#mst3k memes
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Tonight's MST3K. Good night.
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fletchingbrilliant · 6 months
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enjoy my appropriately well designed edit to celebrate this momentous occasion
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stumpyshocky · 4 months
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macmanx · 3 months
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The Real Crow
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thatfantasylovingdork · 9 months
When someone claims that some recent movie they’ve seen is the worst they’ve ever seen when they haven’t been subjected to the terribleness of the movies they show on MST3K:
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davekatzdefensesquad · 5 months
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dontsnortpixiestix · 21 days
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Looking respectfully
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randomthunk · 10 months
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Purple is for Emily from MST3K, the cool babysitter to the 'bots which is something I hold near and dear to my heart. She's cheerful and optimistic, but also would rather not be here right now thank you. Send help pls.
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Honest question: Does anyone know of a film or TV series made before Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1983) that depicts the casual use of tablets? Don't even think about saying The Flintstones
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gtnmemesandreferences · 9 months
A highly unthorough and lacking compilation of memes and references in Gideon the Ninth
I've seen plenty of compilations of memes and references in HTN, but very few compilations for GTN. And so, behold! I hath created this. Enjoy! (All page numbers are from my paperback copy. I shall include citations for people who found various things when applicable).
Act One
p. 53: "Oh, nonsense!" said Harrow languorously. "She’s a genius. With the proper motivation, Griddle could wield two swords in each hand and one in her mouth. While we were developing common sense, she studied the blade. Am I right, Griddle?"
This is a reference to a meme dating from 2016, "I studied the blade." https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-studied-the-blade
p. 69 (nice!): Gideon realised that Harrow was trembling; little licks of hole-black hair were pasted to her pale-grey forehead with sweat, threatening to dissolve the paint. Gideon realised with a start that she was trembling and sweating in concert. They looked at each other with a wild surmise, and then started dabbing at their faces with the insides of their sleeves.
This is a reference to John Keats' poem, "On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer," from 1816.
"...He star'd at the Pacific—and all his men Look'd at each other with a wild surmise— Silent, upon a peak in Darien..." (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44481/on-first-looking-into-chapmans-homer)
Special thanks to Locked Tomb References, who found this one! (https://lockedtombreferences.tumblr.com/post/616309681665736704/embed)
Also p.69: Gideon winked at her increasingly agitated companion. She said, sotto voce: “But then you couldn’t have admired … these,” and whipped on the glasses she’d unearthed back home. They were ancient smoked-glass sunglasses, with thin black frames and big mirrored lenses, and they greyed out Harrow’s expression of incredulous horror as she adjusted them on her nose.
Badasses wearing sunglasses is a common staple in fiction, but I have a source as reliable as Herodotus's (which is to say I saw a guy say they read somewhere that Muir said that) these sunglasses are a reference to Dave Strider's sunglasses from Homestuck. (https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Sunglasses)
Act Two:
p. 94: “Nooo Magnus! Don’t say we’re overcome!” moaned the nasty girl, sotto voce.
This is also a bit of a stretch, similar to the one above, but the speaking patterns of Jeannemary and Isaac may be a reference to the eponymous character in Charlie the Unicorn's speaking patterns. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKd_2vqPrmU&pp=ygUUY2hhcmxpZSB0aGUgdW5pZmNvcm4%3D)
p. 131: "Fiat lux!" If you want to talk about being improbable, let's talk about this"--a scrape of stone on stone--"being three thousand and some years older than this." A heavy clunk.
"Fiat lux" is Latin for "Let there be light," and is a reference to Genesis 1:3. (https://www.drbo.org/chapter/01001.htm)
Act Three:
p. 222 “Let me make my business plain. I have no interest in Septimus’s woes,” Harrow said. “The Seventh House is not our friend. You’re making yourself an utter fool over Dulcinea. And I dislike her cavalier even more—” (“Massive slam on Protesilaus out of nowhere,” said Gideon.)
This is a reference to Mystery Science Theatre 3000's viewing of the trashy 1983 SF film, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIBBbI-55fQ)
Special thanks to u/Leoriste, who found this one! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNinthHouse/comments/14vsoxp/meme_reference/)
p.230 Gideon mumbled, "Harrow, you can't just ask someone why they want to be a Lyctor," but was roundly ignored.
This is a reference to the Mean Girls quote, "Oh my god Karen, you can’t just ask people why they’re white." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8wrqe72YG4)
Act Four:
p. 318: Silas took an infuriatingly long drink of water. The pallid column of his throat moved. “They died on the way back to their home planet,” he said, wiping his mouth. “Their shuttle exploded. Curious, considering it was a perfectly good Cohort shuttle with an experienced pilot. This was the shuttle you had intended to commandeer, was it not?”
This might be a stretch, but could also be a reference to The Simpsons season 8, episode 14, "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show," which includes the line, "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet."
Special thanks to u/CowgirlSmut for finding this one! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNinthHouse/comments/14vsoxp/meme_reference/)
p. 412: Half a dozen tendrils came after her. They would have given her an interesting array of new airholes for speed, but a skeleton staggered out of the darkness and took most of the blows, jawbone crushed into powder as a tendril lashed open its skull.
This is a reference to The Simpsons, season 6 episode 15, "Homie the Clown," in which someone tries selling Homer a car with bulletholes, "for speed." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whnms4CLJys)
Special thanks to u/altacc2020 for finding this one! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNinthHouse/comments/lodjro/comment/go6ac2u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
Act Five:
"The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee," said Gideon.
This is a direct quotation from Ruth 1:17. (https://www.drbo.org/chapter/08001.htm)
And that's everything I've got so far! If you've got references to suggest or I snagged something you think you found first without due credit, let me know! Thanks, everyone!
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fieryophelia · 3 months
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existennialmemes · 26 days
Do not invite me to watch a movie unless you're prepared for the MST3K experience. I simply cannot contain the commentary in my head.
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bananacorn-limeade · 7 months
1961's The WORLD of ICE and FIRE
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I'm going to do it. I'm going to self-indulge!
The Roger Corman ASOIAF production post is mostly just a novelty, but since I'm me, I have a lot of FEELINGS and OPINIONS about this cast. Naturally.
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Anyway. Here's how well I think the actors in my post would play their roles, from worst to best.
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#19, Worst: John Ashley as Robb Stark
You know how Ben Affleck has a face that knows about emails? John Ashley has a face that knows about sock hops. Woefully miscast.
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#18: Tor Johnson as Gregor Clegane
God love the big guy, but I've only ever seen him make this face. Also, despite his repertoire of roles suggesting otherwise on paper, he just doesn't seem like a mean guy.
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#17: John Agar as Jaime Lannister
Another terrible choice. The only reason he's not ranked as worst is because his soulless performance would make viewers interpret Jaime as an absolutely irredeemable sociopath, which at least would be... uh, interesting, I guess.
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#16 Robert Reed as Renly Baratheon
Renly, but only if he was the most boring Baratheon. Go ahead, try to picture Reed eating a peach. You can't.
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#15 Dawn Bender as Arya Stark
Aw, she'd try. But I feel like her attempts at Arya's fire would mostly come off as petulance.
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#14 Richard Carlson as Ned Stark
Sorry, what? I fell asleep for a minute there.
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#13 June Kenney as Daenerys Targaryen
Kenney would try her level best, but you know Corman would do a terrible job incorporating her storyline with the main plot, so she wouldn't have much to do except lounge around on mildly offensive orientalist sets and talk to her force-perspective dragon puppets. (Stop-motion you say? What, you think American International is made of money?)
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#12 Dolores Faith as Sansa Stark
Again, no knock to Faith, but as with Daenerys, I think a 1961 production would flatten Sansa's character away to nothing. She'd get to pine and wear some nice dresses.
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#11 Anthony Dexter as Petyr Baelish
This guy can play oily like nobody's business (check him out in 1962's Married Too Young), but 5D-chess-level deviousness might be beyond him.
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#10 Michael Dunn as Tyrion Lannister
Full disclosure: I'm plopping him in the middle because I've never seen him in anything! The only little person I've personally seen in Corman's movies is Billy Barty (playing an actual, literal imp), and Dunn was someone I found who was said to play much meatier roles. In general, I think the depth of Tyrion's character would seriously challenge 1960s casting directors who were used to casting little people in jokey roles or as something less than human. One of many problems they'd have with the source material, no doubt.
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#9 Lon Cheney Jr. as Sandor Clegane
Here's another actor who would do the best with what he was given - which would be an essentially empty role. This Sandor would be a beast used only for jump scares, with too much rubber over his face to ever show an emotion.
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#8 Glen Langan as Stannis Baratheon
Langan would be serious, but dull, with lots of droning sermonizing. In other words, perfect. Still boring though.
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#7 Basil Rathbone as Tywin Lannister
Who better to play a role totally owned by Charles Dance than an actor who's even Charles Dancier? The only reason I'm not ranking this legend higher is because I do think he'd kind of sleepwalk through this role, especially at this stage in his career.
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#6 Raymond Burr as Robert Baratheon
The future Mr. Perry Mason was damn good at playing hard-drinking, prowly, "beastly" men. See him in this fabulous trailer for 1951's Bride of the Gorilla (spoiler: Burr is the gorilla). Of course, for this production, he'd be about 10 years on from that virile role, but that's perfectly on brand for Bobby B.
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#5 Michael Landon as Jon Snow
Landon's tortured James Dean era would be a great fit for angsty goth teen Jon, though he might have trouble keeping his feelings as hidden as Jon does.
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#4 Allison Hayes as Melisandre
Should she be ranked this high? Eh, maybe not, but this woman is a goddamn B-movie bombshell goddess. Her Red Woman would be a little less mysterious, sure, but her perfectly arched eyebrows and bullet bra would do R'hllor proud all the same.
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#3 Marie Windsor as Catelyn Stark
They didn't call her Queen of the B's for nothing. Windsor always did great with roles that call for strength and verve. She'd be a fantastic Cat, and - dare I dream it - an even better Lady Stoneheart.
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#2 Jack Nicholson as Theon Greyjoy
Now this would be fun. If baby Jack Nicholson had half the presence and charisma he would show in later movies, his Theon would be legendary.
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#1 Coleen Gray as Cersei Lannister
If I can get Tumblr to understand one thing, it's how much Coleen Gray would absolutely eat in the role of Cersei. She's beautiful. She's a schemer. She's a helpless victim. She's back for revenge. I challenge anyone to watch her insane, murderous, fierce, gorgeous, duplicitous performance in 1960's otherwise pretty terrible The Leech Woman and not come to the same conclusion. I'm serious. There would be no survivors. 👑
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ryanmoody · 3 months
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