serfuzzypushover · 5 months
Emm a question abt ur vantases design why they have a crab-like horns?
for fun!! for the wwhimsy!! bc theyr cutie pies!
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afireyearth · 1 year
the fact that people assume I am talking about Palmetto Bugs (the big brown roaches) and not the nasty disgusting evil disease ridden hell beats that are german roaches when I tell them that my house is infested with roaches is really telling. They can’t quite comprehend how disgusting and vile it is that I live here.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
SOLLUX: what diid you guy2 get made fun of iin 2chool for
ERIDAN: i wwent into public school on land for 6th grade and i pierced someones scrotum with a fencin foil that wwas missin the little rubber safety tip on the end by accident in gym and it wwas middle school so i wwas promptly nicknamed "the nut slayer" and i cried until my lusus let me movve back to the ocean and livve wwith my ancestor
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chromaticlera · 11 months
edit- PLEASE i know yall like this post but i have actual art on my blog GO LOOK AT IT ;-;
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kurjakani · 1 year
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Ended up watching a movv w family so i couln’t paint diseases, so i doodled something.... adjacent
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shittyfishyasks · 11 months
Noww that you're wworking to male emends, havve any of the trolls started hanging out wwith you? Evven if only occasionally?
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CA: Let's movve on -> Octopimp
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The Good, The Bad, and The Alternative: a homestuck fanfic. Chapter 38, an excerpt.
RS: Perfect opportunityy to taste him
jeez ram im not sure howw fast i should movve i dont wwant to scare him away wwith too much passion i mean, sure, he already knowws howw uh howw much of me wwants my mouth on his skin but i dont wwant him to think ill actually try to eat him i knoww you dont like libel trash about vvamps but i feel like edwward cullen "And so the lion fell in lovve wwith the lamb"... "wwhat a sick, masochistic lion”
RS: Eri, dont let a dead mormon run yyour life RS: Those books are trash for a reason RS: YYou're not a lion RS: I'd sayy yyou're more like a wolf RS: There's no real difference between a wolf and a dog, it's just about presentation RS: If he's as into yyou as it sounds, it shouldn't take too long for him to be beggin for those teeth to be as close to him as possible RS: Sheep know to respect the wolf who guards them from the wild things that stalk them from the shadows RS: Soon the world will understand which of us ought to be runnin things RS: That will be a very scaryy time for humans RS: He'll be grateful for yyou RS: YYou'll be in the unique position of stakin a claim on him RS: Protecting him RS: Especiallyy from those who will look at him and see a Hunter full grown and oaths sworn, rather than a boyy with unfortunate relatives RS: Our teeth do more than simplyy secure our position at the top of the food chain, yyou know RS: When yyou live in a mixed species societyy, the impression yyour teeth can leave with others isn't limited to rending flesh and crushing bone RS: Theyy also mark what's ours, and tell the world what weapons theyy'll be facing if theyy touch our propertyy, Do yyou understand?
wwoww thats really intense i wwouldntvve thought of it like that
RS: Luckyy for yyou i spend a lot of time meeting people RS: YYou might not be thinkin of it like that, but others will RS: Especiallyy in this area, with such a high predator population RS: Theyy don't want a second Hunter in their city RS: I doubt theyy reallyy want the one theyy have RS: With Dave on the cusp of manhood, some are becoming restless RS: So if yyou're serious about him, yyou should be prepared to defend yyour claim RS: It might save him some unfortunate run-ins in the future
Curious to get some context for Eridan's conversation? come read Chapter 38: Our Friends (Part 2) and find out more!
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movnzz · 4 months
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⭐️ - Howdy Hey! I’m Moonz, but I also go by Mov or Movvs. I go by any pronouns! (She/He/It/They) and I love kids shows. My favorites are Bluey and Wander Over Yonder.
Im a HUGE Wander kinnie, so that’s nice.👍 I’m not active on here as much as I’d love to be, I’m mainly on my TikTok (Movvnz) !
I’m an artist and I play video games in my free time. :3 However, I am a MINOR, so please nothing weird, thanks. <3
I don’t know if I should post my art on here or not, but thanks for reading this! 💕
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skin-bible · 10 months
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tacittherapist · 3 months
TT: Tell me if this is everything. You've betrayed and been betrayed; you're beaten, but not broken; you've learned everything except that which you need to know; and you're still grasping about for purpose. Is that all of it?
CA: wwhat the fuck are you talkin about CA: i havvent said a single wword to you yet CA: you literally just told me to sit dowwn here and started sayin that nonsense like you knoww me
TT: Oh, but I do, Eridan Ampora. I know you very well.
CA: alright usin my full name aint sellin the mystic seer shit as wwell as you think it is so can wwe drop the esoteric pretense an actually talk
TT: Fine. What's on your mind? Or, pan, I suppose.
CA: look it aint impressivve that you knoww alternian lingo
TT: Do you think I'm trying to impress you?
CA: yeah wwhat other reason could you havve for layin it on thick like this
TT: Have you considered the idea that I'm trying to set a more relatable tone by using terms familiar to you?
CA: wwhy wwould you do that
TT: Generally, therapists need to find a common thread with their patients. Otherwise, there's no connection and the therapy falls flat. How can one offer advice or empathy to a stranger without some modicum of shared experience?
CA: no wwonder youre all such blowwhards CA: psychiatractors in alternia wwould just scoop your pan right out of your skull an wwash out all the impurities
TT: I'm sorry, did you say 'psychia-tractors'?
CA: yeah from the wword psyche that means mind an tractor that means one wwho movves
TT: Understood. Continue.
CA: so you just bought the wwhole pan scoopin thing huh? no questions about howw they could possibly sevver the grey matter an somehoww wwash it all wwithout killin the person?
TT: I'm not here to question your long-dead culture. I'm here to help you examine your motives and behavior.
CA: ok wwell anywway CA: i dont evven knoww wwhy im botherin wwith this CA: seems like an huge wwaste a time
TT: You're dead, Eridan. You have all the time left in the universe.
CA: i knoww that you blitherin ninny i wwas talkin about howw you havve no real qualifications nor expertise
TT: As far as you know. But despite your presumptions, you remain stuck here, at least until the bubbles change. So why not try to make this dream a productive one?
CA: you dont mean productivve like t-
TT: I don't mean productive like that, thanks for asking.
CA: okay just makin sure CA: thanks for not chewwin me out for askin i guess CA: a lot of people seem to havve this misconception about me that wway
TT: I can't possibly imagine why.
CA: sigh wwell i guess if wwere really doin this CA: i didnt havve a lot a friends as a wwiggler...
TT: Let's pause. Could you speak to me in the second person, please?
CA: wwhat
TT: Second person perspective. Refer to yourself as 'you', as you narrate your story.
CA: thats so fuckin wweird but wwhatevver CA: you didnt havve many friends as a wwiggler...
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lavendrsunshines · 6 months
it really movvved me
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ask-caligulas-aquarium · 10 months
>CA: help me
>CA: my matesprit and my purrbeast companion lay down on me
>CA: I cant evven movve
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Jade: so what do you do?
Eridan: i wwork in genetic research, and i’m currently trying to eliminate all cancers.
Jade: Wow, impressive.
Eridan: then i’ll movve on to Leos.
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allaboutthatvvase · 1 year
every time i try to movve my fuckin thighs squeeze my fuckin bulge and ggghaakcjnsjs fuck
its already hard enough tryin to get out of this chair thats not helpin
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likeithct · 2 years
the way i wanna movve to discord rp bc of this dumb trim reblogs shit
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honnie-bunni · 2 years
Alan, in all his wisdom, had decided to burn out his engines and splash down directly in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. Nice move, Alan. Shit, the ocean came into view, shit shit shit shit! “Gordon…Can I get an ETA? Please?” He tried Thunderbird Three’s controls again, but nothing, the ship was entirely dead. And turns out, so was the radio. Oh no, and there it was, the sea itself. Oh, this is gonna hurt, looking back, Alan wonders why that of all things was his last thought before he hit the water. 
He woke up again to pain and blaring alarms, he knew he couldn’t have been out for more than max two minutes. Anything longer than that and he probably would’ve had some serious brain damage. Thunderbird Three was at an awkward tilt at that point, but it was enough of a downwards tilt that Alan could feasibly slide down to the end of the cockpit and try and reset TB3’s system.
He tried to stand but saw something red drip through his vision. Oh joy, a head wound! Caused by glass! “Great, no that's good,” okay, comms back online first, he thought to himself, sliding down, he felt so weak, he felt pathetic. He flicked a few switches and pulled out the lever, then he twisted and “ALAN?! ALAN do you copy!?” Alan crawled back up, keeping himself awake, “Copy, this is Thunderbird Three,” Alan leaned into his completely fried control panel.
“Alan! Thunderbird Three what's your status?” Oh, Alan realized it’s Gordon, “Losing a lot of blood, and Brains is going to have fun with Three.” He held in a cough, “Losing how much blood exactly?” Oh, that's Virgil, “A lott,” Alan didn’t notice how he slurred his words, but Gordon and Virgil definitely did. “Okay, Alan, no matter what, do not close your eyes, Gordon is almost there,” Alan hardly heard Virgil, but nodded anyway. 
He was trying to keep his eyes open, he really was, but sleep sounded so nice. NO! No, he couldn’t fall asleep. If he fell asleep now, he would probably never wake up. “Alan, we’re here,” Alan's head shot up, hearing Gordon’s voice felt like a miracle (it honestly probably was), “Copy that Gordon, but I think we may have another issue,” He tried to get up, but failed, “I can’t movve,” once again, Alan slurred his words.
Not good. Gordon sped up, now going as fast as his engines would let him, He couldn’t believe he’d let Alan go on this mission alone. Alan was his little brother and Gordon had failed him. Now, Alan was hurt. Gordon's little brother was hurt and alone and the only thing he could do about it was wait. What kind of absolute rubbish was that? He had a course set and his engines on full blast and yet he still couldn’t be fast enough.
“Alan, talk to me, what's going on, just in life?” Gordon asked, in hopes of keeping his brother awake. Virgil was on the other line talking with Brains, John, and an Informant from the organization that Alan had just saved (presumably an engineer of some sorts), talking about who knows what. If Gordon's memory serves, his name was Tesla.
That didn’t really matter right now, all that mattered was Alan. All that mattered was that his little brother was safe. And Alan would only be safe once Gordon got him to Virgil. “Uhhh well…” Alan started, his voice hardly registering over the comms. “Physics is kinda sucking right now, it’s all mathy and annoying, I liked it more when it was mainly logic, maths is worse, we’re doing all sorts of trigonometry, y’know, triangles and stuff, and it's super annoying and complex. English has never been a thing I’m good at and we’re doing latin ‘n shit now days so I’m trying really hard not to fail that right now…”
Alan went on, and every time he paused, Gordon had a mini heart attack. One extra long pause scared him, genuinely, “Alan, are you still there?” Another pause, “Alan…?” Thunderbird Three came into view, praise whatever god was out there. “Alan, Alan I’m here!” Gordon said, “Alan, I’m going to doc, then I’m coming to get you,” still no reply. 
Gordon proceeded to dock Thunderbird Four to Thunderbird Three through the secondary airlock. There we go…THERE WE GO! Gordon opened the airlock via security code, then slid down to the cockpit. Gordon tried to put in the security code for the door, said door, was fucking jammed. 
Gordon slammed his entire body weight into the door. Once, twice, click. He got his hand between the door and the wall and pushed against the door with all his weight, even shoving it open with his legs, he rolled down the cockpit to Alan, still awake, “Hey Alan, buddy, lets go, its cold in here,” Gordon slipped Alan onto his arm, taking his younger brothers weight. 
“It is colld,” Alan mumbled, “hey, eyes open Alan c’mon,” Gordon was almost begging his brother at that point. Just to keep his eyes open a little longer. Thunderbird Four had medical supplies, but it wasn’t meant for head wounds. “Alan please don’t die on me,” Gordon whispered, partly to himself, partly to fait. “Ohhhh c’mmon Gordy! I feel fffine!” Alan tried waved him off, but Gordon basically had a death grip on the younger boy. 
“We want to be warm right?” Gordon smiled, trying his best to make it not seemed forced. “So where’re we goooiing?” Alan slurred, “Just Thunderbird Four, in house heating and all!” Gordon was still trying to smile. But it was getting pretty hard to do, the two managed to get back down to Thunderbird Four. Immediately Gordon slid Alan onto the passenger seat of Thunderbird Four, and slipped a thermo-blanket around his younger brother.
“Just stay there okay,” Gordon smiled, still forced, wrapping one of the bandages Thunderbird Four had on board as a temporary solution. To say Gordon ‘rushed’ to the surface would be one hell of an understatement. “Hey, you awake Alan?” Gordon asked, still smiling-Well, trying to smile anyways. “Mhm, ‘m awake,” Alan sure as hell didn’t sound like it, “Stay awake baby brother, stay awake,” he hardly whispered the two surfaced, “Thunderbird Two, get us up there, now,” Gordon glanced back to Alan “TB3?” Gordon whispered, terrified of what he would do with himself if Alan didn’t answer.
“Copy,” Alan muttered, Thunderbird Four suddenly lurched upwards. “LORD ALMIGHTY VIRGIL! A little warning?” Gordon snapped, immediately looking back to check on Alan, who gave his older brother a shaky thumbs up. Virgil immediately helped Alan into Thunderbird Two’s mini-medical bay, and flew straight to Tracy Island. “ETA seven minutes, he’ll be okay.” The resident medic tried his best to soothe Gordon’s anxiety. It didn’t work too well, but he tried to convince himself that it would be fine and Alan would be okay. 
“What’s up with those space guys anyways?” Gordon tried to distract himself with the question, “some contractor colony thing, with a disturbing amount of  weapons at their disposal, why?” Virgil glanced at Gordon, “Just wondering who I should blame for Alan’s current condition, he’s stable, right?” The younger replied, looking straight into the horizon. “Yes, he’s stable, he’ll be okay Gordon,” Virgil looked in the same direction. “If you have to know, the Informant or Ambassador, I guess, called himself ‘Doctor Jasper Tesla’ Brains chewed him out if that gives you any closure.” The older shrugged, “...Thanks I’ll keep that name in mind.”
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