#mrs. wexler
jimmymcgill · 2 years
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022) 4.10 "Winner" × 6.06 "Axe and Grind"
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Mother and Daughter fashion.
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houseishungry · 2 years
How much do you want to bet that Kim took up smoking really young to get her mom’s attention, and instead of being concerned she just offered to buy her a pack instead, possibly going as far as to offer her one from her own pack on occasion
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transatlanticalien · 2 years
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she gets his sentence down to 12 years (through uhh magic) and in 2022 they own a bakery somewhere in CO ♥
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spghtrbry · 2 months
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sauls goodmans
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nalascat · 11 months
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saulwexler · 2 years
I adore what rhea (correctly) said about kim trying to get jimmy out of prison early but when I think about it I find it incredibly funny.
Jimmy, incredibly proud of himself: I finally did the right thing I sacrificed a lifetime of freedom, and i did it for you 🥰
Kim: why did you do that. i didn’t ask you to do that. I can’t believe I have to get reinstated just to fix everything. again 🙄
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girl-withnoname · 2 years
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Some of my sketches
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours | Better Call Saul
Casino (1995) | The Battle of Algiers (1966)
Mr Blonde - Reservoir Dogs (1992) | Apocalypse Now (1979)
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lucillebarker · 2 years
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
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when you know from experience.
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jimmymcgill · 1 year
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So you're his wife?
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Now, I may not be a nail salon lawyer, but I know legit when I see it.
Cutting to the heart of the matter.
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My New Year’s resolution is to talk about Kim and her mother so much more, because yeah sure you have to fight some people that Jimmy didn’t actually deserve put downs at the age of five, but my girl’s mommy complex gets barely talked about.
Is a small part of her "ride or die" devotion to Jimmy a reflection of some subconscious guilt that she judged her mom's choices? After my rewatch, what I think a lot of people miss when they wonder why Kim decided to go after Howard is that I think something in her just went SNAP after what happened to Jimmy in the desert followed by Lalo threatening them. We forget just how removed Kim was from the cartel plotline.
It's shock and PTSD that she doesn't know how to process. Maybe the last time something like this happened, her mom was responsible, and she punished her mom by basically disowning her and leaving her behind. Maybe now she's determined to do the opposite. Maybe now she goes all in. Jimmy threw bowling balls at Howard's car and sent sex workers to ambush him? Sure, fine, but let's up the ante.
Now, I don't want to take away from the fact that she has her own personal issues with Howard, but the fact she's so insistent that she makes her own decisions and her own calls make me think she's telling herself that more than it's her reality. Does she feel that somehow she was the Chuck to her mom's Jimmy? I mean, in reality, no, she was the kid and her mom was the adult. There's no way Kim is responsible for judging or disapproving of her mother, she was a kid with no other tools. But just the thought of it...after seeing what Chuck did to Jimmy...Kim refuses to judge Jimmy like she judged her mom.
She was so let down when her mother swiped the bracelet for her. Now, she's the one to swipe the bracelet and show it off to Jimmy: I'm no better than you, I enjoy this, too. I'm not going to leave you.
She only comes out of this when Howard is shot. She realizes she's more her mom than she thought she was, and combining her mother with Jimmy is too much, so she is the one to leave after all.
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nighthawkes · 2 years
kim and jesse sharing a cigarette in front of Saul Goodman & Associates……. stepping outside of hell’s front door for a smoke break.
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hitchell-mope · 14 days
Stupid movie. Mildly entertaining. But stupid.
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seraphtrevs · 2 months
The return of BCS color theory!
I've previously argued that Jimmy's color is all of them, and I stand by that. But out of all of them, yellow is the most prominent.
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The two most obvious yellows associated with Jimmy are his iconic Esteem and the mug Kim gifted him, both of which have a touch of criminal red.
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The Wexler/McGill logo is a mix of Jimmy's yellow and Kim's blue (notice how the office is mostly yellow, because this is Jimmy's dream, not hers.)
So why yellow? Well, it's loud, it's bright, it catches the eye. Jimmy loves to be noticed. But most importantly - it's not red or blue. It's the other primary color! Because in the beginning, Jimmy's not quite criminal red, and not quite lawful blue. He's in his own category.
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In 1x01, there's yellow lighting in Jimmy's office (his attempt to play it straight), but there's also yellow when he reveals his Slippin' Jimmy past (notice the blues there, too, as his natural yellow crowds out his lawful aspirations).
What does it mean? I think it means that Jimmy's colorful approach to the law is not inherently criminal. If it was, he'd be red. The implication is that Jimmy could have made it as a legitimate lawyer while still being himself.
And to prove it, here are some shots from 1x05, when he visits Mrs. Strauss for the first time. Everything in her house is yellow - the walls, her furniture, even her teapot (although she herself is dressed in lawful blue.)
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Jimmy the Elder Law Lawyer was perfectly in tune both with his natural colorful nature (his slippin' ways were what uncovered the financial abuse of the Sandpiper residents) and the law. He couldn't cut it in the stifling halls of HHM or Davis & Main. But he could have struck his own path and been happy. In a kinder universe, maybe he did. Alas. :(
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