#moving company new haven
aplusmovingllc · 1 month
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Get Rid of Junk Fast! New Haven CT Junk Removal Services
Get Rid of Junk Fast! We are your local junk removal solution, offering quick and hassle-free removal of furniture, appliances, yard waste, and more. We do the heavy lifting, so you can reclaim your space and breathe easy – all at competitive rates!
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thornilee013 · 3 months
I just saw the tags on the first baby Jean you did (I cheated and read the tags + sent my ask before going to catch up on the story lol) and wanted to respond to that too! Sorry for the non-writing ask, you don’t have to actually post this one if you don’t want, I just didn’t want to ignore those tags until next week!
I hope that your work does do something about what you reported, but either way it’s good that you reported it! If it’s something that ever happens to anyone in the future, there will be documentation that someone reported it and management failed to take the necessary measures to prevent it from happening again. You stood up for yourself and you may have potentially helped someone else out! You should absolutely feel proud of yourself!
You’re always so kind to me and I appreciate that so much! Thank you! Have a beautiful week! Besos xx🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean | WW 17.1.2024
Jean approached the desk and stared up at the person sitting there. They were clearly busy, since they seemed to be writing something down on a notepad. He reached up as far as he could muster and whimpered a bit at the stretch.
"How can I–" the person said before looking up and making eye contact with him. "Hey bud. Don't hang on the desk like that, okay? I don't think it's the most stable thing and I don't want it tipping over on you. What can I do for you?"
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taeghi · 4 months
fleeting summers by park sunghoon | (m)
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♫ song : sunsetz by cigarettes after sex
summary : meeting park sunghoon in the small town your dad moved into this summer is as vibrant as the sunsets you witness. but, as summer fades away so does your time together. hopefully when the next summer comes your paths cross again under the same sunlit skies.
genre : smut, fluff, angst, sadness????? mDNi
word count : 16,450
part of the enhypen series playlist
fleeting summers 
as the car winds its way through the quaint, sunlit streets of the small town, you sit in the passenger seat, your gaze fixated on the passing scenery. the town, a popular summer destination, boasts charming storefronts, and colourful welcoming banners and the air is tinged with sea salt and flowers. yet, despite the picturesque allure that surrounds you, there’s a palpable sense of reluctance lingering around you. this town, now your temporary residence for the summer, feels both enhancing and isolating. 
since your parents divorce earlier this year, your dad had decided to move to this idyllic escape town that might be a dream for him, but definitely not for you. this town is a separation from the familiar comforts of your home and friends. you wish you could have spent the summer with your friends like usual. your traditions having to be failed this summer since you’ve been shipped away to stay with your father for almost two months. 
the car finally turns into a narrow street lined with old wooden houses, and your new home comes into view. its rustic charm stands in stark contrast to the modern, more beachy houses that line the rest of the town. you can’t help but feel a sense of apprehension about spending the upcoming months in this solitary abode with only your dad for company. 
this town may be beautiful, but the prospect of a summer away from the people and places you hold dear casts a shadow over the otherwise vibrant scene unfolding before you. 
the creaking sound of the door echoes through the old house as you step inside the house, hearing your mother’s tires screech on the road as she avoids your dad. the air feels still as your dad hugs you and shows you around. you’re glad to see him, not being able to see him for months, but still, the dread of the long summer ahead of you ponders through your mind that your smile fails to show. 
you walk into the room that is now yours for the next couple of months. its wooden floor echoing with every step, so different from the fluffy carpet of your bedroom back home. the walls seem to sigh, bearing the weight of countless lives that have lived here before your dad. 
your gaze falls upon the bed- a new sanctuary of yours even though the mattress beneath your fingertips feels unfamiliar. it lacks the soft indentations that cradle you in the warmth and comfort of your own room. you lower yourself onto the bed, the lonely squeak of the springs accentuating the silence of the room. the sunlight filters through the thin curtains, casting a glow on the faded quilt your grandma had knitted you when you were a child. 
as you lay there, staring at the wood ceiling that matches the wood walls and wood floors, a sense of displacement settles within you. the room, though quaint, holds no trace of your essence. you close your eyes, attempting to reconcile with the alien sensation of this bed that will be your haven for the upcoming weeks. there’s a certain hollowness of the room that you aren’t sure you will get used to. 
the distant murmur of the town outside is a reminder that you can’t lay in this bed all summer. and that you had promised your dad you would be down for dinner soon. you sigh, filling the new, silent space that is now yours. 
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in the beginning days that followed your summer stay, your dad, eager to catch up with you, took it upon himself to be your guide through the town. the air of teh small diner, filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sum hum of conversation became a familiar backdrop during your dinner talks. his favourite spot, he insisted, and you observed him warmly exhacning greetings with the regulars whose faces lit up at the sight of him. you were indtrocued to the many lives that intertwined in this town. 
the beach, with hits powdery sand and rhythmic waves, unfolded before you like a serene painting. seagulls swooped overhead, and the distant laughter of children created a soundtrack to the endless horizon. as you sat with your dad, the tranquility of the acne was interrupted by the approach of a man accompanied by his family. they greeted your father with familiarity and you observed them. the man’s eyes were kind as they spoke to your father and introduced his family to you. 
his children were your age, his daughter, karina, was beautiful as she greeted you. her fox like eyes still gleamed against the sun as they turned upwards into a smile. she told you that you could come along with her at any time and that she’d be glad to get to know you this summer. which you agreed to, but you knew you’d rather be alone the second you saw her prance over to her large group of friends all lounging around the beach. the girls were all beautiful and thin, and the bous they hung around with were tall and tan. you knew that you wouldn’t get along with them for too long if you went over there. 
your dad encouraged you to hang out with them for the entire day until the sun dipped lower on the horizon, indicating that it was dinner at the diner time and that you would not be hanging out with those kids for the day. 
“i know all the kids in this town and they’re all nice, y/n, why don’t you give them a chance?” your dad asks as you walk up to the diner. “what’re you gonna do? hang out with me for the rest of the summer?” 
your dads amused scoff mixes with the diner door’s bell chime as he opens the door, letting you walk past him and to the usual booth you both liked to sit at, finishing the conversation for the night. 
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in the subsequent days, your peripheral vision became a constant observer of karina and her friends. their laughter and presence frequently echoed against the backdrop of the town. the beach transformed into their playground whenever they stepped foot onto it. they played games on the busy boardwalk, their animated voices and screames carrying in the salty breeze. 
karina with her too sweet of a smile, repeatedly extended invitations for you to join their exploits. yet, an inexpeclicable hiestance rooted itself deep within you, an unshakable feeling that resisted the allur of their friendly gestures. your ad, ever optimistic, insisted that they were good kids and that you should hang out with them. despite the reassurances, a sense of skepticism lingered like a shadow in your heart. 
you observed from a distance, a silent spectator to their adventures that stretched from the dawn’s first light to the quiet hours of the night. 
as the sun dipped down once again, and the town’s lights flickered to life, you wrestled with conflicting emotions. karina’s smile clashed with the disquiet that nestled in your thoughts. the balance of trust and apprehension teetered on the edge, leaving you perched on the sidelines before drifting off to sleep.
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amidst the lively chatter and laughter that enveloped the beach, you at in solitude, your eyes tracing the rhythmic dance of the waves. the distant sounds of games and talking washed over you, but your attention was anywhere but. you had become quite good at ignoring everyone around you. 
but as you glance to your left just once, your attention is drawn away to the presence of a lone figure sitting under a beach umbrella. a boy, seemingly ignoring everyone around him as well was immersed in the world of whatever book he was so intently reading. 
he sat on a faded beach chair, an air of quiet confidence surrounding him as he turned the pages of the book that was sprawled open on his lap. The sun cast a gentle glow on the tendrils of his dark black hair, and the slight furrow of his thick browns hinted at the intensity with which he absorbed the words on the pages. his isolation mirrored yours, a shared desire for solace amidst the lively backdrop of the beach.
intrigued, you asked your dad who the boy with the book was. 
you noticed his hesitant pause as he acknowledged the boy, his eyes briefly meeting yours before averting away, “that’s park sunghoon,” 
you hum, “what’s he like?” 
“he’s quiet, keeps to himself. but his family is nice, and well, they’re super rich.” 
a smirk spread across your face in amusement at the hesitant introduction.
“and why doesn’t he hang out with the others?” 
your dad shrugged, “he’s just like that, likes to be by himself.” 
you go back into your own world until dusk starts approaching. as the sky starts to become painted with hues of amber and lavender, you reluctantly withdrew from the solace of your thoughts on the beach. walking alongside your dad, the grains of sand clung to your bare feet as you made your way to the diner once again. 
glancing back towards the beach, your eyes inadvertently met those of the boy named park sunghoon. a mild surprise tinged your otherwise inscrutable expression, his gaze unwavering as you held it. a silent acknowledgement passing between you two. his eyes, dark and unreadable, seemed to mirror the guarded emotions you concealed with your own. 
you held eye contact until you turn away, your dad seamlessly diverting your attention to the impending decision of dinner plans. park sunghoon’s face remained in your head for the entirety of dinner, having to restrain yourself from asking your dad more about park sunghoon and his family.
the next time you saw park sunghoon was in the early morning, when most of the town still slept. the sleepy streets were apinted in hues of soft pastels and the distant murmur of the ocean mingled with the quiet footsteps of the early risers. as you walked towards teh cafe to get your dad and your usual coffee for breakfast, smiling to the locals that knew your father, your attention waas drawn to a tall figure in the distance, moving with large steps towards the beach. 
park sunghoon’s silhouette, etched against the backdrop of the waking town, exuded a quiet elegance. now that he was standing you could see how tall the boy was as his long strides carried him to the ocean. the morning sun, casting a golden glow on the surroundings, danced upon his tousled hair as if he had just gotten out of bed two minutes ago. 
you watched him until you couldn’t see him anymore, disappearing into different parts of town. you let yourself wonder why park sunghoon would be up so early, headed straight to the ocean, knowing that the other residents wouldn’t be there for at least another hour. there was an allure around him in the way he navigated the early hours. you wondered if he thought the world belonged to him as he headed to the beach alone. 
you didn’t see him again until later in the week. 
your room was light from the morning, coaxing you out of the embrace of your dreams. as you lingered in that hazy realm between sleep and wakefulness, your dad’s voice cut through the morning stillness as he ripped your blanket off of you. 
“hey, sleepyhead,” he laughs at your surprise, “i’m tired of you spending the whole summer holed up inside or hanging with me.” with your mumbled response he continues, “there’s a local book fair this afternoon and you’re going whether you like it or not.” 
a sigh escaped you as you half heartedly agreed and pulled your blanket back up to your chin. you snuggled back into your pillow, the prospect of leaving your cozy cocoon feeling like a monumental task. you hear your dad chuckle and say how much fun you’re going to have before leaving your room, leaving you to your drowsy thoughts. 
the book fair wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. as you wandered through the rows of stands and the smell of aged paper, you found yourself in a literary haven. there were various genres of books, both familiar and unknown. some titles sparked recognition and you found yourself drawn to the worn spines of used books. the newer books they offered were appealing, but not as interesting to you as your fingers traced over the covers. 
you’re in the quiet corner of the book fair, hidden among the bookshelves as you read over the titles in front of you. 
“read it?” 
you were so deep in thought that you didn’t even notice the boy next to you until he spoke. your eyes meet the eyes of park sunghoon and he smiles with a hint of cockiness dulled by the lack of volume in his voice. he’s there, standing in front of you. his black, messy hair is pushed back, casually tucked behind his ears and he’s wearing a hoodie that seems to be as born as the pages of the book surrounding him. you imagine that you share a similar exhausted look, despite his cockiness infiltrating. 
his smile makes you feel nervous, but the type that makes you comfortable at the same time. it’s almost familiar and oddly pleasant. it takes you a moment for you to register his question, a nod towards the book tucked under your arm. the paperback of a copy of richard brautigan’s “in watermelon sugar,”, which she had forgotten she had picked up. 
“yeah, brautigan. have you?” 
“for a book report. it was interesting, but kind of played out and too idealistic.” 
“well he wrote about love and life in a way that feels magical.” 
“there’s no magic in real life.” 
you frown slightly, “it’s about finding magic in simplicity, in the sweet things that you might miss if you don’t pay attention.” 
sunghoon smirks, “idealistic.” 
both of you have stepped closer to each other as you spoke. you stand there in the aisle, a conversation between the strangers that feels oddly intimate as you argue over the meaning of ‘in watermelon sugar’. you wonder if he’s going to debate further or if those will be the last words you hear from park sunghoon. 
“i’m sunghoon.” 
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the town has never been particularly peaceful. even at night, when majority of the locals have scampered back to their homes and the neighbourhood is shrouded in silence. the beach remains alive with activity. a small beach party, the boardwalks arcade games, the distant sound of a car driving by. you have grown accustomed to the constant chaos over the few days you’ve known park sunghoon. your neighborhood back home is usually quiet and empty, everyone absorbed into their very private, quiet lives. 
you and sunghoon find yourselves sitting atop the large rock sunghoon had shown you the day of the book fair. it looks over the glittering boardwalk across the beach. the sun has almost vanished, the sunset that once gleamed over your bodies is gone. you watch the scatter of people along the shore. 
you are wrapped in sunghoon’s oversized towel, much fluffier than the ones you own. your hair is still damp from swimming in the ocean earlier. the scent of saltwater surrounds the both of you. sunghoon keeps glancing at you from the corner of his eye, noticing something new about you every time. 
you’ve grown comfortable with each other through the past week. like you’re a sanctuary for one another, finding solace in the time you spend together and away from your families. neither of you have discussed their hesitance to truth others, a silent understanding forged into the solace you’ve found. 
sunghoon has inherited his wariness from his family. who bestowed upon him a life of luxury but also a legacy of disdain. he’s mentionned that his father was an influential figure in business and was more absent than present. 
but sunghoon, despite his affluent background, hates the burden of his wealth and family. he’s spoken about how stifling his parent’s expectation of him are. the emptiness that accompanies the privilege he knows he should be grateful for. though, it’s a life he never asked for. true friendships elude him; those around him are acquaintances drawn to the park name and the facade he’s expected to maintain. 
you speak, breaking the silence between you two ontop of the rock, “do you ever wish you could escape all this?” 
sunghoon shrugs, exhaling a puff of smoke that you hate. he told you he smokes just because his parents hate it, too. “everyday. the money, the expectations, my future is basically set for me and i have no choice of it. it’s suffocating. i want to be normal.” 
“college is normal. can’t you escape there?” 
“i don’t know. my brother’s in college and he hates it. my parents are constantly nagging at him to get the highest of all grades. i just think it’ll be more chaotic.” 
“plenty of girls at college, and all the parties you could want.” 
“i’m done with parties,” sunghoon speaks with a certain resolve in his tone, “i’ve gone to too many and they’re all the same boring shit.” 
“but the girls wouldn’t be so bad,” you tease him, almost challenging him to agree. a part of you resents the way you sound, but the other part wants to hear his answer. 
“whatever. i think you’re forgetting that i’m a park, y/n, i could have any girl i want.” 
you laugh at his sudden cockiness that never seems to fade. it’s a refreshing change from the sunghoon who is pessimistic and secretive. it makes you happy to know that there are other sides of him that he hasn’t quite shown you yet. 
“right, a real heartthrob.” 
sunghoon nudges your shoulder with his, “oh c’mon, don’t act like you haven’t heard all the girls talking about me.” 
“shut up, hoon.” 
you lay back on the rock, sunghoon’s towel still around your shoulders. there’s a sudden squeal underneath you from the shore. a group of teens, the ones that you recognize as karina’s friends run along the beach, laughing as one of the boys picks up a girl and swings her around on his shoulder. you glance to sunghoon’s face, who’s watching the group as he walk further away. his expression is desolate as he takes a final puff of his cigarette before exhaling and smushing it against the rock underneath him and speaks,
“come on, let’s go. i’m tired of this rock for the night.” 
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you wake up early in the morning, half expecting sunghoon to be sitting on your balcony waiting for you. but you realize he doesn’t usually wake up for another half hour. it’s become a routine to follow sunghoon out onto the beach early in the morning, before anyone else can get there. outside is light blue as the sun starts to rise for the day. 
you think about how yours and sunghoon’s worlds are so different. he was born into a life you could only ever dream of within your humble roots. his family’s summer mansion sits on the hill of the town, a beacon o luxury you know you could never afford in this life time. 
but, when both of you are together, those disparities dissolve. 
both of you yearn for an escape from this mundane town. the quiet rebellion against the expected paths tht your amily controls of you. you so wish to go back home, and sunghoon wishes he had a place to call home. the dreams of a different life connect you. 
just as you’re about to fall into another deep sleep, the embodiment of your desire to escape speaks, “wake up.” your eyes open and meet sunghoon’s, who’s standing above you beside your bed, “let’s go.” 
later in the day, you and sunghoon are sunbathing on towels at the beach. the sand underneath your feet as you close your eyes and let the sun hit your body. sunghoon is beside you, reading whatever book has his mind captured now. you think that this is perfect, if you could spend everyday of being in this small town like this, you wouldn’t complain as much. a bird flies over your head and squawks out to the others. 
“hey, sunghoonie,” a voice greeted him, “and y/n,” you look up to see karina standing over top you two. her long black hair sleek as she smiles so strongly. “what are you up to?” 
you shifted, propping yourself up on your elbows as sunghoon remained engrossed in his book, his attention unwavering, “just sitting here, what’s up?” 
a mischievous look glints in her eye as you speak, “well, i wanted to invite you both to a little party i’m throwing on friday night. it’s going to be so much fun!”
you exchanged a quick glance with sunghoon, who remained immersed in his reading, seemingly unfazed by the invitation. “oh, well we’ll think about it, thanks.” you replied, a noncommittal tone in your voice. 
karina, undeterred, leaned down a bit closer, her gaze shifting towards sunghoon, “oh come on sunghoonie. you’ve got to come, it’ll be a blast, you know how much we miss hanging out with you.” her voice came out as a purr, a flirtatious edge in her words that put you on edge. 
sunghoon, however, kept his focus on his book, his response a mumble of ‘whatever’. he seemed impervious to karina’s attempts at charm, an air of indifference surroudning him in her presence. 
you couldn’t help but smile at sunghoon’s unyeildeing composure, “we’ll see, karina.” 
but karina wouldn’t stand down. with a playful nudge to sunghoon’s foot with her own and a subtle wink that you’re sure you were suppose to see, she insised, “you better come sunghoonie. it won’t be the same without you.” before sauntering away, leaving your toweled area. 
as she disappeared from view you chuckled, “sunghoonie?” 
“shut up.” 
you don’t miss the quick smile on sunghoon’s lips before you lay back on your towel. you think about karina’s words, how sunghoon must have hung out with that group before. it would be no surprise to you if you hadn’t talked about the obnoxious group multiple times. you know sunghoon is secretive and keeps to himself, but karina seems to have known him too well for your liking. 
it’s something that bothers you for the rest of the day and sunghoon can’t help but notice. when you’re both sitting atop the rock that you’re usually on when the sun starts to dip into the ocean and he’s peeking over at you when he thinks you’re not noticing, he asks, 
“what’s on your mind?” 
sunghoon sighs at your answer, knowing that something in fact is but he doesn’t want to pressure you. he’s grateful that you never pressure him, never put any expectations on him like everyone else does. to you, he’s just sunghoon– nothing else. 
“how’d you know something is on my mind?” 
sunghoon smirks at your question, but doesn’t turn to look at you, only lights another cigarette that he knows you’re going to complaint about, “because we’ve been together everyday for weeks now– i know when something is bothering you.” 
you sigh and sit up so you’re shoulder to shoulder with sunghoon and have to unfortunately smell his cigarette. 
“i didn’t know you hung out with karina and them.” 
sunghoon shrugged, “i mean, we all grew up in the same town, i would have to at some point.” 
you try not to show your discontent with his answer. you turn your head away from him and watch the ocean with him. his smoke mixing with the clouds as you listened to the water hit the shore below you. 
“did you and karina date?” 
sunghoon scoffs at your question, pure shock spreading on his face, “what? no! never.” 
you roll your eyes at his answer and lay back down onto his towel. you listen to his laugh as he can’t believe your question. you try to ignore the red heat filling up your cheeks at his reaction. 
when the sound of the waves is the only sound between you again, sunghoon’s body stiffens as he continues to smoke. he glances over at your figure, your arm covering your face with a small frown on your lips that makes his heart clench. 
“the idea of me and karina dating bothered you?” 
“shut up.” 
“i mean, why would you even think that?” 
“well sorry, i thought you were the self-proclaimed heartthrob of the town.” you raise your hands in the air. 
sunghoon chuckles, “but why would i date her?” 
your voice comes out as a whisper next, half hoping that he wouldn’t hear it, “because she’s beautiful.” 
sunghoon indeed hears it as you speak from behind him. his eyes stay set on the ocean in front of him. the sun had gone down half an hour ago, leaving the town’s lights to fill up the place for it. you smushes his cigarette against the rock, letting out a deep exhale as he does so. your words make him wonder what you really think about him. 
when you think sunghoon is about to call it a night by the way he finishes his cigarette, his words stop you from moving to pack up your things, “ever been skinny dipping?” 
“what? no?” 
“me neither. wanna do it?” 
“right now?”
sunghoon scoffs as he stands up, “yeah, c’mon.” 
before you can realize, sunghoon is dragging you down from the rock and around it, towards the ocean and away from the shores eyes. he ignores your protests as you’re forced to follow him, his hand on your wrist controlling where you go. he held a mischievous glint in his eyes as he tugged you closer to the water. the water looked like silk as he it brushed against the shore. the moonlight twinkled against it, making a path of light to draw you in. 
sunghoon’s hand dropped from you wrist as you both stood on the beach, the water just reaching your feet everytime it hit the shore. sunghoon’s smile was usually contagious, but now you were more nervous than anything to smile. 
“i can’t sunghoon.”
“you can! it’ll be fun!” you shook your head no at his encouragement, “but if you don’t want to it’s fine.” you relax, ready to suggest something else you and him can do instead for the rest of the night. “i’ll just do it by myself.” 
despite your confused exclaim, sunghoon’s hands move to pull his shirt off of his body. his pale skin soaking in the moonlight as his bright smile gleams at you. 
“it’ll be fun and i wanna try.” sunghoon shrugs as he starts to untie his bathing suit bottoms. 
“oh my god,” you cover your eyes, not being able to believe what he’s doing right now. 
“up to you if you don’t wanna see the heartthrobs body.” sunghoon teases in a sing song voice. 
“i absolutely do not.” 
you hear sunghoon scoff and shuffle his clothes around. you make sure to keep your fingers over your eyes, ignoring the voice in your head wanting to look. because even though you would never admit it; sunghoon is a heartthrob. you’re very aware of how attractive he is and how every girl in this town fights for a chance to even look at him. but he’s you’re friend, even if sometimes it feels like more. 
hearing water splashing around symbolizes that sunghoon is making his (naked) way through the water. and not too long after sunghoon calls out to tell you that the “coast is clear” and that you can look. 
cautiously, you remove your fingers from your eyes and look straight ahead, meeting sunghoon’s through the meters of water and sand inbetween you. 
“how’s it feel?” 
“like i’m having a bath in a big bathtub.” 
you watch him for a bit, swimming around in the dark water. despite sunghoon’s constant complaints about the town, you knew he absolutely loved the water. you couldn’t ignore the grand smile on his face everytime he swam. but, his smile was never as big as it was then. as he swam around the ocean naked, with just your presence around him. you watched as he used the water to push back his black hair, revealing his foreheard that you would only see while he swam. you always thought he looked the most beautiful when he swam. he seemed to be more peaceful and less tense. 
“you sure you won’t come in? the water’s so nice.” his voice echoes across the water and against the rocks. he watches you as you trace your finger in the sand beside you, drawing whatever shapes come to your mind. “it’d be more fun if you came in.”
you sigh, knowing that you’re about to give in to the heartthrob’s begging. and you hate knowing that he knows you’re giving in to him by the annoying smirk on his face. “you better turn around or else the heartthrob may become a creep.” you hear sunghoon’s laugh as he does in fact turn around, telling you that his eyes are closed under his hands that he’s placed on top of them just be sure. 
trying to set your anxiousness aside, you start to peel off your shorts and bathing suit. you feel the warm, night air blow against your entire body as you stand on the beach. your clothes are in a pile beside sunghoon’s. you slowly start to ease your way into the ocean, watching the back of sunghoon’s head as you make your way to him. the water is surprisingly warm as you glide through it. you stop when you’re a meter away from him. 
“you can turn around now.” 
you're met with sunghoon’s goofy grin. he keeps his eyes locked on your face, taking in your features as it reflects the water and moon. the tips of your hair are sunken into the water, while the top is still dry. he can’t help but think how beautiful you are right now, in a way he knows you won’t understand. 
“how’s it feel? just like i said it would?” he’s answered with a splash of water and a ‘shut up’ from you. “c’mon, let’s swim.” 
and so you follow him, both of you laughing and teasing eachother as you swim through the ocean at night. you can see the town’s lights from afar. the boardwalks’ lights of the arcades and rides flashing as the residents play around. you and sunghoon aren’t too far away from other people, but it feels like it’s just the two of you for miles. 
when the water turns cold, under the cold moon, you and sunghoon float on your backs. your hands accidentally touch eachother’s as you let the waves control your body, but neither of you mind, and instead welcome eachother’s touches. you wonder what you two look like to moon who is hovering over you in full. maybe flowers, with all of your limbs spread out wide, enjoying the water you were subsided in. 
“i’ve never felt this free before. it’s like i’m being exactly who i am, without any masks or expectations.” 
your eyes glance over at sunghoon as he speaks. you can tell that he’s being genuine, the serious expression on his face as he keeps his head pointed upwards to the night sky. 
“i get that. there’s nothing else around right now, so.” 
“yeah, but it’s you– you make me feel seen and understood. it’s liberating, you know?” 
sunghoon’s gaze meets your own, and there was a softness, an unspoken understanding. the sound of the ocean became a symphony, a gently lullaby that underscored the vulnerability of the shared sentiments. your hair was kissed by the moonlight, a smile on both of your lips as you spoke truths. 
sunghoon reached for your hand, your fingers dancing across each other’s purposefully. 
“karina’s beautiful, sure, but with you, it’s so much different. it’s like your beauty is timeless, and not just in the way you look, but in the way you make me feel.” 
you think for a second he’s drank too much salt water for the day. and you want to push him off and tease him like you usually do, but his fingers wrapped around yours so strongly tell you that you shouldn’t. his eyes held honesty and gratitude as he looked into yours. you had so many thoughts racing through your head, struggling to get out.
“you’re beautiful, too, sunghoon.” 
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the walk back to your dad’s house was wrapped in a comfortable quietude, the rhythmic sound of their footsteps harmonizing with the distant sound of crickets. 
sunghoon’s gaze, laden with the memories of tonight, occasionally meets yours as you traverse the familiar path. the connection between you has changed with an unspoken understanding that doesn’t demand words.
you both stop at the front door of your dad’s house. you and sunghoon were side by side, and share a quiet acknoelwedment that their night was now ending. you’re picking at your cuticles as you gently sway back and forth, trying to occupy yourself under sunghoon’s gaze. 
“good night, y/n.” 
“night, hoon.” 
before he steps away, he leans in, placing a gentle kiss on your temple, a sweet punctuation to their night. he turns with a final smile as you back up into the house, closing the door. 
you watch him as he makes his way home down the steet. the moon casted a soft glow on his silhouette as he got farther and farther out of sight. you couldn’t help but smile. that night may have been over, but you knew you’ll see him again the next day. the echoes of his laugh and the touch of his lips on your skin promise you sweet dreams as you crawl into your bed, under the cozy covers in the town you once swore you hated. 
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on friday night, you and sunghoon were in karina’s family mansion. it felt like crossing into another realm where the music pulsated in the beautiful, large house. it was so much different than any other house you had ever been in. 
sunghoon’s reluctance to attend was palpable, yet the allure of your company prompted him to step into the grandeur of karina’s world. the mansion, a labyrinth of echoing laughter and vibrant lights, held the promise of a night that would clash with the usual transquility you and sunghoon had grown accustomed to. 
in the corner of the expensive, expansive living room, amidst the huge crowd that had also been invited, you and sunghoon were settled into a quiet cocoon of your own. the atmosphere was charged with frenetic energy of partiers, but you and sunghoon found comfort in each other’s presence. you thought maybe sunghoon was already so comfortable since he had been in this house before. he had known all the other people dancing and drinking around. meanwhile you, knew nobody and were in an unfamiliar place. 
though, sunghoon found it charming the way you were so curious about the party, the house and the people. his once skeptical eyes softened as he observed you. he admired you in a way he’s never admired anyone. you wanted to experience the party, but still chose to keep to yourself, with him. sunghoon with stoic demeansor, and you with a subtle glow than formed an oasis of tranquility he had allowed himself to enter whenever he was with you. 
through the loud music and large crowd, karina made her way to the two of you. though, she only addressed sunghoon at first. when sunghoon didn’t cave in to her mischievous greeting, a new sly smirk grew on her face as she turned to you instead.
“we’re about to start a drinking game. wanna join?” 
“no thanks, we’re good.” 
you nudged sunghoon at his answer, hating the way he always answered for you. 
“sure, karina, why not.” you tell her, wanting to see what games the people in this town really played. you ignored sunghoon’s glare in the back of your head as he follow you and karina to the large group of people settled upon the couches in the living room. you could tell sunghoon was concerned, but was hiding it with annoyance as he tried to tune out karina’s voice. 
you sat on one of the couches, sunghoon standing behind you on the other side of it. he kept his cup close to his mouth as he continued to drink almost angrily. karina explained the rules of the game to everyone, making sure all the players understood before she rolled the dice. 
you kept up with the rules and the game, moving your piece alongside the board everytime it was your turn and drinking or taking a shot when you needed to. you almost forgot sunghoon was behind you with all the commotion and concentration brought on by the drinking board game. 
each round of the board escalated with intensity. you found yourself navigating the fine line between the thrill of the game and the underlying currents of karina’s mischeif. you didn’t realize that the other players of the game had formed alliances as each turn was taken. you missed karina’s sly smile as she made sure everyone took their shots, heightening the levels of intoxication of everyone, but especially you. 
the room started to echo more with the clinking of glasses and boisterous cheers of others players. you started to sway slightly, beginning to feel the effects of teh deliberate excess of alcohol pushed onto you by karina. not being able to control your body completely anymore, you let your back hit the couch, your head lulling back to rest on the couch. there, you made eye contact with sunghoon who had stood behind you the entire time you played the game. 
as soon as sunghoon made eye contact with you, he could tell how wasted you had gotten compared to everyone else. he was already on edge with the amount of times karina had told you that it was your turn to take a shot. that she was telling you to take a shot when you weren’t even suppose to. 
“alright, that’s enough,” sunghoon declared, his voice cutting through the crowd. his eyes locked onto you with a steel determination of getting you out of here. 
karina, feigning innocence, looked taken aback when sunghoon started helping you up. “what’s wrong sunghoonie? we’re just having some fun. it is a party after all.” 
“fun shouldn’t come at the cost of someone’s well being. so c’mon y/n, we’re leaving, and we are never coming back, karina.” 
with a steady arm around your waist, sunghoon guided you away from the chaotic party. the air outside, crisp and refreshing, offered a stark contrast to the sweaty, crowd inside. 
the night air seemed to revive you the farther you got away from the party and the closer you got to sunghoon’s house. his grop remained on you, protective and reassuring and conveyed a silent promise to shield you from hurting yourself due to karina’s actions. 
as you walked through the dimly lit streets of the town, sunghoon’s large house ontop of the hill emerged. away from the raucous mansion that belong to karina. sunghoon’s steps were deliberate and measured, just wanting to guide you safely. 
sunghoon managed to bring you up to his bedroom quietly, both of you smiling sheepishly as you passed the head maid who took care of him as a child. you ascended the large staircase the lead to his bedroom. the hallways had tall, perfect walls that held photographs of the family. 
you couldn’t help but gasp when you saw sunghoon’s bedroom and the amount of space it held. the room exuded an air of affluence, the dimensions vast and adorned with subtle touches of opulence. the walls, painted in muted tones, cradled the room’s large windows that allowed the moonlight to cascade gently onto the plush furnishings. 
your eyes lingered on all the details– the elegant furniture, the soft glow of ambient lighting, and the artful arrangement of items that spoke of a meticulous sense of style. but you couldn’t help but realize that it didn’t seem like sunghoon at all, despite his name being on the awards showcased on the shelf in the corner. it was nothing like how you would imagine sunghoon to decorate a room. 
sunghoon settled you onto his bed, the plushness beneath you seemed to embrace you with a silent invitation to unwind. the linens, luxurious and inviting made you feel like you were in a hotel.sunghoon made sure the blanket was up to your chin, before he brushed a strand your hair behind your ear. he slowly started to back up, feeling as if he should go now that you were safe in his bed. 
but your hand grabbed onto his wrist, stopping him. 
sunghoon and you layed side by side in his bed, your heads facing his high, posh ceiling. you could feel your hands being only centimeters apart at your sides, but neither one of you made an effort to connect them. an almost shy feeling taking over both of you as you layed in his bed. both of you could tell that the other was still awake. 
“how’re you feeling?” 
“better. less drunk.” 
“i’m sorry karina tricked you into drinking more, if i knew–,” 
“it’s fine, i should’ve been paying more attention.” 
a beat of silence took over his room once again. 
“thanks for taking care of me, hoon.” 
you hear sunghoon gulp beside you. neither one of you moving to look at eachother as you speak. you tell yourself to take a breath before you force yourself to move your hand to intertwined your fingers with his. instantaneously, both of your heads turned to face each other. 
now, you could see just how handsome sunghoon looked. his hair was messy against his pillow. his cheeks flushed a colour of red from the alcohol he had drank earlier. his pale skin was gleaming in the moonlight that the large windows let in. you could smell his laundry detergent so clearly that it was almost as intoxicating as the alcohol you had drank. 
without thinking, probably thanks to alcohol, you pressed a kiss into sunghoon’s temple as he did yours the night before. it was all you could think about. his plush, pink, lips against your skin. you wanted more. you couldn’t stop staring at his lips all day today, and you’re sure he could tell. 
pulling away from his temple, you stay only centimeters away from his face. looking down at him to take in his reaction. his eyes were serious as they bore into yours, unlike the playful look he had given you last night after he had kissed your own temple. 
just as you decide to shy away and regret your action, sunghoon is pressing his lips against yours. his eyes are closed and his pursed lips press onto your shocked ones. 
before you can kiss back, he’s pulling away from you, head laying on his pillow again. you only take a second before you’re pressing your lips against his this time. 
the kiss is passionate and longing. both of you have been wanting this and both of you know it. you found yourself so utterly, and completely drawn to sunghoon as you mesh your lips together. this simple kiss encapsulated so many emotions; exploring a new desired connection, the vulnerability woven into the fabric of the oment. it was a subtle revelation of emotions that surpassed the need for explicit articulation. 
as you parted, the unspoken understanding lingered in the air. the roomnow charged with the afterglow of your shared kiss. 
you didn’t break eyecontact and kept your faces only mere inches apart. sunghoon could physically see the need boiling up in your eyes as you continued to stare at him. he could feel his own stomach start to coil with the thought of having you. finally fulfilling the thought he’d been pushing to the back of his mind for weeks. 
“stop looking at me like that.” 
“like what?” 
you didn’t recognize your voice when you questioned him. your voice usually calm and low had turned into a higher mewl. 
“like,” sunghoon scoffed, “you wanna go further.” 
“i do.” 
“but you’re drunk.” 
“so are you.” 
sunghoon could feel his attempt at descalating the conversation fading with each quick answer you gave him. 
“please hoon, i like it when you take care of me.” 
with that, sunghoon forgot every apprehension as he slammed his lips against yours again. this time the kiss was more feverish, the passion soaring through both of you as you kept up the fast pace of the kiss. his hand comes up to grab your face, keeping it still as he makes out with you. you don’t fight for dominance as you let his tongue enter your mouth. as you swirl your tongues together, exploring each other’s mouths for the first time, you let your hand run down his shirt covered chest, stopping at the waist band of his pants. 
sunghoon suddenly grabs your waist, pulling you ontop of him. your knees are on other side of his hips. your hair dangling down as you have to look down at him. sunghoon places his hand around your neck, squeezing gentle to make you gasp out before he trails his hand down slowly, all the way from your neck, your chest, stopping at the bottom hem of your shirt. his warm thumb rubs slow circles on the exposed skin of your stomach, making you shiver. 
“you’re gonna let me take care of you like a good girl?” sunghoon’s voice is deep as he asks you, his brown eyes staring right into yours through his blank bangs that have fallen over them. he looked so good underneath you. 
you nodded, your eyes innocent with your answer. sunghoon’s hand landed on your neck, squeezing again. his eyes tense when he speaks again, “use your words princess.” 
“y-yes, i’ll be a good girl for you.” 
“good girl for who?”
“for you, sir.” 
sunghoon’s grip on your neck loosened, liking the sound of your answer. 
“take your shirt off for sir.” 
you don’t hesitate, your hands grabbing the bottom of your shirt and raising it over your head, dropping it off onto his floor beside you. your bikini top is tight to your chest. you watch the way sunghoon’s licks his lips as his hands go behind your back, untying your bikini to let it drop right off of you. 
you don’t feel exposed or bare as sunghoon marvels at your chest. his eyes scanning from one breast to the other to your face and back again, 
“fuck, you’re so beautiful, princess,” sunghoon compliments you as he sits up, his mouth pressing open mouthed kisses on your neck, “wish you could see yourself how i see you.” you whine at his words, hating how he knows you so well. hating how he knows all your insecurities and how much he loved them. 
his fingers find your nipples, squeezing them gently, testing how well you respond to it. he’s pleased when you arch your back into his chest, wanting more. he pulls and tugs on them harder, loving how you start to squirm. when he presses kisses into your neck you throw your head to the side, letting him have as much room as he needs. his lips that you wanted to kiss so bad feel like heaven on your neck. 
sunghoon’s hands grip your waist, guiding you to move back and forth across his crotch. you whimper at the first feeling of the friction. your skirt has ridden up, so your bathing suit bottoms are on display as you rub your core against his cortch. you can feel how hard his cock is inside his pants. 
sunghoon keeps his mouth on your nipples as you start to pick up your pace grinding down onto him. you alternate switching your hips from going back and forth to circling around. 
“fuck you’re so good at that, baby. making sir feel so good.” 
sunghoon keeps your close to him by keeping his hand on your back. he’s almost possessive with your body, not wanting it to go anywhere, like it belongs to him. and for tonight, you’ll let him own your body. he’s making you feel so good, finding all your sweet spots on your neck and chest. 
“that’s right, rub back and forth over that hard cock.” 
you whine out his name, your head thrown back. sunghoon’s free hand covers your mouth, stopping you from being too loud. he mumbles a ‘be quiet’ into your skin as he sucks on it, leaving pink marks and saliva all over your neck, chest and tits. 
sunghoon starts to rub you back and forth over his cock, leaving you with no control over your own body. you’re gripping onto his shoulders as you let him do as he pleases, using your body to get both of you to feel good. 
“kiss me,” your simple demand is quiet in his room as you both grind against each other feverishly. 
sunghoon presses his swollen lips against yours. you feel how wet his mouth is, happily taking his spit and lips into your mouth. you’re already addicted to his taste. 
sunghoon could feel your nails grip into his shoulder harder, leaving marks but he didn’t care. he could tell that you were close to your climax. he started to grind his hips upwards against yours. shoving his hand over your mouth to muffle your moan. 
“you gonna cum, princess? gonna show sir how well he takes care of you?” 
“yes, sir, please don’t stop. ‘m so close.” 
sunghoon doesn’t stop, wanting to see you cum so bad. he’s thought about it for weeks. thought about how you would sound, look and taste. he watches as you struggle to keep your eyes open. your mouth wide open as your hips don’t stop grinding down. the friction becoming too much for your little clit as he drags your hips against his. 
“cum for me princess, that’s right, that’s right.” 
with his encouragement you throw your headback one last time, his hand covering your mouth roughly to quiet you. your body starts to shake on top of his as your orgasm washes over you. your clit spasming from the friction of your bathing suit and his jeans. your arms go weak and your chest collapses onto his. 
“fuck, sir.” you whimper out, your body still on adrenaline as your orgasm fades. 
“that was so good, baby. did so well for me.” sunghoon praises you. he presses soft kisses into your neck, different from how rough and harsh he was kissing and sucking only minutes ago. 
you look down ands ee the wet mess you had left on his jeans, almost embarrassed until sunghoon groaned at the sight. 
“nade such a mess on sir, baby.” you notice his hard bulge still in his pants, your eyes innocent as you look back to his. his eyes are soft as he watches you, his hands gentle as they push your hair out of your face. 
“you didn’t cum yet sir?” 
sunghoon shrugs, “don’t need to, watching you was enough.” 
“wanna see you cum, though.” 
before sunghoon can disagree more, you’re pulling his cock out of his pants. it’s red and hard. the veins are protruding as his cock is so stimulated from the friction of your hips from before. 
“spit on it.” 
you do as sunghoon demands. letting a long string of saliva meet his tip from your mouth. he groans out your name as he feel sthe warm liquid meet his hard cock. 
he takes his cock from your grip, starting to jerk his own cock up and down, staring right at your worn out face, saliva coerd chst and hard nipples that he had sucked and bit on. 
“you wanna taste my cum, princess?” 
his words make your stomach coil again, feeling the pleasure, desire and need build up again as you watch sunghoon jerk himself off in front of you. his arm is almost lazy as he pulls on his cock with your saliva as a lubricant. his head is thrown back against the headboard as he watches you, scans your body. 
“yes, sir, please. ‘ve been thinking about your taste for weeks.” 
sunghoon smiles at your answer, loving the way you’re so honest with him all the time. his smile makes you weak at the knees so you’re grateful you’re still straddling his lap. 
“g, gonna cum in a sec, baby.” 
“do it sir, wanna watch you cum so bad.” 
with a few more tugs on his cock, sunghoon hit his orgasm. he threw his head back and let out deep groans that you knew you would never forget. youor eyes were switching from looking at his face to where his cock was. white strands of cum were dripping down his cock and in his hand. he kept moaning your name, making you close your thighs instinctiely to relieve some pressure that was building again. 
when sunghoon’s orgasm had started to fade, you didn’t hesitate to swoop your hand down to his cock, collecting the fallen liquid that you oh, so wanted to taste. sunghoon watched you lick it off your fingers, a deep gutteral groan coming from his chest at the sight. 
the taste is salty in your mouth and you keep your eyes entrained on sunghoon until it’s all gone. sunghoon reaches over and grabs a tissue to wipe his fingers off, and then he grabbing another tissue. he reaches over to you, dabbing the tissues around your mouth and swiping it around the wet parts on your neck. the whole time, your heart was beating so loudly there was no way he didn’t hear it. 
for tonight, sunghoon carefully slipped your out of your bathing suit bottoms and skirt, giving you one of his shirts and boxer shorts to wear instead. he tried to ignore the achey feeling in his heart when you were fully dressed, and climbed into bed beside you. you rested your head on his warm, bare chest. his arm was kept around you, keeping you close to him. you quickly fell asleep, a soft smile on your face that made sunghoon want to kiss it. but sunghoon stayed awake for hours, scared then when he woke up again, everything would be wrong. 
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you easily find sunghoon at the beach, despite the large crowd of people among it. it was the hottest day of the summer, and the beach was packed. unlike everyone else sun tanning, playing volleyball, swimming or making sandcastles; sunghoon was under an umbrella, his head thrown down into a book. you walk over to where he was, paying attention not startle him. he turns you before you even open your mouth to speak, like he’s been waiting for you. 
“hey, wanna go to the rock?” 
the rock is more quiet than the rest of the beach. it’s just the two of you up there, watching everyone else living life on the beach and in the water. it gives you both space to think. neither of you have spoken about what happened a few nights ago. the morning after, you both just woke up and got back to your normal routine as if nothing had happened. but both of you knew and could that something did in fact. 
“ever been out of the country before?” 
you asked him partly because you knew he had with his affluent background, and because you were curious about other places. you had only ever stayed around the city you were born in. your roots were planted there and you knew you would never go farther than this town you were in now. vacations were a luxury not afforded to families like your own. 
“yeah, a lot of places,” sunghoon admitted, “but it’s not as glamorous as it sounds. it’s always about business, never about exploring or enjoying.” he was a traveler by circumstance rather than choice. he had seen the world through the lens of his father’s business ventures. 
“if you could live in any country, where would you go?” 
“i don’t know.” sunghoon sighed, “somewhere far away. somewhere untouched by my father’s business dealings. maybe like a quiet beach.” 
“with hot beach chicks?”
sunghoon scoffed, “yeah girls love a mysterious stranger– and i could be that guy.” 
your conversation dwindled, both of you thinking about different things as you watched the beach scene unfold beneath you. the sun seemed to get hotter and dried out your mouth quickly. 
“what about you, y/n? where would you go?” 
not knowing of any places besides from the stories your dad use to tell you he went before you were born, your mind stuck on the place your dad said he needed to go to again before he died. 
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on one weekend, sunghoon’s dad needed him to accompany him to a business dinner in the nearest city, leaving you home alone for the night. your dad had gone on a weekend fishing trip with his friends, and wouldnt be back until the next day. 
the only light on in the house was the tv playing behind you. some sitcom that you were paying no attention to. you sat on a chair looking out the window. you watched as the trees blew in the dark sky, the moon raining down on them. you rested your head against the cold window, cooling down your body. 
this was the first night in a month that you had been alone. you’d spend your afternoons on the rock until it was pitch black out. and then usually sunghoon would talk to you from your balcony as you drifted off to sleep in your bed. 
you didn’t realize how much you hate being alone until now. maybe that’s why you didn’t want to come here this summer, because then you’d be away from your friends who would always keep you company. you don’t understand why you can’t be alone. you think maybe it’s because then you have to face all the thoughts you ignore and push away. you don’t have time to think about your problems when you’re with other people. 
that’s why you like hanging out with sunghoon. your brain completely shuts off when you’re with him. you’re so comfortable with him and know that he doesn’t expect anything from you. you don’t know how you’re going to go back to your hometown, away from him. where you’ll have to deal with everything, every problem, again. 
you didn’t realize you were crying until a tear lands on your lap. the t shirt sunghoon had let you borrow had risen up, letting yur thighs be the victim of your tears. you knew that you and sunghoon would have to separate soon, there were only a few weeks left until you had to go back home and sunghoon would have to go back to his fancy private school for the year. the town that holds both of your memories would be empty without both of you in it. 
despite the harsh contrast of your backgrounds, you and sunghoon were woven with each other. stitched together with vulnerabilities neither of you had shared with anyone else. you didn’t want to share it with anyone else except for park sunghoon. 
your body stops it’s shaking at the sound of his voice. and you were sure you’ve started to lose it. 
“y/n?” he says your name again, this time with a louder knock the wooden front door. 
quickly you get up from your place on the kitchen chair, making your way to the door. through the kaleidoscope window you see him. he’s standing there in a suit, but his white shirt is unbuttoned and his tie is wrapped loosely over his neck. when he sees you he tells you to open the door. 
when you do, he steps in, his body engulffing your own. he’s mumbling something about how he hates his father and how he had to walk all the way here and how he never wanted to go back home. when he pulls away he stops, 
“have you been crying, princess?” 
“no,” you wipe your cheeks quickly, “but you’ve been drinking.” 
“yeah, and i’m fuckin’ wasted.” 
you brought him up to your bedroom, where he sprawled across your small mattress. his pants and jacket are lost somewhere on your bedroom floor as he lays in his boxers and unbuttoned shirt. the edges of the mattress fail to contain his long legs, giving him an air of maturity beyond his years. 
from your vantage point on the floor, you observed him. almost a familiar ritual that you’ve always done. in your dimly lit bedroom, he appears almost perfect, submerged in darkness, almost authentically himself if he weren’t so drunk. you had never seen him so toxicated before, but it kept a small smile on your face as you watched him. 
“you look so pretty right now, y/n.”
“just right now?” 
“no, all the time. of course, all the time.” 
as he closes his eyes with a sloppy smile on his face, you imagine what it would be like to live with him everyday, to see more nights like this of him coming home drunk to bed, telling you how pretty you are. you know the parts that you imagine are just fantasies that would never come true, but you let yourself imagine them as memories that have already happened between the two of you. 
“got anything else to drink, princess? like some whiskey or somethin’?” 
“um,” you pretend to hum in thought, “i think i should just get you some water for now.” you start to rise from your position, balancing on your knees on the floor. your chin rested on the mattress, next to his veiny forearm. 
proximity has always defined your relationship in affectionate gestures. but, in that moment, as you exist so closely to each other, it transcends the familiar. it feels as if they are convering into one in this small room. like two individuals are finally completing into one person. 
“i’m just gonna go get water.” 
sunghoon’s hand reaches out to grab your wrist gently, “don’t go, y/n. the world is awful when you’re not here.” he confesses, his words lingering in the room, merging with the slow rhythm of his breaking, a cadence that aligns with the soft rain that has started outside. 
on the night that the town held their annual carnival, you and sunghoon chose to avoid it. you wouldn’t be joining it’s neon lights, laughter and kaleidoscope of colours. instead, you found yourselves at the desolated beach, forgotten by everyone in light of the carnival. 
you found a spot where the sand meets the gentle lapping waves. your bodies are laying down adjacent to the ocean. the distant carnival music becomes a faint melody, drowned by sunghoon humming some song you can’t think the name of. your fingers idly trace patterns in the sand as sunghoon gazes up at the stars. the scent of salt permeates teh air, mingling with the aroma of cotton candy you and sunghoon had previously shared. 
“what’s on your mind?” 
you scoff at his question, but still answer him, now you’ve become use to him knowing when you’re lost in a constant thought, “just, summer’s almost over, and then i’ll have to go back home and to school.”
“i’m sure going back to your home won’t be as bad as going back to my private school.” 
you don’t care that sunghoon watched you roll your eyes at his answer. because both of you knew that you would rather go to a rich private school than your awful public school. 
“but still,” sunghoon admitted, “i’m glad we had this summer.” the vulnerability in his words weaving a thread in your heart of affection for him. 
your eyes met each other’s, exchanging a look of understanding as the weight of reality pressed upon you. unspoken fears of the looming distance and unfulfilled promises in the future. sunghoon can see the gratitude and longing mixing in your eyes as they reflect his. 
sunghoon entangles his hand in yours, stopping you from tracing your usual shapes in the sand. his hand is cold compared to the summer temperature around you, but you don’t mind, you welcome it. his hand is large compared to yours as he drags his thumb over yours. you keep your eyes on eachother, full of longing and inevitable sadness. 
“come here.” 
you do as he says, rolling over in the sand so you’re half laying on his chest, your faces close together as your legs entangle so naturally, as if you’ve done this everyday for years. you think you use to shy away from not only sunghoon’s, but everyone’s physical affection. but with sunghoon’s, you gladly accept it before you can even think about it. 
like you don’t even think about it before you’re meeting sunghoon’s plush lips in a tender kiss. it was a promise sealed in the taste of salt and cotton candy on your lips, an unspoken pact to carry the warmth of the summer through the chill of the coming weeks. the ocean, a silent witness, cradled your fleeting connection– a memory etched in the sand. 
you keep making out gently. different from the last time when you were drunk and in his bed. it’s softer, like you’re scared the other is going to break. his hands are wrapped around your waist, keeping you tucked into his side. it feels so safe and natural to be with him like this that it almost scares you. 
you swing your leg up and over sunghoon’s hips, straddling him now. his hands stay on your waist as he looks up at you, the sand cushioning his head. again, without a thought, you slide his shirt off of your body. you hear him curse under his breath as your bikini top chest comes into view. neither of you really mind your hips grinding down onto his crotch. 
“should we go somewhere private, princess?” 
you shake your head no, “want you here, right now. you know there’s no one around.” 
sunghoon lets a deep grumble out from within his chest. one of his hands coming up to your head, pushing it down to meet his own, your lips meeting more intensely this time. the sounds of your lips smacking intrude on the sounds of the ocean behind you. 
your hands start to untie his bathing suit bottoms, he moves his hips upwards to help you slide them down his thighs. his semi-hard dick is in your view then. 
“spit on it, baby, like a good girl.” 
you let a drool of your saliva drop down onto his member, and then your hand meets it. it slowly starts to pump his cock up and down. sunghoon doesn’t take his eyes off of where your hand meets him. he lets out mumbles of praise as you continue. neither of you worry about being too loud as the sound of the waves and faint carnival music drown anything out from your corner in the beach. 
he tells you to keep going, making you speed up your movements of your hand. when his cock was fully hard he decided then that he quickly needed to be inside of you. 
“want you to ride my cock, princess.” 
“yes, sir.” 
you start to move to unbutton your shorts. sunghoon helps you slide them off with your bathing suit bottoms. when you straddle him again, both of you moan at the feeling of your wet pussy against his cock. you grab his cock, rubbing it through your wet folds. 
“no teasing, baby.” sunghoon grunts through his gritted teeth. you didn’t know that you could have this big of an effect on him. 
he helps you slide his cock inside of you. you sink down slowly on it, feeling every inch and vein of it. sunghoon’s other hand remains on your waist, squeezing tightly as the pleasure takes over him as well. when he’s hit as far as he could fit, he stops. he lets you adjust to his size as you swear to him under your breath that he’s the biggest you’ve ever felt. 
“yeah? i fill you up so good already, y/n?” he has a teasing smile on his face that you half want to punch and half want to kiss. but, you do the latter and press your lips onto his once more. the kiss is soft and innocent compared to how lewd the action was between your legs. 
you let out moans of his name mixed with curses, that let him know you were feeling just as good as he was. his hands stayed on your waist, helping you move up and down on his cock. 
“you’re so wet, fuck.” 
he licked and bite his lips, grunting as you slammed your ass down onto him. you could faintly hear the sound your wet core was making everytime your bodies collided. you planted your palms onto his bare chest, keeping yourself steady for your harsh and fast movements. 
sunghoon let his hand trail up from your waist to your tits, grasping them in his hand, tweaking your nipple through the bathing suit top. he smirked at your response, finding it amusing how sensitive your tits were. his hand moved to your throat, squeezing it with just the right amount of pleasure. you cry out how name at his gesture. your own hand snaking down to play with your clit, rubbing it in fast circles as you don’t stop bouncing down on his dick. 
sunghoon is in pure heaven at the state of you. you look so desperate as you slam your ass against his thights. your eyebrows are pushed together and your mouth is wide open. his hand keeps still on your throat, loving how it makes you move slopppier. your walls started to clench more around his cock; your name slips out of his mouth so beautifully. 
“you gonna cum, princess? gonna cum all over sir’s cock?” 
you let out a mumble that sounds similar to ‘yeah’ as you continue to reach the edge with his cock shoved deep inside of you. your body shook ontop of his as you came. your thighs clenching around his hips as you threw your head back into the night sky. 
sunghoon’s eyes became sharp set at the feeling of your silk walls pulsating. he started to force his cock up into your wet pussy at a speed you could barely comprehend. his hands were tight on your waist as he forced his hips up and down. 
sunghoon’s jaw was clenched as he focused on reaching his own high. his hard cock practically ripped you open. your cries started to become louder from being overstimulated from the pleasure. sunghoon could only focus on you and your pussy and how good you were making him feel. 
“fuck me sir just like that! so good! please!” 
your begging pushes sunghoon over the edge, your walls and cries too much for him. he releases his warm cum into you with a final, push into your pussy. you moan out his name as you feel him cum inside of you. his fingers stay tight onto your waist, for sure leaving nail marks from how tight he’s gripping your skin. 
your body collapsing onto his. both of your breaths mixing with the sand as you try to catch your breaths. both of you listen to the ocean and your uneven breaths as you relax from the sex. you feel his fingers trace shape on your bare back as he keeps his cock deep inside of you. 
neither of you bother to try to move for a while, finding comfort in each others presence– loving the way you felt so close to each other with his cock still inside of you. even when it’s gone completely soft, you both stay there, holding each other, trying to stop the minutes from ticking.
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for the rest of the summer, the days melted into the nights and the summer sun continued to beam down on both of your skins. you and sunghoon became even more inseparable and irresistible of each other. each moment was something you wish you could remember vividly for the rest of your life. 
you spent more time exploring each other’s bodies. both of you liked the risk and adrenaline that came with almost getting caught. which lead to more sex on the beach. sunghoon sneaking through your balcony at night to make you cum. giving him blowjobs on the beach under the umbrella. following him up to his bedroom at night, avoiding the eyes of his parents and house workers. 
the nights were always alive when you swam against the waves. the silver glow of the moon, you and sunghoon would slip into the ocean, taking in the cool embraces of the waster as you revealed in the serenity of the night. sometimes, you’d find yourselves huddled around a bonfire, roasting marshmallows until they were golden brown. the sweet scent of toasted marshmallows lingered in the air and on your tongues. 
other nights, you’d find yourselves lazing around your bedroom, your head in sunghoon’s lap as he read richard brautigan to you. his voice weaving through the air like poetry. the words painted vivid images in your mind. every so often, you’d be following sunghoon around his mansion, a grant labyrinth of corridors and hidden rooms. each corner would reveal a piece of his world. with more exploration, the vast mansion turned more into a cozy home. 
the more fun you had with sunghoon, the more the bittersweet reality set in. responsibilities loomed in the horizon, promising to pull you both in different directions. the summer became a haven that you wished could be eternal. 
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the night before you had to separate, your bedroom lay hushed in the muted glow of your bedside lamp, casting gentle shadows on the walls. the air was thich with the unspoken weight of impending farewells as you and sunghoon shared a quiet moment. a silent acknowledgement of teh fleeting hours left before needing to part ways for an unknown amount of time. 
laying side by side in the dimly lit room, the creak of the mattress beneath you was a subtle reminder of the transient nature of your togetherness. the soft hum of an old melody played from a distant radio outside your open window, filling the gaps between words with a melancholic undertone. 
sunghoon’s fingers danced idly through a strand of your hair, his touch feather light yet laden with a somber tenderness. the strands twirled and looped around his fingers like a silent dance. he tried to take in all the details of your hair, so he could remember every detail about you. 
as you traced abstract patterns on the ceiling, listening to the sound of sunghoon’s heartbeat, the atmosphere seemed to thicken with unspoken words and unshed tears. the scent of summer lingered, encapsulating the essence of your days spent together. 
the night outside remained still, save for the distant murmur of waves and occasional rustle of leaves. in the quiet room, it held the weight of goodbyes and resonance of shared laughter and whispered confessions. words that you knew neither of you would be able to speak to another soul.
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the summer cast long shadows across the driveway as sunghoon stood at the end, a silhouette etched against teh golden hues of the warm evening. the atmosphere was saturated with unspoken emotions, heavy witht eh weight of impending goodbyes. you stepped off of the porch, the worn wooden planks feeling cool beneath your bare feet. 
sunghoon’s gaze met yours, a silent exchange that spoke volumes without uttering a single word. the air seemed to hum with the poignant awareness of an ending, and the usual busy neighbourhood hushed as if it, too, understood the gravity of the moment. 
the lowering sun cast long shadows across sunghoon’s handsome face, acentuating the contours of his features. his eyes held a mix of reluctance and acceptance, mirroring the conflicted emotions swirling within you both. the echo of shared laughter and whispered secrets lingered in the air, a symphony of memories that played softly in the background. 
you met him at the end of the driveway, your mother’s idle car waiting for you just meters away. 
“i’m going to miss you,” sunghoon practically whispered, his voice carrying the weight of too many emotions for either of you to handle. 
“i’ll miss you, too.” 
the town held its brath as your lips met in a tender, bittersweet kiss– a farewell painted with the colorus of sunset and promise of a tomorrow that belonged to different worlds. neither of you knew when the next time you would feel the others lips on your own. the kiss was as slow as possible, as if time stopped when you were connected. 
breaking away, your eyes locked onto his brown ones that you’ve had weeks to memorize for eternity. a lump formed in your throat as you struggled to find words that could encapsulate the depth of your feelings in that very moment. 
sunghoon speaks for you, “i’ll never forget you.” his fingers trace your jaw, feeling your soft skin he’s kissed a hundred times, for the last time. “or how overly idealistic you are.” 
“shut up.” 
the small amount of humour you both embrace hurts more than it should. both of your souls reluctantly embracing the inevitability of your separation. 
you start to backup towards your car, where your mom waits to leave for home, your fingers slowly loosing grip of sunghoon’s as the distance between your bodies increases. 
you only lose sight of him while you get into the car, telling your mother that you’re ready, even though you’re not. the engine hummed to life, the vibrations beneath the chassis resonating with the subdued rhythm of your heart. as the car began to pull away, your turned to face the back window. the neighbourhood unfolded in reverse, a mosaic of houses, trees and streetlights that once felt so comforting. 
through the glass, sunghoon stood on the gravel dirt road, a silhouette painted against the backdrop of fading daylight. his hand lifted in a half hearted wave, a mirror image of your own farewell. matching tear streaks adorned both your faces, glistening traces of emotions left unspoken in the twilight air. the sunset light covered his face in the most beautiful, devastating way. 
as the distance between you and him widened, the world outside blurred into a montage of colours and shapes. the weight of the unknown future hung in the air, a quiet ache taht nestled in the hollows of your chest. the car carried you further away, navigating the streets you once hated. 
you stole one last glance at sunghoon who was joined by your dad at the end of the driveway. both of them having sad smiles on their faces as they watched your car disappear into the distance. 
the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a final burst of golden streaks across the evening sky– an ending to summer. as the car turned a corner, your gaze remained fixed on the fading landscape, the remnants of a summer love etched in the recesses of your memories. each passing scenery of a familiar landmark was a reminder of moments shared with sunghoon. the quiet far corners of the town held the resonance of laughter, clandestine meetings and the stubble brush of fingertips that danced in the delicate way you would always remember. 
the ache in your chest matched the quiet tears that streamed down your cheeks, glistening in the soft glow of the streetlights. in the solitude of the car, you allowed yourself the vulnerability of grief, mourning the passage of summer and love that felt like a fleeting dream. 
you longed for the ability to rewind time, to relive the summer with sunghoon over and over again. the desire hung in the air, palpable and unspoken as the car glided toward the destination where the echoes of laughter had once been a symphony, now reduced to the gentle cadence of your own tears. 
the outside, familiar world had become a blur, and the quiet of the night seemed to mirror the hollowness you felt within. the knowledge that you might never see the silhouette of park sunghoon against the backdrop of summer’s fading hues was a devastating ache, a void that lingered in the spaces between breaths. the gravity of the impending absence seeped through your veins, leaving behind the remnants of a season that had slipped away, leaving you with nothing but the echoes of goodbye and memories that you hoped you could remember forever. 
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the days that followed morphed into long, awful monotony. your once-familiar routine, once a source of comfort, now felt like an oppressive weight. each step echoing the absence left in the wake of summers ephemeral bliss. 
you and sunghoon had texted for as long as you could, before he had to hand in his phone at private school because of the strict rule that everyone hated : no phones allowed. how you ached to hear his voice once more. 
you continuously looked at pictures you had taken on your phone through the summer. tears streaming down your face as you looked at the digital face of park sunghoon– the face that you had kissed and touched and admired so many times just weeks before. 
the pictures became a tormentous reminder, and the once cherished routine back at home now felt like a cage, every corner haunted by the echoes of park sunghoon’s absence.  
weeks continued to pass since you had to say goodbye to sunghoon, and each day in your hometown felt slower and slower. your school that you once loved, felt like hell. the faces around you that were once your closest friends, blurred into a sea of strangers, and the classrooms became chambers of detached voices you couldn’t bare to listen to. your thoughts kept drifting back to sunghoon, the only person who seemed to every understand you. his absence cast a shadow over you that nothing seemed to fill. 
in the hallways, you found yourself thinking you had caught glimpses of sunghoon. his familiar silhouette passing at the end of the hall, only for there to be no one once you reached the end of it– or it was someone else who was very confused at your actions. every time, your heart raced, hope and anticipation intertwined– only to be shattered once reality settled in. sunghoon was miles away, across the country in a school you could never afford. 
at home, you found yourself imagining his presence beside you. every night, while you sat in a warm bath, your wet hair sticking to your nude back like it did in the summer when you would go swimming, you imagined him sitting across from you. the tips of his black hair wet as it dripped down his face and stuck to his forehead. 
you imagined talking and laughing with him. it was a mixture of conversations you already had with him, and ones that you wanted to have with him. the mirage of him would laugh when you wanted him to. you could almost feel his skin on yours when you imagined he would reach across the distance between you in the bath and brush your wet hair out of your face. you could hear his voice calling you his princess, and how pretty you are. 
and everytime, you would come out of your imagination with tears streaming down your face. knowing that you would never be able to speak with sunghoon again. he would never actually be across from you in the bath like how you constantly imagined and wished. it hurt everytime. 
it seemed that everything you did reminded you of sunghoon. your favourite books, like anything by richard brautigan, reminded you of him. you could only hear the words written across the pages in sunghoon’s voice. the memories of him reading those exact words to you in your bedroom or on the beach flashed through your mind. you swore you could smell the ocean’s sea salt on the pages when you flipped through them. 
you ended up having to shove all of brautigan’s books under your bed so you couldn’t see them. 
the sunsets in your hometown were no match to the ones that would set in your father’s town. you couldn’t imagine the ugly colours of your hometown’s sunsets fading into sunghoon’s skin. 
sometimes, you cursed park sunghoon– for ruining your favourite books, favourite smells, favourite sunsets. 
your mother told you that with time the pain in your chest would fade– but how much time would be needed for you to forget every single beautiful detail of park sunghoon? 
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the weeks rolled on as they must do. and gradually, the familiarity of your old routine began to reclaims its space in your life. the once pervasive memories of park sunghoon were now relegated to the corners of your mind. with a quiet acceptance, you found comfort in the routienst aht had defined your life before summer. 
in the company of your friends you had welcomed you back so easily, laughter echoed through familiar hangout spots. the school activities you took part in became a buffer against the persistent ache of longing. you enjoyed walking into all the classrooms with your friends as you focused more and more on your studies during your final year of high school. 
acceptance came not as resignation but as a gentle acknowledgement that there is more to life than that town and summer with park sunghoon. the mundane moments, once overshadowed, now stood as peaceful moments that you found happiness in. you discovered a semblance of normalcy, a balm for the heart yearning for the touch of a distant memory that would only stay as a memory. 
when winter break arrived, so did the crisp chill in the air that you had seemed to have forgotten. 
on christmas, you called your father. 
you picked your nails as you gave in to the compelling inquiry of the park mansion. your dad’s response was delivered with a heavy sigh. as he stood by the window, his phone against his shoulder and ear, he gazed toward the distant hill where the mansion nestled. there was only a scattering of lights flickered in the windows– only the wait staff resided there now. 
“the town’s different now,” your father muttered, his eyes fixated on the silent mansion. “people are huddled up in their homes, or they’ve retreated to their own cities for the year.” his words painted a picture of a community cocooned in the winter’s embrace, a far cry from the lively canvas that had coloured your summer days. 
attempting to conjure the image your father described, you strained to envision the town shrouded in winter’s hush. streets once bustling with activity, now empty and serene. shops that echoed with laughter and music now adorned with boarded up windows. the once welcoming cool ocean water, was now empty and freezing. 
yet, despite your efforts, the mental image eluded you. the town you had known only as a summer haven resisted transformation in your mind. you could almost hear the distant echo of waves crashing against the shore and feel the warmth of the summer sun, rendering your attempts to superimpose a winter veil futile. 
you avoided your father’s questions about park sunghoon. 
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spring unfolded its tender embrace, and with it came a cascade of changes that wove into the fabric of your life. as the days lengthed and the air became infused with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, you found yourself navigating a labyrinth of new worries, memories and responsibilities. 
graduating high school loomed on the horizon, a monumental milestone that carried the weight of farewells and unknown futures. the hallways now echoed with teh eancitipatory whispers of change. faces you had known since childhood broe expressions of both excitement and sadness, mirroing the kaleidoscope of emotions within you. 
with each passing day, the gravity of adulthood settled like a spring mist. responsibilities sprouted like delicate buds, demanding attention and nurturing. the carefree days of childhood were replaced by the dawning reality of independence. 
amidst the new chaos of growing up, memories of that fleeting summer lingered like the fragrance of blossoms that carried in through your open window. you had started packing your childhood bedroom into boxes for college, the smell of cardboard intoxicating.
the closer to college got to starting, the faster spring was ending and summer was beginning yet again. 
summer started with a cool breeze and a familiar conversation between your father and you. the invitation, as inevitable as the changing seasons, beckoned you back to the town where memories of sun-kissed days lingered in your mind. 
the journey back was like deja vu. the road unfurled before you as your mother drove you. a ribbon of asphalt winding through fields and quaint houses. the rhythm of the tires on the pavement was the exact same as the year before. but your emotions were different as you approached your father’s house. 
the scent of the town wrapped around you in a comforting embrace as the car stopped in front of your dad’s house you had grown to cherish. you didn’t hesitate running into the house, throwing yourself into your father’s arms, feeling like a child in them as he squeezed you tight. 
dinner that first evening back, carried an unspoken tension as you hesitated to broach the subject that had been gnawing at you all day. your dad, sensing your unease from across the table, cast a discerning glance your way before setting down his fork and signalling you to ask him whatever it was. 
“what’re the park’s up to?” 
the sigh that escaped your father’s lips held the weight of the room. 
he spoke of the parks, usually a steadfast presence by this time of year, but were absent from the familiar mansion that sat on the hill. 
you glanced  through the window, catching sight where the park mansion stood, a silhouette against the backdrop of the evening sky. the absence of lights within the mansion mirrored the void left by the infamous parks. your heart skipped a beat at the disappointment that settled within you. 
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you spent the week trying to find the familiar silhouette of park sunghoon. the cafe where tendrils of his cigarette smoke lingered, was only vacant, devoid of his casual presence and the acrid scent of tobacco you had learned to tolerate.  the quiet rustle of pages turning under an umbrella at the beach failed to mask the silence left by his absence. 
evenings, once painted with the warm hues of sunset witnessed from your shared perch on the rock, now felt incomplete. the horizon, bereft of his mysterious gaze, seemed to echo the hollowness that reverberated within you. the eaves, crashing against shore were reminding you of the tears you had shed for him. 
seated on the familiar rock, where laughter and secrets were once shared with the sea, you felt the weight of his absence you once never knew you needed. the contours of the rock, etched with the memories of shared sunsets, cradled you with comfort you knew only park sunghoon could give you. 
in the quietude, with only a handful of people still playing in the water below you, you yearned for teh silhouette that had seamlessly woven itself into your summer memories. the absence of sunghoon cast a somber hue onto the familiar landscapes that had once been so comforting and alive. now, seated alone on the rock, you became an inadvertent observer by yourself. a lone tear fell down your sunburnt cheek. 
you thought of all the memories you had with sunghoon, and how they unfolded like a series of bittersweet snapshots. there was an anger and frustration bubbling up within you. a visceral response to the stark absence of his once-constant presence. yet, you found yourself unwilling to relinquish in those moments. 
the touch of his pale skin against yours lingered in your thoughts like the imprint of the summer sun on your skin. it was a sensation that spoke of lazy afternoons spent together, where time stretched and contored into your favour. anger brewed at the realization that such moments had become a repository of longing, each memory a testament to the void he had left. 
despite the storm within, you marveled at the resilience of of the feeling his lips had left on your own. within stolen kisses or passionate ones that never seemed to end. anger and frustration gnawed at the edges of your consciousness, teh desire for one more stolen kiss persisted, a silent plea that you knew he would never hear. 
you soon realized your cheeks were as wet as the times you had gone swimming in the ocean with sunghoon, or imagined him talking with you in the bath. tears were streaming down your face at the lost memories with park sunghoon that you would never get to relive. 
you put your head in your arms, cradling your mind as it physically poured its sadness onto your skin. 
“y/n? i knew you’d be up here.” 
a voice so achingly familiar sent shivers down your spine. 
the words hung in the air, resonating with a surreal quality that danced in disbelief. turning slowly, as if caught between reality and reverie, you met the gaze of the person standing behind you. 
“sunghoon? is it really you?” the question trembled on her tongue, you half expected him to vanish into the ether like the other mirages you had seen of him. 
“well yeah, how many other hearthrobs are in this town?” 
you thought he ought to be another twisted figment of your imagination– but he stood before you with an undeniable solidity. 
“say my name again,” 
a desparete plea to ground yourself atop the rock that was so high. 
the syllables rolled off his tongue, and with each utterance, the knot of uncertainty in your chest loosened. yet, his eye straced the tear-streaked canvas of your face, concern etched across his features, he asked, “what’s wrong?” 
within just a moment, the vulnerability of your emotions overcame the barriers that were once so high. rising from your rocky spot, you ran toward him, a blur of motion against the backdrop of the sun’s dying embers. in his arms, you found the familiar safety you had ached for for so long. the warmth of his embrace eclipsing the silent ache of separation. the sunset bore witness to a reunion, a collision of two souls that belonged together. 
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as the final embers of the sunset retreated beyond the horizon, you and sunghoon lingered on the weathered rock, their bodies entwined in a shared desperation to erase the lingering echoes of separation. the world around them, now cloaked in the soft hues of twiling, seemed to fade into insignificance compared to the gravitational pull of their intertwined existence. 
“i missed you,” sunghoon’s tender admission hung in the air. 
“missed you, too.” 
as you gazed at sunghoon, his features etched in the soft twiling, you drank in the details like a parched wanderer, sumbling upon an oasis. his eyes, a familiar tapestry of brown, spoke volumes that only you could relate to. a subtle play of light and shadow danced across teh contours of his face, creating an ethereal portrait that she committed to memory as if this moment was too precious to last. 
the disbelief lingered, a nagging whisper that quesitonned and ruined the reality of this reunion. as if unable to fully comprehend taht he was here, tangible and real. you traced teh outline of his features with your finger, fearing that he might vanish like many of your dreams before. 
“i got caught up with family stuff and graduation, you know how they like lavish, grand events that never end,” sunghoon confessed, his words fixing the anger and frustration that had been boiling up in your chest for months. “i thought about you every day and prayed you wouldn’t forget about me.” 
“i could never forget you.”
in the pregnant pause that followed as sunghoon took a breath, “ i want to take you to istanbul, as soon and as long as possible.” 
you didn’t hesitate to say yes. a pact so easily forged between a kiss. 
the prospect of more sunsets with park sunghoon in a city you had only dreamed of filled your future with excitement and adventure as you felt the gap between you and sunghoon melt into the rock underneath you. 
the gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze seemed to echo the murmurs of your hearts, both carrying a weight that sought release. 
“i love you,” the words hung in the air as you spoke it back and forth to each other until your cheeks both hurt from smiling. 
your eyes, reflective pools that mirrored the emotions swirling within, didn’t leave sunghoon’s gaze. his hand found its place in your own, your fingers intertwining between your bodies. 
as you layed together on the familiar rock, overlooking the town that had witnessed teh intricacies of your journey, a sense of completion settled over them. the warm season had been a net that carried all over your quiet revelations and discovery of love that neither of you had searched for. 
the echoes of richard brautigan’s words and the smell of sea salt in the air, a reminder that in the ordinary moments, profound happiness could be discovered. 
and so, with the setting sun casting a final golden glow, they embraced the conclusion of a chapter that had unfolded with the grace of a young, summer love. in the quiet symphony of the evening, sunghoon and y/n had not just found an end, but a beginning– a promise to find more sunsets and love together. hand in hand, the story of their summer love whispered its conclusion to the tranquil waves of the ocean, leaving behind a lingering feeling of each others lips, shared sunsetz and the acceptance that maybe being too idealistic was okay. 
the end. 
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@ taeghi, 2024. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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2kmps · 8 months
alucard could never just outright say that he wanted attention.
notes; 850 words, written in 2021, sotn-coded alucard, roughly proofread.
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As it was a peculiar day, there were the behaviors to match. Within the spiraling towers of somber stone of the castle, haven was found in the countless grimoires bound in dark, stretched leather that held a certain mustiness accompanying their age.
There were such books on sciences and medicine, of great magic and witchcraft; a seemingly endless collection rowed the gargantuan shelving that touched top and bottom of the tower. Much of the matters discussed within their pages were meticulously preserved, yet they still were worn yellow with some holes, crisp texture and grit beneath your fingertips as you skimmed them.
In truth, you understood very little of what was being explained, most of it in languages and writing you were unfamiliar with. You were not imbued with magical abilities, you were no creature of the night nor fae nor beast; merely a human with the insatiable curiosity to persist in your pursuit for new knowledge.
It had, perhaps, been that reason alone that Alucard had provided you refuge so long ago now. You were simply a nosy human, no more harm than a fierce woodland rodent.
He had kept you at an impressive distance for quite a long time, so much so that you thought you occupied a space with a ghost. You saw him drift from room-to-room often, seemingly like an aimless entity, always gliding at a brisk pace with stale air catching beneath his long coat. His eyes were so focused, there was a goal in mind, though you wondered what he ever accomplished.
And, without fail, you noticed the way his hair moved around him. That beautiful hair that glistened like tinsel when the light filtered in from grungy stained glass. You had thought him to be of an otherworldly kind of beauty; somewhat angelic, somewhat ghostly and intangible.
You had fallen in love with him upon sight.
“It’s dim,” Alucard rarely brought attention to himself during his excursions to track your whereabouts in the castle, though this had recently changed. Tonight, he brought with him an exquisite lantern with warm colored glass that set the room awash in yellow light. “Is your candle sufficient for your reading?”
“I think I’m doing alright, thanks.” You replied, providing a swift glance at the dancing, delicate flame within arms reach of you. “What brings you all the way to this wing of the castle tonight?”
It was custom for him to thwart your attempts to question him, better yet, he often didn’t answer you at all. As of late, you had seen a change in his behaviors, he stayed nearby, usually no further than a room or two away. When your evenings were spent engrossed in texts, he took to being in that space with you as well, usually without any words to accompany it.
However, tonight was one of those peculiar nights.
“The halls are far too empty.” He said this so solemnly, though his expression remained still as stone. “Do you wish for privacy?”
You kept your thumb tucked between the pages for a moment before fully setting aside the book, shifted your body on the canape and gave your thigh an eager pat. Predictably, Alucard did nothing for a long while as he contemplated your gesture, despite fully knowing what you meant by it.
He was gentle with the lantern as he placed it nearby, finding a seat opposite of you on the piece of furniture, lowering himself onto the cushions with the back of his head resting on your lap. His legs were close to hanging off the edge of the seat, forcing him to draw a knee up while the other draped over the side. He made a point to avoid your gaze at first, and then close his eyes altogether once your fingers touched his scalp.
“I’m going to start asking you to tell me what you want.” You said with a teasing tone, lightly coiling his loose curls around your fingers as you worked through the long tresses. “There’s nothing wrong with telling me you want company, or to spend time together. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be alone.”
“I am aware,” he mumbled, resting both hands on his chest. “I do not want to burden you with something so insignificant.”
You shook your head, fixated still on watching his hair shine like spun gold and slip between your fingers as if the strands were of the finest silk. If you had considered that he’d look for attention tonight, a brush would had been kept close by. You worked through the few knots that had formed while you played with his hair, wrapping strands through your fingers until they resembled gold rings. The dainty curls that framed his face bounced with the motions.
After a silence which spanned long enough, you slid your hands lower until they cradled the sides of his face, giving a comforting warmth to his cold skin. Alucard opened his eyes slowly, lifting his chin to better meet your gaze.
“You’re beautiful, Alucard.”
A wisp of a smile. “As are you.”
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divider; @/anlian-aishang
reposted from my deleted blog, cardeneiv
please interact & reblog if you enjoyed this piece! ❤️
848 notes · View notes
mermaidgirl30 · 1 month
✨New Beginnings✨
Joel Miller x fem! reader
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Series Masterlist Part 1
A/N: I loved writing this, it was so soft 🥹 This can be read as a stand alone, but it is a continuation of my fic Fortnight! I hope you enjoy! This is the ending I wanted for them 🥰 Might write another little cute one shot for them in the near future because I love them so much. Thank you to @mountainsandmayhem for beta reading and helping me with the mood board 🩷
Summary: You’ve spent the last three years healing, growing, and letting go. During a day at the lake, fate steps in when you run into Joel without a wedding ring on.
Word Count: 2.9k
Rating: 18+ Only
Tags: fluff, flirting, making up for lost time, old flame, no use y/n, reader sees Joel again after 3 years, reader has a dog named Sammy
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The summer breeze of Austin rushes through your hair, the smell of fresh oak, the sloshing sounds of lapping blue water, and the feel of new beginnings permeates throughout the air. Summer. Your favorite time of year, your favorite place to be. Georgetown Lake. An escape, a picturesque safe haven where you can sunbathe and let Sammy, your golden retriever, pounce around the clear water as it splashes against his sandy fur. 
   You’ve been doing okay lately, healing, moving on like you should’ve a long time ago. After sulking around the house days after the mail incident with Joel, you knew it was time to do something, anything to make that pit of sadness wash away. You couldn’t face Tess again, face him, not after you broke down in tears the moment he slipped his calloused fingers firmly around your wrist. It was too much, too soon, too fresh. Even though it had been years since you’d broken up. You never quite got over him, his face, his eyes. But It was way past time, the time to move on.
   So you moved, put a sign outside your house to let everyone know it was on the market and sold to the first offer you got. You remember Joel’s face after he saw the posted sign in your yard full of dying roses. He looked so sad, the flecks of his dark irises shining in the February chill as you caught his eyes after hammering the sign in the soft ground. You were wilting more than your red roses, and you needed a breath of fresh air, a way to thrive and grow like your flowers used to be. It was your sign to flee.
   After you sold your house and moved half an hour away, you could finally breathe, the wilts of your lilting petals starting to bloom and thrive the longer you were away from them. 
   You saw the pictures of their wedding on social media, saw how truly happy they looked. You remember shedding a tear or two looking at the photographs, at her flowing wedding dress, at their shared kiss after saying their “I do’s”. It was enough to send you spiraling, enough to make you drop your laptop and crack the screen. And that was the last time you saw Joel Miller. There was no sense in dwindling over what if’s. It was over, done. You swore you’d never see his face again in the city of Austin. He was the past, you had to look towards your future.
   You got a new job, working for an environmental engineering company and helping with tracking the bluegill and catfish populations in the lakes around Austin. You liked working outside, loved being near the water. You always felt at home out on the lake with the soft sand sinking between your toes, the calm breeze always blowing away any worries of your messy life. But it wasn’t so messy anymore. It was peaceful, bright, made you feel alive. 
   You throw the damp tennis ball again, laughing at the way Sammy flops into the water and splashes around, eagerly fetching the soaked ball as he brings it over to you again. 
   “You ready, Sammy? Go get it!” you yell as you toss the ball back towards the water. He shakes his soaked fur and makes a run for it, but he stops half way and perks his fuzzy ears up at something in the distance. “Sammy?”
   You watch him pant happily and make a dash for it in the opposite direction, barking at nothing you can see. “Sammy!” You follow after him, sprinting behind as you hear his chipper barks and feel your hair blow back behind you as you chase after him. 
   “Sammy, come on! This isn’t like you,” you breathe out as you run until your legs feel like jello and feel as if you’ll pass out at any second. 
   Your bare feet drag through the sand on the shore, your breath feeling as if it’s on fire as you run and run and run until you finally see his giddy, long tail and golden paws that leap up off the ground. What’s got him so excited? He never runs up to strangers. 
   “Sammy! Come here, boy,” you clap your hands together as you walk towards whoever he’s got wrapped around his cute, fluffy face. 
   “I’m so sorry. He’s not usually like this. I…” You freeze, your breath hitching as you stare at the man that fully consumes your vision. Joel. 
   He looks over at you, a warm smile curling against the edge of his plush lips as his golden brown eyes crinkle down at you. It nearly takes your breath away. He looks so… good. 
   He’s filled out more, his flexed arms and broad chest clinging to his white t-shirt, corded veins twisting down his tan arms almost like you remember. He looks more buff, more healthy, like maybe he stopped drinking that amber colored whiskey he used to love. His grey threaded curls are grown out, his doe brown eyes more shiny, more alive than the last time you saw him. And he looks like he’s happy, so happy. It’s amazing what three years of not seeing him can do to your own mind. The sight of him almost makes you dizzy, delusional, like maybe this is fate. 
   “Joel?” you whisper out, your voice shaky and breathy as your eyes slide down his blue swim trunks, his leather sandals, his tan skin that seems to glow like glitter under the orange beams of the sunlight. 
   “Yeah, it’s me. Nice to see Sammy’s doin’ good. Guess he remembers me,” he chuckles as he bends down and scratches the back of Sammy’s fluffy ears. Sammy jumps up and licks the side of his face as another infectious smile takes over Joel’s glowing face. 
   Joel laughs as he wipes the slobber from his greying scruff and stands back up, bright eyes blazing through you as he flicks his gaze slowly over your figure. You feel a little self conscious standing in your too short denim shorts and baby blue crop top as you fold your arms nervously over your chest. Why are you so nervous?
   “It’s uhh… good to see ya. How ya been?” he asks slowly, rubbing the back of his neck as his hand drags through the curling strands that sit against the nape of his neck.
   “Good. Yeah, good,” you nod as your fingers dance nervously up and down your scorching arms. “What about you?” 
   “Yeah, I’ve been good, too. Busy, but that’s always good. Been workin’ a lot, contractin’, the usual.”
   You nod your head, watching the way his heavy gaze never leaves your eyes. Suddenly, it feels too hot, too intense. That spark simmers low in your stomach, that strong pull that you always felt when you were around him. It’s almost like you were meant to meet here like this, unplanned. Maybe it was fate. Maybe… but then you remember Tess. Where was Tess?
   “You, umm enjoyin’ your new place? House, apartment, wherever you moved?” His tone is gentle, like he’s genuinely interested in how you’ve been, where you moved. And it feels strange, but also like it needs to be asked.
   “Oh, yeah. Actually, I love it. I moved just a few miles from the lake. It’s so peaceful, being able to come out here whenever I want to.” Your eyes flick over the calm water, examining the gentle ripples of the clear lake, but then Joel’s deep voice brings you back to the present. 
   “Sounds like you’ve been doin’ good.” He gives you a lazy smile, one where it’s crooked and soft and so serene that you can’t help but smile back. 
   “Yeah, I really have.”
   “That’s good, real good,” he says as he nods his head, just continuing to stare at you in awe. And it’s like you’re just seeing him for the first time, that summertime glow just sizzling off his tan skin. 
   Your eyes wander over him, lapping up his broad muscles and dreamy smile and untamed curls. He looks so handsome. You don’t know what it is, but something brand new seems to shine through him. 
   “You look… different,” you say with narrowed eyes, trying to assess what exactly is different, but you’re not sure what. 
   “Yeah? That a good thing or bad thing?” he chuckles as he runs a hand straight back through his lush curls. The action makes your breath get caught in the back of your throat. 
   “I dunno. Think it looks good on you, whatever it is.” You smile nervously up at him and bat your eyelashes flirtatiously. 
   “Yeah?” he smirks as the flecks of his dark eyes glisten under the rays of the hot sun. 
   “Yeah,” you reply bashfully. “You seem more… happy.”
   He chuckles as he shoves his thick fingers into the pockets of his blue shorts. “Guess that’s what happens when a man stops drinkin’.”
   Your eyes grow wide as your mouth drops open. “You? The Joel Miller has stopped drinking his precious whiskey?” you ask dumbfoundedly. 
   “Mhm. Mostly. Haven’t touched a bottle in three months. Been doin’ good, feelin’ stronger, more sharp. Even been hittin’ the gym.”
   You smile warmly over at him, your eyes alight as you drop your arms to your side and nod, his words taking your breath right out from your chest. “Joel, that’s so great. I’m so… so… proud of you.”
   He nods slowly at you, the dimple indenting the middle of his cheek as his crooked smile makes you feel things you haven’t felt in a long time. Like there’s hope. “Proud of me, huh?”
   “Yeah,” you whisper out. 
   “Well, that’s sweet of ya to say, darlin’.”
   Darlin’.  He hasn’t called you that in so long, you almost forgot how good it feels to hear seep off his sticky sweet voice, that gravelly lull that soothes your racing pulse in your chest. 
   You suddenly notice his left hand, tracing every inch, every tan speck of his thick fingers. It’s unusually bare, no gold ring like in the wedding pictures you saw online. It’s gone, vanished. Was Tess and him, dare you say… over?
   He watches you assess his empty ring finger, his eyes flicking over your narrowed, confused face as you stare so hard that you think your eyes might fall out onto the smooth sand. 
   You open your mouth, drawing air into your tight lungs, until you release the words you’ve been wondering this whole entire time. “Are you and Tess still…” You can’t even finish your sentence, afraid that maybe he’d just left his ring at home or left it at the jewelry shop to get polished up. 
   He lets out a heavy sigh and shakes his head. “Nah. We ended things last year.”
   “Oh.” You’re dumbstruck, your mouth agape as he says the words you were almost too scared to hope for. Not that you wanted things to end badly between them, but somewhere deep inside you still wished that maybe one day you could find each other again. And as fate twisted its tethered vines around the two of you, it seems like this was meant to be. 
   “I’m sorry, Joel,” you say with tight knit brows. 
   “Don’t gotta apologize, wasn’t your fault.”
   “I know, but still. I’m sorry things didn’t work out.”
   He shrugs his broad shoulders and gives you a tight lipped smile. “After gettin’ married, we jus’ realized we wanted different things. Things weren’t the same as before, and we decided it was better off if we went our own separate ways. There’s no hard feelings, jus’ was better off not bein’ together. We gave it a good two years, but ultimately it jus’ didn’t work out, and that’s fine. Had a lot of growin’ to do after, found my own pace again. It was the best choice. I’m much… guess you could say happier now.”
   “Oh, well that’s good. I’m glad things turned out for the best.”
   “Me too.” 
   You give Joel a small smile, and he sends a dreamy one back your way, all crinkled eyes and that crooked smile that makes you dizzy every time you look at him. 
   He shifts his weight and digs his heel into the soft sand. His eyes look down towards the ground, then flick slowly up towards you, almost like he’s nervous. 
   “Hey, do you maybe wanna go grab some coffee this week with me?” His hand scratches the back of the scruff on his neck nervously as his jaw ticks from the building anticipation. 
   “Houndstooth Coffee?” you ask with a raised brow. 
   He chuckles warmly and nods. “‘Course. Only the best.”
   You smile in reply. “Okay. Yeah. I’m in.”
   You both stand there in the heat of the afternoon, gentle smiles pressing against both of your lips as Sammy barks and runs circles around you and Joel. 
   As if Sammy is trying to intrude on the awkward moment between you and Joel, he jumps up and presses his damp paws on your back which knocks you off balance and sends you lurching forward. 
   “Sammy!” you whine. As if on cue, Joel reaches out and catches you, wrapping his strong arms around your hips as he balances you back on your feet. 
   “Whoa there, easy now,” he chuckles as he lingers his big hands on your shimmering skin. Your mouth parts open, and you gasp as you look up to find kind, dreamy brown eyes staring down at you, almost like he’s mesmerized. And for the moment, it feels like the first time the two of you ever met, almost magical, but this seems new. 
   You hook a strand of hair nervously behind your ear and laugh. “Always showing up at the right time it seems.”
   “Yeah, seems like it,” he smiles kindly. 
   You stand there breathing his air, feeling a little dizzy at the smell of his woodsy scent, no more whiskey fragrance lingering in his sandy hair. You feel the tension, the chemistry just bursting at the seams. And you know now that this was fate, it had to be. 
   Joel gives Sammy a couple more scratches behind the ears and then looks over at you with a crooked smile. “Well, it was good seein’ ya again. Been a long time,” he sighs while you nod in response. 
   “Yeah, it really has…”
   Another long minute goes by and then he’s taking one hesitant step back. “Well, guess I’ll let you get back to it. I’ll umm text you about coffee.”
   Before he can take another step back, you hold your hand out as if to reach him. “Wait.” He ticks his jaw and knits his eyebrows together as he waits for you to finish. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
   He smirks over at you. “Jus’ thought I’d let you get back to enjoyin’ the lake. Figured I was interruptin’.”
   You shake your head. “No, not at all. Please, stay.” You give him your best puppy dog eyes, and he chuckles in response as his dark brown irises seem to glow in the sunlight.
   “Always knew how to get me with those big, beautiful eyes.”
   You crinkle your nose up at him and bag your eyelashes sweetly up at him. “What, like this?”
   He just crosses his broad arms over his chest and smirks over at you. “Mhm. Jus’ like that, gorgeous. Jus’ like that.”
   Your cheeks heat up as you feel the crimson blush taking over, lingering your fingers against his wrist as you ask sweetly. “So, will you stay?”
   Joel nods and smiles. “Yeah, darlin’. I’ll stay.”
   And he does stay, until the sun starts to slip under the fluffy clouds. He stays the entire afternoon, walking along the shoreline with you, playing fetch with Sammy, catching up on lost time together, starting fresh. It’s almost like he never left, picking up right where you left off. And maybe it was supposed to be like this. Like you had to fall apart to fall back into one another. 
   And when the sunset starts to fade to light purples and pink colors in the distance while you sit on the edge of the wooden dock, he leans over and kisses you softly. It’s like the world fades to black, and there’s only you and Joel getting lost in one another. His hands cradle your face softly, his plush lips melting into yours as you taste him and let the syrupy taste mix in with yours. 
   This is how it was supposed to be, how it was always supposed to be. You had to find each other later in life, begin again, have this special moment in time. It was fate, always had been. He was always the one for you, and this just solidifies it. 
   When he breaks the kiss, you lean against him while he wraps a large arm around you. You gaze out to the calm blue water and take a breath of fresh wildflowers in the air. “Joel?”
   “Hmm?” he hums as he looks down at you. 
   “Thank you for staying.”
   He leans down and presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. “‘Course, sweetheart. I’m not goin’ anywhere. Gonna just stay right here with you in my arms.”
   You lean your full weight into his warm chest as he scoops you up into his lap and hooks his arms around your waist, his lips lingering against your jawline. You take a deep breath and smile as you look out against the misty lake. You were finally home, with him. 
   Your forever. 
Tags: @laurrrra @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @littlevenicebitch69 @honey-dip-24 @sawymredfox
@orcasoul @thundermartini @solllaris @vivian-pascal @jessthebaker @vie-is-punk
@hoeruiner @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 @amyispxnk @morallyinept @milla-frenchy
@laramc-02 @keylimebeag
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mintsuwu · 2 months
Almost done with the Family Headcanons LET´S GOOO
Hoppy Hopscotch
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In the bustling town of Critterville, where every nook and cranny seemed to hold a tale of whimsy and wonder, lived a peculiar kangaroo named Krazyroo. With her head perpetually lost in the clouds of her own inventions and experiments, she was the local inventor, revered for her ingenuity yet often seen as an enigmatic figure by the townsfolk.
Krazyroo, with her penchant for solitude and her laboratory nestled on the outskirts near the Jolly Valley, was not one to mingle much with the denizens of Critterville. She preferred the company of her gadgets and gizmos to the chatter of the town square. Yet fate had a peculiar way of intervening in her solitary existence...
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One day, as she trudged along the dusty path towards the supplies emporium, she encountered a lone bunny. The sight of the solitary child tugged at her heartstrings, though her reclusive nature initially resisted the urge to intervene. But to her surprise, the bunny persisted, following her every step with unwavering determination. At first, Krazyroo brushed off the peculiar encounter, attributing it to mere coincidence.
Yet as the days passed, the bunny, whom she later learned was named Hoppy Hopscotch, continued to shadow her every move. Despite her initial reluctance, Krazyroo found herself gradually warming up to the young bunny's infectious energy and irrepressible spirit. Eventually, Krazyroo relented and allowed Hoppy into her secluded abode, where the young bunny's boundless curiosity and enthusiasm breathed new life into the quiet corners of her laboratory.
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Though Krazyroo professed her ineptitude with children, she couldn't deny the growing fondness she felt for Hoppy, whose presence brought a ray of sunshine into her solitary existence. As the days turned into weeks, Krazyroo began to recognize the potential in Hoppy's boundless energy, realizing that it could serve as a catalyst for her inventions. Together, they embarked on countless experiments, with Hoppy's zest for life complementing Krazyroo's meticulous craftsmanship.
However, amidst their newfound camaraderie, Krazyroo couldn't help but recognize the importance of Hoppy experiencing the joys of childhood beyond the confines of her laboratory. She understood that Hoppy needed to make friends and embrace the world outside their secluded haven.
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Yet Hoppy, plagued by a deep-seated fear of separation stemming from the loss of her parents, initially balked at the prospect of venturing beyond Krazyroo's side. It was a hurdle that both Krazyroo and Hoppy had to overcome together, navigating the delicate balance between companionship and independence. Through patience, understanding, and unwavering support, Krazyroo gently encouraged Hoppy to step out of her comfort zone, assuring her that she would always have a place to call home amidst the adventures that awaited her.
And as Hoppy gradually spread her wings and forged new friendships in the bustling streets of Critterville, Krazyroo found solace in the knowledge that their bond, forged amidst the whirlwind of invention and companionship, would endure the test of time.
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months
Fear of the Dark
Dark!Ghost!Azriel x reader
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synopsis: after escaping from the Shadowsinger, the High Lord provides you with a new home, in a location entirely of your own choosing. One that just so happens to be frequently visited by window-rattling blizzards, and snow so heavy you’ll often find yourself trapped within the supposedly safe haven. But when things begin moving on their own, and shadows stalk your well-lit halls, you begin to think maybe the Spymaster somehow eluded death, too.
warnings: references to implied noncon, dark!az, paranormal events, nonconsensual touching (shoulders, mouth, hip)
a/n: dedicating this to @azrielhours , and inspired by her wonderful Company of Phantoms🧡💛
want to know more?
word count: 1,963
-Fear of the Cold-
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It’s been six months since he died in the fire.
Six months of roaring screams echoing through the desolate hallways.
Half a year.
It goes by quickly when swallowed by delusion. Of persistent psychosis.
Of imagined shadows stalking your corridors. Of dragging footsteps just outside your chambers. Of the windows rattling, and not from the sudden blizzards that sometimes hit—seemingly out of nowhere. Unpredictable, and haunting.
Some days you’ll wake up, greeted by the barren landscape or grey skies and greyer rock, and others all that lays there is white. Blinding, dominating white, like a blanket smothering the harsh, unforgiving terrain.
You know why you picked here to be your place of refuge. For complete isolation.
The rocky landscape means no one could stumble upon your house without intention, tucked up in the sides of the rugged mountain, weathered by icy rain and lashing winds that could make the blood in your fingertips recoil in the space of a breath. Cold so penetrating it could snatch the air from your lungs.
Few understand the true horror of the cold.
Absolute, inescapable cold.
Nature’s blade, that could cleave glaciers in two.
With the stormy skies, there is no access by air. Winged creatures staying clear of your northern-facing home. And yet, despite the utter isolation, you’re faced with company.
After not even a week in your new house, the hairs had been rising at the back of your neck. Unexplainable drafts ghosting up your spine, or kissing the length of your throat. Doors clicking shut during the grey hours of limited daylight. Books that fall from low shelves, the chandeliers that swing softly when you enter a room, plates that appear where they hadn’t been left.
It’s rarely dark in your house, but the weight is smothering. Every corner is kept clear of shadow, flame purging the darkness with a quiet conviction that feels almost reassuring. But there’s nothing reassuring about your new home. Forearms almost constantly littered in goosebumps, hairs rising, skin prickling.
Even at night, candles burn away at the dark, eating at every shadow that tries to crawl in from the cold. But it feels like lighting a fire in the barren wasteland of the frozen tundra. Flame blazing with superficial strength, until it melts the snow bowing the branches far above, ice slipping free, and smothering the fire in one smooth avalanche.
The glass is rattling again, deathly cold wind whipping, icy rain lashing down as you try to lower yourself into sleep. But every time you near that precipice, something pulls you back: the groan of heavy wooden beams that creak through your house, flame flickering with dwindling light as if blown by a ghostly breath, a strange coldness rising from the foot of your bed. That seeps into your blankets first, then spreads to your feet. Slowly crawling up your body, until you’re wrapped in the haunting embrace of long-dead arms.
Even fire can’t always clear his kind of dark.
Dark that smothers, and festers. That concentrates in the hollow space beneath your bed, that hides in the softness of your pillow, that lurks in the pits of your pupils.
He found a way inside, and now he’s sunk his claws in. Like hooked blades that disembowel when they’re extracted. You’d have to empty your brains out into a bucket to be free of him.
Even then, your body would remember. His touch memorised into the tissue of skin, his terror embedded in the sinew of flesh.
The window spiderwebs, the distinct sound of fracturing glass dumping icy water over your near sleeping form. Hauling you up from the pit of an ocean, wrapped in seaweed to face the stormy grit of the blizzard outside.
Instead, your attention is sucked in by the ever-shifting shadow at the foot of your bed, chilling wind pouring in through the glass, candles winking out. Swallowed in darkness.
The air is pulled from your lungs faster than the cold can snatch it, sat bolt upright in your still-cooling bed.
The darkness holds no recognisable form, simply clustered together as a writhing mass of overwhelming shadow, but there’s no mistaking who it is. Who lurks beneath those suffocatingly concentrated umbras. Inky and undulating.
You’re frozen to your mattress, an icicle thawing out far above as it drips cold sweat down onto your brow, every breath biting at your lungs, making your throat raw.
It’s dark, and you have no protection as he looms so tauntingly before you, hands trembling as they try to grip the freezing sheets. But you can hardly move.
Air chokes in your throat as the shadowy mass expands forward, encroaching toward the foot of your bed. Your eyes widen with terror, watching as talons of darkness spider-crawl onto your duvet, feet recoiling like hot blood against the cold, knees pulling up to your chest, back pressed against the headboard.
“You’re dead,” you breathe out, air thin and slippery between your lips. “You’re dead. You can’t hurt me.”
Your stomach seizes, lurching as the shadowy tendrils stutter in their movements, like shoulders shaking with silent mirth. You get the feeling he’s laughing. Crawling closer still.
He reaches past your feet, darkness swarming over your knees, and within the cloying night you can feel the weight of hands. Of heavy, corporeal touch. One that sinks into your bones as they tremble with old fear.
“You can’t be here,” you whisper, pressing tight into the cold cushioning of the headboard, head tucking into your shoulders as you try to pull away from his overwhelming darkness, writhing throughout the deathly cold room, his touch like ice. “Leave me…” you breathe, voice breaking.
The weight of a palm weighs into the mattress, beside your hip, tying you in place as the living night, faceless and dominating, swells above you.
Your hand reaches sharply for your bedside table, viciously shaking fingers fumbling with the box of matches, sliding the cardboard out with a last trembling hope. Again the darkness stutters, a shadowy laugh whispering beside your ear, an icy draft kissing up the length of your throat.
The match strikes…once…twice…three time before sizzling into a small lick of flame.
In the few seconds of light you’re afforded, shadow easily melts away, pulling out instead hauntingly dark hazel eyes, piercing as the flame sharpens them. The cold, dead mouth that had once hungrily claimed your own, teeth dragging and prominent as they bit you into pieces. The eerily pale tones of his face, warmth vacant from the smooth planes.
You choke on a breath.
Soft, cruel lips curve at the edge, eyes twinkling with the reflection of your match, before his weight shifts over the bed and scarred, calloused fingers pinch out the flame. Skin that remembers its burn now extinguishing it without thought, freed from its sizzling agony.
You scream into the darkness, sinking down into the false safety of your duvet, hauling it over your head as you tuck yourself tight, trembling violently despite desperate attempts to still yourself. A cry breaks from your lips as you feel himself lower over you, directly atop you, trapped beneath his bulk. A cannonball shackled to your ankle, pulling you beneath a frozen lake, blood icing in your veins.
He shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be alive.
You heard him die, watched as the flesh slid from his bones, muscle melting beneath the blazing inferno of the house fire.
You smelled it. Could taste it in the smokey air.
“Come out…come out…,” the shadow rasps mirthfully, weight brushing atop the blanket, stroking down your arm, drifting to your hip. Touch biting into bone. “Come out…and play…”
“Go away,” you beg under your breath, squeezing yourself tight, tears burning as they drip over the bridge of your nose, sliding off your face. “Leave me alone…”
The darkness laughs, and your stomach seizes as the duvet is slowly pulled back, dragged firmly from your grip. Numbed fingers try to grapple with the sheets, but he’s so much stronger than you. Just as he’s always been.
“Stop it…” you beg, trying to turn to the side as the blanket is pulled away, revealing his swarming darkness that looms above, with a weight that should not be possible. A spectre should not be corporeal, should not have the right to touch the living. He should have lost that privilege upon passing.
Icy fingertips brush your cheek, and a small cry breaks from your lips, quiet and terrified, eyes squeezed shut in feeble attempts to keep him out as the storm rages.
He dips down, and chilly breath grazes the space beneath your jaw, a whimper pulling from your throat as a broad palm makes its way up your front, settling across your sternum heavily, pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe.
“Please…” you whisper, crying now, “just leave me alone…”
His cold mouth opens over your neck, soft lips sealing over a patch of skin as he tastes you, tongue slowly licking over the junction between your shoulder and neck. Darkness shrouds your bedroom, encasing you in a perpetually cold bubble, sealing out the lashing wind and rain, but trapping you in mist. Thick and impenetrable.
The phantom pulls away, lips grazing your jaw, and even with your eyes closed you can feel his proximity. The piercing weight of his attention as it presses up against your skin.
“Call out for me,” he rasps, voice shadowy and shifting, as if speaking in multiple tones at once. “Call out for me,” he urges, coldness thumbing across your cheek, as if trying to coax your eyes to open. So he can feel their warmth, and their terror.
But you shake your head, teeth chattering as you shiver, shuddering beneath his touch. “Go away,” you beg, “leave me alone.”
A soft puff of breath ghosts over your lips, like a faint laugh, and you shrink back into the mattress while his shadows wrap closer around your body, squeezing like serpents. “Call out for me,” he repeats, his gaze roving over your mouth, parted for air despite its bite.
Hot tears scald your skin as they drip out, peeking open your eyes, as breath is again snatched from your body. A mountain of pressure sitting atop your chest.
He’s as haunting as you remember, cruelly carved beauty, hewn from an ice that tries to be soft, but will only end up flooding if it thaws. Drowning you in his deadly affection. Filling your lungs until they’re close to bursting with his poisonous infatuation.
Hazel eyes flicker as they greedily devour your own, overwhelming and immense as you’re submerged into his obsession. Saturated in his hunger. Starvation so deep it persists after death.
“Azriel…” you breathe, lips trembling around his name, feeling as though its the last line of an enchantment, solidifying his presence, binding him to your own mortality.
Soft lips curve at their edges, a spark of life stolen from your existence. Fed off of, until he’s permanently entwined with your being. Persistent and parasitical.
He hums lowly, approvingly, and you swallow. Fear making you feel sick.
Slowly, as if basking in the descent, he settles his mouth atop your own, snow-soft lips slanting against a frozen stiff set, applying gentle pressure as he savours the feeling.
He still moves with such grace, such innate refinement that between the two of you, you seem the more lifeless. With unmoving limbs, and vacant eyes, you are the more dead.
The shadows pull away, blood gingerly rising to where his touch had been.
“I’ll return,” he whispers, mouth still faintly curved into a soft deception of tenderness.
Flickering night morphs and shifts, dissolving along with the wind.
“Find me in the dark.”
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general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut @vickykazuya
dark!az taglist: @honeyandhalfmoons
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spamgyu · 4 months
urs // Mingyu Series - Part 2
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"the best at being the worst... but fuck sake I'm already yours"
DESCRIPTION: she and mingyu were in no place to be in a relationship. she was his best friend's stylist and he was... well he was kim mingyu; something stable was not something that was ideal for the two – not when their careers are both at it's peak. PAIRING: idol!mingyu x stylist!reader GENRE: angst WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, implied smut, stubborn protagonists, so many red flags you would think this is a football game, features the love of mingyu's life (jungkook) and all his other besties
NOTE: if you read INFRUNAMI, no you didn't. this has the same-ish vibes BUT this is the re-written version. many events, actions, and overall plot has been changed. (even if the intro/first part is very similar)
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"Are you really not going to come with me?" Mingyu watched her move about her room.
He had shown up to her place unannounced – letting himself in, using the pin-code he had memorized by heart. This was one of many occasions he had put the four digits into good use; at times paying the apartment a visit even when she was not around.
It was the one location no one dared to bother him; mostly because those who were in on their arrangement knew that his presence at the place shouldn't even exist.
It was his new safe haven; a place where he can hide out when his schedules seemed to have more hours of him staying awake than it did of any shut eye.
Any time he felt a moment of pressure from the public eye or his company, he ran to the one place he that silenced the voices in his head – instantly bringing a sense of calm upon him.
Which has been rare to come these days.
Y/n didn't think he was actually being serious when he had invited her to spend the holiday with his family.
She rarely took what he said seriously, knowing that they were nothing but empty promises – being so busy and all. She knew she was last on his priority list and had always kept her expectations quite low for him.
Maybe it was her fear of disappointment.
"I don't know, dude." Y/n sighed, holding two jackets in front of her – mentally debating which would go best with her outfit. She may be spending the day alone but she still wanted to look well dressed. "I have a lot of things to prep for."
"The leather one." Mingyu nodded over to the jacket in her right hand. "Just do it after."
Setting the canvas outerwear in her left hand down, y/n slipped one arm after the other into the oversized jacket Mingyu had suggested – glancing at her reflection in her full body mirror.
He was right, leather did look best.
"I can't. Our flight leaves 5 am." She frowned. "I'll stop by when I'm done."
"Your mom will never let you hear the end of this, you know that right?"
Mingyu had only met her mother once, and it was purely by accident. While visiting last year, Y/n had taken her mom to the company building to show her around – wanting her mother to see where she spent most of her days if she wasn't hopping from one plane to another.
The three of them had managed to get on the same elevator that day; Y/n having no choice but introduce her mother to one of her so-called friends.
Which wasn't much of a lie... technically. They were friends...and a little more. But her mother didn't need to know that.
And of fucking course, Mingyu didn't take long to warm up to the older woman.
Two minutes to be exact.
All he had to do was flash his usual smile and use that tiny voice he used when he was around anyone that was older than him – her mom falling right into the trap that almost anyone had fallen into.
Including Y/n.
Mingyu completely disregarded his original plans of having lunch alone that day, choosing to sit with the two in the company's food hall – bonding with her mother about Y/n's need to always put her job over her personal interest.
In Y/n defense, her job didn't feel like a job. She thoroughly enjoyed what she did – the nearly seven figure salary was just cherry on top of the deal.
"Which is why she won't know." Y/n pointed before picking out a lip gloss from her collection. "It's not like she can check anyways."
Mingyu knew she was right, letting out a frustrated groan. "Come on, I already told my mom you were coming."
The smile on her face fell. "You're joking."
Just as Mingyu had only met her mother once, she had only met not only his mom but his whole family once. And just like Mingyu, she had managed to get along quite well with them – especially his mom.
The older woman was nothing but kind to Y/n despite crashing their rare-to-come family time during the holiday last year. The older woman couldn't help but happily dote on the girl upon learning that she was in the country all alone, all while her mother was back west.
Happy knowing that he was slowly swaying her decision, Mingyu's smile grew larger. "How about I help you do what you need to do so that we can head over together?"
Y/n pursed her lips, considering his offer. She did need some assistance with pressing a few garments and compiling her styling kit – and she did miss having a home cooked meal.
"Fine, but no funny business."
"Well," He let out a soft chuckle. "When you put it that way, now I kind of want to do some funny business."
"Work is work." Y/n reminded him.
They never took their ... business elsewhere. It was far too risky.
Especially at their company building.
She hated how she could never resist him.
Somewhere in between steaming the rack full of designer pulls she had managed to secure for her talent's upcoming schedule, and their useless banter, Mingyu had managed to get his hands on her.
It started with a simple squeeze at the hip as she tried to ignore the lust full gaze that he had been sending her since their arrival – within minutes he had her pinned against the wall, his lips hungrily attacking her neck.
No matter how much she wanted to stand her ground, keeping to her word, Y/n had given in.
Like she always does.
"What happened to no funny business?" Y/n sighed as she tilted her head to give him more access.
"No one's laughing." Mingyu mumbled against her jaw, a free hand slowly creeping up her shirt while the other hooked on to the belt loops of her jeans – pulling her closer against his body.
"You're annoying."
She could feel her whole body begin to grow hot under his touch, arching her back off the wall as he moved from her neck to her lips – his tongue plunging into her mouth.
"Hey– whoa!"
The sound of the familiar voice broke the spell he had put her under – Y/n pushing off the boy that towered over her to see their friend standing at the door with a bewildered look on his face.
"At the office? Really?" Jungkook cried.
She had completely forgotten that she had asked him to swing by for one last fitting.
Closing her eyes, Y/n let out a loud groan; in both embarrassment and frustration.
They had never been caught once. They've always been careful – which was quite easy considering they were always in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
If it would have been any body else that had walked through the doors, she would have been sure she would have been fired in an instant. Despite having a bullet proof contract that left her almost invincible to any termination.
She was a well known industry stylist after all.
"We weren't doing anything." Mingyu shrugged, walking over to the leather couch – shrugging off the incident as if it was just any regular occurrence.
All while Y/n would rather have the ground swallow her whole.
"Sure, dude." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Do I need to come back or....?"
"No, we're good." Mingyu answered for her, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
She wanted to strangle him.
Letting out a deep breath, Y/n grabbed the outfit she had set aside off the rack – handing it over to the boy who now had a quite amused look on his face.
He always did enjoy teasing the two; more Y/n than Mingyu, since he was always able to get a reaction from her.
His best friend on the other hand, he didn't seem to care. Dismissing his attempts to poke fun at the secret very few of their circle were in on.
"Say a word, and I'll leave pins in your clothes." She gritted her teeth.
Using his free hand to metaphorically zip his lips, Jungkook turned his heel and headed for the foldable partition set up at the corner of the room.
"I ran into Hana the other day." Mingyu announced – for his friend of course.
His ex-girlfriend.
The girl that Y/n wasn't supposed to know about.
What Mingyu didn't know was that she knew all about the girl, all thanks to his blabber mouth of a friend who had spilled all there was to know about the two's past.
During one of their many days of being overseas, Jungkook and Y/n had landed on the topic of Mingyu – a time before he was made aware of his two friend's special kind of relationship.
Hana was his first love; and from what Y/n has learned... his only.
Hana was once a trainee at the company along with the thirteen boys – a girl that Mingyu had grown up with. They have had a long history, having known each other even before he became the idol he was today – she knew him better than anyone else.
As Jungkook claimed, "She'll always hold a piece of him."
"Of course you did," Jungkook snorted from behind the bamboo divider. "I'm ninety-nine percent sure those run ins aren't coincidental."
Y/n pretended to busy herself with packing the remaining items on the rack – all while her mind ran a million miles per hour.
She was curious but she knew it was also not her place.
And definitely not the right place and time to pry.
"Looks okay?" Jungkook stepped out, his arms stretched out as he spun for the girl.
She pulled her lips into a tight smile and nodded. "Does it feel okay?"
"I think you may need to hem the pants." He shook his leg. "Can I keep these after?"
"I mean, I don't think Diesel will say no to you." She chuckled, crouching down to examine the length of the jeans – making a mental note to bring her sewing kit.
"Can I keep the jacket?" Mingyu quipped, eyeing the leather moto-style leather outerwear was sporting.
There was no doubt that this item would soon be a well desired piece by everyone once it was made available for purchase – and free clothes were free clothes.
"Sorry, I work for him. Not you." Y/n shrugged. She knew there would be no issues if they kept the garments that the brand had generously loaned the artist – much like many other brands that scrambled to place their items on the biggest boy group of not only Korea, but the world.
"I'll give it you dude, don't worry." Jungkook gave his friend a knowing look, earning an eye-roll from the girl.
Aside from Hana, the only other person that held Mingyu's heart was Jungkook. The two having an irritable bromance that gave Y/n a headache anytime they ganged up one her.
Which occurred far more often than she liked.
"Okay go change." Y/n stood from her spot, lightly pushing him towards the partition.
"You guys got plans after this? My mom made enough food for half of Korea."
"We're heading to my parents."
"We?" Jungkook coughed, sticking his head out to glance at the two.
Y/n silently sent over a look, telling him to pipe down – thankfully Mingyu didn't catch on to this.
Because he was far too busy typing away on his phone.
"What the fuck?" Jungkook mouthed to her.
"Y/n was going to spend the whole day here." Mingyu locked his phone, looking up to see his friends silently communicating. "You two good?"
"Yeah, Kook is just being annoying."
Despite having the brains, Mingyu was quite oblivious when it came to her.
There were so many telling signs, so many bells and whistles that rang for everyone – and yet, he had no clue that the girl he had roped into having a friends with benefits deal with, had feelings for him.
Who could blame her?
Not only did he look like a reincarnated Greek God, fucked like one as well; but he had all the traits any girl would dream of in a man.
He had been raised quite well.
She had fallen for his stupid smile, the one that showed all of his teeth; infecting those around him.
His stupid laugh that were practically music to her ears whenever she heard it, making her want to crack jokes continuously just so she could hear more of it.
His stupid acts of service that just came so naturally, unable to help herself from becoming putty in his hands whenever he did anything to make her day that much easier – opening bottled water, adjusting her clothes whenever they were not sitting correctly on her frame, wiping away the crumb that stuck to her chin, placing a pillow where his body once laid before slipping into the darkness of the night.
The list could go on.
To Mingyu, these actions were nothing. These were things he would do to those close to him.
But to her, the girl who had accepted the barest of bare minimum from previous lovers, it was everything.
Y/n had fallen for a man she shouldn't have. Not only because of the rules they had set, the stupid fucking rules, but also because she knew he would never give her the time of day.
She had lost count the many times he had expressed to her that relationships was not anything he dreamt of; not now and definitely not anytime soon.
His group was finally reaching the success that they had worked so tirelessly for – the endless sleepless nights, the many injuries, the tears... they were finally paying off.
A relationship wasn't something he could afford, nor did he have energy for.
"I like this. It's low maintenance." He claimed.
Low maintenance.
No daily texts or calls, no checking up; they came and go in each other's lives like the wind – passing by when they pleased.
And for a good while, she was on the same page as him. She too couldn't afford a relationship – not when she was as busy, if not more, as the seven men she worked for.
They were both on two different planets, universes even, but they shared similar worries.
Similar struggles.
But as her schedule started to slow down, with each boy slowly stepping away from the limelight to fulfill their civic duties, nights had become lonely and she began to yearn for the one thing she had been pushing off for years.
"Ready to go?" He stepped in front of her, a soft smile on his lips.
All while she was deep in her thoughts, buzzing about the room in auto-pilot, all the task she had needed done were finally complete – Mingyu taking notice of this as he stayed out of her way, choosing to converse about God-knows-what with his best friend.
Blinking her thoughts away, she mirrored his expression. "Yep."
Mingyu handed her the jacket she had slipped off once they had arrived, reaching over to pull her ponytail from under the garment as she adjusted her top.
There he goes again with doting on her...
"Stay safe, guys." Jungkook snickered as he headed for the door.
"We're going to my parents!"
"That wasn't what I meant but– hey, that too." He winked before slipping out of the room.
Y/n knew she shouldn't have agreed.
She should have made up a stupid excuse.
But just like all other times, she had given in.
Unable to resist him.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @jaebammie @livelikejinki
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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allwaswell16 · 6 months
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🔔 It's December! That means it's One Direction Advent fic season! Advent fics are generally posted daily from December 1 to December 24/25. Don't forget you can subscribe to the author to get a daily email reminder to read their Advent fic! 🔔
🌟 Baking In December by Itstilliswhatitis
Louis can't believe it! His sisters signed him up for a competition at some bakery and they won! Now he has to spend every day of December baking something with a random dude. Except, the random dude is named Harry and he's hot! Louis realises that this Christmas might be extra special!
🎁 Be Merry All by @justanothershadeofblue {Fic post}
there is a specific sort of oppression that comes with a miserable so-cal christmas, when it’s dark and dirty and rainy or else it's too hot and too bright and everyone’s hustling, and your family is all far away and the laundry machines in your building are broken and you’ve eaten too much take-out and all you want is two seconds of quiet and maybe a morsel of holiday joy.
🕯️ Can I Fly Home by @sadaveniren {Fic post}
“Nothing? A seventy-eight year old woman just gave birth. It’s clearly supernatural stuff at work. How could you say no?” “No.” “Come on, the mystery has to be getting to you just a little.” “Granny being horny isn’t a mystery, Lou. We’re supposed to be on a break until the new year. The real mystery is why you aren’t content to just stay in one place. We’ve hunted everything imaginable to hunt.” “And yet weird shit still ends up happening, fancy that.” He saw Louis change tactics, sticking out his lower lip, pleading. “Please? Check it out with me and then maybe we’ll come back here for Christmas.” AKA Louis and Harry have been hunting together since they were teenagers and it's beginning to take a toll. Harry wants to retire. Louis plans to die hunting. Maybe a "Christmas Miracle" is just what they need. An advent fic.
🦌 Christmas Advent Calendar by enchantedlandcoffee / @alarrylittlechristmas {Fic post}
A collection of holiday drabbles written and posted leading up to Christmas. One posted per day.
🥁 Heart Beat by @allwaswell16 {Fic post}
Hideaway Haven is the place that Louis has always called home. It's also the place that Harry had tried to leave behind him. When Harry returns to start a music academy in his hometown, he finds himself face to face with his high school crush—and his charming daughter who wants to learn to play the drums.
⛄ the holiday remix - choose ur adventure advent series by warmcuppatea / @hlplease {Fic post}
“I love you so much, yeah? And we’ve talked about moving in together when my lease ends. And we’ll be spending so much time together for the holidays, and you know, we get on so smashingly-” “Louis-” Harry laughed. “Spit it out!” “-So I was thinking,” Louis laughed, rubbing his face. “Fuck, I don’t know why I’m so nervous!” He laughed. “I was thinking we should test-run living together this month.” Harry and Louis are very in love, but moving in together feels huge. So, naturally, Louis has the idea to do a holiday test-run.
🔔I'll Be Home For Christmas by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10 {Fic post}
Harry's life seems to be going well. He has a great job working at Festive Furnishings, he has an amazing three year old son called Danny, and his favourite time of the year is approaching. Just as Harry thinks everything is finally going to plan, he finds out that he is going to be losing his home just before Christmas. Louis Tomlinson is happy enough with his lot. He's the CEO of a company he started years ago, Festive Furnishings, he has great colleagues, especially his assistant Harry, and he has the best nephew in the world. But the thing is, Louis is lonely. He has a beautiful house but it's too quiet, especially at this time of year. Not that he'd admit that to anyone. While struggling to find somewhere warm and safe for himself and Danny to stay, Harry makes a decision that might just change the course of everything... and bring himself and Louis closer together as well...
🍪 I Really Like Your Styles: The Baking Advent-ure by @homosociallyyours {Fic post}
Louis isn't much for frills, and the coffee shop he co-owns with his best friend Liam is evidence of that. Yes, it's got a decent sized, well-kept industrial kitchen, but Louis insists that people come to coffee shops for coffee, not mediocre pastry and plastic wrapped cookies. When Liam's campaign for serving treats turns into watching a few baking accounts on whichever popular app he's on now, there's one that really gets on Louis' nerves: "I Like Your Styles." With his chipper demeanor and over the top descriptions of the food he makes, Louis is sure that the (unfortunately cute) baker is full of it. Nothing that adorable could possibly be worth the hype. It doesn't actually take much for him to eat his words...and some quality baked goods, while he's at it.
 🎄 kay's 25 days of smutmas by shiptattou / @wecantalktomorrow {Fic post}
Starting on December 1st, I will be posting a new smut fic everyday until Christmas! These are all one shots of varying lengths and content. As they are posted, I will add the links to this post, summaries and lengths will be included under the break! All fics will be Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson.
💌 Lonely Cards Club by @hellolovers13 {Fic post}
Harry's life in Cardiff is rather uneventful. Until he receives a strange Christmas postcard. It gets even stranger when he finds another one the next day. An Advent story about missed opportunities and second chances.
❤️ Love Actually [L.S.] by @louisthiccsexyglitteryass {Fic post}
Louis Tomlinson has just became Prime Minister of the UK. Harry Styles is a housekeeper at 10 Downing Street. Louis can't help but be enthralled with Harry. But, unfortunately, love has a funny of fucking punching you in the gut.
🎅 Neondiamond's 2023 Christmas Ficlet Party {Fic post}
If you know me at all, you’ll know that two of the things I enjoy most are writing fluffy ficlets, and Christmas. This year, I decided to combine the two and create my own little Christmas ficlet party all throughout December! 8 ficlets, 4 different pairings, many different tropes—all short, fluffy and festive! Perfect for a quick reading break with a warm drink!
☃️ Snow In Love by @lululawrence {Fic post}
Harry and Louis are best friends and have been for basically as long as they can remember. For the first time since middle school, they are both single for the holidays leaving them with the brilliant idea to take each other as their dates to work events. To make things easier they will pretend like they’re dating. But then they learn something funny. People thought they were already dating. Weird. An advent fic featuring childhood friends, fake dating turned actual dating, really horrible secret keeping, and a winter weather surprise.
🌲 'tis the damn season by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf {Fic post}
Harry returns to her small hometown over the holiday season and starts to think about the road not taken.
🔔 they're singing 'deck the halls' (but it's not like christmas at all) by doesanyonehearrunningwotah
Louis Tomlinson is no fan of Christmas. Between his douchebag ex-husband/co-parent, his two teenage kids, and the awful fact of his torn-apart family, the holiday season isn't looking to be all that festive. But maybe a boy's trip with his closest friends will lead him to something that'll make the season a little more bearable. Or the one where Louis' a bit of a grinch, Harry's a gorgeous present, and there's more weight to the past than either of them would like.
❄️ We Can Roll in the Darkness by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 {Fic post}
Top and Bottom Construction Co. - “We’ll get the job done, however you prefer it!” Louis looks up from the flyer, and back at Niall. “You must be joking?” Niall shakes his head, his mischievous grin only going wider. “Nope! I already researched them. They have glowing reviews AND they’re affordable. It’s perfect!” He pauses then to give Louis a cheeky wink. “Besides their website says they’re full service.” (Or the one where Louis and his best mate Niall decide to take the plunge and open a pub. The goal is to open Christmas Day, but the building renovations are proving trickier than expected. Insert: a construction company with a questionable name, a certain curly haired builder who catches Louis’ attention, and a little festive chaos along the way).
✨ You Ain’t Gotta Feel Fear Just Mingle by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup {Fic post}
Harry has been at his dream job for less than three months, and he knows two things for sure; first, his project manager doesn't know what he's doing, and second, someone in the office is apparently pure evil, and no one will tell Harry who it is. Oh, and the guy who works in conservation at the other end of the building is the most beautiful man Harry's ever seen, even when wielding a hot iron as a weapon. Happy Christmas, here's to many more.
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simpingforstardew · 4 months
misty [chapter two]
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pairing: sdv harvey x reader
synopsis: harvey has always been a man of routine and order— although just as he begins to tire of his life in pelican town, a new farmer moves to the valley and turns his life around. chapter two.
warnings: some angst in this one (tw/ description of familial death). pure fluff and romance; eventual smut, but that'll be tagged when the time comes !! please enjoy my harvey playlist while you read ♡ (this is crossposted from ao3).
word count: 1.6k
<< last chapter | next chapter >>
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The Stardrop Saloon, bathed in the soft glow of warm, dim lighting, welcomes its patrons with a comforting ambiance. The air carried the distinct aroma of aged wood and the faint scent of a crackling fireplace, giving the bar a rustic charm. The gentle hum of conversation mixed with the mellow tunes emanating from the vintage jukebox, creating an intimate symphony that echoed throughout the space.
In the games lounge, a haven within the heart of the saloon, the atmosphere took on a relaxed and casual vibe. Two arcade machines stand as silent sentinels; their screens flicker with pixelated adventures. The soft glow of the games cast dancing shadows on the well-worn couches nearby, a testament to the countless conversations and moments that must have been shared over the years. Adjacent stands the pool table adorned with worn-out felt and scarred by countless games. A haphazard arrangement of colourful pool balls wait patiently for their turn, illuminated by the warm glow of an overhead light.
“What the fuck? Fired?” Shane’s disbelief echoed through the saloon, as the cue ball he hits ricochets off the side of the pool table, “Just like that?”
“Yep,” You chuckle— both at the absurdity of your own misfortune, and Shane’s awful shot “HR claimed my ‘extended bereavement’ could lead to ‘performance issues’ and ‘wasting company resources’… Whatever that means”
Shane let out a snort, taking a swig of his beer. “And here I thought working in retail was a special kind of hell. Turns out even the corporate suits have their own issues.”
You accepted the pool cue he passed your way, unable to resist a playful jab, “Thanks, Shane. You’re making me feel so much better.”
The short man scoffs, grabbing his beer from the table behind him to take a long sip. “Just sayin’, you dodged a bullet getting the fuck outta there.”
Chuckling, you circled the pool table, searching for the perfect shot, “Well, it’s not all bad. Getting the boot from Joja pushed me to embrace farm life here. Guess I’m lucky in a weird way.”
“Yeah, lucky you,” he deadpanned, though a glimmer of curiosity flickered in his eyes. His attempt at sarcasm faltered as your shot proved victorious, sinking the 8-ball with a delicate tap.
“Talk shit all you want, but it seems like my luck’s holding up pretty well considering I just wiped the floor with you.” You flashed a triumphant grin, leaning the pool cue against the wall. Shane’s stoic exterior cracked, and for a moment, a genuine smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“Beginner’s luck,” he huffed, yet the twinkle in his eye hinted at a begrudging acceptance of your presence, “That kinda luck doesn’t count.”
“Yeah, yeah— A win is a win, Shane!” You shrug on your coat with a smile, heading towards the front door of the saloon, “You owe me a drink next time I’m here!”
Without turning to see Shane roll his eyes, you step out into the quiet darkness of the night. Your smile quickly fades as the door of the saloon swings shut, leaving behind the warmth of the bar. As you enter the town square, a serene hush settles over Pelican Town, its sett streets bathe in the soft, ambient glow of vintage street lamps scattered along the thoroughfare. The spring breeze carries the distant melody of an insectile symphony, the noise of crickets underscoring the serene ambiance that envelopes the town.
Strolling through unfamiliar streets under the moonlit sky, your steps echo against the rough cobblestones beneath you. Your shoulders are hunched against the night chill and your gaze remains fixed on the ground, a mosaic of uneven stones beneath your feet. Each step whispers a story of the town’s resilience, of seasons changing, and the curious rhythm of life in Pelican Town.
Once inside the farmhouse, however, you realize that you have made a grave misstep. Arranging for your grandfather’s funeral, clearing your new land of trees and shrubbery, drinking with the townsfolk— these had all allowed you to keep your hands busy and your mind blank. Now, alone in your dark farmhouse, you had no distractions from your new reality.
The house itself was bleak. Each attempt to redecorate felt like an intrusion— as if the space itself was resisting your efforts to make it feel like home. The bed stood as a lonely sentinel in the corner of the room, illuminated by the crackling flames of the fireplace on the furthest wall. The room itself was adorned with remnants of your grandfather’s presence; even your sleeping cat— Pixel— was the runt of your grandfather’s cat’s litter.
A small pot of forget-me-nots, once vibrant, now drooped listlessly on the windowsill. You reached out, your fingers gently brushing against the frail petals, a silent acknowledgment of the grief that clung to every corner of the room. You are at least blessed with a working CRT television, although with access to only two channels in the valley, the device feels like a relic of a bygone era.
A cold draft sweeps through the room as you look above the TV: the otherwise barren wall displays a single faded family photograph, featuring your late grandfather, grandmother, and you. The glass of the frame cracked during the move and the photograph itself never seems to hang straight. You move to bring the photograph down from its place on the wall, holding it delicately in your hands— as if it could shatter at any moment. The photograph captures a moment frozen in the sepia hues of nostalgia.
In the centre, your grandfather stands tall, a patriarchal figure with calloused hands cradling a newborn lamb. His eyes, warm and crinkled with a lifetime of stories, radiate a quiet wisdom that guided your childhood. Besides him, your grandmother’s hands gently cup a cluster of wildflowers. The fabric of her apron was slightly swept, caught in the breeze. In the foreground, you: a child with innocent eyes and a smile that mirrored the joy of the moment. Clutched in your small hands was a clumsy, makeshift bouquet. The backdrop was the farmhouse itself, standing proudly amidst a sea of greenery; the sun bathed the scene in a warm glow. Yet, even in this idyllic tableau, there lingered a subtle melancholy, as if the photograph itself harboured the prescience of inevitable goodbyes.
The frame, once resplendent, now bears the scars of time—a crack here, a chip there. The glass that shields the captured memories has grown cloudy, as if the passage of years had draped a delicate veil over the faces of those who once shared laughter under the farmhouse’s sturdy roof. A sob escapes your throat as a tear splashes on the glass of the portrait; hesitantly, you place the photograph on top of your small table. You take a step back. You chuckle solemnly, wiping your eyes using the back of your sleeves as you yawn.
Pixel mews softly, as you climb into the cold sheets of your bed, before falling back to sleep. The silence of the farmhouse envelopes you like a weighted blanket, as moonlight floods through the windows of the farmhouse. It seemed that sleep was becoming increasingly elusive as you tossed and turned in bed.
The gratitude for your budding friendship with Elliot and Shane brings a bittersweet comfort, as you stare up at the ceiling, watching the way the moonlight casts a silver glow above. Elliot was the first person in the valley to approach you. His efforts to get to know you eased your anxiety about the new town. Shane was a tough nut to crack, but you suppose any stranger is your friend after too many beers— at the very least, you had a new drinking buddy.
The doctor you met before entering the saloon flashes through your mind as your eyes flutter shut.
‘Harvey,’ You mentally correct yourself, ‘His name is Harvey… and he doesn’t like decaf.’ You softly exhale, a smile tugging at your lips. He was… cute? A little bashful, sure, but he was more than gorgeous enough to make up for his nerves. Your face heats up thinking about his broad, towering figure; and the way his moustache curls up with his coy grin; and the way his dimpled, freckled cheeks blush so intensely when you look into his forest green eyes…
You turn to cover your face in your firm pillow, attempting to control your wondering thoughts; eventually, your breathing slows and your blush fades as you finally drift off.
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One more thing I love about Wesper deleted scene is how Jesper says 'It is good to be home' while looking directly at Wylan - and getting as close to him as possible in the process:
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Then, in response to Wylan`s quip 'Yeah, you keep saying that', he counters that -
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and after that once again looks at Wylan. And not just looks - stares.
I mean, yes, this exchange is about Ketterdam and the Slat in particular. But is it only about that?
Jesper is glad to be home, but I think he`s even more glad to be there in a company of someone who has turned out to be special, of someone who is quickly becoming truly dear to him, who he`s glad to have and wants to keep - hence him moving closer to Wylan and embracing him.
And the way Jesper says 'It hasn`t worn off'... It feels like he is stating a fact about which he`s kind of surprised himself. And the deep look he gives Wylan after that pretty much reiterates this but in a new light: 'No, it hasn`t worn off. You haven`t worn off. I don`t know what this means yet - actually, I might know that, but for now I`m just glad that you`re here with me and I want you to stay'. All this in one look - one more round of applause for Kit Young is due.
The boys just won`t stop killing us with feelings, will they?
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aplusmovingllc · 2 years
Full Service Moving Company
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Whether you need to move across the city or across the country, you need top-rated movers to help you get the job done. A Plus Moving LLC local and long distance movers have the experience, to get your move done quickly and efficiently. Our moving company new haven provides the best local moving services at an affordable price. contact us for more details regarding our professional moving services.
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hollandorks · 1 month
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter fifteen
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of her mother and grandmother, y/n is forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke her heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, she vows to get to the bottom of her former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what she’s expecting.
a/n: Will I remain posting regularly? That remains to be seen by everyone, myself included....Because every single time I say something, I end up accidentally not posting for weeks. Anyways, enjoy!
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.7k
Two nights later, all Bruce could think about was that Alfred had been right. 
He should have told y/n the truth while he had the chance.
“Where are you going?” 
A full day had passed since y/n found the picture in the elevator, and she half-expected Bruce’s voice to be a dream when she turned around. She hadn’t slept much, except for a brief few hours where her body literally had shut down and forced her into unconsciousness. Fear was her constant companion, but now, when she turned to see Bruce standing behind her with his arms crossed, anger cut through the fog of fear like a spear of flame. 
She mirrored his stance and crossed her own arms. “I’m going to let it slide since we’re all stressed, but try to boss me around again and see what happens.” 
Both of their jaws were clenched tightly shut. 
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. She could practically hear the words come out of his mouth, That’s not an answer. 
“I asked Gordon to come up,” she finally said, caving, though the anger still simmered below the surface. The nerve that Bruce Wayne had to barely be home, to barely care about her, and still try to boss her around all the same. She was this close to punching him in the face or pushing him down the stairs. Or maybe she would pour ice cubes in his bed next time he was asleep. “And if you’re going to bother me every single time I’m next to the fucking elevator, think again.”
Bruce relaxed marginally, completely ignoring her barbed comment–which was probably for the best. She had no energy left to really fight, anyways. 
Most of that energy had gone towards a preliminary article she had just submitted about the Gallo family. She hadn’t released any details about her involvement with them, merely reporting the fact that they were trying to make a move on Gotham. 
She had debated doing the article at all. Was it better to pretend like nothing was happening? Was it better to keep her head down and wait for it to resolve itself, whether because of Gordon and the Batman or through the Gallos finally getting to her? 
But then she realized that the people of Gotham deserved the truth, or at least as much of it she could get away with. She was already a target, but she didn’t need everyone else knowing that. 
So she had simply decided to send an article to print that Gotham was on the brink of another mob takeover, just like all of the business with Falcone and Maroni and everyone else who had corrupted their city. 
If only half of the city shared her views, y/n knew that they wouldn’t be happy with someone else trying to worm their way into their city. Gotham might be a shithole, but it was their shithole. 
The moment she had hit send, it had hit her. 
She didn’t want to be a sitting duck. She wanted to do something about it. She wanted those bastards gone. She wanted the work Bella Real and the Batman and cops like Gordon had done in the last year to stick–or at least have the chance of doing so. 
She had called Gordon, told him she wanted to talk over some things, that she needed company anyways. 
And now there she was, staring down the man who had broken her heart, waiting on Gordon to arrive on the elevator behind her. 
“Gordon and I are going to have a private conversation,” she said pointedly as the elevator doors slid open behind her. 
“Y/n,” Gordon said in greeting, but she still didn’t turn around. She and Bruce were still in the middle of their standoff. “Mr. Wayne. Good to see you again, at least under more…normal circumstances than last time.” 
She raised an eyebrow at Bruce. She could tell he wanted to argue, wanted to stick around and stick his nose even further into her business. But after a long silence, he inclined his head and said, “Detective,” before turning and disappearing back the way he had come. 
Once Bruce was safely out of earshot, she gave Gordon her full attention and said what had been on her mind the past couple of hours. Or, if she was being completely honest, the past several days.
“I want you to use me as bait, and I don’t want you to argue about it. I want you to help me actually figure out how to get rid of these motherfuckers.” She crossed her arms again for good measure.  
Gordon sighed, long and loud. She expected an argument or a lecture or a combination of the two. But instead, all he said was, “We better bring our other friend into this discussion.” 
“Absolutely not,” was the very first thing the Batman said when she laid out her plan. 
“Yeah, well, as I like to point out to certain other people in my life, you’re not the boss of me. I’m going to do something stupid with or without your help, because I am fucking sick of this. Alright? I can’t live like this.” She shivered as a particularly brutal gust of wind cut through her. 
They were on top of the signal tower. She and Gordon had decided together that it was easier to smuggle her out than it would be to smuggle Batman in. Besides, she didn’t want those two parts of her life mixing. God forbid Bruce find out what she was up to. She was arguing with him enough already. 
Not to mention the fact that she didn’t want to disappoint Alfred, or cause him any more stress than she already had. 
The smuggling had taken a willing female detective–a nice woman in her late thirties name Lori Ayers–trading places with y/n. They were relatively the same height and build luckily enough, and Detective Ayers was already assigned to the security on Wayne Tower. An outfit switch, a fake detective badge, and lots of praying later, and there they were. Y/n had asked Gordon and Ayers if she could have a gun, but both of them had practically shouted no in her face. 
Gordon held up his hands, ever the peacekeeper. “Listen, man, I’m not saying we should put her in any unnecessary danger, but–” 
“The whole idea is unnecessary danger!” The Batman cut in. His voice echoed in the darkness of the night around them. 
Gordon continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “–but all I’m saying is that we aren’t any closer to catching these guys. None of us are. So if we can do something we know will draw them out…why not do it?” Gordon gave her a wry look. “And, like she said, it’s probably better to have us for backup before she does anything stupid on her own.” 
Y/n gave Batman a triumphant look as if to say See? I’m right. 
She studied him while he worked his jaw in annoyance. Was he sick of looking out for her? Because she was certainly sick of needing to be looked out for. She wanted to end it. 
“Fine,” he said, the word a growl he spat out. She tried to resist pumping her fist in the air, she really did. He gave her a Look with a capital L that had her lowering it immediately. “But let me just–let me follow this last lead, alright? If it doesn’t pan out, we’ll make a plan. Give me tonight before you do anything stupid.” 
She nodded eagerly. “Great, fine. I needed to get out of the house anyway.” Gordon was also giving her a Look. “What?” she said a bit defensively. 
“You’re awfully upbeat for someone who wants to offer herself up for bait to the mob.” He raised one dark eyebrow above the frames of his glasses. 
She shrugged. “Well, I have cabin fever, so this helped my mood immensely. Plus, the end is in sight. It’s about to be over, one way or another.” 
Later, when she thought back to that moment, she would wonder if she had jinxed it. Or maybe she was simply jinxed all along, one thing leading to another, leading to its inevitable end. Leading to the only possible way it could play out. Her luck, ever since stepping foot back in Gotham–and even before then, ever since Alfred had knocked on her apartment door–had been nonexistent. 
“One last lead,” Batman repeated, holding her gaze steadily for once. Something ran through her like an electric current at that look. Like he was trying to tell her something. 
“One last lead,” she said, crossing her heart for good measure. “I promise I’ll be good.” 
Gordon chuckled like he didn’t quite believe her. “Alright, let’s get back.” 
“I’ll follow you,” Batman said, interrupting her thoughts of how she was going to get Gordon to sneak her past Bruce and Alfred both. She hadn’t told either of them she was leaving, and she didn’t want to think about what they would say to her if they found out. It would only make her life that much harder. 
Her ride back with Gordon was mostly quiet. 
“Where did you get this fake badge anyways?” she asked when Wayne Tower’s doors finally came into view. She toyed with it, noting all the ways it looked like the real deal. Maybe she could hold onto it…just in case. 
“Confiscated it from a kid caught forging all kinds of stuff, including badges she used to get classified materials.” 
She. Interesting. Sounded like somebody y/n would like to hang out with. 
She didn’t say any of that out loud, however. All she did was hum and put the badge back on her belt. 
“And no, I won’t give you her name,” Gordon said. Their eyes met and they both laughed in tandem. 
“Fine, fine. I might be able to find it on my own anyway.” She winked. 
They parked in an alley where Gordon or the other detectives on stakeout duty usually parked. As they stepped out into the cold air, Gordon’s phone rang. 
“Just a second,” he said, stepping further towards the mouth of the alley. “I have to take this. Don’t move.” He pointed at threatening finger at her. She held up both hands in surrender. 
He needn’t have worried–the sound of an approaching motorcycle reached her ears as Batman pulled into the alley behind them. The noise reverberated off of the building walls for a moment before abruptly shutting off. Gordon locked eyes with him, inclined his head, and then answered the phone while striding towards the street ahead. 
“So,” she said casually to Batman as he stood broodily in the shadows. “Think I could have been a detective in another life?” She struck a little pose in her smart, borrowed business suit and trench coat, imagining the fake badge glinting in the low light. 
Batman made a noise that could have been a scoff or a laugh. “Sure, except you would have been fired for repeatedly breaking the rules. And laws.” 
She laughed delightedly. “You’re probably right.” She definitely had chosen the only profession that suited her nosiness and penchant for getting into trouble, something Bruce had pointed out years ago. 
“I’m definitely right.” 
They were closer together than she expected, the toes of their shoes almost touching. She wasn’t sure how that had happened. It was if they had both been drawn in by the other’s gravity, invisible and inevitable. He stared down at her for a moment before, of course, turning his face away. 
“There you go again,” she murmured as she memorized the line of his jaw. “Scared to look me in the eyes.” She reached out and poked his stubbled cheek gently. He froze, but didn’t make a move to step away. 
“I’m scared for you,” he said in an equally soft voice that sent shivers over her skin. “I don’t want you to have to offer yourself up. I don’t like thinking that I might not be able to keep you safe.” 
Y/n felt each of his words sink into her like rocks in a deep lake, sinking down and down and down until they settled at the bottom, heavy in her stomach. She was staring up at him now, their breath mingling, and he was finally, finally looking back. 
She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. 
Instead, she did the next best thing. 
She stretched up onto her toes and kissed him. 
He went so still she immediately knew she had overstepped–and had overstepped badly. She quickly pulled away, face on fire, eyes straining to find anything to look at other than the rejection in his eyes. Stupid, that was so stupid. Just because he wanted her safe didn’t mean that he wanted her to kiss him. 
But before she got too far, his gloved hand caught her arm and tugged her closer. And then he was kissing her.
She inhaled deeply, her stomach doing somersaults in a way it had never done before. She was flying above Wayne Tower yet still somehow firmly rooted to the ground. It was like she could finally breathe again and yet somehow she was gasping for breath. His lips were gentle. One of his hands cupped her elbow while the other splayed across her upper back. She wished he had his gloves off, like that moment in another alley on another night. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. 
Then he was gone, a full step away. 
She couldn’t help it–her fingers traced her lips in a daze. 
They were staring at each other, both breathing slightly heavier than they had been before. 
“Alright, let’s go,” Gordon called from behind her somewhere. She couldn’t bring it within herself to care if he had seen or not. Her and the Batman were still staring at each other, in their own world, a seismic shift between them. 
“Goodnight,” she said, her voice low and raspy with want. 
“Be safe,” was all the Batman said as he watched her go. 
Gordon didn’t look at her like he had just seen them kissing, but she felt as if it were written all over her face. 
“Crime never sleeps,” he said to her as they walked the short distance to the doors. His head was constantly swiveling, searching for danger, and she knew a certain vigilante was watching from the shadows as well. 
Her entire body was electric, every nerve ending on fire, heat settling in her face and chest and lower, too. 
For once, she wasn’t wondering about who the Batman was. Her mind had been rendered totally blank by one kiss. She wasn’t even thinking about how he wasn’t Bruce Wayne, like every other kiss of her life. 
Instead it simply felt…right. 
She blinked and they were somehow inside. 
“Blake, can you escort Detective Ayers upstairs? I have to go to a crime scene.” Gordon gave Blake a long, searching look. Y/n knew that the moment the security guard looked up, he would recognize her. 
Sure enough, he did. His face did something complicated before he realized what Gordon said and stammered out, “S-sure. This way, Detective, um, Ayers.” He hit something on the computer keyboard, scrambling, having to hit whatever button it was a second time. 
“See you later,” Gordon said to her, the words full of meaning. 
She turned towards him and nodded. “Goodnight.” 
It felt stupid, pretending to be someone else in the lobby of her home, but they still didn’t know who had breached security two nights earlier. She knew it was better to be safe than sorry, but Blake knew who she was. What was to stop whoever worked for the Gallos from recognizing her as well? She imagined their pub, Maverick’s, covered in hundreds of stalkery photos of her. 
Gordon waved over his shoulder as she and Blake stepped into the elevator. As soon as the doors slid closed, y/n relaxed a bit. Everything was almost over. 
And she had kissed the Batman.
A smile grew on her face before she could stop it. 
When she glanced up, Blake was watching her. 
His upper lip and his hairline were beaded with sweat and he was much paler than normal. 
“Are you okay?” she asked, wondering if maybe he was sick. Something in her gut shivered with warning. 
“I’m so sorry–” he said, the words choked. “I’m so sorry. They have my sister.” 
That’s when she saw the glint of a needle in his hand.
@ktficworld @grunge-n-roses5 @anon-cat-posts @projectdreamwalker @warsaur @lachillona02 @crazyunsexycool @doetic @alexiris @that-girl-named-alex @harry-bowie-mercury @vaniasagitaa @widows-writings @missing-loki @exactlyelegantwizard @miriamnox @mavenmoon @eclipsedplanet @spencerrxids @giulia2372 @katara-is-a-goddess-changemymind @janezat @incorrectmarvelquotesss @spiritdetectivel @i-have-no-life-charlie @ilovemybabes @curseyouperrytheplatypus @lightsinmycity @yondiii @spideybv28 @fictionalmansl4t @just-pure-trash @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t @thiswildandpreciouslife
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taeghi · 5 months
fleeting summers by park sunghoon | (m) *TEASER*
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♫ song : sunsetz by cigarettes after sex
summary : meeting park sunghoon in the small town your dad moved into this summer is as vibrant as the sunsets you witness. but, as summer fades away so does your time together. hopefully when the next summer comes your paths cross again under the same sunlit skies.
genre : smut, fluff, angst, sadness????? mDNi
▶ play song?
part of the enhypen series playlist
as the car winds its way through the quaint, sunlit streets of the small town, you sit in the passenger seat, your gaze fixated on the passing scenery. the town, a popular summer destination, boasts charming storefronts, and colourful welcoming banners and the air is tinged with sea salt and flowers. yet, despite the picturesque allure that surrounds you, there’s a palpable sense of reluctance lingering around you. this town, now your temporary residence for the summer, feels both enhancing and isolating.
since your parents divorce earlier this year, your dad had decided to move to this idyllic escape town that might be a dream for him, but definitely not for you. this town is a separation from the familiar comforts of your home and friends. you wish you could have spent the summer with your friends like usual. your traditions having to be failed this summer since you’ve been shipped away to stay with your father for almost two months.
the car finally turns into a narrow street lined with old wooden houses, and your new home comes into view. its rustic charm stands in stark contrast to the modern, more beachy houses that line the rest of the town. you can’t help but feel a sense of apprehension about spending the upcoming months in this solitary abode with only your dad for company.
this town may be beautiful, but the prospect of a summer away from the people and places you hold dear casts a shadow over the otherwise vibrant scene unfolding before you.
the creaking sound of the door echoes through the old house as you step inside the house, hearing your mother’s tires screech on the road as she avoids your dad. the air feels still as your dad hugs you and shows you around. you’re glad to see him, not being able to see him for months, but still, the dread of the long summer ahead of you ponders through your mind that your smile fails to show.
you walk into the room that is now yours for the next couple of months. its wooden floor echoing with every step, so different from the fluffy carpet of your bedroom back home. the walls seem to sigh, bearing the weight of countless lives that have lived here before your dad.
your gaze falls upon the bed- a new sanctuary of yours even though the mattress beneath your fingertips feels unfamiliar. it lacks the soft indentations that cradle you in the warmth and comfort of your own room. you lower yourself onto the bed, the lonely squeak of the springs accentuating the silence of the room. the sunlight filters through the thin curtains, casting a glow on the faded quilt your grandma had knitted you when you were a child.
as you lay there, staring at the wood ceiling that matches the wood walls and wood floors, a sense of displacement settles within you. the room, though quaint, holds no trace of your essence. you close your eyes, attempting to reconcile with the alien sensation of this bed that will be your haven for the upcoming weeks. there’s a certain hollowness of the room that you aren’t sure you will get used to.
the distant murmur of the town outside is a reminder that you can’t lay in this bed all summer. and that you had promised your dad you would be down for dinner soon. you sigh, filling the new, silent space that is now yours.
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amidst the lively chatter and laughter that enveloped the beach, you at in solitude, your eyes tracing the rhythmic dance of the waves. the distant sounds of games and talking washed over you, but your attention was anywhere but. you had become quite good at ignoring everyone around you.
but as you glance to your left just once, your attention is drawn away to the presence of a lone figure sitting under a beach umbrella. a boy, seemingly ignoring everyone around him as well was immersed in the world of whatever book he was so intently reading.
he sat on a faded beach chair, an air of quiet confidence surrounding him as he turned the pages of the book that was sprawled open on his lap. The sun cast a gentle glow on the tendrils of his dark black hair, and the slight furrow of his thick browns hinted at the intensity with which he absorbed the words on the pages. his isolation mirrored yours, a shared desire for solace amidst the lively backdrop of the beach.
intrigued, you asked your dad who the boy with the book was.
you noticed his hesitant pause as he acknowledged the boy, his eyes briefly meeting yours before averting away, “that’s park sunghoon,”
you hum, “what’s he like?”
“he’s quiet, keeps to himself. but his family is nice, and well, they’re super rich.”
a smirk spread across your face in amusement at the hesitant introduction.
“and why doesn’t he hang out with the others?”
your dad shrugged, “he’s just like that, likes to be by himself.”
you go back into your own world until dusk starts approaching. as the sky starts to become painted with hues of amber and lavender, you reluctantly withdrew from the solace of your thoughts on the beach. walking alongside your dad, the grains of sand clung to your bare feet as you made your way to the diner once again.
glancing back towards the beach, your eyes inadvertently met those of the boy named park sunghoon. a mild surprise tinged your otherwise inscrutable expression, his gaze unwavering as you held it. a silent acknowledgement passing between you two. his eyes, dark and unreadable, seemed to mirror the guarded emotions you concealed with your own.
you held eye contact until you turn away, your dad seamlessly diverting your attention to the impending decision of dinner plans. park sunghoon’s face remained in your head for the entirety of dinner, having to restrain yourself from asking your dad more about park sunghoon and his family.
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lunardragon00 · 2 months
Don't Wanna Break Up Again (Seonghwa x Reader)
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Eternal Sunshine Masterlist
BF!Seonghwa x Reader
Authors Note: Hey guys, sorry this is coming out a bit late. I wanted to post it earlier last week but then I had a new idea for the story, so I had to rewrite everything. I hope you enjoy!!
I don't wanna fuck with your head It's breakin' my heart To keep breakin' yours again
Seonghwa and Y/N's love story began like a scene from a romantic movie, set against the backdrop of a bustling college campus. They met at a mutual friend's party, their eyes locking across the crowded room as if drawn together by fate. Y/N was immediately captivated by Seonghwa's warm smile and gentle demeanor, while Seonghwa found himself drawn to Y/N's infectious laughter and kind heart.
Their connection was instant, sparks flying as they talked late into the night, sharing dreams, aspirations, and secrets they had never dared to confide in anyone else. From that moment on, they were inseparable, spending every spare moment together exploring the city, trying new foods, and discovering shared passions.
As their love blossomed, so did their dreams for the future. After graduating from college, they took the leap and moved into a cozy apartment together, transforming it into a sanctuary of love and laughter. Y/N pursued her passion for baking, working tirelessly at a small bakery shop while dreaming of one day opening her own store. Seonghwa, with his unwavering support and encouragement, embarked on a promising career at a prestigious company, his ambition matched only by his dedication to Y/N.
For five blissful years, they navigated life's ups and downs hand in hand, weathering every storm that came their way with unwavering love and devotion. Their apartment became more than just a place to live; it was their sanctuary, a haven where they could escape the chaos of the outside world and revel in the joy of each other's company.
But as time went on, cracks began to form in their seemingly perfect relationship. Seonghwa's demanding job at the office grew increasingly demanding, consuming more and more of his time and energy. Long nights turned into early mornings, and Y/N found herself waking up alone in their bed more often than not, the warmth of Seonghwa's presence replaced by the cold emptiness of their apartment.
Despite her best efforts to be understanding and supportive, Y/N couldn't shake the growing sense of loneliness that gnawed at her heart. She missed Seonghwa, missed the sound of his laughter, the touch of his hand, the comfort of his embrace. 
Which is where she's found herself once again, woken up by the sun shining through the curtains and the spot on the bed next to her untouched and cold. Seeing his side of the room is already neat, she can tell he'd left for work a long time ago. Checking her phone, she sees his message. 
- Hi baby, sorry I had to leave early, they called me in last minute. There's a omelet in the fridge if you're hungry. - 
Y/N's footsteps echoed softly in the quiet apartment as she made her way to the bathroom, the cold tiles beneath her feet a stark reminder of the emptiness that filled her heart. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as she read Seonghwa's message, his absence once again a painful reminder of the growing distance between them.
With a heavy sigh, Y/N pushed aside her feelings of resentment and loneliness, determined to face the day ahead with a brave face. As she stood in front of the bathroom mirror, she couldn't help but notice the tired lines that marred her reflection.
With practiced ease, Y/N went through the motions of her morning routine, the familiar tasks providing a small sense of comfort amidst the chaos of her thoughts. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and pulled her hair into a messy bun, each action a silent prayer for strength and resilience.
As she made her way to the kitchen, the scent of Seonghwa's cooking lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of happier times when they would share lazy Sunday mornings together, lost in each other's company. With a heavy heart, Y/N opened the fridge and retrieved the omelet Seonghwa had left for her. She sat alone at the kitchen table, the silence of the apartment pressing in around her, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that consumed her. She missed Seonghwa, missed the warmth of his presence, the sound of his laughter, the touch of his hand against hers.
But most of all, she missed the love they once shared, the connection that had once bound them together like two souls intertwined in an unbreakable bond. And as tears welled up in her eyes, Y/N couldn't help but wonder if their love was strong enough to weather the storm that threatened to tear them apart. Sure, they had their hardships, but they were stronger then this. Ever since Seonghwa got that promotion at work, he's been busy nonstop. 
She feels guilty, she was so proud of him when he told her the news, she even went out and bought a cake so they could celebrate when he got home later that night. At first, things were as they always were, completely normal. But within the past 3 months, it's like she no longer has a boyfriend. 
She knew Seonghwa's dedication to his work was one of the qualities she admired most about him, but lately, it felt as though their relationship had been pushed to the sidelines in favor of his career ambitions. As she took a hesitant bite of the omelet, the taste of loneliness lingered on her tongue, the once-familiar flavors now tainted by the bitter taste of disappointment. She couldn't help but replay the countless missed dinners, canceled plans, and late nights spent waiting for Seonghwa to come home.
But despite the growing resentment that gnawed at her heart, Y/N couldn't bring herself to blame Seonghwa entirely. She knew he was under immense pressure at work, juggling deadlines, meetings, and endless responsibilities with an unwavering determination that both inspired and frustrated her.
She wanted to believe that they were stronger than this, that their love was unbreakable, but the doubts lingered like shadows in the corners of her mind, threatening to engulf her in darkness.
With a heavy heart, Y/N wiped away her tears and pushed away the omelet, no longer having an appetite. She rose from the table and made her way to the living room, the silence of the apartment pressing in around her like a suffocating blanket. She sank onto the couch, her thoughts consumed by the unanswered questions that lingered between her and Seonghwa, their relationship hanging precariously in the balance.
But amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her, a flicker of determination sparked within Y/N's heart. She refused to let their love be swallowed by the shadows, refused to give up on the bond they shared, no matter how daunting the obstacles that lay ahead.
With renewed resolve, Y/N reached for her phone and dialed Seonghwa's number, her fingers trembling with nervous anticipation. After a few rings, he picked up. 
"Hi my love, everything ok?" Seonghwa's voice was soft, Y/N could hear groups of people talking in the background. 
"Hey, everything's fine. You left early this morning." Y/N fiddled with a loose string on her hoodie, or, more like Seonghwa's hoodie. 
"I know, I know I'm sorry. It's just - yeah hang on a second - It's just we have that big presentation I told you about coming up, there's a lot of last minute things we need to do." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. 
"Presentation? What presentation?" She asked. Suddenly, she heard a man's voice shout to Seonghwa, saying to just call that person back later, that the project was more important. 
"Look baby I'm sorry, but I have to go. The guys are yelling at me." Y/N's heart sunk.
"Wait, I just have one question. Do you remember what day it is?" Her heart was racing, she prayed and hoped that maybe, just maybe, he'll prove her wrong. 
"It's Sunday, seriously Y/N I've got to go, ok? I love you, I'll call you back later." Before she could respond he hung up the phone. Y/N's heart sank as Seonghwa's hurried words echoed in her ears, the weight of disappointment settling heavily in her chest. She had hoped that their conversation would provide some clarity, some reassurance that their love was still strong despite the distance that threatened to tear them apart.
But as she stared down at the phone in her hand, the realization dawned on her like a punch to the gut. With trembling hands, Y/N set the phone down on the coffee table, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt and betrayal at Seonghwa's dismissal of her question, his priorities clearly lying elsewhere as he brushed her off with casual indifference.
He forgot, he's been so caught up with work he forgot. She wanted to call in back, she wanted to scream that no, it wasn't just any regular Sunday, it was their Sunday. Five years, five years they have been together and not once had they missed an anniversary. Today would mark when he took her on their first date. She knows that for some people, it's not a big milestone a couple would celebrate years down the road, but for them it was. 
Y/N remembers that day like the back of her hand. It had been a month after they initially met. Both of them didn't really have money back then to splurge at a restaurant, so they went to a convenience store and bought ramen that they made back at her dorm. It was the start of their journey together, what got them to where they are now. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the realization that their once cherished traditions had been forgotten.
She took a deep breathe and tried to slow down her thoughts. Ok, things had been busy, yes. She knows he's been pulling all nighters for the past few weeks, he's under a lot of stress right now. So, it should be expected his mind is not on top of things right now....right? 
Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, Y/N set about preparing a special surprise for Seonghwa, a reminder of the love they had shared and the memories they had created together over the years. She rummaged through their closet, searching for the perfect outfit, and went out to buy a bouquet of flowers for the dining table. Later in the afternoon, she messaged him asking what time he was planning on coming home. Once he responded, saying he's planning to leave at 5, she compiled a list of ingredients and shopped for groceries to cook for the night. 
And as she waited for Seonghwa to return home, her heart filled with hope and anticipation, Y/N couldn't help but cling to the belief that their love was strong enough to weather any storm, that no matter how far apart they may feel, they would always find their way back to each other in the end. For their love was not just a fleeting moment in time, but a bond that transcended the trials and tribulations of everyday life, a love that would endure for eternity.
"Hey, why don't you go home and get some rest. You look exhausted." Seonghwa peeked up from the pile of paper's he was sorting through. Checking his watch, the time read 10:32pm. Shit, he thought, he hadn't been paying attention to the time. 
"Are you sure? There's still a lot that needs to get done." He asks, looking up at his coworker. The person nods, offering him a kind smile. 
"Yeah, the other guys should be coming back in a minute. Go ahead and head out, I'm sure your girlfriend's waiting on you." Hearing that, Seonghwa gathered all his belongings and waved goodbye to his colleagues. As he walked home, his phone started ringing. Seeing it was his friend, Hongjoong, he answered. 
"Hey bro," He said, adjusting his bag dangling on his side. 
"Hey man, how's your day been?" Seonghwa scoffed.
"A complete shit show, I swear, some of these people are so incompetent. We had to go through every single file to make sure there were no typos or wrong information in them." He heard Hongjoong hum in acknowledgement. 
"Damn, that's rough. Well, at least you got to spend the rest of the day with Y/N, I'm sure that made it better huh? Oh, where is she by the way, I had a baking question for her." Seonghwa's heart sank as Hongjoong's words pierced through the facade of his exhaustion.
"Uh, actually, I'm not sure where she is right now," Seonghwa admitted sheepishly, his footsteps faltering slightly as he navigated the familiar streets on his way home. "I've been so caught up with work that I haven't really had a chance to talk to her today."
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the distant sounds of traffic and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. Seonghwa could practically hear the gears turning in Hongjoong's mind as he processed the significance of his words, the weight of his unintentional neglect hanging heavy in the air between them.
"Oh," Hongjoong finally said, his voice tinged with concern. "I thought you guys were be out at dinner or something."
"Why would we got out? You know she doesn't really like going out in public." Seonghwa was confused on where Hongjoong's assumption came from. Y/N was never really the one to go out and eat unless it was for a special occassion. Typically, her and Seonghwa - mostly Seonghwa while Y/N stays near him and rambles on about a show - cooked at home. 
Another moment of silence, before Hongjoong sighs. "Dude, do you even know what day it is?" Now he was even more confused. 
"It's Sunda- why do people keep asking me that today? Did everyone forget to check their calendar?" Seonghwa chuckles, but it was completely one sided as Hongjoong continued to make no sound. 
"Shit dude, you forgot." Seonghwa stopped in his tracks. He forgot? Forgot what? Questions circled around his head, until he decided to open up his own calendar. His heart sank, heavy with the weight of his own forgetfulness, as Hongjoong's words echoed in his ears like a harsh rebuke. How could he have been so blind, so oblivious to the significance of the day that held such special meaning for both him and Y/N?
"I..." Seonghwa faltered, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the words to convey the depth of his regret. He could practically feel the disappointment radiating through the phone, a tangible reminder of his own shortcomings as a boyfriend. "I'm such an idiot," Seonghwa finally admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "I completely forgot about our anniversary, didn't I?"
There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the sound of Seonghwa's ragged breathing as he awaited Hongjoong's response. He could practically feel the weight of his friend's disappointment pressing down on him like a physical burden, a reminder of the gravity of his mistake.
"Yeah, man," Hongjoong finally said, his voice tinged with sympathy. "You really screwed up this time."
Seonghwa winced at the blunt truth of Hongjoong's words, the sting of his own negligence burning hot in his chest. He knew that he had let Y/N down, that he had failed to show her the love and appreciation she deserved on their special day. And now, as the reality of his mistake settled in like a bitter pill, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret for letting her down.
"I have to go." And with that, Seonghwa hung up the phone and tried calling his girlfriend as he rushes home. On his third try calling, he simply gave up and started sprinting. 
Seonghwa unlocked the apartment door, slowly creeping in and noticing all the lights were turned off. Once he flipped the living room light switch, he almost dropped to his knees. On the table, a vase of roses stood tall, decorative plate sheets placed where the two usually ate. A small card sat on the table, the envelope yellow with his name written across on the front with little hearts surrounding it. Placing his bag on the chair, he looked towards the living room. 
On the couch, two pillows were placed intentionally and the blanket they usually shared was spread across. And on the coffee table placed in front, two face masks and two glasses of wine sat on coasters, a bowl of his favorite chips set in the middle. Seonghwa stood frozen, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the scene before him.
His eyes lingered on the card sitting on the table, and with trembling hands, Seonghwa reached out and picked up the card. His fingers brushing against the smooth surface as he turned it over to read the message inside. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Y/N's handwriting scrawled across the page, the words written with love and sincerity that brought tears to his eyes.
"Seonghwa," the card read, each letter a testament to the depth of her affection. "I know things have been tough lately, and I just wanted to remind you how much you mean to me. Today marks five years since we shared our first date, and I wanted to celebrate the love and joy you bring into my life every single day. I know you've been busy with work, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, always. I love you more than words can say, and I can't wait to spend many more years by your side. Happy anniversary, my love."
Tears welled up in Seonghwa's eyes as he read the heartfelt words, his heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and regret. How could he have been so blind, so oblivious to the love and devotion that Y/N had shown him despite his own neglect? He felt a lump form in his throat as he realized just how much he had taken her for granted, how little he had done to show her the love and appreciation she deserved.
He made his way towards the bedroom quietly, unsure if she was still awake. He reached for the doornob, but when he went to turn it, it stuck. Seonghwa, confused and exhausted, tried twisting it again but was bet with resistance. Figuring the door had been stuck again, like it had once done in the past, he surrenders and heads to the guest bathroom so he could at least wash. his face. Flipping on the light, he sees a stack of clothes and a sticky note on the mirror. 
"Couch is set, don't bother." Was all it said. Upon inspecting the clothes, he realizes they're his pajamas. A pair of clean boxers was folded along with them and his toothbrush and facial care products were on the sink too. 
He couldn't blame her for wanting space, for needing time to process the depth of his neglect and the pain it had caused her. With a heavy sigh, he resigned himself to the reality of the situation, knowing that he had no one to blame but himself for the rift that had formed between them. With slow, deliberate movements, Seonghwa began to undress, the weight of his guilt hanging heavy in the air as he changed into his pajamas. Each article of clothing felt like a tangible reminder of his own shortcomings, a stark reminder of the distance that had grown between him and the woman he loved.
As he washed his face and went through his nightly skincare routine, Seonghwa couldn't help but replay the events of the day in his mind, each moment a painful reminder of his own neglect and the consequences it had wrought. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him to make things right with Y/N, to rebuild the trust and connection that had been shattered by his own neglect.
But amidst the darkness of his own guilt, a flicker of determination ignited within Seonghwa's heart, a resolve to do whatever it took to earn back Y/N's love and forgiveness. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, that there would be obstacles and challenges along the way, but he was willing to fight for their relationship with every fiber of his being.
And as he settled onto the couch, the weight of Y/N's absence pressing down on him like a physical weight, Seonghwa knew that he had a long journey ahead of him to make things right. But he was determined to do whatever it took to show Y/N just how much she meant to him, to prove to her that he was worthy of her love and forgiveness. For he knew that their love was worth fighting for, even in the darkest of times.
Y/N didn't get much sleep that night, her face felt stiff from the amount of tears that streamed down her face when she realized he wasn't coming home on time. She kept her gaze on the empty side of the bed, emotions void and heart breaking bit by bit. Y/N buried her face in the pillow, her sobs muffled against the soft fabric as she allowed herself to succumb to the tidal wave of grief that threatened to engulf her. She felt as though her heart had been shattered into a million pieces, each fragment a painful reminder of the love she had lost. As she wept into the sheets, a knock sounded at the door. 
"Y/N...." Y/N's heart lurched at the sound of Seonghwa's voice, the familiar warmth of his tone cutting through the darkness of her despair like a ray of sunlight breaking through storm clouds. She lifted her head from the pillow, her eyes red and swollen from hours of crying, as she struggled to comprehend the reality of his presence.
"Seonghwa..." Y/N whispered, her voice barely above a hoarse whisper as she fought to regain control of her emotions. She felt a jumble of conflicting emotions swirling within her, a mixture of relief and anger, love and betrayal, all vying for dominance within her fractured heart.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, Y/N pushed herself up from the bed, walking towards the bedroom door to unlock it. Upon opening it, her eyes locked with Seonghwa's, who stood in the doorway, his expression a mixture of guilt and remorse. She could see the weight of his own emotions reflected in his eyes, the shadows of regret etched into the lines of his face.
For a moment, neither of them spoke, the air thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension. But then, with a tentative step forward, Seonghwa crossed the threshold into the room, his eyes never leaving Y/N's as he approached her with cautious uncertainty.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Seonghwa murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out a trembling hand to brush away the tears that stained her cheeks. "I never meant to hurt you like this."
Y/N's heart clenched at the sincerity in Seonghwa's words, the raw vulnerability of his confession piercing through the walls she had erected around her wounded heart. She could see the pain etched into every line of his face, the depth of his regret mirrored in the depths of his eyes. And in that moment, as their gazes locked and their hearts laid bare, Y/N knew that she couldn't turn her back on the love they shared, no matter how deep the wounds that had been inflicted upon it. 
"You forgot.....you never forget." She whispered, softly pushing his hand away from her and crossed her arms. 
"I know, I know." Seonghwa slowly pulled his hand back, returning it to his side. "Honey I.....I'm so sorry." Y/N's heart ached at Seonghwa's admission, the weight of his apology hanging heavy in the air between them. She could feel the turmoil churning within her, torn between the pain of his betrayal and the love that still lingered in her heart.
"Seonghwa, how could you forget?" Y/N's voice wavered with emotion, her eyes brimming with tears as she struggled to make sense of the hurt that consumed her. "Our anniversary, it's... it's not just any date. It's a reminder of the love we share, the memories we've built together. How could you forget something so important to us?"
Seonghwa's shoulders slumped under the weight of Y/N's words, his own guilt and regret written plainly on his face. "I don't have an excuse. I let work consume me, and I neglected the most important thing in my life. I'm sorry, I truly am."
Y/N felt a pang of anguish as she looked into Seonghwa's eyes, seeing the depth of his remorse mirrored back at her. Despite the hurt he had caused, she couldn't deny the love she still felt for him, the longing to rebuild what they had lost.
"I don't know what to do anymore," Y/N admitted, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Seonghwa I....I don't know if I can do this anymore." Seonghwa's eyes widen in panic, quickly bringing his arms around her. 
"No no no, don't say that. Please, let me make it up to you. Please Y/N." Seonghwa's arms enveloped Y/N in a tight embrace, his touch a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions that raged within her. She could feel the warmth of his body against hers, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing her own tumultuous thoughts.
"I don't want to lose you, Y/N," Seonghwa whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You mean everything to me. Please, give me another chance to make things right. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust, to prove to you how much you mean to me."
Y/N leaned into Seonghwa's embrace, his scent and the familiarity of his presence soothing her frayed nerves. Despite the pain and uncertainty that lingered in her heart, she couldn't deny the longing she felt to hold onto the love they shared, to believe in the possibility of a future together.
"I want to believe you, Seonghwa," Y/N murmured, her voice muffled against his chest. "But I need time... time to heal." Seonghwa nodded, his grip on Y/N tightening ever so slightly as he held her close. 
"I understand, Y/N. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting for you, ready to do whatever it takes to make things right." And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Y/N knew that their journey back to each other would be long and arduous.
It had been a week now since the incident, a little bit had changed. Seonghwa was good about giving Y/N her space. He had been sleeping on the couch the past few nights to respect her wishes of wanting to be alone. Seonghwa wasn't going to lie, this had been one of the worst weeks of his life. Being so close to the women he loved but having to stay far from her had been a difficult task. Though, he reminds himself that it's what he had been doing the past few months, it's just now, he was conscious of it. 
Yesterday had been the last day of finalizing everything for the project he and the team had been working night and day on. As a rewards, he was given a few payed days off, and Seonghwa was going to use them wisely.  As he stretched his stiff muscles, a sense of determination filled him, knowing that today was the day he would begin to make things right with Y/N.
With quiet steps, Seonghwa grabbed his coat and keys, intent on making the most of his days off. He had a plan in mind, a way to show Y/N just how much she meant to him and how committed he was to repairing their relationship.
As he stepped out into the crisp morning air, Seonghwa couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within him. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he was determined to win back Y/N's trust and rebuild the love they had shared.
And as he set off on his journey, Seonghwa knew that with patience, perseverance, and unwavering devotion, anything was possible. For he was willing to do whatever it took to make things right with the woman he loved, to prove to her that their love was worth fighting for, even in the darkest of times.
By the time Y/N woke up and walked into the kitchen, everything was set up. She saw a vase of her favorite flowers sitting on the dining table. Along with them were fresh crepe's from her favorite breakfast spot and a cup of iced coffee. Seonghwa was seated at the table, legs bouncing in anticipation while he waited for her. 
"What's this?" She asked, voice still groggy since she'd woken up not too long ago. Seonghwa looked up from the table, a smile lighting up his face as he saw Y/N enter the room. He motioned for her to take a seat, the anticipation evident in his eyes as he waited for her reaction.
"It's breakfast," Seonghwa replied, his voice soft with sincerity. "I thought we could start the day off right, together."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the spread before her, the aroma of fresh crepes and coffee filling the air. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in her chest at the thoughtfulness of Seonghwa's gesture, the love and effort he had put into making her feel special.
"Oh, Seonghwa," Y/N breathed, her voice filled with emotion as she moved to sit across from him at the table. "This is... this is so sweet."
Seonghwa's smile widened at Y/N's reaction, his heart swelling with happiness at the sight of her appreciating his efforts. He reached across the table to take her hand in his, his gaze locking with hers in silent understanding.
"I know I haven't been the best lately, Y/N," Seonghwa began, his voice filled with sincerity. "But I want you to know that I'm committed to making things right, to proving to you how much you mean to me. I love you more than words can say, and I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and rebuild our relationship."
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat at Seonghwa's heartfelt words, her eyes brimming with tears at the depth of his sincerity. She squeezed his hand gently, a silent affirmation of her love and forgiveness. "I love you too, Seonghwa," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "Let's take it one step at a time, together." 
Seonghwa's heart swelled with gratitude and relief as he listened to Y/N's words, the weight of her forgiveness lifting the burden of guilt from his shoulders. He squeezed her hand gently, his gaze softening with love and appreciation as he leaned forward to press a tender kiss to her forehead. 
"Are you fucking kidding me Seonghwa, again. This happened AGAIN." Y/N stormed off into the bedroom, hands tangled in her hair as she tried to not lash out at him. Seonghwa remained in the apartment doorway, head hung low in regret. It had now been a month since their last dispute. Tonight, they were supposed to meet Y/N and his friends at an arcade and bar to celebrate someone's promotion. But, of course, Seonghwa was a no call no show. 
Seonghwa's heart sank as he watched Y/N storm off into the bedroom, her words ringing in his ears like a painful echo of his own failures. He knew he had messed up again, that his repeated absences and broken promises had pushed Y/N to her breaking point. He stood there in the doorway, his shoulders slumped with the weight of his own guilt and regret. How many times could he apologize, how many promises could he make before they became meaningless?
Slowly, Seonghwa made his way to the bedroom, steeling himself for the confrontation that awaited him. He found Y/N sitting on the edge of the bed, her back turned to him as she stared blankly at the wall.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Seonghwa murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I know I messed up, again. I don't have any excuses, I just... I lost track of time, I lost sight of what's important. But please, believe me when I say that I never meant to hurt you. I love you, more than anything in this world, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."
Y/N remained silent, her fists clenched at her sides as she struggled to contain her anger and frustration. She wanted to believe Seonghwa, wanted to believe that he was capable of change, but the wounds of his repeated betrayals ran deep.
"It's not just about tonight, Seonghwa," Y/N finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's about all the times you've let me down, all the broken promises and empty apologies. I don't know how much more of this I can take." Seonghwa's heart clenched at Y/N's words, the fear of losing her threatening to consume him. He knelt before her, his eyes pleading for another chance, for one more opportunity to prove himself worthy of her love.
"Please, Y/N," Seonghwa begged, his voice trembling with emotion. "Give me one more chance to make things right. I'll do whatever it takes, I'll change, I'll be better. Just please... don't give up on us."
Y/N's heart ached as she looked into Seonghwa's pleading eyes, torn between the love she still felt for him and the pain of his repeated betrayals. She could see the sincerity in his gaze, the desperation in his voice, and a part of her wanted to believe that he was capable of change.
But the wounds of his broken promises ran deep, and she couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of her mind. How many times could she forgive him, how many chances could she give before she lost herself entirely?
"I don't know, Seonghwa," Y/N whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I want to believe you, I really do. But I don't know if I can keep going through this cycle of hurt and disappointment." Seonghwa's heart sank at Y/N's words, the weight of her uncertainty crushing him like a tidal wave. He had hoped that this time would be different, that his words would be enough to convince her of his sincerity. But he knew that actions spoke louder than words, and he had seen how much this had hurt her the last time. 
Seonghwa knew what needed to happen, quite frankly both of them did. But he knew why it hadn't been brought up yet, why it had never been suggested. They loved each other too much, he knew that Y/N would never bring it up because she'll give him the benefit of the doubt no matter what. Now it was time to make a decision, and it's one that he knew he had to make himself. 
Slowly, he sat by Y/N. Seonghwa felt the weight of the silence pressing in around them, suffocating him with the weight of their unresolved emotions. He couldn't bear to see Y/N in such pain, couldn't bear the thought of losing her, but he knew that their relationship couldn't continue like this.
Taking a deep breath, Seonghwa reached out to gently take Y/N's hand in his, his touch a silent reassurance of his love and support. He knew what needed to be done, knew that it would be the hardest decision he would ever have to make, but he also knew that it was the right one for both of them.
"Y/N," Seonghwa began, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "I... I think we need to take a break."
Y/N's eyes widened in shock at Seonghwa's words, her heart clenching with a mixture of pain and disbelief. She opened her mouth to protest, to beg him not to leave her, but the words caught in her throat as she saw the resolve in Seonghwa's gaze.
"I know this isn't what you want to hear, and it's not what I want either," Seonghwa continued, his voice thick with emotion. "But I think we both need some time apart to figure things out, to heal from all the hurt and disappointment. I love you, Y/N, more than anything in this world, but I can't keep hurting you like this."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she listened to Seonghwa's words, the pain of his decision piercing her heart like a dagger. She wanted to fight against it, to cling to him and beg him not to leave, but deep down she knew that he was right. Slowly, she nodded, her voice choked with emotion as she whispered, "ok."
And as they sat there, hand in hand, their hearts heavy with sorrow and uncertainty, Y/N couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the end of their love story, or if it was merely the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
Seonghwa squeezed Y/N's hand gently, his heart aching with the pain of their parting but also with the hope of a better future. He leaned forward to press a tender kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin for a moment before he reluctantly pulled away.
"I'll always love you, Y/N," Seonghwa murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "No matter what happens, please remember that."
Y/N nodded, her own tears cascading down her cheeks as she watched Seonghwa stand up and make his way towards the door. She wanted to reach out, to beg him to stay, but she knew that this was something they both needed to do.
As the door closed behind Seonghwa, Y/N was left alone with her thoughts, her heart heavy with sorrow but also with a glimmer of hope for the future. She didn't know what lay ahead for them, didn't know if they would ever find their way back to each other, but she was willing to take the chance, to believe in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.
And as she curled up on the bed, surrounded by the echoes of their love and the memories of happier times, Y/N couldn't help but hold on to that hope, to cling to the belief that someday, somehow, they would find their way back to each other.
next story coming soon......
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Taglist: @scarfac3 @bts-army380 @ssrnghwa @philijack
99 notes · View notes
xuchiya · 3 months
cafe ma chérie {j.wooyoung}
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cafe love m.list || k.hongjoong || p.seonghwa || j.yunho || k.yeosang || c.san || s.mingi || j.wooyoung || c.jongho
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The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans is your personal kryptonite, if this becomes a perfume, you would non stop spraying it on your home. It held the promise of a productive morning, a comforting afternoon pick-me-up, or a late-night study session fueled by caffeine and dreams. You decided to read your book outside your crowded apartment, it was kind of suffocating to be inside all the time and you thought maybe a coffee shop could be a new place for you to finish your book.
Cafe Love, a haven tucked away on a bustling side street, is your refuge from a particularly disastrous blind date just this morning. Your aunt was really push-y in terms of you marrying a person or just wanting to set you up in general to have you learn the “real” world of your fantasy. The man, a self-proclaimed "romance novelist", had regaled you with tales of his inflatable unicorn collection and the company that he is working at oh-so hated with all the fiber of his body.
Needless to say, love was not in the air, just the lingering scent of desperation. It was something you do not look forward to hence remembering.
Pushing open the cafe door, you were met with a symphony of sounds – the gentle hum of the espresso machine, the rhythmic clinking of spoons against mugs, and the soft murmur of conversation, you approach the cashier, greeting your older brother— “Hey Min~”
He looked up from the cups he was writing, “Oh hey sis, how are you doing? How’s the date?” Your smile drops and your eyes circle out of annoyance, just remembering what happened sent shivers down your spine. Mingi saw your reaction and laughed gently, “Based on your reaction, it did not go well.” You nodded, “Generation gap is something Aunty forgot sometimes.”
Mingi chuckles, shaking his head, “You sit down, I’ll let Wooyoung prepare your drink.” You thank him quietly after paying before moving towards the bar in the barista area.
As you sat down on one of the high chairs, “What is the love this time … “ You mumble, your butt taking a seat clumsily on the high chair next to another guy, around the same age as you. You notice him, watching with doe eyes at the waitress— that you happen to know the newest staff— whilst he taps on the cup of latte in his hand.
“Don’t worry, he ain’t a creep, just a coward.” Wooyoung openly spoke to you at the same time, teasing the guy beside you. You watch them bicker back and forth, meanwhile your eyes are lingering on Wooyoung. You know him because him and your brother tend to hang out a lot and there was never a day where Wooyoung would never leave you alone.
With a newfound lightness Wooyoung approached you with your drink, “Here you go sweetie, nice and warm cafe for a beautiful juliet.” Your cheeks burned,taking a sip on the latter he made. You hummed at the taste, Wooyoung, who has been observing you, chuckled, “Taste good?” You lick the frosting off your lip.
"Amazing actually.” He nods, grabbing another cup before serving it to another customer. You spun on your seat, the guy beside you noticed your flaring cheeks before laughing to himself, “Looks like we’re in the same situation but different scenario.” You nodded, agreeing on the concept of his stories.
As the closing time is nearing, the guy— Jongho bids you and Wooyoung goodbye— before approaching the girl with a latte. You stay on your seat, watching the whole thing unfold, your heart sky-rocketing as you gaze at their new found love. You smile at their interaction before a voice calls gently, “Cafe love has really done its job to bring people together …” Jongho and the girl left with a big smile on their faces “or maybe not.” Your eyes trailed on a tall man leaving the shop with tears in his eyes, holding a cup of espresso and a hunch figure crying on a table alone.
"You’ve been a witness to every story?" You spoke softly, Wooyoung nodding at your statement, “I have, quite intense …” His eyes trailed on his senior head talking to their manager with a fond look on their eyes, “quite aggressive …” You chuckle when you see your brother’s fiancee raising an eyebrow at a woman, who tempts to flirt with Mingi, “She just loves my brother.”
Wooyoung raises his hands in surrender, “she’s feisty.” You shake your head.
“Quite the cliche one to be honest …” Wooyoung nodding towards the window. You notice the baker’s window and see how a typical yet sweet love story is created as Yeosang bakes with his assistant baker. Then Hongjoong looked at the second senior head—who has a stoic cold face— with so much admiration that he was caught by her and scolded for not focusing, “Quite the aloof one …”
“See you tomorrow Woo!” You heard a deep voice called, you saw Wooyoung waves at the man before disappearing from the frost door, he nodded at the man who left, “Quite the clumsy love story …”
You look at him, admiring how he had taken note of the love story that unfolds in front him. How he had entertained himself with the scenes that are worth a time to read you see on the web, Wooyoung found them a way to learn how love comes in, does and shows.
He wakes up, sees another tale unfold and he waits. He waited again. The one he admires was in love with another and he respects the decision, leaving them to create their story and continue looking for the love story he wishes to read. Yet fate did not fail him.
Meanwhile, you weren’t one to be in a relationship but when you do, you wish it was someone that meets your ideal type yet it seems like someone wants you to suffer for having that ideal or standards to a person. So you gave up searching and let fate do it. You also have been a witness to different scenes of love, bittersweet, cliche ending, unexpected expected ending and few more endings you knew. But love didn’t leave your side.
“Have you found your Romeo?” You were snap out of your thoughts, you glance at Wooyoung. He has a small smile on his lips, inclining towards the book laying on top of the counter. You chuckle, grabbing it and flipping to the chapter where Juliet met Romeo for the first time.
Inside the Capulet Ball, hosting a grand ball meanwhile a Montague sneaks in uninvited with his heart entangled with unrequited love for Rosaline. But as Romeo navigates through the ball, his heart soars when he sees Juliet across the room. Captivated and entranced with her beauty. Juliet saw Romeo and that moment, it was just both of them in the room even if a war were to create between them Love still wins as Romeo approaches Juliet and asks for a kiss to seal a love blooming between them.
You look up from the book cover, a smile on your lips as you gaze on Wooyoung, “I have …” He chuckles moving forward, squinting at you teasingly, “Really? Does he serve coffee well?” You pretend to think about it, “Hmm he does but it lacks something.” Wooyoung’s eyebrow furrowed in confusion, “W-What?” You chuckle, leaning forward, closing the distance between you two. You met his lips on yours, your connection deepens and an unexpected vow was created between you both as your lips move in sync before pulling away.
“Love. You have to put more love on that, chérie.” With a whisk of your wrist, the place slowly dissolves into a different scenery.
From a modern design cafe turns into a cottage look, vines crawling on the walls with a fireplace crackling with a decent amount of fire emitting to make the room warm.
You sigh in relief, looking at your home. Wooyoung walks up to you wrapping his arms around your figure, nuzzling his nose on your neck, “Finally the story is over. My powers can’t keep up with the dazzling light of emotions of these people.”
You chuckle, moving around to place your arms around his broad shoulder, swaying yourselves in a rhythm, “Me too, can’t believe Aunty wanted me to marry that man.” You roll your eyes playfully but it was something you never look forward to. Again. Wooyoung chuckles, “Your Aunt has a taste though but it ain’t your kind of trope.”
“That kind of trope is supposed to cease in the story of a love book!”
"I'll tell Yeosang about it, don't worry."
You watch his eyes twinkle at your tantrum. His heart had beaten again like crazy, just like the way he saw you across the room. Your hair flowing on your shoulders, velvet gown hugs your body and the red cherry lips were mesmerising.
“Chérie, remember our first kiss?” You looked at him and nodded, a fond smile crept up your lips, “It was during a party that you weren’t invited and decided to follow where my chambers were…”
Even with the fiery cousin of yours and the war that your families have with another kingdom never stops your heart from leaping when you see Wooyoung across the room.
“And kiss you on your balcony after speaking about your feelings for me.” He teases you while you smack his head playfully, he chuckles apologising to you with a small kiss on your nose.
But even after a love forbidden and ending it with such a tragic ending, your wish as you take your final breath to find love for you and let fate find Wooyoung back to you is an ending you would never get tired of reading again and again.
And seems like love did not fail you as fate led Wooyoung back to you, "Thank you for building Cafe Love."
You chuckle, playing the back of his hair, "I was given another chance to love and I'll wish fate to bring you back to me and now all I have to do is bring love to people in return."
“I love you Juliet.” 'Wooyoung softly spoke, eyes gleaming with so much emotion. You return the same fond of affection, leaning in to close the gap between you, sealing your love story with the kiss.
“I love you too my Romeo~”
And a happy ending that you both deserve.
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