Finally watching Logan before we go see the new Deadpool.
Laura does a whole lot of feral screaming
SHE DOES <3 that’s my girl
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she’s a lot less vocal in the comics, actually, but I get why they went this route. You can’t really do internal monologues in film when you’re not the protagonist lmao
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mrdistracted · 22 days
I wish Instagram had a way to report inactive users. There's a mrdistracted that hasn't posted since 2012 and I want that username. I've gotten it on every other social media I use except Instagram.
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critgemhero · 5 years
my internet cut out for a bit, what did Jester leave behind?
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nautiscarader · 4 years
mrdistracted reblogged your post
what kind of alignment chart is this?
Do you like redheads:
yes yeS yEs
yES Yes YeS
YEs YES yeah
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shiftythrifting · 7 years
I found a picture of my friend in a book at value village and I texted her to ask if she donated the book and her response was just "wtf? no, WTF???"
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danidraws · 7 years
I just saw your pride comic and was wondering, is that all your story? I'm curious because I have several friends who are LGBT and Christian and trying to figure out how be themselves when so much of the church tells them that being themselves is a sin. What can I (as a cis-het christian ally) do to help support them?
In my opinion, the best thing an LGBTQ ally can do is to make an environment that’s completely safe— safe to come out, safe to talk, safe to make decisions, and safe to practice or not practice faith. Your LGBTQ loved one will make the decisions they will make, regardless. You, as an ally, can either provide a loving, safe, supportive environment for them to do that, or you can end up creating an atmosphere of fear and resentment. Please lean towards love. I don’t think you can ever go wrong by leaning towards love.
If you are struggling with how to be a good Christian or loyal to your religion while supporting your LGBTQ friends and family, I would suggest worrying less about the lives you can’t control, and concentrate more on being an example of what true Christian love should be like. You can continue supporting them in living a happy life full of goodness regardless of where they end up in life or in faith.
And to your LGBTQ Christian friends, I would encourage them to explore their faith and life decisions on a more personal level, and shut out as many irrelevant voices as they can. Religion might try say you can’t be happy being gay, but you certainly can. Society might try to tell you not to have a relationship with God, but you can. That is not for anyone else to decide but you.
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simplykorra · 7 years
wait, are they showing ALL of season 5 in theaters, or just the first episode?
Just the first episode, and I think they might show volume 4 in it’s entirety before but I’m not 100% sure on that. But definitely just the first episode of V5. No way the whole season is finished 
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capralepus · 8 years
i am here for Blake doing Cat things! Imagine Ruby waking up in the middle of the night, looks across the room and screams because there's a pair of glowing eyeballs. Lights come on and it's just Blake staring into space
blake’s eyes glowing in the dark would be so great tho (and so creepy)
(imagine having a roommate would could identify random noises in the night tho like they hear a thump and ruby goes
“what was that-”
“something just fell over. its fine, go back to sleep”)
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caffeinewitchcraft · 8 years
do you ever re-read something you wrote like 20 times and just think "holy cow, I thought of that" Because that's what I've been doing. (I just started trying to write more often)
2) All the time. Sometimes I’m just so impressed with myself, like, wow, I do have something to say after all! That’s a hundred percent why I write so much, so I can go back and be impressed with myself :) 
(Okay, not a 100 percent, but a lot)
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pixie-mask · 8 years
mrdistracted replied to your post: RWBY V4-E10
The grimm is a nuckalavee.
Oh! Never heard of it before. Thanks!
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beefsteakclub · 5 years
Top 10 fills in GIFs.
Rules: post 10 gifs of your favorite movies without naming them and then tag 10 people. I was tagged by @abbydebeaupreposts and I tag @contemplatingoutlander @snowwhitelass @thegreymajor @weasowl @frustratingly-tangled-saran-wrap @le-tittersnit @mrdistracted @the1timelady @ericastrangeandlucipurr and anyone else.
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Finally saw cabin in the woods and I have questions.
1. If all the different countries were trying to appease the same god then why were thier rituals different? Why was Japan targeting little girls while America was targeting basically the Scooby gang?
2. Was someone sabotaging the mission? When the tunnel didn't collapse they said the issue came from upstairs. and the stoner's weed somehow made him immune to the drugs, someone could have switched his supply with a special blend containing an antidote. And all the other countries failed including Japan who had a perfect record.
oh I love Cabin, my most problematic fave movie <3
1. This is because the movie is supposed to be a goof on a lot of stereotypical horror tropes specifically from US horror, i.e. a group of people is terrorized at a cabin in the woods, the dynamics the characters are forced into, willful stupidity, the idea of penance being enacted, etc. So the Japanese scenario is meant to evoke stereotypical Japanese horror tropes. It is also pretty racist because, uh, Whedon and Goddard do racist shit involving Asian cultures a lot! But within the world of the movie the joke is that it’s a scenario a lot of those characters would be familiar with from media.
2. I don’t think it’s meant to necessarily lead you to assume sabotage as much as incompetence mixed with the gods wanting to be entertained by suffering. So like, the reason the tunnel was open was to give Curt, Holden and Dana some hope that they might escape, and also to heighten the sense of urgency they felt. Additionally, the gods seem to enjoy yanking around the crew, so I suspect they were also enjoying their stress and panic when their plan started failing. As for Marty’s stash, I think they literally just missed one, which makes sense to me bc that guy does seem like he would have secret stashes of pot hidden in multiple locations. Also bc they wanted Marty to be the funny weed guy lol. As for Japan failing I gotta assume that was down to the choices the characters made, and also bc the plot said so.
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do you watch cartoons? if so what have you seen recently?
Probably gravity falls?
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critgemhero · 5 years
no, not that. oh god that would suck if i missed that part. I meant after she cast commune.
OH! Ummm idk? I must have missed that too. I just saw her ask questions to the Traveler, I don’t think she left anything behind?
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araeza · 7 years
mrdistracted replied to your post “Hey ngl Roosterteeth pulling this “Free users get the new episodes a...”
Sign up for a free RT account and you can get it on Tuesday, three days after paying members. Then it goes to YouTube Saturday, a week after paying members
I have an RT account, I checked it daily for the first episode but it seemed to not unlock until after the second episode released. Maybe I didn’t notice when it actually released or something
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mrdistracted · 6 years
rules– answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better
nickname(s): Some friends used to call me Oz. really don’t have any other than mrdistracted
zodiac sign: aries? I think. Didn’t they change not to long ago? I haven’t checked since then
height: 6’
last movie I saw: in a theater, Into the Spiderverse. Amazing! At home? Solo, actually not bad.
last thing I googled: “warlock patrons” because of an adventure zone post about Kravitz
favourite musician: Avicii? Actually been getting into Bastille lately
song stuck in my head: Hamilton. All of it.
other blogs: don’t have any other blogs, but twitter I guess? @mrdistracted
following: 73
followers: 563
amount of sleep: 8ish hours.
lucky numbers: 42 and 1234
what I’m wearing: sweats and an old t-shirt. It’s a snow day yall. I’m stayin comfy
dream job: long term? I don’t know. Right now I just want to be a barista. It’s fun. More fun than janitor
dream trip: Hobbiton! (I stole this answer from Megan, but it’s true)
favourite food: Grilled cheese sandwiches. Or orange chicken, or pad thai. Dammit I’m hungry now.
instruments: trumpet and drums, but I haven’t played either in a long time. Also took piano and guitar lessons but that didn’t last long. (I need to start playing drums again. I miss it. I just don’t have time or money)
languages: English. Took german in high school but don’t really remember much.
favorite songs: “The Hamilton Polka” by Weird Al. “This Life Is Mine” by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams (rwby) “The Currents” by Bastille, and “Hey Brother” by Avicii (I’m skipping a bunch because I can’t decide)
random fact: I was a hyper active little kid, so my parents enrolled me in a lot of sports. I’ve pretty much played every major sport for at least one season. Which leads to people always being surprised when I can keep up or do well at church events or such because I’m definitely the nerd type now, and even though I’m not athletic, I know how the game works.
aesthetic: jeans and nerdy t-shirt, coffee, posters and paintings from comics and movies, bookshelves full of both books and fandom merch, constant toe/finger tapping, upbeat music.
tagging: YOU!
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