#mutuals can ask for it too I guess
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Woo trans tummy Tuesday and tomboy Tuesday yippee
She/its have a nice day
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sparkles-oflight · 7 months
Returning the question...
What would you do if they showed up at your house?
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Hug them and never let them go
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kazoologist · 2 months
15 Qs for 15 friends!
I got double tagged by @sebsrainbowbicycle and @mossistyping (howdy!)
Are you named after anyone? Yes, actually! I can't say which famous old movie star I got named after without exposing my birth name which is hella fem, so if u wanna like ask for deets, u can! but we stan classic movies in my family's house and I am named after a pretty famous actress from the classic movie era, which is...cooler now that I've made peace with it, but still deeply funny for the success i was set up for from my fam.
When was the last you cried? Probably a few months ago when I was really stressed about being sick and a bunch of other stuff going on.
you have kids? No!
What sports do you play/have you played? Played volleyball as a little kid (terrible at it), but I did shoot archery competitively from about the time I was...like. 11 or 12?? to about the time I was 15.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, debatable on how good.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Height/Hair/Voice.
What is your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? As much as I love my happy endings... Scary movies my beloved.
Any talents? ... I mean I was a pretty solid shot when I did archery? I did pretty good at a lot of contests. I'm a pretty good photographer, I think. Also a good researcher and pretty solid writer. I can hold my breath for about two minutes when I'm in the habit of swimming I guess. Otherwise, I'd just say im pretty good at handicrafts like embroidery and crochet.
Where were you born? The wonderful state of Missouri in the US! We are the Cave State!
What are your hobbies? embroidery/cross stitch, crochet and knitting, reading when I can, I used to be a theatre lighting tech and I miss that so badly but it's not really a hobby since its been so long. Playing card games and hanging out with friends, and going on walks and swimming (i miss swimming SO MUCH). technically also dnd and other ttrpgs but i havent played in like eight zillion years (i miss being a dm SO BAD)
Do you have any pets? My family has a cat named Poppy who is about fifteen years old and a nightmare and I love her a lot.
How tall are you? 5'1, and i think im somewhere in the 155cm range
Favorite subject at school? English/History/Art
Dream job? Research librarian
okay tagging with no pressure and also much like the people who tagged me, minimal confidence in my ability to count to 15.
@atinystraykid @the-wonderful-jinx @nautical-nasa @bobaheadshark @honeyboyfelix @duelbraids @grimreaperchic @valleyforgewriters @sporest @two-tyred-problems @truehauntings @callmeclementinee @skull-in-a-jar @planet-useless @cottagehowell
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theloyalpin · 1 day
might have to let my queue run and disappear again 🫠
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who's calling death the wolf toxic? is it the x reader community i bet it's the x reader community
it’s them for sure but also people in the ao3 tag are writing death/puss fics where he’s acting like a stalker or a toxic boyfriend and i’m just standing here like 🧍‍♂️
to me he is so vanilla aside from all the murders like i just know that he takes up crocheting as a hobby when he is not out reaping souls
which isn’t to say i don’t like the stalker/toxic bf dynamic bc i read them anyway and enjoy them (put the orange cat in situations, heh) i just don’t think they’re as true to his character LOL
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vagabondfromkanto · 3 months
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^ wants to make some noise.
//I finally have a weekend free of any remaining work, so I'm leaving this here.
//I'll aim to make them short(-ish?!), UNLESS you don't mind a random big one, in which case lemme know in replies.
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ Okay, last OOC post for real this time (I know, I knowwwwwww, shhhhhhhh do not perceive me). I managed to get all of the important stuff out of my old account. I'll be uploading them soon! Hopefully, my promo will be done in time for tomorrow because yes-- I double checked. I indeed DID start Tumblr RP March 20th and not May like I thought. I keep mixing those two months up for some reason, whoops.
But yay, Maiz's one-year anniversary fast approaches!!
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cowardlycowboys · 9 months
I'm gonna have to start turning off reblogs on every post and that's gonna ruin the coward nation economy
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
MaDD will fuck up my life in ways I won't even realize like girl wdym you only have 2 friends 💀
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fangparade · 6 months
why is it not socially acceptable/doesnt feel comfortable to flat out ask someone "hey. are you interested in me? i am interested in you, so if you feel the same we should hang out"
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deadwapiti · 7 months
i dont even know what site i would move to. literally only active here, toyhouse, and comic fury.
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enslaughts · 1 year
regarding. . .          jacob black + obsessive compulsive disorder.
as you’d expect,  control is a big aspect of any werewolf’s personality. it’s borderline essential to most werewolf characteristics if one wants to interact cohesively with the rest of the world.     however,  jacob handles his own sudden,  un - anticipated lycanthropy with far less grace than most others he knows.     overnight,  jacob’s entire life is turned upon its head without his consent,   accompanied by the trauma of his first shift and what it means to be a werewolf at all,  the cushion to all of it is a man he’d been so suspicious of,  pulling friends and acquaintances bit by bit away from their previous lives until they’re no longer familiar.     it’s a lot,  on top of the everyday stresses that come with his life already,  as well as his more recent investment in helping bella cope with her own demons along the way.     his life is suddenly dangerous and unfamiliar in every place he needs it to feel safe and secure.     his actions themselves and even his own feelings are suddenly so untethered from the person he spent all his life becoming,  they barely feel like his anymore.
there are two main components to most anxiety disorders.  the given anxiety itself ;  specifically,  the initial process of something causing distressing,  persistent anxiety, and then often the resulting dysfunctional behaviors that reduce the anxiety. ocd itself can have noteworthy  ‘ types ’ :  cleaning and contamination,  symmetry and ordering,  forbidden or harmful thoughts and impulses,  and hoarding.     because jacob’s symptoms lie most in the ordering and thoughts / impulses category,  i will only be going over these two in this headcanon.
ordering  :  a big part of jacob’s anxiety is over control, moreover the lack of it.     the feeling that he does not belong to himself.     his thoughts and feelings are shared with an entire pack of other people when he’s a wolf.     his future partner is borderline, if not entirely guaranteed, to be someone he won’t get to choose,  but instead his brain will choose for him,  which in of itself isn’t nearly as terrifying as the prospect that he won’t even be able to choose for himself how he gets to feel about it,  that even his right to forming his own thoughts will be robbed of him.     shifting into a creature that’s just as powerful as it is deadly is something that can happen to him at the drop of a hat,  at any moment,  as long as his emotions behave even remotely in their own accord,  which, is how emotions tend to work.     
this is one of jacob’s obsessions,  and what helps to reduce this is to meticulously keep track of and control what he needs to believe is his.     naturally,  this means most of this meticulousness is reserved for his own things ;  his room,  his belongings,  his clothes,  his hair.     everything has to be a certain way now,  because in everything he does,  there's now a desperate need to keep hold of it,  a compensation to the thought that he's going to lose it all.     everything in his room and garage has it’s place,  deliberate and intentional to the point that if someone touches or grabs at one of his things,  even if it’s to simply look and set back down,  his anxiety spikes and he will one hundred percent hover,  escalating - ly irritable until he can personally return it to it’s rightful spot. another habit to reduce this feeling is being deliberate and habitual with his own body.     routines like morning jogs,  or the time in which he showers or wakes up,  are opportunities to own his own physical actions.     if outside any of specific routine of his,  counting his own steps is an accessible method to achieve the same sense of security within his own actions.     brushing or braiding his hair is also helpful and another reason why he doesn’t want it cut,  as well as the permeating desire to remain as himself as he was before he was a werewolf.
thoughts  and impulses  :  this one’s honestly the doozy of the two.     actions are worrisome and the impulse part of the two,  but the idea that his own thoughts aren’t his is foundationally distressing to his sense of autonomy.     with being part animal comes the instincts of one—   the instincts of a predator at that ;  to hunt,  to prioritize and optimize survival,  to respond to fear with violent self defense or complete concession,  to obtain security through physical feats.     most of these behaviors are a direct contrast to his personality before his first shift.     the person he thought he was and wanted to be was generous,  thoughtful,  nurturing,  warm, to fix things and to thrive,  to do things just because,  no personal survival or reward necessary,  no need to compete in the ongoing power struggle of nature.     that’s not to say wolves don’t participate in any of these qualities—   in fact,  jacob knows real wolves’ behaviors aren’t that black and white or brutal.     [ funnily enough,  this fear - fueled black and white thinking can be more alike to the animal instincts he’s desperately trying to avoid ]     it’s the anxiety of the shift itself being something he doesn’t get a say in,  that it’s completely at the whim of fickle,  moment to moment,  fluid and irrational emotions.     that anxiety only ever snowballs any stress he might already feel that could prompt a shift.     anger that would otherwise be fleeting becomes fear that his mind can’t stop obsessing over until he can soothe it somehow,  assure him that he is in control,  and that he won’t hurt anyone unless he himself decides to.
unfortunately,  one of the quickest and easiest ways to stop a shift is pain.     intense pain interrupts the self defense mechanism of shifting to prioritize the healing process instead.     if ever jacob feels like he’s genuinely on the verge of an unintentional shift,  the quick snap of an arm over his knee or clamp of the jaws into his hand is usually enough to short - circuit the process,  moreso if the shift has already come  and gone before he could stop it.     pain becomes soothing,  an act he feels the benefit of choosing,  as well as controlling a shift and ensuring that if someone is to suffer for his lack of control,  it will be him alone,  and it will be his decision. another far less damaging coping method is to just. . . ask someone for help.  this is rather simple,  but it requires far more patience and awareness than breaking his own bones,  as well as admitting out loud to others something he’s deemed a moral failing of his,  a personal defect.  even just asking someone to remind him who he was is can be grounding,  which is something he would have learned the moment bella responded to the voicing of his fear of losing himself with reassurance that he just wouldn’t,  that she’d be there to remind him,  whenever he needed,  that she simply wouldn’t let it happen.     that confidence in ones own ability is something he envies as well as hopes to believe in,  even if it’s childish,  even if it’s vicariously through whoever gives it, if he trusts them enough for it to mean something to him.     group activities that engage his sense of self before monsters existed offer a dual calm,  one instilled by doing the activity itself,  another by having someone else to verify and confirm his own behavior to him just by being there to respond to the familiar,  human jacob that always existed before he ever had a reason to question it.
a tragic irony is that when jacob is a wolf,  most of these anxieties evaporate immediately and get replaced with a simpler experience of reality.     instincts sharpen the world,  narrow it to focus,  refine actions and reactions to the present moment in which fear is much harder to conceive,  as fear by nature is based on theoretical what - ifs.     eventually,  a healthier way to experience his own lycanthropy would be to accept all aspects of himself,  both human and wolf,  but with the entire invasion of the supernatural into his life so fresh,  he’s desperate to cling to his own personhood,  which is very much steeped in the version of him that didn’t even know werewolves existed,  much less that he was one and what it means.
there’s no room to learn what kind of werewolf jacob black wants to be when he doesn’t feel like that’s something he ever got to choose,  or ever will.     and so,  it remains something to fear,  which means it remains something he cannot control.
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wigglebox · 2 years
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scottstiles · 2 years
my hot take is FUCK prev tags. FUCK IT. i absoluteLY HATE having to wade through a bazillion tags saying fukinfidgjkf PREV befor i can see what the PREV you were godtdam PREVING ABOUT
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mothslimes · 13 days
one thing you can always trust in is that tumblr users are going to be weird about hozier and neil gaiman
#mik talks#tumblr users with they/he pronouns when asked to stop worshipping strange men on the internet#i have nothing for or against both of these men#except that i feel kind of bad that hoziers entire fandom is just actually allergic to the intended meaning of his songs#similar to how mitskis fans just project whatever they want into her songs even when theyre explicitly about something else. like racism#besides the point anyway i just.... i guess u can always trust a tumblr user to have a parasocial relationship with a random man#the more i spend time on this website the more im starting to see strange patterns.......like i got a bit too high....hrmmm...#there is a...man worship here. except for the lesbians all the users here are obsessed with worshipping a particular man#or more than one man. NOT DIRECTED AT MY MUTUALS ILY i mean it in a way of like.... when u interact with so much man-centered#media that u forget that women are deeply complex emotional beings TOO and yes ive seen that happen .#and convince urself every man u meet is really deep and tortured by hashtag misandry and repressing soooo much trauma.... etc#MAN OBSESSION. MAN WORSHIP. DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE SENSE#maybe its because a large chunk of htis websites population is transmasc i guess u do develop an obsession with masculinity#just like some newly out transfems get rlly into female centric anime or other things (no hate i think its awesome)#except here ur in an echo chamber of trans men obsessing over cis men and its like eeeehhhyhhhh u do know women exist too right#might be speaking entirely out my ass here and exposing my own insecurities but berhaps.#part of it is a fear that once you interact on a deeply complex level with women in fictional media you may question your gender identity#again. because so much of modern women lead media is in my experience centered around redefining what it means to be a woman#thats a level of introspection a buncha insecure transmascs who are already triyng to prove themselves as not-women every day#are often not ready to confront themselves with. u clearly define the woman label in ur head and then define urself as outside of it#well thats not really how it works and ur gonna have to accept that some women are going to be just like you. with the same gender feelings#and are still going to identify as women. the only thing that makes ur gender valid is urself unfortunately.#wow this used to be a post about neil gaiman and hozier what happened#anyway yeah stop treating these men like theyre your friends theyre not hope this helps
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gxtzeizm · 29 days
okay serious tak tipu, tak kisah laaa berapa banyak jenis lagu aku selalu dengar (ye aku tahu aku random sangat) tapi bila pasang je lagu jiwang rock kapak 90an, fuhhhhh dia punya rasa memang lain macam <33
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