects feature in this genre.
Haunted House/Ghost Stories: There are many types of ghosts and hauntings, this genre has them all wrapped up in a nice little package house. This genre features ghosts that don’t know they’re dead, the people who can see them, and the spooky practice of covering mirrors.
Found Footage: A series of vignettes that tie together at the end. Can be scary or not scary- it’s just moments tied together by a person/thing.
Slashers: Sometimes people get stabby. Usually in a very creative way. Chainsaws, chase sequences, masked antagonists, and the occasional bout of people consumption in this genre.
Musical: Music is the foundation of this genre, if requested the fic will be based partially on a song, or include references to music. (You may request which song if you’d like.)
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Final Girl (person): The lone survivor in a horror movie, or the last person standing after the apocalypse, the ultimate badass.
Memento Mori: Reminders of the dead, or things long gone (relationships/places), can include personal items such a locks of hair/jewelry typical of Victorian mourning or things like memories that also haunt people and force them to recognize their own mortality.
The Void is Calling: This threat to the characters’s is much closer than they think…it might even be coming from inside the house. It can feature a phone call or texts from an unknown number or letters with no postmark/stamps.
The Sin Factor: Doing certain things (having sex, drinking, etc.) makes you less likely to survive the story.
Killing Boys: The leading lady is out for revenge, queer Bonnie and Clyde style.
I See Dead People: One of the characters can see ghosts, and cannot escape them.
Already Dead: A character is not aware they’re a ghost and must reach out in order to pass on. Or, a character knows they’re a ghost and refuses to pass on.
Black Pearl: The characters knew the treasure was cursed, yet they tried to find it anyway. Was it worth? Could it ever have? (Bonus: can include actual pirates.)
Falling to Pieces: Something is already rotting away, it might be the house, it might be a relationship, it might be the skeletons in the closet, or worse something under the floorboards.
Science Fiction double feature: Science can be just as scary as the stories we tell. Maybe it’s an experiment gone wrong, someone alone on a space ship, or a dark corner of an autopsy room- our characters must learn that just because they can doesn’t mean the should and sometimes dead is better.
Funky Physics: Whether it’s never ending hallways, looping rooms, doors to no-where, or a slightly wrong alternate dimension- our characters must try to navigate a changing landscape that they can’t predict.
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A Haunted House
The oldest Cemetery in town
A ghost town/ an abandoned building late at night
The Paris Catacombs
The middle of the woods
A particularly empty stretch of road after dark
A castle/manor in the middle of nowhere with minimal occupants
A masquerade ball/costume party
An alley between surprisingly deserted city streets.
Salem Massachusetts
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the-awkward-outlaw · 5 years
I love how Arthur can be anybody to us, like he can be; a brother, boyfriend, husband, friend and hell, even a father that we all lost. Imma go cry again.
I completely agree with you, anon. There are very few characters that I know of that have that sort of fluidity and I think that comes from the amazing writing and complexity that Rockstar put into him. The fact that you, as the player, gets to decide if he’s an honorable or dishonorable outlaw, how he dresses, how he styles his hair. Obviously his cannon story is very set and not much can be done to change that, but we can decide how he responds while getting there is something unique, not just in video games but in media. 
I love love love that he is something different to everyone. That my idea of who Arthur is and, hell, even my own relationship with him, is different from someone else’s idea and relationship is to him. 
As far as crying goes, I’m gonna tell you a little story and if you don’t wanna read it, that’s completely fine. It’s very personal to me but I’m not opposed to sharing it because I am still completely amazed at how much this game and even Arthur himself has helped me. 
So I am not a crier. Like before a year ago, it was almost impossible to make me cry and that was a result of some mental and psychological abuse I experienced as a kid and my way to cope with it was to dissociate from my feelings, particularly with things that made me upset. My sister used to say that any actor who could get me to cry deserved an Oscar on the spot just for that. 
Anyways, I got Red Dead for Christmas in 2018, blew through it and sobbed, sobbed, when I got to the ending. I even went a week between Arthur’s death and starting my second playthrough in a state of mourning. I remember sitting at my desk one of the days and all I had to do was think about Arthur and I was crying at my desk. When I started my second playthrough, I bawled upon seeing him. 
Anyways, about a month after I finished my first playthrough and sobbed (trust me I was thoroughly beating myself up for that), my cat of 13 years whom I raised from when I myself was 13, passed away very suddenly (I mean in a matter of days). That very nearly killed me because he was the only being there for me during some of my darkest days with dealing with my depression. There were days when I was a teen when he was literally the only thing keeping me alive because I was scared of what would happen to him if I wasn’t there anymore. 
Anyways, my state of mourning for him was severe and because of I’d dissociated from my emotions as a result of my past abuse, I did not allow myself to grieve properly. I swung back into depression and did some other things out of anger and pain (luckily nothing too bad). 
I had been playing Red Dead 2 like crazy because it was a great way for me to cope with the pain. Not too long after my cat’s passing, I remember I had to leave work early simply because I could not function. On the way home, I was trying so hard not to cry, to tell myself to grow the fuck up and be better (again, a result of my way of dealing with the abuse). I specifically remember hearing Arthur’s voice in my head telling me it was okay to miss my cat and to cry and to feel that pain and acknowledge it. I remember him telling me that my cat was up in fields of grass and wheat with sapphire streams and an endless amount of food and that he was happy and able to play all day. Arthur also told me that my cat still remembered me and he loved me and missed me (I’m on the verge of tears writing this!) and that I’d see him again. Arthur Morgan fucking told me that and he’s a fictional character! 
So long story short, anon, I love how unique all our relationships are with Arthur. Rockstar did a phenomenal job and it’s no wonder why most people agree that Arthur Morgan is their best protagonist ever created and in my mind, he is the greatest protagonist I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. 
Wow, this got emotional real quick. Anon, I think I’m going to join you and we can cry together. 
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thegravecartel · 4 years
Character Interview (Repost Not Reblog)
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NAME:  Kyung Hee Jee
AGE:  24
FAMILY:  Feng Ippuki (Adoptive Grandfather), Shinju Ippuki (Adoptive Mother), Tamara Marquis (Godmother), Lee Nickel Woolf (Adoptive Older Sibling), Luka Woolf (Adoptive Father).  Kyung also tends to be very inclined to seeing her close friends/allies/friends of her family as family in general, and addresses them as such if they allow it.  She also used to be a foster child to an American family, and throughout her childhood, was allowed to take trips to visit them even after being adopted into the Ippuki/Woolf family.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:  Since she is a multi-shippable muse on this blog, it depends on what continuity/AU/Crossover we’re going off of.
Kyung x Harpreet [@made-out-of-magic] [Mainverse alt. TL] ship where she is happily married to a Tulpa that was manifested from Great Tiger [@the-great-tiger-of-mumbai] that has a very long history!  
Kyung x Steward [@thelastresidents] [Mainverse alt. TL] that doubles as a Crossover into the Luigi’s Mansion 3 universe where Kyung found herself as a spectral guest at The Last Resort, and after spending a good amount of time there, became coupled with the head bellhop, Steward.  There are also other ships that vary in development that have been RP’d on, and off-blog that are in the other AUs;
Kyung was paired with a fictional Ringo Starr [the blog has been deactivated] in the 1960′s AU 
She was paired with a Slig [Garfunkle the Slig] in the Oddworld AU where she isn’t a human, but a made-up species of alien(?).
There’s a good bit of development in a ship that takes place in the Ornaments!AU where Kyung, as a gnome in this verse, gets an attachment to a maid doll, Beth [@flowermist7432​].
RELIGIOUS BELIEF:  Polytheist, most likely.  She doesn’t really associate herself with any religion, but fully acknowledges the existence of deities in her world because she’s literally died, rejected ascending into the Heavens/Cosmos, and cannon-ball’d into the inferno just so she could fight her way back to the Land of the Living.  Naturally, she’s going to be more open to the possibility of other religious figures existing in the universe.  Of course, she found herself becoming more curious about the deities in Voodoo, and Hinduism over time.
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  / lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath 
VIRTUES:  chastity  / charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience  /  justice 
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:  To make her family proud (she’s achieved that already, but always feels that she needs to continue pursuing it); and to help people who are stuck in horrible life-situations (primarily domestic violence/abuse, abandonment, severe grief/mourning, and human trafficking), and get them on-track to making a better life for themselves.
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  English (her first and primary language), Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese.
She’s a vigilante who targets predators, other serial killers who go after innocent people/”easy prey”, and the unredeemable malicious folk.  
She takes on “clean-up crew” jobs for the more crime-savvy side of her family for the right price/reward.
She’s technically a madam(pimp) in the Las Vegas Strip district, but that’s mainly because she has devoted her strip club, The Velvet Rose Cabaret, to being an undercover sanctuary for prostitutes on the run from their abusive pimps, and has since expanded her operation into wiping out said pimps when she finds them.
Even though she isn’t necessarily in a gang, or a gang leader, Kyung has strong ties to various gangs that consider her as one of their own.
She doesn’t exactly know if it’s just a false-memory, or if it was real, but she may have tried to cannibalize her former assistant and close friend’s murderer in a blind rage.
SAVVIES:  Martial Arts, mortuary science, taxidermy, gardening, cooking and baking, and herbalism are main points of interest for her.  However, Kyung is quite fond of certain video games (Don’t Starve, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Subnautica, Dead By Daylight, and Left 4 Dead), loves to sing, dance (belly-dancing, pole dancing, free-form), and enjoys doing gymnastics (even if her balance is a bit off sometimes).
BUILD:  scrawny  /  bony  /  slender  /  fit  /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average 
HEIGHT:  5′ 4″
SCARS / MARKS:  Kyung has two beauty marks on her face (one under her left eye, and one that’s constantly hidden under her hair on the corner of her right eye), and wears her scars proudly (unless she has to cover them up with makeup for special occasions/events).  Her scars are mostly stitches from when she’s been stabbed/cut, or where she’s been shot (two out of three of her deaths have been by getting shot).  Naturally, as a fighter, she typically nurses a few nasty bruises, and bloodied knuckles.
ABILITIES / POWERS:  Heightened levels of physical strength, flexibility, speed, durability, pain-tolerance, and stamina.  Fully trained in using firearms, blade-throwing, and is a master of various fighting styles.  As a ghost [LM3 universe], she maintains these abilities with the addition of having access to using her soul-bound scythe, and having the default abilities a ghost has.  On the off-chance her assistance is needed by her godmother, Kyung willingly allows herself to become a sort of magical conduit/vessel for Tamara to possess.
RESTRICTIONS:  She tends to take on more damage due to preferring to block certain attacks, instead of dodging.  Being a left-handed person, Kyung takes on a Southpaw fighting stance, which leaves her more open to attack from an opponent if she’s boxing.  Even as a High Functioning Autistic person, Kyung still has the occasional issues with timing her movements, short bursts of memory loss, and delayed reflexes. 
FOOD:  Kyung loves sweets, and various types of comfort food (spaghetti and meatballs, mac ‘n’ cheese, salmon, etc.).  While she prefers soups, stews, Asian and Western cuisine, Kyung tends to get very interested in different foods from other parts of the World.  This is especially the case if it looks good, and has certain ingredients that she knows that she loves.
DRINK:  She prefers coffee (generously sweetened), but loves tinkering around with floral/herbal teas, bubble tea, mocktails, milkshakes, and fruit juice.  If it’s sweet, she’ll very likely drink it, yet doesn’t care too much for sodas or energy drinks.
PIZZA TOPPING:  Pizza isn’t something she eats that often, but when she does, Kyung either gets extra cheese and black olives, or will branch out with less traditional toppings such as broccoli, carrots, sliced meatballs, and spinach.
COLOUR:  Red-Orange #ff3700
MUSIC GENRE:  No real preference for genre, and just loves a little bit of almost everything (for some reason, she’s not the biggest fan of Country, and it makes her sad that she can’t listen to it properly).
BOOK GENRE:  She reads a lot of anatomy and physiology books (especially the ones that are more “explicit”), hobbies/crafts, and various skin-leather bound books from her journey through Hell (she can’t really read them, but she likes the pictures).
MOVIE GENRE:  Horror, typically old ones with the exception of contemporary/modern flicks that catch her interest.  She also loves the more adult-comedies, and animated movies/cartoons that are for all ages.
SEASON:  Fall, and Spring.
CURSE WORD:  F-bombs for days, along with a lot of the S-word, and frequently uses the Christian lord’s name in vain out of habit.
SCENT(S):  Sugary sweet desserts (she especially loves vanilla), and sweet-floral (rose, sweetpea, passion flower, lily of the valley).
BOTTOM OR TOP:  Bottom bunk, unless the top bunk has safety railing.  Otherwise, she’s a versatile top depending on her partner.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER:  Surprisingly, no.
LIKES BAD PUNS:  Absolutely!  She finds puns hilarious in general, and probably laughs harder at them than necessary.
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mudaship39 · 5 years
Front and Back Cover of the Alpha Centurion War: Battle of The Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxy
A cyberpunk and science fiction comic book or graphic novel series by me as an author comic book writer & screenwriter as a writer and creator that takes place in from the 22nd century to the 60th century. In the front of the front cover are the two main characters Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith a Japanese Okinawan Colombian Polynesian Hawaiian and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika & Indigenous Colombian superhero who is a polyamorous genderfluid pansexual metamorph, changeling, & shapeshifter) and Mystic Mercenary (Laurissa Owen Maximilian Jones a female demigod superhero who was Kyrptonianized in a super soldier program who is a polyamorous bisexual) facing away from each other but holding each others hands. They are both wearing combat armor and piloting suits of power armor. There is a broken look in both of their eyes full of grief, anguish, agony, mourning, distress, pain, suffering, rage, anger, wrath, fury, wrath, hatred, sorrow, & torment. This is because of what they faced in the Alpha Centurion War in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way Galaxy at the hands of the Forces of Evil. The Forces of Evil is the supervillain organization and supervillain alliance as well as its leaders, generals, lieutenants, allies, & reinforcements that came to conquer the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse with their colonialism, imperialism, neocolonialism, & occupation. In the background of the back cover is the big bad the cosmic and celestial omniversal threat that is the Forces of Evil. In the front of the back cover is the Elites (a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire planet Earth) and the Paragons (a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Vega, Sol, & Polaris System). Both of them were founded by Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith with Joanna Jacobson-Smith one of the wives of Alexandria Macy Smith/Alexander Mack Smith who was the civilian asset, supporter, & liaison of the Elites and Paragons and Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones the Sentinels (a black ops and spec ops superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Andromeda Galaxy, Xeno Galaxy, & Milky Way Galaxy) supporter and liaison. In the background of the front cover is the supporting characters Dragoon Dragon or Wraithlike Wyvern (Chun Hei Kim a bisexual Buddhist Black American South Asian Korean lighter skinned brown skinned woman of color with ochre or terra cotta skin tone and dreadlocks hairstyle) wearing combat armor piloting a power armor suit, Blue Bionic or Crimson Cyborg (Amelia HImmat Mishra a bisexual Hindu Black British South Asian Indian darker skinned brown skinned woman of color with umber skin tone and braids hairstyle) wearing combat armor and piloting a power armor suit, & Scarlet Soldier (Maysa Nabila Uzun-Mishra a lesbian Muslim Black Egyptian Middle Eastern Iranian darker skinned brown skinned woman of color with sepia skin tone and twists hair style who is the wife of Amelia Himmat Mishra) wearing a pilot suit and piloting a mecha suit.
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nosferatyou · 5 years
I was tagged by @lazingonsunday and @shes-outta-sight to do one of the long tag, get to know them, type of things. Which I absolutely love by the way. I don’t talk about myself much.
What was the last thing you read?
Well I was editing the latest chapter of my fic of that counts? If not some random josh one shot a couple hours ago lol.
Favorite Movie?
Man it’s ever revolving. It was Django Unchained for a long ass time, but now I think it’s Baby Driver.
Favorite Book?
Misery by Stephen King. I read it years ago and I have a lot of good memories tied to it. Me and my friend became closer through his works and this was the first one I read. It’ll stay close in my heart.
Dream Date?
It’s one I’ve been on before but just Vinyl Shopping. It’s simple and easy but music in a relationship is important to me. I gotta make sure they have good picks. But there is something so soft about it all.
Do you have a crush?
Sadly no. But I’m fully in Joshes lane rn if that means anything?
What are your hobbies?
Oof okay. I mostly draw like all hours of the day. But I very actively keep up with guitar and bass. I write as well. I make videos for my friends. I collect old and beat up vinyls. Lot of art stuff
Favorite time of day?
Night time. Like from hours 10-3. That’s my true alone time and it’s something I cherish and look forward to everyday.
If you could look like anything, what would you like to look like?
I don’t wish to change anything about my body. I think I’d be silly to. But man I wish I could actually afford clothes I’d like to wear. Real bellbottoms you know? I want that vintage shit.
Are you romantic?
In a secure relationship yes. I show too much emotion too fast in the beginning. But boy oh boy when I get romantic. I get very touchy feely. Man date ideas. Lot of carefully curated playlists.
Favorite type of weather?
That time in like August/September when I can wear jeans and maybe a light jacket. But it’s still warm, you know?
What do you like talking about?
Music. I talk about it all day long. The foundation behind it. The artist. I could discuss guitars and instruments with people all damn day. I just. I love everything about it. But also GVF is my hyperfixation rn and my friend is ready to shoot my head off if I speak another word about Jakes guitar playing.
What are your turn ons?
Ngl I’m akin to a boy with long hair. It’s my vice. I’ve only dated long haired musicians. But I just want someone who radiates some kind of light you know? I’ve seen too much darkness. I want someone genuine and real. Is it too much to ask for a positive person?
What are your turn offs?
I’ve dealt with a lot in my past. Basically anything that’s negative. Ignorance mostly. I don’t want someone who refuses to learn. It’s stupid. I just want honesty and someone with an open mind. Anything else is a no go.
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
Okay so. I really want tattoos. I designed something about a year ago I want really badly but it’s so expensive. Thinking rationally. Right now I’d really like some line art of bust. Idk what tho.
Do you have any pets?
3! 2 dogs, Ruby and Nellie, both too six year old mutts. Nellie is the weirdest god damn dog I’ve ever had. And ruby is basically a fox dog. And then there is Friday my cat. He can be a bitch boy but he’s a sweet boy who’s just being a cat. (I also have ten plants but most people don’t consider them pets)
Dream Job?
I’m still searching for that. Recently my heads been floating towards playing live shows as a guitar or bass player. But I’m no where near the point of even considering. I’m pretty shitty. But how Cool would it be to play that violin bow with my guitar on stage?
Dream place to live?
Not considering any potential jobs. I just want to live in a big log cabin somewhere on the outskirts of a town. Out in the wilderness and free to just live.
Dream vacation?
I’ve never been to Europe. I’d love to just road trip around in a van honestly. But before that visit my great grandfather grave in Scotland. He was a kings hand and did a lot back in the day. I’d be cool to see. But then I’d fuck around in Europe.
Do you have any piercings?
I’ve got my nose and ears pierced. I’m pretty happy with that
If you had kids what would you name them?
Man I don’t even want to think about that.
What are your best traits?
I’m a great listener. I’m extremely compassionate. Will do anything to help friends. And I feel like my music taste isn’t half bad.
Worst traits?
The compassionate thing tends to bite me in the ass. I’ve got a lot of emotions. I also have 20 things I want to do all at once all the time. I loose sleep because of it. There is more but I’d go on too long.
Worst fear?
Weirdly enough any type of natural disaster. When I was way too young I watched “The Impossible” and then shortly after learned about techtonic plates and I never forgotten about it or where they are.
What do you want to eat right now?
Brownies. And a fucking burrito.
Best vacation you’ve been on?
I went on a road trip to Chicago recently and I just makes so many good memories. I saw ninja sex party’s 10th anniversary, which was fantastic. But I got to visit a friend all weekend. But my favorite part was the ride back. The whole time we just talked but also sang to old 50s songs and just had this moment of unity. I still think about it
Favorite City?
I haven’t been to too many places yet so I’m gonna go with my hometown, Nashville. If you look past all the tourists. It’s got a very rich musical history and in certain places you just feel it. I loved living there and it made me who I was.
Favorite social media platform?
Tumblr. It’s really the only one I ever check anymore. Plus I’ve made some great friends on here.
Favorite article of clothing?
My fucking bellbottoms. I wear them whenever I can. They give me so much confidence.
Do you play any sports?
Fuck no. I have no coordination whatsoever.
Favorite meal of the day?
Lunch. You have a lot more options. Plus I just like the vibe
What are you excited for?
Starting the tenth I have a lot of good things coming my way. In that week I get to finally end this semester, the new Harry styles album releases, I get a new bass, and I get to see fucking Greta Van Fleet. None of you know how excited I am for that. Pit tickets. Jesus it’ll be good.
Not excited for?
Finals. And an um.. upcoming funeral.
When was the last time you cried?
I honestly can’t remeber and that really scares me.
Dream house?
I basically answered this earlier but gimme that big ass log cabin.
Something you hate about this world?
Don’t get my started. I hate that everyone hates themselves all the time when they have no reason to. I hate that 8 people have most of the worlds money and are doing nothing to help global warming. I hate the man that’s in power and what he’s helped cause. I hate everyone who refuses to accept literally any fact. I hate that my future is bleak because of some old ass white men.
Something you love about this world?
I love the light that radiates off of certain people. I love that our generation has hope and that some people are actually trying to make change. I love the raw creativity I see in others and I love that we are bringing back the resurgence of peace and love.
What scents do you like?
Old records and books. Its the simple pleasures.
What kind of sleeper are you?
Typically heavy but sometimes I Sleep so little it feels like I got nothing at all.
Cat or dog person?
Don’t make me pick! I grew up with both, and very partial to both.
How long would you survive in a zombie Apocolypse?
I wish I could tell you. I’d like to think I’d live awhile but I would probably be the ones who look like they have hope and then accidentally get taken out.
Are you trusting?
I used to be. I realized recently how thick my walls really are.
What fictional character do you identify with?
Sorry to be boring but nothing is coming to mind. But then again I never felt akin to anyone really?
What labels do you commonly get?
In high school I was called “the quiet one” if that tells you anything.
What song would be your life anthem?
Sunshine on my shoulders by John Denver is the only one coming to mind. I think I just want the feeling it gives me to be what I feel all the time.
What issues are you dealing with right now?
Two friends in the last month Um. Took their own lives. One being an old friend. I’ve never dealt with death. My brain doesn’t know how to handle it. I also think I might have ADD. But. That’s the tip of the iceberg rn
How can someone win you over?
Typically I’m drawn to people who are the loudest in the room. I like that their confident and can speak their minds but what wins me over about them is when they really open up. When I learn about the real then rather than the face that they put on. Most of the time it goes that way.
What’s something people don’t know about you?
I’m making a short film with some friends who go to Columbia. Should be out soonish.
I tag
@pvre-mourning @peacelovekiszka @fretavangleet @aint-no-denying @sosozoso
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lethesomething · 5 years
DnD bookshop inspiration
I don't know about you, but I'm dm'ing a party full of Nerds and their characters are book hoarders, so I need to Provide, I guess.
You can always stock book shops with expensive scrolls, skill tomes and magic books, but that gets boring after a while. So have some ideas for a more fully stocked shop, that doesn't really require you to actually write all these damn books yourself.
For reference, these are for a world that has an (early) printed press.
Lore teasers
Heavily depends on the world, of course, but these books can provide characters with background information for the world they live in. The idea here is that you can't force your characters to care about the political climate, or to listen to the sage's soliloquy, but you can give them that option.
Think of things like a theoretical tract full of wild speculation on a continent far away that they may or may not visit, a first person account on some recent war whose wounds are still visible in the land and its people, or an in-depth study of a monster that the party has just encountered. The last one is fairly fast to make, since you can probably steal bits from the Monster Manual.
Boobs, beers and blackjack, by Callindra A Very Crass guide to the best taverns in various port towns.
Fable or truth? The horrific existence of deep scions and their tragic origins, by Vestnet Press
  Random stories that color the world
Folklore tales, customs, religious tracts, hair tutorials, cook books. Random things that put a little life into the world. If you're the worldbuilding type of DM, you probably know exactly why the Guild wears that particular outfit, and you overthought the significance of that Royal Shield Emblem, but the player characters, much to your dismay, have just ignored such details altogether in favor of smashing things and seducing royalty. This is your chance to bring them into the light again. Some caution is necessary here, since the party may invest in one of these details Too Much and try to turn it into a quest.
Fashion as a Cultural Statement, a dossier on the significance of foreign vêtements and their meanings within society, by Meredith Hornsdale Briar
Guided by starlight: An introduction into constellations and making sense of your future, by virtue of the night sky, by Saisin Millet
The man who fell in love with the Sea, by Judith Toussaint The man looked out over the dizzying, glittering, deadly expanse, ever moving, ever changing, And he knew in his heart that he would never belong to another.
This is a published version of what appears to be a local tale. The book is fairly simple and thin, a durable paper cover with a simple pen drawing of a boat sailing on a calm sea. The tale itself is written in rhyme, of an unsofisticated elegance. It tells the story of a fisherman who fell in love with the sea. It speaks of how he would gaze out over the water at night, watching as the moon reflected on the softly eddying waves, until one day he quit his job, said goodbye to his friends and left, alone, in  small sailing boat. His friends waited for him, before finally, they mourned him. Several years later they woke up one early winter morning to see a small vessel loom up out of the rolling mists. People ran out onto the beach to await it and possibly aid this reckless sailor. Inside, they found the man holding a heavily bundled, small child. A gift, he said, from his lover the sea. 
  'Popular fiction'
Let's be real here, if your world has a printing industry, it's gonna have popular press, which is overwhelmingly either the cookbook/almanac variety, or romance novels. The last ones are By Far the most fun to offer up.
Some examples
M/F novels
For straight romances, you can go the full Harlequin route:
In a Sailor's Arms By Firelight Through rough Seas he cometh The Widow on the Shore - with Lithographs The Storm in her Heart His Armor shines Bright Breaching the Countesses' Defenses The Hunter and the Maiden
Prey to the Emperor, by Clara Orchard A story about a young warrior that gets captured by a haughty, dominant king. Slowly, after many verbal fights and more than a few moments of tension, she manages to melt his icy heart. Fairly brutal in execution and style.
  M/M romances
Fighting for Booty, by Vestnet Press A tittilating novel about a handsome pirate boarding the ship of an easily impressed merchant. The young men get shipwrecked together on a small lifeboat. There is only one bed roll.
  F/F romances
The Mermaid, By Unknown This one is hand written and heavily thumbed through. It tells the story of a female deckhand that falls in love with a mermaid. Soft writing, but with a tragic ending.
My Queen, My heart, By Unknown Speaks of a forbidden romance between an empress and one of her female bodyguards. Slow burn, with a spectacular pay-off.
Choosing Love, by Cyna Biruda A choose-your-own adventure. The unnamed protagonist is a commoner, called to the Royal Court as a lookalike to the royal hair, who is bedridden. Their job is to take over some of the tasks while the heir recovers, without the public knowing. Shenanigans ensue, but the protagonist also gets the chance to find love. Notable interests are the Royal Guardsman, a strict man with a heart of gold, the Kitchen Maid, fun and innocent, the Courtesane, who is beautiful behond belief but perhaps not to be trusted, The Blacksmith, broad shouldered and mild mannered, and the Foreign Princess, a reserved and studious but very gentle soul harbouring a secret anxiety.
 Porn If you wanna go there, erotica novels have been a Thing since people knew how to write. In an early printing industry, they would be illustrated with lithographs, some crude, some true works of art. Examples of titles:
The obscene youth of Mary May A book of 'vignettes' from the life of a milk maid who is rather inquisitive and keeps losing her clothes for some reason. Humorous, albeit pretty blunt in its execution.
The conquests of Zan Yi The young mercenary Zan Yi is notable for his wit, his charming smile, his rapier and his… other rapier. The novel lists down his many adventures as he fights and seduces his way through the land, from a lowly sellsword to the highest courts. Surprisingly well made for how clichéd the stories are. The lithographs are of exquisite quality and this book is on its 36th edition, proving quite popular.
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Tagged by the immensely talented @chillyravenart ♥
1. Which Westerosi castle would you like to live in?
Greywater Watch is the perfect place for a hermit like me, though the humidity might be a problem. I much prefer the weather at Winterfell, as well as the rich history and the creepy secrets just waiting to be uncovered both above and below ground (And that godswood tho!)
2. Would you rather be a rich and influential lord, born into wealth and privilege or would you rather be someone who wields power from the sidelines, like Littlefinger?
Almost all of my favorite characters are the ones who weren't born into privilege, so - someone on the sidelines. Littlefinger would probably be one of my favorite characters if he had a better motivation and weren't just a jilted man rebelling against perceived entitlement. 🙄
3. Pick one: platinum hair or purple eyes?
Purple eyes! (I have really thick hair so it gets EVERYWHERE. I mean literally everywhere. All of my clothes are dark or black, sooo I'll keep the dark hair, thanks :P)
4. Based on a tag I made once, based on your physical features, which part of Westeros/which house do you belong to?
Oooh, I remember that tag! I basically look like a female Ned Stark with glasses and longer hair (mousy brunette with dull grey eyes). Sooo... gonna say House Stark. (Also I can't handle heat at all)
5. Who do you think will actually defeat the Night King?
Sam the Slayer, baby! Howland Reed style (Though I hope he's not defeated!)
6. Three people you think will die in season 8?
I'll go with my most controversial picks: Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow (but don't worry - he always comes back!)
7. What would you name your dragon/direwolf?
Since I'm a Stark, I'll do direwolf. Maybe "Ice" in honor of their ancestral sword, or something wintry, like Shiver or Frost. ❄️
8. How must Ser Pounce be avenged?
Anyone who harms a cat will have to face a trial by combat and my champion is WILDFIRE!
9. Whose POV chapters are your favorite?
For most of the series, probably Arya or Jon. But it's only after becoming a theorist that I really took on an all-new appreciation for Bran & Sam chapters.
10. Your favorite ASOIAF/GOT antagonist?
Tywin is one of the vilest men in fiction - and Charles Dance brings him to life perfectly - it's that charm that helped make him so dangerous. Similarly, Cersei is a fucking force to be reckoned with and one of my favorite on-screen villains ever. Lastly, I just love to hate Viserys and Joffrey for being sniveling entitled twats - and I must admit - I mourned both of their deaths.
Aaaand here are my questions for my tagees:
@got-addict @ktwrites @thebronzefury @toaquiprashippar @notpmahlem @geekyfeminist-love @tatticstudio55 @xxthewolvenstormxx @minmeemaw @adecila @callmedewitt @forest-lass @nedstarksamx-40 @revansnow @bendthekneejon & @opensky7 ♥  (I’m tagging a ton of people in shit lately, I know... fill these out only if they interest you!)
1. Are there any beloved characters that you just can't bring yourself to trust?
2. If you lived in Westeros, which god(s) do you think you'd follow?
3. What's your favorite "tinfoil" theory?
4. Would you rather join the Kingsguard or the Night's Watch?
5. Do you trust the word and accuracy of the maesters?
6. Which historical event do you wish you could know the truth of?
7. Boldest prediction for season 8?
8. Would you rather grab some ale with Tormund or Bronn?
9. Favorite House words?
10. Post a gif of your favorite character.
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