#mriad prompt
weilongfu · 2 years
Thank you so much for answering my Chuyao prompt!!
If I may be cheeky enough to request a conclusion, coz that is cliffhanger-y as hell xD (or I could wait till the next time you open the prompt spam again 😊)
What was time when a person had their world so thoroughly shaken? Somewhere after The Kiss, Lu Yao found himself taken home by Qiao Chusheng's orders to an officer. Somehow, his body went through the motions of preparing for bed, of bantering with Bai Youning, of pulling back the covers and lying in repose.
But sleep did not come.
Though his body did not toss and turn, Lu Yao's mind did.
Where had the signals been? What did it mean? Was this a one time thing? Was he to be another conquest? Was it real? Would Qiao Chusheng actually want to...
With eyes unseeing, Lu Yao met dawn's first light as it began to cross his ceiling. A few moments later, Lu Yao felt a weight cause his bed to dip. He turned his head to find Qiao Chusheng sitting at his side, broad shoulders slumped, hair slightly askew, dressed only in his dress shirt and slacks.
"Lao Qiao?" Lu Yao whispered. "What are you-"
Qiao Chusheng turned to face Lu Yao slowly. "I have to apologize to you."
"I was... rash and not thinking properly last night. You probably didn't appreciate me-"
"Where is this attempt at eloquence coming from?" Lu Yao forced himself to sit up. "Since when are you so polite to me?"
"Are you telling me I shouldn't apologize?"
"I'm telling you that if you're going to sit here and take responsibility, at least act like you mean it."
Qiao Chusheng sighed before leaning in, forcing Lu Yao to lay back down as he was caged in by Qiao Chusheng's arms. "You want me to mean it?"
"I want you to do mean the next thing you say or do. Regardless of what it is. Anything less is unbecoming of the Inspector."
"If you want me to mean it," Qiao Chusheng's eyes darkened. "Then I won't apologize."
Lu Yao met his heavy gaze. "I'm fine with that."
"I won't let another man kiss you."
"I'm fine with that too."
"I won't let women kiss you either."
"Then who will kiss me?"
Qiao Chusheng leaned in until they were a breath apart. "Me."
Lu Yao licked his lips. "Then do it."
Later that morning, Bai Youning walked by Lu Yao's bed to find the two curled up around each other, deep in sleep. She sighed and shook her head. "Finally." She then closed Lu Yao's bedroom door before wondering how she could sell the news as an article. "Shanghai's hottest bachelor, no more! The crime-solving power couple!" Bai Youning laughed to herself before leaving the house.
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uweiy · 2 years
Guys I want to write but got literally no inspiration so. Prompts. Give 'em to meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Anything you've seen me reblog goes. A n y t h I n g. Usually i go for around 1,6 k words but I mean. Who knows. Go wild
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Not sure if this counts as prompt or headcanon but imagine if Byn, with her canonical crush on Lu Yao, doesn't take his gentle but firm rejection of her very well? All hell breaks loose when she finds out that the object of Lu Yao's affections is none other than the oblivious Qiao Chusheng (and I think he would be oblivious or atleast not read too much into Lu Yao's actions xD). I feel like the dynamics would be so much interesting with each person having to make some tough choices ahead (LY learning not to be a coward, QCS choosing loyalties coz he would care for BQ if not BYN etc.) 🙈 Hope you have fun with this one xD
Turtle! I hope you enjoy this little headcanon...it's my first one for MRIAD so I hope I did good!
Bai Youning does not take “No” for an answer. Since she’s an only child, she’s a rather spoiled brat who gets whatever and whoever she wants. “No” is not in her vocabulary. She never uses it and she’s never had it said to her before
So, when she admits her feelings to Lu Yao and he gently but firmly rejects her…she does not take it well. She throws a fit, as a spoiled brat does, and screams and cries, demanding that Lu Yao accept her affections but Lu Yao still tells her no, saying that he already likes someone else
Bai Youning, of course, the nosy busybody that she is, demands to know who the person of Lu Yao’s affection is and lets out an angry shriek when she finds out that it’s Qiao Chusheng
She tells Lu Yao that he can’t be in love with Qiao Chusheng, he should be in love with her, he can only love her, and that’s sort of the last straw for Lu Yao, he just…packs up his shit and leaves
When Qiao Chusheng comes to call on him for a case, he’s surprised to see Lu Yao sitting outside the apartment with all of his things
“Youning kick you out?”
Lu Yao looks up at him and shakes his head
“No, I left. I don’t think I can live with her anymore”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Lovers spat?”
Lu Yao shudders
“We are not lovers, Chusheng. Not even in the slightest. I could never be in love with someone like her”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Don’t let Bai Qili hear you say that or he’ll have your head”
Lu Yao scoffs
“I’m not scared of that man or his threats”
Qiao Chusheng frowns
“You know his threats are very real, yes?”
Lu Yao huffs
“Why should I be afraid of him when I have you?”
Qiao Chusheng looks at him in surprise as Lu Yao sighs
“Can I stay with you?”
Qiao Chusheng frowns before he shrugs
“My apartment is small and not fancy…hope you don’t mind”
Lu Yao shakes his head as he grabs his suitcase full of stuff and stands to his feet
“As long as it’s away from here, I don’t care what size it is”
Qiao Chusheng shrugs but motions for Lu Yao to follow him to his car, which was parked nearby. They then get inside and drive to Qiao Chusheng’s apartment, which was much smaller compared to that of Bai Youning and Lu Yao’s old apartment but Lu Yao just smiles at it
He then promptly moves in with Qiao Chusheng and they find it actually to be a lot more pragmatic because Qiao Chusheng never has to drive to Lu Yao’s apartment to pick him up which means they never have to tell Bai Youning about their cases (which is great for both of them)
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66 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
So, Under the Skin.  Whooo boy, where the fuck do I begin with this drama?  Honestly, this is probably one of the best crime dramas I’ve seen in a while, easily my top three favorite crime dramas, with Killer and Healer taking #1 (obvi) and S.C.I. Mystery taking #2 (also obvi).  But man...man was this drama fucking good.
Okay, first of all, the cases were interesting.  Like they were interesting fucking cases and they all tied in with art somehow which was impressive in and of itself.  And I actually recognized some of the art pieces Shen Yi spoke about because I had taken an art class in college that featured some of these paintings.  So that was fun.  Also, every case that they made was taken seriously, nothing was seen as a joke, especially like with the case of the two girls.  I didn’t think they were going to go that route but they did and I was kind of surprised.  But they did it in a way that was respectful and didn’t make it seem weird or gross and I liked that.  I really did.
Second of all, the chemistry between the leads, my GOD.  I, for one, have never seen either of the two actors before so that was kind of fun for me but the chemistry that they shared was just....so good.  Like, they had the same sort of chemistry and energy that like Gao Hanyu and Ji Xiaobing and Mao Zijun and Ian Yi shared.  Like, it was electric and gripping and believable.  Also, the entire cast is just...so good.  Like the squad is very good, the leads are good, the villains/suspects/criminals are good (and their backstories and motives are believable) and it’s just...yes.
So, if you want a really good crime drama that focuses mainly on the cases and solving the cases and also solving an overarching case (gotta be one of my favorite things in a crime drama, honestly) with also really good fucking leads that have great fucking chemistry like Killer and Healer and S.C.I. then you absolutely need to check out Under the Skin.  10/10 would fucking watch again, my god.
Also, according to the last few minutes, it seems that we’re getting a Season 2 and um...yes please
73 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Ah episode 8, my beloved.  Probably one of my favorite episodes to rewatch, I shit you not
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First we start off with rain...rain is always essential when filming an angsty shot
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79 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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84 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ryu Su Yeol:
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175 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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shijiujun · 4 years
be your light (and that’s all i want)
Chusheng’s first instinct always is to make sure Lu Yao is safe, even if it means putting himself between danger and his San Tu.
Lu Yao is not happy about having to face the possibility of Chusheng dying so often.
For @untamedweiying who asked:  Remember when Chusheng and Lu Yao were being chased by a car through the whole city, and then Chusheng was like "let's greet this motherfuckers" and stepped out, and Lu Yao went like "NO" and wouldn't let him go and legit pictured the scene of Chusheng getting shot by a Gatling gun and being unable to do anything about it . Like the honest concern and the "if you die I have no idea what I would do" in that moment, and then it was ???? Never addressed again?
Lu Yao is glad that real life doesn’t imitate movies, because for a moment, he was so sure that men in black with guns would come falling out of the car and shoot at Chusheng and then him. The fear that sank into his bones as the images, ridiculous as they were, played on the insides of his eyeballs, crippled him, and all Lu Yao could do is put his hand over his mouth and gasp as the doors to the other car opened.
Of course, in the end, it turned out to be just Tong Li, Youning’s arch nemesis.
As Chusheng dallies with Tong Li, a stupid, dumb smile on his face, Lu Yao tries to calm his racing heart.
The first thing he thought earlier as the car sped down the streets and then got stuck in this alley, was simply-
What is he going to do if Qiao Chusheng dies?
Lu Yao shudders, then shakes his head and slaps the both of his hands over each side of his cheeks, trying to wake himself up. Maybe he’s just hungry and his brain is malfunctioning. Did he get enough sleep last night? Probably not.
What the hell is wrong with you, a voice in the back of his head chides.
The thought is put out of his head for the rest of the day, especially after the snack he has with Chusheng where they plot to keep their cooperation with Tong Li from Youning.
Hours later in bed, Lu Yao’s mind inevitably returns to the thought of Chusheng dying before him. His hand clench around his pillow tighter, the scene replaying in his head on loop.
If Qiao Chusheng really, if he really left, how would he feel?
Chusheng and Youning are his only friends in Shanghai, and well, of course he doesn’t dislike Youning, even if they banter and fight all the time. Chusheng, however, Lao Qiao?
Lu Yao can’t quite put into words what he feels for the man. Friendship seem like an understatement. Describing them as brothers doesn’t feel right either, because Lu Yao has seen some of the brothers that the man talks about, and Chusheng sure doesn’t treat him the way he treats them.
He only has to ask for Chusheng to give him what he wants. Lu Yao only has to frown, pout or sulk once, and Chusheng will be turning around to ask him what’s wrong. He only has to look at a food stall and Chusheng is there, amused and expectant, knowing exactly what Lu Yao wants to do. The only person who would tell him to go and hide while he deals with danger and threat head on, then coming back to find Lu Yao when it’s safe.
Chusheng is the only person who cares about Lu Yao above himself, in a way that no one has since his mother passed away. The only person who would believe him unconditionally, the thought of Lu Yao betraying him never once coming to mind.
Whatever it is, the last thing Lu Yao wants to ever think about is Chusheng possibly leaving him.
That night, sleep eludes him, the room suddenly too quiet and his body too cold under the covers.
And Chusheng keeps doing it.
Before, Lu Yao wouldn’t have given it a second thought, but after that afternoon with the car chase and his overreactive imagination, it’s as if Lu Yao can’t switch his brain off. The moment the situation turns the slightest bit dangerous, that deep-seated fear he usually tries to lock away rears its ugly head, leaving him shaky and paralysed.
It happens every time Chusheng covers him with his body when they’re dealing with a shootout, even though Lu Yao is way taller than him.
The time another gang stupidly ambushed the police station with guns and small bombs, and Chusheng quickly stuffed Lu Yao under his table, the safest location for now, as he ran off with only a gun in his hand. Lu Yao remembers grabbing at Chusheng’s hand as he stood to go.
“Don’t go,” he swallowed with wide eyes, his grip on Chusheng’s wrist unnaturally strong.
Chusheng looked up, no doubt seeing the gunfight and what not outside, and there was no way he wasn’t going to go.
“Be good,” he ended up saying to Lu Yao, patting his hand twice and then shook his grip off easily, running off.
Or that time when they ended up in an abandoned, burning hospital in the hills, and Chusheng pushed Lu Yao and Youning out of the way of a dropping, burning log from the ceiling. That one came really close, and Lu Yao was quiet for a few days after that, even though Chusheng ended up only with a broken collarbone and some mild burns across his chest from where he was pinned under the log.
Every time it happens, the whisper in his head gets louder and louder.
What will you do if he’s gone?
The last straw, Lu Yao thinks, is this.
Chusheng taking the lashes from the whip meant for him, all because Lu Yao cracked a case and they ended up arresting one of the nephews of Du He, a gang leader that has ties to Boss Bai. It doesn’t make sense to Lu Yao at all — his nephew killed eleven women and Lu Yao, together with Chusheng, were just doing their damn job.
“Hand him over to me and you can go, Qiao Si,” the man said earlier.
Lu Yao only hears the ringing in his ears, and someone is shouting — it takes a hand and a cloth smothering his nose and mouth to realize that the person making so much noise was him.
“It doesn’t have anything to do with him,” Chusheng replied with a small little smirk, taking off his jacket, and then his shirt. “He’s working for me. If you’ve got any issues with that, you come for me, not him.”
He knows what Chusheng is going to do, but Chusheng can’t take any more damage. When Du He captured the both of them earlier, Chusheng already took a knife to the abdomen while fighting off the twenty men who came for them.
Panic grips him and Lu Yao lunges forward, but hands grab him and drag him off to the side.
Thirty lashes, all because they were doing their jobs.
“San Tu, it’s alright,” Chusheng reassured him before the first crack of the whip sounded.
It has nothing to do with him, Lu Yao wants to yell, struggling against the arms restraining him, hit me, not him!
By the fifteenth lash, Chusheng keels over from where he’s kneeling, his face pale and blood trickling down from the corner of his mouth.
Lu Yao doesn’t remember feeling this helpless, not since he met Chusheng. Not since his mother passed away, and Lu Yao wept over her grave for days straight.
He shouts again and with the last of his strength, tries to dash ahead, but he doesn’t get far.
He hates Du He, hates the monster of a nephew he has, hates the triads and the underworld and their fucking shite rules, hates that he’s so weak like this, unable to do anything as Chusheng once again protects him, unable to keep Chusheng with him, the man dying because of him-
Before the last crack of the whip, the doors to the manor slam open, and in steps Bai Qili, and Youning. At the sight of Chusheng, Youning’s eyes widen.
It takes only one glance at a bloodied, unconscious Chusheng on the ground for Boss Bai’s eyes to darken.
“You’ve got some balls, touching my son,” the man says evenly, stepping in, his every step measured. “Taking him without my permission and punishing him? What gave you the right?!”
At the anger in the man’s voice, everyone steps back, including the men holding Lu Yao. Their grips loosen just enough for Lu Yao to dart forward, and then he’s free, running towards Chusheng.
“Lao Qiao,” Lu Yao calls, his voice hoarse and trembling as he pulls Chusheng to him. “Lao Qiao, Lao Qiao-“
Youning joins him the next second, tears in her eyes, “Ge, Chusheng-ge-“
She looks up, and her father glances at the three of them for a second, before nodding.
“San Tu, we have to get him to the hospital,” she springs into action quickly. “We have to hurry.”
Everything is a blur next. In fact, Lu Yao isn’t so sure if it’s him that is moving, or if Youning is taking over, because Lu Yao simply cannot- he cannot think. Chusheng’s blood is all over Lu Yao’s sleeves, his shirt, and there’s so much blood. He’s pretty sure some skin has come off. Youning is the one who wraps Chusheng in his shirt and jacket, and then she’s snapping at Lu Yao.
“San Tu! Get it together, I can’t pick him up, you have to carry him for me!”
Lu Yao does as he’s told. He ends up carrying Chusheng in a fireman’s lift, putting him over his shoulder so as not to touch his ruined back, and they pile into one of the cars lined up outside. He barely registers the fact that the Bais have brought at least fifty men with them, including Liu Zi and two older men that Lu Yao vaguely remember Youning and Chusheng calling Lao Er and San shu.
Xiao Qi, the brother next in line after Chusheng, is driving the car.
Lu Yao is so cold, hugging Chusheng to him.
What will you do if he’s gone?
“… why’re you crying,” comes a rasp, cold fingers touching his cheeks, wiping at his tears.
Lu Yao didn’t even realize he was crying. Staring at Chusheng, who’s barely awake and his eyes glassy as they try to focus on him, Lu Yao finds all the words stuck in his throat.
“Ge!” Youning calls in relief, just as Xiao Qi says, “Si-ge!”
“This is nothing,” Chusheng continues. “San Tu ah, don’t worry-“
“Shut up,” Lu Yao says through gritted teeth, his knuckles going white from how hard he’s holding onto Chusheng. “Just shut up.”
It’s just as well that Chusheng slips back into unconsciousness next, because Lu Yao doesn’t know what to say to him. He doesn’t know what he can say without just breaking down in tears.
He can’t take any of this anymore.
The second the doctor says that Chusheng is going to live and will be bedridden for at least three weeks, Lu Yao turns on his heels and leaves the hospital.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that? What did I do in my previous life to have known you?”
Lu Yao doesn’t respond, huddled on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him, covering his head. A bag of what smells like dumplings is set on the coffee table in front of him, but he doesn’t move.
“Lu Yao! I swear, if you’re not going to eat or talk or move and if you just want to die, then don’t do it in my house and on my couch! I might deal with bodies everyday at the institute, but the last thing I want to do is deal with you!”
He hasn’t moved a lot in the last week.
“Just starve to death, see if I care! When you faint, I’ll just throw you out.”
Lu Yao’s not sure what he wants to do, but staying right here on this couch forever sounds like a good idea.
A loud, aggravated sigh sounds, and then Liu Mo comes into his line of vision. The shorter man drags a chair over and sits opposite Lu Yao on the other side of the table. Despite what he said, Liu Mo unpacks the dumpling soup and noodles, even shifting Lu Yao’s portion closer to him.
After a long moment, bony hands emerge from the abyss that is the thick duvet, and grabs for the soup.
“Lu Yao, what are you thinking?” Liu Mo shakes his head, frowning at him, but the relief at seeing Lu Yao eat is clear in his voice.
“You just turn up at my house with blood all over your shirt and insist you want to stay. And to keep it a secret that you’re here. What the hell happened? I haven’t asked, but this is getting ridiculous. You just hang out on my couch staring into space!”
Now that he thinks about it, it’s a miracle that Liu Mo took him in on such short notice. Lu Yao didn’t really think much when he fled from the hospital — all he knew was that he needed to get out, get away and hide, and he couldn’t do that at home. For a moment he panicked, standing out on the empty streets, wondering where he could go because Chusheng and Youning are his only friends here.
It only occured to him later that he could call either Qian Rui, or Liu Mo. He went with the least likely choice in the end, and when he’s feeling a little better, Lu Yao will remember to thank Liu Mo for letting him stay despite hating him.
Besides, Qian Rui might have called his older sister or father if Lu Yao turned up like this. Lu Yao hasn’t figured out what he wants to do yet, but he’s not about to let Lu Miao or any of his brothers, or even Zhiqing-ge kidnap him home.
Liu Mo’s clothes are terribly tight and short on him, but if it means he’s clean and doesn’t have to move an inch away from the couch, Lu Yao is willing to take it.
No one will find him here. No one will get hurt because of him again.
Chusheng won’t be hurt because of him, not if Lu Yao never turns up in front of him again. This way, Lu Yao doesn’t have to worry about Chusheng dying or leaving him. It’ll hurt like a bitch, but at least Chusheng will be alive, and that’s better than him being dead.
Lu Yao still has no idea what he would ever do without Chusheng. For now, spending his days in one spot, on the couch, seems to be the only option.
“These dumplings are good,” he says, completely ignoring Liu Mo’s question.
“I swear to god, Lu Yao, you little shit-“
The next day, Liu Mo turns up with a baguette for brunch. Then for dinner, fish soup that tastes just like the one from the stall opposite the police station.
“This is good,” Lu Yao comments, looking up from his bowl to stare at Liu Mo, “Where did you get this?”
“… some, some lady at the canteen cooked extra and I took some home,” Liu Mo answers, resolutely looking at the shelf behind Lu Yao.
It takes him another three days — another six meals, all his favourites — to realize what’s happening.
Almost finishing the fragrant crispy roasted duck, Lu Yao looks up and stares at Liu Mo for a long, long time. The man fidgets in his chair and Lu Yao almost slaps himself, because how could he have just believed Liu Mo? The man is a terrible liar, he knows this. And yet, Lu Yao easily took his word for it in the past few days.
“You told him?!”
“I didn’t!” Liu Mo rushes to explain, flustered, “I mean, you’re talking about the Bai family and the police, Lu Yao, are you kidding me? He found me a few days ago and said he’d take me to the station for kidnapping if I didn’t tell the truth and- think about it, you came to me and I kindly let you stay and he was going to arrest me! And… and, he just drops off food for you, and gets me to bring it up.”
There’s only one man who knows exactly what he likes to eat. Lu Yao remembers clearly the doctor saying, “Three weeks of bedrest, no moving.”
It’s impossible for Chusheng to still be here considering it’s been an hour since Liu Mo came back with the duck, but Lu Yao wipes his hands on his shirt and leaps to his feet anyway, heading for the door. Nearly falling because his legs haven’t seen much exercise in the past ten days, Lu Yao stumbles all the way until he’s pulling the door open, ready to just run out without his shoes on.
He barely takes one step out before freezing in his footsteps, his breath catching in his throat.
Sitting on the porch, back facing him, is one Qiao Chusheng.
At the sight of him, Lu Yao warms — relief, wonder and affection just surging for the man, but as quickly as the emotions come, anger floods through him even faster. Before he knows what he’s doing, Lu Yao is stomping his way angrily to Chusheng as the man turns around at the noise, a look of surprise on his face.
“Are you dumb?!” Lu Yao seethes, seeing red, “Are you- The doctor said three weeks! Three fucking weeks, and I- I can’t believe you’re out here. Are you kidding me?! Qiao Chusheng, do you think this is a joke? You should be in the hospital-“
“But you’re here,” comes the voice Lu Yao has been dreaming about the past few nights, interrupting him, and he stops. “You’re here, San Tu. Where else would I be?”
A lump forms in his throat.
“You shouldn’t,” Lu Yao shakes his head, all his earlier fury gone, leaving a defeated man in its wake. “You shouldn’t be here. Qiao Chusheng, you should be anywhere but here.”
Chusheng gets to his feet gingerly, and it takes him only two steps to reach Lu Yao. His eyes rove over Lu Yao, noting the too-small clothes on him. Irritation gnaws at him, seeing Lu Yao in another man’s clothes, but he pushes that away to note the unkempt hair, the oil stains on Lu Yao’s shirt, the eyebags, and it’s only been a little over a week, but the man looks even skinnier than before.
“I woke up the next day,” he says. “I woke up and you weren’t there. Youning was biting at her nails in worry, because she didn’t know where you went. We didn’t know if you were kidnapped again, or worse. You didn’t take anything with you. It took us a few days to realize that you weren’t kidnapped but left willingly.”
He smiles a little, “I thought you would be at Qian Rui’s. Imagine my surprise when I found you at Liu Mo’s.”
“… if you knew where I was, why didn’t you just come in and see me?” asks Lu Yao, his voice low.
“I figured you left for a reason and I was just waiting for you,” Chusheng exhales hard, nodding. Then he huffs once, chuckling, “Well, I was going to wait only for another day, to be honest. If you weren’t going to do anything by tomorrow dinner I told Youning to get Liu Zi and Ah Dou and drag you home at night.”
When Lu Yao doesn’t respond to that and still refuses to look at him, Chusheng sighs.
“San Tu, you must’ve been scared. I’m sorry, but you’ll always be safe with me. You know that, right? As long as I’m breathing, you will never have to worry. Even if I have to protect you with my own life-“
“I don’t want you to do that!” Lu Yao breathes, incredulous.
“Qiao Chusheng, I don’t want you do that, don’t you get it? Did you hit your head somehow too? I don’t want it! I don’t want you to protect me with your life. I want you to be alive and well, and if that means I have to go, then so be it. You don’t understand, you’re a fucking idiot! What am I supposed to do- what the hell am I supposed to do if you’re gone, do you understand?! Qiao Chusheng, do you understand?”
When he’s done yelling, Chusheng can only stare at Lu Yao, his mouth parted a little, as if saying ‘oh’. Lu Yao rubs at his face with a hand, pressing fingers at his temples.
It dawns on him then, what Lu Yao is doing.
He’s not happy one bit that Lu Yao is obviously so distressed, but Chusheng would be lying if he said he wasn’t the least bit moved and relieved that Lu Yao is doing this, disappearing on him, yelling at him-
-because he loves him.
Chusheng hears it loud and clear.
“You don’t ever have to think about that,” he says, drawing Lu Yao into his arms, pressing the man’s head into his own shoulder and hugging him tight. “San Tu, it’s impossible for that to happen.”
Hands come up to clutch at the front of his jacket, before a small voice replies, “You don’t know that. So many times. So many times, Lao Qiao. I keep thinking, I can’t sleep, when I think about it, every single time you jump in front of me.”
“I’m going to be wherever you are,” Chusheng swears. “I’m not leaving you behind, no matter where I go. So if this is where you are, it’s where I’ll be.”
They’re just words, and he knows he can’t guarantee it for sure, but Chusheng doesn’t plan on going back on his promise.
“… really?”
“I promise. Now… can we go home? The shirt is a little too short on you, and I think you’ve imposed on Liu Mo enough,” Chusheng sighs, raising an eyebrow at the professor standing at the door to their house, obviously eavesdropping.
At the sound of that, Liu Mo nods fervently, putting his hands together and shaking them at Chusheng, as if begging him to take Lu Yao away.
Chusheng does just that.
“You should have told me what you were worrying about.”
The weight of the covers over them a comfort, Lu Yao looks up, peering at Chusheng. They’re sleeping in the same bed for the very first time, but it’s so soft and warm that Lu Yao thinks he is finally, finally able to sleep. Chusheng looks more relaxed too, especially after a home-cooked supper and taking all his pain medication for his still-healing back.
Youning will probably turn up early tomorrow to yell at them both, and unfortunately, this time the both of them deserve it.
It’s entirely dark, but Lu Yao can still see Chusheng’s eyes like this, the both of them lying on the same pillow, their noses almost touching.
A hand slips into his between them, and then Lu Yao feels it.
Chusheng’s strong, steady heartbeat through their intertwined hands.
“You can check the next time,” Chusheng smiles. “Whenever you can’t sleep and are worrying about me, all you have to do is reach out for my hand. Just like this.”
“You’re embarrassing,” Lu Yao rolls his eyes, but even in the dark, Chusheng can probably still see the pink on his cheeks.
Chusheng is right, though. The steady beat is just like a lullaby, lulling him to sleep. Lu Yao squeezes Chusheng’s hand tighter and sighs.
Right before he falls asleep, Lu Yao makes the same promise.
I’ll be wherever you are too, no matter where that is.
*Chusheng is referred to as Qiao Si (乔四) or Qiao Si-ye (乔四爷) or Si-ge (四哥) or Lao Qiao (老乔)
*Qian Rui is Lu Yao's friend, who turns up at the couple's restaurant where Chusheng gifts Lu Yao the watch
*Liu Mo is Lu Yao's arch nemesis that kind of hates him but they used to be friends so you know, it's a love-hate relationship
*Liu Zi is number 6 in the family, Xiao Qi is number 7, and Lao Er is number 2, with San Shu being number 3 in the Bai hierarchy
*I just kind of made up a character for the other gang's leader XD
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jockvillagersonly · 2 years
Ugh y’all I’m looking through MRIAD episodes for one of my edit prompts and I just
How unbearably gay they all are for each other
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sillyfanturtle · 4 years
Whatever happened to Lu Yao getting a tattoo?!
I so very badly want a follow up scene for this in canon!
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I love QCS’ easy acceptance of Lu Yao wanting a pink pig tattoo (it’s fitting, of course)!
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But just look at his face here, he is so totally up for getting a tattoo! A follow up scene would have been so brilliant!! Imagine LY thinking he’s such a badass with his pink pig tattoo (he’d probs end up with a cute one), imagine the conniption Lu Family would have when they find their family’s youngest has gone and tattoo’d himself like one of those triads.
 Are there any fics on this? Coz that’s going to end up being my new Chuyao fic prompt! 
I suddenly want to know more about triad tattoo artists in 1920s Shanghai now.
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drownjngindreams · 4 years
A bit of help
Okay so I’m thinking of doing some graphics cause the show really has some great visuals qiao chusheng for example The only thing is, I dunno where to find screencaps from the show Is there any good resource?
Also... a very good quote form Qiao Chusheng?
Thanks a lot!!
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sexyblguys · 3 years
I have no idea whether this is an idea or a prompt. I suck at writing. So if someone can write this I'll give you so much kudos
‘Killing me won’t bring them back you know, and besides, even if you kill me I have my family and the green gang behind me. Once you end me they’ll end you.’ Lu yao said with a gun in his face without even flinching or showing any fear.
Chusheng looked at Lu yao with soft eyes and a small smile. The one he always wears around the ladies he’s with. That made lu yao a bit jealous, but what can he do? He's not his boyfriend or anything.
It was deep and tender. It made Lu Yao wanna dissolve. The kiss was hot, passionate and really intoxicating.Chuseng really deserved his title "Man amongst Men" and no wonder girls are so head over heels for him.
MRIAD EP 22 , what if lu miao was successful? What if in the end lu yao had a friend that could take him back to his love qiao chusheng? What if that so called friend was powerful than the Lu family and the British Council? What if this so called friend has a higher rank in the military? What if lu yao gets to stay with Chusheng? Ever wanna try to make Lu Yao bamf , like yanno , makes him not scared.
Qiao chusheng, bai youning gets kidnapped by an unknown enemy and lu yao found out after he came back from france. Lu yao was freaking out. He told his older sister, older brothers to help. But of course there’s a role for him too. A role that no one expected from him. Not his sister, father, brothers, nor his friends. He may be timid but he can kill you if you ever lift a single finger and touch his beloved family, friends and his lover. Once LY heard that they were kidnapped he made some calls and after that he called his family. They said they would help him. And after that at the end he managed to save both of them but the two of them will never forget that LY has a side that nobody could pick on. It even scared qiao chusheng. I don't know what this is but 👏👏
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sctir · 4 years
those mriad gays and d, spare me no tenderness or i’ll 🔫
d: subtle kindness
this prompt got a bit lengthy, find it here on ao3!!
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[send me a character and a letter prompt from this list]
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bowsie22 · 4 years
So if I were to create one, would anyone be interested in a MRIAD discord? A place to chat, post theories, fanworks, images, stills, prompts, etc? All pairings welcome obviously
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weilongfu · 3 years
Hurrah for prompt spams and thank you for doing this again ❤️
May I request a continuation of your previous prompt spam request for Chuyao who were fake dating undercover to catch a baddie? I do miss your Chuyao fics!
Hope this is okay :)
Wow, I was looking for that prompt on my AO3 and apparently I forgot to upload it? Good thing it's still here on tumblr. I'll have to fix that at some point. Maybe upload that and this one together. IDK.
In the darkness of the back alley, Lu Yao leaned against the wall to catch his breath. The resulting confrontation from their little fake dating ploy had been strenuous, more for Qiao Chusheng than him of course, but it did not explain the thundering in his chest.
As Salim took the murderer away, Qiao Chusheng had suddenly pulled Lu Yao away, ordering the rest of his men to start cataloging evidence and cleaning up the scene. Lu Yao then found himself pressed firmly against rough brick, similar to how their suspect had pressed him up against the wall, but the feeling was different.
Although Lu Yao had felt like prey that was about to be devoured with the suspect, with Qiao Chusheng, there was a comfort to his weight pressing him back, a modicum of safety. Although his gaze was just as fiery or more so than the suspect, the fire in Qiao Chusheng's eyes warmed Lu Yao more than burned him. Lu Yao had only enough time to place his hands on Qiao Chusheng's shoulders before he was kissed within an inch of his life.
It was a strange sensation, the combined feeling of relief and arousal with the taste of Qiao Chusheng's chosen bourbon on his lips battling the sour flavor of madness still left from the kiss forced upon Lu Yao by the suspect just moments ago. More surprising was how adeptly Qiao Chusheng's lips moved, carefully, gently, slowly, all working to open Lu Yao's mouth and kiss him all the deeper, as if he could clean Lu Yao's mouth of the suspect better than a night spent with a toothbrush and mouthwash.
Lu Yao felt his knees buckle, if not from pleasure, then from asphyxiation. But at that moment, Qiao Chusheng eased up and slowly pulled away before dusting off Lu Yao's coat and telling him to go home straight away and he'd come see him after all official business was settled.
But Lu Yao could not move and could barely get his breathing under control. He could only stare into the distance, mind painfully blank and pants still painfully tight, as he touched his swollen lips.
"Lao Qiao... What on earth are you doing to me?"
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uweiy · 2 years
Original Content Masterpost
because even I can’t find my own damn content on this damned website.
*All fics mentioned are directly on Tumblr unless specified otherwise
The Untamed
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Gifsets: Wwx and rooftops /Wangxian and jc being done part 1, part2, part3 / Yiling laozu /At Nevernight I wasn't by your side / I broke my promise /Bunny lanterns 🐇 / Lwj understanding the golden core thing
Fanart: Wwx flower boy mini comic / The red undergarnment / Song Lan / It snows / Yanqing and books
Memes: Is this... 🫱🦋🐦?/ Stabbing yourself in the heart /Picture u can hear /Y'all deserved better / Alignment chart / Tag urself (the untamed characters as people in my classroom ft. Stickmen) / The Untamed character generator
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A lot of Textposts-y memes:
Wwx introducing himself and lwj / wwx translating lwj microexpressions / he'd marry you if you asked brother / wwx chugging a whole jar of ??? / Wwx no / there is no cure / Jiang fengmian loves his sons equally / lqr at wangxian wedding / wangji this is not allowed / I'm cold / get the hoe / I wasn't drunk / wen Ning is precious / shut UP / good morning :D
The juniors shenanigans: Jin Ling adulting / *sneaking out*/da headbands very precious yes / fairy climbs a tree
Xicheng Trying to hold on to you (1.6k, hurt/comfort), you confused me with a fucking dog (1.6k, College AU), They were roommates (10k, college AU)
Wangxian: Night of shooting stars (1.3k,Star!Lwj), Those who bleed (600 words, angst)
Other: Dangling Accessories (1.9k JC&Jin ling, Wandering Heart (Yanqing, 1.5k) Mianmian's Education course (Jc &wq, 800words) Alive (wwx-centric, drabble), Ouyang Zizhen at yi-city (<1k)
More detailed Cql-fic masterpost (with summaries) INCOMPLETE. Or read them in the AO3 collection (username Namariae).
Talks and other stuff
Yanqing 😍
The Untamed rewatch
2019 top 10 favourite posts / 2019 top 10 most popular posts
Cql OST / Beyond Control (LXC Character song)
Ask game
Cultivator conferences = disaster
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Posts: Chuyao being gay / Chuyao still being gay / list of things Lu Yao stole from Chusheng / Seriously so gay / go make me coffee
Fics: Empty space(filled with flowers) / All that glitters (ao3)
The Devil Judge
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Beyond Evil vs The Devil Judge
Textposts: Get the fuck outta my house / Noo don't check me out ahaha / the Gaon Judas imagery
Gifs: *homoerotically pushes you against wall*I heard you live alone / the Kang Mansion / undresses you to tend to ur wounds
Fic: Rightful Place part 1 (Gahan)/ Rightful Place Masterpost
Love is Science
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What the fuck is Love is Science?
Gifs: Ouwen's oh shit moments / Mark panicking bc gay / Shen Ying imitating a Sloth / that kiss in the gym / Ouwen pretty ✨ / Lee Mark's outfits are bisexualcore / love is in the little things
Memes/Other: Savage Ouwen / u're reasonable but ur friends are dumbasses /
Fic: The Mark/Ouwen sickfick no one asked for (domestic)
Recommendation lists
Top 5 BL shows I like
I have nothing to watch (yes u do)
Pile of Goop Aoki (Kieta Hatsukoi) / Rainless love in a Godless land / To my Star cooking (To my Star) / The 6 stages of Tumblr / Hanahaki disease prompts(?)
>📺(more or less) Current Watchlist
Other interests
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Viggo Mortensen has chaotic neutral energy
Continued list of things Viggo did
I've only had Frodo for a Day and a half
What do we do When we are sad
Aragorn you go king
(Discussion)Why does Gandalf love hobbits so much?
The Clearest diamonds (Bagginshield, AO3)
Stranger Things / The Sandman
over at @grabyourpillow
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Not sure if this counts as prompt or headcanon but imagine if Byn, with her canonical crush on Lu Yao, doesn't take his gentle but firm rejection of her very well? All hell breaks loose when she finds out that the object of Lu Yao's affections is none other than the oblivious Qiao Chusheng (and I think he would be oblivious or atleast not read too much into Lu Yao's actions xD). I feel like the dynamics would be so much interesting with each person having to make some tough choices ahead (LY learning not to be a coward, QCS choosing loyalties coz he would care for BQ if not BYN etc.) 🙈 Hope you have fun with this one xD
Turtle! I hope you enjoy this little headcanon...it's my first one for MRIAD so I hope I did good!
Bai Youning does not take “No” for an answer. Since she’s an only child, she’s a rather spoiled brat who gets whatever and whoever she wants. “No” is not in her vocabulary. She never uses it and she’s never had it said to her before
So, when she admits her feelings to Lu Yao and he gently but firmly rejects her…she does not take it well. She throws a fit, as a spoiled brat does, and screams and cries, demanding that Lu Yao accept her affections but Lu Yao still tells her no, saying that he already likes someone else
Bai Youning, of course, the nosy busybody that she is, demands to know who the person of Lu Yao’s affection is and lets out an angry shriek when she finds out that it’s Qiao Chusheng
She tells Lu Yao that he can’t be in love with Qiao Chusheng, he should be in love with her, he can only love her, and that’s sort of the last straw for Lu Yao, he just…packs up his shit and leaves
When Qiao Chusheng comes to call on him for a case, he’s surprised to see Lu Yao sitting outside the apartment with all of his things
“Youning kick you out?”
Lu Yao looks up at him and shakes his head
“No, I left. I don’t think I can live with her anymore”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Lovers spat?”
Lu Yao shudders
“We are not lovers, Chusheng. Not even in the slightest. I could never be in love with someone like her”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Don’t let Bai Qili hear you say that or he’ll have your head”
Lu Yao scoffs
“I’m not scared of that man or his threats”
Qiao Chusheng frowns
“You know his threats are very real, yes?”
Lu Yao huffs
“Why should I be afraid of him when I have you?”
Qiao Chusheng looks at him in surprise as Lu Yao sighs
“Can I stay with you?”
Qiao Chusheng frowns before he shrugs
“My apartment is small and not fancy…hope you don’t mind”
Lu Yao shakes his head as he grabs his suitcase full of stuff and stands to his feet
“As long as it’s away from here, I don’t care what size it is”
Qiao Chusheng shrugs but motions for Lu Yao to follow him to his car, which was parked nearby. They then get inside and drive to Qiao Chusheng’s apartment, which was much smaller compared to that of Bai Youning and Lu Yao’s old apartment but Lu Yao just smiles at it
He then promptly moves in with Qiao Chusheng and they find it actually to be a lot more pragmatic because Qiao Chusheng never has to drive to Lu Yao’s apartment to pick him up which means they never have to tell Bai Youning about their cases (which is great for both of them)
With Lu Yao living there now, Qiao Chusheng always gets fed probably some of the best meals he’s ever had because Lu Yao is a gourmet and has a rather refined palette so whatever Lu Yao eats, Chusheng eats. Now, he doesn’t like a lot of what Lu Yao cooks (because some of it is just not his taste) but he enjoys majority of it because Lu Yao is a great cook
They had always been domestic but now that they were living together, they were even more domestic
They both claimed that it was because of the small apartment that their clothes ended up in the same closet and that they ended up sharing a bed but really, they just enjoyed being with each other
Everyone at the police station noticed a difference in their demeanor as well; Qiao Chusheng was much more pleasant nowadays thanks to good food in his stomach and a happy Lu Yao and Lu Yao was happy because he wasn’t constantly fighting with Youning every time they made eye contact
Bai Qili, of course, wasn’t exactly happy with what was happening and demanded Qiao Chusheng to do something about it but Qiao Chusheng basically tells Bai Qing to stuff it because Bai Youning is a grown woman and if she wants to do something about it, then she can but he’s done being the middle man with everything
Bai Qili isn’t happy with that statement and goes into a tirade about how he put Qiao Chusheng in the position he’s in and blah blah blah and Qiao Chusheng explains that while he’s grateful for everything Bai Qing’s done, he doesn’t have to keep helping Qiao Chusheng because he’s no longer going to be Bai Youning’s protection because again, she’s a grown woman, if she gets into a mess, it’s her damn fault and she can get herself out of it
Bai Qili does not like that and basically gets Qiao Chusheng fired but Qiao Chusheng’s not that bothered by it because now he and Lu Yao can open up a detective agency because lets be honest, they’re probably the two smartest people in Shanghai, if they didn’t open a detective agency, they’d be stupid
A few of the loyal officers from the police station come and join their agency as officers/detectives, like A-Dou and Salim and a couple of others
Majority of the cases now go to Lu Yao and Qiao Chusheng and since Qiao Chusheng isn’t bound by the police anymore, he can use his triad connections to get the information he needs. Lu Yao uses whatever means necessary to find clues
Bai Youning, still bitter about Lu Yao rejecting her, tries to write a smear piece about both of them but since they’ve helped so many people in Shanghai, the smear piece is pulled from the newspaper because of all the complaints that come in
Bai Youning loses her job at some point because of her smear piece and because she gets caught one day being at a crime scene that she’s not supposed to be at and her photos that she’s definitely not supposed to take are found in the papers
Lu Yao and Qiao Chusheng, meanwhile, are quite happy with their domestic lives and Lu Yao one day musters up the courage to tell Qiao Chusheng that he likes him. Qiao Chusheng just looks at him in confusion
“I like you too”
Lu Yao huffs and rolls his eyes
“No, you idiot. I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings”
Qiao Chusheng looks at him in surprise
“What, really?”
Lu Yao laughs and nods
“I don’t do half the things I do for you for most people. That means you’re special”
Qiao Chusheng looks at Lu Yao and smiles before he laughs
“Guess I’ve never noticed”
Lu Yao rolls his eyes again as Qiao Chusheng steps forward and wraps an arm around him, pulling him close
“So, what you’re saying is…you love me?”
Lu Yao huffs before he kisses Qiao Chusheng solidly on the lips before pulling away
“I thought I made that pretty obvious”
Qiao Chusheng laughs and kisses Lu Yao again
“Guess I wasn’t paying attention”
Lu Yao groans and knocks his head against Qiao Chusheng’s
“Why do I love you?”
Qiao Chusheng shrugs
“One of life’s greatest mysteries”
Both men laugh and just sort of enjoy being in each other’s arms while Bai Youning is angry, bitter, and lonely in her apartment. She should really learn to get used to the word “no”…she’s going to be hearing it a lot more often now
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shijiujun · 4 years
handful of gold
Chusheng gets to bring him home after the heart attack Lu Yao had with Russian Roulette and cuddles him until the tension bleeds out of his body.
For Susan’s @susantheawesome19507 prompt: Would it be possible to do a hurt/comfort fic, from the moment right after Youning and his sister play Russian roulette with the gun, and then Chusheng joins for the chance to take him home. And instead of Chusheng taking him to a ballroom he actually takes him home and cuddles him and comforts him after the stress.
Chusheng cannot help but look over every few seconds. Next to him, Lu Yao is quiet and curled up in the passenger seat, looking out of the window. The silence is very unlike Lu Yao, who fills up any space he’s in by talking incessantly or thinking really loudly sometimes.
He knows Lu Yao was properly frightened earlier but the man seemed to return to normal when he was at the crime scene, so Chusheng didn’t think much of it. Now looking at him in the car like this, Chusheng can see how jittery and alone he feels.
It takes him all but a slight turn of the steering wheel to change their course of direction, and Lu Yao doesn’t even notice they’ve changed routes until Chusheng is almost reaching home.
Lu Yao blinks at the unfamiliar streets and lights, then frowns, “This isn’t home.”
“This is my home,” Chusheng says, and right on time, he pulls up in the parking lot just in front of the apartment building.
“… I thought you stayed with Boss Bai,” Lu Yao says, looking around curiously. “You have your own apartment?”
“The Bai Manor is a little out of the way and I can’t afford a long drive to the station every morning,” Chusheng answers wryly. “I stay there only on the weekends if we’re not busy.”
“Why did you bring me here?”
Chusheng pauses at that, halfway out of the car. What should he say? That he thought Lu Yao looked so pitiful and upset that he wanted to bring him somewhere safe? Or that if Lu Yao came home with him, Chusheng might be able to chase the chills away?
“Aren’t you still angry at Youning?” Chusheng finally responds, crouching down to look at Lu Yao who has made no move to leave the car. “What, you want to go back and argue with her right now?”
Lu Yao bites at his lips, obviously considering it. His eyes are curious too, and Chusheng suddenly realizes that Lu Yao has never been to his place, not in the months since they met.
“Hnn, I’ll go,” Lu Yao decides, scrambling out of the vehicle as curiosity temporarily trumps his bad mood for the night.
Chusheng’s apartment is on the third floor right at the end of a corridor that sees six other apartments. When the door opens, Lu Yao pushes his way in almost excitedly, as if Chusheng has antiques or money lying around somewhere for him to find.
The house is painted a deep navy with maroon accents, and the size of it is about Lu Yao’s bedroom. Chusheng has made use of all the space he has and it feels cozy, with lesser empty space. The kitchen space is decent, and the three-seated couch looks comfortable as well. Shelves line up the right side of the wall behind the couch, although the man doesn’t possess many books for reading. Instead, they’re filled up with little trinkets and decorative pieces, including a vase that makes Lu Yao suck in a sharp breath.
“Is that-“
“Yes, and no you’re not allowed to bring it home,” Chusheng lightly pats at Lu Yao’s stretched out hand. “It’s late, you should just go shower and then rest for the day.”
“What will I wear?” asks Lu Yao, looking down himself and then at Chusheng.
Well, Chusheng didn’t think that far, to be honest. Lu Yao does have a point, because Chusheng is a little shorter than he is, which means his shirts and pants might be a little short on the man. That’s all he has, however, and Chusheng goes through his drawers to find the largest shirt he can find, and thankfully, he has an extra bedrobe.
Lu Yao looks like he’s going to complain, but Chusheng shoots him a look, and he quells all protests immediately, stalking off into the bathroom.
When Lu Yao is done half an hour later, likely using up most of the hot water, Chusheng hands him a glass of warm milk.
“I’m not a kid,” Lu Yao says quietly.
“Take the bed,” Chusheng offers instead, pressing the glass into Lu Yao’s hand, “I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”
Looking over to the couch, there’s a pillow and extra blankets already laid out there. Chusheng doesn’t wait for Lu Yao to respond, trusting that the detective would soon be in bed, if not asleep by the time he comes back.
And as he expected, Lu Yao is in bed under the covers and curled up on his side, facing the wall and away from Chusheng. What’s different is that the other pillow Chusheng removed from the bed for his night on the couch is mysteriously sitting there next to the pillow Lu Yao is lying on, and the extra blanket is out of sight.
Chusheng exhales softly. Does Lu Yao want the entire apartment to himself? That’s a little ridiculous even for Lu Yao, but there’s only one way to find out.
Moving over to the bed, with one hand still drying his hair with the towel, Chusheng reaches for his pillow. As he tugs on it, however, he’s met with resistance, someone not stubbornly not relinquishing his hold.
Ah, Chusheng thinks.
Slipping into the other side of the bed, Chusheng leans over Lu Yao on his side to switch the lamp off. He has to look at some documents tonight, so he keeps his own lamp on. Lu Yao is an unmoving lump next to him, but Chusheng knows he’s not asleep.
“Can’t sleep?” he asks a while later.
“… heart’s still racing from earlier,” Lu Yao mumbles after a moment of silence. “The three of you holding guns to your heads and firing one after the other, you know that I have a weak heart and can’t take things like that.”
Chusheng sees Lu Yao’s one lone shoulder not covered by the blanket, and the tension in Lu Yao’s body is obvious.
With another soft sigh, Chusheng switches the lights off and sets his papers on the bedside table. Then he shifts closer to Lu Yao and simply draws the man against him. His arms go around the taller man tight, Lu Yao’s head tucked under his chin as Chusheng curls up around him.
They don’t say a word, but after a few breaths, Lu Yao melts into his hold with a shudder and Chusheng accepts all of Lu Yao comfortably. 
A hand covers his own where it’s lying on San Tu’s chest, and then San Tu brings it up to his lips, kissing at the back of it.
What exactly are they doing? Regular friends don’t cuddle like this in bed together. Hell, if he had to do this with any of his brothers he would rather sleep out on the streets.
To him San Tu is different, Chusheng knows that much.
“Don’t do that again,” Lu Yao says, so softly.
Chusheng hears the fire a gun at your head part loud and clear.
“Got it,” he murmurs. “Now sleep, San Tu.”
Whatever this is, he decides, the both of them can figure it out tomorrow.
As if affirming his thought, Lu Yao intertwines their fingers together over where Lu Yao’s heart is.
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jockvillagersonly · 3 years
The second and final installment in the Catradora Roommates (but gay) 'verse, both written as gifts for a friend! :):)
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Adora loved the couch in their new apartment with a fierce, nearly animalistic fervor.
The Couch was, after all, a work of art. It was plush, with stuffed cushions just a shade too big for the low frame, making them perfect for snuggling down into. The Couch was dark blue, with sturdy beechwood legs and convenient pockets on the side. The texture was cottony -- soft, but easy to clean from Catra’s inevitable (and loudly denied) shedding. It was comfortable, and practical, and it came highly recommended on Adora’s favorite furniture website.
It was, in her humble opinion, her coup-de-grace of the entire move.
And right now, Catra was sitting, tail curled around her feet, expression relaxed but ears cocked and swiveling the way they always did when she was feeling mischievous, in Adora’s seat.
Adora frowned, and Catra nestled deeper into the cushions (into Adora’s cushion, the one that she always sat on), eyebrows raising sardonically and toes wiggling in teasing victory.
Oh, it was on.
👉👉Read more on AO3! :)
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sillyfanturtle · 4 years
Drunk Chusheng
Another scene that I would have loved to see in canon. Most of it is based on Lu Yao speaking to Bai Youning in the background, so I didn’t bother with the gif making.
It happens off-screen right after this scene though:
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Next morning:
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Youning: You were drinking all night?
Lu Yao: Qiao was in a bad mood. He spent the first half of the night, drinking and chatting, and the second half of it, singing. And he was such an awful singer. Other annoyed guests came over, trying to pick up a fight, but he drove all of them away.
I would have loved to see (and hear) on-screen drunk Chusheng, who starts off pretty strong, but in the end, has had so much to drink that he takes to singing, very badly, whilst fighting off a group of people who try to shut him up.
I also find myself wondering if Lu Yao would have helped steer the group of irate people away from a still-singing-badly-Chusheng, or if he would have just stood there, keeping watch, but ultimately pretending not to know the guy (I think he’d do this). 
But he still kept Chusheng company all throughout the awful singing returning home only in the morning (compared to how, in just the earlier episode, he leaves to sleep in QCS’ office when a drunk BYN turns up at their flat). 
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So make of that what you will. I’ll meanwhile keep trying to come up with why QCS’ bad singing while getting into fights is acceptable to Lu Yao but not BYN’s incoherent drunken rambling.
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