#msf writes
sporkberries · 9 months
What’s interesting about Kaz is he is a slimey business man. Hes very economically minded but i wouldnt say hes greedy. Its more like… a hunger. A constant need for power and sway and something he cant even name. its not about personal wealth. sure he doesnt want to be a pauper by his own word but hes not necessarily gaudy or looking for self profit, not traditionally anyways.
He wants so much from the world, and no matter how much he takes no matter what he subsumes hes still that hungry little boy with not even basic respect to his name. He wants and he craves and that demon inside him continues to devour the world long after hes gone
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hottakehoulihan · 9 months
"I don't have ADHD, I am ADHD" ...?
Is this a reasonable thing to say? Is there a better way to say it?
...maybe I've aspergers or autism too, but those diagnoses are fairly new things and I haven't seen a competent mental health professional in years or maybe ever (it ain't easy, free, or pleasant) and I don't know I just know I am neurotypical-passing in dim light up until I have to social for any length of time. So I won't assume and don't claim that. Nor will I assume/claim any other comorbid things.
But yeah, I recently saw, probably here, the phrase "I don't have autism, I am autistic." --emphasizing that it's not a thing that can or should be removed, like a benign mole or a malignant cancer, but rather that it's a circumstance that must be managed in some situations, like trying to find clothes that fit when you're very tall and have very large breasts, or trying to navigate a business with low doorframes and impolite bystanders when you're very tall and have very large breasts.
I digested and accept the distinction, though it may not be relevant soon since I limit my social excursions and the four social events (one unexpectedly televised I hate that) I had in the last week have me feeling wrecked and I'm avoiding anybody but actual friends for several days until I feel capable of breathing deeply again.
But it does make me wonder if it shouldn't apply to other flavors of neurodivergence. The old joke "it's only paranoia if they're not out to get you" has validity; probably every flavor of differentness has situations in which it is extremely adaptive.
And it's not like Adderall-et-alla cures or--for me--even greatly mitigates symptoms. My difference is not a part of me I could have removed without killing the host. So perhaps it is just that. I am ADHD. ...though that really doesn't feel like a great way to put it.
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vrnicky · 1 year
Hihi, I'm here with the number 31~
Hello hello!! Welcome welcome! Nice number gotta say ehehe :3 and while writing this, it turned a little angsty but it has comfort at the end!!
You got...
Devonte! My mafiaswapfell crystal sans!
Do you love your boyfriend? Of course! Even with his fancy dates and stoic attitude, he has a soft spot and that's you, you're his soft spot since he seems to break that bad guy facade and be soft, of course not that much but he smiles only with you.
Sometimes you do get curious about his soft side or even his.. sad side, not that you wanted him to be sad!! Of course not! You just wanted to be with him even in the lowest like he was with you!
And looks like.. now it was that time, sadly. Devonte got an important call while you two were eating so he had to excuse himself and yet you could hear worry in his voice so you got nervous.
"Babe?" You ask since you stopped hearing noise and of course you were gonna worry!
No response so you rushed to the room and you saw him on his knees, breathing heavily, holding his chest with one hand.
You calmly went to his side.
"Devonte? I'm here.. Dylan?" You call for him and only his real name brings him back and looks over you, he basically jumps at you, hugging your waist.
"What happened? Talk to me.." you say calmly since you don't want him to be overwhelmed either…
–Its.. Just My Brother.. Got Into An.. Accident..– he whispered, still holding you tight. –Everything Is.. Alright.. Just The Scare.. I Suppose..–
"You don't need to explain anything to me.. I get it, it's your baby brother.." you try to keep your voice low as possible while caressing his skull as he calms down.
Until he finally pulls away, more relaxed, he has a look you never saw on him.
Before you could say something he kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek.
–I'm Sorry You Had To See Me Like That, Bunny… I Love You.. A Lot – he says, more calm than before and he presses a soft kiss on your lips that you gladly follow.
"I love you too, honey" you answer after pulling away from that kiss.
–Now, Let's Get To Eat, Or Clean The Dishes. Hopefully The Food Wouldn't Get Cold –He talks as he stands up holding your hand and leading you to the dinning room.
This is the skeleton you know, not liking being distracted and you wouldn't change him for anything in the world.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
If you send me a screenshot of a donation you made to PCRF, MSF (doctors without borders), or UNRWA for $30 or more, I'll write you a ficlet for the ship of your choice. No promises on length (probably about 500 words) and I may require a change in ship if it's a squick, but I'll write a ficlet nonetheless.
Only new donations, this is not retroactive. Gotta be today or after.
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4nikki21 · 4 months
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“We are not youth any longer. We don’t want to take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces.”
Every day, civilians are targeted and killed in war-torn regions. As of when I'm writing this, hundreds of civilians are being killed each day in Gaza.
As someone who's been able to deliver supplies to and assist at hospitals in impoverished countries, I know firsthand that getting medical supplies and resources directly to the region helps much more than shipping supplies or donating in other ways.
MSF (Doctors Without Borders) is operating some of the few hospitals remaining in Gaza. Please read their statements.
"War" is not a fight, but a slaughter where young people die and political top-dogs bicker. Each and every life lost is more than just a statistic.
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greenlaut · 1 month
Hello everyone, I am a house maid in Gaza Palestine. I am here requesting financial support for Layla, a daughter of my employer Mrs Hussein who died three days ago after being shot on the chest by the Israeli army. Her Daughter Layla is diabetic and she urgently needs insulin. Kindly help me purchase insulin for her. Donation link is available on the pinned post
read carefully. i know you want to help but blindly supporting people without filtering out will ended up de-platforming actual palestinians who need help.
1. look at this writing from pinned post. no one writes like this—it's very much AI generated. not only this person is fake and stealing donations from ghazans, they are also very lazy.
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2. Check their blog. it's suspiciously sterile whilst only reblogging every single news article that contains US liberal buzzwords that doesn't connect to eachother; trans news, feminism, etc. what normal person makes a page specifically for donation filled with news articles unrelated to that?
3. and also none of the reblogs have tags. not for filing or anything alike. there's no opinion we can get from them about the actual topic. and say this is a personal account; what miserable folk would only reblog conflict news, if they're not only doing it just to get the news' audiences attention?
these kinds of bots already don't have feelings, so don't bother bullying them off. i encourage you to put your energy into just spreading the word about being careful and raise awareness about palestine instead.
as a note, DO NOT CLICK DONATION LINKS THAT YOU CANT SEE THE WEBSITE FROM it could be a phishing website. it could have trackers. we don't know. be wary—there are shit people.
lastly, here are some safe WEBSITES YOU SHOULD HEAD IN TO DONATE TO PALESTINIANS (if you're able to)
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
eSims for Gaza (by mirna elhelbawi — this is the one afaik that actually works for Ghazans)
I hope this helps and be safe out there. From the river to the sea.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 5 months
If you don't mind I'm going to be horribly demanding and request more delicious thoughts on Kaz and his female coded story. Sorry but I'm eating this all up!!
No sweat Anon! I will say it's a thought I kinda had offhandedly once and left alone for a long time, so I'm having to think way back a bit as I consider it.
As an obvious quick note too, it's sort of a random interpretation I had. It doesn't have any real bearing on canon anymore than my other random thoughts do. It was kind of like, at some point, I noticed that Kaz had a storyline and writing style I've gotten used to seeing but with women.
The jilted ex hellbent on revenge. Someone who is more well known in story for his emotional issues vs how physically imposing or strong he is or isn't. I don't know about everyone else, but when I first think of Kaz, the most memorable thing that comes to mind is his emotions. Being unable to manage ones anger is very 'masculine' a trait, but being beholden to those emotions is a 'feminine' quality.
I'll say too, revenge as a motivator is a common story theme. And its very present in films and the like. This is certainly not a 'female only' thing, and there's SO much nuance that has to be applied. And to be perfectly blunt, I can't fully articulate 100% why I especially have this feeling with him, but at some point in one of my nightly Kaz spirals, I had the thought of "Kaz is written the way I'm used to women being written", and, after mentioning it, I sat on it, never gave it really much expansion, and haven't given myself the chance to really put into words why I feel this way.
It's sort of like..
Kaz gets dismissed a lot. Kaz isn't taken seriously a lot because he lets his emotions get the better of him. (Which is largely his fault, if he could calm down for five seconds and take a breather, he'd be able to put his very honest, very intelligent thoughts into words). But he doesn't give himself that chance. He screams, shouts and acts impulsive instead.
Meaning he gets written off as being 'too hysterical' to take seriously. Which is something we see a lot in female characters. Who often get pushed aside in narratives despite being smart, or having a point, because "She's too hysterical right now don't listen to her."
Kaz is known for being jealous. Manipulative and 100% ruled by emotions and impulses. He makes extreme decisions at the drop of a hat, but places fall apart without him managing the books and the records. He tries to overcompensate, and get taken seriously, but it leaves him getting underestimated and written off. Because for every serious thing he says, for every legitimate point he makes, its either screamed or shouted.
Or, full of biting sarcasm and snide remarks. He's a 'playboy' in Peace Walker. The man with a full hair care routine in a jungle. He's been 'caught' and brought in by a man more powerful and more respected than himself, and while he tries again and again to be on equal footing with him-and fully believes he ought to be, it falls short.
(This isn't excusing Kaz either, his entrance into the MSF is a rabbit hole I've gone down before, because it's very hard to put into black and white territory and victim/abuser territory. It requires deeper thought and more critical thinking).
I think another way to look at it, is that if I imagine Kaz as a woman, his story..really does not change that much to me? It's got all the elements of the supporting/leading lady role. And as a retroactive character (as in, a character that was originally very much a one note they build backwards by making him more meaningful in the prequels) he gained importance in the narrative, but backwards.
(I'm aware this doesn't make much sense, it's so hard for me to articulate this one properly sorry).
To be a tad crueler about it, think of the stereotype 'nagging wife'. Its not hard to imagine Kaz like that. At all. In my head. At the end of the day, it's something I'd probably have to think about more, but it kinda sits in the back of my mind occasionally.
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tiptapricot · 8 months
Hey! While I encourage donating in general, I also am currently opening donation commissions. Dm me proof of any $5 or more donation to any of the organizations below the cut/organizations currently supporting/providing aid to Palestinians, and I will write you a short 500-1000 word piece on a prompt or request of your choice.
I can’t do OCs unless I’m very familiar with them due to the faster nature of these, but I am open to any of the following fandoms:
Moon Knight (show or comics), Into/Across the spider-verse, Mortal Kombat (general but most familiar w games 9-12), DC comics media (with most familiarity being for the Batfamily, the DCAU continuity of shows, Batman Unburied/Riddler Secrets In The Dark, the legion of super heroes 2006, and the Batman 2004), The Mandalorian and/or the original Star Wars trilogy, Tiger and Bunny, Bill and Ted, The John Wick franchise, Wolf 359, and The Lost Boys 1987.
I am open to explicit prompts and will be more lenient in my preferences, however I won’t make hateful content or content I am uncomfortable with. Please ask if you’re curious! Turn around time may vary on these but I will continue to have them open and complete them to the best of my ability for as long as I can.
And please donate to the organizations below if you are able, whether that be through a donation comm from me or just in general (either way is totally cool, it happening is the important part and I am offering this myself so if you are interested please reach out!) Also please please look into any local, national, and international efforts available to you to lobby for your government to work towards a ceasefire and stop the genocide currently happening. There are actions taking place all around the globe, and the best time to get involved is now.
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imagines-by-cleo · 1 year
I hope your illness gets better soon!! This is my first time requesting, and sorry my English is bad. It is not my native language.
I really like Miller from MGSV. So, I’m so happy that you write about him! Can I request a fic that the reader walks into Miller drinking alone, and he being drunk accidentally confesses to the reader?
Please take your time. Get well soon, and I hope you have a nice day🤗
Thank you so much friend! It's so nice to hear you enjoy my fics and it's great to get back into writing with these requests, I am grateful for every single one of them!
This ended up being super long and super fluffy but I had fun writing (cause omg I love Kaz) it and I think you'll like it too, idk if you wanted smut but that's what I wrote and if you want to avoid it you can stop after the page divider. I'm finishing these requests slow but I swear I am finishing them and I'm trying to make them worth the wait. I appreciate your patience but most of all I appreciate the time everyone takes to read these.
CW: Alcohol, whump, fluff, consent is sexy, nipple play, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), masturbation, dirty talk, unprotected sex
The overwhelming stench of warm sake filled your nose before you even opened the door to Miller's office, telling you exactly how you were going to spend the rest of the night. As you stepped in you found the room covered in a cloud of smoke from a kiseru pipe while music from at least a decade prior played loudly.
"Master Miller?" You called, though he didn't answer.
There he was sitting behind his desk in a daze, half here and half in the 70s, not even noticing your presence until you snuck over and turned the record player off. Grabbing a nearby wastebin you made short work of clearing out the many bottles around the room, one of which was still in his hand as he tried to pour the last few drops directly into his mouth.
"We should get some tequila shipped in." He mused.
"We had some. You drank it." You said a little too bluntly, but he probably wouldn't remember if you were being rude.
"One time... Back in MSF I had to much tequila and... I don’t really remember but the guys told me they had to get me down from a table and put my pants back on." His expression would change every time he trailed off from looking like he could cry to trying not to bust out laughing, but it was nice to see a twinkle in those clouded blue eyes.
You held in a snicker while you listened, it might have been nice to see Kaz in his party days but you're sure you would have to do the same thing you did now only you would have to wrestle his pants back on and he would have two more limbs to fight you off with.
Speaking of, you looked around for his crutch but couldn't find it anywhere, it had a funny way of disappearing when Kaz was drinking. With a sigh you walked up to his chair and grabbed his arm to stand him up, he leaned into you when you put his arm around your shoulder to walk him out.
"Wait a minute." He held a finger up, then pointed it at the desk where his sunglasses were sitting, prompting you to take them and gently put them on his face before leaving.
"Happy now?" You asked, only getting a hum in response.
It was becoming routine to help him out like this, normally you didn't think twice about it but tonight there was something about the heat coming from his body and the faint sweet smell of smoke carried in his clothes that made you realize how intimate the situation was. It was somewhat against protocol to be this close with a commanding officer but maybe it had the potential to become more than that. It was hard to admit now, but that was part of the reason you came here tonight. Only you couldn't really ask him about his feelings while he was completely wasted, the least you could do was make sure he was taken care of.
Putting the thought away as you left his office you headed toward his room, it wasn’t far but it felt much longer with an entire man slumped over your shoulder. While you were struggling Kaz was having the time of his life, humming a song and occasionally mumbling the words out of tune.
When you got to his room you found it was both bare and a complete mess. No pictures or anything to decorate the dull grey walls, clothes were thrown haphazardly on the floor and unmade bed and the only window had blackout curtains drawn closed. You stepped carefully through the mess, trying not to let yourself or Kaz trip on anything that had been left around.
This was the first time you had actually been inside since he would stagger back in alone once you got him this far but tonight he had been drinking too much to even do that. Its not that it was any of your business, but after discovering how he lived you started to get worried.
"Hey, I noticed you've been drinking more since the Boss brought home those MSF soldiers that were wandering around. I hope it's not bringing back any unpleasant memories." You pointed out figuring your best shot at getting clarification was while he was like this.
For a minute as he got quiet you were worried he was about to get angry at you, but to your surprise he answered honestly. "No, they're good memories. But that's all they are."
Deciding not to press the issue further, you changed the subject. "Let's get you to bed."
"You take such good care of me, that's why I love you." He laughed.
"Yeah, right." You replied, it was a strange thing for him to say but you chalked it up to him being drunk.
Sliding out from under his arm you proceeded to stand him up carefully as he swayed side to side, pulling his coat off quickly before he tipped over completely without your help. A blush rose on your cheeks when you unbuttoned his shirt, maybe it wasn't completely necessary but you didn't want him just falling asleep in it. Hesitating a moment when you reached for his glasses, once you uncovered his eyes you noticed how they had been fixed on you as if he was looking for something.
"What is it?" You asked.
The hand threading into your hair and cradling the back of your head caught you off guard, before you knew it Kaz' lips were on yours. The taste of sake was still strong and his mouth was so warm, you put your hands on his broad chest but couldn't find the strength to push him back. He pulled away just to continue across your jaw and behind your ear, you shuddered at the feeling, wishing you could just give in to it.
"Kaz, wait." You interrupted.
He stopped almost immediately but he stayed where he was, whispering his confession into your ear. "I meant it."
"You're drunk." You replied, pushing him into a seated position on the bed.
"Come here." He told you before dragging you down onto his lap, his poor balance causing the two of you to fall back onto the mattress together.
His body fit perfectly against yours while he kissed you again, it felt so natural to have him hold you like this that you were tempted to just give in. The groan he made when he rolled his hips up into you vibrated through your whole body, making you gasp in response after feeling the hard bulge that pressed into your thigh.
You lifted yourself up and looked down at him, pushing a golden strand of hair away from his pink face revealing his half lidded eyes that locked with yours.
"We can't do this." You sighed, climbing off the bed. "Not tonight."
He grabbed your hand before you walked away, so he could request. "Stay with me at least?"
Staring at the door, you contemplated what you should do before answering. "I'll stay until you fall asleep."
A low snore from behind told you that would be sooner than you thought, you turned and found Kaz was already fast alseep. You smacked your palm to face in frustration, more upset with yourself for expecting anything different.
Did that bastard really just confess his love to you and then pass out drunk? At the very least you knew you had made the right decision to turn him down for now anyway, but this was going to make for a delicate situation the next day if he even remembered half of what happened. How would you even go about explaining it to him, and would he expect a reaction from you?
With a tired groan you looked around the room for something to tidy up and keep you busy while you pushed the important questions off until tomorrow.
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An all to bright ray of sunlight shining straight onto his face woke Kaz up, muttering curses he squeezed his eyes shut while reaching for his glasses on the nightstand. He knew exactly where they were though he didn't remember setting them there, come to think of it he didn't even remember how he got into his room last night but he wasn't inclined to think too hard about it now.
He sat up slowly to not irritate his throbbing head or aching body, leaning on the wall as he staggered into the bathroom. There was a bottle of water and some seltzer waiting on the sink, he didn't bother to question who put it there, as far as he was concerned it was a gift from God.
After chugging his drink and splashing some water on his face Kaz stared in the mirror, questioning the actions that put him here once again, but all the regret in the world wasn't going to change the fact that he was going to have to get dressed sooner or later. Instinctively he looked around the floor for his clothes finding they were all gone, someone had neatly folded yesterday's clothes and set them on his dresser while the rest were put in the drawers. There wasn't much he remembered about the night before but he was damn sure he didn't do any of that and before he could wonder how they got there he heard a stirring across the room.
Kaz nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned to find you sleeping curled up in an armchair. Knowing you had been there all night answered the question of why his room was so clean, but he was starting to feel guilty for having brought you here in the first place.
He came up to you as quietly as possible, you looked kinda cute, laying there with the sun shining on your messed up hair as you softly snored. Kaz found himself wishing he woke up next to this in his bed rather than across the room. He watched for a minute noticing the way you had your arms wrapped around your body, you must have been cold, immediately he went to grab a blanket from his bed and draped it gently over you. A satisfied smile rose on his face while he watched you snuggle into the warmth, his hand lingered on your shoulder after tucking you in. Slowly your eyes fluttered open, still hazed and tired as you looked up at him.
"Did you get that water I left for you?" You asked.
"Yeah, I did." He answered, he should have figured that was from you.
"That's good." You replied while yawning, wiggling around to get comfortable. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I don't know why you're still worried about me." He laughed, it was strange the way you looked after him when all he could really do was bring you a blanket.
"Someone has to be." You answered, rubbing your eyes and makeing the dark circles under them more apparent. "Besides, you were pretty wasted last night."
"Right, I must have kept you up pretty late. Why don't you take my bed and get some rest?" He requested, reachingout to you. "Do it for me."
Kaz led you over to the bed just a few feet away while you staggered over half awake without even questioning him. He tucked you in again before turning to leave and get ready for for his day if it wasn't too late.
"I don't know why you stayed here and went through all this trouble." He mumbled, more to himself than anything.
"You told me to stay last night." You answered, to his surprise.
"I hope that's all I told you." He laughed.
"Well there was one thing..." You continued, sitting up, the words sendinga chill down his spine. "You made a move on me, you kissed me actually."
Kaz really shouldn't have been surprised, he knew he had feelings for you since the day he met you but he wasn't about to tell anyone. It was only a matter of time until something slipped out, especially when you were around so much. He spent those few precious seconds of silence racking his brain to try and remember what exactly he said and more importantly how to respond.
"It was kinda nice knowing you felt the same way, but I wish you'd told me when you weren't drinking; or maybe when we both were." You shrugged, looking up at him in this sweet innocent way that he just couldn't stand.
"Listen..." He started, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I appreciate everything you've done, in fact I'm in more debt to you than I like to think about, but don't you think you'd be better off spending your time doing something else? With someone else?"
"I like spending time with you." You answered, reaching for his hand. "And I don't mind helping out every now and then."
"I don't deserve someone like you taking care of me." He confessed, it felt harsh coming out but he couldn't just let you keep doing this.
He wasn't expecting you to say anything after that, much less turn his face toward you and kiss him. It was his last chance to push you away but he wanted you more than he should have and let you come closer.
When you broke off you whispered "Please, don't talk about yourself like that."
It was a little jarring to have you showing him affection like that, every nice thing you did confused him and he always felt guilty for wanting more but he never thought he was more than a burden to you. Knowing you really felt for him changed everything, and his heart pounded as he allowed himself to be vulnerable for just once.
You crawled over, straddling his lap before taking his sunglasses off. He wrapped his arm around you while you shared a deep and thoughtful stare for a good long while.
"I love seeing your eyes." You broke the silence.
He just had to kiss you after that, holding you tighter while his lips moved softly against yours. For a brief moment he felt your tongue touch his bottom lip, inviting him to to take the opportunity and explore your mouth with his own. He slid his tongue in deep and fast making you moan in surprise before simply allowing him free access to taste you. You pressed your chest into his without breaking the kiss, taking his hand and guiding it under your shirt to touch between your breasts and for a second he could feel your heart beating fast.
Circling one nipple with his thumb, he felt it perk up in his hand until it was stiff, that made it much easier to pinch and tease making you twitch in his grasp. He lifted your shirt up higher so he could pop the other nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it and gently sucking.
While he was playing with your tits you unbuttoned your pants, doing your best to pull one leg out of them without climbing off his lap. Pushing him away just for a moment to take his shirt off before pulling him back against your chest, running your fingers through his messy hair while he continued.
Your other hand drifted down, exploring his chest and anywhere else that you could. Then you reached for his boxers, tugging at the waistband before he caught your hand by the wrist.
"Not so fast, it's my turn to take care of you." Kaz stopped you, he would have loved to get out of that increasingly tight fabric but he had plans fo you first.
"But I wanna-" You whined.
He cut you off. "Do I have to pull the commanding officer card?"
You giggled. "Maybe."
"Alright. Spread your legs as far as you can. That's an order." He told you before tugging your pants the rest of the way down, and your panties along with it.
Starting by running his hand across your folds, making sure you were good and wet before he teased your entrance. Sliding a single finger in and out slowly, he pulled it all the way out before stuffing it back in as far as it would go then curling it inside you.
"Ah! Do that again!" You cried out, prompting him to go faster.
You held on to his shoulders, leaning in to kiss his neck between desperate pants. Kaz sighed at the soft touch of your wet lips and the warmth of your quick breaths. Pressing the heel of his palm against your clit made you roll your hips into him. It wasn't long until he had you cumming all over his hand and squeezing his fingers tight, your whole body shaking as you gripped him tighter to keep your balance.
After your last few spasms he fell back onto the soft sheets, kneading his fingers into your thigh and guiding you to climb over until you were straddling his face. It was like you read his mind when you lowered yourself onto his lips, and he wasted no time licking up every drop of wetness that dribbled out of you. He groaned at the sweet sticky flavor of you, reaching his tongue into your core and swirling it around to taste more.
Taking notice of how your legs would flex and shake around him, he also noiticed he couldn't hear you making any kind of noise. Pausing and looking up he noticed you were bitting down hard on your bottom lip, most likely in an effort to keep quiet.
"Hey! Don't hold back. Let me hear it." Kaz ordered, slapping the inside of your thigh.
Moaning immediately in response you didn't hold anything back, even when the sounds you made weren't so dignified. Though every little noise from you went straight to his crotch and he could feel himself twitching in his boxers that were starting to get just a little too tight. It was hard not to get off with a sense of pride when he made you cum once with his fingers and again into his mouth, if you weren't completely numb yet you would have felt him grining like a maniac against your sensitive skin.
It was easy enough to toss you over onto your back, you were putty in his hands while he pushed your legs apart and situated your body just how he needed it. The whole time you looked at him with this hungry half lidded gaze, something more sensual than anything you'd see in a magazine.
"Haven't had enough yet?" He teased, making you shake your head.
The front of his boxers were a tented mess, his swollen cock leaking and begging to be touched. Kaz couldn't help bit give it a few strokes before he lined it up, throwing his head back in relief of finally getting some stimulation. The thought crossed his mind to just keep pumping and finish all over you, but something told him he could make you cum one more time.
Climbing over you and starting slow, only giving your overstimulated pussy few inches at a time. You made a low whine that made his cock twitch when his entire length was inside, you lifted your knees up to your chest, welcoming him in deeper.
Everything about you at this point was a dripping mess, and Kaz loved it. From the way your hair was tossed to the dazed look in your eyes, and how your tits still wet with his spit would heave with every breath. Having you bucking up into him still desperate as all hell was just cherry on top.
"Never thought I'd see you like this." He remarked.
"Get used to it." You teased between moans.
Every move he made seemed to elicit some new decadent reaction, the way you were gasping and moaning under him like he was taking the very air out of your lungs made his heart pound. He could only deduce that you were about to cum again and he adjusted accordingly, with a few harsh targeted thrusts that rattled the bed beneath you he had you babbling his name one last time while your thighs twitched and eventually went limp.
He was trying to keep his weight off of you by staying propped up on his arm, until you hooked your arms under his shoulders and pulled him down closer to you. Closing what little distance you had between the two of you had him sinking in even deeper, making him groan at the feeling of being completely engulfed by you.
"You feel so good." He panted, picking up the pace. "You're gonna make me..."
Kaz was about to pull out before you wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him locked inside until it was too late. The warmth of your body burning him up and the sound of his wet skin hitting yours was getting to be more than he could handle. Pushing into you with a last few shallow thrusts, his pulse was racing and he even felt his knees twitch while he emptied inside of you.
There was no way of telling how long the two of you sat like that, he couldn't move or even think and you were still holding onto him for dear life. When he did eventually get some control back he kissed you deeply, only breaking of to suck in a little bit of air before pressing his mouth to yours again. When he pulled away you reached up and pushed the hair away from his face so you could see his eyes, not saying anything but but simply sharing a deep moment.
"I hope you weren't planning on walking anywhere today." He teased, still out of breath.
"You're lucky it's my day off." You replied.
"I guess I am pretty lucky." He chided, rolling off of you.
Something sharp poked into his side making him jump, he reached to see what the object was only to find his sunglasses now bent out of shape. Before he could even curse about it you took them out of his hand and put them on, making him laugh at the lopsided lenses only covering half your face.
"I guess you're not going anywhere without these." You commented.
"It's already too late to get work done anyway." He remarked.
"Oh no, we'll just have to stay in our big comfy bed for the rest of the day." You teased, voice dripping with sarcasm while you laid your head on his chest.
"That doesn't sound too bad." He laughed, wrapping his harm around you.
Laying there together, watching the sun rise higher outside and forgeting about work one soft sigh at a time. It was more than Kaz could have hoped for when he woke up with a hangover. He wasn't sure what he did to deserve this, but he'd have to figure it out so it could happen again.
"Hey..." You broke the silence when you looked up at him grinning. "Tell me that story about you getting drunk in MSF and taking your pants off."
"Wha- Who told you about that?" He stammered.
"You did." He should have known.
"Right, well anyway. This was back when we first got to Costa Rica and we found this little cantina by..."
While Kaz continued his story he thought about how he would normally feel about the old days, using the the anger he felt at the loss of his home and his comrades as a reason to go on and seek vengeance. All his life now was just looking in the past and only going forward to try and find a way to restore it, until now he felt that was the only way. Maybe it was time for a change. Hearing you laugh and smile at his stupid stories made him realize there was a possibility of a future and a new home, and it was all right in front of him.
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lostshitpirate · 1 year
There’s something kinda interesting about when people write about Kaz’s anger towards Big Boss.
A lot of people write it was like a personal attack on him for not coming to save him and literally leaving him behind with someone else. And while that’s probably a piece of it, I don’t think that’s exactly the full reason.
I feel like it has more to do with how BB is treated one of his men. The staff of Mother Base means so much to Kaz. He’s really genuinely upset when they die or are hurt or are captured. And he sounds relieved and truly thankful when V rescues them and returns them home.
I think for Kaz MSF and Diamond Dogs is his home and his family and it’s really important to him and I think he thought BB felt the same.
Finding out that not only did he not come to help them at all when they needed him but also used one of his men and erased his identity for his own personal goals like destroyed Kaz’s infatuation of BB. And led to his revenge plot against him.
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stardust-sanctuary · 2 years
Could you write something about being the ptsd counselor on mother base?
Being a PTSD counselor on Mother Base
IT TOOK FOREVER BUT I DID IT! Oh gosh, it's been so busy at the clinic I work at. Flu season has arrived everyone! Be safe and be healthy! I genuinely hope this was good, I'm still kinda unsure about this, but I did my damndest! As always, feel free to screm at me if I got something wrong.
(Important disclaimer: I’m not at all a licensed professional regarding mental health.  PTSD is something that I take fairly seriously as it has affected both my father, an Army veteran, and my friends who have childhood PTSD. If you or someone you love is experiencing PTSD or any other sort of mental distress, I highly encourage you to reach out to a counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist, or even someone you trust to talk to. You’re worth it.
On a side note, remember, this was in the 70s-80s, and modern mental health resources were still in their infancy. PTSD wasn’t even included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DMS, until 1980 after research involving returning Vietnam War Veterans, Holocaust Survivors, and others and the link between war trauma and post-military life was established. It wasn’t even taken out of the anxiety category until the DMS-5 in 2015.)
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Ho boy, you have your work cut out for you. Being a PTSD counselor on a normal military base is incredibly difficult. But being the counselor for Big Boss and his army? That’s one hell of a task.
Warnings: PTSD, mentions of war, misunderstanding of mental health
MSF (Peace Walker)
The 1960s and 1970s were pivotal times regarding PTSD treatment. Growing evidence from 1968 was revealing that trauma was associated with psychological symptoms, though further research was escalated by the signs of active and returning US soldiers during the Vietnam War. Preventative measures for “shellshock” or “gross stress reaction” were implemented during this time, but it was clear that it was only delaying the long-lasting symptoms. And not even the MSF led by the legendary Big Boss was immune to it.
You originally started in the MSF as a medic, preferring to take care of the injured rather than taking life. Eventually, your bedside manner and commitment to making sure your patients were okay both physically and mentally even after leaving the Med-Tent caught Paz’s eye, and she recommended that you be placed in charge of counseling soldiers that were in between deployments. Considering how much he’d been through himself, I don’t think Big Boss hesitated before allocating the appropriate funds for your new job and education.
Despite backing from Big Boss, your start was a bit rocky. Despite the fact you were the same person who helped them in your time of need, most of the base kind of avoid you, not wanting to be “psycho-analyzed” or labeled as “crazy.” Very few came to you voluntarily, often having to be ordered to talk to you by either their commanders or by another medic. No one was being intentionally ugly or cruel to you, but rather didn’t truly understand that your job was to just keep doing what you’ve already been doing; you just now got a title, better pay, and access to education. Eventually, they all came around thanks to your history as one of the medics and began to truly value you as someone to rely on with even their darkest nightmares. 
Kaz will occasionally come to you when the nightmares get too much, but he’s much happier talking to you outside of your “office hours.” It just feels more real to him. He will more than likely playfully flirt with you too.  Ocelot will probably steer clear of your work but will still be quite friendly toward you. Considering his track history though,  I wouldn’t put it past him to maybe pry into some of the secrets you’ve been entrusted with (keep your documents under lock and key!). But one of your most common visitors is Big Boss himself. At first; he wasn’t too keen on divulging his inner dilemmas to you, rather using the time to just…relax. Talk about something else besides the mission and the battles. That is until things start to become too much.
Big Boss will eventually trust you enough to open up about some of his more distressing thoughts. Despite his steadfast determination throughout the series; I always felt as though Big Boss was constantly at war in his mind, always trying to determine what was best to fulfill The Boss’s dream. He’ll share that inner conflict with you and try hard to take every bit of advice you give him. Depending on how close you get and how much trust you earn from him; you may end up being the only one who truly knows what happened in that field of white flowers. Don’t be alarmed if he disappears for a few days after that. It took a lot out of him, but he’ll be back. Congratulations! You just earned the unwavering trust of the Man who Sold the World!
Overall, despite your rocky start on base, your work as a counselor will end up being considered invaluable. Many soldiers will end up giving you the nickname “Doc” even if you don’t have a doctorate. They’ll invite you to the mess hall and sometimes leave little gifts in your office. Even the Boss will leave you flowers and maybe even a few Calorie Mates.
Mother Base (The Phantom Pain)
Honestly, you weren’t expecting that call from Kaz. How long had it been? Ten years since that horrific explosion? At this point, you were working professionally as a counselor, but you just couldn’t stay away. Not when you learned Big Boss was alive. And not when  Kaz sounded so…broken.
Your reunion with Big Boss, Kaz, and Ocelot was…bittersweet.  Despite welcoming you with open arms, they maintained a fair amount of distance from you for the first few months. Considering what you all went through, it was understandable.
This time, many of the soldiers were easier to convince to come to see you (it helped that Ocelot pretty much ordered them to after almost every mission). Speaking of Ocelot, he made a consistent effort to 
Kaz was the first to come to you, not as a patient, but as your commander. Even behind his sunglasses, his gaze seemed harsher. Ice settled in your stomach when he demanded absolute loyalty to the Diamond Dogs before promptly leaving your office. But as the months wore on, you two eventually fell back into your old habits. His nightmares had gotten even worse, compounding with his capture, torture, and loss of limbs, but you had gotten even better at your job with your experience. And to say Kaz was happy to have you back in his life is an understatement. You’re getting a homemade burger from him almost every week.
Ocelot was his usual friendly if somewhat slightly unnerving self. It was insanely impressive how well he had taken the entire last years, especially considering how devastating the attempt to rescue Paz and Chico went. Still, he was immensely grateful to you for taking care of the soldiers. Expect him to bring D.D. around for playdates.
Then there was Big Boss. You were worried from the beginning as the man you knew as Big Boss was and was not Big Boss. Most of his memories were the same, even his demeanor and mannerisms seemed identical. But during your sessions, little things did not seem to add up. They were minor inconsistencies, such as remembering specific conversations you had or nightmares you talked about. At first, you chalked it up to memory issues from the coma and simply continued to help him. It was a strange feeling, as though you were meeting him for the first time all over again. Once again, though, you found a fast friend in Venom. Sometimes, your sessions would even be just sitting in each other’s company, listening to his Walkman.
Quiet will absolutely be curious about you. From what I can gather, I don’t believe Cipher had any sort of counselor. At least one that cared as much as you did. Do you ever feel like someone is watching you? More than likely it was Quiet while she’s invisible. After deeming you safe, she’ll start to interact with you. She opts to draw to communicate her thoughts to you. She’s not the best artist, but she’s so proud every time she draws something that you can completely understand. You’ll always be safe with her watching your back.
When you finally discovered the truth about Venom, you felt more sadness than shock. You spent so much time with the man, helping him unravel the maelstrom that was his mind, only for him to seemingly lose trust in everyone. Kaz will try and convince you to leave. Venom himself states that while he will miss you, he will not blame you if you leave. Instead, he will thank you and hand you a copy of the songs you listened to together.
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hellosimsulani · 2 years
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The tattoos are still new for me, I try to assemble all the drawings, the writings. So here is today's tattoo, I will try to do it regularly :)
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mirrorhouse · 1 year
What changes in the mgsv novel?
this isn’t an exhaustive list because i haven’t fully translated/read the whole thing but. here’s some of the things i’ve noticed:
- there’s a character called “leonard ruin” (possibly a reference to leonard lewin), a hippie writer who was a part of MSF (he met snake because he wanted to write a book about him. snake said no, kaz said yes, and that’s how he joined MSF) and is now in diamond dogs. he acts as kind of a mix between kaz and ocelot. he gives snake briefings and advice on the radio too, and (sort of) takes over ocelot’s role of training DD.
- except not exactly because DD doesn’t actually seem to get any training. in the novel, he’s a pup who was somehow found by the other dogs that are kept on the base, and becomes diamond dogs’ unofficial mascot. any time he’s in a scene, it’s because he’s hanging out with leonard. he also doesn’t go on missions with snake even after he grows up.
- from what i can tell, there’s no mention of ocelot hypnotising himself in any way. on top of that, kaz is apparently in on the phantom plan all along and was captured on purpose in afghanistan, but i can’t remember why exactly or where it’s mentioned (i distinctly remember it saying something about it being a “diversion” though)
- (suicide mention ->) after speaking to save snake’s life, quiet leaves and takes his lighter, covers herself in gasoline, and burns herself and the parasites alive to ensure they’re all destroyed.
- venom smokes real cigars, not electronic ones.
- “the man who sold the world” isn’t the song venom wakes up to, it’s “walk out to winter” by aztec camera. the man who sold the world then plays on the radio after.
- while in the game it’s never outright stated when kaz lost his limbs (to me, it’s implied it was recent/during the skulls’ attack) the novel explicitly specifies it was during the helicopter crash in 1975.
- the missions are set out in ways to make them more “realistic” and cinematic than just snake being dropped in from a chopper and moving towards his objective. as an example, when searching for huey, snake first meets an operative who has info on his location. they communicate through a code phrase at first to confirm identities: the agent says “ADAM couldn’t make it.” and snake asks, “are you EVA?”
- not exactly a ‘change’ but the novel includes kaz dialogue after sahelanthropus from the jp version that wasn’t localised in english: 「俺はもう目が見えない」 “I can’t see anymore.” just after this scene, miller’s eyes are also described as having “lost their sight”
there’s almost definitely more that i haven’t come across yet but these are the ones i remember off the top of my head.
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quaddmgd · 11 months
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
For any and all of them <3
Hi, Wash! Thanks for the ask <3
link to the ask game
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
Crystal - in games as immersive as Cyberpunk 2077, my default choice for identity is fem lesbian, as that's who I am myself. Oh, and even before playing I was aware of Judy ...existing, so it felt natural to make Crystal lesbian.
Thalia - after creating her 2076 nomad self and thinking more about her personality, it just kinda felt right to make her aro/ace. I've been wanting to explore the concept of platonic love for some time now, which might have influenced my decision too. I want to show the deep connection she has with Crystal and that's my no. 1 focus right now!
Evie - I made her so she and my partner's OC could be Red Dead girlfriends together, but most of her significant backstory focused on her coming of age, learning to be self-sufficient and taking care of her aging father figure. To emphasize her growing up I came up with a kind boy from nearby Strawberry she fell in love with. That's how she ended up being bisexual. She remembers him fondly and she wears his old jacket on daily basis.
EV - Well, EV is supposed to be the Cyberpunk 2077 version of my Red Dead Evie. However, after thinking a lot about what she would be like in 2077, I decided on her having a completely different personality. I don't have a lot on her, so I can't explain it well, but she just doesn't strike me as someone thinking about sex or gender at all. She's attracted to people she feels a strong connection with. That's why I decided to make her pansexual.
Gwen - so in the original Saints Row you can only play as a male character. Saints Row 2 finally lets you create a girl, so that's what I did, because there are too few crime games with female protagonists. Turns out, there's a running joke where characters constantly ask the protagonist whether they did something with their hair, to account for potential changes in appearance between games. At this point it was settled for me - I'm not retconning my SR1 character, she's canonically a proud punk trans girl. As for her sexual orientation, I didn't think about it a lot so I just made her lesbian when I was writing my current pinned post.
Crimson - Metal Gear Survive character creator and animations are based off MGSV ones, where you could only create a masculine character. No matter the choice of body type, bone structure remains masculine. That gave me a great idea to make Crimson trans and make it an important part of her story. She got drafted during the Vietnam War and, long story short, after spending some time there, she joined MSF as a mercenary, where all that mattered were her combat skills - not her origin nor identity. The leader - Snake - helped her embrace her true self and transition. Her gratitude to him is a big part of her personality. Also her being a sniper rifle-wielding trans woman in the 1970s makes her so badass. She's aro/ace, because she's dedicated to her mission - fighting for peace and creating a place for other soldiers forgotten/exploited by their nations - that reason might sound dumb, but it fits Metal Gear.
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ijustkindalikebooks · 6 months
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Am I writing this on New Year's Day at 1am? Yes.
It's been a wild year, 2023 truly the best of times, the worst of times, Dickens was on to something there.
I had three five star reads in my final month of the year and I hope you can check them out and enjoy them as much as I did.
(Also please keep in mind what's going on in Gaza and if you can donate to MSF or The Red Cross, please do and PLEASE keep calling for a ceasefire, there are plenty of templates online right now to contact your rep/MP to ensure your voice is heard).
Lost In The Moment And Found by Seanan Maguire - I don't think this author has ever failed me when it comes to five star books. Lost In The Moment And Found is the most recent installment of The Wayward Children series. We see Antsy runaway from home and end up in a shop where all the things are lost end up, seeing her grow up and see through a new portal. There's something about Maguire that enables her to drop you into a scene and create tension, create joy and create drama like no other author, and in so few pages. An incredible addition to the series.
The Theory Of Everything Else by Dan Schreiber - A book packed with ridiculous beliefs and 'facts' to people from speaking Dolphinese to people who believe the Titanic sank because too many time travellers arriving to watch sank it, this book made me laugh out loud reading it and left me astounded at what this author describes 'batshit' theories. It's a fantastic book, and one that I'm not shocked a QI Elf wrote at all. I highly recommend it, so glad I got it for Christmas and started on it as soon as possible.
Dear Dolly by Dolly Alderton - A compilation of columns from her Telegraph Style column, Dear Dolly leaves you thinking about something or at least gives you something that can help a friend in need and sometimes, like myself both. I saw it in the same vein as Cheryl Strayed's Fragile Beautiful Things but with a little more for me connection (I'm a millenial, I can't help it). Incredible insights told with humour and warmth, it's a great quick read that I highly recommend an audiobook (though the audio is slow, so if you hate that speed it up).
What did you read in December? Feel Free to message and if you need a recommendation or a question answered, feel free to inbox me.
Happy new year, my friends.
Vee xo.
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tieflingkisser · 7 months
"We are witnessing the fundamental principle of humanity being openly disgraced."
MSF International President Dr Christos Christou writes to the United Nations Security Council, asking they use their leverage and help stop the bloodshed being committed in Gaza.
Gaza, under an Israel-imposed blockade since 2007, is indeed the world’s largest open-aired prison. From the start of its military campaign on 7 October, the Israeli government has enforced a “complete siege” on Gaza, banning the entry of water, food, fuel and medicinal supplies for the 2.3 million people trapped in the enclave. Added to this, unyielding restrictions have been put on humanitarian access and are preventing much needed aid from reaching anyone who needs it. Subjecting an entire population to collective punishment is a war crime under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). We are witnessing the fundamental principle of humanity being openly disgraced. Despite Israel’s claims, its all-out assault is not being waged just on Hamas. It is being waged on all of Gaza and its people at any cost. Even wars have rules, but Israel is clearly trading them in for its own military strategy based on disproportionality. In the early days of this unbearable offensive, the spokesman for Israel’s Defence Forces (IDF) announced that the “emphasis” of this flagrantly excessive reprisal was to be on “damage and not accuracy”. It is safe to say Israel’s actions have spoken louder than its words. Northern Gaza is being erased from the map. The health system has collapsed. More than 15,500 people have been killed, half of whom are children, according to Gaza’s health authorities. That’s one out of every 200 people in Gaza. Tens of thousands of people have been injured. Families are digging their dead loved ones out from under the rubble. At least 1.8 million people have been displaced, according to the United Nations. These civilians are being repeatedly and forcibly ordered to move further and further south, but Israel is bombing the entire Strip. Nowhere is safe. Our emergency team in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, has reported massive influxes of wounded after intense bombing. Last Saturday, 60 dead and 213 injured people arrived at the emergency room of Al-Aqsa hospital. These strikes are also hitting overcrowded, squalid refugee camps, where people are barely surviving on the sparse humanitarian aid available. If the bombs do not get them, infectious diseases and starvation will.
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