#mxtx told me
nanocados · 7 months
What did you think happens after they fight?
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zestys-world · 2 years
I still think the real reason Wei Wuxian was kicked out of Cloud Recesses was because he said Lan Qiren wasn't hot enough to be a DILF
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beefdogcoffee · 3 months
jiang cheng: having a sibling is so stupid. like i would fall into a trap of the wens and run from my hiding place and get captured and then lose my core and get tortured for you and not tell you a single thing but i won't share a single drop of soup with you wei wuxian: what jiang cheng: jiang cheng: what
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justheblueberry · 2 months
I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite
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book & clamshell box for @towns-end-bindery for the Renegade California Mini Exchange!!! THE REVEAL!!!! wow its been so long since i started this it feels kind of unreal haha
this exchange sent me on a journey through so many lovely fics and new fandoms that were a delight to explore! i have Learned Things about svsss and honestly the more i hear the more excited i am to (eventually!!) finally read it
about the bind itself, it was a bit of a ride. i learned like 5 new skills in total, including:
- cover cutouts
- suminagashi edges
- my first book box!!
- chisel trimming edges by myself, which, um, definitely couldve gone better but it was fine after a few hours of sanding
- using REAL TOOLS???? lost count how many times i forgot i have a bone folder and made my book arts teacher take psychic damage
i fiddled with the typeset for several months, but in the end finished the book like a month early. so naturally my hubris rose from the dead and decided that making my first box would be a great idea!
i finished it with like 12 hours to spare before i was heading to the airport because i never learn
big thanks to fran for organizing this and congrats to everyone participating!!! WE CAME!!!
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scumvillainess · 6 days
honestly i never really agreed with the popular shen qingqiu had a good shizun headcanon because if shen qingqiu actually had someone who he knew cared about him, he definitely wouldn’t have turned out the way he did in canon.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
whenever Mobei Jun tells Sha Hualing to do something she doesn't want to do she throws a big fit and is like "So this is it Mobei??!!! Are you lesbiphobic?!! You hate women???!!! You want women to SUFFER and be TORTURED?!!!? IS THAT IT?!?" and Mobei Jun is just like "yeah" and walks away
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shouta-aizawow · 11 days
Xie Lian’s Relationship with Pain Thoughts™️
It’s canon Xie Lian doesn’t care much about his physical wellbeing bc as far as he’s concerned he’ll just heal anyway and he’s already gone through the worse, so what’s one more injury?
But I think there could also be more to that.
On the one hand, physically, I think him being hurt with no one to care for most of his very long life has kinda developed into warped nerve sensitivity. Like he went through so much that some pains don’t register (or slowly fade into just another part of him) as he unconsciously suppresses his feelings and discomfort, but gentle touch is so rare for him that he has no “defense” against them. He’s hypo-sensitive to harsh things but hypersensitive to gentle things.
On the other hand, emotionally, Xie Lian has gone through torture and suffering for 800 years with no scar to show for it. He carries his pain in his head but it doesn’t show on his body, and it creates a dissonance within like “did I really go through that? Was it really that bad if it even did happen?” It makes nothing happening to his body feel real after a day or month or year (bc what is a year to someone who’s lived for 800?)
So, in that side of it, I think the lack of consideration for his physical safety and nonchalance when it comes to pain is his way of “proving” to himself that he’s there, present, and his experiences are real (bc, to him, that’s evidence more reliable than nightmares) for as long as the pain will last.
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danmeiconnoisseur · 10 months
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why hello there may i interest you in my mdzs formula 1 au?
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it-goes-on · 3 months
Ouyang Zizhen in the Demon Slaughtering Cave: whoa, Lan Qiren is kind of a DILF
Lan Jingyi, wise: why do you think Hanguang Jun and Lan Xichen are so hot? They Got It From Him
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A fun(?) Trip with besties!!! (Inspo> Pinterest)
If you think WWX's hair is overdramatic... Well... That's because it's WWX's hair.
Shang Qinghua has read lots of books and knows all about the frightening Crimson Rain Sought Flower and his vicious butterflies.
Xie lian is being the sweetheart he is.
And Shen Quingqiu is too sleep deprived to put up with WWX's antics((and babbles) (Too bad he doesn't know the Lan silencing spell))
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gurggggleburgle · 1 month
So this is one of those things I think about once a blue moon but I remember when I got back on my fujoshi trashbin and into mdzs and svsss that I read a blurb and never cared to double check about mxtx writing d.gray-man fanfic and I kinda just went this feels true but I won't say it is.
I remember seeing people discussing the fact mxtx doesn't state Liu Qingge as being gay and etc on pairings and debating on why and I never said anything because in my head the answer was obvious:
Well yeah. It's cuz that's just Kanda. I have never seen a character more that's just Yu Kanda in a wig. It's not even wig. And Kanda is a deeply weird character to discuss when it comes to romance or even liking people.
Anyway I'm probably completely wrong on this but literally the reason I never dug deeper was both that I didn't care and as a d.gray-man fan it just made sense.
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tokowwdefox · 4 months
Here's some WWX Doodles I did during classes.
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incarnadinedreams · 1 year
There are a couple common claims about things MXTX has said in author's notes which I just wanted to make a little note-to-self with the exact context/source of because they keep coming up again and again. I find that between general translation issues and then further filtered through summaries and offhand comments and then repurposed for... uh let's just say spirited debate, they tend to be presented as much stronger or more emphatic or more serious statements than the impression I got when reading them in context (the translated versions, of course!).
'Morally perfect' comes from the postscripts (published by Exiled Rebels as chapter 113.5):
Both WWX and LWJ are highly ideal characters, so there wouldn't be too much dispute on their moral standing. They're perfect as the protagonists. Of course, I do like WWX a lot, but if I'm looking for a boyfriend, sorry, I'll only have LWJ please.
This is the same postscript where she talks about the difficulties of publishing on the timeline she did and how she was worried the structure of the novel would do badly in serialized/webnovel format, how Xue Yang was like a has-been internet idol in the comments section compared to the Jiang Cheng haters (lol), how she threw everything she liked about an ancient setting in a pot and changed whatever she liked without any intention of historical accuracy at all, etc. So the focus of the postscript wasn't like a morality essay or anything, just offhand comments and notes and trivia.
'MXTX wants us to be like Wangxian' comes from the final author's note of the last extra (ExR ch. 126):
Without care for anything at all, I shall give the entirety of my soul to the pen and the paper.
I no longer like to tell my readers, 'I love you.' These words are too light, and yet these words are too heavy.
I hope each of you who enjoys this book can be like Lan WangJi in virtue and Wei WuXian in character.
P.S. I received the help of many in the publication process.
There's more before and after, from talking about how she decided the type of story she wanted it to be, outlining process, and then after she goes on to thank her editors, the webnovel platform, supportive friends, etc.
Whether any given person cares what her opinion is out-of-text or not is another matter of course! But since it gets brought up so much as if they're very serious Word Of God proclamations... well... it's probably pretty obvious my opinion/interpretation lands in the 'it's not supposed to be that serious, bruh' category.
Though even if it were meant to be super serious I'd personally still be like, 'well that's just like, your opinion, random author lady.' But at the same time, these quotes tend to be used in a way that gives a distorted impression of how serious and thorough they were intended to be and often add confusion.
Also I don't think MXTX is saying we should go feed a guy's fingers to a ghost child in front of him while he's forced to eat his own leg but that's really just wild speculation and assumption on my part, maybe she would appreciate that idk.
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taihua · 7 months
the narrative importance of mu qing telling feng xin to leave and feng xin refusing
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skylark325 · 3 months
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I… 😳 🙇‍♀️
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chuckduckling · 1 year
thinking once again about how sqq forgave yqy, but yqy would never know, and yqy finally explained himself to sqq, but not the right sqq
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