#musings: abraham crowley
ilsaethanfics · 2 months
You finally did it, you made me write a fan fiction that I couldn't just quit when the muses left me
by fleurdehivers
Ethan and Maverick struggle with the loss of Ilsa and Iceman. Help comes from unexpected sources and in extraordinary forms.
Words: 11733, Chapters: 6/6, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: Mission: Impossible (Movies), Top Gun (Movies), Doctor Who (2005), Good Omens (TV), Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ethan Hunt, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), River Song, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Additional Tags: Crossover, Grief/Mourning, Introspection, Mind Meld, Time Travel, Biblical Allusions (Abrahamic Religions), Tom Cruise is A LOT of different characters at once, well just two actually but there used to be many more, why does no-one in the whole bloody world notice when he's doing all his usual stupid shit?, because i needed him for the story for reasons, just accept it and move on, i did my very best to NOT suspend your disbelief in the rest of this thing, which is pretty bat-shit crazy, pls consider: i tried crossovering four fucking different fandoms, with wildly different world building and internal coherence, just bc supernatural is listed in the fandoms:, there was a part where i thought about using dean and cas as characters, then I thought better of it, i just don't particularly care to be in dean's head tbh, so basically spn is there for one single joke and that's it, which is fitting bc that's basically spn's real legacy, being a meme on tumblr, ok this is just me writing shit in the tags just for funsies now
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vocesincaput · 10 months
A list with more details on each muse can be found on the carrd.
Izzy Hands - (He/Him) (OFMD).
Frenchie - (He/Him) (OFMD).
Samuel Bellamy - (He/She/They) (OFMD - OC).
Peter Price - (He/Him) (TURN - OC).
Captain Henry Simpson - (He/Him) (TURN - OC).
Genevieve Hawkins - (She/Her) (TURN - OC).
Edmund Hewlett - (He/Him) (TURN).
John André - (He/Him) (TURN).
Ensign Baker - (He/Him) (TURN).
Benjamin Tallmadge - (He/Him) (TURN).
Caleb Brewster - (He/Him) (TURN).
Abraham Woodhull - (He/Him) (TURN).
The 15th Doctor - (He/They) (DOCTOR WHO).
Rogue - (He/They) (DOCTOR WHO).
The Corsair - (She/He/They) (DOCTOR WHO).
Aziraphale - (She/He/They) (GOOD OMENS).
FurFur - (They/Them) (GOOD OMENS).
Crowley - (She/He/They) (GOOD OMENS).
Caleb Widogast - (He/Him) (CRITICAL ROLE).
Vex'ahlia - (She/Her) (CRITICAL ROLE).
Grog Strongjaw - (He/Him) (CRITICAL ROLE).
Keyleth - (She/Her) (CRITICAL ROLE).
Ashryn Daeris - (They/Them) (CRITICAL ROLE).
James Flint - (He/Him) (BLACK SAILS).
Thomas Hamilton - (He/Him) (BLACK SAILS).
Shay Patrick Cormac - (He/Him) (ASSASSIN'S CREED ROGUE).
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway - (He/They) (ASSASSIN'S CREED 3).
Aguilar/Cal Lynch - (He/They) (ASSASSIN'S CREED (movie)).
Edward Kenway - (He/Him) (ASSASSIN'S CREED BLACK FLAG).
Jim Jimenez - (They/Them) (OFMD).
Anne Bonny - (She/Her) (OFMD).
Mary Bonnet - (She/Her) (OFMD).
John Watson - (He/Him) (SHERLOCK HOLMES (movies)).
Samuel Clayton - (He/Him) (HORNBLOWER).
Charles Braddock - (He/Him) (AGE OF SAIL - OC)
Kaveh - (He/They) (OC)
Spanish Jackie - TEST MUSE - (She/Her) (OFMD).
Anna Strong - TEST MUSE - (She/Her) (TURN).
George Washington - TEST MUSE - (He/Him) (TURN).
Abigail - TEST MUSE - (She/Her) (TURN)
Fang - BY REQUEST - (He/They) (OFMD).
Lucius Spriggs - BY REQUEST - (He/They) (OFMD)
Alex - BY REQUEST - (They/Them) (OFMD - OC)
Theo McNair - BY REQUEST - (She/Her) (OFMD - OC)
Lucian Morgan - BY REQUEST - (He/Him) (OFMD - OC)
Stede Bonnet (He/Him) (OFMD).
Ed Teach (He/Him) (OFMD).
Auntie (She/Her) (OFMD).
Black Pete (He/Him) (OFMD).
Ian Chesterton (He/Him) (DOCTOR WHO).
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archxngxl · 2 years
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sleepymccoy · 5 years
Now I'm aware it doesn't fit in at all with their timeline, but i wanted to write this out regardless!
From wikipedia: According to the Hebrew Bible, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. After Isaac is bound to an altar, a messenger from God stops Abraham before the sacrifice finishes, saying "now I know you fear God." Abraham looks up and sees a ram and sacrifices it instead of Isaac.
"They want me to climb a mountain," Aziraphale bitched.
Crowley frowned, a tune that hadn't been written yet flitted across his mind. "Climb a mountain? Why does that ring a bell?" He hummed a few notes, but Time took it from him before he could land it. 
Aziraphale looked at him oddly. "I've no idea," he said mightily. "Listen, I know it's not anything like what we do, but would you?"
Aziraphale pouted beautifully. "Do the mountain miracle for me, please? I'll make it up to you."
So Crowley found himself slithering up the mountain. He'd taken his snake form to be unnoticed by the man he was sent to follow. Apparently God had asked the guy to do something and Aziraphale just had to make sure he did it. I'm sure it wouldn't be anything too much, I'm just there as posterity really. Just watch and make sure they don't get eaten by bears or something.
Crowley was pretty sure there were no bears in this country.
The man walked steadily, not taken by the exuberance of his son. Crowley wasn't watching them closely, he was distracted finding the best path up the mountain. His snake body wasn't made for the speed they kept, but he managed to pace well enough. He hoped the mountain wasn't massively tall.
They reached a plateau, a flat rock with a raise in the middle. Crowley hunkered down behind a bush to keep an eye on things. Just gotta make sure they did what was asked. He wished he knew what he was watching for, but Aziraphale hadn't known either. 
The father and son spoke briefly as the father built an altar from the wood he'd carried up the mountain. Then the son asked what they were here to sacrifice and the father began to cry as he lied in his answer. 
Crowkey watched, aghast, as the father bound his son to the altar, working through his tears. The truth became evident as the man stood and pulled a knife from his side.
Crowley shifted into his form, pulling a white robe into being across him. 
"Wheeeyyy, hey hey hey, oh boy what're you doing?" Crowley cried out as he stepped from behind the bush. 
The two froze. The son had not refused his father, but his wracking sobs stilled in surprise. The father turned and looked at Crowley, eyes wide and panicked. "What is this, Lord?" The father asked.
"Oh I'm not Lord, no no, I'm, um, some angel," Crowley dodged. He miracled a halo that was actually just a shiny disc of gold leaf behind his head. "Tra la la," he proved.
Tears ran unbidden down the fathers face as he tightened his grip on his very large knife, how had he hidden that? "I do as I am bid, Lord, do you bid me?" He asked miserably.
"Father-" the boy coughed, the sound utterly wretched.
"Oh, piss," Crowley admitted as he realised he was going exactly against what Aziraphale had asked. Well, blast him. Crowley was here and there would be no murder today. "Um, listen, God has sent me to say, ah, chill out!" He grinned widely, hoping it came across more confident than he was. "All good, bidding done, you've done it!"
He gave them a hopeful double thumbs up.
"I have?" The father repeated weakly. 
"Yep, all a big test and you passed, sir-ee! Great job, really very commendable. You can put the knife down."
"Oh," the father sighed. The knife lowered slowly, then clattered to the ground as it was finally dropped. The father fell to his knees and began to pray. "Thank you, Lord, thank you for this gift."
Crowley flicked his fingers and the binds undid on the boy. "Are you okay?" He asked.
The son knelt by his father and prayed also, but he looked at Crowley as he did. "Thank you, Lord," the son said. Crowley felt a shiver pass through him, he hadn't been prayed to before and he felt it keenly. 
"Alright," Crowley snapped, interrupting both his musings and the ongoing repeated thanks in front of him. They faced him fully, tears finally drying. "Look, I know you fear God and all, but really, killing your kid? C'mon, man."
"I love my Lord," the father insisted.
"You fear your Lord, it's not the same," Crowley condescended. He went to put his hands in his pockets but these robes didn't have them so he just sort of skittered down his thigh for a beat. He did it again to make it look intentional. Time to leave, perhaps. "Protect each other, you're what you have in this land," he said as he turned to go. 
"There must be a sacrifice, it was foretold," the father said, interrupting his attempted departure. 
"Right," Crowley agreed. He turned back to face them. "Um." Crowley thought for a beat, then waved at the bush he'd been standing by. "Here is a sheep, God would like you to kill this sheep," he said, indicating the sheep clearly. "Yep. Please do that, it's very important." The sheep began to walk but got its horns stuck in the bush ridiculously. It made a strangled sheep noise and kicked a leg, stumbling like a fool. Crowley glared at it for a beat before rolling his eyes and waving his arm at it confidently. "It's meant to be doing that."
"The ram?" The father asked.
"Yeah it's a bad, bad ram," Crowley said. "See the horns? That's demon-y, and we angels here hate demons." He checked his gold disc miracle was still up.
Crowley stood awkwardly as the father and son together manhandled the sheep that until a moment ago had been peacefully grazing a few kilometers away into the altar. He wondered how to best leave, he couldn't really snake out in front of them. He couldn't fly as his wings were black and that was beyond miracling. He would probably just stroll off, that seemed the least suspicious. Perhaps he could time it for when they weren't looking, it could come across angelic then. 
Crowley looked away as they slaughtered the beast, it was unpleasant to see that.
"Is my Lord pleased?" The father asked. Crowley looked back and winced at the sheer amount of blood staining the wood and rock.
Crowley sighed. God really had them twisted around Her finger. He felt a swell of pity and kindness. "Yeah sure, God's real chuffed. You both did great, good job," he said generously. "We're all really proud of you upstairs."
The pair began to cry again and knelt to return to their prayer. 
"Um," Crowkey said awkwardly. He felt quite a lot like he was imposing now. "Aah, a blessing on your house and name and all that, yeah," he murmured. The pair ignored him in their prayers.
"Alright, have a good day," Crowley said with as much blasé as he could pack into the words. He turned and left, trotting off down the treacherous slope. He glanced up as he went, peering unimpressed at the skies. "What the fuck?" He asked no one in particular. 
He should maybe give Aziraphale a heads up.
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Rose and Thorn BONUS
Happy Halloween, friends! In honor of the celebrations, here is a bonus cut scene from chapter 4 of Rose and Thorn!
Premise: On the night Crowley was turned, he helped Bram Stoker escape from vampires, inspiring the novel Dracula.
It turned out Crowley wasn’t the only one who’d been cast unceremoniously into the cellar. There was a movement to his left, and he realized that another young man was propped up against the wall, one bloodied leg resting straight out, the other tucked against their small frame.
“Are you all right?” the man whispered, and Crowley nodded. “Good. I do wish I could tell you things will turn out fine,” he continued, his Irish lilt more prevalent now, “but they really won’t.”
Crowley frowned. “What do you mean?”
“D’you know who they are?” the man pointed upward. At Crowley’s negative response, he said, “Vampires.”
“Those are fiction.”
But then the man pulled back the collar of his shirt to reveal two bloodied puncture marks at his neck. “Not anymore, they’re not,” the man replied. “We’re in mortal danger. Do you have a crucifix?”
A flood of icy adrenaline exploded into Crowley’s bloodstream. How was this real? “No. Why?”
His eyes widened. “I’ve got an extra. Take it, it’ll keep them away.” He fumbled in his pocket and then tossed over a silver cross on a black cord. 
It landed at Crowley’s feet and he took it, stringing it against his neck. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
“Do they work? Warding them off?”
Crowley hummed. “I was wondering how someone had taken a...bite out of you.”
He laughed darkly. “They’re demons,” he said. “Wanted me to join them.”
The man shook his head. “Never. I’d die first.”
“Me too,” Crowley murmured. 
The man’s eyes drifted upward again. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“Crowley,” he offered.
“I’m Abraham.”
“Nice to meet you,” Crowley said. Abraham’s resigned expression didn’t bode well. “Any chance we could get out of here? Know any exits we could pry open?”
“I’ve already tried,” he grimaced, pointing at his leg. “Got that from climbing up to that window well. Broke the glass all right, but then I slipped, there isn’t a foothold.”
“What if I boosted you?” mused Crowley. “I’m rather tall.” 
“I suppose we could try…”
Crowley pushed himself to his feet, his battered joints crying out in protest, but he ignored the pain and strode to Abraham. He offered a hand to pull the man up, which he took.
They made short work of Abraham’s escape, and Crowley lifted him with just enough height that the man could find purchase on the ledge and get his legs through the window and onto the mossy stones outside. It was then, of course, that the horrible truth occurred to Crowley. With Abraham gone, there’d be no one to help him reach the window. He was stuck.
Abraham seemed to realize this at the same time, because his face slackened and he looked around as if desperate for another solution. 
“Just go. Get help,” hissed Crowley. “I’ll figure something out. Get out of here before anyone sees you.”
Abraham looked so torn, it was almost enough to make Crowley feel less miserable about being left behind. At least this person had something of a conscience. 
“I’m sorry, Crowley. Take this.” He tossed down the other crucifix. “You’re going to need it. Fight back. Promise?”
“If I don’t make it,” Crowley said, startling as he heard the cellar door slam open behind him, “remember me.”
“There’s nothing in this nightmare I’ll forget as long as I live. Goodbye, Crowley,” Abraham said gravely. And then he was gone.
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storiesuntold · 5 years
permanent starter call list
Here a list with links to each muse’s psc as well as the one for all muses. 
All Muses (current and future)
Abraham Smythe (AC)
Adam McNair (HP)
Aleksey Valiyev (HP)
Billy-Ray Sanguine (SP)
Carl Manfred (DBH)
Charles Ambrose (Solace 2015)
Chase Collins (The Covenant)
Crowley (GO)
Desmond Miles (AC)
Elijah Kamski (DBH)
Eleazar Kamski (DBH)
Frederick Abberline (AC)
Gabriel Van Helsing (Van Helsing 2004)
Gaston (BatB 2017)
Godric Gryffindor (HP)
Hansel (H&G: Witch Hunter)
J Daniel Atlas (NYSM)
Jefferson Hatter (OUAT - Canon Divergent!)
Logan Howlett (Marvel)
Lucifer (Good Omens)
Morgan Yu (Prey 2017)
Muriella (In the Name of the King)
Percival Allyn Graves (HP)
Percival Taranis Graves (HP)
Snake-Eyes (G.I.Joe/IDW)
Stephen Strange (Marvel - Earth 2772)
Vlad Tepes (Dracula Untold)
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drsilverfish · 5 years
The Scapegoat - Speculative Musings on S14′s end (Moriah)
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The Scapegoat by William Holman Hunt 1854-5
As we know, the final episode of S14 (14x20) is titled Moriah, which, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is the place (possibly a mountain and possibly a mountainous region) where Abraham (as set out in Genesis) took his son Isaac as if to sacrifice him to God. 
@mittensmorgul @profound-boning and @prairiedust have already been talking about the significance of Moriah here:
One of the fascinating things about the Akedah (the Binding of Isaac) is that it has been interpreted in several ways, two key ones for SPN being:
1) Abraham testing God 
(putting pressure on God to intervene to save an innocent)
2) God testing Abraham’s faith 
(that God would intervene or would resurrect his son)
Both of these are of interest to the narrative of Supernatural. 
14x17 Game Night specifically stages a conversation between the angels, Anael and Castiel, about God’s intervention, or non-intervention, in human affairs.
Anael castigates God for being non-interventionist, whilst Castiel wishes to point out that, sometimes, God has intervened, even as he directly seeks God’s intervention (for help with his adopted Nephilim son) via Joshua’s copy of the Samulet to (it would as yet appear) no avail.
I’ve been musing on why the quote from the New Testament, which poor old whammied Donatello rasps out, whilst being messed about by Nick as a kind of prophet-radio conduit to Lucifer in The Empty, is, anachronistically, in Ancient Hebrew, rather than Greek (which scholars agree was the first written language of the New Testament, as opposed to the Biblical Hebrew of the Old Testament):
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour…” (Peter 5:8 King James Bible)
Perhaps because SPN has always, more overtly, drawn on the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament, and apocrypha like The Book of Enoch, whilst leaving its (abundant) Christ imagery largely in subtext. 
And Moriah, and thus the story of Abraham and Isaac, is very much a story of the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament.  
Let’s back up a bit, and consider the Jewish tradition of the scapegoat, as set out in Leviticus. 
Here is a discussion of this ritual, from a Jewish perspective:
God tells Moses, to tell his brother Aaron, to approach the Ark of the Covenant (but not to get too close or he’ll die) and to bring two goats, as part of a sacred act of ritual cleansing and worship. 
@shirtlesssammy should be excited about this, as they were discussing Castiel in relation to the Ark of the Covenant here:
From Leviticus:
16:7.         Aaron shall take the two he-goats and let them stand before the LORD at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting;
16:8.         and he shall place lots upon the two goats, one marked for the LORD and the other marked for Azazel.
16:9.         Aaron shall bring forward the goat designated by lot for the LORD, which he is to offer as a sin offering;
16:10.     while the goat designated by lot for Azazel shall be left standing alive before the LORD, to make expiation with it and to send it off to the wilderness for Azazel.....
So, one goat is a blood sacrifice for God, and as for the fate of the other goat?:
6:21.     Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites, whatever their sins, putting them on the head of the goat; and it shall be sent off to the wilderness through a designated man.
16:22.     Thus the goat shall carry on it all their iniquities to an inaccessible region; and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness....
Some Jewish scholars, apparently, see one goat (the blood sacrifice) as for God and the other (the scapegoat) as for Satan (Azaezel), indeed some argue Satan IS the scapegoat. Whilst some Christian scholars see the scapegoat, cast into the wilderness to carry the sins of the tribe, as an allegory for Christ.
One goat for God and one goat for Satan - we can see how that can be mapped onto the supposed “destinies” of the Winchester brothers, as sacrificial humans on the altar of the Apocalypse - one for Heaven (Dean as the Michael vessel) and one for Hell (Sam as Lucifer’s vessel). 
This is really interesting, in relation to Moriah, because in fact Abraham had two sons (who were half brothers) Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was sent into the wilderness (like the scapegoat) where he and his mother encountered an angel, whilst Isaac almost had his blood ritually spilled for God (like the blood sacrifice goat).
Cain and Abel are sometimes mapped onto these two goats too  (Abel as the blood-sacrifice goat and Cain as the scapegoat).
And Dean and Sam have themselves been mapped by the SPN narrative previously, during the Mark of Cain narrative of S10, onto Cain and Abel. 
Dean was, after all, told by John Winchester (sometimes a narrative mirror for God) that if he couldn’t save Sam, he’d have to kill him. And indeed, when Sam was in the Pit with Satan (after the events of 5x22 Swan Song) Dean was effectively “in the wildnerness”; his year of lost grieving trying to live “a normal, apple-pie life” with Lisa and Ben. 
Sam as the blood sacrifice goat and Dean as the scapegoat. 
However, because Dean has also, since Mary’s death, been a substitute parent to Sam (parentification) we can also view Dean as mappable to Abraham and Sam as mappable to Isaac. 
This parentified relationship was foregrounded, once again, in 14x17, when Sam almost died from a bloodied wound to the head (thanks to Nick) (i.e. he took the role of the blood sacrifice goat) and his (almost) last words to Dean were, “My whole life, you put me first,” (acknowledging Dean as the scapegoat, who has had to bear the weight of the sins of others, namely of their parents).
With me, thus far? Sam and Dean, sacrificial goats, fathers and sons, God and Satan, faith and doubt, sin and expiation? 
Now, how does all this map into the story of Jack the Nephilim, as well as the Jungian themes of the season?
Jack, we know, functions as a mirror for all of Team Free Will. 
He is the son of Satan by “blood” and he is the son of Castiel, Sam and Dean by love. He now contains within him elements of Heaven (AU!Michael’s grace) Hell (Lucifer’s parentage and, possibly, Lucifer’s control from beyond the grave via Nick’s blood spell) and Earth (his human parentage and soul from Kelly Kline).  
He is a trinity: Heaven, Hell and Earth; Castiel, Sam and Dean; Father, Son and Holy Ghost; a hunter, a Winchester, the son of Lucifer.  
Jack is also now the embodiment of the question of fate vs free will which epitomises Supernatural.  Is he “fated” to be evil, as the son of Lucifer, or does he still have the free will to choose his path, thanks to his Team Free Will adopted fathers?
Now we come to the two goats - Jack looks as if he is being set up to embody both - the blood sacrifice goat (he has now been explicitly linked to his father Lucifer via a blood spell) and the scapegoat, because the Winchesters all seem to be reaching the assumed conclusion (without unequivocal evidence) that Jack no longer has a soul.
Here’s where the Jungian themes of the season kick in. 
This season has been a season in which TFW have been confronted by their shadow-selves, meaning, in a Jungian psychological sense, the repressed (both negative and potentially positive) aspects of themselves.
Dean has been confronted by AU!Michael wearing his face  (representing his repression/ control).
Castiel has been confronted by The Shadow wearing his face (representing his sense of worthlessness).
Sam looks as if he is going to be forced to confront Lucfier, who has worn his face before, once again (representing his isolationism and rebelliousness). 
Control (power), sense of worthlessness (anxiety about being loved) and isolation/ rebelliousness - we can see all of these manifesting in Jack the Nephilim, adopted son of TFW.
Now, one of the psycholgical consequences of NOT confronting one’s shadow self, is projection, or the scapegoating of others (see how this all ties together?):
“When we scapegoat, we project what is dark, shameful and denied about ourselves onto others. This “shadow” side of our personality, as Carl Jung called it, represents hidden or wounded aspects of ourselves, “the thing a person has no wish to be,” (Collected Works, Vol. 16) and acts in a complementary and often compensatory manner to our persona or public mask, “what oneself as well as others think one is.” (Collected Works, Vol. 9).”
It looks as if a whole lot of projection is about to go down amongst Team Free Will (4x18 Absence promo) at least, in as much as we can take anything too concrete from next week’s promos, given how partial a picture these can paint!
Dean, Sam and Castiel have each travelled down the road to darkness, which they fear Jack is travelling now, themselves, in the past. Dean has been a torturer in Hell, on his way to demonhood after selling his soul. He has also been a demon enslaved by the Mark of Cain. Sam has been addicted to demon blood and on his own way to demonhood as a result, and he has been soulless (having been resurrected without his soul by Cas and Crowley). Cas has imbibed  the Leviathan from Purgatory, become Godstiel and Levi!Cas, and slaughtered many of his angel bretheren in Heaven.
If they cannot acknowledge their shadow-selves, they will end up projecting them onto one another and onto Jack. They will scapegoat one another and their adopted son. 
So the question is, who will be sacrificed on metaphorical Mount Moriah?
Will it be Jack, embodiment of them all?  
Will it (finally) be the parentification between Dean and Sam (as it needs to be for their both their psychological growth)?
And how will God answer all his wayward sons? 
Added editor’s note: Here is a good article on the idea of “The Adversary” (who later developed into Satan) in the Hebrew Bible:
You can read my previous Jungian-themed meta on the season here:   
1) The Shadow 14x08
2) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition)
3) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods
4) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12)
5) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon
6) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros
7) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14
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vanxcks · 5 years
we’ll be fathers, sort of
word count:  4178
masterpost (links to all chapters)
read chapter 3 below the cut or on AO3 (link in notes)
“Arthur!” Crowley cries the next morning, as Aziraphale makes himself a mug of cocoa. He’s given up trying to make one for Crowley; he knows it’ll just sit and get cold, which is a dreadful waste. 
“Arthur? Whatever do you mean?”
“Arthur! It’s a name, and it’s not biblical. Not like Adam, or Abraham, or Elijah.”
“I rather liked Elijah, actually,” Aziraphale says, sitting down with his cocoa. Then, “I suppose it goes without saying that you don’t want breakfast?”
“Angel, you know I don’t eat food. What I’m saying is, we can’t exactly use a biblical name. What would you think if I wanted to name him Lucifer?”
“Oh, that wouldn’t do at all,” Aziraphale says, horrified.
“See? That’s my point. So if I can’t name him Lucifer, then why can you name him Elijah?”
Aziraphale pouts. “Well, I suppose you’re right,” he concedes.
“So what’d’you think? Arthur?”
“I don’t know...I knew Arthur. The king. I was a knight of his,” Aziraphale muses, thinking back.
“Oh, I knew him, too,” Crowley says, and Aziraphale’s head snaps up.
“You knew Arthur? How?”
“Eh, the demon council was always running after me about him. Can’t have someone in authority doing all this good, you see. And all that stuff about the holy grail, and the noblest of them all. Really messed things up on our side. All over England, people were trying to turn good.”
“So you tempted him?”
“Nah. I mean, I tried, but it was dreadfully difficult getting in and out of the palace, and the king wasn’t allowed to have friends unless I was a knight or royalty. I snuck in once before realizing that royalty’s difficult and being a knight is a bore, so—”
“So you became a dark knight, I remember. You tried to tempt me off my path.”
“And you refused, yes,” Crowley says, looking up at Aziraphale. He’s taller than the angel when they’re standing, but he can’t seem to shake the need to slump and lean and loll every time he’s got a surface to sit on. “It was an awful century.”
Aziraphale shakes his head. “Dreadful.”
There’s a pause as they both think back to that century (where they had temporarily called off the Arrangement, and weren’t speaking, although that had nothing to do with the dreadfulness of the period, absolutely nothing). Then, Crowley says, as if coming back to reality, “Arthur, though? As a name?”
“It does have a certain charm, doesn’t it?”
“Arthur it is, then.”
They stand over the basket just over an hour later with a new problem.
“We can’t just leave the house without it, can we?” Crowley asks.
“No, of course not. It might suffocate, or—or climb out of the basket, or something.”
“Angel, I don’t think that a three day old infant is going to climb out of his basket on his own,” Crowley says wryly.
Aziraphale tsks. “All the same. Why don’t we just miracle it clothes?”
“Aziraphale, this is a child. We’re going to have to get him clothes someday. And knowing you, his entire wardrobe is going to be tartan.”
“Tartan is stylish!”
“You do know it’s not the nineteen fifties anymore?”
Aziraphale doesn’t answer that. 
In the end, they wrap Arthur in a blanket and make a detour on their way to buying him a crib. There’s a tiny and very charming little baby clothes shop just down the street from Aziraphale’s bookshop. “Crowley, look!” Aziraphale cries, taking a tiny little suit off its hanger. 
“You’re completely ridiculous,” Crowley says, rolling his eyes, but Aziraphale catches him staring at the little shoes with a ridiculous smile on his face.
Eventually, they fill their little basket. Aziraphale couldn’t find anything he really liked, but he found several sweaters that were sensible enough, and a little onesie with a suit and tie pattern on it that was just too adorable not to get. Crowley’s choices were a bit...more. Only onesies, and in all manner of shape and color. Bright blue with frills, or a pale purple with sequins all over. He’s grinning like an idiot.
“We can’t have the child wearing that,” Aziraphale says, horrified, when Crowley shows him a pair of lime green, sparkly socks. 
“I know,” Crowley says, with a devilish grin. “Ghastly, aren’t they?” And then he adds them to the basket. 
“And who are these for?” the lady at the counter asks, when they place their very full basket in front of the cash register. 
“He’s—” Aziraphale says, then runs out of words. He glances at Crowley for help.
“Our son,” Crowley says, laying a hand on Aziraphale’s lower back. Aziraphale stiffens and looks at him, but Crowley just smiles at the cashier. 
“Oh,” the woman says, nodding slowly. “Well, congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Aziraphale says, although he’s not sure exactly what she’s congratulating.
“And I want you to know,” she says, leaning in, “I support you.”
“Er—” Aziraphale says, glancing at Crowley, whose expression he can’t read, “yes. Well, thank you.”
“All right, well, that’ll be fifty-three pounds,” she says, and the strange moment is over. She hands them their things, neatly packed into a pink paper bag. Aziraphale’s always found the bright colors of the current century just a bit tacky, but he takes it and thanks her.
“What do you think that was about?” he asks Crowley as they exit the shop?
“What did I think what was about?”
“The...the I support you. What did she mean?”
“Hm,” Crowley says, looking at the shop windows, at the people walking by them, anywhere but at Aziraphale. “Dunno, could mean anything.”
“Do you think…” Aziraphale says, and he’s not sure if he wants to smile or wring his hands.
“Think what, angel?” Angel.
“That she thought we were husbands?” Aziraphale asks, lowering his voice. He settles on wringing his hands.
“Oh, no, nah,” Crowley says, and he shrugs, the gesture a little larger than strictly necessary, “doubt it.”
“All right.”
“All right.”
Crowley refuses for about five seconds to put the baby in the little suit onesie, but Aziraphale pouts and he caves, as usual. “Fiiiiine,” he says, “but know that absolutely bloody nobody is going to take Arthur seriously wearing that.” 
“I think he looks like a little gentleman,” Aziraphale beams, holding him to his chest. 
“Absolutely bloody nobody,” Crowley grumbles.
The baby starts to wail, and Aziraphale panics a little. “Oh, no,” he mutters. “Crowley, I—pass me the milk, why don’t you.”
“Let me do it,” Crowley says, walking over and holding out his arms. 
“I’m fine,” Aziraphale protests, and the baby’s screams get louder. Crowley beckons, and Aziraphale places the baby in his arms, disgruntled.
Crowley rocks Arthur a little, and his cries stop. Aziraphale grumbles under his breath.
“What was that, angel?” Crowley asks, teasing.
“I think it’s ridiculous that the child likes you better. I’m the angel, I’m the nice one. You’re a demon. It’s not supposed to like you.”
Crowley opens his mouth, then shuts it, as if he’s decided against what he was going to say. “Ah, well, don’t be upset we’re raising a bastard.”
Aziraphale tsks and stands up. It’s late, and he wants cocoa. 
As the water boils, Aziraphale walks down the stairs, as quiet as he can. He peeks into the bookshop.
Crowley’s holding Arthur in the crook of his elbow, tapping his nose and murmuring to it. Arthur is staring up at him, rapt, and giggling his burbly little laugh. It’s dark and the bookshop is quiet, the rush of the street outside far away. Crowley’s voice and the little senseless words of the baby are the only sound.
Aziraphale wonders sometimes how Heaven had gotten things so wrong. Heaven lives for the large things, the large moments. Its entire thing is that one can’t be happy unless they’ve made something of themselves, unless they’ve accomplished something for the greater good or saved the world a couple of times. And Aziraphale spent so much of his life thinking that way too. That there was no way to find happiness unless he was accomplishing things, great things. Unless he was fighting in a war or guarding a garden. Anything small, anything easily happy, must be a temptation.
But here he is, in a dark and quiet bookshop that doesn’t sell books, watching a demon (a demon, for Heaven’s sake) play with a child. A quiet, simple moment, nothing in the great scheme of things. And it fills Aziraphale with such a sudden and bright warmth that he steps back a little. 
What has he gotten himself into? 
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ciaosucker-moved · 5 years
get to know me &. my account !
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name : alli faceclaim : currently, a mix between nora valkyrie or yang xiao long ! pronouns : she / they height : 5′4″ birthday : january 26th aesthetic :  i like to compare my aesthetics to albums, so red, 1989 and reputation by taylor swift and wonderful wonderful, sam’s town and battle born by the killers. but also, yang xiao long and nora valkyrie last song you listened to : protecting each other - alex abraham & jeff williams favorite muse you have written : surprisingly, it’s GLaDOS from portal 2! i really love crowley and scotty and my other muses like sombra, trevor or even rick sanchez but GLaDOS is one that i put a lot of work into!
what inspired you to take on this muse : i was planning on quitting rp all together because i had literally no interest in it, but once i watched the series, i felt this budding feeling that crowley would change my life in a way. i’m so glad i picked them up because i got to reconnect with some of the loveliest people and meet new ones. what are your favorite aspects of your current muse : he’s just a lot of fun to write. like, he’s so vocal about what he doesn’t like and what he does like and his gender identity is always a fun one to explore because i’m exploring my own. what’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing : talking in general about crowley and queen / taylor swift music. like, if i just have a playlist of the two, i’m able to focus on writing so much better. also, surprisingly but rwby’s volume 6 soundtrack helps get into the darker moods. favorite types of threads : i prefer lighter stuff but i’m always down for angst. biggest struggle in regards to your current muse : trying to write for them is incredibly difficult at times because i feel as though i can’t do them justice and i just want everyone to like my writing... er.
tagged by : the lovely &. amazing @fractaele​ tagging : steal it!
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douxreviews · 5 years
Supernatural - ‘Moriah’ Review
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"Writers lie."
Holy wow. Pun intended.
Did they just make God the ultimate final season bad guy? Did they really? How meta is that?
Before I get into the heavy stuff, let's start with the funny. That explosion of harmful truth at the facial recognition company was classic comic Supernatural from beginning to end – from the stolen yogurt to the stapler queen to the President's deal with Crowley. After all of the recent grimdark, I most certainly did not expect such hilarity to ensue. "I'm Dean Winchester and I'm looking for the Devil's son. This badge is fake." Liar Liar on steroids.
And I totally did not expect Chuck to show up, even after the set-up of Castiel's prayer not that long ago. At first I thought this was a good thing, of course, because Chuck showing up is usually a good thing. Not this time.
Yes, we've been told over and over that Chuck is all about the storytelling. He's the one that writes paperback books in his underwear. It's funny (interesting, not funny ha-ha) how Dean, Sam and Castiel had pretty much had it with Chuck, all at the same time. Note their exasperated expressions as Chuck did everything he could to sell his new magical plot twist gun that could kill anything but would also kill the one who pulled the trigger. Everyone remember the Colt?
But what gave me chills was when they were all in the cemetery ("Swan Song," anyone?), Dean was standing over a kneeling Jack with that gun in his hand, and Chuck had this absorbed little grin on his face. As I said in the opener, holy wow. The Winchesters aren't real people to Chuck, after all. They're just characters in his favorite show. We sort of knew that, without really considering the implications. Archangel Michael told us that Chuck tosses worlds away like failed versions of a book, and he wasn't lying. How about that.
God is their showrunner. He has literally been playing with Dean and Sam their entire lives. They're chess pieces to him, and nothing more. Chuck actually offered to bring back Mary if Dean killed Jack, like, sacrifice your knight and pawn, I'll give you back your queen. When Dean refused to kill Jack and Sam (understandably) lost his temper and shot Chuck with the magic gun, that was it. His squirrels were fighting back. How dare they.
Story's over. Welcome to the End. That final scene as the darkness fell, the monsters rose from hell and the dead from their graves was set to the song, "God Was Never on Your Side." I thought this conflict over Jack would blast Dean and Castiel apart, with Sam in the middle, but instead, this episode ended with the three of them back to back to back, ready to fight off the dead together. So at least there's that.
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With the last season approaching, I've been thinking lately that the perfect end for the series would be for Dean and Sam to knock on Mary's white door and join their parents in their special heaven (there'll be peace when you are done). But is Heaven even a thing any more? Will it still exist when the series ends?
If this world of Supernatural isn't what we've been led to believe, what about the Empty? That last shot of Jack was with Billie and the Black Cloud of Lucifer (was that Lucifer?) who made the creepiest smiley face at Jack. Does Billie have the answer to all of this? We've been told that Death can reap God. Can she?
— Title musings and various names: "Moriah" is the place where Abraham was supposed to sacrifice Isaac, like Dean was supposed to sacrifice Jack. That cemetery looked a lot like the apocalyptic season five finale. Chuck wanted to name the gun Hammurabi, or The Equalizer. And Amara is in Reno playing Keno.
— Mirror Universe, the name of the facial recognition software company, was just about perfect: a reminder of all of Chuck's discarded universes, as well as all of the alternate universe characters we've been meeting these days.
— Note that Jack was never a threat to Chuck. Jack also didn't kill his grandmother.
— Castiel was thinking that Lucifer's cage might contain Jack. That's actually a pretty good solution.
— Yet another mention of souls. Why is Chuck powerless to change or restore them? Must be important.
— Poor Celine Dion. She's the punchline of a joke, much like Barry Manilow.
— I loved how Chuck critiqued season seven with the Leviathans and season twelve with the British Men of Letters.
— "God Was Never on Your Side" is by Motorhead. Last week, Dean, Sam and Castiel were agents Kilmister, Clarke and Taylor.
— The reference to Crowley and the universe of squirrels reminded me of Moose and Squirrel. Is Crowley in the Empty, too?
— Rob Benedict's credit was at the end. Gold acting stars for Mr. Benedict, by the way. Or possibly "God acting stars." Playing God isn't exactly easy, especially when he's become such a complicated character.
Quotes, the Mostly Chuck edition:
Dean: "Nerds." Sam: "Takes one to know one." Dean: "What?" Sam: "You. Come on, man. You're always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every Led Zeppelin song backwards and forwards, you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between '67 and '84 and… you watch Jeopardy every night." Dean: "Yeah, okay. But I'm nothing like this gaggle of Zuckerbergs."
Dean: "I'm Dean Winchester and I'm looking for the Devil's son. This badge is fake." That made me laugh like a loon.
Female newscaster: "In what was supposed to be a speech on farming subsidies, the president instead spent more than two hours disclosing his entire tax history, his deep ties to Russia and North Korea, and the, quote, demon deal he made with someone called Crowley. Back to you, Chet. Chet?" Male newscaster: (looks directly at her) "I love you. I have always loved you."
Dean: "When people can't lie, the internet gets real quiet."
Chuck: "I'm a writer. Lying's kind of what we do."
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Dean: (to Chuck) "Where the hell have you been?" Dean may be the only person I can think of who can look God in the eye and say something like that.
Chuck: "So! How's things? Okay, look, I get it. I'm the deus from the machina, and you have questions."
Sam: "Where have you been?" Chuck: "It's hard to explain. Everywhere and nowhere. Edge of the universe and beyond. And I saw Springsteen on Broadway. Man's a genius."
Newcaster: "… and it's been confirmed: the Queen of England is, in fact, a lizard." What episode is that from? I can't remember!
Chuck: "Look, the point is, the kid did all that with two words. What's next? He sneezes, and whoops, there goes India?"
Chuck: "Ugh. Billie. I liked the old Death better. He was all about fried pickles and tickle porn. This new Death, she's always sticking her scythe where it doesn't belong." Echoing the fans again.
Sam: "So how many are there? How many other worlds or universes or realities, or whatever?" Chuck: "I don't know. Kinda lost count. Most of them are boring, one's in reverse, in one there's no yellow, one of them's just all squirrels." I'm thinking a world without shrimp.
Sam: "Do you watch us? When you're not here, are you watching us?" Chuck: "Yeah. (Sam gasps) I mean, you're my favorite show."
I could write a few more pages about this episode, but I think I'm done for now. And I am totally impressed. Four out of four squirrels, and what did you guys think?
Billie Doux has been reviewing Supernatural for so long that Dean and Sam Winchester feel like old friends. Courageous, adventurous, gorgeous old friends.
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scrollofthoth · 6 years
Emergent Magick: Bibliography
Abraham, Georg Dehn, and Steven Guth. The Book of Abramelin a New Translation. Lake Worth, FL: Ibis Press, 2015.
Bertiaux, Michael. Voudon Gnostic Workbook. New York: Magickal Childe, 1988.  
Betz, Hans Dieter. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Blackmore, Susan J. Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford UP, 2005.  
Briggs, John, and F. David Peat. Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Timeless Wisdom from the Science of Change. New York: Harper-Collins Publishers, 1999.  
Buckland, Raymond. Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2011.
Carroll, Peter J. Apophenion: A Chaos Magic Paradigm. Oxford: Mandrake and Peter J. Carroll, 2008.  
Carroll, Peter J. Liber Kaos. York Beach, Me.: S. Weiser, 1992.  
Carroll, Peter J. Liber Null & Psychonaut. York Beach, Me.: S. Weiser, 1987.  
Carroll, Peter J. PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic. Tempe, AZ: New Falcon Publications, 1997.  
Cornelius, Agrippa Von Nettesheim Heinrich, Donald Tyson, and James Freake. Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2017.
Crowley, Aleister, and Israel Regardie. Gems from the Equinox. Scottsdale, AZ: Falcon Press, 1992.
Crowley, Aleister, and Paul Roland. Diary of a Drug Fiend: And Other Works. London: Sirius, 2018.
Crowley, Aleister. Magick in Theory and Practice. New York: Dover Publications, 1976.  
Davis, Wade. Shadows in the Sun: Essays on the Spirit of Place. Edmonton: Lone Pine Pub., 1992.
Davis, Wade. One River: Two Generations of Scientific Adventurers in the Amazon Rain Forest. London: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
Davis, Wade. Vanishing Cultures. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2007.
Davis, Wade. The Serpent and the Rainbow. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2008.
Dee, Steve, and Vayne, Julian. Chaos Craft: The Wheel of the Year in Eight Colours. England: The Universe Machine. 2016.  
Deren, Maya. Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti. New Paltz, NY: McPherson, 2004.
DuQuette, Lon Milo. Homemade Magick: The Musings & Mischief of a Do-it-yourself Magus. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2014.  
DuQuette, Lon Milo. Low Magick: It's All In Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2010.  
DuQuette, Lon Milo. My Life With the Spirits: The Adventures of a Modern Magician. Newburyport, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1999.  
Eliade, Mircea, and Willard R. Trask. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. New York: Bollingen Foundation; Distributed by Pantheon, 1964.  
Farrar, Janet, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar, and Janet Farrar. A Witches Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook. Custer, WA: Phoenix, 1996.
Faulkner, Raymond O. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Stilwell, Kan.: Digireads.com Pub., 2007.
Faulkner, Raymond O., and Ogden Goelet. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2015.
Frazer, James George. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. UK: Macmillan and Co. 1890.  
Frisvold, Nicholaj De Mattos, Ọlàyínkà Babatúndẹ́ Ògúnṣínà Adéwuyi, and Childerico. Ifa: A Forest of Mystery. Bucknell: Scarlet Imprint, 2016.
Frisvold, Nicholaj De Mattos, and Peter Grey. Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood & Bones. Dover: Bibliothèque Rouge/Scarlet Imprint, 2011.  
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Viking, 1987.  
Gleick, James. The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood. New York: Pantheon, 2011.  
Grey, Peter. Apocalyptic Witchcraft. London, England: Bibliothèque Rouge/Scarlet Imprint, 2013.  
Grey, Peter. The Red Goddess. London, England: Bibliothèque Rouge/Scarlet Imprint, 2011. 
Hagan, John C., and Raymond A. Moody. The Science of Near-death Experiences. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2017.
Hancock, Graham, and Santha Faiia. Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization. Toronto: Anchor Canada, 2003.
Hancock, Graham. Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earths Lost Civilization. London: Coronet, 2016.
Harari, Yuval N. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. New York: Harper, 2015.  
Hine, Phil, and Peter J. Carroll. Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic. Tempe, AZ: Original Falcon Press, 2010.
Hofmann, Albert. LSD: My Problem Child. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Hutton, Ronald. The Shamans of Siberia. Glastonbury, England: Isle of Avalon Press, 1993.
Hutton, Ronald. The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient times to Present. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017.
Kraig, Donald Michael. Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts. MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2002.  
Lanza, R., Berman, B., & McKnight, A. (2009). Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe. Dallas, Tex: BenBella.  
Leitch, Aaron. The Essential Enochian Grimoire: An Introduction to Angel Magick from Dr. John Dee to the Golden Dawn. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2014.
Lynch, David. Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007.
McKenna, Terence K. The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and the End of History. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco, 1992.
McKenna, T. K. (1999). Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge: a Radical History of Plants, Drugs and Human Evolution. London: Rider.
Noë, Alva. Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness. New York: Hill and Wang, 2009.  
Parsons, Jack, Cameron, and Hymenaeus Beta. Freedom Is a Two-edged Sword and Other Essays. Tempe, AZ: New Falcon Publications, 2001.
Peat, F. David. Blackfoot Physics: A Journey into the Native American Universe. Boston, MA: Weiser, 2005.  
Peat, F. David. Synchronicity: The Bridge between Matter and Mind. Toronto: Bantam, 1987.  
Pollan, Michael. How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics. London: Allan Lane, 2018.  
Radin, Dean. The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena. New York: HarperOne, 2009.
Radin, Dean. Real Magic: Unlocking Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Create Everyday Miracles. Potter/TenSpeed/Harmony, 2018.
Regardie, Israel. The Golden Dawn: An Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Order of the Golden Dawn. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1982.
Sheldrake, Rupert. Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry. London: Coronet, 2013.
Spare, Austin Osman. The Writings of Austin Osman Spare. United States: Filiquarian Publ., 2007.
Stratton-Kent, Jake. Encyclopaedia Goetica. Dover: Scarlet Imprint/Bibliothèque Rouge, 2010.
Stratton-Kent, Jake. Geosophia: The Argo of Magic: From the Greeks to the Grimoires. Dover: Scarlet Imprint/Bibliothèque Rouge, 2010.
Stratton-Kent, Jake. Testament of Cyprian the Mage. Place of Publication Not Identified: Scarlet Imprint, 2014.
Vayne, Julian, and Wyrd, Nikki. The Book of Baphomet. South Cockerington, England: Mandrake, 2012.
Whitcomb, Bill. The Magicians Companion: A Practical & Encyclopedic Guide to Magical & Religious Symbolism. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2007.
Whitcomb, Bill. The Magicians Reflection: A Complete Guide to Creating Personal Magical Symbols & Systems. Stafford: Megalithica Books, 2008.
White, Gordon. The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2016. Print
White, Gordon. Pieces of Eight: Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments. Kindle Edition: Self Published, 2016. Electronic Only
White, Gordon. Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits. London, England: Bibliothèque Rouge/Scarlet Imprint, 2016.  
American Folkloric Witchcraft: http://afwcraft.blogspot.com/
Chaos Matrix: https://www.chaosmatrix.org/
Hermetic Library: https://hermetic.com/
Internet Sacred Texts Archive: https://www.sacred-texts.com/
Occult of Personality
Scroll of Thoth – The Podcast of Emergent Magick
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archxngxl · 2 years
Closed Starter
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Abraham had grown accustomed to the night terrors that came after he closed his eyes. The years after the war were hell, the flashes of fallen comrades and the echoes of screams filled his mind until he was wide awake. The lack of sleep effected him, but he wouldn’t admit that. It always stars out the same. 
The soil was cold and wet, almost sinking under the weight of his boot. Abraham is in his soldier’s uniform, rifle in hand. He could hear his heart beating normally, in regular pace. His blue eyes danced around, seeing men running around him. “Crowley! Look out!” Abraham turned, and was met with the sight of his commanding officer getting his face blow off by a German sniper. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. A weave of pain ran through him, he fell backwards. Six bullets ravaged his midsection, three in the chest and three in the stomach. By some miracle, he didn’t drop dead then and there. 
The earth engulfed him with charred hands. The earth melted into white walls, the screaming exchanged for coughing. Abraham tried to control it, but it was no use. “Abraham.” A small voice called out. The man turned and fear encapsulated him. His sister stood before him, mouth and chest covered in blood. “My lungs are bleeding, Abraham.” Her small voice expressed, before she started coughing. “None of this is real, none of this is real...” The exorcist recited over and over. When he snapped his eyes open, for a moment, he made out a face. A woman’s face. But she felt far from human. ‘Who are you?!” Abraham shouted into the darkness. “Show yourself, damn it!” 
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ask-pokemarina · 7 years
CHARACTER MUSIC PLAYLISTS (because I have those)
 Bubblegum Bitch / How To Be A Hearbreaker / Primadonna / OH NO! - Marina and the Diamonds || Candy Store - Heathers || The Lament of Eustace Scrubb - Oh Hello’s || Abraham’s Daughter - Arcade Fire || Off to the Races - Lana Del Rey || Shake It Out - Florence + the Machine || Killer Queen - Queen ||
VA - Mass Effect || Sleep Awake / Happy - Mother Mother || The River - Manchester Orchestra || Mars / Mind / Anger / 99 Red Balloons (cover) / Sorrow / Touch / Son / I’ll Keep You Safe - Sleeping At Last || Never let me go / No light, no light - Florence + The Machine || Meet Me On The Battlefield - SVRCINA || Soldier - Fleurie || Uprising - Muse || Creep - Radiohead ||
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez || Kingdome Come - The Civil Wars || Battle Cry - Beth Crowley || Anger - Sleeping At Last ||
[Mewki!] @ask-mewki
Let’s Dace It I’m Cute - 11 Acorn Lane || Dixie Boy - April Smith and the Great Picture Show || Valley of The Dolls - Marina and the Diamonds || No Culture / Sleep Awake / Wrecking Ball / Body - Mother Mother || Take Me To Church - Hozier || Where IS My Mind? (Cover) - Daniela Andrade || I’m So Humble - The Lonely Island || Gimme Chocolate (Cover) / Worth It (Cover) - Postmodern Jukebox || 
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archxngxl · 2 years
Closed Starter
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Abraham always knew this day was going to come. The Reaper never told him when his immortality would end, but that he would know when it was going to happen. Abraham didn’t know it, he didn’t know anything else but the pain that shot through his body. A demon managed to dig his claw into him, causing a rather large gash from his belly-button to his ribcage. The edges of his torn skin were scorched, the result of the hellfire that was used to create the demon. Crimson stained his shirt. 
He laid with his back against the ground, an all too familiar scene.  Palm pressed near the wound, fingers drenched in fresh blood. As he laid there, contemplating his final moments, she came to mind, Layla. The demon that had somehow carved a way into his heart. The creature he hated, turned into a woman he loved most ardently. He didn’t understand it, he stopped trying a long time ago. 
Blood filled his mouth, the iron like taste shocked his taste buds. His chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, it felt like his chest was being caved in. “Layla...” He called out to her. The exorcist cared not for the opinion of those he served. He just wanted to see her, one last time before he slipped into whatever afterlife they had planned for him.
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