#mutant mass extreme
hutiapendra · 13 days
Denizens of The Sunken: Type Wheel, KEMC Diamond, and Habitats
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Some researchers have asked what all the graphic icons in our encyclopedia entries mean. The following document should explain them all.
The creatures populating the Sunken Island can be classified under ten (eleven) different Types, and five (six) different Cores. This diagram illustrates the relationships between Types and Cores.
The inner wheel contains Cores, the intrinsic origins of a creature. The outer wheel contains Types, the modes of a creature’s existence. Cores have certain Types associated with them, though a creature may deviate from these common links entirely.
MUTANT: Life as we know it, twisting and accelerating beyond explanation.
UNDEAD: That which is no longer alive, echoes clinging to this world.
EGREGORE: Collective concepts brought to life, human ideas.
CRAFTED: That which was deliberately built, taking on life of its own.
HAZARD: Life inimical to other life, parasites, forces of nature.
VERMIN: Beasts. That which scurries, scratches, consumes. The rage of a thousand cornered rats.
WEED: That for which growth and movement are one and the same. Plants. Fungi. Sessile animals.
SHELL: Corporeal undead. Cadavers. Dust. Fossils. Rot. Food.
SOUL: Incorporeal undead. Ghosts, grudges, hauntings. Aftershocks of history.
RUMOR: Beings born from whispers. Legends. Cryptids. Bogeymen. Fear. Uncertainty given flesh.
DOGMA: Beings born from rules. Philosophy. Religion. Information. Code. Conviction given flesh.
MECH: Automata. Mechanical monsters free to self-replicate, free from their origins in human factories.
CHEM: Homunculi. Chemical processes running rampant. Water, salts, fuel, coarse stone, refined crystals.
PHYSIC: Forces of nature. Extreme heat and cold. Storms. Blunt impact. Distant stars. Disasters passively harmful to life.
PLAGUE: Invaders. Parasites. Infections. Consumers from within. Pestilence actively harmful to life.
A Type and a Core at the same time, Blank is defined by absence. Some would call this a 'normal' or 'neutral' attribute, but there is nothing normal about a creature devoid of an identity. What little unites these Denizens involves empty vacuums, blistering cold, and unfilled vessels. Blank creatures are rare, and they tend to behave oddly when exposed to other life forms.
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Damage varieties:
All Denizens have the ability to inflict harm on others. That includes you, reader. Please familiarize yourself with the risks inherent to field research before going outside to catalogue the wildlife.
KINETIC: Harm inflicted with physical means, such as claws, fists, fangs, or infection. By far the simplest form of danger to understand, but no less deadly.
ENERGY: Harm inflicted by emitting high levels of energy through comparatively small amounts of mass. This may take the form of fire, electricity, radiation, among others.
COGNITIVE: Harm inflicted by assaulting the mind and senses. Creating illusions, manipulating emotions, and altering memories all fall under this category.
METAPHYSICAL: Harm inflicted by locally rewriting the rules of reality. What was fiction a moment ago is now a fact of life, and yesterday's laws of physics are today's fairy tales.
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The icons above represent the various environments a Denizen may call home. The Sunken Island is very humid and situated well within the tropics, so many habitats such as deserts and glaciers have never been present here. Other icons may be added to the Denizen Encyclopedia if those presented are insufficient.
That should cover everything, for now. If you have any other questions, please direct them my way!
-Dr. Calypso Ceiba, Postdoctoral ecologist for the Denizen Project
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
What's gonna happen if someone gets shoot in the head? Will flesh and blood go all over the place, or will it be a small entry and exit, or will it be something else? Tryna write a zombie story rn and I'm not sure 😭
Usually, they die.
How much damage the head suffers will depend on what was fired. Specific cartridges result in different wound patterns, and if you have a forensic background, you may even be able to identify the bullet used based on the entrance and exit wound. Smaller handgun rounds are likely to result in less tissue disruption. Rifle rounds are more likely to cause serious structural damage, and shotgun shells (particularly buckshot) are likely to cause serious tissue disruption. But, there's another consideration, the more the decomposed the target, the more a round is likely to do. This one's honestly pretty hard to assess in generalities, because there are a lot of factors for decomposition.
This also leads into a far more difficult question, “what happens if you shoot a zombie in the head?” The answer might be, “nothing.”
So, there's two groups of zombies in popular fiction, and the answer to the above question hinges on which one you're examining. Zombies can either be infected with rabies or actual undead, and the latter are far more uncommon in modern pop culture.
A lot of popular zombies are, technically, alive, but cognitively functioning on a more animal level. In many cases, their symptoms are fairly similar to a sever rabies infection (though, the 28 Days Later series is one of the rare cases where the infection is, explicitly, a variant of rabies.) This also includes cases where the infection is from a parasite (many of the later Resident Evil games and of course The Last of Us are examples of this.) In these cases, destroying the brain stem (and, for that matter, destroying the brain) should be effective. The zombie is still propelled by using their nervous system. There's a bit of an exception in cases where the infection creates a second, parallel, nervous system in the victim, which can operate independently of the victim's original.
Living zombies became more popular in the 90s, and were extremely frequent in the mid-2000s. Most horror films that try to downplay the supernatural component, or look to play up the bio-hazardous nature of zombies, is likely to use some variant of these. (As mentioned earlier, a lot of these tend to behave like mutant strains of rabies. And, while it might sound like I'm being flippant here, rabies is a pretty terrifying virus.)
Living zombie apocalypses are, basically, impossible. There's the usual problem of asking how did the zombies actually get to critical mass? But even beyond that, eventually the infected would simply start dropping as their bodies decayed and the victims died. They'd still be a bio-hazard, but you wouldn't see waves of the undead pressing against the defenders' barricades.
If you want a much more detailed breakdown of the biology of various critters in pop culture (including a lot of zombies), Roanoke Gaming on YouTube is an excellent reference.
The other variety of zombie are far more rare in pop culture, and these are the actual revenants. Either they've been raised by some necromancer, or they're returning due to some other factor. Critically, these zombies are, truly, undead. Shooting them in the head might take it apart, but it's also quite likely that won't put them (back) down, as they're not actually using their original nervous system for anything meaningful. These kinds of zombies are far more threatening. In theory, things like extreme cold would cause further damage to these, but if the necromantic forces animating them don't care about the condition of the zombie, then having fingers or toes freeze off in cold weather, or setting them on fire, might not have the desired effects. You may need to resort to fully dismembering the corpses to get them to stop trying to kill you. (Note that these don't have to be, strictly, supernatural. The Dead Space series remains an excellent example of a non-magical zombie apocalypse of this variety, with some extremely “creative” uses of dead biomass.)
In the case of reanimated zombies, firearms are not a particularly great option for putting them down in general. The damage they inflict simply isn't relevant to destroying the undead. Firearms are designed to poke holes in people and get their body to spring a leak, but if something is already dead, that's probably not going to matter unless you're using the gun to deliver some other kind of payload.
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indieyuugure · 7 months
I don't know if this was explained before, so sorry in advance- but is there a reason Donnie is the only one who ends up sick from the chemical? Or is it more like he's the first?
I think I have in a post(I will later in the story too), but I’m to lazy to go dig for it so I’ll just post it again🤣
It’s actually related to his size.
While I was writing the story, I started wondering how much mutagen it actually takes to mutant someone. It at least seemed to me that you could actually come into contact with small amounts of the substance without too many problems.
Leo eats it and gets an upset stomach(I think it was probably watered down since Donnie did stuff to it, but it still had mutagenic properties), Donnie spills a tiny bit of his hand and gets a rash, so I wondered if perhaps you actually need a certain amount to mutate. I then wondered how wide that threshold was, and what would happen if you were extremely close, but not close enough. It seemed like the more you came into contact with, the more extreme the reactions, so there must be a point at which you begin mutating but perhaps not completely?
TMS utilizes that sort of idea for Donnie’s “sickness.” Essentially, because they were never intended to be injected with that mutagenic chemical, the dosage was completely off. I have a theory too that how much mutagen required to mutate an organism is also dependent on its mass (i.e. it takes more to mutate and elephant than a fly).
However there was enough overlap that Leo, Raph and Mikey’s body could safely mutate, Donnie, though, was a different story. Essentially, because he is bigger than his brothers, he has a larger mass and so while his brothers were okay, it wasn’t enough of the chemical to fully mutate him. So he is mostly mutated, but not completely, and his reacting to the foreign cells and killing itself.
Hopefully that made any sense, I thought WAY too long about this while writing the story 😂
Good question! :]
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fangs-claws-paws · 2 months
Space Marines and my Thoughts
Alright fuck it, exploration of my thoughts on space marines and what I think of their meaning. Even though I know that I'm prolly gonna get mocked for this, this is my blog and I get to become emotionally attached to the super freaks and claim there's a deeper meaning to them even though it isn't well discussed in the few books I've read.
Under a read more cuz this is going to be a long one.
Space marines are just as much victims of the system as the average citizen
Space marines are children who were taken at a young age and were repeatedly exposed to extremely traumatic events to develop the right type of PTSD for ascension to space marines. Created intentionally by the emperor to make a mass-produced super soldier, which he also likely planned to completely execute once that phase of his plan was finished, so consideration for actually making functional people wasn't really considered. Even after their ascension to space marine they still are just as much meat in the grinder as every other human, just cuz they can survive better than an average human doesn't mean there aren't bigger things that can completely mulch them.
Space marines are viewed by regular humans as either ethereal angels of destruction or as barely acceptable mutants, both leading to isolation from those around them
In the first/second chapter of Horus Rising (if I remember the title right) we see through the eyes of a rembrancer that she sees space marines as mutants that are only respectable because they are working for the emperor. While likely the view of space marines as mutants has fallen out of popular opinion, the view of them as angels of death both still end up with the dehumanization of space marines. Despite their human origin and still frankly just being extremely emotionally traumatized humans with modifications, they aren't considered human. Which can lead to frustrations in communication, this can lead to either just avoiding humans alltogether to avoid being objectified, or leaning into that stereotype either to just stop fighting it or perhaps a way to live as an individual by justifying choices under their dehumanization.
Space marines fall under just as much scrutiny from the inquisition as the average human, if not moreso depending on the inquisitor
We see in the Ahriman Omnibus that an entire chapter is wiped out on the command of one inquisitor with the backing of a Grey Knight. While most inquisitors may not have the desire to poke the bear as it were, I feel many put space marines under a microscope because they don't follow certain pieces of the Imperial Cult (e.g. don't believe the Emperor is a god). This can lead to increased suspicion and further isolate space marines from the general human population. Which can lead to lashing out and turning renegade/traitor, becoming extremely insular in hopes of avoiding judgement for chapter belief, or this scrutiny becomes reflected towards other members in hopes of placating the wolves by sacrificing their own.
The extreme trauma they faced both during ascension and their service isn't expressed in healthy ways, which further alienates them but help forge bonds between other space marines due to shared traumas.
Their trauma is something they simply have to bury, or treat as par for the course, and thus deal with the psychological repercussions on their own. This can lead to childish behavior, violent outbursts, emotional withdrawal, etc. Which is well documented in the real world when people suffer traumatic events and don't get the help they need in processing it. They form close bonds with other space marines due to a potential subconscious acknowledgement that the other understands what they've went through, and can find safety in what to them is extreme vulnerability. This bond can definitely be formed between them and a guardsmen, but what a space marine may view as vulnerability might not be seen as such by a regular human.
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choster33 · 4 months
Magneto: A bit extreme, but uncompromising of his beliefs
Magneto may be extreme and tortured and dangerous, but his belief and support for mutant kind is unwavering. He can not be called the hero anymore and has voluntarily removed himself from the X-men roster and he is fine with that. Walking Xavier's path made him weak. It did. His defeat on Genosha was due to him carrying too many people and of walking the centrist view.
He may be holding on too tight to his pain and suffering from the past, but it was all those things that fueled him becoming Magneto- Master of Magnetism, and not a bum on the street. I can't get behind his more extreme methods or anti-human stance, but I get his wariness and weariness of humans and their bigotry.
I also applaud Magneto for being unlike Charles Xavier in that he supports all of mutant kind- those that are poor, low powered, and downtrodden and not just the powerful or the passable humanoid ones. Magneto looks after the Morlocks who the X-men dismiss or overlook and creates Genosha- a place for all mutants to live freely and look and act as they please without judgment or shame.
The X-men are privileged mutants who live in the lap of luxury and provide their gifts to the team in exchange for security and protection. They are mostly humanoid mutants that have godlike powers. They are removed from living in guilt or shame of having mutancy and feeling like a freak. Magneto understands this pain and the anger of living through it.
My criticism of the X-men and Xavier's beliefs is that they are privileged and can't fully understand how mutants who have been tortured, harassed, and tested on feel. They advise in fitting in with the mainstream by adapting to the human world and promote human-mutant coexistence. This is easy for them to proclaim living tucked away in a fortress like mansion or having expensive training and specialized equipment made for them to control their powers and make them more palatable to humans, but the masses of average mutants don't have that luxury. And Erik would argue that why should mutants have to change who they are and bend and squeeze to pacify a group of bigots who distrust and hate them anyway. I once wrote a post comparing Magneto to Malcolm X and Xavier to MLK and I think it's appropriate.
I don't believe necessarily in the only way to fight your oppressors is violence, but I do see that it is annoying that the only way for a minority group to be accepted is to be Excellent or Exemplary poster children of strength and beauty and to also be seen as harmless rule followers of the majority's way of life.
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spongebobafettywap · 1 month
Nightcrawler during Krakoa : Found the Crucible "beautiful" (gladiator style fight in an arena in front a live audience between a depowered mutant and Apocalypse where Apocalypse would definitely kill whoever he faces, adult, teen or child, painfully just so the depowered mutant gets to be resurrected with their powers again), made a law about mass reproduction after getting taunted by Mystique to do something and using a Bible quote to come up with it, made his own religion, had an inquisition, sent plenty of mutants to the vore hole and even threatened to do so to one just because she was selling contraceptives which would have gone against the only law he made, spent a run telling people not to abuse resurrection only to abuse it himself in the following one, goes around pretending to be Spider-Man for a while to avoid his responsibilities while Fall of X goes down, becomes the chosen one through a retcon, gets his mere conception retconned to now sound like something out of someone's very specific succubi/incubi fetish, gets Rogue added into his own sexual fantasies, never bothered officially changing the laws of the island, convinced people to let themselves get nuked during AXE because they'll get resurrected afterwards anyways, gets his mommy issues pushed to the extreme and be fully onboard with that biological family, gets a useless sword made out of his hope that only served for a Retcon, talks about his time at the circus with his adoptive family as if his adoptive mother was some kind of abusive alcoholic, spent more time talking to Sinister than talking to any of his friends, killed people during Fall of House of X, tore out Apocalypse's eyes in another book, ... Which he all did willingly and of sound mind and body
The X-Men fandom but especially Nightcrawler fans : I sleep
Azazel : Is part of an ancient mutant group with a name that sets it apart from being anything purely demon/magic related, is referred to by his mutant group many times in the story, is considered a mutant on the island that only lets mutants on it, loses his mutant powers when a power nullifying collar like those in Days of Future Past and at the Hellfire Club is placed on him, is a megalomaniac and pathological liar who likes pretending he is something he is not to get what he wants from people and especially humans who let their superstitions get the best of them, ...
Also Azazel : Gets referred to as a demon once in the story by a writer (Claremont) known to disregard editors and other writers' input while doing his own thing
Nightcrawler fans : REAL SHIT ? *proceed to think Nightcrawler is now a full on demon so by that logic he totally deserves every terrible thing that has ever happened to him like mobs wanting to kill him so Azazel should be retconned off him even tho "someone needing to only be judged by their actions" is the entire point of Nightcrawler's character and that condemning someone for something they have no control over like who they are biologically related to is absolutely shitty behaviour*
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heavensong · 1 year
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☢️”Springfield Mutant Meltdown AU”☢️
Unfortunately for Moe, I started with him haha but I think he came out totally cool! His organs mutated into this sort of endless, tentacle mass that can be hidden, for the most part, behind a zipper-esque scar. He’s worried there might be more to them than is already evident 🫣
So basically: there’s this accident at the power plant and a bunch of irradiated material is leaking from the plant and into the city’s natural resources (which happens on the regular in Springfield but it’s a little more proactive this time lol). This is of course affecting life all around, including plants, animals, and the human citizens. 😱 Things are starting to mutate and while some cases are mild, others are more extreme and are prone to going on rampages through town. A task force is rounded up to try and track down anyone experiencing mutations to try and mitigate any more disasters, so some people are trying to hide their transformations out of fear of being found out and taken away! Most people are attempting to continue on with daily life while surviving chaos from the growing population of mutated humans and wildlife, as well as avoid being exposed to radioactive waste themselves.
This is still a fledgling idea so I’m working out kinks and adding stuff here and there as I think of it haha. Feel free to hop in and discuss! If you wanna throw mutation ideas for certain characters my way, let me know and maybe I’ll get to drawing them!
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thedawningofthehour · 8 months
I completely forgot that Trump is president in DOH! Can you give us some background about the decisions of the US government regarding New York?
Sure! They executively decided to pretty much pretend it doesn't exist!
I kid, it's far deeper than that. I can't say too much because part of it has to do with the EPF being there, but publicly: nothing is happening. New York has gone totally silent, had all their outgoing communications cut and the evidence of what's happening scrubbed from the internet. People who have left NYC are being monitored, in some cases being 'encouraged' to keep quiet about where they're from and why they left, or even gaslighted and told that they were obviously suffering from the mass hysteria that had gripped the city and they're testing the water for LSD or something. A few people have been committed. News outlets from international news channels to somewhat-successful youtubers are being told not to talk about New York.
This has all had middling success in actually hiding what's happening, obviously-you can't scrub anything from the internet, it's not being shared so blatantly but the videos and pictures are still up on sites like 4chan. There's a disinformation campaign to convince everyone that it's fake (think the 'Pallywood' claims going around now) but still. And you can't just take out New York. It's the economic and cultural capital of the world. Their sudden disappearance and absence is extremely seen.
This was still seen as preferable to telling the world that there are a race of nonhumans living under New York City turning humans into mutants and wanting to destroy society. They do plan on doing that at some point, but they need like...a plan first. Especially considering this happens right after COVID starts, there's a real risk of people panicking and they need to do this in a way that won't result in billions of people collectively flipping their lid. At the very least they need to look like they're in control of the situation.
Absolutely none of this is being decided by Trump, btw, he's being followed around by a guy with an airhorn so he can be shushed up whenever he can't keep his big mouth shut, and that's if they bothered to brief him on it at all. (idk what the point would be, it's not like he actually did his job ever) This is all Pence and his cronies, maybe some senators.
I've kept this blog pretty politically neutral for the most part, but I feel like making fun of Trump is pretty safe in this fandom. I mean, most of us are queer, pretty much all of us are Millennial/Gen Z. Half of you aren't even American. (I know there's a weird Trump Canadian following and you in the UK have Tories, but I don't see those people being here either) And my house is rabidly anti-Trump. Like, we make jokes about our bird being a Trump supporter kind of brainrot. My mother has CNN on pretty much constantly and I have fantasies about smashing the television with a hammer.
If only we could all forget about Trump so easily!
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salazarsrighthand · 1 year
Thinking about some of the common morphology in T-Virus derived mutants in RE. Let's talk about
The V-ACT Process
The V-ACT Process occurs in those infected with T-Virus strains when the body is under extreme stress, such as injury or starvation. The process causes the body to rapidly regenerate tissue, allowing for the infected to become stronger, faster and deadlier.
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The most famous results of the V-ACT Process are lickers (introduced in Resident Evil 2) and crimson heads (introduced in Resident Evil (Remake)). The most obvious shared traits are their sharpened teeth, claws and red skin (actually caused by their outer layer of flesh being shed, resulting in exposed muscle tissue)
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Another notable result is the Super Tyrant (First featured in RE2). This is what happens when a tyrant is stripped of its trenchcoat limiter, allowing it to undergo continued mutation. Similar to the Licker and Crimson Heads, the Super Tyrant possesses extremely large claws. It also develops a rough, calloused skin texture. The fact that it doesn't shed its skin entirely like the licker may be due to the lack of necrosis.
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Resident Evil 3 (remake) showed us a new design for the mutated Nemesis tyrant, taking on a quadruped stance, having its teeth grow substantially and (notably for the similarity to the Licker) losing its eyes or having them overgrown with new tissue. It would later undergo an even more extreme mutation, becoming essentially a huge mass of cancerous flesh with only the head being recognizable.
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Finally, featured in Resident Evil: Dead Aim, Morpheus D Duvall enhances themself with a combination of the T and G viruses, the extreme regenerative properties of G being cancelled out by T's tendency to cause tissue death. As a result, Morpheus is mostly stable in their mutation. This is until they receive a serious amount of damage, at which point the T Virus' V-ACT Process kicks in. This causes their body to rapidly expand due to new tissue growth, becoming an engorged blob-like mass. This ultimately results in their death, as their body continues to grow well beyond its limits and ultimately explodes.
So, yeah, the V-ACT Process. A neat little piece of Resident Evil lore that ties together some of the franchise's most recognizable creatures.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Children of the Corn
Code Name: The Bloody Harvest
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: samples of SCP-AHP are grown on an 20x20 meter within a farming pact on the artificial farms of Site-AA. A single D Class is sacrificed weekly by having their blood soak into the soil where SCP-AHP instances are grown and later their bodies ground up to be used as fertilizer. Doing this ensures that SCP-AHP can grow without the assistance of Group of Interest: Children of the Corn. 
Any testing is normally done with D Class children or takes place at Site-AO’s most advanced testing area. Though testing must be approved by at least three Level 4 Clearance staff members or one Level 5. 
In the event of a containment breach, SCP-AHP samples must quickly be harvested and placed in one of the blast proof safes hidden within the floors of the artificial farms. Afterwards the crops are to be burned immediately, only after the containment breach is lifted will SCP-AHP be replanted. There is a secret safe located in [data expunged] where extra seeds of SCP-AHP and various other anomalous crops are kept but it is only accessible by the Site Director and is to only be accessed when SCP-AHP is completely destroyed. 
Description: SCP-AHP is the most basic form of the corn used in recruitment and spreading of influence for Group of Interest: Children of the Corn. SCP-AHP is a breed of mutant corn that looks no different to regular corn except for the fact that it requires blood and sacrifices in order to grow. This corn is normally mass provided by a small town already consumed by the Group of Interest having all the kids brainwashed and kill their own parents. 
They will start by sacrificing their parents to the corn through thaumaturgic rituals specific to Children of the Corn to help the SCP-AHP grow bigger and stronger than before. This ritual normally involves the bodies of the parents being hanged up like scarecrows only in this case they actually do ward away crows as well as other vermin and diseases that harm corn. As for the rest they normally continue the rituals until there’s nothing left to be done but to drain all the blood and grind up the body and feed it all to the soil of the SCP-AHP. This whole process should lead to an abundance of corn that can be grown for decades. In order to make this last longer, members of the Children of the Corn will sacrifice their members once they become of age, this will continue until all members are dead. 
While the corn has grown in good harvest, if the members are aware of any neighboring cities they will transport the corn and mix it with the local harvest to get the children to unsuspectingly eat the SCP-AHP without realizing it, allowing the whole process to begin again. 
If there are no cities or towns nearby the children will instead be compelled to go on crusades, walking down the road with weapons and SCP-AHP corn. They will hunt for a new area to plant SCP-AHP corn, new adults to sacrifice, and new children to feed SCP-AHP so they can become new members. 
SCP-AHP was discovered in 1984 after the [data expunged] incident leading to the discovery of Group of Interest: Children of the Corn. Unfortunately, by that point SCP-AHP had already spread quite far to several rural areas across the US and as a result into the hands of transportation and even Groups of Interest. This unfortunately has ensured that despite SCP-AHP being contained it is also on the loose and has ensured the continued existence of yet another hostile Group of Interest. An embarrassing and extremely grave failure of the Foundation. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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trojes · 10 days
        𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴 . . . ꗃ 𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥            𝐂𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐘𝐍 
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: / / basic information
CHARACTER NAME. isla villamor. NICKNAMES. frigid bitch. FACECLAIM. kylie verzosa. MUTATION STATUS. gen ii mutant. BIRTHDAY. july fourteenth. SEXUALITY. pansexual, demiromantic. MORAL ALIGNMENT. neutral evil. OCCUPATION. cybernetics specialist / villamor heiress. WORK SECTOR. seven. AFFILIATION. montell syndicate, but herself at the end of the day. POSITIVE TRAITS. empathetic, adaptable, goal oriented. NEGATIVE TRAITS. individualistic, self supportive, power hungry.
: / / questionnaire
it's safe, as safe can be. sentiments regarding the settlement are vague, avoided, but at the very least, she'll admit she's able to sleep peacefully at night. she's been living in sol city for a decade now, having fled a crumbling settlement once it served her no purpose.
isla trusts those old fools about as far as she can throw them, but that's nothing personal. trust is a valuable currency for the mutant, and gaining it is more important than giving it. plus, how can she trusts that these humans won't stab her in the back for simply existing?
villamor tech is an old legend these days. armageddon destroyed its building, its legacy, and spread ashes upon its decimated grave. but isla villamor is the great grand child prodigy of its founder. isla creates, and brings cybernetics to life just as easily as she breathes. she's the head of her department, but isn't quite content with her position yet, not until she reaches the very top.
her mother's diamond brooch. it's a family heirloom, holding both sentimental value and materialistic possession.
organic diamond form.
gen ii.
isla can convert her entire body into an organic diamond hard form at will, granting her enhanced speed, and superhuman strength, endurance, and a high degree of resistance to bodily harm. the transformation to diamond is instantaneous, and she can remain in that form for an undetermined amount of time until she consciously wills herself back to normal. in her diamond form, isla can survive extremes of temperature from 70 degrees below absolute zero ( -390F ), to approximately 7360F before melting.
her diamond body is virtually tireless since it does not produce fatigue-building poisons. while in diamond form, her body possesses light reflecting and transmitting properties, known as adamantine luster, giving her immunity to telepathic powers.
she can be damaged, and even shattered if a projectile strikes a weak point at a proper angle with sufficient force. she can only lift up an object or person up to two tons. SHE MUST BE CONSCIOUS TO USE HER ABILITY. she cannot become partially or selectively armored, and her body gains additional mass when she transforms.
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artemispanthar · 7 months
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Here are some old creature designs for my Fallout story that I still like. These would be from 2012-2014.
The first one is a breed of mutant chickens (from the farm where Magpie grew up). They're like a cross between chickens and praying mantises. They have one eye and arms that are a cross between wings and mantis claws. The hens are smaller and their claws are usually hidden under feathers (but they're still sharp and they will use them!). The roosters are bigger, their combs are razor sharp and the wattle inflates when they crow. The babies are little puffballs that roll around and huddle in adorable little piles. The main resource from the chickens in their eggs, which they lay as a mass of dozens little eggs in goopy jelly. They're highly nutritious and thus very useful in the post-apocalypse, however they do not taste good. If you've ever crushed up pills in grape jelly, that's how I imagine it tastes, kind of a mix of super sweet and extremely acrid and bitter with an awful texture.
The second creature is like a cryptid version of the mutant chicken. They're about as big as a small horse and feed off the blood of other creatures with their tongues. They're intelligent and some can even speak. I made a version with feathers but I don't think I like it as much (but to be fair I never finished the feathers so it's a bit rough)
The last one is the Everything, which is a creature similar to The Thing or The Blob. It's a big mass of genetic material that seeks out and absorbs things and incorporates them into itself as a collective unconscious. The more it absorbs, the harder time it has keeping everything separate and will occasionally burst into a mass of body parts from it's components (as pictured here), which is very painful. When it speaks it's often a cacophony of various voices and animal sounds. It's a Big Bad in the story (which is decidedly un-Fallout-like but whatever lol), because I can't resist adding horror elements to stuff I write. The sketch is more reflective of what it looks like, with the colored version being a partially-finished painting of it. I remember spending ages on the painting even though it's nowhere near finished lol. I spent a lot of time studying bones and organs. I still quite like how the finished bits turned out.
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velvetwarfare · 5 months
okay but on a semi softer note, Betty is actually an EMPATHETIC overlord too.
The Chapel of the Damned is so sacred to her. Long story short, early into being an Overlord, Betty refurbished an old chapel into a sanctuary for the demented and rejected. It’s ever growing, but simultaneously very selective with it’s members. She has no issue giving any ordinary soul training to become one of her Antichrists (sinners she’d personally train into soldiers to fight against Heaven) , but only the ones who graduate are allowed into the Chapel if they don’t meet criteria off the bat.
The criteria is p simple. If you remind her of those she protected on the surface or represent one of her advocacies — such as folklore/undead based creatures and the demented who are not given a second chance like her vampirism allowed her — you’re in. Soldiers who aren’t of criteria and still graduate into an Antichrist are allowed in simply because they’ve proven their worth and dedication. ALL Hellborn are allowed in because of their one shot, one kill lives, as she deems them worthy of higher protections. You can also choose to bargain your way in — if you can provide service or beg enough, she’ll listen. Outside of training, Betty is p compliant and will listen to reason.
Ever since she was a human she stood for the rights of the undead — even though being an undead was HIGHLY illegal. She stood for that advocacy even when it got her executed for dabbling with vampirism, continued to advocate in another area where she housed mutant rat men who had also been rejected by mass society and the Gods, often nursed other undead, and picked it back up after she gained enough power in Hell to become an Overlord. Betty wholly understands the pain of grievance, loss, rejection, abandonment, feeling unheard and unseen, etc. The undead and other undead-esque creatures were never given a chance and were often killed on sight — regardless if they were capable of reason and mercy. Her Chapel is a safe haven from more violence and prejudices in the afterlife — and ESPECIALLY against Heaven. Similar to how Adam is fierce over his Exorcists, Betty is equally as protective over her Antichrists and Chapel residents.
If any of yall know dnd lore, the Gods fucking HATEEEEEEEEE the undead. She makes it EXTREMELY clear that she loathes Heaven and the Gods for how they treated her people and swore vengeance on them — hence The Antichrists, torturing and killing any angel who shows their face in Hell, and just overall representing war. Just as the Gods immediately attempt to kill any undead they see, she repeats this offense on Heavenly creature as a fuck you — there is never any mercy. Even if said angel falls, Betty still will try to kill them as many times as she sees fit because of years upon years of abuse from the divine. She’s awful with this endeavor because she won’t just kill one w angelic steel and get it over with — she’s aware of the angelic steel permadeath, but she chooses to play dumb and use regular blunt objects. Just to torture and kill in a never ending cycle.
Just as the Gods cursed her to die over and over again herself for defying them.
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isleofdarkness · 7 months
who is rachel summers and why was she a hound??
My version of her is different from canon- she was genetically engineered rather than naturally conceived, which I've done to a lot of the second-generation X Men. She was created by Mister Sinister (mutant who creates mutant weapons) but fell into the hands of Sentinel Services during a raid on one of Sinister's facilities when she was a baby. She was put into the HOUND program when she was around two, once testing forced her extremely powerful psionic abilities to manifest. In this program she was brainwashed and conditioned, forced to become a weapon of mass- and I mean world-destroying capable- weapon. She's also one of the rare few (there's a special squad of mutants like her) who were branded extensively. She has tattoos all over her body to signal to her handlers that she's omega-level, a telepath, powerful ballistic abilities, etc.
When Rachel was twelve, Jean Grey nearly died. With Jean in a coma after a battle between Sentinel Services and the X Men, the Phoenix began to transition and take Rachel as its host. This was only partially completed, Jean Grey waking before it could take over Rachel completely. It's split between the two.
Because of this, Jean Grey shares a mental link with Rachel. After weeks of "nightmares," visions of Rachel's horrific life, Jean went to Xavier to get to the bottom of them. He found the mind link and followed it back to Rachel, quietly probing her mind and figuring out her situation. That was how the X Men learned of this branch of the HOUND program, the one using lab-created mutants.
This mission required help from Jack (Legion,) who was more than ready to get kids out of the HOUND program. The X Men (which has expanded to include the Avengers and related teams) launched their attack. They covered all possible exits, which they'd learned from Rachel's mind, and the HOUND program chose to force the weapons into battle. Legion took on Rachel, Franklin, Madelyne, Gabriel, Hope, and several others at the same time, using their powers to the fullest extent to neutralize them while the other X Men took the facility. When all of the subjects were knocked out, the X Men took them back to one of the Avengers compounds, where Wanda worked tirelessly on undoing their mental programming.
Of course, that was only half of the battle. However, the rest of this is going to need to wait until I'm using my computer.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
I got Eclipse Across Dimensions thoughts again so here's how the other tmnt variations get dragged into the mess
First 2003
2012 Raph and a heavily injured Rise Leo end up in the 2003 universe (I want to put that around the time the 2003 boys get their own mystic powers but I STILL havent finished season 1 of that show so I dont know exactly when that is) This os also the scenario I have the least planned out because again I have not finished tmnt 2003
Next is the 2007 movie
After the stone monsters are sent back to their dimension at the end of the movie the portal spits out Rise Donnie, who is two seconds away from full on biting people so the 2007 gang has to reel in this extremely pissed off softshell turtle. Shenanigans ensue
Then the 1987 series
Arguably the one with the least amount of fighting since 2012 Leo knows them. He's been to this dimension before and the 87 boys are happy to see him...until they realize that he is covered in wounds and about five seconds away from sobbing or committing mass homicide, whichever comes first.
And meanwhile while all of this is happening 2012 Donnie is going through his own version of "Same As It Never Was" (aka this poor boy witnessing the Mutant Apocalypse future and then realizing that the mutagen bomb is almost complete. Oof this boy will need so many hugs)
Still dont know how the Mutant Mayhem boys would fit in (because y'know THE MOVIE'S NOT OUT YET)
In a desperate attempt to find the others, both Mikeys go universe hopping using the portal generator. They end up in the Last Ronin universe
I might add the Bayverse turtles but that would mean watching the movies (those movies should've been 2D they should've been 2D why do they look like that?)
This crossover will be fucking massive
(not to mention that multidimensional eclipse will ALSO happen in TMNT: Solar Flare's season five finale but they're staying in their own dimension because I have some kind of sense. Plus I want the Solar Flare boys to stand on their own without the canon versions behind them)
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Before The Nightmare
(A collection of the backstories of certain guests before they arrived at Gregory House. Headcanon mostly.)
Neko Zombie - Formerly Miru Nekoyama. Family were immigrants from Japan and were pretty much driven out of their home by racist bullying. He originally arrived with both parents. When the family got the suspicion that something was up with Gregory House, they planned to leave. Neko Zombie was the only survivor of their escape attempt.
Lost Doll - Formerly Katherine/"Katie". Parents were extremely strict and expected her to inherit the family business. They wouldn't let her do anything that didn't involve the pursuit of that or associate with people outside her social class. She held in a lot of built-up anger and resentment towards them for that, but them throwing out her beloved doll was what made her snap and run away to Gregory House.
Hell Chef - Formerly Fachnan. Grew up in an abusive and overly critical household and developed anger issues as a result. Attempting to host his dream restaurant after cutting ties with them, he didn't have many customers despite his delicious food, due to his fear of criticism causing him to lash out at anyone who had the slightest problem with his cooking. Eventually, he decided he was in need of serious help, and went searching for a place to work so he could get enough money to afford therapy. Unfortunately, he ended up at Gregory House.
Catherine - Sexually harassed by her co-workers at the hospital she worked at. When it became too much to handle, she searched for a new workplace and came across Gregory House. While staying there, her bottled-up resentment at everything her old co-workers put her through got worse and worse, until she snapped and began re-enacting her abuse on everyone around her.
Mummy Dog/Mummy Papa - Formerly Jiemba/"Jimmy" and Jarrah. Grew up having their health concerns brushed off by most doctors because of their racial identity. When Mummy Mama (formerly Medika) became terribly ill, both were desperate to find a doctor that would treat her, leading them to Gregory House.
Judgement Boy - Formerly known as Justinan. Teased and belittled throughout his law school years for being openly autistic. He tried to put up with it all without a fuss, but eventually he burnt out and decided he needed a break to clear his head, leading him to Gregory House.
Cactus Gunman - Formerly named Jorge. Led a revolution against a drug cartel that went horribly wrong. Fled his country from the shame of it all and ended up at Gregory House.
TV Fish - Formerly Ayu Koiyama. Worked as a psychologist that tried so hard to be a listening ear for those in suffering that they burnt themself out. Despite venturing to Gregory House for a break, they ended up continuing their work until they became so wrapped up in others's trauma that they lost their sense of identity.
Public Phone - Prankster deviant who acted out for attention. He was sent there on a dare.
Clock Master & My Son - Formerly Shuji and Maino Hisataka. Clock Master is a former physicist who turned to drinking after his work began to become more and more discredited. He regrets not spending time with his son before he became such a mess and feels as if he let him down, though My Son doesn't mind taking care of him.
Frog Fortune Teller - Was a spiritualist who ran away to Gregory House after the mass drowning of her family.
Roulette Boy - Formerly named Chauncey. Parents neglected him in favor of working at their casino, leading to him running away to Gregory House in the hopes that he would find some attention there.
Mutant Ducks - A pair of teens trying to build a theme park, without any prior training. They ran off to Gregory House after the first test-run of their rollercoaster killed everyone on board.
Mirror Man - Was in an abusive marriage, where his spouse played the part of a loving partner so well that nobody believed him when he tried to speak out about the abuse.
Kinko & Inko - A pair of lovers who eloped due to their parents disapproving of their relationship.
Angel/Devil Dog - Formerly named Charmeine/Cozbi. Was abused and bullied horribly throughout her childhood, and eventually developed a split personality to strike back at her tormentors.
Dead Bodies - A bunch of extremely burnt-out salarymen who regret wasting their lives working.
Judgement Boy Gold - Formerly named Joachim, deadname is Astraia. Was a famous lawyer until a scandal about his past ruined his reputation. Fled to Gregory House in an attempt to regain his bearings, so that he could one day have the clarity to fix his sullied reputation.
James - Abused by his mother, despite his father's attempts to protect him. He eventually ran away to Gregory House for refuge.
Sleepy Sheep - Formerly named Nemuri Fukuoka. Suffered from nightmares constantly due to the stress of their past experiences.
Bonsai Kabuki - Formerly named Aimo Sakurai. Was a relationship counsellor that became too invested in his clients' lives.
Cactus Girl - Formerly named Camila. Came to Gregory House searching for her brother, knowing how ashamed he was after the fallout of his revolution.
Poor Conductor - Formerly named Allegro. Was a promising composer that fell into a depression after the death of his wife. Went to Gregory House to have time to cope with his loss. He had a daughter. Her name was Onpu.
Mono Eye Wizard - Victim of a cult that fled after they threatened his family.
Dr. Fritz - Worked at the same hospital that Catherine used to. Despite witnessing the abuse she suffered, he was too afraid of losing his job to speak up about it. He ventured to Gregory House in an attempt to find her and apologise for being too cowardly to help her.
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