#muh texts
hermits-hovel · 1 year
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hello new followers! here is my current collection of heretics turning into aevis and screaming something completely deranged
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cuddlesomeone · 1 month
here, a lil snippet of radchi for wip weds
Chi-Chi can order and not ask, she's sure. As Raditz said, he acts obedient when it suits him. That much is obvious. If she didn't know any better, she'd say he likes being bossed around. 
As if to prove her point, he falls into a half-bow and says, "Yes, your highness."
She does a double-take, wondering how he could possibly know about her lineage.
He notices her reaction and straightens up. "Wait... don't tell me... did my little brother manage to bag royalty?"
'Bag?' Putting it that way sounds thoroughly unromantic. As if she was something that had been hunted down and ensnared like a piece of wild game. Chi-Chi is left sputtering, indignant and offended.
Raditz either doesn't notice or doesn't care. "I was just kidding around 'cause you remind me of my prince. What are you, a princess? A queen?"
"Princess," she answers stiffly, kicking off her shoes.
What sort of person is Raditz's prince? If he's anything like his subject, she isn't taking that as a compliment.
"A princess," he echoes, grinning. "We're the spawn of a mercenary and a butcher, but I managed to rise above my station. Seems Kakarot did the same."
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ilynpilled · 1 year
Have you seen that post on how Cersei pushing Jaime into forcing sex on her is an abuse technique on her end?
no, but i checked his tag now lol. while i know that george explicitly expressed that the sept scene was intended as consensual by him, i still believe that jaime’s pattern of pushing to have sex with cersei, and how, speaks of an unhealthy relationship with consent in this relationship on his part too, a lack of respect for boundaries on his part, as well as objectification on his part that cannot be removed from the context of this society’s gender dynamics, especially when it concerns cersei’s themes and her character (to contextualize and expand on what i mean, heres a very quick collection of quotes regarding how jaime’s relationship to cersei, sex, swordplay, and even violence blend or function similarly in relation to very heavy dissociative tendencies):
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i understand the jc dynamic’s set up:
“She has never come to me, he thought. She has always waited, letting me come to her. She gives, but I must ask.”
“She wanted to draw his face to hers for a kiss. Later, she told herself, later he will come to me, for comfort. “We are his heirs, Jaime,” she whispered. “It will be up to us to finish his work. You must take Father’s place as Hand. You see that now, surely. Tommen will need you . . .”
i also understand how george seems to establish communication and patterns within this dynamic that reinforce his expressed intention, which is also apparent in a scene that a third party witnesses and how that mirrors the sept, and i obviously also do not think these two would do all of this healthily and establish things akin to safe words (lmao) (though i take issue with a lot of things here still when it comes to grrm and how consent is framed):
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and i understand george framing cersei utilising sex, or even love and affection, as a means to have power, and that being a big factor in this relationship’s dynamic and how she takes control (see instances when cersei does initiate— jaime’s narration is not entirely correct, we know of the inn, which is unique but important, so it is interesting that he chooses not to connect this until feast, that would mean confronting something he doesn’t want to— and what motives she has: “She smiled for him, so sweetly. “Do you remember the first time I came to you like this? It was some dismal inn off Weasel Alley, and I put on servant’s garb to get past Father’s guards.” “I remember. It was Eel Alley.” She wants something of me. “Why are you here, at this hour? What would you have of me?” His last word echoed up and down the sept, mememememememememememe, fading to a whisper. For a moment he dared to hope that all she wanted was the comfort of his arms.”
but i do not think that changes much about the issues on jaime’s part, or how patriarchal hegemony works, or how a lot of fandom frames cersei. we know cersei only enjoys sex with jaime (it is sex that is categorized as different from lancel, osney, taena, and robert — all of these also cannot be conflated for obvious reasons — by her), she says so, but that doesn’t change that she still believes that it is her only source of power and means through which she can reach equal ground within her society. we can understand why cersei thinks and functions this way: we understand how she was reared and how she was viewed as a sexual object and a tool for political transactions with no autonomy since childhood by every adult around her. we see how and why jaime is needed by her to feel “whole”, and how he is her “sword.” it is also not difficult to acknowledge that while the abusive dynamic is not what i would consider equal: jaime does not verbally berate her to the degree she does him, does not physically hit her and throw things at her, does not use her or emotionally abuse her the way that she does him (and no, i personally do not agree with people that say they are equally terrible to each other or they equally benefit from this relationship), jaime still ultimately has some power over her due to his gender (the physical is obvious, but on top of that this is a medieval society with extreme levels of gender inequality), and nothing will really erase that because this relationship does not exist in a vacuum. this is not diminished by how this relationship functions, her status as queen and jaime’s status as her kg, and other variables that play into the unequal power dynamic. it will always have to be acknowledged that cersei is a woman + everything that comes with that being the case in a medieval society with complete patriarchal domination. i also think the unhealthy belief system of “we are one. you are me. i am you. we are two halves of a whole” will have effects on the understanding of consent and how both parties function in the relationship. i think this extreme delusion would lead to a plethora of issues when it comes to consent and boundaries. with cersei too, the moment she (including her offering sex) is rejected by her “other half” she emphasizes and says things like “you swore that you would always love me.” and “i was a fool to ever love you” or starts verbally berating him, emasculating him, being ableist etc. this relationship operates on some absurd conditions and ultimatums, it is not healthy, hence things like “the things I do for love” too. in reality, it really is the opposite of “unconditional destined lovers.” both of them have things that they end up prioritizing over the other, and both have an incorrect idea of the other that fits their specific needs and wants. i just despise this whole “cersei groomed and manipulated jaime since they were children” bullshit. a child is not capable of this. teenaged cersei was navigating the strict and dehumanising boxes that her father and society forced her into since she was 7 years old. she looked to her brother for comfort and escape as much, if not in many ways more at this point, as he did. i also think cersei escapes into the relationship to subvert those societal patterns in many ways (i have seen people discuss that jaime views her as an equal and a person more so than others: “If I were a woman I’d be Cersei.”) but this still does not change the flaws that jaime has. he is not only a man in westeros, he was also reared by tywin lannister lmao. he is a misogynist with a skewed understanding and view of a lot of things. no point in denying this.
and all this aside, i also understand “mutual abuse is not real”, and understand the damage ignoring that can do to narratives revolving around victims of abuse, and the issue with framing ‘retaliation’ or ‘bad victims’ as mutual abuse (see discussions regarding robert and cersei for example and some of the putrid narratives that come out of that), but we are talking about fiction and its themes, discussing an author’s known intention and execution of that intention (that we can also criticize), as well as what is written in a text, and i do not think we should be ignoring the nuances when it comes to applying a modern lens to a medieval society with some very different and more severe and strict paradigms when it comes to gender inequality and the oppression of women.
here are george’s actual comments that i do not believe contradict the bulk of my perspective either tbh:
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redstrewn · 1 year
All the recent ais posts got me simping for this sad wet sack of a demon. HES SO ADORABLE
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kaban-bang · 1 year
Need see Prospera knuckle deep in Miorine's mom coochie, like giving her most powerful cum she ever received. And need her bagging it to Delling in prison, giving long elaborated and vivid details and how she manages make her cum multiple time in 5 minutes. And I want Delling to suffer hearing it.
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silusvesuius · 1 year
would any brave artsy fellers want to art trade w/ me; i realized i've never really drawn anybody else's skajrim/t*s OCs ever so i'd say that's what i'm looking for, but i'll draw anything, really 💚
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discoballz8 · 24 days
i do not want to go to school
my new headmates are going to be so confused !! Starlo is gonna switch in amd look around in confusion before looking at my friend and saying something like “ Where in the gosh darn tarnation am i ? Is this the ruins or something ? “ and my friend is going to say “ i mean [[ school name ]] is a state so its basically in ruins .
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bumblingdragon · 9 months
I am giving him nightmares. I am giving him debilitating, insomnia causing chronic nightmares and the only remedy is a loved one putting him in a day bed underneath the dappled shade of an old tree on a breezy afternoon, where the daylight keeps the terrors away and the ubiquitous warmth of the sun eventually sinks him into a nap so gently he doesn't realize until he's woken later
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renxmaiden · 7 months
You ever just like a character but you've witnessed the toxicity insane behavior from their fans and seeing that character you liked now leaves a very bittersweet feeling within you and you want nothing to do with the toxic fans of that said character
Yeah, this is how exactly how I feel about Ren. This is why he remains to be my 2nd favorite character forever
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syltser · 11 months
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weirdunclegamer · 10 months
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Anyone else remember this failed DBZ card game? I had a handful of it when I was a kid. A friend of mine and I could NOT figure out how to correctly play it. It was nuts. You built a map out of location cards and basically played what was now effectively a modular board game, going to places, encountering enemies and disasters, and you won by... ... hm... well you fought things and solved... problems? And you win when... uh...
So anyway, does anyone else remember this? These are the only cards I still have with me now, three whole foils even! Surely super saiyin Goku in foil is worth mad dosh now right??
Also I'm aware card games to people not in the know tend to feel kind of impenetrable, but this game to me reads as one of the most inscrutable things I've ever read and tried to figure out just from context. What the heck does a character becoming BONKED mean?? It's not dying... they use the term "die" on Goku's card... so you can be bonked, but thats not defeat? Also look at the rules text on Alien Landing Site. WHAT DOES THAT ALL MEAN? What happens if I have one of these THREE combinations of skills? I'm glad Shenron (or Shen Lon here because they seemed to have both retranslated stuff themselves but also had a consultant, because they use both Tien's original JP name of Tenshinhan, AND his US name on the same card???) is a one of in your deck but also what is the BASIS for how to "cast" the card? Can I just play it as soon as I have it? You can form parties according to the FARMER WITH SHOTGUN's card. Were they really hurting that bad for characters they put the farmer who found Raditz in the game??? This is a DRAGON BALL ZEE game where one of the skills is Streetwise. This is such a wonderful mess.
But never forget that all characters in the same space as a super saiyin take 1 point of damage per round in combat. That shit's system level mechanics right there.
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hermits-hovel · 3 months
Hey gang! I've been quiet focusing on other stuff lately. So while I have no idea if I'll be posting for all of Dawntrail, know that if I do, I'll be tagging my spoilers accordingly. ^^b
Have fun everyone! I hope the queues are kind to you.
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urfavcrime · 1 year
going to buy some poetry books anyone can recommendations
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yutadori · 2 years
hello kitty has done so much for us and remained so iconic for so long i truly think she's going to outlast us all
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marvel1012 · 1 month
So, what I want to know is...where's the merch? Where are all the action figures and hyper realistic sculpts of the dragons? And I don't mean Funko Pops! Somebody could be making bank, because I would buy one of each dragon on the show, even the babies. They gonna wait until the show is over and they're all deceased??
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metanoianmayhem · 8 months
Depression brain bad. Making scallion pancakes in response.
Send lewds. Or kittens.
Maybe i need a mental health cat?
Lol. This is my emotional support cat. they terrorize the household.
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