#music licensing agency
scoutmusicdottv · 11 months
Understanding YouTube Song Licenses: A Comprehensive Guide
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YouTube’s Content ID System:
YouTube employs a sophisticated system called Content ID to identify and manage copyrighted content on its platform. Content ID scans videos for copyrighted material, including songs, and allows copyright holders to track, monetize, and control the usage of their content.
Public Domain and Royalty-Free Music:
When searching for music to use in your YouTube videos, you may come across public domain or royalty-free music. Public domain music refers to works with expired copyrights or those that were never copyrighted. You can use public domain music without any restrictions. Royalty-free music, on the other hand, requires a one-time license fee, allowing you to use the music without paying additional royalties.
Licensed Music:
Using licensed music on YouTube requires obtaining proper permissions and licenses from the copyright holders. There are different types of licenses available, including synchronization licenses, performance licenses, and master licenses.
Synchronization License: This license allows you to synchronize a song with your video. It is usually obtained from the publisher or the songwriter.
Performance License: If you want to use a copyrighted song in a live performance, such as a cover or a public performance, you need to obtain a performance license from the relevant performing rights organization (PRO) in your country.
Master License: This license grants permission to use a specific recording of a song. It is typically acquired from the record label or the artist.
Source: https://scoutmusicdottv.blogspot.com/2023/07/understanding-youtube-song-licenses.html
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matan4il · 4 months
Daily update post:
I wrote yesterday about a Hezbollah drone which crashed in Israel without setting off the sirens, and missed by a small margin a kindergarten. Now we know about a second Hezbollah drone, which was found in someone's backyard in northern Israel, and which also didn't trigger any alarm systems. The fact that no warning systems were set off twice that we know of, is a real cause for concern, and is being looked into. As this second drone didn't explode after crashing, Israel will be able to study it, which is the main silver lining.
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I have written repeatedly about UNRWA's complicity in Palestinian terrorism in general, and Hamas' in particular. We're getting even more data on this. Previous numbers talked about how many UNRWA members had ties to any Palestinian terrorist organization, now the figures on ties to Hamas specifically are being shared: at least 440 UNRWA workers in Gaza were active Hamas terrorists, at least 2,000 are registered Hamas operatives, and at least 7,000 have a first degree relative who's a Hamas member, making a total of at least 9,440 UNRWA employees in Gaza closely tied to Hamas out of a total of 12,000 Gaza UNRWA workers. And since we're talking about this UN agency again, remember when I recently wrote about the social worker employed by UNRWA, who was captured in CCTV footage kidnapping the body of a murdered Israeli man to Gaza, with the help of a fellow Hamas terrorist? Well, we now know who the man, whose lifeless body Faisal Ali Mussalem Naami was kidnapping, is. It's 21 years old Yonatan Samerano.
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He was attending the Nova music festival on Oct 7. It seems he and two friends tried to escape the slaughter there by fleeing to the nearby kibbutz Re'im, where all three were murdered by Hamas terrorists at the community gate. Then Naami showed up DRIVING A UN VEHICLE (that's right, with UN LICENSE PLATES, as confirmed by Ayelet Samerano) and used this car to kidnap Yonatan's body. In the interview I heard with Ayelet Samerano, Yonatan's mom, she said she's going to be demanding answers from the UN secretary general, and that the family is considering filing a lawsuit. Meanwhile, because Jewish lives really are nothing, I'll remind you that UNRWA has been nominated by a Norwegian member of parliament for a Nobel Peace Prize. If you think this is the bad judgment of one politician, Norway is also one of the few western countries NOT temporarily suspending funding of UNRWA until further investigation, and have even said they might increase it. There's only one bit of good news, and that's the fact the US is saying its suspension of UNRWA fudning is going to be permanent.
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The reality of Hamas' brutal sex crimes isn't news at this point to anyone with a bit of decency regarding Israeli civilians' fate on Oct 7, but a new report delving into more details than ever on those sex crimes has now been sent to the UN. I expect it to have zero impact given the UN's track record, but it's still important that this report was compiled and submitted by ARCCI, the Israeli association of organizations aiding rape and sexual assault victims.
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There's a whole saga with Brazil's president, Lula. Sit tight. It started with Lula saying that what Israel is doing right now in Gaza has never happened before in history, and if it did, it was only when Hitler decided to genocide the Jews (this is absolutely untrue on any measurable level. The war in Gaza is not the bloodiest one ever, doesn't have the highest rate of killed civilians when the global one is a 9:1 ratio of killed civilians compared to killed militants while in the Gaza war there's a 4.5 times lower rate at 2:1, and certainly doesn't include an intentional attempt to kill all Palestinians on an intense industrial level with tens of thousands often being killed daily as the Nazis did to the Jews and which made the Holocaust stand out even in comparison to other cases of genocide). So to make it clear, what Lula did was antisemitic, both in falsely demonizing the Jewish state, and in minimizing the Holocaust by presenting it as comparable to a drastically less extreme event (in fact, the internationally accepted IHRA definition of antisemitism has included false comparisons of Israel to the Nazis for years now). In response, Israel has declared Lula a persona non-grata (unwanted personality) here until he retracts these antisemitic comments. This didn't make Lula reconsider his antisemitic comments, instead he recalled the Brazilian ambassador to Israel. This is maybe connected to Lula's warm ties with the Islamist regime in Iran (including allowing Iranian ships to dock in Brazil), which officially denies the Holocaust.
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Here is a vid 21 years old Maya Regev, who was injured, and then kidnapped together with her younger brother Itay by Hamas on Oct 7, from the Nova music festival. Despite her complicated leg injury, she didn't get any medical help during here time in captivity, which compounded her state. She was released in the hostage deal more than 2 months ago, and had undergone several surgeries due to the state of her leg. In this footage, shared yesterday, Maya is seen walking on crutches for the first time since her abduction, more than 4 months ago.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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centeris2 · 4 months
New article about SSE
haven't seen anyone talk about it yet, but seems SSE has made yet another licensing deal...?
Whether anything comes from this of course is "ehh, who knows", because there have been several articles about SSE making licensing and branding deals with nothing to show for it. But apparently SSE is now at 26+ million players.
Article under the read more
Rights & Brands saddles up to rep Star Stable worldwide
The Scandinavian licensing agency with The Smurfs and Popeye in its portfolio is on the hunt for consumer products and publishing partners for the popular horse-centric brand for tween girls.
By Cole Watson
February 16, 2024
Hoping to shift from trot to gallop in the consumer products market, Star Stable Entertainment has signed Stockholm-based licensing agency Rights & Brands to represent the global merch and publishing rights of its flagship same-name tween franchise. 
The Star Stable brand currently features a 2D-animated series (Star Stable: Mistfall), mobile games, books, music and a role-playing game called Star Stable Online (pictured) that has attracted more than 26 million registered users since launching in 2011—more than half a million of which actively play it each month. This rich digital experience is built around riding, racing and caring for different breeds of horses on the enchanted island of Jorvik. 
Rights & Brands already represents the licensing interests of Scandinavian kids brands such as The Smurfs, Popeye and Rune Andréasson’s iconic ’60s teddy bear Bamse. And last month, the agency also inked a deal with Finnish children’s book publisher Etana Editions to manage more than 80 picture books, including The Magic Flower (Marika Maijala) and Oh Vivian! (Sari Airola).
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whorejolras · 3 months
this has been sitting in my drafts for months and i'm finally posting it.
it's adding on from this post about Fantine and sex work in les mis. this post ended up being long and more about sex work than Fantine but it does come around i swear.
the way we discuss Fantine is very important, but why?
the way that we talk about Fantine and sex work in les mis - on tumblr, with our friends, in the brick club chat, in articles and in scholarly analysis - directly correlates with the way we treat modern day sex workers and the struggles we face today. notably, the fight for decriminalisation.
i'd argue that Fantine is the most famous of the "dead sex worker" trope. i'd argue she's one of the most famous fictional sex workers. she was just name dropped in the new mean girls movie. everyone knows the story of Fantine the "Miserable Dead Prostitute".
to many people, the book or musical is their first and often only point of reference for sex work, and informs how they treat real life sex workers. many of us interacting in fandom are or will soon be adults with jobs, you could be a childcare worker or a doctor or therapist or any role that makes you a mandatory reporter. and if you hold biases towards sex workers and your patient or the parent of the kid in your class is one, then what.
(you know i had a therapist tell me once that if i had any kids she would "be forced" to report me to the police for "child abuse" on the grounds of my job. that was discrimination and was illegal as i live in one of the four locations in the world with sex work both decriminalised and a protected attribute under discrimination law, but it still happened.)
how people think informs how they vote, and public opinion in turn impacts legislation that actively damages sex workers and puts them in real danger. (criminalisation, the nordic model, "legalisation" also known as licensing, instead of full decriminalisation).
here is a resource put together by NSWP, the Global Network of Sex Work Projects that covers terminology and legal frameworks. I recommend giving the whole thing a read, but if you just want to learn about the difference between the different legal models I'm talking about read from pages 12-14.
full decriminalisation is the safest best practice option for all sex workers. not the nordic model, not select legalisation, full decriminalisation for all workers including those who aren't "legal" citizens.
bringing this back to Fantine. when i search analysis of sex work/"prostitution" in les mis, this is the shit i find.
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link 1 | link 2
i don't even know where to start on rebranding "oldest profession" to "oldest form of oppression" and "trafficked and forced into the industry" - the trafficking conflation is a common one. the majority of labour trafficking occurs in industries completely unrelated to sex work, with sex trafficking numbers being grossly overestimated. there are no true numbers because under criminalisation victim/survivors of sex trafficking can't safely seek help for fear of being criminalised. decriminalisation helps everyone.
I will also say that the trafficking narrative is a racist xenophobic one used to target migrant workers, making them more vulnerable to higher rates of police violence, detention and deportation. if you want to get deeper into this I recommend reading Migrant sex workers and trafficking - Insider research for and by migrant sex workers.
yet here we see the idea that most of (if not all) sex workers are trafficked or forced, a narrative that removes the agency of sex workers and obscures the reality of labour trafficking. in short, lies which serve to sensationalise and erase real lived experiences, provide publicly-sanctioned excuses for the heavy policing of marginalised communities, and helping no one.
i will quickly say here that you'll never meet anyone who fights as hard for sex trafficking survivors than sex workers and sex worker peer led organisations.
and in the second example, you see how even though they're saying sex work, (so they listened enough to know not to say "prostitute" anymore), but they're still sharing anti-sw beliefs like "selling the body/selling yourself", violent phrasing that denies us not only agency but connection to our bodies, autonomy, and consent.
this is something i'll talk about a lot more in the chapter analysis that i'll get around to finishing and posting one day: but fantine doesn't sell her body to sex work any more than she sells it to the textile factory. how is one form of physical labour "selling your body/yourself" and another isn't? at the end of the day, she still owns her body, just like when i leave a booking i still own my body, just like when i clocked out of my past civilian jobs i still owned my body. we sell labour, we sell services. not ourselves.
noting here that even when discussing exploitation and trafficking, phrasing it as "selling your body" is also gross, still removes the survivors agency and connection to their body, and shows that you're not really a safe ally to survivors at all.
these ideas, that i pulled from the first paragraphs of two of the first analyses of fantine i stumbled across, are the same ones that sex workers around the world argue against when lobbying for full decriminalisation. it's the arguments we have with law makers and councils and saviour organisations and our own families and friends.
i'll talk about this more later but look at how anne hathaway finished playing Fantine and then signed off on a letter and petition against full decriminalisation of sex work and advocated for the nordic model - ensuring that sex workers and trafficking victims alike would be more vulnerable to violent clients and policing.
ironically, the same thing Fantine faces.
so my whole roundabout point is it matters. the way we talk about characters like Fantine matter. this directly impacts how real people treat real sex workers. this directly impacts legislation that directly impacts the lives and safety of sex workers AND survivors of sex trafficking.
just in case i haven't said it enough the safest option for both parties is always complete and full decriminalisation btw 🫶🏻
all links in case they break (sorry for making it longer but i don't trust tumblr with links lol)
tumblr post:
NSWP terminology and legal models source:
screenshot 1:
screenshot 2:
Migrant sex workers and trafficking - Insider research for and by migrant sex workers:
anne hathaway article:
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dailyhelldorm · 3 months
Welcome Fes! Learn more about Hell Dorm in the room 'finding your favorite' ♪
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About your idols
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Shiratori Aira - Loveliness has thorns
Height: 167cm
Weight: 53kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: 27/11
Hobby: Studying about idols
Specialty: Knowledge about idols
Aira is a fresh face in the idol industry, debuted along with his fellow members in the unit 'ALKALOID'. He is the one responsible for the 'cute' role in the unit, but even the loveliness also has thorns! Aira is very passionate about his hobby of studying idols and he helps a lot of people with his idols knowledge.
Aira is the only child in his family, and he joins the basketball club at his high school too! A little small fact about Aira is that he isn't good at cleaning up after himself.
Idols hashtags: ♯Cute ♯Only child ♯From athletic club ♯Not good at cleaning up after himself
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Tenshouin Eichi - The idol conductor performing dreams
Height: 179cm
Weight: 59kg
Blood type: O
Birthday: 10/1
Hobby: Collecting teacups
Specialty: Ballroom dance
From the high heaven above, Eichi is the leader of the angelic unit 'fine'. He is an intellectual person, good at everything he does and Eichi has the ability to mimic any skill he sees for the first time! He is the only heir of the famous Tenshouin Foundation and his family is part of the noble families, along with the Himemiya - Suou - Tomoe families.
His hobby is collecting teacups, and he likes to make tea in his free time. In high school, Eichi formed the tea club along with Sakuma Ritsu - Rei's younger brother, which lately extended to their circle FLAVOR.
A little fact about Eichi, he is left-handed!
Idols hashtags: ♯Intellectual ♯Only child ♯Left-handed ♯Heir ♯From art club
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Sakuma Rei - The demon king tempting in the dark
Agency: Rhythm Link
Height: 179cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: 2/11
Hobby: Strolling in the garden
Specialty: Jazz dance
The demon king tempting his fans in the black night, the self-proclaiming mysterious vampire, Sakuma Rei is the cool leader of the unit 'UNDEAD'. He is the only one in the dorm room whose agency is different. Rei possesses an irresistible charisma, and he is a world-wide-known top idol.
He also has a little brother - Sakuma Ritsu - who he loves and dotes on very much, to the point that his brother finds him annoying.
Rei is well-versed in a lot of things and is good at everything. In high school, together with Ogami Koga and the Aoi twins, they formed the light music club and later, extended to their circle BB Band.
A small fact about Rei, he has a driving license and knows how to ride a motorbike.
Idols hashtags: ♯Cool ♯Big bro ♯Has driving license ♯From art club
Q&A Corner: Learn more about the dorm!
Q1: On the first date, where do you want to go?
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Aira: I want to bring my date to see the lottery premiere of my favorite movie! To bring us closer and learn more about each other, won't that be the perfect chance?
Eichi: You would want to make a good memory of your first date, right. How about letting me bring my date to a place that has beautiful scenery they can enjoy freely?
Rei: I will invite my date to my favorite jazz club. We can enjoy an atmosphere that's different from normal life, and they can listen to my favorite songs ♪
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Here is a graph for their first date question! All of them are indoor-type, but Aira and Rei really like to be inside. Rei and Eichi are more of the leading type, with Eichi leading more than Rei, while Aira likes to enjoy the time together!
Q2: Your favorite subject?
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Aira: I got bad grades, so I don't really have a favorite subject. It would be great if all the classes turned into idols' lessons, I wish.
Eichi: When studying, I don't confine my range of knowledge but try to master a lot of different fields and learn every day. You can say that every subject is my favorite.
Rei: No matter if it is an art class or a science lesson, I'm good at every subject ♪ However, when you talk about my knowledge, I feel that I have been accumulating more humanities knowledge.
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You can see here that Eichi and Rei are on the same spectrum of being good at literary subjects and both have good grades. They also overlap each other and it depends on the idol you pick first that you will see that Rei or Eichi has better grades. While Aira is bad at studying, but he can do okay in science class.
They are on the same level of academic grades and both are good at art subjects. In the original, they overlap each other.
Because both Rei and Eichi are in the same spot, so it depends on your order when picking your favorites, their position on the ‘Good grades’ axis will change.
In the second chart without the original position, the blue line is the position of the first idol you pick (in my case, I picked Eichi first). The red line is the position of the second idol you pick (in my case, I picked Rei second).
The image when you pick Rei first belongs to childeslav on Twitter/X. Sorry for the broken pixels but I had to rescale it to make the comparison.
Q3: As a member of your unit, what was the last email you sent?
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Aira: Our 'unit' talked about the next time going out together, about where we should go and I had sent a lot of suggestions. The four of us planned to discuss our destination and we would decide later!
Eichi: While we were contacting each other about our work, I had invited everyone to have tea with me. Instead of spending my time alone, spending it with everyone feels more relaxing.
Rei: I finished my work and I contacted everyone saying I would get some eye rest. And thanks to the message, Kaoru-kun had come and woken me up ♪
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A graph showing the frequency of mailing and the content of their texting. Both Eichi and Rei don't text much while Aira texts a lot. Eichi texts seriously, and Aira often sends silly things. Rei is in the middle of them with both being silly and being serious.
Q4: Recently, what is the first thing you do after waking up?
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Aira: I always unconsciously touch my smartphone. I'd get instantly wide awake whenever I find the merch I want is being sold on the flea market.
Eichi: I often check for the news or the received messages during my night sleep. I want to spend my time more leisurely, but when you are busy, time surely keeps flying away.
Rei: I first have to pick up my eye mask that has fallen on the ground. I use it so I can sleep better, but lately it keeps falling away.
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A graph showing how they are going to wake up. Both Aira and Rei like to chill and can't get out of their bed. While Eichi is an early bird.
Q5: Why are you so cool?
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Aira: It is a little bit embarrassing... Maybe it is because of 'ALKALOID''s color? I think it is possible that you can attract people with the color!
Eichi: Fufu, thank you for your praise. One can't let their fans see them in a disturbing appearance, and I want to look good naturally.
Rei: Being cute, being cool. It's only because I'm an idol that people give me the words of assessment for the ways I show myself ♪
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Here is a graph to show you how they are going to react!
Aira isn't used to being praised and he gets embarrassed because of it, while both Eichi and Rei are used to it and happily receive the praise! The graph also shows Rei and Eichi are overlapping. Rei is used to being praised more than Eichi in this below comparison.
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Becoming your ‘Favorites’ video messages!
Eichi: Yah, I am Tenshouin Eichi, the leader of 'fine'. I also work as a representative of STARMAKER PRODUCTION, every day I give my best effort to send the brilliance of idols to the world. Of course, as an idol myself, I don't forget to shine as brightly as I can. If you are intrigued, please come to my live and see my figure. After that, if you choose me to be your favorite, I promise I will show you what you want to see the most. If you are to support me, I will be overjoyed.
Aira: Hello! I am Shiratori Aira from 'ALKALOID'! I love, love, love idols so much, and I want to become the person who brings joy to others just like the idols I admire so much. I also am a fan, and I understand it is not easy to pick a person as your favorite... But please, please pick me as your favorite idol!
Rei: I'm Sakuma Rei, the leader of 'UNDEAD'. With this message, you have the chance to learn more about me, and I thank you for that. To learn about me, how about we talk about the thing I like? Firstly, I have a younger brother, who is the apple of my eye, my cute Ritsu. And I like to stroll around the garden too. Although I don't like to go out at the time when the sun is still high, and my heart feels at ease more when I walk around at quiet times like early morning or in the middle of the night... ♪ They are some basic things, but that's all. If you are going to support me I'm happy, but if you simply take an interest in UNDEAD then I also am thrilled ♪
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mudwerks · 7 months
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(via Music Licensing Powerhouse BMI Is Being Sold to a Private Equity Firm | Pitchfork)
BMI, the music licensing agency that represents thousands of songwriters, has announced that it will sell to the private equity firm New Mountain Capital, The New York Times reports. Terms of the deal have yet to be disclosed; in August, Billboard cited sources claiming the deal could be worth $1.7 billion. The sale needs to be approved by shareholders and undergo “customary regulatory approvals.” The two sides expect the deal to close by the end of 2024’s first quarter.
After announcing that it would change over to a for-profit model before considering a sale of the company, BMI faced scrutiny over the change from songwriter groups. BMI and ASCAP are the two major licensing agencies which distribute royalties to songwriters and publishers from songs being played via the radio, online streaming, and in retail settings.
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lokisasylum · 7 months
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(Top Star News Reporter Hwang Seon-yong) BTS Jimin's fandom is expressing dissatisfaction with his agency. They have been pointing out problems with their agency for a long time, but since there is no feedback, they say they can no longer tolerate it. DC Inside BTS's Jimin Gallery and Twitter's Jimin General Team have been holding truck demonstrations since November 13th in front of Hive Co., Ltd.'s headquarters in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, securities companies, and broadcasting companies.
On the truck, “Is Hive the agency of BTS Jimin?”, “Hive is neglecting his duties by not renewing his contract”, “Please explain that Like Crazy did not receive RIAA platinum certification”, “Billboard top-selling song Nomi, please explain for ignoring request to restock single CD”, It contains phrases such as “Sue malicious comments and anti-gallery comments and protect the artist.”
In addition to the truck protest, fans' passionate comments are amplifying by issuing statements on Twitter.
The BTS Jimin Fan Association stated, "The title song 'Like Crazy' from Jimin's first mini-album 'FACE' was based on RIAA platinum certification for selling 1 million units in the U.S. last August, but has not yet been certified due to the agency's inadequate response. They are requesting RIAA Platinum certification for Like Crazy, saying, “We are not receiving the certification.”
“RIAA certification signifies the success of an album or single in the music industry, and the certification itself serves as a marketing tool to help drive sales and streaming. It can lead to more lucrative licensing deals, and as a certified hit, you are more likely to perform well. It allows for high fees and provides several advantages that strengthen the artist's profile. Unlike Japan's RIAJ, America's RIAA requires agency response in the form of paying a certain amount of money and receiving certification. In addition, ' Even though 'Like Crazy' was the first Korean solo artist to be nominated in the Top Selling Song category at the 2023 Billboard Music Awards, the agency did not provide any support during the counting period, as local fans in the United States did not meet their demands for a single CD restock even after the first sold out. “It appears,” he said, raising his voice.
He also said, "The agency's helpless response to malicious comments and anti-sexual posts has also been pointed out. Due to these various problems, it can be said that Hive has revealed a lack of artist management ability, lack of marketing ability, and major loopholes in career management."
Through statements and truck demonstrations, he is demanding improved management and professional artist care, and is strongly calling for an official apology, explanation, and communication from those responsible. The fandom has been going through a difficult time due to the lack of management and poor care from the agency, so they are predicting a long-term battle, saying, ‘This time, we will go to the end.’ Attention is being paid to what kind of answer the agency will provide.
Below is the full statement from the BTS Jimin Fan Association: BTS Jimin Fan Association is your company, HYBE Co. We have raised the following issues with (Hive Co., Ltd.) for a long time, but have not received any feedback, so we are issuing this statement and strongly request your company's active and sincere implementation as soon as possible.
Like Crazy will be certified RIAA Platinum. "Jimin's first mini-album title song 'Like Crazy' last August became the first song by a KPOP solo artist released in 2023 to exceed 1 million units sold in the United States. Nevertheless, to this day, 'Like Crazy' RIAA Platinum certification for RIAA Platinum certification has not been submitted and is therefore unlisted. RIAA certification helps boost an artist's profile in the music industry and can provide a variety of benefits that can lead to lucrative licensing deals. Therefore, it is a worthy certification. “I ask for it.”
The separation of streaming totals for the Korean and English versions of Like Crazy Spotify will be explained. "On March 26, 2023, the title song 'Like Crazy' of Jimin's first mini album ranked first on Spotify's global chart. Afterwards, for unknown reasons, along with errors such as the song's credits being suddenly modified, The two versions of streaming have been separated. This will inevitably be detrimental to Spotify's global charts, Spotify's charts in each country, and year-end cumulative streaming statistics. Spotify said that this phenomenon occurred at the request of the agency. , we need an explanation from your company that fans can understand about this.
Explain and apologize for not restocking the Like Crazy US single CD. “The 'Like Crazy' single CD in the US has not been restocked after the first sale was sold out. This song was repeatedly predicted to be a candidate for the BBMA (Bill Board Music Awards) Top Selling Song category, and in fact became the first Korean solo artist to be nominated in that category. However, there was no support from your company to win the main award during the counting period, and local fans in the United States also continued to request resale, but your company did not even respond to this. “We demand an explanation and apology for this so that something like this never happens again.”
Take measures to protect artists. "It is the company's natural duty to protect its artists. We strongly demand that your company take aggressive legal action against the spread of false information and personal information leaks about Jimin in domestic online communities, SNS, YouTube, etc. In particular, DC Inside. The situation, which has not been resolved even though fans have been providing information about malicious comments made on , Nateboard, etc. for several years, is unbearable and difficult to understand. There is a high possibility that this problem will be exploited maliciously. Considering the impact this may have on the artist and fandom, we demand a strict response to this issue.”
We request your company's quick action and feedback regarding the above. 2023. 11. 12 All members of BTS Jimin’s fan union.
Source: Top Star News (https://www.topstarnews.net)
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solariaism · 3 months
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─── ⠀     ✿ ˒  ⠀     ❪ SOLARIA  GARDENS  is  a  fictional  entertainment  company,  founded  by  KANG  SEONHEE  in  2007.  solaria  was  the  latter  of  the  two  subsidiaries  of  GEMINI  INC.,  which  was  a  conglomerate  founded  by  APRICUS  CULTURE’s  ceos,  JEONG  KARIN  and  kang  seonhee,  in  2000.
after  her  experience  as  an  idol  in  the  first-generation  group,  INOIR,  seonhee  aimed  to  make  a  company  that  protected  their  idols  from  toxic  fan  culture  as  well  as  toxic  company  environments.  despite  it  being  her  most  vocal  passion  since  leaving  inoir  in  1998  and  through  the  founding  of  gemini  inc.,  seonhee  wouldn’t  go  on  to  establish  her  own  company  until  2007.  even  in  2007,  after  the  establishment  of  solaria,  the  company  mainly  focused  on  buying  contracts  from  pre-existing  groups  and  revamping  their  public  images  and  freedom  as  artists.  girl  group  RIVETING,  which  debuted  in  1998,  had  their  contract  bought  out  by  solaria  garden  in  2007  and  became  the  first  artists  under  the  company.  because  of  the  standard  solaria  gardens  exhibited,  they  started  to  be  known  as  “the  group  savior."  a  few  months  later,  they  acquired  the  contracts  of  the  once-boy  group  MUNDANE,  who  originally  debuted  in  2005.  solaria  gardens  went  on  to  reunite  the  full  group  for  a  one-off  album  and  individually  signed  all  the  previous  members  of  maturity.
the  company's  first  group  was  ET/DEUX,  which  was  a  female  duo,  both  of  whom  trained  with  gemini  for  three  years  before  being  signed  specifically  to  solaria.  this  began  the  elusive  solaria  training  program,  which  has  often  been  labeled  as  elitist  by  the  press.  in  2009,  solaria  only  had  3  original  groups,  and  with  the  help  of  ENTVISS  ceo  WILLIAM  KIM,  solaria  gardens  launched  a  trainee  program  called  PROJECT:  SOLEIL,  which  included  an  instagram  page  for  trainees  to  show  fans  their  progress  and  a  tv  program  that  showed  the  inside  of  the  solaria  training  program.  even  now,  their  training  is  focused  on  refining  the  skills  of  trainees  from  gemini  that  suit  the  solaria  gardens  image,  which  includes  perfecting  vocal  and  dance  skills  as  well  as  fitting  each  trainee  into  the  solaria  gardens  space  concept.  as  of  now,  the  company  has  gone  on  to  debut  every  solaria-specific  trainee. after  many  years  of  william  kim’s  involvement  in  solaria  gardens,  in  2011  it  was  announced  that  he  and  kang  seonhee  had  been  married  for  over  a  year  and  that  he’d  be  going  from  an  investor  in  the  company  to  a  co-owner  while  also  being  gemini’s  head  of  pr.  it  is  rumoured  by  any  news  outlets  and  business  insiders  that  william  has  always  been  the  brain  of  the  operations,  while  seonhee  is  the  heart,  which  is  evident  by  the  couple's  close-knit  relationship  with  all  of  their  artists.
other  than  the  obvious  gemini-level  talent  from  all  of  the  solaria  artists,  solaria  gardens  is  mostly  known  for  their  in-depth  company  lore,  which  intertwines  all  of  their  artists  into  a  bigger  picture  story  about  space  and  stars,  which  all  of  their  artists  promote.  quoted  by  seonhee,  " the  storytelling  isn’t  because  we  want  to  confuse  fans;  it’s  because  we  value  family  at  solaria,  and  the  story  really  brings  our  talent  together. "  for  seonhee,  the  family  dynamic  of  solaria  is  the  goal,  and  the  ceo  is  known  for  forcing  groups  to  go  on  hiatus  when  their  chemistry  dwindles.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀✿ ❜ ࣪⸝ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ╱╱⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ THE BASICS %!? ❞
NAME⠀;⠀solaria gardens.
SERVICES ⠀;⠀⠀music production,  publishing,  entertainment,  nightlife,  travel,  talent agency,  licensing,  distribution,  merch manufacturing
PARENT  COMPANY⠀;⠀gemini incorporated.
FOUNDED⠀;⠀kang seonhee
FOUNDER⠀;⠀february 14, 2007
HEADQUARTERS⠀;⠀garosu-gil, seoul, south korea  ;  midtown, new york city, usa  ;  soho, london, united kingdom
KEY  PEOPLE⠀;⠀kang seonhee ❪ founder, ceo ❫ , william kim ❪ owner, coo ❫ , jeong dabin ❪ training manager ❫ , joey claire mills ❪ vp of neptune sounds ❫ , bronte guan ❪ vp of sundown visions ❫ , chanel iitoyo ❪ vp of lunar modelling ❫ , damla gürel ❪ vp of lumos pictures ❫ , kang sarang ❪ chief creative director ❫ , son young-ae ❪ cfo ❫
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀✿ ❜ ࣪⸝ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ╱╱⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ THE SUBSIDIARIES %!? ❞
NEPTUNE SOUNDS  ;  based  in  london  and  new  york  city,  neptune  sounds  is   a  subsidary  founded  in  2010.  neptune  is  ran  by  joey  claire  mills,  and  currently  has  7  acts  under  the  company,  including  the  solo  career  of  their  head  producer,  rev.  neptune  also  owns  a  chain  nightclub  called  the  emerald  which  is  home  to  solaria  highest  profile  scandals.
LUNAR VISION  ;  founded  in  2009,  sundown  visions  started  as  the  subsidary  meant  to  manage  the  international  promotons  of  artists  under  solaria  gardens.  it  eventually  had  debuted  a  chinese  girl  group,  now  based  in  la,  and  a  japanese  soloist,  suzu.  sundown  visions  still  manages  the  international  promotion  of  all  of  solaria  gardens  artists,  and  are  known  for  their  tour  venue  negotiations.
LUMOS PICTURES  ;  in  charge  of  the  many  acting  talents  under  solaria,  including  idolos  turned  actors  and  famously  very  privately  managed.  they  also  correspond  with  the  solaria  and  gemini  pr  people  about  interview  appearances.  basically  the  private  backup  publicists
LUNAR MODELLING  ;  lunar  modelling  and  chanel  iitoyo  heads  all  of  the  management  of  the  group  managers,  stylists  and  any  modelling  gigs,  including  haruna’s  famous  prada  deal.  they  also  manage  the  backup  dancers  of  the  company.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀✿ ❜ ࣪⸝ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ╱╱⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ THE ARTISTS ROSTER %!? ❞
RIVETING (1998–2004, 2007–2010) ; a first gen three-member girl group
MUNDANE (2005–) ; once a five-member boy group, now a duo
ET/DEUX (2007–) ; a female duo
W.O.W (2008–haitus since 2020) ; a four-member boy group
FATED (2009–) ; a four-member girl group
JUNG HAESOL (2011–) ; a female krnb soloist
OPERATIC (2012–) ; a six-member boy group
NO VARIETY (2013–) ; a ten-member girl group
CHAOS THEORY (signed 2014–) ; a five-member rock band
VALERIE YEON (signed 2014–) ; a bubble pop female soloist
RYEO (2015–) ; a male krnb soloist
CYCLONIQUE (2016–2019) ; a co-ed trio
NEW AXIS (2017–) ; an eleven-memeber boy group
THE FUSION GIRLS (2018) ; a multi-unit girl group, co-managed by ukiyo sounds
TEMPORA (2023–) ; the newest five-member girl group
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀✿ ❜ ࣪⸝ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ╱╱⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ THE NEPTUNE SOUNDS ROSTER %!? ❞
THE REV (2002–???) ; a rap artist, turned producer
SLEEPWALKERS (2011–) ; a five-member boy band
VELVET COUTURE (2013–) ; a three-member nyc girl group
ZOE (2014–) ; an english pop singer
FIONA BALFE (2019–) ; an irish pop-punk singer
MOXIE LIME (2021–) ; a london-based 
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀✿ ❜ ࣪⸝ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ╱╱⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ THE SUNDOWN VISIONS ROSTER %!? ❞
LLADY (2019–) ; a 9-member c-pop girl group
SUZU AOI (2023–) ; a japanese pop soloist
layout ib: @aprisolis & @1dyll-a
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Democratic Mayor Tiffany Henyard of the small Village of Dolton, Illinois, has made national headlines in recent weeks for being accused of weaponizing police in retaliatory business raids and spending taxpayer money on luxurious trips. Now she is facing investigation by the Dolton Trustees as well as the FBI.
In a special meeting Thursday night, a four-trustee majority "voted unanimously to call for an investigation into Henyard and what they say is the misuse of funds," FOX 32 reported. Dolton Trustees slammed the mayor for having "disgraced this entire village" and being a "stain on our community."
Earlier this week it was reported that the FBI is investigating the mayor, as six individuals have reportedly spoken to the agency about her alleged misconduct, including "business owners, a former village employee and one or more public officials." 
The self-proclaimed "Super Mayor," who insists "God chose me" and met with President Biden in January, has been said to engage in such wild antics it is like a "real life Parks and Rec situation." But her multitudes of alleged misdeeds could finally be catching up to her.
From first-class flights to Las Vegas to beauty vendors, Henyard is frequently called out by her colleagues for questionable spending of taxpayers' money, possibly for her own benefit. She makes $285,000 from her positions both as Dolton mayor and Thornton township supervisor.
Henyard reportedly has a $224,000 a year salary as township supervisor alone, but has put forth an ordinance to cut the salary of any non-incumbent supervisor to $25,000.
Municipal attorney Burt Odelson, said to represent Henyard's political opposition, condemned this as "so illegal in so many ways," telling FOX 32 such conduct "violates so many tenets of the law." 
Aside from her personal income, the way she allegedly uses the town’s money has been a consistent source of controversy. While Henyard has denied using village credit cards, WGN Investigates said it obtained copies of the township’s credit card statements indicating village officials spent more than $24,000 at restaurants during a 12-month span, as well as $3,741 just on Henyard taking a round trip flight to Las Vegas. 
Henyard is also well-known for using a makeup artist, hairdresser and stylist before public appearances and photoshoots. Residents complain she puts up town billboards to promote herself personally, and she has produced music videos that feature city workers, such as police dancing or boosting her image by being in the background as she lip-syncs songs. 
On Tuesday, a Dolton-based U-Haul rental and trucking business owner named Lawrence Gardner told FOX 32 he went to the FBI out of frustration that the Village of Dolton would not renew his business license. He claims he has suffered from harassment, a raid on his business and was shut down by Dolton police. Gardner believes it is retaliation after he refused to donate to a civic event sponsored by Henyard.
FOX 32 reported Wednesday that multiple bars in the town were raided by police the day after the news team visited the businesses amid allegations their licenses were being held up for political reasons. The raids reportedly occurred mere hours after FOX 32’s report about the alleged FBI investigation into Henyard’s conduct was released.  
Employees and owners of the bars reportedly claimed "it's part of an ongoing campaign of harassment by Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard" and that "Their business licenses have been stripped by Dolton, but they've continued to operate with a state license."
Tammie Brown, a Dolton Trustee, was quoted in the same report as saying the raids were a warning to other businesses, "I'm sure that they were asked to donate [to Henyard], make a donation, and most likely they didn't make a donation. So you don't get a chance to stay open if you don't pay the queen's ransom."
The Village of Dolton defended the legitimacy of the raids in a statement to FOX 32, arguing both businesses had their liquor licenses previously revoked, and had "a history of violent incidents."
In addition to the raids and music videos, Henyard's use of the police as her personal security has been a source of controversy as well. 
Henyard spends hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on security, which effectively takes police officers off the streets who should be protecting the town, Dolton Trustee Brittney Norwood said.
"I think that she spends the money on security because she just loves it. She likes the thought of being surrounded by police officers. I think it makes her feel more important," Norwood said. "The police are simply working under her instructions, but it's also sad. It's sad because we need the police patrolling the streets, and they're with her instead."
Former Dolton Police Chief Robert Collins, who was fired by Henyard, also slammed the mayor for maintaining a security detail of "several officers" whom he argues could be out fighting crime, but are instead "sent out to run errands, do pick-ups, do drop-offs."
Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul is reportedly cracking down on "The Tiffany Henyard CARES Foundation" which, per the acronym, stands for Cancer And Remission Empowering Survivors.
The Chicago Tribune on Thursday reported that Henyard’s charity "has been told by the Illinois attorney general’s office to stop soliciting or accepting contributions, and that it must register with the state." The same outlet summarized that the mayor was told her charity "is not in good standing and states the attorney general has sent multiple letters advising, among other things, that it is not registered with the state."
The letter reportedly warned that "to avoid further action by this office," the charity must file a registration statement, copies of financial reports and a list of the organization’s officers and/or directors by March 13.
Henyard is also infamous for her fiery rhetoric toward the town's trustees in public meetings.
Fox News Digital reported that Henyard slammed her fellow officials at a meeting in early February about her spending when she declared, "You all forget I’m the leader. They want to hear from the mayor. You all ain’t learned that yet. The mayor, not the trustees that don’t do nothing. They only run their mouth. You all don’t do no work, no work!"
Later during the meeting, Henyard proclaimed, "Y’all got false narratives out there, and y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves. Y’all Black. Y’all are Black! And y’all sitting up here beating and attacking on a Black woman that’s in power. Y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves."
Norwood told Fox News Digital in an interview, "I feel as if I'm in a dictatorship." 
She added, "The way she talks [to the trustees] I sometimes feel as if I'm in a mentally abusive relationship… I've learned to expect her to be disrespectful. She's like a bully." 
Norwood is party to a lawsuit that accused the mayor of actions that amounted to "fraud," according to a complaint reviewed by Fox News Digital. 
Henyard was sued for alleged financial wrongdoing by Dolton Trustees on Dec. 23.
"The Defendant’s actions as alleged constitute a fraud upon the residents and taxpayers of the Village," the lawsuit states. It added, the extent of the financial wrongdoing could be more extensive than is currently alleged as Henyard was allegedly concealing the information from the trustees. 
Henyard, the Village of Dolton, and police department did not respond to requests for comment.
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freakin-edikan · 9 months
Help Dusty Get out of Florida Fund
Hello. I'm Dusty. I moved back home with my parents after school because I couldn't afford to stay in NYC and they refused to help pay for me to stay up there while I was looking for work. My parents stress me out, it sucks and I hate it here. I'm trying to move back to NYC where 1) most of my friends are and 2) I can visit my brother more easily if I need help with something. I take commissions if you want me to draw something (please ignore the music commissions, I don't think I can do those right now) and I think my prices are pretty low. Links below, sob story under the cut
vnmo: @freakin-edikan cshapp: $freakinedikan Paypal me Commission post
My goal is $3300. 0/3300
My parents piss me the hell off and I want to leave. They say they're not stopping me from doing anything but there are so many "soft" restrictions it's basically total control. I can't leave the house because the county's transit sucks shit, I don't have a house key, and I don't have a license (and even if I did, I wouldn't have a car). I have no mental health provider so I've been rationing out my ADHD meds. But even if I did, I'd have no way to get there because I don't have a car. My dad was supposed to get me a bike with a lock but he didn't. He wants to teach me to drive but he's 1) never home bc he works (obviously? how would that work) and 2) when he tried to teach me in 2019 he wasn't helpful at all and was always yelling or almost yelling at me. But he also doesn't want me to get lessons from an outside agency. I keep getting pushed to take some retail or food service job which I know will burn me out so much I'll barely be able to focus on anything else. And I wouldn't be able to get there because I have no transportation. And because I don't clean the whole house or cook every meal I'm seen as "neglecting aspects of life." Meanwhile dad will eat up all the food and not buy groceries or he'll ask me to buy groceries. Even though I don't have an income or a car or a license. Also my dad got mad at me and did this to my door on Friday
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and has the audacity to eat the food I bought for me and my friends with my own money. For my birthday. He's been eating my birthday food. Also the door no longer closes.
I am tired of having to play nice around my dad's volatile anger, which I've put up with since I was in elementary school. My parents paid for me to do a lot of things, which I appreciate. However, they also have repeatedly called me names, they interact with my hobbies with thinly-veiled contempt, they play passive aggressive when they're mad at me in front of guests, and they used to hit me all throughout K-12. They constantly frame their obligations to me as purely financial, they think they have no responsibility to be emotionally supportive or uplifting, but they also want me to baby their feelings and lie about how they treated me while accusing me of making up my mental issues for attention and sympathy. My dad keeps talking about how old and frail he is and how he could die any minute now and where I'm at is that I do not care and if/when he dies I will not be there. I'm literally sick of this behavior and they acted like this in 2019 when they were supposed to be taking care of me after I was hospitalized for attempting suicide. I'm still not over that and yet they're annoyed at me for being disorganized/scatterbrained, stressed out, and depressed.
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scoutmusicdottv · 1 year
Essential facts about a YouTube song license
Having a YouTube channel is something many are considering. It is easy to start and an easy way to start making money. The only problem is that you need to make your channel and videos interesting and fun to watch. And most of the time you will need sound for this. 
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This is why many YouTubers are making use of songs. But they don’t know that you need to have a YouTube song license for posting any music with your video. Even if the video is your own work. We are going to give you all the essential facts and information about song licenses and how to buy one successfully. 
Different types of song licenses are available  
The first thing that you need to know is that there are different song licenses available. And you can’t just purchase any type of license and think that you can now use it legally.  There is a total of six different song licenses from San Francisco music companies that you can purchase. And it will still be illegal to purchase a license and use it for something completely different.  
Just because you have the right to a song, it doesn’t mean that you can use it as you wish. Or, to change any words or phrases in the song. So, take the time to find out about all the different licenses and purchase the right one. Otherwise, you might pay penalties that can become very expensive.
Is it true that every song you use should have a license? 
A question that we are getting a lot is if you should have a license for every song you are using. Or can you just buy a license in general, and now you can use any song you want? Yes, you will need to buy a license for every single song you are using. The only exception is when you are using your own written music. If you have the patent for the song or music piece.  
If someone is telling you that you don’t actually need a YouTube song license then they are wrong. Yes, there are thousands of people making videos without music licenses. However, if you are caught, you can be arrested and charged for stealing a song. Meaning that you can get jail time or pay a hefty fine.  
Where you can find a YouTube song license 
This is good news. Finding a place where you can buy song licenses isn’t as hard as you might think. Especially now that so many companies are doing business online. You just need to search for licensing for music advertising or a music company selling music licenses. You will be surprised to see how many different companies there actually are.  
The only thing that you need to consider is to use a legitimate company that is registered and that owns the rights to the songs. Otherwise, you are paying the company money for something that will still be illegal.  
Other essential information that you might not know about song licenses 
You might want to search for a company like the San Francisco music company that has a large variety of songs. This normally means that they are legit, and they give you the option to choose the song that will be best for your own video.  
You don’t need to pay to become a member of a song license company. However, you will need to pay for each song you are using. If you need to pay a registration fee, then you might want to look for another company. It is illegal to ask for a registration fee for a service where you want to buy something as well.  
So many YouTube videos have music and songs that are actually illegal. When you are using any song that isn’t your own written piece, you need to purchase a license from a company like the San Francisco music company.
You can get in serious trouble if you are caught using music that you aren’t allowed to use. Rather spend the money to get your video legally and to make good videos with legit songs. This is the best way to start your career on YouTube and make some extra money without any problems.
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itz-stus · 1 year
Hello can you write some headcannons where dazai from bsd has a Indian wife thank you
Hello thank you for this request anon. I really appreciate it. So here are some headcannons for dazai with an Indian wife.
Dazai's Indian wife
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Being his wife is going to a job itself. As much as he loves you he is a pain to look after
He will definitely be like learning Hindi and has heard a lot of scolding from you as well in it. Since he annoys you to death
Like if your newly married they you have like the whole Chuda and like the maganl sutra and all. He absolutely adores that.
If you're vegetarian he will take special care for you food yk since many people in India are vegetarian including me. So if that is the case there will be non veg in the house. So if he ever does eats he just eats outside.
As much ad bad he is at cooking he will try to learn how to cook some basic common dishes in India. Like Parathas and all. Cause u force him too
There will be mixed cuisines in your household. Yk like if you know how to cook and like it aswell then you would make like Japanese dishes but with a Indian touch like how our mother makes foreign food with Indian touch.
Dazai has ate every Indian dish you could make or have learned to make and appreciates you in every single one.
In your house Hindi music is compulsory like if your like music then in your house there will be light music all over the house.
At time you two dance to the beats and giggle at each other's silly moves.
There will be times like if Dazai comes home from the agency with like injuries (which is one a regular basis) you scold him every time. If he has a bigger injury like there is too much blood then you might as well scold him in Hindi.
You have made him try Chai. And after marrying you its become a normal habit of drinking tea with you in the morning.
He has learnt Hindi quite well and after some time he can also speak Hindi.
At first he had a terrible accent but it improved from time to time.
If you like reading Hindi books poetries then their will be a like reading sessions with dazai where you just both cuddle and you just read some books to him answering his every little question.
If you work at the agency then there will be like both of you are just talking casually in Hindi and Atsushi is like'wtf are they speaking?'
And if you have interest in history and politics like I do oh boy there will always be like those types of discussions in you household. Like you telling him something new about both Japan and India from mythology to history to civics everything is in the debate here.
Cuddling him to sleep is a mustttt cause it just feels so nice that you are giving your all to him. Listening to his voice just making your night as you kissed ever inch of his beautiful face.
Dazai on the other hand is just grateful to have some this caring. Some to talk to who just understands his very being. He would just be the sweetest.
He just loves everthing about you and tries his best every time. He wants to protect the very person who makes it a little more easier abd enjoyed to live from his miserable life. Who makes how makes him understand humans a little better.
If he comes late and finds you like asleep he would like cover you in you blanket like wrapping you nicely and cuddle you.
He would appreciate you everytime.
There is no doubt he does his suicide techniques abd always asks you on a lovers suicide and even whines after you say no.
He might be a little harsh sometimes yk like in early stage due to yk mafia thing but don't be mad at him he is quite the puzzle to solve so be patient with him.
There is not a single day complete if he hasn't pranked you or put your stuff away. He annoys you to death and teases you for it aswell.
He just enjoyed watching you get angry. Like the one time you were parking your car(cause he is not a good driver who even gave him a driving license)
"Sala kisne sikhaya hai in gadho go gadi laga b@&%&#₹@." You yelled as dazai just looked at you in amusement.
There was also this one time a girl was a little too close and dazai being dazai this mf asked her for a double suicide when you just went up to her like asked her to go since it was like the time for the agency but she won't buzz off. And you yelled.
"Ek ulte hat kar mara na toh tere plastic surgeon ko bhi surgery ki zaroorat pad jayegi. Bhag ya se!" And then she just looked at you weirdly when you just said like to buzz off in Japanese. While dazai is just watching the show rooting for you.
I feel like dazai might just be the kinda guy who would randomly dim the living room lights and turn on some classic romantic song and invite you to slow dance in the living room in your pyjamas at like ten at night and you just. waltz around with him for a while.
Between you and dazai there are both happy, comical and sad moments.
In sad moments if dazai is feeling low it's like a 6th sense to you by now. You always give him space if he wants to talk about it. If he doesn't you don't mind but just give him company like kissing him and like showing that you love him in every possible way. Which is also visa versa
In the end you are a happy married couple who is just as chaotic as much as both of you are cute.
Ps dazai is also scared from your ears twists when you scold him way to hard. He belives that you are even scarier than kunikida when you are truly mad.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
Chapter 3: Distrust
Silence Masterlist
tw institutionalised/normalised pet whump, it/its used as a default for pets, past trauma, defiant/feral whumpee, morally dubious caretaker, badly healed bones, mention of potential infection and parasites, internal monologue of a self-hating and conditioned pet
The next day, Rayan was considerably more nervous as he made his way to the alley. He used to be excited, sure, wanting to find out what was hiding in there… But now he knew. And he had no idea whether it would still be there. 
"Sil?" He didn't put the plate down this time, wanting to hand it to the pet instead. Sil poked its head out from behind the dumpster, seemingly disapproving of this new idea.
"Do I need to do tricks for it now?" it groaned. "Crawl over? Sit pretty?"
"What? No, I…"
Rayan averted his gaze, knowing that at the core of it, that was what he'd had in mind. He wanted to lure it closer, build some more trust. He was still treating it like a stray dog, when pets were so entirely different.
"I'm sorry." He put down the plate of food, stepping back. "I won't force anything. Like, in exchange for food. You don't have to earn it, is what I'm trying to say."
Sil began carefully moving towards it, never taking its eyes off of him. Now that Rayan could see it a little better and knew what to look for, it was obvious that it was in pain. The way it compensated for loss of movement in some areas, the way it winced when it made a wrong move… He was sure that part of it moving so slowly was caution, but the other part was definitely the pain.
Rayan had no idea how to approach the topic of a doctor's visit, and it ended up causing him a long, sleepless night. He thought he'd just grab a stray animal, bring it to the vet and be done with it. But Sil… he couldn't just put it into a box. Then there was the issue of the licence. Only licensed pets could be brought to a doctor, and they took the rules very seriously. The moment he showed up with an unregistered pet, they would take it away and bring it right back to the sly fucker who managed to avoid questions up until now. He could already picture it. ‘Oh, I don’t know how it got these injuries. It must’ve happened in the time it was on the streets. Yes, of course I’ll pay for all the treatments, I’m a good owner, see?’
He couldn’t bring in Sil as a pet. But trying to bring it in as a person, trying to trick the doctor would put all three of them in danger of serious legal trouble. He didn’t want to put anyone else in harm’s way, and that was precisely why he had decided that when the doctor finally got back to him, he wouldn’t mention an in-person visit, only ask some general questions over the phone about things that he himself might be able to do to help.
Unfortunately, said doctor had just found the time to call back. 
The ringtone sent Sil scurrying back to its nest, food untouched. "Oh no- goddammit, why now..?" He pressed a hand down on his pocket to muffle the music. "It's just my phone, Sil, please eat! I'll just- I'll be right around the corner!" He took a few steps away for privacy and took the call.
Sil couldn't stop shaking. The sound of the phone startled it so badly, and the most frustrating thing was that it couldn't even explain why. It wished it had grabbed the food at least, before running like a coward.
It could faintly hear Rayan's voice from the street, talking to someone. It couldn't make out a single word from so far away, but it found itself curious enough to shuffle towards the source.
"...they seem hurt…yes, I think so…no, they're just- bumps under the skin, yes…I can't bring them in…it's complicated, I just can't…" 
They. Who were they? Ah, of course, Rayan must've been talking to a professional or something. He had to pretend he was talking about a person, so he could ask his questions without raising suspicion.
No. That didn’t make any sense. That was a pet train of thought, a stray train of thought, from someone who had been running from the Agency for almost a year now. From a person point of view, all Rayan had to do was call the PPA and have it be brought in. Returned to its owner. That was the ‘right’ thing to do, wasn’t it? He was probably just talking about someone else… with bumps under their skin. 
Sil leaned against the cold brick wall. It studied its hand, noting that the weight loss had made the protruding bone even more prevalent. It had been broken by its owner after one of the minor offences it’d committed, and he never ended up taking it to the doctor for it. He never took it anywhere, not even the fundraiser balls or the- the other stuff the pets kept getting so well-dressed for. It had been hidden away from public view for years, some gross, useless, nameless thing. Master hated it, and never ever failed to make it known.
Maybe its wrist healed wrong, but was that really important? It could live with the pain, it had for years now. Its ankle and shoulder were honestly way more of an issue for it, the agony of walking getting a little too much as time passed, but even that was negligible. Surely, if even its owner thought it wasn’t worth a doctor’s visit, it couldn’t have been a big deal. 
It looked up at the grey sky above and let out a small sigh. It had no idea why it had decided to come out with Rayan around. It had spent so long hiding from all the people in all the towns and cities it had passed, and now that it was finally quite far from where Master was, it had decided to blow its cover and just trust that this man - Rayan - would be an ally. That he wouldn’t call the authorities. That he would just keep bringing it food and water, that he would keep being kind, that he would keep being so odd and different.
It wasn’t so sure about its decision anymore. It desperately wanted to take it back, so it wouldn’t have to sleep with one eye open for when the PPA finally got Rayan’s report about the stray behind the dumpster.
Sil poked its head out again, trying to see whether he had come back yet. He hadn't. It crawled over to the plate and brought it back to its hiding spot, stuffing its face as quickly as it could in case he changed his mind about having to earn it. It wasn't going to do tricks for food. 
The doctor had told Rayan dreaded news after dreaded news. In-person visit. Rebreaking of bones. Potential lice and other parasites. Infections. He didn't even know where to start, especially since Sil didn't even want to be near him.
The plate was gone by the time he got back to the alley, and he smiled a little. At least it was eating. "Sil?"
A thin little arm appeared from behind the dumpster, placing the plate on the ground. He frowned. Was it not going to come out again?
"Is everything okay?"
"As much as it's ever been."
"I'm sorry about the phone call. Did I upset you somehow?" 
"Does it matter?" 
Rayan slowly walked over to where the plate was, resisting the urge to peek behind the trash where Sil's hiding place seemed to be. He backed off with the plate now in his hands, stopping at his regular spot. "It matters to me. If I did, I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry."
"Who were you talking about? On the phone."
"Well… Well, um… you. I was- I was trying to get you a doctor's visit, or at least some advice-" 
"You were talking about me like I was a person. I don't like that, and I don't trust that."
He opened and closed his mouth a couple times. How was he going to explain that? ‘Yeah, that’s because I’m trying to sneak you past security and avoid the agency that was founded specifically to protect you, all so that I could take care of you instead of your owner that I’ve decided was a horrible person.’ That didn’t sound very trustworthy or morally correct, even in his head. Said out loud, he assumed it would’ve sounded even worse. 
Still, hiding the truth would’ve been an entirely selfish act. If Sil wanted him to call the Agency, he supposed he had no other choice. 
But then again, Sil ran away, and was currently hiding behind a dumpster. Surely, it’d understand?
Unless it was lost, and it really had sustained all those injuries on the streets, and he was making horrible assumptions about a potentially very kind owner who was desperately looking for their beloved pet. But a lost pet would’ve just gone up to an officer, right? To be returned?
Either way, Rayan could only imagine what kinds of people would want to forgo making a report so they could keep an undocumented stray all to themselves, and he was about to come clean about being such a person. Sil had no way of telling that his intentions were actually good.
“I… I told them you were a person because I didn’t want the PPA to get involved. You look very hurt, and I assumed it was from your owner, and that’s why you’re out here all alone and hiding. I was afraid they’d send you back.”
Sil didn't respond, no matter how long Rayan waited. He didn’t know what it was thinking. He didn’t know whether the answer made it despise him. He wished he could've scooped it up in his arms and told it that all he wanted was to make it all better, but that was a far stretch from where they stood with each other right now.
"I'll bring you a blanket tomorrow, if… if that’s okay. If you’re still here. It's getting colder. See you tomorrow, Sil. I hope."
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @whump-blog @alexkolax @ha-ha-one @hidden-dreamland @looptheloup @batfacedliar-yetagain @oddsconvert
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Welcome to Wonderful World of Darklords: Marvel May! It's the inaugural episode of something we're hoping to make an annual tradition, but honestly, we kind of invented the whole thing just so we could talk about what might be the most obvious Ravenloft domain Disney has ever done. (If you wanted to describe Ravenloft domains to someone who wasn't familiar with the concept, you could do worse than "It's like WandaVision.") Topics discussed include:
The D&D equivalent of a warm, safe sitcom set in a slice of idyllic suburban Americana;
How to bring your PCs into a domain that the darklord wants to keep locked down at all times, and how to maintain the feel of WandaVision without stripping away their agency the moment they set foot in Westview;
The goofy D&D sitcom versions of multiple MCU characters, all of whom are screaming on the inside;
Whether or not it was, in fact, Agatha all along;
And more!
The full writeup for Westview is available for free on DM's Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/480287/Wandas-Vision-A-Ravenloft-Domain-of-Dread?affiliate_id=241770 Even if you normally just listen to the episode without reading the writeup, we highly recommend checking out the writeup after listening this time. We came up with the "sitcom shenanigans" table after recording and couldn't discuss it on mic, and we are SO proud of that thing.
All music recordings are in the public domain (mark 1.0) and are licensed through https://musopen.org:
Chopin Nocturne in B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No.1 (main theme), performed by Eduardo Vinuela
Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 12 in C Minor: “Ocean” (darklord theme), performed by Edward Neeman
Chopin Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55 No. 1 (land theme), performed by Luke Faulkner
Rachmaninoff Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3 - 2. Prélude in C sharp minor (Dread Possibilities), performed by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Chopin Nocturne in E Minor, Op. 72 No. 1 (parting thoughts), performed by Luke Faulkner
Dialog for Yensid was written by Azalin Rex himself: @darklordazalin
The Wonderful World of Darklords logo was designed by Halite Jones, whom you can find @halite-jones or on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/insta_halite
Contact us on:
Facebook: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Tumblr: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Patreon: www.patreon.com/WonderfulWorldofDarklords
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samhaft · 4 months
is it (legally) required to have some sort of permission to upload or publish remixes of hazbin hotel songs?
Short answer yes, long answer it depends what you mean by publish, and I love that I get in the weeds with music business stuff.
So - the recordings themselves and all pieces of them, like the instrumental stems and vocals, are all part of the A24-owned “master recordings” which you cannot use or sample or remix without a license from them. Technically you could make an un-monetized video or tiktok or something and probably won’t get in trouble for it, but they’ll have the rights to monetize it or take it down. Spotify/distrokid/any form of real distribution you for sure cannot do without a license.
That’s remixes - but covers are interesting. You can actually formally distribute song covers thanks to something called a “mandatory mechanical license” whereby if your distributor gives you the option (I know distrokid does) you can mark that the song is a cover, and it’ll fetch a cover license (which are generally automatically approved) from (usually) the Harry Fox Agency in the US. Now this does NOT give you permission to remix, interpolate, change, or put the song to video - THAT requires a license from the master recording owner (as described above) as well as the copyright owner (song copyright ownership is also known as ‘publishing’). This is how Taylor Swift was able to re-record her “Taylor’s Versions” of songs - she didn’t have control over her master recordings, but because she owned the copyright to those songs, she was able to make new master recordings from scratch.
Ultimately fanmade remixes often do not get taken down or get copyright strikes unless the remix in question is being monetized and distributed to platforms, because generally it is in content owners’ interest to allow social media users to make “UGC” (user generated content) as ultimately it’s more attention to that piece of music, but it IS up to the content owner’s discretion to decide to take action against it or not - and sometimes systems like YouTube’s Content ID will flag and fingerprint that content automatically without the content owner needed to see or ID the thing you made.
And unfortunately I cannot personally help anyone get cover or remix licenses to the Hazbin songs, that’s all A24 Music - I’ve been getting a lot of emails to that effect and I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful there.
Hope this was informative!
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zephyrent · 10 months
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ZEPHYR ENTERTAINMENT is an entertainment conglomerate and record label founded and established in 1999 by the multi-millionaire businessman JUNG SEUNGCHEOL. The agency became known for its scouting and marketing formula, being able to turn almost anyone into stars. However, following the opening of his new hotel franchise IVORY HEIRLOOM in 2014, Seungcheol passed the company down to his oldest daughter, JUNG AERI.
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COMPANY NAME. zephyr entertainment
TYPE. public
INDUSTRY. music, entertainment, production
FOUNDED. february 24th, 1999
FOUNDER. jung seungcheol
HEADQUARTERS. seoul, south korea
AREA SERVED. worldwide
SERVICES. licensing, publishing, record distribution
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PINK FRIDAY ❋ ࣪ ࣭ 2004 - fashion house, ran by friday escoffier
RAINDROP ❋ ࣪ ࣭ 2007 - acting agency and film production, ran by william averson
JADORE MEDIA ❋ ࣪ ࣭ 2012 - record label, ran by cho jisoo
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