#mr beast is a good rich person
identittie-crisis · 8 months
btw king charles got cancer and my insta is making bets when he dies. it’s really funny.
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*sees post criticizing Mr Beast for the human rights violations*
*goes to reblog*
*the last three reblogs are making fun of how “soulless” he looks in a photo when he smiles*
*he looks like me when I try to smile for photos*
*does not reblog*
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oceantornadoo · 2 months
persephone (simon riley x f!reader) age gap, a bit coercive, dark
it started with fruit.
you were simon riley’s secretary, working for a man clouded in darkness and gold. you’d hear whispers on the street, see pitying faces when you mentioned who you worked for to strangers. to them, he was a cold, hard beast. to you, he was a king.
he started by bringing you fruit, pomegranate seeds and ghost-white pears. small quips about eating healthy now while you were still young enough. ms twenty something meets mr not-yet middle aged, the lines of his face just starting to crease but the beer belly nowhere to be found. he mined diamonds, you heard. he owned cemeteries, said another secretary. they call him ghost, whispered a personal assistant. you didn’t care, didn’t need to when that wasn’t your job.
he had scarred hands, craggly things winding into the cuff of his midnight black suits. didn’t wear a mask but always seemed to be covered in darkness, his face unrecognizable in half lit rooms and empty offices. he always stayed late so you did too, indulging in the extra car he ordered for you, his driver called charon. simon never held long conversations but simply beckoned you, some string in your belly pulling tight at his recognition. at least a third of his day spent with you, murmuring soft nothings, inquiring about your mother and the upcoming winter, the beauty in the death of the trees. “y’ smell like spring, love.” he’d said one morning, and you resolved to wear that same pomegranate spritz indefinitely.
and then it moved to jewels. congratulations on your one year preceded by a tennis bracelet. a trinket of a three headed dog, something small to keep on your desk. the hours draw on later and later, canceled plans with your mother and nymph-like friends piling up like leaves. his touch starts lingering, hard calluses on soft skin.
a hand on your back, guiding you into a conference room. your hair brushing against his torso, the intimacy of it jarring. you twisted your ankle one day, the height of your heels overindulgent. ended up on the couch in his private office, his hands massaging your foot. “like a delicate flower.” he’d murmured, rewarding you with an anklet of diamonds once the pain wore off.
three years in, an invite to his private island. no service, leave your phone at home. sign an nda, we’ll work remote, gone for a month maybe more. pack some nice clothes, maybe a white dress if you’ve got one. take my card if you don’t.
stepping off the helicopter, charon at the helm. you weren’t there against your will but the hairy arm around your waist was heavy, a reminder of the cost you’d paid to visit the underworld. two weeks in and you couldn’t even act surprised when he proposed, on one knee with a glint in his eyes. “you and me, love, against th’ world.”
and if you said yes to the fruit, the diamonds, the care, the attention - saying yes to this was just the next step. an elopement, he’d already drawn up the license - “why wait, dove? y’r so fragile already.” you’re not, have a hidden strength under you, but ghost doesn’t care, ghost takes what he wants, and you, legs spread and eyes soft, are it.
when he fucks you, that’s when it’s settled. cunt dripping on his fingers, his face, his cock. he mutters something about a vasectomy and you’re taking him bare, making eye contact with a ghostlike gardener who walks past the window. your jaw unhinged, drool at the corner of your mouth as he fucks you from behind, one hand on your throat.
“such a good secretary, hm?” and you nod ferociously like the three-headed puppy on your desk. you’ll never work again, too busy with his cock in your mouth or his remote vibrator in your cunt at dinner. the jewels drip into a roar - diamond encrusted toys you’re not sure are entirely safe, bejeweled handcuffs, glittery collars. he’s pluto, the riches of the earth following his orders when he chases you in his private woods. simon’s presence is otherworldly, taking you with the strength of a god as you squirm against his grip. his oldness disgusts you but makes you gush all the same. “gonna be good for daddy?” and you agree vehemently at the king before you, on his knees.
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retiredteabag · 2 months
soft toji dog-sitting for a generous!reader
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pt. 1 - next
synopsis: Toji takes up dog-sitting for you and learns to appreciate his new job, in more ways than one.
Toji was quite accustomed to objectifying himself for a check. And to be frank, far worse actions as well. There was a point in his life where he hardly went a night without desiring to scrub himself clean, erase his mind from the meaningless actions he continually put his body through. Defiling himself for the pleasure of another. At one point he can recall being so jaded he couldn’t even enjoy the act anymore.
This is why he feels so spoiled with the jackpot of a job he found. Dog sitting was something he had never even considered, the previous Toji would have laughed at the thought; but my God, was this a steal.
Feed the beast, take’m for a walk and hang around for an hour or two? And for $75 a visit? Sold. He felt he had fallen into the lap of luxury, he never even had to deal with the rich, prissy owner (who apparently was a workaholic) but no worries, they made sure to leave him dainty notes expressing their gratitude.
“Mr. Fushiguro, I appreciate you stopping by to spend time with my boy, please don’t hesitate to have any of the food in the pantry/fridge! I’ll be back late so please feed him dinner. Thanks a ton!” - y/n
Below the note would be his cash. Sometimes it would be more if they requested him on short notice, or like today, Toji couldn’t quite figure out what they meant.
“Mr. Fushiguro, thanks again for stopping by, I know you said you weren’t busy but I feel bad taking your time on a holiday. Please get yourself a treat!”
What was today? He wondered, meandering the house to find a calendar. The beast followed him everywhere now, tail wagging happily, panting from their earlier walk, he had warmed up to toji’s presence quickly and was now quite fond of the man.
It didn’t take long into his dog-sitting tenure for Toji to feel as though it was too good to be true. The sinking feeling he felt in his gut when one day he was left space at the bottom of the owners note…
“Mr. Fushiguro, thank you for hanging out with my boy today! I apologize, I don’t have much around the house, you’re here so often, please let me know some things you like so I can have something picked up for you when you stay here.”
There was a pen resting on his money and a gap wide enough for a grocery list. Part of him wanted to request some beer, why not? They’re asking. But there was also a sense of dread that filled him.
He had left the space blank then. He was more comfortable than he can remember being, he wasn’t going to make requests. Who knows what they would ask of him?
Toji is fiddling with his money when he finally spots a desk with papers strewn, notebooks open, and a calendar with impressively organized time slots written in. He found today…
February 14… oh, yeah. Valentine’s Day. He can’t remember the last time he did anything for the holiday, now, pointless to him. He crumpled the note left for him. Yeah, he snorted at the thought I’ll get myself a treat.
Rolling his eyes he pats the dog on the head and tugs on one ear playfully. He feels unnerved but he can’t quite place it. He hates the headache he gets when he’s treated so kindly. Watching the clock reach 8 PM he makes his way to leave, grabbing a handful of grapes from the fridge. Damn, someone so wealthy, all alone on Valentine’s Day. Makes him feel lucky.
The old Toji would have killed for this job. Literally. And he wouldn’t have felt bad either. It’s almost laughable, having money in his pocket and fruit in his hand, leaving a house like this one. He won’t let himself get comfortable. Won’t let his guard down. But the time he has before times get tough again, he’ll allow himself to relax on some lonely, rich, persons sofa. Mooching off their supply of food and hot water. Waiting for the day he’s requested to give a little more of himself.
pt. 2
@textmel8r ‘s toji smau series “sugar baby” lowkey inspired this so thank you ❤️
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danmei-confessions · 29 days
I think we should talk about Wu Zetian, China’s only female emperor, who historically has been regarded as a horrible and brutal leader.
She was born a commoner, became a concubine to one emperor, married his son and then took the role of emperor for herself when he died. She was politically adept, highly ambitious and extraordinarily intelligent.
History has accused her of smothering her newly born daughter and blaming a rival for her death. She had that rivals hands and feet cut off and then had her thrown into a vat of wine in which she was left to drown. She gouged out another rivals eyes and had acid poured down her throat. She wiped out 12 entire branches of a clan. She poisoned her mother. Just how accurate these things are is up for debate, but while these things might not all be true, she certainly did have several family members killed. And she did deal with her rivals and her detractors ruthlessly. Yet none of these things would have attracted criticism if she had been a man. She was no more scandalous than any other ruler during that time period.
But! Her rule was peaceful and prosperous. She avoided wars and welcomed ambassadors from as far away as the Byzantine empire. She changed laws so common people could be chosen for roles in government for their abilities rather than their name or status. She acknowledged and acted on criticisms from her retainers. She built watchtowers along the Silk Road so merchants wouldn’t be harrowed by bandits. Her reign saw women given more freedom(the ability to divorce, hold government positions, travel, hunt and ride horses, to be recognized by scholars).
She supported Buddhism and helped the religion spread and grow through commissioning temples, monasteries, and even a statue of the Buddha said to be carved in her own likeness. In the eyes of the common people, she likely would have been an incredibly popular ruler.
She remains a controversial figure primarily because of stories about her personal actions against her rivals by male Confucian officials who were prejudiced against strong and ambitious women and while they undoubtedly exaggerated aspects of Wu’s life, there is still substantial verifiable evidence of her ruthlessness.
We should also be aware that although she allegedly held her power through murder and merciless, according to Confucian philosophy, ‘while an emperor should not be condemned for acts that would be crimes in a subject, he should be judged harshly for allowing the state to fall into anarchy’ and viewed under this lens, Wu did effectively fulfill her duties as a ruler.
So we have a leader of ancient china who had two faces, one who committed acts of vile cruelty against her family and rivals and one who gave her citizens peace and prosperity.
Through a modern lens she can be viewed as an evil woman who rose from humble beginnings and coldly and calculatingly murdered her way into arguably the most powerful position in the world. A rich woman who threw crumbs to her peasant people while she lived luxuriously. She is a deadly woman, a black widow, an evil stepmother, a kinslayer. But according to historians, “without Wu there would have been no long enduring Tang dynasty and perhaps no lasting unity of China.”
The comparison to a modern mr beast obviously doesn’t hold water, but we can certainly analyze jgy to a more comparable historical figure and argue more accurately in a historical context if jgy was a good leader as the de facto emperor as the cultivation worlds Xiāndū.
It’s easy to see the comparisons between Wu and jgy, both were undesirable and deemed unfit by society. But both were politically adept, highly ambitious and extraordinarily intelligent. Both had family members murdered, perhaps sharing between them filicide. Both had a clans murdered to a man. Both are thought to have had their faces carved on religious relics for their narcissistic pleasure. Both had watchtowers built as a defense for their people. And both were torn down by the men following after them, vilified and distorted. Both forever destined to be speculated upon and misunderstood. Both of their legacy’s destroyed by rumor and falsification. It would not surprise me in the slightest if mxtx didn’t draw on Wu at least a little bit in the creation of jgy. Both Wu and jgy are culpable for some pretty heinous stuff, that can’t be denied. But like Wu, jgy also has a second face.
Moral bias and character motivation aside, his efforts to build watchtowers, his patronage of religion in the building of Guanyin temple, his fight against political corruption, his years long peaceful reign, his charity, all these things lead to the conclusion that under the rule of Confucian, he more than aptly fulfilled his role as a leader for his citizens.
And if you really want to look at Jgys leadership through a modern lens, we really don’t have to look much further than Ingersoll. “If you want to find out what a man is to the bottom, give him power.”
And really that’s part of the tragedy of his character. Because of his background he excelled when he was in a role of leadership. He was good at it.
Whether or not jgy as a literary character is a good person, is subjective and should not be used to measure his role as an effective leader.
All of that being said, jgy is my bestfriend and I love him and would I die for him.
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AITA for sharing mr beast’s credit card info?
Okay so for context this happened like MONTHSSS ago and everything is all chill now, but I’m very curious what the tumblr masses here will think of this.
So I, 17NB, shared Mr beast’s credit card info (via a screenshot from a video) in a relatively small (was significantly smaller at the time of the incident) discord server I’m in. I shared it because I thought it was funny because haha rich man money for people to use.
I had this info because of a Ryan Trahan video I had watched that day where he flashed mr beast’s credit card on screen, on purpose, for a second for the viewers. This was done as a whole bit with Mr beast’s involvement with the bit itself.
So in the server people got really mad at me for sharing it because it had personal info like mr beast’s name and credit card number in it. Which normally I’d understand because that’s never okay to share. But you can google mr beast and his name will pop up and the credit card was also a part of a bit with mr beast (and also was likely not even functional, as another friend pointed out later)
I tried explaining why I shared it but I don’t think I did a good job of it and I just kinda let it go. Everything’s chill now though. As I said this was months and months ago.
But yeah. Was I the asshole for sharing mr beast’s credit card info?
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beauty-and-passion · 8 months
Lore Olympus: a superficial vision of Greek Mythology
Hello again,
here we are with the third and last post about Lore Olympus. New post (posts?) will come when the story is over, but this is my last one for now.
This post will be about the main characters of the story: Hades, Persephone and Demeter. The story is about them after all, right? Right?
These three aren’t just the protagonists of the story: they are also the sum of all the problems we talked about: they’re badly written, they’re a waste of potential and they’re insulting to Greek mythology - and everyone’s intelligence.
But let’s talk about them in detail.
Hades: boring rather than mysterious
Hades isn't exactly an easy character to write. According to the myth, Hades is serious, dark and gloomy - and of course he is, he should be the representation of death!
In addition to that, he's not exactly a positive figure. In the original myth, he kidnapped Persephone and when Demeter asked for her daughter back, Hades tricked Persephone into eating a pomegranate. The pomegranate was considered a fruit of the underworld and whoever ate it, could not leave the underworld anymore - so he found a way to have her around, at least for half of the year.
So nope, he wasn’t exactly the good guy here.
However, Hades is also one of the very few gods/mythological figures who is mostly faithful to his wife: he had just a few lovers, compared to the billions of lovers other gods had.
That could be used to portray him as an introverted guy, who isn’t able to find the love of his life - at least until he meets Persephone.
Or it can be used to make him even more intimidating: he’s the god of the dead after all, so people can be rightfully scared of him. And he would grow bitter and dark, because of the constant rejection. This could lead to a sort of Beauty-and-the-Beast remake, in which he slowly learns how to improve, thanks to Persephone’s acceptance.
Or it can be a way to show him for who he is: a dark, gloomy figure no one can accept because he’s linked to death and only someone who deals with the cycle of nature can understand. (Guess which idea I like more.)
Hades can be very interesting. He has A LOT of potential.
But Lore Olympus doesn’t exploit it. Hades is rich in the most boring way, just like any modern American capitalist could be. He owns stuff and people and doesn’t care about anything and anyone, starting from his dogs that appear only when the story needs them, to his godson or whatever Thanathos was supposed to be.
In addition, Mrs. Smythe tries so hard to make us sympathize with Hades by giving him a ton of traumas. But we never delve deeper: I don’t care about Hades’ childhood, I don’t care about his resemblance to his father, I don’t care about his supposed abusive relationship with Minthe. I. Just. Don’t. Care.
And this is bad. He’s the male protagonist, I should care about him! But I don’t. I don’t remember a single moment involving him. He's incredibly bland, for someone with all these issues going on.
This is one of the biggest proofs of amateur writing: in order to make a character interesting, you add as many things as possible. And so Hades has stuff and problems and everything, but it’s all words. It’s telling and not showing. All of his threads are not developed and do not reach any point.
Do you know what Mrs. Smythe could’ve done instead? She had two possible choices:
1) To spend time on Hades’ character and his personal growth (and focus the story on him and not on a shit ton of other characters).
2) To make him a simpler character. No character needs 200 traumas and 300 quirks to be interesting. And considering we’re talking about fucking Hades, we don’t need much else. He’s the god of the underworld, what else do you need? Mrs. Smythe could’ve focused on his role only and it would’ve been a great story already.
But nope, we got a rich, old guy swooning over a young, naive kid like everyone else does in this boring story.
Persephone: over-perfection
Persephone is never allowed to be a character in this story. She cannot have flaws. She is always nice, the nicest, the most perfect girl in the world. All the other girls are bad and mean, but not her. She is and she will always be nice.
But then, oh, she starts talking about "a feeling" inside her: a super vague-y feeling that made her angry.
And I had a feeling inside me too: the feeling that this would lead to some bullshit.
We reach the end of act one, by finding out about Persephone's act of wrath. Helios' version is: Persephone got angry because the humans were killing her friends (friends she never mentioned and will never mention, but let’s pretend it makes sense), so she killed the humans in return.
Okay, so Persephone can get angry. She can be vengeful. She can make mistakes and be flawed. Wow, that’s interesting! I can’t wait to see how she will talk about these feelings inside her and I want to see the contrast between them and her need to be perfect. We will see her regret and her growth, because she did something terrible despite harmless humans begging her to stop and she will learn from her mistakes...
Nah nah nah, none of that. First of all, we should justify Persephone because clearly this is the right thing to do: justify a bad character.
Do you want to know what the truth is? The humans weren't begging as Helios thought, by they were mean to Persephone: bo-hoo, poor little goddess, she's just a fucking goddess after all while they were humans, she's clearly the perfect target for bullies.
Also, it wasn't her who did her act of wrath, it was the feeling inside her! The feeling made her do it!
This is the epitome of immature, horrible writing: justifying the bad actions of a character at all costs. It's a bit like saying that, idk, Voldemort murdered a lot of people, but only because they were mean to him and because he was surrounded by bad people who made him do it - otherwise, he would've been the nicest guy ever. That's bullshit, that's idiotic, that strips the character of their responsibilities because the author is very biased and doesn't want to see flaws in their perfect creation.
Because of that, Persephone's flaws disappeared again. She isn't bad, it's the thing inside her (that is not her and we see it reconfirmed over and over) that made her bad! She is perfect! She is the purest!
I hated this. This is the biggest proof that the author is immature, inexperienced and immensely biased. Persephone had her chance to finally be something more than a smile and a pretty body but nope, once again she was nothing more than a bidimensional cardboard.
But that's not all. The constant reconfirmation that Persephone had "a feeling" inside her, that "it wasn't her doing this" was still pushing in the back of my head. My bullshit senses were tingling more than ever.
And then, we reached the fucking trial.
A trial that doesn't make any sense because, even if Zeus trusted Helios' version of the story (i.e. Persephone got angry because the humans were killing her friends, so she killed them in return), this whole thing isn't worth a trial. I mean, the gods did worse stuff for a lot less: for example, Hera and Athena were so pissed at Paris for the story of the golden apple, to welcome the Trojan War and take sides, despite Zeus telling everyone to not interfere. And speaking of Zeus, what about when the gods tried to overthrow him? He punished Hera and a couple of other gods, but didn't make a whole ass trial.
But okay, fine, this is a retelling and the gods are a lot more tamed, compared to their original selves. A trial is needed. We may see Persephone fighting for her version to prove to everyone she is Little Miss Perfect. Maybe we will have the immensely boring clichè of the Unexpected Witness we see in every stupid movie, when the lawyer suddenly says, look, they found a witness hidden until now who saw everything! And Persephone is perfect as always!
But nope, we got something much, much stupider.
Instead of the clichè of the Unexpected Witness, we got a walking plot device, who appeared Because Yes, moved the conversation where the author needed Because Yes and delivered the answer of a plot point. Because Yes.
Hear me out: Persephone isn’t a flawed character, how dare you think she is less than perfect? She is Perfection Incarnate and her act of wrath wasn’t her doing this, but Eris making her do it.
Why? Because, when Persephone was born, while other gods blessed her with perfection, Eris blessed her with a “feeling”, i.e. wrath. And this is the reason why she becomes angry: not because it’s a normal feeling and it would make sense that she can experience it, but because of Eris.
No, I'm not making this up and yes, it’s a fucking Sleeping Beauty rip-off. Only worse and more stupid, because it doesn’t acknowledge that Persephone might be flawed like every other character. She is the absolute fucking best forever and ever.
In case you’re wondering: no, this isn’t good writing. That’s the exact opposite of good writing - and the opposite of logical sense too.
Do you want to know what we could've had instead? What about a Persephone who has a real dark side? A goddess who spent so much time trying to appear as the perfect daughter, to grow anger and bitterness inside her? A goddess who, when her friends died, reached a breaking point and let out years of repressed frustration? A goddess who isn’t perfect and not because of Eris, but because she is a gray character?
I would've loved to see it. And it would’ve been great for the romance too: instead of the typical "dark gloomy Hades finds love in the sunny happy Persephone", we could've seen the other way around: a dark Persephone who finds her soulmate in the darkness of Hades.
Persephone: over-sexualized in the wrong way
Persephone started being sexualized since her first appearance. Not only because Hades stared at her like a fucking creep, but especially because her friend gave her a dress so short to barely cover her boobs and ass. Considering that Artemis is taller than Persephone, my question is: are we sure this was a dress and not an oversized top?
So the female protagonist has been introduced with a feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment, because she is wearing something she doesn't feel at ease with. The first thing we learn about her is that she doesn't like to show too much skin. And, over time, she reconfirms that.
However, we also see her frequently half-naked or almost naked. And this rubs me the wrong way.
Why? Because it has been clearly stated that Persephone is extremely young. She's barely an adult - if you consider 19 years old like "being an adult". And the time skip was so stupid and useless, I didn’t even realize there was a time skip, because she STILL looks like a teen.
Her physical connotations are also accentuated to be the same as a child: round face, big round eyes, very tiny figure. She literally looks like a child in some drawings and that rubbed me even more wrong. Making a youthful character is one thing, making a fucking baby is a different one.
And if we think about it, the first time she and Hades met, she wasn't even wearing clothes, but pure light. And I’m not even sure she was 18, so... bleurgh. Just imagine a naked adolescent on top of an 80-year-old man. Or even just a 50-year-old man. I don’t know you, but I find it fucking disgusting.
And the more the story goes on, the more we see her sexualization. Persephone’s boobs are so big that, if they were real, she would have some serious back pains. Her ass is huge as well and her figure went from a simple hourglass to a literal hourglass, with huge hips and an impossibly tiny waist.
However, this isn't inherently a bad thing... If this goes along with Persephone wanting to be more sexualized. If we saw Persephone wanting to show her skin, to be sexy, to do alluring poses, to be naked, there would be nothing wrong with showing her like this. The art would match the character's desires. And there's nothing wrong if a character (or someone in real life) just wants to be sexier or to show more skin.
But Persephone never wants to. We never see her saying/thinking or even trying to be sexier. She vaguely thinks about it, but everything is kept in a façade of family-friendlyness (despite the, well, almost naked scenes). She never wants to show too much skin, yet she always shows her skin to everyone.
That's not interesting, that's not character growth, that's not even sexy. That's just sad. And, as a woman myself, I do not like to see women being forced into nakedness without wanting it.
Demeter: incoherence to its finest
In all of this mess, Demeter is treated like a manipulative mother. Why, do you ask? Because Yes, of course!
Let’s just ignore that, in the myth, Demeter is not a manipulative mother, but a simple worried and angry mother, whose daughter got fucking kidnapped and she could not find her. Let’s close both eyes and accept that Demeter is manipulative. Okay? Okay.
Now please tell me when we see her being manipulative, besides the stupid “eclipse” episode in act 3. We always saw her being worried and protective of her daughter, but not manipulative.
And even the overprotectiveness isn’t handled well. If Demeter is so overprotective, then why did she never call, when Persephone was at Artemis’ house? Why did she never pay them more than one visit? Why did she never give Persephone a phone? She could’ve used it to track her every move and call her daily.
But she did not, because she was not an overprotective mother. Her actions were not overprotective, but the simple actions of a worried mother.
But then I suppose Mrs. Smythe needed a villain to start act 3, so Demeter changed and became overprotective and manipulative Because Yes.
The problem is that it’s still by words. I still do not see an evil, manipulative mother. All I see is a mother who has every right to be worried, because Hades is an asshole and Zeus is an even bigger asshole and because patriarchy wins in this “feminist” retelling.
But hey, she’s bad because the plot says so and because Mrs. Smythe needed a villain, so let’s hate her... even though she has all the right to be worried. And even thought most of the time, all she said is perfectly logic and reasonable.
Also, let’s not forget how Mrs. Smythe mistreated her, by taking away a lot of her power and influence. The real Demeter is an insanely powerful goddess, she controls the cycle of seasons and fertility all over the earth. When her daughter disappeared, she basically let everything die. Zeus was forced to intervene and find an agreement, otherwise Demeter would’ve ended life on the planet.
The most powerful thing this Demeter does is put a stupid embargo that Hades and Persephone bypass in 30 seconds. Do you see what I mean when I say that these gods are much more tamed compared to their original counterparts?
Also, this Demeter was used by Zeus for sex with the promise of becoming a queen, which is
still part of this weird obsession for sex, rape and sexual assaults
disrespectful towards the mythological goddess, who didn’t give a fuck about the throne because when you’re already this powerful you don’t need much else.
In conclusion
A story is nothing without good characters and Lore Olympus doesn’t have any: Hades is a ball of nothing, Persephone is so perfect she makes me puke, Demeter doesn’t make any sense and when she does, everyone treats her like a villain.
And I know I said I don’t want to talk about act 3, but the whole Eleusian kid is such a bullshit it deserves at least one mention. What’s the moral of the whole thing supposed to be? That if you know the right people, even death isn’t a problem? That nepotism always win? That Demeter doesn’t give a shit about Persephone, but she was just projecting?
What an absolute waste of time, what an absolute disrespect to Greek mythology and life in general. Death is never underestimated in Greek myths: as I said in my first post, Greek myths are supposed to offer explanations for things humans cannot understand and there isn’t a force as strong and as impenetrable as death. Death is unstoppable and impossible to overcome and it’s treated as such in Greek myths: no one escapes death and the exceptions are few and rare.
So changing a story to make a character escape death is the ultimate proof Mrs. Smythe didn’t understand the Greek myths in general and the myth of that character in particular, because that kid
wasn’t Demeter’s son
died in his myth because death is not a swinging door you can cross whenever and whatever you want
And speaking of Demeter: what this story is supposed to tell me, about her? That she doesn’t care about Persephone so much? The same Demeter, who in Persephone’s myth was grieving her child and because of her sadness, she almost ended life on Earth? The same Demeter, who refused to do anything, until Zeus intervened?
Or maybe Rachel wants to tell me that a mother’s love is finite and you can either love one child or the other? In that case, I really hope this woman has no children at all.
Portraying Demeter as this shitty mother is beyond disrespectful. In the original myth, her love is what changed the cycle of life and death forever. It’s because she fought for Persephone, that she didn’t get stuck in the underworld forever with her kidnapper. It’s because of Demeter’s love, that life blossomed again after the winter.
Lore Olympus is disrespectful towards the original material. And if I find it a waste of potential as a reader and a badly written story as a writer, as a Greek I am just sad. Sad because I’ve already seen a lot of rewritings and this one isn’t as original as I hoped. It doesn’t give me that tingle of pride and joy, it doesn’t make my imagination work. When I read it, I don’t think: “Oh, I remember this figure! And this myth! Can’t wait to see how it will be developed!”. I think: “Oh wow, another clichè. Oh, come on, what kind of solution is that?! That’s just too stupid to handle”.
That’s just sad to see part of your cultural heritage being mistreated. And I feel bad as Italian too, because Romans treated these gods and stories with respect, not by doing stupid, soulless rewrites. I feel insulted 
So, do you want a rewrite that doesn’t seem as sad as Lore Olympus? Then check Punderworld. It’s still going on, so it could end up being shitty too, but for now, I think it’s much better than Lore Olympus and much more interesting.
Just an example: the author knows about Hades’ invisibility cloak. That’s something small, sure, but that’s promising. And, at least for now, seeing Hades and Persephone talking about the cycle of life and death is much, much more interesting than “I’m a fertility power battery”, “Bring me Hera because now I’m obsessed with her for no reason”, ��I’m such a stupid villain all I can do is cling to other gods because I want power Because Yes”.
So check that and check other rewritings too! Luckily Lore Olympus isn’t the only one: there are a ton of rewritings, both old and new ones. You will find a better one in no time.
And if you enjoy Greek Mythology, then read the original myths too. You will find complex personalities, human flaws, metaphorical stories and much more. After all, there’s a reason why these myths survived the passage of time and they’re still so well known and so beloved despite being so old.
Thank you all so much for your time and thank you for reading these posts.
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coraniaid · 10 months
You said a few days ago that you would have liked if season 7 went more in the direction of Help rather than the direction of the First. I know you're not a big fan of the First but I was wondering what you meant by that specifically, and what kind of direction you might have preferred season 7 go in overall?
I don’t have any good reason to think it actually happened, but I always get the impression from watching or thinking about Season 7 that the early plans for the season changed pretty significantly at some point after most of the first few episodes had already been written.  (Perhaps when they decided that it would also be the last season?  I’ve heard conflicting accounts of when that decision was made.)
If you go back and look at the then-contemporary discussions of the show, the whole season was initially marketed as something of a ‘year zero’: a return to the show’s high school era roots, to something much more upbeat than Season 6, to the original Scooby Gang as the focus of the show.  
And just to be clear, I rather like Season 6 – it doesn’t always work, and I think some of the subplots are pretty dreadfully executed, and sometimes I respect the episodes more than I enjoy watching them – but it inarguably has a clear vision for the story it’s trying to tell, one that builds on and recontextualizes what came before it.  But for the payoff for that season to land, we needed Season 7 to be different.  To be less cynical, more hopeful.  It needed to show us that Buffy was right to promise Dawn in Grave that things were going to get better.  
And that sort of reset is what we got … for about half a dozen episodes.  Then, of course, it goes rather horribly wrong.
I like Help in particular because it is, for me, the closest the show ever gets to delivering on that promise of a return to the high school era.  It’s not quite a regression or a soft reboot: Buffy is still an adult with a job, even if she’s suddenly unexpectedly back in high school.  Her more mundane responsibilities haven’t suddenly gone away. But now the job she has isn’t something she hates but has to do – it’s something that she actually has a calling for, almost literally, something that harks back to her getting the Class Protector award back in Season 3.   In Help Buffy’s inhabiting the same world she did in the first three seasons, she’s still trying to save people, but this time with a new, more experienced perspective. 
The episode feels very aware of the show’s history, too.  There are nods to Lie To Me (a teenager Buffy knows is going to die because of illness, not anything supernatural Buffy can stop) and Reptile Boy (the cult trying to sacrifice a teenage girl to a demon for material riches) and Beauty and the Beasts (with Buffy herself taking on the role of Mr Platt, worried that Mike is going to turn out to be another Pete), and of course the whole episode is a callback to Prophecy Girl.  Because Cassie – probably the show’s last great one-episode character (and yes, the actor comes back later but the person doesn’t) – isn’t just somebody Buffy is trying to save, she is Buffy: a Season 1 Buffy who struggles to make friends and has a supernatural gift she doesn’t like to talk about and knows she’s going to die heartbreakingly young.  I don’t think it’s merely chance that Cassie’s big speech to Buffy about her destiny (“You think I want this?  You think I don’t care?”) echoes Buffy’s own words to her mother in Becoming either (“You think I choose to be like this?”).
Plus, while the episode ties into the wider story arc – with Spike in the basement and hints that Principal Wood might be up to something and our first appearance of future Potential Amanda – the whole thing still tells a coherent, self-contained story.  It stands on its own right; it makes sense on its own terms.  it’s not just another installment in the long running saga of General Buffy and the friends she never talks to who later kick her out of the house she owns.
And I think there was a lot more ground there to explore, in the same vein as Help.  At least a full season’s worth.  There was so much more the show could have tried to do in terms of going back and revisiting some of the classic moments of the first three seasons from a more mature and more grown-up perspective, instead of summarily kicking Buffy out of her new job and then blowing the school up (again).  If this season is about the future – about new Slayers being called, one way or another – then what does that mean?  How else are Buffy and Willow and Xander engaged in the challenge of trying to pass on what they’ve learned about life on the Hellmouth to a new generation?  
At its best, Buffy has always been in conversation with its past, building on ideas that were touched on in one season and asking the audience to think about them again from a different angle.  And the beginning of Season 7 sets up the perfect stage to try to do more of that.
I’d have loved to have seen a whole season of Buffy trying to keep her students alive while also preparing them to go out and live in the world.  Of Dawn making new friends and finding value in being herself, not just the Slayer’s sister or the mystical Key.  Of Buffy and Willow and Xander really getting to know each other again, and having a chance to talk about everything that happened to them last year.  A whole season of, in a way, seeing the show from the very beginning, but this time from the perspective of people like Giles or Jenny or Joyce.
But instead we got a lot of boring wank about an impossibly old super-god who can’t actually touch anything (but one who Buffy would definitely let Dawn die to defeat because this godlike being is so much more impressive and scary than Glory, trust us guys, please, we swear) and her army of interchangeable and personality-free super vampires (and of course Caleb, who’s somehow even more mind-numbingly boring than they are).  Instead we get a second half of the season in which Andrew Wells has more screen time than Willow or Xander or Anya or Giles or Dawn.  Instead we get to wonder whether Giles is the First and try to pretend to care that Spike has been hypnotized.  Instead we get Lies My Parents Told Me.
Oh well.  At least Faith shows up near the end.
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atthebell · 2 months
i think the weirdest thing to me about all the mr beast stuff is i thought everyone was aware that he's a scammer and probably treats people in his videos very poorly? like i know that he donates a lot of money to some charities (which, first of all, is a tax write-off for him and also several of these charities are also owned and run by him-- not trying to accuse him of stealing charity money, just pointing out that it just makes him look better) but that does not equal good person or even net neutral. bill gates donates millions of dollars a year to charity, that doesn't make him a "good" rich person and that doesn't mean philanthropy magically makes up for making millions or, in the case of gates, billions of dollars off the backs of other people's labor.
but aside from the philanthropy angle being a stupid way to think about morals, it just seems weird to me that any of this is surprising to people. mr beast has spent years making clickbaity over the top flashy content for the sake of making money and gaining followers. he runs big grand competitions that often involve people humiliating themselves or spending a great deal of time doing ridiculous stunts for youtube's amusement for the chance to win some money (or get some clout). this whole deal has seemed scummy to me since i learned about it in like 2021. he's always pretty obviously been a kind of scummy content creator, regardless of how nice he seems or how cool his employees are (which, i find most of them boring anyway, but that's neither here nor there).
i'm also genuinely never surprised when it turns out some giant over the top piece of media, particularly some kind of reality content, involved a ton of exploitation and mistreatment. people not receiving medical care or food and water or adequate housing during shoots does not seem the least bit surprising to me, both because mr beast is not actually a professional in the entertainment industry (or at least doesn't have the infrastructure of one, as is the case for many youtubers/internet celebs who make it big) and because it's reality content. even professional reality television involves a huge amount of mistreatment and exploitation-- see criticisms of love island, ayto, survivor, any number of other reality tv shows.
i think i'm just baffled as to how this is shocking to anyone, and why people seemed convinced that mr beast the guy was a good person even if his content was lame/for shock and awe. like why did you think that??? do we have deeply different understandings of what it takes to make content like this???? i'm just confused
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kurohaneko · 7 days
i don't care what anyone says, mr. beast is a fucking piece of shit and what good he has done is wholly performative when he's harmed so many people, is a rich white man profiting off of and commodifying a person of color's own work and commentary on the cruelty and inhumane effects of capitalism, the suffering and trauma of what impoverished people have to experience, and how the rich exploit the poor and their desperation to have the means to survive and live a normal life. you cannot justify any of the horrible shit he's done on the basis of "oh well he did ___ so he must not be bad!!!" get a fucking brain, critical thinking skills, and an ounce of empathy i beg.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 10 months
Fluff And Angst Masterlist
A Different Kind of Philly (ao3) - NiniMeggie
Summary: Dan is getting to an age where he is meant to be looking for a bride from one of the neighbouring kingdoms. After messengers are sent from various kingdoms from both lords and kings offering their daughters’ hands, Dan has a lot to consider. His father sends invites to the interested parties of the top three kingdoms and tells his son to pick whichever filly his heart desires. After meeting them, he thinks the Philly he wants is one his father would not approve of.
All That You Are is All That I'll Ever Need (ao3) - ficslesters (sohmaskyos), starrywrite
Summary: Dan Howell is just ordinary, but his boyfriend Phil is Amazing(Phil from YouTube). Or, AU in which Dan isn’t a YouTuber.
Back to Normal (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: When Dan joins Phil on a family vacation to Florida, Phil's mother thinks they've finally gotten together, Dan panics and goes along with it...
Butterfly (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: Phil Lester, a lonely writer, finds a dying boy with beautiful black wings on a cold, rainy night in a dingy alleyway. He recognizes the boy as one of the winged men hated by human society. They are considered to be wild, ferocious beasts, but Phil's sympathy forces him to help the boy.
What happens when the boy, considered to be a wild beast, gets too attached and follows him home with an innocent, dimpled smile?
Danfiction (ao3) - EvaSage
Summary: Phil likes to indulge in phanfiction every once in a while, none more so than the work of one particular writer; @danfiction. But when their latest fic comes a little to close for comfort, Phil must question long-held beliefs and break through new barriers.
Dan the Personal Assistant (ao3) - blissedoutphil
Summary: Dan has to submit an application video to be an assistant for a company President, Mr. Lester. But what happens when he accidentally sends a wrong video?
Feeling Good (ao3) - barboletta
Summary: The life of Dan Howell, British single skater, is separated in two parts - before and after. Now, after two years of hospitals, plaster and no training he tries to prove to everone, and first of all himself, that he's still able to skate and compete on the highest levels. But there are some people in his life, who has known it all along.
First Impressions (Perhaps I Was Wrong) (ao3) - Ablissa
Summary: Phil Lester goes back to university for his third year, expecting to live in the dorms with his childhood best friend PJ. That's how it's been for the past years, after all. However, due to a mistake of some sort, he finds himself with a new roommate to spend the semester with. Daniel Howell, three years his junior, has rich brown eyes, a laptop to hide them behind, and not more than two words to spare in Phil's direction. Phil is no fortune teller, but he foresees the upcoming months will be filled with a whole lot of awkward silence.
Unless, of course, Dan proves him wrong... Could one little mistake lead to something entirely life-changing? Perhaps it could. After all, nearly everything changes when Phil meets Dan.
Here's Hope (ao3) - CanYourDan
Summary: In the past Omegas were treated terribly, however due to new laws in England, this practice has become illegal. Phil Lester works for an Omega rescue center, and so far things have been all business, however when a maltreated Omega named Dan comes in, things become complicated for Phil as he does the thing the center always advises against, his heart becomes involved, and he feels like it's breaking.
House Sitter (ao3) - Doesyourhusbandknowtheway
Summary: Dan Howell's parents are going on a 12 day vacation and refuse to let their sixteen year old son stay home alone for that long. They hire Phil, a nineteen year old boy from the neighborhood to stay at the house with Dan and to keep an eye on things. Who knew 12 days (and Phil Lester) could completely change Dan Howell's life?
Kinsey Two (ao3) - thatsmistertoyou
Summary: The Kinsey scale, also called the Heterosexual–Homosexual Rating Scale, attempts to describe a person’s sexual experience or response at a given time.
Life without you would be a nightmare (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan woke with a start. His heart pounding and his face wet with tears. 'What the hell?" he breathed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands, and rested his elbows on his knees. He had to stand up, had to get the feeling worked out of him. His dream was so vivid, too real. He went into the lounge and picked up his laptop. A distraction, that's what he needed. He enabled his browsing position and started to scroll. However, his head started to bob almost instantly and fell asleep within minutes. He slept for a mere half hour before he once again woke, upset by his dream. He stood and walked to his bedroom door. Instead of turning right, he turned left and knocked gently on Phil's door.
Open When You Need To Know How Much I Love You (ao3) - Rhensis
Summary: When they first meet, Phil writes Dan a series of letters, and as their relationship and lives pan out in the most extraordinary ways, Dan finds himself relying on those letters.
Painting Flowers (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: AU! Stereotypes insist that tattoo artists are usually terrifyingly intimidating with big muscles and thick accents. And then there’s Phil Lester: lanky, awkward, and ironically afraid of needles, yet arguably London’s finest tattoo artist and manager of the infamous Ink Poisoning. Despite the fact that Phil’s life is considered, by some, to be a bit unorthodox, there’s nothing in the world he’d change about it… except maybe he’d like someone to come home to other than his hairless cat, Dobby. But it goes without saying that after the catastrophe that was his last relationship, Phil can’t help but to cling to the safety net that is remaining single.
And then he meets Dan Howell, the budding florist who takes over the flower shop across the street and soon after becomes “the pastel flower prince of his heart” (as dubbed by Phil’s best mate Katie). Despite insisting that he feels no romantic attraction to the florist, Phil can’t deny that that needles aren’t the only thing that makes his heart race anymore.
Phoenix down (ao3) - ColdPorridge22
Summary: Phil does something heroic, but gets gravely injured. Dan gets a profound lesson in taking people for granted as he is faced with possibly losing Phil forever.
On the long road to recovery they struggle to keep their feelings to themselves, because they're both absolutely sure the other doesn't feel the same way. But that might hurt more than it helps...
read between the lines (i will if you will) (ao3) - Ablissa
Summary: Phil ^_^ (5:31 PM) Dan?
danisNOTonfire xD i swear im really not. come check. (5:31 PM) yeah?
Phil ^_^ (5:32 PM) I think I'm in love with you I just I can't wait to meet you -- Skype conversations between Dan and Phil, leading up to their first meeting. 2009!Phan. Prepare for fluff.
Revenge is Sweet (ao3) - danteasers
Summary: Phil's girlfriend breaks up with him, and to make her jealous Dan and Phil go to some extremes that make them question their feelings about each other.
Ride With the Moon In the Dead of Night (ao3) - mooksie01
Summary: Phil seriously needs to buy some allergy medicine or something. Or at least open a window next time he performs a demonic ritual. He wouldn't have thought that one little sneeze could've messed up a spell so bad, but now he has a demon on his hands and only six days to get rid of it before he's stuck with it forever.
...And maybe the demon is acting like a total cinnamon roll, but Phil is positive that it's all just an elaborate ruse.
Secrets We Didn't Need To Keep (ao3) - Ablissa
Summary: Dan Howell. Twenty-four. In love with his best friend and flatmate, Phil Lester, for the past five years.
Dan usually gets by, he does. He won't tell Phil, obviously not. But he can't even picture seeing the man with somebody else, and it seems like this time around, there is a somebody else.
In the middle of the night, we are all suspended in a strange void. In this suspension, secrets become hard to keep.
And that's not always a bad thing.
Steal My Heart (steal my whole life too) (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne), INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Captain of the Royal Guard and Prince of Morellia, Philip Lester has never been given the chance to find love. Instead, he’s run from a system that works to end class differences and improve equality for its citizens. Happy as he is to make the world a better place, Phil can’t help feeling bitter towards his ancestors for making it impossible for him to find someone who will actually love him for more than just his title, and strives instead for a life of justice and doing good - only to meet his match in the King of Thieves, a man who will change everything he once thought he knew in life. Together, they must depart on a quest to save the kingdom, and, in the process, destroy their differences and find their own form of love.
The Prince and the Youtuber (ao3) - koleen
Summary: Dan Howell is the Prince of England and the first grandson of a late King, and Phil Lester is a famous Youtuber who turns out to be the first grandson of a late King’s Hand, the best friend of the late King. On one night of celebration of their daughters’ pregnancies 18 years ago, the best friends made a drunken pact to marry their first grandchildren to each other the year they both turn 18, completely forgetting to consider that their first grandchildren could both be male.
What Happened Last Night? (ao3) - duskomybloom
Summary: Things get complicated when Dan wakes up in Phil's bed after a party and he has no idea how he got there.
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mangio-formaggio · 6 months
by some reason so many bertha x george aus I came up with are absolutely impossible to take seriously. I don't know what's about these two makes my brain go "yeap, sure, silly is the only way to go". but in no particular order let me introduce you the beasts my imagination created recently:
1. bertha the vampire slayer and unholy in all possible ways centuries old vampire george. okay, she's a hired monster hunter cause girl (and her family) gotta eat, so naturally when the target doubles the price she was promised she lets him go alive (and horny).
2. george is a principal in little larry's elite primary school and bertha is a true soccer mom. she's on every committee possible and is a pain on george's ass, but also he's dying to channel this energy into other useful directions. or alternatively she's the principal and he's a single dad, who have a extreme workload, but yet here he is coaching the team of 6 y.olds just because she somehow talked him into it. bonus points for mr. clay filling him up on business stuff right in a middle of a game and only distracting to enthusiastic cheer when little gladys scores the gall.
3. a truly terrible modern au a la succession where everything is about money and it's a eat rich satire (I guess being reach nodays is automatically cancel the romance in my mind)
4. superhero or the incredibles au where the whole family has superpowers, but bertha and george are historically kind of anti heros. however now, when kids are facing backlash, bertha wants a rebranding for their team to fully goody good guys (at least in a public eyes).
5. parents trap au, where russells divorced ages ago (unrealistic, I know) due to focusing on careers and schedule conflicts. they didn't meet in person in years, cause it's too painful. now someone of the children is getting married and obv they both just have to be there. youth is plotting and matchmaking, but to these two it takes just a look.
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 10 months
Okay while i dont think that they are extremely rich, i do think their networth is well over a couple million, mainly just bc there is no way their house is worth less than a million pounds. A house like that? In london? It would not be cheap. Like they dont earn enough to live off it for the rest of their lives, but i also would not say they were struggling by any means. I mean they were able to go 5 years without many significant career endeavors and buy a house during it.
Oh yeah they aren't struggling whatsoever, they are one of the "successful" YouTubers, and they've had more steady income from other sources too, like the radio show. These guys very much are middle class (hence them making bougie jokes- bougie has always referred to middle class), being able to afford a house and all. But that's basically the point of that post, that people who aren't constantly financially struggling and people who have disposable income aren't the same as quote unquote "rich" people.
We're talking in terms of class analysis, yeah? The category of "rich" when used in such phrases as 'eat the rich' is convenient insofar as it helps us categorise the people for whose benefit a capitalist system works, whose interests are being taken into account when making policy, and who horde resources and mooch off of the labour of others. When we're just joking amongst ourselves it's understood what you mean when you call your middle class friends rich, or when you call YouTubers of this status rich (and again, they aren't even like Mr Beast levels of rich, who in turn isn't Hollywood A-listers level rich, who in turn aren't capitalist pig Bezzos level rich). But with a lot of people getting more involved in online activism these concepts are getting blurred and our perceptions of class are affected.
So while I've seen no one from like, our fandom do this, I've seen this happen to other YouTubers (and a friend and I were just talking about it today so it was on my mind) where people who haven't taken the time to understand class divides very well think that internet celebrities are genuinely hand to heart rich rich. On the same level as rich when we say the ruling class the elite the exploitative rich class. Except they aren't. They're middle class and upper middle class people. Even the millionaires amongst them are a far far cry from billionaires (we've seen the graphics explaining the massive difference between a million and a billion of course). And that skewed idea of "disposable income/being able to afford a house or good phone or bathtub or [insert item associated with Richness] means that this person is Rich" becomes dangerous when applied to clear political action in terms of class divide. Because then we're viewing these YouTubers as being the class that has their interests taken care of and are the ones exploiting people, rather than industry workers who are getting exploited by companies like YouTube.
And people very much are taking it too far, like that person who said John Boyega can't talk about class struggles and exploitation because he's also 'the rich'. He isn't. And these YouTubers aren't either but skewed ideas of what wealth looks like drives online hordes to view the wrong people as the enemy or as the exploitative class.
When talking about "the rich" we should be thinking about the capitalists. Blurring these classes is an issue precisely because people online are now engaging with artists and creators with great contempt, entitlement, and misdirected "eat the rich seize their resources" calls to action.
Btw not at all saying you should stop making jokes about them being rich lol, that's again, something we understand as "they have monies now" amongst ourselves. It's more to understand and know how to counter any misdirected rage of the sort we've seen lot of other internet celebrities and actors face. Idk how clear I've made this but feel free to follow up with me!
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I'm genuinely interested in the Mr. Beast hate reasons tho (different anon, just very invested)
Ohohoho thank you for providing me with the opportunity to Hate on main, anon. Both the anons, in fact.
Now, I'll start by saying that any person with clickbait-looking bright-ass thumbnails is already hated by me for personal reasons. But when that person is also rich and films their "philanthropy" in a "haha look at me, I totally am not taking advantage of people in need/minorities and giving them an unfair ultimatum thus providing the rest of the world with a freak-show style entertainment on their behalf! I'm a GOOD rich person right??" way, I see no reason to not only enjoy the content, but to also not feel repulsed by it.
That being said, I can't speak on behalf of the Deaf community regarding the Hearing Aids video (@bodhrancomedy has amazing videos about this, amongst others, one of which is at the top of the #Mr Beast tag on tumblr). I CAN however tell you about what I see from a poor-person perspective.
One things you should know about being poor, at least in my culture, is that secrecy is very much integrated into you. As a kid, you pretend to know what your friends are talking about when they tell you about a toy, or a video game, or a TV show. As a teen, you pretend that you just don't like the food in the cafeteria and join in on the complaints about it looking suspiciously similar to the one served last week. As an adult, you just keep working two jobs and checking that credit score under the table so no one sees. You don't admit to being of low-income. You don't proudly walk into the office to show your bank history and demand your discount or release from payment. You duck your head down when a techer approaches you and loudly says that they need to have a talk Because your parents couldn't pay for something in time.
Making a show out of buying something for Poor Poor People is embarrassing. Its humiliating. Its degrading. It elevates him more than it does those who he "helps" and he does it not out of the goodness of his heart - which would be proved by him doing something without making a huge fuss about it - but because the more marginalized communities he uses in his videos, the more views he will get. More views, more money. The more money he has, the less of it he needs to spend to make his fans happy and interested.
Plus, I just think that the format of the videos is stupid. And I hate these dumb challenges.
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dspd · 8 months
Hogwarts Houses (RadDan°TM) I think some TMA characters might've been in very randomly selected
Jon Sims - Slytherin - specifically because he would have been a Ravenclaw except he had that defining moment with Mr. Spider which made him want knowledge to prevent being so powerless, as many traumatized
Graham Folger - Ravenclaw - bro took a criminology course for funsies do I need to say more?
Julio Hernandez - Hufflepuff - guy seems like a solid, down to earth, dependable person
Father Burroughs - Gryffindor - he's got good intentions but his righteousness blinded him to his straying from his chosen path
NotThem - Hufflepuff - while closer to a magical beast than human, NotThem is patient and persistent in how they stalk their victims, whose magical properties works very hard, and has the hidden teeth of a badger which very few ever see. The Hat only sorts according to the head it was placed on and would let NotThem matriculate.
Dominic Swain - Ravenclaw - theater nerd that knows a little bit about a lot of things, certainly enough to spy the diamond in the rough of a Leitner book
Martin Blackwood - Hufflepuff - no one knew why since he didn't talk much and always had his nose in a book and kept to himself in a Ravenclawish way but, even though he's a muggle born, he had a roaring side business during the summer selling easy-to-disguise-as-Muggle potions to pay for his mother's live-in carer while he's away at school.
Stoker brothers - Gryffindor - idk they give off Sirius mixed with Weasleys vibes
Tova McHugh - Slytherin - the whole taking but balancing with good deeds is giving upper class/super rich it's okay because look at my philanthropy eat the rich vibes. Definitely a pure blood or pure blood adjacent that quietly believes in that shit but, similar to Narcissa, does have a wall she hits when she says enough
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danmei-confessions · 30 days
people who think jgy was actually good for society are so delusional its insane 🙄
bet you all are mr beast fans too who think that charity = good leader and a good person, nevermind all of the people he hurt 🙄 so ready to suck the dick of a rich person who throws crumbs to charity, its nuts "he cant be a bad person, he had a humble upbringing and a tragic backstory" dude. DUDE. i know you'll never listen, bc you're irl delusional as hell, but man, i really fucking hope that one day you have the sensibility to understand that jgy was not good for society and he was not a good leader, he was just marginally 'better' than the two maniacs he replaced (both of whom he helped but LETS JUST IGNORE THAT IG)
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