#whumpril Day 19
hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumpril day 19
Content: Death mention
(Ice pack, muffled sobs, “I’m worried about you”)
"And then once you pathetic heroes are defeated, I’ll–...Okay pause. What happened to your face?" 
It wasn't a question Hero had expected to hear, especially not while they sat trapped in a villain’s base, power dampening cuffs binding their arms and legs. They especially didn’t expect to hear it while zoning out during one of said villain’s famously long rants.
"Your face." Villain repeated. "You've got a nasty bruise. When did that happen?"
Hero glared. "We were literally just fighting. I'm a hero now, where do you think I get–Hey!" Hero's response was cut off by Villain grabbing their face, turning it to get a clearer view of the bruise. With a thoughtful look, they licked their thumb and rubbed it against Hero's cheek.
Hero did their best to pull away. "Cut it out!"
"We'll, we know it's not just dirt now."
"You could've just asked instead of licking me!"
Villain finally let go of their face. "When you become a parent, you'll realize that spit is an effective tool of injury identification and quick face cleanup." They stepped away. "You’ve been taking on a lot of villains lately. Are they being too rough with you? I can straighten them out if you need; they should know to go easy on a kid."
"I am not a kid."
"I remember when you were some sixteen year old clinging to Other Hero's cape like a duckling. You are literally always going to be a kid to me. That's just how it works."
Villain dug into their pockets. After a minute of rummaging, they pulled out a remote and pointed it towards Hero. They pressed a button, and Hero felt something in their restraints pop. The cuffs still remained firmly clamped around their limbs, but Hero found that they’d detached entirely from the chair.
Villain started walking."Let's put this on pause and get you some ice on that, m'kay? You look like you could use a meal and a break anyway." 
With how unpredictable they could be, nothing Villain did should’ve surprised Hero anymore. And yet Hero found themself looking down in shock at their freed limbs.  "What are you even doing?"
Villain paused, turning. "Getting you ice?"
"No, I mean," Hero stood, "this. Why are you trying to help me? You’re a bad guy."
Villain looked away, almost pouting. "It's embarrassingly non- villainous to admit it, but I suppose I'm…worried about you." They grimaced at their own words, as if they hurt to speak. "You didn't get this promotion under the best of circumstances–"
Hero scowled, looking away. "They died."
Villain flinched. "Right. Other Hero…died. Is it so strange that I’d want to keep an eye on my old nemesis’ sidekick?”
It wasn’t actually. Villain had always been, at least comparatively, the nicest villain in Other Hero’s gallery. They never targeted civilians with anything more harmful than a monologue. Even when they fought, Villain rarely caused anyone serious harm. In all their time as a sidekick, Hero could count on a single had the times when Villain had actually targeted them, and of those times they’d never been seriously hurt. 
But they weren’t a sidekick anymore. They couldn’t rely on a villain’s pity to keep up. “I don’t need your help.” 
Villain started walking, not even bothering to look Hero’s way. “You have it anyway! Consider it my new evil scheme if it makes you feel better. Plus, those cuffs are still blocking your powers, so you’re still technically kidnapped.”
Hero sighed.
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: Choking/Muffled Subs/"I'm Worried About You."
Fandom: Star Wars the Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan and Dooku battle. It doesn't go well and it takes Obi-wan mental health down.
     Obi-wan and Count Dooku's lightsaber met. They were just about evenly matched. Their fight had been going on for quite some time but Dooku was getting impatient. As their lightsabers moved apart the count decided he was done with the game. He reached his unoccupied hand up and force pushed Obi-wan into the wall behind them.
     The Jedi hit the wall. His feet weren't allowed to touch the ground. Invisible pressure closed around his throat. He couldn't breathe. Responding to the feeling, Obi-wan moved his hands to his throat. Even if he knew it wouldn't help he dug at his neck.
    Looking around Kenobi tried to find a way to escape. His vision started to blur and he felt lightheaded. The man's feet kicked as he tried to find the ground. Tears bordered his eyes. He had felt weak before but never quite like this.
    Obi-wan stopped fighting; he no longer searched for the ground and he let his arms fall to his side. He somewhat hoped that Dooku would release him but other than that his mind was mostly worried about his loved ones. He just hoped they would be okay, that this wouldn't hurt them as deeply as he had been hurt when Qui-gon or Satine had died.
    Dooku didn't let go. He held Obi-wan there. Anakin rounded the corner just as the man gave up and for a brief moment he thought that his brother was gone. Angrily, he attacked the politician. This caused Dooku to drop Kenobi.
    Air flower through his lungs once more. It took a moment before Obi-wan could get control of his breathing again.
    Anakin had taken note that his master was still alive and placed himself protectively between him and Dooku. As the two fought Obi-wan collected himself.
    Around six minutes passed and Obi-wan stood to assist his rescuer. He wasn't completely ready but he wasn't sure he ever would be. Facing your own mortality is scary after all.
    The Jedi forced Dooku to retreat. They reconvened with their men and finished the battle. After a Republic win, they headed back to their star cruisers.
    Kenobi walked into his quarters and placed his lightsaber on his bunk. He walked into the refresher that was connected to his room.
    Obi-wan stared at his reflection. He ran his fingers over the scratches on his neck. Something broke in him. It was like everything came down all at once.
    The man walked back out to his bed. He went to sit on it but missed and landed on the floor. Tears fell from his eyes and he started to cry. His breathing sped up and he pulled his knees towards himself.
    Obi-wan tried to stay quiet. The walls weren't exactly thin but he worried someone might hear.
    It felt like he was suffocating all over again. That feeling of being unable to control your breathing. Even if air moved in and out of his lungs it was far too fast. His sobs slightly echoed in the practically empty room; making everything feel surreal.
    Times passed and Obi-wan laid on the floor. He didn't quite have the will to get up yet. There was a knock on the door and for a moment he debated not answering it. "I'll be right there." Obi-wan's voice still came off shaky
     Cody stood on the other side. "Can I come in?" he asked.
    Obi-wan just nodded. Cody walked Obi-wan to his bed and sat them both down. "What's going on?"
    "Oh, nothing."
    "I'm worried about you."
    "You don't have to do that" Obi-wan's voice failed to hide his stress.
    "Then tell me what's going on." Cody had his ways of getting his general to talk to him.
    "It's nothing you should worry about."
    Cody tenderly placed his hand on Obi-wan's lower thigh, "then why are your eyes all red? You can talk to me."
     "It's not" Obi-wan looked into the others eyes. Instead of trying to reassure his commander it was nothing he just went in to hug him.
    He grabbed at Cody's shoulders, fabric filled his fist. His face rested in the others chest.
    His muffled sobs broke the clone's heart. He wasn't sure how long he would be holding Obi-wan but he didn't care. Cody would sit there until his general stopped crying. Then he would wait until he felt better, even if it took all night. Even if it took the next day, or the next, or tell the end of the war, or even his whole life. He would be there.
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fanfictasia · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19
“I’m worried about you”
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Call it Freedom
Tech and Echo go to the cockpit once they approach, and the Marauder vibrates beneath him with a jerk as it comes out of hyperspace. Gracefully, he slips the vibroblade back in its sheath and looks up, bracing himself for the coming battle. This, he can do. Sure, it’s been a while, almost a year, since he’s led an official mission on the battlefield, but it’s all instinct. Muscle memory. Missions for Cid weren’t a whole lot different. He can do this – so long as he doesn’t lose track of who they do, and don’t, have.
He meets Crosshair’s eyes, but his vod’ika doesn’t say anything, merely moving the toothpick in his mouth, his gaze calm and assessing, thoughtful. Probably not a good combination, but Hunter doesn’t have the mental capacity to worry about whatever Crosshair is reading right now. He needs to talk to Tech, a task which will promise to test his endurance. But he’ll pull through. For his brothers. For Omega.
“You uh – you feelin’ better?” Wrecker asks, coming to stand next to Hunter as Tech begins the downward approach to the rendezvous coordinates. Probably, his voice was supposed to be quiet, but it’s not, not really, and Hunter is keenly aware that everyone else is hanging on their every word.
“Marginally,” he admits, and then realizes that it’s the truth. He feels a little more settled, at least, less rattled. Maybe it’s finally sinking in that he’s in the past, that he has another chance. Maybe the familiar scents and heartbeats of his brothers are soothing him in a deep, fundamental way. Omega’s absence is an ache, but it won’t be long before they’ll be reunited. At least she’s safe – relatively – on Kamino. She isn’t being tortured there or held prisoner.
Wrecker pats his shoulder. “Good,” he replies, “I was worried, is all.” Hunter is unreasonably touched by that, and he swallows, nodding.
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Whumpril Day 19 is up! @whumpril
Todays Characters: Natasha, Steve
Tags: Post Avengers Infinity War, Natasha has ptsd, Steve has ptsd, depression, anxiety, desperation
Description: It's been only days since Thanos snapped away half the universe and the nights are worse than the days.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: Muffled Sobs
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For today's @whumpril I went with the prompt Muffled Sobs and finally got to write another thing I wanted to write about in a while: My "Taliyah is actually a trans girl" headcanon.
So, enjoy some friendship hurt/comfort with Kai'Sa and Taliyah. <3
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Handprints And Hopes - JJ Jareau/Alex Blake
A/N: Day 19 for @whumpril​ . 
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Choking. It should be simple, if painful, but Alex’s breathing is huskier the longer the man’s grip tightens and she finds herself praying that somehow, some way, the drag marks she left are enough. She needs saving and she needs it quickly. JJ enters first and before anyone could grab her, she’s running forward, the man’s hand closes around JJ’s neck and JJ twists, kicking out so hard the man grunts and his grip falters, Alex wrenching free and coming to her knees, forcing air into her lungs even as JJ continues. JJ stops only when the man is dying, choking for air where she’s pressed down hard on his neck, his bones breaking with every kick and stomp she’d placed. Then she’s still, flicking her hair back and moving to kneel by Alex’s side. “Are you alright?” Alex coughs a little but nods, allowing JJ to pull her upright, leaning heavily on her as they leave. Later, much later, JJ will admit she had been terrified she’d lose another friend, another love, melting Alex’s heart.
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boowhumps · 1 year
|Day 19 ~ Choking|
- Mentions of Blood
- Mentions of Injuries
- Mentions of Torture
I laid on my bed, my body shaking as I muffle my sobs.
I had been crying for hours, alone. A part of me wishes someone would come, but the other part of me dreads the idea of someone seeing me cry.
So I just continue to cry, making sure to be as quiet as possible.
It seems I was doing good on that end, since no one had come by, that means no one can hear me-
Someone knocks on my door.
..Scratch that, I'm not as good as I think I am.. apparently..
"Hey Amne.. Can I come in.?" Silas asks.
Of course it's him. He always seems to know when I'm not okay..
I wipe my tears in a hurry and make myself presentable.
"Come in." I say, cringing at how hoarse my voice sounds.
Silas opens the door, his hands behind his back. "Hi." He says
"What.?" I mutter.
He smiles at me awkwardly before sitting on the bed next to me.
"I just wanted to check up on you.. you've been distant lately." He says.
"I'm fine just.. not feeling social." I say, hoping I sound convincing.
He sighs. "Amne, I know you. And while you aren't very social, you don't lock yourself up like this if you're fine."
I groan. "Really, I'm good-" I start, but Silas shakes his head.
"You're not okay. You've just been revived again after.. What she did.. and you're obviously not taking it well." He says.
I sigh. I guess he's right.
I don't know anyone who would be okay after getting their throat slit and almost die from choking on their own blood..
Or from being subject to a spontaneous revival.. (spoiler: it hurts like hell)
Or from being tortured mentally, physically, emotionally by some demon who really hates you for some reason..
Okay.. He really has a point..
But fuck that, I don't need comfort, I'm fine.
I glare at him. "Yeah, no normal person would be fine after something like that, thanks for pointing that out captain obviously." I reply with a snarky tone. "But like I said, I'm fine."
Silas takes a deep breath. "I'm.. here for you, you know?"
I stare at him in confusion.
He stares back. "If you ever want to talk, that is.." He says.
An awkward silence fills the room as we both sit there.
"I've been.. worried about you. I know that you're independent and all that.. but I can see that you're hurting." Silas mumbles.
He taps his hands on his knees.
"I uh.. got you something.." He says. "I was talking with Zaaron and he said that this.. always makes you feel better."
My ears perk up in curiosity. "What is it?" I ask.
Silas pulls his hands out from behind his back.
My eyes widen.
In his hands is my childhood stuffed animal, one of the few things I regretted leaving behind in the overworld.
I stutter. "H-How did you-"
"I took a quick trip to the overworld.. It was kinda hard to find but I eventually got it." Silas explains.
He holds it out to me and I grab it, holding it close against me.
My happiness turns to embarrassment as I see him staring at me. "You don't think I'm childish, right..?" I ask him.
He smiles. "Of course not, you're never too old for a comfort item."
I immediately hug Silas, burying my face into his shoulder.
He seems caught off guard at first, but he wastes no time in returning the hug.
"Thank you.." I mumble.
I hear Silas laugh a bit. "Anything for you."
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Whumpril 2023 Snippet 1
@whumpril Day 1; Red Alert, Panic Attack Day 19; muffled sobs, “I’m worried about you.” Description: Red Alert finds Drift in the hallway, which is concerning at 2 A.M. Warnings: None 
Red Alert walks down the hall, not expecting to find Drift on the floor. While strange, he assumed it was nothing until he studied how Drift sat on the floor. It’s two in the morning. What is Drift doing? Red Alert questions. “Drift? Hey, what’s going on?” Red Alert asks before realizing Drift is terrified of something. Fear on Drift’s face as he struggles to get air in.
“Crosshairs?” Red whispers, shaking the sleeping mech. Crosshairs is not pleased, but seeing the one who woke him is Red Alert worries him, “it’s Drift. I don’t know if I should’ve gotten Ratchet or not.” “Scrap,” Crosshairs mumbles as he gets out of bed and runs out of the room. Red Alert follows, worried he should have gotten Ratchet.
“Drift?” Crosshairs tries to get his friend’s attention, “hey, look at me,” he makes Drift look at him, hating the fear he’s seeing. Damn it, not again. It’s worse this time. What the frag was Drift’s nightmare this time? Crosshairs wasn’t expecting to feel Drift trembling as he hugs the mech. Red Alert knows Crosshairs forgot he was around but doesn’t care. He’s more worried about Drift and how Crosshairs seems used to this. He gets his answer why as Crosshairs talks about Jamie. Now it makes sense. The damn nightmare situation. How often does this happen? Does Crosshairs have nightmares that result in him panicking like this? Red sits on the floor, hating that he can’t help. Crosshairs hates how Drift deals with nightmares that frighten him. Happy both don’t deal with them often. The twenty minutes always feels like hours. He knows Drift shouldn’t be in the room with Jamie even if she’s asleep. Red Alert watches Crosshairs and Drift ho back into their room. Watching Crosshairs get Drift back in bed. Even in this situation, the security officer admires the friendship the two mechs have.
“.... she’s ok,” he hears Crosshairs, but he can’t see what the mech is doing in the dark room. Red didn’t think Crosshairs would walk out of the room.
“How often does that happen?” Red Alert asks. “Rarely, maybe three times a year. Ratchet and Rung know.” *And you?" “What are you doing walking down the hall anyway?” “You know my room is down this hall past this room.” Red Alert says nothing more, not pleased. Crosshairs ignored his question and went to his room. Worried about what the two mechs deal with, even if it’s rare.
Crosshairs is worried about Drift appearing shaken up from the nightmare he had. Relieved, Lightning took Jamie downstairs. He watches Drift lie on his stomach, his face on his pillow. Did he forget I’m here? Crosshairs questions. Crosshairs: try to keep Jamie occipital. I’ll tell you later. Lightning; scrap, ok. Crosshairs approaches the beds, hearing muffled sobs. Drift quickly looks to see who’s touching him as Crosshairs puts a hand on Drift’s shoulder, but he can’t hide that he is crying. “I’m worried about you,” Crosshairs says, “you’re never like this after a nightmare.” Crosshairs wasn’t expecting Drift to tell him what the nightmare was about when they watched Jamie in critical condition. That was seven years ago. There’s no guaranteeing Jadin won’t be back, but there are more Autobots who’ll protect Jamie. “... I think Lennox will also have the soldiers help in the fight if she ever returns.” There’s not much Crosshairs can say. Knowing Jamie can be in critical condition without Jadin attacking like she did before. He has Drift sit up so he can hug him.   Do I tell him I am also worried about when Jadin returns? Crosshairs wonders but decides not to say anything else.   A little time passes, and Drift takes a shower while Crosshairs lets Lightning know she can bring Jamie back into the room. Not looking forward to telling Lightning the situation.
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whumpril · 2 years
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Whumpril 2023 approaches!
Anyone can participate.
Any media form is allowed (art, fic, gifs, music, whatever).
You can participate however much or as little as you want, no pressure to complete every single day.
You can post your work anywhere on the internet, Tumblr, Ao3, etc.
Tag potential triggers and NSFW accordingly.
If you want to be counted as an official participant and have the chance to be featured on the blog, post your content during the month of April. You can still use the prompt list after April ends.
I can’t guarantee that every single work will be featured but I’ll try to reblog as many as I can.
To increase your chances of being featured here, tag your post with the event name and the prompt of the day that you used (For example: #whumpril2023, #whumprilday1, #red alert) 
You can also @ the blog, @whumpril.
Full write-up of the prompts can be found under the cut!
Whumpril 2023 Prompts:
1. Red Alert | Distress Call | Panic Attack
2. Stress | Insomnia | “Get some rest.”
3. Rope Burns | Knife to Throat | “Hold still.”
4. Ache | Massage | Needle
5. Defiance | Dragged | Stifled Scream
6. Salve | Painkillers | Bad Coping Mechanisms
7. Numbness | Unsteady | “You look pale.”
8. Nausea | Comfort Food | Dehydration
9. Pinned Down | Bruises | “Who did this to you?”
10. Shiver | Breathless | “I’m scared.”
11. Nightmares | Bedside Vigil | “I’m right here.”
12. Friendly Fire | Toxic | “Get away from me!”
13. Blurry Vision | Support | “I think I need to sit down.”
14. False Smile | Holding Back Tears | “I said I’m fine.”
15. Isolation | Flinching | “Do you trust me?”
16. Guilt | Shock | “I’m so sorry.”
17. Cry For Help | Self-Treatment | “I can’t do this.”
18. Abandoned | Escape Attempt | “Take me instead!”
19. Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
20. Disoriented | Sensory Deprivation | “Where am I?”
21. Scars | Fracture | “It’s just a scratch.”
22. Sponge Bath | Infection | “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
23. Smoke | Bloodstains | Sharing Clothes
24. Secrets | Under Duress | “What have you done?”
25. Heart Racing | On the Run | “We’re being watched.”
26. Explosion | Short on Time | “I won’t leave you!”
27. Forced To Kneel | Grabbed by Collar | Stepped On
28. Bedridden | Semiconscious | Light Sensitivity
29. Surrender | Punishment | “Final warning.”
30. Holding Hands | Human Shield | “Don’t let go.”
Alternative Prompts:
If there’s a prompt above you don’t feel inspired or comfortable doing, you can switch it out with one of these alternatives!
1. Ice Pack
2. Ransom
3. Gaslighting
4. On the Edge
4. Waiting Room
5. Un/Forgiveness
6. Food Poisoning
7. Heat Exhaustion
8. Forced To Crawl
9. Mandatory Leave
10. Search and Rescue
11. “Don’t push me away.”
12. Words That Can’t Be Taken Back
13. “Let me know if you need anything.”
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blackrosesandwhump · 5 months
Whumpril Day 19: I Need You
CW: poison whump, sickness, fever whump
Your body is wracked with poison. You lie in a darkened room, delirious and sick, unable to lie still as the effects of whumper’s spell take hold and jerk you between shallow nightmares and fevered wakefulness. You can’t sense much beyond the dim light, terrible pain, and caretaker’s presence.
Caretaker bends over you and drapes a cool cloth over your forehead. For a moment, the cool sinks into your skin, and you feel a degree of relief. But whumper’s poison spell is too powerful and the relief is swallowed instantly. A whimper escapes you.
If only it would stop. If only the poison would stop.
And then, caretaker seems to disappear. Weakly, you manage to raise a desperate, shaking hand.
“Please...don’t leave me…I need you.” The words come out raspy. They don’t sound like your voice at all.
Caretaker appears again, smiling despite their furrowed concern. “I won’t leave you. Don’t worry. I’ll be right here as long as you need me.”
You slip back into a dream with caretaker’s reassurance echoing in your mind, and this time, the dream isn’t quite so bad.
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losthavenmine · 1 year
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Whumpril 2023 Day 19: Choking
The Quick and the Dead (1995)
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
Since June of Doom is basically right around the corner, I've been wondering if anyone would like to see a continuation of any of my random whump one-offs from Whumpmas, Whumpuary, and Whumpril.
I'm specifically referring to the ones that are just Whumpee, Caretaker and Whumper, not ocs (although I will take into consideration submissions about, say, Arcturus and Henry or the Immortal Thief, because they aren't part of my longer WIPs and aren't seen as often). Things including but not limited to Whumpmas 5, 14, 19, 27, the Whumpmas Hero x Villain, or Whumpuary 7, 13.
I make no promises as to whether I'll actually get around to a suggestion, it really depends on my inspiration and motivation. But we have thirty days' worth of prompts (+ several alts) to fill, so I'm not too concerned about that at the moment.
@fourwingedsnake and @sausages-things you are the first two who come to mind who might have Opinions on this. Anyone else can also feel free to reply to/reblog this post with your thoughts. Or message me, I don't care how it gets across lol.
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Masterpost | Read on Ao3
All alone, Elze'ith and Altair reach out for each other.
Followup to Pick Your Poison | Toxic. For @whumpril Day 19: "I Need You."
Contains: Aftermath of noncon, intimate whump, captivity/gilded cage, magic, insomnia, manipulation, loneliness
Even though he had stared at the stanza for what felt like hours, Elze’ith still couldn’t make the words sink in. All he had wanted was to read something to help settle his mind before he tried to sleep. It seemed he couldn’t even manage that, though, despite the fact that the poems were from an author he knew well, one that he selected for their familiarity and ease of understanding. The gently cascading words just weren’t enough to drown out the echoes of Lord Denholm’s voice in his head, the feeling of his hands on him, the sensation of him inside—!
A shudder rippled through him. Even hours later, he couldn’t quite manage to soothe himself. Maybe it was just too much to process, too much to bear. Or maybe he was just too weak, too much of a failure to even settle himself after dealing with the consequences of his own mistake. Either way, he felt so empty and so dreadful and so tainted, and he didn’t know what to do about it. None of his normal relaxation methods were actually doing anything to help quell the turmoil he still felt.
He needed something more. He needed comfort, as loathe as he was to admit it.He needed to know he wasn’t as alone as he felt.
He needed—
In a quick motion, Elze’ith closed his poetry book and set it aside. Conversely, his hands were slow and careful as he reached for the cup of water on his bedside table; he didn’t want the contents to jostle or spill. In the soft candlelight that filled his room, he could see his reflection faintly rippling across the water’s surface.
He didn’t give himself time to think, didn’t give himself time to doubt. Just summoned his magic, focused on the resplendent and kindhearted core of Altair, and cast.
The spell made contact. Hope surged in Elze’ith’s chest. Altair was still out there. It had been ages, but maybe, maybe this time, Altair would answer.
“Please,” he murmured, hoping beyond hope for this to work. “Please, Altair, my love. Please, respond. I can’t do this alone. I need you. I need to hear your voice. I need—“
“My light?”
The door opened softly, but the sound was as loud as thunder in the quiet of Elze’ith’s chambers. Elze’ith dropped his cup like he had been burned, watching as the ceramic shattered and the water splashed across the stone floor. Heart in his throat, he looked up to see Lord Denholm, already closing the door behind him and with a pensive expression on his face.
“Is everything alright? I did not mean to startle you, light.”
There was no anger coming through Lord Denholm’s aura, but Elze’ith still felt distinctly like he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t. And maybe he had, after how Lord Denholm had reacted the last time he tried to reach out to Altair.
(But that was because he had lied—)
It didn’t matter. The spell was broken, his conduit destroyed by his own hand once again. There would be no contacting Altair; he wouldn’t even be able to know if Altair would have responded tonight. He stared down at his lap, heart heavy with something like shame and something like grief. “I am fine, Milord. You need not worry about me.”
“Good.” Suddenly, Lord Denholm was in front of him. “I wanted to check on you; I know today was… difficult for you. I see I was right to do so.” He waved his hand; the water evaporated, and the shards of ceramic were whisked off into Elze’ith’s wastebasket.
Elze’ith felt sick. He felt hollow. “Thank you, Milord.”
“I will send for a light meal. I think it will do you good. Shall I keep you company in the meantime?”
After all that had happened, he really just wanted a bit of space from Lord Denholm. But he didn’t want to be alone. And he knew better than to say no. “Of course.”
It was just hard not to wish it was someone else’s hand that reached out for his.
Altair woke with a start.
He had always been a light sleeper, even moreso after Elze’ith had been taken to Castle Tergoria and he had been left alone. The smallest disturbances would wake him and spur him into action. But even in his deepest of slumbers, he would have been waken up by this, would have found himself leaping out of bed before he even realized he was moving. Because he knew that soft tapping at the back of his mind, that gentle tug on his consciousness.
Elze’ith was calling out for him again. And now, there was no one to stop him from answering.
The cottage was dark, with barely any light from the moon or stars streaming in. That barely hindered Altair as he fervently starting rifling through his belongings, searching for something that could facilitate the connection that Elze’ith was trying to make. He silently cursed the fact that they didn’t have any mirrors, because of course this couldn’t be easy. He just had to find—
There was nothing in his bag, maybe if he—
Their plates were wooden, and he didn’t have enough water to fill them—
It was too dark, he couldn’t make out his reflection on the glass window—
His hand closed around the hilt of his dagger. Realization and hope burst in his chest, and he frantically unsheathed it. The blade was meticulously cared for, the metal polished, the surface reflective. All he needed was—
The thread of connection severed. For a moment, Altair just blinked, stunned. It had been less than a minute; how could he have already have missed his chance? Frantically, he lit a small flame in the palm of his hand, as if creating enough light so that he could see his reflection in the dagger’s blade would be enough to reestablish the connection he knew had been lost. All he saw was his own desperate face.
He crumpled. He was barely aware of how his knees hit the floor, barely heard the dagger clatter on the wood beneath him. Heartache and sorrow and regret had completely overtaken him. He had a chance to speak with his partner, to hear Elze’ith’s voice, and now it was gone. Elze’ith had reached out for him again, and he had been too slow. And with the strange hour, and especially withhow short the call had been, it was all-too-likely that something had happened to his beloved. Altair was sick with dread and guilt just thinking of the possibilities. If only—
He never should have let Elze’ith go. Never should have agreed to any of this. It wasn’t worth it. None of this was worth enduring.
“Please,” he whispered, a quiet prayer. “Don’t give up. Don’t disappear. I need you, Elze’ith. Please.”
It took a long moment for him to collect himself. He kept staring at the discarded dagger like Elze’ith’s face might somehow appear in it. Kept shaking with emotion, trying to blink back tears. But eventually, he calmed. He stood. He picked up the dagger, and took it with him as he sat down in one of the chairs.
Slowly moving his hand, he lit the fireplace, then settled back, all but cradling the dagger in his hands. Maybe, just maybe, Elze’ith would try the spell again. And if he did, Altair would be ready. He wouldn’t miss his opportunity again.
Hours later, the sun rose on a silent cottage, and Altair was still alone.
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isamajor · 5 months
Whumpril 2024 : day 16 to 20
16 . Coughing Fit
Telmiltarion hated caves. Each descent triggered an inexplicable apprehension. These cramped spaces made the hair on the back of his neck bristle, and this feeling of being trapped gave rise to panicked thoughts.
The air smelled earthy and stale. The dust made him cough. When he tried to breathe again, it became wheezy. The fear of choking took over, and his heavy breathing turned into fits of wheezing coughs. An endless loop began: increased fear, intensified wheezing, followed by violent coughing and choking gasps. He could no longer calm his cough. Everything his companions tried to do to relieve him seemed in vain. (103)
17 . Hallucination
Nebarra staggered through the forest, holding a nearly empty bottle of wine in his hand. Fatigue tugged at his eyelids, but he refused to give in to sleep and its nightmares. The shadows of the trees in the moonlight turned into changing specters, dancing before his troubled gaze. A twig snapped under his feet, putting him on alert. He turned around, drew his sword, expecting enemies, but saw nothing. Only silence answered. Then, whispers floated on the breeze, growing louder with each passing second.
Complaints, dying groans, pleas... Was it real or were his nightmares from the War coming to life on the wind? (104)
18 . Broken Glass
The vial had slipped from his hands and crashed to the ground, shattering into a thousand pieces and spilling its precious contents onto the floor. Lucien knelt down and tried to pick up the scattered pieces of glass but the sharp fragments did not fail to cut his fingers. He let out a squeal of surprise and pain. Drops of blood mixed with the spilled potion on the floor and, for a moment, Lucien became afraid of the alchemical mixture it could have made. He froze, sucking his wounds, among the broken pieces of glass, waiting for a possible alchemical reaction. (101)
19 . « I need you. »
This goodbye sounded like a farewell. The dragon would transport the Dragonborn to the ancient fortress of Skuldafn. From there they would go through the portal to Sovngarde. A sort of journey of no return. Their companions who can teleport themselves would join them, but Lucien remained behind. Someone had to stay, right? However he wanted to believe that the Dragonborn could come back.
"Skyrim needs its Dragonborn. So do I.", he said in a strangled voice. "Ah that's sounded awfully gushy." he tried to compose himself. Then, squeezing the Dragonborn's forearm, he added, staring intensely at them, "Still, it's true.". (104)
20 . Touch Starved
Taliesin sat alone in his tent, fingers playing with the cover of a book he had found in an old chest. The candle flame flickered, and the shadows caressed his face. Memories attacked him. Moments of casual touches like a friendly pat on the shoulder, a squeeze of the hand...
He sighed. He hoped, in the future, that his relationships with his new traveling companions would allow him to be touched, cherished, fully accepted as one of them. To ease the crushing void within him. Just one tender gesture, a single act of kindness to remind him he was worthy of being loved. (103)
You can read all the Whump drabbles I've made so far for the Skyrim Custom-voiced Followers here ! Drabble collection (collection of small texts around 100 words each) featuring the Last Dragonborn, Kaidan, Lucien Flavius, Inigo the Brave, Auri, Nebarra, Xelzaz, Remiel, Lucifer the Argonian, Caryalind Thallery, Telmiltarion, Gore, Taliesin, Lydia and Serana.
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soulless-angel25 · 5 months
Whumpril 2024, Day 19 Prompt- "I need you." @whumpril
He needs her. He isn't quite sure who he is without her. Sure, he's the Doctor but what else?
He needs the sound of her laughter and the smell of paint that always seemed to linger around her. The sound of her voice and her footsteps walking against the TARDIS floors as she calls out his name and he'll respond...
He needs her. This him was born for her. Who is this him without her? This him is a him who is far too human.
And he needs her, he needs his Rose back otherwise he might just go mad.
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waywardwizzard · 7 months
☆Writing Masterlist☆
Hi everyone! My blog's tag search thingy hates me and someone asked me if I'd put my writing in one place so I decided to create a Masterlist
Most of these are Firefly fics (as y'all know) but I'll add my original stuff under OG if y'all are ever interested in reading them
(Also, I finally learned how to make hyperlinks, yay!)
Writing Masterlist Part 2 (because I've apparently written too much)
Firefly fic requests are [open]
Now, onward with the links ->
Yeehawgust 2024 ->
Day 1
Whumperless whump event
[See Writing Masterlist part 2]
June of Doom 2024
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | Day 28 | Day 29 | Day 30
Whumpril 2024
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Febuwhump 2024
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | Day 28 | Day 29
Yeehawgust 2023 (I'll add these slowly but surely because I have to manually scroll back to last year August-)
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | Day 28 | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31
Misc fics
Luck (Halloween 2023) (with added Discworld sprinkles!)
What we lost (Christmas 2023)
Fic requests
Ties that bind | Slice of life
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