sharksandjays · 8 months
hey hey hey shark!! for the ship ask game - bruise or mudshock :D
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MUDSHOCK MY LOVESSS THEYRE SO CUTE THEYRE MY CHILDREN YOUR HONOR THE SOULMATES EVER. Aka its basically just two people simping for jay and im HERE for it.
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freakshow-babyy · 3 months
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more mudshock
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geoxstxrs · 3 months
Is it just me, or when anyone makes a post about mudshock (Jay, Nya, Cole) I always read it as ‘mugshot’ and my reaction is always like
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
Ninjago s11 e22 Krag’s Lament was made for the Mudshock girlies
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graceful-not · 9 months
Uhh a response to @ccbcrazy 's video on Conya except it got too long and I put too much effort into it to just make it a reblog. So uh. VERY LONG rambling about why my feelings on Conya are complicated that somehow managed to have way too much Jay in it. why does he keep sneaking in here goddamnit.
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL YEAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! THE SILLIES EVER!!!! I love the way you organized the bullet points! Made everything very easy to follow (other than all the times the audio cut out RIP 💀) but. yeah . yeah them. they are sooooo. SO! UAUAUUA.
I agree with most of your points (and relate very very much w/ that bit about being ace and the Love At First Sight trope, though I'm aro and not ace), and ESPECIALLY with how Skybound handled everything (I could say so much about how much I hate despise the way they resolved Jaya in Skybound it's so icky I hate it I hate it I hate it I HATE IT), but I don't really have much to add to them, so I'll here are my random disjointed thoughts that sometimes and sometimes do not align with yours:
at some points, the emphasis on how it's something guilty and forbidden and how she "wants him but she can't have him", to quote that one Cole fangirl. It.. sat weirdly with me? As well as the phrasing of "the narrative wants him to be self-sacrificing", when talking about Cole on one of the slides. It feels weird to phrase it like that, as if the narrative is pushing him into that role rather than it being part of who he is, y'know? And the reason that the "yearning for what you know you can't have" aspect felt strange to me was that Cole putting friendship over his romantic relationships is a VERY significant thing about him for me. He values his friendships and family over any kind of romance, and would rather forfeit a potential romance than lose a friend, even if that friend hurt him. Which felt weird when the rest of the slideshow made it clear that you, like me, enjoy Conya because above all else, Cole loves Nya as a comrade and an equal. As a friend, before and even IF he loves her as anything else, which as you point out, isn't something we can definitively say about the other relationships (especially Jaya. I like it, I really do, and I'd say I think I like it more than Conya? but it's. it's VERY complicated and messy and they aren't really stable like. At All. for a while.)
And that part of Cole resonated with me a lot; the part that's perfectly fine not pursuing Nya because he doesn't NEED that connection like Jay does, because he's satisfied and content with where he is in their relationship now, after they both calm down and he realizes it isn't worth it, because it isn't even something he wants all THAT much. (The larger issue is that Jay was against him spending time with her at ALL, even as friends, because he was being possessive and insecure which is a whole host of other things-)
And actually? Y'know what? I'm gonna talk about Jay for a bit bc I feel like, though you did have a few slides on it and touch on it, you didn't really talk about how Jay is a very fundamental aspect of Conya's dynamic in-canon, as Nya's Yang and Cole's best friend (A title which he bestowes upon himself, I might add.) Jay is... Not Very Secure In His Relationships for the first few seasons. It stems from feeling inferior and weak compared to everyone else, which grows into clinginess and possessiveness for the ones that DO choose him, because he's afraid they'll leave, which in turn pushes them away because he's being Weird About It. He has this habit of... sorting those closest to him into neat little boxes that reassure him (Nya as his girlfriend who loves him and finds him funny and won't leave him and Cole as his best friend who's loyal and supportive and also won't ever leave him, and, as you'll note, he's the one that starts both of these, with asking Nya out and proclaiming Cole as his bestie during Skybound.) And when those people step out of those boxes, the change unsettles him, and he panics and doubles down on his tactics, sometimes even resorting to violence (which makes things worse and pushes them away more and... you get it. it's a whole cycle.) So.. Nya and Cole and their interactions are very defined by What Jay Will Let Them Do, for the first few seasons. What won't set him off, what is Good and Innocent and won't make him insecure. S1-7 Jay would NOT have let the hand nuzzle happen. But I believe S8-15 Jay WOULD. Because he's actually secure in his relationship with Nya and they trust each other, and he trusts Cole, etc. etc.
And I feel like them having an undercurrent of romantic tension kind of spits in the face of that?? I dunno. It makes the intention a little wobbly. I like the idea that it comes from a place of camaraderie, where platonic love can also be deep and intimate and layered, and not just repressed romantic feelings. Because the thought that either of them are just pining and never having that resolved makes me sad for all three of them :(.
But I DO like to think that Cole is a little bit madly in love with all of his friends in different ways (just like me fr..) and Nya's the one he latched onto back in S3 because she's a girl and heteronormativity. Cole has a lot of love in his heart ok and he cares about them very very much 🥹. And he loves and supports them and maybe he wants to kiss some or all of them but he can't do that so he's fine where he is. really he is. he's fine. HES FINE!!! he's okay when she puts a hand on his shoulder and he doesn't know how to express that he loves her so so so much and he missed her but not in the way that Jay loves her, in a different way, but he feels like it's just as important but Jay obviously didn't see it that way and he doesn't know if he does now, and how he loves them all different but so so strongly and how can she and Jay even make it so simple it's so EASY for them to wear the Yin/Yang relationship label it just FITS even though none of those relationships are alike how can the same label work when the love is obviously so different and he doesn't know if Nya even could understand that, understand how much his heart bursts with affection and fondness for her and the others, but she DOES she DOES get how you can love someone so much that there maybe aren't correct words for it, that's why Jay was the one to propose because she was just happy the way they were, and she's happy the way they are now and she's happy the way she and Cole are now except she can't be because they keep getting TORN APART and they can't ever really be happy because they're all always in danger ALL THE TIMe- sorry got carried away aha.
but yeah. And then Jay is there. and i can't let myself think Abt Conya too long because I get really sad about him. bc he's not LIKE THAT. He doesn't Get It like they (and I haha was it clear I am maybe projecting) do. The labels are comforting to him, rather than unneeded or even restricting in the way they could never encompass the full force of the feelings. They're like signifiers that the love is real, is there, is Official, which isn't something the others need because they already take the loving as a fact and a given, and Jay doesn't! He doubts his relationships and needs the reassurance of the labels, to be able to say, definitively, "This is my Yang, which means we love eachother romantically and complete eachother and are missing a piece without eachother and" (do you see where the problem is. The proposal scene was so cute but I think about his little rambly speech a little too much BUDDY WITH ANY OTHER PERSON ITD BE CUTE BUT WITH YOU AND YOUR TRACK RECORD ITS CONCERNING) But that also means that when the "rules" are broken he thinks it means the love is also broken because now the label has been dismantled and that's! NOT TRUE!!! AHH!!!!!!!! I truly think he would be cured if he made out with someone other than Nya (w/ her permission obv) for like ten seconds but he would literally never do that. but it would fix him I know this in my heart if Nya told him to go out and get some bitches he would be cured of All of His Complexes he would experience Enlightenment through the knowledge that he could do that and his relationship with Nya would still be valid and their feelings wouldn't change just because he did it and he would ALSO get to kiss someone about it. Literally win-win. Maybe it could even be Cole. this is how mudshock shippers stay winning.
And THATS always been my biggest issue with Conya. They never know what to do with Jay. Because if he found out Nya doesn't love him and is IN LOVE WITH HIS BEST FRIEND he would literally never recover all of his self worth issues that he overcame down the fucking drain bitch!! because everything bad he thought about himself has been proven true! AND THE REASON HE ACTS LIKE THAT IN THE FIRST FEW SEASONS IS BC THATS EXACTLY WHAT HES TERRIFIED OF HAPPENING!! And because he's so insecure and also has so much amatonormativity entrenched within him because the rules and restrictions reassure him, he's diametrically opposed to Conya! so I can't let myself have a Conya AU without Jay unpacking all of that and being Okay with people experiencing love differently, and then maybe realizing he doesn't have to love so restrictively anymore either, and THEN Conya can be whatever the fuck is going on with them in peace. Or he finds out Nya is in love with Cole and almost loses his shit before they both tell him they are also still in love with him. And he's like "oh thank God wait Cole ur in love with me" and that would fix him. Imagine thinking you're literally the worst and then you pull both Nya AND Cole while actively being kind of a jerk to them. how do you have the self worth issues after that shdbsjdb.
anyway go watch the video 👍
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fanndoms-incorrect · 2 years
Cole to Nya: this sunset is beautiful but do you know what’s more beautiful
Nya and Cole at the same time: Jay
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destinysbounty · 8 months
mudshock for the ship bingo? (if you're still doing it)
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Mudshock as a concept is very silly to me. Sometimes the simplest solution to a love triangle really is just polyamory, and I love how pragmatic Mudshock is as a ship. Also, these three already have a great dynamic as is, and I always enjoy when people take their existing chemistry and explore it in different contexts (in this case, making it romantic).
I cant say its something I actively seek out, but I always love seeing it when it crosses my dash <3
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eternalcerub · 1 month
We need to normalize using the homestuck alternian romance system in ships for different fandoms
Because how am i supposed to explain to a normal person that i ship bruise as black rom, jaya as red rom, and nya and cole as moirails with nya auspiciousizing (idk how to spell it) between cole and jay so they dont acc kill eachother bc theyre stupid
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The Ultimate Ninjago Shipping Poll
Round 1
Bracket 19:
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Season 3 fan poll time.
I wanna what you guys would prefer if Ninjago had a chance to redo Rebooted.
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kiaerinnn · 7 months
AWW I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIPP (sorry if the quality is garbage, since NETFLIX won't let me friggin screenshot I had to literally take a picture of my TV😭 I tired to mess with filters on it so it would look more like wasn't taken from a TV screen)
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crying-over-cartoons · 8 months
For the ask game: Pixane, Lava, and Mudshock :)
thx for the ask! here goes:
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I personally headcanon Pixal and Zane as QPP, but i am open to shipping them romantically as well! my WIP series has a few fics that can be interpreted as either QPP or romantic at the reader's discretion, though i wrote them as QPP (i'm aroace and i've been projecting onto zane so fucking hard for the entire series i may as well go all the way lmao)
overall, i love these bots. they understand each other in ways humans can never fully understand and i think that's beautiful 💜
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i'm not suuuper into this ship, but i enjoy it well enough. i've read a few fics about these two, and while it's not really the ship for me, i can get why other people like it!
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for years, every time a love triangle subplot comes up in a piece of media, i've joked that the best way to solve it is with polyamory. that holds true for mudshock (esp. bc that subplot is one of the most annoying ones in the entire series imo)
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freakshow-babyy · 3 months
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idk mudshock ig
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stellarwaffles · 9 months
Lego Ninjago ship names pt 1
Main ninja
Kai x Cole - lavashipping
Kai x Jay - plasmashipping
Kai x Zane - oppositeshipping
Cole x Jay - bruiseshipping / geodeshipping
Cole x Zane - glaciershipping
Jay x Zane - technoshipping
Jay x Nya - jaya / shockwaveshipping
Zane x Nya - braincellshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay - dumbassshipping
Kai x Cole x Zane - mountainshipping
Kai x Jay x Zane - conductorshipping
Cole x Jay x Zane - hailstormshipping
Cole x Jay x Nya - mudshockshipping
Cole x Zane x Nya - titanicshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane - polyninja
Kai x non-ninja
Kai x Pixal - hotwireshipping
Kai x Skylor - kailor
Kai x Morro - destinyshipping
Kai x Cole x Skylor - glowstoneshipping
Kai x Zane x Pixal - insufferableshipping / firewallshipping
Kai x Skylor x Tox - wildfireshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Cole x non-ninja
Cole x Pixal - groundwireshipping
Cole x Morro - sandstormshipping / spiritshipping
Cole x Plundar - gemestoneshipping
Kai x Cole x Skylor - glowstoneshipping
Cole x Zane x Pixal - heavymetalshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Jay x non-ninja
Jay x Pixal - bluewireshipping
Jay x Skylor - snakeshipping
Jay x Echo - steampunkshipping
Jay x Fugidove - lightningmcwingshipping / friedchickenshipping / bluedoveshipping
Jay x Bentho - thunderwaveshipping
Jay x Zane x Pixal - nerdshipping
Jay x Nya x Pixal - cyberstormshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Zane x non-ninja
Zane x Pixal - pixane / digitalshipping
Zane x Morro - blizzardshipping
Kai x Zane x Pixal - insufferableshipping / firewallshipping
Cole x Zane x Pixal - heavymetalshipping
Jay x Zane x Pixal - nerdshipping
Zane x Nya x Pixal - samuraiceshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Nya x non-ninja
Nya x Pixal - samuraishipping / nyxal
Nya x Skylor - amberphoenixshipping
Nya x Tox - acidrainshipping
Zane x Nya x Pixal - samuraiceshipping
Nya x Pixal x Skylor - polyponytail
Nya x Tox x Chamille - acidicfluidshipping
Lloyd ships
Lloyd x Brad - greenflowershipping / forgivenshipping
Lloyd x Gene - leadershipping (?)
Lloyd x Akita - lloykita / hollyshipping
Lloyd x Kataru - powernapshipping
Lloyd x Vania - goldenwingshipping
Lloyd x Bentho - deepseaenergyshipping
Lloyd x Sally - watermelonshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Gene - badboyshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Akita - wildernessshipping / toffeeroseshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Bentho - kelpshipping
Lloyd x Kataru x Bentho - feralshipping
Lloyd x Vania x Bentho - responsibilityshipping
If I got any wrong or if I’m missing any, let me know so I can update the list!!
Here’s the masterpost
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spinjitsuburst · 1 year
Now that I am out of school I am sending in more stuff for the character ask game
4, 9, 25 and 26 for Jay please! I love hearing your thoughts on him
character ask game
YES i could ramble about jay walker all day long. and i will!
4. How many people I ship them with
Hooooo boy, pretty much everybody that it's fine to ship him with? Polyninja, Bruiseshipping, Mudshockshipping, Jaya, Technoshipping, Plasmashipping, I can't remember what him and Pixal are but they're cute, I ship him and Morro, I ship him and Scott depending on the context (like in Cabinet Man i don't but in canon prime empire i do), him and Benthomaar, i'm a multi-shipper so i'm pretty open ghjdfsghkjf
My favorites are probably poly, Bruise, Jaya, and Techno
9. Your least favorite outfit
lmao i got distracted going through the ninjago wiki looking at gi designs i'm going with the Future Jay design by default bc i don't like that storyline i thought it was stupid ghdsfkhgk
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25. When do you think they acted the most OOC
literally anytime jay has a dialogue moment of like "oh take them not me" or "i know let's sacrifice so and so" which isn't often but every time it happens i'm like he would not Fucking Say That
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most
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Cole: I feel so romantic right now.
Cole: I wanna get chocolates and flowers.
Cole: I wanna freaking serenade someone!
Cole: Nya!
Nya: hmm?
Cole: Where is our boyfriend?
Nya: Oh, you know.
Nya: Probably kissing my brother.
Cole: That doesn't answer my question!
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