#muffled sobs
coffees4sleepy · 7 months
Muffled Sobs
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Pov you died and your boyfriend had to drag back from hell
Raise your hand if you wanna be held like Nico lol
Card update!!!
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: Choking/Muffled Subs/"I'm Worried About You."
Fandom: Star Wars the Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan and Dooku battle. It doesn't go well and it takes Obi-wan mental health down.
     Obi-wan and Count Dooku's lightsaber met. They were just about evenly matched. Their fight had been going on for quite some time but Dooku was getting impatient. As their lightsabers moved apart the count decided he was done with the game. He reached his unoccupied hand up and force pushed Obi-wan into the wall behind them.
     The Jedi hit the wall. His feet weren't allowed to touch the ground. Invisible pressure closed around his throat. He couldn't breathe. Responding to the feeling, Obi-wan moved his hands to his throat. Even if he knew it wouldn't help he dug at his neck.
    Looking around Kenobi tried to find a way to escape. His vision started to blur and he felt lightheaded. The man's feet kicked as he tried to find the ground. Tears bordered his eyes. He had felt weak before but never quite like this.
    Obi-wan stopped fighting; he no longer searched for the ground and he let his arms fall to his side. He somewhat hoped that Dooku would release him but other than that his mind was mostly worried about his loved ones. He just hoped they would be okay, that this wouldn't hurt them as deeply as he had been hurt when Qui-gon or Satine had died.
    Dooku didn't let go. He held Obi-wan there. Anakin rounded the corner just as the man gave up and for a brief moment he thought that his brother was gone. Angrily, he attacked the politician. This caused Dooku to drop Kenobi.
    Air flower through his lungs once more. It took a moment before Obi-wan could get control of his breathing again.
    Anakin had taken note that his master was still alive and placed himself protectively between him and Dooku. As the two fought Obi-wan collected himself.
    Around six minutes passed and Obi-wan stood to assist his rescuer. He wasn't completely ready but he wasn't sure he ever would be. Facing your own mortality is scary after all.
    The Jedi forced Dooku to retreat. They reconvened with their men and finished the battle. After a Republic win, they headed back to their star cruisers.
    Kenobi walked into his quarters and placed his lightsaber on his bunk. He walked into the refresher that was connected to his room.
    Obi-wan stared at his reflection. He ran his fingers over the scratches on his neck. Something broke in him. It was like everything came down all at once.
    The man walked back out to his bed. He went to sit on it but missed and landed on the floor. Tears fell from his eyes and he started to cry. His breathing sped up and he pulled his knees towards himself.
    Obi-wan tried to stay quiet. The walls weren't exactly thin but he worried someone might hear.
    It felt like he was suffocating all over again. That feeling of being unable to control your breathing. Even if air moved in and out of his lungs it was far too fast. His sobs slightly echoed in the practically empty room; making everything feel surreal.
    Times passed and Obi-wan laid on the floor. He didn't quite have the will to get up yet. There was a knock on the door and for a moment he debated not answering it. "I'll be right there." Obi-wan's voice still came off shaky
     Cody stood on the other side. "Can I come in?" he asked.
    Obi-wan just nodded. Cody walked Obi-wan to his bed and sat them both down. "What's going on?"
    "Oh, nothing."
    "I'm worried about you."
    "You don't have to do that" Obi-wan's voice failed to hide his stress.
    "Then tell me what's going on." Cody had his ways of getting his general to talk to him.
    "It's nothing you should worry about."
    Cody tenderly placed his hand on Obi-wan's lower thigh, "then why are your eyes all red? You can talk to me."
     "It's not" Obi-wan looked into the others eyes. Instead of trying to reassure his commander it was nothing he just went in to hug him.
    He grabbed at Cody's shoulders, fabric filled his fist. His face rested in the others chest.
    His muffled sobs broke the clone's heart. He wasn't sure how long he would be holding Obi-wan but he didn't care. Cody would sit there until his general stopped crying. Then he would wait until he felt better, even if it took all night. Even if it took the next day, or the next, or tell the end of the war, or even his whole life. He would be there.
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acasualcrossfade · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: “Muffled Sobs”
Written for @whumpril Day 19: Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
Marvel, Thor and Loki
Words: 1185
Thor hears Loki crying and comforts him. 
Soft!Loki, Protective!Thor
A/N: Wrote this for Muffled Sobs but it also fits “I’m worried about you.” Enjoy!
Thor hadn’t seen much of Loki since they settled in New Asgard. They shared a house, but Thor had yet to get more than a rare glance at him. Since taking on managing the weekly travel reports, Loki was either holed up in his room or out collecting data. Thor did his best to remedy the situation with a half-hearted effort of making coffee in the morning, but Loki was either heading out or stumbling in, each time with an excuse at the ready.  
Thor contemplated knocking on Loki’s room door, but at the sight of the steadily glowing wards stamped around the doorframe, Thor decided against it.
Thor speculated that his brother's skirting absence was somehow tied to his time on Sakaar.  They’d escaped just fine, but Loki seemed to still harbor something about it; every time it was mentioned, Loki would tense and do his best to steer the conversation to anything else. 
He hadn’t given it much thought until he passed Loki’s room a week later. 
Loki’s door was closed and the wards sent their usual green glow in the dark hallway. But unlike other nights, they flickered dangerously, making the hallway look haunted. 
The sight of the flickering wards made Thor squint in confusion, but knew enough about his brother and magic to be unbothered by it.
But what made him stop was the noise from Loki’s room.  
Thor stared at the door, listening, about to chalk it up to the swish of the curtains or the wind from the open windows. Loki always slept with his windows open.
It had been years since he shared a room with Loki, but he still recognized that noise. Thor had woken up to it and comforted it more times than he could count.
But the small noise came again, followed by what Thor knew to be Loki’s inhale, ending with another breathy shudder. 
Thor’s chest turned to stone.
Loki was crying.
Thor swallowed nervously as he stood outside his brother’s room. The door loomed over him, but there was no mistaking that noise. He raised his hand in a frozen knock, wondering the best way to go about this.  
Finally, he let his knuckles fall carefully against the smooth, wooden door as he knocked. 
The noises stopped abruptly and the wards around the doorway sharpened and steadied, no longer flickering. The sudden silence shook Thor. 
Maybe he should have left it alone. 
But there was no mistaking that inhale and shudder. He was too sure to walk away. 
“Loki? Is…Are you alright?” Thor kept his voice to a stage-whisper.
The silence from Loki’s room spoke volumes.
Still, the last thing Thor was going to do was leave Loki alone; he yearned to at least talk to his brother, and if he was crying…all the more reason to figure out why. He pressed a hand over the handle, as if it was the closest thing to comforting his brother. 
Thor forced himself to continue.
“I…We haven’t spoken much since Sakaar and I, I was thinking we could talk?” Thor tried his best to not think about how unpolished and jumbled his words were, but he listened for anything in response. 
None came and Thor leaned his forehead against the door. “Brother, I–” The words stuck in his throat and Thor had to swallow to continue. “I’m worried about you.”
The room stayed silent and Thor’s heart sank. 
Then, a second later, the wards faded. The lock of the door clicked open. 
Thor swung open the door slowly, as if a movement too fast would spook Loki. In the dark room, he could barely make out Loki sitting up in bed. 
As he got closer, he realized Loki was hugging a pillow. He gripped it tightly, almost in anger.  
“Loki? What’s…What happened?” Thor took residence on the end of Loki’s bed. Although Loki’s room still lacked style, Thor spied a few new books stacked next to the bed and could feel the familiar slip of Loki’s silk sheets under the blanket as he sat. 
Loki’s tear-stained face looked back at him with a hardness Thor hadn’t expected. 
“What? Here to tell me more about how predictable I’ve become?” Loki spat, but it didn’t have enough venom to it as he wiped his face with the side of his hand. “Or to ask, yet again, what my fate was on that cursed planet?” 
“Loki, if you’re unhappy here,” Thor started and Loki turned his face away. Thor went on anyway. “We can make arrangements for you. Maybe Sakaar was better for you. Maybe you need something to rule after all.”
Loki slowly met Thor’s eyes and Thor was shocked how they nearly glowed green in the dark room with untapped fury. 
“I’ll never step foot on that planet again unless it is to lay waste to everyone upon it,” Loki growled. “They are lucky for my mercy.”
Thor cocked his head. “I thought…I thought you were among the favored.”
Loki didn’t avert his eyes. “I was. But it came at a price.” 
Thor realized how little he knew about Loki’s time there; he was almost scared to ask what he meant. 
Loki said nothing in response, but flicked his hand.
Thor was used to something appearing, but nothing happened. 
Loki creased his forehead in concentration and flicked his hand again. 
“Your magic,” Thor realized slowly. 
That’s why the wards were flickering. Loki’s magic was failing.
Loki shuddered from the effort before trying again, groaning in defeat as his magic failed him. Frustrated tears leaked from his eyes and Loki sniffled. “It’s not…it’s never taken this long.” Loki kept his gaze elsewhere and said these words absently, as if he’d forgotten Thor was there. 
Thor scooted closer to Loki. “What happened there? Did they do something to you?” Thor didn’t understand his brother’s magic as well as his own, but he’d never seen Loki struggle with it, let alone be exhausted to tears by it.
Whatever had happened with Loki’s magic took force. 
The thought made Thor’s chest constrict.
Loki stared down at his hands. “It’s never taken this long to return.” He pulled in an unsteady breath. “Even at the worst times, it never felt so…unobtainable. And now–” He broke off and flicked his hand and cursed when nothing happened. Another sob broke out of him and he pressed his palms against his eyes.
Thor moved ever so slowly, but he reached for his brother’s hands. Carefully, he guided them away from Loki’s eyes and pulled Loki in for a hug. 
Loki caved against Thor, his hands shaking as a new sobs choked him. 
“It’ll be okay, brother,” Thor assured. “It’ll be okay.”
Thor rubbed comforting circles on his brother’s back, keeping a slow rhythm. Slowly, slowly, Loki carefully relaxed against him as the tense parts of his back unlocked and loosened.
It had been years since Thor had seen Loki cry, and even longer since he’d seen Loki sob. But, Thor held Loki close like he did all those years ago, assuring him in the same way he did then that everything would be okay. 
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em-writes-stuff · 1 year
choking + muffled sobs
@whumpril day 19
whumpee, caretaker, whumper
452 words
part one here
warnings: threats, (implied) future violence, choking, let me know if i missed any
Whumpee stared at them, eyes wide and disbelieving. “No,” she whispered. “No, you…you can’t be here. This is wrong.” 
Caretaker stands in front of her, his frame blocking her from Whumper’s gaze. “What’s wrong? Do you know Whumper?” 
He took a step to the side and Whumper shook their head slowly, Whumpee swallowed thickly and shook her head, she forced a smile and looked at Caretaker. “No.” her eyes flickered back to Whumper, “No, I don’t know them.”
Caretaker frowned, but shook his head and guided her further into the house. “Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?” 
Whumpee nodded hesitantly and watched Whumper from the corner of her eye, tensing when they pushed off the wall, stopped Caretaker and threw an arm around Whumpee’s waist, “You’ve had a long day, I’m sure Whumpee won’t mind if I do that instead? You should get some sleep, yeah?” 
Caretaker pulled away from Whumpee, who nodded again, “Well, as long as it’s alright with both of you. You know where her clothes are, right?” 
Whumper rolled their eyes playfully, “Of course. Get some sleep. We’ll both see you in the morning.” 
Caretaker yawned and nodded before walking to his room and closing the door behind him. Whumper’s hand squeezed her hip and they led her into the bathroom. “When I got the call that you’d run away I expected you to show up here but not so soon. I don’t have anything prepared for you yet.” 
They rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a pink washcloth, “We’ll have to make due, won’t we? Sit still.” 
They gently wiped the dirt and grime from Whumpee’s face, rinsing the cloth every few swipes. “I need you to promise me something,” They set the washcloth down on the counter and shoved Whumpee back, hand against her throat, “Caretaker never finds anything out, ok?” 
Whumpee clawed at their hands, gasping for breath, Whumper tightened their grip and pressed against her, “Just one nod, that’s it. Then I let go.” 
Whumpee nodded furiously, hair falling into her face. Whumper pulled their hand away and stepped back, letting Whumpee catch her breath. “Good.” 
They opened the door and patted her cheek, “Clean yourself up, you look pathetic, he hasn’t touched anything in your room.” 
They closed the door behind them and Whumpee slumped against the wall, still breathing heavily. She ran her hands through her hair and stared at herself in the mirror. Tears welled in her eyes and she covered her mouth. She shook her head and looked away, “No.” 
For a second, she didn’t cry, but then the washcloth fell on the floor and she broke, the only thing keeping Caretaker from hearing her sobs was her hand.
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Whumpril 2023 - Day 19
Andrew belongs to the beautiful wonderful and so understanding @brinkofdiscovery whose jar of characters I keep raiding
TWs: Blood, referenced kidnapping, referenced beating
Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
Andrew had never held onto Mariano as tightly as he did right then, the turns that Bastian took as he drove rocking the two of them from side to side. Andrew shook against him, pressing his face into Mariano's shoulder. Sitting on the mattress that Bastian kept in the back, Mariano wrapped his arms tighter around Andrew.
His face was bruised and bloody. His glasses were broken. The men who'd kidnapped him hadn't been kind in the slightest. He'd been missing for days.
Mariano reached for one of the clean, black washcloths that Bastian kept back there, on top of a little cooler. He got a bottle of water next, pouring a little on the cloth. "Look at me, Andrew." He said.
Andrew hesitantly lifted his head, wincing in the light.
"I'm going to clean you up a little bit." Mariano started carefully dabbing at the dried blood beneath his nose and on his chin. "It's cold, but it'll feel better in a moment."
Next, he folded that cloth, finding a clean spot to wet with water. "You can close your eyes again." Mariano carefully wiped the cloth along Andrew's cheeks, along his forehead, and then delicately under his eyes.
"They--they just took me when I was on my way home from work." Andrew said closing his eyes and leaning his forehead against Mariano's shoulder again. "I didn't even see them." His shoulders jumped, voice breaking. "I didn't even see them."
Mariano hummed, leaning his cheek against Andrew's head. "You're safe."
"They wouldn't stop asking me questions." Andrew said, shivering. The smile that appeared on his face trembled, a watery laugh forcing its way out. "Like I know anything about--about you, or Bastian."
Mariano held him as tight as he could, pulling Andrew fully against him on his lap. "They won't touch you again. I...I'm sorry they got you, honey."
Andrew hugged Mariano more desperately, shuddering as his laughter dissolved into a sob. He twisted his fingers into Mariano's shirt, each cracking, muffled noise filling the van. Mariano's fingers wound into Andrew's mohawk, his thumb sliding back and forth along his scalp.
Andrew reached up to pull his glasses off, tossing the ruined things to the side before gluing himself against Mariano again. Mariano didn't try to move him or pull him away. Even once they'd stopped in front of their apartment building and Bastian cut the engine, they stayed right where they were.
They weren't going anywhere or doing anything until Andrew's sobbing died down and Mariano's sweater was soaked through with tears.
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samtheacesheep · 1 year
Work Description: 
Melissa isn’t taking care of herself. Milo notices.
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indecisive-dizzy · 7 months
strawberry scene,,, save me,,
strawberry scene
save me strawberry scene
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uuuhshiny · 1 year
Whumpril 2023
Day 19. Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12  
13   14   15   16   17   18
link to everything
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conretewings · 1 year
Me thinking about the sinful smut I want to write and draw
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Me while trying to write and draw the sinful smut
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ofbardsandmen · 6 months
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they're a set... do not separate...
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starcurtain · 4 months
I have this small, deeply personal headcanon that after his grandmother's passing, Alhaitham's home was so unbearably quiet that he started--just barely, just one or two words--to speak out loud to her as if she was still there.
"I've been accepted to the Akademiya, Grandmother."
"I passed my promotion exams."
"I debated with Haravatat's sage."
Just that, and quiet again.
But one day, it's: "I met someone strange."
"He keeps showing up when I'm trying to study."
"We don't agree on anything. Still..."
"I made a friend."
"Today, Kaveh and I were researching--"
"It's already dark. I didn't realize we spent so long in Razan Garden. Kaveh wanted to hear about my article--"
"He's going to be furious when I tell him the whole point for his portion of the lecture is based on a false predicate--"
The house where his grandmother used to be gets a little louder again; the noise lasts a little longer.
Until one day, when there's no words at all.
One day, when there's just the sound of a single sob, and then a long, long silence.
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southfarthing · 1 year
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good talk!!
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sophsun1 · 2 months
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Queer As Folk – 2.02: All Better Now
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sunkissedlouis · 1 year
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louis laughing and joking around with joni 🥹 | faith in the future world tour in riga, latvia (post show) 09.07.23
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+ another angle - louis signing (the rest) on joni's chest 😆
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reverieaudios · 1 month
I was recording for a character who was gagged and as I was recording I just knew in my heart of hearts that there is no way this video is going to be monetized lmao
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comfymoth · 9 months
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my streamers!
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