#can you tell I was a warrior cats kid lmao
constellarcreator · 4 months
I love making up OC animatics in my head. When Estelle finally wises up to Pyroar's abuse and gets up the courage to end their friendship, Pyroar subsequently blows up at him for trying to abandon her and starts a fight. They battle it out for a while and it's super epic and climactic until Pyroar gets so enraged and out of control that she starts a forest fire with an ill-placed flamethrower. Estelle realizes that he definitely cannot stay and fight any longer and flees, while Pyroar's fate is left unknown. The two never see each other again.
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littledragondork · 1 year
Cat Au Request: Muiri
@da3drat​ requested his wife Muiri for my TES NPC Cat drawings so I thought why not start with her :3c
I’ll definitely take more suggestions, it was fun drawing her and learning more about an NPC I’d otherwise overlook!
(I have a batch of 3 more designs being posted sometime tomorrow)
Art and some design notes under the cut
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She was very fun to draw despite me not knowing much about her character besides the fact she is a Dark Brotherhood contract and you kill her sister and ex-partner so I consulted the UESP wik and skimmed some lines to get more.
Cool to see she’s an alchemist assistant and I didn’t even know she was a marriage candidate at all which is cool as heck! you kill her ex and take his girl, what a win! Sucks for her friend though I guess.
I decided to make her a chocolate spotted tabby because I like the colors and the spots are fun to draw! And I made her a long/medium fur cat because I feel somewhere around the Reach would get pretty cold, not ocean or winter cold but a lack of direct sunlight and mountain breeze cold so it would be practical for her to have a fluffier coat. I added a few little doodles on the sides as well just for fun and to practice drawing quickly :3c
her legs are a little short for my liking but I feel it adds to the charm so they can stay
Designs are free to use w/ credit :3
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phantomdecibel · 2 years
okay so basically all the talk abt my boi euryl inspired me to whip up this quick lil thing now enjoy poli n euryl bullying odys into getting some sleep :)
oh yeah it doesnt have a name. so suffer i guess /j-
“When was the last time he slept, again?” Eurylochus muttered, crossing his arms as he watched Odysseus trip over his feet again. out of the corner of his eye he could see Polites wince, and then relax as their friend managed to right himself and carry on as if nothing had happened.
“I,” Polites hesitated, voice equally soft. “I’m not sure, to be honest. Its… been a while, though, if I had to say.”
Eurylochus snorted.
That much was obvious, and they both knew it. Polites watched Odysseus with an intensity that could rival a god’s, barely blinking as the two of them watched Odysseus stumble again. The man beside him tilted his head, just slightly, to the side, and Eurylochus found himself mirroring his friend. Normally Odysseus would have noticed them by now – following the man around staring was one of Polites’s favourite tactics to get Odysseus’s, or Eurylochus’s, attention and let him know he was about to get in trouble. It was… slightly unnerving, if Eurylochus was being honest, but amusing, too.
Point was; normally Odysseus would have noticed them following him around like this, and either glared them to the point of laughter or shooed them off. The fact that he hadn’t seemed to realize they were there was… concerning.
“If you don’t try talking to him soon,” Eurylochus sighed as Polites started trotting after Odysseus, following at a more leisurely pace, “then I’m taking matters into my own hands.”
“Oh, please don’t,” Polites snickered, glancing back at him. Eurylochus rolled his eyes, and nodded after their friend’s retreating back.
“Better hurry up and try something, then. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tripped over the side of the boat at this rate.”
“Alright, alright,” Polites conceded. Eurylochus picked up his pace so that they were walking side by side, and shared a look with him as Odysseus nearly fell over again. “Okay, okay, I’m going. Cut him off for me?”
Odysseus had never liked being confronted about his own poor self care (none of them did, to be honest), and if he saw Polites approaching him he would probably make a break for it. If he was tired enough though… well, if he were tired enough then Eurylochus should be able to herd the man right into Polites’s trap.
And, well, if that didn’t work…
Eurylochus nodded silently and took off, making his way around Odysseus from a distance. This was an old game by now; one of them would do something dumb, go too long without sleep, for example, and the other two would force their hand in any way they saw fit. It would be telling just how tired Odysseus was if he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There weren’t many good hiding places on the deck of a boat, but Eurylochus wasn’t exactly trying to hide – Odysseus hadn’t noticed him yet anyways.
Which. Concerning.
Eurylochus circled the deck, keeping one eye on his two friends, until Odysseus was sandwiched between himself and Polites. He still hadn’t noticed him, even though Eurylochus was right in front of him.
Looking past his weary friend, Eurylochus caught Polites gaze. The other man nodded, slowly and deliberately, and Eurylochus slowly started deliberately making his way over to Odysseus. Unlike earlier, when he was trying not to be seen, Eurylochus made sure to step a bit heavier than usual, and caught Odysseus’s gaze with a frown.
Odysseus froze when he finally, finally noticed Eurylochus stalking forwards, before wrenching their gazes apart and turning on his heel to hurry away – and running right into Polites.
Gotcha. Odysseus must be exhausted for that to have worked, the trick had been his idea in the first place, and one they used all the time in a number of different situations.
Eurylochus fell back as Polites trapped their friend in a conversation, gesturing with his hands. He didn’t need to know the exact words to know what was being said and what to watch for; while he himself had been in that same position on a number of occasions, Odysseus was the chronic overworker out of the three of them. Him and Polites had long since perfected forcing the stubborn man to get some rest.
Sure enough, Odysseus shook his head, waving a dismissing hand towards Polites. Polites himself didn’t look too surprised, with his hands on his hips and lips pursed with what Eurylochus had long since learned to recognize as concern. He let Odysseus go without too much of a fuss – an unusual sight for most of the crew, who were valiantly pretending they weren’t watching. Polites glanced back over at Eurylochus, though he really didn’t need the signal, already on the move.
His turn.
Odysseus had apparently forgotten he was there, because it was laughably easy to slink up behind him, following in his wake for a couple of steps until his friend relaxed, shoulders slumping as he realized Polites wasn’t following him.
A mistake, really.
Eurylochus lunged, using all the extra speed and strength he’d amassed from years at war to swipe Odysseus’s feet out from underneath him. The man yelped as he fell, flailing a little in surprise, but Eurylochus was quick to catch him and throw him over his shoulder, holding his friend there with one arm.
“Oof–” Unbalanced, there wasn’t much Odysseus could do to protest the rough treatment until he’d gained his bearings, but at that point it was much too late. “Wh– hey! Eurylochus–”
Odysseus struggled, trying to kick him in the side. Eurylochus just weathered through the weak blows, and tightened his grip, hauling the other man off towards his cabin. Polites trailed behind them, snickering and waving the befuddled crew off. Eurylochus turned towards him briefly to shoot his friend a smug smirk, while Odysseus glared between the two of them. Polites rolled his eyes at Eurylochus, but snickered just a little bit louder each time Odysseus’s baleful glare was fixed on him.
“Put me down!” Odysseus hissed, flailing some more. Eurylochus felt him shift, presumably to swipe at Polites. He probably missed though, Eurylochus was holding him too tightly for him to go far, and Polites had been lingering out of reach last time he’d checked. Plus, the man in question only started wheezing with laughter. Odysseus writhed in his grasp, twisting to gently bonk Eurylochus on the head and repeating “Put me down!”
“No can do, Captain,” Eurylochus hummed, amusement dying. As funny as Odysseus’s flailing was, the circumstances were still… concerning. “This is an intervention. You need some sleep.”
“I’m fine,” the man objected in vain. Idly, Eurylochus adjusted his hold on his friend again. Odysseus clearly wasn’t, but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter anymore.
“You’re not,” Polites gently pushed back. He must have still been a bit too far away, because Odysseus didn’t try to swat at him again. “Eurylochus is right. You didn’t even notice us following you around all day.”
“I did–” but he sounded more petulant than honest. Eurylochus snorted softly.
“We both know you too well for that. It’s bedtime for you.”
Odysseus hissed unintelligibly, kicking weakly again. Polites darted past them, off in the direction of Odysseus’s cabin, leaving Eurylochus to deal with their squirming friend on his own. He grunted as another kick collided with his ribs, but there wasn’t any real force behind it. They both knew that Odysseus wouldn’t be escaping any time soon, even if the man didn’t want to accept it yet.
Still, getting continuously kicked in roughly the same place would bruise eventually, even if it didn’t hurt, and that was something Eurylochus was looking to avoid, thank you very much. Luckily, their destination wasn’t far.
Sure enough, Polites held the door to Odysseus’s cabin open, and grinned as he held up a key at Eurylochus’s enquiring glance. He nodded and darted into the room, studiously ignoring Odysseus’s newly envigored attempts to escape.
This had to be done quickly, in and out before Odysseus had a chance to react, with the door locked before he could reach it to try and stop them. Eurylochus eyed the cot in the corner, piled with a number of extra blankets and pillows Polites must have gathered. Hmm, this should be fine…
It was slightly more difficult with the way Odysseus was flailing, but Eurylochus still managed to drop the man from his shoulder and catch him again without too much fuss. Just a little bit closer, then he could run.
“Do not–” Odysseus hissed, but there was no stopping Eurylochus now.
With one last step, he hoisted Odysseus up into the air and tossed him onto the pile in the corner, turning on his heel and booking it out of the cabin. Polites slammed the door shut in time with a thump coming from back inside, probably Odysseus falling from the bed in a desperate attempt to untangle himself from the blankets, and locked it as Eurylochus held it shut in case Odysseus managed to reach the door before the last step of their plan could be completed.
Seconds after Polites had pulled back with a satisfied grin, something collided against the door with a series of muffled curses. Eurylochus stayed leant against it, but the door held firm. When no further escape attempts followed, he pushed off it to offer Polites, who had fallen to the ground in a fit of laughter, a hand up. Once his friend had composed himself, Polites leant back towards the door, where Odysseus’s footsteps could be heard pacing back and forth.
“Get some rest, my friend!”
Eurylochus nodded, even though their friend couldn’t see him. “We’ll make sure the fleet doesn’t burn down while you’re gone, Captain. You’d better be asleep by the time we get back.”
The two of them waited until Odysseus’s footsteps had stopped, and then a minute more. When it seemed like the man had finally accepted his fate, the two of them crept off.
“That went better than expected!” Polites chirped, clapping his hands together.
“That it did.”
Polites bumped their shoulders together. “I totally thought he was going to bite you, my friend!”
Eurylochus snorted and rolled his eyes, elbowing his friend in retaliation.
“He knew it wouldn’t have helped him,” he side-eyed the grinning Polites, not bothering to fight down his own smirk. “Which is why I’m always the one who grabs him.”
Polites scoffed good naturedly, but didn’t otherwise respond, and they continued to make their way to the bow of the ship.
“What are you all looking at?” Eurylochus called out to the lingering crew. “Full speed ahead!”
Edit: oh yeah forgot to mention – ignore the implication that doors can only be locked from the outside lmao
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thing-of-all-time · 2 months
incomprehensible cat doodles
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leviafin · 24 days
Having exotrauma from a "cringe" or "silly" source sucks. It feels like you're taken infinitely less seriously than those who have trauma from grittier, adult-geared and/or "acceptable" sources. Which in and of itself just isolates you and makes it worse.
I'm not just a silly little thing from your silly little Roblox game that could never show signs of trauma because it's 'just a kids game'--and I'm not your blorbo either. It feels like there's 2 common options for how people treat fictionkind with exotrauma:
Oh my poor little scrunkly, my little cardboard box meow meow.... Going to hold you because I love babying you and treating you like you're not even a person because I see you only as my favourite character. (Mind you, this is distinctly SEPARATE from actual friendly support, you can tell the difference.)
You're not a fictional character, get over it lmao. Yeah I know you are them but like you didn't ACTUALLY live through that, stop claiming it, it's disrespectful. Why are you upset at my memes about your death lol. Get a life.
So like... Maybe fictionkind are people. Maybe I don't want to think about the worse parts of my source. Maybe I don't want my trauma shoved in my face as a little funny joke, even if the context is changed. Maybe, just maybe... Leave alterhumans with fictional sources alone. Even if their source is lighthearted, even if it's for kids, even if it's the most "cringe" media you can think of.
Sonic the Hedgehog might've seemed fine in-source but maybe he's fucked up from all that he's been through. That warrior cat alterhuman isn't just being edgy, maybe they're suffering from the memories of fighting to survive day in and day out. Bluey is allowed to be not okay, and their source shouldn't dictate their experiences. Do you ever think that some Pokemon or trainers don't have amazing, adventurous lives travelling around with their best friends? Mario might have nightmares and flashbacks from his source. Mickey Mouse is allowed to be hurt, and allowed to express that. That MLP alterhuman isn't always going to be just a happy colourful magic pony with no issues whatsoever.
We are PEOPLE, and our sources being "happy", "for kids", "light-hearted", "fun" or anything of the sort should NOT dictate how we are treated here, what our experiences are "allowed" to be, or how we are expected to act. Treat fictionkind--of all sorts--like PEOPLE.
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bonefall · 4 months
i NEED to know more about waspwhisker/waspstar now that xey seem to be leader during TBC/ASC. are xey as levelheaded as leafstar or more aggressive? i think it would be fun if xey were willing to defend skyclans separate culture WAY MORE than leafstar was willing to. that would especially bring conflict with the imposter and maybe could even lead to a battle!
I'm leaning HEAVILY towards doing it. Killing off Leafstar during Squirrelflight's Horror by having Juniperclaw poison their food makes perfect sense. He was trying to make them desperate to leave the territory, so they'd invade the Sisters' camp.
Plus, then I can delete the Meadow Saffron subplot. There was no new plant that suddenly showed up like a big coincidence RIGHT as tensions escalated-- Sparkpelt can just have gotten a bite of the poisoned food somehow.
(Maybe a diplomatic meeting... I'll think about it.)
Anyway, here's an Intro to BB!Waspwhisker, and how xey would act as Waspstar in comparison to BB!Leafstar;
Once the ShadowClan family tree is complete, I will be going back to SkyClan's overhaul and making it more significant.
But in the meanwhile, Waspwhisker is a very close family cat to xeir mate Fallowfern, and kids; Plumwillow, Rabbitleap, and Creekfeather.
(Nettleplash might be gone, unsure.)
I really like Creekfeather for absolutely no reason. I just like his name lmao. SO I'm probably going to put him into The Kin so I can get mileage out of him as a villain
Having Waspwhisker have to fight and maybe even kill xeir own son sounds absolutely JUICY. Push this guy to the BRINK
Show, over and over, how Waspwhisker is willing to put SkyClan above everything xey've ever loved.
When The Kin absorbed a significant portion of SkyClan, Waspwhisker took Leafstar's side. Though xey can be tough, xey're always fair and rational.
The reason to exclude Daylight Warriors makes no sense and is just based on pride, in xeir eyes. The Daylight Warriors are not the ones attacking the camp right now, are they?
There are SkyClan Warriors in the gorge that night, and there are traitors.
And if that includes Creekfeather... then so be it. Creekfeather has made his choice.
You might think that Waspwhisker is a mean person. Xey're not.
In fact, when it comes to friends and family, Wasp's compassion is absolutely limitless.
Plumwillow and Rabbitleap get their love of long discussions from xem, as a Ba Waspwhisker was always encouraging their curiosity.
Xey like to answer questions with more questions, and guide kits and apprentices by leading them to the right answer instead of outright telling them.
The thing that makes Waspwhisker so brutal is that, well... xey just don't see the value in being overly generous. Xey want what xey are owed.
Down to the last scrap of fur, the final droplet of blood.
As a warrior who has gone through so much, loved so thoroughly, and serves a people who have lost everything, shouldn't respect come with that?
SkyClan has been cheated, threatened, and betrayed from the moment they were driven from the forest. Waspwhisker believes in reciprocity like it's a bank account-- xey simply want the positives and the negatives to be in balance.
It feels clear to xem that the moment they stepped paw into the new forest, the Forest Four saw them as pitiable.
They were not equal. SkyClan is a mixed-blood Clan of ex-kittypets and loners.
The politeness that defines SkyClan, helped to keep coalitions of cats together at a distance through forgiveness and cordiality, is a funny joke to Forest Four.
Though times are changing in Clan Culture, strength is currently still a stronger value than diplomacy.
Leafstar was playing by SkyClan rules. They have their own values, traditions, even a copy of the warrior code that diverges earlier.
But Waspwhisker can see-- what at first seems "amusing" about SkyClan to the Forest Four is quickly hardening into contempt.
And that contempt is mutual.
Forest Four cats are proud, self-absorbed, xenophobic, and stubborn. And they don't even realize that.
They're so used to only ever dealing with each other. With their big bluffs, political showboating, and ceremonial fights.
To Waspwhisker, it seems as though Forest Four cats see battle like a game. One you play together, with ancient, unspoken rules that SkyClan has been locked out of for generations.
It's been so long since they've known REAL fear that they've forgotten it. SkyClan hasn't.
Claws aren't toys; battle isn't a game. To SkyClan, their skills are a martial art.
To be respected.
In SkyClan's conversation about what "version" of the Warrior Code they will use, and how they interact with other Clans, Waspwhisker has always felt uneasy about the very premise.
Who interprets the Code, to begin with? Us, or them?
If I end up going with this, Leafstar will die of poisoning in Squirrelflight's Horror.
Juniperclaw did it to try and convince SkyClan that the Sisters ARE a threat. He wants them out of ShadowClan territory.
At first, Heartstar is going to refute any accusations of her deputy/nephew doing this poisoning. Nepotism is her consistent weak spot.
Waspwhisker might have died too, but someone tasted poison.
(Maybe I'll have it be the wounded sister they are holding as a prisoner. She can recognize a flower in a spoonful of soup and lurch foward to slap it out of their paw, then dump over the pot. Maybe when Squilf's about to have a bite, so there's a big accusation that the sister only stopped it to try and help the one who's been nice to her)
But in any case, when Waspwhisker finds out that it was a Forest Four warrior who did this...
It really solidifies in xem that xeir uneasiness was right.
Juniperclaw may have acted alone, but his feelings were born out of a deeper spite. One that Leafstar was too optimistic about.
They'll never take SkyClan seriously if something is not done about Juniperclaw. Exile is a JOKE.
The only thing that Forest Four cats seem to respect is brutality.
So xey will GIVE them brutality.
You demand we follow your version of this code?
"We'll start with a true warrior not needing to kill to win his battles, unless it is necessary for self-defense. Understand that I have no reason to believe Juniperclaw would not do it again. This was self-defense."
If the Forest Four can't even be consistent about Commandment 1, then they wouldn't be able to handle how SkyClan interprets the rest.
Xey insist SkyClan matters will be handled by SkyClan. When a law would affect another Clan, then we can discuss it.
Like Bramblestar, Waspstar refuses to be pushed around.
Unlike Bramblestar, they aren't a particularly emotional or biased person. In fact, Waspstar is cold.
That reputation is exactly what xey want, though. Let it precede us. "If they fear us, we live in peace. If they respect us, we live in peace. I offer the choice of which type of harmony we have together."
A good diplomat realizes quickly that Waspstar is not unreasonable, though. Getting xem to do anything is a matter of demonstrating mutual benefit.
Or making a show of goodwill.
Hawkwing is chosen as Waspstar's deputy because of his compassion and commitment.
They're not TOO different as well, and that's a plus to Wasp. Xey want the deputy to see eye-to-eye with xem, but still be bold and emotional enough to launch a challenge if needed.
Xey have thought fondly of Hawkwing ever since Plumwillow's mate went missing, and Hawkwing became a father to Wasp's grandkits.
Unfortunately, I can see Waspstar either respecting the Impostor a lot (for living by the same brutality he demands of other Clans) OR coming to a huge battle against the Impostor (for trying to force SkyClan to live a certain way).
In contrast to BB!Leafstar, who would think Bramblefake is a lunatic from the very beginning.
In a nutshell; If the two leaders heard the phrase, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,"
Leafstar would hum and smile, praising the wisdom of the words. There are many ways to win a battle, and she does not want SkyClan to have to lose its peaceful life after enduring so much hardship. "That which cannot be fixed must be broken, and revenge is not something that can be repaired."
Waspstar would gently shake xeir head. That hope died with her. Either SkyClan will choose the change they make, or it will be taken. Our new neighbors respect only one thing, and if we want our kittens to live in peace, then we must study war, "If the enemy has taken your eye, take both of theirs."
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lesbianjackies · 4 months
the yellowjackets’ favorite books hcs bc i saw one of these and disagreed with all of them 👍
jackie: okay i’m so sorry but this girl only reads trashy romance novels she found on booktok. it drives shauna BONKERS because she’s incapable of getting jackie to read anything she likes.
natalie: i don’t think she’s a reader but if she was she would be a comic girlie. dc > marvel and she gets into fights with van over it regularly.
laura lee: she genuinely really likes theology books and she FOR SURE grew up on american girl and still loves them. she will pick up anything if she hears it’s gay or christian but she has really high standards and she’ll dnf any book that doesn’t meet them.
lottie: she’s an astrology girlie for SURE so i think she reads a lot of books on that to compile as much knowledge as she can (so she can psychoanalyze her friends). i also feel like she was a greek mythology kid so i think she’s read a lot of the original myths and likes a few select retellings (but they’re not the popular ones. she, like laura lee, has really high standards).
van: okay SHE is like definitely a comic girlie for sure. marvel > dc. she’s also just into those classic middle grade books every queer person read as a kid like harry potter and percy jackson and still has a lot of nostalgia for them. oh she was also a warrior cats kid for SURE. lmao.
misty: WARRIOR CATS KID AND IT SCREWED HER UP FOR LIFE. big into harry potter & lord of the rings and also just random niche fantasy series. reads a LOT and she’s active in a lot of fandom circles and she tries to get everyone she talks to into the books she reads.
taissa: def a nonfiction girlie. books on law, books on feminism, books on queer history… van thinks everything she reads is boring as fuck and she thinks everything van reads is stupid. true love 🫶
travis: ough okay i think travis is ALSO a comic girlie. but i think she’s more niche with it. i think she likes like….. umbrella academy type shit idk. and i think as a kid she was into stuff that was “for girls” until her dad bullied it out of her and now she gets really upset when she sees those series / hears someone talk about how they read them.
shauna: CLASSICS. brontë sisters, jane austen, edgar allan poe, emily dickinson…… yeah. she’s SO pretentious about it too she has two copies of each book so she can have a pretty one on her shelf and then a torn up copy that she can write notes in and she’s always carrying books around and reading them in public to show people she’s smart……. yeahhhh.
mari: mari doesn’t read that’s for fucking nerds. (she was a warrior cats kid and she’s obsessed with harry potter, percy jackson, and the lord of the rings. tell anyone and she’ll hurt you badly.)
akilah: rainbow fairies kid!!!!!! doesn’t read as much as she used to; if she does pick up a book it’s gotta be something that really speaks to and connects with her.
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klausinamarink · 4 months
writers 20 questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
45 at the moment! I have a few more wips to post on the way so the number is going to go higher
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things. I’m looking to branch to other fandoms though like The Locked Tomb in the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Standup, You’re Never Too Much, Recapturing the Sunset, Just Another Flesh Wound, One Kid Gone, Another Up and Vanished
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! But not always as sometimes I immediately forget to reply and when I do, it’s a few weeks or a month later skkshdk forgive me
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Biting Back in Anger. It’s Eddie having a bad day and blowing up at Steve, who leaves trying not to cry :)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhh most of my fics have happy endings but I think I can nominate The Tinsel Tradition. It has Steve, Eddie, and Robin building a home together in NYC, healed and happy in every queer way!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope, thank god
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ve been writing more smut recently and exploring some areas. I’m honestly gotten more comfortable though it’s still a challenge to get the right words without coming off as awkward lmao. but that’s Phil’s (@theheadlessphilosopher) job 🫶💜
10. Do you write crossovers?
I’m more of a fusion au writer who borrows the setting and elements and places my blorbos in there than a straight-up crossover. Unless that counts as a crossover? Those two terms are kinds confusing sometimes..
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
There are a couple folks who played around this idea with me but nothing concrete. Though I guess Phil’s beta work can count because he writes better lines and scenarios than me
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
You’re asking me, a Steddie blog—
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oof. I have a TLOU steddie wip based on resande’s sketches, but it’s looking unlikely to be done because the person looking it as my beta reader over got busy with other things and I’ve lost the writing juice 😔
16. What are your writing strengths?
Many people tell me that I am very visceral with my descriptions, esp with horror, and setting the tension is top-notch 🥰 (I am a freak who loves gore and blood tehehehehe)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have too many ideas and a problem to actually write what I want that it comes off as juvenile to me. I also have a tendency to gloss over the editing of my fic which I’m trying to break out of.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I honestly don’t mind it at all. However, I do get taken right out of the story if the language is written literally (like kanji for Japanese, Cyrillic for Russian, etc.) and not romanized when the character is speaking because that’s not how it works
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior Cats. We all started our writing careers from that series at some point in middle school lol
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Noooo, I can’t pick favourites- I love them all equally. But FINE, I’ll say it would be When Life Gives You Pickles, Make It Into Soup. I wrote this as mostly self-indulgent because I LOVE pickle soup and is the best comfort food of all time. I think anyone making soup in general for their significant other if PEAK relationship goals because who doesn’t love soup?? Of course I had to Steddie-ify it
thanks to Devon for tagging me! Tagging others with no pressure: @thefreakandthehair @pearynice @3minsover @penny00dreadful @chaosgremlinmunson
@cranberrymoons @dies-somniator
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
oh my GOD I love your isekai warriors au.... I love that the isekai trope is becoming a lot more popular, especially in anime... please tell me more about it!!
shaking ur hand rn hello fellow isekai anime/other mediums fan :3c FIRST lemme go on my tangent about this genre and my main inspo because wow this got way too long lol
isekai is total comfort food for me haha it's my go to genre of manga/manwha/webcomic reading whenever i'm feeling down and while i generally feel the genre is getting bloated and somewhat stale in anime, i still enjoy it quite a bit. It's a cute idea with a lot of potential, i just wish less of the shows went for the wish fulfillment route of things since we have so many by now.
mine is very inspired by a lot of korean manwha style stories in which the protag gets trapped in a show/game/book/etc. and has to deal with it, specifically what if you became the villain of a story. A lot of them play off the trope of the one dimensional evil villainess and how an average person would have to deal with coming into the body of someone like that and dealing with consequences. That, or it's the tragic villain, someone's who's life is marred by tragedy usually of their own doing.
The most interesting ones are those that play on how character archetypes would actually work in the story. The cold bad boy is just a shitty abusive guy, the shy guy who follows the girl is kind of a stalker, and so on.
One of my bigger inspirations was a plotline that also stuck out to me: a teen girl who died too soon and got reincarnated as the mother of the protagonist. obviously she has no clue what to do, she's a kid who wants to go home! And the only way she thinks she can is by ensuring the story goes as planned (and this of course is doomed from the start, unbeknownst to her, the villain is a reincarnater too and has already made tremendous changes). She dies and the reader never knows if she gets to go home or not. It's kind of this rough around the edges gem of an idea that I love and obviously had to steal for myself.
note for anyone getting intrigued by my descriptions uh a lot of these stories tend to be pretty shallow in their exploration. this subgenre consists a lot more of wish fulfillment/revenge fantasies comparatively to like a deep dive of "oh my god i've fucked up the narrative". Not to say they don't have interesting ideas! many are super interesting. just like. temper your expectations if you're going in
originally the story was gonna be set in a canon arc but that felt boring so i decided to just make up a whole story for it
The story is meant to be a (loving) poke at old fanfiction, common tropes in the aforementioned subgenre of isekai, and just a general ""cliche"" Warriors series (in the human universe here, I figured it's call Battlers/Battle Cats or something stupid lmao). In this story, Frostblaze is born into [ONE OF THE FOUR FAKE CLANS I HAVENT FIGURED OUT NAMES YET IM SORRY]. She's the born to an unnamed mother who tragically died of illness when she was just a young baby and has no clue who her father is.
She's isolated from her peers due to her eyes which some believe are an omen of her unnaturality. This only worsens when she is apprenticed to their Clan leader and causes Honeypaw, the daughter of the Clan leader, to become enraged with jealousy. She is one of Frostpaw's worst tormentors in the early parts of the book and eventually, during a battle, tries to off Frostpaw herself....but is killed by Frostpaw's love interest, the dashing and handsome (if a bit stupid) Eaglepaw of [INSERT RIVAL CLAN HERE].
The two hit it off (Honeypaw is an after thought at this point) and work together to stop the eeevviilll leader of uuhh eviiiiilll clan. They win, live happily ever after, Frost is actually their Clan leader's daughter and Honeypaw is her half-sister and blah blah blah.
At least, they're supposed to. Honeypaw, out hunting, is hit by a truck at the same time a human is. Human wakes up as a cat about to be buried because everyone thinks Honeypaw is dead and freaks the fuck out.
A lot of the plot points are kind of just me working through my gripes of the subgenre lmao:
"the person who is reincarnated is more adept and cool and better than their character and everyone loves them" -> Honey is awkward, neurotic, and can come off as rude to those who don't know her. Even her coolest trait, her wrestling ability, is off-putting because oh my god why are you putting a cAT IN A SPIDER GUARD THEIR SPINES DON'T BEND LIKE THAT HONEY PUT HIM BACK TO NORMAL-
She reread the story before she died but, because she has no pen, no paper, and sadly of all, no thumbs, she's unable to write it down to keep remembering it when she gets sent to this world. It's awful and she desperately wishes she had thumbs back.
she stands on two legs, makes weird comments alluding to being a human, and just is a bit of a weirdo. Honeypaw was isolated for being mean, Honey is isolated for making everyone uncomfortable (unintentionally). However, her isolation allows her to slip under the radar and do some more investigating, as she's noticed that some of the details in the story aren't adding up...
The story is strange and the characters aren't as she remembers now that they're in the flesh. Of course, her main priority is to thwart Honeypaw's assassination attempts, the spirit being intent that the way to get her body back is if she dies again. It's only from a near death experience that they realize that that's not gonna work and have to work together to change the story so they don't die!
and, as many people have pieced together, they're not alone.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
I find it hilarious that ASOIAF fans are just soooo into the "willful" female characters who aren't "Subservient to the Patriarchy(tm)" but the minute Catelyn decides to be a little "willful" herself and basically decides that she will feed, house, and cloth Jon as per her husband's request, but won't mother him beyond that all of a sudden she's this evil demon that is the Worst Person Ever? I thought we loved the bratty willful types that don't want to fulfill their patriarchal duties? Like people in this fandom shit on traditionally feminine characters who don't fight gender norms (lmao) but Catelyn was supposed to just sit their and take the utter humiliation of Ned not only bringing home his presumed bastard son but then telling Cat she had to raise him among her trueborn children (which is something that is never done for the most obvious reasons).
Pretty sure the logic is that Catelyn is obligated to sublimate her own interest within their society for the benefit of a “fellow victim”, whose victimization “trumps” hers because he is a child. Even if her “morally correct” action of making Jon feel welcome essentially takes the form of completely submitting to patriarchy because it ultimately benefits the patriarch himself the most for her to more than tolerate Jon’s presence. No interpersonal conflict bothers Ned’s peace of mind, and when it doubt one of his own children inherits in any case. Good job, saintly wife. 
There is no way Catelyn can try to benefit herself that won’t see her condemned in some way, because their society pits her against a child very deliberately. There is no way to stand up for herself that doesn’t materially worsen her situation. You cannot be “willful” here in a way that harms patriarchy more than it harms you or your kids, the system always wins. 
People can’t grasp that GRRM is critiquing the patriarchy precisely by showing us a catch 22. There is no “correct” path here for Catelyn, nor for Jon. It’s either self-denial or infringing on someone else’s legitimate self-interest - you have to be a saint or you’re a moral failure. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature of the concept of bastardy. It removes the burden of consequences from the patriarch.
The only ones who defy patriarchy in this aspect are people like the Mormont ladies, who let the line of succession continue through the maternal line with nary a husband in sight. And they do it with the - as of now unexplained (!) - tolerance or blessing of their society. Probably because Bear Island is both strategically important in repelling the ironborn and because it’s not the most attractive place to try and send someone who’s not a local. And only after the male line was unexpectedly erased by Jeor taking the black before Jorah abandoned ship fleeing the law. And because the Mormont ladies are masculine-coded by default, being warriors themselves. A special case that is treated as an exception by their still very very very patriarchal society.
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littledragondork · 1 year
yeah I redrew cat AU Brynjolf, Karliah and Mercer because I hated the older designs (Link to the older ones here if you want to compare them)
Bryn first because he was the more fun one to draw
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Big fluffy lad, I imagine he's one of those cats that is damn near the size of a medium dog, like 15lbs+/6.8kg+ or something, small-ish compared to someone like The werewolf twins or Ulfric but easily the biggest in his faction by a landslide. Maine coon and Norwegian forest cat were the main reference, just a big guy.
Karliah next!!
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Karliah was fun to draw the shapes for but I hated her colors for the longest time, I made her a sepia(?) point because I simply love colorpoints and it makes sense with her having royal blood and all that. The doodle of her face down asleep is my favorite, girl needs to rest. Oriental short hair was the main reference but I decied after finishing her art that I wanted to give them little manes but I didn't feel like adding one to her so I just say she shaves it.
Mercer Frey is last because his pose and design was actual pain
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Bastard man himself, I kept him being a colorpoint but I liked him being a Lynx point a lot more than just solid so I did that as well as give him a more interesting pose as a whole. I gave him spots instead of stripes because I liked it more visually and wanted to mix things up. Also, I had no fucking clue before doing this that his eyes were blue, I figured they'd be hazel or something tbh. Anyway, the bastard man.
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sirenemale · 4 months
I was hoping someone would ask for theseee YAY
❓️ : fav total background character (im not talking minor characters like say. whitewing or moonlight, i mean cats with like...3 lines tops)
This is sooo hard actually. I think most of mine still fall into minor adjacent cause they get some focus and lines. But I've always really liked Ashfoot, literally one of the only wc map parts I've made was about her. I always thought the windclan family dynamic of her being related to onestar was really fun. She just seems very together and competent and idk, I like that she and her husband were both deputies with a foot suffix.
I also always really liked breezepelt's kids, idk what they ever really got up to in canon but Smokehaze, brindlewing, appleshine and woodsong are such cute names. There's probably a lot to explore with how he'd approach parenting with how he grew up. I also think it's really cute that the older sisters ended up mentoring their younger siblings.
Also not super minor, but I guess semi-minor in terms of how often I see fan stuff for them. Pretty much every side or minor character in Graystripe's vow i really liked. Gremlin, Fury, all of warriorclan. Petunia especially, I think all of them you can draw some really fun parallels with first arc characters, I almost wish we'd gotten some kinda soft reset where we start following them instead of the kinda giant extended never ending conflict we have in the main clans. Fury is the antagonist obviously but I don't think she made any kinda impact on the fandom really, I just think she's fun. At the end when she's mostly defeated and bleeding out she crawls to the top of the high rocks in thunderclan camp and I was hoping soooo fucking bad she'd be deranged enough to just stand up there boasting until she died. Not what happened but it's what happened in my heart, not deep at all as a character I just liked that she got to be kinda crazy.
OTHER than thattt. I can only think of Red from Skyclan's destiny. There was a rogue camp and she had drama with her dad bc she had a boyfriend, then her dad Stick tries to kill that guy and she jumps in front first and dies and everyone regrets it lmao.
💢 : what scene made you the most irrationally angry upon first reading
The entirety of Squirrelflight's hope for 1. It was such a viscerally deeply upsetting book to me.
The scenes of Bramblestar demoting squirrelflight to children's tasks, not letting her leave the camp without telling him because she Challenged him, taking her autonomy away, guilt tripping her, telling her she's selfish for not wanting to kill pregnant woman who is going to leave in Less than a MONTH anyway. The whole book just made me feel crazy. It's crazy how uncharacteristically sadistic every character becomes JUST so squirrelflight can be made to look inconsiderate for Embarrassing her husband in public by telling him they can just Wait for them to leave. And it's worse because it does completely break her down, Bramblestar completely shatters her sense of confidence, her sense of safety and personality ALL for the book to treat it like it was two-sided, all for her to apologize to him for speaking up and then the book ends. I don't think warrior cats has ever written anything more vile than this genuinely.
I remember that scene where she brought one of the sisters, who was dying, into camp for Leafpool to treat. and bramblestar threatened leafpool, his sister-in law and their DOCTOR not to heal an outsider. when squirrelflight argues and protects leafpool, fights for sunrise, bramblestar asks Why are you doing this to me. Guilting her and forcing her to choose between saving a woman's life, protecting her sister, AND listening to him beyond all reason. Choosing anything else except him is Hurting him. That's the framing. And it's crazy bc this isn't normal for warrior cats either, again it's uncharacteristically sadistic, it goes against the code, and it's all so they could write this scene, so bramble could say that, So it would Hurt squirrelflight, and punish her narratively.
You'd think it's intentional writing but then you remember this is the last book he's meant to be Good, because the next arc he's possessed by ashfur and is meant to actually be abusive and possessive and terrifying, which he is. But it's just fucking mortifying that the writer's idea of Bramblestar at his best, at the point where everyone missed him, is this. That they consistently do believe their relationship is healthiest and most equal when she is completely submitting to him.
ANYWAY that;s not even the actual last scene that broke me irt actually reading warrior cats myself LMAO.
it was similar though it was the way they handled shadowsight in the broken code. Similar thing of a character who is being so outrageously abused, other characters around him are suddenly far more sadistic and cruel than they've been before just to further beat him down While also having it be narratively justified.
Anyway it's the scene where Shadowsight, mothwing (i think), lionblaze and willowshine are trying to access the dark forest or starclan to get bramble's spirit back. No one trusts shadowsight, they all literally hate him, especially Lionblaze. Shadowsight offers to go to the dark forest, knowing there's a good chance he'll die there. He does this because he's basically suicidal at this point, so wracked with guilt over unknowingly creating this situation and having everyone Blame him for it that he's like Let me make it right. Lionblaze refuses because he doesn't trust him, so Willowshine offers instead. Willow lies down and closes her eyes so she can dream herself into the dark forest and in one of the fucking rawest scenes they've had in a MINUTE she dies on the spot. Ashfur killed her spirit in the darkforest so fast that barely a minute after she closes her eyes her physical body DIES. Lionblaze immediatelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy blames shadowsight for this and is like it should have been you why did you let this happen. And at that point i was really like. if i keep reading this series I am Actually going to smash my head into a walllllllllll. I think I did finish the book a while later and idk.
It's hard knowing so much of this could be really hard hitting writing about abuse and complex situations. I think the meta of warriors is really interesting, the way the authors misogyny and absurd hate for abuse victims literally warps the world and character morals book by book. The way it literally gets worse as the books continue. I can't stomach reading it myself anymore LMAO. But I also have permanent brain worms for warriors so I still keep up with the character drama in the new books, there's stuff that's really interesting to me. Looking at curlfeather, frostpaw and splashtail's stuff. But yeah
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yonpote · 9 months
Hi it’s phurry anon! I don’t have any well put opinions myself; I’ve just been thinking about how for a long while the jokes just went into an unnecessarily sour/mean territory at least in my ears and definitely in the phandom (exactly what you mentioned in the tags of your previous reply!). It does seem like the tone has mellowed out (especially since coming out and the dapg revival) and that they’ve started leaning into it for real. I don’t think they were ever purposefully mean-mean abt it though, like I’d draw a comparison between the overly mean tone abt furries & 2012 Being Straight-business; not that they’re exactly the same, but it feels like being in the same vein to me (and phandom meanness is obviously its own thing). Anyway I love the development I’m a dnp furry truther 4ever <3
Sorry about the wall of text. I’m not really into furry stuff myself so I’ve wondered if it’s just me being too sensitive/etc, I’d love to hear your (/other peoples) thoughts!
anon you are absolutely correct, as someone who was kind of on the short end of the stick wrt phannies being weirdly mean about furries. like it was always in a Just Kidding tone but like, you can tell when people are arent actually just kidding and just straight up think youre weird :) i highly doubt dnp were ever trying to be actually mean about it, but also the bullying of furries was just kind of a universally accepted thing in internet culture for a while as like, people only saw it as a weird sexual thing. and while i'm not gonna deny that sex and nsfw content is a part of some people's enjoyment of it 1) it's anthropomorphic which means HUMANIZED and not actual animals and 2) that's not all there is to enjoying furry stuff or being a furry or whatever. ultimately, it's just self expression. it's being able to imagine a version of yourself that doesn't have to have anything to do with what you are like in real life, it's not a coincidence that furries tend to be queer and neurodivergent. idk if dnp are "Actually Furries" whatever that means, but there isnt just one way to Be A Furry. for example there are so many different art styles, some closer to western disney cartoons, some more anime, some that look like realistic animals and some that are just Symbols or Suggestions of animals. theres also levels of anthro LMAO like, human boy with cat ears and tail to straight up warrior cat, and plenty of places to fall in between. so i think dnp just land closer to the human boy with cat ears side of the scale (which tbh i dont consider "furry" but i do think is like, when you keep joking about it theres a point where its not a joke..... and i think that point is when ur putting crash bandicoot and robin hood in ur crushes tier lists)
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Can. Can I ask to hear more of the it was only Tuesday AU? It sounds really neat (plus powers in the real world is my JAM).
Thanks for the ask anon! o7
And yeah, I'd be happy to talk about one of my many crossover fics (seriously I have a ton lmfaooo).
Recapping "For Me, It Was Only Today": CL/MLB AU with combining lores, Lyoko powers sprouting irl, and some Odd/Adrien rarepair shipping
Okay I'll admit straight off that I didn't realize how much content I made in the trio AUs for a CL/MLB crossover. I thought it was just Cherrybird with all the stuff I wrote up but I'm looking at this one and Strays and it's hitting me my notes are so deep haha
They were so thought out that I got stuck for a moment thinking about how I'd explain this but here I'll try my best:
I mentioned this above but this fic of the trio I do plan to mix the lores together without going uh, too crazy. I don't want to reveal my hand given it's supposed to be a big plot point properly unveiled in this version's take on the episode Franz Hopper (I had to specify episode but it's also fun adjusting Hopper the character in this lore shift).
If this got posted this would likely be a fusion type of crossover I think.
This fic in particular is limited to Ulrich's POV given I want to have the story be about the Warriors seeing Odd's shifting relationship with Chat Noir. The wacky lore is just stuff that goes on in day-to-day. Also sorta open ended to leave room for additional content given the lore of this particular fic is pretty big + the cast leaves ample other stories to tell from their perspectives.
But I digress, we're talking about the Ulrich POV for this fic in particular.
I'll first start off by focusing on the format of this fic in particular. There should be about 12 chapter to match up with the Subdigitals album because I'm a bit corny and wanted to pair that up haha
Each chapter takes the premise of a episode (whether it be CL or MLB) and meshes it together with the crossover/lore shift.
An example I can throw out is the first chapter, which would just be Ulrich and Odd chatting while watching some of the events of Prime Queen happen from their phones (given Nadia did host her segment etc etc).
The CL powers though I agree I'm also a big "powers in the real world" enjoyer haha. Sometimes I just think about this AU in a bubble without the crossover and ponder the shenanigans that can crop up if you just play the power exposure as comedy instead of the angsty potential it is.
Love this AU because the kids are not alright. They have to adjust to shifting into things very much not human, despite having some of the basic human traits.
Odd gets the worst of it given he's a literal cat-boy in Lyoko. The Digitization process is subtle at first but then it becomes extremely difficult to hide that he's growing purple fur, he's nursing intense migraines whenever a Future Flash decides to crop up, his vision nearly landed him some glasses, etc.
Yumi and Ulrich don't have it as bad, but the pains that settle in once Telekinesis and Super Sprint respectively show up for each of them is exhausting. Their clothing tends to get shifted by their exposure, so there's a bit of a running gag of swapping shoes out so they don't constantly lose them (at one point Ulrich has more sandals than shoes lmao)
I also toss in some new abilities because as they grow older aka as the chapters progress in the fic. Odd deals with camouflage that glitches whenever his emotions get out of control (it changes the color of his purple fur like it's a mood ring), Ulrich has to keep a certain mask on him (the one on the back of his S1-S3 outfit) just to make sure he's not phasing through the earth every few minutes, and Yumi has to be very cautious when it comes to stepping in shadows in fear of getting stuck in them.
Digitization (i.e. the term Jeremie coins to explain the shifts the four are going through) is not completely defined all at once. It takes time and as they grow older, their forms will only grow stronger and more defined.
The process isn't immediate for anyone. It shows up with frequent scanner usage, though it isn't until the events of Frontier that it truly settles in that Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi are not exactly humans anymore.
Will also mention that I abuse the concept of TransWatches that Evolution introduced and rehash them to be a temporary solution to let the kids blend in as proper humans. It doesn't prevent some of their glitches from leaking out though, just hides away their outfit changes or their cosmetic changes (i.e. Odd's fur or Yumi's makeup).
Aelita does not immediately experience Digitization given she only used the scanners once then stayed on Lyoko for a long time. Throughout S2 she'll deal with her own changes and will catch up in time with her creativity ability being very uh, destructive when it comes to her nightmares making the power flare. This fic in particular glosses over it given it's not her perspective focus but I feel like I should mention Aelita since I don't give her a lot of love in these recaps ;-;
I also feel extremely bad for Jeremie since he always has the weight of the world on his shoulders all because of his decision. He's the leader of the group and sometimes his plans don't pan out which result in him being extremely cautious to give them another shot unless he's forced to.
One of these plans was trying to enlist Ladybug and Chat Noir for help at the very beginning of this mess. A RTTP stopped the duo from trying to get rid of the machine to prevent XANA from ever harming the real world again. So it's obvious why he wouldn't be the biggest fan of Odd turning around and trying to court Chat Noir.
I'll talk about the Chat Noir in the room. Why him? Why not Ladybug? Well besides my own shipping agenda, I do have a bit of a fic logic haha
The fic in particular starts in the midst of MLB S2. Ladybug and Chat Noir have been established in Paris enough. The whole reason Adrien gets involved is due to Fluff.
She's the one able to sense all this time phenomenons and wants to know more. Fu is already busy with training Marinette to be the Guardian atp, so he decides to give this investigation mission to Chat Noir to satisfy Fluff's curiosity.
Hence Adrien gets his own time companion and has to keep this secret from Ladybug (Fu doesn't want it to leak out to anyone that Chat currently possesses another Miraculous, that and he worries Ladybug would become distracted if she found out that Chat is working on other things not involving her).
MLB S2 is working around the same time as CL S1. So thanks to Fluff's Miraculous, Adrien can feel the time shifts too. He just can't completely remember things.
This is how Adrien gets to remember some of his interactions with the Warriors, and how he and Odd start to bond a bit. A Great Day is when Fluff can finally fulfill her satisfaction and Burrows herself, Adrien, and Plagg into these Time Phenomenons.
After that the shenanigans can properly ensue where Adrien can remember everything after a RTTP has been done. He also has to give Fluff back as she's perfectly fine with these phenomenons now that she can properly access them in her Burrow.
Adrien couldn't leave well enough alone though, way too curious about why these things were happening in the first place. It's why he continues his investigation to the other plot points that happen generally in the fic.
I'm sorry if this one seems pretty jumbled haha. I have been having some issues with sleep so my brain was just all over the place trying to convey this recap without like giving up everything plotted out.
Once again thank you for the ask anon, and thanks to anyone who reads this o7
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bonefall · 1 year
I was never able to really get a feel for Leafpool's personality in the books, especially since she's always contrasted with Squirrelflight who has a pretty consistent personality (at least for Warriors standards). She's kind of like Hollyleaf where they change her personality depending on what they want to happen in the plot I think. How do you approach writing her? I'm really fond of your Spottedleaf, so I was wonder if Leafpool has any fun quirks like her.
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[ID: Leafpool from Warrior Cats. She is chunky, has a mane, and green eyes. Her stripes are horizontal.]
I approach Leafpool as being VERY tired. Her life is characterized as never really being in control of her own fate, being punished for any simple pleasures she takes tenfold, so I write her as becoming very defeatist. Poor girl.
Because Leafpool is never in REAL control, somehow, it gives her this air that she's in total control. You can't scare her. StarClan can tell her that her kids are cursed, Hollyleaf can tell her to kill herself, Bramblestar can jump in front of her and snarl, she's never more than briefly phased. "Yeah sure this may as well happen."
In a way, she's almost the total opposite of Jayfeather, who never met a rule he wasn't willing to punch. It is interesting that each one of the Three has a unique relationship to the fate that chains up Leafpool.
Allows herself to love Mothpaw... war breaks out and Moth has to return to RiverClan.
Tries to warn Squilf about Brambleclaw in spite of StarClan wanting them to be together, first fight with her sister ever.
Runs off with Crowfeather, returns home to find out her mentor died before she could say goodbye.
Gives birth, allows Squilf to take them, eventually gets threatened by Hollyleaf.
(side note: i am considering leafpool's name being an honor title, with her old name being Leafstripe, and Squirrelpaw failing two assessments just like Nightheart)
But a big change in my rewrite is that the dramatic scenes that aren't consistent with that resigned sorrow go to Crowfeather. He's a complete and utter ham. Leafpool isn't out here trying to name Hollykit 'Crowkit' or confessing her unwavering love for him in front of his wife and child, THAT is Crowfeather making an ass of HIMSELF in front of that wife and child lmao.
Leaf's feelings are more complicated and repressed. Hard life.
On the bright side though, there ARE changes from canon so that the Clan has more nuanced feelings about her instead of her whole life being a nonstop beatdown.
Most of ThunderClan, which heavily leans Fire Alone, agrees that Leafpool did the right thing by giving her kits to Squilf to invoke the Queen's Rights. Sure she lapsed, but Fire Alone cats are softer on the Cleric's Vow in general.
Bramblestar demoting her in Cruel Season has a VERY mixed reception. It's Leafpool!! Leafpool Moonpool!!!
Her death many years later in the Sister Raid actually tanks Bramblestar's reputation. It was seen as cruel, pointless, and avoidable, and they lost a very popular and experienced Cleric.
(side note again: still considering how the 'unclear sign' plot beat is going to go in my rewrite, because i cannot imagine jayfeather not just lying about that. "yeah yeah yeah they said yes bramblestar, im supposed to heal this cat obviously. move.")
Misc Design Stuff:
She's got a mane that you can see on Dovewing too, since Dove is Leaf's grandchild now.
Like Sandstorm, uncle Longtail, and grandpaw Runningwind, Leafpool's stripes are horizontal.
I'm still doing research into what she has specifically, but Bonefall Leafpool is intersex. Those are stud jowls.
Considering the cat version of PCOS because it explains a lot; weight gain, a receding hairline that could be shared with Lionblaze, the jowls as a facial hair parallel, difficult pregnancy, etc.
Still doing my research though.
And lastly, Mothpool is endgame in this Rewrite. They can never be together officially, but it's about the yearning. It's about finding freedom with your escapist fantasy partner or being in shackles with your true love. She chose the CHAINS.
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daydadahlias · 4 months
19, 32, 35 for the writing prompts! :D
hi!! thank you for asking :D i talked a lot in this warning in advance <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Ooo how fun!! Now i get to tell you my life story lol <3 well, I’ve always really loved writing and I honestly can’t think of a time in my life that I wasn’t writing in some form? I was always writing weird short stories or poems in elementary school and I wrote little (horrible) picture books from about 1st through 3rd grade. And then I wrote my first “full book” when I was in 4th grade (it was called One Wolves World <3 because I didn’t understand plurals <3 and it was like 80 pages). And then I started a bunch of books I never finished (mostly about personified dogs because I was a Warrior Cats kid). Then, I wrote my fantasy novel (as all young writers must) when I was in 6th-8th grade. And that ended up being 80k and it was dogshit. So I wrote my next book (50k) in 9th grade and I actually had some fun opportunities with that one! For a little while, I sold self-printed copies of it at two local bookstores and I sold about a hundred copies of it :) which is NOT a lot lmfao but to a freshman in highschool it was a super big deal! And from there I wrote two more original books in 10th grade. And during that time, I started writing fanfic! Originally, I wrote a few unfinished fics on Quotev (which are still up and you can find them if you really dig lmfao) when I was in middle school. And my first fic on ao3 was a stucky one (which I wanna say I posted in, uh?? My freshman year?? Maybe 8th grade… I can’t remember tbh, I took it down years ago at this point). In 10th grade, I wrote this original novel called “Sorrow or Silence” which was soooo bad oh my godddd lmao but I liked the premise so I ended up entirely rewriting it as a ryden fic (panic! At the disco was my original fandom on ao3) and that ended up being a whopping 270k which is crazy in hindsight!! Like 16 yo me really wrote that in just a few months!! That’s crazy in hindsight!! Anyway, from there, I was writing original fiction and panic! Fic at the same time (I posted 4 fics for panic!, one of which was chaptered that i never finished uwu and I’ve since privated all of those). I ended up getting into 5sos during quarantine in 2020 and started posting fic about them!! And now I’ve been here for four years lol! I still write original stuff (creative writing minor woo) but not so much fiction anymore. A short story here and there but I’ve been largely into poetry during college! And in terms of where I’m going now it’s finally the era of my life where I’m going to start pursuing publishing eek. This year, I’ve started actually submitting things to journals/magazines so… here’s to hoping! I haven’t heard back from any yet (I submitted in March and it takes a long time for them to get back to you) but I’m gonna keep submitting where I can and, hopefully, things will stick eventually!  
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
Ooo i love this. Honestly, this isn’t a written material, but that line from Bojack Horseman “when you look at people through rose tinted glasses, all the red flags just look at flags.” I just think it’s so powerful. I also love that line I have in my bio!! “Too groovy to be so goddamned grave” is from a poem by Patrick Rosal who I had the opportunity to introduce at a reading he did on his tour and also meet! He’s really fantastic and I just love that poem and the concept of being too groovy to be grave. It just eats. 
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Hmmm. Well, you’re told not to use “purple prose” in creative writing because it muddies the meaning. That’s, like, overly flowery writing for no reason. But to be honest! I love a metaphor! I love a simile! I love consonance! I’m going to use fun words because they sound nice! A sonic experience is just as valid as, like, an experience of just understanding something idk if that makes sense. But yeah, I like to use flowery language more than some writers recommend.
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