#msg / reply
6okuto · 1 month
i write so you know i love you
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🧺 #27: "handwritten letters" with akaashi for @shobvrry :D
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the first letter akaashi wrote for you was a short, anxious confession slid into your locker, folded neatly with a star sticker to keep it shut.
i just wanted to say i like you, and i’d like to take you on a date sometime if that’s okay with you. please don’t worry if you don’t feel the same way, but also please pretend you didn’t read this if so. thanks for being my friend. i’ll see you tomorrow :)
he didn’t expect to see you waiting for him after practice that day, the familiar paper in hand. with his ending request, among a dozen catastrophizing explanations stood one reasonable for your presence—
“i like you too, ’ji,” you said a little faster than practiced, heart stumbling at the sight of him.
it was sunset as you held the letter in one hand, and for the first time, keiji’s hand in the other on your way home—pink and orange ribbons of light finding a temporary home in interlocked fingers and brushing arms.
the confession is still carefully tucked away in a box of other gifts and letters you’ve received—the first in a section just from him. he could’ve easily texted at least a third of them, you pointed out once, a few days before your first anniversary, but he only shook his head. it was the romanticism of it all, and—
“what if you texted back right away? i wasn’t ready to handle that, i probably would’ve thrown up or ran away or something.”
his feelings after your first date, a request to see you after school a month after, then the letter celebrating your one month anniversary exactly 31 days later.
they built and built—words pulled from an endless well of love and poetic prose in hopes of capturing just how much you meant to him. you still like flipping through them all, on anniversaries or an otherwise insignificant thursday afternoon.
seeing the different decorations and envelopes and letter lengths throughout the years, only keiji’s handwriting remains the same throughout. it’s the same one that writes “i hope these aren’t sour,” “don’t forget your project by the printer,” “i hope you have a good day :),” and i love you, i love you, i love you.
so when your four year anniversary nears and he makes a remark about his gift, you ask “another letter for me?”
keiji stills, fingers slowing down as they flip the next page in his novel—dostoevsky, you think. his index and thumb start to pull the corner (not enough to fold, but reminiscent of what he does to the hem of his shirt when he’s nervous anyway.) “maybe?”
he fixes his posture, sitting up straighter on the couch. “is that…i know i write them a lot, huh? would you like—”
“no!” you shake your head. “no, i like the letters a lot, keiji, i promise. i just,”—you move next to him and frown—“i hope you don’t feel like you have to write them, you know? i don’t know how your hands don’t hurt a lot after. you could type them out and i’d be just as happy.”
but keiji shakes his head, and it feels a little similar to three years ago. “no, that’s not the same at all. i want to write them for you,”—he closes his book with his thumb as a bookmark, the other hand moving to hold yours—“that’s what makes them special.”
“plus formatting them digitally wouldn’t be any easier than my double-sided tape—do you want to take the joy of tape and stickers away from me?” he raises a brow and squeezes your hand in his.
you snort. “okay, you know what? fair enough.”
and keiji pours a lot of honesty, of himself, into his letters, but maybe one thing he’ll keep a secret is how often his hand cramps and red indents and cuts form on his fingers. because it’s inconsequential in the end, really nothing in comparison to the bright smile and hug you give him when he hands you the next letter a couple of weeks later, carefully folded in an envelope with a star sticker on the front.
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
hii happy pride month, have a little 'you're a dog (i'm your man)' chapter four snippet as an apology for radio silence <33
“Did I wake you?” Gale asks, glancing at John apologetically, but John looks up from his effort to avoid muddy puddles to shake his head. Gale supposes it’s a silly question; John sleeps like a rock, dead to disturbances made by anything other than his own brain.
“Just my sixth sense,” John says, shrugging and shooting him a small smile. Gale snorts.
“You got a radar for me?” He teases, and John smiles wider, eyes crinkling.
“Built in,” he answers matter–of–factly, raising a hand and making a fist over the center of his chest before dropping it, returning his vigilant gaze to the uneven ground. Gale stares for a moment longer, floored not for the first time by John’s apparent obliviousness to the weight of his sentimentality.
Even knowing John how he does, it’s always unexpected coming from someone who a stranger might assume to be brazen and surface–level; John’s loud mouth and wandering hands do him no favours in that regard.
But Gale does know John, like an extension of himself half the time, and still he manages to render him speechless. The way his heart flutters as the sentiment hangs in the air makes Gale want to reach down his throat and squeeze it until it never beats again.
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hoonvrs · 9 months
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Girl acted like he ended the next 5 generations she was boutta produce 💀
hoon finally starting to stand up to fuck ass engenes EVERYONE CHEERED
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gotchibam · 1 year
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Hello!! I've set-up another ko-fi goal as I'm saving up again for my personal budget. My current freelance work has been unreliable lately so I'm having financial troubles again ;_;
My commissions are open! If they’re a bit too much, I also have a few discord emotes (plus adoptables) in my ko-fi shop if you’d like to support in a small way ;w; And ofc, tips are also very much welcome!
All tips + commissions I receive will add up to this goal! As always, each & every support I get is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!! 🙏🙏🙏
☕ My ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/gotchibam
✨ Commissions page: https://ko-fi.com/gotchibam/commissions
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ultra-violetra · 3 months
one of the things I would love to make is a writer's bootcamp / critique circle where people get grouped together based on things like genre, age category, writing stage (i.e. outlining, 1st draft, editing) where you submit something weekly to show your progress and get critique or even just positivity from your group. and there would be deadlines to encourage accountability and getting. stuff. done.
is there interest in this? would anyone want to help me make something like it? i don't think I could do it on my own
edit: if you'd like to join, click here
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leventar · 10 days
tumblr pausing my music every time is actually going to make me homicidal
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dastardlydandelion · 3 months
going to need the next entry in the A Quiet Place franchise to be about a troupe of mimes.
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sergle · 10 months
oh GOOD. OH GOOD!! I just found out that patreon, for me, eats messages sent in their actual messaging page, and sends them when they're sent in the little pop-up messaging client I get when I hit the message button on a patron's name. That's what I WANTED. I was desperate to go re-type all of these. thank god I get to do that.
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ghoulphile · 3 months
i live, promise!! it’s just been a looooong week & i’ve been distracted by bg3 & dai 💀
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astral-circuitry · 20 days
had to go help warehouse colleague do work on-site on a roof at the other end of the country today, had to be at the office at 5 am in order to do so, was worried i'd oversleep and thus spent the whole night watching video essays about theme parks i don't care about so i could simply stay awake. i think i'm just gonna pass out once i'm off the train.
(pretty view, though.)
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confession i nvr finished listening to the bday playlist bc well admittedly april was very busy for me uni wise n like i said i wanted to appreciate the songs so i didnt want to just listen to it as background noise n then it was so long since the last time i listened b4 i cld again tht i forgor where i was n i also really wanted to listen in order n then yk how it goes time passes i finally finished uni n every time i opened spotify i think abt it i feel guilty n i cant get myself to listen to it n ahhhhhhhhj but hey guess what we're doing now 👀
I know and it's fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I did make it 14h for a reason)
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the-nysh · 10 months
I love what amai did this chapter it kind of shows Amai Mask abandoning his idea of a pillar of justice and instead kind of adopting Saitama's view of heroes, where everyone who tries to be a hero is valid and trying to inspire new ones. It's such a great development of his character.
Something quite moving/miraculous/extraordinary happened here, for sure. :') Cause here's the same character, now doing a very humble, Saitama-like heroic gesture for a kid in his own unique, heartfelt, pay-it-forward kind of way:
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The last time we saw him, Sweet Mask believed himself to be 'too late' (monsterized) past the point of no return before, that he requested Saitama to kill him right there in front of the crowd as the perfect opportunity to take up that 'ideal hero' mantle in his place...only for Saitama to save him (from getting stoned), appeal to his humanity (by telling him he's a 'really cool guy' for the lengths he went thru to genuinely save everyone), and assure him things are only getting started for him instead, cause despite everything, nothing's 'over.' Saitama helps him escape and encourages him that he can still go on to become that ideal hero he seeks, himself.
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That was Saitama's last line to him before Sweet Mask's whereabouts were mysteriously left on a cliffhanger. But now?
It seems Sweet Mask really took Saitama's words to heart. :') Cause instead of embracing his fate (to die as a monster), permanently going into hiding, or ceasing his hero activities (what he wants to be! and always has been at his core) altogether, the very first thing we see of him is going out of his way to save a kid and his grandma by embodying that kid's personal ideal image of a hero (becoming his toy come to life) and inspiring him in turn to become the real deal someday too. Like. :')) From then to now!!!!!
The group of neos watching the scene claimed he was only mimicking to trick the kid, but no, SM's actions - choosing to anonymously help people during a literal crisis with no other personal gain to fame, read entirely genuine to me.
The same way he made the fateful decision to sacrifice his entire established identity to save the ungrateful crowd (who could only stone him back in return), because...if he personally sees himself a hero, as human at all (the way Saitama encouraged), then leaving everyone to die just to save his own skin/reputation back then would've been completely unacceptable. Despite everything, despite his monstrous true form and the disastrous personal risks to reveal it, he still chose the selfless path of a hero. Cause at his core, that was something he could not abandon. :'))
And now, after Saitama's help, it's hard to say (without further ch followup) how much his core - his ongoing struggle with monsterization/bloodlust, has safely stabilized, but it's clear in the interim he's found an ingenious way he can still use his powers to continue and actively become more of that 'ideal hero' of his dreams... As someone who chooses to help empower the weak (kids/elderly) with validation and encouragement, inspiring them with hope and reassurance, etc? Cause before, Sweet Mask was motivated by a sense of terminal urgency in his need to find/produce someone else to become that heroic pillar in his place, as his fastest solution to the problem, but without that looming threat (to his own mind and waning humanity alleviated) perhaps this - the services we see of him in the current ch, is more of what he's honestly always wanted to be all along...? (Again, it's hard to say for sure how much comes from his own reformed ideas or a mix inspired/adopted from Saitama's influence without more followup. Cause we never saw how they parted or what else Saitama may have said to help him get back on his feet, which even Genos notes.) But we've seen from ONE how it doesn't matter what's on the outside, or how others perceive/label/judge you, because if you genuinely want to be something (at the core, with your heart in the right place), and choose to take those necessary steps to become it, then you simply are that - a hero. (which Garou's story showed in a similar way.) And in this case, we see how Sweet Mask, a monsterized human struggling thru his own personal demons, can still fully be a hero at heart too. :')
Anyway tl;dr: Sweet Mask, aka Beauto, is one of the wc's best characters.
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lorelune · 6 months
i’m the only gen z on my work team and that is clearly displayed by my overuse of emojis and the rest of the team (millennials) use of gifs
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nygleskas · 3 months
HAPPY 2500 DAY ANNIVERSARY BIG J !!! A new nickname JUST IN TIME for our special day!!!! Can’t believe it’s been that long, I remember the day we got together like it was yesterday….. Hard to forget something so memorable ;) Sappy stuff aside, you better like the gift I got you, since it’s from a company that went bankcrupt and I can’t return it anymoooore :P I’ve also got something planned for later today…. DON’T ask Leslie about it though!!!!! You know I love you and think you’re the best !! See you soon boyfriend!! :333 - JR
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moonwoodhollow · 4 months
Thank you so much for all the love for my bookshop! I definitely put it on the list as a future download ✨
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osachiyo · 10 months
Just imagine having a 3some with Chuuya and Dazai, while Chuuya being the sweetest alive and Dazai a teasing asshole, being squished between the two, almost passing out from the stimulation both of them provide. Chuuya fucking from behind while I choke on Dazai's dick, then they switch and Chuuya is caressing my cheeks while going down on him while Dazai's spanking my ass.
Anyway, how's your day?
no because you're so right. they'd take turns with you, flipping you over on your back to your stomach n rinse and repeat. and as we all know, they're very competitive so they're definitely gonna make you choose between them. and there's really no right answer you can give when dazai asks you who fucks you better. because if you choose dazai, chuuya is gonna wreck your shit and he's not gonna let you go until he's proven to you that he's better. this applies to dazai aswell; if you choose chuuya then he's gonna edge the fuck out of you while chuuya uses your mouth... there's rlly no way u can win, sweetheart 🫤
anyway, my day was fine but very exhausting! I'm just excited for exams to be over atp 😭 hopefully your day was amazing, nonnie <3
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