#mxm scenario
sun4kiss · 5 months
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[park sunghöön] links nsfw
fem. ver:
sunghöön fulfilling his biggest fetish w you (breeding!kink, creampie) you and sunghoon share the same fetish, so he loves to put you on top bcs he knows you will continue riding even after you've already made him cum, making you both a mess.
Sunghöönie is completely in love with your breasts, he loves touching them all the time, especially when he's bored. One day you decided to try reverse cowgirl, and it didn't take much for sunghöön to fall completely in love with this position. He loved his balls slapping your ass.
honnie is so sensitive that he cums fast when your hand comes into contact with his dick.
male ver:
fucking sunghöönie fucking your boyfriend's hole is one of the best feelings in the world for you Honnie loves being fucked by you bcs you always give all your attention to his entire body. letting him completely sensitive
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alwayscorvus · 5 days
Forced Marriage
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Forced Marriage
Jing Yuan x male reader, fluff;
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This day has finally come. Day when you and Jing Yuan were going to get married and fulfill your parents' promise.
Several years had passed since signing the agreement as children. Your parents long gone from this world. You both have earned a good name for yourselves. But despite the huge period of time and all your achievements, you have forgotten about one and most important thing. Or you may have actually done it on purpose. You haven't built a bond expected for future partners. You haven't gotten to know each other. You haven't even met. Not counting a few important occasions, banquets or incidents, at which you never exchanged more than two sentences. You knew your current appearance only from paintings.
But now it was all about to change.
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You adjusted the collar of your white shirt in the mirror and sent your reflection a hesitant glance.
Suddenly you heard a creak of an opening door. You turned rapidly and your eyes caught a glimpse of a figure of the man that you were supposed to marry in next few hours.
You swallowed a lump in your throat. Weirdly terrified. A feeling once completely unfamiliar to you.
You kept watching as Jing Yuan made his way down the grand, snowy white, marble staircase, positioned in the center of the room. He was moving with incredible elegance. His hips gently swayed from side to side in the rhythm of lions' tails that confidently hunted his prey.
Right behind your fiancé his butler followed. His movements were much more clumsy, struggling to keep up with his master.
-It's a honor.
Said Jing Yuan, bowing low as he finally managed to reach you.
-My pleasure.
You answered with a fake confidence. You weren't sure what to do with yourself. Should you shake his hand? Give him a hug? Confess for how long you had been looking forward to this meeting? After all, you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. Completely inseparable.
Jing Yuan, however, seemed cold and reserved. Completely different from the descriptions. Although his face didn't show much, man didn't fail to send you an unfriendly glance.
You rubbed your sweaty palms against the sides of your suit pants. You really can't remember the last time you were so nervous. Have you ever been this way? Even when handling the biggest contracts on which your family's good name depended, you weren't this worried. Today, however, was very different. As well as the entire last week for which you couldn't sleep.
-Misses Xiǎo Huì probably warned you that it's not gonna be anything big. Everyone will find out about our new status eventually, but I don't want to make a ceremony that shakes whole Xianzhou Luofu. I prefer to let this matter pass as quietly as possible. We came to the conclusion that my marriage... precisely this marriage, may not have the best impact on my position as Charioteer.
Ah, of course. Over those past years since Jing Yuan was a small child, he was able to completely turn around his family's luck and become a Charioteer. He chose a path completely different from his origins.
While you were enriching and expanding a company passed down from generation to generation, he was starting from an absolute scratch. Literally. Because at the time all his family had to offer were debts.
Although you admired his achievements and hard work, you probably would have preferred if he had remained as an ordinary, average Jing Yuan. Or at least if he hadn't been in charge of all citizens… That would have been much more simpler…
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Ceremony passed quickly. Too quickly. Whole concept was so abstract to you that you weren't even able to recall whole time spent on all activities. At first you didn't want to interfere in the course of your wedding. You thought that you would let Jing Yuan take the lead and carry it out in any way he wished. However now, you regretted that deeply.
Before you knew it, you got your blessings from all the important figures in Xianzhou Luofu and beyond. While your hands grabbed brushes and signed all needed paperwork.
In the end, inspired by a foreign tradition, you exchanged rings. You needed something that at first glance symbolized and proved your relationship.
However, your movements were completely automatic and not tainted by any feeling. Deep in your soul you laughed bitterly at this.
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-This is our shared bedroom - he announced, pointing at the room with a gentle nod.
You looked around in astonishment.
Huge, shadowed bedroom, without any natural light source. Only with candles alone. Candles that emitted a cozy warmth. In theory.
Major attention was focused on a large canopy bed placed in the center. Covered with thick layers of duvets in plum and burgundy colors. Whole place almost screamed with splendor. And was definitely different from a traditional bedroom in these regions. It was most likely a former guest room for high-ranked foreign heads, who felt uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.
And this suggested that Jing Yuan didn't want to sacrifice his private bedroom for your shared abode.
-Of course, only for now. Until public interest dies down. If something were to leak outside the gates of this building, we would probably prefer for it to not be an unfavourable gossip, right? -he asked almost cockily- I think that in a few months… Maybe a year or two. We will be able to split up and go our separate ways. I'll take one wing and you will take the other. We'll pretend that it's more convenient for our work. Although… I don't think we'll have to pretend.
You were stunned.
So this is how your marriage was supposed to look like…
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-But isn't that better? I mean... you know, you don't even swing that way.
You had just finished venting about your worries over a bottle of soju, when your friend decided to bring you back to reality.
You looked at him dumbfounded. But still, you let him continue. Especially after he poured you another glass.
-Since he is not really interested and calls it just a deal, you can treat it like that too. Say that in the eyes of the public you will play a perfect, compatible marriage couple, and in your own four walls you will lead separate lives. You will find yourself some nice chick, flatter her a little bit and-
You growled in disappointment.
-First of all: fact that Jing Yuan is a man is actually the least of my problems. Secondly, I'm not a cheater. Even if for him it's just an arrangement, for me it's still a certified marriage signed by two fully aware people. Even if nothing happens between us I'm not planning to find anyone else.
Your friend just waved his hand at this and ordered another two bottles of drink from a passing by waitress.
-Do you want something more to eat? - he looked at you with expectation. You merely nodded. You didn't care about the food. You wanted to get back to looking for a solution to your problem as soon as possible - In that case I'll ask for another set of what we had before and maybe some more pork this time. Okay, cutie?
He gave a waitress a charming smile, and she, wholly covered in blush, curtsied and quickly ran off towards the kitchen. At the same time, you kept your focus on the slowly cooling grill that decorated the center of a table.
-Ahhh-… cause you always choose the path of this hopeless romantic. And where did that get you? -he pointed at you with disapproval- Look where you are now.
Your head collapsed on your hands, that were laying on the table. You started doubting the point of this meeting.
-Better tell me what to do to "get out of this place".
-I mean- you can wait, be patient. You can play the perfect and understanding partner, hoping that Jing Yuan will one day reciprocate your feelings. But that may take years, or worse, never even happen. And you-… just look at yourself. You are helpless. Lets be honest, you aren't patient. Or at least not anymore in that case. Especially after so many years of waiting. So we need to try a different approach.
-But what kind of?
-Well… -man smiled menacingly- Time for a shock therapy.
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"If you are legalny his husband and if you want to be his husband just act as his husband. In the end he doesn't really care."
You weren't sure if this was the best advice you'd ever heard, but you still decided to get swept away.
Which led you to this very moment.
-I promise, I'm gonna be gentle.
Jing Yuan looked at you with suspicion.
-It's not like I'm gonna do anything bad to you - you said slightly devastated- We are partners, remember?
Jing Yuan only furrowed his eyebrows more. He crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his weight from leg to leg. Behind his back you could almost see an imaginary lion's tail that dangerously wagged in rhythm of Jing Yuan's excessive stomping. It wasn't hard to see that your husband was now seriously considering all the pros and cons. When you waited like on tenterhooks, clenching your thumbs tightly.
He decided dryly and without a long delay sat down on the edge of your shared bed. Probably out of all ideas and demands that you could come up with, this one was not the worst and relatively harmless.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, you took a seat right behind his back in the blink of an eye.
With shaking hands you grabbed the ribbon that kept his hair tied. You pulled on it gently. Ribbon untied itself smoothly and slipped onto a duvet, without much resistance. Hair, that had been pinned up for whole this time, gracefully spilled on all sides. Thrilled with admiration, you began to gently caress them. In touch they resembled a most expensive silk. They were so delicate that they were just slipping through your hands. You dipped deeper into the snow-white ocean, feeling so pleasant that you wished for it to never stop.
-Do you ever plan to start? -he asked without much patience.
Startled, you almost jumped up. You completely lost yourself in the pleasure, forgetting what you were actually supposed to do.
You grabbed a comb and separated a small part of Jing Yuan's hair.
-How many braids will be fine?
-Do as you wish.
He waved his hand as if shooing away an annoying bug. Jing Yuan probably wasn't aware of your capabilities and had already put himself in a losing position for today. You cheered deeply at that. Since you didn't get a limit you won't restrict yourself either. You will prolong the moment as much as possible.
As you brushed his hair, you also gently massaged his head, which apparently must have appealed to him. Because after a few minutes he forgot to hold back and kept bringing his head closer towards your hand, whenever it moved just a little bit away.
Maybe your ears were playing tricks on you, but you could have swear that in every few minutes you heard a quiet cat's purr.
But you didn't even dare to bring up this subject.
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-Huì Fēn?
Jing Yuan's butler paused his hand on a doorknob and turned towards you surprised.
-May I have a question for you?
Trying to relax and focus your attention on something else you began to blindly sort through the papers that were lying on your desk.
-Of course, Sir. How can I help you?
He quickly straightened himself and clasped his hands behind his back.
-It's about Jing Yuan.
Butler's face instantly turned pale.
-I know you have been by his side for many years, you met while you were still in the army… He can always count on your and he has a great trust in you. He has surely entrusted you with more than one secret…
-What do you want to imply by this, Sir? -eventually, he was unable to endure your words. Although his voice was still flawlessly calm.
-Does-… does Jing Yuan have someone? Or-… had someone?
Butler looked at you slightly stunned.
-I can swear that if it's true I won't do any harm to any of them. I just-… I just want to know…
You threw your hands and slightly depressed, sank onto a wooden furniture. You knew that Huì Fēn was not on your side. That he could have told you anything. And lie without hesitation. Anything to avoid harming his rightful Master. And moreover, to help him as much as possible.
But slowly you were beginning to feel exhausted. Long weeks started to pass since your wedding.
Huì Fēn smiled at you with pity.
-If it's about that, I can certainly assure you that you don't need to worry, Sir. Master Jing Yuan has never opened his heart to anyone. And that's what may be your biggest problem, Sir…
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Your friend was right. After all, you weren't into men.
Sure, because of a contract made by your parents, you never got yourself into a relationship with anyone. But if you were to hang your eyes on someone in the past, before meeting Jing Yuan, it were always the females. You never imagined yourself with a man before, but you understood that it was bound to happen. And the fact that this someone was your spouse made this act seem neither so distant nor so unpleasant. Slowly, you even began to convince yourself to it. And you weren't doing it against your will. Jing Yuan was actually starting to attract you, despite his flaws, despite his cold attitude towards your relationship. Your feelings were above such a mere things as gender.
You turned from side to side. You really couldn't fall asleep. At first, Jing Yuan stayed up late studying papers and defense plans spread all over the bed. Which actually was your fault, since you insisted on him not doing this in his office but beside you. And after, when he finally decided to go to sleep, your started to overthink.
You almost wanted to growl out of frustration.
However, time to put the next stage of your plan into action has come.
Recent events didn't really bring Jing Yuan close to you, even when there were a lot of them, especially at shared meals.
But you won't give up so easily.
Somewhat timidly you began to move towards your partner. Slowly testing the waters. At first it seemed that you would succeed without any difficulties. At the end, however, things took a different turn.
-Despite so many layers of sheets, you are going to pretend that you got cold?
His clear voice pierced through the entire bedroom and echoed in a silent night. Yet Jing Yuan didn't even budge by millimeter. He also didn't turn to face you.
-So that's why there are so many of them? You wanted to separate yourself from me by them?
Jing Yuan didn't respond to that.
Seeing no objection, you gently lifted your left hand and put it on the sheets where his waist was. Successfully moving a couple inches closer and snuggling your chest into his back.
-You're really hoping that I'll get used to your presence and that's how you'll make me fall in love with you?
He worked you out. And at the same time he was so calm.
-So you give in to the possibility of falling in love with me?
Jing Yuan didn't say anything more. Nor did he push off your hand or move away.
That's not the end of the story…
I will write a sequel someday, but for the time being I don't have a slightest idea when it will happen. So it may take a long time...
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kittysarchive · 5 months
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Sleep tight, Sunghoon
I'm not a male nor do I have a male body so pleases correct me if I'm wrong.
warnings - mxm smut, handjob, male reader, very short, cliff hanger :)
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Spooning your tired body, you almost fell asleep, in fact your would have if you didn't feel Sunghoon's hamds gripping your member.
Staying still, you try to let sleep drift you to sleep.
"What are you doing?" You mumble, moving your hips to slightly get away from him. You wanted to sleep... not feel good right now.
"Go to sleep" Sunghoon ignores your question, losing his grip on your shaft. Thumb rubbing your member, you buck your hips up.
Listening to his command, you try to drift off to sleep. All was well until you feel his fingers enter your boxer. His cold hands send jolts through you. Trying to ignore the way your cock rose from the slight touch, you huff, burying your head deeper into the pillow. Feeling his hand wrap around your cock, your body is tingling to feel his fingers, to feel him holding your cock.
"Night baby" His breaths sends tickles down your neck as he whispered into your ear. Teasing you as his hand slowly leaves your cock. Wide awake and needy for more, you quickly turn around.
"You have to finish what you started" You whine as Sunghoon only smirks back. Hips rutting against his, he swallows you into a kiss.
Wet kisses over each other's cheeks, failing to find lips. A sense of urgency follows close behind a sense and need for each other. Slipping his hand back into your boxer, your balls tighten, you couldn't go to sleep without cuming tonight.
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lostlovesoul11 · 2 years
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Pairing: Jeno X Haechan X Reader
Warnings: friends to...?, Smut, oneshot threesome(mmf), dubcon, double penetration, mxm action, manipulation, overstimulation, spitting, insecurities, ouija board, demons, usual filth
Word count: 9k
18+ no minors! Read tags beforehand.
so this was meant to be released for Halloween but I went on hiatus for the next couple of months. Since I'm back, I can share this with you all. ignore any errors bc i haven't even edited since.
Summary: When playing with an ouija board goes wrong...
A year ago...
It was completely dark in the room, yet Jeno’s thoughts were feeling corrupted. A mistake he made by becoming curious may have costed him to live an entire nightmare, only to be startled by a familiar presence.
“Jeno..” A soft yet deep like voice called out making jeno snap his head up only to see a bit of light surface. He gasps at the sudden call, almost like his breath got taken away, slowly opening his heavy eyelids to see what’s ahead. He knows too well who this is and he probably thought he wouldn’t come across this once again.
Jeno thought this would be over, perhaps forgotten since it’s been years. But alas. Haechan always made his presence well aware, often times entering his mind throughout the days, reminding him of a particular offer he had placed.
“Did you really think I’d forget?” A loud chuckle is heard as Jeno watches the gorgeous red headed man near him. However he wasn’t just a man, a beauty with horns, devilish. He’s mocking Jeno’s reactions at the sight of him knowing what is to be expected, he was told this would happen soon.
But maybe Jeno didn’t think it’ll come. Maybe Haechan would forget since its been a while but no. He’s tired of the demons continuous counters, reminding him daily about the past mistakes. “Just leave me alone!” Jeno huffs out in annoyance.
Haechan pouts, “But you don’t want me to. After all, who do you even have besides me?”
"No, I have friends!" Jenos inner monologue repeats in his head. The thought torments him. He wishes he never indulged in anything that particular day. Hating how his curiosity lead to this pathway.
A finger is placed on Jeno’s chin lifting it upward, “You needed me. You called for me. And I came. I gave you my company, became a friend, helped you to get whatever you desired.. ”
“Stop!” Jeno shouts, pushing Haechan’s hand away from him completely. ”I don’t need you.”
Haechan shouts back, “You’ve always needed me!
He hates this. He hates how right Haechan is. Jeno was always a lonely child, often finding it hard to fit himself with people. Until he came across the demon, Haechan.
“I- don’t.” Jeno closes his eyes, finding ways to escape the lies telling from his eyes.
Haechan smiles, watching him convince himself from the utter truth. “You could have said goodbye Jeno but you never have. Shall I tell you why?”
He gulped knowing the exact reason why. He’s aware having the ouija board he can end this by saying goodbye, one of the rules to initially do once you’ve finished using it. Anything can be done to get rid of a demon. So why doesn’t he?
Lowering himself as a breath rushes to Jeno’s ear, “Because your a troubled lonely boy who craves company, desperately.”
And there it was the reason to why Jeno even befriended a demon. Though thinking it was harmless at a young age, Jeno grew attached to the presence of the demon. Especially during the times he had no one.
But demons don’t just befriend people without having something for themselves. And that’s Haechan always reminded him there’s a price to pay. What you didn’t know was, that price was you.
It terrfied Jeno once he started taking a liking towards you after finally finding a group of friends. You stood out. You was the opposite of Jeno. Kind but fierce, confident at what you always wanted. Something Jeno wishes he had.
But most of all, Jeno felt flutters in his heart having you around him. He knew he was screwed, who wouldn’t fall for a beautiful person like you?
And that’s when Haechan entered wanting to find a new prey. Convincing Jeno who initially was hesitant. But it worked. Maybe Jeno did have a sick mind to have you in this way too.
Halloween was always something you looked forward to. The moon tonight was illuminating when you stepped outside with the group as you all made your way to a Halloween party.
Dressing up was one of your favourite things to do. Looking like a straight vampire out of the movie, fangs on your teeth with smeared lipstick stain on your bottom lip. An extremely short black dress with see through tights, barely covering you up.
Later that night, everyone returned home from the party to Jeno's house. It's always something the group does, a cosy and huge place to come back to was the best. Everyone was drunk off limits, playing a bunch of card games, ordering food and what not.
The time arrived when everyone began to get up and finally going back to their house. However, you felt slightly lazy today. It's not unusual for you though, having to stay over at Jeno's was a normal occurrence. He was such a great friend, always helping you out during your drunk times, taking off your make up before you doozed right off. You really appreciated having Jeno.
Although this time, you wasn't really too drunk at all. But you still wanted to stay the night over. Jeno's house was huge, thanks to having rich parents. Hence there was always enough room for anyone to sleep over.
And tonight you was staying over.
Laying on the long sofa scrolling away on your phone, your other hand putting snacks in your mouth. Jeno finally enters back in the room but with something in his hand. Your eyes fluttered over at the very thing he’s holding on to, walking across to the table.
“Jeno what’s that?” You asked, brows raised when you shift your eyes away from your phone and on to what he is carrying in his hand.
Whatever it was seemed to be quite rusty, dust scattered above it as Jeno rubbed it off with his hands. It looked like an old board as you watched.
It would be a lie to say that Jeno wasn’t scared. Truthfully this could either work or not. And hearing your innocent voice calling him to ask makes his heart churn. The way you have no idea..
He clears his throat nervously before he speaks, “It’s a ouija board."
Your eyes widen at the statement, “No way, an ouija board?”
He saw the way your eyes popped open, attention leaving away as you dropped your phone down and watched what’s in front. Unable to tell how your reaction towards this is.
You came closer to Jeno, your fingers touching the old board as some dust particles remain on your finger. You’ve heard of ouija boards but never have them in person. You visibly feel shocked. “Wow...” this is...
The guilt slowly forms up to Jeno as he inhales deeply before he speaks up, “It’s okay we don’t have to play—
Only to get abruptly stopped as your hand reaches on Jeno’s arm. Jeno was confused at the reaction, genuinely thinking you felt creeped out by this but the glint in your eyes spoke otherwise.
“I want to play” You quickly shout out.
Jeno’s eyes widen, a fast inhale retrieves out of his mouth, “Really?”
He still cannot believe you want to go ahead with this and tries to find ways of convincing, perhaps the one who needs convincing is him.
You almost looked like a a kid begging to play with their favourite toy, a grin slapped across your face as you pester him more. “Yes, let’s play it! I think this will be fun.”
Fun. It will be everything but fun, Jeno thought. As much as he hates doing this, the sick part of him is happy your wiling to try it out. It’s why he would often mention to not be so willing to do just everything in the pretext of risks. What if these risks put you through dangerous places?
What if it put you to dangerous beings, people like him?
But you was fearless. Always striving to do whatever you can to gain experience. Something Jeno was fond of yet jealous.
However in this context it was far from such. Unfortunately your determined nature just makes it easier for anyone to coy you around.
He licks his bottom lip as he fights back a laughter, “Okay fine, let’s do it.”
Both of you sat down together with the board below. Though it seems like a dusty old board, you could still see the words that are written on it. The various letters in bold with the Yes and No at the top corners.
“Do you want me to go through the rules?” in which you had nodded, waiting for him to tell you more.
Rule number 1 Never use this alone. Always play with others
Rule number 2 Always set the mood during the night, use candles before initiating
Rule number 3 Dont forget to say goodbye
Rule number 4 Be careful what you wish for..
You’ve watched many movies growing up about these things but never actually coming across it in real life. You don’t exactly know how to feel at this given moment except to listen to everything Jeno is mentioning, after all, he knows well doesn’t he?
Going through the rules makes Jeno feel so fake. Because he always end up doing the exact opposite of what was to expect, but could he be to blame? He was just a child. A vulnerable child who knew nothing with a curious mind.
Jeno gets up and retreats to a different room as you waited in the living room, only to come back whilst closing the lights behind him and placing a few candles around the board. He uses a lighter above the candles as it burns ahead.
Now that the mood has settled in you definitely feel a bit nervous about this whole thing, your hands shake but Jeno calms you with his own above.
“We got this’’ He says in comfort making you feel at ease knowing your not alone in this.
You closed your eyes as you inhale a deep breath ready to face your fears.
The planchette is directly placed on the board, Jenos hands merges with yours while you both move it around in circles until you stop. You gulped as you awaited for what’s next. Jeno suddenly speak up.
“Are there any spirits that’d like to come in contact with us right now?”
An eerie vibe comes along as you wait for a reveal, your hands suddenly felt cold, chest slightly heaving on what’s to come ahead. Is it true? Do spirits exist? Does this even work? Slowly, it felt like time was dragging on having no response, no movement to answer the question.
Jeno looked with worry in his eyes but the smile remained still on his face. You can’t pinpoint what he’s feeling, maybe he’s scared?
“I think you should ask a question” He spoke, a small grin on his face. You blinked a couple of times before it sinked in what he had asked, you licked your lips returning a smile back towards him.
“Are there any spirits present here who would like to come in contact with us right now?”
Utter silence.
Maybe this doesn’t work. Maybe these things are just for fun purposes, nothing to indicate how real these things are. It felt lowkey as a relief, because you felt yourself feel light hearted about the situation. So you asked again.
“Are there any hot spirits present here who would like to come in to contact with us right now?” You playfully joked, emitting a laugh from Jeno.
You both giggled, feeling light hearted about what is happening right now, maybe this is just a fun game to play and has nothing real about it. So why not make some jokes?
Both of you were immersed in yourselves when all of a sudden the planchette slowly shoots up the corner, YES.
You felt your heart sank, your stomach feeling physically sick. You cannot believe this is real. This actually works.
“Holy shit” you gasped in shock. So this shit really does work? Surprised at what just happened. Just not long ago you was thinking how this may just be some made up game, only to be shooked to the core.
Jeno just watched your face, as if you’re trying to dim down the effects of being terrified. Its normal for him though. However for you its not. He knows you must be feeling all sorts of ways, once like ye did too.
“Are you okay?” he questioned in concern, not knowing if is something you still wanna go ahead with.
Your pupils dilated, you cough up, “Y-yeah totally didn’t just get scared at that..!” trying to brush off acting as if it didn’t affect you. Your words are stammering as they fall out your mouth, of course your shit scared!
“I.. just.. can’t believe.. this... spirit has a praise kink!” You shouted out. If you really think about it, whoever it was only revealed themselves after you called them "hot".
Only to begin go laugh and making Jeno laugh along. Seriously, even in such situations you still somehow make light of your situations and that’s one thing Jeno really admired about you.
“You’re unbelievable” Jeno shakes his head as he chuckles at your jokes. At least in this way you can make jokes rather than giving up on this.
This is interesting you thought. Halloween night playing ouija board with a hot spirit? Like hell does that stuff really exist?
“Technically I’m right, whoever it was definitely responded because I called them hot,”
If only you knew.
You started feeling bold, wanting to find out more about who this spirit is thats decided to communicate with you both.
“What’s your name?” You asked, but this time the planchette moved rather quickly than last time, spelling the name out as you begin to read what is said.
“Haechan" You spoke up, you don’t think you’ve ever heard such a name before today. Guessing its definitely a male speaking with you right now. What you didnt notice beside you was Jeno’s eyes stayed still on the board, not blinking one bit hearing Haechans name came out of your mouth. Causing goosebumps grazing on to his skin. Things are beginning to feel real once again, feeling sickness in his stomach already.
“Have you ever heard of this name, Jeno?” Looking up to him as he breaks out of stillness, before replying, "No."
Such a liar. Even when Jeno lies, it still does not sit right with him, wondering if you’d be able to catch his bluff. But you haven’t so far, a sick feeling of relief washes past him.
You prompt another question, almost like you’ve gotten the hang of this game. So far whoever this spirit is seems friendly, it seems.
“Why are you here tonight?” You asked further, curious what made this specific spirit is seeking tonight.
Tonight was the day a deal was formed between the demon and Jeno something you’re completely unaware of. You have no idea what your getting into at all. Your innocent and curious nature yet again deceiving you.
The planchette moved, something that still sends chills to your bones, forming a response.
Goosebumps form as the answer shoots you completely. Things were seemingly creepier as you interrogated the spirit more. Collect what and who you thought?
You seemed to still be in shock so Jeno took over and asked. “To collect who?”
It was silent. Unlike the previous times where the spirit communicated rather quickly, this time there was nothing. No urgency of a response, making you frown.
Maybe this wasn’t a good idea to do, maybe the spirit didn’t want to communicate any longer so you sighed and was just about to say to end this, only to be startled by the planchette moving itself towards the alphabets.
You both looked at one another in shock, not expecting such answer which only leaves you both confused on who this is talking about. You kept thinking of multiple scenarios of how this spirit must have had a past lover whom they’re still trying to connect and vice versa.
“Who is?”
You felt your breath get sucked out of your body, panting on the new information. This is becoming worse as it goes on, you have no idea who even this spirit is except his name, Haechan. You look towards Jeno absolutely freaking out, “Jeno.. w-what the fuck!”
Jeno saw the way your eyes bulged out, fear written over your face. You seemed so scared and conflicted, he knew this was to come.
“Maybe he’s just flirting with you,” Jeno snapped back trying to make you laugh, only to watch you huff out. “Well that’s a sick way to be flirting!”
Sick. Everything about this was sick, he thought.
Whilst you're both speaking, not realising the planchette moves once again, catching your eyes below to read out the message its delivering.
Holy shit. No way did this spirit just say this stuff right now. Mouth opened wide trying to process what you have just saw. No way is this spirit really talking dirty to you right this second.
"What the fuck." You froze ahead at what's spelled out, "This is getting weird..." You sighed.
To be honest, even Jeno didn’t like what Haechan just said. Thoughts coming back thinking whether this is a good thing to do, for the demon to have you and do whatever he likes..
However Jeno has to remember what his motive really was, trying to find ways for you to still remain here. “Maybe he hasn’t had any action since,”
Only for you to roll your eyes, “Wow, I mean surely hes on the other side so what action will he be getting." Jeno literally laughs out, a part of him does loath Haechan so hearing things mocking him does make him chuckle.
Your stomach wasn't feeling great about this anymore, all of a sudden your throat began to close up, You whispered quietly, “Maybe we should stop this...”
Before you could even do anything or wrap this up, the candles suddenly leave their flames, darkness welcomes back in to the room. It’s pitch black, not an ounce of light to be seen, you felt restless with your heart accelerating, “Jeno.. I'm-im scared!.”
The silence begins to get creepy, no sound to be heard at all. Now you’re really beginning to feel the effects, not realising your eyes have slight prickly tears formed.
“Jeno..? Jeno..?”
You felt a warm hand tug on to your back, only to aggressive push you in a instant. You screamed, not realising you have fallen into the arms of someone. Face hitting their chest. Not not only is your heart racing but so is another.
Jeno turns one of the candles above his face as you slowly look up “It's me, Jeno" he reassures.
“J-Jeno something.. pushed me i-iswear-"
Jenos coos you on his arms, “I'm here."
The candle light brought out your face, Jeno in awe how you still look so beautiful, even in fear. You was always beautiful to him for sure, but today your features were shown in a different light. Teary eyes and flushed face brought out your cuteness, its kind of sick of Jeno to even see beauty within your fear. The parting of your beautiful lips trying your hardest to exhale with both of your breasts pushing upwards. Your hands tightening as you held on to Jeno’s arm, almost bruising into his skin. But he doesn’t care, his pain doesn’t exist when you’re there. Almost like a cure for him.
That push really shook your core, you perhaps think this may have been the spirit itself. But why would he do that? Matter of a fact you’ve never encountered a real life spirit. Not having any idea how one looks and quite frankly would rather wish not to know.
You stay beside Jeno inhaling his fresh scent, despite partying earlier on with the rest, he still manages to smell great. Like comfort, not overbearing. Your latched against him with his a hand making way towards your hair, giving gentle strokes. He moves you away from him with your face in contact to him, watching him with furrowed brows. His hand moves down towards your cheek, giving slow rubs.
Its the way he was paying attention to your face, like hes searching for something within you. His brows were raised with his teeth grazing his bottom lip. He looked attractive, well you’ve always found him attractive but tonight was different. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this upclose and his strong jawline carved to perfection.
“I’ll protect you” He spoke, unable to help but watch your luscious lips. You look so tempting, hes surprised how well he held off. Whenever you was around him, even giving him light grazes, he would almost flinch. But most of the times it was visits to the bathroom, taking care of his problem of getting hard, fisting his cock completely dry.
How can you claim to protect someone when you invite them to this hell, Jeno?
Your puppy eyes were stilled on Jeno’s face. Admiring his every feature you can see, so strong yet delicate. You lick your lips at the sight of him, thoughts wandering off your head, thinking how nice his lips would feel-
“Don’t do that” Jeno said sternly. You had zero idea of what you was doing to him, making him feel right this second. The way your eyelashes start fluttering with a confused look, is it possible he can read your mind?
“But I didn’t—
“it makes me want to kiss you.” He fought back, biting his lower lip with his eyes below, how managed to contain himself throughout but its seemingly impossible now. Why do you look so frightened yet pretty? How do you manage to have beauty even in darkness?
You swallowed, eyes wide as you hear Jeno’s thought. You can’t believe he would or could ever say such thoughts, you’ve never heard him say anything like this to you. But right now that’s exactly what you want, you lean closer against his body, tipping upwards with a seductive eyes, “Then kiss me.”
Jeno didn’t need to be told twice. No hesitation shows when his lips urgently collide yours. He tilts his head as he deepens the kiss inhaling every breath of yours. It felt like giving him revgererance each time he consumed you. You have no idea how desperately he wanted to do this for the longest time and now he’s finally kissing you.
Saliva begins to form below your chin with Jenk sucking it up inside, his tongue grazes all your mouth and lip. Tasting better than he thought. You took him in gladly, letting your hands roam over his soft hair continuing the kiss.
The candles were perfectly lit bringing light into the living room, the inhaling through your nose as it burns away. A chair is placed right beside you both in which you struck Jeno down below and reach above him. He was a taken back from the gesture, eyes wide but dived into you further when you sat below his lap.
You struct back and forth against his pants already feeling his hard on. It excited you to know how hard he’s already become for you, such an easy puppy. He saw the way you moved backwards, rushing to whatever your going for as he snaps you out of it.
"Trying to cum on my pants?” He huffed out, almost making you stop with his strong hands around you, watching the desperation from your eyes wanting more.
“Yes.” Answering immediately, you’re shameless but you love the feel and its exactly what you want.
“Are you always this desperate?” He bucks his hips further up, hitting his hard on against your sensitive clit. Making your mouth part in pleasure.
“No..” You lied, not used to seeing this side of Jeno. From what you knew, Jeno was mostly reserved, the nice boy. But today he’s different. You didnt think he’d have it in him but right now he convinced you otherwise.
“No?” He questioned, moving his mouth lower towards your neck planting a few kisses, making you curl. He brings your palm below, touching his erection directly, “Do you feel that?” He whispers.
“Fuck” “I—” Moans eclict from you at the contact of his length, the material brushing your hand with roughness. His pupils dilated watching you become so dumb for him, his hand holding yours below his length moving you slowly, “This is all your fault, you know that right?”
You’ve never felt so helpless, wanting to rip out his clothes and let him do you right then and there. You’re throbbing underneath him and you’d do anything to feel your release, “Why.. is it?” You fought back, wanting to play along with him.
He chuckles as he bites his lower lip, enough to pull blood, “Who told you to look so pretty? Do you know the amount of times I’ve fisted my cock because of you? Got me so hard?
Shocked was an understatement. You’ve never thought of Jeno doing anything like this. He gets off about you? Since when? Why haven’t you been made aware of this? Why haven’t any of your friends mentioned this? This is complete news to you.
He saw the way your cheeks blushed, your brows were furrowed in confusion and carried on, “The times you came near me and I backed away? The times I had to always run off to the bathroom? Fuck I was so scared of you finding out, biting my lip so hard so you don’t end up hearing me..”
Now all you could picture is the times you remembered him running off never thinking twice why. Picturing how he’d lean against the shower with the water gliding down, a hand on his erection as he pumps himself. Fuck. So hot.
You felt so needy, rustling yourself on him as you let him speak more about what he does when he’s alone. You wanted to play along, teasingly, “That’s not right to do.”
Jeno immediately stops you from trying to reach your climax, “And you? Fucking your cunt on my thigh whilst hearing the things I’ve done is?” You bite your lip as a moan escapes your mouth, letting him put you in your place. Your thighs ache as your body jolts with the
“Jeno I had no idea..” Finally speaking out, only for Jeno to pull you closer to him with your hands held on his shoulders. He looks up with hopeful eyes, “Of course you didn’t.” He smiles until it slightly drops making you feel some way, “You’ve never noticed me.”
You saw the way his light eyes suddenly dimmed down towards the end, a drastic change of reaction. You genuinely never noticed his behaviours until now, maybe because you never felt the need to. He was a friend, after all.
Well you’ve fucked friends before and its nothing you take seriously, he could have asked you if he really just wanted that you thought.
You gasped as you break out of thought when he suddenly lifts you up from him, feeling a loss of contact with his erection. Picking you up with the dimly light ahead, leading you inside his bedroom. Your eyes open as your placed beneath the bed, coldness hitting your back as you lay down.
Jeno crawled over you, breath fanning over before he kisses into your lips once again. He loves how soft you feel. His hands reaching below as removes each piece of clothing off. Cupping your breasts before he sinks lower and inserts one towars his mouth. You immediately falter, loving the way he sucks on your nipples.
He doesn’t stop kissing your body, letting himself consume every inch of you. You smell divine, it drives him crazy how he’s finally gotten you. He’s happy because he can finally feel you, let him touch you in places he’s only imagined whilst in the bathrooms. Perfect may not exist but for Jeno you do. He reaches lower with his eyes up, drawing his tongue below your abdomen to thighs.
You eclict moans right away, hitting the sensitive spot. He loves making you feel good. You deserve to always feel pleasure. And he will be always ready to deliver. Slowly tearing down your skirt below you knees, as expected to see you full of wetness.
Diving in deep with a swirl of his tongue, hitting you out of nowhere. You reached for his hair as you tugged with the pleasure, “Wetter than my dreams.” He states in awe at the sight ahead of him.
He reached up planting kisses before he connects his lips against yours. Sometbing he can’t keep himself to not do. Always wondering how your lips must feel, soft. It feels good to have you against him, allowing him to do whatever. Jeno felt so happy. For once, his dreams were becoming a reality. For once, he’s finally gotten you, or will that reality hit him like a dream once again..
“Jeno hyung"
A sweet voice was called out from behind, near the door of the bedroom. Jeno’s eyes snapped back, back to reality. The moments he had shared almost forgetting what the truth of reality was. A nightmare living in a dream. His happiness lasted briefly, eyes bulged out in terror.
You’ve possibly never seen a reaction as such before. Jeno turned almost pale, his eyes widen with darkness but a tint of fear behind. He stopped moving, freezing in time. His hand wasn’t touching anymore, it stilled. You’re absolutely deprived and have been edged for too long, trying to bring your hand up to Jeno’s face. Only for him to snap backwards, completely ignoring you.
You tried to call him out but avail. Something snapped to him ever since someone called him out, only to realise there was also another person present in the room. That sent shivers to your bones, watching ahead in fear. Jeno walks towards the door but stops mid way.
The lighting was dim enough in the room, but whatever was standing near the door blossomed with light. From your angle, you could only watch and notice the bright light entering inside closer and closer.
It appeared closer as you squinted your eyes, however frozen when you see the sight ahead. An alluring red headed beauty, sun kissed skin that beams with light. He almost looked like an angel had you not seen the small horns from the corners of his scalp. A fallen angel, perhaps.
He approached closer to Jeno, lifting his hand as it grazed along his cheek watching him in adoration and glinted eyes, “I’ve missed you, hyung.” Jeno watches in shock, it’s finally hitting him how real this is. The touch felt so familiar with him, something he’s not felt in years as he puts his hand above the demons.
“Haechan..” He breathed slowly, someone who was always with him. Someone who he had shared his moments with, his loneliness with. He grew attachment to him and till this moment, too.
Haechan walked closer as his nose scents Jeno’s neck, before gripping it with his hand and pulling himself near his ears with a whisper, “I told you you could never escape me..” He smirks.
Haechans breath fans all around Jeno’s neck, causing his neediness to rupture. It was always a sensitive spot for Jeno, receiving small sigh from his mouth.
You gulped nervously, did you just hear Jeno call out to Haechan? The same one who you played the Ouija Board with? How is this possible? How does Jeno know him? Millions of questions arise in your mind, mind boggled. Your heart begins to accerlate as each second passes, gripping on the sheet harshly as a safety net.
You felt silenced. Not a word formed in your mouth. Just watching the sight ahead, you lated still waiting to see what happens next.
Haechan’s tongue made presence as it shifted towards Jeno’s ear, slowly moving below to his neck. Jeno moaned quietly as the boy felt pleasure, cock hardening as he swirls away. His nose above his ear before tugging his hair back, “So easy and receptive to my touch hyung, you must have missed me quite a bit.” He boasts.
Jeno immediately rushes his lips against Haechan’s, though his kiss was driven more from his earlier events and the demon itself. He felt more alive as the kiss deepens, the only time Jeno feels out of the ordinary. A sense of comfort that only he has for himself, a feeling like no other to be known. Jeno takes in more and more, sucking the demons tongue like thirst.
Haechan pushes himself hard, throwing his hand below the shaft, forming moans through the mouth. Jeno hissed, throwing his head back as his eyes rolled, letting the demon take control over his body. You watched in complete awe on how receptive Jenos falls in Haechan’s hands.
You should be petrified, you are. But the way your legs have been spread out, left lonely because of Jeno makes you feel needy. The redrawl of touch hits you hard. A scene that should make you run for the hills, but what do you do instead?
Bringing a hand on your aching thighs, dragging it down slowly to gain some sort of touch. The hand moves it’s placement from your ankle, towards your abdomen, causing slight shivers to your body. Biting your lip to not make any sounds, the finger ascends above your breasts, cupping before you massage them.
Jeno’s groans feel like music to your ears and a favourite to the Demon. He walks backwards slowly as Haechan continues his pleasure, nearing towards you. However that doesn’t make you stop, you're absolutely needy. The hand cups your breast before you pinch your nipples, swallowing your moans away.
Your finger slowly makes way down, every touch accelerates your reaction. You can see not only Jeno but the sight of the beautiful demon. Wondering how easy you can fall in to his touch, imagining his fingers running down towards your area. You’re incredibly wet, your fingers moving upwards and down before it stops at your swollen clit.
Mouth parting at the sensitivity down below, you know with one touch you’d literally come. You furrow your brows, lifting your head up to see the sight ahead. You cannot contain yourself much longer, before you begin to rub furiously below.
Small moans erupt from your mouth, breathing accelerates as you move. Hot sweats break out against your skin rushing for climax. You continue, only to stop in almost shock at what you see. The demon kisses Jeno’s ears as he opens his eyes at the sight of your arousal.
You immediately froze. Like someone snatched your breath away. There was fear behind your eyes showing evidently to the demon as he curled a smirk on his face. Your heart was pounding feeling like you got caught. Caught in something wrong.
Your fingers almost vibrate with the throbbing below indicating how close you are. For some reason you just couldn’t move your fingers at all. The shock of seeing Haechan catching you literally get yourself off from them makes you feel ashamed. But, don’t the wrong things feel so good?
Remaining eye contact with the demon ahead as he continues rubbing Jeno, you slowly begin to thrust up. It was subtle at first, but Haechan knows you way too well. The fact that you tried to act innocent by stopping with your fingers, yet you start thrusting yourself against your fingers. You begin to bite your lips, letting the demon watch the way your toes begin to curl. The arrival of the release occurs with your eyes rolling back, legs shivering until you can take the achehis before you drop below the bed.
You don’t realise eyes have always been on you. Haechan whispers to Jeno before stopping abruptly, making their way towards the bed. You laid with wetness as it continues to slip on the bed, eyes closed before you open your eyes once again.
“My angel,” He mutters, watching you as you felt exposed within his gaze. The petname immediately made you flush, hoping you aren’t caught once again. “Is this my angel, tonight?” He questions as he eyed Jeno.
Jeno felt nervous before he spoke up, “Yes.”
He didn’t know what to say to you. He didn’t know how your reaction is to see him this way, with a demon alongside. Jeno wants to say so much but so little comes out, knowing you’re shaken by this. Do you hate him? Are you angry? He doesn’t know because your face doesn’t indicate anything at all.
Your eyes are stilled on Jeno, a million questions on your mind but you can’t think. You can’t think when all you want is to feel a touch from them desperately.
“Jeno always had a thing for pretty things,” His hand travelling to your ankles with light strokes, yet you feel electricity running through as you gasp at the sudden movement. “And I have a thing to ruin them completely..” His fingers almost grazing towards your upper thigh before he widens your legs.
You shudder with soreness, exposed at what you’ve been hiding all this time as you softly moaned. Jeno immediately feels his cock harden at the sight of your open legs before Haechan speaks up, “Spread your legs open."
And you did exactly that despite of the burning you felt keeping still. Thinking you’d be receiving some sort of action, but no. Haechan immediately turns to Jeno before putting his mouth back on his once again. This time increasingly faster and rough as they kiss.
Feeling absolutely ignored, you try to close your legs until Haechan eyes loom over yours, “I said keep them open.”
The throbbing immediately begins, wanting to close your legs but remembering you can’t. So you stay still, suffering as you watch them swallow each another. You wanted to get touched, to feel anything at this point. That’s until Haechan backed away, averting his eyes to your sullen face before he looks at Jeno.
“Open your mouth.” He demands.
Jeno does without hesitation, as the demon connects himself against him before he released himself, spitting in his formed saliva into the mouth of Jeno’s. You almost drooled at what you saw, Jeno mouth dripping with his own saliva alongside Haechan’s, reaching just below his chin.
He looks up to Haechan before he moved away from him, mouth being full before entering his liquids inside.
Your legs wide, aching in pain before you see the demon bring Jeno near you before he draws out, “Spit in her sinful pussy.” He demands. You suddenly gasp at how cold it felt as the fluid travels down towards your throbbing hole, making a trail down your thigh.
You felt exposed how they watched in awe at your hole before the demon instructed Jeno next, “Brim her full of my spit, shove your fingers inside.” Jeno doesn’t hesitate at all, his long fingers already making way and fucking inside of your cunt rapidly, forcing the wetness to be shoved all the way in.
“Fuck Jeno,” You gasped at the harshness of his fingers inside. He showed zero mercy on you and fasten as he kept going, leaving you gasping each second. Jeno loved how pretty you looked, breathless and teary all for him and he wanted to see you being a wreck.
You almost forget that you have another visitor, a hand roams around your body heightening the experience further. Your eyes are shut, breathing deeply as you feel Jeno hitting your spot. Eyes opening slowly as a tongue is felt beneath you, swallowing you as it stays between your breasts.
The pleasure feels surreal, all at once hitting you everywhere. Your nipples have hardened, goosebumps forming on your skin before you slowly opened your eyes, seeing Haechan remaining eye contact whilst he sucks on to your breasts before biting with his sharp teeth, electing pain from your mouth.
You don’t even realise how close you are until streams of tears reach below your chest, feeling overstimiulated from the pleasure from both. The demon already looms above you without you noticing watching his prey looking wrecked and beautiful.
Looking prettier as ever, Haechan almost is convinced you're an angel. How can one look so gorgeous as they cry out? Your cheeks are flushed, lips plump red and skin heated as you felt the breath fanning over your face like breeze, cooling you from the heat.
Jeno loves the way you taste, loving how he gets to be underneath you and suck in your wetness when he dives deeply. His mouth finds contact to your clit and flicks it furiously to make you cum.
Your hand tugs below, tears streaming down your face before Haechan brings his tongue out and licks them away. You felt the cold shiver as he continues his lick when every droplet falls, dark eyes watching you falter completely in his hold. You looked so helpless, as your face scrunched up.
He knows you're wrecked and can sense your nearing just before he shoves Jeno’s face down all the way inside of your cunt, “That’s it, give the boy a treat.” Jeno struggled but still maintained his hands against your skin, tugging into you deeply . He was so excited to have you finish all inside of his mouth, groaning along your cunt.
“I’m going to c-cum—”
Your cut off immediately when Haechan latches his mouth against yours, sucking in every moan your mouth can make. He kisses you so raw, a little different to Jeno. It felt animalistic. He wanted every bit of you, inch, sound of you. Feeling almost selfish, wanting you to consume your moans only to him.
Jeno felt the withdrawal of the hand when he peeks up, coated full of your wetness witnessing the demon and you indulging with each another. He felt his heart sinking a little before remembering he’s the reason why he’s able to even feel you, perhaps even inside of you.
He grew needier as he palms his cock out, giving it a few rubs as he watches you both. “Wanna fuck you.” He meekly speaks, “Wanna feel your warm pussy.”
You look up to see Jeno fisting his cock, looking sensitive as ever. It’s exactly how you pictured him doing you in the bathroom, his arms showcasing his veins as he kept pumping with a bite on his lip. You spread yourself open, the urge to feel a cock inside. He smiles, can’t contain himself parting your thighs open while he enters inside with
It catches you off guard as you scream at his intrusion, his huge cock slowly making its way known inside. His eyes remained stilled on yours, softening as he moved up towards you before kissing in to your neck. You’re melting under his touch, his cock hitting you rather gentle.
Haechan is under watching Jeno’s cock go in and out before he scoffs, “I see you don’t know Angel as well as you thought.” Causing a frown on Jeno’s face at what the demon said.
Annoyed, Jeno mutters, “Shut up.”
He continues to kiss your body away, his lips stilled on your abdomen as he continues thrusting inside. You have no idea what the demon and him are exchanging, you just want to feel pleasure.
The demon loves how worked up Jeno’s becoming, only to tease him further. “Come on, fuck her like you mean it.” He teases, continuing his pace before he slows down completely, “Show her how much you like her.”
The last sentence hit Jeno like a bus. Eyes widening at the statement said, you was never meant to know that and he can’t believe Haechan just exposed him about it. He looks over to you in embarrassment, taking his eyes away before you call out his name.
You was surprised hearing this information come out. Watching how immediately Jeno stopped reacting, almost making himself look small. Youve fucked with friends before, no feelings involved whatsoever, so is this true? Does Jeno possibly have feelings for you?
Your eyes widen, “You like me?”
Jeno forms no response, but seeing how you look so wrecked yet cute makes his heart falter even more. The heat rushes towards his face not realising how apparent his answer is towards you.
‘’Aw.” The demon cooed as he watched. “Look how red your face is. “Did I make you go soft inside her?” He chuckled evily as he pokes a tongue against his cheek.
“Fuck you.” Jeno shouts back.
His pace changes quickly, the cock thrusting deeply inside of your walls as he pushes himself further. You feel your eyelids flutter once he goes inside and out. Almost feeling his cock stretching your pussy all out.
The demon wears a smug face on, annoying Jeno thus more. His hand reaches Jeno’s thigh, just for him to throw it back away.
“You wanna be a fucking brat?” He grits out, watching Haechan under him with thirst before he removes the cock from your hole and inserts directly into the demons mouth.
Abusing Haechan’s mouth as he continues ramming inside, the smile still remains in his eyes whilst he chokes himself on it. It’s definitely been a while since he’s had Jeno inside of him and he loved how he can get under his skin so easily.
Haechan licks and sucks him all over as he kneeled below. Jeno puts his hand above Haechan’s before he pushes him further down on his cock, making him swallow. But Haechan coughs up, trying to breath only for Jeno to keep his hand on him firm.
“Didn’t you want my cock? Come on take it all.”
The dynamic between the two wasn’t something you expected. They both can overpower each other yet fall into each others touch so easily. To know Jeno has this side already drove you nuts, your hand reaching your area to relieve yourself from the loss cock.
You felt so turned on just before Jeno throws your hand away from yourself, eyes darken towards you, “You’re not cumming through your hands, you’re cumming on my cock.” He commanded. Lifting his cock out of Haechan’s mouth and pushed it all the way up inside your cunt.
The demon smirked as he licked off the remaining wetness off him, now diverting his attention towards you.
You throbbed hearing him, eyes rolling back, you felt so wet under that you almost can’t even feel a cock. It just felt like a gush of wetness that slides all over hitting the perfect spot. You’re happy he changed his pace because this is exactly what you wanted. To be wrecked.
He delivered brutal thrusts, pining your arms down to the sides as he pushed himself more and more into you. Tears filling your eyes at being over stimulated, Jeno’s cock hits on the spot, already shuddering from it.
“You take me in so good, fuck—” Jeno groans, loving the feel of your cunt sucking up all up. Youre throbbing against him and he knows your about to climax any second. “Wanna cum with you too, hold on will you?” He asks nicely, his forehead connecting yours before he kisses. You nodded biting your lips harder than ever.
Jeno looked so concentrated, so sexy. You held off your climax just to see him use your hole as he could. His face is against your neck, groaning in pain. A sign of him cumming, you hold on to him and let yourself move to feel the same way too.
“Fuck fuck fuck—” He groans, letting his release spill inside of you as you did too. The gush was a lot mixing along yours, eyes turning as your nails dug into his skin. Your leg were still shaking with the orgasm passing along your whole body.
He lifts off from you as you stay laying, until the demon turns you around. Your ass was planted with a kiss, jolting at the touch as your still sensitive.
He spread your legs wide once again, cheeks on display before smacking your lips in between. “Fuck, pervert.” You screeched aloud. You noticed the demon had a thing for you being spread out entirely, only to make him chuckle.
He placed his lips as he puts a kiss, trying to soothe you. “You humans fascinate me, you know?” Quirking a brow from behind, his hand slowly moving towards your core.
Already faltering to the demons touch as you whimper, “Why?”
His hand stretches you more, allowing better access before he shoves his fingers inside. Jolting in an instant, it feels sore yet pleasurable. As he takes them out and continues to move around over your clit.
“So needy for me already,” He rasps, allowing his hand to get coated along your wetness. “One touch and you’re already faltering.” He smirks behind you. Even a singular touch from him causes you to react so fast.
He removes his hand suddenly depriving you off his touch, making you frown as you look back.
Only to see something you’ve never seen before. A cock this huge, you’re sure he’d rip you to shreds. You begin to wonder how it’ll feel, how deep it can get inside of you.
��Scared?” Haechan teases back, a smirk written across his face. He seemed so full of himself you thought, but it only made you like him more. He knows how well you try and hide how you feel, only for you to shrug it off.
The ache between your legs expands, as you wiggle yourself behind his cock. You can already feel the texture, smoother than you imagined. Moving around emitting groans from the demon.
“Such a tease, Angel.” The demon groans biting his bottom lip sounding almost melodic. He let your body smother his cock all around. Despite it not even being inside you yet, your body heat was raised. Even more when you decide to reach lower allowing the cock to slide against your wet core.
“F-Feels so.. nice" You winched. This time you tried to even be daring and tried to grab his length, only to get your hand thrown away. Making you annoyed.
“Did I tell you to touch me, slut?” Haechan spoke offended. A pout forms while you still wiggle around him, begging to feel something more.
Your core was dripping in wetness, something the demon was always awed to see. Humans were different from his kind, almost stupid he thinks. The biggest weakness about them was controlling their temptations, a failure that they adhered and especially you.
“This is what a good human slut need” He rasps, his hands placed on your hips, gliding his cock just above your pussy, teasingly moving back and forth as if he’s already fucking you. Instantly feeling stimulated with this way.
“Look at it angel,” He motions your head down just enough for you to see the small gap between your thighs. You watch how his cock manages to slide through it, feeling every vein as it pulses through you.
It felt so good, like hes fucking you for real. Haechan begins to increase his speed each time he thrusts forward, hitting your ass and core. You both were moaning, little groans from his mouth as he continued to fuck into you in this position.
He loves seeing humans break. Be at their absolute wrecked state. No thoughts in mind, just craving pleasure. Just allowing demons to use their bodies for their gratitiftaction.
You looked so flushed, legs unstable as he holds on tight. His cock constantly brushing along your pussy folds, ravaging through. Feeling your pussy already clenching on him as he moves.
“Angel" He mutters, kissing your back with his lips causing you to jolt. “I haven’t even fucked you yet. Want demon cock that bad?” He says mockingly.
“Yes, please m-more—”
And before you can even react, his cock savagely makes it way from behind, emitting a scream from your mouth as it parts away.
“Omg..” It felt so different to normal. As each thrust comes, feeling it grow more and more inside yourself. Haechan bucks himself up, hands tugging on your arms as they stay behind, “You can take it.” He cooed.
And you could. You felt yourself relax more into it as he continued. He begins snapping his hips against you, balls smacking on to your swollen sweaty thighs at every thrust given.
His hand makes way to your breasts, cupping fully then flicking them around, “See these tits? So hard and swollen.” He then stops his hand just below your core, before he slaps harshly. “This pussy you kept touching because you felt neglected.” He smirks, knowing you all to well with the shenanigans you did earlier.
You moaned in pain, feeling the sting below before he soothes it with his palms and rubs. Feeling exposed within his hold, you knew that he was watching you before and you purposely allowed him too.
“I just—” You mumbled.
“You just love attention baby,” He chuckled, kissing your neck as he reaches towards your ears. “Human slut can’t take not having any attention, can you? Need to always get touched, fucked on don't you?”
The hand leaves and reaches your neck, tightening after every thrust. “See why I love humans, my pretty slut?” He whispered sensually in your ears, ticking you as he speaks. Hearing the demon call you that just made you feel heated below, clenching around his cock.
He brings you closer against him, hands roaming all over your swollen breasts and body, travelling towards your cunt. “Because you’d always allow us demons to take what we can from you.” He smirks.
Haechan rolls his hips before he becomes rough, knocking you out of breath, “Made to be used.” His cock was fucking you all up, physically and mindlessly. You couldn’t think straight nor stand without falling, his grip on you was solid.
Taking any pent up tension he had for you, rocking your world. Your legs tremble in his hold, your mind felt hazy as he rams harshly. “This cunt is mine” with his hands rubbing above your clit, increasing speed all of a sudden as you wither with cries.
“Hae-chan.. can’t, fuck—” You cried out, your legs are shivering out of control. His hand doesn’t stop moving around your clit, rubbing it even more just to see you look like a pretty wreck.
You try to move yourself away from him from the overstimulation only for him to grab on to your arm with force, pushing you back against him. His grip tightening on your flesh so you don’t run off him.
“Best fucking human pussy’’ He praises, causing a gush inside of you immediately. Hands spreading around your thighs to open you more, watching the way his cock hammers inside you, "Made for demon cock.”
Your core begins to pulsate at his praises, moans becoming high pitched as they mixed in with his loud growls. He knows he’s nearing his climax so he makes sure you are spread wide apart, holding onto one leg of yours before he fucks in to you further deeply.
You can almost feel the knot inside of your stomach, his cock was piercing through hitting be spot perfectly, “Gonna... cum” You barely managed to wince out. Haechan can already feel you clenching on him, in awe of your pretty pussy pulsating with his cock.
Your body begins to feel tense, shuddering all along as your eyes closed. The stimulation rid all over your body, toes curled up as it hits you in an instant. Your moans were so loud but its what kept the demon going more, watching your hole drip out cum just before he ruts it further in you.
“Human slut wants my cum, hm? Fill you up good? Your eyes looked back him mercifully before you plead. “Please, fuck, want your cum—” whining as his cock pushes further in your walls, just before his movements turn almost sloppy nearing his release. His hips moves just a little bit more before his cum spurts inside of you completely full.
He turns you over as you face him, picking you up before you squealed. Moving his cock roughly in as some of his cum spills down, with some stuffing you all up inside. His growls become softer with a final release, filling you up. You felt the familiar warmth below, just before he rewards you with a passionate kiss.
You're already knocked out completely, sleeping rather peacefully on the bed. Jeno had cleaned you all up just before he put you to sleep. Words coming out rather slurred as you tried to communicate with him before your eyes closed.
He knew he’d have to see you the next day and explain himself. Something that scares him completely. Would you see him differently? But all he can do is sigh, feeling glad that the deal finally ended. Haechan got what he wanted and in the same way sick way, so did Jeno. But why does he feel this uneasiness in his heart yet? It didn’t feel right.
But did it really end? A voice in his head speaks quietly until it becomes louder and clearer, whether it was his imagination or a message he doesn't know. But he froze completely after hearing it come closer, “You’ve never said goodbye, Jeno...”
©2023 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
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unholywriters · 5 months
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Tigers Prey
Warnings/kinda: degrading, harddomhongjoong, mentions of blood, names {whore, cumsleeve, cumtoy}
Summary: y/n is known for being a trickster within their sector and ran into general Hongjoong, who started to get curious of them and ending up cornered him into a deal, but of course, it wouldn’t;t be this long if y/n won.
Word count: 11.7k words
This one is a very long one and I feel like i have missed a lot of things when it comes to warnings or tags and if so please to tell me and I will dit it and make sure everything is up to date. I wanted to make this long because I enjoy writing long and descriptive pieces of writing but I do get too off tracked and end up writing more then needed and feeling like I either started to rush or I was writing to much of a scene that I felt the need to hurry and get to the other scene before it was just more then needed to be or just less. But overall I hope you guys do enjoy it and want to read more while I try to figure out how to work tumblr and make my account fitting to my linking and reflective of my writing!
Who doesn’t love a little good menace in their sector every now and then hm? Someone who can make you laugh and feel slightly better about all of the situations that are happening around the place you have to call home, right? Well, welcome to sector 8, one of the furthest sectors from the dune empire. Where the most ruthless were known to be created here and if they ever got out of those crimson red walls it was over for everyone who was in their line of sight. During the day, it was said that the emperor would send out some generals to look over the sectors. Mainly just to come back with a daily report and see if anyone needed to be in prisoned for their actions or harsh statements against the royal house. Something not a lot of people would walk away without having a scar to tell the story, if they ever got t walk away at all. But since no one truly seems to mess with sector 8, their left alone to do as they pleased, slightly having a lot more fun than the others simply due to the fact that it takes a long time to get down here. Having to walk through the quiet yet busy streets of the first 3 sectors, then walking through sector five where all of the clothings are made by hand per request, it’s always so busy there no matter what time you go. Sector 6 is more so if hunting per says, where the spears and arrows are made, sometimes the Royal guards will come down there to get their own weapons made and crafted.
“Your getting old their old man! Come on we’re not even halfway through the sector yet!” His voice cheered as he ran with a small bag of treats. It was just some corn that he would hold over a fire in order to make popcorn at home. But that was it, something that only costed around 2 coins, 2 for a small bag and 4 for a large bag. The vendor was an old-time friend of y/n’s someone they could always joke with, and people would know it by now and never saw a problem with it. So why would anyone go out of their way in order to make it worse? “And you’re jumping around in order to move somewhere else!” The man yelled back in a Happy yet playfully annoyed the while watching y/n jump around on the dirt.
His smile was enough to make even the most stubborn of me and women smile and feel joyful. To lose that would be like losing the sun after so long of enjoying its warmth. But today was no regular day, there was no warning for it either so no one could prepare for this. But there was a. Dangerous jingle slowly getting closer to the sector, one that brought fear and made many people hold their heads down. And when the post watchers saw the man in the blood red kimono, they knew what they had to do in order to keep everyone safe. One of the smaller watchers had run to a bell, listening to the music be loud as people were banging on the drums and rang the bell, looking like it was part of the music before it was all slowly coming to a stop. Leaving the lively and busy streets to be quiet and with people holding their heads down and the large wooden gates slowly moved opened.
Showing the man with a scar over his left eye that had a whole story behind it. The tiger general, a man who looked short enough to be so king and cheerful, someone who would lend you a hand if you asked for it. Was someone who could cut you in two before you could ever begin to beg for help. His hair was was long silky black, it almost moved like water with each step he took. Being held high in a ponytail yet it still reached to his lower waist. His clothes were always clean without a speck of dust of them. Sewed to fight his body in a way that looked so tight, yet he was able to move with such ease and grace it didn’t look like a tiger but a swan. He didn’t have much of anything on him but his sword. They saw there was enough blood from his battles to make his own sword, making it the first sword made out of blood.
The sound of the bell had reached everywhere, making y/n’s smile fade before hiding with the corn vendor, yeosang. The two were around the same age. With yeosang only being a couple years older than y/n, but also more protective of him. Yeosang knew how scary the general could be and never wanted y/n to meet that fate. The vendor was towards the edge where the forest laid bare and untouched by many people. The wooden vendor looking beaten and old, but it did the job it needed to do and that was enough for yeosang. He made sure Y/N was hiding in a spot close to under it since he didn’t have a back side. There were a little hole people could hide if they weren’t supposed to be out. A spot yeosang dug up first before ever making his little vendor. “Yeosang…why- “y/n started, wanting to pout and whine before looking at the shush tester on yeosang face before letting the old rug cover up the hole underneath his feet. Everyone could hear the sound of his men behind him. The sound of the armor clanging together was enough to make everyone return back to their jobs lookin scared and worried.
“Now now why is everyone so tense? I was just hearing that amazing music and joy from back there.” The general started, showing a twisted little grin while looking at each vendor, seeing how everyone was more tensed. Shoulders were raised and they were more focused on their jobs then before. After all some had to skin the fish, some had to take out the bones, some had to peel the corn and peas, cleaning the shows and making the instruments to create such beautiful music that rang loud. But not loud enough for the royal court to hear from their home. People always used to say that the most innocent and colors are the most dangerous and poisonous to be around. One touch and smell and you’ll be dead before you can even realize it.
“Now now proud people of Dune, I won’t bite you... without a reason.” He stated, watching how some kids were staring at him, but their mothers and fathers were trying to hide them without looking fearful, some kids were still playing with a ball made out of bamboo in order to entertain themselves. “I’m just here for my daily check up, come now.” Watching his guards check the vendors, even the corn one but found nothing, just like always, right? Y/N was there, listening to his endless taunts that always had some remains of fear control with each step he took. Making a crunching sound that sounded like the bones he broke and grinned. “Sir, there is nothing strange here.” One of the guards' states, listening to the general do. A taunting clap, it was slow, yet hard and powerful. “Good for them, maybe they can get some of the leftovers too from the palace. Oh, they would love that now, wouldn’t they? He taunted, knowing that he would give them almost next to nothing. Not to be rude, but just to see who would take it in the most brutal way possible. Who was willing to kill for their next meal?
“Anyways, let’s get going, we still have people to check on, don’t we boys?” Laughing at the end of his sentence, he turned on his black heels before marching his way back home. Yeosang looked down and slowly helped y/n get out of the hole, dusting them off but still trying to keep them hidden. But the general could smell someone new here, someone who didn’t have that scent of fear but knew causing a scene was not his style, at least not in the denser sectors. But of course, what’s the fun in confronting them when everyone can see you, hear and even feel you? He has to do this in his own way, hiding his face so no one can see him and try to give up covers. But for now, he needed to head back, the tiger general simply walking back home. He preferred it more then getting on his horse and letting everyone just see him.
Plus, it helps him learn about people, he can read them better this way and even now. With those trying to hurry and get out of his way so his path is clear, he can see those with fear, lust and even excitement in their eyes. Something he grew used to after so long of being here with everyone, and having to learn about people in order to find out who’s who and what could they have possibly done in order to get on his radar in a bad way. “Yunho, when we get home, take me to San unless something happened to where the emperor needs me, alright?” looking over his shoulder with his head tilted back, looking up at the taller male.
Yunho was a man of few words when out in public, his posture was straight and stern with eyes that had no life in them. No color, no emotions in them whatsoever. His hair was kept long per the general's orders. It was kept in a long ponytail as well, the hair was always frizzy whenever he went out, some say it acts like a cat's fur or when all of the hairs stand up on your body and point to a direction. His lips were almost always in a line whenever he was out f the walls of his only home. His clothes were sewed by hand with a color as bright as the sun, with different colors like red, and a difficult orange color to get ahold of when the sheep were cold or there wasn’t enough to feed them. His sword was always kept within its obi sash. With a bright yellow tie on the handle of it. He was one of the very first that the general took in under his own rule when he was invading another kingdom years ago.
But returning back to y/n, they were sitting on the vendor table, flipping a golden coin while kicking their dirt covered feet. Watching yeosang close for the night. It was clear he was on edge, yet y/n was more so carefree, after all the generals didn’t see them so why should they be worried about him? “You’re getting yourself tensed up, it’s gonna give you away you know?” y/N started, trying to lighten the mood as they always try to do but it was clear that yeosang was more worried this Time. The guards were looking around so closely and intense that it was enough to shake him. If it was any other day he would be just fine, trying to joke around and see who can smile and just feel more relaxed as the sun started to set. “Y/N… he had Yunho with him, that alone is enough to make people want to bow to their knees and hope they don’t get dragged away for public humiliation.” Yeosang stated, letting out a stressful sigh, knowing y/n just wanted to make things better, less tense filled and more relaxed before anyone went to sleep. But it just wasn’t working.
“I know you mean well, I truly know that you do, and it makes me happy to see.” He started, looking over to his friend who had a bittersweet expression on their face, it was hard to remained positive when the threat was constantly looking at you in the eyes. With nothing more then blood lust in them in a way that would make anyone shake if they could, not even just shake but tremble even. Setting the copper coin on the table, y/n had jumped down since yeosang had blew out of the candle, it was one of the last ones on the street that was still lit. They still had to walk down the furthest side, the upper parts of the electors were for the shops and materials for those to see and to buy. The very back was where the living sections were. It was hard to be there when everyone was almost just stacked on top of each other, all squished in the three houses it took since there wasn’t enough wood t make more. Sure, they were surrounded by the forest, but if anyone were to cut from it without a Royal order, they were killed.
y/n would walk yeosang over to his bed since they were further apart, everyone had assigned beds and spaces and to switch or move without permission resulted in a slap on the back. “Get some rest and please, if you sneak out don’t you date go to far out understand? I keep hearing someone walk when I try hard enough and-“ “Yeosang you’re stressing yourself out and then you won’t be able to sleep an then you’ll be cranky in the morning before you get to close. I’ll be alright.” Yeosang could only look at his friend, something felt wrong, too wrong for him t comfortably be able to sit down and rest the way he needs to before the morning comes. Holding his blankets he watched y/n skip to the robe, since everyone was still resting or trying to fall asleep. But y/n is a night owl, why fall asleep this soon when there’s still time to kill?
Walking passed the last sector house, there stood nothing in their way. It wasn’t like they would go dar, they were simply just there, enjoying the cold and crispy air around them before taking another crunchy step forward into the think grass. The moon was covered by the clouds, yet it always made for one of the more exciting nights. Walking passed some of the taller trees, y/n was simply walking down the stone made path they made simply by leaving stone rocks so they could make their way back to the pot before it was too late, after all everyone needs to have their own little rest now, don’t they? It wouldn’t be any fun if he was just as tired as everyone else now, would it? There wasn’t much to swing from sadly and since it was dark there was no telling if anything or anyone was in the trees just watching them or if there were any traps still set by the guards. But that’s part of the thrill, isn’t it? Not knowing who or what’s out here and if anything could kill you or injure you in a way that it would take a while for anyone to see or hear you? Let alone find you. “Hm… I could’ve sworn the lake was as lot closer, why does it feel so far away now?”
Looking around and trying to listen the sounds of little water ripples, there was nothing close that could make any sound. There was only silence, too quiet. Yet there was just a pair of eyes that burned like a predator watching their prey in the dark night. Watching how helpless they look, knowing that there’s something, just someone there watching them and their every move yet trying to find their predator was the hard part. Because where are they? Are they on the ground with them? In the trees watching them like a bird would. Maybe if y/n didn’t move then no one would be able to find them, right? After all, if you stay still, they’ll hav do to look for something else if you can hide good enough, right?
This was making the person smirk watching y/n look around, it was like the moon was out and this person could see every move y/n was making. How their shirt hair was moving around in a slightly frantic manner, their eyes darting around while they simply just stood there in their torn up and dirt covered clothes. It wasn’t that far, but y/n had to get back, and so they started to walk before it turned into a jog. There was someone moving after them, making quick running sounds to sound like a tiger chasing their prey finally after waiting for what felt like hours. But just before Y/N could make it, seeing yeosang holding up a candle to try and bring them over, yeosang’s eyes filled with horror after seeing who was behind y/n/ But he couldn’t scream. Because just as y/n was tackled to the hard ground, his mouth being covered by a cloth and his body being held and squished by someone else. Someone had covered yeosang’s mouth, letting the candle fall onto the ground before they stomped on the ground. The only sounds were their muffled struggles and muffled cries as the two struggled to get free from their captors. Who could they be? Who could be here this late just waiting for something horrible to happen? For the time to strike and take them away.
Y/N was lifted up over a shoulder, his legs were tired and so were his arms, but yeosang was freer. “Try to fight and your friend will get hurt too, understand?” The guard said in yeosang’s ear, feeling the wet tears fall on his hand before yeosang quickly nodded his head, being dragged along the sides of the crimson red walls. Yeosang was panicking, he couldn’t see but this man sounded cold and serious and whoever had y/n was more ahead while he could see his body thrashing around. It was a sight he never wanted to see in his life. But why was he taken? Why wasn’t he just threatened to keep his mouth shut or he would be killed in front of y/n as a punishment for them to understand.
“Please…Please what is-“ “You wait. To speak.” The guard said, making his grip tighter around yeosang before they were walking through more sectors. People were asleep and even then, those who were awake were keeping their eyes closed. Yeosang could only whimper in the painful way, feeling his side while his lungs gasp for air. But y/n is stubborn and refuses to go without a fight, this isn’t the first time they’ve been tied up, but they can get out. It just takes time and trying to not alter the man, it could only be one, but y/n is willing to take chances, after all why give up so early and easily when there’s so much more fun to have? By the time had reached sector 4, y/n had managed to break free before jumping on the sides to jump on the wall, getting on top before looking down with adrenaline and fear in hi eyes. He looked down to see the general, with a burning passion in his eyes that would make even the scariest kids sit down and never look him in the eyes again.
The look was screaming murder, but his grin was showing interest. But he also saw yeosang under the circle shaped lantern. He was scared but he was also being dragged by a guard. Someone who was more buff then the actual general himself. His eyes were filled with tears while his body was shaking. The guard had very short hair, he was new and was able to keep his hair as short or long as he wanted to until he’s been with the general for a year, then he would have to keep it long and learn to fight with it. The guard's eyes were filled with something unlike the others. He was trying to make his eyes stone cold like the others he’s around, but it wasn’t guilt in his eyes either. His clothes were black, they had to be the training clothes that most of them had to wear. But it wasn’t the time to be staring. Yeosang was trying to shake his head, telling y/n not to do this, it’ll only make things worse for the two of them and that’s something he didn’t want for him. “Take your choice home, I get to have some fun it seems. If tell the emperor I’m playing with my prey.” He said, watching the guard not before having to throw yeosang over his shoulder before walking back.
Yeosang wanted to scream, telling y/n to stop but the grip only made him gasp for air in pain before y/n started to run along the walls. Listening to the sounds of the general getting faster and faster, but so was he. If he kept going, he would be caught in no time, having to struggling more against someone who would make it harder to move and harder to do anything in that way. So just before the arms wrapped around y/n, he had jumped down into the water. The running was fast, but it was also said to do so, by the time the general had climbed up on the wall he was already running. It was tiring but the adrenaline was pushing them through. Staying in the water and trying to hide the water bubbles, it was too dark in the night to see anyone or anything, but they needed to go. “Smart move to be under the water. I can’t see you since this water is still murky.” The general teased, walking around some before jumping down t the shallow end, slowly moving his shoes while listening and looking around.
“But someone as such as you aren’t ready for water like this. It burns your eyes awhile your lungs just…scream for air. Yet if you come up too fast for air the water will give it away before your gasp for air. You’re at a loss here, little cub.” He taunted, letting himself have a nice chuckle before walking around more, almost disappearing while walking in the water, not even making a sound. y/n’s eyes were burning, they were floating but couldn’t come out for water, not without giving up, but they were close. Feeling the dirt get closer before slowly crawling out. There weren’t any sounds coming from the water, not a drop, not a little trickle before taking off in the woods. He had to leave yeosang even If he never wanted to. But there was not getting caught today, not now and not ever. Running through the woods, yet then finally hearing the faint sounds of someone running after them. It was almost in a taunting type of way, chasing directions ever so slightly in a way that was to throw y/n off before they were tripped over a rock.
Rolling down the hill before hitting a tree, letting out a painful cry of pain before slowly opening his eyes only to see the general standing above them, not even out of breath or tired to say the slightest. If anything, all he did was a simple head tilt before crossing his arms. “I enjoy these types of people. You know how to make it fun, you almost got away from me, twice.” HE started, watching y/n try to move away, but where could they go? “Tell you what, little cub, since it’s clear you’ll just keep trying to run and get away from this, why not make a deal with me, hm?” He started, leaning down closely but not so far as to where they would tip over the edge and fall over to join them, but even then, the general is a gentleman, he sticks to his word. “Why in the hell would I trust you! You took away yeosang who literally has never done anything wrong in his own life!” y/n yelled, watching the man let out a little chuckle that sounded like a man who’s lost his own mind only to have rebuild it again.
“Well, yeosang was wanted by someone for a while but he won’t be hurt, not by hand that is. Now back to you, stalling will just make me change my mind ruin you in ways n one would live through.” He stated, softly titling his head to the side some before holding up one hand. “If you could make it back to the sector within 2 days, it would’ve been three if you waited. Then you will be let off and able to visit yeosang as you please. But if I catch you before then, you have to come with me with no fights. You’ll be my bride.” He finished, he could see the horror written all over his face, either one sounds horrible, but what would be the point if y/n was caught? Being stuck in a room like a dog waiting for someone to come and feed them water? “If I win, I get to see yeosang and the sector gets treated better!” “Say that and I’ll make it one more day when the sun rises. Do we have a deal?”
It took a while before y/n could respond, it was obvious anything but a yes or a no would lead to less time, soon y/n wouldn’t have much of a choice in the matter. “One…Two…” hearing that countdown made y/n start to run, stumbling some while getting further away, only taking a left turn to hopefully throw him off, after all he still needed to get somewhere safe to rest. He only has about one day, but even then, so much can happen during that time. And that’s something the general was hoping for. After all who doesn’t enjoy a good game of cat and mouse. Running as fast as they could for a a while it was clear how far they were from home. The woods were denser, yet it was still quiet, but the sun was rising. There’s no way it could already be daytime this quick right? It was just dark, and everyone was resting!
But the day was hard, it was like every move was the last before getting caught by the general. From walking further to the trees to trying quiet, slowly moving around to find some water. Y/N was out of breath and tired, you could see some scars from falls and some bruises from the falls and crumbles, with the hopes that the general didn’t find him. But he still had to make it home, make it before anyone else could find him and take him a way. He knew the way, he just needed to turn around and make a run for it. That’s all he needed to do, and he was free from this mans twisted game. So, there he was, trying the withering piece of cloth around his waist before running through t he tall grass. Knowing he was close to home, he had to be right? He didn’t go that far like he thought he did.
His feet were burning from bleeding and all the rocks and sticks that poked him, his lungs were burning, and his stomach was growling so loud it felt like he was giving himself away it the man who was never too far but also never too close. The sky was still bright like it was just early morning, it felt like forever when not being home, not messing around with everyone and not even being with his best friend, it all was coming to and end and hopefully y/n was winning. But they couldn’t make too much noise when running, but one thing they weren’t used to, was the weight if everything crashing on them. “No…No please… I’m almost there…”
Y/N gasped, seeing everything get blurry and dizzy but he could see the sector. Where the guards were waiting and so was yeosang, who looked fearful yet almost broken. He was shaking as he saw his friend trying to emerge from the forest, but they were losing. “No…. Y/N YOUR THERE! BEHIND YOU!” He cried out before feeling the hand on his shoulders squeeze them harshly. Ignoring the people watching them since no one was allowed to help him get free, he had to get there before the general did. But he failed, and the last thing he saw was yeosang fall to his knees in pain before everything around him went dark. His body hitting the itchy grass while his feet were covered in more blood while everyone was watching. Hopping Y/N would get up and give out one last push, but there he was.
Walking behind y/n wit his hands behind his back yet that same large grin on his face while swaying side to side in a teasing way. “Oh, so close yet so far, it’s hard to run when your feet are bleeding oh that’s not good for your friend now is it, yeosang kang. Or should we change it to Choi?” The general taunted, picking up y/n like they weighed nothing and kept walking closer to the guards, all of them being men he has trained himself, all six of them. He was humming while rubbing y/n’s back in a slow manner, almost like he was waiting to dig his claws into it and tear into some of the flesh just to leave the perfect kind of marking. “After a deal is a deal and when they wake. They will be in my chambers, and I will be there to watch him. You, however, have your studies to attend to, Choi.” The general let out a twisted little chuckle once again before walking through the old village. Watching people hang their heads down with their hairs hiding their faces.
They lost two people today, one of them being someone who caused them laughter and someone who was either shy or sassy, sometimes even both. The youngest guard was holding yeosang’s hand and making them walk besides him. No one could look, but only in that sector. Once they made it passed the others of course people were staring, after all they started to think he had caught two criminals, and they were being taken a way from their sentencing. Which would be the case if the general wasn’t so interested. “Please… his feet are turning blue...” Yeosang whispered as they made it to the second sector. “Jong-ho did the little kang say something” The general asked, titling his head over while walking up the stairs leading to the crimson red doors. Jong-ho, the youngest general had looked over to yeosang, watching the older man trying to keep his shoulders high but it was hard when the stare was so…empty yet dark. Maybe it was only an act around the others, right?
“I’m not sure, did you?” he asked, looking down to the older male. “The more we stand here the more he’ll bleed, now we can’t have that now, can we?” The general was enjoying his taunts, seeing the look of fear, confusion and anger written all over yeosang’s face before walking up the stairs, allowing some of the blood to trickle down to the stairs before reaching the tall red doors. There were so many gold dots on the doors in order to make every animal that each of the 7 generals presented with the dragon above them, symbolizing the emperor. Watching the doors slowly open, the general walked inside before looking in the red eyes of the emperor. The emperor of the lakes, and the blood that runs in them. Seonghwa Park. He stood there close to the entrance, the sun slightly lighting up his honey tanned skin along with his long purple hair that seemed to only get longer as the years went. They saw so much blood was spilled on his eyes during all of the fights. His clothes were always the best, of course. A rare blue made from the closest sector, with white clothes and his favorite light blue robe to make him stand out.
“I see you’ve finally returned, Hongjoong. Nurse, attend to the…” “Bride or cup, emperor park.” Hongjoong, the general answered while letting the silent nurse slowly take the man and quickly walk over to the emergency med tent. Leaving the men to their own conversation while yeosang kept his head down, after all without permission. He wasn’t allowed to look at the powerful man in front of him, he could only listen to his chilling, yet soothing voice speak through the walls around them. “Clearly their a bride. You never play with your pretty this badly unless you want them alive under your terror.” The emperor said, watching Hongjoong walk closer to him till they were walking side by side with jong-ho tailing along, waiting for his dismissal. “Why of course, someone the people are willing to hide from me? How could I grow curious of a feisty cub who thought running form me was the smart answer?” he questioned, watching the older man smirk in approval.
“I taught you well it seems, now what about little jog-ho? You let him keep a prize?” “Oh, you know, he grew curious to know who was hiding them and had a feeling the little corn stand was a little more…loose then the others and decided to ask me a question. If he was right about the stand, he could keep the owner, and if he was wrong, I was free to punish him. Good thing he was right, hm?” Jong-ho could only nod his head in agreement, something yeosang never knew about. He was a target from the start of it all whenever they had their last visit, which was around months ago, and even when he thought he was being careful he was wrong. Maybe it’s true that none of them are human or yeosang wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. Yeosang could only look over before they stopped walking, they were inside the locked doors of the red palace, or blood palace as most call it out of the ears of those inside.
The infamous red color was everywhere, with each hall being dedicated to each member, with the largest being only for the emperor, of course. Leading to his main house where his living quarters where along with any concubine he picked. Both male and females, no one was safe from his eyes once he picked you. Hongjoong was next to his, somewhat, the tiger was painted above the hallway with eyes brighter than his own. “Jong-ho, you’re dismissed. Hongjoong, the boy has been taken to your room, you’re lucky they aren’t sick.” Hongjoong gave a deep bow before walking down the dark hallway, enjoying his to be dark and barely lit before entering his room. It was a grand room for anyone to be able to enter with his rather large circular bed in the middle.
The sheets were as white as snow, opposite of how he is rather with red covers and pillow covers to match it. After all, like this he could hear everything from every corner that there was around him. It was easier this way sine it also never messed with the wooden floors he had. To the right was a door to his bathroom that was slightly opened, he had given his maids permission to clean him, well the butlers rather. He never let the girls see what was his to see under all of those clothes. After all, why would they? His bathroom was almost as large as his own room. With a matching ceiling and floor to his own room. The tub was sunken into the floor with buckets there to let out all of the water and simply use it for the plants within the garden, after all water can never truly be wasted if someone is careful enough. There mirror was slightly large in frame, but it was there, along with wooden carved cabinets with the freshest towels for cleaning and for drying. In the hot filled water was y/n, still asleep but getting cleaned in ways he never was before.
His hair was even cleaned and picked of anything that was still left in there, like bugs, dirt, any lice if possible. He was getting scrubbed so hard anyone would find it uncomfortable, but it needed to be done, the water itself was so dirty but there was progress being made. Even his teeth were being brushed yet he was still asleep, it was estimated h would be asleep for a couple of hours, enough for everyone to get things done without a fight and having to witness the brutality of the general, something no one liked to have dealt with anymore. “We’ve cleaned him as best as we could general, this will help with his recovery.” One of the butlers said, looking over to the general's feet while scrubbing y/n back still, hearing his slow claps of approval which made everyone slow down. “Wrap him in a towel and let me dry and dress him. Afterwards someone will take his measurements and make the clothes for him, along with the dress, he will be wedded to me within this week or the next, whenever the dress is done and the flowers are ready, understood?” He said titling his head to the side and watching everyone nod while doing their request fast and the way he liked.
Soon y/n was back in his arms, still limp like a rag doll, but they were alone once more with no one to hear them, or really no one to stop them. Hongjoong was gentle with the drying part, caressing every body part and making sure it was all dry before getting them dressed in a rather large shirt, it was all he had. Letting the male rest on the round bed while he simply stared at him. To think someone like this had caught his eye after so long of not being interested in anyone, no matter who tried wit their own creative way no one was able to. Yet here he is, looking over his prey like it was too perfect to eat, but not perfect enough to spare the torture.
“So... I had lost the bet then, haven’t I?” Y/N asked one of the maids, watching them take the measurements as needed before slowly nodding her head. It was all she could say, after all what could she do? Hongjoong had ears and was on the move, listening to every word somehow being spilled among people in ways some would say is the world of a demon. “He brought you here 2 days ago to be exact.” “Two days ago? I was out that’s long?” “Your body was extremely weak due to all of the sudden movements and possible high nerves and tension. You never had the time to rest and calm down the way you needed to, when you passed out it was the only way your body was able to recover from the stress and fear of it all. Now, what color would you like the dress?” She held up a wooden board with the strings attached to it all stretched out, not giving y/n much time to recover from the shock of it all.
It was clear she had to hurry, not because she was scared but because she knew that the general would send her out if she wasn’t fast enough to get the information she needed. She had all the measurements, all the numbers needed and now she just needed the color. Which wasn’t much there could be made with the little amount of time. “Does it truly matter what color it is? Won’t he just make it a different one?” “He said this is among the few things you have control over sir. The ones on here are the ones we have enough to make the dress with.” There was blue, red, gold and purple, white was used too much for some weddings if possible and Hongjoong wasn’t going to allow such a basic color, he needed something bold, something fierce and show to show his own marking without even tainting the actual body. “Then I guess… purple will do.” y/N answered, trying to swallow the pride in his own throat while standing tall.
He lost the bet fair and square and even then, this is the home of the emperor, running away would end in death before anything could get out of those walls alive, even with a limb attached correctly still. The maid simply bowed before holding her items and leaving the room, allowing y/n to look around at the place. The windows were always uncovered to show the sky and the moon when it rose, along with the best view of the garden, well one of the best views of the garden. There was a wooden stand with Hongjoong armor on it with one of his many swords attached to it. The closet was small since he never wore much, but he had one made for y/n to be another large extension since he had an extra room, he never saw the purpose of.
“Ah, I see you’ve accepted the deal terms and didn’t put a fight. Good, good, little Choi was so worried about you. It almost made me pity you.” Hearing that voice was like a low roar brushing against someone’s ear before realizing who it was. The two met eyes and it was like a wave of dread washed over the room with y/n trying to remain unafraid, something that would only unfold in ways he never knew were possible. “A deal is a deal and I lost fair and square, what could I have done to make a difference?” “Steal a pair of shoes.” He added, walking into the room and allowing the doors to close with a loud bang as always. Watching y/n try so hard to be brave in front of him, like it will make a difference in it all. “I don’t steal from other sectors. I would’ve been taken much too early.” “And we would’ve had this part over with, don’t you think?”
His smirk was annoying, taunting at the most with a pleasure for this, he could see the anger trying to boil out, the rage of a cub trying to take on the bigger tiger to make a stand, but the cub knew better then to do so. It would mean death without fail. Hongjoong had walked closer, talking long strides over while watching y/n’s shoulders only get tenser and tender with each passing step. Till he was at their level, trying not to flinch as the general pushed some of the hair away from their eyes to be able to stare more directly into y/n’s eyes. “You have a sharp t tongue, something that can be toned to make people listen. But you don’t know when to let the venom sink in, you get too heated and tense, it’s almost like teasing a predator with their food. You give in too easily.” Hongjoong said, in a tone that was almost caring and gentle, something no one hears in public.
“But, as my partner, you’ll be able to learn when to let the drops of poison fall into the preys hands and watch them fight to survive. After all, you hav to learn how to survive me. And that’s never easy. Don’t you agree?” His eyes showed interest for once, but it was twisted, his hand was slowly wrapping around y/n’s neck and squeezing it, not enough to choke him but enough to make him gasp for air while still having a smaller airway to it. “I’ll break you so perfectly no one can put you back together, not even Choi can. You’re mine to ruin, mine to paint and mine to do as I please till, I know you’re ready. You’ll learn just like your friend will have to.”
“You’re insane general. You’re so twisted you think this will make me break? I will never.” Y/N spat back, trying to seem like he had some kind of control of the situation, but it was working, it will never work against someone like this. “Oh, but you already have my dear, you’re trying to get the high ground from me, trying to dig those baby fangs into my neck and let out venom but it’s nothing more then a tingle, a little feeling that fades away. Let me teach you.” He mentioned in a tone that no one could ever be certain was genuine, like eh would actually teach him how to be like him. Like yn would ever allow themselves to ever sink down to their level in such a way. “Now that your awake and well, we can finally start to plan things, who knows maybe even little yeosang can finally see you after having to wait so long to make sure you’re safe and sound, somewhat.”
“Y/N…” slowly turning around the two finally met after what felt like a week durning this time. Y/N was standing outside of the red gates, the look in their eyes was a mixture of dim bravery yet defeat at the same time. Wearing a simply red dressed stitched with gold jewels and bells that rang with each movement, the dress was made to fit and hug yeosang’s every curse and highlight every part that was visible for the public eyes to see, even yeosang’s birthmark under his right eye was shown for those to see but not to touch with their own hands. He was the only person allowed to visit y/n before the start of the wedding. This was the first time the two of them were meeting after so long of not ever being able to see each other due the situation. Y/N’s tired eyes reached yeosang’s own tired eyes. The bags were slightly hidden due to the blush and makeup from everywhere else. The dress was the color they requested, knitted by hand with purple with golden beads sewed into it, the front and back parts had traces of tiger claws in the designs with the gold shoulder pieces.
“We can run ourselves out of this situation, can we yeosang.” Y/N asked, seeing the look on his face answer the whole question without having to say a single word. “Y/N… of course we can’t. This isn’t out territory anymore. This is something not even I can help hide you from.” With hints of soft crackles in his voice, yeosang could only give you an air hug, since touching would mess with the dress and the jewels, and there is almost no time to fix them the way it needed to be fixed. “I have permission to walk and give you away, since we don’t have parents. But, it’s time to go. I hear the drums.” Yeosang stated, watching y/m slowly stand up straight and take a deep breath while facing the doors, watching them slowly open to revel a handful of people, the entire open yard was filled with people. Each section had a few people from every sector to witness this, and those from their sector were closer to the stairs, watching the two of them slowly walk closer and closer to the stairs.
Where jong-ho was waiting to walk the pair of them up further. The outfit Jongho wore was still black from the last time the two of them met. Since he still had to earn his own claws before getting his own suit of his choice. But he had his sword in its oba sha, tied with the golden thread before standing to the side, he had to walk behind the pair before he was allowed to do anything else for that manner. Each step was like a cracking echo within the silence that could never be drowned out no matter how many screams were heard trying to cover it. The only other sound was the drums and calls of a singer. Hongjoong had a grin no one could wipe of his face. Wearing a mixture of blue and red to match, showing the swirls of the colors that were chosen.
“Brave and prideful like a swan, yet as colorful as a poisonous creature, it’s beautiful.” With his infamous head tilt, he was enjoying this, letting his touch burn like fire while standing before those who can’t do anything about it knowing it would lead to their deaths within the hour, not even within the hour but within the seconds, no hesitation. Just a swift and quick execution for everyone to see. The vows were simply, after all, all they had to do was repeat after the emperor before it was time for the celebration between the two of them with a promise of yeosang and jongho maybe being the next ones to be wed, after a longer time period of course. Allowing the pair to be newlyweds just for a while longer and allow everyone to witness the transformation of someone they wanted to protect slowly turn into someone who grew claws and developed a taste for venom.
The celebration was grand with some trying to enjoy it, dancing to the music and quietly enjoying the food around them enough to try it forget why this was even happening within the first place. Yeosang and y/n were able to sneak away, not outside but just a place for themselves and not feeling the dead eyes of the ones who caught them in the first place. “You know, for a bastard that enjoys taunting he knows some good food choices for this.” Y/N mentioned while try eat the chicken, yeosang wanting to smack them but knew it was not the place to do so. Can’t have any watchful eyes trying to ruin their fun already. “What- you love chicken try it. I’m surprised you’re not trying to steal my piece of chicken just yet.” Yeosang could only roll his eyes before trying to take a bite. Letting the soft crunch ring in his mouth before giving y/n a light smack on the back, letting the two of them chuckle like before whenever they were teases to each other.
“I hate that you’re right and that you know I like chicken this much. You still owe me a piece of yours I hope you know that.” “Hey, you waited to late it’s almost gone!” “And I’m older than you let me have a piece!” The two kept trying not to laugh so much, this was one of the only ways they could still hav fun with each other and not feel like one of the others is slowly going insane without the other. It was hard to hide given their attire but if they could get the chance then why waste it? They needed up sharing some of the food with each other. Hanging over whatever piece of chicken had ripped off the bone and gave it to each other. “Gonna tell me if mister bear cub is vicious as he’s trying to live up to?” Curiously was getting the better of him. After all, everywhere he went, yeosang was following after and almost looked ashamed of it,
But it was like a secret, watching yeosang look around to see If either of them was around or looking for the two of them before speaking in a low voice. “You wouldn’t believe me when I tell you he doesn’t even allow himself to sleep in the same bed as me, let alone actually facing me whenever the maids get me dressed, he never looks if I don’t say anything. He still doesn’t!” it was like watching a pair of friends gossip and giggle about a crush that one of them have on someone. But of course, since yeosang doesn’t know what is true or what is an act is going to be fearful of what could happen within the walls between the two but of course this was still leaving y/n to be alone with someone who could tear them in two without any recourse whatsoever and still enjoy the screams of mercy and for help around him.
“Mister Choi and Mister Kim, the generals are waiting for you, it’s time to go.” One of the guards said, one that neither of them had much of a pleasure to meet, Choi San. Some believe that he was the older brother of jongho before learning that the two are actually from different families and different sectors. San being form sector 6, and jongho being from 5. Both with very different experiences when it came to certain things around them, but it was still fun to mess with people in public sometimes. SAN’s choice of clothes was different form most, he was known for wearing nothing more then a long black coat, showing off the ink markings he had written all over his body, not entirely but still enough to show. His chin was sharp, some say it was sharp enough to break a sword before it could kill him and that twisted look of pleasure in his dark brown eyes were strong enough for everyone to see and enjoy better then most.
“And who are you, exactly?” It slipped out of yn’s mouth, raising an eyebrow simply out of habit, watching a smirk appear on san’s face before standing up strength. “General of the west Choi San, some say I’m the shadow general. Now we can’t keep the bride and jongho waiting now, can we? You still have a duty to fulfill tonight, and he doesn’t like to wait much longer for it.” He answered, enjoying the realization hitting their faces at once leaning who they were talking to. Yeosang looking more embarrassed and looking away while standing up while San shook his head. “Now now don’t be embarrassed you two haven’t met me before. I was out of the walls and sending a message to one of the uprising empires, making sure they know who not to mess with, don’t you agree?” He still ha the smirk on his face before walking the two over to their respected partners. San didn’t have anyone to be with before bowing at the two of them and leaving, going to enjoy more drinks.
“How do you always manage to get the attention from those in stronger power when you’re being sassy?” Yeosang whispered, trying not to laugh when seeing y/n’’s face, the look of his lips and the look in his eyes, making yeosang look away while trying to make sure that nothing else was going to happen here. But it was safe for now. After all the two of them had made it to their parents and were able to stand there, feeling somewhat less tense since everyone was still here, giving a false sense of sec I try. “Now what has you grinning so much San? Already having fun with your drinks of choice?” Hongjoong asked, crossing his arms while San hummed, walking over to grab another drink of juice while shrugging his shoulders, making yn start to make another face while yeosang was trying to pinch their back. It was like two classmates looking at each other and trying not to laugh at something when the teacher is being serious about something.
“Just enjoying the night, after all we all know how the tonight will end with you two and to be quite fair, captain. I rather not be hearing that when trying to rest, we all I know it’s going to be a long while before any of us a can get some rest. Well, of course the emperor will be able to rest like nothing is happening, but the others aren’t a s lucky.” Hongjoong gaze slowly turned over to y/m who was trying to remain serious and not giving up. But their face was slowly turning into something when hearing how the night will go. It was the realization back to the real world and the current time. Once those two get into that room and their clothes are off there will be no resting for a while, only the sounds of the two newlyweds. “Goodnight captain, mister Kim.” San had given each of them their respected bows before Hongjoong slowly held y/n’s waist, guiding them back up the stairs to their own shared hallway that was soon to be changed to symbolize the two of them, and no longer just one being the general.
“You seemed to have enjoyed your time with yeosang, we couldn’t find you two for a while, I thought you tried to run again, dishonoring the deal now, were you?” It was a taunt, but also and honest question. After all the two of them were supposed to enjoy a dance before spilling, but as soon as Hongjoong let him go, y/n was nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t until he sent San to go and find the two that they were able to find them. Seeing them smiling and trying to hide more facial expressions with their friend yeosang but other then that, there was nothing that the two of them were doing. “I am a lot of things, but I can honor a deal. Besides, all we did was sit together and talk.” “What about, hm?” Opening the door, Hongjoong walked them walk in and instantly be surrounded by the butlers who helped y/n get dressed slowly start to undress his bride in front of him. Slowly starting with the jewels and hairpins before just slowly going down to the ears, the neck, the wrist, the waist and the ankles. Before very carefully and slowly raking off the dress. It was weird to y/n. He wasn’t allowed to wear a suit which is something he was used to and even envisioned for his own special day. But it was today where he was in a dress instead, something he was able to pull off better than he ever thought he could.
“Why does it matter to you? Need something to tear into my before you make me unable to leave this room?” Y/N was trying to be his old self while the dress was slowly being removed to revel what was under, which was just a loose white shirt with white jeans. It was a lot to have under something so delicately made but it also needed to be taken care of. It seemed those couple of days leading up to know was wearing off on them, or y/n was prepared for what was about to come, Turing over to see that Hongjoong was getting undress while the others were closing the windows. Locking them tight before leaving with the clothes, simply leaving them by themselves before the door was locked for the outside. All it took was that slight head tilt from the general, showing his sharp teeth with a wicked grin.
“Now now where’s that mouth now? You were so busy being sassy that you forgot your place? You’re my fucking cumsleeve from now on and I will fuck and fill every hole you have.” Hongjoong groaned out, keeping one of his hands tight on y/n hair while bucking his hips with no mercy. Looking down and seeing the tears building up in the males' eyes while he struggled to breathe. Gagging with each movement with sloppy sounds being muffled Because of the length that was inside of his mouth. Hongjoong was not small, despite his height and he wasn’t thin either. He was long, and he was thick. All he could listen to be the gags and muffled cries of the male below him before deciding it was time to yank the male's hair back. Listening to the gasp for airs from the male, the coughing and the cries along with the spit coming down their Jaw. His body was bare with no clothes whatsoever, they were thrown close to the door and would be left there. His shoulders and neck were almost covered in purple and red marks with some teeth marks here and there scattered across their shaking body.
Their eyes were getting red and filled with tears, were they tears of pain? Tears of pleasure? No one would know, because Hongjoong had pushed his dick right back inside of y/n’s sore and swollen mouth. He was redder than a cherry, at least his length was, his face was dripping with sweat, not a lot but it was getting there. His eyes were filled with lust and hunger and the smirk on his face was filled with pleasure. But of course, he wasn’t going to end the night here, no he wasn’t even letting himself release the way he wanted to. “Use your fucking hands you. I want to hear you gasping for hair while trying to breathe.” Yanking them back off and watching them get to work. Y/n used both their hands and was quick to jerk off Hongjoong, watching the burning red tip twitch while their face was covered in tears while they were panting simply trying to breathe before their eyes were closed, feeling the white strings jump t their face and hearing the loud groans.
“Please…Fuck…Please.” Y/N whispered not caring if Hongjoong could before just sucking on the tip of it, jerking off the rest with their eyes closed and broken moans while feeling Hongjoongs hands run through their hair before pulling them back on his lap. Watching them gasp and look down before leaning their head up t let Hongjoong suck on their neck, leaving more purple hickey’s. His hands were being rough while squeezing whatever he could grab while listening to the moans coming from above. It was like watching the yarn come undone from someone using it to sew something.
Y/N’s hops were moving on his own above the tip, pulling his neck away and looking down at the man. His eyes being filled with pleasure and want, meeting Hongjoong’s eyes filled with hunger and desire. “Oh? You want to be used little fucktoy? Is that all you can think of now is my dick inside of there with no prep? No nothing but my dick going inside of your tight fucking hole?” Hongjoong started, watching y/n quickly move their head but knew that he needed permission, and if he rushed he wasn’t getting it. “Then beg for it. Let me hear you crumble for it and you’ll be used the way you it.” It was the last push he wanted to give, something to hear y/n say before he was going to fully make them not only be a dangerous person but also someone who crumbles under his touch whenever they want, and wherever he wanted to have it.
“Sir please…please use this fucktoy that you clearly wanted so bad that you were willing to chase for. Fuck I’m so empty I just want to fill it- oh fuck sir!” Y/n cried, shaking more whilst being thrown on the bed, their head being forced down into the sweat covered sheets, his hips were being held up in the air before he felt the pain of something going inside of their ass. The look in their eyes, it was like watching their eyes go cross eyed while their knuckles were turning white while their head was being forced up by the man behind him, listening to the sound of their hips slapping against each other while hongjoongs groans were as loud as y/n’s moans pleads. “Gods if I could you pregnant I’d have so many children the others would have to prey me off of you and even then I will fill you up till I’m done. Understand me?” Hongjoong said, feeling his release come but his hips never stopped, even when he watched y/n’s body was crumbling and shaking more, trembling so much and yet the liquid was being spilled onto the sheets and close to the floor.
It was a beautiful sight that no one could ever see, capture of even mention and it made Hongjoong simply give a sloppy kiss to him. Their tongues were being entangled into each other with drool coming down their chins with the sweat being stuck to each other, letting the slapping sounds get louder, letting the thrust get faster and harder. Leaving y/n’s bum only to get redder and redder before the pair ended up coming undone once against. Both of their body’s shaking against each other before Hongjoong leaned up straight and watched some of the juices slowly pour out before he slowly pulled out, watching the rest slowly come out while y/n was twitching. His eyes were closed yet his tired and shaking hands was slowly keeping his ass apart.
“You got filled twice and you still want this dick?” Hongjoong answered, panting but pushing himself back inside before hearing the weak sound of a broken moan, pulling out and flipping y/n on their wet back before going back inside. Holding their legs by their thighs before folding them up to their shoulders. Making sure y/n was watching Hongjoong fucking them, watching their dick go inside and out with the wet sounds and some of the juices still going around while y/n was holding his ankles. Looking from the show before to the look in hongjoongs eyes, both of their eyes were filled wit lust and want before another wet and messy kiss was being taken place. It was driving them crazy before the two had released once again, but both of their bodies were tired, drained and not being able to even move. Y.N’s body had completely fallen against the bed while Hongjoong fell on top of him. The two of them were panting, covered in sweat and cum and wanting to rest. They can shower and clean up in the morning, but Hongjoong was still inside and ended up falling asleep just the way he was. After all, why would he leave this?
The woods were quiet, nothing else was being heard and it was quiet anyone would’ve thought someone, or something had died, and this was the way of the forest to mourn the death of it. “You’re going well dear, but you need to keep your eyes dim, the more you have emotion in them, which gives you away.” Hongjoong answered, leaning against he trees while cutting an ample before hearing the sounds f the bushes rustling before looking back to see a bunny. Confused, but then looking up to see y/n kneeling down with a smile on his face. His clothes were black now, but they were still baggy, but it was comfortable and able to be silent better within the area. His hair was long to his waist, and it was still blacker than the night sky. Watching Hongjoong give a proud yet small smirk on his face before taking a bite of the apple, putting away his dagger before keeping his arms out. Watching y/n fall down into their arms and wrapping his leg around hongjoongs waist.
“I did it! I get to choose tonight’s feast, don’t I?” They asked, watching Hongjoong grieve a playful thinking look while carrying them back the walls. “Yes dear, you do. And no, it can’t be chicken just so you and yeosang can fight over the biggest piece.” Hongjoong added, watching y’n’s smile turn somewhat dark but still happy even. “Oh, don’t worried, it won’t only be fried chicken.” “Y/N Kim, I will fuck you against one of the tresses.” “Oh, that’s a treat!” Hongjoong only rolled his eyes before looking around, they were still far from the palace before giving y/n that look. Watching their eyes lit up before getting down and turning around, holding not a tree, their clothes were always made with a little cut in the back for Hongjoong to use whenever he saw fit. Hongjoong got closer and untied his ribbon some so his pants were slightly hanging down but enough for his length to pop out before pushing in from behind.
Watching Y/N’s eyes flutter close with a quiet moan leaving their mouth while listening to the soft sounds of their hips slapping, but it was also muffled because of the clothes. “Gods you're such a whore for my dick even out in the woods.” “You made me into the best cumsleeves you ever met now, didn’t you? Ooh, sir please just right there.” Biting their lip with their eyes still closed while Hongjoong smirked with a lip bite. The two of them were known for their sex drive, the two of them would even have little quickies like this before meetings and not caring if others heard or knew about it. “Fill me up the way you like!” The cried out a little louder before letting out a pleased sigh coming from the both of them. Feeling the cum slip inside and even trickling down y/n’s thighs before the two stood up. Smiling before enjoying a heated kiss, with only tongues being used while still trying to figure out what to eat.
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dollywoo · 3 months
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woosan! — no one’s gonna hurt you, darling. not while im around.
a small woosan hurt/comfort oneshot! sorry for the messy writing, its been awhile lol and im sleepy! i hope u guys like it ! <3
tw: violence, injury, blood, weapons, mentions of assault, symptoms of trauma !!
pairings: fighter!san x nurse!wooyoung
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san found himself lost in a daze, his almond orbs admiring the view that laid before him — how the sunlight laid perfectly on the tanned skin of his beloved lover. his gaze wandered along the other’s physique, how the slight breeze caused the younger’s baggy sweater to flow ever so slightly whilst his arm extended towards something. the raven haired male refused to look away from the true masterpiece before him, that was until his favorite tune crashed into his ears.
“sannie! are you even listening? hello?” wooyoung whined out, a slight pout laid on his plush lips, san wanted nothing more than to kiss that pout away.
“huh? what? yeah of course” the older lied, his gaze tearing away to land on what his boyfriend was pointing at.
this caused the younger to roll his eyes, tucking strands of blonde behind his ears adorned with dazzling earrings, one ear was decorated beautifully with a star shaped stud, the other was the matching set — a chain hanging down from his pierced helix to attach to the moon stud that sat at the lobe of his ear, another star dangling to his jawline. “you’re an awful liar, san” wooyoung scoffed, playfully slapping the broad shoulder of the older.
orbs filled with constellations moved from the taller back to the sight that wooyoung was fixated on — a cute bakery with pastries of every color fixated in the window. he wanted to try every single one!
“lets go there? sannie? pleasseeee” the younger knew damn good and well that san could never really resist his pleading, especially when he incorporated his classic pout and puppy dog eyes.
san let out a soft giggle, rolling his eyes. before he could even speak the blonde knew he had him, he was the fighter’s only weakness. ever since the two moved to america, the taller had been booking more fights and winning each one — all with his most prized possession by his side — jung wooyoung.
“of course, pup.” san cooed lovingly, he knew that he could never say no to that face, even after 5 years of dating, he could never say no to him. if wooyoung asked for him to stop a train with his bare hands he damn sure would try. anything for him. anything.
after all, the couple did deserve a nice treat before san’s next appearance in the ring in a few hours, right?
letting out a high pitched giggle of joy, the smaller grabbed his lover’s hand and dragged him in the direction of the baked goods. even though san was much stronger, he allowed for his boy to drag him anywhere.
before they both knew it, they had arrived at the counter, ran by a young man that definitely didnt care much for the job — annoyance evident as the giggling blonde ran inside, his raven haired boyfriend following closely behind. wooyoung didnt mind it much, he never really did.
san on the other hand was eyeing him down, almost daring him to say anything that would upset his precious boy. this caused for his bruised hands to squeeze the smaller’s, pulling him closer.
the atmosphere was different — threatening even, this caused for the fighter’s catlike gaze to scan the area, landing on three men in suits laughing and eyeing what was his. their sickening gaze running up and down wooyoung’s physique, landing on the back of his tight jeans. all the while, wooyoung was ordering some treats for the couple, as san watched the men like a guard dog. his grip became tighter on the blonde, he was sure to bruise the next day.
the entire time as they sat in the bakery, the couple talked for what seemed like hours, however san’s guard was never down, clenching his fists underneath the table until the three men left. after this, he was finally able to relax — atleast thats what he thought.
“whats wrong, honey?” a concerned tone came from the younger, tilting his head as he analyzed san’s beautiful features, frowning at the scars he had acquired from his fights over the years. wooyoung was a pacifist, if you could believe it, however the two had to make ends meet and due to san’s extensive training, fighting was his best shot. the blonde was always eager to stitch his wounds, learning almost everything he could about medical care just to take care of his san.
san was taken aback, not realizing his jaw had been clenched this whole time, he couldve swore he was hiding his possessiveness, but wooyoung could read him like a book. despite this, the toned male refused to worry his boyfriend, assuming the danger had passed anyway. “just worried about my fight tonight, that dude’s huge!” he lied, hoping that his boyfriend would believe him.
raising his brow, a small giggle left wooyoung’s lips, “c’mon, sannie…ive seen you knockout dudes 3 times your size!!” he refuted, rolling his eyes. san was relieved that he had believed him.
“babe! hes like seven foot, 300 pounds! i heard he has a mean right hook…” san laughed, a pout settling on his own plush lips.
“you got this you big baby!” the blonde teased, rolling his eyes, “c’mon, lets get back to the hotel so you can rest before you fight goliath!”
at this, san rolled his eyes, standing from his seat and grabbing his boyfriend’s hand, leading the younger out of the bakery. the sun had set, the sky adorned with gorgeous constellations. had the sun really set that quickly?
“maybe you’re ri—“
wait. why was his hand empty?
“woo?” san questioned, whipping his head towards where his boyfriend SHOULD be. only to be met by the closed sign being flipped on the bakery door.
then, something that shone brightly laid on the pavement, no…no it cant be.
his bruised hands reached for the item, dropping to his knees. he prayed before opening his hand, though he knew exactly what it was.
wooyoung’s star earring.
then, a whimper.
his wooyoung’s whimper.
“WOO?!” san’s voice boomed into the dark, bouncing off the walls of the alley to the right of the bakery entrance. without a second thought, san ran full speed into the darkness, he cursed himself the entire way, vowing to make sure whoever touched his beautiful sunshine would never see the light of day again. this was a promise to not only himself, but to wooyoung.
he nearly fell flat on his face when he stopped in his tracks, the sight before him caused his vision to darken and his heart to drop.
the three men from before, one had the blonde pinned to the brick wall littered with graffiti, while the other had a hold of wooyoung’s bag, emptying out to locate any valuables. while the third —
the feeling of cold steel pressing to the back of his slicked back locks of obsidian stopped his thought process. there he was, the third.
tears filled the younger’s brunette orbs once he locked eyes with his boyfriend, crying out, “no please! just take all of my shit, please! dont hurt him, please..” his voice sounded so defeated at the end, cutting off as his own heart sank.
without his sannie, he was nothing.
“oh look, the pretty bitch is crying” the one that held the smaller against the wall taunted before using his free hand to land a harsh slap across his cheek, right on his mole, the mole that he loved to call his dot. this enraged san, jaw clenched.
“the only bitch here is you, broke enough you have to steal from us, huh? then fuck with someone way smaller than you?” san spat, glare locked directly onto the male. “you are pathetic.”
san didnt give a fuck about the barrel pressed to the back of his skull, all he cared about in this moment was wooyoung. his wooyoungie. angered eyes panned back to his boyfriend.
is that blood?
all feeling was lost as crimson began to pour from wooyoung’s flawless skin, from the cheek that was struck a mere second before. all of a sudden, all san could see was red.
catching the man behind him offguard, the fighter grabbed the barrel of the gun, snatching it from him and sharply smashing it against his head. the culprit fell to the ground, blood pooling underneath as san faced his attention to the one that had a hold on his wooyoung, charging him and tackling him to the ground. the gun was tossed towards wooyoung, who slid down the wall, knees against his chest as he watched this scene unfold. his hand reached for the pistol, just in case.
san was rabid, uncontrollable — the sickening thuds of his fists connecting with the man’s face were unforgettable and nonstop. the taller hit him over, and over, and over.
all san could hear was the ringing in his ears, all he could see was blood.
“NO! —“ pop
what was that?
pop pop pop
shaky hands held onto the smoking pistol as a terrified wooyoung stared lifelessly at the man next to san, who had forgotten about the third male. the man had tried to attack him as the fighter was too focused on beating the one who had touched his wooyoung to a bloodied pulp.
san’s eyes went from the still body to his side, then to the look on wooyoung’s face.
he looked numb.
wooyoung felt as if the life had been sucked out of him, the stinging of his cheek no longer was felt, he felt nothing. his mind was blank, all he could hear was the sound of gunshots — the ones he had fired.
then, his eyes met san’s, he felt warm again. his gaze drifted down to his beloved’s bloodied and cut knuckles, instantly dropping the gun and crawling towards him.
“sannie…” his gentle hands caressed the fighter’s, examining the damage and immediately running to his bag to grab his supplies, thankful that they were still intact.
“woo, honey…”
the blonde returned, beginning to clean his boyfriend’s wounds with alcohol, ringing in his ears filled his mind as he continued his work, his heart felt so heavy. he tried to keep his mind off of what happened, the hands all over him…the cold steel in his hands…the gunshots…
“wooyoung.” san’s voice finally broke through the impenetrable thoughts that plagued the blonde’s mind, “honey, you’re crying.”
sure enough, tear drops had been falling onto the bandaged knuckles that belonged to san, causing wooyoung to quickly reach up to wipe his own tears. his hands were covered in both his and san’s blood. “imsorry” he whispered in a small, hushed voice, his body trembling as he felt his boyfriend begin to bandage his cheek.
the alcohol burned, bringing feeling back to his numbed brain. “no apologies.” san whispered lovingly, orbs filled with admiration traced the outlines of wooyoung’s face as he patched him up.
woo only watched, his teary eyes admiring the duality of his lover, feeling himself chew on his bottom lip as he admired how the moonlight danced on san’s honeykissed skin. all of the negative thoughts left, in that moment it was just him and san.
before he knew it, the blonde was being scooped up into the taller male’s toned arms, bag being placed in his lap as san cooed softly. “so proud of you, baby. its okay…everything’s okay..”
san’s words were warmer than sunlight on a summers day, wrapping around wooyoung in a protective blanket that caused the younger to smile. though he never thought he would again.
“let’s go home, youngie. im skipping the fight.” san spoke softly, exiting the alleyway as wooyoung found purchase in the crook of his protector’s neck, leaving small kisses on his glistening skin.
his raven haired savior carried his prince the entire way home, vowing to never let his boyfriend out of his sight ever again.
this was a promise he would keep, even after death.
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— 🧸 taglist ! : @vampzity @sanshairfollicles @dvrktvnnel @hwasddeongbyeoli
comment to be added to taglist !! <3
tysm for reading !! sorry if theres any spelling mistakes! i did this kind of fast lol! <3 i hope u enjoyed !
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slvtiny · 24 days
Welcome to Wonderland, My dear dreamer
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I am Jae, your personal Jinn.
In this household, we do not judge, discriminate, nor disrespect.
All you wish for can come alive, even if it's the way a song, a picture, or a thought makes you feel. Even if you can't make words out of it, as long as you tell me how you'd sound in your dreams.
I can make the world a wonderland for you.
♤ A little into detail, 'Who am I?' :
I'm Jade <Jae>
Age - 22 years old
DOB - 11th of June
Occupation - nil Currently in university
Major - Psychology, Neuroscience, Music<for funsies🙄🎀>
Hobbies - music, dance, writing, reading (any form of art at this poin>_<), trekking, cooking, 🫣nerdy techy stuff you're probably not interested in(I usually just help out my tech maj bsf to finish their proj🤭), collecting sea shells and other stupid stuff I do on a daily🦖✨️
♤ Artists I stan :
<there's probably more I just can't recall lol>
<my list is literally Hongjoong’s nightmare 🦖>
You can talk to me about these artists, recommend songs, recommend other artists, I may write for them only on very sweet requests, and I will not write smut for them unless I already do. Please check the list of artists I write for👇 before requesting.
NCT (I don't writ for Wish they CHILD), (though Shota, and Sungie are Riize now, I might write for them, same goes for Lucas)
<under maintenance will be updated soon >
Lmk if the link don't work
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studio-multi · 4 months
Characters #2
AU: Scream (the movie saga)
Premise: Jimin was cheating on Tae with Jungkook and broke it off with both for Yoongi. Now they will all die because nobody can have Jimin. 🫡
Sidney - Jimin
Billy - Taehyung
Stu - JK
Dewey - Jin
Gail - Namjoon
Tatum - Hoseok
Randy - Yoongi
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noonical · 6 months
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"what is it? a new world?"...
⌞ ... 진짜가 아니야 ...⌝
𓄲 アイコン 2020──── ﹆ 24. 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚, 7 books.
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ᯤ CONTENT. ( 𖣠 ) stories , ( ⌬ ) smau , ( ♧ ) headcanons. AND BELOW /fluff, angst, suggestive, thriller, mystery, omegaverse, fantasy/ — more to come ...
୨୧ nrk x ksn
⭑ strawberry milk (coming soon!)
⭑is there someone else? (ft. psh) (coming soon!)
୨୧. psh x ksn
⭑ mon chéri (coming soon!)
⭑ is there someone else? (ft. nrk) (coming soon!)
୨୧ pjs x yjw
⭑ ( 𖣠 ) vanilla baby ( about a trip and bits of love ) ᯓ fluff
୨୧ lhs x sjy
... tba ...
... tba ...
© noonical, 2024.
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a-teez-4-exo · 1 year
Ok pardon my rambling but I have this thought from a reel I seen on instagram of WooSan:
So y’all know how Ateez lives in their new dorm right where all the boys have their own room now, so I had this thought of how Woo would sneak (but not really sneaking because everyone already knows what’s up) into Sans room and yk start messing with him while he’s playing a game on his PC or even sleeping 😏 ugh!!! I’m not a fic writer, but do you guys see my vision?
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sun4kiss · 5 months
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[yang jüngwön] links nsfw
male ver | mxm:
the first time your boyfriend got naked for you, you discovered that not only his dick is sensitive but his entire body. You love calling your boyfriend a bunny so one night he decided to wear bunny lingerie especially for you. you love squeezing your little boy's body during sex bcs you know it will leave handprints the next day. wonie always makes little grunts when you're fucking him, and it get louder when you suck on his nipples. won goes crazy every time your fingers find the pleasure point inside him... your fingers are so wide, wonnie loves ur fingers so much but not as much as your dick jungwonie is so impatient that when you take a while, that he himself puts ur dick inside him wonnie almost can't take so much pleasure when you fuck him deeply You love your boyfriend's delicate body so much that you don't leave him alone even when he's sleeping.
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alwayscorvus · 4 months
A hug for a precious teammate
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A hug for a precious teammate
malereader x Jiyan, fluff;
i already have an idea for a longer post ("normal" 4 my acc) but for now just a quick short. Jiyan can be a little out of character
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He stood alone in the middle of a field, surrounded by emortia flowers. His green robes blew gently on the wind. With his back turned to you, he looked into a distance. Onto a horizon where an outline of Jinzhou city painted itself.
You approached him at a distance of few steps.
-I knew I would find you here.
Hearing your voice, chills went through Jiyan. But not the unpleasant ones, rather those of excitement.
He turned his head back, looking at you over his shoulder. Warm rays of setting sun gushed on both sides of his face, trying to escape past his figure. As a result, his face shimmered with a bright, yellowish glow of light. Messy strands of his hair (which, as always, managed to break out from not-so-perfect ponytail) flew in all directions. His facial expression represented surprise. You saw him taking a sudden gasp of breath after a spin. Yet, at sight of you, corners of his lips lifted slightly upward.
Even though an image in front of you was breathtaking, you put your focus on his eyes. They showed so many emotions. Sadness, grief, suffering. But also some sort of gratitude and relief.
A desire for touch, for warmth of another person.
You involuntarily spread your arms in an inviting gesture. And Jiyan instantly spun on his heel.
It took just a seconds. Jiyan immediately seized an opportunity. He ran into your embrace.
Before you had time to realize, your body was being squeezed tightly by a man's strong arms.
You looked down. Jiyan was stubbornly snuggling his head into your chest, avoiding eye contact.
-I'm sorry. I should be there with you.
You said with a genuine remorse. Now you deeply regretted not accompanying him today.
You knew that returning to the past by experiencing Riverside Games could be painful for your man. However, you hoped that if you let him go alone, he wouldn't be limited to only your company. And that he might be able to reintegrate with other rangers. On a different level -not only restricted to work and duties. Besides, this wasn't your festival.
That's why you decided to go to work.
However, after that decision, for a few good hours, you suffered with great guilt. You couldn't concentrate on your job. Especially after you found out that the festival got suspended. You were unable to complete any task properly. You were basically useless. To the point where your supervisor - Mortefi ordered you to leave.
Jiyan rapidly shook his head in denial. He didn't loosen his grip even slightly. You were slowly running out of breath. But you knew it was the only thing you could do for him at that moment.
-I planted a seed - he said quietly, slowly choosing his words - With Rover
-But I want to plant one with you as well - he added quickly, this time lifting his face up and looking directly into your eyes.
His golden orbs sparkled slightly with hope. Somehow like with an anticipation of approval.
-I know I know -you changed your voice to as calm and tenderful as possible- We are gonna do this
You placed your hands gently on his back and slowly began to make a circles on them. Trying as much as possible to soothe his nerves after today's events.
Jiyan dropped his head again and tightened his grip more. Even though, a second before you hardly believed that it was possible.
However, that gesture did awaken you. You looked around. And your eyes caught a glimpse of midnight rangers. Standing in the distance, guarding Knell Square. They weren't looking in your direction, not paying attention to you at all. Whether out of respect or ignorance.
But still, if this were to change, you had to do something.
Jiyan wouldn't want anyone to see him in such state. Especially his subordinates, to whom, as a general, he looked like a pure perfection. An example of someone unbreakable and with an unbelievable courage.
You were the first and last one to whom he deliberately showed his vulnerable side.
It wasn't often, because he mostly tried to play tough. Even outside of work, he felt a sense of responsibility. Though in this case, for the two of you. For your prosperity and well-being.
That just how his character was.
Sometimes, however, emotions took over him. Just like now. And Jiyan allowed himself to seek for a support in your presence.
With your right hand, you delicately grabbed his jaw and lifted his head up. His eyes were no longer glowing with ordinary sparkle. Shine came from a liquid that had accumulated inside them. Tears that he struggled hard to not let out.
-But we will get home first, okay?
Jiyan nodded and you leaned down to lovingly kiss his other cheek.
-Let's go - you said, moving away from him slightly and secondly putting one arm around his waist.
Jiyan tiredly laid his head on your shoulder and let you lead the way to your house. To your safe space.
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kittysarchive · 5 months
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Let's take it slow, Jay
I'm not a male, I do not know how it feels for you so please correct me.
warnings- for male reader (everyone welcome), smut, hand job, Dom Jay, anal smut, mxm, making out, small cock reader, big cock Jay, praise kink, cuming in ass,
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Siting on his large lap, Jay's hands squeezed the plushness of your ass as he deepened the kiss.
Lips chasing each other as your tongues briefly met, you pull apart from the kiss. Breathing heavily, a string of saliva connected your lips.
"So cute" Jay hums, hand lightly griping your chin. Cheekily smiling, with Jays other hand, he easily slides off his shirt. Drooling over his form, Jay helps you shred your own shirt off.
"Need you so bad" You whine out, rolling your hips desperately onto Jay's bulge. Returning the favour, he bucks his hips up, helping you gain the right friction. Only to place his hips back down.
"I want you too baby" Jay trails kisses down your neck. Lightly sucking your skin, he leaves his love bites as you helplessly rub against his clothed member. Unzipping his fly, he pulls his boxers down, enough for his cock to spring out.
Hovering over his lap, you raise your hips enough to fully discard your pants and boxers. Leaving you fully naked. Heat rising to your cheeks, you realise Jay is only missing his shirt.
"So pretty" Jay pushes your embarrassment away. Hands gliding over your chest, squeezing your nipples before trailing down again. His hands make home on your inner thigh, dangerously close to your small, pink tipped and leaky cock.
Squeezing your thighs as you sit back down onto his, Jay rubs his thumb along your thighs. Causing jolts of electricity to run through your body. Just from the touch, from the neediness of your body, your cock fully erects.
"T-touch me" You cry out, becoming frustrated from Jay's slight teasing. Laughing at your neediness, he listnes.
"Where?" Jay teases once more. Forcing your hands to guide his to your cock. Once placing them on your cock, his hand engulfs your shaft. Giving it a squeeze, you whine out.
Cock hidden in Jay's large palm; he starts to pump your length. Fisting your cock up and down, he rubs his thumb over your slit.
"Fuck" You bite your lip hard, hips rutting into his hand. Begging for more. Pumping your length fanster, Jay removes his hand.
"W-what?" You cry out in disbelief. Cock stinging from the sudden loss of touch.
"I'm going to fuck you... You practically begging for it" Heat rising once again to your cheeks, you look down. Only to be met with the view of Jays member. Body fluttering with both nervousness and excitement as you admire his cock. Red, hard, long, mushroom tipped, balls full.... He was bigger than yours, by a lot.
Jays hand trailed around your ass, sliding a finger into your ass. Your body jolts, not expecting the intrusion from there. Instantly trying to mov away, your body doesn't initiate, as you enjoy the feeling.
Whining as his finger deepens, curling in your ass. You wouldn't expect to like it. Adding another finger, he slowly spreads you ass open. Prepping you for his size.
"I-I'm ready" You beg, wanting his cock more than his fingers. You wrap your fingers around Jays own cock. Pumping it as Jay's fingers move out of your ass.
"Doing so good" He pulls his head back in pleasure as you fist his cock faster. Stopping like he did for you, Jay doesn't react. As his hand still lays on your ass, he pulls your body closer to his. Chest to chest, you slide down onto his length.
"Oh..." You moan out. Having barely experienced anything like this...having barely had sex, this feeling almost felt knew to your. Resting your head in the crook of Jay's neck, you raise your hips, sliding down on his cock.
"Just like that" He praises you, keeping a firm hand on your. Giving it a light smakc, you moan at the contact.
"Such a dirty boy" You ass squeezed against his length...you didn't mind being called that. You enjoyed it as much as you enjoyed being praised.
Feeling the need to be fucked, feeling the need to feel his cock, you move your hips faster. Slamming down on his cock. Placing a hand on his chest for leverage, you bring your other hand down to your cock. Giving it the attention it needs as Jay begins to buck his hips up into your ass, fucking you harder. Fisting your shaft quickly, your hips meet up with Jay's thrusts.
"J-jay" You cry out, voice slightly muttered as your head was still placed in the crook of your neck. Jay brings his free hand to the back of your neck, playing with your hair as his hips bruise yours.
"Your doing so good for me.... keep holding pretty boy" Hearing the pet name, your cry out. A mix of a moan and cry, your force your hips down, quicker and faster.
As your hands continue to work on your cock, you feel the need to pee. Balls tightening and a wave of needing to release, you couldn't wait any longer.
"Need to cum" You announce, voice hoarse as your body fights back the release. Slapping your ass hard, Jay's own member was close.... really close.
"Go on" He groans, feeling your ass tighten around his length as you cum onto his chest. Decorating his chest in your milky seed, Jay decorated your ass his hot and thick cum.
His hips soon slow down, causing the squelching of your cum covered ass to die down.
"You did so good....so good" His fingers continue to play in your hair as your body calms down from he wave of pleasure. Feeling his cum drip out of you...his fingers in your hair...cock becoming softer....your body was still hot, hot with pleasure.
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deryicantwait · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: NCT (Band), WAYV, K-pop Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeong Yuno | Jaehyun/Mark Lee, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung/Lee Taeyong, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten/Liu Yang Yang, Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Suh Youngho | Johnny Characters: Jeong Yuno | Jaehyun, Mark Lee (NCT), Liu Yang Yang, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Suh Youngho | Johnny, Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Nakamoto Yuta, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Lee Taeyong Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Not K-Pop Idols, Pining, Mild Sexual Content, Dom/sub, jaehyun is a slut (affectionately so), the author loves Yangyang and it shows, Foreplay, supportive friends, lots of side characters???, Attempt at Humor, Bottom Jeong Yuno | Jaehyun Summary:
Jaehyun used to fuck all his friends but now that most of them are in serious relationships it’s the perfect time to admit he has a massive crush on Mark Lee.
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markicantwait · 1 year
is there any chance that we can have a part two of this?😩
I had some thoughts about JaemsxMarki but I dont speak English that right so I dont know how to expressing my thoughts (?)
But yeah, I have some ideas following this line. Just let me like making it a little bit cleaner pls.
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mingtinysworld · 8 months
Hi guys!! I was planning on working on part 2 of Addicted, but…I got an woosan idea instead and I’m freaking out. So yeah…I’ll start working on that one today yay😃 Also I’m so new to tumblr and idk how taglists work necessarily, but if you’d like to be on this Woosan fic then please comment! I will become a master of tumblr eventually🫡 - J
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