#ms flat wire
mattadrawing · 2 years
MS flat wire uses in food processing
Consumers and manufacturers alike place high importance on food safety. MS flat wire may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about food production, but it should be. MS flat wires are essential in the manufacturing and safety of food. MS flat wire is employed in the food processing business throughout the entire process, from harvesting, handling, and storage to cooking and serving.
What is the purpose of MS flat wires in the food industry?
MS flat wire is a preferred material choice for many sanitary food handling applications. Not only can food-grade MS flat wire withstand temperatures that would melt plastic, but it also has a protective oxide coating that prevents rust from contaminating meals. The fact that food-grade MS flat wire contains no toxins that can move into meals is perhaps the most crucial argument.
In the food business, there are additional advantages of employing MS flat wire...
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Your Friendly Neighbor
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Pairing: John “Soap” Mactavish x introvert!reader
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, horrible Scottish (I tried), Soap mainly goes by John
Words: 3k
Synopsis: Soap comes home from leave and realizes he has a new neighbor…
Based off this post by @fortunatelyuniquepeach check it out. basically just Soap with an introverted/shy/maybe social anxiety reader
You are currently reading part one
Soap didn’t particularly like going back home when he was on leave. 
Nothing was wrong with the neighborhood he lived in, in fact, it was picture perfect compared to the shit he’s seen in the countries he’s been deployed to. The neighbors were nice to him whenever he was home, especially since it was a very small neighborhood with only a handful of people living in it, rent was affordable and the place wasn’t falling apart, and the neighborhood was quite beautiful as well as quiet. 
For most people, this was their dream place of living. A good neighborhood to bring up a family and perhaps get away from the everyday stress that was life; being surrounded by kind people and the ability to walk to a few local pubs without issue, sounded like it was straight out of a fairytale. A lot of people would kill to live in a place like this.
Soap hated it.
He didn’t hate the people who lived around him, don’t mistake him, but the lack of movement and noise cut through him more than any bullet could. He was used to the chaos of a battlefield, used to the violence of war that killed men without mercy and the constant bloodshed that surrounded him. 
The apple pie life just wasn’t who he was anymore.
He always told himself that he didn’t belong in the calm and quiet life of normalcy and believed that it wasn’t for him either, not after what he’s seen. He belonged on the battlefield, covered in someone else’s blood.
“John, you’ve been working out here all morning!” Ms. Brown, one of Soap’s elderly neighbors who watched his flat for him when he was gone, scolded him as she stepped out on her porch. “You just got back.”
“I’m almost done.” Soap smiled up at her as he wiped the sweat from his brow. 
He was dirty from the sweat and grass covering him from having mowed her entire lawn the moment he had put his things down in his flat. He had been too worked up and wired from work still but her lawn needed to be done, so instead of taking the rest he needed, he went to work.
“I’ll get your money.” Ms. Brown said and he quickly shook his head.
Ms. Brown was gone before he could even finish his sentence and he couldn’t help but frown as he realized that he was going to be forced to accept money he didn’t want. He could never try to justify “stealing” money from an old woman even after he decided to become an impromptu landscaper.
He sighed, wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt before he pulled the lawnmower into the garage. He tried his hardest to clean himself up while sweeping the grass off the pathway, but the cut blades stuck to him like glue no matter how many times he tried to shake off his clothes or smack it off his hands.
Soap would’ve used the hose to wash himself, and nearly did, if he hadn’t been distracted by a car driving by. Normally he wouldn’t have thought anything of it but the car turned into the driveway of the flat that was right next to his, the one that hadn’t had anyone living in it the entire time he's lived in his flat.
He had a new neighbor.
He was expecting someone much older than you, since almost the entire neighborhood was made up of the elderly, but when you stepped out of the car he couldn’t help but stare at you with wide eyes.
You were young, probably the same age as him, and quite good looking, though he was just more focused on the fact that someone had moved in beside him and he didn’t even know. 
You were oblivious to him as you walked to the back of your car and opened the trunk. You began to pull out groceries, stacking as many of them on your arms as you can, and dropped them on your doorstep. You were trying to make it one trip, but there were just too many and before Soap had even realized it, he was crossing the street. Before he knew it he was standing behind you.
“When’d ye move in?” He greeted you a little loudly.
You nearly dropped the groceries in your hands as you stared at him with wide eyes. You took him in, looking at the sweat and grease stains covering his clothes along with the mass amounts of grass stuck to him, including in the shaggy mohawk that sat on top of his head.
You looked uncertain and caught off guard especially as he leaned closer to you.
He couldn’t help it. He was too curious for his own good and up this close he could see how beautiful you really were. He tried not to stare, he could see you glancing away from him awkwardly as if you were trying to find a way out of the sudden conversation you were put in, but he was strangely enamored by you.
You opened your mouth a few times trying to find the right words to say as he waited patiently for you to say something.
“...Last week?” You answered in a soft tone as you stared at him.
“Oh, well I’m yer neighbor right next to ya.” He gestured to the other flat. “We share a wall, I just got back this mornin’, must’ve been after you left.”
You nodded as he continued to explain how he could’ve missed you this morning, though you weren’t catching most of it. In fact, you were having a hard time understanding what exactly he was saying and you could only catch a few words here and there, making it so you had to piece together what he was saying.
You stood there and shifted on your feet as you glanced at your flat a few times.
The more he spoke, the more confused you looked but Soap was too caught up in talking to you that he didn’t notice. What he did notice however, was that you were starting to struggle to hold the groceries in your hands so he immediately turned his attention to it.
“Need help?” He offered, gesturing to the groceries in your hands. “Here.”
Before you could really even protest, he took the groceries in your hands, and the rest in your car, and walked towards your front door without struggle. He picked up the ones that you had placed down by the door as well, not at all bothered by the weight of the straps against his skin as he waited for you to let him.
“Do ya like the neighborhood?” He wondered as you came up and unlocked the front door to your flat. 
“It’s nice.” You stepped inside your apartment. “Everyone’s friendly.”
You went to take the groceries back from him but Soap instead stepped inside with a flash of a smile, leaving you staring at him completely dumbfounded. You weren’t particularly looking for a chat, especially when you were still in the moving process.
Soap glanced at all of the boxes still stacked in your flat and the disarray of items strewn across every surface. He didn’t really pay much attention to it as he wandered into the kitchen and set the groceries down on the counters, waiting for you as he took in your flat.
Standing inside your kitchen gave him a strange feeling, a better strange feeling, than his entire flat ever could. Maybe it was because he hadn’t really stepped inside his flat or maybe it was because yours looked far more lived in than his. There was personality, your personality, everywhere and he could just imagine you piddling around making a lot more noise than he ever could by himself.
You’d make lunch and maybe sit in the living room, maybe even put something on the telly while you do it, filling up the empty space with life. How often would you do laundry and does your washer squeak the same way his does when he puts a load in it?
He wasn’t sure why the thought of you doing normal things in your own flat made him feel warm on the inside but he quickly pushed it away when you stepped into the kitchen. 
“I’m sorry about the mess…” You trailed off as you gestured to the many boxes stacked in the kitchen. 
“Movin’s a hassle.” He dismissed you, completely unbothered and in fact feeling more happy about it than anything else.
Soap expected you to say something but you didn’t. He watched as you stood in front of him while you fidgeted with your keys between your fingers while you awkwardly avoided eye contact with him. The silence dragged on and expected you to do something about it, to start unloading your groceries to where they needed to be but you shifted on your feet as if you were debating on doing it.
He watched you for a moment, not really understanding why you were being so quiet when he finally came to his senses.
The fact that Ms. Brown had failed to mention to him this morning that you had moved in, said enough about how much you spoke to the neighbors so of course you were going to be a little awkward when he had basically barged inside you home to help you, in good faith, when you most likely had just wanted to be alone.
He couldn’t help the slight burning feeling he felt across the back of his neck before he ran a hand through his shaggy mohawk.
“I’m John, by the way.” He outstretched his hand for you to take with a warm smile. “Forgot to introduce myself when I was helping ya.”
You introduced yourself and very hesitantly took his hand to shake. He didn’t squeeze or shake very hard despite the fact that having your softer hand against his making him involuntarily smile as a shiver nearly ran up his spine. 
He definitely didn’t want to scare you off now or make things worse between the two of you when you were going to be neighbors for the foreseeable future. He wasn’t too worried however, if he could make Ghost forgive him for the many times he did the same thing, then he could make it up to you.
“I got excited, ya know? Seeing that I had a new neighbor and forgot that not everyone’s as chatty as me.”
“It’s okay…thank you for helping with the groceries.”
Soap nodded and stopped himself from saying anything else so he could give you the peace you wanted. He went to make his way out of the kitchen, about to give you a goodbye, when his boot connected with a bucket full of water that sat in front of the sink.
His eyebrows knitted together when he looked down to see that there were a bunch of damp towels also sitting on the floor by the sink as well. He crouched down to see that the pipe was in fact broken with a large crack in it.
“I’ve been meaning to call somebody.” You said but Soap tutted and shook his head.
“Ah, no, let me. I’ll pop over, get my tools and fix ya up.” He turned to look at you with a grin without even thinking about it. “Free of charge.”
You chewed on your lip and looked as if you wanted to protest but you didn’t, which made him smile even more.
He rushed over to his flat in no time, unsure of why he was really this eager to help you out, and grabbed his tools. Before you knew it, he was underneath your sink fixing the pipe as if this was his job rather than the heinous shit he has done over the years. 
There was a smile stuck on his face as you put your groceries away while he worked. He wasn’t sure why, even as he chatted your ear off about the neighborhood, not expecting you to reply but not wanting to end the conversation with you. 
The little hums of interest and short replies from you were enough for him to keep him going. He couldn’t help but be reminded of Ghost but you were much different, a lot warmer and less rough around the edges which was more inviting than his lieutenant but not any less interesting to speak to. There was so much he wanted to know about you, so much he wanted to ask but he stopped himself because he didn’t want to overwhelm you.
“Got any friends here yet?” He wondered and peered at you from under the sink.
“I haven’t really had the time.” You looked a little unsure, maybe even embarrassed as you avoided looking at him.
“Well I’ll be around for a little while, so we’ve got plenty of time.”
You stared at him with knitted eyebrows and opened your mouth to say something as he checked to make sure the patch job held up even though he was confident it would. He ran the water in the sink and frowned when it was ice cold against his fingers, sending you a quick disapproving glance as if you had neglected to tell him about it.
“Gonna freeze yourself to death with that.” He shook his head and made his way to the water heater.
“You really don’t have to-”
“You’re off your head for thinking I’ll leave you without hot water.”
Soap was quick with fixing up your water heater and made sure to make it as hot as possible without racking up your bills. Seeing the grateful and relieved look in your eyes when tested the water made his chest warm with pride.
He would’ve stayed to chat your ear off more, he didn’t want this to be the only time he saw you or got to speak with you. He hoped that you wouldn’t close yourself off in your flat or only give him short polite answers if he ever caught you outside, he didn’t want that.
He wanted much more from you, a lot more than just being neighbors who occasionally waved at each other and that was it.
“My work here’s done.” He hid his disappointment behind a wink that made you swallow hard. “For now.”
“Thank you so much.” You gave him a small, but genuine smile that had him staring at your lips for a little longer than he should. “How much do I owe you?”
“I can’t not pay you.”
Soap chuckled and shook his head. There was no way in hell he would ever think to take your money, no matter how pretty you looked when you gave him a pleading look as if you wanted to burn your hard earned cash on something like this. He could tell that you weren’t going to take no as an answer but he was prepared for something like that.
He hummed and asked for a piece of paper and a pen. When you gave him something, he quickly scribbled his number down on it and gave it to you, stifling a laugh when you looked up at him surprised.
“If ya really want to pay me, call me when ya need help or when ya want to chat.” He offered and you stared intensely at the piece of paper. “No sense in keeping yourself lonely ‘specially here, Ms. Brown won’t let ya.”
“Thank you, John.” You smiled again.
Soap wasn’t sure why hearing his name come out of your mouth made him feel…different. He didn’t throw his call sign around in this neighborhood, that’s what everyone here knew him as, and yet the moment the name slipped off your tongue it was like he had been pulled back into reality.
Suddenly he was all too aware of the fact that he hadn’t given himself a break since he got back. Exhaustion pulled on his muscles and on his mind, there was nothing buzzing inside of his mind that told him he had to keep working.
It made him tense up. He didn’t like that, he didn’t want to stop moving, he had to do something or else he was sure he would fall apart at the seams.
“I’ll see you around, hen.” He kept a smile on his face, hiding the knots in his stomach.
Before long he was standing in the middle of his living room, unsure of what to do. 
There was too much quiet in his flat that the noise inside of his head completely took over his senses. It was consuming him every second he stared at the floor while he fidgeted with his fingers as if the stimulation would provide some sort of comfort. 
It choked him, making it harder to breathe as he found himself stuck frozen in his own flat as if something had locked him there to torture him until he would eventually find himself too exhausted to even think anymore. He couldn’t even go into his room to get his journal to write down the endless thoughts running through his mind, the dark and disgusting thoughts that made him feel like a wolf among sheep.
He needed something, anything to keep him from spiraling and yet-
A crash from the other side of the wall and the sound of you cursing to yourself abruptly brought him out of his head.
He blinked a few times, the tension leaving his body as he left out a few deep breaths which filled his lungs with air that seemed to go into his veins and cleanse him of whatever dirtiness that had filled them. 
You made another noise and he looked at your shared wall, imagining that you were most likely unpacking again. You must’ve dropped something and he hoped that it was nothing valuable but he couldn’t have been more grateful for the fact that you had made some kind of noise. 
In fact, the more you moved around in your flat, your footsteps muffled as you walked around, the more at ease he felt because it filled up that dreaded quiet he had come to hate so much. 
He’s not sure how long he stayed there just listening to you, but he was sure he looked like an idiot with the soft smile he had on his face.
Being home didn’t seem too bad anymore.
Link to part 2
A/N: Not my best work but that's okay. This might turn into a mini series? Might make it a three parter who knows. First time really writing for Soap so I'm sorry if he seems a little off character, hopefully I'll get better at him <3
Tags: @cathnoneofyourbusiness @lillianastuff @sofasoap
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marsdreamworld · 9 months
How Sweet It is to be Loved by You - LN4 x reader:
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Mars’ Notes: I’ve never ever written anything like this before, but after rambling at @love-belle for a stupid amount of time, i thought why not? surprised it ended up being for lando and not charles but if this goes well i might j start writing a bit more!! anyways, i’m excited, please lmk what you think <333
Warnings: None!! super super fluffy :)
Description: Lando comes home to you, and everything is ok again.
Lando was exhausted. He loved his job, the roaring of engines, the loud shouts that always seemed to accompany the mechanics as they made any pre-race adjustments to his Mclaren, the screams of fans in the grandstands and during fan stages, but god, sometimes all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around your waist, bury his face in your neck and never leave. You were his peace, his moment of quiet in an otherwise hectic day. He missed you, and you were his rock during race weekends. He had spent the last week wishing you were with him and cheering him on from your spot in the garage.
“Lando? You ok, mate?”
Danny’s voice broke him out of his stupor, bringing his mind back to the private jet he was currently sat in, accompanied by the older driver. Just three more hours, and you can hug her all you want, he thought to himself.
“Yeah, fine, mate. Just wondering what’s for dinner.” he said, a smile on his face.
“If you say so” comes the reply, accompanied by a bright, dimpled smile.
After a hectic run through security and the throng of fans that were waiting diligently for him at the gate, Lando had finally made it home, his hands trembling at the prospect of finally kissing you again as he pushed his key into the lock of your shared flat.
“Lando? Is that you, my love?”
Your voice floated through the hallway, and he visibly relaxed - he was finally home, he was finally with you, and there was nowhere he’d rather be.
“Yeah, sweetheart, it’s me. Were you hoping for someone else?” he teased, seeing you emerge from your bedroom, clad only in one of his favourite Quadrant hoodies, and fluffy socks, your hair falling around your face in messy waves, silver wire-rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of your nose. You padded over, soft footfalls echoing, until you were stood in front of him.
“Oh shush and hug me, you muppet.”
He closed the gap between you, and wrapped his arms around your waist, melting into you.
“God, I missed you”, he said, his voice muffled by your neck. You giggled and reached up to hug him back, carding your hands through his hair and leaving sweet kisses wherever you could reach.
“I missed you more, love. Would you mind helping me with something quickly?”, you mumbled into his hair, “I know you’re tired, and it’s been a long day, I just think my brain’s gone to mush and I can barely read what I’m writing.”
He lifted his head, and simply smiled at you, brushing his thumb against your cheek, “That’s what I’m here for, remember? Moral support and grammar police” he said, winking at you in an effort to make you laugh. You looked stressed, and he could tell you had been working away at your essay for far too long already, the pressure weighing heavily on your shoulders. “I’m assuming it’s another essay for class?”
“Mhmm, the professor decided it would be a good time to assign a stupid essay two weeks before midterms.” Your eye roll and answering nod was all it took for Lando to toe his shoes off, leaving his bags and coat by the door before he dragged you back into the bedroom, dramatically flipping into the double bed that occupied the corner, landing amongst the multitude of stuffed toys that had migrated to his side of the bed in the short time he was away.
“Right then, Ms. L/N, get your pretty arse over here and read me this essay.” he said, posing and putting on his best posh British accent, earning a laugh out of you. This was what Lando lived for, these quiet moments of domesticity where all he could hear was your laugh and he could revel in the fact that it was him, him who made you laugh and him who had the pleasure of hearing it.
You grabbed your notebook from the desk you had set up opposite the bed, claiming that you worked better when you knew Lando was close to you, and walked over to the bed, climbing in and placing his head in your lap.
A reporter had once asked him a question along the lines of “If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?” He had, of course, answered with the typical “on a race track”, the answer that wouldn’t have the Mclaren PR team screaming at him post press conference, but if he really had to pick, he would say with you. Anywhere with you was where he wanted to be, but he felt so at peace here, in your bedroom, with his head on your lap and your hand in his hair, your voice soft and sweet as you read him the opening paragraphs of your midterm essay.
Lando nuzzled further into your thighs, your nails now scratching across his scalp in a way that made him feel boneless. He could feel his eyes slowly slipping closed, the warmth and comfort lulling him into a peaceful sleep.
You were three paragraphs in when you stumbled on your words, struggling to understand a sentence you’d written.
“See, that’s the sentence I really don’t get. It just sounds so chunky and I really have no idea how to make it flow more, you know? I know it needs to be technical, it is an engineering essay after all, but it just sounds so hard to read and I don’t know how to make it sound better.”
You waited for Lando to tell you that you’d made a silly grammar mistake, or that you just had to split the sentence in two to make it more digestible, but you were met with silence. Looking down at your lap, you saw Lando asleep, smile painted on his face, a hand placed on your thigh, grip tight as though he wanted to make sure you wouldn’t move.
Lando had come into your life in the most unexpected way you could have imagined - cliché, but unexpected. You’d been waiting in line at a coffee shop, needing your daily dose of caffeine before your 9AM university lecture, and he had walked straight into you, a steaming hot Americano cradled in his hands, which had eventually made quick work of staining the cream bodysuit you had chosen for the day. He’d apologised countless times, turning back to grab a stack of tissues, even going so far as to attempt to rub the stain off, but had only succeeded in making it worse. You’d simply laughed, and told him that he really should go order another coffee, before the morning rush took over. He’d stared at you, open mouthed and speechless, before stammering through an affirmative and walking away. The next 5 minutes were spent throwing glances at each other through the crowd of people occupying the store, before he broke and asked for your number, stating that he at least owed you a new shirt, and perhaps even a date? It had been natural, and felt right from the moment he picked you up at 8 the following Friday, dressed in a suit and armed with roses.
You took one last look at the essay in your hands, and made the incredibly easy decision to call it a day. You placed the stack of papers on the bedside table, shifting in order to reach, only to have Lando grip onto you tighter, a mumble of “stay” escaping his pouted lips. Your heart clenched, and you couldn’t help but coo back that you weren’t going anywhere, my love, go back to sleep. You cleared as much of the bed as you could without disturbing your boy, and leaned back into the pillows you’d stacked behind you earlier in the day, Lando nuzzling further into your stomach, whining until you bring your hand back to his curls. As you shift, Lando reaches out to wind his hands around your waist, pulling you closer even in his sleep. You smile to yourself, and turn the small lamp on the side table off - your boy was home, and everything was alright.
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piece based on the idea that Dakota might've started learning guitar to play along with Ashe's drums ^_^ Ambigiously timed but was originally gonna be post s2 (tho their designs here look more s1)
Extras under the cut, as usual :3 AND a VERY detailed ID since this piece is a big one
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Detailed ID: a drawing of Dakota Cole and Ashe Winters from Just Roll With It: Prime Defenders, sitting in Ashe’s dorm room.
Ashe is sitting on the bed, with one arm behind her head and the other rested on her stomach, while Dakota is lying on his back on the floor holding an electric guitar, legs kicked up on the bed next to Ashe.
Ashe has white skin, long curly white hair, a few freckles, and is looking down at Dakota with an open mouthed smile. She is wearing a dark purple beanie with pins of Madeline from Celeste, the Welcome to Nightvale logo, and the knight from Hollow Knight partially covered by her hair.
She is also wearing a shirt with the album cover of I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning by Bright Eyes. Over the shirt is Dakota's red flannel. She's wearing black jeans, one black and green sock, and one purple and black sock with cat ears at the top and cat paws at the toes.
Dakota has mid-brown skin with a few moles, and medium lengthed, curly, bright red hair thats splayed out across the floor. his eyes are shut tight and his eyebrows are furrowed, whilst hes smiling widely.
He has a black bandana around his forehead. On his neck is a chain, and attached to that is a purple heart with the letter 'A' on it. He's wearing a white tank top, that exposes his shoulder which features a temporary Ms G tattoo of her face accompanied with the words 'Ms G' in a galaxy pattern.
Dakota's wearing beige shorts, and has another temporary tattoo on his thigh which reads 'Teaching Moment' in galaxy text. his socks are white.
The blue and white electric guitar he's holding has a sticker that says 'Prime defenders' in black and white, and another sticker that says 'Just Roll With It' in gold and purple. At the top of the guitar near the tuning pegs, it reads 'Prime'.
They are in Ashe's dorm room. Her bed has a blue mattress and a green blanket that's pushed against the pillow away from Ashe, and draping off the side of the bed onto the floor. On the part of the blanket that's on the bed, there is a plush of Morgana from Persona 5, and another plush of Bacon Man. On the part of the blanket that's on the floor, there is a Nintendo DS, except with the word 'Primtendo' written on it. On the side of the bed there are 3 stickers; one of Hatsune Miku, one of Mae Borowski from Night In The Woods, and one of Tony's Pizza.
On the purple carpeted floor underneath the bed, theres a cardboard box labelled 'Secrets'. There is also an oval rug that Dakota is lying on that has a green, yellow, blue, and red circular design. ontop of this is a pair of headphones with the wire spiralling across the floor, and an amp that Dakota's guitar is plugged into. the front of the amp has the word Prime where the brand name of an amp would be usually
Next to Ashe's bed is a set of shelves. On the flat side facing the bed, there is a My Chemical Romance poster of the album cover of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Under this poster are 3 photos, of Ashe and Dakota ice skating, Ashe and William walking on traintracks, and Ashe and William taking a selfie in bed. Next to these three photos are two school schedules, labelled 'Ashe Winters' Schedule' and 'Vyncent Sol's Schedule'.
On the shelves, the top shelf has a lit candle next to a box of matches. Next to these are 4 books titled 'The Carnival Of Souls', 'Planetary Problems', 'The Purps' and 'Overlord'. The shelf below this has a plant with small white flowers, in a ceramic pot with a blue heart, a red heart, and a purple heart on it. Next to this is a bottle of ibuprofen, and a turned on purple lava lamp. Behind these are more books titled 'The New Generation', 'Island Of Amal- [cut off]', 'Ultraviolent Light', '[cut off] -Don't R- [cut off],' and 'Good Cop, Ghos- [cut off]'
Underneath that shelf is an open drawer with two fairylight chains trailing out. One is in RGB colours and the other is golden. On the closed drawer below that, there is a Welcome to Nightvale sticker.
On the white wall behind Ashe, there is a window to her left. outside the light is golden, and there is a street. Behind Ashe's head is a Thank You Scientist poster of the album Maps Of Non-Existent Places, a Car Seat Headrest poster of the album Twin Fantasy, and a trans flag. There are also messages in smudged ink reading: '[cut off] -ncent was here !!!', 'Ashe. W [cut off] -s here :3', 'DC wus here <3', 'wiwi waz here [ghost doodle]' and 'love u man'
End ID.
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dreamauri · 10 months
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♪ — 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗦 charles leclerc  x  fem! driver! reader (angst) “. . . forgetting is troublesome especially when you used to be enemies.”
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests ) ( next )
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"What is this-" you fussed, pulling on the wires and tunes connected to your body, ripping them off which was a mistake. You felt a sting come from the inside of your elbow, probably from the IV needle you pulled. 
Looking around the unfamiliar room, you're met with white walls and medical tools and machines. A hospital is what you recognized your setting to be. But why would you be at a hospital? 
"Mom?" Was the first thing you could think of doing. You called for her, stumbling out of your bed starting to feel the panic set it. "Mom?" You tried again, pushing yourself to stand on your sore muscles, pulling the door's room open. 
Your ears are met with the loud beeps and busy noises of the medical center. "Code blue, room 198. Code blue." You watched as several nurses ran to foresee the issue. Taking small steps on your bare feet, you traveled away from where you first found yourself. 
"Y/N!" Turning around your face with the person you were looking for. Running into her arms, you held her tightly. "I just- I woke up in that room and you weren't there and I didn't know what to do so I went out looking for you and-" "Shhhh. Hey, it's fine. It's ok. Im- . . . I'm here now." 
Your mom patted you gently with the occasional back rub. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" She pulled away, cupping your cheeks. You could see that she'd aged- more than the last time you saw her. Her eyes were filled with tears and the gray hairs were setting in. 
"What happened to you?" You asked slowly, feeling your face scrunch. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. "Y/N!" Turning your head to face the source of noise, you're met with an unexpected surprise, one that you don't like. 
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"You understand now?" You gave a small hum of acknowledgment with a hesitant nod. "Wait, what year is it?" You asked looking up at your mom and siblings who had come to visit you. "2023." The voice you desperately tried to ignore replied. 
You turned to glare at the brunette boy— man. "Who invited him?" You asked, turning back to your family. Your mom sent a reassuring Glance to the apparent 'outsider'. "So I've forgotten the past . . . Six years? Was it six years." "Eight." Your brother corrected. 
"You're so big. You traitors are taller than me." You huffed and annoyed leaning back in the uncomfortable bed. "I take a nap after qualifying and this happens." You sighed, rubbing your face.
"And you have boobs now apparently. You flat fuck." You scolded your sister, making her smile uncomfortably. "I don't like this. This is the body of a 23 year old." You grumbled feeling angry. 
"And why are you still here?" You looked at Charles Leclerc who was sitting timidly at the other end of the room. "Honey, Charles is . . . How do I say this?" "Don't care, he can leave." You waved ignorantly, hearing a broken chuckle from the man. 
"Wait, what happened to my race? Did I get a podium in the spa?" You asked, turning to your family. "Did something significant happen in the past seven years?" 
"I mean yes-" "yeah" "Oh of course." The three family members replied at the same time, pursing their lips. 
"Am I in F2?" You asked hopefully, holding your hands together. "F1, you drive for Ferrari." You turned back giving Charles a 'wtf' look. "Who invited him? He's not welcome here—" "Ms. Leclerc." A knock on the door interrupted. "—and family. Dinner." 
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You ate in silence with the rest of your family and Leclerc. 
"So we share a bed." You broke the silence looking at the Ferrari driver across from you. "We are married." He clarified. "How— why?" You asked confused, setting your fork down. 
"Why would I marry you? I don't like you. You keep crashing into me. And you're an annoying prick." You huffed and frustrated. "You wouldn't have married me if you didn't love me." 
"And I don't. I want a divorce. Right now." "No." You siblings gaped at you not believing your words. "You love Him! You can't divorce him!" "I'm doing it, right now." You frowned, folding your arms. "Whatever that other me- I wouldn't even consider her as me. I'm fixing those idiots mistakes." 
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"Y/N!" "Verstappen has a moustache and a jawline? That's one hell of a glow up." You commented, ignoring the driver as you walked past him, even though the driver only tried to check on you with good intentions. "Why is everyone trying to be nice to me?" 
"Everyone is nice to you. They like you." Your PR manager explained. 
"They like her. And I don't like her." You sighed digging your hands in your pockets. "Why's everyone nice to her? What did she do to gain their favor?" 
"You baked cookies every Saturday and gave them out before qualifying." "She." You corrected it. "When did she learn to bake?" You had so many questions. 
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"Y/N do you believe it's a good idea for you to drive the car after such a dangerous accident?" "I've been on the Sim and Apparently my body remembers how to drive. So I'm technically good to go." You shrugged taking a sip of your brand hidden drink. 
You swung your feet mindlessly as people fired questions at you. "How do you feel after your accident?" "This is all new to me. Not to any of you, but to me I feel like I'm in the future. Like I jumped in time. It feels pretty exciting really. If I am as good as I am on the Sim, I wonder what I am capable of on the real track." 
You walked beside your performance coach with your hands behind your back, watching him scroll through his phone as you walked out of the conference room. "Did I do good? With the press." "You're a dynamite gal, Y/N." He chuckled, patting your back gently. 
"Can we play some hockey after this? My brain is working at 500 miles per hour." You jumped up and down as you walked, feeling the excitement create more and more energy. "You don't want to sprint?" "She sprints?!" 
Apparently to help with your haywire ADHD, your team had a curved treadmill at the back of the garage. One you wasted no time on using. jogging in place, you listened to your mechanics and engineers explain things to you. 
You were enjoying this. Only thing that bothered you was your long hair. The way you had to readjust the ponytail and tighten your bun every few minutes bothered you. The other you must have grown it out for a long while because you usually kept it to your shoulders. 
Your hair was now two inches from reaching your ass. Which was one of the things that surprised you because it was very shiny and well taken care of. You must have had a few modeling gigs in your time in formula one, the only explanation why you'd keep this hair so long. 
"Wait, she speaks French?" You listened intently to the video playing. While training your reflexes, you decided to get accustomed to the other woman who lived in your body by listening to interviews, talk shows, and press conferences. 
It weirded you out, hearing your own voice be so . . . different. She was much much more playful, kind and mature, romantic and loving as well when it came to her husband. Something you, a 17 year old ( psychologically ) were not. At all. Especially towards Charles, who for some reason you were still married to. 
You've been told you were risky, brash, maybe a little bit funky and mischievous, very blunt. Type of weird girl who would throw paint balls at a teacher in the middle of class, or who would laugh and humiliate someone publicly. 
Hearing a certain question made you break focus and end up with the three balls you were juggling falling on your head. You turned to your tablet, looking at the other you who only blushed and hid her face embarrassed. 
"You guys are so invested in our relationship." You heard her giggle wiping her face. "We have thought about having children, yes. But we both agreed that we both are still too young to be responsible enough and we want to enjoy our youth to the limit." 
You blinked at her disgustingly, shaking your head as you fast forwarded the video and picked up the tennis balls. "There she is. Seat and teammate thief." You saw Carlos pass by, waving to you with a bright smile on his face. 
You waved back awkwardly, a thin smile pressed on your face. "There you are! I've been looking for you." Turning to the face, you're greeted with Lando. A person you remember finally. 
"What the fuck is that?" You pulled a sour face gesturing to his mustache. "What? You don't like it?" He chuckled, stroking his mustache proudly. "Hell no.” You put your hands on your hips, clicking your tongue. "You're a lot older than I remember. Taller too . . . What the fuck." 
"I forgot how blunt you are." He chuckled, face palming. "You're so judgmental." "I'm honest." You rolled your eyes, sighing. "Wait, were we friends through the seven years I was sleeping?" "You weren't sleeping." "Well it sure hell felt like I did. Were we friends or not?" "Yeah why?" 
You looked right and left pulling Lando out of your garage to take a walk with him. "Am I and Leclerc . . . Together for real? Not just for the media 'n shit?" 
". . . I had to sleep over and Daniel's one year because you two were so loud in the room next to mine." "Ew." You scrunch your face, hitting his chest. "It's true!" "—What are you two talking about?" 
You jumped in surprise at the third voice, turning around to look at the imposter. As you expected, an unfamiliar face. "She doesn't believe she and Charles are actually in love." "Why are you telling my personal shit to strangers?" You seethe through gritted teeth, smacking Lando's head. 
"Stranger?" The boy put his hand over his heart, faking hurt. You only looked at him with an unimpressed face. "Wow, old Y/N is brutal." You blinked, putting your hands in your pockets tilting your head, waiting. 
"Alex Albon, of Williams." He put his hand out, bowing dramatically. "Y/N L/N. Of Ferrari." You shook his hand with a small smile, courtesy slightly. He was cute, you liked the accent as well. "Leclerc. Y/N Leclerc." Lando reminded you, making you cringe. 
"Oh don't remind me." You huffed folding your arms. "What did I miss?" You looked at him for a moment with unsure eyes. "We were best friends." He explained quickly. "She wants a divorce." Lando put his hands on his hips frowning. 
"No." Alex gaped, putting his hands over his mouth, eyes wide. Scorching hot tea. You scoffed rolling your eyes. "What's so good about him?" You shrugged, scrunching your face at the thought of being with your apparent teammate. 
"You. You're so good about him." "I mean . . . The last thing she remembers about him was that fight in Singapore." Lando reasoned with a pout. "But you love him." Alex whined holding his hands together. "You can't not be together." He pleaded. 
"Not anymore." 
Charles listened from afar, feeling his heart clench. He felt pain. Pain. Your words hurt like tons of knives and bullets. He ran his shaky hand over his face. If you divorced him before you got your memories back, it would be over for him. He can’t lose you. 
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You felt your heart race as you sat in your car for the first time this weekend. "My lungs are going to explode." You squealed to your head mechanic. "That's one way to describe excitement." He chuckled, making you test out the functions of a few buttons and the brakes. 
"Is the steering wheel too wide?" You heard him call over the noise making you shake your head. "Is the seat comfortable?" "Yep!" You nodded, smiling. "Alright, you can stay inside if you want. I'll shut off the engine." You already knew your favorite and number one mechanic. 
"How are you feeling?" Looking up, your smile fell upon seeing your teammate . . . And husband. Gosh you were not used to that word. Husband. You've never even thought about getting married, or even having sex for that matter. 
"Leclerc." You huffed a greeting. "You're a Leclerc too." He reminded you crouching down and holding out a cup for you to take. You peered at the liquid, trying to figure out what it was. Whatever it was, it smelled amazing. 
"Is it poisoned?" You questioned taking it and bringing it closer to your nose. "No! Why would he even think that?!" You looked him up and down suspiciously before taking a sip. You must have been married for a long time if he knew something about you you yourself didn't know about yourself. You liked mocha latte. 
"Is that all?" You asked looking up at him. "You did your hair wrong." He held up the claw clip. You narrowed your eyes, staring at him for a second before holding your hand out to take it from him. He chuckled lightly, placing it in your palm. 
He knew how this would end. He watched as you struggled with your hair, huffing and cussing at it every few seconds. He laughed to himself before finally coming to your aid. "Hey- excuse me. I did not give you . . . Permission?" You frowned to yourself confused, no longer feeling bothered by the blond locks as his weirdly gentle hands brushed through them and pinned them up in a nice neat and elegant bun. “There you go.”
It felt . . . Secure. "I'm not going to thank you." You said out of spite, turning away and sipping from your drink. Charles sighed, sitting down on the floor, leaning his back to your car. “Amour, give me a chance. Please?” He asked after a moment of silence. “Don’t you like brunettes?” You scoffed rolling your eyes. “I love you.” You rolled your eyes again, pulling your hood over your head as you caught some sleep. “I really do love you.” Charles whispered to himself, hugging his knees catching some sleep too.
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"Are you going to keep playing that?" Charles turned to you as he searched through the music papers. Your family had insisted that you stayed at your house in Monaco for the Monaco gp weekend, which was fantastic because your husband lived with you. "Do you want me to stop?"
"If you impress me. I'll give you a kiss or whatever wives do." Charles knew this was a trap. old you would never do that. He took a deep breath in and started to play anyways, a song you always asked him to play for you.
You leaned against the door frame, never remembering that he played the piano. You listened, yawning every now and then even though you actually were impressed. Once he lifted his finger off the last note, he hesitantly turned towards you, waiting for an answer even though he knew you liked it.
Your azure eyes met his own forest ones. You laughed at him before pushing yourself off the wall and walking away.
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my second ficlet for @calaisreno may prompts!! a nice Christmas at Baker Street, Ms. Hudson POV, hope you enjoy!
also on ao3 if you want to drop a comment there :)
2,005 words - Prompt: Family (no shit Sherlock)
The living room was scintillating from every corner, ornamented with stuffed reindeers and Santa Claus figurines, and a magnificent tree was taking up quite a lot of space next to the chimney. It was their second Christmas since John had moved back to Baker Street with Rosie. The doctor was the one who insisted they would decorate particularly heavily. “For Rosie” he said, but Ms. Hudson saw he was enjoying it as much as the little girl. Sherlock had seen it too of course, so he didn’t argue. He was even the one who put the colorful fairy lights up, the ones they had back from their first Christmas together. She had caught John looking over fondly at his partner as he was trying to detangle the wires. Ms. Hudson remembered thinking they had probably shopped for those lights back then, since it was not in the flat furniture. She was sure they were an item now, even though they were yet to say anything about it. But the landlady was more than a landlady and she did know them good after all.
The guests arrived for 6 o’clock and the room was filled of chatter and laughter. It was the usual crowd: Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade and even Mycroft was there! He had been bullied by John and Sherlock for over a month before giving in. Threats involving Rosie were made. In the end, it wasn’t really a surprise for Ms. Hudson that he caved in. Even if it wasn’t for the soft heart she knew he had under all these layers of expensive clothing and frigidity, the couple were legitimately scary. They were already before everything happened, but now that they weren’t wasting so much energy coming at each other, their connection was a dangerous weapon. Upon consideration, she was glad to have them on her side and feared the inevitable day they would join forces to mess with her.
The champagne was still flowing but the appetizers brought by Molly were long gone now. Rosie was channeling all the attention on her, dancing in the middle of the room in a cute sparkly purple dress. It was way past her bedtime but to everyone’s enjoyment the demon was still full of energy.
What a light this sweet little girl brought to their lives, Ms. Hudson thought. Oh, it had been hard on her: the death of her mother and her father doing the best he could that wasn’t quite enough. To his defense, the poor man had his fair share of grief to deal with. Still, it didn’t help that he had deprived his daughter of another pair of loving arms in the storm of it all. Ms. Hudson knew how John regretted his reaction toward Sherlock, so she kept those reflections to herself. During these times, there have been days of complete silence, which was about the scariest thing a young child could do. But then Rosie started crying again, and not only crying – thank God – but also babbling and squealing and laughing. She had a village of adoring people raising her now, and Ms. Hudson could only think of the joy she felt from being a part of it.
Martha never had any children of her own, too busy enjoying the high (and steam!) of her marriage at first, and then too busy trying to figure out a way out of the spiral down. She would probably never have wanted any with him anyway. He wasn’t the kind of man you could see being tender with children. She herself was not even sure she would be. She had always been pretty indifferent to these little screaming individuals. She found babies cute and wasn’t completely immune to their smiles (who was?) but she also didn’t find herself caring too much. She always felt clumsy on their company and could never figure out how to act around children. With Rosie she had learned. She loved the creature with all her heart, that helped.
They were tackling the cake by now, Rosie finally napping on the sofa after spending the entire diner running around and eating out of everyone’s plate. Ms. Hudson settled on observing Sherlock for a while. He had been incredibly appropriate and seemed at-ease all evening, even as the tiredness were visibly settling in. Maybe John’s hand occasionally brushing his thighs or settling behind the back of his chair had helped. Maybe the wine too: they were all such lightweight, she could probably outdrink them all. Not something to be particularly proud of, she thought then. “Must be the few glasses of whiskeys at the bridges sessions, nothing wrong with that.” Still, Sherlock had come a long way from the mess of a person he was when they first met. She drifted back to her memories as she watched with tenderness the man the self-labelled sociopath had become.
Martha was from a big family, the last one of six siblings. All her brothers and sisters had or were moving out when she was still little; she didn’t have time to form a strong connection with any of them. Her parents were nice but tired to their bones, she remembered the silence being an eminent part of her childhood. Friends she had a ton, but the one who mattered the most left early at her wedding. Everything changed after that, and moving to Florida cut the last remaining strings.
She was 34 when she settled in London, and she had felt lonely ever since. Martha Louise Hudson was a social one, but acquaintances stayed just that: acquaintances. It was at that time she really wished to have a family. There were a few men, but none of them felt right. Few men ever do when you’re an independent woman able to recognize her own value. And by God she was. Still, she longed for a meaningful connection. She did have a sister and a niece she visited sometimes, but the distance wasn’t making it easy. As she grew older and it was becoming increasingly sure she wasn’t going to have a child of her own, she always found herself wondering what a mother she would have been.
She immediately felt a weird pull when she met Sherlock, passed out in the street two blocks away from her flat: she felt a need to protect the boy, almost viscerally. So she took him home to fed him tea and biscuits. The discussion they had was one of the strangest she ever had at the time (strangest things had happened to her since then). As it turned out, he was the one who could protect her: her bastard of a husband had figured a way out of jail and was threatening to come get her. Sherlock promised he was not going to let it happen, and he didn’t. She became attached to this smart and arrogant junkie, who was just as lonely as she was, if not more.
She visited him in a rehab center a couple of times, that’s how she met Mycroft. She remembered quite clearly the way his glances were sending chills to her spine. Sherlock visited her a few times too, after he got out. Sometimes he only dropped off a stolen item from a crime scene he thought she might like, sometimes he would stay for tea and biscuits. He usually liked to narrate his cases to her: Ms. Hudson was a very good listener. She shouted, gasped, and laughed right on cue. Other times, less frequently, he was letting her talk about the neighborhood gossips and the new members of her bridge club. When her tenants moved out, she naturally offered the space to him and he accepted without hesitation. God knows where he had been living before! He would always refuse to talk about it.
It was well into the night and Greg and Molly had just left but the walls of 221B Baker Street seemed to be retaining their laughter. It was just the two of them now with Rosie asleep in John’s chair. “Well, the four of us really” she thought. They were seated in the living room, letting the weariness of the evening washing through them.
Ms. Hudson could not have guessed this was going to be what her Christmas would look like when she greeted John Watson on the entrance of her house, a bit more than 5 years ago. Maybe she had hoped for it a tiny bit. She thought John and Sherlock were perfect for each other since the first glance she casted at the doctor. Gosh, it has been a long time coming! And nothing was perfect, nothing ever is, but this was the closest they might ever get to a perfect night. Martha sighted.
She avoided thinking about the years when Sherlock was dead, and she knew John was doing the same. They had a silent agreement not to talk about it either. But it didn’t mean she had forgotten. On the contrary, she remembered very distinctly the silence that had fallen on Baker Street like a curse. She used to put the TV at full volume all day long, without getting herself to actually watch it. Ms. Hudson hushed those memories away, frowning. John was singing a soft lullaby to Rosie who had just woken up crying.
The first Christmas after John had moved back in with his daughter, they had spent the day in cardboard boxes. John and Sherlock had gone out on a Christmas dinner at Molly’s while she had stayed minding for little Rosie. Sherlock had been home early and visibly upset. He didn’t answer when she asked him what was wrong. That night John came back late and drunk, and she had trouble falling back asleep after that. They still had a lot to sort out at that time. But wasn’t it what it’s all about? Ups and downs. She realized now: that was the proper of families. And she had never been so glad to have found one.
“What are you smiling for, Ms. H?” Sherlock asked, scanning her face.
“Nothing my boys, just happy to have you here.”
“Where else would we ever want to be?” John answered, grinning.
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gamblersdoll · 7 months
tw: mentions of wounds, and having a larger chest.
the sweet smell of pancakes and maple sausage cooking in the morning is what woke everyone up, except megumi. his stomach wasnt wired like yuuji or nobaras.
you were a good cook for your age, your family having professionals cook whenever you werent. you learned from them though, because the thought of paying for food when you could just cook it from scratch isnt a great thing. you also found slight satisfaction from here the noises of delight from people eating your food.
except yuuji, yuuji was very vocal and sometimes messy when he ate your food. you would say something about manners, but alot of people dont inherit that gene.
“well damn, is it that good?” nobara asked, cringing from the syrup dripping from his plump lips.
yuuji nodded frantically, “hell yes! its perfect!” he exclaimed, digging into the pancakes you made. nobara and him bickered, which unfortunately woke megumi up and made him grouchy.
you had already wandered off, going to the end of the hallway to your bedroom that jujutsu high had granted you to have ever since your arrival. before you could even get there , yuuji had stopped you.
“thank you for breakfast! you have to teach me how to cook…” he awkwardly chuckled, putting his hand on the back of his head. something about yuuji he learned was he always burned food because his mind wanders. that boy had to have adhd, because how do you forget food is cooking until you see fire?
“most definitely.” you said flatly, opening your door so you could step in— until he pushed his way in.
“oh so this is your room? how cool! you listen to alot of bands huh? and you have a little salt lamp?” he rambled, looking around your room without asking. you didnt mind since hes been trying to actually get to know you, fortunately.
“ yeah, i do.” you said in your same flat tone. you wouldve grown annoyed when yuuji flopped on your bed, but you were in a good mood. you sat next to him, scrolling on your phone, you were fine until you werent.
“so.. ms reincarnated—“ yuuji started, until you spoke in a agitated voice.
“dont piss me off.” you said, rolling your eyes. “is that what you want to do?” you questioned.
“what? no! you look like youd get scary if you did..!” yuuji exclaimed, gulping. you side eyed him, rolling them again.
sukuna only listened from his domain, cheek resting on his knuckles.
today was her day.
“fuck man! how the fuck did you lose the special grade?” nobara groaned, panting. megumi was supposed to exercise it but it randomly disappeared, causing more work for the four of them. you didnt care too much, your keen sense of hearing and smell was your clutch. nobara and megumi bickered, until you grew tired of it, you were only tired cause of your bust– all the real bitches get it, you thought.
“nobs, we can find it, but you fussin’ wont help us. me and yuuji will go one direction and you and megumi go the other.” you planned, everyone agreeing to go their routes. you and yuuji ran, until it got harder since your stamina was depleating.
yuuji caught on, had it been nobara he wouldve laughed, but he cared about you alot for some reason. he picked you up, speed increasing ajd you grew surprised, damn could he run. he had to be a athlete before.
you both did find the special grade, it still was going to be tough— it was always tough. but you loved challenges.
when it was in your favor.
after five minutes you were bruised, some cuts leaking red fluid and you were panting. you armed yourself again, thinking to use your domain, until the special grade was suddenly fearful, and then, dead. its head severed with its arms and legs. you questioned if it was your technique, but suddenly you werent hurt, nor sore? you had healed?! yuuji probably learned it before your arrival. you did feel his hand on your shoulder.
you went to turn to him, thanking him.
“thank you, yuu–“ you said, before you paused.
“you havent changed a bit, little one.” sukuna had said, looking into your brown pearled eyes.
your eyes widen, suddenly being on defense. you were already on it, but this time it wasnt a challenge, it was life or death if you fucked it up.
you stepped back, eyes probably deceiving you. no, it was sukuna, but yuuji was the body. you thought certain things couldnt worry you, but this did. where were nobara and megumi when you needed them? how could you not have sensed his presence?
“now now, no need to feel scared or worried. i wont harm you unless you piss me off or say something disrespectful towards me. but you already knew that, youve always been tatical and smart.”
you swallowed thickly, was he toying with you?
“lets just talk for a bit, okay?” he said, grinning at you.
honorable tags: @lisaaannna @coldbreadbouquetworld
anyone who wants to be tagged please dm or comment! shares and reposts are much appreciated so you can see more of my stories!
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mathyna · 8 months
I know - Oneshot story
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Word count: 5763
Note: Don´t mind the cursing, Maria grew up in a lower-middle-class family and is not unknown to the streets.
Note: This is a shorter story I wrote a while ago to cope with depression, I hope you enjoy it. You can also replace Marias' name with Y/N; it depends on you
Maria has taken a month off from her job at Valorant protocol to work on her flat, which is at the current moment in a horrendous state. The radio blasted through the half-empty flat as she renovated. 
,, Fucking shit, get loose damn it!” she cursed at the water pipe she was trying to loosen.
She was at the point of renovating her kitchen and after removing the old wiring, Maria moved on to the water system. She tried everything on the rusting suckers, but they were so corroded that nothing she tried helped. In the end, she threw the wrench into a corner, busting a few old tiles. She sighed in frustration and sat on the dirty table in the middle of the room, purposefully looking around its surface before reaching out for a pack of cigarettes. She lit one up and took a drag, closing her eyes and leaning back a bit. 
“So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating?
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in.” she sang along to one of her favorite songs.
Once she´s finished with the renovations, she won´t be able to smoke there anymore, but for now, it doesn´t matter. Maria looked at the pipes again and frowned.
,, Bastard..” she sighed. 
She took another drag from her cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke. Behind the sound of her music echoing in the empty room was one busy city. If she were to turn the music off, she would have heard all the lively buzz outside in the concrete jungle. Suddenly, she heard something unusual. It didn´t come from outside, so she tried to focus on it.
,, Ms.Hoffmann?! Ms. Hoffmann!!” yelled Fred, her apartment manager, from below the stairwell. 
Her doors and windows were wide open as she needed some air to get in, so she could hear him, if it weren´t for the music, his voice would have been clear. She rolled her eyes, got up, and turned the volume down before coming up to the doorway. 
,, Yes, what is it? “ she yelled back down the long damp staircase. ,, Don´t tell me the music disturbs neighbors, nobody lives here besides us!” 
,, No, no, you have a visitor!” he howled, his voice echoing and bouncing off the moldy walls.
,, What did I tell you about telling people who I am!?” she raged while having to take the cigarette out of her mouth for her to not drop it.
,, He said he´s a cow worker! I thought it was okay!” his raspy voice echoed through the stairs.
,, A cow worker..? What the hell..?” she whispered to herself. ,, The fuck is that?! Did you let a random crackhead in again?! This time I´m gonna kick that sucker out myself!” 
,, Excuse me? I said a coworker.” sounded a deep male voice quietly from downstairs.
,, A coworker? Did you ask him THE question?!” Maria yelled down in frustration.
,, What code?!” Fred sounded confused.
She slapped the wall next to her and sighed loudly. 
,, Let him up! I swear on my mother if it´s another one of those poor suckers, I´m killing him on the spot!” Maria threatened and walked back into her apartment.
,, IF it´s another one, of course, I will have to find a new place to hide the body, again..” Maria growled and began looking for her firearm.
She picked up her pistol. It was just lying on one of the cabinets as she didn't have a place for it now. She calmly aimed at the doorway and patiently waited. Foot after foot the person closed the vertical distance before finally…
,, Oh? I see Sabine was right, you are paranoid.” chuckled Brimstone as he raised his arms, still cautious to not make any fast movements.
,, Sarge? What are you doing here? “ she lowered her gun, visibly confused. ,, Did something happen? The phone´s out for a while.”
,, No? I actually wanted to ask that as taking almost a month off out of nowhere is quite unusual.” he folded his arms as he spoke.
Maria frowned and looked him in the eyes, cigarette in mouth, squinting.
She scanned him a bit. He was dressed casually. White shirt, blue jeans, cheap watches.
,, You´re not a good liar.” she murmured.
,, Did you just..-” 
,, No, I don´t need to use the damn power to see your body language. You fidgeted a lot and rapidly blinked your eyes when you spoke. You actually closed them as you said that it is “unusual” for someone to take a month off. Then you defensively folded your arms so you´d subconsciously feel safer and more grounded.” Maria raised her eyebrow and took a drag.
Brimstone was silent for a while, looking around the flat from the doorway. His eyes were wide and his expression resembled a child who was caught eating cookies before dinner. 
,, Well.. Okay, maybe it is not unusual. Phoenix does it all the time.” he scratched the back of his neck.
Maria gave him the “continue” look.
,, Maybe I just wanted to know if everything is alright?” Brimstone didn´t look her in the eyes as he spoke, instead, he was constantly looking around for an object to fixate on.
,, Somebody had to read my file. “ turned Maria her back on him and began to walk towards the kitchen. ,, Come in, you´re not gonna stand there the whole time, are you?” 
,, No, of course not, thanks.” he blurted. ,, Should I close the door?” 
,, Nope, leave it like that, I need some fresh air in here.” she called from another room.
,,  I see you have a lot of stuff on your hands.” he said and tried to fan away the cigarette smoke with his hands.
,, Yeap, don´t expect anything fancy, it´s a mess in here.” she said unbothered, retrieved the wrench, and kneeled to the pipe once again. 
,, It´s fine, not like I´m any better. “ he winked at her, even though she had her back turned on him. ,, Whatcha got there?” he kneeled as well.
,, A goddamn rusty ass drain pipe that is for some reason connected to a water pipe. I have to separate them and put a new drain and water pipe in there. I don´t know why they were connected or which engineer thought of such a genius idea. You see when I poured water into a cup, there was some gunk from the drain pipe, which was disgusting so I had to buy my water. That was another expense and I couldn´t afford renovation before Protocol. Yeah and also it just didn´t want to flow away, it took hours to drain. AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CLEAN! WHO THOUGHT OF IT!” she pushed with all her strength but to no avail, the nut did not budge.
,, Hell, that sucks. I can´t imagine tolerating something like that for that long” said Brim and gestured to hand him the wrench over.
,, Well, I cannot afford anything better, if I did those corporate mofos would notice and I would be doomed. “ she gritted her teeth and gave Brimstone a questioning look, distancing the wrench away from him. ,, You have a white shirt.” 
,, And? It´s just a shirt, don´t fuss around and give me that wrench.” 
,, As you wish Sarge, but I warned you.” she gave him the wrench with raised eyebrow still.
He took the wrench and put it on the huge nut that connected the pipes.
,, If something does not go with strength…” he said as he started to pull, ,, it will go with much greater strength.” 
As he finished the sentence the drain pipe snapped and all the gunk and water flew out of the pipage. Splashing both Maria and Brim.
,, What the hell? I smelled dirty drains before but this?” said now disgusted Brim, his white shirt completely dumped with suspicious liquid. 
Maria snorted hard, even though she got hit as well. 
,, What´s so funny?” he asked a bit annoyed.
,, Did I mention that the water pipes are connected to the septic from the flat above? That´s why I have the bucket there. “ she pointed at a cracked white bucket under the pipes.
,, How could this building even stand?” asked shocked Brim, trying to get off some pieces of gunk from him. ,, How can you live here?” 
,, I have to, but you would get used to it.” she shrugged.
,, I don't think I would. “ frowned Brim.
Maria took out another cigarette and offered Brim one too. 
,, Here Sarge, I think you need it now. “ she extended her hand toward him, amusement in her tone..
,, Hey, my name´s  Liam, call me that, and thank you.” he said and took a cigarette.
,, I´ve heard, “ she said and sat on top of the kitchen counter. ,, The name is Maria, so. “ she looked to the window and lit her cigarette, and handed the lighter to Brim. 
,, I know. “ he said with a smile.
They sat quietly for a while. The sounds of the city buzzed through the open windows, muffled music played from the radio. It would be calming if it wasn´t for the smell from the drain water and the weird itchy feeling on their skin. Brim quietly held the wrench and inspected it in his hand.
,, You still didn't tell me the reason.” broke Maria the silence.
,, What reason?” huffed Brim some smoke.
,, Why are you really here?” she looked at him with a smirk.
He thought for a while with a serious face. She could see his thoughts trying to create a sensible sentence. 
,, I just wanted to see you. To know how you´re doing. The last few months were rough and I know you´re not on the best note with some of the agents.” he said.
,, I will always keep it professional. If the kiddos have a problem with me, I´m fine with that, I wouldn´t like myself if I were them either.” she exhaled some smoke.
,, What are you saying right now?” he laughed.
,, No really. You weren´t there when I introduced myself? I was acting like a fool there. I introduced myself so distantly and with my nose so high that the sun would blind me.” she laughed too.
,, Why would you do that?” he asked in a semi-amused tone.
,, It´s a habit. I´m just like that. When you can see someone's thoughts, you know more than them usually. I´ve read so many minds that this approach stuck with me. Sometimes I forget that no one can read my mind, and they will not know how I mean things as I do with others.” 
,, That sucks, but maybe it just needs a bit of work.” he said and took a drag.
,, I guess these weird powers do degenerate your ability to be a normal human being, or maybe I am more human than I have ever been. I don´t know.” she sighed and listened to the music for a bit.
They sat quietly again before Brim started to scratch himself aggressively. 
,, Hey, don´t you have a way to clean yourself? This stuff makes me go crazy and we will probably get a rash if we keep it on our skin any longer.” he grunted as he tried to scratch his back.
,, Sadly, I don´t, but we can wait a bit for the sun to go down.” said Maria, slapping Brim's hand that tried to scratch his back and scratched him herself.
,, I don´t understand, why would we wait for the sun to go down?” he asked, confused.
,, First, “ Maria jumped down from the counter and put her finger up. ,, I wouldn´t go out if I smelled like this, not even in this crackhead district like mine, and second, have you ever seen someone climb fences during the day?” she said in a cheeky tone.
Brim just looked at her, even more confused.
,, Maria, no. What is this?” asked Brim when they arrived at their destination.
The light from the streetlight didn´t reach the spot where they were standing and Maria enthusiastically rushed to the wired fence.
,, Our “ I smell good again” ticket.” she said and skillfully climbed the fence, trying not to make much noise.
She jumped down and put her arms on her hips. 
,, C´mon Liam, don´t tell me that our sarge is afraid to climb a little fence.” she teased.
Brimstone rolled his eyes and started to climb the fence. He got to the top, but then something unexpected happened. The fence collapsed under him, sending Brim to the ground in front of Maria. 
,, Shit, you ok? Liam?” she asked, looking around frantically. 
,, Yeah yeah, I´m fine. Seems like I´m a bit too heavy for that.” he observed the broken thing.
,, Maybe. C´mon before the night guard comes around.” she grabbed his hand and led him around the building.
After a while of running in the dark, they came across a neatly stacked pile of boxes right under a small window.
,, Great, they didn´t dispose of it yet. I hope you´ll fit.” she looked at him, then started climbing the boxes. ,, When you climb inside, there is a toilet, try not to fall on it, 'cause that would surely bust us.” she said and slipped into the window.
Maria looked back at the window, hoping Brim would fit. Turns out she didn´t have to worry. 
,, Look, I´m not that big.” he frowned when he saw her amused yet puzzled face.
,, Okay okay, just be careful when you step down here.” she said as she helped him down from the ledge.
,, Alright, what now? “ he asked, looking around, trying to adjust to the dark.
,, Now we just have to get to the arrival room so that I can pick up some soap and we will be good to go.” she said happily.
,, What? Where the hell are we?” he looked at her, stretching his back.
,, You will see soon, just wait for me here and then you´ll see, I´ll be right back, don´t make noise.” she gestured with her hands as she backed out of the room.
Lucky for her the arrival room was right outside the door and it didn´t take long to get to the reception table. It was dark, but still visible enough to see into the drawers she had opened. She searched for one thing, the keys to the lost and found room, where all the treasure is stored.
,, Might as well pick up some clean clothes.” she whispered to herself.
Finally, she found what she searched for, a small yellow key with a tag. 
,, Yes!” she whispered loudly, before listening carefully if someone wasn´t around. 
Maria carefully unlocked the door and turned on the light from her phone.
,, Alright, what am I gonna pick.” she talked to herself again.
She searched around and found some floral bodywash that she ended up picking for herself. Some basic men's shower gel that was almost completely empty. She thought for a bit if it would be enough, but then brushed it off as it was time for some new clothes. They weren´t clean clothes at all, mostly stuff that people left in lockers somewhere in the area during summer.
,, Hey.” a hand landed on her shoulder.
Maria jumped and shone in the face of the intruder, ready to strike, but when she turned, she only saw Brimstone squinting eyes and shielding his face from the light.
,, Put it down, damn it!” he hissed while shielding his eyes.
,, I told you to wait! You call yourself a soldier when you can´t obey an order?” she said angrily, breathing in and out.
,,It had taken you quite a while. I just came to check on you if you are okay.” he said innocently.
She gave him an angry look, but couldn´t be mad for long as this was quite sweet of him.
,, Okay, I forgive you. At least you can pick your clothes.” she turned away from him and continued to dig through the boxes of clothes.
,, Clothes?” he asked confused.
,, Yes, you didn´t plan on wearing this after you clean yourself up, or ye?” she asked.
,, Of course not, but I didn´t expect this. What is this place?”
,, You will still have to wash them and you will see.” she said as she folded some wear in her arms.
Brim didn´t look for long as he just pulled out the first pants and top he had gotten in his hands.
,, Alright, now the hardest part. Getting around Lenny. “ she said, crouching before one of the doors.
,, Lenny? Is he the night guard here?” he crouched with her.
,, Yep, but he mostly has headphones so our biggest problem will be his vision.”
,, And his sense of smell, because I think I have lost mine.” said Brim, wrinkling his nose.
,, I can numb his senses for a few seconds, make it look like he got dizzy from sleepiness, but we have to be fast.” she rolled her eyes. ,, I´ll show you where to go.”
She opened the door and revealed a long corridor that had many doors. Whistling and walking echoed and bounced off the walls.
,, We need the second door on the right before the turn at the end. Stay close behind me.” 
They sneaked through the corridor and approached the aimed door.
,, Wait, let me check something.” she stopped him and peeked out from behind to wall to the next corridor.
Brim peaked with her.  There an African American man walked with his back to them, happily whistling and swinging his flashlight to the rhythm of the song. 
,, So that´s Lenny? “ he smirked at the man.
Maria sent a small purplish butterfly that quickly closed the distance between them and disappeared when it touched the back of his neck.
,, Yep” replied Maria.
,, What was that? “ asked Brim, retreating from his position to stand up.
,,I just checked if he was here already and if we have enough time.” she said, standing up as well.
,, And?” 
,, Well, he was just here and it´s gonna take him like thirty minutes before he makes another lap in the second building and an hour around the outside area, so we have around two hours before he gets here again, but I can set a trap at the entrance to the corridor for us to know if he´s near, and a small trap to make him think that he checked here already, buying us another two hours.” she explained as she made her way to the entrance again.
,, Wow, that little power of yours is quite handy.” grinned Brim, watching as Maria made a small cocoon-like orb and stuck it to the doorway.
,, That should do, now, come.” she grabbed his hand again and led the man to the desired doors. ,, Let´s get clean.” 
Maria opened the door and revealed a locker room. 
,, This is the man's locker room, which is the only one that is unlocked as the lock is broken. Like 5 years already. The showers are to the left, right there.” she pointed at the shower entrance. 
,, Neat, I can´t wait to get this off.”  said Brim happily and stepped inside while taking his shirt off.
He took the soap from Maria and took off the rest of his clothes. Maria of course peaked as, well, why wouldn´t she? She had taken her clothes off too and waited for a bit. The sound of running water could be heard and after some time, the humidity could be felt in the air. Then she called into the shower room:,, I hope you don´t mind me joining, if you do, turn your back to the entrance!”
No response, so she entered the showers, and boy oh boy. He looked at her as if she was to murder him.
,, Don´t be a sissy. You must have seen many women throughout the years, I´m no different from them plus, get used to it, 'cause tonight I have one more thing to show you.” she said with zero care in her voice.
Brim just slowly turned his head and continued to face the wall and wash his hair. Maria did the same, the scent of flowers and men's body wash filled the showers and steam began to rise from her body. 
,, How can you even stand that temperature?” she heard from behind her.
,, What do you mean? It´s perfect.” she brushed him off as she continued to wash her feet.
,, Uh, no? That´s some boiling water you are pouring onto yourself, that´s everything but perfect.” laughed Brim.
,, Okay, like you know what warm water is. Yours would give the Arctic Ocean a run for its money.” replied Maria.
,, Oh yeah?” said Brim with a cheeky tone.
Then some cold water landed on Marias back and she stiffened.
,, Yours on the other hand has hanky-pankys with global warming.” laughed Brim even harder.
Maria turned and threw a soaked sponge on him, hitting her target, his face.
,, Ew, where did you get that? Smells weird.” grimaced Brim and started washing the impact spot.
,, I don´t know, it was just lying here. “ she smirked at him, turned her back, and continued to wash her body.
Brim squinted his eyes at her and thought of a way to take revenge while he was getting some gunk out of his beard. Then an idea struck him. Quickly, he turned around and zoomed behind Maria and grabbed her around her waist, dragging her through her protests under his shower.
,, No no no! Let me go! I´m gonna freeze, holy shit!” she squealed, trying to get out of his grip.
Brim only laughed and focused on holding her slippery body in place. Maria managed to turn the water off and turned to face him, splatting his face with some foam. He still held her.
,, Okay, you Spaßfogel, let me show you something, we still have a lot of time.” she laughed and tried to get out of his grip. 
But Brim looked at her quietly, the foam slowly making its way through his wrinkles down to his beard. 
,, What?” asked Maria with a raised eyebrow, still amused. 
,, You´re nicer than you think you are.” he said gently, smiling a little.
Maria got quiet and looked to the side, so she didn´t have to see his face. 
,, C´mon, let´s go.” she said and let herself out of his hands.
Brim quietly followed. Then it all started making sense to him. They arrived in a huge hall with 3 swimming pools. Small lights flickered in and outside the pools. There were many decorative plants that had small lightbulbs hanging from them, illuminating the otherwise dark room.
,, They don´t turn these off for some reason.” said Maria calmly. ,, We can swim for a while. I know that one should not exercise at night, but I think we can make an exception.” she looked at him with hopeful eyes.
Brim just nodded with a slight smile and went to the first swimming pool. She just watched him and entered the other pool by herself.
They swam for quite a while, but the trap did not trigger yet, so she knew there was still time. Half an hour went by and they still did not speak. She started to worry that she had done something, but she didn´t want to get into his head. It gave her some comfort that she had no idea what he was thinking. She felt normal that way. By then she had exited the swimming pool and sat in the warm water of the waist-high pool. Normally, there would be pressured water sprouting out of the holes she sat on, but now it was calm as there was no one that would control it. The light bulbs hung over her head together with the greenery, creating a magical atmosphere that she would not expect in such a place. As she put her arms down into the water, she accidentally brushed over her scarred stomach. She would have forgotten about it if she didn´t see it in the mirror sometimes or did not brush her clothes over it when she was getting dressed. It was funny how her job left a bigger physical scar than the biggest pain of her life that left no scars and never seemed to heal. Her hand slowly glided over the scared skin, somewhat finding peace in it.
,, It healed pretty well.” sounded from behind her.
She turned her head to see Brimstone sitting on the floor behind her.
,, Yeah, but sometimes I can still feel the brocks under my skin.” replied Maria with a peal of slight laughter.
,, First missions are usually rough, but you took it to the next level by taking a shotgun to the stomach.” said Brim. ,, Can I join you?”
,, Sure, I don´t see why not.” she gave him a small smile and looked into the distance on the dark wall.
Brim carefully sat down next to her.
,, How long has it been? “ he thought out loud.
,, Almost two and a half years.” said Maria confidently.
,, Time flies.” he said quietly.
,, Yeah.” replied Maria softly, still staring into the distance. ,, And still, at my age, I have to do stuff like this.” she giggled.
,, At least you stay in shape.” laughed Brim back.
Then they got quiet again. Maria relaxed and looked around more. She noticed how the water got calm, the light bulbs reflected perfectly on the surface. Lights in the pool were dim enough to not light the water at all, but also enough to be visible. The dark blues of the pool mixed with the azure. She could hear occasional droplets of water on the roof as it might have been starting to rain. 
,, Maria? ” Brim broke the silence.
,, Yes? ” she turned to him.
,, Did I step over the line when I held you? I have to know because, well, it´s all a bit awkward as we are naked and..” he said dimly, not even finishing the sentence before going quiet.
She thought for a bit. Maria had never seen him so soft. He always performed as a boots-on-the-ground leader. A firm hand and serious face. The one who knows what he wants. Now he seemed like an inexperienced teenager, who had done something and felt so guilty that it seeped from his skin.
,, Of course not.” she said gently. ,, I´m not the type to make a fuss.” she smiled at him.
He smiles back and gets a little closer. Maria just rolls her eyes in her head. She knew by now, but maybe she´d just let him bathe in it a bit more.
,, Is someone there?!” sounded a call from the showers.
They both turned at each other with terror in their eyes.
,, What?! What is he doing here?” whispered Brim loudly.
,, I think I forgot to put my little trap on the locker entrance, he must have come from the other side.” she bit her nail.
,, What do we do now? I don´t want to be caught naked.” said Brim, unnerved.
,, Quick, let's go over to that corner, it's darker there, just dive underwater and if you can, hold me there, I will make him go away.” she said and began to swim to the corner.
,, Alright.” Brim nodded and joined her. ,, How long?” 
,, Give me 20 seconds.” she said and dived, followed by Brim.
Under the water, he gently pulled her closer to him so she wouldn´t rise up. Maria concentrated, her hair emitted a faint shimmer, glowy foam forming around her eyes and fingertips. A bunch of small butterflies that had a purplish shimmer to them started to form from the substance and at once, they flew out of the water, targeting the night guard who was enveloped in them now. Her hair shimmered even more, body twitched from oxygen deprivation. It was more than 20 seconds, but the guard was still present.
,, What the fuck? What is this? What? Wh..” Lenny tried to shoo the bugs away, but then his body went limp and fell to the ground.
Together with his body hitting the ground, both of them surfaced. Maria coughed out water as she had inhaled some when she was focusing.
,, You good? “ asked Brim, gently hitting her back. 
,, Yeah yeah, it took a bit longer. Thanks, Liam.  Hell..” she cursed and looked over to the limp body.
,, He´s not dead, is he? “ asked Brim. 
,, Nope, I just made him really sleepy, but this won't last long so, we should get out. He won´t remember any magic butterflies or something.”
,, Alright, let´s get out of here then.” nodded Brimstone and got out of the water first, offering Maria a hand.
Arriving at the locker room, they were both surprised that their clothes were still in their place. 
,, Hey, we forgot to wash them.” stated Brimstone.
Maria took a whiff of the clothes.
,, It isn´t that bad, it could be worse. C´mon, we don´t have time.” she grinned and began to dress up.
She chose simple, but quite colorful clothing. A salmon pink undershirt that seemed a bit too loose for her and pastel yellow loins that on the other hand were a bit too skinny.
,, I think the sweater is a bit too tight.” said Brim.
Maria turned at him and stood still as she observed him. He had taken dark green outdoor pants that seemed to fit, but the turtleneck he had chosen was maybe a little bit too tight. It perfectly traced his body, every muscle.
,, I think it fits you well.” she winked at him.
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
,, Alright, let´s go before that bozo wakes up.” she gestured to him.
They had exited the building from the way they came in. Jogging as they got through the hole in the fence so they wouldn´t get caught bare-handed. 
,, That was something.” exhaled Brimstone.
,, Yeap, one gets hungry after such action. Wanna grab something? On me.” poked Maria her finger in his chest.
,, I don´t know, it is quite late, I don´t think anything will be open by now.” he thought out loud.
,, I know just the place.” she smirked. ,, Follow me.” 
,, Alright, lead me then.” he smiled and took Maria by the hand.
She just went with it and walked down the filthy streets. Brimstone was extremely tense when seeing the creatures someone once called human.
,, Don´t worry, most of them are harmless. They are poor an excuse for a human.” said Maria in a serious tone.
,, Still, you never know.” he looked around.
There were a lot of people just standing around, laying on the ground, whores inviting cars that were oh so rare.
,, It´s not gonna take long, besides, if someone had ill intentions, you would notice, they are not really good at hiding it. And you´re with me.” said Maria proudly.
,, Now you sound funny.” said Brim.
,, I mean it, look.” whispered Maria and her hair began to shimmer.
Many small butterflies once again sprouted from her eyes and fingertips. Brimstone felt a funny tickling feeling when the butterflies made their way through the grip of his hand. The moment the people noticed that she could do this, the street was empty.
,, Monster!” 
,, Screw off!”
,, Get out!” 
,, Shut up! I don´t want to get hurt!”
,, Hide! ”
There were many reactions.
,, They are not really tolerant.” he looked around at the scampering figures.
,, Nope, they are scared. Ever since The First Light, streets have become more dangerous. Random power outbursts from inexperienced radiants kept happening, sometimes killing. They have learned to get out of the way. “ she explained.
,, What if there is a radiant among them?” asked Brimstone.
,, Like you don´t know. Kingdom is getting rid of them. I worked in this field. If you have an addiction or some mental/health problem as a radiant, posing a threat to normal people, we did not try to save them. We got rid of them.” she said quietly. 
Brimstone did not respond.
,, Seems like you´ve really worked in a different field.” she stated. ,, Look, we are here!” Maria lit up. ,, I hope you don´t mind Chinese food.” 
,, I´m not gonna say no to noodles.” relaxed Brimstone.
They both got their food to go and sat down on a small ledge close to the restaurant. While eating, Brim watched his surroundings as if nervosity still crept on him.
,, Calm down, Liam.” she nudged him with her elbow. 
,, Nah, it´s just.. Do you really want to know the reason why I came today?” he asked.
Maria turned to face him.
,, I.. Well.. The HQ is becoming more and more crowded. The new lot coming in, all the extra administrative work with it, and the constant bickering of others over small stuff are just starting to get over my head sometimes. And then there is you. No matter if it's small talk or professional matter, you never fail to make me feel a bit more at ease in all that chaos. Damn even when I just catch a glimpse of you, my day is suddenly better. And since you took a month off, I couldn´t. You know, I couldn´t just go a month without the ease. Without.. Well.. You.. I just wanted to tell you that I-.”
She just put a finger over his lips and shushed him, putting her food aside to hold his face in her hands. Then she closed the distance for their foreheads to connect. He sighed with a chuckle, closing his eyes while mimicking her movement and cupping her face. 
,, Guess what,” she whispered, amused. ,, I know.”
8 notes · View notes
MAG004, Page Turner
Case #0132806, Dominic Swain Release date: 30 March 2016 First listen: 13th Oct 2020, still on the morning feed duty.
The first instance of Jonny picking on the theatre kids, the first mention of our Gerard, and the first time I heard the name ‘Leitner’.
- The theatre industry is just ripe for the taking for some of The Entities: the punishing scheduled, the costumes and make up, the sets, the props, the shadowy, dark, secret places of a theatre building, the fleetingness of a pay cheque, the faceless audiences, the politics, the aging out of roles... OK, at one point in season 5 I was jokingly indignant for Jonny ‘coming for the theatre kids’, but 1) I was reminded that Jonny himself is very much a theatre kid and 2) it’s kind of a gold mine to be fair.
- I’ve done a lot of amdram, and I am forever grateful to the theatre techs. They make us look and sound good and they stop flats and suspended lights from falling on us. So thank you, you sweet theatre ninjas. May the blackouts always be long enough for you to do your thing.
- Right, hang tight, I’m going to do a quick wiki dive on ‘The Trojan Women’. Post sacking of Troy, husbands dead, families enslaved. And… oh it’s a yikes fest friends. It’s just a laundry list of atrocities. Cassandra though, definitely a candidate for The Eye, the gift of prophecy, with a little The Spiral or The Web thrown in, no one ever believing her.
- Hey, look, I love history and I love messing with history. I lose my tiny mind at the historical references this show pulls on. I freaking love the ahistorical setting of Rusty Quill Gaming. I didn’t think I’d ever identify with Oscar Wilde but goddamnit Alexander! I will keep doing this, this being assigning historical figures to The Entities. Fight me.
- OK, ‘The Seagull’, Chekov- NOPE. Nope not diving into that, too much like hard work.
- Ah, charity shops. Love ‘em. Can find beloved treasures and the most cursed shit in the same visit.
- ‘From the Library of Jurgen Leitner.’ I think at this stage, I was still naive to who this rat bastard was but to this day my phone autocorrects ‘Leitner’ to ‘LEITNER’ as I have screamed about his dusty ass to dodgelogic just that many times. I have a deep love of books and library collections and everything he stands for offends me on a cellular level. If I am ever asked to prepare an monologue for an audition it’s either going to be the statement from MAG165 or the ‘I Hate Jurgen Leitner’ rant.
- There’s one thing I’ve learnt from Rusty Quill; Latin = Bad News. Magnus trailer, chanting in Latin = Bad News. Rusty Quill Gaming, Ancient Rome, Latin = Bad News. A Leitner written in Latin = Bad News. Look, I know a lot of us did the Cambridge Latin Course, yes, including the writers of that one Doctor Who episode, but Caecilius can’t save us now!
- The choice of ozone smell makes perfect sense but there is something terribly unnerving about it. Something so terribly out of place.
- OK, this has nothing to do with the plot but he mentions the show he’s doing is ‘Much Ado About Nohing’ which is quiet possibly my favourite Shakespeare. I refuse to go to my grave quietly before I’ve had the chance to play Beatrice.
- 2007, grbookworm1818… Ms Robinson… screaming
- Leitner active in the 1990’s, 1995 he dropped from public view. OK we’re getting a time line.
- I wonder if there’s any significance to the name ‘Pinhole Books’.
- ‘Walking felt as natural as falling’… my dude.
- Mary Keay. Mary Fucking Keay… See, when we first meet her, tattooed and blasting death metal, I thought she was awesome… yikes. ‘Her Gerard kept and eye out’. And, unfairly again, I formed an opinion. One of a glowering, hulking enforcer.
- Fishing wire and safety razor… huh?!
- The eye painting. "Grant us the sight that we may not know, grant us the scent that we may not catch, grant us the sound that we may not call’. Our Gerard, a very talented artist. Our Gerard deserved so much better, I love our boy.
- ‘Tea tasting of dust and smoke’. I am not as well versed in tea as I’d like to be, but I have had Lapsang souchong tea before. It felt very decadent for my tastes, who’s used to whatever tea bag I can justify paying for, but I really enjoyed it. Every time I hiccuped or burped for the rest of the day I could taste smoke. I felt like a dragon.
- Place book in shadows, get tiny woodland creature bones?
- The Lichtenberg figure, and the first mention of Michael Crew. The smell, the sensation of falling. Waiting for something. For impact.
- Gerard Keay. My son. The description the statement giver gives of him is not flattering; obviously dyed hair, unshaven and haggard. But, I’m sorry, I you had Mary Keay for a mother, you’d be losing sleep too. Any why is everyone so mean about his hair. Can someone just treat him please, take him to a specialist, get it done right?
- £5k for ‘Ex Altiora’, £1,200 for ‘The Key of Solomon’. Where are they getting this sort of money? I’ll have to ask mum about the last fine arts auction she worked, see what sort of money books were making.
- Would have given it away but feared it ‘wouldn’t count’. There’s something about ownership here,something about responsibility. Reminds me of the golems of Ankh-Morepork in Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld buying themselves out of, well, slavery. With the passing of coin, no matter how much or little, something else intangible but vitally important also changes hands.
- This section of finding the news report of Gerard on trial for Mary’s murder painted my opinion of Gerard rather poorly. I thought he was some terrible, dangerous person, holding Mary captive somehow. God, I was so wrong.
- ‘If I never hear the name Jurgen Leitner again it will be too soon.’ Jooooon…. Jooooon whyyyyy….
- ‘Library Incident’ in 1994.
- Jon not trusting Martin’s research efforts, sending Sasha to double check. Rude.
- Unable to locate Gerard Keay… soft weeping
- ‘Jurgen Leitner has done the world enough harm’. I mean… I agree whole heartedly, but, just see how that glass house treats you in 4 seasons’ time.
Supplemental: In looking for the ‘I Hate Jurgen Leitner’ video link, I found that there has been a dramatic reading in the style of The Archivist with a follow up statement taken post-brutal pipe murder included. Enjoy. 
Supplemental: dodgylogic has once again come through, a very dear friend who is at once my enabler and sponsor through this ridiculousness. But she had some insight into my question about the significance in the naming of Pinhole Books: 
‘A pinhole is how you make a Camera Obscura, a very early form of photography, which is also explicitly associated with The Eye. [x-files theme plays].’ - @dodgylogic 
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simplexsteel · 3 months
Supplier of Stainless Steel Round Bar in Visakhapatnam
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Simplex Steels is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Stainless Steel Round Bar in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Simplex Steels stands out as a top manufacturer of SS Round Bars in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We excel in providing an extensive array of stainless steel products, encompassing SS and MS items such as sheets, plates, coils, pipes, tubes, bars, wires, rods, angles, channels, flats, fittings, flanges, fasteners, and dairy valves. We produce round bars from ferritic, austenitic, and martensitic stainless steel, meeting AISI standards including 303, 304, 304L, 310, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 321, 403, 409, 410, 416, 420, 430, 430F, 430LBN, 431, and 630, as well as 2205, to fulfill various requirements. Our skilled team is committed to helping you discover the perfect stainless-steel solution tailored to your needs. Crafted from diverse stainless-steel grades, our Round Bars offer versatility across industries. Thanks to their high chromium content, they deliver outstanding strength and corrosion resistance. Technical Specifications : Dimensions: ASTM, ASME, APIThickness: 5 mm To 500 mm Size: from 2.00mm to 6.35mm (0.078″ to 0.25″) Finish: Bright, Black, Polish Form: SS Bars, SS Wires, SS Rods Condition: Cold Drawn & Polished Cold Drawn, Centre-less Ground & Polished Other Services: Machining (CNC), Centre-less Grinding (CG), Heat Treatment, Anne-ling, Pickling, Polish, Rolling, Forging, Cutting, Bending, Minor Fabrication Features: Corrosion Resistant High Tensile Strength Very Durable Temperature Resistant Environmentally Friendly Low-maintenance (long-lasting) Attractive appearance Long Durability High Strength Bend Fittings Simplex Steels is a Supplier of Stainless Steel Round Bar in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh including various location like Chodavaram, Narsipatnam, Anakapalle, Araku, Araku Valley, Paderu, Yellamanchili, Paravada, Pedagantyada, Pedagantyada, Pendurthi, Apspqrs, Ananthagiri, Jami, Bondapalli, Kothavalasa. For detailed information or inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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mattadrawing · 2 years
Cleaning and maintaining of SS flat wire
The cleaner SS flat wire can be kept when in storage, processing, or usage, the better the chance of achieving maximum corrosion resistance, which is the primary rationale for employing SS flat wire in the first place. Ensure that your SS flat wire supply remains in excellent condition before being delivered to your clients.
Why Is Maintenance So Important?
Surface pollution and deposit deposition are key issues that can drastically affect life expectancy. These contaminants could be microscopic iron or rust particles from SS flat wire used in neighboring construction that was not properly removed. Corrosive deposits can form in industrial, commercial, and even home settings, as well as naturally occurring atmospheric conditions. Salt deposits from aquatic environments are an example. Long periods of exposure to working environments might raise the risk of corrosion, necessitating more frequent maintenance, especially when work is being done in the immediate vicinity. Because modern construction procedures employ more cleaners and possibly dangerous products, it's important to avoid contacting the SS flat wire with these materials.
·     Until the SS flat wire has been processed, wrap it in paper or another protective covering.
·     To avoid stains or finger marks, handle SS flat wire with clean gloves or clothing.
Stainless steel cleaning: For aesthetic reasons and to maintain corrosion resistance, SS flat wire must be cleaned. A thin layer of chromium oxide protects SS flat wire...
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midseo · 3 months
Flattened Wire Conveyor Belts, MS / GI / SS Wire Mesh Belt, Chain Conveyors, Mumbai, India
Manufacturer and Supplier of Flattened Wire Conveyor Belts, MS / GI / SS Wire Mesh Belt, Chain Conveyors, Mumbai, India.
Balance Weave Conveyor Belt, Balance Weave Conveyor Belts, Belt Conveyor, Belt Conveyors, Chain Conveyor, Chain Conveyors, Chain Link Conveyor Belt, Chain Link Conveyor Belts, Chain Link Type Conveyor Belt, Chain Link Type Conveyor Belts, Chainlink Type Conveyor Belt, Chainlink Type Conveyor Belts, Compound Balance Weave Conveyor Belt, Compound Balance Weave Conveyor Belts, Conveyor Belt, Conveyor Belt Metallic, Conveyor Belts, Conveyor Furnaces, Conveyor Steel Belts, Duplex Weave Conveyor Belt, Duplex Weave Conveyor Belts, Duplex Weave Type Conveyor Belt, Duplex Weave Type Conveyor Belts, Enrober Conveyor Belt, Enrober Conveyor Belts, Flat Wire Conveyor Belt, Flat Wire Conveyor Belts, Furnace Belt, Honeycomb Conveyor Belt, Honeycomb Conveyor Belts, Metal Belt, Metal Conveyor Belt, Metal Conveyor Belts, Metallic Conveyor Belt, Metallic Conveyor Belts, Rod Reinforced Conveyor Belt, Rod Reinforced Conveyor Belts, Rubber Conveyor Belt, Rubber Conveyor Belts, Steel Conveyor Belt, Wire Mesh, Wire Mesh Belt, Wire Mesh Belts, Wire Mesh Conveyor Belt, Wire Mesh Conveyor Belts, SS Wire Mesh Belt, SS Wire Mesh Belts, Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Belt, Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Belts, Mild Steel Wire Mesh Belt, Mild Steel Wire Mesh Belts, MS Wire Mesh Belt, MS Wire Mesh Belts, GI Wire Mesh Belt, GI Wire Mesh Belts, Galvanized Iron Wire Mesh Belt, Galvanized Iron Wire Mesh Belts, Chapati Conveyor Belt, Chapati Conveyor Belts, Biscuit Conveyor Belt, Biscuit Conveyor Belts, Conveyor Belts for Food Industry, Conveyor Belts for Glass Industry, Conveyor Belts for Ceramic Industry, Conveyor Belts for Furnace Industry, Conveyor Belts for Fertilizers Industry, Conveyor Belts for Foundry Industry, Conveyor Belts for forging Industry, Conveyor Belts for Filter Industry, Conveyor Belts for Chemical Industry, Conveyor Belts for Pharma Industry, Conveyor Belts for Pharmaceutical Industry, Conveyor Belts for Automotive Industry, Mumbai, Pune, Maharashtra, Gujarat, India.
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beekeepingfiji · 6 months
Honey Supplies AVAILABLE from Jacks Farms
New Post has been published on https://www.beekeepingfiji.com/?p=4983
Honey Supplies AVAILABLE from Jacks Farms
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Honey Supplies available from Jacks Farms.
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Farms PTE Ltd.
P.O. Box. 259 Nadi. Phone: +679 6700744 Email: [email protected]; | www.jacksfiji.com
Quote Sheet
Item No.
Discription and Specifications
Unit Price VIP
Bee hive
10-Frame Langstroth Beehive
China Fir Wood
Outer cover with metal lid, inner cover, 1*medium box (168mm), 1*full depth box (245mm) and base board, Unassembled
flat pack
Inner cover
Fir wood 10F
bulk packing
Beehive frame
Wooden Beehive Frame
(Assembled & Wired)
Russian Pine Wood, with bee space assembled with stainless steel wire and brass eyelets
Full depth frame: 48.3*44.8*23.2cm Medium frame: 48.3*44.8*15.9cm
Full depth: 20pcs/carton 58*50*26cm/ 7kg
Ideal depth: 40pcs/carton 58*50*34cm/ 10kg
Foundation Beewax
Beeswax Foundation Sheet 100% pure beeswax
Size: 41.5 x 19.5 cm Weight: about 75g per sheet
300pcs/carton 44.5*44*45cm 23kg
Honey strainer
Honey Strainer
Conical Nylon strainer stainless steel ring
100pcs/carton 41*43*43cm 10kg/carton
Storage tank
120L Storage Tank 201 stainless steel Dia:47cm H:74cm
1pc/carton 52*52*77cm 9.2kg
Bee smoker
Bee Smoker
Stainless steel+leather bellow Overall height: 25.5cm
barrel height: 16cm barrel diameter: 9cm
15pcs/carton 68*30*62cm 10.5kg/carton
Beekeeper Glove
Beekeeper Glove
cotton sleeve
100 pairs/carton 44*44*52cm
Beekeeper suit with hood
Ventilate Beekeeper Suit with Hood
with veil zipper with elastic wrist and ankles. three layers ventilate
35: 2XL
3XL 35: XL:30
20pcs/carton 44*43*57cm 15kg/carton
Hive tool
Hive Tool
Stainless steel Length: 23.5cm
100pcs/carton 30*20*15cm/18.5kg
Hive tool J type
Hive Tool. J Type
Stainless steel hook pained red color
Length: 28.5cm
200pcs/carton 54*29*11cm
Uncapping Fork
Uncapping Fork
with hanging hole
21 needles bent or straight needles color: red or yellow
44*24*15cm 50pcs/carton 3.5kg
Queen excluder
10-Frame Queen Excluder
Color: white/yellow Plastic PE/PP Size:42X50.9CM
more sizes available
100pcs/carton 44*28*52cm 29.5kg/carton
Electric wire embedder
Electric Wire Embedder
Australia 3-pins plug 110-240V
12V, 4A
Frame wiring jig
Frame Wiring Jig
size: 70*27.5*3cm net weight: 5.6kg
for langstrorth frames only
1pc/carton size: 64*28*8cm
net weight: 2.3kg 5PCS/CTN 50*40*40CM GW:14.5 KG
Queen cage
Queen Cage
With feeder plate Weight: 10g/pc
2000pcs/carton 65*31*65cm
18.8kg /carton
queen catcher
Queen Catcher
670pcs/carton 46*38*29cm 17.5kg
queen cell cups
Queen Cell Cups
600pcs/carton 15*11*21cm 0.95kg
grafting tool
Grafting Tool.
Best quality
sold by 2pcs as one set
200pcs/carton 18*9.5*11.5cm 0.5kg
Jacks Farms PTE Ltd. P.O. Box. 259 Nadi. Phone: +679 6700744
Email: [email protected]; | www.jacksfiji.com
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priyanshisingh · 11 months
Earthing Equipment Market 2022 | Growth Strategies, Opportunity, Challenges, Rising Trends and Revenue Analysis 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Earthing Equipment Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028.  Unlocking the Power of Safety and Efficiency: Supercharge your business with cutting-edge Earthing Equipment. With a steady growth rate of 6.30% between 2023-2030 this booming market is set to reach an impressive value of USD 7.2 billion by 2030.
Earthing Equipment Market opportunities are vast and promising, presenting a multitude of avenues for growth and development in the industry. With the increasing concerns about electrical safety and protection against lightning strikes, there is a pressing need for high-quality earthing equipment across various sectors. The construction industry, in particular, stands to benefit significantly from these opportunities as it demands robust grounding systems to ensure worker safety and protect structures from potential damages caused by electrical faults. Moreover, with the growing adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind farms require efficient earthing solutions to safeguard their installations from lightning-induced surges.
Earthing, or grounding, is the process of transferring electricity to the earth plate via low resistance electrical cables. This function is fulfilled by earthing systems that connect installation parts with the earth's conductive surface. This connection, imperative for functional and safety purposes, is facilitated by earthing equipment, devices that significantly reduce the risk of electric shock from unshielded metal parts of electrical devices and other similar hazards.
Powering Growth: Key Factors Influencing the Earthing Equipment Market
Numerous elements, such as demand for turnkey earthing solutions, an expanding construction industry, and a spike in electricity demand due to burgeoning industrial and residential sectors, fuel the growth of the earthing equipment market. Nevertheless, challenges such as fluctuating raw material costs and the absence of standardized product designs pose potential hurdles.
In response to the threat of copper theft, several competitors have implemented resistant earthing systems. Simultaneously, ongoing government mandates and the continuous release of innovative technologies offer lucrative growth opportunities for the global earthing equipment market.
The incorporation of earthing equipment in modern structures or systems for operational safety is expected to further propel market growth, making this a burgeoning sector in the coming years.
Browse 250 pages report Earthing Equipment Market By Product (MS flat, CI flat, GI wire)By End User (Residential, Commercial, Industrial) -Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030)- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/earthing-equipment-market
Earthing Equipment Market Segmentation: A Closer Look
The industrial segment of the earthing equipment market is expected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. This is attributed to the rise in industrialization and the expanding warehouse and manufacturing sectors, which are both conducive to business growth worldwide.
Product-wise, the earthing equipment market is categorized into MS flat, CI flat, and GI wire segments, while user-wise, it encompasses residential, commercial, and industrial divisions.
When analyzed region-wise, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA are the major market contributors.
Charting Growth: Earthing Equipment Market by Product and Region
The CI flat product segment dominated the global earthing equipment market in 2017, holding the largest market share. This growth, fueled by a rise in construction projects for metro, railways, and manufacturing plants, is projected to continue during the forecast period.
Region-wise, North America holds the highest market share in the earthing equipment market due to the region's growing mining activities. Moreover, government-imposed safety mandates across all sectors are further boosting the market growth.
Competitive Landscape: Key Players in the Earthing Equipment Market
The competitive landscape of the earthing equipment market is vibrant, with key players such as ABB, Alstom, Crompton Greaves, Eaton, Emerson Electric, GE, Harger Lightning & Grounding, Schneider Electric, Kingsmill Industries UK Ltd, and Toshiba paving the way.
In conclusion, the earthing equipment market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, powered by robust industrialization, advancing technology, and evolving safety standards. As the world becomes increasingly electrified, the need for effective earthing solutions will only continue to rise, creating immense opportunities for companies operating in this sector.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Earthing Equipment Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Earthing Equipment Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Full Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/earthing-equipment-market
Visit: https://www.credenceresearch.com/
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Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/earthing-equipment-market-2022-growth-strategies-challenges-singh
Browse Our Blog: https://tealfeed.com/earthing-equipment-market-expected-generate-revenue-tcksi
About Us -
Credence Research is a viable intelligence and market research platform that provides quantitative B2B research to more than 10,000 clients worldwide and is built on the Give principle. The company is a market research and consulting firm serving governments, non-legislative associations, non-profit organizations, and various organizations worldwide. We help our clients improve their execution in a lasting way and understand their most imperative objectives. For nearly a century, we’ve built a company well-prepared for this task.
Contact Us:
Office No 3 Second Floor, Abhilasha Bhawan, Pinto Park, Gwalior [M.P] 474005 India
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zerosatbara · 1 year
2 and 3 BHK Flats for Sale in Besa, Nagpur
Experience Modern Urban Living: Introducing by Zerosatbara Construction
Are you looking for the perfect blend of comfort, luxury, and convenience in Nagpur? Look no further! Zerosatbara Construction, one of the most trusted and reliable builders in central India, presents its latest bespoke project: Officer's Enclave & R Sandesh Arcade. With meticulous attention to detail, modern architecture, and world-class amenities, these 2 BHK flats redefine urban living in Nagpur.
Quality Workmanship and Structural Integrity:
At Zerosatbara Construction, we prioritize delivering top-notch quality in every aspect of our projects. Our earthquake-resistant RCC framed structure, reinforced with M30 concrete slab, ensures the safety and durability of your home. The internal walls boast 115mm thick brick masonry, providing excellent insulation and soundproofing. Meanwhile, the external walls feature 150mm thick brick masonry, further enhancing the structural integrity.
Impeccable Interiors:
Step into your new 2 BHK flat and be greeted by smooth finish plastered walls adorned with a touch of luxury. The inner walls boast a 12mm thick plaster with 2 layers of base coat (putty), while the outer walls feature a 15-20mm thick plaster. The tastefully designed laminated flush doors, including the entrance door and toilets, add an elegant touch to your living space. The powder-coated aluminum sliding windows not only provide ample natural light but also ensure your safety with MS safety grills.
Modern Kitchen and Bathrooms:
The kitchen is the heart of every home, and we understand its significance. Your new 2 BHK flat comes equipped with a granite countertop and a stainless steel sink, offering both functionality and style. The glazed ceramic tiles up to the lintel level create a visually appealing backsplash. Power points for essential appliances such as the fridge, oven, chimney, and water purifier add convenience to your daily life.
Our W.C. and toilets feature concealed plumbing with PVC pipes for a sleek and tidy look. Color ceramic dado tiles up to the lintel level add a touch of vibrancy, while branded sanitaryware and bath fittings ensure quality and durability. Provision for a geyser and exhaust further enhances the functionality of your bathroom space.
Luxurious Flooring and Finishes:
Your living and dining areas, as well as bedrooms, are adorned with exquisite vitrified tiles that combine aesthetics and practicality. The kitchen boasts anti-skid vitrified tiles, ensuring safety while working in the culinary domain. Toilets and balconies feature anti-skid tiles, providing a secure grip even in wet conditions. The lobby and stairs feature tiles with granite frames, accentuating the elegance and offering a warm welcome to residents and guests.
Electrical Efficiency:
Our 2 BHK flats are equipped with concealed copper wiring and ISI standard modular switches, ensuring safety and convenience. With provisions for inverter wiring, you can enjoy uninterrupted power supply during any unforeseen disruptions. AC points in the hall and master bedroom, as well as TV points in the hall and master bedroom, cater to your modern lifestyle needs.
Convenience and Amenities:
Zerosatbara Construction understands the importance of convenience and community. Each tower is equipped with two high-speed elevators, ensuring smooth and effortless movement within the premises. The project features an overhead water tank, underground water tank, borewell, and corporation water supply, ensuring an uninterrupted water supply for your comfort.
Dedicated car parking spaces for each flat and paver blocks in the margin space add convenience and a touch of sophistication to your lifestyle.
Your Dream Home Awaits:
Experience a new paradigm of urban living in Nagpur with Zerosatbara Construction's 2 BHK flats at Officer's Enclave & R Sandesh Arcade. With our impeccable craftsmanship, adherence to government guidelines, and commitment to quality, we have established ourselves as one of the most preferred partners in the industry.
Don't miss this opportunity to own a modern, luxurious, and well-crafted 2 BHK flat in Nagpur. Contact us today to explore the possibilities and make your dream home a reality.
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0734n · 1 year
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maltron ergo keyboard veery interesting. not understand hand ergonomics so im not sure how this is helpful. also idk much about maltron(yet)
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dell sk-6000 ergo keyboard....very appealing moreso than the kinds with a split coming from the back(pictured later)
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ergo natural keyboard via ms llooks good but that spacebar no no....the wrist rest extremely good, the old microsoft logo n simplicity, prettty decent overall
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and then this. yeah. my family had this one 4 a while maybe they still do idk but i dont like the fake split personally imo, an the keys were tooo flat, plus wireless...(good if u like wireless. i like wire) plus double connected spacebar....makessense for functionality but design blech. not my taste ig
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