#mr. bitters
i-eat-bugs-and-dirt · 10 months
Hundreds of mad scientists unemployed: "There's just no room for madness in modern science."
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
The thought of zim holding gir like a toddler has lived in my head for a long time now. I had to put it on paper.
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repeatdeath · 5 months
im a big fan of giving edward hyde bad habits. Habits that are somewhat frowned upon, habits jekyll can control but he cant. Habits like biting his nails and lips, pulling his hair, and picking his scabs. Habits he indulges in constantly because he physically cant stop himselff, which causes these small insignificant things to leave him in pain and bleeding. Habits he does sub consciously and doesnt realize until its too late and it hurts and hes bleeding. :']
Im sure everyone around him notices these habits and how he just cannot stop, and how damaging it is. His lack of control and self awareness is probably the first and last thing people notice about him
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maniacjohnny · 9 months
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Merry Christmas!
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 27 days
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A very self indulgent tatted and pierced up Ichimatsu thas it
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Big Time Rush + Google Searches
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bluestrawberrybunny · 1 month
marware but
(Serious soldier!Puzzles(a.k.a optimus prime) and Dr. Mario(a.k.a ratchet)
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Puzzles loves his crazy husband, but jeez he is going to get an aneurysm from this man.
(Ok, that synthetic energon episode where Optimus was so worried about Ratchet was adorable.)
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neo-zone · 2 months
I did joke about the custody battle back before the release, but after watching how it actually went down, I can't help but feel really really bad for Yi-kyung. Even after her sacrifice, Yi-su couldn't even safely escape and away from her piece of shit deadbeat dad
And do I need to tell about how much they did her dirty since season 2 and even worse now in season 3? Not even mention of her in the epilogue? Did they just let her corpse rotting to bones in the sewer tunnel? She died while some of those annoying selfish nameless survivors could live for the next day?
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legobiwan · 1 year
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The hat pull!
The smirk!
The utter confidence!
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bitterkarmaa · 17 days
*stands ominously in your doorway*
HELLO THERE! I have some prompts for KC and Solar Flare and/or Eclipse to offer if i may because i'm having brainworms from when you said KC would adopt Solar JGKIFLGH
44. “This is not who you are. I know you better than that.”
69. “You don’t have to say anything, I’ll do the talking.”
71. “What did I do wrong!?”
(AGAIN i don't expect for all to be done or even any at all ahsfkfd just one if you feel up to it! Since i couldn't decide which prompt to choose so i'm leaving it to you gjdfkh)
I’m getting back into these I prommy 💔
“What did I do WRONG?!”
-KillCode, Eclipse, & Solar Flare-
The hallway seemed longer than usual. His footsteps echoed throughout the corridor in an almost haunting fashion, but it did little to deter him from his objective.
Moon had mentioned that things were going missing in the theater, and Eclipse was getting tired of convincing him, time and time again, that Blood Moon had nothing to do with it.
Besides, he needed to check in with him after…
He shakes his head so hard it rattles his sight, forcing him to blink a few times to clear it. He can’t think like that right now. It’ll distract him. Besides, Kill Code had to practically shove Eclipse out of the room after a day of his hovering, so surely he must’ve been fine if he had the strength to do such a thing.
But what if something has happened since I was last here?
Eclipse would never admit that he speeds up his pace after that thought, that his strides become longer and more pronounced. The jog to the door takes him little more than a few minutes with his increased pace, claws coming out to grasp the handle before he pauses.
He can hear talking coming from inside the room. He strains his audio receptors, trying to make out any words through the surface of the door.
He catches little more than the tone with which the voices speak in, calm and almost warm in nature. He hesitates far longer than he intends to, listening attentively to those voices mingling together in the room beyond.
One is Kill Code.
The other isn’t.
His claws close around the handle, shoving the door open with much more force than necessary. It crashes back against the wall with a SLAM that startles Kill Code and-
Eclipse narrows his eyes. Who the hell is that?
It looks like a fucking hedgehog.
Round marigold eyes stare back at him, curiosity clear on its face despite the fact that its mouth is held in a seemingly permanent grin, sectioned off by bars like a jail cell. Orange and yellow spikes of various shades protrude from its head, giving it the appearance of a cartoon character after a particularly intense gust of wind.
It stands just slightly shorter than Eclipse does, maybe half the height of Kill Code. Eclipse looks it up and down multiple times, studying it closely.
He’s so surprised by its close proximity to his father that he doesn’t immediately notice what is clutched in its hands, but when he does register it…
A stuffed animal. A grey stuffed animal with worn fabric and rough fur, carefully stitched together in places. A cute little black plastic nose, turned at an odd angle, haphazardly attached to its face as if having previously fallen off.
A single brown eye, clouded with age.
Eclipse lets out a rabid, guttural snarl.
“How dare you touch him-“
The scarred animatronic surges forwards with the ferocity of a wild animal, a crazed glint gleaming from the depths of his single functioning eye.
The smaller animatronic-hedgehog-thing makes no move to back away or beg for mercy Eclipse is surely not willing to give, instead standing with its head tilted slightly to the side, watching him approach in a calm manner.
But, before Eclipse can reach the intruder, Kill Code blocks his path. It narrows its eyes into glowing red slits, glaring down at its fuming son.
“Are you crazy?!” Eclipse hisses, one of his hands bolting out, grabbing hold of Kill Code’s arm, pulling him closer. The larger animatronic watches Eclipse carefully, but makes no attempt to pull away.
“Solar Flare will do no harm. Not to me, not to you, and not to your precious little wolf.” It quips, tone deadpan, borderline apathy dripping from its voice box.
“Fucking who?” Eclipse grits out through clenched teeth, his grip on his father’s arm tightening. Something wild and dangerous writhes in the depths of his gaze - a caged animal fighting tooth and claw to escape its prison.
Kill Code has seen it before. It doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
“Solar Flare.” It repeats, finally prying its arm free from Eclipse’s claws.
“That doesn’t explain much! Why is it here? What is it doing with Mr. Howls? Why was I not informed that Mr. Howls was here the entire time? Where the hell have you been hiding him?” The scarred black and amber animatronic starts firing off questions, earning a slightly disgruntled look from the beast that towers before him.
“Calm down. Your anger will not serve you well here.”
“You’re one to talk!” Eclipse fires back, taking a step closer to his father, if only to try and get past him. His attempt is thwarted by Kill Code shoving him back with a single hand.
“Stop. I mean it, Eclipse.” A warning hangs behind Kill Code’s carefully measured tone, leaning down to look his son directly in the eye. “Just as you once needed guidance, Solar Flare does, too. It’s unfair to judge before you truly know who they are.”
For a moment, all Eclipse’s anger dissolves into a sense of complete and utter disbelief. His gaze is lost, searching his father’s eyes for anything that may deny the conclusion Eclipse is slowly coming to.
His eye flits over to this ‘Solar Flare,’ those slender claws still curled so confidently around Eclipse’s old friend. It continues to look on quietly, unwilling to interrupt or stand up for itself in any way, shape, or form.
A coward. This thing is a coward.
Eclipse’s stare trails back to Kill Code’s unrelenting glare. Something is there, something in his eyes that Eclipse feels belongs to him, something that shouldn’t be felt for anyone else.
Kill Code is protective of that thing?
“Guidance? You…you’re guiding that thing?” Eclipse asks incredulously, a guarded edge to his voice.
“In a sense. The same way I guided you.” Kill Code confirms cautiously.
The fury comes back full force. “You mean the same way you raised me?”
He’s shaking now. His hands are curled into fists, white light glowing beneath his chassis. Cracks arc through his body, crawling up his neck, twisting down his arms.
Kill Code straightens himself out, letting out a calm hum. “I would suppose so. Is that a problem?”
Just saying ‘yes’ wouldn’t have been enough to portray the livid expression on Eclipse’s face. There was no word that could match his wrath.
“I never expected an act of betrayal from you.” Eclipse’s blind eye flickers to life, glowing a hazy marigold, slowly fading to a sharp, vibrant white. “Perhaps I should have.”
Am I so easily replaceable?
Kill Code watches him closely, noticing the changes to his appearance almost as quickly as they come.
He knows the Star’s influence when he sees it. It’s frighteningly hard to miss.
“I believe you’re misinterpreting this…” The former security bot begins with slight hesitance, taking a step back as his son, in turn, advances.
“No. No, I’m reading this loud and clear.” Eclipse’s voice twists, darkening even as The Star’s whispers brighten each mark it creates. He feels it whirring in his chest, warning him to stop, to back down, but he’s too lost to listen.
“Eclipse, listen to me! Solar Flare is not a threat to you!” Kill Code shouts, taking on a defensive stance despite his words.
Even as a manic grin spreads across Eclipse’s face, tears unmistakably gather in his eyes. He stalks closer. A wild animal, lost in the hunt, just as he was time and time again in a life he promised to leave behind.
“Threat? Threat?! Ha! I could crush that thing like a bug if I pleased! I’m not worried about threats anymore, father.” A crazed voice controlling infinite power, white streaks of light dancing between his claws. Oil foams at his mouth, his body crumpling under the pressure.
But he feels nothing. Nothing but rage and despair.
Those words have become so familiar to him.
Kill Code lets out a heavy sigh, shaking its head as if at a loss for words.
“In fact, it seems more like a pest than anything else.” The tone is tainted with disgust, flicking a claw off to the side in a lazy manner for emphasis. “Taking up your space, taking up your time…I can fix that. I can solve this little pest problem of your’s.”
Kill Code seems startled by the offer, but his expression hardens into cold resolve not long after. Apathy anchors him down.
“They’re not a problem. You, currently, are.”
Eclipse takes another step. “What’s changed? That’s all I’ve ever been to you, right? A problem? A nuisance? A distraction?” With every syllable, he gets closer, closing the distance in a tauntingly slow fashion.
Kill Code’s mouth falls into a faint frown. “I’ve never given that implication before. You scavenged that on your own, boy.”
He doesn’t even realize how much damage he’s caused. He doesn’t care.
Suddenly, Eclipse wants to be new again. Wants to relive the moments he spent with Kill Code leaning over his shoulder, watching him work, training him behind the scenes to protect the children if it ever became necessary for him to do so on his own.
Wants to be loved, without room for doubt.
His claws come up, hooking loosely, feebly, into the front of his vest, over the place where his scar hides. It aches fiercely, even as the raw power surges freely through his body. It crawls like ants beneath his plating, tingling in uncomfortable ways, wearing him down wire by wire, component by component.
It eats him alive, only to return that life to him so that it can repeat the process all over again.
Kill Code reaches out a tentative hand to his son, watching him closely, listening to his rapid breaths, borderline hyperventilations. He knows he’s made the wrong move moments before Eclipse reacts.
Those marigold, white-tinted claws come up, burning through the fabric of Kill Code’s sleeve effortlessly, digging into his wrist. The metal melts beneath his grip, the soft sizzling of the wires within following not far behind.
Kill Code retaliates on instinct, swiping his good leg low enough to knock Eclipse’s feet out from under him. Once he is off balance, Kill Code wrenches his arm free of his grasp, allowing him to collide harshly with the ground.
A paw is placed over his chest, enough pressure applied to drive the breath out of Eclipse’s vents, some of his strength ebbing with it.
His father glares down at him in cold disappointment. “I was not around to witness the cruelty that rumors say you wrought, but I understand where it comes from. I know it better than anyone else ever will. I made mistakes with you, Eclipse. But that doesn’t mean your tendencies have become a stranger to me. I wish not to pass these on any further. You don’t have the right to stop me from trying again.”
Eclipse leans his head back against the floor, tears flooding his eyes, warping his sight. He’s cried more in front of Kill Code than anyone else he’s ever known.
Those tears were his father’s fault, after all, and it seems that pattern has no intent to stop.
“What’s so wrong with me, huh? What’s so bad that you feel the need for a do-over, a second chance, a fucking redemption?” Eclipse’s voice slowly raises until it has become a shout of anguish, his charged emotions only further fueling The Star’s influence.
A sharp ringing is the only warning. It raises in pitch until it becomes unbearable, then abruptly cuts off as a loud BOOM echoes throughout the room.
Kill Code is thrown like a ragdoll, tossed aside with such ease that it almost seems impossible.
But The Star makes things possible. Like chucking an 11 foot animatronic across a large cement room.
Kill Code hits the ground with a resounding crash, rolling a few times before coming to a stop, lying still and silent.
But Eclipse isn’t done. He staggers to unsteady feet and begins to lumber across the room. The side of his body that possesses The Star is scorched and melted. His metal plating is bent backwards from the force of the blast, revealing smoking wires and sparking components.
He hovers over his father like a statue, oil slowly dripping to the floor at his feet.
He hadn’t intended to hurt him. He hadn’t intended to blow his arm off and melt it down to the endoskeleton, or completely shatter the casing around his shoulder.
His gaze slowly turns towards Solar Flare, of whom stands near the opposite wall with Mr. Howls still clutched in its hands.
“You…” Eclipse’s voice comes out as a distorted snarl, glitching and rattling. It cuts out at the end with the whine and crackle of a dying speaker, a few sparks flying from his voice box. The moment he begins stalking towards Solar Flare, the other animatronic, in turn, flees.
“I believe you are acting irrationally.” For the first time, it speaks, tone flat and unbearably standardized, as if those settings hadn’t yet been touched.
No matter. Eclipse doesn’t need its voice.
“I don’t care.” He says in equal measure, lifting his hand in a vague motion towards the door. The lock clicks and slides closed, deadbolt following suit.
“Oh no. You wish to harm me, don’t you?”
“No. I’m not going to harm you.” Eclipse watches the other bit skid to a stop, peering at him expectantly.
And he grins, reaching out towards it and closing his claws into a fist, a white crack crossing the floor faster than any being ever could. The crack seems to root itself in Solar Flare, dragging it closer to Eclipse as the deranged, broken and twisted animatronic makes a pulling motion with his hand. It struggles against invisible bonds, trying to free itself from his wrath.
But no one can fight The Star, and so, in turn, no one can fight him.
Marigold claws close around a surprisingly solid metal neck, that smile stretching, pupils nothing more than blazing pinpricks amongst an abyss of sadistic glee.
“I’m going to kill you.”
Then, with a strike as quick as the blink of an eye, the world goes dark.
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bonefall · 11 months
Willowpelt sounds SO autistic, it not being funny wraps around into being funny again.
My secret is being so autistic and so surrounded by so many other autistic people that I forget what tismless people even do. Everyone in BB ends up getting a touch of ADHDautism. As a treat.
But yeah when I was jotting it down I realized it too. Like wow, I really hit this one with the autism beam. Me and you, Willy, we will both have adamantine opinions. I cannot condone your hatred of apples but you do have a good point about oak trees.
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july-19th-club · 10 months
seven or eight times now ive watched the episodes in which they take the andromache and this is the first time ive realized that during the initial battle, after they board, every time the camera is from dufresne's perspective it's blurrier than otherwise because. he took his glasses off for the fight
#real velma hours#i have a soft spot for s1 dufresne that i dont have for s2 & 3#part of it is that jannes bore a passing resemblance to a longtime mutual of mine so i feel like im watching someone i know#the other part is . well its like andy whitfield versus liam whatsisface when they were on spartacus#i dont know for sure bc they passed and that's the reason their characters were recast. but the actors have a different energy#from seasons one to seasons two and three. and i really wonder what jannes would have brought to dufresne's betrayal#roland reed's take is extremely bitter and self-preservationist#but from what we did get of jannes' performance i imagine his version would've been more confused and fear-based. jaded/feral#and i always think it really wouldve been something#black sails#q#everything about this battle sequence is a masterpiece. from the shot of joshua getting his false fangs ready to put in#to mr beauclerc's pile of like a dozen muskets up in the crow's nest. because it's 1715 snipers can't reload . he has to shoot#a different gun every time#to the way most pirate media glosses over the minutia of battle or even priacy in general because it's about the vibe the aesthetic#but sails' piracy is a means to an end and so its pirates are just like. guys with jobs#the minutia of their battle sequences even in their comparatively less insightful first season are INCREDIBLe. like o'brien levels of detai#and the camera work in this sequence! even on my thirteen-inch laptop screen where my show is on a nine-inch window#i am right there in it i feel like im watching it in 3d
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 2 months
Setting up Patricia and Denby as character foils was an insane move on the writers’ part, and I wish so much that we got more emphasis on it
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rmelster · 2 months
Okay, if you wonder where am I, I am currently obsessing over a late Victorian doctor with two very dissimilar faces and reading all sorts of fanfics about him. I shall come back in time.
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maniacjohnny · 11 months
wet bitters wednesday
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superseiso · 4 months
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