#im worried about you
lesbonym · 6 months
Mmh not a big fun of somnophilia, baby, but if you ask so nicely.
I would open your legs a bit, just enough to slip one of my hand in between them, and start to gently caress your cunt. It wouldn't be enough to wake you up, but i assure you it would make you unconsciously squirm
Well, it would be much easier if you decided to sleep naked, you should consider that for the future, baby. Will you consider doing that for me?
- 💅🏻
(I appreciate you writing this for me even if you aren't super into it. Just promise to not write anything that will make you uncomfortable for me, okay? I hope you are feeling a bit better since this morning)
Your writing always has me clenching my thighs, oh my god. It's so hot thinking about your hand drifting up my thighs, my sleepy moans for you spurring you on. Even in my sleep, I'll know it's you as I moan your name.
I'd do anything for you, including sleeping naked
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: Choking/Muffled Subs/"I'm Worried About You."
Fandom: Star Wars the Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan and Dooku battle. It doesn't go well and it takes Obi-wan mental health down.
     Obi-wan and Count Dooku's lightsaber met. They were just about evenly matched. Their fight had been going on for quite some time but Dooku was getting impatient. As their lightsabers moved apart the count decided he was done with the game. He reached his unoccupied hand up and force pushed Obi-wan into the wall behind them.
     The Jedi hit the wall. His feet weren't allowed to touch the ground. Invisible pressure closed around his throat. He couldn't breathe. Responding to the feeling, Obi-wan moved his hands to his throat. Even if he knew it wouldn't help he dug at his neck.
    Looking around Kenobi tried to find a way to escape. His vision started to blur and he felt lightheaded. The man's feet kicked as he tried to find the ground. Tears bordered his eyes. He had felt weak before but never quite like this.
    Obi-wan stopped fighting; he no longer searched for the ground and he let his arms fall to his side. He somewhat hoped that Dooku would release him but other than that his mind was mostly worried about his loved ones. He just hoped they would be okay, that this wouldn't hurt them as deeply as he had been hurt when Qui-gon or Satine had died.
    Dooku didn't let go. He held Obi-wan there. Anakin rounded the corner just as the man gave up and for a brief moment he thought that his brother was gone. Angrily, he attacked the politician. This caused Dooku to drop Kenobi.
    Air flower through his lungs once more. It took a moment before Obi-wan could get control of his breathing again.
    Anakin had taken note that his master was still alive and placed himself protectively between him and Dooku. As the two fought Obi-wan collected himself.
    Around six minutes passed and Obi-wan stood to assist his rescuer. He wasn't completely ready but he wasn't sure he ever would be. Facing your own mortality is scary after all.
    The Jedi forced Dooku to retreat. They reconvened with their men and finished the battle. After a Republic win, they headed back to their star cruisers.
    Kenobi walked into his quarters and placed his lightsaber on his bunk. He walked into the refresher that was connected to his room.
    Obi-wan stared at his reflection. He ran his fingers over the scratches on his neck. Something broke in him. It was like everything came down all at once.
    The man walked back out to his bed. He went to sit on it but missed and landed on the floor. Tears fell from his eyes and he started to cry. His breathing sped up and he pulled his knees towards himself.
    Obi-wan tried to stay quiet. The walls weren't exactly thin but he worried someone might hear.
    It felt like he was suffocating all over again. That feeling of being unable to control your breathing. Even if air moved in and out of his lungs it was far too fast. His sobs slightly echoed in the practically empty room; making everything feel surreal.
    Times passed and Obi-wan laid on the floor. He didn't quite have the will to get up yet. There was a knock on the door and for a moment he debated not answering it. "I'll be right there." Obi-wan's voice still came off shaky
     Cody stood on the other side. "Can I come in?" he asked.
    Obi-wan just nodded. Cody walked Obi-wan to his bed and sat them both down. "What's going on?"
    "Oh, nothing."
    "I'm worried about you."
    "You don't have to do that" Obi-wan's voice failed to hide his stress.
    "Then tell me what's going on." Cody had his ways of getting his general to talk to him.
    "It's nothing you should worry about."
    Cody tenderly placed his hand on Obi-wan's lower thigh, "then why are your eyes all red? You can talk to me."
     "It's not" Obi-wan looked into the others eyes. Instead of trying to reassure his commander it was nothing he just went in to hug him.
    He grabbed at Cody's shoulders, fabric filled his fist. His face rested in the others chest.
    His muffled sobs broke the clone's heart. He wasn't sure how long he would be holding Obi-wan but he didn't care. Cody would sit there until his general stopped crying. Then he would wait until he felt better, even if it took all night. Even if it took the next day, or the next, or tell the end of the war, or even his whole life. He would be there.
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acasualcrossfade · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: “Muffled Sobs”
Written for @whumpril Day 19: Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
Marvel, Thor and Loki
Words: 1185
Thor hears Loki crying and comforts him. 
Soft!Loki, Protective!Thor
A/N: Wrote this for Muffled Sobs but it also fits “I’m worried about you.” Enjoy!
Thor hadn’t seen much of Loki since they settled in New Asgard. They shared a house, but Thor had yet to get more than a rare glance at him. Since taking on managing the weekly travel reports, Loki was either holed up in his room or out collecting data. Thor did his best to remedy the situation with a half-hearted effort of making coffee in the morning, but Loki was either heading out or stumbling in, each time with an excuse at the ready.  
Thor contemplated knocking on Loki’s room door, but at the sight of the steadily glowing wards stamped around the doorframe, Thor decided against it.
Thor speculated that his brother's skirting absence was somehow tied to his time on Sakaar.  They’d escaped just fine, but Loki seemed to still harbor something about it; every time it was mentioned, Loki would tense and do his best to steer the conversation to anything else. 
He hadn’t given it much thought until he passed Loki’s room a week later. 
Loki’s door was closed and the wards sent their usual green glow in the dark hallway. But unlike other nights, they flickered dangerously, making the hallway look haunted. 
The sight of the flickering wards made Thor squint in confusion, but knew enough about his brother and magic to be unbothered by it.
But what made him stop was the noise from Loki’s room.  
Thor stared at the door, listening, about to chalk it up to the swish of the curtains or the wind from the open windows. Loki always slept with his windows open.
It had been years since he shared a room with Loki, but he still recognized that noise. Thor had woken up to it and comforted it more times than he could count.
But the small noise came again, followed by what Thor knew to be Loki’s inhale, ending with another breathy shudder. 
Thor’s chest turned to stone.
Loki was crying.
Thor swallowed nervously as he stood outside his brother’s room. The door loomed over him, but there was no mistaking that noise. He raised his hand in a frozen knock, wondering the best way to go about this.  
Finally, he let his knuckles fall carefully against the smooth, wooden door as he knocked. 
The noises stopped abruptly and the wards around the doorway sharpened and steadied, no longer flickering. The sudden silence shook Thor. 
Maybe he should have left it alone. 
But there was no mistaking that inhale and shudder. He was too sure to walk away. 
“Loki? Is…Are you alright?” Thor kept his voice to a stage-whisper.
The silence from Loki’s room spoke volumes.
Still, the last thing Thor was going to do was leave Loki alone; he yearned to at least talk to his brother, and if he was crying…all the more reason to figure out why. He pressed a hand over the handle, as if it was the closest thing to comforting his brother. 
Thor forced himself to continue.
“I…We haven’t spoken much since Sakaar and I, I was thinking we could talk?” Thor tried his best to not think about how unpolished and jumbled his words were, but he listened for anything in response. 
None came and Thor leaned his forehead against the door. “Brother, I–” The words stuck in his throat and Thor had to swallow to continue. “I’m worried about you.”
The room stayed silent and Thor’s heart sank. 
Then, a second later, the wards faded. The lock of the door clicked open. 
Thor swung open the door slowly, as if a movement too fast would spook Loki. In the dark room, he could barely make out Loki sitting up in bed. 
As he got closer, he realized Loki was hugging a pillow. He gripped it tightly, almost in anger.  
“Loki? What’s…What happened?” Thor took residence on the end of Loki’s bed. Although Loki’s room still lacked style, Thor spied a few new books stacked next to the bed and could feel the familiar slip of Loki’s silk sheets under the blanket as he sat. 
Loki’s tear-stained face looked back at him with a hardness Thor hadn’t expected. 
“What? Here to tell me more about how predictable I’ve become?” Loki spat, but it didn’t have enough venom to it as he wiped his face with the side of his hand. “Or to ask, yet again, what my fate was on that cursed planet?” 
“Loki, if you’re unhappy here,” Thor started and Loki turned his face away. Thor went on anyway. “We can make arrangements for you. Maybe Sakaar was better for you. Maybe you need something to rule after all.”
Loki slowly met Thor’s eyes and Thor was shocked how they nearly glowed green in the dark room with untapped fury. 
“I’ll never step foot on that planet again unless it is to lay waste to everyone upon it,” Loki growled. “They are lucky for my mercy.”
Thor cocked his head. “I thought…I thought you were among the favored.”
Loki didn’t avert his eyes. “I was. But it came at a price.” 
Thor realized how little he knew about Loki’s time there; he was almost scared to ask what he meant. 
Loki said nothing in response, but flicked his hand.
Thor was used to something appearing, but nothing happened. 
Loki creased his forehead in concentration and flicked his hand again. 
“Your magic,” Thor realized slowly. 
That’s why the wards were flickering. Loki’s magic was failing.
Loki shuddered from the effort before trying again, groaning in defeat as his magic failed him. Frustrated tears leaked from his eyes and Loki sniffled. “It’s not…it’s never taken this long.” Loki kept his gaze elsewhere and said these words absently, as if he’d forgotten Thor was there. 
Thor scooted closer to Loki. “What happened there? Did they do something to you?” Thor didn’t understand his brother’s magic as well as his own, but he’d never seen Loki struggle with it, let alone be exhausted to tears by it.
Whatever had happened with Loki’s magic took force. 
The thought made Thor’s chest constrict.
Loki stared down at his hands. “It’s never taken this long to return.” He pulled in an unsteady breath. “Even at the worst times, it never felt so…unobtainable. And now–” He broke off and flicked his hand and cursed when nothing happened. Another sob broke out of him and he pressed his palms against his eyes.
Thor moved ever so slowly, but he reached for his brother’s hands. Carefully, he guided them away from Loki’s eyes and pulled Loki in for a hug. 
Loki caved against Thor, his hands shaking as a new sobs choked him. 
“It’ll be okay, brother,” Thor assured. “It’ll be okay.”
Thor rubbed comforting circles on his brother’s back, keeping a slow rhythm. Slowly, slowly, Loki carefully relaxed against him as the tense parts of his back unlocked and loosened.
It had been years since Thor had seen Loki cry, and even longer since he’d seen Loki sob. But, Thor held Loki close like he did all those years ago, assuring him in the same way he did then that everything would be okay. 
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p0pp3t · 2 years
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I saw this in a discord server im in
ykw maybe i do like bugbear…….
calli who is that./lh
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sillyguy-supreme · 4 months
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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kiwi · 7 months
everybodys gotta get back into the practice of using pseudonyms online... i remember the time of screen names where u never ever told anyone ur real name and that was just understood as basic internet safety. plus having a screen name is fun because sometimes it sticks so well that it becomes part of ur identity that u can use in whatever facet of ur life you choose. it rocks to pick your own name
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chase-prairie · 1 year
Loving reminder from your land history auntie:
North American golf courses have had 50-100 years of arsenic and mercury based fungicide and herbicides applied to their soils.
Do not eat anything that has been grown on a golf course or downstream from a golf course. I know it sounds cool and radical, but you are too valuable to poison yourself with heavy metals.
Protect each other, turn your local golf course into a pollinator garden, not a sex forest or community garden.
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rusticfurnace · 2 months
GHOSTSOAP // "you sweet fucker" MINICOMIC!!!
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mokeonn · 1 year
"But if college was free, then people would abuse that and get useless degrees" hell yeah I would! If I could go to college without debt I would make it my job to get a degree in every little thing that interested me. I'd get a doctorate in film studies. I'd have a bachelor's degree for every science I like. I'd try to learn at least 5 languages with varying results. I would learn something "useful" like coding and then follow it up with a ""useless"" degree like art history. I'd be the world record speed run holder for getting every degree possible.
But I can't afford college without going into massive debt, so instead I spent the last 5 years trying to figure out what I am passionate enough about to consider going into debt over, because unfortunately being passionate about everything is extremely expensive to pursue.
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gongedtornado · 5 months
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i was super lazy with this but i needed to get this idea out or i wouldve shrivelled
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thankstothe · 8 months
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this show rewires you fundamentally in 60 seconds and then just goes on to have more seasons. audacity
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
don't you want to be a cult leader? - danyal al ghul au
this is mostly a joke post but i thought it was funny and had to share so--
his first mistake was, obviously, inheriting his father's inability to see an injustice and stand still. -- actually, danyal's first mistake was his lair being so big. a mountainous island with a large temple in the center resembling his old home in Nanda Parbat? With sprawling foliage and rivers and streams and waterfalls galore? What was he going to do with all that space? Let it go to waste? He had plants there! Native trees of the ghost zone growing from the soil! He couldn't let it all be left unchecked!
So naturally after helping a fellow teenage assassin ghost -- who he later learns is named Akihiko, -- from Walker of all people, he sent them over to hang low at his lair until it was safe enough for them to wander around the Zone. Walker couldn't get through Danyal's astrofield if his life depended on it, and trust him -- he's tried. Danny was clearing out debris from his stupid transport vans for weeks.
Honestly it wasn't so bad, he and Aki really quickly became fast friends and Danny loves having a sparring partner close to his level again -- he hasn't had this much fun fighting since he left the League. Aki was very dedicated and levelheaded, the both of them clicked really well because of it.
Nonono, the real trouble began after Danyal met some long-passed League members and allowed them to come join his island as well. Apparently they had made a few enemies of the zone, and maybe Danyal still felt some loyalty to the League. He couldn't just let them be left to rot. Their zealotry could be overlooked so long as they kept it contained and helped him take care of his island.
And it.. snowballs from there? He meets a teen squire aptly calling himself Ambroise -- whether that was his living name or not is yet to be seen -- who died during feudal france, who is just about as dramatic and passionate as every french stereotype makes them out to be. He calls Danyal "my moon and great muse" -- which is both flattering and little uncomfortable, but Danyal's grown up in the League as the Grandson of the Demon Head, he is used to mild worship. he passes it off as nothing more, nothing less. -- and while his energy is overwhelming on the worst of days, he helps Danny draw out of his shell more in ways that Sam and Tucker still struggle with.
Him and Aki butt heads a lot, but the two seem to hold the other in at least some positive regard, so Danny doesn't worry too much about them fighting while he's gone. It only becomes a mild issue when Aki also begins calling Danny "my moon". It's a little sweet, so Danyal brushes it off.
Then he takes in a troupe of ghosts some time after he defeats Pariah Dark and they begin calling him "great one" just as the yetis do in the far frozen. This is where he meets the twins -- a pair of sibling ghosts who call themselves Trixie and Missy (short for Trick and Mislead) -- who aren't quite as passionate as Ambroise but more energetic than Aki. Eventually they also start calling Danyal "my moon" and attach themselves to his hip, even within the living. They like to hide in his shadow and cause trouble for the rest of the students. He makes sure they don't hurt anyone.
He's pretty sure Aki is jealous, same with Ambroise, but he can't be too certain other than the fact that they become much more lingering (re: clingy) whenever he visits the island.. Something he's trying to do much more often these days due to the increasing amount of people living there now. Since when did he become so popular?
Then there's Pēnelópeia from the Greater Athens, who ran away from home and joined his Island after he ran into her while she was being chased by Skulker -- and he's pretty sure the reason was because of her chimeric appearance. Her strange eyes and mismatched wings and lion's tail and talons. She assimilates into his friend group very easily, she gets along well with Ambroise and Trixie and Danny usually finds the three of them climbing the trees to pluck the most fruit from the top. They can fly and he knows it, but they prefer to climb.
Then finally there's silent poet Akkara who comes from ancient mesopotamia, who gets along most with Aki -- which is no surprise there considering their similar personality dispositions. he watches Aki and Danyal fight each other and leaves comments on this or that that he notices. He writes Danyal poems on clay tablets and leaves them by his room.
They're one big mismatched group of outcasts, and Danny's got the other ghosts on his island to tend to, because they're living on his island and he wants to be hospitable even if he struggles with that. But he spends the most of his time with them.
Sam and Tucker are making fun of him. Tucker jokingly tells him 'careful Danny, at this rate you're gonna start a cult'. Danny really wishes he had taken that joke more seriously.
He just. keeps. collecting people. Wayward souls lost in the zone, looking for shelter or refuge from something or other -- whether that be another hostile ghost, or a past afterlife, or just a purpose. Danyal finds them, he takes them in, offers them a place on his island until they are ready to leave. Many seldom do. He's not complaining -- he has the space, and it feels like it's only ever growing.
His close friends, his "inner circle" as he's heard the others call them, keep insistently calling him "my moon". He starts calling them his stars, because then it only feels fair. They're his stars, this is his constellation. It becomes a thing; little star halos begin forming behind their heads, picking them out from the rest. He loves them so much, it's hard to place. Sam and Tucker are also his stars, but they reside in the living realm, they're his tie to Life. Meanwhile, his friends here know what it's like to be dead, and sometimes its nice to relate.
Those living on his island keep calling him "Great One" and he's beginning to notice zealotry in their care for his island. He really, deeply appreciates it. His close friends gain nicknames -- as his stars, it's only natural for him to pick them out from the cluster in the skies. Akihiko, his Sirius and bright star. Trix and Missy, Castor and Pollux, the twins and troublemakers. Ambroise, his zealous Antares and close friend. Penelopeia, chimeric and loyal Vega. And Akkara, his Arcturus and strength.
It's ridiculous how long it takes for him to notice; he is, of course, a deadly trained assassin. He is meant to be observant -- and normally he is! But somehow this becomes a blind spot. One that becomes too big to be dealt with by the time he realizes it.
He should've noticed when Aki, his Sirius, stood beside him one day while Danyal looked over his island and saw the sprawling spirits carrying on about their afterlife and bowing to him as they saw him, and said: "I looked down into the depths when I met you; I couldn't measure it." They aren't one for flowing prose, it took him so off guard he was silent for over a minute before he finally spoke.
Danyal should've recognized devotion for what it is, and yet he didn't. He should've recognized it when Antares began spouting praises about him, crowing about his radiance and resplendence to the heavens. He just brushed it off as Ambroise being Ambroise. He should've recognized it when Trix and Missy nearly broke Dash's leg after he knocked Danyal's books out of his hands, he excused it as them being protective. Of them coming from times where such violence may have been customary -- after all, that's what he used to be like. What he was still like, sometimes, when his emotions nearly got the better of him.
He should've noticed it when the people living on his island followed his word like gospel, looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky. When his friends gifted him a shawl with the moon phases delicately embroidered into it, with silver, shimmering thread and moving stars lovingly stitched into it. Their constellations seen clear as day in the dark fabric. When he found small shrines dedicated to him -- but they lacked any image of him beyond stones carved to look like moons, so he ignored it. When the religious imagery began popping up.
He really, really should've noticed it when a bunch of cultists accidentally summoned Antares, and Antares had turned to him when he arrived and called them heretics. But he was so centered on the fact that they had kidnapped one of his stars, that he hadn't paid much attention to what Ambroise had said.
Sages say that faith is blind, they should also say faith in you is even blinder.
It really only hits him one afternoon while he's sitting in Sam's room studying with Tucker, Missy and Trixie lounging at his feet, Aki sat on his right, Penelopeia braiding his hair, Ambroise draped against him, and Akkara lurking over him. Its one of the rare few times they're all in one room together.
It hits him like a bolt of lightning. He looks up from his textbook. "Oh Ancients," he says in no amounting shock. Everyone looks up to him.
"I've become my grandfather."
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danyal al ghul au#dpxdc au#dp x dc au#dpxdc prompt#ive been playing cult of the lamb recently and you can tell#anyways i thought this was funny to think about. its specifically danyal al ghul bc that makes it even funnier#tfw you accidentally become a cult leader. rip to you danny you have a cult following#not at ALL an accurate depiction of a cult but i still think its funny. innaccurate cult depictions. ur in too deep to change it now danno#sam and tucker: hey dude... this is a cult | danny still learning how to People: what. no. these are all my friends and refugees.#his inner circle are all Insane about him they just show it in different ways. Sirius is as equally zealous as the rest they just don't#show it as much. which has mistakenly convinced danyal that they are the more logical one. no danny. they would kill for you#danny: i am being hospitable | sam: you created a cult | danny: i am being hosPITABLE#i dont like ghost king aus but i love danny being in positions of power it just has to feel earned. 'accidental kingdom acquisition' is my#favorite trope it just has to be done correctly. 🫵 build that bitch up with your bare hands and not realize until its too late you fool#'becoming a world power by accident and im in too deep to back out now'#danyal. a raised assassin (has no threshold for normal behavior): *sees utter devotion towards him* yeah this is fine and normal.#danyal: yk i dont see this ending horribly. *goes and collects more followers* yeah this is totally cool. welcome to the constellation#danyal: *saves a few people and houses them in his lair* (everyone liked that [to a worrying degree actually])#his inner circle: my moon! | danny: my stars :]#danny: ive become my grandfather. | danny: ... | danny: idk how to feel about that honestly.#those poor cultists that kidnapped antares were subjected to a 3hr tangent about 'the radiance of the Moon and his resplendent generosity'#before danyal found him and got him home. who were the cultists summoning? who knows! but they got Objectively the Worst out of the#constellation to summon by accident. actually they're all bad there's no picking who. they're all various amounts of Unhinged Danny just#Never Realizes It because he is also Unhinged and thinks some of this shit is normal.#like yeah thats totally normal behavior he has no questions whatsoever. this seems like Typical People Stuff.
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Thinking about Logan getting really worried when Wade's (metaphorical) mask comes off and he's not the guy dancing on the bar, making boob jokes and kicking people in the face but rather the one with his face in the toilet at the club, promising he's okay while still struggling with the side effects that come with cancer.
"No no, really its fine! Go on, go have fun ill be out in a second!"
And being the emotionally closed off manly man that Logan is, doesn't press about it but still waits outside by the door, not letting people in the bathroom, ending up causing a bar fight because hed rather get punched in the jaw then let someone see Wade like that and embaress him.
Thinking about him coming home with groceries and finding him dead asleep on the couch, but the kind of sleep that looks like it was taken by force rather than comfy. The kind where you pass out because your body has had enough and just coming to check on him every couple of minutes before eventually sitting next to him and just waits until he wakes up.
Al can't see. But she's had a smug look on her face ever since Logan has walked in the door because she can hear him walking back and forth to go check on her room mate.
"You're really worried about him, ain't you?"
"He's fine, you know. He does that. Go on. Go do what ever it was you angry men do."
But he doesn't go. He stays put. Like a loyal dog at his owners death bed, hoping if he stares enough, he'll get better. Eventually, he falls asleep too And Al is going to tease them both about this for the next month. She took photos to prove it.
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Soon enough, it evolves into him picking up tasks so that Wade can rest but refuses to tell him why. He doesn't want to embarrass him and make it feel like a big deal.
"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go walk mary puppins. You want anything from the bodega?"
"No.. actually.. could I walk her? I can take her. Being in this apartment is killing me."
"What need to get your steps in or something?"
"Something like that."
"Ah I get it. Wild cat needs to prowl. Well alright. But dont be taking our baby to any skanks house! Shes too innocent!"
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doodledrawsthings · 1 month
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Yi fulfills his pinky promise attached to my 9 Sols AU
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reineydraws · 10 months
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this is how i imagine week 3 at kuraigana starts for zoro & perona lol
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heartorbit · 2 months
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find another role, carry on the show
#EDIT IT DIDNT SAVE MY TAGS. hey so this post got a thousand notes huh. interesting. surely nothing will change#i'll leave all the old tags. for my thought process. and its kinda funny#take a bow stupid idiot (throws a tomato at them)#in stars and time#isat#siffrin#siffrin no middle names no last name ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧#... or is it. Smiles#i'd like to draw mira for her birthday but um (hasnt open artfight website in a few days) im scared.#also i have NICE ASKS TO ANSWER.... But im scared. give me a minute#Uawaaaaagh i drew this bc i was trying to animate a little bit but it just . Didnt look good. im not good ag 2d animation#tch. ill keep trying cause there ar e way too many songs that and now about isat because i have brain worms. i need amvs.#IM SCARED TO POST THINGS THAT ARE SPOILERY BECAUSE I WANT MY FRIENDS TO PLAY ISAT. BUT.#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#sasasap#sasasa:p#WHAT IS THE PROLOGUES TAG.#tshirt that says 'i <3 killing the image in the mirror and taking its place' on the fromt#and a list of megan thee stallions tour dates on the back. お金稼ぐ俺らはスター#Im kind of tempted to edit this to be the versiom with the eyes. or maybe twt can have that. or. well#all of my friends are on twt (trombone slide sfx) so maybe thats where i should worry about spoilers.#ill see if i want to slap an eyepatch on them in the morning#Im one of those people who was like idgaf about twohats (lets it simmer for a week) Oh my god. Oh my god. Ohmy god#EDIT. i swapped it out for the Eyes version it should be fine as long as its tagged formspoilers right...#ill post eyepatch vers on twt partly bc spoilers but also ppl over there can be .. annoying ..... ....#i fear i would get 800 You Forgot The Eyepatch replies. PLEASE JUST SEE MY VISION.#[BANGING MY HANDS ON THE GLASS] HIS HAND. LIKE IN THE PROLOGUE. WHEN THEYE. HANDS. HELD[EXPLOSION
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