#muriel talks sports
scales-n-art · 4 months
I have a very dear friend who has Big Knowledge about all things theology and angels and occultism and a big etc (they're a published author so they read A Ton Of Things for their books), and I made them watch Good Omens, and talking with them about it I said I'd really like to know what kind of Angel Crowley was. They told me "A Throne sounds very Crowley", based on what Muriel said when they snuck Crowley into Heaven. And, well...
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Throne... The wheels... On fire..
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...I'm gonna go along with what my friend said, until the canon says otherwise (if it ever does).
Just a fun thought.
There's also something just SO Crowley about having been an Angel who "never sleeps", and then sleeping for sport now that he's a Demon.
Also, Cherub friend.
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I recently broke my hand and I feel down because apparently I can't play handball or any hand related sport anymore, so I would love to know about how m6 would take care of an emotional mc and cheer them up if they were in a similar situation. either full or mini hc is alright<3
English isn't my first language so I apologize for any mistakes I made...
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 when MC breaks their hand and can't play games
Julian: not to worry, your most dedicated doctor is here to nurse you back to full health! cares for both your hand and heart equally and will encourage you not to give up hope - just focus on healing, for now
Asra: goes first into comfort mode and then into problem solving mode. they'll hold you and have tea with you until you're able to relax, and then they'll pull out every spell book they have for solutions
Nadia: determined not to let this get in your way. will call for any specialist she can find to help your hand heal better and find ways for you to enjoy similar games in the meantime that don't strain it
Muriel: as tricky as his relationship with his own body is, he's not sure how easily he could live if the body he relies on so heavily was breaking down. does everything strenuous for you so it can't worsen
Portia: so empathetic that she feels it almost as strongly as you do and will easily cry about it if you haven't already. refuses to let you give up hope about being able to play again and gives you pep talks
Lucio: he didn't let losing an arm stop him and he won't let a broken hand stop you either. take your time healing, MC, and when you're ready, he'll have a whole adventure to get you back in the game
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muriels-brainrot · 3 months
(Modern) Muriel 💚 Headcanon:
He hated being the first one to text until he watched you fumbled a text in person
He never liked to text when he needed someone for anything. Sometimes he needed them to ask a question or he needed an item for a project.
Sometimes he misses people and wants to text them first.
Even though it's limited to Asra, Inanna (yes she texts), Faust (and her too), Nadia, and you. Sometimes, very rarely, does he ever text Julian. Portia is not a problem, they have a meme relationship where they only text each other cat or gardening memes (very, very rarely)
But the moment he types out a text, he cringes. "How are you?" No. His thumb hovers over the backspace. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. It sounds too forward. "Wyd?" sounds rude. "I miss you." Hell no. He's reserved that for you. And that one time he accidentally sent that to Asra - the thought heats his cheeks with embarrassment. At least Asra was a good sport about it.
That changed when he saw you text. You wanted to reach out, to say hello, to say you missed them.
"No that sounds too simple." you say.
"Maybe try how are you, or a picture of something?" he says
"We're not close like that."
"Do you need to be close to say those things?"
"Well, it depends. I dunno! Maybe... Maybe I just have cold feet?"
Your fingers furiously tap your phone. Each sentence you write is never finished, obliterated by your thumb aggressively hammering the back space.
You give up. You drop your phone to your nose. A phone facepalm that masks the frustrated embarrassment rising to your cheeks.
When you're not watching, Muriel softens at you. You text just like him.
Or perhaps, does everyone struggle with this too?
He knows the feeling too well, so much that his heart might rip out of his chest to hug you tight. Poor you.
But that doesn't happen. Instead, he places a gentle hand on your back. His weight is a familiar comfort. You lean into his side, half-cuddling him.
"Maybe I just won't text for now." you sigh.
He frowns.
If that were him on the other line, he would want you to text him.
His face lights up, it dawns on him. Is this what it's like to be on the other line too?
Eventually, you figure it out. It wouldn't be for a few days that Muriel catches a glimpse of this when you left your phone open in the bathroom.
'Pssst. Long time no talk. Wanna hang? :3c ' you texted.
The exchange between you and this person is warm, even though it took a week for them to reply. They chirp back a hello, a meeting is made, and a distant friendship is rekindled.
Perhaps, he could have the same thing happen to him too?
Later, you borrow Muriel's phone to search something up. His 2015 android phone doesn't have anything besides the bare essentials, a browser, a stock phone video game, and a calculator. His contacts are labeled with the person's last name unless they are close to him
Suddenly, 'Devorak' pops up.
'Gotcha, wanna head out with me and Asra to pick it up?'
Muriel comes out of the bathroom.
"Hey, Julian's asking if you want to meet up with him and Asra for something?"
"Oh." he looks surprised. He didn't think Julian would reply, or even invite him for anything, "Yeah, sure. Tell him I'll go."
You bite back a smile. Muriel sees your attempt. He deadpans, betrayed by a small smile and pink cheeks. Don't tease. Just let him have this, just once.
And you do. You text Julian back as Muriel with your heart full. You can't help but feel happy for him.
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
Title: Enchanted to Meet You? Author: tumblr- Nena-96, Ao3- Nena96 Selected Trope: Muggle AU Brief Summary: The Eras Tour, is not something that Ron imagined ever attending in his life, but his daughter Rose has him wrapped around her little freckled finger and it was a losing battle. Oh, and meeting the most insufferable single mum was also not in his agenda for today. Rating: T Word Count: Any relevant trigger warnings: None
Ron couldn’t believe it, in reality he wished he was still back at his little flat and relaxing. Instead, he’s here walking through the line, while keeping a hold of his precious little redheaded dem- angel, he meant angel. They were moving slowly but at least the line was moving. He's glad they made it away from the news cameras and the annoying reporter, Lavender Brown. She just wouldn’t stop getting into his personal space and accidentally brushing up beside him. The reporter had the audacity to touch the bracelets that he was wearing, and ask him if he would give her one or if she would have to take it off of him herself. To be fair, all day he had women come up to him and use the same line, but something about this reporter just made him uneasy.
That wasn’t even the worst part, when she asked him what song he was looking forward to hearing, Ron had to bite the inside of his cheek when the reporter called him Won-Won, like what the fuck?
His name is Ron, it’s not a difficult name to pronounce, it’s literally just one syllable, and only three letters! Alright, technically his name is Ronald, but only his mum calls him that and his aunt Muriel…but that's besides the point. He absolutely hated when people purposely get his name wrong, it reminds him of when he was in just a ickle little first year at Hogwarts Academy. It would always annoy him how his professors would call him everything but Ronald Weasley.
Thankfully, he managed to escape the reporter when a boy named Colin Creevey came over dressed as a mirrorball and was taking photographs of people in wacky costumes. It was times like these when he enjoyed not being the center of attention, the distraction had helped him tremendously, he managed to not only escape from the clingy reporter but also make it further ahead the line. He never thought that one day he would be saved by a boy in a mirrorball costume but it happened, which was still quite odd.
Shaking his head, he held onto his daughter’s hand and walked forward, the entrance was so close yet it felt miles away. Ron still couldn’t believe how many people were there outside the stadium, he knew that the American singer is fairly popular but he didn’t expect to see a vast amount of fans. Hell, some people even brought their own chairs as they waited in line. He wished to be home but no, he was persuaded into buying tickets which were by far the most expensive purchase he’s made in the last year. Two bloody tickets for a concert had definitely made his pockets cry, let's not even talk about the memorabilia that he pre-ordered. To say he was shocked at the prices was the understatement of the fucking century, he just hopes that this concert is worth all the hype.
Truthfully, he doesn’t believe any artist or sports game is worth the expensive price, not to sound uptight but come on, there’s literally so many other things he could do with the money. Plus, it would be ten times more beneficial than being sentenced to sit through eight plus hours in a crowded stadium while people scream to pop music. Sometimes he wondered if he should put his foot down, and be more assertive. Dammit, he’s just been made head strategist in his department. Yet, there was no strategic plan that could persuade his daughter, Rose, to change her mind. She’s been talking his ear off non-stop about coming to the concert, plus they stayed up all night yesterday making friendship bracelets. It was roughly five hundred bracelets, not ten not fifty it was five fucking hundred little colorful bracelets.
Each one had to be different, because his demon- oops sorry his sweet angel sent from above, the apple of his eyes the joy of his life, had decided each one had to have a unique acronym. Based upon different lyrics and inside jokes, which he didn’t have a clue at all so when he made up a fake acronym, ERISED…well lets just say Rose wanted to know exactly where that came from. Meaning, she told Alexa to play the entire discography of a certain pop star’s collection of music.
It’s safe to say he learned his lesson, how could he forget that his daughter was just as stubborn as he was… alright he still is stubborn but he was never this bad. He sure is going to get a run for his money when his daughter gets older. Oh well, nothing to do now, but live through this agonizing torture that’s called the-
“Oh my fucking God! I can’t believe we’re at the fucking Eras tour!” A group of girls screamed, causing Ron to cover his daughter’s ears.
Damn if that’s how loud people get now he can’t imagine when they step foot into the stadium. Hopefully he can buy some noise canceling headphones not just for Rose, but for him as well.
“Hell yes! Becs, you think she’s going to sing Story of Us?” A girl dressed in…was she wearing a bedsheet and sunglasses? Ron was momentarily confused, how could that even be comfortable to breathe, he glanced down at his daughter and saw her cover her mouth and giggle as if everything was totally normal.
“Shut up, I would fucking throw up if she does sing it!” Ron heard the girl he presumes is named Becs, yell out, which caused him to grimace and shiver at the thought of people actually vomiting. Hell, hopefully he wasn’t going to sit anywhere near them when they got inside the building. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, hoping that he doesn’t become nauseous, he had to remind himself that no matter what he’s doing this because Rose is here. If it wasn’t for his daughter he would be at home watching the game, but that wasn’t the case and he has to stay strong.
“Addy, what about the surprise song?!” Another girl wearing a flashy bejeweled dress asked.
“I would die, if she sings-”
“Dad, I’m so happy we’re here!” he heard his daughter yell in excitement, momentarily pulling him away from the conversation nearby, which caused another round of screams from Swifers near them.
Wait… were they called Swifers or Swifty’s? He muttered to himself.
Ugh, he should know this by now given that his daughter would not stop playing the pop singer’s music every single day. Hell, even all throughout the three hour car ride to the stadium. Even though she had a little cat nap in the car, she had told him before she slept that he couldn’t switch the song because Crookshanks, her plushie, was watching him. Oh, how he hated that plushie, it was a gag gift from his best mate Harry, last year. It was meant to be thrown into the rubbish bin, immediately, but once Rose saw the orange cat she had fallen in love and wanted to keep it.
Ron always had a feeling that the beady eyes of the toy were looking through his soul. He was so close to throwing it out the window while driving, but he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his daughter’s tantrum- Ron heard someone cough and mutter from behind him, turning around he saw a petite brunette who was doing a really bad job at pretending to read on her phone. Which he noticed wasn’t even turned on, if he wasn’t paying attention he would’ve missed the faint blush on her cheeks.
Shaking his head, Ron crossed his arms, while trying to ignore the annoying sound of the bracelets that he was wearing on both of his arms clink together.
“Excuse me, did you say something?” He asked the woman who was still staring at the black screen of her phone.
The woman looked up and quickly put her phone in her back pocket, “Hmm, I didn’t say anything at all,” she replied smoothly.
He tried not to laugh at the blatant lie she fed him, “Oh, come on, I heard you say something,” Ron tried again, this time he raised a brow and looked into her brown eyes.
“I don’t know what you mean. I never said anything, I was simply looking over my tickets on my phone,” the woman said in a posh manner as she raised her chin slightly upwards. Shaking his head, Ron realized that this woman was not someone who would easily back down, and honestly it was kinda hot.
“Look, let's not do the whole lying thing, I heard you cough and-” he started to say but was interrupted when the brunette began laughing.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I needed permission to cough. My sincerest apologies, Mr….” she trailed off, a glimmer of something shone in her brown eyes, yet Ron didn’t want to think much of it.
“It’s Weasley, but please call me Ron, and you are?” He gestured for her hand and pretended to bow for her to continue.
“It’s Hermione Granger,” she replied before shaking his hand. He tried his best to ignore the surge of electricity that shot through his hand the moment she touched him. He nodded before letting go of her hand, the warmth that he once felt was now long gone.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Hermione,” he smiled before adding, “Now, since we’ve established our names, and formed a lifelong friendship,” Ron heard snigger before continuing, “could you tell me what you said so I won’t end up tossing and turning at night and unable to sleep. Thus causing me to lose focus at work and perform ever so poorly and end up losing my job and having to move back with my dear old mummy.”
“I highly doubt my comment would cause all of that to transpire,” Hermione shook her head, causing a few curls to come on from her updo and pushing it away from her face.
“Ahh, so you do acknowledge that you made a comment, it's great to know that I'm not losing my mind. Isn’t that right, Rose,” Ron joked as he looked down at his daughter who was too busy staring at the other girls who were taking pictures with their mothers and holding toy guitars. He didn’t need to imagine what she was thinking because he knew all too well the pain she held in her heart.
“Rose,” he tried again and tried gently to bring her attention away from the fans who seemed like they were having the time of their lives. It was moments like these in which he wished he could give his daughter something better than a ticket to a concert, but he knew money couldn’t buy everything.
Ron cleared his throat and reached down for his daughter's shoulder, slowly turning her around, “Rosie, are you alright, love?”
Instead of answering him, Rose had only nodded and gave a small smile, Ron hoped that Hermione didn’t notice the way his daughter’s smile didn't reach her eyes. If she did notice, hopefully she wouldn’t ask about it. He chanced a sideways glance at Hermione, and was grateful that she wasn’t looking at him with pity.
Good, he didn’t want to have the awkward as hell conversation about where the mother of his daughter was at, that was never easy to talk about. Besides, not to be rude or anything but why did that always have to turn into someone’s business? It wasn’t like single parents aren’t capable of pushing through the challenges of parenthood. To be honest, it felt ten times as tough having to raise a child alone, regardless of the fact that Ron had no regrets whatsoever in raising his daughter on his own. So if Hermione decides to voice out the same opinion the rest of the world had towards single parents, well then it was just too damn bad.
He was just about to turn towards the brunette beside him, when suddenly he heard the distant shouting of a boy calling for his mum. The shouting kept getting closer and closer, causing Ron to turn around and see a little boy with brown curls that was running excitedly waving a magazine and a baton wildly in his hand, “Mum, Mum! I got the magazine and they gave me this baton for free!”
Ron smiled before risking a glance at Hermione, who was waving her hands across herself as she pleaded, “Hugo, please don’t run!”
The way she looked so worried was adorable, he noted that she had only one bracelet on the wrist of her left hand, also the fact she wasn’t wearing a wedding band. Ron could faintly see four letters on the multi-colored bracelet, he tried to squint but could only guess it was spen, spem… no wait it's…spew?
Huh, what does spew even mean?
Ron glanced down at both of his forearms and skimmed through the various friendship bracelets that his daughter helped him make, on his left were bracelets that had album names. While the bracelets on his right forearm had inside jokes, like one that consisted of three numbers and letters. Ron remembers asking Rose yesterday what that one acronym meant.
Rose ended up blushing so hard he thought she was going to burst. However, after a few minutes of silence she calmly shrugged her shoulders and said, “Oh, umm, it’s silly…it’s for the song Delicate, it means, 1,2,3 Let’s Go Beautiful.” was aware how nervous she was, it was probably because she thought he didn’t care but he was glad to know, which is why he made a deal with her. If she let him listen to one song of his choosing then he would shout 123lgb, with her when the song came up. The smile on her face was priceless, he loved seeing her happy, plus he got a break from listening to the song Me! Which in his opinion was by fucking far the most annoying song he’s ever heard in his life.
He shook his head and looked at the other bracelets, yet none of them had the word spew. Running a hand through his hair in annoyance he wondered if spew was a lyric from one of the vault tracks that Rose was talking about? Unless it has a hidden meaning, ohh, maybe it's dedicated to one of the pop stars ex-boyfriends. That’s got to be it, yeah he broke the puzzle, dad of the year goes to Ronald Billius Weasley. All the other dads out there might as well just saddle on their little white horse and leave while they can.
But wait, it still didn’t make sense. What the fuck is spew? Was it because they tend to spew nonsense after breaking her heart and she wanted to get her own karma? Since karma is apparently her boyfriend or whatever that line went. But, wait wouldn’t that mean she was the spew and not the guy? Like, come on, isn’t the American singer known for her reputation with her former lovers? So wouldn’t her fans be called the SPEW’s rather than Swifers or Swifty’s, whatever the bloody hell they were called-
“Hugo! Stop, you'll get hurt-” Hermione had shouted beside him, breaking him from his thoughts.
He turned, but it was too late because the next moment Ron let go of his daughter's hand and doubled over in excruciating pain. Yep, he just hit with a baton directly at his mirrorballs. If he wasn’t in such pain he’d write his own version of that song.
“Fucking Hell!”
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rcreveal · 9 months
Feathers and Snakeskin
Crowley calls Nina urgently for help with movie night. We find out why he's so nervous about this particular movie night. January 2024 prompt a week challenge: 1) Jane Austen, 2) “you're up to something” 3) Crowley's snake, 4) how you said I love you with something you (had) made
Work Text:
“Nina, come watch these movie trailers with me!” Crowley said urgently through the cell connection.
Nina stares at the line of the morning rush with her cell to her ear and a look of disbelief on her face, “You called me with the EXCEPTIONALLY URGENT setting because you want me to watch what with you?”
“Movie trailers.  I desperately need your help with movie night! Nina, please! You're my only hope!” begs Crowley.
Nina looks at the phone and at the crowd, shakes the phone a little, sighs hugely at the ceiling, and relents, “Fine, I'll be right there.”
Addressing the customers, “Oi! Either it's the end of the world or my friend's having a mental breakdown,” in the crescendo of coffee deficient despair she holds up her hands, “Eric's got this.  Be nice or he won't make cookies this week!” This was met with instant polite silence.  The crowd couldn't decide what was worse, being cut off from Nina's coffee or Eric's baking.
On the way out the door, Mrs. Sandwich leans into Nina, “Take care of Crowley, he's been looking off his feed lately.  Won't tell me what's going on.”
Nina hurries over to the bookshop, and enters it only to find Aziraphale sitting quietly doing what looks like calligraphy at his desk while Muriel is reading.
Nina looks from one to the other and asks “Where's Crowley?”
“Not here, Nina.  He went out on an errand this morning.  Are you alright?” inquires Aziraphale.
“Fine.  I'm fine, just needed a word, in person, with Crowley. See you for movie night later?” Nina tries to cover while walking rapidly out the door. 
Once she's out of angelic earshot, she whispers into her mobile, “Why didn't you tell me you weren't at the shop!  Where are you?”
“Little distracted.  I'm at that movie rental place.  I'll share my location with you,” 
Nina's phone chimes. Her map app directs her to a video rental shop. ‘We still have one of those?’ she thinks and starts walking.  “What's with all the cloak and dagger? Are you ok?”
“I'm ok.  Nnnngh, not ok.  Physically safe, but not ok? Is that a thing?  I needed complete secrecy,” says Crowley.
“For movie trailers? You're up to something!” Nina is talking while walking through the neighborhood until she finds a familiar old storefront, ‘Kathy’s Movie Rental Emporium.’
Opening the door is like stepping into her past.  There are floor to ceiling DVDs and VHS tapes, separated into movie categories with handwritten signs in Kathy’s clear hand.  The shop is made of little nooks and crannies packed with movies with little sign posts on some of the shelves with directions to the different genres.
Nina had spent so much time in this shop when she was a teen.  She’d been searching for a community she couldn’t name and didn’t even know if it existed or not.  In Kathy’s shelves, she found windows onto other worlds, worlds where there were people like her who loved like she did and got to have the life they dreamed about.  This shop had been a bright spot in an otherwise difficult series of years.  She hadn’t seen the store front in ages.
“Nina, is that you, dear?” Kathy, at her usual station behind the till, is more spare now, but still sports the sharply fashionable clothes and architect’s round frames with a bob that's gone silver with age.  “Yeah, Kathy, yeah, it's so good to see you! I'm sorry, I thought you'd gone out of business when streaming got big.  I walked by a few times…” Nina looks bemused, then rallies, “A friend of mine is here? Crowley, chap about this tall, wears mostly black?”
Kathy comes out from behind the counter and beckons Nina to follow her behind the stacks, down a narrow corridor lined with classic movie posters. “It’s so good you came over! He's in the private theater. Needs a little help.” Kathy knocks gently on a door under red velvet curtains and gold braid.
“Cooee! Crowley? Nina's come down,” Kathy calls and opens the door.
The little private theater is big enough for about twenty people and a screen, with a little stage that Nina recalled had also hosted some fledgling cinematographers and their works.  Now, it contains one agitated Crowley and drifts of huge black feathers.  Nina looks from Crowley to Kathy and whispers “If I'm not out in an hour, come knock?” 
Kathy's face creases into a warm smile, “Just so, dear.”
Nina turns back to Crowley saying, “What’s going on?  Where’d all these feathers come from?” 
Crowley continues pacing, saying, “I’m molting.”
Nina looks at him askance, “You molt?”
Dipping his head side to side, Crowley says, “I molt when I’m nervous.”
“You didn’t molt during the Second Coming,” Nina points out.
Rubbing his neck like it itches, he says, “I wasn’t nervous during the Second Coming.  I was many things, but I was not nervous .”
Hands on hips still watching Crowley pace, Nina says, “Ok, you molt when you’re nervous.  Why are you nervous?”
“I want movie night to be perfect this week!  I want to pick the perfect movie! And I can’t see!”  
Nina walks over to him quickly now, “Of course you can’t see in here, you’ve got sunglasses on!”
“I’ve got sunglasses on because of why I can’t see!  I’m shedding, too,”  Crowley takes off his glasses to expose eyes that are covered with a cloudy bluish-white film and rubs his chest while uncomfortably moving his neck. Nina is strongly reminded of her childhood pet corn snake when he was about to shed, all tetchy and restless.
“You shed.  Like a snake?”
“I only shed when I’m really nervous. And I can’t do it in this form, but I can’t see to get home.  And I’ll only keep nervously molting and shedding, until I get this movie picked out! And itchy!” grumbles Crowley.
“Ri-ight. You’re nervous about picking out a movie for our regular weekly movie night that we’ve been doing for almost two years like clockwork. And you can’t watch the trailers now because you can’t see.  O-kay” Nina decides to tackle the more manageable problem first.  “What movies are you choosing between?”
Pacing and scratching, Crowley says, “‘Emma’ the new 2020 version, ‘Ella Enchanted’, uh and ‘The Princess Bride’.”
“I assume that you wouldn’t be this nervous if you weren’t trying to impress Mr. Fell somehow?  And these are all fluffy love stories, with twists and turns before people recognize they love each other, then happy endings.  Mmm, drop ‘Ella Enchanted.’  Everyone loves Anne Hathaway, but I don’t know about the fairy tale thing.”
Crowley interjects, “‘The Princess Bride’ is one of his favorites!  He talks along with all the lines.”
Nina considers, “It’s a reliable good time, but has he seen that production of ‘Emma’?”
“Don’t think so,” Crowley tugs at his collar.
“Have you?” Nina asks curiously.
“Not yet!” Crowley said exasperatedly, “The movie lady, Kathy, suggested it and I was getting ready to screen it back here, when, eyes!” he gestures angrily at his face.
“‘Emma’ then, Kathy’s a magic worker when it comes to picking the most perfect movie for you to see next,” remarks Nina decisively, “I liked that one.  Stellar cast, good music, usual Jane Austen antics, remarkable costumes.  Yeah, Mr Fell would enjoy it.”
But Crowley is directing a dubious look in her general direction, “You watch Jane Austen films?”
Nina pulls a face then grudgingly admits, “I may have discovered a new appreciation for them since Mr Fell made us watch that ‘Pride and Prejudice’ production back when movie night began.  But don’t change the subject, that’s your movie sorted.  Now, do I just fetch the Bentley and take you home or to Mr Fell’s?”
“It, uh, really can’t wait that long,” Crowley sounds a little embarrassed.
“What? You’re going to turn into a snake right here so you can shed?”
“Yessss, that about ssssumsss it up.  Sssssorry.”
They’re both startled by a soft knock on the door.
“Sorry, dears, it took me a little to find it in the back of the storerooms, but I think this will do nicely for you,” Kathy wheels in a large structure of intertwining wooden roots, rough and nobbly.  “Some of my naga clients have had the same thing happen to them now and then.”
“I’m not a naga,” grumps Crowley.
“Well, no, dear.  Tho’ you’re handsome enough to be one and you need to shed your snake skin like one! Take all the time you need.” Kathy remarks brightly as Crowley pulls the structure further into the room, not entirely surprised to have run into another occultly attuned human.
Nina suddenly puts some very random facts together.  “Kathy, do you know my grandmother, by any chance?” asks Nina.
“Of course, dear, Alvita and I go back a long way,” says Kathy.
“What’s your user name in the Book Club server then?” asks Nina.
“Why it’s ‘MovieMama’! And you must be ‘Coffeehuman’, am I right?” Kathy remarks delightedly.
“Pleassssse, ladiessss!  Sssssome privassssssssy?” Crowley begs.
“Sure, sure, let me know when you’re done and I’ll help you tidy the theater,” Nina closes the door behind herself and hangs the ‘In use’ sign, shaking her head.
Pointing her thumb over her shoulder, Nina asks, “How long does this sort of thing usually take?” 
“Oh, about an hour or so, but he’ll be really stunning when he’s done!  The colors are never brighter than right after a shed. Would you like a sandwich while we wait?” Kathy heads up to the front of the shop again.
Nina is gazing around, “I never got a chance to tell you how important this shop, how important you were when I was figuring out about myself.  I came back to the neighborhood looking for your shop, but I couldn’t find it.”
Kathy looks gently at Nina, “Thank you, dear, it was a pleasure.  I got called away for a bit.  But it’s lovely to be spending some time in Soho again.”
“So it wasn’t just me being mental, or you closing shop?  The whole place was gone?”
“Only gone from here. I was open in one of my other locations.  My Book Club user name was originally going to be ‘MultiverseMovieMama’ but it just took too long to type,” Kathy grins at Nina.
“So, I haven’t been able to find that film about the group of friends at the cottage on the coast because it’s not from this world?”
“Yes.  I’ve still got the copy.  Would you like to watch it now?”
“Would I ever!  It’s hilarious!” Nina exclaimed.
Crowley did come out in about two hours looking rather spiffy, if you fancied men.  Nina was just glad to see that he looked human and calmer.  She went into the theater with some large plastic trash bags, “I’ll get the feathers, but the snakeskin is all you.”
“Fair,” said Crowley, unwrapping twenty or so feet of fresh snakeskin from the wooden sculpture and gently putting it into another plastic bag.
While they worked, Nina asks, “What’s making you so nervous that you’re shedding and molting?  I can’t believe you’re driving yourself crazy about just a movie?”
Finding feathers that have gotten into surprising places, Crowley replies, “I need to talk to Aziraphale and I’m hoping the movie will help me, maybe get him in the right mood.”
“Get him in the right mood for what?  You don’t need a rom-com to make him realize he loves you.  You’ve already done that.”  Nina stares hard at him with her head to the side, then the penny drops, “You’re not going to propose to Mr Fell?” She surveys Crowley’s sudden stillness, “You’re going to propose to Mr Fell!!! Why!??”
“See, I knew you’d understand,” he smiles ruefully.
“Understand what?  You don’t need to get married!  You can be 100% committed to each other and faithful, why would you want all that silly ceremony?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Mr Fell would be over the moon!” which sets off a sappy smile on Crowley’s face, “But you can’t want…why?” and Nina suddenly doesn’t look like she’s talking about just Crowly and Aziraphale’s relationship.
Crowley flops down on a theater seat with his bag of feathers in his lap and Nina sits down next to him, hands playing with a long black pinion feather that just escaped.
“The past two years have been amazing, remarkable, more happiness than I would have thought I deserved.  But, everything still feels up in the air, not locked down, somehow.  I want to show Aziraphale that I will make the most binding contract I know of to say I never want to leave.  Even if I get angry or he does, I’ll do the work necessary to stay an ‘us’.” Crowley looks over at Nina hoping she understands, but she’s turned a bit away from him and her voice sounds a little choked when she asks, “You want to show him or you want him to show you?  You’re still worried that he’ll leave again, aren’t you?”
Crowley scrubs his face with his hands, “Nailed it again, Nina,” he says ruefully. 
“But why do you want any relationship advice from me?  The last time Maggie and I gave you relationship advice about talking to Mr Fell…” Nina breaks off.
“Trust me, Nina, the advice was good.  I just carried it out badly,” admits Crowley softly.
Nina turns back to him, and smiles a little tremulously.  “That's what marriage means to you? A commitment to never stop trying to be the best partners you can be? Whether he or you needs supporting or to be called out?”
“Yeah,” says Crowley.
“And you think you can tell him that, too?” asks Nina.
“Yeah,” says Crowley.
Nina nods decisively, “Right then, you’ve got my blessing or whatever.”
Crowley looks surprised, “Your blessing?”
“Or whatever, I assume that's what you were needing?  A marriage skeptic to kick you in the arse?”
Staring at her again, Crowley slowly grins, “Yeah, something like that. Thanks for coming over.  If you'll just help me get these bags of feathers out to the Bentley for safekeeping?  I've got a few more errands to run before tonight.”
Aziraphale looked up when the doorbell tinkled, and the breath caught in his throat.  Crowley stood framed with the light falling on him from the shop windows with his hair iridescently red.  Azriaphale was taken again by the line of his jaw, the lithe energy in his frame.  A single black feather materialized and drifted gently to the floor.
Crowley was likewise arrested by the sight of Aziraphale with the light somehow igniting the dust motes into a literal halo about his head.  Caught by the look of wonder in his eyes, his quiet strength, and in the way he seemed so comfortable in himself.  The ink was still wet on a heavy piece of cardstock covered with the angel’s best copperplate.
“I brought a movie for movie night.” Crowley said, “And Coca-cola’s for the rum and cokes.  Proper glass bottles, “ Crowley held up the bottles as evidence.
Aziraphale stood at his desk, “Everyone’s given their regrets.  Last minute things, couldn’t be avoided.  It’s just you and me tonight,” Aziraphale’s hand reaches down to twirl his ring as he steps forward to take the cardboard crate of glass bottles from Crowley’s hand, the light sparkling in the glass and illuminating the deep sepia beverage within.  Rather than going all the way to the kitchen, or even breaking eye contact with Crowley, he just reaches back to set it on whatever flat surface is available.
“It’s rather fortuitous actually,” Aziraphale continues, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk with you about.”
“Yeah, uh, there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk with you about, too,” Crowley stammers and another ebony feather materializes as it drifts towards the floor.
“Oh, well, you first, dear boy, last time we both wanted to talk at the same time…I should have let you say your piece,” Aziraphale's eyes well up with tears at the memory.
“I’ve learned that I can stand to listen better.  Go ahead, Angel,” Crowley says softly.
Aziraphale is spinning his ring now and biting his lip, “We’ve been courting for almost two years now, and it’s glorious, really it is.”  Crowley has leaned back to grasp the shop door behind him for support.
“I just always thought it would be a…a temporary phase,” the angel says haltingly.
“Temporary…?” Crowley croaks.
“Yes, like before we…well, you’ll think I’m silly,” Aziraphale looks away.
“Before we?” Crowley, breathing again, stands up from where he was leaning against the door and catches the angel’s hand in his.
“Before we…got married.  See!  I knew you’d think I’m just an old silly!” and the angel tries to pull away, but Crowley tugs him back, saying softly,
“I think I should have my go now, alright?” smiling gently while reaching into his jacket, Crowley pulls out a small jewelry box. “I love you, a lot.  And I want to be with you, trying to be the best ‘us’ we can be, good times, hard times, both.  And I would like…for you… to marry me.”
“You’re asking me? You’re asking me?!” Aziraphale sounds astonished.
“Angel, if you don’t give me your answer right now, I swear…Don’t you want…?”  doubt is creeping back into the corners of his voice.
“Want to marry you? Of course , I want to marry you!  I’ve wanted to marry you for the past two years!  I thought you didn’t care for all that ceremony, and,”
But Crowley is kissing him, and Aziraphale is heartily kissing him back and they’re both crying, by the time they breathlessly break off from kissing with Aziraphale’s, “Oh!” 
Aziraphale starts patting all over his coat and vest, mumbling, “Drat! Where has it gotten to!” and he finally sighs and slips his hand into the breast pocket of his vest, pulling out a small leather pouch that’s been resting over his heart for more than a year.
“I had this made for you, in case we ever did, get married officially.”  Aziraphale spills a ring into his palm, a black band with gold inlay to form interlocking wings.
Kissing Aziraphale’s temple gently, Crowley says, “I love it, Angel. Here's mine for you,” and Crowley opens the jewelry box that contains a gold ring sporting fine engraving that creates the look of a DaVinci sketch of intertwining dark feathers and light.
“Oh! It’s very like your friend’s drawings!  Well done!” Aziraphale remarks.
Solicitously picking up the few feathers that have fallen to the floor, Aziraphale asks, “Is this why you’ve been molting, dear?  I wondered what was bothering you so.” 
“Yeah, ‘fraid so.  What have you been doing with the feathers?”
“Oh, I just stuff them in the eiderdown with mine, or use them as quills. I've, uh, been mocking up wedding invitations, um, using our feathers for quills,” says Aziraphale.
Crowley looks at the drying invitation on the desk, eyebrows raised, “How many invitations have you done?”
“Oh several dozen, they're in my trousseau with the complimenting monogrammed handkerchiefs!” the angel burbles nervously.
“A trousseau?!  I look forward to seeing that…especially the garters,” Crowley grins mischievously.
Crowley looks over his shoulder at the coffee shop where all their friends are glued to the windows trying to see their exchange.
Aziraphale follows his gaze, “Shall we let them in on the good news?” then opens the door behind Crowley and sweeps him out onto the step where the angel bellows, “I SAID YES!” and then tugs Crowley into a jog across the street.  They tumble hand in hand into the coffee shop into a cacophony of hugging, crying, laughing people.  Their friends are jumping up and down, and everyone is either hugging someone or clamoring to hear all about the proposal, before they move the party over to Kathy's shop to watch ‘Emma.’
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xaharadesert · 3 years
Sports Day! - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6 + Nadia’s Family)
A/N: This one’s for @apprenticeshen, although Tumblr won’t let me @ them! I know I said I wouldn’t be posting until my break started, but this one is so simple and cute that I just had to write it! Requests are open :)
Destroys everyone in the obstacle course
His long legs make him faster in the first place, but all of his practice running away from his problems the law give him an advantage
There may be a moment when he trips over his own feet while trying to give you a smirk, but he’ll recover quickly enough that nobody overtakes him
He doesn’t exactly rub his victory in other peoples’ faces, but he does give an unnecessary speech thanking everyone who helped him achieve it
The undeniably best at wrestling matches
Does she know what she’s doing? No
Does she know that she has a lower center of gravity, greater mass, and less pride than the other competitors? Yes
She’s not afraid to go for the knees, and while that may or may not go against the rules, nobody is willing to tell her that
She destroys everybody, especially her brother, and looks super proud of herself (she should be, she’s an absolute legend)
Pretty much the only sore loser
And it’s not that he’s bad at any of the events; in fact, he comes in second place almost every time
It’s just that other competitors seem to get a lot more serious about winning when they compete against him
And Asra may or may not have used a little bit of magic in the name of being petty
With that being said, he eventually starts talking about his other great victories in life, and claims that they are much more important than any silly games that you may be playing that day (aka, he’s begging for validation, please spare him some)
He wouldn’t really want to participate at first, so someone will have to drag him into it
Doesn’t really give his all in any of the individual events, but goes all out in team events and helps destroy the competition
The exception is the sack race, which he gets really into
Unfortunately he’s too strong and rips through the sack
He still wins, and doesn’t seem to notice, but he seems so genuinely happy that nobody has the heart to tell him
Absolute champion of the buddy system
Now, you may be thinking “this is a sports day, we don’t need a buddy system”, but you’d be wrong
The buddy system is the most important part of the day, and if you think Asra is letting go of his buddy’s hand for even one second then you are sorely mistaken
His poor buddy may miss some events because he decided to take a nap and whoops, looks like his buddy is now trapped in a sleeping Asra’s iron grip
The only one who actually knows all of the rules to the games
When a sports day was announced, she decided it was necessary for her to learn about the different games so she would be prepared
Now she could probably beat anyone on a technicality, but she’d probably realize half way through that the rules don’t really matter as long as everyone is having fun
Once she lets go of the stricter aspects of the day, she finds herself having more fun than she has in ages
He’s in charge of the snacks!
I don’t know why, he just gives me those vibes
And obviously he doesn’t put the snacks together or carry them around himself (he is royalty, after all), but he does make sure everyone has had enough to eat and has had their preferences catered to
He participates in the events, and often loses on purpose to make everyone feel good about themself
Unless he’s competing against Lucio
He’ll destroy Lucio
She’s the one in charge of handing out medals :)
And you know those medals are made out of real gold
Honestly, the medal isn’t even the real prize, it’s the compliment she gives you when you win
The only reason she isn’t participating in the events herself is because she would absolutely destroy everyone else without even breaking a sweat
She likes to spectate
It’s not that she’s incapable of participating, or that she doesn’t want to, she just prefers to watch
She’s kind of off in her own little world, but she’s happy to be surrounded by people she loves
She’d also love to play little games of rock-paper-scissors with anyone who needs a break from the games
They are the absolute best teammate to have for the three-legged race
Somehow they’re always in sync with the partner, no matter who it is
They’re probably yelling throughout the entire race, but there won’t be any distinguishable words, just pure chaos and joy
That’s okay though, you can tell they’re having the time of their life
And even if they don’t win, they’re too busy laughing about how ridiculous everyone looked to actually care
Her favourite event is the tug-of-war
This doesn’t mean she’s good at it or anything, she just loves how much fun it is when everybody is working together
She’s the one yelling the loudest and cheering on her teammates
If the other side wins, then they’ll have to drag her the whole way across the line because there’s no way she’s giving up and letting go
The undisputed arm-wrestling legend herself
Nobody will ever defeat her, not even Lucio using his metal arm, or Muriel when he isn’t holding back, or the Arcana themselves
But if she casually lets you or Portia score a victory every once in a while, nobody needs to know
And of course, whether she wins or loses (she always wins), she’s a good sport about it
Absolutely demolishes that one race where you have to balance an egg on a spoon
She moves so gracefully that it looks like she’s floating
Crosses the finish line way ahead of everyone else, but claps every time someone else makes it across
Even if you’re dead last, she’ll be cheering you on
Self-proclaimed announcer/commentator
She commentates the events so seriously that you’d think that your little sports day was the Olympics
Also takes the opportunity to roast absolutely everyone who’s competing, whether she likes them or not
Nobody is safe, and she seems to know more about everyone than should be possible
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wellpresseddaisy · 3 years
Hubert Prewett Makes an Entrance
"Now Ginny, don't gawk. He's a boy, not a kneazel in a shop." Molly scolded lightly, pulling Ginny back to stand away from the train. She didn't like to scold, not when poor Gin faced most of a year just with her, but you couldn't go about gawking at people like that.
And he looked so much like Lily, right down to that sweet smile of hers, that her heart hurt for a moment. They'd been pregnant together, she and Lily and Alice, so they'd spent many long hours in the Burrow's sitting room, waiting together. One couldn't very well go on raids seven months gone. She found herself glad Lily lived on in Harry.
She could hold onto that.
"Mind if I sit here...everywhere else is full?"
Ron stumbled into the compartment as Fred poked him sharply in the back. They wanted to get Ron settled and be off to see Lee's tarantula. Much more interesting than ickle firsties.
"Er, sure?" The red headed boy shifted a bit as if to get further out of the way.
"Brilliant! I'm Ron. Ron Weasley." At least you could count on Ron to introduce himself.
"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." The surname came at nearly a whisper.
"Budge up, Fred! Blimey he looks like his mum!" George exclaimed from behind him, crowding in and shutting the door.
"Is that bad? Everyone keeps…" He pressed his lips together as if afraid he'd said too much already.
"Course not!" Ron butted in. "It's only everyone thought you'd look like your dad, you know."
"Some blond prat was going on about it, nearly ran into me in the corridor." George explained the shoving. "You're the talk of the train."
Harry groaned and dropped his head into his hands. "I didn't even know about magic until Hagrid knocked the door in!"
"Hagrid knocked the…" Fred started.
"Door in?" George finished.
"My relatives don't much like magic? Or anything that isn't normal? My uncle sells drills." The plaintive look on the kid's face tugged at Fred's heartstrings as an idea formed. He hadn't the foggiest what a drill was, but he assumed it was something normal for Muggles.
"Who are your relatives?" George asked.
"Er, Vernon and Petunia? Aunt Petunia's my mum's sister." Harry shifted nervously and looked to Ron, who mouthed 'Just answer him'
"And you're from?"
"Er, Surrey? Little Whinging."
"Right then, you and Ronnie get acquainted, George and I have some, er, business to attend to." Fred butted in before George could really get going. "We may have a solution for your...attention problem. Have to do some planning first. We'll be back." Fred heaved Ron's trunk up into the rack and hauled George out.
"You get used to them." They heard Ron explain as Fred dragged George into the nearest empty compartment.
"I have an idea for the biggest prank ever played on the Wizarding World, George."
"You have The Face, Fred. Last time you had The Face we were grounded for a month. Literally grounded. Mum locked up our brooms."
"What's a broom to the most genius prank in our long and storied history? What if he didn't have to be Harry Potter?" Fred went on, ignoring George. "He's miserable at the attention, George."
"And who might he be instead? Eustace the midgety?"
The question cheered Fred immensely. If George really didn't want to, no amount of wheedling would budge him. And Fred was an excellent wheedler.
"Hubert Prewett. Junior."
"Fred...Freddy...you cannot drop children on unsuspecting bachelor uncles. It's not done. It's not...sporting."
"Sporting? You have spent too much time writing Oliver. In any case, it's perfect. Cousin Hubert is a squib; Harry is Muggle-raised. They both live in Surrey. And we wouldn't drop Harry on him. We would ask. Nicely. And, er, let Mum and Aunt Muriel know."
George went quiet for a moment. "How do you plan to get Professor McGonagall in on this? He can't be Sorted as Harry Potter and then refuse to answer to it."
"We'll need Percy for that part. And for a large plaster to put over his scar. Perce always has things like that. And he writes the most touching letters."
George snorted. "We'll go find Percy and put it to him."
Percy proved somewhat elusive, but they finally ran him to ground doing his rounds and shoved him into an empty compartment.
"We need your expertise and a large plaster," Fred found himself blurting out before Percy could draw himself up to his full height.
Nothing good ever came from Percy drawing himself up like that.
"I beg your pardon?" Percy's ingrained good manners saved their skin.
"What Fred means is that he's found another wounded dove, only this time he's not trying to hide it in the henhouse. He wants to hide it in House Prewett."
"Will one of you try making sense in the next fifteen seconds?" Percy scolded, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I've already had to break up two games of strip Exploding Snap and discovered the Head Boy in a compromising position. I am not in the mood for your nincompoopery."
Percy had apparently spent the Summer studying the Severus Snape Big Book of Bastardry. (He wasn't that bad, really, but one did have to humor the man or he'd be completely unreasonable about certain...experiments)
"Harry Potter was completely Muggle-raised and had no idea he was even magic until a month ago. He's miserable at the attention. He also looks like his mum and therefore would blend in with us. If we can manage, I think he ought to use Hubert Prewett as an assumed name." Fred explained. "We need your help convincing Mum, Aunt Muriel, and Professor McGonagall."
"Have you asked cousin Hubert?" Percy asked, now rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I know you two have some way of contacting him."
Fred stared at George. How did Percy always know?
"Er, yeah, we can get word to him." Fred finally answered.
"As Fred's instincts are usually good...only when it comes to those in need of help, mind...I will write to Mum and Aunt Muriel. I will also let Professor McGonagall know as soon as you obtain permission from cousin Hubert. That means now, please."
George made rather a show of pulling their latest invention out of his pocket - one of a pair of linked notebooks. Fred produced a pencil and pulled George down to the bench. When it came down to it, though, how did you ask your happy bachelor uncle if he'd like to participate in pulling the wool--there it was.
Hubert - high priority!
Would you like to help pull the wool over the eyes of the entire Wizarding World? Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts but he's been raised Muggle. He's miserable about all the attention. We'd like to hide him as a Prewett. What do you think of him being Hubert Prewett Junior?
And before you ask, yes, Percy is assisting and doesn't object.
"We'll have to wait a few." George explained.
"So that book is connected to…?" Percy prompted.
"Hubert's got the other one." Fred tapped the page impatiently. They had several hours, but he really wanted to know. And they'd have to brief Harry.
"And he can use it?" Percy looked interested. "Even though he's a Squib?"
"He has some magic, Perc." George growled.
"George, Percy has a point." Fred slapped a hand over his own mouth for a moment, horrified to agree with Percy. "Hell. Anyway, you know Squibs have variable access to magic, just not enough to go to Hogwarts. Hubert is actually on the cusp."
"Do you think he might be interested in some experi--"
But the notebook flashed blue, cutting Percy off. Knowing him, Hubert would have a properly formatted research proposal winging its way to him by morning.
Twin terrors -
Yes. Will expand on this later, you caught me at work.
But you know I'm only agreeing because Percy considers it a reasonable idea…
"He said yes, Perc. Will you write McGonagall?"
"Professor McGonagall and I can do one better." Percy wrote a note on some spare parchment (and where he'd been hiding that Fred would always wonder), set it on the seat beside him, and set his Prefect badge on top of it. He tapped his badge twice and muttered something Fred couldn't quite hear. The parchment disappeared.
"It'll go to her desk in her office." Percy explained. "And here's the plaster you wanted. Is it large enough?"
"You're brilliant, Percy! We'll just buzz off and…" Fred hopped up from the seat but couldn't swipe the plaster.
"No." Percy held up a hand to stop them. "I will see Ron and Mr. Potter to explain once I receive word from Professor McGonagall. You two go and meet up with Lee. If you don't, people will be suspicious."
"I really don't like it when he has a point." George grumbled, especially as Percy swiped his linked notebook.
"I will also see to concocting a reasonable backstory with cousin Hubert. You'll get this back when we get to Hogwarts." Percy cut off the complaints before they could start.
"We'll just go along and find Lee. We haven't seen his tarantula yet." Fred stood and pulled on George to get him moving. As they scuttled into the corridor, Fred heard Percy mutter.
"I did not hear that. I did not hear that and I don't have to do anything about it."
Meanwhile, in McGonagall's office…
"Minerva, why the devil has Harry Potter disappeared from the class roster to be replaced by…" Severus Snape looked down at the grade book he'd brought with him. "Hubert Prewett...Junior?"
"Balls." Minerva muttered, setting down her quill. "It would be you who noticed."
"Is there an explanation forthcoming or must I begin guessing?" Snape fought the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose after several very quiet moments.
"Apparently, he takes after Lily in looks and...did Albus ever tell you where he was placed?" Minerva stood and moved to the small sideboard near her desk. She tapped the kettle with her wand and steam poured from the spout.
"With a family who would see to it he was properly educated." Snape answered promptly.
"Do sit, Severus. You make me nervous lurking in front of my desk." Minerva directed as she poured the boiling water into a malachite green earthenware teapot.
"I don't see how I can lurk when I'm standing here plain as day." Severus complained, but only for form's sake. "And can I assist?"
"Your lurking is more a state of being. You...always seem to lurk. And no, I'm not so infirm that I can't make tea. You can get the biscuit tin, though."
He did as he was told, getting the plaid biscuit tin down from its place crammed onto one of her bookshelves. He set it on one of the armchairs before her fireplace and pulled the piecrust table out from the wall by the fireplace. He set the top and shook a cloth out over it before setting the tin at one side. Minerva would need the bulk of the table for the tea things.
She followed him moments later, the tea tray making a smooth and silent landing on the table. They sat, as they often did of an evening when neither needed to patrol, and Minerva poured tea. Severus accepted a cup and waited for Minerva to speak.
"You were not fully informed of Potter's whereabouts, Severus. He was raised by Lily's sister." She began, finally.
Severus would ever after swear that everything stopped for a full minute. The world seemed terribly far away and his ears rang strangely.
"Severus! Severus!"
He came back to himself at the panic Minerva's voice.
"I...I'm fine, Minerva. It was...a shock. Petunia loathed magic."
"How did you know her name?"
He looked into a narrow-eyed glare, reminding him that her Animagus form was a predator.
"I grew up with them, Minerva. Surely you remember? We called her Pisstunia as she was always pissing on anyone else's happiness."
"I always for...hmm...I'll look into that. In any case, there wasn't any other family available and Albus didn't want him going to, well, the Malfoys. It was all well and good for...for Sirius to blood adopt him during...well, it could have backfired had Narcissa known."
"I...see." Severus answered carefully. "Who wrote?"
"Percy Weasley. Fred and George came to him. I don't know why any of us didn't think of it. Although, I was sure he'd take after James." Minerva sipped her tea. "If he can have a normal time of it at Hogwarts with no expectations or whispering in the corridors, it'll do him a world of good."
"I think it would," he agreed, his throat tight. The boy looked like Lily. He'd expected a miniature Potter as well, but he...that would likely prove difficult. But he'd be a Prewett. He'd be invisible. Severus had rather dreaded calling roll. "It will make many things easier."
"He'll be judged on his own merits." Minerva agreed firmly.
"Anyone who knows, or who met him, will need to be placed under oath." He added. "It won't help if his secret gets out."
"A geas, perhaps? One that will keep all of us from speaking his actual name?" Minerva suggested, sipping her tea thoughtfully. "Would it work on society at large?"
"Can one's identity be secured with a Fidelius? Along with the geas?" An idle question, but it could help.
"I think we should try them together." Minerva decided.
Percy made his way down the train to Ron's compartment, mentally creating a checklist. He trusted Professor McGonagall to take care of the name change and security for Harry...Hubert...best start the way one meant to go on. But, the boy would need a believable back story, constructed mostly out of the truth. It was the best way to lie, really. Mum never believed the twins or Ron because they made everything sound so fantastical. And to get the truth, he needed to speak to Hubert. Both of them.
He located the boys in the midst of wrappers and boxes. Well, if Fred was correct, he mayn't ever have had the chance to eat sweets like this before. And there were pasties there, too, so it wasn't just a sugar fest. He knocked once before sliding the door open.
"Hello Ron." He turned to the other occupant while Ron tried to stuff wrappers out of sight. "I'm Percy, Ron's older brother. I spoke to the twins and we can help with...the issue at hand."
The boy stared at him, open-mouthed. Percy closed and locked the door with a flick of his wand and set some anti-eavesdropping charms. Next to Ron, Harry looked tiny, too small to be a student. His whole...look...gave him an air of neglect, from his wild hair to the too-large clothes to the trainers held together with some kind of tape. Percy knew, no matter Harry's answer, that he would do something about this. No child should arrive at Hogwarts so clearly unloved.
"How would you like to be a Prewett?" He asked.
"A what?"
"We have a squib cousin named Hubert Prewett. We've asked him if he would be willing to pretend you were his son, and he agreed. You could attend Hogwarts as Hubert Prewett junior. No one would be likely to stare or make you uncomfortable." Percy tried to explain clearly.
"Just like that?"
"If you want to. I arranged it with Professor McGonagall. She thought it a good idea, actually. You could be just a normal student."
"I…" Harry stopped for a moment, brow wrinkling a bit in thought. "Would I have to give up being a Potter?"
"No. I've...checked with Gringotts before, just out of curiosity, and they have no problem with a client taking an assumed name. You'll still be you, just with a name you take to protect your privacy. Even if you were adopted, unless you renounce the Potter family, you'll always be a Potter. It has to do, in some part, with our Family Magics," Percy explained carefully.
"Then...yes. I just want to be a normal student. I don't want anyone staring or whispering. It's just...the scar? Everyone knows." Harry scrunched in on himself, looking, impossibly, even smaller.
"We can try this," Percy held up the plaster. "Or we can try to blend it into something else."
"What do you mean?" Ron asked.
"Now that I've seen it, perhaps a port wine stain? It would be the right color to give it some camouflage. A combination may be safest, just in case you get hit with a finite."
"Could we try the plaster first?" A tentative question that sent every alarm bell ringing in Percy's head. Not the question, but the way he asked it. The way he held himself as if expecting a smack.
"Of course. Can I put it on for you?"
A quick nod answers his question. He made certain he only held the plaster and that he moved slowly. It covered the scar easily and he smoothed it in place.
"Hello Hubert Prewett, junior. Welcome to the Wizarding World." He had no idea where the words came from, but they sealed something between him and Hugh and Ron...and maybe all the Weasleys and Prewetts. There was a claim in there, because Percy will be damned if this child goes back to his 'family' next June. The family magics just made a smug sort of chime at him.
"Hi." He smiles shyly. "Er, do we need a story or something about how I got here?"
"That's why I'm here and not the twins," Percy explained. "Knowing them, you'd have been raised by a band of roving house elves or something equally ludicrous. We're going to settle on a story and tell cousin Hubert, Mum, and Aunt Muriel, and then I'm going to make certain the two of you are prepared for your first classes."
Ron groaned and tried to slither onto the floor. "But Peeeeeerc…"
"No, Ron. I've done my Prefect rounds and explained that we have a slight family...thing to Oliver. You have my undivided attention for the rest of this trip." He wasn't hiding from anything, not really, but Ron and Hugh probably needed him more than anyone else right now. "And you will not show up unprepared for your first classes."
He knew that Ron knew the Look on his face.
"In any case, consider me a resource for all the questions you have but didn't know who to ask."
"Fine." Ron huffed. Hugh just looked at him as though he'd hung the moon.
"I can ask questions?"
"As many as you like," Percy promised, wondering how he could smile at a child while feeling absolute homicidal rage ringing in his ears. "And I'll answer them to the best of my ability or find a professor who can. That goes for you too, Ron."
"If we do everything you say, will you play chess with me?" Ron asked. "Later?"
"Of course. Now, let's figure out a past for Hugh."
Percy made a mental note to research Muggle baiting laws. Was it baiting if they all knew about magic? And exactly how would Muggles react to certain potions created by certain red headed menaces? And would Hugh give up an address?
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snikker-doooo · 4 years
Main 6 after Wisdom Teeth Removal
Head cannons for @madllamamomma​ because I got mine removed almost a month ago and the memory is still fresh in my mind.
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- He is just so chill about the whole thing, yep, getting four teeth out, gonna be under for an hour, it’ll be a nice nap. not like he needs help napping
- Has Muriel or MC listed as his carer for the next two days but just plans to sleep it off.
- Almost too late for appointment, but sweet talks the nurse a little so she lets him in.
- Yes he asks to keep his teeth. His going to make Faust a little crown from them.
- First thing he does is goes to remove the gauze from his mouth, only to have his hand slapped away by a nurse.
- Second thing he does is whine for MC - even if Muriels the only one there to pick him up.
- Has no concept of how loud his being and is shouting the whole time.
- No one can understand him still so he just talks louder.
- Doesn’t fall for any tricks - very, aware of everything other than his voice.
- Created a nest pre-op so he has somewhere to sleep post-op.
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- Look, its a routine operation, happens all the time he is not nervous at all.
- Except he is nervous and considers writing a will before hand.
- Has organized it so he stays with Mazelinka for the next two days, if he stays with Portia he just knows shes going to prank him.
- Little does he know,  Mazelinka is in on it, and Portia is picking him up.
- Doesn’t’t keep his teeth, he already has a mouth full. 
- Comes out really slowly and kind of groggy.
- The nurse lets him choose a juicebox and he almost cries when he has to pick just one.
- Gets a second juice box for being a good sport and almost cries again.
- You know that one video where the man forgets his married? That's Julian but with the nurse.
- Very surprised when Mazelinka picks him up and has dyed her hair the same colour as Portia. 
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- Acts brave and tough, not going to hurt, not going to get pranked.
- Ask Nadia to stay with her, because nothing bad will happen at hers.
- Starts to get the waiting room jitters.
- By the time his lying on the table, he becomes a ball of anxiety.
- Nurses have to gas him before he goes in.
- Keeps his teeth, going to say they were knocked out in a bar fight though.
- Is alert within seconds of waking up.
- Rips the cannula from his wrist and is very upset after that.
- Clingy, constantly asks Nadia why they got a divorce. 
- Nadia just lets him cry on her shoulder, knowing it will be over soon.
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- Allows Asra or MC to look after him post op. 
- Looks like his going great but is silently screaming.
- Over half an hour early for the appointment just in case. 
- One word answers to the doctor and nurses, but polite nether the less. 
- Doesn’t really care what happens to his teeth. If you want them, he’ll ask for them, if not they can burn. 
- Just a big, soft boi who does exactly what the nurse tells him too.
- Very insistent that he is good to go home. He is not. It takes him ages to fully come to.
- Gets his juice, asks for orange but doesn’t complain when he gets black current.
- Said he needed to go to the bathroom, claimed he didn’t need your help, disappeared for 20 minutes and you still have no idea if he washed his hands.
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- Very composed. 
- Asks Portia to pick her up because she knows as much as Portia loves a prank, she would never prank her.
- Very insistent that she won’t need more than a day off of work (she is wrong her elegant cheek bones get engulfed with bruises.) 
- Sits patiently in the waiting room and takes the cannula like a champ.
- Doesn’t keep her teeth.
- She becomes very suggestible and chatty.
- Like, she wants to tell you all her secrets kind of chatty.
- And suggestible, this will probably be one of the few times she’ll just straight up do whatever someone tells her too.
- Aesthetic ice packs, straight onto the cheeks, but swells up anyway. 
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- Organizes for Julian to pick her up - he’s a doctor, and her brother, so she’ll be in the best hands. 
-  Really hopes she gets high as all hell and someone pulls a really good prank.
- So much excited energy in the waiting room.
- So peppy to her nurses they think she's anxious. 
- Writes ‘Keep the teeth’ on her cheek to remind the doctor. 
- At first she's very upset because she feels normal.
- That's until Julian shows up and she starts mumbling about fights they had as children and then she gets very grumpy.
- But then she gets given ice cream and everything is okay in the world.
- Until the pranks begin. 
- You know that one video, where the guy convinces his sister that there's a zombie apocalypses? That's Portia!
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Ines Isabela Valera Madrigal – Character Sheet
i grow rows and rows of roses / flor de mayo, by the mile / i make perfect, practiced poses / so much hides behind my smile
what could i do if i just grew what i was feelin' in the moment? / what could i do if i just knew it didn't need to be perfect? / it just needed to be? / and they'd let me be?
Archetype — The Lover Birthday — April 8, 1995 Zodiac Sign — Aries sun, Cancer moon, Libra rising MBTI — ISFJ Enneagram — Type 3: The Achiever Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — Slytherpuff Moral Alignment — Lawful Neutral Primary Vice — Greed Primary Virtue — Chastity Element — Air
Mother — Julieta Constanza Madrigal Valera Father — Agustin Ramón Valera Sepúlveda Mother’s Occupation — kitchen witch! Father’s Occupation — InterPride Family Finances — Moderate Birth Order — Eldest Brothers — None, thank god - Isa Sisters — Luisa, Mirabel Other Close Family — Abuela, Tia Pepa, Tio Felix, Dolores, Camilo, Antonio  Best Friend — Abuela Other Friends — lots hopefully Enemies — lol Mirabel Pets — Does la casita count lol Home Life During Childhood — Hectic! Lots of people around! She lived with three generations, so it was a Lot, but it was fun. She’s very close to her family, even if they get on her nerves. Everything was bright, colorful, and joyful! At least, on the surface. There were definitely problems underneath, but everyone puts on a brave face and this family very much does not talk about their problems, so in that way her childhood was kind of idyllic.  Town or City Name(s) — Encanto, Isle Silvia, Avalor What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — I could write a whole headcanon piece about Isa’s bedroom, but let’s just say it looks exactly the way she wants it to, like stepping into the gardens of Versailles.  Any Sports or Clubs — Dancing, Isa definitely dances. Latin dances, hip hop, she didn’t have the patience for ballet…also enjoyed horse riding when she was younger but now she’s like “horses are gross.” (She secretly still likes horses.) Favorite Toy or Game — Does gossiping with Lo count? Also loves Monopoly. She’s ruthless on family game night.  Schooling — Normal, but she dropped out of college in her junior  year and never finished. She was getting a business degree with a minor in fashion design.  Favorite Subject — Was never really into school but probably would say math was her favorite.  Popular or Loner — POPULAR, the most beloved.  Important Experiences or Events — leaving Avalor is probably the most influential, coming to Swynlake, the birth of her sisters, Mirabel not having magic, [redacted] Nationality — Avalorian Culture — Colombian, Avalorian, Sorcerer Religion and beliefs — Catholic, yeah a catholic sorcerer!  
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Muriel Villera Complexion — Dark tan Hair Colour — Black Eye Colour — Hazel Height — 5’7 Build — Curvy Tattoos — None Piercings — Ears Common Hairstyle — Long flowing curls Clothing Style — Modern, chic, very colorful Mannerisms — Extremely expressive face Usual Expression — 
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nope. Not even allergies. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — PTSD. Depression.  Allergies —  None, could you imagine? Grooming Habits — Excellent. Self care always. Sleeping Habits — Needs her beauty sleep (but actually has trouble sleeping. If she doesn’t get a full eight hours she is GRUMPY. So, she sleeps late a lot.) Eating Habits — Healthy, but gooooood food. Exercise Habits — Exercises every day, yoga, pilates, kickboxing, running, etc. Emotional Stability — uhhh on the outside? Great. On the inside? No. Body Temperature — Runs cold. Sociability — Extremely outwardly social. Addictions — Social media. Drug Use — None. Alcohol Use — Rarely drinks. Glass of wine with dinner or a fun cocktail but that’s it. 
Your Character’s Character
Bad Habits — Needing to be the center of attention. Wanting things to be perfect. Good Habits — Caring about others? Sorta? Keeps a good schedule. Self motivated. Best Characteristic — I sat�� here for like 3 minutes and couldn’t come up with one. Beautiful? Cares about her family? Worst Characteristic — Selfish  Worst Memory — Oh, ho ho.  Best Memory — Getting her gift :) Proud of — Her family, her magic, her beauty Embarrassed by — Her family lmao, especially Mirabel Driving Style — Doesn’t drive Strong Points — Loyalty, self motivation Weakness — Her family, her fragile self image Fears — not being beautiful, not being useful Phobias — None really Secrets — [redacted] Regrets — Lots of things lol I am being vague but it’s so I don’t have to trigger warning this  Feels Vulnerable When — She isn’t the center of attention or people aren’t praising her Pet Peeves — so many things I cannot list them all  Conflicts — wanting to take care of her family v trying to discover who she is on her own Motivation — taking care of her family Short Term Goals and Hopes — get married Long Term Goals and Hopes — ???? she doesn’t have any Sexuality — extremely, unfortunately hetero Day or Night Person — Afternoon person Introvert or Extrovert — Introvert lowkey Optimist or Pessimist — Outwardly optimistic, inwardly pessimistic Greatest Want — taking care of the family Greatest Need — uhh maybe not shouldering all the burden lol
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Hello there! I was wondering if you could headcanon a modern AU with Arsa, Julian, and Muriel being in their freshman year of high school and an older!MC (like, junior year) defending them from bullies, so the boys gain a massive crush on the MC but don’t say anything about their said crush until they find MC being bullied and just go “How dare they bully my future spouse!” Fluffy confession afterwards.
👀👀👀👀 why hello there. More modern au stuff? Heck yes this is my jam!
I hope you don’t mind me tweaking this a little bit for the guys + the beautiful Asra (who is non-binary so no gendered terms for this beautiful person! Just a reminder ^^ yes I use they/them and he/him interchangeably like the chaos demon I am it’s what Asra would’ve wanted) to be new in the High School but they’re all Juniors ^^ 
(sorry Freshmen x upperclassmen feels a little gross since Freshmen are right out of middle school, just feels weird to write so I aged em up a bit!)
I really did go bezerk today so much writing got done! I’m in class Wednesdays and Thursdays so nothing gets done haha :,) but today I got two things done! Requests are open check out my pinned post!
Also I went bonkers on these headcanons lmao enjoy! 
Julian, Asra, Muriel x MC highschool au
He’s new to your school and in your human anatomy class (along with your theatre and art class)
He’s very shy at first 
Once he opens up he’s loud and the classclown
But uhhh some kids aren’t too happy with him gaining as much attention and love as you are
After class during your lunch period a group of kids go after him, taking his stuff
When they come across his notes on anatomy (and more science notes) and when they find his sketchbook things go from bad to worse
Julian is almost in tears when they laugh at him, tearing up his notes and his drawings
But he can’t cry, he can’t be going around school known as the kid who cried over this
He’s taller than these kids but they move faster, he seems like a calf who just seemed to walk chasing after them
You’ve had enough of this group of kids. They go after every new person and you’ve had it up to here with them
Julian falls for you hard and fast, watching you chase after them, even getting into a fight with one
You got pretty beat up, cut your lip and you’re bruising. Since he wants to be a doctor and he’s pretty good with his hands and stuff he patches you up
You look so cool and badass wiping the blood off the corner of your mouth he could swoon right then and there
Don’t worry he takes you to the nurse
He now has the BIGGEST crush on you. Like it is huge
He draws you now, little doodles to help with face structure and anatomy 
He keeps drawing you after you got into a fight, he just loves how badass and amazing you looked
He’ll start to get closer to you after that, and you find out he’s actually really funny and cool
One day the bullies come back for a round two
This time Julian is ready, he’s been at this school for months he can deal with these guys now
They corner you two after school (y’all are probably going out to get ice cream with some more friends)
One tries to come at you but Julian punches them accidently yelling “STAY AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!”
You’re...you’re shocked
Everyone is shocked
Julian is mortified. 
After you two scare the bullies away he mumbles his way through an apology and how that was wrong of him to say and it was an accident
But you thought it was cute
And you kind of like him too. .....you like him a lot 
You kiss his cheek to get him to stop rambling with a small smile. “I like you a lot.”
He grins and picks you up in a hug. “Really really?!”
More giggles. “Yes really really!”
He’ll kiss you so hard your cheeks squish and your teeth clash together 
Ice cream and homework can wait
Asra is a very shy person to start off with 
Doesn’t make friends very easily, you have to come to him first 
But once he gets drawn out of his shell he’s outgoing and fun
With bring his tarot cards in to do readings during lunch. The other kids love it it’s very fun
But there’s a group of people who don’t like him or his cards at all
So they corner him after school and take his cards 
Now tarot cards are expensive (I say this from experience of buying a deck)
So he’s in tears by the time they’re done tearing some of the cards up 
You’re on your way home from school when you see it happening 
Without even thinking you charge into the fray, yelling at the bullies and yanking the cards out of their hands
You bite the hand of one of the bullies who wasn’t letting go
They hurl insults at you and Asra as they walk away leaving the two of you with the mess of torn up cards
The cards that did survive were the Fool, the Magician and the Lovers
Asra is still crying over the loss of most of his other cards. He was very attached to them and judging by their worn corners and faded art he had them for a while
You offer to take him to buy some new ones
He jolts up to look at you, his tears startled away.
“O-Oh MC you don’t h-have to do that...I’ll be okay...”
You insist, and finally he gives in
They pick out a deck that he does admit is way prettier than his old one (this deck being the deck in the game)
You buy it and suddenly it has way more value to him 
He watched you fight for his cards and him
So he starts to fall for you 
You being oblivious but a sweetheart, befriend him and you two become very close
He only does tarot readings for your close friend group now
He doesn’t want to risk the deck you gave to him
One day you two are walking home to do homework and hang out 
But the bully you bit corners you and starts yelling 
Apparently they were embarrassed over the fact you bit them and now there’s a joke about how they got taken down by someone who bit them
So they want to get you back to regain their honour 
Asra sees and just heckin
their backpack at them yelling: “IF YOU TOUCH MY CRUSH I’LL SIC MY SNAKE ON YOU”
They fall to the ground, Asra swipes the bag up and the two of you book it
You’re laughing really hard and he wonders why
Then you tell him about confessionsino and he about dies on the side of the road
Wheezing from being out of breath and laughing you kiss him 
“I like you too, snake lover.”
Muriel is shy before and after you get to know him. He’s the new kid so you expect it but he never opens up
He no talk
Nope nope no he’s very tight lipped and will blush whenever he gets called on
He gets bullied for being too shy
Like looking at the size of him he should be on the football team but no he volunteers at the animal shelter and is in the animal science club
I’m sorry but hear me out here: Muriel with thick black glasses (I don’t make the rules or take critique)
He gets cornered by some of the spots teams trying to pressure him into joining during lunch 
He doesn’t want to 
Things get a little violent
You’re eating nearby, listening to music and trying to get some Zoology work done
Sounds of a scuffle get your attention, you’re a little pissed off since you want to get some work done in peace
Then you see the new kid (Muriel) getting roughed around by some of the sports kids
Angrily, you get to your feet and stomp over to them, yelling at them to stop what they were doing
They don’t listen to you and Muriel’s glasses get broken (someone steps on them)
You start fighting them, yelling at them to leave Muriel alone
Finally after a bit they leave, spitting on the ground at your feet
You yell after them (probably calling them lowlife lizard skin cowards) hands trembling with your anger
Taking a deep breath you turn to Muriel, helping him pick up his stuff
When he sees his glasses in pieces he nearly cries
You pack his bag, asking softly if it would be okay if you hugged him 
He nods slowly, and you wrap your arms around him, letting him cry silently into your shoulder
You stick near him after that, becoming his friend and fierce protector 
He gets this huge crush on you soon after that
Poor baby doesn’t know what to do 
He helps you out with your Zoology homework and you listen as he goes on about the dogs in the shelter he works on
You develop a crush on him after that
One day the sports kids come back for a round two after school 
Muriel is in the bathroom and you told him you’d be waiting in the courtyard
The sports kids were going for Muriel but seeing you alone was too good an opportunity to pass up
They start pushing you around and when Muriel comes out to see them messing with you he gets so angry
Seeing this 6′5 (he grows taller by the end of the year) broad kid walk towards them scares the heck outta the sports kids 
But they don’t back off until he stands over them, eyes dark with anger
“Leave my friend and crush alone,” he snaps
They scurry off soon after that
You’re standing there shocked at what he said
When he realizes what he says he melts down
You jump into his arms in a hug and laugh 
“You’re my crush too!”
He’s very shocked, you tenderly kiss him with another smile
You go to his house, hand in hand, talking about dogs, laughing, and blushing.
Maybe moving schools wasn’t so bad.
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brainrot, do you have any headcanons for M6 in a modern setting?
I would write some, but honestly the old ask arcana posts have so much promising material you'll probably get more content from the canon answers than whatever I'd come up with!! Here you go ^.^
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a-dumb-simp · 4 years
How the obey me brothers + Arcana would react to a dancer gn mc
> The Arcana + Obey me
Regular and competition hc
This is purely self indulgent because I dance lmao <3
> I matched up different styles to different people based on what they would be most interested in!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
^ this is so long and I’m sorry but I’m on mobile so I can’t put a read more :( I love u <3
He found out you did Ballet when he looked through your profile for the exchange program
He was interested but waited until you wanted to tell him to ask anything
He loves to watch you stretch and if you convince him well enough he might join you some nights and morning
It's part of your guys routine
His brothers must never know
You convinced him to finally do a partner dance with you
Him in a Ballet leotard and black legginging
His brothers are going insane but his glares still give them chills
Makes a room for you guys to practice with mirrors and ballet bars set up
Will spin you and then dip you
Kisses in the middle of dances all the time
Becomes a lot more flexible and doesn't know what to do with it
You teach him all the French Ballet terms and sometimes use it as inside jokes cause no one else can understand ”dance talk”
Cuddles in between fun practices :))
He's soft for you
He knew you did ballet before the incident
Afterwards he helps teach you again
Has to teach himself the moves and terminology first so now he gets to dance with you
Loves teaching you small bits of French when you learn to talk again so it's easier to understand ballet
Once you remember the both of you go to masquerades and do partner dances in the ballroom
Nadia loves watching the both of :)
You try to teach Muriel and it goes awful but Asra finds it adorable
He teaches you slowly and you learn to be a dancer again thanks to him <3
He was napping the first time he heard you jumping around
He looked up curiously to find you practising a sequence
Almost asked you what you were doing but instead went back to sleep
Woke up again and saw you in a butterfly jump
You heard him rustling around and got excited!!
You can finally show him what you had choreographed!!
He watched you do a routine with a sleepy smile
Afterwards he'll applaud and let you curtsy towards him
Acts like he's throwing roses to you (plz pretend you caught one in your mouth)
He loves watching you dance
It's soothing to him honestly and if he's ever in a bad mood he’ll ask you to dance for him
He found out through Asra that you liked to dance
He found you one day in the garden outside the hut practising grande jetes
You looked like a little fairy jumping around the in the forest
He honestly fell in love again
He sat down with Inanna and watched you for a good hour
Loves seeing your face light up when you finally nail doing your firebird
Will walk up to you and and tell you how beautiful you looked dancing
Scared you a bit!
He's v sorry :(
You just looked so focused he doesn't want to interrupt you!
Found you practising moves after school
You were playing music in your headphones and couldn't hear a damn thing
He just watched you for a bit until he felt the need to cause mischief >:)
He grabbed your waist as you were about to do a move and your hips went back towards his
He's a blush mess now and so are you, you compose yourself better than him tho
He didn't realise what you were dancing to at first so he begs you to play the music without headphones
As soon as it starts playing he can't take his eyes off you
He has little hearts shining in his eyes and is a blush mess but at the same time proud of you
Please teach him some moves
This man can sway and shake his hips-
Show him how to dance in different styles
wacking would be just favourite, the mix of pop with a subtle sway is perfect
Both of you doing duets
Please recreate dirty dancing scenes with him, he’ll die happy
He's in the ballroom when he sees you
You and Portia we're just messing around and she found out you had danced before you came to Vesuvia and she immediately asked you to teach her
His heels made so much damn noise there was no way you couldn't hear him
Portia took her leave after blushing and left him staring at you
Deciding to be a bit bold you continued the combo
Leaning down to the floor and dragging your hands up your body slowly while continuing eye contact
He's a blushing mess
He may seem like a dominate tall leader but. You make him especially weak
He's begging to learn how to strut
You pull out his pairs of highest heels and go walking through the castle
He's surprisingly good at it, maybe a bit too good
His balance isn't the best but his confidence makes up for it
If he falls he's taking you down with him though so watch out
He found a video of anime characters dancing to song and saw someone recreate it with tap shoes
He found it so cool and shoved his phone toward you to show you
You quietly goggles and said you would be right back
He was a bit disappointed you didn't have a reaction to the video but he let it go for now
When you came back he looked up and saw the same style of shoes in your hands
He jumped up and yelled that you had to learn the dance!!
Oh you will, but he's using your spare pair of shoes to do it too
He's of course on board, dancing and anime with you!! of course he loves it
The other brothers not so much, the constant noise forced you guys to learn it outside
Levi was clumsy and not forceful enough to truly make sounds but he had the right spirit
You're both giggling and out of breath when he gets the idea to upload the video
Mammon and Belphie are both already making fun of you guys in the morning
She was so excited to come home and see you with a tap board laid down and playing a metronome
You were so distracted you didn't see her looking at you with stars in your eyes
She closed the door and you still didn't look over
She finally had to walk over and grab your hand
You were so concentrated as you were mastering doing a switching pullback without moving
You completely fell
You forgot to tape the bottoms of your shoes and slipped when she tapped you
She quickly pulled you up and made you sit on the couch
She's apologizing but you assure her she's fine, she's just mumbling about how powerful and focused you looked
She loves seeing you so passionate about something <3
Satan had read about traditional French and Russian ballets at some point probably has seen a recreation of a Christmas classic dance at some point
So when he was in your room reading and saw your first pair of shoes tied up he asked about them
You showed him how they bent and about how the shank was dead but they were your first pair and it was sentimental so you kept them
He went with you to get fitted for a new pair and even paid for them just to see you dance
As soon as you got home he asked you to show him some basics
He had seen enough dances to know how to twirl you and you let him
He held you and you taught him how to do partner work
It becomes a regular thing
The brothers find you guys in the living room one day, him in a leotard and tights and you in a leo and a pancake skirt
They all watched as he completed a lift with you
Please convince him to try pointe
He learns fast so pre-pointe isn't really and issue and he has good balance
You eventually both learn multiple traditional combinations and show off
He's so glad he asked about your old pair of shoes
She found out you did some sort of balance-related sport as soon as she saw how you carried yourself
She knows from having to learn how to walk elegantly and from dance lessons how the two are related
She just flat out asked you
You told her you did pointe and for once you didn't have to explain it to someone using the term ”toe-shoes”
She took ballroom lessons as a child and then went on the learn some other styles as well
She never did try pointe but she knew what it was
She took you to get handcrafted and fitted Russian pointes
You showed her different moves in French and she taught you the same terminology in Russian (she knew both)
It was fun honestly, she could relate more than anyone to learning
She taught you styles of dance she learned and in return you put on shows in pointe shoes just for her
She loves watching the control you had over your body and the concentrated faces you made
Jazz/Mucial Theatre
This man lives for drama
As soon as you told him you did musical theatre dances he was in love all over again
He loves helping you come up with ideas for dances
He will ABSOLUTELY do a duet with you
You have to perform in front of the brothers
Diavolo has you both be entertainment for his parties
He's so enthusiastic about this
Please let him do dramas with you
He can't act for shit but it's still so funny
There's really no dancing happening more just over exaggerated falling into each others arms
We already know he's been in plays and acted in theatres
So that night he had acted as himself when he accidently fell onto stage you told him you danced
He's already dragging you to dance on the tables at the bar
Everyone drunk and clapping for you and you get free drinks for the entertainment
He's also making you come to be in theatre with him
Please indulge him in this
Your both getting ”made fun of” by Asra but he truly finds you both adorable
You put on shows for Nadia and the staff and Portia is crying by the end of it
Julian completely falling into your arms and taking you down with him
This man forgets his height
Demands to be the damsel in distress
Please be his knight in shining armour
This man-
Get him to lift you please
He’s absolutely strong enough to lift you over his head
Dirty dancing lifts that Mammon can’t do lmao
He loves watching you stretch before and he starts stretching with you too
You guys work out together to build strength
He uses you as a weight honestly
You both scare the other demons in the gym
(Mostly him but like seeing a tiny human being able to keep up with a demon is also a bit terrifying)
Protein shakes together!
The other boys will come down to the kitchen to see you both in workout gear and happily talking and wonder how the hell you're both this excited in the morning
He loves watching you concentrate and enjoying it with you when you finally land a move
The first time you successfully did your arial he was so proud
The first time you fell doing a trick he was so worried
He learns to spot you from then on
Please lift him, he loves it
She’s so excited!!!
Her human can do tricks
Likes wrapping around you while u stretch
She sits in blanket forts and watches you
Sits on your head while your balancing
Emotional support <3
She loves you so much
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magic-belodie · 4 years
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I finished Rayan’s route of MCLLL Episode 11. I got the illustration with Rayan and it cost me 1196AP. Here is the summary: 
You start the episode at home. It is the next morning after you dinner with Eric. You wake up alone. You get a call from Rayan. He is doing a little better. He says he is sorry for last night. But he just couldn't handle the idea of going to the restaurant. You tell him to not worry and that you will have a nice dinner out when this is all over. Rayan asks how you are doing. You tell him about last night with Eric. Rayan is a little jealous that you went with Eric to the restaurant. You say that he don't have to worry. You tell him about the story Eric told you. That Eric almost put an innocent man behind jail because he run away. Eric doesn't find it wisely that Rayan run away. But the fact that the innocent guy did go free, gives Rayan hope. You leave to go to the café and Rayan is going to read for the rest of the day. When you are at the café, you see Nina. She is feeling a lot better again, and she has a new idea for the café. Her idea to show work of young artist who are at the university. You say you really like the idea and want to do it in the summer. Then you go to the kitchen, Hyun is there. He wants to explain why he didn't deliver the other day. Hyun had a huge order and didn't had the time. Hyun doesn't have any time left for him self. He doesn't know if he wants to go through with it. You say that he has to be proud of him self for trying to make his dream come true. You give him a coffee for free. And Hyun says that, that is exactly what he needed. Hyun's goes back to work. Then Eric walks in the café. You get him a coffee and thanked him for last night. Eric goes back to work and Nina comes back inside. She asks what happened last night. I decide to tell her that she is nosy and that it is my business. You tell Nina any way what happened. She thinks that you did the right thing and if she had to spend an evening with one of the regular customers she would also choose Eric. In the afternoon you get a text from Kim, she asks you to come to the gym. The story speeds up until the and of the day. You close the café and leave for the gym. At the gym you ask Kim if she reminds all her customers to come to gym. Kim says she only does that with you. You ask why she is back so soon. Kim explains that she can coach anyone here without doing gym activities her self. She learned that with coaching Violette and Chani. Kim has put down a whole work out. When you are done, you see Morgan. You tell Morgan everything that happened since you saw him the last time. Morgan seems a little down. You ask how he is doing and if it is going well with the new person he is seeing. Morgan tells that it was just a rebound. He is really sad that Alexy cheated on him. For now Morgan is focusing on work and the gym. He asks you how Alexy is doing. I told him that Alexy is being mature about it. Morgan still seems down. He doesn't want to fall in love ever again. (I feel really sorry for him) He goes sporting and you leaf the gym. When you get home, the first thing you do is calling Rayan. Rayan had a hard time concentrating on his book. You tell him about Morgan and that sport helps him. You advise Rayan to also go sporting. Rayan says that he doesn't want to talk about Morgan right now. He asks you what you are going to if he gets put away for being guilty. You say that, that won't happen and that the truth will come out. Rayan was happy to talk with you, he hangs up. You wish you could be with him. Then you eat something and go to bed. You have a hard time falling a sleep. The next day will start.
You are back at the café. Dambi gives you another coffee because you are having trouble with staying awake. Chani calls. She heard from Kim that you went to the gym again. You tell her that it was exactly what you needed because you have been stressed recently. Chani asks if you want to meet up. You go to the university to see her. On your way you see Priya. You walk to her. (In the last episode you could choose if you wanted to see Marina, I did go to Marina.) Priya is really mad for you to going to Marina. She says she could put charge against you for doing this. Priya is saying that Rayan used you to get behind the justice system. She will use this against him and makes sure that he gets justice. You say that Priya really doesn't seem like her self anymore. You ask if she ever thought that Rayan could be innocent. She says no and that the way you are acting is just a result of manipulation. You say that there is nothing left to say. Priya leaves. You think that this case is going to change a lot of things. You go to the university. (The choices on Rayan's route are different, and again I choose the — answers in this part of the story, I will try to choose other answers in the next summaries and see if the story changes.)
When you are at the university, Chani isn't picking up her phone. You walk around trying to find her. In the lounge room you see Murielle. She is surprised to see you. You ask her why she hasn't called because her and Rayan are friends. Then she tells the truth, Murielle was the one who send Marina to Priya. She had a talk with a friend of Marina, and she couldn't believe what she heard. Muriel went to talk with Marina. Marina was crying the whole time and that she had to read between the lines. Murielle just want to protect her students. I decided to say that it is not true and that Rayan never harass Marina. You're also saying that Rayan don't need friends like her. You leave to look for Chani. Chani is at the library. Chani sees that you look really pale she takes you over to her place. You tell her everything that had happened with Rayan's story. She thinks it is not her place to knot her brain around it. She let you cry out and just is there for you. Chani gives you some thee and hugs you until you are done. You ask Chani how she is doing. She is doing really well with work and painting. She likes having Kim over at the studio. Chani enjoy hers company better than Yael's company. Yael is the only other person who comes to the studio. She wants to sell Chani's work. Chani finds her to direct. You tell her that she can trust Yael. And that she fight for the people who art works she is dealing with. Chani says that she will have a talk with Yael and think about selling her work. You leave. When you are back at the café, Castiel and his band walk inside. Nina asks if they have news. Gabin tells that they found a new label for their new Album. Ronnie Dialy is going to produce them. Castiel says that he wasn't suppose to tell it until they signed. It seems that Gabin has a little crush on Nina. Gabin and Nina talk about Music while you sit down with Castiel and Leo. You ask how Leo is doing. Leo seems to remind you of Morgan. Leo is also not open for a new relationship and is focusing on the new album. You tell Castiel what happened with Miss Paltry and that Rayan left home. Castiel tells you that Rayan has his support and that he finds it wise that he left. They go back to record their demo. The story skips to the end of the day. You go home. (I really like the part of Nina and Gabin.) When you are at home, you call Rayan. He's doing a bit better. You are not saying anything. Rayan hears your breath and thinks that you are not doing well. He asks how your day was. You tell him how it started with Priya. Rayan is happy that you came up for him. Then you tell him about Murielle. Rayan can't believe this. He considered her as a friend. She should have contacted Rayan to hear his part of the story. Rayan is again happy that you defend him. And realize that with you by his side he can handle everything. And that is why he is coming home tomorrow. The next day will start. You are back at the café. Eric and Nathaniel are there. He is back from his undercover job. The case is still going on. But it goes really well for so far. Nath came to find out who is all behind this. Nath goes home to join his first day off in months. Eric goes back to the station. It is lunchtime and Dambi was supposed to work now, but she isn't here. She texted that she is sorry and that she will call you ASAP. You call Nina to fill in she can't come until after lunch. As soon as Nina arrived, you leave to go to your appointment with Dan. Dan is not happy that you are late. He tells you a story about his childhood. Apparently he had a very strict childhood. But that mad him stronger and the man he is today. You talk about your next sale and head back to the café. At the café you see Dambi, you take her a side to talk. You ask her why she was so late today. Dambi tells us that she was having a stream tournament this morning. Normally she never reaches the finals, but this time she did. So she couldn't stop and had to finish the tournament. You say that you can't trust her anymore after this. I choose to fire her. (I feel horrible about doing this. But I want to tell you what happened if you choose that part.) Dambi says goodbye to Nina and left. Nina is not happy that you fired Dambi. You gave Nina another change, Nina doesn't understand why you don't do the same for Dambi. Nina leaves to go to classes. At closing time Eric comes in again. He helps you with closing up the café. You tell Eric what happened at the café with Dambi. He thinks that you should give Dambi another choice. He leaves to go home. You also go home. At home, Rayan is not yet there. You change clothes and go to the leaving room. Then finally Rayan comes home. You jump into his arms. You get the illustration. Rayan wants to say something, but you silence him with a kiss. You two move to the couch and make love with each other. Then the episode ends.
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mxgicthot · 3 years
Okay listen ik it's alot but just answer as many as you want, for whichever babe you feel like answering for ':3
4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 25, 30, 38, 47, 49
Okay so I'm gonna split it up between them, since some questions suit one more than the other 🌸<3
4. What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
This is kind of hypocritical coming from him, but any form of betrayal /cheating /lying, especially if he has formed a type of deep bond or close relationship with you. He might understand and forgive you, but would never trust you again.
9. What is your characters trigger point? What makes them angry, sad or makes them go off?
Generally Erden is very difficult to trigger, and always keeps himself composed. However anything relating to his childhood, Muriel or his family would set him off really quickly to a point of violence.
11. Do they enjoy pranks or do they hate them? Are they likely to fall for a prank?
He loves pranks and if you are friends with him you are probably gonna get pranked on a lot. During his gladiator days Erden and the others would pull really mean pranks on the new recruits and make their lives hell.
He is very unlikely to fall for a prank, but if he does he'll take it like a good sport.
17. Who are they soft for? Do they find it being easy or difficult?
People who have hard lives like himself, orphans and close friends /lovers
He finds it quite difficult at first and he hates getting attached to people. Even though it occasionally happens, he'll try and talk himself out of it.
19. What does your character consider to be their lowest point?
Probably when he had to leave the palace during the masquerade. For once in his life he had no plan B and struggled with deciding what to do next.
25. What is something they find difficult to do or say?
Expressing her emotions and feelings in general. It's difficult for her to find the right words and may come across as cold (even if she doesn't mean to). So she prefers to express herself with actions instead.
30. Do they dwell better in chaotic situations or more linear ones?
She good with both and often comes up with bold and elaborate solutions. Whatever setback befalls her, she can quickly develop a strategy to deal with it.
38. How does your character unwind after a long day?
Haleth gets burnt out really fast, she'll just want to take a long bath, make herself some tea and cuddle up in bed with mau.
47. What is your characters reaction when someone does something nice for them?
It depends on the person, if it's a stranger/doesn't know you very well she'll be grateful but still a little suspicious. But if you are a close friend she would be very touched and she would want to do something nice for you in return.
49. What is your characters biggest fear? Most irrational?
The lack of control of herself and her magic. Also loosing those close to her.
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wilddarkchocolate · 4 years
Headcanon for how the main six from the Arcana are as students.
Is a good student in general.
Only pays attention to class that he cares about but still passes
Is not crazy over marks and is easily content with his grades.
Only gets in trouble a handful of times
Sometimes will be competitive with Julian or Lucio
He probably could get higher marks if he tries harder but he just chooses not to
Will help with any questions his friends have
Has a very consistent friend group
All A's. No exceptions.
Stays up late to study and to perfect all homework and assignments
Studies for quizzes a week in advance
Doesn't mind lending her homework to people she trusts as long as they return it to her without a single fold
Never gets in trouble
Number 1 in class and all the teachers love her
Good at everything, arts and physical activities are no exceptions
Is very willing to teach others if they are willing to approach her
Doesn't show off her marks and is very humble
Gets stressed easily. Need friends to tell her to calm down and not be too competitive
Spends more time talking in class than listening
Has a social reputation of being a "bad boy" of sorts
Has a knack for hanging around people that are trouble
Starts up rumours and spreads gossip
Passing is his only goal in grades
Passes up homework late and often just copied someone (usually Asra; he steals it and is able to return it without Asra knowing)
His handwriting is a headache for his teachers
Gets in trouble for things he doesn't do but because of his bad rep, the teachers don't really believe him
Gets in a few fights sometimes
Quiet loner kid. Has Asra as a friend
Very good at sports but doesn't go for competition. Hides most of it
Gets bullied often but doesn't report to the teacher or tell anyone
Good grades, higher than average but isn't competitive in the slightest
Sometimes will purposefully get lower grades so people don't notice
Does not like it when teacher praises him, he wants to fade into his chair everytime it happens
Is a social butterfly, grades are around average
Her mark is around average and she is always improving to get better
Doesn't have a consistent friend group but is very close to Nadia and is not afraid to ask her for help
Would usually lend a hand without being ask to and gets along with mostly anyone
Very very unproblematic
Second in class when it comes to grades but acts like he is better than everyone
His tests are good but when it comes to assignments and homework he doesn't do it and forces Muriel to do it instead
Is a very very competitive person and tries to act like a class clown but most people in class can't tolerate him
His "friends" are mostly associated with him for their own benefit
Plays pranks a lot. Just a problematic person in general
Thinks all people that hate him are just jealous of him
Don't think about approaching to ask about any subject. He will laugh at your face and call you dumb
Goes to every party/gathering despite never being invited
Is very interested in gossip especially gossip about him
Is very chaotic and bad at listening to instructions so any and all experiments assigned to him will fail
He does cheat in tests but usually does it alone because he doesn't want people to know he cheated(half of the class knows. Just the teachers don't)
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the-melting-world · 4 years
The Empress | Side B: “Time is Dancing”
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Art by @markmefistov
~ In which a humble gardener reunites with a cheerful mage…
The Trio Appearances: Kipling | Khleo | Ozy
Arcana LI appearances: Asra | Nadia | Muriel 
Track Origins: “Time is Dancing” by Ben Howard
Not sure if this is the right track? The full album can be found here: The Empress
cw: none
~ 1.8k words
Kipling wakes up after having spent the night at Muriel’s hut. She opens her eyes to find Asra, gently rubbing her forehead. When he asks if she’s ready to return to the Palace and talk to Ozy, she says yes. Ozy spent the night at the Palace while Kipling was away. There he and the Countess await Kipling and Asra’s return.
The next morning Nadia Satrinava entered her library to discover that Oz’mandias was the only one there. He sat perched on the edge of a desk with a hardback text open and balancing on his leg while he sipped his tea. The clothes he wore were different from the day before. Instead of loose, comfortable robes and a sheer tunic, he sported something more crisp and scholarly. This time it was tailored trousers, and a white dress shirt tucked under an embroidered vest the same color as the jewel that dangled from his left ear. 
Although Nadia’s heels were not quiet against the hardwood floors, the grey mage did not look up as she approached. Nadia took advantage of his distraction to absorb his features at a closer angle. She was so used to his jolly disposition that the thoughtfulness and concentration he gave off as he studied the text caught the Countess off guard.
The other day when Ozy had arrived, everything that had followed happened so fast, as if the four of them had been caught up in a sudden maelstrom. Nadia began to doubt whether accepting him into the company of her close friends had been a good idea. But it was Asra who reassured her that she had done the right thing. According to him, there were things from Kipling’s past that she needed to work through. Apparently this Oz’mandias was the key to helping Kipling overcome whatever it was that had been blocking her magic and robbing her and Asra of their peaceful nights.
Though Ozy was an outsider, Nadia got the feeling that he wanted to help Kip just as much as she and Asra did. What was more, he seemed determined to stay close until he achieved his goal. There was something about the grey mage that told Nadia that underneath all the affable smiles and innocent head tilts, there was wisdom there. A deep, vast well of it that Ozy wouldn’t dip into unless it was absolutely necessary. Ozy seemed like the person who relied on this wisdom to work through conflict. Nadia wondered exactly what sort of things she would see from him going forward.
The Countess was only standing a few feet away, but it wasn’t until she called his name that the grey mage finally lifted his head. 
“Countess? Sorry. Is it too early for me to be here? I can leave.”
Knowing that Ozy could easily make himself scarce through one of his portals, Nadia gently rested her hand on his shoulder to keep him from going anywhere.
“You’re welcome to stay in the library as long as you’d like. I just came here to let you know that Asra is bringing Kipling back to the Palace today. I wanted to ask if you knew what you were going to say to her when she arrives.”
Ozy closed the book and quirked an eyebrow. Training his hazel eyes to the cover of the text, he said, “Sometimes I don’t always say the right things. I have to keep reminding myself that Kip isn’t sixteen anymore. I can’t talk to her like I used to. So this time I’m going to show her what I think she needs to see.”
Before Nadia could utter her next words, something small and feathery darted past her head. It spun aerials around her and Ozy. A few moments passed before she realized that she was looking at a bird.
“This is Abaco,” Ozy explained with a light chuckle, “my familiar. He’s been a bit more nervous than normal since we arrived in Vesuvia. I’m hoping that Kipling will have Taro with her today. Our familiars used to be good friends. I think Taro’s the only one who could calm Abaco down right now.”
Nadia pulled her hand away from Ozy’s shoulder so the nervous bird could have somewhere to perch.
“What do you think is bothering him?”
Ozy waved his hand, an easy smile forming on his lips. “He’s just worried about me is all. New city. New experiences. He’s been with me for a long time. Actually, he’s the only one who looked out for me while I was learning how to master grey magic.”
Nadia noticed the slight quaver in Ozy’s last sentence. Gingerly, she asked, “How long did it take you to master your craft?”
When Ozy told her, the Countess did her best to stifle a gasp. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and regarded him evenly down her nose. 
“Ten years…” She noticed how Ozy closed his eyes as she said it. “That’s a long time.”
Abaco, who was now resting on Ozy’s shoulder, momentarily stopped ruffling his feathers to nuzzle against his human’s jaw. The grey mage shot the bird a grateful smile and leaned into his affection.
“Time is a funny thing.” He kept his head tilted against Abaco’s as he lifted his gaze. Smiling ironically, he added, “Except when it isn’t.” 
Nadia opened her mouth, but quite honestly, she didn’t know what to say to that. It didn’t seem like Ozy needed her to reply. He gracefully changed the subject.
“I thank you, Countess for inviting me into your home and giving me somewhere to stay while I try to find a way to help Kipling.”
Nadia sighed. “I wish I could do more.”
This time, it was Ozy who straightened up and placed his hand over Nadia’s where it rested on the desk.
“You watched over my cousin when I couldn’t. And more importantly than that, you were a friend to her. You’ve done more than I could ask for.” Ozy withdrew his hand. “More than I’ve ever done for Kipling in fact.”
Nadia started to shake her head when more footsteps sounded off near the entrance of the library. She and Ozy both stopped to look.
Ozy’s face lit up by several degrees when he saw Kipling walk in with Asra. He could tell by the ease of her gait and the relaxation in her posture that she had spent some time meditating. Still, as Kipling came closer, Ozy noticed that there was something distant in her syrupy brown gaze. Eventually, when the two of them embraced, Ozy was able to recognize what it was that claimed a portion of Kip’s attention.
Of course. Ozy wasn’t surprised. And he wasn’t worried. It just meant that he had his work cut out for him. But he had a plan.
“Kip, we don’t have to talk about anything heavy right now.” Ozy was relieved to see the gratitude in her eyes.
Kip nodded, keeping her gaze open and receptive. “Okay. I’m not ready yet, but I will be.”
She was giving him a chance.
Ozy took a measured breath and looked from her to Asra and then at Nadia before coming back around to Kip. “There’s something I want to show you. But it would mean leaving the Palace and going through one of my portals.”
Kip glanced between Asra and Nadia. “Is it okay if my friends come with us?”
Ozy hugged Kip a second time. “That’s more than okay.”
Abaco hopped onto Kip’s head and chirped. 
She gasped, “Is that Abaco?”
Ozy grinned. “It is!”
Kipling laughed warmly as she gave Abaco some affection and said, “Taro’s somewhere around here. Probably in the gardens.”
Ozy and the others followed Kip until she was able to locate Taro. While the two familiars reacquainted themselves with each other, Asra and Nadia asked Ozy more questions about where he would be taking them. Kipling remained silent throughout the line of questioning. She had a strong feeling that Ozy would take them to the place where he studied grey magic. It didn’t come at all as a surprise when he confirmed it. 
When they were ready to depart from Vesuvia’s realm, Ozy gave everyone clear instructions. They were to hold hands and follow him with Kipling in the lead. They were not allowed to touch the walls of the portal. By the time Asra reached for Kip’s hand, her heart was pounding.
She looked up at her partner and without even thinking, placed her other hand on the side of his face to help steady herself as she arched onto her toes. Normally, Kipling wouldn’t kiss Asra like this in front of bystanders, but she needed to anchor herself in him somehow.
As if he could sense the need through her touch alone, Asra wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged until their bodies were aligned. He cradled the back of her head, holding it steady while he opened the kiss. Reassuring her, reminding her what she had to look forward to at the end of the day, no matter how hard it might be.
“Thank you, Asra,” Kip whispered as she sank back down to her heels. She didn’t pull away completely. Her fingers were still tangled in one of his tassels, massaging the side of his head. The hand that held her other hand stroked the back of it with his thumb.
Taro and Abaco chirped loudly in unison, breaking the trance between them. Everyone in the garden laughed. 
“I think I understand now why Abaco and Taro were good friends,” Nadia chuckled as she attempted to hide her smile behind her sleeve. 
Kip looked from her to Ozy. “They probably realized neither of you would have interrupted us, and decided to do something about it.”
Ozy shrugged. “We’re in no rush, coz. Whenever you’re ready.”
It was then that Kipling realized Ozy was wearing something over his hands.
Ozy must have noticed where her eyes went because he came up to her and said, “Hey Kip. Do you think you can do me a favor while we’re in the portal?”
Kip tried to tear her gaze away from the ancient tech attached to Ozy’s hands. 
“Uh sure.”
Ozy hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Don’t take your eyes off the back of my head until we get there. Doesn’t sound too hard, right?” Then he gave a little wink.
Kipling knew what Ozy was doing. Still, she decided to play along. After inhaling deeply and taking a good look at her support group – Nadia, Asra, Ozy, Taro, and Abaco – she nodded.
“I can do that.”
Ozy smiled warmly, the gold ring in his lower lip catching the light as he spun around and moved his arms in a familiar circular motion.
Kipling’s breath caught in her throat. She hadn’t seen someone move like that in years. Ozy’s form was so advanced, sublime by any Elder’s standards. The Door he opened didn’t groan or creak or give any sort of resistance while it grew.
The gasps from Nadia and Asra were audible in Kip’s ears as the Door came to life before them. Taro gave a curious chitter and Abaco swiveled proudly around Ozy’s shoulders.
The Door arched high above everyone’s heads. The seawater that churned inside was evenly layered, as if the gods had installed artificial waterfalls rotating on a turbine. The waters glimmered and pierced through the layers of blue and green like they were infused with crystal gems. 
It reminded Kipling of glimpses of sea dragons and bike rides through ocean mist. 
“Remember, Kip.”
Ozy’s voice pulled her out of her childhood reverie.
“Eyes on me.”
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