msscorpiomoon · 2 months
A few tarot readings open
Hey guys! I haven't done this in a while but I'm opening a few free tarot readings. Please reach me through my dms with your desired question and your initials + the initials of any other parties if applicable.
To recieve a reading, please repost this post and follow me. I'm doing free readings in exchange for some reach!
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msscorpiomoon · 5 months
for anybody who may need to hear (like i do) everything is going to be okay. regardless of how things may turn out, they will turn out well, you will adapt, you will grow, you will be okay. remember to love, and know that you are right where you need to be.
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msscorpiomoon · 1 month
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msscorpiomoon · 11 months
Tarot Birth cards
little note: I had a lot of trouble proof reading this lol so bear with me if there are spelling errors or sentences that don't make a lot of sense. And feel free to correct me. What is a Tarot Birth Card? A tarot birth card is sort of similar to your astrological sun sign, just like certain birth dates have a zodiac sign associated with them, certain birth dates have some tarot cards (the major arcana) associated with them.
Everyone has two (sometimes three) I believe that birth cards are here to help you find your inner most spiritual self. You can find your inner energy, your core, your soul's purpose, and even your talents or what your soul is here to learn.
How do I find my birth card? Your birth card is based pretty heavily on numerology (both of the cards, and the numbers of your birth date)
There are websites for finding your birth card! Like: https://tarotschool.com/Calculator.html
But, there are also more hands on ways of calculating your own birth card. Using math. (But I'm really bad at math so I'll be reaching to outer sources to explain this better) - I got these screenshots from The tarot school website linked above
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For example, my birthday is May 13th, 2006. 05 + 13 + 20 + 06 = 44 4 + 4 = 8 which means my birth card is Strength. However, it's partnered card is The Star (The star is the number 17 - 1 + 7 = 8) Ikik It's confusing, but here are the birth card pairs for you, so you only have to find one, and then it's counterpart. Birth card pairs (and their numbers) (1.) The Magician/(10.)The Wheel of Fortune (1.) The Magician/(10.) The Wheel of Fortune/(19.)The Sun - You get three cards if your sum is 19 (lucky you~) (2.) The High Priestess/(11.)Justice (2.) The High Priestess/(20.)Judgement (3.) The Empress/(12.)The Hanged Man (3.) The Empress/(21.)The World (4.) The Emperor/(13.)Death (5.)The Hierophant /(14.)Temperance (6.)The Lovers/(15.)The Devil (7.)The Chariot/(16.)The Tower (8.) Strength/(17.) The Star (9.)The Hermit/(18.)The Moon - you get three cards if your sum is 19 (lucky you~) -And in case you are wondering, the fool is not a birth card even though it is a Major Arcana. Going deeper into the meanings - Each of the birth card pairs, and my takes on what they mean for you.
1 and 10 = The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune
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The first things that I see between these two cards is the big contrast that they have, The Magician is a figure who represents will, infinite power, the ability to take matters into your own hands and recognizing your own power. I think of this as a good manifesting cards. All of his tools lay in front of him, the infinity symbol above his head representing power, opportunities, and ability. However, the Wheel of Fortune is all about fate, leaving things to the Universe's hands, fate.
I believe that even though these are very opposite forces, having these cards shows that you have the ability (or will be able to catch onto it very quickly) to work with the universe to bring any of your ideas to life. Great manifesting cards, great cards for a leader, an idealist, etc. You might like to change and bounce between all kinds of interests and subjects, a jack of all trades. You excel in things easily, so you'll find success in finding those few things that really spark your interest and following through with it until the end.
I see the Magician card as an Alchemist, lead into gold, as well as his hand placements representing "As Above So Below" .. with this Alchemist mentality you are probably an extremely resourceful and adaptable person. A good talent that not a lot of people have, you can make use of any situation you are put in. Thinking simply (Starting from The Magician) allows you to turn the wheels of the world itself (The Wheel of Fortune).. Hopefully I'm making some sense.
Words of advice: stay focused on your goals and keep an open mind, yet stay fixed on your goals, and always complete what you finish. Set goals and stick to them, it'll bring you good success.
A weakness or downside of people with these cards (both with or without the sun) is that you may get side tracked a lot. There's a lot you want to be good at or you might get into one thing, and then something else catches your interest and now you're deeply involved with that. Don't let that curiosity consume you too much, and be sure to get yourself focused every once in a while.
19 = The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune, The Sun
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This doesn't alter a lot of the meaning from the last section, so if your number is 19, I do suggest reading the section above this one as well! This is simply adding The Sun card onto The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune. This brings much more of a carefree, fun energy to things. You have a great lust for life and always seem to shine light onto every situation. The Magician and the Wheel of Fortune cards often bring a lot of drastic change and experiences to people with this energy, yet The Sun energy gives you the ability to see the light in spite of everything that is happening around you. The Sun, as a representation of light, optimism and joy. When night falls, you know deep down that the sun isn't gone, you always know that it comes right back.
Not only do you bring light in your own life, but others see it as well. And you will achieve the most when you keep this childlike imagination and optimistic side of you.
2 and 11 = The High Priestess, Justice
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Starting with the imagery, their thrones, crowns, and seated position show that they are figures of high power, good judgement, and they are very straightforward. I like to think of the planet mercury, these people are likely great at communicating. Wise, logical, and analytical. But, there is also this duality between the two figures as well. Unlike the previous cards and their duality, the differences between these cards show incredible balance. Starting with the energies, The Justice card shows more masculine energy, with the colors, the person, but also the sword in his hand. The element of air and fire. The colors of red and yellow bring the sun's masculine energy into play. A figure that does. Meanwhile, The High Priestess is a feminine figure, with more blue colors, the green in the background, colder colors. Along with the moon symbol at her feet. A figure that feels. Although there isn't any huge indication of elements, her dress starts to pool at the end like water. Showing her being more in tune with her emotions, she is wise because she knows her inner self. (Along with the fruit or plant or vegetation that is behind her representing the element of Earth) She is her emotions. But she doesn't get lost in them, she is just in tune with them. The two of these cards coming together to represent one person shows a great balance. Here are some other dualities.
Doing vs Thinking/Feeling Harsh vs Gentle Loud vs Silent
If you have these as your cards you may be all about fairness, equality, and seeing things for as they are. You may be one to play devil's advocate often in order to see all perspectives of a situation, and you likely aren't one to come to assumptions quickly. You also might be really intuitive to truth, like being a lie detector lol. You can see through people well, and this could be why you are so big on equality, you simply see people as people and nothing more. We are all human and deserve to be on the same level. In that case, you might not be big on authority that likes playing with their power. Although these cards balance each other greatly, it might take a little bit for you to be balanced yourself. But you will find or do find great success once you find that balance between the two and learn to embody these figures at once. 2 and 20 = The High Priestess, Judgement
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The people with these birth cards I feel like have an incredibly high emotional intelligence. Although the angel (I believe it's archangel Gabriel?) in the Judgement card is a representation of the element of fire, the water in the background and the blues all around, I see both of these cards as incredibly intuitive and emotional. People with these cards are meant for great things and will probably often tell themselves things along the lines of "I'm meant for more." You will likely find the most success through following whatever your heart tells you to. I think a big lesson for you in this life will be about finding your own path, beliefs, and making your own judgements on things around you. Although it can be difficult not to, other's beliefs and the beliefs you were raised on will result in you ultimately settling for way less than what you are meant for. I'm not really talking religious beliefs, but beliefs about jobs, money, life, all that in general. Follow the path you build for yourself. At some point (or multiple points) in your life, you will have to unlearn either what you have been taught or what you have taught yourself. It'll take work but you will need to break out of any limiting beliefs that you have in order to take on something bigger in life. Don't let anybody keep you confined in a box, not even yourself! Not only do you need to wake yourself up and lift yourself up, but I also believe you are meant to lift up others around you as well. With the High Priestess you may have this keen ability to see right through people, you may feel like you just know somebody deep down, the Judgement card is a call to an awakening, or reflection. It's knowing your purpose, I think you are also meant to bring awakenings to other people. Just as much as you break yourself out of limiting beliefs and lift yourself up, try to help others as well. Your downfall will be not listening to your intuition, I believe people with these cards have amazing spiritual gifts, trust your gut and trust your Judgement.
3 and 12 = The Empress, The Hanged Man
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Both of these cards bring a very calm, collected, and nurturing tone to it. Both to me give Earth element vibes meaning people with this card combination are often very grounded and down to Earth. Although The Hanged Man's element is water, the tree provides some groundedness to it. The Empress is a natural creator, think mother nature. She is nurturing, and puts careful work into the world around her that she makes. She represents care, nurturing, divine femininity, fertility, creativity/creating, and nature. The Hanged Man is a character that's seen hanging upside down on a tree, with the calm look on his face, and his hands behind his back, a lot of people believe that he's there on his own will. The Hanged Man represents a stagnancy, a period in which you are simply observing, not moving forward. He also is a big representation on how spiritual people see the world differently, because he is perceiving things upside down. With the combination of these two cards together, people with these cards are extremely creative and natural inventors. They're talented at seeing the world in a completely different way and it allows them opportunities to create beautiful, out of the box things. These people are incredibly unique and success comes when they learn to embrace it, and be open about their outlook on the world. There are going to be times in your life where life will feel unbearably stagnant, not really moving forwards or backwards and it's because you are meant to reflect in those moments. These are the best opportunities for you to simply sit and think, and although you might not like doing that often, you will find the most success from the ideas that show up in your head. Don't force stagnant periods, but when they come to you, they are present for a reason. I also feel like people with these cards are really good with finding solutions and being adaptable to situations (when they aren't anxiously overthinking) 3 and 21 = The Empress, The World
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People with these cards I call "doers" these people have big goals that often have to do with humanities or environmental causes. The Empress is a natural creator, to me she represents Mother Nature, being it paired with The World Card, not only physically the world but also spiritually and metaphorically. You are a big thinker and often people with these cards accomplish a lot. Bring your ideas to life, it should come to you with ease. Do not repress your dreams, because they come to you for a reason. You are meant to attract great abundance in this lifetime! You are a nurturer, you will thrive being connected to the world and the people around you. Think of like "As Above So Below" or "You are a manifestation of the absolute." You resonate strongly with the idea that everything is connected and your ideals show it. These cards are also an indication of having a really big family or just being close with a lot of people. You may travel a lot in this lifetime, see a lot of cultures and see the world. I feel like people with these cards are often pretty balanced as a person, they're well rounded and often.. complete. Prioritize your nurturing, feminine side in this life time! Create things, connect with Mother Nature, and remember you are divine. 4 and 13 = The Emperor, Death
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Both of these cards combined give me very heavy warrior vibes, they are forces to be reckoned with and they bring about change wherever they go. I find that people with these birth cards tend to be brutally honest and may come across as harsh because they are very straight to the point. I will say, The Emperor represents authority, structure, discipline, and masculine energy. The Death card represents change, transformation, and cycles. So, no need to worry about the death card if you were worrying about it. These cards hold very masculine energy, having masculine energy means you do a lot, you conquer a lot and you may be incredibly ambitious. The difference between the feminine and masculine energy is that the feminine energy creates, but masculine energy utilizes what has been created. So, they balance each other out. I feel like you will (or already have) overcome a lot in your life, you are a conqueror and are here to withstand a lot of changes in your life but also bring a lot of changes to other people as well. I feel like your resilience and strength brings inspiration to others. With the obstacles you overcome in life you will end up wise, likely with a lot of good advice for others. I do see that possibly in the beginning of your life time you being on the fence between being very resistant to (or even afraid of) change. The soldier on the horse in the death card is constantly moving, changing everything he passes by, however The Emperor is forever stationary. The Emperor follows structure and leads armies, however the soldier acts on whim. And paying closer attention to the art work, the soldier on the horse (or the reaper) has conquered or defeated an authority figure, the king underneath him. So, there is a big contrast here. However, if you find the balance between not resisting change but also not embracing or initiating chaos, you'll be good. Remember to not fear change, in the back of the death card you see the sun on the horizon, which is a representation and a reminder that good things come from transformation. Or through the death of one thing, there is the birth of another. You will likely be constantly changing and evolving, you will achieve a lot in this life! You are not meant to stay stagnant for long. 5 and 14 = The Hierophant, Temperance
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These cards unite representing passion for the things they love, faith, and ambition. I see these cards as people who always try to do what is right in their eyes, and people who always try to put everything they can into something. The Hierophant is a teacher, earth/taurus energy, it represents tradition(generally religious/spiritual tradition but can represent it as a whole), education, beliefs, and groups. Temperance is a warrior, thing warriors like archangels. Temperance represents true balance, this card to me represents all the elements. His wings and the triangle on his chest are representations of air, the cups he is pouring from and the pool of water he is stepping into is water, his foot on the ground and the mountains being earth, and the sun and his halo representing fire. He is a representation of true balance. At their highest selves, people with these cards are incredibly charismatic, ambitious, inspired, and focused. Who speak, act, think, and trust from their highest self. Their highest truth and intuition. These people go through plenty of life lessons and are often found thriving in situations where they can freely be leaders. People with these cards are often very naturally curious and want to learn and study a lot. In all aspects, people, subjects, situations, etc. If you happen to have a role model, anyone you really look up to and gather inspiration from.. know that some of your greatest success will come from listening to their word, and learning from them! You're going to learn a lot in your life and I think that will lead you to being able to be a great mentor figure, and be able to give great advice. 6 and 15 = The Lovers, The Devil
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Oh I love this card combination because of the EXTREMELY obvious duality between these cards. The two figures here are the same people, but on one end there is the peace, balance, and well.. love. And on the other hand there is being bound by chains, addiction, obsession. Although these are the exact same people, the exact same energy, there are two very extreme sides to it. A lot of your life and your life/spiritual lessons will have to do with relationships. Although most of the people I know with these cards do revolve a lot around romantic relationships, this is talking about any relationship. With friends, family, partners, coworkers, etc. Relationships in general. Often, you'll have to learn how to get out of toxic situations, or possibly how to not be a toxic situation yourself. There's that pull between desire/lust and love. The Devil is a very indulgent symbol, you'll likely struggle with self control. Naturally, you are pulled to others, you're more likely to be an extrovert or a people person when it comes to these having cards, I also find that people with these cards loveee to help others out. They love to lend a hand and often they will bend over backwards for others. And remember to be cautious about who you help, people will try to push your limits on what you have to offer. (Another lesson you have to learn, living for yourself and not for others.) People with these cards are incredibly curious. They love doing things for the experience, or just because they love to know how things will turn out. Be careful to not lose yourself in others, because people with these cards are often so involved with others it is very easy for you guys to lose sight of who you truly are. You'll be at your best when you find your authenticity and balance it with people who love you for you, not people who love you for who you actually aren't. Do not confine yourself into other people's boxes and stereotypes that they have for you. Don't let others put those chains on you, you are not meant to follow other people's standards and other people's beliefs. 7 and 16= The Chariot, The Tower
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The Chariot is an adventurer, a warrior, and represents adventures and journeys. And let me tell you your life is a journey for sure. You might be naturally curious, you want to see the world and you want to enjoy a lot in life, despite your want to be adventurous, and your need for new experiences, you are trapped inside your tower, or your box. You are confined by your own fears and that will be your greatest failure. I think your biggest goal in life or your life lesson is learning to overcome your personal challenges and mental blockages. I see you going through a lot of tough things early on which might be the start of why you've decided to confine yourself and not allow yourself the adventure you so desire. Get out of your comfort zone!!! You are meant to be an explorer, a free spirit, and your inner desires might contradict the fears that you have! I would consider you guys overcomers, break down your limitations, destroy the tower you confined yourself in, in order to start new. I feel like as rough as it sounds, you guys are constantly meant to be moving forward. Constantly destroying your "tower" and rebuilding with new foundations. You guys are meant to live for the adventure and for the advancement. There might be a divide within you between loving your comfort zone and feeling the need to reach out for more. The Chariot's sphinxes before it represent two paths, balance, or duality. You'll find a lot of success when you reach further than you thought you could. Although it's important to have a foundation and have time to relax and just exist, these cards suggest it is a big part of your life's lessons to be here to move forward and continue to expand. :) 8 and 17 = Strength, The Star
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A true empowerer. People with these cards are natural dreamers and love to uplift others. The two of these cards both are very closely connected with nature, (people with these birth cards will thrive in nature and with nature. It is also good to be as true to yourself as possible.) The Star represents the cool, collected, and calmness of nature, notice the flowing water, the calmness and the focused look ont he girls face. Things look calm, and serene. Strength leans towards the more powerful, to be reckoned with forces of nature, the girl is taming a lion in front of her, whether it's prying the lion's mouth open, or keeping it shut/closing it. The infinity symbol above her head represents endless possibilities and the ability to do and achieve anything. Seriously, dream big because when you master your emotions you can accomplish absolutely anything. I feel like both the water in the Star and the lion in Strength represent your emotions. Both of the figures here have tamed/controlled them, and so can you! You'll find the most success in life when you learn to balance the polar opposites within you, and you overcome your internal obstacles. The balance between mercy and vengeance, patience and temper, calmness and vitality. When you become truly balanced, your energy shows it. You are known as soon as you walk into a room, your energy is.. well, strong. And I also see people with these cards being incredible leaders, mentor figures, and people who are great at healing and empowering people's inner selves. These people make amazing guides and people may often come to your for advice, guidance, and wisdom. You're great at making people feel seen and you give other's the strength to get through life. Although you're great at helping others, take your own advice too! I feel like people with these cards are meant to grow and go through hard things in life, not only to uplift others but to also uplift themselves. Do not forget about yourself, you can bring the very best or you can bring the very worst in everything. You are a true conqueror with great strength and willpower, so be mindful of where your energy flows and water your own garden before watering anybody else's. 9 and 19 = The Hermit, The Moon
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I see people with these cards as incredibly independent and very curious. These people are meant to explore their inner selves the most. While the strength and the star from the previous explanation are huge on thriving around others and helping others, these cards are here to help themselves. You are meant to develop a great, deep understanding for yourself. You may get interested in astrology and natal charts, or possibly psychology and understanding your subconscious. You may naturally reflect and question yourself a lot. I can see people with these cards always asking for an explanation on why they did something a certain way. You thrive a lot on your own, and this doesn't mean you will be alone in life or you aren't meant to be with others, but you should feel very at peace when you're alone and your soul's journey is internal. Both of these cards represent discovering the hidden, although the moon shows something a little more illuminated, there is a direction to go, a path to be travelled. The Hermit however, there is no path necessarily, you are travelling uncharted waters and you're completely in the dark with where you are going.. besides the little light you carry. Or the light within you. Regarding others, you are also probably very observant with others and you may be able to read other's energies or thoughts relatively easily. You find that there are two sides to everyone, a tame, lit path and then one that is inner, primal, instinctual, and extremely hidden. That hidden side may ignite your curiosity.. explore it! You are meant to discover what is hidden and internal reflection is where you will most likely thrive. You are curious beyond the face value and you can do this with yourself internally, but also with others as well!
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msscorpiomoon · 7 months
Tarot Readings
Hello! I'm looking to open some tarot readings. I will be offering anybody 1 free tarot reading with the requirement of a detailed review for it! After that, tipped/paid readings are encouraged! I do readings on -love -career -finance -yes/no -general advice -and different templates/spreads I do not do readings on -death/life -health -fertility -or nsfw/explicit readings Please feel free to send me a message!
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msscorpiomoon · 2 months
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msscorpiomoon · 7 months
Journalling about the best case scenario works.. just saying ˊᵕˋ
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msscorpiomoon · 2 months
Not my lyrics/writing ⚠️ but I use this verse for creative inspiration often
Are you searching for purpose?
Then write something, yeah it might be worthless
Then paint something then, it might be wordless
Pointless curses, nonsense verses
You'll see purpose start to surface
No one else is dealing with your demons
Meaning maybe defeating them
Could be the beginning of your meaning, friend
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msscorpiomoon · 5 months
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The Alchemist - Paulo Cohelo
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msscorpiomoon · 9 months
Connecting to a new tarot deck
It is important that when getting a tarot deck (either for the first time or for the hundredth time) that you form a connection with it generally before you start to use it. It is however, important to note that despite your efforts, you may not connect well with some decks regardless! That's okay, it's happened to me before. If that is the case, you can always gift the deck to another or return it. So without further ado, here are the ways I'm familiar with connecting with a new deck!
(All of my tarot/lenormand decks)
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Cleanse Cleansing is SOOO important when getting a new tool that you utilize for tapping into specific energies. Cleansing is always the very first thing that you always want to do. Never forget it!! - You can use incense, selenite, knocking on the deck is a quick way I always cleanse the energy and shake it off. You can use bells or certain hz. This sounds a bit silly but it's a chaotic and resourceful way to cleanse the deck: screaming at it. Yes, screaming at your deck. Not yelling profanities or in any kind of angry way, but the vibrations can cleanse the deck too xd.
Look through the cards -Flip through each card, take your time to study the art, feel each card, and just be present while you're doing so! -You can search for your birth card too! If you don't know your birth card, go here: https://tarotschool.com/Calculator.html -If you want to learn more about birth cards check this out: https://www.tumblr.com/msscorpiomoonx/718664524696322048/tarot-birth-cards?source=share
Bring them with you! -Take the deck around with you for a few days in your back, car, purse, etc. Take them to work, school, or errands you may be running. -Along with this, for a few nights after you get the deck, sleep with it underneath your pillow or if that is uncomfortable keep it close by.
Ask some interview questions -This is always an option for me when connecting with new decks, I always like to "interview" my decks. (and when I feel disconnected to old decks, I'll re-interview them too) I like to ask questions like: -What are your strengths and weaknesses? -How are you here to help me? -What is your personality like? -Simply ask them "can you introduce yourself to me?" -What is your first impression of me? -What can I do for you? -What will our relationship look like in the future? -What do you want me to know about you? 5. Shuffle through the cards Simple as that, look through them, get a feel of them in your hands, shuffle mindlessly. It seems mundane but it is a great way to connect with your cards! If I've missed anything lmk!
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msscorpiomoon · 10 months
Opening a few free tarot readings!
Hi! It's been a bit but I'm offering some free readings! (In exchange for an in depth review from a template I'll give you so I can publish it on my carrd) Muhahaha, I'm doing this to open my paid readings and also hoping to get some traction. I'm offering tarot, oracle, and lenormand readings! Bare with me if you ask for a lenormand reading, it'll be purely practice since I'm not familiar with my lenormand deck yet! Readings I will do -General -Financial -Love -Life path/advice -Etc.
Readings I won't do -Anything related with pregnancy, birth or fertility -Life/Death -Health/Sickness -Deity Readings -Anything explicit or NSFW
Open until I'm too tired to keep reading lol
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