ninebaalart · 8 months
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Sleeping Wishmasters
this was a comment i saw and i wanted to draw it like. immediately.
the spiral of light was inspired by the shrines of tears of the kingdom, it just struck me as a very fitting feeling thing to see if you saw old man prismo sleeping in the wild. the pink and yellow could reflect prismo and the time room- or the fact this old man prismo is technically an alternate timeline jake
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dissonantharmony · 2 months
why does it say u sent me a super boop how do u send a super boop how do u achieve these powers
>:D mwahahaha
you super boop on desktop by hovering ur mouse over the boop button and waiting til it does a spin animation. works no matter what type of boop button it is
haven't been able to figure out a way to do it on mobile tho :(
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kingshadows1001 · 8 months
mutual bingo :O
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lastoneout · 11 days
need to get a button/patch that says "that's mr. dyke to you" so so so bad
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guccibootyellow · 2 months
Blue Diamond stans (who don’t care as much about Yellow) be like:
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szollibisz · 3 months
I would also LOVE your headcanons about what Curt did in his "grieving period" (four years! Cynthia definitely knew what he and Owen Were) and do you think it was mostly drinking at his Mom's house.
Honestly I think he tried to deal with it alone at first. It just went horribly wrong. He asked for his leave, went home, then spiraled real hard.
He probably already had a drinking problem, (although this was the 50s, they defined "drinking problem" differently than we do now) but it really got out of hand around that time. I think he spent a few months in a cycle of misery, staying in bed all day, completely neglecting himself and his needs, drinking, crying, feeling horrible etc.
And then one day he just started seeing Owen. Weird flashbacks and hallucinations started happening and he felt like he truly lost it. I think that's the closest he got to wishing he was dead too.
But his stubbornness this time around was actually a good thing. He couldn't accept that his grip on reality was slipping or that this was how the rest of his life (however short) was going to be like.
I think that's when he went to his mother for help. He needed someone around, to not be completely alone and isolated, to gain back some structure in his days and to stop drinking every day. Mrs. Mega of course welcomed him home and did everything she could to make things better in her own overbearing and invasive way.
Curt started feeling a bit better, good enough to at least take care of himself again. The depression was still going strong, he still drank and he still saw Owen here and there, but at least he didn't actively want to blow his own brains out. He moved home, and tried to reclaim his life a little.
This is probably where his other coping mechanism started: drinking buddies! He's a pretty flirty guy, and seems like the kind of person to have a lot of casual sex, which is not a bad thing, but he uses it as coping with how much he hates himself deep down. And he's never hated himself as much as he did after Owen's fall. It was to at least somewhat convince himself he can move on and that Owen wasn't the last guy ever. Not that it worked, at all.
He was probably a bigger jerk around this time than ever. Finally able to face the reality of his actions but not ready to accept them yet. Taking care of himself again but not wanting reminders of the guy he once was. He probably started growing that beard around here, which I assume must've really lowered his chances with men.
He kept this going for years, until he couldn't anymore. As much as he missed Owen and felt guilty, he missed spying too. His #1 love has always been adrenaline, and sitting on his ass, sulking 24/7 was starting to really take its toll. He convinced himself Owen would want him back in the field, which is either really dumb or downright delusional of him, but it's okay because I love him.
Aaand this is where the show starts.
So yeah that's it 👍
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yourhotwifee · 6 months
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Are u ready loser ?
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freakymrpuzzle · 1 month
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skibidi puzzle
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miguel-owhora · 29 days
look me in the eyes and tell me that miguel uses he/them pronouns.
that motherfucker is he/him exclusive, but not in the cis way. source: BECAUSENI AM HIM
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magicmarkerz · 3 months
"the big f is for-"
"..not that f word. And definitely not the other f word."
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mochatheangelkiller · 2 months
I drew Mr. Faggot
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kingshadows1001 · 9 months
blorbo bingo the fucking bastiards 🔫
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transfemzedaph · 2 months
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imagine say this. to a user called transfemzedaph. lmfao
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smoocheys · 7 months
determining any other oc details: i sleep
lovingly constructing every detail of my ocs' pussies (<- gender neutral) in my brain: 🧪🔍🔬🧐
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goblinngay · 3 days
me: i wonder if i look gay enough today
also me:
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sid-rat · 1 year
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