spellbook-gayboy · 1 year
Oh or 15
"Lost it? Lost it?!" Rex all but yelled, staring at his brother in sheer incredulity. "Ian, you ate someone!"
Ian scoffed. "Okay. That's a bit of an exaggeration, Rex."
"No, it's fucking not! You literally just tore someone to shreds and ate them!"
Kate spoke up next. "Seriously though, what the fuck was that, Ian?! That was terrifying!"
Ian looked around himself. He was actually drenched in blood that he didn't recognise, blood that didn't smell... human. "Wait, was this a Viltrumite?"
"Wha... uh, yeah! More specifically, an evil version of my boyfriend!" Rex spluttered, trying to avoid looking at the scene in front of him. "Oh god! Did you have to do that, Ian? I'm traumatized enough already!"
Paul just stood there, unmoving as he watched the aftermath of his boyfriend's brief lapse in humanity.
"And now look! You've traumatized my brother, too! He's still shocked from having to see that!" Kate exclaimed, shaking him by the shoulders.
Paul's cheeks tinted pink.
"See, this is what- oh my god. You- Paul, you-?" Kate asked incredulously, shocked by his blushing. "You're into that?!"
Paul coughed. "Um... no?"
"Jesus Christ, you know what? I'm going home. You two deserve each other!" The other Cha twin relented, turning away and beginning to walk away from the scene. "Had to be twins with a monsterfucker, didn't I?"
"I'm done. I'm gonna need to wash my eyes with bleach after that shit!" Rex declared, following her out.
"Ok... I need a shower." Ian thought out loud, looking himself over.
"Yeah." Paul agreed. "You wanna get something to eat afterwards?"
"Nah. I'm already full."
14 notes · View notes
multimagical · 6 months
The Ghosts of Melbrew
Book 1 of 12 in the Multimagical Series by Lillian R.S.
Emeline Orman was sixteen when she and her parents moved across the country to the coastline of Washington state. A small town known as Melbrew sat comfortably in the middle of thick woods, so tiny and unknown that it doesn't show up on any maps, making it the perfect spot for malicious activity to go unnoticed.
On her first day of school, she met some rather weird people, who all shared a strange similar interest. This little group had quite the reputation for their knowledge of the town's not-so-secret dark history... as well as all of the unusual things that have been reported to them. It all started with the rich Humphrey family tragedy back in the 1800s, where for years it has been speculated that the mother killed her husband and children.
Being very eager to get to the bottom of all the town's mysteries, one thing leads to another as discovery after discovery begins to pile up, ranging from random holes in the ground, to suspicious buildings in the middle of the woods. Secret doors, tunnels, and books that talk about nonsense seem like they lead nowhere, with no connections!
Though perhaps the most mysterious oddity of them all is the otherworldly gateway surrounded by old fences, tied back to the founding family.
CW: Strong language, murder, and descriptions of gore
34 Total Chapters!
Total Word Count: 142,450
For more information on the Multimagical Series, check my pinned post!
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Chapter 1 - "Welcome to Melbrew"
6,025 words
My wattpad / main: @lillianrs
Friendly criticism is welcome for future reference!
Continue reading below the cut, and enjoy! <3
     It's a dark evening as I begin writing this book. A night where the trees creak outside my windows, with harsh, howling winds in the forlorn wilderness. I'm not sure what finally possessed me to tell this story after all this time, but one thing I've learnt is that you should always trust your gut. So, I'm going where the keys take me, as I trace through my memories.
     It began back when I was only sixteen. So young, so unprepared, so naive, almost innocent. Nothing could've possibly warned me for the journey that lie ahead, for the things I've seen and the places I'd been. For then, in only my teens, my life changed in more ways than I could've ever imagined. I wasn't prepared to have my reality turned on its head, I wasn't prepared to see the truth, and I most certainly wasn't prepared to see the things that were not meant to be.
     I've stayed in this town my whole life. I've seen faces come and go, and am good friends with the ones who've stayed. This place is different than it once was, but it still has some traces of its cursed past, though now faded from time. Somedays it feels strong, like I can feel it through the roots in the Earth. Yet other times it feels distant, and unwilling to show.
     I've experienced a lot in my life, yet nothing has ever compared to the things that I had seen at the young age of seventeen. No one ever believed me, believed us. We never maintained solid proof, all of our camera evidence was destroyed during the ritual, but us seven know the truth... well, us seven, and the others silently involved who now refuse to acknowledge it. But those are all faces who have gone, to where, I'm not sure.
     So, I suppose I'm here now, the next Robert J. Wright, the next Lord Lutho, the next Jane Howell who will become a mere conspiracy in the darkest corners of a library, waiting to be discovered, and inspire the next generation of those who seek the truth. I work at the school now as the librarian, and I take responsibility in preserving the stories here. Though I feel that now in my present, the whispering warnings we've heard long ago are to soon reign true... I just hope that the message can reach others, before it's too late. There's only so much we can do.
     My parents and I had to move across the country when I was sixteen years old. They are both photographers, and had gotten a job offer from a studio in Metalwood City. This studio in particular wanted them to focus on photographing both rural and urban life for usage in magazines and websites. Though we couldn't do this where we had previously lived, as the job specifically required the photos to come from the state of Washington. It had a much better pay than their previous job, and my parents were up for a change of pace, so they took them up on the offer.
     Metalwood was a short 40 minute drive from a small rural town called Melbrew. Living there was extremely cheap, and my parents figured that they could run between the town and city for their pictures. Unfortunately, they were unaware that cheap living often comes with a different type of price to pay.
     This town was founded by two brothers with the last name Melbrew, of course. It lay near the west coast of Washington state, with only a fifteen minute drive to the Pacific ocean. It was kind of in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lakes and forest on all sides. That was the extent of my knowledge at the time of moving. I wondered if it would even be worth it to live there, but that decision wasn't mine to make. I never got to have a say in much.
     My parents had sprung the moving announcement on me out of nowhere, leaving me with only a few weeks left before the move, the process started immediately. I was mad and upset, but I knew that there was nothing I could do to prevent it. I had to suck it up and go along with it, however sad it may have been. It was hard.
     I enjoyed the last few weeks with my friends the best I could, however good it would be to say a final goodbye to people you would probably never see again. We all promised to stay in touch, but does anyone really? I'll move on and make new friends, and they'll soon forget about me, only to be brought up occasionally with a "Hey, remember Emmy?". It's not sad, it's just realistic. But sticking to the positives, they weren't really the best of friends anyways.
     My last day was depressing, but also quite terrifying, considering I would be moving all the way from western Pennsylvania to the state of Washington. That was on the complete other side of the country!
     My nerves those final few days were dreadful, I remember them all vividly. The rapid heartbeat, the feeling of leaving everything I've ever known behind... It felt like a clock was ticking down to my death and rebirth. In a way I felt I was dying, as overly dramatic as that sounds. I would be leaving everything and starting again, but as scary as the thought was, it also excited me. The death was the hard part, the afterlife is the easy one.
     It took us a about a week to get there, as we had to drive the whole way, but I'm not going to get into the whole moving process as it isn't important. Lots and lots of feilds out in the rural parts of America. Day after day, hotel after hotel. It was almost surreal and creepy, especially at night. A part of me almost wished we had stayed in some sketchy motel that's the only thing on a stretch of road. Now that's where the fun is!
      I sighed a breath of relief when I was finally told that we were almost there. Slowly the wheat feilds turned to forests and trees, that's all there was, just trees. After a few minutes a giant wooden sign appeared, reading, "Welcome to Melbrew". The letters were faded and it was hard to read, but still ledgebale nonetheless.
     I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned off my music as curiosity took its hold on me. Rolling down my window, I stuck my head outside and let the wind and rain hit my face. The smell of water and pine was strong in the air, and the town was rather grey. The clouds in the sky paired with the looming trees blocked quite a bit of sunlight, it was rather gloomy.
     The forest was now less dense as houses stood next to each other, all with their own areas, lawns, and garages, decently spaced apart from each other. Before I knew it, we were pulling into a driveway. With the car now in park and silent, raindrops could be heard pounding against the roof. Of course now is when it begins to pick up and pour!
     It rained for a full two days after we got there, which made moving in much harder than it already was going to be. We didn't have very much stuff though, as taking too much across the country wouldn't be easy. Nevertheless, I was in love with the scenery. All the trees, the rain, the near darkness in midday. It was very cozy, to me, at least.
      My cat was definitely not happy with the car ride, so I'm sure the old senior boy was glad to be out of his carrying cage. His name was Sir. Bennington the Fifth... there were no other Benningtons. Child me just thought it was funny. Nowadays I call him Benny.
     The house that I would now have to call home was of a decent size and stood on a corner street. Its outer panels were beginning to peel, and vegetation coated the lawn with various plants and grasses. When the rain died down afternoon had turned to evening, and the sound of birds, owls, and crickets filled the misty darkened air.
     There was a humble little farm across the road from us, and a few other houses nearby. Other than that, it was pretty vacant, lying near the northern outskirts of the town by wooded area, though the whole town was surrounded by woods, so it's not that special a detail. It felt very secluded.
     I wished we could've moved before the school year started, but I guess I'm also glad it was early on in the year instead of later. I tried to look on the positive side, instead of being pessimistic once I got there and had to confront this new life. There was no point in being sad about something I couldn't change, as much as I wanted to be. I got my sadness out the weeks before, now it was time to move on. Is it toxic positivity? Maybe. I'll get over it.
     That first night felt so... different. I'm not sure how to describe it. The sound of the rain falling on the roof, the wind outside, the eerie quietness of everything else. My practically empty room with nothing but a bed and a box of clothes. The yellow lighting and old-fashioned floral wallpaper, paired with the old, dusty wooden floors that would creak beneath your feet. That smell of dirt, and the ticking of an ancient clock that was left behind. It all made me feel stuck in time.
     It was very difficult for me to fall asleep. New environments paired with the fear of going to a different school kept me tossing and turning all night. I feel that Benny could sense my discomfort, as he nudged my door open to come sit on my chest. It was only then that my mind felt enough at ease to drift off to the realm of dreams.
     My parents walked me to school on my first day to make sure that I didn't get lost and knew the way. The town is very small and half of it seemed to be abandoned, so I didn't see a need for it, but hey, whatever makes them happy. Once the school was in sight, though, they backed off and waved me goodbye.
     The school was on the other side of the town from me to the south, so it was quite a long walk, about half an hour. The elementary and middle school were separate, but kept in the same general area. They were all brick buildings under the cloudy, grey morning sky that only just then began to brighten. The American flag waved in the wind, the eerie quietness absorbing me once more.
     It wasn't all that grand, in fact, it was quite the opposite. It looked rather decrepit and run down, but not to the point where it looked horrid and grossly unsanitary. Well, I mean, there were a few broken windows boarded up, and vines and grass growing up the sides, but it wasn't, like, dirty.
     Really, I doubt anyone around here even notices the appearance, but my fresh new eyes did. Though despite the vintage look that the town carried, I could still tell that it used to be rather well-kept, even though some areas even looked abandoned nowadays. There was a history to this place, I could just feel it. It was in the air, and on the scars the buildings carried. The stories they could tell...
     I pushed on the double glass doors of the highschool, which were smudged and slightly stained with dirt. They closed behind me in an echoed click, seemingly sealing the outside world away as the sound of wind was left behind me. The main entrance wasn't very spacious, unlike my last school. It made me feel a little confined and claustrophobic, but I was sure I'd get used to it. I was sure I'd get used to everything, though maybe that was still my want to be positive talking.
     The door to my left had a sign reading, "Main Office'', and the door to my right had a sign that read, "Guidance Office", which were both carved into golden plates that now looked brown. Okay, good to know. That was all that was in the entrance hallway.
     I wiped my feet on the entrance mat and made my way to the hallway, though my shoes still squeaked against the tiles. On the wall was a little red sign with directions, which I followed to my homeroom, which would be to my right. The voices of fellow students began to fill my ears, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, I began to feel anxious.
     "Hello, Emeline!" My teacher said as he saw me enter the classroom. I walked over to him and we shook hands. "Welcome to Melbrew High School! I'm Mr. Brown, and I'll be both your homeroom and algebra teacher. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me or one of the other staff members."
     I thanked him and he told me where to sit, so I took my seat, and sat quite awkwardly. My bookbag sat next to me on the floor, my phone gripped tightly in my hands. People continuously glanced over to me, I tried my best to ignore them. The whole place felt off.
     Not just off, though, it was straight up oldschool. The whole town was. There were no smart boards, nor overhead projectors. Just an old, green chalkboard. The lighting was also pretty dim and more... yellow? Yellow seems to be a favorable lighting choice here, I suppose. I obviously assumed that the budget was pretty low, as I haven't seen just a chalkboard in the class since I was in the third grade.
     As I waited in my seat, I looked around the room to the other students, who thankfully stopped starting at me. Two came up to greet me for a few seconds, but the rest either paid me no mind or just looked over to me. Some gave off weird, creepy vibes with their stares. I felt really out of place, it was kinda giving me impostor syndrome, to be honest. I felt like I shouldn't be there. Just the feeling of being the new kid, I guess.
     I began to get lost in my thoughts, staring into the abyss. That is until I jumped out of them due the unnecessarily loud overhead speakers. We all stood to say the pledge, then the announcements began, spoken by an upbeat girl, which seemed almost humorous to me given the boring scenery... well, either humorous or creepy, but you can be the judge of that.
     "Good morning, Melbrew students! Today is Monday, September 26th, 2016! For lunch today, the cafeteria will be serving spaghetti, tomorrow will be taco Tuesday! The breakfast for tomorrow will be pancakes! If you are going on Ms. Hogg's field trip this spring, your permission slips are due before Christmas break! There are still a few spots open for the book and biology clubs, so hurry and claim your spot fast before it's too late! Speaking of clubs, sign ups for the brand-new history club will be on Thursday, and they will meet every other week! Have a great day, Melbrew!"
     The announcements cut off and students resumed chatting with one another as we waited for the bell to dismiss us to first period. When it finally did, I stayed seated for geometry, while everyone else left. I didn't like the looks people gave me as people walked in for first period. Definitely felt like an invader. God, I was so out of place.
     Once geometry was over, I had to head to my second class, which was a study hall. I wasn't exactly sure where it was, though. It's easy to get lost in a place where every hallway looks the exact same. Everyone fled out of the classroom, except for me and one other student who was taking his time to leave. I guess I'll just go ask him.
     I approached the student, "Hello! I'm new to this school. Would you mind directing me to the library?" I asked as politely as I could.
     He paused what he was doing for a few seconds and looked up at me, before shaking his head and continuing on with what he was doing. He zipped up his backpack, stood up, and answered, "I'm going there. Just follow me."
     He spoke in a monotone, nonchalant voice. He said nothing else, and threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the classroom, not even waiting for me. I hurried to follow him, feeling a bit awkward at his lack of acknowledgement.
     He was Asian with dark hair and lighter skin, though his face looked tired as bags sat under his eyes. He wore an old, grey baseball team hoodie that was now stained with mud, and had a hole on the sleeve. His backpack looked like it was being held together by ductape alone.
     I attempted to make conversation, "Um. My name is Emeline Orman, do you mind me asking yours?"
     He didn't say or do anything at first, as he seemingly ignored me. Thankfully for my own self-assurance he eventually shrugged slightly and said, quietly, in the same toneless voice, "Kai."
     I observed the hallways a bit as we walked, which all had the same beige colored tiles lining the walls. This school's color palette definitely wasn't the prettiest sight for sore eyes, but then again it could always be worse. Gotta remember that optimism, look on the brightside. The brightside being that I felt like I was in a mystery novel, so I'll take it! The buzzing lights and lack of people definitely added a whole layer to the ambiance.
      When we got to the library, he walked off and sat down at a table in one of the more hidden sections of the place, tucked behind some bookshelves near a corner. He immediately pulled out an extremely old looking book from his bag.
     "What are you reading?" I asked curiously, but he just looked up at me, said nothing, and looked back down. I waited to see if he would say anything, but he didn't. "...Am I bothering you?"
     "Yes." he said, matter-of-factly, without taking his eyes off the book. He rested his head lazily against his hand.
     "Sorry, I'll leave you to it." I said, and walked away. I decided to go and look around, I really didn't want to upset people on my first day, that's a good way to make enemies and I was not looking for that, especially in a place that looks like a good setting for a horror movie. Next thing you know you'll be choked to death by a vampire, or something weird like that.
     It wasn't a really big library, but it did have a whole lot of stuff in it. Lots of bookshelves, tables, and doors leading to I don't know where. There were even a few computers, and that's saying something! Usually libraries have all sorts of them, but here there's only four, as it seemed. In a place that doesn't have smartboards, I consider it impressive. They were all already in use, three doing work, while another pulled up games.
     I spotted a little hallway near the back between some bookcases, and decided to check it out. It led to another room, with more tables, and a door with a sign saying STAFF ONLY. Standing against a wall was a large, moveable whiteboard on wheels. There were all kinds of papers on it, held down by magnets. Written in blue marker was a list of clubs, and what days they will meet. I read down the list, and then jumped a little when a teacher approached me unexpectedly.
     "Hello dear, I don't believe I've seen you before, are you that new girl? The Ormans?" The teacher asked as she entered the room. She looked like your classic, stereotypical librarian lady. She had glasses, her hair was in a bun, but she didn't look to be too old.
     "Oh, uh, yeah, that's me. I'm Emeline Orman." I said, and held out my hand to shake hers.
     "Well, Emily, I'm the school's librarian, Mrs. Robinson." She said, and looked to the club sheet I was just checking out, "Are you interested in any clubs? We hold most of the meetings here in this room. It's a good way to meet some new friends!"
     "I might be." I said, shrugging. "What do the different clubs do?"
     "Well, most of them are already full, but we're offering sign-ups for a new club, as you probably heard on the announcements, if you paid attention, that is." She said and chuckled, "Most kids don't. The history club is brand new and just starting out, but there are also a few spots still open for the book club. It's what you would imagine, we give you a book, and you read it, and talk about it with your peers. There's also the biology club, I believe there's quite a few spots still open for that one, if you're interested. Ms. Hogg runs that one. She does lots of expeditions in the woods to look for little critters."
     "Hm. Do you know what they'll be doing in the history club?" I asked.
     "Well, I'm not entirely sure just yet. This year is the first it'll be up. If I had to guess though, probably various activities involving history, I think specifically on the town. I manage the book club, but if you're interested in town history I would ask Mr. Marshall about it when you can. He's room 105."
     "Alright, will do. Thank you, Mrs. Robinson."
     "Anytime, love. If you ever have any questions, you can always find me here."
     I walked back out into the main part of the library and decided to look around a bit to get familiar with the layout of the place, and maybe look at a book or two. After getting bored of it, I went back to the little room with the whiteboard and sat at one of the white plastic tables that were lined against the walls. There was no one back there, so it made me feel more comfortable.
     The time dragged on since I had nothing to do, and I was actually happy when the bell rang for third period. It was time to go to English, which I had to find on my own. Luckily the English hallway was near the library, and all someone had to do was point down the hall. I stepped inside and greeted my teacher, Mrs. Palmer, and she showed me to my seat. Once English was over, I headed to my fourth period class, which was History. I went in and greeted Mr. Marshall. Once the period ended and the bell rang, I decided to ask him about the club.
     "Um, excuse me, Mr. Marshall? May I ask you about the history club?" I asked. "I heard about it on the announcements this morning, and I think that I might be interested in it."
     He looked a bit surprised, and turned to a kid walking out the door, "Dominik," he said, "Where are you heading?"
     "Computer, sir." He answered.
     "Tell Emeline here a bit about the history club. I think you'll be better at it."
     "Sure thing!" He said, and nodded his head out the door for me to follow.
     "Why couldn't he just tell me about it himself?" I asked once we were out of the class.
     "Well, you asked him at the end of the period, and it would take a while to explain. Plus, you're obviously new and I think that he thinks that this is the perfect way for you to make friends," he stopped in the middle of the empty hallway, and stuck out his hand, "My name's Dominik, but you already knew that, because he kinda said my name, but whatever. If you'd like new information on the name though it's Dominik with a K."
     I shook his hand, "Emeline, but you already knew that, too."
      We continued walking, "Did all your teachers introduce you today? I wouldn't doubt if people start calling you Emily, if they haven't already, I've never heard of Emeline. That's like Emily but with extra steps... no offense."
     "None taken. My parents just wanted to be different, but if it helps, you can just call me Emmy. Or Emma, or Em, or even Emily, really. They're all the same thing. Though usually I go by Emmy. Cute childhood nickname that just kinda stuck."
     "Well then, Emmy, allow me to give you a run down." He said, "First of all, NEVER drink from the water fountains after Douglass Bailey has touched them. Just- trust me on that. Secondly, there's a crap ton of weird stuff around here so don't freak out over something strange, it's probably normal. Oh, and third of all, you should DEFINITELY stay away from the northwest side of town. The abandoned part with the park, and the mountains, and the cemetery, and all that. That's practically begging for trouble."
    "Well, that's good to know, I guess. Why is the northwest bad?"
     "Oh, you'll see. Or more so hear. It's impossible not to. We are definitely going to be late for class, but that's okay. Not to brag or anything, but most of the teachers love me. How about my friend and I tell you a little bit about the club at lunch? The history in this place is... well, interesting, to say the least to a new comer." He said as we approached the class.
      "Dominik, you're late!" The teacher said as he walked in the class, but he didn't sound angry at all.
     "I was helping out the new girl Emeline, Mr. Adams. Sorry about that."
     "No problem, take your seats, and Emily, find a free one."
     Dominik whispered towards me, "told you." I smiled a bit.
     A kid with bright green hair started excitedly slapping an empty seat next to them, and Dominik gestured to it with his hand. I sat in it.
     "Who she?" The green-haired kid asked.
     "A new girl who is interested in the history club," Dominik answered.
     "Oh! That's fun, a newbie. I've always wanted to teach a newbie!" They said, and turned to me. "Hi, I'm Cameron! And despite what people may tell you, I am in fact a boy. Actually, I'm just straight up feral. I'm a menace to society. A man in the shadows. An enigma. Cameron Payne Johnson, certified local cryptid freak and proud!"
     "Oh, well, it's... nice to meet you? I think?"
     I looked between the both of them, and I wondered how they could look like they have completely different interests, yet be friends who apparently have common ground.
     Dominik looked like your typical smart person. He was decently tall, and had dark, curly hair that was pulled up into a little bun. A few short curls were falling down into his face, which he pushed back with his hand, then adjusted his glasses. He was black, but more on the lighter side. He was well-dressed, and wore a long beige lab coat over a dark red turtleneck sweater. He looked like the type of kid who would remind the teacher we had homework.
     Cameron on the other hand was short, and had naturally brown hair. Half of his head was shaved, and the part that wasn't shaved was dyed an obnoxiously bright neon green that felt like an assault to the eyes. He wore a black hoodie tied around his waist, and had ripped, black, skinny jeans. His shoes were dirty, old-looking converse. He worse a black T-shirt with a skull on the front, the black clothes contrasted his pale skin. He looked like a mix of punk and emo, and his nails were painted both black and green.
     Mr. Adams began teaching. Towards the end of the period, everyone began to chat again, "Did all of this school's budget go into this room, or what?" I asked.
     "Dude I don't know, man." Cameron responded, "I always see vids from other people and they've got like fancy tech boards and shit. Meanwhile I'm out here like what the fuck is a smartboard? And apparently libraries are supposed to have like, 30 computers in them? Fucking foreign, dude. These are like, our only computers. I have a theory that the principle is hording money."
     "It is way too early to start on your conspiracies, Cam." Dominik said.
     When the bell rang, class ended, and the three of us headed to the cafeteria together, as we three all had lunch 6th period. They took their packed lunches and sat down at a table, and I went up in line. Once I had my food, I took my tray and went to sit by the pair I just met.
     "Yo, I really wouldn't eat that," Cameron said, "That shit's prolly poisoned or sumthin." Dominik lightly smacked the back of his head.
     "Don't scare her, Cam!" He turned to me, "The food is just a little weird, and he's also like actually insane, so don't listen to him."
     "Oh, please. I'm not insane, I'm just eager for unexplainable shit to be real... and also the food is just one of the minor conspiracies about this place, and the poison is also just one version!"
     "Just let her eat in peace for her first day, she just got here! You can start on your rants tomorrow." He turned to me and whispered, "Though I definitely would advise to pack your lunch for the rest of your time here."
     "Um, okay," I said, laughing nervously. I then changed the subject, "So, about the history club..."
     "Oh, the history club," Cameron said, leaning back a little bit, his hands resting behind his head, and his legs intertwined with the poles under the table so he doesn't fall backwards, "whaddya wanna know 'bout it?"
     "Well, what will you be doing in it?"
     "Well, the question is," he said dramatically, leaning forward. He then slapped his hands on the table, "can we trust you?"
     "What? Why?"
     "It isn't just a history club, Mr. Marshall is just as interested in the weird stuff going on around here as we are. So, can we trust you with the secret of keeping the clubs activities classified?"
      "Of course, my life's boring, this sounds interesting." I said. Cameron narrowed his eyes at me.
     Dominik looked at Cameron, and signaled him to go on. "Keep it to a minimum, Cam, we don't wanna spill too much. Though chill out on the drama, man, it's just town history."
     "Oh, it's more than town history, Dominik!" Cameron exclaimed, "Okay, so, Mr. Marshall told us that he convinced the school that it'll be a club about, well, history, but, actually, we're gonna be divin' into the conspiracy theories of this place. He's a relatively young teacher, about in his 20s or some shit. He said he got an interest in all this because his grandfather knew the Humphrey family, you'll learn about them... If you join."
     "...Sooo, the school thinks it's just going to be about the town's history, but it's for town-centered theories?" I asked.
     "Yup! But there's evidence, oh believe me, there's evidence! It's just not widespread enough. Most people don't even know about the murders. Not to freak you out or anything. It was a long time ago."
     We went on to eat our lunch, having casual conversation... as casual as a conversation can get when someone like Cameron is leading it. Afterwards I was headed to my 7th period class, which was my language class. Soon before the bell rang to start class, a short, bored-looking asian girl walked in. She had to have been about the ages of twelve to thirteen, but visually appeared to be younger. She had bangs and two ponytails on the sides of her head, tied with blue bows.
      She slammed her books down on my desk, "Get out of my seat or I'll throw hands, freckle face."
     "Kimora!" The teacher said, coming into the class, "We will not be 'throwing hands' and calling names in this class. Emeline, could you please pick a different desk? Kimi came in late today, and she's very picky about her seat."
     "Oh, of course," I said, and she greeted me. Her name was Madame Martian. I went and took a different seat, and went on with the class. Kimi was apparently a smart middle schooler who got to come to the high school for language class.
     Finally it was time for my last classes of the day. My 8th period class was gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I had another period of my science class, which was my 9th and last class of the day.
     Since today was Monday, I had gym. We played badminton, which was fun. That fun didn't last for long though, as nothing could've ever prepared me for my biology class. Not the eeriness, nor the rumors or weird conspiracies. It was the final slice of my introductory cake of what I was about to be subjected to for the rest of the year.
     It was a classroom near the back of the school, and the walk there felt kind of... off. But it was a different kind of off than the off everything else was. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it seemed as if all the other rooms in that hallway were unused. To the left, there was one final hall of doors, and it led to a dead end. At the end of the main hallway I was walking down, there was a pair of doors leading to an outside parking lot. Towards the end of the hall, I headed into the room on the right.
     There I was faced with an odd looking classroom, older than the others. As if the other rooms had touch ups done over the years but this one didn't. I noticed immediately that this was the class that had that one boarded-up window I spotted that morning.
     Unlike my other teachers, Ms. Hogg didn't come and greet me, and didn't really look too inviting on me greeting her, so I kept to myself. I sat down in a free seat, feeling very uncomfortable, even more so than before. The worst it had been all day. God, I could've puked. It was so off that it became physical, sickening.
     Ms. Hogg had a vibe to her, and not a good one. She looked both old and young at the same time, and gave me the impression that's she's killed someone before, but I have no idea why. It felt very strange, I was deeply unsettled by that teacher, she gave me a bad feeling in my gut, right down to her voice and physique.
     During class she talked about the anatomy of different animals, and briefly mentioned a project that we'll be starting tomorrow. This was a very biological focused biology class. I thought we were going to be learning about DNA or whatever, but okay, sure.
     I left the class feeling uneasy, and totally ready to leave that damn building and go back to my house. I was caught off guard and startled when I was suddenly pushed to the cold ground.
     "Move out of the way!" A tall blonde girl from my class yelled in a mean tone, "You should pick up the pace next time, I don't like to be slowed down!" She stomped away, laughing with two friends as her heeled shoes clicked against the ground, echoing throughout the confined halls.
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whumping-valentine · 7 months
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My name is Lian! I'm 21, and use any pronouns. I love whump so much I just had to make a blog dedicated to it.
When I first discovered this community existed a few months ago I was obsessed. I just knew I'd eventually cave and make a whump blog, and now here I am! This blog is actually rather old, but I never used it, and purged all the content on it to start over.
Here are all the whump tropes / things I like! 👇👇👇
Whumper turned caretaker / carewhumpers
Intimate whumpers
Stockholm / Lima syndrome (whumper × whumpee)
Nsfwhump / Noncon / dubcon
Restraints & gags
Magic & curses
Branding & scarring
Whumpees in collars & leashes
Whumpees who are famous
Whumpees who get tortured on camera
Whumpers who have a soft spot for whumpee
Whumpers with violent kinks that they take out on whumpee
That includes cannibalism. Give me whumpers who literally fucking eat parts of their whumpees in front of them
Waterboarding, drowning, anything to do with water, really
Ferocious, bloodthirsty caretakers who are ready to kill whumper and do anything for whumpee
Trans whumpers and whumpees and just queerness in general, I'm very queer
"Immortal" characters (don't age but can die, just not of natural causes / time) (also much stronger and can endure more before they get to the point of death)
The only thing I do NOT like are male whumpers with female whumpees. Just can't do it, feels too... ick. I am, however, cool with AMAB whumpers and AFAB whumpees, so long as they aren't cis. In fact, my two favorite characters fit that dynamic! So expect to see a bunch of them.
PLEASE KNOW there will be sexually explicit content on this blog! I will tag them appropriately, but please, minors dni.
Most of my original writings and characters are going to come straight from a book series I'm currently writing, but I'll try my best to make them digestible to folk who aren't already familiar with my work. If you wanna know more about it, check out @multimagical. That's my writing blog, basically just like this one but without torture and smut. So it's like this blog's clean, wholesome cousin, lol.
If this content sounds up your alley, feel free to give me a follow! I'll be re blogging allll the good shit, and have a BUNCH of a original content to give you that I've been cooking up! I'll keep y'all nice and fed, I promise ♡
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writing-the-end · 3 months
How rare is it to be born with or have more then one magic in LoL? Can someone learn different kinds of magic or can they only do one kind of magic?
Its pretty rare to be a multimage! In order of rareness it's multimage, learned mage, and angelic mages being the rarest of the three. Mumbo is rare and the amount of power he has as a multimage is highly coveted, if he could control it.
Other than multimages and learned mages, not a lot of other magic can be learned, since most magics are connected to who you are as a person. Even learned mages usually glean their power from studying magic theory and learning from others. However, ancient light magic, like the hermits learned, can be taught and used by anyone!
So tldr: yes there are multimages but very rare, otherwise most people only have one magic (but can learn light magic)
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Conoscere la storia, anche per combattere il bullismo
ANDREA VITELLO, IL BULLISMO NELLA SOCIETA’ (MULTIMAGE, MULTIMAGE, PP 236, 18 EURO).     Combattere il bullismo attraverso l’insegnamento della storia e dei diritti umani. E’ questa la tesi al centro del libro Il bullismo nella società. Storie di razzismo, omofobia, abilismo, sessismo, mobbing, bullismo giovanile e adulto.     Il volume di Andrea Vitello, scrittore e storico, è nato…
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lillianrs · 7 months
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Hello Tumblr!
I thought I'd make a proper introductory post since I want to start actively using my blogs more, rather than just being a lurker. Despite being on this site for YEARS I've never really interacted with other users. I wanna change that!
So, hi! My name is Lillian, but you can call me that or Lian. I'm a queer writer who likes to write queer stories (of course). At the time of writing this, I'm currently 21. I identify as genderqueer and use they/he/she pronouns. I'm a bi grayromantic graysexual, but LOVE fictional romance and sex (when it's done well). Just don't touch me IRL for the love of the gods.
My art blog @lillianrs-art
My photography blog: @lillianrs-pics
My book series / writing blog: @multimagical
My whump blog: @whumping-valentine
This blog is my main blog, so I'll have a bunch of miscellaneous stuff on here. If you wanna hear about writing and my book series specifically, check out my Multimagical blog! If you wanna see some personal photography and all of my character art, you know which ones to follow. Below the cut are some facts about me (which may be edited in the future) 👇🏻
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Name: Lillian (Lian) // Pronouns: They/He/She
Age: 21 // Birthday: November 7th
Height: 4'11 
INFP-T // Scorpio 
Genderqueer Bi Greyromantic Greysexual
Mildly disabled though still very much disabled
Writing, The ocean, Pirates, Clowns and Jesters, Circus vibes, Theater Vibes, Rain and wild weather, Language learning, Daydreaming, Music, Collecting sea shells, Traveling, Digital art, Watercolor, Cloudy days, Autumn and Halloween, Cats, Butterflies and Moths, The moon, Enemies to Lovers, Lovers TO Enemies! W H U M P !! Tortured characters (see above), Short, frail characters with scars, glasses, freckles, red hair, dark circles, and buck teeth >>>> All of those are technically considered imperfections but God damn it I fucking LOVE imperfections then!! I'm a slut for anyone who has all of those features. Or any of them
Writing, Direct sunlight, Hot sunny days, My damn anxiety, My height (shortness is only good on OTHER people!!), Stink bugs, Cynical people, Cynical discourse, Drama, Cringe culture, Man I hate stink bugs
Media I enjoy
My Little Pony, Coraline, Gravity Falls, Star vs. TFOE, Invader Zim, Helluva boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Amazing Digital Circus, Nimona, Tangled (+The Series!!!), The Owl House, Amphibia, She-ra, Wolfwalkers, Little Nightmares, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, Avatar the last airbender, Dan and Phil, Markiplier, Twenty one pilots, My Chemical Romance, and idk things I forgot or will enjoy in the future!
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dungcudiencamtay · 10 months
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spellbook-gayboy · 1 year
It’s been a long while since I had the chance to do one of these, but now I finally have some time, I thought that I’d do another headcanon post!:
For those of you that don’t already know, my main OC Ian and his canon character boyfriend Paul live in San Diego, California. This means that they’d also take part in the many celebrations specific to the city. Ian’s favourite is Restaurant Week, because it’s the only time of the year he can get away with ordering takeout for five days in a row (Paul’s okay with it as long as they get one of their meals from Madame Feng’s). Paul’s favourite is the Gaslamp Quarter Mardi Gras, mainly because it’s the liveliest the place actually gets all year.
Adding on to this, Paul, and by extension Kate, are themselves from California, more specifically from Sacramento in the northern end of the state. Paul has an old Kings basketball jersey he wears to bed, Kate’s slang was so frequent when she was younger she basically sounded like a surfer, and they both still home ‘Old Sac’.
Keeping to the theme of the Cha twins, in canon their shared curse ends up driving their father Tsing insane (which definitely messed them up, but that’s for another time), and their background gets a bit vague from there. However, I would like to instead offer that the two were instead raised by their grandparents for most of their childhood until the twins split. 
Finally, it was this time living with his grandparents that caused Paul to develop an intense love for the Lunar New Year. He keeps a traditional calendar alongside the regular one in the house, and you can probably find him wishing everyone  Xīnnián kuàilè, or ‘(Lunar) New Year Happiness!’
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multimagical · 7 months
Hello Writing Community!
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I'm Lillian R.S. (@lillianrs) but you can call me Lian. I'm a 21 year old queer writer who's working on an expansive, 12 book fantasy series with lots of lore, worldbuiding, and queer characters! If you're interested, check beneath the cut! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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What is Multimagical?
Multimagical is the name of my 12-book series! It's mainly fantasy, but has a whole lot going on, and spans many different genres. Each book follows (mostly) different characters as they navigate through the world, slowly progressing through the years as stories intertwine and old characters meet the new. It all starts with The Ghosts of Melbrew, where you're introduced to the world through the eyes of humans. With each book you continue to learn more and more about the universe, exploring new dimensions, as the lost past slowly gets revealed; even all the way to book 12!
The books may seem wildly different from each other, but they DO tell a linear story— even if it may not be obvious at first. They may seem unrelated, but cannot be read out of order. If you read them out of order you'll definitely be confused.
Alongside the main series I hope to eventually write bonus books once it's completed, which will basically expand upon the universe and tell all the stories that I wanted to tell, but couldn't in the main series! That's where the real fun begins, digging into the past, background stories, and more!
The Main series in order:
1) The Ghosts of Melbrew
2) The Bloodmoon Society
3) A Shadow In the Light
4) Journey to Elven Island
5) The Last Kirin
6) Sivzem Falls
7) Ieartinian Nights
8) Merainian Pirates
9) Butterflies and Baby Suns
10) The Solarmoon Eclipse
11) The Final Chime
12) Under The Willow Tree
I currently have books 1 and 2 available to read on Wattpad under the user LillianRS, but I have hopes of getting published one day, so they may not be available there forever! If you'd like to read them, you can check them out there, and feel free to give feedback!
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Any art featured is by me. If you want to see art of my characters, and see how they've developed and changed over the years, you can find me on Twitter/Instagram at Lillianrs_art! Or, right here on tumblr @lillianrs-art!
Thanks for reading <3
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whumping-valentine · 7 months
Welcome to my Whump Blog!
Hey everyone! I'm Lian, and here I'll be writing and posting series with heavy whump elements! Any tags on this post will be the names of the series that I write so you can easily find them.
Fawn and Hunter: A mini series that takes place in the woods. A nature-loving whumpee steps into a hunter's trap, and the whumper decides they'll keep them — though neither of them were prepared for every apocalyptic scenario to all happen at once. (CURRENTLY UPDATING)
Butterfly Blood: Taking place WAY in the past of my book series, a royal whumpee gets captured and taken hostage, where they're abused to give whumper power, and money. Whumpee has a wife who is then dedicated to getting them back, and becomes a spy. HEAVY worldbuilding and plot. (COMING SOON)
Anything tagged with "my post" are just small little miscellaneous things I've done, such as prompts, so you can easily find them. Same goes for "my art" and "asks" is self explanatory.
Main blog: @lillianrs
Art blog: @lillianrs-art
Photography blog: @lillianrs-pics
Book Series blog: @multimagical
Please enjoy your stay! ♥️♥️
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nipicikij · 2 years
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