#muffin oc chris
resi4skz · 4 months
Title: Mi Amore (oneshot)
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Pairing: nonidol!Chan x Grace (OC)
Warnings: swearing in italian, smut
This is for @gracebang143 (i cannot tag her in it, stupid tumblr)
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"Ugh, for the last time, Steph!" I exclaim as I put ice in the blender, chatter of customers in the background. "Olivia is my cousin and he's her boyfriend!"
"So?" She says and turns at the till, smiling at the customer. "Thank you for choosing Stat Lost, have a nice day!" She turns to me as she closes the register. "Look, we both know what of a person Olivia is. She's probably moved on to the ne-"
The sound of the small hanging bell on the door cuts her off. We both look at the front door at the same time to see my cousin, Olivia and her boyfriend, Chris.
Or Chan, as I like to call him. He was dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, topped off with a black cap.
Why did he have to be so damn attractive?
Olivia walks over to a vacant table as Chan approaches me. I put on the biggest smile, as if he isn't my regular. "Hey, you're back."
"Yeah," he replies, taking out his wallet. "She'll have a macchiato with a cheese scone and I'll have a-"
"BLT with extra bacon and a watermelon lemonade?" I finish his sentence.
His eyes light up, giving me a small smile. "Yeah. Wow. You even remember customers orders?"
Only yours, is what I wanted to say. "Sort of. Since you're a regular here so I took the liberty of memorizing your order."
I tap on the computer screen taking his order and scan his card before giving it back. "Your order will be with you shortly."
When I turn around, Stephanie is looking at me with a smirk on her face. Rolling my eyes, I start on his sandwich. Just gotta get through it. You can do it, Grace.
Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain on my finger. "Cazzo!" I glance down and see a small cut on my finger. Great, just I need. Quickly cleaning my hand, I gently wrap my finger in a bandaid.
"Everything alright?"
I jump at the voice before turning around. He needs to stop being so god damn good looking. "Yes. Your order is ready. Give me one moment." I put their order on a tray a d hand it to him. "Thank you for choosing Star Lost, I hope you enjoy your order!"
He chuckles, nodding. "Thank you, Grace."
My heart does that thing again. Oh wait, that's my stomach. I groan when he sits at the table with Olivia. "Have you maybe tried confessing?" Steph asks from behind me.
"What good will that do?"
"Maybe he'll realize what a crappy of girlfriend he has right now and maybe likes you back?"
Hanging my head in defeat, I walks towards the back door. I need a break.
But when I come inside, I hear Steph and Olivia in a heated argument.
"What do you mean I can't have a free muffin? It's my cousin's bakery!" Olivia shouted.
"Because if we started giving away free muffins," I state stepping behind the counter and face her, "We'd be out of business. And it's not my bakery. Steph and I are partners."
"You're greedy. Why can't you just say that?"
"Babe, maybe we should-" Chan began.
"No, you stay out of this!" She brushes him off.
The fuck.....did she just tell him off? My blood boils, my nerves lighting on fire. "Olivia, simply just leave before you piss me off anymore."
"What?" She blinks at me. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You want to know what my problem is? You might need a notepad because the list is long."
"Fuck you," she spat. "I hope this shitty place rots."
"Ah, the words from the famous home wrecker Olivia James," I say.
"Home wrecker?" Chan says as he looks between Olivia and I.
"Chan, don't listen to he-"
But I cut her off. I've had it with her bullshit. "Let me ask you something, Liv. Did you also try to lure him into your trap so he would give you money? Or are you fucking his buddies too like you did with Mr. Stanley?"
Mr. Stanley was our neighbor and his lovely wife, Diana would always bake these pecan pies that was mouth watering. One day, Mr. Stanley came to our house to drop off a pie and Olivia was the only one home. One thing led to another, once Olivia saw he was loaded, she seduced him and ended up sleeping with him. Many, many times. It wasn't until Diana saw them going at it in her home, on the kitchen table because she had gotten off work early.
Safe to say, Diana is divorced and thriving by travelling the world with her friends.
The look on Olivia's face is priceless though. "You...bitch!" She lunges at me from across the counter but I was quick to dodge.
Chan pulls her back and shoves her back before facing her.
Steph elbows me and whispers, "$10 says they break up."
"It all makes sense now."
"Chan, babe. Please listen to me." Olivia pleads. "She's lying."
"No," Chan says firmly. "You're always putting me second. You're always asking to go to expensive restaurants and to think I was spending so much on you. Tell me something," he takes a step towards her, completely towering over her. "Did Jake treat you well?"
"Did he tell you to come here with me? Did he also tell you I was also going here?"
"Wha....what are you talking about?"
And then I see a different person come out. A new person who I wanted to know so desperately about. He runs his hand through his curls and smirks. The man actually smriked. "Why do you think I wanted to come here, Olivia?"
"You asked me on a date," Olivia replies. "What does this have to do with-"
"I know about you and Jake."
Oh shit. I watch Olivia's face turn into horror as she opens her mouth. "You're the one always yapping about your music all the time. I don't get what the big deal is, you're never going to make it."
I saw red. My blood was boiling. "Fermati!" I march over to Olivia as she blinks at me. "You do not get to judge a person based on their profession. You do not get to make assumptions. YOU do not put negative things in their mind to the point they want to end their lives."
But she rolls her eyes. "Please, you just had a scratch-"
I shove my shirt up on my arm, showing her the long scar going up to my elbow. "Does this look like a scratch to you that YOU caused?"
"What the..." Chan says and looks at Olivia, who's seething in anger. "I though you said she fell."
"She's lying," Olivia replied, her eyes narrowed at me.
"Oh, so you're saying that I magically got a knife and stabbed myself, making a huge line on my arm?"
"You bitch!" Olivia lunges at me but Steph stands in front of me and pushes her back.
"No one is fighting in our cafe, okay?" Steph announces then points at Olivia. "As for you, get out. You're no longer welcomed here."
"Better yet, you're black listed from this cafe."
Olivia huffs and stomps her way out of the shop. "You alright?" Steph asks
"Yeah, thanks," I smiled and she gets behind the counter, immediately apologizing to the customers.
I slightly jump at his voice and turn around.
"Are you okay?"
"I should be asking you that."
He scoffs. "I'll be fine."
I nod. "Alright, well. I gotta get back to work." I make it two steps when he calls my name.
I turn. "Yeah?"
He looks at me, almost as if he wanted to ask me something. But he just shakes his head. "Nothing. Have a good day at work." And then he's gone.
It was Friday and rush hour was just finishing when something catches my eye outside. "Che due coglioni?" I watch as Olivia tries to kiss Chan and he keeps pushing her back.
"Is she for real?" Steph says.
"I've had enough of this," I snap, taking my apron off and walking towards the door. When I open the door, I hear her crying.
"Chan, please. You've gotta believe me," she wails.
"Olivia, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I say.
Chan's eyes flicker towards me, almost lighting up making my heart skip a beat. "This doesn't concern you," Olivia hisses at me.
"Porca miseria, questa cagna!" She blinks at me surprised and I stand in front of her. "This man," I point to Chan, "has been nothing but loving towards you, has given you the time he should've spent elsewhere other than your stupid ass. You," I jab at her chest, "do not have the right to control someone as kind as him. You," I jab at her chest again making her stumble back a step, "do not get to do that to him."
"Grace," I hear Chan say from behind me.
"Do you even realize how hard it is to chase your dreams when no one belives in you? Of course, you don't because all you get to do is use others and degrade them till they have nothing left in them."
"What?!" I snap as I turn around, sniffling. Was I crying? But I don't get to touch my face as I feel a pair of warm hands cup my cheeks. "Cha-"
His lips. Oh my god his lips. My hands stay at my sides because I don't know where to put them. As he lets go, I look up at him. "I've been meaning to do that."
"What?" I blinked, perplexed.
"She's gone," Steph's voice makes us jump apart a step away from each other and she comes to my side. "Jeez, she's like a lizard, always coming in between."
I snort which leads to laughter as she beams at me. "Come inside! I'll make you guys something to drink!"
I watch as she heads inside before turning to him. "So..."
"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" I asked.
"Why did you kiss me?"
He sighs. "I never liked Olivia. She was just there, I guess to fill that void," he flicks his eyes down at me, "but that void was never filled."
I scoff, not believing what he just said. "So you mean to say, that you dated her-"
"I never da-"
"-just so you could dump her and then coincidentally you thought that a kiss would solve all the problems?"
"Look, Grace-"
"No," I say firmly. "You look here, Chan. I'm not the one to messed around with. And you were the least out of all the people I knew that would do something like this." His eyes widen at my comment and raises his hand but I put my hand up, stopping him. "No. I can't look at you right now."
And with that, I turn around and leave. Steph gives me one look once I'm inside and immediately gives me space as I go back to refilling the ice machine.
A few weeks later, I finally had a few days off. I wanted to destress and just chill and relax in my apartment. But what I didn't know was that Chan would be standing at my doorway looking like he had been run over by a truck while I was in a tanktop and pj shorts with a bag of chips on my hand.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, clutching the chip bag.
"Can I...can I come in?" His voice trembled.
"Yeah, come in," I stand aside to let him in. As he walks by me, the same vanilla and smoke scent fills my nostrils, making me a bit dizzy.
"Do you want anything to drink? Water? Soda?" I ask, closing the door behind me.
"Water, thanks," he replies taking a seat on my couch.
Fuck. Never in my 22 years of my life, I imagined a man in my living room. Let alone Chan, the 28 year old man that I had been crushing on since I was 19. I hand him the glass of water and sit beside him.
"Nice place."
"Thanks," I replied. After a beat, I say, "So, what brings you here?"
"Olivia paid a visit."
"And smashed all the windows of my car."
"What?!" I knew she would stoop low but to this level? "Are you okay?"
His eyes flicks up at me. "That's funny."
"Huh? What is?"
"Olivia would've asked if my car was okay. She wouldn't even ask me if I was alright."
"Well, she's a bitch," I huff, crossing my arms.
He snorts. "She did teach me one thing though." He turns his body sonhe's facing me. "To never take what's already in front of you for granted."
Holy fucking greek god. Why does this dude have to be so damn pretty? "You're lucky you're attractive, Chan. Any woman would be happy to have you."
"Look, about the kiss then-"
But I stand up. "I'm going to make some tea." I hurriedly walk into the kitchen and immediately fill the kettle with water. It was a good distraction-
An arm snakes it's way around my waist. I gasp, dropping the kettle in the sink and turn around. "What are you doing?!
"Why do you think I kept coming back to your cafe?"
"Because you like the cakes we make?"
"I came to see you, even on busy days where I could catch a glimpse of you working behind the counter refilling stoxk items. Once, Steph caught me staring at you and made me buy 10 pastries," he explains snorting. "Let's just say my friends got a piece each."
"Why are you-"
"-telling you?" He finishes my sentence. "Because I like you."
"I'm sorry, what?" My ears are deceiving me.
He giggles, poking my cheek. "I like you, Grace. I have for a long time now."
"How long?"
"3 years."
I blink at his answer. "I..I... don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything."
I look at him. "But you just told me you like me. How do you expect me to not say anything? To say that I like you as well?"
"Grace, you're not obligated to say- wait, what?" Turning his head, he blinks at me.
"What?" I try so hard to not smile.
"You just said you like me."
"No, I didn't," I lied, hiding my smile.
"Grace," his hand comes to cup my face, lifting my head to meet his eyes. "Tell me before I lose my mind."
"What happens if you lose your mind?"
His gaze hardens. "You don't want to know."
I wet my lips, partially opening my mouth. "Maybe I do." I hear him growl before he smashes his lips on mine. This time, neither of us push away. His tongue darts out and I open my mouth. His hand rub my arms, up and down. "Channie," I whimper, heat pooling between my thighs.
"Yeah, baby?" He says, his thumb brushing my lower lip.
"Can we, uhm, can we take this to the bedroom?"
He chuckles as he slides his arms around my ass hoisting me up. "Say less."
He practically sprints into my room and gently lays me down on my bed. His eye catches my blanket, the pink poka dots on the white colored sheet. "What?" I ask.
"Nothing," he shakes his head and takes his shirt off.
My breath hitches in my throat. Holy fuck. I knew he was fit but this.....holy fucking shit. Then his takes his jeans off, leaving a lot for my imagination when I see the buldge in his boxers as he takes those off too.
"Now you."
I sit up and take my tanktop off. My breasts bounce as I had no bra on. "Fuck me, Grace. You're beautiful."
My cheeks heat at the compliment and my arms come up automatically to hide myself but his hand stops me. "Don't hide yourself," he said as he hovers above me. "Fuck, I'm trying so hard to hold myself back."
"Don't," I gulp. "Don't hold yourself back."
"You sure? I don't want to hurt you."
I narrow my eyes and pull him down by his neck. "Channie if you don't fuck me in the next 5 seconds, I'm going to burn your clothes so you'd have to walk back home, butt naked."
"Feisty, damn," he groans as he takes my shorts off leaving. "As much as I would love to taste you, I need to feel you around my cock."
"Please," I whine.
He smashes his lips on me again, this time with desperation as he settles in between my legs. I feel the tip at the enterance of my cunt. "Ready?"
I nod. He lines himself before slowly pushing in. "Oh, shit- you're fucking tight."
I close my eyes, feeling the delicious burn as fully bottoms himself inside. "Mm, Channie. You feel so goo-" I get cut off as he pulls back and slams his hips.
"Yeah, fuck, you cunt feels so good," he pants and grabs my left breast. "And I love these, fuck, perfect."
He sets a fast pace and doesn't stop snapping his hips. He pinches my nipple, causing the familiar knot to form in my lower belly. "Fuck, I feel you clenching. Are you close?"
I moan in response and his thrusts pick up speed. The only sounds resonating in the room was the snap of his hips. "I'm going to cum," I moan. He brings his hand down to my clit, rubbing it with his thumb. And that was all it took for me to go over the edge. "Channie!"
"Oh fuck, milk my cock, baby. Make a mess," he groans as his thrusts become brutal and I'm pretty sure my poor cervix is bruised. "I'm coming, fuck, I'm gonna fill your tight little pussy. You want that? You want me to fill you up and make you mine?"
"Yes, yes! Make me yours, Chan."
"Fuck," he voice becomes strained as veins protrude in his neck and he stills, emptying himself inside me, painting my inner walls.
As we catch our breath, I notice he hasn't pulled out. "What are you doing?" I ask, still out of breath.
He suddenly grabs my thighs as I feel him harden. "Oh my god."
He grins, licking his lips. "Up for round 2, mi amore?"
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A/N: this was for @gracebang143 hope you enjoy :)
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dino-boyo-agere · 8 months
This amazing art piece of my human OCs was made by @littledinosaursposts!!
It's the first ever art piece of these OC's, that are incredibly important to me & I'm absolutely in love with it!! <3
So, thank you again for bringing them to life!
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I've been planning on telling y'all about them for a while, but it's so much lore and some of it is a little dark.. uh.. so anyways, here is a "tiny" summary..
Who is who on the picture:
Frank is the tall black man sitting on the floor, he is Chrisses best friend and future husband. In his lab is sitting Nate (yes, I choose the same name for me lols) . On the couch are sitting Nate's big Brother, Chris and Riv, who is Frank's child and Nate's best friend.
About the characters:
Frank - A 25 yo black man and single father of River (Riv). He became a dad at the age of 16, took full custody and raised his kid with the help of his mum. Rivs mother always wanted to be a career woman and Frank always wanted to have children. Frank is now a preschool teacher and LOVES children so much. He's autistic and likes how honest and direct they are, he is very good with children. He calls his kid "Muffin", Nate "pipsqueak" / "Pip" and Chris "Chrissy"/ "Love". He's an absolute rock for Chris and never fails to support him. He knows exactly how to handle a traumatized kid like Nate, since he was a child psychiatrist for a while.
Riv - is 8, goes by they/ them pronouns. Riv loves heavy metal and spending time with their dad. Together they often play video games, DnD or make music (Riv plays the drums and Frank the guitar, bass or piano.) Riv has a hard time connecting with their peers, they are also autistic. Frank did a really good job raising a very intelligent kid, emotionally and generally. Riv knows exactly what they want and are really good at communicating their needs. They share a lot of interests with Chris and the both of them often enjoy horror media or metal music, while Nate and Frank partake in calmer activities, like crafting. Nate is Rivs best friend and "sibby". Even though Riv is bodily younger, they feel like a big sibling, since Nate is permanently regressed and mostly stuck at ca. age 5.
Chris is the big (half) brother of Nate, he took his sibling in after the police removed him from the house of their father. He didn't know the kid existed, no one did (more of that later). He's 26 and trying his best to take care of this deeply traumatized kid. Frank is his neighbor and best friend.. and even though he thought he was straight, he's beginning to realize that he has a huge crush on him. Chris is very loving but a bit overbearing and overly cautious & overprotective with Nate. But Frank is pretty good at grounding him. Chris is trying his best at raising his traumatized sibling.
Nate - ❗Tw - mention of abüse & deäth❗ The police found him chained up in the basement when looking for drugs at the father's house. Any type of abuse one can imagine, he had to go through. His mother was found after he told the police "she sleep in roses." Her body was buried under a rose bush.❗Tw over❗
His left arm is amputated under the elbow and he has many scars. He's still a little underweight, but he's getting better. Nate is intersex and his gender is ambiguous. He has no construct of gender, so he doesn't care what pronouns ppl use for him. The kid has heterochromia, with his right eye the same shade of blue like his brothers eyes, and the left one a turquoise. He also got the same blue streak his Chris has, bc he wants to be like him. He is permaregressed, with his age moving between 3 and 13, depending on the day and possible triggers, tough he's mostly stuck at about 5. He's semi verbal and has selective mutism. His bio age is unknown, since there is no birth certificate. He loves his brother, he calls him "Kiss" because he has trouble pronouncing the name Chris and he calls Frank "Dad" because he keeps hearing his bestie Riv call him that. Nate is obsessed with dinosaurs and the kid would drop everything and anything for an apple.. he loves apples so much. That's because when he was found by the police, one of them gave him some apple slices, that was the first time Nate ever tasted anything sweet.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Well, That Went Well
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
Once out of the hospital, Sam took me grocery shopping. I had protested because I felt like I was wasting his time until he pointed out that I could fit more groceries into his truck bed than the carriers on the motorcycle.
"I heard Prom is coming up at your school." Sam said as we moved down the pasta aisle as I looked for plain spaghetti and tomato sauce.
"Ugh." I grumbled. "What a kid thing."
Sam laughed. "You do realize you're at school right?"
"Just for some of the classes I couldn't get on the army base." I muttered. "So I can get my high school diploma."
Sam tossed the pasta into the cart. I glared at him, "I prefer my pasta not broken."
He picked the pasta box up and pinched it between his fingers. I could swear I heard the pasta break in the box.
I seethed, snatching the box away from him, "Sam!"
He laughed.
"Anyways." I muttered, "Mike invited me down to La Push for a beach party."
Sam grinned, "When?"
"Interesting. I'll be there."
"Don't you dare embarrass me in front of my friends Sammy boy." I threatened.
"I won't if you intern at the La Push hospital instead." Sam blackmailed.
I rolled my eyes. I had a feeling that Sam knew about Carlisle being a vampire.
Yes, I knew. I overheard the last bit of the conversation between Edward and Carlisle. Honestly, I wasn't even surprised. The ice cold skin and the beauty probably was a sign. So what did it mean for Sam's boiling hot skin?
I wasn't even terrified about the idea of being Carlisle's soulmate. Honestly, I was excited that something like that existed for me. And I hated the idea that he thought of himself as a monster. What monster works in a hospital trying to save lives?
But then, of course, that question brought up bad memories so I pushed it aside. After all, I was planning on working in a hospital.
Maybe it was redemption.
But I also didn't deserve someone like Carlisle.
I jerked my head up, realizing I had drifted off into a daydream. "Sorry. What?"
"Interning at La Push." Sam continued.
I rolled my eyes again and continued walking down the aisle, "I don't know what your problem with the Cullens is Sam. Jasper and Alice are some of my closest friends and Dr. Cullen is a fantastic doctor. I could learn more under him than ten doctors put together!"
Sam gritted his teeth, pushing the cart in silence. "I don't like it."
"No Chris Evans vibes. You're not hot enough to get away with it. Besides, why? Give me one reason Sam that's all I need. One reason." I said, wishing we could get back to jesting and joking with each other. I stalked down the sweet aisle, grabbing chocolate muffins, brownies, cookies, and more.
"He's dangerous."
I snorted so loudly it hurt my throat. "Yes, very dangerous. That's why he saves lives. Don't tell me you're jealous? Me and Dr. Cullen aren't a thing. We don't want to be a thing. He's probably married for Merlin's sake! And even if he wasn't I'm basically a teenager."
"You did not." Sam rolled his eyes.
"Merlins' sake? Please tell me you did not just say that." Sam said, a grin starting to spread across his face.
I scowled at him. "I happen to like reading Harry Potter. And even more, reading Harry Potter fanfictions, thank you very much."
"Didn't you say you were writing a Harry Potter fanfiction?" Sam asked warily, watching me dump all the sweet treats into the cart. "Also, you're going to get cavities."
I ignored the latter part and said, "yeah, I can't believe you remembered. It's called Elizabeth Kane. I wrote a whole series."
"Of course you did. Doesn't she fall in love with Fred Weasley or something along those lines?" Sam asked, rolling his eyes.
"Maybe." I said slyly. "Or maybe it's Severus Snape- or Cedric Diggory! You'll just have to read it to find out."
Sam rolled his eyes. "I'm not reading it."
"You're a terrible friend."
"So are you."
"Thank you."
"It wasn't a compliment."
"Oh I know."
"Damn, don't you have enough sweets?"
"You can never have enough chocolate."
"I have a headache."
"Eat. You'll feel better."
"Do not quote me Harry Potter."
My internship started the next day and I was bloody nervous. Both Alice and Jasper had talked me up, telling me how their dad was really nice and wouldn't give me a hard time. And being around Jasper was strangely calming whenever I started to worry.
I got dressed in my scrubs at the high school and headed towards the blue pickup truck. Sam had decided he'd be my ride until I got a car of my own. He hated the idea of me possibly getting sick because of flying through the rain on my motorcycle.
"I need to go clothes shopping." I grumbled as I slammed the pickup door shut behind me, settling down into my seat.
"Well hello to you too." Sam said, pulling out of the parking lot slowly.
"Sorry, I just don't have shoes that are work appropriate. I have sneakers, and I have combat boots."
"Wouldn't they prefer you to have sneakers? In case you have to run?"
I snorted, "For one thing, I can run in heels, thank you for asking. And two, no, because I'm not actually doing work. I'm more of a. . . paperwork office person? I mean, I'm observing the doctors and nurses, but my work is more office style. They won't have me working over any real patients."
"They aren't making you wear a skirt though?" Sam questioned.
"It's preferred, but I don't have any skirts. Like I said, I need to go shopping." I mumbled, biting my bottom lip. "I'll have to find a day to go. . . I don't think there are any clothing stores close by though."
"You can always go to Port Angeles." Sam answered. "They have stores there."
"Yeah." I answered, looking out the window.
"And I'll drive you."
"Nonsense." I scoffed. "I'll just make a date with girlfriends or something. Prom is coming up, I'm sure they'll need dresses and stuff."
"Alright, but if you do need a ride, I'm here."
"Thanks Sammy." I murmured as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. He parked, waiting for me to get out.
"You okay?" He questioned, touching my shoulder. I turned to see his brown, almost black eyes filled with concern.
There were so many thoughts running around my head. Most of them were related to the fact that my boss was also my soulmate who was also a vampire. The other part was knowing that the nurses probably weren't going to like me because Dr. Cullen would probably show me some sort of favoritism, partly for being an intern, partly for being his soulmate. And of course, just forgetting all my knowledge as I stared into those lovely gold eyes and acting like a complete idiot.
"Nervous." I replied softly, dropping most of my walls and barriers. "I don't think the nurses are going to like me much. And I. . . I really think I might fall for Dr. Cullen. Which is so stupid, I shouldn't, it's not right but. . . there's something I felt when I looked at him. . . like we had some sort of connection. . . it was hot and I thought my heart would burst. I don't know, that sounds so stupid but it's true. Or maybe everyone feels that." I laughed lightly. "But I'm also afraid of screwing everything up. I'm afraid that I'm going to act like a total dumbass and forget everything that I learned. I don't. . . I don't want to be hurt again."
Sam's angry expression softened when he heard that and he pulled me into a hug. "You're going to be okay. I promise Dav, okay?"
"Thanks." I said, pulling back with a small smile. I kissed his cheek real quick and popped open the pickup truck door. "Say hi to Emily for me, will ya?"
"Of course." Sam said. "What time should I pick you up?"
I hesitated, unsure. "I'll text you."
He nodded and then I slammed the door closed and headed up to the hospital doors. I took a deep breath, took the door handle in hand, and pulled it open.
I was met by a nurse named Courtney who showed me around the hospital- from a standing point of view- before leading me to the second floor, where more of the offices were kept. She showed me first to a small office adjacent to Dr. Cullen's office. We had an adjoining door, but she said it was rarely used and that he might even have his bookcase propped up on the opposite side.
I didn't blame him. I'd put a barrier up between me and any obsessive freaks who didn't know me and only thought I was hot.
The office was small, though I had windows to my back that overlooked the woods of Forks. The table I would work at was thin, but long and spacious with two rather comfortable chairs on either side of it.
There was a counter that was attached to the table, empty besides a vase with blue flowers in it. They looked relatively new and I wondered if Dr. Cullen had done that or if it was just a welcoming thing from the staff.
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"Now I will introduce you to Dr. Cullen." Courtney said, leading me out of the office.
He was right next door so I had no chance to ask her what she thought of him. She knocked on the door and waited. There was a calm, though loud 'come in' and she twisted the doorknob, opening the door for me.
Carlisle P.O.V.
I was rather nervous, waiting for Davina's tour to be done so that Courtney would introduce her to me. I'd chosen Courtney as I felt she would be the nicest person for Davina to get along with. The other nurses didn't seem very enthusiastic about her working so close with me.
When they were finally in the other room, I heard Davina murmur her gratitude about the office. Good, I was glad she liked it.
And finally, Courtney knocked on the door and I let them in.
Davina's face was the first thing I saw. She looked expectant and excited while being composed and nervous at the same time. Her features were pleasing to the eye. Her face was diamond shaped, but not extreme. Her eyes were the same colour as her hair, a dark brown almost black. The green streaks had completely faded from her hair but the blue had obviously been redone.
She was already in her nurse scrubs, although they were more refined than the other nurses. She looked beautiful in blue.
Her scent hit hard too and I clenched the desk quickly so as not to attack her. Strange, it had never hit so hard before, not even when I'd been taking care of her. . . Oh right, I had held my breath on purpose around her.
It was bad enough the human girl was my soulmate- I would eventually have to turn her- but now she was my blood singer too. I would be lucky if I didn't kill her.
She smelled amazing. Like peaches, almonds, honey, and lime. It was an unusual scent wrapped together, like an alcoholic drink. I stopped breathing immediately. The scent, most unfortunately, was cut off.
"The new intern, Dr. Cullen." Courtney said rather professionally.
"Thank you Courtney." I said quickly. I could see Davina's eyes drifting between Courtney and I wondered what she was thinking. "I can take care of things from here."
Courtney smiled at Davina and then exited the room, the door clicking behind her softly.
"She's not smitten with you." Davina said almost immediately.
"Hmm?" I asked, taken aback.
Davina had her head tilted to the side just slightly, the light drifting through the windows dancing on her features pleasantly. I made sure I wasn't in the direct light of the sun so that my skin wouldn't sparkle. I would tell her eventually, now wasn't the time.
"The others, they're completely infatuated with you. Losing their minds when they see you. She doesn't." Davina said with a slight frown.
She can read people well then. I would have a hard time hiding things from her. In the beginning anyways.
And then she blinked, "Sorry, that wasn't related to this conversation. I just noticed it, was all."
"You needn't worry." I said, holding up a patient hand. "How do you like the office?"
Her eyes flicked towards the door, which I had uncovered, leaving the bookcase slightly to the side. She grinned and I saw that her teeth were straight and white. Not perfectly white, but white enough. "You uncovered the door?"
If I could've blushed, I would've. "Ah, so you heard about that?"
"You don't think I'll distract you then?" Davina questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"I think you're here more for the job and the learning experience than what other interns might be thinking they could get." I insinuated.
She paused, looking at me with a strange gaze. She looked like she wanted to ask something, but was afraid of the consequences of asking it.
"You can ask me anything, Miss Michaelson."
She tucked her top lip between her teeth before saying, "It's nothing, really. What do you want from me today?"
The question shouldn't have made my heart skip a beat- metaphorically of course- but it did. I quickly recovered within milliseconds and picked up one of the manila folders. "This is mostly testing, seeing what you already know and don't know. Cases, symptoms, patients backgrounds, past diagnosis, past illnesses and whatnot, seeing what you already know and what I'll pick up with your teaching. In there is also a schedule for times you will shadow one of the nurses or myself when taking care of patients. The schedule may vary depending on what you give me for the diagnosis of the fake patients in the same folder."
Davina nodded, taking the folder from my hand. "I'll get started on this right away."
"Miss Michaelson?" I asked as she turned to leave.
"Yes Dr. Cullen?"
I paused, raking in her beauty before noticing my hand in the sun and quickly slid the sparkling appendage under the desk. "It is nothing. Please have it done by next week."
"Don't worry, I will." Davina said seriously, stepping out of the office, and closing the door behind her. I listened to her footsteps walk a short distance and then they entered her office. I could hear the folder being placed down on her desk, the wheels of the chair rolling across the floor.
She let out the tiniest sigh as I heard her sit in the chair. I could hear the folder being slid towards her on the table and it being flipped open quickly.
"Bloody hell Davina." She murmured to herself. "Get your head together."
Automatically, I wished Edward was here so I could know what she was thinking about. It didn't last long though as she started talking to herself.
"Alright, first patient. Muscle pain in the shoulders. Muscle pain in the thighs. Muscles weakness. dark red urine. Well this one is rather easy, it's rhabdomyolysis."
Easy? I had never even heard of a kid her age even knowing that that was a disease. I had clearly underestimated her, it wouldn't happen again.
I barely got any of my own work done, listening in to her voice. I tentatively smelt the air and I could almost taste her scent on my tongue. But it wasn't as bad as when she had been in the room.
"Ugh!" Her voice was a bit louder. If I hadn't been a vampire I probably would've heard it anyways. Her next words however definitely needed vampire hearing to listen to. "Get him out of your head Davina! You can't fall in love with your boss dammit. You are not one of those crazy girls. The job. You're just here for the job dammit."
My heart soared. I felt alive.
Her pencil started to tap impatiently on the desk and she muttered under her breath in frustration. "I know this one! C'mon! Headaches, impaired sensations, muscle weakness and twitching. . . kidney damage. . . emotional changes. Ugh! Get the doc out of your head! MERCURY POISOINING! I TOLD YOU YOU KNEW IT!"
I chuckled under my breath. She truly was a strange girl. She was my girl. My mate. My blood singer. My soulmate.
We both worked late into the night.
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realm-of-our-own · 2 years
Ok so I've been OBSESSED with Bluey recently and as a consequence of that a new paracosm has been created.
So, My ships and their kids!
Martin Kratt x Salutations x Lily (an oc I made specifically for this paracosm. The other two are from Wild Kratts):
Shelly- oldest daughter and titular character. Is basically just a smaller female version of Martin.
Bella- youngest daughter and kind of like Bingo but a bit more of a Girlboss if that makes any sense. (Brought over from the wild tales paracosm!)
Metalgreen (Chris Kratt x Toodles from the wild kratts fandom):
Tina- Oldest daughter, 6. Think, Muffin Heeler but even more of a little chaos gremlin.
Trix- youngest son, 2. Think, Socks but slightly more chaotic.
Kokiva (Koki x Aviva from wild kratts):
Kenya- only daughter, autistic.
Rosa and Palm (OCs I made up just to be tiny Ryder's parents. They're lesbians and they love their little family.):
Ryder- Ryder from paw patrol but tiny. Almost like a prequel version of him.
Probably gonna add more soon!
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stoopid-noah · 4 months
This amazing art piece of my human OCs was made by @/littledinosaursposts
It's the first ever art piece of these OC's, that are incredibly important to me & I'm absolutely in love with it!! <3
So, thank you again for bringing them to life!
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I've been planning on telling y'all about them for a while, but it's so much lore and some of it is a little dark.. uh.. so anyways, here is a "tiny" summary..
Who is who on the picture:
Frank is the tall black man sitting on the floor, he is Chrisses best friend and future husband. In his lab is sitting Nate (yes, I choose the same name for me lols) . On the couch are sitting Nate's big Brother, Chris and Riv, who is Frank's child and Nate's best friend.
About the characters:
Frank - A 25 yo black man and single father of River (Riv). He became a dad at the age of 16, took full custody and raised his kid with the help of his mum. Rivs mother always wanted to be a career woman and Frank always wanted to have children. Frank is now a preschool teacher and LOVES children so much. He's autistic and likes how honest and direct they are, he is very good with children. He calls his kid "Muffin", Nate "pipsqueak" / "Pip" and Chris "Chrissy"/ "Love". He's an absolute rock for Chris and never fails to support him. He knows exactly how to handle a traumatized kid like Nate, since he was a child psychiatrist for a while.
Riv - is 8, goes by they/ them pronouns. Riv loves heavy metal and spending time with their dad. Together they often play video games, DnD or make music (Riv plays the drums and Frank the guitar, bass or piano.) Riv has a hard time connecting with their peers, they are also autistic. Frank did a really good job raising a very intelligent kid, emotionally and generally. Riv knows exactly what they want and are really good at communicating their needs. They share a lot of interests with Chris and the both of them often enjoy horror media or metal music, while Nate and Frank partake in calmer activities, like crafting. Nate is Rivs best friend and "sibby". Even though Riv is bodily younger, they feel like a big sibling, since Nate is permanently regressed and mostly stuck at ca. age 5.
Chris is the big (half) brother of Nate, he took his sibling in after the police removed him from the house of their father. He didn't know the kid existed, no one did (more of that later). He's 26 and trying his best to take care of this deeply traumatized kid. Frank is his neighbor and best friend.. and even though he thought he was straight, he's beginning to realize that he has a huge crush on him. Chris is very loving but a bit overbearing and overly cautious & overprotective with Nate. But Frank is pretty good at grounding him. Chris is trying his best at raising his traumatized sibling.
Nate - ❗Tw - mention of abuse & death❗ The police found him chained up in the basement when looking for drugs at the father's house. Any type of abuse one can imagine, he had to go through. His mother was found after he told the police "she sleep in roses." Her body was buried under a rose bush.❗Tw over❗
His left arm is amputated under the elbow and he has many scars. He's still a little underweight, but he's getting better. Nate is intersex and his gender is ambiguous. He has no construct of gender, so he doesn't care what pronouns people use for him. The kid has heterochromia, with his right eye the same shade of blue like his brothers eyes, and the left one a turquoise. He also got the same blue streak his Chris has, bc he wants to be like him. He is perma-regressed, with his age moving between 3 and 13, depending on the day and possible triggers, tough he's mostly stuck at about 5. He's semi verbal and has selective mutism. His bio age is unknown, since there is no birth certificate. He loves his brother, he calls him "Kiss" because he has trouble pronouncing the name Chris and he calls Frank "Dad" because he keeps hearing his bestie Riv call him that. Nate is obsessed with dinosaurs and the kid would drop everything and anything for an apple.. he loves apples so much. That's because when he was found by the police, one of them gave him some apple slices, that was the first time Nate ever tasted anything sweet.
some more pictures:
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I drew Nate and an Instagram friends (@/baby.anels.space) OC called Noah. Yes, I may have picked my name partially bc of my OC, leave me be.. Also their OC has my other first name, so it was destiny!
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This was an ych from @/baby.anels.space on Instagram!!
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drmuffindick-blog · 5 years
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Hes looking snazzy
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Sage and Sweaters Holiday/Winter Challenge Submissions
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Hello Tumblr Peeps! As were getting further in the season, figured we would share what has been submitted so far as Challenge Fics. (Others will be added as they are submitted, there is no rush to participants to get them in.) 
Its a lovely list with a bit of everything on it. Make sure to give the writers a round of applause for there submission, they are extraordinary stories that they have shared with all of us. I am always humbled by everyones talents. 
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Happy Reading! 
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Holly Jolly Xmas by @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho featuring Ransom x Reader. Ransom doesn't care for Christmas, but Reader loves it and is out to show him that it can be a good time by placing a friendly bet. Fluff
Pure and Good by @donutloverxo featuring Steve x Desi!Reader. Steve has found the love of his life and brought her back to the states. Its time for a wedding right around the holidays. Things don’t always go as planned in life, but sometimes its the unexpected that really makes the memories. Warnings- Smut
Naughty or Nice by @sweeterthanthis featuring Ransom x Reader. Its Christmas Eve and you are busy getting ready for your family coming over to celebrate your favorite holiday. Ransom on the other hand has other things on his mind and when he catches you nibbling on a forbidden holiday treat. Well... He cant just let you get away with being naughty can he. Warnings- Smut
Cozy Christmas Night by @just-one-ordinary-fangirl featuring Ransom x Reader. Its Christmas time and you are in full Holiday Spirits. Cookies, Music, Trees, Decorating. You are not letting anything ruin your Christmas, and your love for the holiday is slowly rubbing off on one Ransom Drysdale. Fluff
25 Days of Christmas: Day 2 by @stuckonjbbarnes featuring Loki x Reader. You and Loki are decorating the beloved Christmas Tree. Loki feels like its a bit of nonsense, but you won’t be deterred. Fluff
Surprise by @viinchester featuring Chris x Reader x Dodger. You decide that give Dodger a bit of a fun makeover for the holiday to surprise Chris before he gets home. Fluff
25 Days of Christmas: Day 6 by @stuckonjbbarnes featuring Bucky x Reader with Sam showing up at the end. You make the perfect cup of cocoa and Bucky is all there for it. Teasing and playing with you. Fluff
Riding High One Shot: Whamaggedon by @what-is-your-backupplan-today Frank x Fliss. Its the jolliest time of year and the girls are all for pulling everyone into the festivities, including Thor the dog. Franks gotta admit, maybe this will be one of the best Christmas’s yet now that Fliss joined the family. Fluff
Once Upon A Christmas by @the-soulofdevil featuring dark Steve Rogers x Reader. The Endgame is finished and Steve knows he needs something deep in his soul. Its not Peggy, that life is behind him. He’s seen to much and come to far. He delves into a new lifestyle, maybe something more then the reader was ready for when she started dating Steve Rogers. Warnings- Non Con/Dub Con
Stark Spangled Forever: A Very Rogers Christmas Part One Part Two by @what-is-your-plan-today/@what-is-your-backupplan-today featuring Steve Rogers x OC Katie Rogers. Its Christmas time in the Rogers house hold and the kids are all excited for Santa Claus to come to town. It features many guest characters, and I promise full of laugh and love. Fluff
Jingle All The Way by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork featuring Sam Wilson x Reader. The Avengers are spending Christmas on Clints farm. Sam decides to take you on a winter sleigh ride with Clints trusty horse team. Fluff
Parts of Whole by @gotnofucks featuring Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes. After Steve has left, Sam struggles with missing his friend and taking up his title as Captain America. But there is someone always at his side, someone who understands how Sam feels. (you will need tissues. I did.) Angst/Fluff
Stealing Ingredients by @nekoannie-chan featuring Steve Rogers x Brock Rumlow x Reader. You want to make Steve his cookies and Brock his muffins, but you need some extra ingredients. While you are gone, they boys come up with there own idea to surprise you. Fluff
Too Loose and You'll Lose It: Jesus Is My Homeboy by @icanfeelastormbrewing and @what-is-your-plan-today/@what-is-your-backupplan-today featuring Jake Jensen x OC Stella Stevenson. Stella and Jake are preparing a stag party for Pooch when looking at pictures brings the two of them down memory lane to a Christmas celebration filled with good memories for the both of them. Warnings- Smut, Swears, Drinking. 
The Christmas Pickle by @thefanficfaerie featuring Steve Rogers x Reader. The Reader has a Christmas Tradition that requires a glass ornament pickle. Steve decides to join in on the family tradition and gets to hide it away for the other avengers to find for a special gift. Fluff 
Search For The Perfect Tree by @theenchantedgalleryofstories featuring Chris Evans x Evangeline Blackwood. Evangeline has joined Chris’s family for her first New England Christmas. Fluff
The Highest Bidder Epilogue by @pagesoflauren featuring Ransom Drysdale x Reader. Its Christmas time and readers family is all arriving for the holidays. Ransom will get a first look at how his wife celebrates the season. A beautiful ending the The Highest Bidder and I highly suggest taking a look at the series. Warnings- Smut. Also Ransom also being completely lost shopping. 
Freezing Cold by @steebsbabygirl featuring Steve Rogers x Reader. Steve and Reader are going away for a Christmas Vacation, thanks to Tony. A snowy cabin for the holiday? what could be better? Cuddles! all the super soldier cuddles in this beautiful snowy escape. Beautiful! Fluff
Pretending by @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad featuring Sam Winchester x Reader. Sam and Reader are old friends during Sams college days. After reconnecting their friendship, reader has a favor to ask. Of course Sam is ready for the challenge... pretending to be her boyfriend during her families Christmas Party. Fluff
You’re A Mean One by @stargazingfangirl18 featuring Frank Adler x Reader. Frank is a bit grumpy with Reader and Mary around the Holidays. His two girls playing a prank on him. But Reader is happy to make it up to him, and it is the holidays after all. His heart grows three sizes that year. Among other things. Warnings- Smut. 
New Year Woes by @just-one-ordinary-fangirl featuring Steve Rogers x Reader. New Years Eve is here and you have to spend the holiday alone because Steve is stuck out on a mission. Its hard to hide the dissapointment from Steve no matter how hard you try when he tells you. But its the season of surprises, maybe Steve has one in store for you. Fluff
Not-So-Secret Santa by @navybrat817 featuring Bucky Barnes x Reader. Its secret santa time and Bucky wants to make sure his gift is PERFECT for you. With Alpines help and encouragment, he is sure to wrap the precious gift. When the party commences, the team is sure to encourage this beautiful moment between you two. Fluff. 
The Pack: Silent Night, Holy Night by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork featuring Alpha Steve Rogers and Little One Reader. It’s your first Christmas with the Alpha, and Steve falls in love with the holiday all over again because of you. Warnings- Smut
In Love And ... by @bananapie99 featuring Bucky Barnes x Reader. The snow is falling and you can not contain that child like excitment for the occassion. Bucky isnt quite as enthusiastic, but you are able to bring him around to sharing snowy day fun and love. Fluff. 
My Snowy Valentine by @twittytelly featuring Chris Evans x Reader. Sometimes the best things are the simple things. Like getting snowed in at home on valentines day. The world just consists of you two and Dodger spending some quality time together. Fluff. 
Slush and a Side of Toys Part One by @redhairedfeistynerd featuring Chris Evans x Reader. You are much to busy getting ready for the holiday seasons, your time donated to the children who deserve the magic of Christmas. You dont have time for one Blue Eyed individual checking up on you. But you cant control the memories of the past that he brings up with one little text message. Smut 
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
I include two at the same time 😘
So for these OC questions… I figured I would focus on MC Cherry, Ethan Clark and Ryan Hawkins from The Freshman Chronicles. I’m including MC because she’s basically OC, seeing how she was customizable and about as basic as one can be.
I forgot some items when I answered this earlier!
🌾 What is your oc’s favourite food?
MC - tacos. Who doesn't like tacos... and muffins, especially the blueberry kind. Chris knows. He always makes sure to get extra so they don't have to fight over the last one.
Ethan - anything breakfast. Eggs, cooked any way. Bacon, sausage, biscuits, hashbrowns, pancakes... and everything else you can think of. Breakfast is a big thing in the Clark family. He likes good BBQ also, but anything meaty really... he has to keep his muscle mass up. That power requires lot of protein.
Ryan - pizza. No wait, tacos. Actually, its steak, or was it meatloaf... or did he say fried chicken. Okay, does favorite only mean one? Chris and Ethan learned to block Ryan from their plates many years ago. He might have had his hand stabbed by a fork once or twice. Each meal.
🌿 Which oc can handle the most spice? Which prefers the blandest foods?
Out of these three... its MC. Ethan is a close second, and Ryan pretends he’s first. Just ignore the tears. Even if the food starts bland, its not uncommon for someone to break out some hot sauce or spicy mustard. 
Thanks for the ask @syltti78 💗💗💗💗💗
Want to ask more?! Select an item from Planty OC Ask Game!
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uglypastels · 5 years
Helloooo!!! Can I ask for a Ceo!Tom smoking a cigar at home, peacefully with his best friend (I've read the anon's request about the oc Filippo, can you add him here too?), when his little son comes downstairs crying because of a bad dream??? And so he just cuddles him and his friend says "you're way too cute mate"
 are we making this into a blurb series??? cause I think we are haha 
It was late. The large grandfather clock in the corner of the room behind them was about to strike midnight. The snow falling down around the two men. 
Tom was leaning against the balcony railing. One arm on the rest as the other kept coming back up to his mouth, putting the cigar up to his lips and taking a long drag. The smoke filled his entire body. It was his only way to escape the emptiness he had felt the last months. 
Sleep was a hard thing to come by for Tom in recent days. The nights seemed endless and the darkness wicked. The few nights where he did manage to sleep only ended in him waking up, covered in cold sweat, his bedsheets stuck to his skin. Hands shaking and breathing irregular. It was at those nights that he would go to his office and work, on anything. It didn’t matter. He had to keep busy. He had to forget. 
That is why he was so glad for these nights. 
He held in the smoke for a second or two before exhaling deeply. It was calming to see the smoke go up into the air. The soothing shapes move around him. 
“How are you, Tommo?” Filippo looked at him, eyebrows slightly furrowed. Tom could only sigh, letting out some excess smoke in the process. 
“You know how it is, mate.” Filippo sure did know. The dark circles around Tom’s empty eyes told enough. His skin, paler than ever before gave away the entire story. Tom looked down at his hands and played with the ring on his finger. It was cold, still not as cold as his hands but far from the warmth he had felt before when touching the metal band. 
“When was the last time you slept properly?” 
“I would tell you if I could remember,” Tom laughed. It was an empty and sad smile. A tired smile. So, so tired. 
Filippo was about to open his mouth when the clock stroke midnight. At that exact same time, the door to the balcony opened. Both men turned around quickly. In front of them stood the little boy, wearing only his onesie. A fluffy bunny under his arm. He rubbed his eyes with the unoccupied hand. 
Tom put down his cigar and walked up to his son. “Muffin, I told you not to come out here without a jacket. It’s too co- hey, what’s wrong, buddy?” When he picked him up, he could hear little sniffles escape Chris. The boy immediately hid his face in his father’s shoulder and started to cry. 
Tom’s heart broke every time his son cried. No matter the reason, it made him feel like he was failing. 
“Hey, sshh. What’s wrong?” He held him tightly, petting his dark curls. Chris didn’t stop crying so Tom let him. Still holding him in his arms, Tom sat down in one of the chairs.  
“Psst,” after a moment, he got Filippo’s attention, who had been looking out at the winter scenery that was the garden. Tom mouthed “milk” to him. Having spent enough time around the little boy, Filippo knew what his friend meant. He nodded and left the balcony, just to come back several minutes later with a cup filled with warm milk. 
By then, Chris had calmed down a little. Filippo handed the boy his drink and he started to almost chug it down. 
“Hey, eeeasy there, buddy. Don’t want you to get the hiccy’s, do we?” Tom smiled at his son, wiping away the tears from his rosy cheeks. The boy was starting to shake from the cold, so Tom quickly opened his jacket and pulled his son closer to cover him up. 
“I miss mama, daddy?” Chris whispered against him. Something struck Tom right in the heart. The pain shot through his whole body. He clenched his jaw as he held his little boy tighter, kissing the top of his head. 
“I miss her too, buddy.” 
“I ha a drrream about her.” He was sniffling again. 
“Yeah? was it a nice dream?” Tom closed his eyes to not start crying too. He couldn’t do it, not in front of his son. One of them had to keep strong. At least try to. 
“Mhm.” Tom could feel Chris nod his head. “When can I see mama, daddy?” He pulled away from his father’s chest to look into his eyes. They were brown, but not the same as his. It was clearly her eyes. 
“Probably not in a while, buddy.” He wanted to say “hopefully” but that would break his little muffin even more. “But know that mama is always with you, yeah? riiight here.” He lightly poked his son in the chest, right over his little heart. 
“Mhm.” He nodded just how Chris did moments ago. 
“But how can she be?” 
“Because she loved you very much. Every minute of every day. It’s unfair how much she did because now I will have to live with the weight on me to do it more, which is almost impossible.” He hoisted Chris a bit and kissed his cheek. “But I will try my darn best, that’s for sure.” He kissed his other cheek. 
“You stink dadda,” Chris laughed a little.
“I know. I’m sorry, muffin. How about I go brush my teeth and then I’ll meet you in your room and read you a story?” 
“Oka, dadda.” Tom put his son down and watched the boy run off to his room. A faint smile was on his lips, not going unnoticed by Filippo. 
The End 
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cataclysmic-writer · 5 years
Happy storyteller Saturday! If your OCs could pick only one desert to eat for the rest of their lives, what would it be?
Hmmmm. Chris doesnt really eat sweets, so she’d probably choose a muffin. Mercy would go with tiramisu and Kennedy would likely get some kind of coffee based desert!
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choko-flan · 6 years
Fun Little RPG Maker/OC challenge
If two of your characters was lock in a elevator/room how would they react or deal with the situation.  >wO)b I always find prompts like this fun since it makes you think about relationships and how a character would act to a certain thing.
A example:
(Muffin and Chris) Muffin would just play his Kazoo and try to give Chris snacks making sure his well being is fine. Chris would sit next to Muffin since he’s worried that Muffin might be scared being stuck in a room while a while. A ms paint doodle for the two good boys. 
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radwolf76 · 5 years
FLASHBack: Week 38 [First-Class FLASHBack] - The One Ring
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nomorebluehearts · 6 years
So, I have a lot, a few I cannot remember, a few I’ve never put on Tumblr... So I shall put up a list of them all... by category! Only certain muses will get an explanation and not all have blogs, the ones I remember that do will have them!
Also some blogs might have autoplay, I will label the ones I remember. Some of these blogs have not been touched in years, I apologize
Muse I’ve Had since Before Tumblr
Lexara (OC)- Originally a special agent of some kind, I made her around about 2005, when I first started to read Manga and started drawing characters. She had short hair- Like me at the time, and she was tough and rugged... because my protected catholic ass hadn’t learned the word ass or any swear word ever.
Muses I’ve had on Tumblr
Category 1- KH and FF
Leon/Squall (Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VIII)- This blog still exists for the nostalgia. I don’t rp on it, but this was my gateway to RP in 2011 on this sight. I made it to be on an AU KH RP community, but it never happened, but I found some of my oldest and closest friends there, so yaaaay!! URL- http://transient-awoken.tumblr.com/ AUTOPLAY WARNING
Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)
Data Sora (Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded)
Reeve/Cait Sith (Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus)
Zack Fair (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Final Fantasy Crisis Core)- Url- https://gongagan-soldier.tumblr.com/
Axel/Lea (Kingdom Hearts)- URL- http://flamesxofxeternity.tumblr.com/
Vanitas- URL- https://menfilik.tumblr.com/
Category 2- TOME Canon Characters (because I have OCs too)
Nylocke- WAAAAAAY Back in 2011, I made him a blog, no one else was around, I cried, i deleted, but back them was when I started thinking of Omega... so that’s a plus
Zetto/Kirbopher- My second attempt at a TOME blog that I loved! the icon is from Muffin, I remember seeing the older one going omg it’s perfect, then I got to know her and she is very nice from what I remember (it’s been a while) URL- http://thexcyborgximp.tumblr.com/
Alpha/Kajet- URL- http://godsheritage.tumblr.com/ idk if it is auto play, but there is the possibility of music so AUTOPLAY WARNING
Sofdti/GC- http://lifelinkoftome.tumblr.com/
Category 3- TOME OCs (I’m putting them all here, even though some might fit in other categories)
Omega- He is one of my all time favorite muses I’ve ever made, I love using him, and I even named my car after him, same orange he has on his outfit. URL-http://remorseformistakes.tumblr.com/
King- Based off of an AU with a character named Lady Tigerlilly where the Virus takes over Zetto’s life. URL- http://incurableshadows.tumblr.com/
Squire- Same AU as above, but the other half of King’s code. Same URL.
Velvet- The Prototype to the Antivirus and ‘Older Sister’ of Cake’s oc Amber. I have done a lot more with her in private RP, so she’s grown more than the blog shows. URL- http://purpuravitae.tumblr.com/
Mocha Latte- The Barista of the Netkings named Jane Doe.
Category 4- Canon Misc (the muses on Tumblr that I used that aren’t big enough to class on their own like 1-3 were)
Yang (RWBY)- URL- http://blazing-beauty.tumblr.com/ AUTOPLAY WARNING
Sombra (Overwatch)- URL- https://boop-the-planet.tumblr.com/ Possible AUTOPLAY WARNING
Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill)- URL- http://alliancexofxlifexfibers.tumblr.com/ AUTOPLAY WARNING
Yami Yugi/Atem (YGO from Season 0 to 5 and the movies)- URL- https://forgotten-monarch.tumblr.com/
Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2, 4, and Revengeance)
Pikachu (Pokemon)
N (Pokemon)
Male Pokemon Trainer (Pokemon Black and White)
Endrance (.hack series)
Haseo (.hack series)
Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)
Amaterasu (Okami Series)- I think I managed to get the blog url ‘Mother of All’, but that was ages ago
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Series)
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
Rin Matsuoka (FREE!)
Link (Legend of Zelda)- I remember deciding to RP him as a mute, so I got really good at describing actions with him
Dark Link (Legend of Zelda)
Hsien-Ko (Darkstalkers)
B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers)
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Category 5- OC Misc (same as above, but OCs)
Xurik (Kingdom Hearts)- Based off of a story I wrote for FANFICTION.NET (so ages ago) And never put up... I also have to heavily edit it, my vocabulary had found out about words such as ‘damn’, ‘shit’, and ‘fuck’ and I thought it was cool to use it a lot. I’ll take a pic of that notebook one day. it is a MESS. URL- http://ashenxheart.tumblr.com/
Kirara (Naruto)- A ninja with a demon that had an amazing voice, used songs to buff and debuff her allies and enemies.
Ezekiel (Final Fantasy IX)- the soul that became Zidane, he is the part of Zidane that craves the blood of Gaia’s Citizens. Can use a scythe made from blood and has Blood Wings......... I was just out of high school and very depressed XD
Riboruba (Final Fantasy VIII and Kingdom Hearts)- She is the personification of Squall’s/Leon’s Gunblade! Fun Fact: Riboruba is the Japanese pronunciation of Revolver, to which that is the style of Gunblade Squall has.
Category 6- Main Characters that are heavily AU-d
AU Abridged Yami Bakura (YGOTAS and Kingdom Hearts)- Yes... a parody character, which is it’s on AU in a way, in an AU where he is a keyblade wielder................................ tada! I made this with my good friend millennium-hearts at a con, and because of this blog we are practically family. URL- http://thiefxkeybladerxbakura.tumblr.com/ Possible AUTOPLAY WARNING
AU Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)- He is basically Sephiroth, but winning, the world is pretty much dying/almost dead, so like.... Worst Case Scenario/Apocalypse AU
AU Nylocke (TOME) I’m putting this here because this is the Nylocke that is apart of the Omega Timeline. Where Nylocke had a twin brother (Nye is Colin-based on tta Nai’s name, and Martin- because Martin Billaney), who died. He is also the world’s best hacker, even better than the main villain of the blog, which was revealed once, but never by name. URL with Omega.
Hao Asakura- This was semi-based on the manga and the anime mixing. the story the blog was based off of is actually still on Fanfiction.Net i named Angel of the Devil (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6203556/1/Angel-of-the-Devil) Feel free to read it! There are 9 chapters!
Glitchy Red (Pokemon Creepy Pasta)- He was based off of many different piecemeal creepy pastas (Lost Silver, Pokemon Black, Strangled Red, Glitchy Red, small stories about the candle instead of flash, but used in a house it would burn it down, and the rope inside would make you hang yourself). This blog got me into KORN.
Category 7- Muses on Blogs that belong there, but are not the main reason people went to said blog
Xirra (TTA)- She is a re-purposed character with a whole new look to fit into TOME, and I used her on Remorse for Mistakes
Darkeyes (TTA)- Much Like Xirra, but never got onto the blog much.
Demon Eyes Kyo (Demon Eyes Kyo)- I read this manga in the 6th grade... it is fucking bloody and gory, so don’t look it up if you are weak stomached. I used him as the Guardian Spirit of Hao on his blog instead of the Fire Spirit.
Beelzemon (Digimon)- I had him on a blog I have yet to mention, but you’ll see why I haven’t yet, that blog is in a category all of its own~
Keldeo (Pokemon) He made a brief appearance on Kirb/Zetto blog... Chris named him Vic........ because voiced by Vic......
Muses I’d love to make, but I finally have self control so I won’t make them
Infinite (Sonic Forces)- Because he is my super floof boy and I must PROTECC
Qrow Branwen (RWBY)- I must protecc the birb boi too
THE LUKA-POCALYPSE I have had a lot of Luka’s in my time RPing, and I loved the name so much, I use it as my online pseudonym now... now you will learn where I get it from!
Luka Crosszeria (Uraboku)- This was the man I fell for, he is extremely loyal and protective of the one he loves through every reincarnation they have, and will do anything, even betray his own kind for love. So in a way, I can relate. I want to do the same with my friends and family and girlfriend. This is the blog Beelzemon is on.  URL- http://crosszeriaxbetrayer-blog.tumblr.com/ AUTOPLAY WARNING
Luka Crosszeria (Final Fantasy XIV)- She is my character from my favorite and most played MMO. And while she no longer has a blog, she does have an instagram! URL- https://www.instagram.com/luka_of_eorzea/
Luka Cross (OC- No other affiliation)- She is a girl with the power to summon elementals. From fire and ice spirits, to even the goddess of the moon. Her goal is to gain the power of Elder Summoning. Aldo Omega is in this AU as the guardian of the Library of Summoners, and he is an Elder Summon.
Luka (TOME)- She is the little sister of Xirra. A different kind of virus, hers is a contact epidemic virus that spreads through touch. She has her hands covered at all times, and is very shy, but is almost second to none in hand to hand combat, being at least 30 time stronger than her just 4 foot stature would lead you to believe. she is also a lolita that wears extremely tall boots, and yet she is still very short... like just under 5 foot short. She also dates a giant dragon... and she sounds like Hinata from Naruto... she is an actual baby that is months old
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drmuffindick-blog · 6 years
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*vent art*
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staytheb · 6 years
Pairing: SKZ’s Chan x OC [Jyongri] || SKZ’s Hyunjin x OC [Nayoung] Genre: school!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 3,649 Summary: Chan and Hyunjin find out that their crushes like them back, but Jyongri and Nayoung don’t plan on confirming this and run away instead.
Warning: none... i think. maybe swear words. i honestly forgot. lol
yeah, bang chan pops up a lot. lol other than that, my sister does have a top 3, but still leaves me wondering who i should write her with. lol as for the title it’s another double meaning. Formal as in Winter Formal which is like a dance and then the other Formal of being recognized and validated. lol i hope that makes sense, but anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
revised. 9.10.20
"Just confess already." Jyongri told Nayoung as the duo were outside the dance room.
"I'll confess if you confess, too." Nayoung countered.
The two best friends were hanging out after school and stopped by the dance room to see the people inside dancing. More in particular it was so that Nayoung could watch her crush from a distance while he danced with his seven friends.
"You're the one that's way more obvious than me." Jyongri remarked. "Besides I think Chan's dating Sana so there's no point in confessing to him."
"They're not together."
"How do you know?"
"Jisung." Nayoung smirked.
"I don't trust anything that comes out of that squirrel's mouth."
"Don't be mean. He doesn't look that much like a squirrel."
"Have you seen his mouth full of food?"
"Just wait until you do."
"Whatever. Anyways, if you confess to Chan, then I'll confess to Hyunjin."
"I already told you I won't confess because he's already dating someone else."
"I just told you that Jisung said that they weren't."
"And I ain't gonna trust shit from that damn idiot."
In the midst of their bantering the best friends didn't notice the door opening revealing two people.
"Oh, hey. Are you guys here to see me?" Minho asked with a smirk.
"No." The girls chorused as Changbin laughed. "They're probably here for you know who, Minho."
"No we're not." They chimed once again at the same time.
"Oh really?" Minho mused before smirking wider. "We're taking a break and so have time to hangout."
"No thanks." Nayoung answered as Jyongri agreed. "Yeah. We're good."
"Oh, yeah?" Minho confirmed with a mischievous expression. "So you won't do anything if I tell them that you like them?"
"No." The girls deadpanned with a neutral expression not believing the male.
"Okay! Changbin, help me!"
Changbin took a hold of Jyongri while Minho took a hold of Nayoung and the boys pulled the girls inside the dance room with them.
"Hey, Hyunjin! Nayoung likes you!" Minho exclaimed mischievously as Changbin did the same thing. "And Chan, Jyongri likes you!"
"Minho's just joking! Don't listen to him!" Nayoung denied as she pulled her arm from his grip.
"Yeah, Changbin's doesn't know what he's talking about either." Jyongri added with a laugh while pushing Changbin away from her. "Uh, bye!"
Jyongri ran out of the room leaving Nayoung behind.
"This girl." Nayoung muttered before feeling Minho's elbowing her side. "What?"
"Hyunjin's coming this way."
"I hate you."
Nayoung shoved Minho away, too, as she high-tail out of the room just like Jyongri.
"Aww, this time I thought you two would actually get their confession." Jisung said with a pout. "I had such high hopes."
"Hmm, I mean, the girls don't have to confess. These two could just do it, too." Jeongin suggested while looking at his friends. "Right?"
"They could, but it depends if these two have the courage to do so." Seungmin said while pointing at Chan and Hyunjin with a smile.
"Was this like some big secret that you're all telling us this stuff now?" Chan asked while looking at his friends. "Because I hope it's not a joke."
"It's not a joke, Chan." Jisung replied. "Those two have a crush on you guys since forever, but they're in denial and just play it off as y'all being cute even as friends."
"Yeah, I have to agree." Changbin confirmed with a nod. "It's kinda weird."
"Well, it's not like we'll be able to find them now since they ran off." Hyunjin reasoned with a shrug. "There's no point in chasing them if they ran off in the first place."
"Jyongri's usually spends a lot of time in the library even during her free time. She probably hiding over there since I think she thinks that Chan isn't the reading type because of his athleticism." Seungmin informed the group with a laugh. "It's kinda stereotypical, but she mentioned it this one time when she had to do a project with this girl, but the girl kept making excuses about basketball practices."
"I go to the library, some times." Chan pouted, but no one agreed or disagree with him as they just laughed instead.
"And Nayoung's probably at 3RACHA since she helps run the store with Ms. Ahn." Felix added. "I know she's always there during lunch time since she's the main person that runs 3RACHA when Ms. Ahn isn't there."
"Good. Maybe you guys can ask them out for Winter Formal." Minho smiled. "Now go before I ask them instead to make the both of y'all jealous."
"Actually, I have a plan or two that can make it a little more fun." Jisung smiled wide as his eyes sparkled.
Jyongri did go to the library. She was on the second floor finishing her homework before going home. Jyongri would have done it at home, but she was always interrupted by her niece ever since her older brother and sister-in-law separated since the summer and her brother had custody of the child. She was in the midst of a math problem when she heard the two chairs besides her scraped against the floor and she looked up to see two of her friends, Yugyeom and BamBam.
"Um, what are you guys doing here?" Jyongri asked them with a suspicious look.
"Can't we come to the library and read, Riri?" BamBam asked with a hurt face as Jyongri rolled her eyes before answering. "Y'all don't even read and I'm surprised you even found me up here."
"Well, it's not hard to miss that blonde and pink hair of yours." Yugyeom reasoned with a laugh before pouting. "And we know how to navigate the school. The library is just as important."
"Mmhmm." Jyongri closed her books while putting them away and speaking at the same time. "So, what do you guys want from me?"
"We need you to settle a bet between the two of us." The males chorused as she cast them a suspicious look. "Why me?"
"Because you're unbiased and the only one that's free." Yugyeom reasoned.
"No, I'm not. I was finishing homework."
"You can do that at home. That's why it's homework." BamBam stated.
"Doesn't matter." Jyongri dismissed them. "What kind of bet is it?"
"You have to judge us on our basketball skills at the gym." BamBam informed her and Jyongri scoffed. "Y'all don't even play basketball. Heck, y'all don't even play any type of sports. So why would you guys make a bet about that?"
"If I win, BamBam has to buy me all of the Chris Brown's album." Yugyeom said as BamBam added his. "And if I win, then Yugyeom has to buy me two pet cats."
"Y'all are stupid with your bets."
"If you come, then we'll buy you any bubble tea drink you want for the rest of the school year." Both males suggested as Jyongri contemplated the idea.
"Thanks for being such a dear, Nayoung." Ms. Ahn thanked her student as Nayoung was putting away the last bits of the supplies in their respective places.
"No worries, Ms. Ahn. I love to help out 3RACHA." Nayoung said with a smile. "It'll definitely help me out when I go to college and major in business."
"Lovely. I'll make sure to put in a good word so just let me know."
"Will do! Is there anything else you would like me to do before I go?"
"Just organize everything and make sure everything's ready for tomorrow. I'll be back after a market run. I forgot to pick up some more muffins and cup noodles. Don't worry about locking up. I'll make sure to do that as I leave in a bit." Ms. Ahn informed Nayoung as Nayoung gave her the OK sign.
While Nayoung's back was to the door she didn't notice that another student, Chanyoung, had slipped into the classroom just as Ms. Ahn was leaving it at the same time. She greeted the male student before leaving and Chanyoung quietly creeped up behind Nayoung.
"Boo!" Chanyoung scared Nayoung as she jerked forward before turning around to smack whoever had spook her.
"Ahh, Chanyoung! You're so annoying." Nayoung commented as the male just laughed at her reaction.
Nayoung smacked him until he finally backed away from her and quieted down his laughter.
"Why are you here, Chanyoung?" Nayoung asked him as she went back to finish what she was doing.
Chanyoung stood to the side of her so that he could still be in her line of sight before asking her a question. "Did you forget what today was?"
"It's a Wednesday."
"Yes, but you were supposed to watch me practice my dance routine."
"When did I say that?"
"Last week."
"I don't remember."
"I messaged you about it and you said you would come."
"Probably missed it."
"Wow. What a great friend you are."
"I know right. Besides, don't you have your other friends to watch you? Like Jeongseung or Dylan?"
"Nah. They have their own thing to do today."
"Why do I need to watch you today, anyways? Can't I like do it tomorrow?"
"No. Because I'll be performing it in dance class and so there's no use for you to watch me tomorrow."
"Oh, I see."
"So, will you or not?" Chanyoung asked once again before a knowing smile graced his lips. "Or do I gotta convince you with food?"
Jyongri agreed to help Yugyeom and BamBam as a boba a day was worth it. It wasn't until she got shoved into the gym and locked in by her two friends as she thought she was supposed to help them with their bet. She tried to push the door open, but it wouldn't budge. She knew they were holding it in place so that she couldn't get out.
"I knew it was a set-up. Why did I second guess my gut feeling? Ugh, this is what happens when you're easily bribed by yummy goodness." Jyongri grumbled as she turned away from the door and scanned the empty gym except for several basketballs scattered about the court.
Jyongri tried again to open the doors, but no use and so headed towards the balls instead knowing full well that she wouldn't be able to leave although she wondered why there was only two doors to exit the gym and not several more like she's seen in other places. Jyongri dumped her backpack by one of the bleachers and went to observed the balls since they should have been cleaned up and put on the rack instead of laying about. Might as well shoot some hoops while she was stuck in the gym until they decided to let her leave. When she picked up one she noticed that there was some markings on it and realized that someone had written on it.
"A question mark?" Jyongri said with furrowed eyebrows before glancing at another ball and walked towards it, picked it up, and read the word on it. "To."
"I swear, if this is another trick, BamBam and Yugyeom are gonna wish they didn't send me here." Jyongri mumbled although she was low-key curious as to what the sentence would be once she figured it out.
Soon enough she began to gathered the other six balls, read each word on them, and then started rearranging them to make a question that would make sense. When she was done within several minutes did she take a few steps back to admire her work and read out the words on the basketballs out loud.
"Will you go to formal with me?"
"Yes or no?"
Jyongri heard a male voice suddenly asked from behind her. When Jyongri turned around she came face to face with Chan who was holding a basketball in each hand with 'yes' written on one and the other written with 'no'.
"Ahh, so this is the real reason." Jyongri said with an awkward laugh before looking up to hide any embarrassment that might have surfaced upon her face while muttering the last bits to herself. "Those two will suffer for setting me up though."
"Um, yeah." Chan confirmed with a sheepish laugh before apologizing. "Sorry about BamBam and Yugyeom. I asked them to help me with this since Jisung was the one that came up with this idea."
"Of course, Jisung would be involved, too." She said with a shake of her head before she muttered the last bit more to herself. "That nosy and busy-body squirrel."
"So will that be a yes or no?" Chan asked while feeling a bit unsteady as Jyongri hadn't given him an answer yet.
"Do you have one that says maybe on it?" Jyongri asked hopefully although she wasn't sure why she was running away from this since it seemed her crush liked her back, too.
"Sorry, no. I do not." Chan laughed before letting out a sad and heavy sigh. "You can just say no, Jyongri. You don't have to go with me to formal just because I asked you by kinda trapping you in the gym to do so."
"No, Chan, it's not that. I do want to go to formal with you, but it's weird how this just came to be." Jyongri admitted with a shy look. "That's all."
"Oh, so that's a yes?" Chan held up his right hand that had the ball with 'yes' written on it.
Jyongri was about to deny it, but realized that she had just admitted her feelings to her crush just a few seconds ago. It finally clicked that he wanted to go to formal with her even though the way he asked her was somewhat of a set-up. Anyways, Jyongri nodded in confirmation as Chan let out a quiet yes while tossing the ball in his left hand behind him. He dribbled the ball in his right hand while coolly walking closer to Jyongri and when he reached her he coolly shot the ball towards the hoop, but it hit the rim and bounced out of bounds instead.
"Smooth, Chan, very smooth." Jyongri teased as Chan faced her like nothing had happened with the ball. "I hope that even though you didn't make the shot, you're still gonna take me to formal, right?"
"Why thank you, Jyongri, and yes I still wanna take you to formal." He thanked her with a wide grin before it turned into a sheepish look a second later. "Now that we're still gonna go to formal together I have to confess something."
"What's that?"
"I like you." Chan confessed with an adorable expression on his face.
"So Nayoung was right that you weren't dating Sana."
"No, we're not dating. We're just friends."
"Alright, embarrassing, but whatever." Jyongri rolled her eyes at her own dumb self before giving Chan a shy look. "Since you already said it, I like you, too, Chan."
Chan let out a relieved breath while making a fist in a victory like pose.
"Okay, good. Because it would haven totally been awkward if you said no and if you didn't like me back. I really thought the boys were messing with me."
"Well, now you know the truth. I'll see you tomorrow because I'm gonna go home."
"How about I walk with you home?"
"You live on this side of town so there's no point in you double tracking."
"What if I don't mind double tracking?"
"What if I just don't want you to walk me home?"
"Then, I'll be sad, but respect your decisions."
"You're sweet."
"Uh, thanks?"
Chan said in a questioningly like tone as Jyongri let out a chuckle before remembering the basketballs.
"Um, you won't get in trouble for destroying school property, right?"
She indicated at the balls as Chan looked at them, too.
"Um, maybe a little, but if I just put them away, no one may know who's the real culprit."
"Ohh, I like that idea. Let's hurry and put them away and then you can take me home."
Jyongri suggested while she turned around to began picking up the ball as Chan followed suit.
"I thought you didn't want me to walk you home?"
"I lied, but don't ponder on that too much, just help me put away the balls so that you won't get in trouble and we can't go to formal together."
"Gotcha." Chan obeyed with a laugh as helped Jyongri put away the basketballs.
"Just wait for me here. I forgot something and need it for my performance." Chanyoung informed Nayoung as he opened the door for her to enter. "I'll be back soon."
"Okay." Nayoung replied while entering the dance room.
Not really looking around the room or the person within it, Nayoung sat herself down against the wall and pulled out her phone as she waited for Chanyoung's return. Hyunjin frowned upon being ignored unintentionally by Nayoung as she hadn't noticed him upon entering the room. Although he was standing in the center of the room while carrying a stuffed animal in each hand despite feeling a bit ridiculous as time ticked by.
"What's taking Chanyoung so long to come back?" Nayoung muttered in annoyance as she turned her head to look at the door. "He better not be playing with me."
When Nayoung's eyes actually scanned the room to pass the time she finally noticed the other person in the room. Even though Hyunjin was her crush Nayoung wasn't  gonna let him get away with mad-dogging her. From her position she spoke out to him instead of standing up and going over to him.
"Why are you mean-mugging me?"
"I'm not." Hyunjin responded while trying to fix his expression, but it wasn't working.
"Yeah you are. You're basically glaring at me and I don't know why. What did I ever do to you?"
"Nothing, Nayoung. You didn't do anything." Hyunjin answered with an apologetic expression, before shooting her a look. "And I was not glaring at you."
"Okay, Hyunjin. Whatever you say." Nayoung dismissed the topic and switching to another. "Why are you just standing there and holding stuffed animals?"
"Well, Nayoung, I was gonna ask you to formal, but it seems like you're not interested." Hyunjin said with a heavy sigh as he dropped his hands to his side with the plushies still held tightly in his grip.
"What makes you think I'm not interested?"
"You didn't acknowledged me when you came inside."
"So, basically, you're salty that I didn't notice you and that's why you were mad-dogging me earlier?"
"Yes, I mean no." Hyunjin admitted before correcting himself to seem like it didn't bother him.
Nayoung chuckled at his behavior before realizing something.
"Chanyoung doesn't have a dance thing does he?"
"No." Hyunjin answered with a slight smile.
"Which means he's not coming back, right?"
"Seriously, y'all play too much."
Nayoung stood up while adjusting her backpack onto her back. Hyunjin slightly panicked believing that Nayoung was just gonna leave without giving him an answer and he rushed towards her.
"Wait. Where are you going?"
"Nowhere. I'm just stretching my legs."
Nayoung gave him a weird look while giving him a once over.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just thought you were gonna ignore me again without giving me an answer about formal."
"You never asked me about formal, Hyunjin."
"I thought I did."
"No. You were too busy being salty." Nayoung teased as Hyunjin rolled his eyes before asking her the question. "Will you go to formal with me?"
"Well, that depends. Will I get to keep both of them?" Nayoung asked while pointing at the grey and blue koala plush dolls in his hold.
"If you say, yes, then you can have both." Hyunjin answered with a smile while holding them up and out towards Nayoung.
Upon closer inspection Nayoung tilted her head as they looked quite familiar despite the words 'yes' and 'no' being written on their tummies.
"These look like the ones I've been missing for a few weeks except for the words written on them."
Hyunjin shrugged. "I dunno. Jisung gave them to me earlier."
"That little brat. He was the one that stole them in the first place even when I asked him about it. Wow. He even wrote on them, too! What a brat."
"Well, here you go." Hyunjin smiled returning the stuffed animals to their rightful owner.
"I haven't said yes yet."
"Oh, then should I take them back?"
Hyunjin teased as he took back the plushies and raised them above his head.
"Hey, no fair!" Nayoung exclaimed with a pout as she tried to reach for her toys, but Hyunjin had really long arms despite her own tall height as well.
Hyunjin glanced down at her with a playful look. "Say yes and I'll give it back to you."
"Are you trying to bribe me in going to formal with you?"
"Technically, yes, but I now know that you want to go with me so I'm also trying to get you to confess that you like me, too."
Nayoung stopped trying to reach for her dolls and gave Hyunjin a neutral look.
"Okay, Hyunjin, so I do like you. So what?"
"I like you, too, Nayoung."
"Oh, I see."
She suddenly became shy as Hyunjin laughed, brought down her koala bears, and returned them to her.
"Thanks." Nayoung thanked him before staring at their stomachs. "I wonder how long it'll take to wash out the marker."
"We can find out right now. Mr. Seo should still be in the art room."
"Is this you trying to help me or an excuse to spend more time together?"
"Um, both?"
"That's cute." Nayoung chuckled before handing him the grey koala with the word 'no' on it. "You're responsible for him."
She held up the blue koala with 'yes' on it. "I'll take care of him."
Hyunjin smiled finally getting the answer he wanted.
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bobgasm · 5 years
the other guys writing challenge
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there’s a lot of love for bucky on this site which is great, but i want to share the love to sebastian’s other characters. some have a decent fanbase, but it’s not that easy finding fics for them, so i’ve decided to host a writing challenge dedicated to ‘the other guys’ that seb has played. unfortunately, bucky won’t be an option to write for as there is an abundance of fics for him, so i understand this might be a challenge for some. i hope that some of you are willing to try regardless
before we get started:
you don’t have to be following me, though it’d be pretty nice if you did
please reblog if you’re going to take part, or even if you see this to signal boost!
i will only accept entries through asks.  no PMs, reblogs or comments will be accepted
prompts will be assigned to a character. please write for them [please specify what number you want by mentioning the character too]
if all the prompts go i’ll add more
one prompt per person
i love a good OC, but reader inserts are welcome
include proper warnings
minimum words is 500. no max, but please use a read more
both one shots and series are accepted
tag me @baezen and #togwc
there is no deadline. anyone can join at any time
i’ve only added the most obvious characters, if there’s someone not on the list you want to write for just let me know and i’ll add them with some prompts!
carter [gossip girl]
“never in a million years” @simsadventures​
“you’re my one exception” @captainscanadian
“why are you baking muffins at 3am?” @marvelous-meggi
“alcohol is the only constant in my life” @quietmyfearswith​
“i don’t need a prince charming to save me”
“at least your hair still looks good”
charles [we have always lived in the castle]
“you say the nastiest things when you’re angry, so yes, i’m walking away from you now”
“damn, you clean up good” @sebastiansthot​
“it was my fault. i know it was my fault” @senoritastucky​
chase [the covenant]
“when you smile i fall apart”
“the last thing i said to him was never come back” @fightmewiatch​
“i don’t want to think about what i’d be like without you
chris [destroyer]
“i really wish you told me your mother was in town” @starrysebastians
“i can’t believe you like disney movies” @jhangelface0523
“don’t say you love me” @sunmoonandbucky
“yell, scream, say something. anything” @interestedbystanderwrites
“if you open that door don’t you dare think about coming back” @buckys-darling​
chris [the martian]
“have you ever wanted to hate someone?” @whistlingwillows
“she’s always burned so brightly” @disaffectedbarnes​
“shooting star. make a wish” @bvckysbun
“i wasn’t going to wait around for you forever” @the-unspoken-rule​
“i’m sorry, what were you saying? i keep getting lost in your eyes” @mercedesbarnes
“please be my best friend right now and not the person i just confessed my love to” @clintbartonswife​
clay [i’m dying up here]
“you can’t be on the sidelines your entire life” @buckybarney
“you can’t die. please don’t die.” @jewels2876
dayton [logan lucky]
“having a nice day off, are we?” @ugh-supersoldiers​
“you’re the best part of me” @happygowriting
“that’s not what i meant and you know it” @tinymalscoffee​
hal [picnic]
“those things you said yesterday...did you mean them?” @moonbeambucky
jefferson [once upon a time]
“what are you afraid of?” @buckthegrump​
lance [the bronze]
“this is why you don’t have any shirts to wear” @marvelgirl7​
“let me tell you where in hell you can go” @becs-bunker​
“it’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong” @fichoe21​
“i didn’t want to have a baby” @godofplumsandthunder​
tj [political animals]
“my parents asked about you” @jbbuckybarnes​
“he’s a fuckboy and he’s never going to treat you better than this” @constantaking​
“do you have any idea how worried i was?” @book-dragon-13​
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