#movie buff asks
emberglowfox · 5 months
you should infodump about your ocs
i'm going to talk abt a bit of the worldbuilding in steelheart redux bc i am a nerd. you'll get a pinch of arthur at the end though
holograms are pretty common tech in the SHR-verse, and at the time of the story, most are polychromatic (aka full-color, though like real-life televisions Just How Many Colors depends on model and price and whatnot) but that wasn't always the case! when holographic technology was first really figured out, holographic displays were only capable of projecting in one color, using opacity to differentiate value. early holographic phones (H-phones, or whatever lingo i come up with later to describe them) accepted this limitation in exchange for being able to just. project a big honking screen (though said big honking screen was not physically interactable in any way.) they looked kind of like this:
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and since suddenly people could just whip out their phones and project a wall-sized display, a section of the entertainment industry scrambled to capitalize on this by making films and graphics For these phones (and the legion of projectors that also emerged) that were essentially black and white films, as stipulated by the holograms' display limitations. these movies were called monofilms (or just monos), and shortly separated into two categories: standard monofilms, produced for dark environments, and inverse monofilms, produced for bright environments.
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(when discussing the categories of monos in relation to each other, the terms 'additive' and 'subtractive' are often substituted.)
this led to a brief, albeit fiery race for various cinematographers to become the "master" of monofilmography, which involved different lighting setups and considerations than normal filmography. it was also popular among indie filmographers, as shooting in black and white was far less expensive than shilling out for top-of-the-line, industry-standard but Fucking Pricey full-color cameras.
eventually, polychromatic holographic displays were invented and standardized, and the short golden age of monofilms passed. still, despite the major film studios that had dabbled in monofilmography returning to the standard, monos remain a staple of indie film production and enjoy a niche but dedicated fanbase.
such as arthur steele, who inherited a love and appreciation for them from his late father.
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meownotgood · 9 months
that omepanel of aki after boxing…. need them to animate that IMMEDIATELY in yhe movie
boxing aaaaakiiii UUUHGGGGHHHHHHH look at him in his cute tanktop... his shoulders and his arms and his collarbones.... hoooooly shit when he shows up in theatres I'm gonna have to cover my mouth so everyone doesn't hear me scream
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void-botanist · 2 months
34 and 35 from the platonic dynamics game for any oc of your choice :3
It took me a minute to think of this but! Zalen:
34 - Have they ever been betrayed by a friend? What happened?
In an attempt to keep Zalen from completely burning himself out finishing his dissertation, Silas convinced him to come to his parents' house in the country. Zalen had been imagining somewhere like the place he grew up, an out-of-the-way holler full of good food, hospitality, and roots. What he got was a cluster of country estates, inhabited almost entirely by humans and orea-nawwenn, with manicured gardens and Designed interiors that kinda ruined the experience. How do you "just relax" in a place where you feel like someone's gonna yell at you for snacking out of the fridge? Add to that the fact that Silas had never mentioned nor implied that his parents were wealthy. For a while it just felt like he'd been ganged up on by Silas and Jaccson, who had previously been Silas's nanny, and honestly he kinda had.
35 - Have they ever betrayed one of their friends? Why?
Zalen has saved most of his betrayals for his sister but he did kinda betray Dez with getting him hired on the Melichacha crew. He wasn't lying when he said Dez would be a good fit for the open astrogeologist position. But he did not mention that he had his own ulterior motives for getting Dez on the crew until much later, and while Dez mostly didn't care and it ended up not being a big deal, it was also completely obvious to Zalen the whole time that he was specifically taking advantage of Dez being an android, both for the extra abilities he could bring to the crew and how easy it was to manipulate him into getting hired in the first place.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
what is sha wujing’s purpose in the story?
Oof there is a lot of way to answer that.
Entertainment wise he is meant to be the straight man of the group. Level-headed to balance Wukong's hot temper and Bajie's hot passion. He is meant to reign the other two in when Sanzang isn't there himself or if there needs to be more ribbing on either Wukong or Bajie. He does show to talk more in later arcs at least from what I notice either from encouraging Wukong to give teasing remarks to Bajie as well. He doesn't do pranks like Wukong does but rather just sly dry remarks at his expense.
Allegorical wise he is to represent Emotions and earth/ground (hence the sha in his name) Wukong is the Mind and Bajie is the Body and Bailong is the Will but Wujing is to show what an emotional mistake can direct the rest of your life.
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There isn't a lot that was said when it came to the hows and whys of Wujing's punishment. Whether it was on purpose as a sign of disrespect or a true accident that was made in the heat of the moment. While we don't see any other reasons to be behind his accident I do like the theory that @antidotefortheawkward-art has about the implications of what a cup smashing could mean to imply 摔杯为号 meaning 'breaking a cup as a signal' to hint that an attack is happening usually at a banquet.
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I think that would just add another layer of clever writing but if that is not the case I've heard that he smashed the cup in a fit of rage. Against who and to what, unknown, but that Wujing made a mistake at the height of his emotions.
Wujing has been seen as a voice of reason but there are quite a few outbursts that he has had throughout the journey, mostly letting his anger get the best of him but I think that might be his struggle to keep himself in check. Honestly, he seems the most serious when it comes to following the scriptures, seeing the pilgrimage as the true way to redeem himself. Whenever Bajie or even Wukong want to quick when things are getting too hard or even impossible he is the one to shake them back into it. He gives more than one pep talk in the book if I recall.
That is to say, he is very vicious as well when he can be, ruthless with his enemies and his words when he is pushed far enough. He was a cannibal that ate anyone that came to his river, still with a conscious mind of his life in heaven. He was turned into a demon that is without the largest build and the wildest looks but his personality does not fit his description. He doesn't get a lot of attention as Bajie is the more humorous one and Wuking is our main protagonist to save the day but he does provide that level of groundedness I think the team needs.
I also love that he has Nine Scripture Pilgrim's skulls around his neck, which to me highly suggests that Wujing mayhaps has eaten Sanzang's past lives.
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I think this is to still highlight his name meaning Sha Wujing and how it means "Sand awakened to Purity" to show how devoted he was to better himself not just for the sake of running away from his punishment but to become a better version of himself.
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I think that honestly, Wujing is the most sincere in his desire to follow Sanzang, being very loyal and trustworthy even if he didn't have a lot to say. But when he did speak I think he always do so with meaning.
In the end, he became an Arhat one who gained insight into the true nature of existence but just short of reaching Buddhahood. It could be that he did not have enough merit as Wukong and Sanzang were the ones taking up most of the toil of the trails or that he was the last to join and simply missing a few more merits to allow him to ascend but I think he still plays an important role in showing that even just wanting to make a change is the hardest part to continue down a path a change.
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Between Wukong's pranking on Bajie and Sanzang trying to reign Wukong's temperament in I think that his purpose was to provide a more neutral character to have a more logical outcome. I see a lot of interpretations of this character as being a more philosopher or inquisitive role. The gentle giant so to speak seeks knowledge for the sake of knowledge and I can see how this can derive from his origins. Or he has been a soft voice of reason, more emotional in his outbursts but well-meaning. Or he has been a huge brute of a man, trying to reign himself in but often speaking his mind first.
No matter how he is portrayed I always love him.
I hope that answers your question!
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charrfie · 5 months
What's one of your favourite movies?
Oh this one is so tough I have so many I could talk about... I'll mention a few!!
For one, electric dreams might be my most favorite ever. At least off the top of my head right now. The whole concept is so charming, the soundtrack fucking slaps, and the characters feel very fleshed out, real, and loveable. The main cast is very peculiar (in a good way, in a way I resonate with) in relation to characters which are usually portrayed in romance movies. I've always had the impression that in any other movie they'd be given the role of gag characters but electric dreams takes them and their experiences very seriously. I find a lot of comfort in that. The pacing of the movie itself is extremely fascinating to me, which I could say more about but I don't want to spoil too much in case folks haven't seen it. I encourage it!!
Second movie worth listing is bill and ted, particularly the first movie in the series :^) I great up with that one so it has a very special place in my heart. It's very goofy and I love it a lot. Not too much to say about this one it's just very fun
And as for a third one, night on the galactic railroad probably takes that spot. It's.... very beautiful. I don't want to say much about it because I feel it's best experienced blind. But it means a lot to me. It's a wonderfully meaningful work of art. It's abstract it's weird as hell and it's amazing. Can't encourage it enough
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atthebell · 13 days
🌹 :D
He thinks, irrationally, of Ripley, stumbling down a hallway, groaning, just like he is now. But Ripley had steam to hide her, had a whole spaceship to run through– he’s in a three-by-three hallway, with no exit, and there’s chainsaw wounds gaping open his abdomen. It’s no time for movie references, no time, even, to try to warp away. He stumbles forward, pitching himself across the pit, knowing he won’t make it, and the spikes tear open his stomach even further, ripping him into shreds as he tries to turn, scrambling to the edge, still trying to escape. Cucurucho stares down at him, chainsaw idling in its hands, and he feels blood spew up from his lungs into his mouth, his last choking breaths still screams. 
you get a long and gory one hi orion :D
[for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random snippet of a random WIP i'm currently writing]
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
Maybe a too random question, but did you watched many movies last year? and based on that...do you think it was a good year for films?
Okay so let’s answer this based off of the movies I saw in theaters last year:
M3GAN- solid 9/10, amazing cheesy horror when a pretty good message, could’ve used more kills tbh but this is what we got with a pg-13 rating ig
Cocaine Bear- 7/10, pretty decent but I went in expecting more humor besides “this bear is on cocaine”, some OUTSTANDING kills though (that entire ambulance scene was perfection)
Dungeons and Dragons- 10/10, you can tell how much effort went into it and how everyone involved in the writing just knew dnd, literally the perfect movie and we need more Now
Mario Movie- 8/10, I really enjoyed it and it was literally so nostalgic and, sue me, but Chris Pratt could’ve done worse, I just think that it could’ve done more with Luigi I think
Renfield- 9/10, I almost wish that that Nicolas Hoult stayed in that old timey 1910s outfit the whole time, but the message was actually pretty good and the action? PERFECTION, and the allegory to an actual abusive relationship was not expected but definitely welcome. Minus one point for not having the MCR song used be the literal song about vampires
Across the Spiderverse- 6/10, the animation was OUTSTANDING but the story suffered from being the second movie in a trilogy. Instead of being its own thing, the entire movie kinda just felt like a long trailer for the next movie, and that lost it a LOT of points imo. Also? It just didn’t know how to end? I was actually bored by the final fifteen minutes. And that’s bad
Barbie- 7/10, objectively excellent but I just personally couldn’t get into the humor, and I wish there was more about Barbie and a bit less about Ken yk?
Blue Beetle- 10/10, okay so I normally actually hate superhero movies but this was AMAZING and it’s actually criminal how badly it bombed. Story was perfect all the characters were likable outside of the villains, and the villains including goddamn Ronald Reagan and all those shitty white guys from the 80s who purposefully destabilized nearly every country in central and South America?? The villain being a white woman??? The villain being capitalism, neo-colonialism, and gentrification?? MY GOD like THAT is how you do a superhero movie!!!
Wonka- 10/10, I legitimately went in with super low expectations and came out with a new movie to add to my favorites list. It’s a kids movie, but it’s also just a fun time okay? Story was actually pretty good, the songs were surprisingly catchy, the visuals were Really Cool. Sleeper hit imo
So, based off what I personally saw this year, it was a pretty good year!
But also? It was a good year outside of this lol. Between Barbie and Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower Moon and Asteroid City and Trolls 3 (yes, including that), it was a really good year for movies
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mcfiddlestan · 5 months
Movie Rec Ask Game
2, 6, 13, 22, 29
2. an indie film.
You know, I'm actually pretty late to the indie film genre. It wasn't until my mom got a Netflix account that I started watching more "indie" films -- mostly just non-major studio movies sometimes with no-name or up-and-coming stars and often LGBTQIA-themed. A couple of my fave indie movies are Weekend -- which is actually the movie that inspired my WinterFrost fic Stay With Me; Boy Meets Girl -- which was one of the first movies I saw with a transgender actor playing a transgender role (and also stars Michael Welch from Twilight); Redwoods -- which was the idea behind my FrostIron fic Empire State of Mind; and ofc, My Big Fat Greek Wedding!
6. a film released before 1970.
Ok, well, three of my favorite movies of all time were made in 1934, 1939, and 1944. (That's Gone with the Wind, It Happened One Night, and Double Indemnity). I grew up watching my mom's favorite musicals of the 1950s and 60s. My mom liked to show me, especially, all of her favorite films from her childhood.
13. a film whose main genre is drama.
OMG where do i start tho? Drama (next to action) is one of my fave genres. I'm a total nut for an Oscar bait movie and up until a few years ago, I used to watch every single movie nominated in the Big 6 awards (Acting categories, Directing, and Film) and my mom and I used to print out ballots and compete. IDK, google best dramas of all time and I probably have watched and love them all.
22. a film that is a novel/film adaptation.
One of my fave films, like it's in my Top 5 movies, is Atonement. And even though it's not the happiest of films (it's downright tragic, really), what I love the most is how close to the book it stayed. They even pulled dialogue directly from the book (not all adaptations do this). My nerdy ass even did a presentation for my Narrative in Literature and Film on the movie.
29. a film to feel good/uplifted.
uhh,,,,idk cuz my sister and i will literally watch disaster movies when we're in a good mood. lol like we watch the Day After Tomorrow, San Andreas, and 2012 on the regular bc they're out comfort movies.
Thanks for asking!
Movie Rec Ask Game
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husband · 9 months
I’ve only seen the first texas chainsaw and I absolutely adore it, but I’ve been told that all the sequels (except maybe the 2nd one) are total garbage and not worth watching. thoughts?
I think a movie can be 'garbage' and still be fun to watch! Texas chainsaw massacre 3 and the next generation are OK they weren't bad just a little boring to me personally.
The 2003 & 2006 movies with Andrew Bryniarski as Leatherface are really good imo.
Texas Chainsaw 3D is up there as one of my favorites in the franchise as long as you forget about that really cringey one liner Heather says near the end.
Leatherface (2017) is the worst in the franchise and not even worth watching genuinely don't bother, and the most recent 2022 Remake was also OK and just overly hated, i mostly saw people complaining about how unlikeable the victims are but tbh the entire point of the victims in the Texas chainsaw movies are to the unlikable stereotype young adults from the time the movie takes place (1974 being hippies, 1986 being yuppies, 2022 being influencers)
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Okay, here's a hot take that people may fist fight me in a parking lot for. I am not a huge fan of buff Byers. I think Will and Mike are just these little nerdy dorks. I think Will clearly doesn't have noodle arms but I don't think he's secretly been working out in cali. idk, they are just two nerds
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send me a hot take?
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
Okay, buckle up, I have a lot of movie buff questions! :DDD
8, 26, 32, 34, 47 (I just love road movies :D) and 54
Dear Lucy, my dear movie buddy, thank you so much for the ask ❤️
8. What movie are you looking forward to coming out the most?
Uh, that's a tough one. There are so many films I wanna see. Wonka, Dune 2, The Exorcist: Believer, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, The Marvels, Rebel Moon: part one. So much good to look forward too 😁
26. Best experience going to the movies
This is gonna surprise the people who know my movie taste, but one of the best experiences I've had in a while was when I watched the Barbie movie. I went with a friend because she didn't wanna go alone and I expected to hate it. But I actually loved it.
But other than that... the best thing about the movies is the popcorn 🤣👌🏻
32. Last movie you watched?
The Boogeyman. Saw it earlier today.
34. An underrated movie?
Answered this one here 😁
47. Favorite road trip film?
Easy answer. Road Trip. It's been one of my favorite movies since I was a teen. Still know the Salmon song by heart 🤣
54. A movie that changed the way you view the world?
A Monster Calls. I saw it for the first time last weekend and it broke my heart. I ugly sobbed and it really made me see some situations in a whole new light. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch. It's amazing.
Movie buff questions
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sol-flo · 1 year
hard to call myself a pretentious cinephile (positive) because i don't even watch classic or Good cult Films. yes i watch some obscure stuff out of the mainstream or whatever but like. a lot of it isn't good.
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cannibalcreeps · 2 years
Any slashers of your choosing reacting to buff victim/future SO?
We'll go with my faves, cause why not~ --------------- The Hilliker Brothers and Odets (Ma/Pa)
One-Eye: If his future s/o wanted to lift things up and down and go on runs just to get muscles, he’s confused since he doesn’t need to do things like that and he’s quite strong himself, but is a supportive man.  A buff victim though, may not easily turn into a S/O as these boys love a good challenge for their hunts. Though a strong S/O who can give back tight hugs is always something One-Eye looks forward too
Saw-Tooth:  He doesn’t even notice most the time that his s/o is strong enough to handle him, he’ll always be the largest and strongest member, but it’s good to not have to be the only one to carry the heavy shit. Sure One-Eye is perfect capable of aiding with carrying heavy things, but having another competent large person is helpful.  Do not squeeze him, never try to show up your strength on Saw-Tooth, it’ll be the last thing anyone will do.  Three-Fingers: As long as they’re not squeezing the shit out of him and trying to break his arms, he’s down for a strong, buff S/O, after all more larger, stronger people in this family is welcomed.  He definitely enjoys hunting larger, buffer victims. Taking are larger, stronger victims brings in a fun challenge for his more thinner and smaller frame, but like they all say “The bigger they are”  Pa: As long as he gets to fuck, he’s down for any type of S/O, especially if Ma approves. But like his brother Saw-Tooth, as long as they don’t try to one-up him and try to overpower or act more stronger, it will be all fine.  Both Pa and Ma have had their share of buff victims and they never stand a chance against the two, better off being turned into a S/O.  Ma: Bring on the muscles, definitely admires the strength and wants to run her hands over every flexing curve. Pa is a strong man, large and muscles himself with that good ol’ dad pudge, but a purely buff S/O for her to have along with Pa, any woman’s dream really.  ------ Jupiters Clan: Lizard: AAAAAAAHAHAHA! No He’s to much of an egotistical, spiteful man who refuses to have a s/o that’s larger than him in anyway. He’s control hungry, wants the strength and power and if a s/o is able to pick him up and throw him aside he doesn’t want it. He enjoys overpowering others too much.  Pluto: Loves it!! Another big strong person just like him!  He’s not a worry about if you’re smart or not, he simply likes the s/o if they’re nice to him, and anyone is pretty to Pluto.  He wants to be picked up and held, have fun throwing things around and just messing around.  Big Brain: Not entirely down with the idea, but then again it’s difficult to make this man give anything positive to others. They’d be useful though, a stronger member for the clan, could turn into a S/O if they’re willing to handle BB’s sourness. Be used mostly for heavy work, but they’d be treated like how Pluto is, nothing but muscles and no brains.  Goggle: Doesn’t like the idea of having a S/O that’s stronger and larger than him, unlike Lizard it’s not a ego issue and more just worries he’d just be bullied and pushed around. Does not like the idea of being picked up or near someone more physically peaked than he is, there would be jealousy.  Cyst: Couldn’t give a rats ass.  As long as this s/o isn’t flexing, trying to pick him up, being odd in anyway or make it about their strength and size, he doesn’t care. All this man wants is to relax, have someone to help him out every so often and get kisses. 
------ Giorgio from Castle Freak / Deacon from Timber Falls Giorgio: May be too afraid, needs a gentle hand and this S/O just needs to be patient and have a gentle, kind heart.  Never pick up, or grab, or hold down at any time even if they have the strength over this frail old man. Definitely will end poorly and turn from future S/O to a dead body. At least can have the knowledge to help get Giorgio into better shape from his bony, malnourished self.  Deacon: Is unsure on the matter, a man whose buff though? Absolutely not, too jealous and would harm them straight away.   Anyone else, he’d not know what to think. Deacon would like the idea of being with anyone, just someone to make him feel loved, wanted, needed that he’d look past the whole muscles and strength. Will not appreciate being lifted up and wants to be useful so letting him do the heavy work a lot, would make him very happy. 
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spiderrrling · 2 years
I bet Eddie loved the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It was probably one of his favorite movies.
the way this vibe is so painstakingly accurate, you win today anon
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the7thcrow · 2 years
hey corynn! here's for the game :D
top 10 movies!
also may i already add i recently watched "nope" and "get out", directed by jordan peele and oh my god. this guy is amazing, i totally recommend anything he does 🙏 (also "twilight zone"! suuuch a good series, i keep rewatching it every time!)
hey ash! this list is about to be embarrassing, bc frankly i’m not big on movies and am far more of a tv show person. my favourite movies are what provide me comfort compared to actual cinematic value lmao. but here we are, the glorious top 10:
the hunchback of notredame
the sound of music
dead poets society 
heathers (1988)
howl’s moving castle
the hunger games
harry potter and the goblet of fire
little women (2019)
basic instinct don’t judge me, i know it’s simply not good, I just have a horrible deep-seated crush on catherine trammel.
despite this list, psychological horrors are actually one of my favourite genres and are typically what i’ll go to the theatre to see. get out is truly a top tier movie, i’ve seen it a handful of times. i should get around to watching nope, bc i’m sure its just as good.
if you’re a movie buff always feel free to send me some good recs! i’ve been trying to get more into movies, mostly just watching the classics everyone has seen but I still haven’t lolol.
send me a top 5 or top 10 of anything!
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buffaluff · 2 months
" #the film that broke my mother's leg in three places " you can't leave that tag and not expect me to ask-- what did blades of glory do to your mother?? 😱
LMAO i’m glad someone asked.
okay so it’s 2007 and my mom is a huge figure skating fan so we HAD to go see blades of glory on opening weekend. so we go to like a 7pm sunday showing and it’s PACKED and we all have a great time. credits rolls and we are all shuffling out of our seats and get to the steps leading down to the exit. the bustling crowd winds up shoving my mom and she trips, getting pushed over the arm of the aisle seat, bending her knee the wrong way and breaking it in three places—tibia, fibula, and torn knee meniscus.
and yes, we still watch the movie and laugh over it.
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