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Leviathan propaganda:
“He's so cute and amazing and I love him sm!  He's a huge nerd and is so incredibly passionate about the things he loves and omg I would listen to him talk all day if he was real.  He's v insecure and can't help but compare himself to others (cus he's the avatar of envy) but I think he is perfect 🥰”
Muiri propaganda:
“she hires you to assassinate her shitty ex who ruined her life and after doing so the two of you can get married which i think is true love baby . she can also create poisons and you have to be apart of the skyrim assassin guild to marry her so like couple goals you know. me and my wife who gives me poisons for my murder job”
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trisexyual · 1 year
i love Muiri as a marriage option bc you meet and then you go murder the man who used her and broke her heart and then you come back and fall in love and get married. such a big win for the wlw honestly
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bootdork · 2 years
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Muiri you literally sat me down and walked me through killing this guy in great detail. ADHD queen forgot she hired a demonic assassin.
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littledragondork · 1 year
Cat Au Request: Muiri
@da3drat​ requested his wife Muiri for my TES NPC Cat drawings so I thought why not start with her :3c
I’ll definitely take more suggestions, it was fun drawing her and learning more about an NPC I’d otherwise overlook!
(I have a batch of 3 more designs being posted sometime tomorrow)
Art and some design notes under the cut
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She was very fun to draw despite me not knowing much about her character besides the fact she is a Dark Brotherhood contract and you kill her sister and ex-partner so I consulted the UESP wik and skimmed some lines to get more.
Cool to see she’s an alchemist assistant and I didn’t even know she was a marriage candidate at all which is cool as heck! you kill her ex and take his girl, what a win! Sucks for her friend though I guess.
I decided to make her a chocolate spotted tabby because I like the colors and the spots are fun to draw! And I made her a long/medium fur cat because I feel somewhere around the Reach would get pretty cold, not ocean or winter cold but a lack of direct sunlight and mountain breeze cold so it would be practical for her to have a fluffier coat. I added a few little doodles on the sides as well just for fun and to practice drawing quickly :3c
her legs are a little short for my liking but I feel it adds to the charm so they can stay
Designs are free to use w/ credit :3
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muiri-noir · 1 year
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stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in 1904 – Birth of writer, Muiris Ó Suilleabhain, on the Great Blasket Island, Co Kerry. Best known for his book, ‘Twenty Years A-Growing’.
“I am a boy who was born and bred in the Great Blasket, a truly small Gaelic island which lies north-west of the coast of Kerry, where the storm of the sky and the wild sea beat without ceasing from end to end of the year and from generation to generation against the wrinkled rocks which stand above the waves that was in and out of the coves where the seals make their homes.” On the 28th of April…
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sniperct · 7 months
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when your OC gets rave reviews (and also yes the color palette is awesome and everything I'd wanted for her)
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shark-wrangler · 1 year
nobody else cares about this but I finally just figured out who the fuck Muiri is. she's a skyrim npc who appears in exactly one quest, but it's a dark brotherhood quest so she happens to be semi-relavant to the skyrim fic I'm working on, so her name stuck in my head and I mixed her up with Murghir from swtor, who also appears in exactly one quest that involves assassination.
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stonerzelda · 2 years
Eltrys: you're an outsider. You're dangerous looking...you'll do ;)
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goblinroleplay · 2 years
hes so babygirl i need to woobify him NEEOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!
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lotus5eater · 1 year
Putting a one-off charater with little to no importance to the narrative of a story into my pocket, ruminating on them forever
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numinousnic · 2 years
girl help i'm rereading the Skyrim urban fantasy AU i deleted off AO3 (but still have squirreled away on my laptop) and it's. actually not that bad, all things considered
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whitegoldtower · 3 months
My masterlist of Skyrim takes:
Both the Imperials and Stormcloaks can eat my ass.
Isran is a piece of shit
I don’t like Brynjolf.
Ancano, Vingalmo, Ondolemar, Garan Marethi, Teldryn Sero and Arch-Curate Vyrthur are the hottest male NPCs.
The companions are a flop.
Ysgramor and Wuuthrad suck.
Muiri’s unsolicited affections gave me the ick
Morthal is my favourite area.
The Ravencrone and Blackbriar women could get it any day.
I’d fuck a hagraven out of curiosity.
Frostbite spiders are adorable
I love Cicero’s voice.
Nazeem is just funny. So are the girls at Radiant Raiment. They all served cunt.
The Reach is for the Forsworn.
In every playthrough I make sure to beat the shit out of Rolff Stone-Fist and scare the fuck out of Mikael.
Mage and double dagger runs are the best.
Destruction and Conjuration are lazy.
My favourite discreet way to assassinate annoying NPCs is to reverse pickpocket poisons and poisoned apples into their inventories, sit back and watch. Alternatively, I like casting frenzy / reverse pickpocketing frenzy potions into their inventories and watching chaos unfold.
I have to purposely paralyse myself at least once in every playthrough, whether through licking Netch Jelly or chewing Corkbulb Root.
Idgrod Ravencrone is the best jarl.
Erikur deserves a slow death.
Delphine’s also a piece of shit.
Astrid instantly pissed me off.
I love just collecting and reading all the books.
The carriage driver Bjorlam (Whiterun) is SO HOT and for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Who made him so fine and why??
Ondolemar is a sweet baby. Even if you refuse to get the amulet for him, he doesn’t get pissy with you (unlike a certain touchy redheaded thief in Riften).
Some people get annoyed with Faendal showing up if you marry Camilla Valerius. I say two for the price of one, in this household we share. How can you be mad at getting a free bosmer femboy? A boyfriend of my wife’s is a boyfriend of mine.
(Will add more soon. If you want me to elaborate on any of these points, just drop an ask.)
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muiri-noir · 1 year
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chapter xxv – gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count:  4,100+
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Y/N wanted to wake up to Eris’ warmth wrapped around her, to have his autumn scent taking over her senses once again, and his strong arms reminding her that she was protected, safe. 
But Eris had left hours ago – and so stealthily that Y/N had no idea when. 
Instead, Y/N had shot up in bed breathing heavily. 
There had been a surge of power. So strong that it jolted the witch from her deep sleep. 
Both her movements and the surge woke Ronan up, growling as if there was danger in the bedroom. 
“Eris,” Y/N breathed. 
Somehow she knew the power had erupted from him. 
Something was wrong – very wrong. Even the night Eris had defeated Beron, even the night Y/N followed him deep into the forest to test his new strength…she had never felt such power come from Eris. 
If he were using it now, then he was under some sort of attack. 
Y/N jumped out of bed, flinging off her nightgown and threw on trousers and a tunic – quicker than worrying herself with a dress or a damn corset. 
If she was off to battle, she would order a sentry to fetch her the same armor Eris had forced upon her before. 
But Y/N needn’t look far, for as soon as she flung the door open, she was met with a handful of sentries standing guard outside her chambers.
Amongst them were all of Eris’ smoke hounds. And as soon as they heard their master’s mate open the door, they had shot to their feet and whined with anticipation. 
Y/N’s eyes raced amongst the sentries, half expecting Lucien to be with them.
But Eris’ brother was nowhere to be found, which meant he was surely with him. 
“Where is the High Lord?” She asked curtly. 
“There was rebellion in Drumenthoul,” the highest ranking responded quickly. She recognized him well enough to know his name: Captain Respen. 
Her brow furrowed. “Lord Muiris’ demesne?” 
“Yes, my lady. It is one of Autumn Court’s largest cities. Its subjects attacked the manor of the late lord, after they heard of the attack on you. His son retaliated, using what was left of his father’s army to wreak havoc on his own people. But it appeared to be an attempt at a trap.” 
Y/N’s stomach dropped. “Walk with me,” she ordered all of them. 
Instantly, they fell into step with her. 
“Ready my horse with my weapons,” she continued. One of the sentry rushed ahead to do as she asked, making his way to the stables. “I must go to him.” Then she looked at Captain Respen and silently told him to continue.  
“Before the attacks started, Lord Muiris’ son had called for reinforcements...from any Lord who did not agree with the High Lord’s usurping.” 
“They knew Eris would aid his people and they used that to lure him intro a trap with a bigger enemy than he could have anticipated,” Y/ noted aloud. 
“Precisely, my lady.” He didn’t hide how impressed he was with her intelligence. She had the makings of a High Lord's wife, despite her mortal and witchling upbringing.
“Do not fear though, Lady Y/N. Eris anticipated such an attack. He brought his best infantry.” Respen hesitated before he added, “And he has gained much power since becoming High Lord.” 
Y/N knew Respen was trying to calm her, to assure her Eris couldn’t be in danger. But no words would calm her.
“And you were left behind to guard me?” Annoyance was clear in her voice. 
“Protecting the High Lord’s mate is no lowly task, Lady Y/N. It is a great honor. The High Lord will take no chances at you being attacked while he is preoccupied with civil war. It would be the exact time for an assassination attempt.” 
When they reached the courtyard, Aengus was indeed ready, with her sword, bow, and satchel of arrows attached to the saddle.
But Y/N suddenly remembered that Drumenthoul was on the north coast of the court.
She had included cardiography in her Autumn Court studies. And it would take days to reach. 
Why had no one said anything?
“Can someone winnow me?” She asked. 
All the soldiers shifted uncomfortably, not meeting her gaze. 
Captain Respen was the one who broke the silence. “We are under strict orders to do no such thing.”
He at least had the decency to look guilty about it. 
That was why no one had questioned her orders to grab her mount: she would never get close to the danger in time.  
“Lucien is with them?” She asked quietly. 
He nodded. 
“So I am to just wait here?” 
Before anyone could answer her, there was another surge of power. 
Between the courtyard of the Forest House and the outer gates, there was a half mile. 
But despite the distance, Y/N could see him – no – she could feel Eris. And she sensed that something was not right. 
The next second, she was jumping onto Aengus, and digging her heels into gelding. The horse needed no other signals to throw him into a run. 
“Accompany Lady Y/N,” was the last thing Y/N heard before she was in the forests and meadows between the courtyard and outer wall. 
When she was close enough to take in her mate, she noted that while Eris was walking on his own, his entire body was tense. 
A gust of wind hit her. “He is injured…faebane…faebane…faebane.”
Another gust of wind. “He took…his beastly form.”
Y/N had heard of the High Lord’s beast form from a night of drinking with Cassian. He tried to scare her by sharing the murderous creatures she could stumble upon in the Prythian wilderness. 
“But none are more terrifying than the beasts of High Lords," he had whispered to her for dramatic effect. Then went into great detail of the few times in his centuries when he witnessed Rhysand’s own beastly form. 
Y/N still didn’t know much about them, but she did know it drained one's power. It was no parlor trick, but a skill that only a powerful High Lord could wield – and use sparingly. 
That must have been the blast of power that had woken her up. 
When she was just a few yards away, Y/N swung her leg over the side of the saddle and jumped while Aengus still cantered and had yet to come to a stop. 
“Eris!” Y/N gasped at the sight of him. 
Though he walked on his own, Lucien watched his eldest brother with caution a few steps behind him.
And now Y/N could see that Eris had at least twenty arrows sticking out of his back. 
Then she heard the galloping of her guard catching up to them. 
As soon as Eris’ spotted them, his posture straightened even more. 
He does not want to appear weak in front of his men, Y/N realized. 
“The infantry?” Y/N asked the two of them. 
“Only a handful lost,” Lucien told her. “But many injured. They are being winnowed. The rest will return on horseback.”
Y/N turned to her guard. “Ready the infirmary tents! The injured will be returning any moment. Have a female alert the human women that I will need their help. They will know what to prepare.” 
Captain Respen barked orders at the others, but he and another lingered. 
“Leave us,” she ordered them, more harshly than she ever would if the situation did not call for it. 
Respen eyed Eris. 
“Do as my mate demands, Captain.” The High Lord finally spoke.
Y/N was surprised by how strong his voice sounded, when it was becoming more and more clear to her how much pain he was in. 
Respen and his lieutenant nodded before galloping back to the Forest House. 
Once they were out of eyesight, Eris fell to his hands and knees. 
“Eris!” Y/N whispered, not wanting any fae senses picking up their panic. 
“For Cauldron’s sake!” Lucien growled as he helped his brother off the ground with Y/N. 
Y/N carefully put one of his arms over his shoulder, while Lucien did the same with his other arm.
“How bad?” She hissed.
“I shall live,” Eris muttered. 
His pale skin was not its usual glow, but sickly looking. His hair was covered in mud and blood – and she could only hope most of it was not his. 
“It’s the faebane,” she acknowledged. 
Eris and Lucien looked at her with surprise. But she ignored them. 
“Can you ride?” She whispered to Eris. 
He gave her a shaky nod. “Behind you,” he clarified. 
She nodded and whistled for Aengus. “Lucien, help me get him in the saddle.”
Y/N climbed on first, and pulled him up as Lucien lifted from the ground. 
Eris growled at the pain, making her heart race with panic. 
As soon as he was sitting, Y/N gave orders. “Lucien, get a cot brought to my witchery.  Do it yourself and tell no one. Discretion is key.”
Lucien nodded and winnowed to the Forest House. 
“You want to show them how strong you are, then show them,” Y/N muttered before she urged Aengus into a gallop. 
When they got closer, she softly urged him. “Take the reigns.”
Eris did as she said. 
Y/N knew why Eris did not winnow back into the Forest House on his own. She knew why he would not show pain, despite his back being littered with faebane-poisoned arrows. There were those who still questioned his power. Therefore, he would not show weakness. 
Instead, it looked like two lovers returning after sharing a relieved embrace. 
Y/N jumped down from Aengus and handed the horses to a stableboy, making sure not to watch Eris with worry as he dismounted on his own. 
“Make sure all the healers have been alerted,” Eris told his sentries. Then he looked over his shoulder of the forest and meadow they had just come from. 
With the wave of his hand, a hundred tents appeared out of nowhere. Healer tents for the injured that would soon be brought back. 
“Come,” Y/N offered her hand to her mate. 
Eris didn’t hesitate, taking it and letting her lead him into the Forest House. 
Y/N had offered Eris a pain relieving tonic, but he refused it. 
Not having time to argue with him, she fluttered about her witchery, brewing a potion and cutting herbs. 
All while Eris sat patiently on the cot Lucien had snuck in.
Within minutes, Y/N had a healing paste ready. 
“The arrows,” she gulped. “Shall I remove them one by one or all at once?”
Eris met her gaze over her shoulder, “All at once.”
“I will help,” Lucien offered. 
“Touch me with your grimy hands and I will set you alight,” Eris growled in warning. 
Y/N ignored the outburst. “Ready?” She whispered. 
He nodded. 
But Y/N moved in front of him and crouched before him. She took both of his hands in her own, squeezing them lovingly.
She closed her eyes and started chanting a spell.
And Eris immediately felt his back start to heat. 
Even as a bystander, Lucien felt the witch’s power fill the room. 
Eris almost forgot he was about to suffer, too enamored with watching his mate take over with her magic. 
Y/N’s eyes snapped open, but they looked at no one and nothing. 
Lucien watched as they glazed over in white, which they had all put together was only when she was stretching her magic to new and powerful heights. 
And then, as if there was an invisible lasso around all of the two dozen arrows in his back, Y/N’s spell got louder and then abruptly stopped. Along with her spell ending, the arrows were all ripped from Eris’ back in one pull. 
But the only noise that came from the High Lord was a low growl. 
Y/N gasped at the exertion of power, and was quickly trying to catch her breath. 
But her eyes had returned to normal. 
Lucien leaned over to look at Eris’ back. “Well, you sure got all of them.” Then he bent down to pick up the fallen arrows from the ground, burning them in his palm until they were ash. 
“You better clean that up,” Y/N warned as she saw it flutter to the floor. 
She turned her attention back to Eris. “Alright?”
He just nodded. 
“I must clean the wounds individually now,” she told him gently. “Some will need stitching, but not many.”
Silence filled the room as the real work began. Y/N treated Eris’ wounds as if he were made of glass. She was gentle and kind, always giving him a moment when his body tensed with pain. But he never complained and barely made a sound. 
“It was not…it was not how it should be,” Lucien finally spoke after some time. He was sitting on the ground now, knees propped up as he watched from the corner.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked with confusion. 
Lucien watched Eris, who would not meet his gaze. “Beron’s beast form was that of a multi-tailed fox – still a tremendous size – and with the wings of an owl. Smaller than the beasts of the other High Lords, but still ever so deadly.” 
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “And…?”
But Lucien didn’t speak. 
“I was something else,” Eris finally answered, trying to pass through the subject. 
“Something more,” Lucien corrected darkly. 
“I don’t understand,” she admitted quietly. 
But Eris just stared at the ground, his face emotionless. 
Lucien cleared his throat awkwardly, but continued. “He too turned into a fox, but that of a bear – something to rival even Tamlin. He had the antlers of our court’s stag. And the flames…he was engulfed in flames.”
Was it fear in Lucien’s tone... or awe? Y/N couldn’t figure it out. 
Lucien finally finished with, "The arrows you pulled from his back are just those of hundreds that failed to take him down.” 
“Then I shall thank this beast when I see him,” Y/N snapped. “For he seems to be the reason that Eris returned alive.” 
That was her only warning to Lucien to stop his antics. 
“Leave us,” Eris ordered his youngest brother. 
He didn’t need to be told again. 
“I will check on the injured,” Lucien announced to no one in particular. 
He closed the door louder than necessary, making both of them roll their eyes. 
The only sound to be heard was the crackling of the fire in the witchery. 
“How do you know how to treat faebane?” Eris’ tone instantly switched to the softness that was only reserved for his mate. 
“I shall tell you when you tell me why you ran into battle without waking me," she countered grimly. 
Eris was smart enough to look guilty, even though she couldn’t see his face as she worked on his back. “I did not wish to worry you.” 
“And being woken up by your surge of power was not more worrisome?” 
“I did not realize you would sense my magic in such a way,” he admitted. 
Y/N paused her healing and walked around to look down at him. “You could have been killed, Eris. And I never would have even said goodbye.” 
Without hesitating, Eris reached up and gently grasped the back of her neck, pulling her down until her lips crashed to his. 
She was sure the movement did not feel good for his back. But one would never know from the way his body only tried to pull her in further.
The subject was lost for a few moments, while their lips moved together.
Eventually, they pulled apart. 
“You are right,” Eris told her, voice raspy. 
“I am right?” She questioned, suddenly forgetting what they had even been talking about before he kissed her. 
“I should have woken you before I left,” he clarified. 
Then he smirked. “But I knew you would have tried to come.” 
“Of course I would have!” She admitted with a playful glare. 
His eyes darkened in warning. “You cannot rush into battle alongside me every time there is danger I must face, Y/N.”
“And why not?”
“Because I need you safe. Do you forget why you are here? And because these are not your battles to fight."
Y/N looked into his eyes before she answered, “They would be if I accepted the bond.”
She yelped when she was suddenly sitting across Eris' lap. He had pulled her so swiftly that there was no stopping it. 
“Do not tease me with such things, witch.” 
His body felt so hot, it was as if there was fire itself beneath his skin.  
Y/N swallowed. “I need to finish healing your back, High Lord.” 
Eris watched her before allowing her to get up. 
A tension filled silence settled in the room. 
“Will you let me see your beast form?” She finally asked him, her tone innocent. 
Eris smirked, only because he knew she couldn’t see it. “Why, so you can make me your pet, like Ronan?”
“I think it would be rather hard to cuddle a grizzly fox that was immersed in flames…” She thought aloud. “Cuddles would be much easier when you are in this form.”
Y/N had finished with her spells and healing salve, and was now wrapping Eris in gauze to keep it in place and protect the mending. 
“Where is this torment coming from?” Eris asked as he slowly stood. 
Y/N stepped to him, her eyes seemingly innocent. 
Then she suddenly kissed him again, but pulled away only after she bit the corner of his lip, making him hiss – not from the pain, though it did sting – from arousal. 
“For not waking me,” she answered, as if it were obvious. 
She stormed out of the witchery and threw open the door to his bedchambers that were next down the hall. 
“Also, I put a sleep tonic on my lips. So you will want to get in bed in the next few minutes, or you will be passing out on the cold, hard floor. And if you ruin my hard work from that, I shall punish you even worse.” 
Eris looked at her, utterly stunned. 
“You poison your High Lord?" His eyes narrowed playfully. “Finally, your true self is revealed: you are an evil, little witch after all.” 
She ignored his teasing. “To bed, now.” 
Eris sauntered past her into his personal bedchambers. 
She waited until he sat on the bed, then she slammed the door behind her. 
Instantly, she started chanting a protection spell. 
Yes, she had just knocked Eris out, which left him even more vulnerable than he already was with his injuries and exertion of power from using his beast form. 
Therefore, she would not leave him unprotected. 
She knew his guards would be lingering further down the hall. Lucien would have ordered to give the two of them space until further orders. 
All of them straightened to attention when they saw her round the corner.
“The High Lord is to stay in his rooms and rest,” she explained firmly. “If he comes out, do not engage. One of you is to inform me immediately. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Lady Y/N.” They all said in unison. There was no mockery or questioning; their tones held only respect and understanding. 
Eris awoke feeling much better than he probably should – and he knew he had Y/N to thank for that. 
It was dusk now. And he’d left for battle before the sun had risen that morning. So he must’ve been asleep for quite some time. 
Y/N’s poison had knocked him out so quickly that he hadn’t even bathed since battle. Though she had cleaned his wounds, he probably smelled of sweat and blood. 
Eris quickly went to his bathroom and bathed, finally ridding himself of the battle filth. 
Then he threw on a simple tunic and trousers, and rushed out of his chambers. 
His sentries were waiting for him and bowed immediately. 
“The injured?” He asked, getting straight to the point. 
Captain Respen stepped forward. “Tended to, High Lord.” Then paused before he added, “More were lost, their injuries to dire. The healers did all they could.” 
Eris frowned, but gave a slow nod. 
“Where is my mate?” 
All the sentries behind their captain shared a look, silently communicating. 
“She insisted that you are to stay in your bedchambers and rest,” Respen explained.
Eris ignored that. “Where is she?” 
Eris entered the grounds where all the healer tents had appeared. He expected to hear moans of pain or tears of grief. But there was a subtle peace amongst the camp. 
The sun had just passed the horizon, leaving the forest and sky with a unique mixture of faded blues and oranges. 
“This way, High Lord,” Captain Respen nodded in a direction past the tents. 
Servants had erupted countless fire pits to both warm the camp and make visibility easier for everyone, despite faelights glowing inside each healer tent. 
Eris’ walk slowed when he heard the giggling and laughter. 
It was not a common sound in Autumn Court.
Once they walked past the last of the tents, Eris halted. 
Y/N, ran around with the mortal children they had been sheltering. It appeared they were playing a game of tag. But every time one of them got away from her grasp, a gust of wind would tickle them, causing a fit of giggles. 
“She has been running around all day, aiding the healers in any way she can. She has saved many lives today.” Captain Respen told him quietly. “When someone finally managed to get her to take a break, she came to entertain the children whose mothers were still helping the wounded.” 
Eris didn’t respond, just watched his mate, who looked utterly exhausted, yet smile and played with the children despite it. 
“Will she stay?” Respen dared to ask his High Lord the question that all of Autumn Court had come to wonder. 
Eris ignored him, but the clenching of his jaw was visible. 
He stepped towards his mate, purposely making noise to bring attention to his arrival. 
The children’s laughter stopped immediately at the sight of the High Lord. Some of them even eyed him with fear. 
“It is alright,” Y/N assured them.
Then she beckoned Eris closer, to her. 
He did as requested, following that invisible string attached to his heart.
“Is it true you turned into a beast?” One of the brave children asked hurriedly. 
Y/N bit back her smile. 
“Can you show us?” Another cried out before Eris could even answer. 
“I do not think your mothers would appreciate that,” Eris told them. 
“I don’t have one. So can you at least show me?” Another begged. 
“Now, now,” Y/N playfully scolded them. "The High Lord is far too powerful to show off his gifts like some court jester.” 
“Awww!!!” They all whined in unison. 
But Eris kneeled before them, pausing dramatically to get their attention back. 
The children leaned in, believing they changed his mind. 
With a subtle and small flick of Eris’ wrist, his palm twisted to the sky, and fireworks erupted above them. 
The children cheered and jumped underneath the fireworks as they continued to erupt in every color they could ever want, some even turning into little animals before exploding. 
They tried to catch the falling light in their hands. But it would always disappear before they could, creating a new game for the children. 
Y/N moved to her mate’s side to join him in watching the new joy.
“Neat trick," she told him.  
Eris gave her a shy smile. “I used to do the same for Lucien when he was a child. Sometimes it was the only thing that could stop his crying fits after father… reprimanded him.” 
But they both knew it was more than reprimanding.
Eris sighed. “It has been so many centuries, I almost forgot about it entirely...until now. 
“How are you feeling?” Y/N asked him. 
“I am fine,” he answered too quickly. 
She sighed, but didn’t push. 
“My guards say you have not rested since tending to me,” he pointed out. 
She shrugged dismissively. “There were many injured. And the healers were overwhelmed. I helped as much as I possibly could.”
“And I am grateful for it.” He countered. “But for someone who does not wish to join this Court, you certainly care about its inhabitants.” 
“Shhh,” she warned. “None of that. I am quite tired.” 
The next second, Eris had scooped Y/N up in his arms. 
“Eris!” She admonished. “Your injuries!”
“My injuries are healing – thanks to you.”
Eris passed his guards, who had been watching over them from a distance. “Once the fireworks finish, make sure the children return to their mothers and caretakers.”
“Of course, High Lord. The children will be looked after.” Captain Respen bowed. 
When they were at the doors of the Forest House, Eris locked eyes with one of the footman who stood at the ready. 
“Bring dinner to her bedchambers,” he ordered. 
The footman nodded and rushed off. 
Eris looked down to see that Y/N had closed her eyes and rested her head in the crook of his neck. 
“Are we too tired for a bath?” He asked quietly. 
Without opening her eyes, Y/N mumbled. “Never too tired for a bath.”
Eris huffed a laugh. “Good. It is my turn to take care of you.” 
“Will you promise that I will wake up next to you tomorrow morning?” 
“I promise, Y/N.” 
Thank you thank you thank you for your patience. I'm sure no one will read this...but work was really terrible around the holidays. I was trying to find a new job, but the job market is so terrible. So my mental health just took a real hit. I've also really gotten back into reading, so that because my thing unwind after work, instead of writing. I had also been doing a lot of different personal art projects – painting, editing, and photographing. And those started feeling better than writing for me.
Anyways...thank you for those who stuck with me and were patient and supportive.
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the-elder-polls · 14 days
so. at the absolutely wretched suggestion of my roommate:
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if you don't wanna see these polls, blacklist #ideal spouse poll
don't see your ideal spouse here? go to the #ideal spouse poll tag on my blog and look for 'em there!
this poll is a multi-part poll.
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