#my activities lately have consisted of just consuming as many games as i can at a time
herorkgk · 1 year
i’ve got so many things to do today @_@ - overwatch s5 starts, gonna try to grind out to getting tracer’s 1st mythic skin at the very least - need to draw for a bit - need to finish fe engage - need to do my dailies in hsr
- need to start few3h
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overlooked-gems · 1 year
A Look At Stuff You Probably Never Heard Of: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
I’ve been busy yet again; a lot of stuff as happened in my life, so I wasn’t able to get this out when I wanted to, but hey, better late than never. As you’ve already surmised by the title, we’re taking a look at game that’s a part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, thus making it related to the Persona series. Today, we’ll be taking a look at... Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga!
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Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, often shortened to “Digital Devil Saga” or just “DDS”, is an M-rated action RPG developed by Atlus. It was released for the Playstation 2 on July 15th, 2004 in Japan, April 5th, 2005 in North America, and July 21st, 2006 in Europe. The game was also produced and directed by Katsura Hashino, the same man who worked on several SMT games from If onward, as well as the Persona series from 3 onward.
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Taking place in an area known only as the Junkyard, various factions of soldiers, known as “Tribes” are engaged in constant warfare, but none of the 6 tribes have been able to gain an upper hand, all of them locked in a stalemate. During one particular skirmish, the soldiers of Embryon; consisting of Serph, Heat, Argilla, Cielo, and Gale, are fighting against the Vanguards with a mysterious egg-like object being in the middle of the warzone. As the two sides fight, an explosion of light erupts from the egg, causing everyone amongst the tribes to find themselves turned into demons before they devour anyone and everyone until they’re satisfied and calm down.
Once Embryon regain their senses, they find a girl sleeping in the crater left behind from where the egg once stood, where Embryon take her in. The following day, the ruling body of the Junkyard, the Karma Temple, calls the leaders of the tribes together and explains that everyone has been granted the power of “Atma”, which allows them to transform into demons. Those same powers can finally end the stalemate, but the soldiers will be faced with a strong sense of hunger that can only be momentarily quelled upon devouring others. If not, they enter a frenzied rage until either their hunter is satiated or they’re killed. It is also explained that one tribe will emerge victorious within the war and whichever tribe devours the others will be permitted to climb the temple and reach Nirvana. However, that tribe must also have the girl with them.
With the new laws in place, the tribes go their separate ways to strategize with two goals in mind; conquer the other tribes and find the girl. Or in the case of the Embryon, protect the girl.
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Like other RPG games, gameplay is divided into two styles; exploration and battle. In the overworld, the player can explore various areas, solve puzzles, and collect items, while occasionally running into random encounters. Battle plays similar to SMT: Nocturne, having the Press Turn system that increases depending how many party members are active, with a maximum of 4 with all 3 party members active.
Performing any actions costs a Press Turn, but exploiting a weakness or landing a critical hit will cause a Press Turn to glow, which signifies a “Half Press Turn”. However, missing an attack will consume 2 Press Turns while if an attack is reflected or absorbed, all Press Turns will be consumed. Whatever rules the player follows regarding Press Turns, the enemies have to follow as well. Under the right circumstances, it’s possible to turn 4 Press Turns with 4 actions available, to 8 actions.
At the end of battle, along with being given money (Macca) and occasionally items, the player is also given Karma, which acts as typical EXP, as well as Atma Points (AP).
However, there is also the Hunt abilities, which are Physical skills, but if they kill a target, the character will consume them and gain bonus AP after the battle, but devouring too many foes in a short span of time will give the character a stomachache, rendering them unable to get any AP until cured, even if they get a stomachache at the end of battle.
Hunting itself does decent damage, but if an enemy is “Scared”, Hunt skills do even more damage. An enemy can become scared if their attack is reflected, absorbed, or nullified, or if the player exploits a weakness on them. Hunting a scared enemy deals very hefty damage. Later in the game, Fatal Hunt skills become available, which have a very low chance of instantly killing a target, unless they’re scared, then the chances jump up to 100%.
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AP itself is used to master Mantra, which refers to a “package” of 1 to 4 skills that are gained upon mastering it, allowing the character to add more skills to their repetoire, such as stronger offensive magic, better healing magic, buffs and debuff skills, or even elemental resistances/immunities and increases to their HP and MP.
Characters can also fight in their human forms, either by willingly changing back or when ambushed. However, while they become immune to Expel and Death abilities (Hama and Mudo), they’re unable to use abilities of their own. Most they can do is use their firearms to attack, which does weak damage, but certain enemies are weak to.
And so, I give you my Final Recommendation: Never Let Go Of It||Get It||Hold Onto It||Try It||Consider It||Stay Away From It
Of course, the battle is going to be fun. It helps that it’s both similar and different from the mainline SMT games, so people don’t get confused. And the story is very interesting, too. It has a sequel, which is a continuation of where the first game left off. And no, it’s just a duology; the story ends at Digital Devil Saga 2.
I also want to mention that unlike Persona or even SMT, the game is much more serious. That isn’t to say it’s completely devoid of comedy, but don’t expect laughs like from the other games. Most you’ll get are minor chuckles or moments that are fairly humorous. And this was all by design.
And if it wasn’t obvious already, the game pulls very heavily from Hinduism; Atma, Karma, and even many of the major Atma Avatars; such as Agni, Varna/Varuna, Ravana, Hayagriva, and Prithivi. And there are a number of locations; such as Muladhara, Anahata, and the Samsara Tunnels.
I also wasn’t sure how to place this in any of the sections above, so I’ll talk about it here. At the start, characters have no emotions. Like, that’s actually a thing; they have no emotions whatsoever until some sort of “trigger” causes them to awaken. This can easily be seen with their eyes; they’re dull and grey with no pupils, but when awakening to their emotions, their eye color changes and they gain pupils, not to mention they start emoting. Heat becomes more aggressive and temperamental and Cielo becomes laid-back.
Also, one of the laws of the Junkyard is that whenever a Tribe conquers another (which is done by killing/devouring their leader), the soldiers are absorbed into the victorious tribe and fight on their behalf.
All-in-all, if you can get your hands on it, I highly recommend it. Also, the game infamously lets you fight the Demi-Fiend from Nocturne as an optional Superboss, and he’s regarded as one of the hardest superbosses in the series. I also want to mention that you can migrate your save file from DDS1 to DDS2. What that means is depending on actions taken, choices made, and even what optional bosses you defeat, you can transfer the completed save file to DDS2 to get special rewards. It’s even possible to affect your party at a specific point in DDS2 depending on the decisions made across both games.
And so, I’ll see you guys next month!
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suchagallabitch · 1 year
Fandom Tag !
i was tagged by the lovely @auds-and-evens & @vintagelacerosette thank you stinks 🥰
Your Name: Elle 😸
Your First Fandom(s): The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson
How did you first get into fandom? I was like 11 so forgive me for not remembering all that well but I honest to god think it was Wattpad 💀 I had always likes to write and I saw that people were writing stories about the books i loved and i was like yeah i gotta do that and now here we are nearing a decade since 😭
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? I think I was still in 5th grade when I started reading and writing fanfiction so sufficed to say quite some time
How often do you read fanfics? honestly not very often. I am horrible at consistently reading and like if i have the spare time i would rather write than read BUT i am trying to read more to support my lovely stinky friends and their amazing work 🫶
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Ian Gallagher ofc my favourite man, Mickey That also does without saying and my main woman the woman the myth the legend SHELIA 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! I have 46 published shameless fics so go read them stinkies 🤨 I will shoutout my favourite(s) though if anyone is in the mood for some galladads
- wasn’t it beautiful running wild till you fell asleep before the monsters caught up to you?
- now i send their babies presents
- but we can patch it up good
- it was as good as our song
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! I cannot draw to save my life 😭
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: A silly one is that Ian Gallagher is obsessed with SVU idk why thats a constant in my fanfics it just is. An actual serious one I have and I love so dearly is that Carl becomes a social worker. I feel like it makes sense because he wants to help his community out and he went through DCFS so he knows how it feels to be one of those kids. It just makes SO much sense to me especially since it seemed Carl was getting tired of being a cop but still wanted to help. How he passed school? I have no clue. I say Lip and Bryn (my gf oc for him) helped him cheat online school because that feels topical. OH also a fave headcannon is that Ian and Mickey have many many chickens thank you Mel ( @gardenerian ) i am forever obsessed with the chick crew
You're trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? That’s actually a funny question for me because once i talked about random shameless plot lines to ky friend for like an hr and she was genuinely so traumatised she couldn’t believe it. another time i showed random clips to a group of my friends i also definitely traumatised them. but then my other two friends started watching the show hc of me. I always say im a plauge on everyone bc we usually end up watching shameless. Bonus my amazing breathtaking spectacular friend had started rhe show a long time ago and is now actively trying to finish it because she wants to read my fanfics 😭😭🥹🫶. I realise i didn’t answer the question but i would show Ian stealing Yev and the sorry im late scene i feel like that encompasses the show pretty well and is enticing
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? This feels like an essay question prompt lol. Idk man a bunch of cool people coming together to make some cool things and consume media together and you know what?? we shlay 🫶
second tag….
name: smelly ellie at your service
age: a year older next week 😇
Where in the world are you? Florida (derogatory)
The meaning behind your UR: Im a gallabitch what can i say i also had this user before i joined the server so maybe im a psychic too
Your second favourite color: my favourite colours are all in a tie with one another so pink yellow and burnt orange are simultaneously my first second and third favourite colour
any pets? my son chidi who is definitely a human inside a cats body
favourite season? Winter! It doesnt get cold here but i can pretend
Last thing you read: The 7 husbands of evelyn hugo i DEVOURED that book i read it in like a day 😭 if anyone wants to chat about this book please come forth
Last song you listened to: (you) on my arm
What are you wearing right now? my work uniform lol i am actively currently not doing my job
A hobby of yours: writing ofc and i would say bitching us also up there. That said i need more hobbies and really wanna (re)learn how to crochet
and finally, what are you up to today? I wish I could say nothing ☹️✊. Gotta finish my shift and then do some school work unfortunately maybe i’ll write a lil who knows!
I’m gonna try and tag some friends i don’t usually in the spirit of fandom ! play along if you please 😌😊
@imikhailo @sam-loves-seb @babygirlmickey @michellemisfit @magnificentcollectivehurricane @secret-gallavich @rereadanon @damnnmilkovich @takeyourpillsbitchh @mickmilkowitch @tear-soaked-cheeksdonteverlast @twinklyylights @milkoviched @firecrxtch @milkovetti @chicanomick @mickeys-been-staying-at-ians @gallavichlover19 @nyhmeriah @ianstummy @mickeys-notebook @filorux @mrmillagher @mixkeymilkovich @too-schoolforcool @adakechi @ian-galagher @tsuga-of-mars @mikhailoaleksandrmilkovich @gallavichgeek @lesbiangallagher @milkovichs @flamingbluepanda @ianspettyagain @callivich 🫶🫶
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java-burn--reviews · 2 months
So, you’ve heard about Java Burn and are itching to find out if it really lives up to the hype. Let’s dive into Java Burn Reviews and uncover what makes this weight loss supplement a hot topic. From its effectiveness in boosting metabolism to its impact on energy levels, we’ll cover it all.
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What is Java Burn?
Java Burn is not your average weight loss supplement. It's designed to be mixed with your daily coffee, making your morning brew a powerful tool in your weight loss arsenal. Marketed as a metabolism booster, fat burner, and energy enhancer all in one, Java Burn aims to revolutionize how we think about weight management and energy.
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Java Burn Reviews
Positive Feedback
Many Java Burn reviews users are thrilled with their results. Here’s what they have to say:
Effective Weight Loss: Users report seeing noticeable weight loss after a few weeks of consistent use.
Increased Energy: Many find they have more energy throughout the day, making it easier to stay active.
Improved Metabolism: Enhanced metabolic rate is a common benefit, leading to more efficient calorie burning.
👉Visit Official Website
Java Burn Reviews:
Success Stories
Here’s what some happy Java Burn reviews have to say:
Sarah M. - Lost 15 Pounds in Two Months: "I started using Java Burn about two months ago, and I’ve already lost 15 pounds. It’s so easy to use—just mix it with my coffee each morning. I’ve noticed a real difference in my energy levels too. I feel more motivated to exercise and stay active."
John D. - Increased Energy and Focus: "Java Burn has been a game-changer for me. Not only have I lost weight, but my energy levels are through the roof. I’m more focused at work and find it easier to hit the gym regularly."
Lisa R. - Metabolism Boosted: "I was skeptical at first, but Java Burn really helped boost my metabolism. I’ve been shedding pounds faster than I expected and feel more energetic throughout the day."
👉Visit Official Website
FAQs About Java Burn
1. Is Java Burn Safe for Everyone?
Generally, Java Burn is safe for most people. However, if you have any health conditions or are pregnant, it’s wise to consult your doctor before use.
2. How Quickly Will I See Results with Java Burn?
Results can vary, but many users start noticing changes within a few weeks of regular use.
3. Can Java Burn Be Used with Other Supplements?
Yes, Java Burn can be combined with other supplements. Just check for any potential interactions with your healthcare provider.
4. Is There a Refund Policy for Java Burn?
Yes, Java Burn often comes with a satisfaction guarantee. Check the official website for details on their return policy.
5. How Does Java Burn Compare to Other Supplements?
Java Burn’s unique selling point is its combination with coffee. While other supplements offer similar benefits, Java Burn's approach may offer an added convenience for coffee lovers.
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How Does Java Burn Work?
Java Burn’s magic formula is all about synergy. When you mix it with your coffee, it’s supposed to amplify the benefits of caffeine, enhancing your metabolism and fat-burning capabilities. Here’s a breakdown of how it’s supposed to work:
Boosts Metabolism: Java Burn is designed to increase your metabolic rate, which means your body burns calories more efficiently.
Enhances Fat Burning: The supplement supports the process of turning stored fat into energy.
Increases Energy Levels: It provides a steady flow of energy throughout the day, helping you stay active and alert.
👉Visit Official Website
Java Burn Side Effects
While generally safe, Java Burn may come with some potential side effects:
Digestive Issues: A few users have reported minor digestive discomfort.
Sleep Disturbances: Since it’s mixed with coffee, it might affect sleep if consumed too late in the day.
Ingredients in Java Burn
Understanding the ingredients can help make sense of the user experiences:
Green Tea Extract: Known for its fat-burning properties.
Chromium: Helps with blood sugar control.
L-Theanine: Reduces stress and improves focus.
How to Use Java Burn
Using Java Burn is a breeze. Here’s a quick guide:
Mix One Packet: Simply add one packet of Java Burn to your morning coffee.
Stir Well: Ensure it’s mixed thoroughly for optimal benefits.
Enjoy: Drink up and enjoy the dual benefits of coffee and Java Burn.
Java Burn has made waves in the world of weight loss supplements, and the user reviews reflect a range of experiences. From success stories of significant weight loss and increased energy to criticisms of initial side effects and varied results, it’s clear that Java Burn works differently for everyone.
If you’re considering Java Burn, keep in mind that individual results can vary. It might be worth giving it a shot if you’re looking for an easy addition to your coffee routine that could potentially help with weight management and energy levels.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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interact-if · 3 years
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Day 6 of A/PI Heritage Month featured authors interview! Perceive Nines, me, yours truly!
Nines, author of Orthall Bay
A/PI Heritage Month Featured Author
[…]The name always stuck, regardless of how many foster families you fell under. It should be comforting that at least one aspect of you will always stay the same, but it’s a stark reminder of how isolated you are. A name with nothing to belong to, nothing to trace back to. Then again, you’ve managed to get this far just on your own.
In Orthall Bay, an in-development interactive fiction, you play as a young adult who grew up as an orphan. You have no knowledge about your parents, or any form of family. That is, until you get a phone call about a recently-passed man claiming to be your grandfather. Two things are certain when you arrive in the maritime town. One, Orthall Bay is seemingly idyllic. And two, there’s no such thing as perfect towns.
The question is, how deep does its roots go?
Author's Ko-fi
Q1: First of all, introduce us to your project! What is it about?
My current project is about you, an orphan, who moves to a fictional tourist town in California after being left as a beneficiary of your estranged late grandfather’s will. Orthall Bay is rich with supernatural myths and superstitious legends, and it has always thrived like that. Not long after your arrival, you start to notice that a lot of things about the seemingly arcadian town don't add up. At the center of it? You, and your equally estranged half-uncle.
Q2: If it’s not too spoilery, what are you most excited about your project?
Ooh, this is a bit tricky to answer! There’s so many things I’m looking forward to exploring with writing Orthall Bay, it’s hard to nitpick a few. Right now, I’m excited about building characters with depth that people would both be able to criticize and appreciate. It’s an easy choice to write characters you know your audience is coded to love and/or admire, but I want to explore the opportunities with character development depth that interactive fiction brings. Who knows, maybe I’m thinking of allowing my characters to go down the paths less taken.
Q3: What inspired the current project you’re working on?
Ah, man, I just know my October 2020 self is burying their head under a pillow right now. The idea for Orthall Bay was actually a mosaic of lines from fics of various fandoms, but what really set off the lightbulb was a line from a Teen Wolf fic. It’s very telling of the direction I want to take this project, so I won’t write it down, but I am going to leave a tiny crumb. One word: widdershins.
Q4: Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
Orthall Bay is set in California which houses a sizable Asian-Pacific Islander population, but that being said, it’s not heavily focused on. A lot of my characters are A/PI but I can’t definitively say that I’m rooting from my own identity. It’s a supernatural book, and I’m drawing from all sorts of mythological creatures and lores and making them into my own. So, in a way, I’m allowing Orthall Bay to be a project where I let it take an identity of its own. I’m pretty sure I’ll come up with future projects that are more SEA-centric though!
Q5: What’s been your experience so far? With writing, with the IF community…
The jump from writing novels to writing interactive fiction was a bit of an adjustment. I haven’t been a very consistent writer, but most of my works were novels and its fixed worlds. Interactive fiction is different because you have to actively bind the story together in a way that makes your reader feel involved. And you have to be constantly aware of that. I still end up drafting a chapter, only to realize I forgot to lay out options that matter. It’s definitely a learning curve, but it’s worth it and very rewarding.
As for the IF community, I genuinely believe it’s one of the most welcoming and supportive communities I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. Really, it’s heartwarming to see writers excited about their upcoming projects and being met with equal, if not more, enthusiasm from a potential audience. It’s not without flaws, sure, but the sheer amount of support you can garner is incredible. As a writer trying out a new medium, it’s one of the things that helped boost my confidence to continue working on my project.
Q6: Do you have any future projects in the works?
I do! GFTA is my baby, and I plan on nurturing it for a long time. Currently, I have about three ideas I’m considering to turn into actual projects, one of them being sci-fi and inspired by a game. As of now though, I’ll mostly be working on Orthall Bay. This is due to restrictions from my schedule, but it’s safe to say that I’ll be around for more than just a while. I’m absolutely dedicated to establishing my own platform within the IF community.
Q7: Finally, what piece of advice would you give to fellow authors?
Hmm, I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask since I’ve only recently started writing interactive fiction, but I’d like to say this: you are your first and last audience. Always. Every project starts off as self-indulgence to some degree or extent, and that’s okay. Write what you want to write, not what everyone demands. Pleasing your audience is a grey area and you won’t be able to satisfy everyone. It’s important to take criticism into account, but please remember you don't owe anyone anything for writing media that they actively have a choice whether or not to consume.
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lucci0la · 3 years
what do your kinshifts feel like?
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Personally I tend to notice kinshifts when my behavior and interactions with people change- I feel a very particular way about certain things, or my daydreams more often than not end up having to do with those from my canons. I miss certain people more, or my feelings suddenly change about specific people from my canon. I also tend to feel a lot less strongly about my other kins, sometimes removing them from my list just to add them back later when I feel a shift. And this may sound rancid, but when I’m in a kinshift, I tend to feel very agitated or annoyed seeing others with the same kin or feeling a strong sense of (unrightful) possessiveness seeing someone from my source being close with them. Not to say that anyone sharing a kin with me is invalid (they absolutely aren’t invalid in any way and my personal beliefs enforce that), but it’s an involuntary feeling that arises in my kinshifts. Behavior wise, there’s usually a very noticeable shift in what I do or want or my emotions.
If you’re asking about specifics of my kinshifts, I’ll just tell you what I’ve noticed!
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Kakyoin :
~ My dysphoria gets stronger- not in the way of wanting to be more masculine as I’m fairly feminine, but feeling upset by any hyper feminization by those in my life (and occasionally within the fandom). There’s just a strong disconnect between myself and others emotion wise.
~ I tend to feel more passive and wear my more flowy clothing or button ups and spend more time on my hygiene, actually bothering to do things like put my damn earrings in or do my hair. I also seem to be more careful with what I eat and take care to finish any tasks and chores.
~ While my motivation for things increases, so does my will to talk to people. I speak noticeably more friendly to people (read: I’ll be really friendly casually until a full on encounter occurs, in which case, I’m shaking in my boots with uncertainty) and my tone changes drastically, so that’s always a hint. With that being said though, my words come out much more naturally and I don’t sound as much like a broken record.
~ This is literally the main thing that I noticed between kinshifts in the beginning, but in my Rohan shifts I felt a strong interest in body modifications or body art- like piercings and tattoos. In my Rohan shifts I’d have a clear feeling that I’d want some sort of tattoo or get random piercings, specifically nipple piercings, and then when I would be in my Kakyoin shift, I couldn’t not notice that I just had no will or want to alter or mark my body. This was during the time where I kept shifting back and forth between my Kakyoin and Rohan shift, which would change every (this is really a guess) 3-21 days and my feelings and sense of improvement, progression, and change were super clear to me, so it couldn’t go unnoticed. What made it even clearer to me was that the back and forth interest in body modification didn’t feel like indecisiveness, it just felt more like a flipped switch that always went back and forth to the same thoughts and feelings. I remember the thought of dying my hair being a similar feeling to body modification even though my hair color is different from canon- attempting to remedy it outside of video games with customizable characters just makes me feel like I shouldn’t.
~ SUUUPER fucking lonely. I may have more motivation to talk to people, but oh my god, I’m still painfully reluctant and shy in genuine interactions.
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Rohan :
~ Usually I feel a lot more upfront with everything, and unlike in my Kakyoin shifts, I’m a bit more distant from people and tend to repeat myself if I’m not in the mood to let my words come out naturally. In other words, I’m considerably more self-focused and care more to finish my school work, usually only reading on the side instead of my Kakyoin shifts where I’m actually taking the time to do anything and everything I can to take care of myself.
~ I don’t experience much dysphoria in these shifts, if any, and lean towards form-fitting or revealing clothing. Though by revealing, I mean more that if I’m alone and at home (which I usually am) I usually just end up strolling around in an unbuttoned cardigan and my underwear so it’s not like I do it in public.
~ Even though I present myself differently with people and don’t actively pursue them much in this state, I feel a notable fondness for them. It’s not like I ever stop loving my pets or family when I’m in any of my shifts, but I’ve noticed that I think about them in a kinder light when I’m in my Rohan shifts. To put it very lightly, the family I was born into that I remember from my canon though wasn’t one that I was as close as I would’ve hoped.
~ It’s a subtle change from the Kakyoin shifts, but I tend to be happier and a bit more hopeful rather that feeling like something is missing. My memories are all and all very much happier and it makes me feel a lot more at ease in many things that I do even if I’m not actively remembering them at times.
~ I’ve admittedly been very distracted from my own kins as of late and unfortunately even let myself forget my own memories- though once I read them again (as I wrote them down) I was reminded. Aside from the attachment and interest to body modification like nipple piercings or getting tattoos, I can’t remember many more differences.
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Doppio :
~ These shifts are always way shorter than the others, but I notice them very easily. They stick out like a sore thumb in my eyes. My emotions aren’t passive (in the background) in the slightest during these shifts and mostly consist of like,,, pure fucking peace. Like it’s just a strong feeling you can’t ignore.
~ I procrastinate much more and act with self-indulgence, food becomes the biggest comfort, and I lose my absolute MIND over the outdoors. Scenery of any kind (even if it’s really not that good) catches my eye in an instant and I fuckin’ lose it just trying to take pictures.
~ I’ll interact and talk with those close to me, but I don’t care to do so that much with others.
~ While I like being babied (caressed, treated with endearment, etc.) I literally cannot stand not being treated like another person. Consuming kin content for this shift in particular can make me very angry very quickly unless I get it custom made- like holy shit, call me sweet all you want to, but if I see another damn aesthetic regarding frogs or phones, I will lose my shit. It feels like saying one thing at a family meeting when you’re five and then everyone holds it over your damned head into your adulthood. It’s just a bad joke.
~ I’m pretty sure this is the one kin that I had whose canon was more fem-leaning in terms of attraction because every time I’m in the doppio shift, I just— women 💞💞💞
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Johnny :
~ Honestly I don’t know how I know I’m in this shift when I am, I just am. I may have not had this shift enough to know for sure, but I just do.
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Aside from all that, easier hints would be
Kakyoin: Attached to Jotaro (and Dio at times) and reacts to doubles in a very jealous way- I don’t interact, obviously, but regardless.
Rohan: Attached to Josuke for the most part, but enjoys most from part 4 and reacts to doubles with a strong feeling of disgust or annoyance, obviously still not interacting.
Doppio: Attached to no one in particular despite kin memories (regardless of my care for Donatella or Trish), but reacts to doubles more out of anger. Just as I said, I just get really angry to the point of shaking and simply try to remove myself from the situation.
Johnny: Who knows tbh lmao. I haven’t done any meditations on this one.
Like I said before, these are just involuntary feelings I get from doubles, I don’t, like, bark at or harass them or anything, they’re all just as valid as I am, but these are just differences I’ve noticed between shifts.
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god7072therescue · 4 years
Mysme Fluff Week 2020 Day 3/ Household Chores
Hello everyone!! I know its been a loooong while, but I am wanting to dip my toes back into writing and reviving this blog! I thought the perfect way to do this is to contribute to the amazing fluff of @mmfluffweek. We all need this right now, right? So here is one of my contributions to this hella cool project! 
The fic is about Zen cleaning his apartment when MC is about to move in. Hope You guys like it! 
You can find my master list here! 
Zen wore a large grin on his face as he stared at the time on his cell phone. It was almost midnight, early in the evening for him. A picture of MC and himself holding one another in a playful embrace let out a bright light among the dark space around him. He watched a minute pass before he turned his phone off and leaned back into his chair with a content sigh. 
Tomorrow was finally the day MC would be moving into his apartment. Not just staying the night, nor staying for a weekend, but actually living with him. She would never have to pry herself away from his too tight hugs when she would have to return home again. The thought made Zen feel giddy, almost like he was back in high school reading through theater scripts for the first time. 
His eyes scanned over the apartment, trying to imagine the little touches she would add as she made herself at home. How many of her paintings would she hang on the walls? How much of his and her stuff would have to be put in storage so the two could live in a harmonious space? Whatever the answer was, he knew it would be the best because MC would finally be living with him. This would become their home. 
However, the longer Zen inspected the apartment, he began to notice some aspects that would need to change when MC arrived. Has his place always been this messy? There were empty beer cans laying on the ground along with sheet mask wrappers from the nights before. Were those crumbs on the carpet always there when MC stayed over? Dust was on almost every surface, especially on his dinosaur of a computer. Would he finally be able to get rid of his outdated computer? MC had jokingly mentioned that she would be bringing her PC with her to replace Zen’s relic of a computer. He pouted playfully at the time but was secretly relieved because damn the thing was terribly slow. 
A rising feeling of urgency began to rush through him. Did he expect his jagiya to come live in this? This environment was no place for MC! MC deserved to arrive to a spotless apartment to create her new home with him. He called her his princess on a daily basis, but this new palace is definitely not worthy of her. As he pondered the thought longer, he came to wonder how in the hell MC dealt with this constantly cluttered space. He could use his busy lifestyle as an excuse, but MC was just as busy as he was and still managed to keep her apartment decent at least. 
Zen sprung to his feet in a slight panic as he realized just how little time he had to clean the apartment before her early morning arrival. If he worked efficiently and effectively, he could manage to make the apartment bearable. This meant Zen could not afford to find items he thought were lost and stand around to reminisce about them. He threw his ivory hair into a ponytail as he began to make a mental list of what to focus on first.
Thus, began the long evening of Zen’s cleaning journey. His journey consisted of and is not limited to: 
Making a valiant effort to avoid nostalgia but failing miserably every time he would find a lost photo or ticket stub 
Wondering how one man could consume so much beer in a short amount of time
Quickly throwing out cigarette boxes found in mysterious places
Being amazed at how much of his and MC’s hair was found lying around 
Throwing out all of his sauces because they were expired
Hastily washing, drying, and folding laundry 
Putting the dinosaur computer out of its misery 
Creating a coin jar for all of the loose change he found
Cursing Yoosung for the amount of potato chip bags and crumbs under the cushion of the couch
Sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming in a near sprint
Tripping over the vacuum cord multiple times 
The bathroom
By the time Zen considered his cleaning activities dealt with, he collapsed into clean bedsheets at 5:00 AM. He was startled awake by a loud knock on his apartment door. The sudden, loud noise caused him to jolt out of bed with a loud curse. “Hyun? Are you awake?” The familiar voice soothed the panic in Zen’s chest. It was his MC at the door, waiting to be let in one last time before she had a key of her very own. Just the thought of it brought a lopsided smile to Zen’s face. “Give me a moment, jagiya!” He had his teeth brushed, deodorant on, and a baseball cap on his head in record time before he greeted his jagiya. He laughed lightly when he heard the light pings of a mobile rhythm game MC had played around him a good bit. When he opened the door, he reveled in the sight of her angelic face scrunched up in determination. “Now you give me a moment, “She muttered in sheer concentration, “I’m about to beat this level.” He leaned against the doorway as he watched her. She looked ready to put in some work based on the outfit she chose for the day. Her hair was thrown under a baseball cap, an old paint stained T-shirt he’d seen her take naps in, and a pair of his old grey sweatpants she took from him early in their relationship had never looked so beautiful on her. MC let out a soft “yes” in victory then quickly put her phone in her pocket. Her eyes looked joyous when she lifted her head to speak with him, but they quickly turned concerned when she saw the dark circles under Zen’s eyes. “Zenny, did you get any sleep last night?” She brought her hand up to softly cup his cheek, “You look exhausted.” Zen was caught up peering deeply into the depths of her warm eyes before giving MC a sheepish smile, “I was too excited to sleep.” That was not a lie. He just didn’t want to tell her he spent the entire night frantically cleaning. Her face was slightly flushed in worry, but all of the cleaning he had done the night before was all worth it. Her being happy and comfortable was what mattered most to him. Losing a few hours of sleep was a small price to pay.
His eyes roamed over her face to memorize exactly how she looked before him. This was an important milestone for the two of them, he wanted to make sure he captured the moment. Maybe they could take a picture as a memento if she was not too tired after this.
Over the course of their relationship, Zen wondered if she could get anymore beautiful with each passing day. Today was not an exception. Her face was bare, probably because she knew she would be sweating during the day. She had always been self-conscious without make up, but he could not understand why. She was stunning regardless. He had always told her he would find his jagiya gorgeous whether she wore makeup or not. She looked at him with a glowering expression before standing on her tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the lips. The feeling of her soft lips caused him to lose his train of thought for a moment, so much so, he missed the bill of her baseball cap forcing his own to fall off of his head. She giggled as she leaned back to see his bed head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” The timbre of her voice was playful as she picked up his hat for him. She handed it back with a content sigh. The look on her face was one he recognized from their time together. This relaxed expression was what she wore when she was curled up on the couch reading her favorite book with a lit candle on the nightstand beside her. This expression meant she felt comfortable. At home. 
He took the hat from her gently and placed it back on his head. A newfound energy was flowing through him as he looked down at her serene, beautiful face. He was ready to experience the scenarios he had imagined of her making a place in his home and it looked like she was too. “You ready to start our little adventure, jagiya?” He held out his hand to her as he pushed himself from the doorframe. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it lightly, almost in an unspoken promise. “I’ve been looking forward to this for months, Hyun.” 
Hearing his name from her lips filled his chest with pride as he began to lead them down the hallway. “Then let’s make it happen, jagiya.” 
With the combined determination of the couple, they were able to move all of her belongings into the apartment by late afternoon. Zen made a point to carry as many boxes as he could to show MC how strong her prince is. He also didn’t want her to overexert herself; his princess deserved to be taken care of. 
Now thoroughly exhausted, Zen sat on the couch as he watched MC unpack her belongings while humming to herself. Little trinkets she had collected over the years were piling up on Zen’s coffee table as she organized them by which room they would be in. She looked as if she was already at home. The domestic aura was enough for him to let his mind wander towards the future. Is this what having a family meant?
MC had always had this effect on him, no matter where they were or what they were doing. He didn’t feel the constant need to defend and fight for the right to be loved as he did when he lived with his parents. Since the beginning, MC had always supported Zen and made him feel valued. Hell, after one week she had made him feel more loved than he had ever felt in his life.
This milestone felt like a second chance at finding and building his own family with her. 
He was pulled from his thoughts when MC plopped on the couch beside him, pulled her legs underneath her, and leaned into his side. She rested her head on his shoulder as he immediately placed his arm around her. 
“Did you clean the apartment for me, Hyun?” Her voice was laced with appreciation as she lifted her head slightly so she could study his face. 
His cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment as he pulled her closer to him. “Well of course, jagiya, my princess deserves the absolute best.” She kissed his cheek before nestling her head back on his shoulder. “It looks wonderful, Hyun. Thank you.” He felt her relax into his side as she looked around the apartment herself. There were still many boxes that needed to be unpacked and almost all of the rooms needed to be rearranged, but they both knew it would all be worth it in the end. 
She took his hand in hers and began to idly stroke the inside of his palm. The feeling of her fingers grazing against his skin brought him a sense of peace. He made a soft noise of approval and placed a small kiss on the top of her head. This was exactly what Zen imagined every day since the two had started dating. Just the two of them enjoying each other’s presence, not thinking of when one would have to leave the other. 
“Let’s have a relaxing night tonight, Hyun,” MC said in a tranquil voice, “The boxes will be here tomorrow.” Zen’s heart melted at her suggestion. “That sounds absolutely perfect, MC.” The evening consisted of face masks, take out, massages, and a movie marathon before the two dozed off in the each other’s arms on the couch. Just as Zen was dozing off, thoughts of MC feeling like home drifted through his mind.
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ketotrimplus · 3 years
Keto Trim Plus Reviews - What is Keto Trim Plus? | Is Keto Trim Plus safe to take?
Keto Trim Plus Review
Keto Trim Plus I needed to discover moment results from my best eating routine feast plan and exercise plans. At the point when I was unable to get any uncommon outcomes then I was informed that I'm missing something vital. What's more, that is a dietary weight loss support supplement. Many supplements are before you. Picking one of them is a troublesome errand. I can clarify what I have found from theKeto Trim Plus.
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What is Keto Trim Plus Supplement?
The Keto Trim Plus is a successful and safe ketosis activator supplement. For the most part, we as a whole have a superior ketosis metabolic rate. Assuming you're fat or have additional weight, there is an almost 100% possibility that you have a ketosis problem. Thus, this supplement will assist you with amending and increment the ketosis metabolic condition of your body.
Furthermore, the Keto Trim Plus eating routine pills will assist you with getting sound Fats. These fats will be scorched to help your body's energy levels. You likewise get sufficient proteins that will assist you with discovering your health and prosperity. Thus, you can comprehend that you will track down normal body weight, thin body, and better wellbeing as well.
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You need to take a high-fat, low-calorie, and low-carb diet dinner plan. The working of the Keto Trim Plus Diet Pill depends on the component of a Keto Trim Plus. Both raise the ketone body's levels of a weight watcher. Indeed, the eating regimen pill helps the body to consume fats, rather than sugars. In the outcomes, the body begins to deliver fat put away. It is getting a thin and brilliant shape with better energy levels.
You're tracking down a sound body that assists you with carrying on with a solid way of life. These eating routine pills have brought down your food desires. You have now a further developed hunger framework. Your body has now "regular" stomach-related compounds. These proteins will assist you with processing without any problem. This won't allow your body to store additional weight once more. Thus, you generally have normal body weight, a thin body, and better wellbeing with the assistance of Keto Trim Plus.
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Raspberry Ketones: Raspberry ketones are synthetics gotten from raspberries, peaches, grapes, kiwifruit, apples, and certain vegetables. We tracked down no authoritative logical confirmation that raspberry ketones bring about weight loss.
Green Tea: Green tea has been utilized in Eastern medication for quite a long time. Like this distributed by Advances in Nutrition, there is additionally Keto Trim Plus present-day research that recommends green tea can assist healthy food nuts with getting more fit if they eat a balanced diet and practice consistently.
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Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine anhydrous is dried out by caffeine or caffeine powder. Caffeine has been related with further developed games execution, as partaken in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
Garcinia Cambogia: The concentrate has for quite some time been utilized for weight loss, however certain outcomes aren't constantly reproduced, as displayed in the Journal of Obesity. Though, Internal and Emergency Medicine shared research Keto Trim Plus that cautions of conceivable liver-related incidental effects related to garcinia.
Green Coffee Bean Extract: Green Coffee Beans are unroasted espresso beans. Exploration in gastroenterology Research and Practiceconsidered the consequences of a few not set in stone green espresso beans may cause weight loss.
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The FDA doesn't ensure dietary supplement items, for example, Keto Trim Plus. Nonetheless, Keto Trim Plus is made in an FDA enlisted office that follows GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) rules. What's more, the Keto Trim Plus Manufactured in the USA.
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There are no regrettable incidental effects to stress over. Everything is 100% normal and safe.
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Indeed, you can take this supplement consistently after the morning feast.
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Keto Trim Plus delivers astounding medical advantages if you consider weight loss factors. It assists with lifting your digestion to secure the outcomes. It likewise assists with giving a high jolt of energy when you are at the exercise center meetings for an exercise.
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Furthermore, another thing…
You Keto Trim Plus have a stunning advantage to utilize this 100% unconditional promise for the initial 60 days of your buy. If you're not fulfilled or not benefited by the item, you can guarantee your 100% discount right away.
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scoutception · 4 years
Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand review
The SNES was a console with many great RPGs. From popular classics like Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Earthbound, to hidden gems like Live A Live, Terranigma, Secret of Evermore, and Shadowrun, it’s a library with a lot of enjoyment to offer. Of course, not every RPG on the system fared so well, with quite a few mediocre and forgettable games scattered about, and unfortunately, Ys V, Falcom’s second attempt at revamping their classic series, after Ys IV backtracked to using the original bump combat system, is among these. Even today, about the only notable thing about Ys V to a modern fan is the current lack of any remake, unlike IV, or the similarly flawed Ys III, which was enough to rouse my curiosity and drive me to give it a fair playthrough. While I did have some fun with it, there’s certainly a reason there were no new Ys games for nearly a decade afterwards, and the specifics on why that is is what we’ll be looking at today. Note that while Ys V was never released outside of Japan, it does have an English translation patch, courtesy of Aeon Genesis, in what was apparently one of their most difficult hacking jobs ever.
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Story: About 4 years after the events of Ys I & II, Adol Christin, or, as he’s come to be known, Adol the Red, arrives at the port town of Xandria on the continent of Afroca (yes, literally just fantasy Alexandria and Africa), rather suspiciously without his constant companion Dogi, and on an intact ship, at that. The normally aimless Adol has been lured to Xandria by rumors of a mysterious Phantom City, said to contain amazing riches. After being contacted by a wealthy merchant named Dorman, however, Adol is given the truth: the so called Phantom City is actually the lost city of Kefin, a prosperous nation that wielded tremendous power five hundred years ago through the power of alchemy. Recently, the Kefin desert has been expanding, consuming many towns within the area, and monsters have become numerous and aggressive, leaving Xandria at threat of becoming a barren waste. Wishing to gain access to the secrets of Kefin’s alchemy in order to halt this desertification, Dorman hires Adol to find six elemental crystals that are said to have the power to unlock the way to Kefin. Unfortunately for Adol, he really has his work cut out for him this time; many of Afroca’s citizens are fearful of him, due to ancient legends telling of a red haired man that will bring great havoc upon his arrival, and he’s harassed by a band of thieves called the Ibur Gang, who are out to take all the crystals for themselves. Though Adol makes several allies as well, such as Niena, the adopted daughter of the great adventurer Stein, who disappeared three years ago looking for the crystals himself, Massea, a woman who possesses knowledge of alchemy matched by few others, and Stoker, the spirit of a man who lived five hundred years ago, he also comes to find that several other forces are conspiring to use Kefin’s alchemy for their own destructive purposes, and that his client may be less trustworthy than he initially seems.
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While most of the classic Ys games had quite cliche stories, if understandably considering their age, Ys V is actually a fair bit more original, with some pretty decent moments toward the end of the game. Unfortunately, before that point, most of the story just consists of just wandering around finding all the crystals, with the random interferences Adol encounters being the only things spicing it up, such as being forced to undergo a series of trials, or being blown off a raft by a sandstorm and washing up in a different town, keeping the tradition of boating accidents in Ys alive and well. Despite the amount of important supporting characters around, most of them barely even show up for most of the story, which makes for a pretty underdeveloped and forgettable cast, with only Terra of the Ibur Gang sticking out thanks to reappearing in Ys VI. It also just feels very disconnected from the rest of the series, with Dogi completely missing, and a lot of plot elements that feel out of place for Ys. According to the book Ys Complete Works, a lot of plot elements had to be left out of V, which certainly explains why it feels so underbaked, and leaves a lot of potential for improvement if a remake ever materializes, but until then, while a neat step forward for the writing of the series, Ys V’s story ultimately just doesn’t fare very well overall.
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Gameplay: Here’s where things really start falling apart. The bump combat system is gone once and for all now, with Ys V using a dedicated attack button like Ys III, a system that remains in place even today. Unlike Ys III, however, the general gameplay is still much more similar to the other titles, overhead perspective and all, with the change in combat instead feeling a lot more like the 2D Zelda titles. Along with swing his sword, Adol can also now use his shield to actively block attacks. There’s also a jump button, though there’s not much platforming to be done. In theory, this isn’t a bad change at all, but in practice, combat is extremely stiff and awkward feeling. Unlike in Zelda, where Link always swings with a nice, wide arc, Adol is stuck jabbing things for most of the game instead. Each sword has a different range, with exactly one that actually has a proper swing, and the ones you’ll use the most, the second and last swords, only being capable of stabs. Annoying as this is, it wouldn’t quite be a deal breaker, if it wasn’t for how frustratingly precise you need to be when attacking. If you’re even slightly off center, you’ll just whiff. Meanwhile, attacks from enemies are given far more leniency, and even using the shield, you need that same level of precision in order to block anything. Needless to say, this gets very frustrating.
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Aside from just attacking physically, magic, or to be more accurate, alchemy, is also available, with spells being made by collecting elemental stones and having an alchemist combine three at a time, with six different elements and eighteen possible spells, which can then be attached to Adol’s weapon and slowly charged up until the magic meter reaches 100, at which point attacking will cast the spell and drain MP and spell charge. While a neat idea in concept, in practice, almost everything you can make is downright awful. Not only are many spells nearly identical to each other, but most of them are just really, really bad, with absurdly long casting animations, during which enemies are free to continue moving around and out of the spell’s range, wasting both your time and MP. About the only useful spells are the ones that hit everything on screen, which take an absurd amount of MP, and the basic fireball, which has no casting animation, and is mandatory to get anyway. Several enemies will also just absorb magic entirely and gain HP, so using it can often be an outright detriment. Even worse, the game basically forces you to use magic by separating EXP into two different types: physical EXP, obtained from defeating enemies with the sword, or from bosses, which boosts physical power and defense and magic EXP, which is gained from killing enemies with magic, and boosts magic power and defense, meaning if you ignore magic, any enemy using magic attacks will quickly wreck you. The stones needed to make the spells, along with a few other items like coins to be sold, are also mostly hidden across the different areas, and can only be found by rubbing up against every wall and object in sight, which is really annoying, and you really can’t afford to miss any of them if you want to make most of the available spells.
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Bosses are pretty dumb too, with a lot of them just coming down to standing in one places and stabbing until they die, chugging heal potions until they die, and considering the most basic healing item heals 60% of Adol’s HP, it’s not hard to do, either. In general, the game is overly forgiving. While still pretty annoying, the level system means it is pretty easy to end up overleveled with physical and magic levels combined, and rather than just dropping a set amount of gold, enemies instead drop gems, which can be sold to merchants for varying amounts. While this wouldn’t make much of a difference on paper, the gems are worth so much, and certain merchants have high enough exchange rates, that you can make a lot of money pretty easily, and considering the third and second best weapons in the game are sold in the first two towns, it’s even easier to break the game wide open. Most areas are also really short, with several dungeons literally just consisting of three or four small rooms, so you’re rarely ever in serious danger traversing them, with most of their length just coming from forced backtracking. While an improvement from how grind heavy most of the early Ys games were, the easiness just makes the experience even less engaging, to the point Falcom had to make a second version of the game, titled Ys V Expert, due to complaints.
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Graphics: The visuals of Ys V, to put it bluntly, barely even resemble the rest of the series, to the point it’s basically indistinguishable from any other SNES RPG. It doesn’t look outright bad, but whereas Ys usually uses a super deformed style with lots of colors, Ys V uses a more realistically proportioned style with really dark, dull colors, to the point that Adol’s usual distinctive bright red hair looks more brown than anything. Most areas are pretty forgettable, with pretty generic caves and ruins, but there are a few neat areas, like the rainy marshlands, which actually carry a pretty strong atmosphere, and the bosses look kinda cool, if a bit samey. You also get to customize Adol a bit, being able to change the color of his clothes and armor in the menu, along with his hair color, if you find a hidden NPC fairly late in the game, with the default option actually giving him his usual hair color. Overall, though, the visuals are still pretty unspectacular.
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Music: In yet another change from series tradition, Ys V forgoes the usual rock style of the soundtrack, and instead takes a much more orchestral approach, again making it stand out even less from its competition, only retaining a few traditions like the item collection music and the Theme of Adol. In this case, however, I can’t complain that much about the change, because the resulting soundtrack, in usual Falcom fashion, is still fantastic. From the peaceful Foresta Village, to the melancholy Misty Lake, to the mysterious Oasis, to the dark Sand Castle, to the adventurous Wilderness, there are a lot of great tracks to be found, and it’s absolutely worth looking up the soundtrack even if the rest of the game would drive you away.
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Conclusion: Overall, Ys V is not recommended. It’s not an outright bad game, and can still be decently fun. It’s short enough that it’s not much of an investment to play through, and it was still an important step that allowed Ys VI to fully modernize the gameplay of the series. As a whole though, it’s still a pretty underwhelming and clunky experience that’s almost completely divorced from the rest of the series. You’re not missing much by leaving it alone, and perhaps with the release of Ys IX, a remake of V could be next on the schedule. Either way, that’s about all I can even say about this game. Till next time. -Scout
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queenofeden · 4 years
okay so look, i wasn’t going to make a post about this because i genuinely didn’t think it was anything worth making a post about “publicly” but apparently some people disagree and i’m petty enough about this to not want there to be any confusion on where i stand.
i really enjoyed the new prologue update, and the changes made to the routes (minor ones, and i’ve only play tested nadia and julian so far to see them but they are there) to reflect them. i really enjoyed the last update they made to it as well. i always enjoyed the prologue, clearly it’s what got me into the game in the first place. i found it engaging and fun to play and i enjoyed the characters immediately off the bat. 
however that prologue was written a long time ago. 2016 if i remember correctly, and a lot about the game has changed since then. the prologue, even up to yesterday, was still full of what i would consider hanging plot threads and characterizations that simply no longer reflected or suited the game that we have today. a game which i love very much and still actively enjoy the direction of.
i really want to thank @raquellle-arcana for their post on the matter (linked here) because it was the first one i saw that reflected my same excitement amidst and field of far more negative feedback, but especially for this quote, 
“I love that they went back & changed it, like that to me, shows how much they still care, & that the creators genuinely want to improve & nurture their game”
this is what it comes down to for me. as a creative and a creator, i think it’s really important to be able to look at work u have made, work you’ve been proud of, and still acknowledge that it can be improved. this is not a published novel that lives in perpetuity, this is an interactive narrative game. as the narrative progresses and matures and expands, things that used to be priority no longer are and that is okay. looking back on where the characters and the story were based on the information given in the art book vs where they are now is fascinating to me, and i love seeing how the game has evolved and grown. i agree wholeheartedly that it does show a genuine love and care for the game on their part.
it shows that they want and continue to want the game to be relevant and enjoyable, that they want the “new” routes to have more substantial representation, that they wanted to integrate the new plot lines into the prologue in a way that made them make more sense as potential outcomes as opposed to “well they just had to make them different from the original 3″. i don’t know a single writer or artist or any creator that doesn’t look at their old works and wish that they could change things or, if they had known then what they know now, go back and adjust for it. the devs have the opportunity to do that, and i’m glad that they continue to take those opportunities to make their game, a living document if u will, the best version of itself that it can be.
(cut for length bc i continued to ramble and also potential spoilers for the new content)
i love that asra and mc’s relationship is well established now, i love that so much of the story and lore feels organically given and much more show and not tell. i love that asra’s characterization feels more consistent with how he is in his and other routes instead of the hinted but never actualized “ominous, dark, and vaguely spooky” angle (which don’t get me wrong, is a really valid and interesting version of asra that i do love to play with but tonally it just didn’t work with where he’s ended up now). 
i love that julian is no longer so bent on a revenge angle that is never concluded in his route bc it was no longer relevant. i love that his background and involvement is more well integrated. even so far as his acknowledgement of malak, not as his magical familiar obviously, but just in that he’s clearly important to julian specifically. the wanted posters were one of the things i loved best about the first prologue update, just that little bit of information felt like the sun parting the clouds so far as world building and i’m glad that kind of thing was expanded upon even further with him.
i love that nadia’s motivations are much clearer, and that her characterization is much more in line with her morals given in the text. truly, i felt that she read as so much more competent in this newest version, something i never doubted about her, but really seeing it so early made a huge difference to me. i’ve always been a nadia main and i have loved her from the moment i set eyes on her, but i i’m well aware that many people do not feel that way and never get to her route where many of the criticisms no longer hold water. i’m hoping that this is no longer the case. it makes me happy to see her relationship with lucio cleared up, that thirst to prove herself is made very apparent, but at the same time so is her genuine compassion and kindness. the explicit statement that the masquerade is no longer a celebration hinging specifically on the murder of julian makes SUCH a big difference. nadia states over and over in her route that that is not the kind of ruler she wants to be so it’s lovely to see that reflected. she is a woman searching for the truth, no matter what it is, something that the high priestess would be proud of i think. 
i could go through and itemize everything that i loved about what they’ve done, but we would be here for 12 hours and nobody wants to read a post that long, i know. to mobile users, i’m already sorry lmao.
but listen, much as i am excited about the new stuff and the updated stuff, i do understand being disappointed at things that have been taken out. i do, i really do. i also loved feeling julian up, but on the whole i also acknowledge that scene as deeply fanservice-y. that’s not a problem by any means, but it’s also something that i think shows the devs and their growth as writers to potentially be able to look back on that and say, “this was fun and we liked it but it doesn’t actually serve the story in an appropriate way anymore”. that takes a lot of maturity, and i think that maturity is reflected by the state of the prologue now. it feels much less at times like a “silly, horny otome game” and more like a proper visual novel with a lot of meat to it. and there’s still plenty of room for the fun horny stuff. it’s littered throughout the routes and not at all absent in the prologue, just, i think, integrated in a far more natural, gracious way.
i felt, on the whole, at least so far as my MC’s personal characterization, that in the old prologue i was much more wont to pick paid scenes bc i had bought them and i wanted to see them over whether they actually made sense narratively in my version of the story, or whether my apprentice would actually do them. i didn’t feel that conflict anymore, anything i wanted to do, i felt i was able to do and with a level of choice i was comfortable with. not only did the canon characters feel more “in character” now, but i would argue that MC feels more like a real character far more quickly than they used to.
i’m sorry to the people who feel disappointed by the new updates, or that in some way the game has been “ruined” for u. your opinions are yours, and your decisions with what to do next are your prerogative. media consumption and how someone interacts with it is a deeply personal thing. i only wanted to speak my mind and make this post if only because these attitudes were all i was seeing, and i was suddenly inundated by the negative reaction and it was upsetting to me. it made me angry. i’m still a little angry, and i could certainly cite and quote a bunch of the nonsense i’ve seen spouted off in just the last few hours alone but honestly, i’m too tired for it and i’m liable to get catty and petty.
what it comes down to is this, the new update made me excited about the game again, it made me want to replay everything with fresh eyes, it made me want to dig my fingers into the lore again, it made me want to talk and play and enjoy canon for what it is after being very much more consumed with aus lately. i want to openly thank NH and @thearcanagame for continuing to make a game that is fun to play, a story that is engaging and keeps me on my toes, and for sharing something that they’re clearly proud of and want to continue to be proud of. that level of responsibility and dedication to their work is inspiring to me as a creator and as a fan, and it makes me proud to be even a tangential part of the whole of it. i hope that over the months and years, the game continues to update and improve and build upon itself, even if for whatever reason i’m no longer around to see it.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
OPINION: The Life and Times of an Indian Otaku
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  Makoto Shinkai's Weathering With You marked a historic first in my anime watching career. Contrary to popular belief, being the first anime to be released in Indian theaters is not the historic first in question (that honor goes to Shinchan: Bungle in the Jungle). Rather, Weathering With You would become the first film I'd ever watch on opening day — "first day first show" as we Indians call it. In the mad scramble to get tickets, I'd emerged a winner. Was it worth the struggle?
An emphatic yes. It was so good I went on to rewatch it twice.
    To fans in India: I’m so happy to tell that ‘Weathering With You’ (Tenki no ko) will release in India this October! We have licensed the Indian distribution rights to PVR Pictures and BookMyShow backed company Vkaao.
— 新海誠 (@shinkaimakoto) August 10, 2019
  The Indian theatrical release of Weathering With You in 2019 marked an important moment in the history of the Indian anime fandom. The story of how Shinkai noticed (and fulfilled) an online petition by Indian fans asking for its release here is already the stuff of legend. Because access to anime (especially in theaters) was so scarce in India, even in 2019, fans sought to have the film legally released in theaters. And thanks to Shinkai, it worked. To Indian anime fans, this represented the moment Japan — and the rest of the world — recognized our existence in the fandom. But Indian otakus didn't spring up overnight. Anime has had nearly three decades of history here. It just looks a little different than the rest of the world. The origins of anime in India go back to the '90s. Prior to the economic reforms of 1991, we had one — yes, only one — TV channel, the state-owned Doordarshan. The post-1991 wave of private TV channels brought with it a flood of international TV shows, among them anime like Robotech (which aired on the newly-created Star Plus). Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, the anime adaptation of the Indian mythological epic of the same name, was released in 1992 and had a long and troubled production history, but the end product was a grand success, with its all-star Hindi cast and catchy songs turning it into a TV fixture for well over a decade. It even received a US release, with Bryan Cranston voicing the lead role. The remainder of the '90s would see various anime achieve varying degrees of success, from Nippon Animation's 1989 adaptation of The Jungle Book — which became a nationwide hit — airing in India starting in 1993, to late-night anime like You're Under Arrest and Gunsmith Cats. Despite this, there wasn't yet an actual fandom surrounding anime at the time. That would all change upon the turn of the century.
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  Cartoon Network revolutionized the Indian anime market when the channel arrived in 2001. The launch of dedicated anime programming block Toonami brought with it two anime that would permanently shape the future of the fandom: Dragon Ball Z and Cardcaptor Sakura (albeit in its heavily-edited Cardcaptors form). While I never watched Dragon Ball Z (compared to all my friends at school), I did watch some Cardcaptors with my sister, which would actually be the very first anime I watched. My own viewing habits notwithstanding, DBZ was very much the anime of the moment. Schoolkids would frequently shout out famous lines from the iconic English dub. We'd even invented various hand games based on attacks and moves from DBZ. In 2003, another monumental shift would come as the childhood classic Pokémon hit the small screen, followed closely by Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Beyblade. The merchandise associated with these franchises turned them into smash hits with a younger audience. All the cool kids had Pokemon cards and Beyblade tops. Battling with them at school was the stuff childhood was made of. To this day, these toys continue to sell well. Beyblade tournaments are still very much a thing. While many of my schoolmates were avid fans of DBZ, there were other trends in anime that could be observed, trends that had to do with language. From my experience, certain anime were only available dubbed in Hindi — a language spoken largely by the northern half of the country. Coming from a south Indian city with a significant north Indian population, I could observe a clear trend wherein Hindi-speaking north Indians grew up with these Hindi-dubbed anime, while people in the south (who spoke other languages) largely grew up with titles that were available in English (or Tamil, as fans of DBZ's Tamil dub can testify). Interestingly, these Hindi dubbed anime tended to be ones that were popular in Japan but not so much in the West — stuff like Doraemon, Shin-Chan, KochiKame, and Case Closed. This gave the north Indian anime scene a rather unique flavor. An even more interesting case is that of India's northeastern region (comprised of states like Nagaland, Manipur, and Meghalaya). Being culturally different from the rest of India, these states have had a history of consuming Korean and Japanese media, and they embraced anime and manga in a way the rest of the nation had not. Anime-related cosplay is huge in the northeast, with some of the best cosplay conventions in the nation taking place there and becoming a part of the local fashion scene. The general acceptance of otaku culture in the region continues to be high.
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Eventually, anime would become a little more accessible to all. The launch of dedicated channel Animax in 2004 represented another watershed moment in the fandom. The shows Animax brought over were unlike anything we'd seen in the medium. Shows like Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Inuyasha, and K-On! redefined what anime meant for Indian audiences who had previously seen anime as a childhood interest and no different from other cartoons. As the channel slowly began to shift its focus to the older teen/young adult demographic, more mature anime like Cowboy Bebop, Hell Girl, Akira, and Welcome to the NHK challenged our conservative notions of what was acceptable to air on TV, especially considering these shows aired in daytime slots rather than late-night. This honeymoon period did not last. Animax was delisted by service providers in 2012. The years to come would be some of the most frustrating for us anime fans, as availability was at its most inconsistent and uncertain. While the channel attempted to make a comeback later on in 2016, it eventually disappeared for good in 2017. Despite all these problems, I look back on Animax fondly. Thanks to it, we became aware of the existence of the entity known as "anime." We began to actively seek out anime over other forms of animation. In short, it resulted in the formation of an actual fandom centered around anime. Anime fan clubs began to pop up in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Kolkata. Widespread conventions outside of the northeast region came next. Anime Con India was started in 2010, followed closely by Delhi Comic-Con in 2011. Anime conventions in India are a curious thing. They are very unlike the sprawling, sophisticated conventions of the West. The funds simply aren't there for that sort of thing. I don't recall a single Indian anime convention that was attended by a voice actor, animator, or the like. So what are Indian cons about? In an interview with The Citizen, Anime Con India founder Nitesh Rohit talked about his reason for starting the con: "like any other belief and faith they all needed a temple to congregate (at)." This statement really resonates with me, and sums up what Indian cons are about. What they lack in scale and facilities, they make up for in intimacy and a feeling of togetherness. They are more or less small-scale events for anime fans to find other fans, to network with them, and basically feel less alone. Because feeling alone was part of the original Indian otaku experience. The early fandom was largely an urban phenomenon, as going to cons wasn't an option for everyone and the internet wasn't what it is today. So, you had these disconnected pockets of fans. People around you were unlikely to share your interest in anime and may have even judged you for it. The general consensus in India was (and still is) that animation is a medium for children. And remember, for a long time, anime accessibility varied by region. So, if you were lucky enough to find a kindred otaku, there was no guarantee they were into (or had even heard of) the same titles as you. This meant that we hadn't really had the ability to develop any sort of unique culture or traditions of our own. Things like going to cons, renting anime DVDs, memes and in-jokes — these things didn't exist for the vast majority of early fans who were school-going kids or college students of little means. A culture of our own wouldn't arise until much later — when that generation grew up.
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  Of course, it wasn't just us who grew up — technology did, too. The internet became more ubiquitous. Social media and forums enabled us to network with each other regardless of location, in ways we'd never have imagined. To the scattered fandom of the early days, this has been nothing short of a blessing. The other big change ushered in by the internet was the era of streaming. Until then, most of our anime viewing took place on television and as previously stated, was not always very consistent. Accessibility improved greatly with the launch of Netflix in 2016. In today's India, Netflix is a household name, with a significant portion of young adults having access to a subscription. With a catalog of over 200 anime, Netflix has been responsible for pulling in many new fans. Plenty of people "come for the movies, stay for the anime." Series like My Hero Academia, Death Note, and One-Punch Man have become mainstream successes in this fashion, with a significant following even among non-anime fans. Another streaming service that is beginning to make inroads into the Indian market is Crunchyroll, with simulcasts like Boruto and originals like Tower of God, and the fact that it is free makes it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Most Indian anime fans I know of have heard of Crunchyroll, and as more titles get licensed it is inevitable that its popularity will rise. And us otakus are doing plenty to help it do just that.
The success of Weathering With You is a shining example of the tight-knit nature of the Indian anime fandom. All it took was one person (an anime fan named Divishth Pancholi) to create a Change.org petition asking for its release in Indian theaters. The petition went viral, getting over 50,000 signatures and attracting the attention of Shinkai and the producers, resulting in its release here. Today, that event is seen as a smaller part of a greater Indian anime movement that is pushing for increased availability and acceptance of anime in India. Hashtags like #IndiaWantsAnime frequently make their presence felt on social media. This fandom isn't without its problems — it isn't the most inclusive when it comes to non-male fans, the "animation is for kids" specter hasn't been fully shaken off, and I'd love for anime BluRays/DVDs to be more widely available here. But I am grateful for the fandom's existence for getting me into anime in the first place. Without them, I'd have never been sitting in a movie theater on October 11, 2019, watching Weathering With You.
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angelsarenamederika · 4 years
Top 5 characters (from any media)
This was a really fun question to consider because it made me think about character(s) in a way I haven’t recently. I’m normally always turning over some story in my head but as of late those stories have been my own rather than media I consumed and wanted to work with in fanfic or fanart. Anyway! I don’t think these are my top 5 favorite characters (I don’t think I have five favorite characters), but they are five characters I’ve enjoyed recently.
1. Circe (Madeline Miller) I’ve mentioned this novel in so many asks of late, but I continue to do so just because it’s the latest thing I’ve read and it’s served as a touchstone in recent years for what I want my work to look like. There are aspects of the narrative I disagree with, but the novel itself has a clear character arc and you can directly observe how Circe grows as a character and for that I remain fond of it.
2. Orpheus (Hadestown) An aspect of Orpheus’ character I enjoy is his naivety and how that veneer seems to crack throughout the course of the play. 
3. Daryl Wilson (Dungeons and Daddies) I surprised myself by putting one of the dads on this list. But it’s a podcast I’ve thoroughly enjoyed, and not to get too deep in a Tumblr ask but as someone who largely grew up without a father, it’s interesting to see what a father can be.
4. Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) I’m not currently caught up on TMA but after considering it, I think Martin might be my favorite character from the cast, if only because of how persistent he is in his kindness and how he eventually learns to stand up for himself.
5. Hades (my rendition) It feels incredibly self indulgent and perhaps almost arrogant to mention my own work on a top five character list? But this is the character that my thoughts have turned towards most frequently in the past few months.
In wake of the game Hades coming out and the consistent characterization the greek god has received in the past, another example being Hadestown, it was informative/challenging to set myself to the task of trying to portray him as a sympathetic character and figure out why he is the way he is while also putting my own spin on established mythology.
6. Jo Osrhupe (Dungeons and Dragons) Fuck it! Here’s another one because I want to talk about my D&D character. 
One of the biggest critiques I got this past semester on my writing was that I struggled to craft protagonists who made active choices and I’ve been surprised in recent months by how much D&D has helped with that. What is D&D aside from just making choices, over and over?
Here is an excerpt from a conversation I had with another character earlier this week that I wanted to share: “I don’t want to frighten you, Jo.” “I’m already frightened. I’ve been frightened every day for months. My fear isn’t going anywhere, but the least I can do is give it a face.”
Thanks so much Gabi, this was a lot of fun!!
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kylerenpenning · 4 years
Audience Studies (3P18) Blog #1
Week 2
Our first-week material involved a lot of a general analysis of audiences for us to gain a better understanding of just how much control social media platforms and other online social networking sites have on the way our brains process different things. We developed a definition for what exactly an audience is which we described as a group of people who are hearing or are paying attention to someone proving verbal information. What I found interesting about this content was that it made me realize the large extent to which many people’s happiness, beliefs, morals, and friends are formed from a digital platform. We discussed how things were not always this way and that audiences before were commonly found at live events because social networking had yet to exist. As time has gone on people have developed ways to build an opportunity for an audience to participate in places that may have never seemed possible before until we were met with the introduction of social networking and media. When considering my own experiences as being part of an audience throughout my life, I agree that the number of opportunities to take part in an audience has increased over the years. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself using many new social networking platforms that were established before the pandemic but were not used nearly as much. 
With the pandemic forcing everyone into their homes for almost a full two months the benefits of having digital audiences are obvious. Multiple times a week I use platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Lifesize to join lectures and seminars which is a prime example of a way that I take part in the audience every day now. Compared to life before the pandemic when most of my audience experiences happened in person such as going out to moose on Wednesday every week and having a couple of drinks with my peers and enjoy a night out. I notice switching to a digital technique to host lectures increases the sizes of the audiences substantially because when the lectures took place in person, people are much more likely to be lazy and not show up to class. With lectures now being online, it makes participating in the audience much easier because there is no need for travel. You can see the total number of viewers in each class and there are consistently over 100 people from all over the world joining the cyberspace environment which I would estimate to be a huge increase in participation levels.
To compare my personal experiences with digital audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic to the material we discussed in class, I think of how in chapter 1, Sullivan spoke about how audiences are for the most part working-class people who have no title or place in society yet and are working to do so. (Sullivan, P. 13) I interpret this as students attending digital lectures are working towards their degrees to get the job they have a passion for because they do not have a label yet in society and once we get a career we get a sense of purpose in life because we mean something to a greater society. The benefits I gained from having to get up out of bed to go to class was that I would gain a sense of routine in my life and I got to meet many new people who I now consider my friends. So, although audience sizes have increased in quantity because it is easier for people to attend lectures when they do not have to go anywhere, however, the quality of the audience experience deteriorates. There are certain components you need to achieve satisfaction with your experience as an audience member and doing strictly digital audiences like we have been doing this year has not provided the physical interaction needed to get the full experience. 
One of the final main points from the first week is the power of media and ability it must oppose destructive information into people's minds and shape their views on the world in a particular way. The mass, agent, and outcome��are key terms that are an extremely important part of the process that is essentially capable of inducing detrimental norms in society that place some to advantage and others at a disadvantage. Using the same example as before about online lectures taking place at Brock this year, I will indicate which parties would be considered the mass, agent, and outcome. The agent is the audience member who is considered free to choose whatever content they want to consume online which is the students at Brock who are selecting the courses they want to study because it suits their interests. The mass is where we see the content being provided by professors at lectures and seminars and since students have no pre-existing knowledge of most of the topics we discuss in school it is their first time consuming such information, students must trust in the information hoping that it will benefit them in their future life. I think about this all the time when I go to class and why I am happy to be considered as an audience member of the Media Communications program. The outcome is the overall effect that the mass provided on media platforms have on its audience members. When I reflect on my audience experience, I firmly believe the outcome of me being a member of the media communications audience has been beneficial for me and has given me the skills to navigate through social media platforms with an awareness to the issues it contains which I would have never gotten if I didn’t trust the process and the information they were providing me to be correct.
Having the skill to be aware of the power of social media and the conflicts that can arise if you participate in audiences on their platforms I think will be extremely beneficial in the future because it is inevitable that new technologies and ways to interact on digital platforms rather than in person will begin to accelerate rapidly.
Week 3
This week’s content focuses on stories, primarily we were concerned with who the storyteller is because it influences the audience who is listening. If the storyteller or leader is well respected by the audience it is more likely that the information he is providing will stick with the audience and it will be carried on throughout the audience as they spread the information to their peers. There is a danger behind this however because if there is falsified information being provided and the audience receiving has trust in the storyteller that they are being given valid information it may cause false information to be spread. An example from my life when I trusted the information I was being given from a speaker is when I participate in sports betting, on sports that I am unfamiliar with. As an audience member with little knowledge of the sport of football, I ask my friends who are big fans to give me some advice on who they think is the better team in hopes that I will obtain new knowledge that will give me an edge in my bets. However, sometimes I mistake the person I ask for information as someone who has good knowledge of the game of football and I take their advice without hesitation because I discredit my ability to make an intelligent decision on my own. This causes me to place money on a team that I may not have picked had I not been told information from a third party and I end up losing the bet and my money. 
We can see this process happen on a much larger scale of audiences like in politics where people who are labeled “leaders” have a job to lead an entire country, one of the biggest and challenging audiences to handle. Governments have access to media platforms that hold substantial amounts of power because they can simply send out messages that will circulate through various media platforms. Government parties utilize this chain reaction to create social norms in society and try and push people to think a certain way because they know the information they put on social media spreads like wildfire! Week 3’s reading by William Brown supports the claim we examined in class as the study conducted concluded that “the rise of celebrity culture in the late 20th century has given media personae a privileged position of social influence that can shape, reinforce, and inculcate values and beliefs and promote specific social practices within diverse audiences across socioeconomic, geographic, and national boundaries” (J. B, Williams. P, 259).
Where do I even start?! The number of experiences I have had where the stars and celebrities I see on the digital networking sites I use like verified Instagram and Twitter accounts, popular Netflix actors. The most influential social media influencers in my life are on Twitch and YouTube because these two platforms allow me and the millions of others who watch to build a relationship with the star. This creates a feeling for the audience member that can seem like there is an actual relationship between the audience member and the celebrity. Twitch is a prime example of how a celebrity can have a direct influence on their audience because the influencer is live streaming and directly interacting with their fans. This creates a connection that a video was taken days/weeks in the past and edited cannot do for an audience like on YouTube which often the biggest stars are people who make ‘vlogs’ covering the activities they do in their daily lives but there is no live interaction with the individual the audience is viewing. This still has a large impact on the audience members because it gives them an idea of what the perfect life ‘should’ look like based on what they are watching a privileged celebrity vlog. The large influence that vloggers and streamers have validates Williams claims that the rise of celebrity culture in the late 20th century has given social media influencers a privileged position of social influence that can shape, reinforce, and skew values and beliefs on diverse audiences in any given society.
We also covered the Dependency Theory which explained some other factors which would affect peoples’ need for social media to hear about the stories they see every day, provide them with entertainment, and connecting them with their friends without location/distance being a factor. Dependency theory explains that all societies vary in structural stability so poor and underdeveloped countries will be less dependant on technology because there is less available to it and they have to learn to live and entertain themselves in other ways. Developed countries with plenty of wealth will have more ways to access technology that provides us with the entertainment and feeling of comfort that our phones give us every day of our lives. As a person who grew up extremely lucky growing up in Oakville, Ontario I always had the privilege to get my hands on the newest technology. When I graduated elementary school is when I got my first phone which looking back on it seems absurd but within the very first week of having the new phone I had signed up for Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. The cognitive effects that the exposure to these apps at such a young age must have had on me is scary to think about. Dependency theory explains that there are several behavioral and cognitive effects social media has on a person including an increased likelihood of depression and anxiety. I can see in some people I have been around where they always seem worried about something that someone is saying or doing online. Eventually, it makes them get so anxious just not knowing certain things and a lot of the time can create the feeling that things are being said or done behind your back online where what’s being said can easily be deleted. 
Week 3 also looked at Mass media and further breaks down how persuasion through the media occurs which creates subgroups of people in society who share common beliefs, lifestyles, humor, etc. In the lecture, we learned that there are two components to mass media which are the opinion leader who consumes large quantities of mass media, and then there are people who do not consume as much media. However, since they do not consume enough media in their own time, they come into contact with the opinion leaders they get persuaded by them. 
 Week 4
The evolution of public opinion was a major topic of discussion during this week as we learned that it was not always easy like it currently is to freely express yourself because there are so many platforms you can do so on. With the introduction, people are constantly allowed to express their opinion, verbally reject opposing opinions, and interact with one another to share opinions until we form what is known as social norms. Over time, audiences start to catch on to certain ideologies that are widely accepted by society, and people’s opinions can switch because of the pressure they face going against what society has deemed the dominant ideology. Multiple situations come to mind when I think about my audience's experiences and how the dominant ideology changed the way either myself or someone else was acting. 
Going out to the bars on the weekend last year at school is an audience experience where I have seen this process happen multiple times. The vast majority (over 90%) of people who are at the bars are from Brock University and I like to think of me as being a member of an audience because everyone there usually had the same goal in mind, to have a fun night out with friends and have a few drinks. Referring to the idea of public opinion, there was a public opinion in terms of how people should act and what ‘normal behavior’ looked like at the bar. Drinking, dancing, singing along to the songs being played were all things that the majority of people were doing as someone who doesn’t enjoy dancing too much I can say you feel like an outsider when your not performing the activities that you see in most of the people who go to your school are doing. This proves that a public opinion is formed when there is an ideology that is more preferred by the public. My small-scale example at the bar can be amplified to see the same pattern happening in any given society as when people see on social media platforms that certain opinions are respected in society while others are silenced. This creates a barrier and can make it very difficult for people who do not follow the norms to express their opinions and be active members of society. At the same time, it benefits the majority of people because they agree with what society has chosen to be the dominant ideologies.
Another topic of focus this week was how did we get to how things are the way they are in terms of creating a public opinion. The evolution of popular opinion is the key factor that formed ‘public opinion’ because logically the popular opinion is what is preferred by the majority of the public and is likely to have some sort of role in society. Plato the Athenian philosopher believed the power should be placed in the people to make their own decision, but he was skeptical that the ordinary person would not be able to make a rational decision. By mapping out the contrast between the two types of thinking, we were able to grasp the idea of why Plato believed that ordinary people’s opinions are sometimes disregarded by society. The contrast between Doxa and episteme helps us grasp the concept of how the public has the power to express their knowledge. Doxa is explained to be the popular belief in a society that does not have the warrants needed to validate their claims being made so that they could be mediated and turned into laws or social norms in society. Episteme is the knowledge that is validated by scientific principles and is cemented in society due to the unchanging nature of the world. In the real world, we see these two concepts surface all the time. For example, people who show up to protest in large groups would be considered Doxa knowledge because it is an opinion being expressed by the general public and for the most part comes from a suppressed group looking to create change that will benefit their lives. We often see protestors gathering outside government institutions because government officials are the ones with episteme knowledge who can take the ideologies they hear from the general public and create an official change in society. 
Week 5
          Week 5’s material analyzes audiences as active users of media and examines people’s use of media to give them the gratification they need to be satisfied with oneself, as well as what motivates the users to pay attention to live blogs/vlogs. It was addressed that people follow live blogs to fill their need for entertainment, to learn new information, hear other opinions, and express freely express their own opinion. The factors I just listed are considered the agents that motivate users to actively participate in these sorts of activities like streaming platforms that provide entertainment. With the restrictions in place currently to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic most people have been stuck in their homes and unable to do the things they would normally do to keep entertained like hanging out with friends, going out on weekends and socializing with new people, or attending concerts and other festivals that occur annually. The streaming industry has come out and said their platforms have benefitted greatly from this pandemic because the more people are stuck in their homes bored, the more people end up using streaming platforms to occupy their time. In my life, I have used streaming websites like Twitch and Mixer for years before the pandemic was happening and I have noticed a big difference in viewership numbers since the pandemic began. The games I watch mostly are Fortnite and Call of Duty and before the pandemic, there were roughly 50-70 thousand people watching streamers who are playing these games. Since quarantine started viewership numbers have increased to well over 100 thousand people concurrently watching Fortnite and Call of Duty streamers which validates the claim that the streaming industry has benefitted tremendously from the global pandemic. 
              Operationalizing audiences was also a major focus during the lecture which essentially explains why society has to invade people's privacy to figure out what their interests are so that they can keep producing commodities that they know will be successful in the market for the future. Quantifying an audience and analyzing the data is super necessary for theories to be created because there needs to be hard evidence to make a theory about people’s online interests and to find patterns about what people engage with. In the lecture we talked about how “quantitative data from the systems that track people’s online activities can help streamline audience diversity, can be exchanged for money, and have an air of objectivity.” (Good, Jennifer. 19 Oct 2020). Right now, there is an ongoing controversy in the United States involving the social media site TikTok because it is a Chinese owned website. America's government wants to ban TikTok in the United States, removing it from the millions of users in the country who use the app every day which would also mean the entire community that had been developed on a virtual platform would be removed in an instant. Why would they do this you may ask? Well, it is warranted in my opinion, the reason being that China has supposedly been able to freely access confidential information on all the American users who have an account on the app. This means financial information, personal information like date of birth, even access to a location in some cases are invaded by Chinese ownership of TikTok. America’s government is scared of what China is using the data for and so they want it banned completely in the States. 
 Quantitative data also allows producers to see data so that they can have more control over what is being produced as well as how much needs to be produced which helps prevent a case of overproduction. Small companies often fail because they overproduce and spend too much money on production to the point where they cannot end up making a profit. If producers can see how many people are engaging in a product or business, they will produce the correct product needed to support customers. 
Have you ever walked into a fast-food place and seen the screens that prompt a survey on their service while you were ordering at the restaurant? Or seen a survey on Twitter from Wendy’s or McDonald’s about what people would like to see on their menu? This is the kind of data that digital technology has allowed companies to collect to change their style of business to attract the greatest number of customers. Thus, quantitative data is important for companies to be aware of because it allows them to be one step ahead of their audience members and provide them with the commodities that will make them the most profit. Sometimes problems can arise from this because they may start to lose sight of what is in the best interest of their loyal audience. I’ve seen many companies or brands that started beloved by their audiences change because of their obsession over making maximum profit and they start producing commodities that are cheaper in quality for the customers but benefits the company because their profits will increase. 
Nike is a good example of this when the information came out that they use slave workers to mass-produce their products because it means saving a lot more money on good quality work that meets basic human rights and needs. Because of Nike’s incredible ability to brand itself, it had the whole world thinking that if you buy their products it makes you superior to someone without Nike. The reality is it is extremely disappointing what media platforms have been able to do for Nike by covering up the sickening backstory of their products with commercials of people’s favorite athletes and celebrities wearing their brand which makes ordinary people fall in love with the company. 
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lolgen792 · 4 years
College. The time of your life. Where you meet your best friends, where you have your late night adventures. Where you figure the next few years of your life. Second year ended early due to the school shutdown and I returned home to New York, where I have been finishing up classes and trying to figure out what to do with all this time we have.
While reading my journals for the past two semesters, I was inspired to write a reflection on my second year of college.
  Things can change in an instant
With absolutely everything going on, from spring break – going from volunteering at a local elementary school in Charlottesville and hanging out with friends to traveling home on a bus to New York, where I could possibly get the virus – in a matter of hours, everything can change. Life went from hugs and handshakes to waves across a screen. It’s just a realization that we all needed. I think routines have kept us believing that we’re safe and that nothing could affect us, but we do not control the things of this world. And that can be scary. IT can be scary to realize we don’t have control, it could also lead to our greatest freedom.
  Creating vs. Consuming
There were times where I was down in second year. Given my first year experience, I definitely had expectations that this year was going to make up for what last year wasn’t. And now, we’ve all got to come to the understanding that now is all we have. That said, consuming for hours on end was draining me. Even if it was good content, I wasn’t supposed to have that much of a good thing. Creating, for me, is something I don’t always make time for, but it’s incredible to realize that if you never put the work for something to exist, it wouldn’t.
  Let go of expectations
By the end of this year, I’ve realized that I need to let go of my expectations. Has my college experience been everything I wanted it to be? No. There are times when I’m exhausted beyond belief. There are times when I am lonely. There are times where I am uncertain of the decisions I am making. It’s a part of life to struggle. Even though we don’t always hear about someone’s struggling, that doesn’t mean they aren’t. While there were so many moments I built up that fell flat, there were so many small things that kept me afloat. The random conversation about family at a new friend’s house, the sweet first years who recognized my need for hugs, the memory I had forgotten seen through someone else’s eyes, the 2 hours spent singing songs at the top of our lungs, the beach sunrise. I don’t have photos of those moments but I have memories that I will never forget.
  Self-care is an expression of love to yourself
At the beginning of the year, there’s so many events but SO MUCH TIME. One weekend, I probably went to 6 different events – met up with friends at a hangout spot, went to the dorms to meet dormmates, went to a gaming event, went to a Christmas party, etc. I still had time to do my skincare, and spend time in silence, and do all the things that are nice to do. In the middle of each semester, I found myself less consistent in skincare, spending 0 time in silence, no walks, no reading books, sleeping super late – like 5:30 in the morning *shakes head sadly* – basically treating myself badly in order to thrive in school and activities.
  Racial reconciliation came up a lot this semester 
Whether it was with my university’s new Multicultural Center and Latinx Center, through panels such as Black Fetisization, or through a conference based on racial reconciliation, this topic came up a lot second semester. It was tough. There were LOTS of conversations. How should universities respond so minorities feel there is a place for them? How should you respond if you feel your neighbor has prejudice against you? Is it okay for a white professor to teach an African American Studies class? Especially being in Charlottesville, these questions were tough to consider and wrestle with this semester. Being a minority at a predominantly white institution is quite the experience – especially if that university has a history in being complicit in slavery. 
  I can actually make it to the gym IF I prioritize it
This February, a few friends and I got together and decided we were going to the gym together. I got a membership for the month on classes I could take, and found I could go to the gym. Gyms are free in college, meaning you pay with your college fees. But still, you’re paying for it, so you should definitely take advantage. After semesters of telling myself I’m going to make it a priority, I did it. Sort of. I only did it for the month of February, but I went to Zumba classes, I did the stairmaster, I kicked butt for a few weeks. Now that I know it’s actually possible to go – I will definitely try to keep myself accountable.
  You should always be growing outside of school
While we as a society harp on about education, we think education is synonymous with school. I could honestly write a whole blog post on that. That said, it’s important to learn skills outside of your classes, outside of your professional goals to keep yourself growing. For me, that was learning to read before bed. Fall semester, I read The Winding Path of Transformation by Jeffrey Tacklind. This book for me was life changing. I was getting so much knowledge and wisdom from it, and it really helped grow my faith. It was refreshing to listen to someone who was trying to carve out a new way of faith – not leaning too much on humility or finding himself in glory. 
  There are seasons of passion, and there are seasons where the fire has died so completely you forgot what you saw in the first place.
I have kind of been struggling with my faith this whole second year. And what was wild is that I didn’t even realize it until I looked back at all of my journal entries. From last summer and into the school year, my journal entries were full of prayers crying out to God for answers, for a sign of hope, for something to keep me going. Last summer was filled with a lot of disappointment, stories I’m not quite sure I’ve recovered from. Ever since making my faith my own in 2018, it was so insane for me to realize that I went from such a high place to such a low place. I think a lot of that wrestling was due to fear and doubt. And although that’s not the way we are called to live as Christians, it’s the human way. And Jesus has SO MUCH grace for that. These two semesters have been rebuilding my faith and trying to find it apart from community. Sometimes you have to keep moving towards the truth even when there are no signs of proof. On my move in day, I said the quote below to my roommate and it still stands.
  I have been through enough in my life to know that God exists and enough to question his character. Though I do not understand, still I believe.
– quote from my journal
  Home is where you build it
I desire the cute photos of friends all linked up together and sleepover stories and fun parties and things like that. That’s what my heart wants. And while people say home is where the heart is, my heart’s not quite in reality. I’m not as secure as I wish to be – in friendships, in my career, in my next steps. However, I firmly believe that if you build where you are present, a home will always find you there. In the hours drinking tea and doing homework, in the game nights, in the adorable cat at the university *heart eyes*, in the travels and in the dorm, in the outdoor beauty, in the dresses and in the dirt, in the party and in the sunrise.
    This second year was not what I expected at all, but I wouldn’t trade it in for something other than what it was. 
Signing off,
Reflection on Second Year College. The time of your life. Where you meet your best friends, where you have your late night adventures.
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kernelmeow · 6 years
For @yeollie-bells
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Synopsis: Jungkook is the best friend you could ever have. He could potentially be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is written for entertainment purposes and is not a report of true events or an attempt to libel the persons represented.
Knock, knock, knock.
Your hands still. Eyes flicker to the bedroom door. You can't be certain if it was imaginary or a sound effect; headphones encompass your ears and it proves difficult to differentiate foreign noise through the soundtrack. You're distracted a second longer before resuming a state of concentration, thumbs diligently interchanging between the buttons of the game controller while toggling the joysticks.
The week had seen you housebound with a seasonal cold. For what it lacked in intensity it made up with a hacking cough and debilitating fatigue. But ever the optimist, you seized the opportunity to dedicate the time to productivity i.e. binging Netflix and gaming. And to ensure optimal comfortability, you modeled the “contagion home fashion wear” line which consisted of: a messy bun, baggy clothes that had seen their fare-share of years, and socks that you are pretty sure had have been worn for three consecutive days. If you weren't genuinely sick it was would be the height of laziness.
This morning you begrudgingly conceded that tomorrow you would resume routine as usual, feeling exceedingly recovered. You were however determined to have one last day of recuperation and thereby quarantined yourself in your bedroom for an all day gaming marathon. And so the day transpired with no acknowledgement of the world outside; free of disturbance and responsibilities
Knock, knock, knock.
Unmistakably, the three succession of knocks is louder and with an incessant quality. So much for for that. You pause the game and pry the headphones away.
“Yeah?” you answer.
“Oi, ____.” You recognise the voice of your room-mate. “You've got a visitor.”
You frown, “Who is it?”
“Dunno. But he's cute.” she says. “Said he's being trying to contact you.”
“Ah, OK. Be there in a sec.”
Your frown deepens. No one had contacted you all day, but then again, now that you think about it, you had neglected to check your phone. The situation however, encourages you to look at the forgotten phone, abandoned among the nest of sheets on the floor. Activating the mobile screen reveals the crescent moon icon and a series of unacknowledged texts and notifications.
Oh, shit.
11:21AM Hey, already a been hectic today. See you this afternoon :)
3:44PM Running late?
3:57PM Hey, you still not feeling well? Let me know you're alright.
3:59PM Missed call
4:10PM Missed call
Throwing open the bedroom door, you skid down the tiled hallway, almost going ass up around a corner. Adrenaline is fire in your veins and guilt constricts your chest. The front door is meet with the same aggressive and desperate urgency as it’s flung open.
Jungkook, momentarily startled by your abrupt entrance, chuckles. “I'm guessing you saw my texts?”
“Jungkook,” you start, urging yourself to articulate a heartfelt apology, but it faulters amid your turbulent emotions. “I'm so sorry.”
He smiles softly. “I know. Sorry for coming here uninvited, but when you didn’t reply I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
It's a sucker-punch to the gut. You were lacking for a reasonable excuse for standing him up, and made worse that he was on your doorstep unnecessarily apologising for checking on a neglectful friend.
“I forgot,” you mumble.
“I. Forgot. About. Today.” You enunciate through gritted teeth, angry at yourself. “I got caught up binging a game and I forgot, and I didn't see your messages, and I'm a shitty friend.”
Jungkook digests the confession with solemn composure, and you observe him warily, expectant of a reply instigated by what you said.
“Do you want me to be angry?” he asks. He doesn't wait for a reply before proceeding to pout his lips and puff his cheeks all the while exaggerating a frown.
As Jungkook predicted, you didn't stand a chance. You're overcome with side-splitting laughter, tears welling up at the corner of your eyes. Jungkook laughs in unison, his faux composure dissolving.
“Thank you,” you say, overcome with relief. It’s then you acknowledge that you don’t want him to leave, craving his presence, if only a short while.
You take a gamble and ask, “Um, do you want to come inside?”
He smiles broadly, a typical Jungkook smile. “Sure.”
You welcome him inside where he conscientiously removes his runners(1) at the door, and you observe him fondly as he neatly sets them aside. His attire is casual street fashion; firm fitting jeans complimented by a hoodie and undershirt, backpack hanging from his shoulder.
All the while your house-mate, having presumably reclaimed their position in the adjacent room prior to being interrupted, and in optimal view of the scene, blatantly observes Jungkook and yourself. On catching their inquisitive gaze, she suggestively wiggles her eyebrows. Flustered, you gesture quickly at her to stop should Jungkook catch the exchange. Satisfied by the brief entertainment, she resumes attention elsewhere. Jungkook, oblivious to the silent exchange, turns to regard you expectantly, his expression soft and naive. You smile thinly, trying to keep you expression neutral and turn sharply to make for the privacy of your room and beyond prying eyes.
In the bedroom, a nest of bedding and pillows occupies the floor before the television where a menu screen displays the game mid-play. Jungkook’s eyes explore the room with great interest, particularly of arrangement on the floor, and his scrutiny inspires a nervous flutter.
“Is this what you've been preoccupied with?” he asks, nodding at the T.V.
So easily provoked, you stick your tongue out in response to the innocent jibe. 
“It's Final Fantasy,” you say.
“Oh, I love Final Fantasy!” he says, alight with recognition. “I’ve only played seven and eight, but it was lots of fun from what I remember.”
A smile blossoms at his enthusiasm and calms your nerves. You nestle onto the makeshift cushioned bed and pull a blanket across your lap. Comfortable, you beckon Jungkook to join you, patting the space beside you, and without hesitation, Jungkook lowers himself among the pillows and sheets. His proximity is unnerving and shyly you glance at him only to catch him staring. You duck your head feeling immediate heat warm your face and scolding yourself for the childish behaviour.
“Will you show me?” he asks, and his request forces you to acknowledge him again. You interpret only genuine curiosity. Nodding, you grab the controller and resume playing.
At first the atmosphere is uncharacteristically quiet, Jungkook and yourself usually finding conversation in all manner of topics, and to find yourselves together and not engaged in conversations was... odd. You're acutely aware of his presence despite the intentional focus ahead; of the his breath and every subtle movement, of the heat emitting from him. As you play, your eyes dart between the screen and Jungkook to gauge his response to watching you play, yet you quickly find that Jungkook is grossly engaged. It's not long before he begins asking questions. How many Final Fantasy games have you played? How do they compare to one another? Which is your favourite? And Jungkook absorbs every spoken word, his curiosity insatiable.
“Would you like to try?” you ask, offering the controller.
Jungkook accepts it with the eagerness of a child, and proceeds to familiarises himself with the function of each button through trial and error; the character on-screen running direction-less circles as he toggles the joystick. You watch curiously as he proceeds to navigate the world and his expression of awe. Though you caution him when he enters enemy territory, he but grins crookedly and throws caution to the wind and engages the character and party to battle. The following minutes consist of his comedic commentary and exaggerated sound effects as he clumsily manoeuvres through the peril. The affect of his enthusiasm is contagious and inspires you to giggle. Despite some attempt to coach him when the situation becomes dire, your character and party succumb to melancholic music and 'game over' title.
Jungkook sighs, “Oh, man, that was hard.”
“You actually did better than I expected.”
“Knew I was going die, did you?”
You smirk, “Just prolong the inevitable. Want to try again? You can spawn somewhere else with lower level enemies.”
You instruct him to open the world map and point out a few locations for novice players, describing the environment and enemies. Jungkook selects an area, and much to your amusement, starts humming an improv tune about monster hunting as he commences his exploration.
It's comfortable and easy. With Jungkook, it has always been easy. You're thankful for this opportunity, and although guilt still takes residency in the back of your mind, it's not that which you dwell on. It's not too long before Jungkook notices you've quietened, attention strayed from the moment, consumed with silent contemplation.
He pauses the game, and even then you don't notice, he nudges your shoulder. “You off somewhere?”
You hum, mulling over how to disclose what distracted you just now. He's patient and waits out the silence. With a fire of resolve, you swivel on the spot to face him directly, a mask of determination. Jungkook observes with subtle amusement, all too familiar with your antics, but none the less curious.
“I'd like to make it up to you.” You say finally.
Jungkook's eyebrow twitches comedically at the statement yet he executes a passive response.
“Name it.” You encourage. “Date. Time. Place.”
Jungkook needed no time for consideration of the offer. He matches your position and stares intently, emitting focused intent. You're struck by the sudden change and wonder if he's been offended somehow, however all manner of questions cease.
Ensnared in his gaze, Jungkook inclines forward and the world freezes in anticipation. A puff of breath is warm against your lips and it serves as a startling, however delayed, realisation of his agenda. The constructed resolved and steeled manner crumbles effortlessly in the form a squeak.
Jungkook pauses. “Are you retracting the offer?” A hint of amusement colouring his voice.
Guppy faced, you stammer, “I- I was thinking coffee or lunch or something.”
“What if I want a kiss?” he asks, innocently.
A blush engulfs your face in a warm heat at Jungkook's casual confession. 
“But, what if- the cold-” you start, lamely.
His eyes crinkle and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. “But what if I get sick?” And you nod. “I'm sure I can handle a few germs,” he insists before pressing his lips to yours.
(1) Runners = Sneakers/Joggers
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