#mr. tophat x fem reader
layla4567 · 10 months
My Ballerina
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Mr. Tophat x Fem reader
Summary: A few years ago you were one of the main attractions at the "Carnival of Doom". The entire audience wanted to see you dance gracefully on top of a metal hoop. You were Mr. Tophat's pride, one day you managed to escape the spell that had you trapped at his mercy but unlike what happened to the others, you remembered everything. It's time to return to the stage once, and to his side.
Warnings: Suggestive, hurt comfort maybe, a bit of angst with a happy ending, canon divergence (I don't know if it's well written but basically I mean I took creative liberties because I haven't seen the series 😭)
Wc: 4k
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You were the star of the show, you were his star. You called yourself "La fée de l'air" which means the fairy of the air for the simple fact that you had an ethereal aura and it seemed like you were flying when you climbed onto the metal hoop and spun and made arabesques with your hands in the air. Other times you would go ashore and dance in the middle of the circus tent going around and around. Your slender figure and your delicate hands with long, bony fingers hypnotized people, you had great control of your body and you could bend and stretch and jump without getting tired, you were like an angel fallen from heaven. But who was most surprised by you was the circus presenter himself. He had found you some time ago when you were dancing in the streets to earn a little money, and from that day on he was enchanted by your beauty and your talent for moving and he told himself that he had to have you in his circus no matter what.
It was not difficult for him to manipulate and bewitch you to accompany him to his circus, he promised you great rewards and great popularity. All of that pleased you enormously, but even more so did his presence. His mysterious energy that sometimes even alarmed because of how dark it could be, but beyond that in the depths of his beautiful green eyes you saw something else, perhaps kindness or a wandering and wounded soul like a caged bird longing for freedom. Anyway, now you practically lived in the carnival and with him the days were more interesting, and the coming ones too, you were sure. Although… sometimes, you didn't know why, you felt like he was hiding something. And something shady. Sometimes you saw him talking to himself or having sudden mood changes as if two voices lived inside him and his head, far from scaring you, you felt sorry and worried for him, you wanted to help him but you didn't know how.
But although he tried to hide it, sometimes it was very evident, and it was noticeable in his functions. Sometimes he could change the entire planned itinerary and introduce you at the beginning or the end depending on his mood, but that was not all, sometimes his shows were a bit… macabre. From time to time you tried to ignore it or look away but the uncomfortable feeling wouldn't go away. But when that didn't happen he was really charming and charismatic and always came to see you in your dressing room waiting for you to be ready.
*Knock knock*
You were putting on your makeup in front of the light bulb mirror when suddenly a soft knock on your door caught your attention and made you spin around in your seat.
"Yes! come in!"
When the person opened the door you saw the man who had given you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams (and it could be said that you fulfilled his). Mr. Tophat leaned against the door frame crossing one foot in front of the other, he was wearing black and white striped pants and a blood red jacket, he carried his usual cane in one hand and with the other he touched his fingers to his hat greeting you with a nod of the head
"How is my star? Are you ready?"
"I'm almost ready". You said smiling
Mr. Tophat approached from behind with elegant steps and watched you from the mirror as you got ready. When you were ready you asked him what he thought.
"So? What do you think?"
He crouched down a little until his face was level with yours, peeking his face from behind your shoulder, he dedicated himself to contemplating your features and your makeup with a thoughtful gesture. You just watched as his eyes ran over your face and hair through the mirror. When he had finished he said solemnly
"You are beautiful my little fairy but I think you are missing something…"
He put his hand behind his back and pulled out a large, fresh white rose with a soft, sweet aroma.
"…to enhance your beauty"
You were stunned seeing the most beautiful and delicate flower that you had in front of you, the more surprised you were at how he had managed to make a rose appear out of nowhere, but hey, he was also a magician so. Marcus slowly placed the rose in your hair and then smiled at you in the mirror.
"Perfect, now you are ready"
He rubbed both of your shoulders to give you encouragement and courage, even though you didn't need it. You got up in your outfit that consisted of a mother-of-pearl bodysuit with a short white transparent satin skirt, your ballet slippers were also white and your hair was curly and messy. You had glued small pearls on your face and on your eyelids there was light blue glitter. You really looked like a fantasy being. Mr. Tophat stood next to you and you placed your hand on his to which he gave you a good luck kiss, placing his lips lightly on your knuckles.
"Show time"
He came out first to greet the public, he stood in the middle of the track with the spotlight illuminating his tall figure. With a big smile and open arms he started the show. There were clowns, contortionists, jugglers, etc. People seemed to laugh and have fun but Marcus had left you for the big finale because he knew that people would be left with that feeling of having seen the best last.
"And now ladies and gentlemen of the audience, I present to you La fée de l'air!"
People applauded when they saw you appear slowly descending from the ceiling sitting on the hoop. It seemed like time had frozen and people only had eyes for you. The lights above you made your skin and clothes shine and stand out. From below Mr. Tophat looked at you smiling proudly with his eyes shining with admiration. You did dizzying laps that left the audience stunned and you hung from the hoop with your legs bent while you moved your arms. But the best thing was when you went down to land, you danced with all the passion that your body allowed you, you not only danced with your feet but also with your heart. You put body and soul into every step and you silently dedicated them to the man who was always by your side. Your body and face expressed what words never could have done. Suddenly you did a Jeté Entrelacé in a magnificent way and people gasped with excitement. After you finished your dance, people stood up and applauded wildly. You made several bows excitedly and with a huge smile
After finishing greeting the audience and blowing several kisses with your hands, you left the center of the circus and headed towards your dressing room. The show continued without interruptions and when it was over people happily left their seats. Excited and about to cry with happiness, you entered your caravan and began to remove your makeup. You felt so full and satisfied when you were dancing in the air, the applause of the people, the screams of contained emotion, the dreamy eyes of Marcus looking at you from below…ah, there was nothing better than that. You had already gotten rid of your makeup and had taken off your skirt, leaving you in your pearly bodysuit. You took a bristle brush and began to gently comb your curls. That's when you heard another soft knock on your door, but this time they didn't surprise you.
"Please, come in". You said with a velvety voice
The same man who minutes before had visited you with his tall and stoic figure, returned to make his presence before you with the brim of his hat over his eyes, revealing only his Cheshire smile.
"Ah here's my favorite ballerina"
The ringleader approached you again but this time from the front. With his elegant steps and his cane echoing on the wooden floor. Thump thump thump. He crouched down to your height, one hand resting loosely on the tip of the cane. The other hand traveled under your chin and with his index finger he raised it to look at you better. Now his hat didn't cover his eyes and you could see that mischievous glint in them. Green like emeralds, fields or forests that penetrated your soul
"You were brilliant as always, my dear". He purred
Oh God. His words in another's mouth would have sounded empty and broken like a dirty compliment, but on his lips they sounded silky and passionate. Mr. Tophat was not only a great circus performer but also a great lover. You closed your eyes letting his warm breath and his syrupy flirtations collide head-on in your face. When you opened them again he had leaned his face closer to yours until they were only a few centimeters away. The handsome Machiavellian ringleader wasted no time in running his gaze over your eyes and your full lips, almost inadvertently moistening his own.
"I would love to reward you for being such a good girl. Would you like that my faithful assistant?"
His lips barely touched yours and his breath hit your barely open mouth, tickling you. His gesture was even sinful. His hand that was on your chin was placed on the side of your jaw and he stroked it with his gloved thumb. Yes, yes you wanted to.
"Yeah... please..". You meowed softly
Mr. Tophat growled lewdly in response and brought his mouth to yours. His chapped lips swelled yours with wet, desperate kisses. His hunger for you was voracious. With his gloved hands he separated your thighs and placed his knee in the middle of the seat, bringing his body closer and closer to yours. Every gasp and moan that came out of your mouth was silenced. Your hands climbed up his back and tangled tightly in his wavy hair, knocking his hat to the ground. He broke the kiss with his swollen pink lips.
"Y/n, my Y/n I don't know what I would do without you, tell me you love me…please". He said breathlessly
His tone was almost distressed and his eyes were glassy. A mixture of desire and affliction swirled in his dilated pupils like a tidal wave. He looked at you like a puppy desperate for affection and you felt sorry for him. You had been aware of his drastic mood swings before and this seemed like one of them. The one who spoke to you now was not his eccentric character or alter ego that he had created known as Mr. Tophat, no, now the one who addressed you was Marcus Cochran, a scared man and prisoner of a body and a curse of which he never wanted to be a part. , although you didn't know that until later
"I love you with all my heart, thanks to you I'm here today"
You kissed him again and he ran his passionate hands over your hips until they reached the height of your ribs.
"Will you stay with me? Do you promise to never leave me?"
Suddenly a knock on the door made you jump and Marcus turned his head towards the sound. When the door began to open he jumped off of you and you got up from your seat quickly. They were both blushing. A muscular man with funny mustaches holding several daggers in his hands clumsily entered.
"Sorry for the interruption, master, but I wanted to ask you some questions about my next act."
The ringleader ran his hand through his hair nervously and angrily, his pleading gestures and benevolent eyes had disappeared giving way to the demonic appearance that he sometimes seemed to have. With a grunt he lifted his hat and placed it on his head.
"What a good time you chose to interrupt, but it's okay, I'll help you with your act". He snorted ironically.
Before closing the door behind him he looked out and smiling enigmatically told you
"Don't worry, this isn't over darling."
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The days passed and you continued acting and dancing and after the performances your lover would sneak into your dressing room to reward you. But suddenly, one day, everything went terribly wrong. Marcus had left the carnival on important business that he did not want to reveal, but he had left his cane. You weren't sure if he had forgotten it or just left it there on purpose since it practically didn't come off his cane. That object had always caught your attention, it was so strange and peculiar that it even seemed to have a strong influence on Mr. Tophat, as if the cane were the one controlling the person and not its host. The staff topped with a luminous orb was in Marcus's dressing room. You headed there and when you opened the door you couldn't stop a wave of sensations from pushing you. As if a strange and evil magic pulled you like a taut rope. The staff shone with its own light, a mixture of yellows and oranges and in the center a white light like that of a lighthouse. Your eyes widened and you couldn't help but let your fingers barely caress the surface of the polished orb. When you did, an expansive slingshot like a nuclear explosion ran through your entire body with a painful electric shock and expanded outward and surrounded the entire circus. You almost fainted but managed to stay upright by holding on to the table. Your mind that was previously agonizing in a confusing and blinding fog was now completely clear like a sun peeking its rays through the clouds after a storm. Of course, he had bewitched you, that was the explanation for everything, because you felt so comfortable and you had never complained. You left his dressing room in a hurry and scared, the people also seemed to have woken up from the cruel spell they were under, as if they had woken up from a cloud of intoxicated drowsiness.
People started running away in terror and you did the same. You ran with all your strength towards the outskirts of the carnival of doom. It was night outside and a light drizzle was beginning to wet your nightgown and robe. You were barefoot so your feet were slipping on the stones and filled with mud which made it difficult to escape. The forest was thick and the trees looked like black, skeletal ghosts wanting to scratch you with their branches. Suddenly you thought you heard a deep, shrill voice among the thickets of the trees, but it was so dark that you couldn't see anything. Your heart hammered in your chest as you continued running but the voice continued to echo everywhere, even in your head.
"Why do you run away from me?!". The voice growled
You turned your head in all directions trying to see who was speaking but you already knew whose voice it was. Mr. Tophat appeared and disappeared like a ghost in the forest, stalking you like a wolf. You turned around desperately until you were dizzy trying to guess where he would appear this time, and as if he had emerged from the center of the earth, the ringleader stood right in front of you at a considered distance.
"I thought you would stay with me..." . He threatening little warning lowering the chin
He was getting closer to you and you backed away terrified, in many years of living with him he had never acted so creepy with you, almost as if you were a poor devil to be martyred and stunned.
"What's wrong my sweet Y/n? Are you afraid of me?"
His magpie laughter echoed throughout the forest like a pitiful echo.
"I can smell fear, remember?"
He got even closer and you went back as far as you could until you fell and continued crawling with your hands resting on the ground. The humidity of the mud rose to your nose, the dirt dirty your clothes and stuck to your nails, and the soft but incessant drizzle soaked your hair and face. You looked terrible and your eyebrows curved in an upward arc of fear and anguish. Seeing you like this, something in Marcus seemed to awaken because his gloomy and intimidating face changed to an expression of fear and concern for you. Hesitantly he approached with slower and more uncertain steps as if he were afraid of scaring away a badly injured rabbit. He approached you cautiously and you instinctively moved further away. Now he seemed hurt by this gesture and his face expressed more sadness, a hand gently approached your bare foot and placed itself on your ankle, you waited for a firm grip or for his fingers to dig into your flesh but nothing of the sort happened. Marcus's hand almost seemed to float on your skin as he didn't take his eyes off of you, and you could see that they were wet. You didn't understand what was happening to him and it was making you nervous, you looked at each other in silence trying to discover each other's thoughts. When you couldn't take more than one slap, you took his fingers off your ankle and ran in another direction, away from him. Very far
"No wait Y/n please…!"
Marcus stood up from the ground and watched you leave with a broken heart. He extended his arms in a useless attempt to catch you but you were already far away, as if that simple action of his fingers touching the air had been enough for you to come back. his side floating like a butterfly. His appearance as a child abandoned by his mother changed drastically and his easy features became hard. He clenched his jaw and clenched his fists, roughly removing his hat and throwing it to the floor. In a tantrum he screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Y/N I TOLD YOU TO COME BACK!!!”. He howled
His war cry echoed throughout the forest and scared away some crows that flew out of the branches of the bare and dry trees. You turned your head back to see if he was chasing you but he had disappeared. Through the forest the only thing that remained echoing were your footsteps, but in your mind his words continued to flutter like flies.
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The months passed and you returned to your sweet home. It took you a while to recover from the shock you had experienced and understand and process what had really happened. Mr. Tophat's manipulations, lies and false promises had affected you more than you wanted to admit. And it could be said that you were not handling the improvement process very well, since by not dancing in the circuses you had to go back to dancing in the streets and honestly it was not as fun as doing it at the carnival. People hardly looked at you and not everyone left a tip. And your home no longer felt the same as before, even though it was your real home you felt that something was missing, an emptiness oppressed your chest and you didn't know why. One day you picked up the newspaper that was always left at your door and when you read it you almost spit out the coffee you had put in your mouth. The newspaper mentioned a circus called "Carnival of Doom" and showed a photo of its ringleader. Would that man even chase you in the photos? The article told how that strange individual had dared to kidnap children and people by bewitching them and taking them to his circus, but what surprised you the most was that when they were freed the people had erased from their minds all memories of the Carnival of Doom and Mr. Tophat. You folded the diary and left it on the table reflecting. Why were you the only one who remembered everything? It didn't seem to be something Tophat planned. Did that make you someone supernatural too? You shook your head overwhelmed. Suddenly you started thinking about all the things you had experienced with him, the good and the bad. And you realized that that man could not be entirely evil, in life there are not only blacks or whites. No person is completely good and no person is completely bad.
You clung to the hope that the man who begged you to stay with him, who looked at you scared and worried as he caressed your ankle couldn't be the same one who screamed and grumbled when something didn't go according to his plan. The man who feared for his own life was Marcus, you had fallen in love with him, not Mr. Tophat. With all those arguments you decided to put on a coat and face your fears, you would go to where it all started and you would put an end to that torment. This time the sky was clear but there were no moon or stars. You went outside with a flashlight and headed to the place of your memories. The circus now looked more gloomy and depressing than before. The paint looked old and corroded and the tip of the tent was deflated and hanging limply to one side. When you were under the spell you had never realized how horrible that place was, everything seemed abandoned and dark. When you entered the circus tent you saw that it was all dark, with your flashlight you swept the place but suddenly the light began to flicker and went off. Great, you thought.
A laugh that was first soft and then louder alerted all your senses. A light turned on and the ringleader appeared standing to your right with his staff in his hand. Everything was dark so the light that illuminated him seemed even more powerful.
"So we meet again…What do you want from me?"
You were going to answer but the light went out and everything returned to darkness, uselessly searching for his image in the shadows. Another ceiling light turned on this time to your left and a little further away near the stands Tophat appeared again.
"Why don't you run from me uh?"
The man's smile was psychotic and hypnotizing and before you could say a word again the electricity went off again and his laughter echoed throughout the tent. His macabre games were making you nervous, he knew how to create the perfect environment to generate suspense and fear, his favorite emotions. Once again he appeared in front of you sitting with one leg crossed in front of the other and one hand under his chin.
"Why aren't you scared of me?... Or are you?"
"Stop it!". You yelled
His laughter sounded louder and closer as the lights went out again. It seemed like thousands of laughs and not just one. You covered your ears, wanting to wake up from that nightmare but unfortunately, it was real and you were wide awake. Again his voice was heard in the darkness and you got goosebumps when you felt it right behind you.
"But more importantly, what do you know?"
A light turned on behind you and when you turned around you saw his smiling face right above yours. He looked at you as if you were his favorite prey about to be devoured. You stifled a scream of terror. His features were more accentuated and seemed more threatening because the light did not shine fully on him and his hat cast macabre shadows on his skin. His eyes looked sickly and abnormally greener than usual. Being tall, he could lean over you as much as he wanted and that intimidated you. You swallowed and said with a trembling voice.
"I know everything and I remember everything too"
This seemed to disconcert him a little but he kept his expression firm and with a sudden movement he grabbed your wrists and tightened his grip until it made you hurt and scream. With a strong pull he brought you closer to his chest. His eyes never stopped seeing yours
"Oh really? And what will you do about it mon amour?". He said in perfect French accent
You shook and struggled but you couldn't escape him, he had a very good grip on you. You sighed tiredly and rested your head on his chest. He was surprised by this gesture but since he thought it was some kind of deception and trap, he did not loosen his fingers on your wrists. Just talk to yourself from the heart
"Marcus listen to me, I know you're there. Deep down behind all this horrible facade I know that a good man is hiding, the man I fell in love with. Please Marcus, fight, I want you to come out."
Mr. Tophat's eyes widened and he seemed to turn pale. You felt like his grip had loosened a little but not enough to let you go. You looked into his eyes and realized that they were shiny again.
"You do not know what you say…"
"Yes I know. I know you did all this to fulfill your dreams but you messed with the wrong people and now you are paying the price. Don't let others be part of this madness"
The man frowned and his lips began to tremble, it seemed that inside him a fierce battle was being waged over who would take control, Marcus or his alter ego. A light of hope seemed to pass through your eyes as his expressions seemed to soften and he looked at you with another look, one that asked for help and compassion, a look that he wanted to believe you. But that quickly changed when he tightened his grip again and pulled your wrists closer to his chest, also bringing your face just five centimeters from yours.
"And why do you care for me?". His eyes were cold and hard
"Because I know you're suffering and I don't like seeing you like this, you don't deserve anything you're suffering. I know your intentions were good. Please, Marcus, I love you and I want you to be okay. I want this all to end."
Something in him seemed to break because he let go of your wrists and his face expressed fear and concern, his eyebrows curled into a depressed frown and he looked at you as if it were the first time he had seen you. His lips trembled as tears fell from his eyes. His corners turned slightly downward in a pout. That was the real Marcus
"Y/n…I…I'm so sorry.."
With a sob he embraced you, wrapping his arms around your neck and pressed you against him in search of affection and containment. You wrapped your arms under his armpits and caressed his back, whispering tender and comforting words, managing to calm and comfort him.
"I don't know what to do now, without the cane I'm nothing" . His voice was muffled in the crook of your neck
"That's not true, together we can create something new and better. Besides, now I'm by your side, I promise to stay and never leave again."
He pulled away from you and looked at you hopefully. You smiled and then directed his gaze to the cane that was still in his hand. You extended your palm ordering him to give you the object. He seemed to hesitate, avoiding eye contact. A few seconds passed that seemed like forever until he finally handed you his cane with his hand trembling. You took it and after looking at it for a moment you smashed it against the ground, breaking it into pieces, startling Mrcus. At that moment the whole place seemed to calm down and you felt that you could breathe a new atmosphere, one calm and free of danger. You looked at your loved one again and now he smiled at you with relief and all traces of demonic evil dissolved in his gaze. He was a free man
"Thank you, thank you for everything". He said kissing your knuckles and shedding tears of happiness.
"You don't have to thank anything, it was the least I could do for you, and for everyone"
You wiped away his tears with love and tenderly kissed his lips. He delicately surrounds your waist. When you broke the kiss he caressed your cheekbone with his thumb.
"As you say, the show must go on. But this time let's start a better one"
Oh will I ever write about characters I know and have seen their series/movie? Haha no
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layla4567 · 10 months
First of all. Loved your Mr. Tophat fic. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but with how you wrote him having a little tantrum and throwing his tophat on the ground, I could visualize that perfectly in my head. It made me laugh. Kudos to you. With that being said, whenever you get the chance, can I get Mr. Tophat x fem!reader who visits the carnival of doom and they’re a student journalist? They have a camera and walk around taking photos of the carnival to write of news review about it. Reader decided on making a story about the carnival since they’ve always loved the carnival and circus aesthetic and overall environment. Obviously mr. Tophat takes notice of this and as much as he is honored they love his carnival enough to make a news story about it, no one is supposed to remember it. So what is he to do about this situation? I’ll leave that up to you! Thank you again! And I’ll understand if you can’t write this! Sorry for rambling, I just love this character sm.
First of all: Your message made my day! You don't know how gratifying it is for me to know that you imagined the scene just as I thought of it, thank you very much. Second: Sorry for taking so long to answer this request 😭, your idea was very good and I loved it but when I wanted to write the story I had a little creative block lol (well besides I was writing other things) that said I hope you enjoy this story :)
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Mr. Tophat x Female reader
Summary: Your work as a journalist is not all joy and honey, when you come across the Carnival of Doom you will regret having visited it… or not?
Warnings: not proofread, mention of dagger wound, a tiny bit of blood mention nothing too serious, the reader is of legal age, maybe a dark/angst ending(?
WC: 3k
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As a journalism student you are almost always outside your house taking photographs or taking notes about everything you see. In your room there were newspaper clippings that you took as inspiration and some of your own work that you had proudly framed on the wall. But your passion was not only journalism and getting juicy news but also carnivals and circuses. All that themes had always caught your attention since you were a child, you always thought that circuses, no matter how happy and fun they were on the outside, on the inside seemed mysterious and gloomy, hiding dark secrets and that fascinated you. That's why you didn't hesitate to visit the Carnival of Doom when you saw a poster days ago hanging on a street pole, it looked interesting and you hoped it wouldn't disappoint you.
Now you were lying on your bed with one leg bent over the other, sighing and holding up in front of your eyes the circus pamphlet that you had torn from the pole. You weren't sure whether to go or not, you had heard wonders about the circus (at least wonders for you) that it was mysterious and intriguing and was unlike any other. And where there is a mystery you always have to keep your nose in the matter, but… what if everything was a failure? It wouldn't be the first time you've been disappointed by news that seems incredible and then isn't even half of what they said. That's what you were doing when your mother knocked on the door before entering.
"Come in"
Your mother brought a tray with a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.
"Hi honey, sorry, I thought you were studying, I didn't want to interrupt you."
"Don't worry mum, I was taking a little break"
You left the bed and reached out to grab the tray that your mother lovingly handed you.
"It's ok love, don't stress too much and if you need anything else call me, alright?"
She caressed your cheek and you nodded, smiling. After she left your room, you sat at your desk and ate a little despite not being that hungry. Your head couldn't stop thinking about that damn circus. Ready to finish that once and for all, you grabbed your bag and put everything you needed: A notepad, your camera that you had bought with your savings and a small recorder just in case. You left your room and went down to the kitchen where your mother was still cooking, it seemed like she never got tired but that was her love language: making food.
She turned around when she felt your steps down the stairs.
"Oh Y/n, did you finish eating so quickly, daughter? Do you want something else, my love?"
You smiled sweetly "No mom, I'm fine. I just wanted to say that I'm going out for a while to photograph something and get some good news."
Your mother shook her head smiling as she looked back at the boiling pot on the stove. "Fine but please don't come back late, okay?"
You ran to put your arms around his shoulders and give him a soft kiss on his cheek. "I promise. You're the best, love ya!"
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With your backpack on your shoulder you headed towards the famous circus. The sun fell over the horizon and dyed the sky soft lilacs and blues while the clouds contrasted in warmer colors such as oranges, pinks and yellows. When you arrived you noticed something different in the place, as if a cloudy and heavy atmosphere had settled in the air, but that wouldn't stop you, you were a girl who was difficult to scare. The circus was surrounded by all kinds of people: Contortionist women arching their backs and putting their heads between their legs while they couldn't stop staring at you, sword swallowers or men spitting fire like dragons. Although everything seemed threatening, you simply smiled sideways and took several photos. The closer you got to the entrance you saw clowns with sad makeup and ridiculous big shoes.
"Oh look at that"
You took a photo again and the clown seemed to frown, there was another one with a big made-up smile, you pointed the lens at his face and zoomed in but when you were going to take the photo you noticed something strange. Despite the cheerful makeup you could see deep anguish in his eyes, behind that false smile the clown seemed to ask for help with his pupils. Suddenly a tear seemed to roll down her cheek. You frowned and lowered the camera.
"Okay that was weird.."
You decided to spend that awkward moment and entered the tent where excited and anxious people were waiting for you sitting in the seats. In the center there was an empty round beach. You sat near the front with your camera ready, hoping to photograph the great presenter and hoping that they wouldn't take your camera away. They said that the ringleader was a fascinating man. Suddenly the lights went out and only two turned on pointing towards the center, the people's voices became a murmur until silence reigned. A tall figure wearing a black top hat slowly approached the platform from the darkness. You couldn't see almost anything but you heard a noise like something hitting the wood, when you realized it the distinguished man was already in the center with a cane in his hands. He carried it forward by his legs and stood tall, he was wearing a blood red jacket, black gloves and white pants with black stripes, it reminded you a little of Bettlejuice.
His hat was so big that it covered much of his features except his smile. A sinister smile with its corners stretched up to the ears. Suddenly he raised his head and you saw his eyes, green and just as hypnotic as his smile, everyone said that the circus presenter was mesmerazing but they had never said that he was so... attractive.
He cleared his throat and with a solemn gesture said "Ladies and gentlemen, human beings and creatures from the other side, I am your humble host Mr. Tophat and today I will be your guide that will take you to a totally new experience."
Mr. Tophat looked at the entire audience, but when you gave a small giggle upon hearing his stage name, he shifted his gaze until he met your eyes, and pierced them as if he wanted to enter your soul.
"I hope you like all of this and remember no matter how weird things get, it's all part of the show."
He said winking without taking his eyes off you, he bowed slightly and smiled again with that wide and macabre smile. The lights went out and when they came back on Mr. Tphat had disappeared from the platform. Everyone applauded but you felt a chill on the back of your neck, it was the first time you felt uncomfortable in a circus, you had always loved it when you were a child but you had to admit that this one truly was unique and not in a positive way. You shook your head remembering why you were there and prepared your camera, taking out the flash so as not to alert anyone. The first presentation was a man throwing knives at a target. At first it was quite boring, the target wasn't that far away and the man didn't even have his eyes closed. As if they had read your mind, the man took out a blindfold and covered his eyes, ok this was getting interesting. He aimed perfectly and hit all the knives. Suddenly Mr. Tophat appeared and asked for a volunteer to please come on stage. A 12-year-old girl raised her hand and walked up to the stage. The swordsman accompanied her to the target and you saw that they tied her wrists and ankles with a strap. You frowned and tilted your head, the entire audience seemed equally confused so the ringleader raised a hand to calm the atmosphere.
"Please don't be scared, everything is under control"
Mr. Tophat nodded to the man for permission and then began throwing the knives at the target. Everyone held their breath expecting the worst, but luckily no knife hurt the girl even though they passed close to her body. The audience applauded in relief while the presenter smiled satisfied. You raised the camera to your eyes and took a couple of photos without realizing that Mr. Tophat noticed.
"See? I told you so. But now how about we up the ante?"
People didn't understand what that meant but it couldn't be anything good. The ringleader grabbed the blindfold and covered the man's eyes. The audience felt their blood freeze and not even the flying of a fly could be heard, even the girl seemed to tremble with fear. The man stood tall and threw the first knife that hit the target over the little girl's head. The audience gasped and the girl screamed in fear while the presenter watched everything in amusement. The next knives stabbed near his arm, his stomach, and his inner thighs in that order while Mr. Tophat uttered enthusiastic, Machiavellian laughter. A dagger had grazed the girl's skin a little, causing her to bleed slightly, but despite that the girl was unharmed. The audience was horrified and seemed glued to their seats, unable to move or blink. This was definitely something new for you.
The following acts were not as disturbing as the previous one but they were still strange. You took as many photos as you could until you noticed that Mmr. Tophat looked at you suspiciously. At the end of the performance Mr. Tophat bowed, taking off his hat and saying goodbye laughing. After that strange performance, people didn't know whether to applaud or run. Without much applause, the people slowly left the tent in silence as if they were leaving a funeral. You sat there a little longer trying to process what had just happened. Was it all real or a vile trick? Mr. Tophat had said it was all part of the shor but… was it really all planned? You didn't even want to imagine what would have happened to that poor girl if the man missed with the daggers.
You got up determined to photograph the place and maybe you could even sneak into the dressing rooms and find out what everything was like backstage. You had a hunch that not everything was as it seemed, and if you could get the scoop on some dark secret of the circus you would be very successful. ! You could already imagine the covers: "Excentrio circus hides a macabre mystery about its shows."
Stealthy and silent as a mouse you slipped behind the curtain to photograph something, anything would do. Behind it were messy ropes and cables as well as wooden crates. You opened one trying not to make noise and looking everywhere nervous. You expected to discover human parts, rotten tentacles or something much worse but when you opened it you only found circus clothes. You searched the background a little but there was nothing suspicious, disappointed you walked further finding a dark door in a hallway. It was the only one and it was a little ajar, you hesitated whether to go in or not since that would be an invasion of privacy and you didn't want to be too disrespectful. But you wanted to get to the bottom of it so you grabbed the knob and sighed.
"It's all for my work"
Upon entering you noticed a mirror with bright, blinding lights that belonged to a white dresser. To your right was a large mahogany closet. You approached to see it closer and noticed a beautiful carving of roses on its edges. You did a 180 degree turn trying to find something interesting but damn there was nothing, where had all the people gone?
You walked over to the dresser and looked at the table trying to find something. There was a lot of makeup powder and some books. You picked one up and read on the cover "Dark magic and its secrets." Finally something interesting. You took a few photos, you were so focused on it that you didn't realize that someone was behind you.
"Didn't they teach you that it's rude to go through other people's belongings?"
You jumped and screamed as you turned around. Standing there with his cane on his shoulders was Mr. Tophat looking at you seriously. He placed the tip of the cane on the floor and approached slowly, without rushing, as if he knew you had no escape. And in fact it was
With every step he took you moved further away and stuck your body to the edge of the dresser, leaning your back back trying in vain to keep the distance between him and you. When the man was close enough, he raised the brim of his hat slightly with his index finger to look at you better. God, he was even more intimidating in person. His cologne flooded your nostrils and intoxicated you like the most powerful old wine. You had to close your eyes tightly to avoid his green-eyed gaze on yours.
"So you're the camera girl who was in the audience."
You opened your eyes in surprise and your eyebrows raised somewhat fearfully which caused Tophat's Cheshire smile as a soft guttural laugh left his lips.
"Oh please dear, you don't think I didn't notice do you?"
You swallowed loudly as you felt him get even closer to you and his gaze scanned you. He went from your eyes to slowly travel to your body, his almost predatory gaze made you nervous. His eyes finally stopped at your backpack that you were carrying over your shoulder.
"Mmh, what do we have here little one?
He quickly put his hand in your bag and took out your notebook.
"No! Give me that, it's mine!"
He laughed amused and held the notebook up while with his other hand on your shoulder he moved your body away from him, preventing you from reaching your notebook.
"Let's see what we have here, shall we?"
With his thumb he opened the notebook to a random page and his eyes quickly scanned your messy handwriting. When he read something his eyes widened slightly and his corners stretched up a little.
"Oh my my, but what is this I read here?" He quickly gave you a mischievous and surprised look as he returned his eyes to the paper "It's the first time that I have visited this circus and I find myself with the first pleasant surprise: The ringleader is not only magnetic and hypnotizing as many said, but he is also quite handsome."
You screamed in annoyance and embarrassment as you pathetically tried to squirm to escape his grasp and reach for his hand but he was stronger and just laughed loudly at your efforts. Then he threw the notebook aside and looked at you funny.
"You flatter me deeply, darling" He said, placing his hand over his heart. "They have called me many things, but this is the first time that a girl as pretty as you calls me handsome."
He smiled at you and gave a small bow without taking his eyes off yours just like he did when you were in the seats. Then he stood up and became a little more serious.
"Now let's talk seriously. Why did you really come to my circus? Are you a photographer?"
"Jo-journalism student"
Why did you have to tell him what you did? Stupid. You could have lied to him and that's it, he didn't have to know the truth. But shit, he was so intimidating and those almost neon green eyes made you dizzy if you looked at them for too long. His penetrating gaze made you feel naked, vulnerable before him, as if he could see through your skin, beyond your flesh.
"Ah I see.."
Mr. Tophat with his cane made slow circles around you like a vulture hungry for carrion. He looked you up and down, studying you, and was delighted when you turned your head nervously so as not to lose sight of him. Suddenly he stood next to you almost face to face and grabbed your chin tightly, making you turn your face so you could look at him, you moaned in pain.
"And I suppose the journalist wanted to reveal the secrets of this carnival, am I wrong?"
Faced with your silence, he lifted your chin so he could see you well.
"Come on, let me see those pretty eyes of yours and use your words, my dear."
It was the first time you felt afraid, really afraid. You didn't consider yourself a scary person at all, you laughed at horror movies and you loved supernatural things. But this was different, a feeling of danger oppressed your chest. Even so, you drew strength and courage from your gut to answer.
At your outburst of bravery, Mr. Tophat let out a syrupy and poisonous laugh at the same time. He let go of your chin abruptly and walked away a few steps, caressing the end of his cane between his fingers.
"Oh darling, I'm afraid that won't be possible." He feigned sadness. "Maybe I'll have to keep you here for a while so you can reconsider."
All your alerts sounded inside you like the sirens of the purge. Stay locked up here? forever? No, you couldn't allow it. You quickly directed your gaze towards your notebook and towards the door behind Tophat. If he noticed he pretended not to, so you ran to pick up your notepad and then you rushed towards the door but he was faster and grabbed you by the arms firmly.
"Where are you going so fast huh? Please stay a little longer, the best hasn't started yet"
You turned your head everywhere in terror, trying to find a way out, until your gaze met the black magic book that you had photographed. Had this guy made a deal with the devil or something and that's why he behaved that way? If so you were screwed. The man noticed that you were looking at the book and put his arms around you, hugging you and brought his mouth close to your ear, his breath tickling you.
"I see you found my book, I can teach you some tricks if you want" He whispered, smiling
Those insinuations, his macabre smile, his strong grip and notorious superior power over you were too much. You fell to your knees to the ground dejected, tormented by the possible nightmare you were about to live. Mr. Tophat's evil laugh accompanied you for a long time as you felt your eyes water.
You didn't come home that night, nor the next day or the day after that. Your mother desperately searched everywhere without giving up, hoping that one day you would return, in the streets and newspapers you can see wanted posters with your face on it. Y/n L/n's whereabouts were never found again, it seems that you were just another child of those disappeared by the demonic ringleader of the Carnival of Doom
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layla4567 · 1 year
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i opened requests btw (sorry if it took me a while to answer them)
🔥: spicy/smut ❤️: fluff 😢: angst (just a little)
Peter maximoff:
Imagine with quicksilver ❤️
One shot/ Peter maximoff ❤️
Imagine: a relaxing shower 🔥
You know what I mean ❤️
I'm not doing it 🔥❤️
Nursing day ❤️
Headcanons of Loki ❤️
Imagine with Loki 🔥
Headcanon: Loki as a dad ❤️
Nightmare ❤️
Headcanon: Loki notices that you are on you period ❤️
Celtic ballad ❤️
In the meadows 🔥
The waterfall 🔥
SFW alphabet ❤️​
NSFW alphabet 🔥
I don't trust you 🔥
Plushie ❤️​
Dance for me 🔥
You're being mean ❤️​
Awful things to you 🔥
Shoot ❤️​
The stars are closer ❤️​
A merry christmas (lokius) ❤️​
Mobius meet your child with loki (uncle mobius) ❤️​
Too close (Brad wolfe/Hunter X-5) ❤️​
Scars (Brad Wolfe) ❤️​
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley:
Little imagine with Steven Grant ❤️​
I'm just a librarian (canceled) ❤️​
headcanon: the boys with pets ❤️​
Headcanons of Bucky ❤️​
Adam Warlock:
Would you help me? ❤️
Adam Warlock headcanons ❤️🔥😢
Drabble (wandavision AU) ❤️
Teach me ❤️
A lullaby, a lotus flower and a cardinal ❤️
Evan Peters
Colin Zabel:
Magic night 😢🔥(it's just suggestive)
Vaccines are good ❤️
Lingerie ❤️​🔥​
Birthday girl ❤️​🔥​
The bear
Working together ❤️​
Will Poulter:
Behave well 🔥​
That's how the money works 🔥​(suggestive)
Lewd pollen🔥​
Bruce Wayne
Let me take care of you ❤️​
Star Wars
Cal Kestis:
May the force be with you ❤️​
I'm right here 😢​❤️​
Are you afraid of the dark?
Mr. Tophat:
My Ballerina 😢​❤️​🔥​
Are you lost? 😢​
The hunger games
Coriolanus Snow:
Until the birds stop singing 😢​❤️​
One Piece Live Action
Opla boys with a short reader headcanon ❤
Time for hugs (Luffy sfw drabble) ❤
Sanji with a mechanic reader headcanon ❤
The straw hats hearing your laugh for the first time ❤
Sanji with a fem reader with long hair (headcanon) ❤
The medical (sanji) ❤
Me gustas tu (Luffy) ❤
Until we meet again (Mihawk) ❤🔥
Sweet as peaches (Sanji fluff drabble) ❤
Until we meet again pt2 (Mihawk) ❤
A whole new world (Shanks) ❤
A whole new world pt2 (Shanks) ❤
The straw hat with a spanish speaker ❤
Wild west au/ monster trio 🔥
Opla men with a spanish speaker pt2 (mihawk, buggy and shanks) ❤
Sanji with a reader who loves to collect trinkets (headcanons) ❤
Morning routine with Sanji ❤
Take off the sails
Monster trio buying sanitary pads ❤
Valentine's day is for fools ❤
Until we meet again (final part) ❤🔥
Old men with a short reader (buggy, shanks and mihawk) ❤
Halloween costumes with the straw hats ❤
Hot cocoa (Hunter D90-Loki series) ❤
I'm right here (Cal Kestis-Star wars)
Dance for me (Loki-MCU)
My silly little man (Mobius-Loki series) ❤
Visitors (Mobius) ❤
Sanji with a rapunzel fem reader
Are you lost? (mr.tophat)
A little bit of mischief (D90 loki series) ❤
Ken (Barbie 2023) with a reader who wears glasses ❤
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