#my birthday's gonna suck this year. lmao.
scattered-winter · 8 months
crazy how I literally have no energy to do anything ever like isn't that totally wild (my life is literally in shambles)
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almond-t0fu · 10 months
I just found out that I share the same birthday with Mika :0
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suoulfillem · 5 months
oh ….. :( one of my good friends has decided to move back home to nz by june :( I’m so sad
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
WELL I LOVED SUBSTITUTE FATHER SO MAKE THAT TWO don't apologize bro 😭😭😭😭😭 I love everything you put out so I'm biased, and I wish there was something I could say... but no I get what you mean 100%, and if nothing else I hope you're happier with this fic! :] And uh. That You Don't Die Of Hypertension ☠️ HBD to your sis though
OH here i thought you thought it was mid (╯▽╰ )im glad you liked it tho, ty for enjoyin then LMAO (* ̄▽ ̄*) my self confidence is at least three layers below the earth at this point so its just a me problem LMAO s'all good :]]
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an-undercover-bi · 2 years
Anyway, it’s August, so it’s my month now. Let’s all suffer! 💕
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tangledinink · 1 year
i love cass's apocalypse series so much and it has brought so much joy to me but with this latest arc (which I also love, don't get me wrong) it's like.
idk, my dashboard is just filled with art and writing about it and how sad and horrible it is to watch someone you love die. and about how sad and horrible it is that leo is gonna lose his twin brother. and like. it's so cool that it's inspired so many people (and I'm one of them, for the record, I've made art about it too!) and everything but now I'm just sitting here THINKING about it like.
.... yeah. it was really sad and horrible to watch my dad die. he was in hospice for over a year. and he was sick for a lot longer than that, back before he was rejected for a lung transplant, and when we still thought he would get better.
and it was really sad and horrible when my twin brother died, too. i just had my first birthday without him earlier this month and it sucked. it'll be one year officially since we lost him on may 11th and I'm sooo not ready for it.
and i do trust cass that there will be a happy ending and everything. but there's sadly no one storyboarding my reality so. that's not really true anywhere else.
and the WORST PART!!! is i can't even go talk to people about this!! which is the only reason I'm here in the first place lmao. coz like. what am i supposed to do like? "hey in order for you to understand why I'm upset right now I'm gonna have to explain the extended tmnt universe, the plot of the movie, and also can you read these fan comics for me?" like!!! FUCK!!!!! but then cass just posted the last page >:( (it's beautiful btw they did gr8) and I straight up curled up and sobbed for like. a good five minutes. coz. like. fuck!!! it just!!! I'm sad!!!! I'm sad donnie is dead and that his family will suffer for it but.
fuck. at least he was surrounded by his family when he went.
i wasn't there when my daddy died.
my brother died alone.
and neither of them are coming back.
and that's, like. so cowabummer, dude.
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thesovereignsring-if · 10 months
TYSM for the demo! It was so wonderful!!! *SPOILER OBVI* I was gagged at the ending which the Empress-Aunt pulled, a "your mother was weak and she offed herself because of that, and also she didn't love you enough." I was sucked in so hard. Like, I don't agree with that Auntie, but OMG am I gonna have my MC cling to her so bad because of that. (I mean, co'mon, if the MC takes that to heart?? The wedge it could cause between their two brothers, like, what if the MC takes after their Aunt, and--) Thank you for your hard work! I'm eager to see what comes next <3
This family is sooooo fucked
What a thing to say to a deeply traumatize 6-year-old on their birthday before drugging them to sleep lmao Maeve, chill for a second please.
I'm soo pleased the something in ending snatched you. I really wanted at least one of the bros or the Empress (or maybe all of them) to latch on to the reader. And I was sooo nervous it wouldn't!
And an MC(s) deeply attached to the Empress?
This whole game is just Sieghardt's worst fears coming to life.
Thanks for the ask, it means soo much to me <3
✦ Lili ✦
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shutupandplayasong · 1 year
Mandela Catalogue HCs
heheh hyperfixation go brrrrr
Please don't yell at me if these suck im sensitive 🥺 /hj
Would have been the best big brother to Sarah I stg
Not afraid to wear a tiara and feather boa and have a tea party with her
This towering young man sat on a dinky little plastic chair sipping imaginary tea, pinky out and all
Aaagghhhhhhh i love him
Definitely one of those "super talented, high iq, gifted kids" before the burnout hit him
Every Christmas, Easter, and birthday he'd ask his parents for a dog. He never got one :(
Not exactly a Disney adult, just a big fan of animated movies in general.
I think his favorites would be The Iron Giant, Monsters Inc, and Lilo and Stitch
Honorable mentions to The Fox and The Hound and Oliver and Company but they make him cry
Mark Heathcliff best boy 1,000,000/10
Cesar fans, you have my whole heart fr
You really took nothing and ran with it I can't not respect that
I see him as a total mama's boy. As far as I know, there's no mention of his dad anywhere so I imagine it's just him and his mom.
As a little boy he was like "I'm gonna be the man of the house now!" and he stuck to it like glue
Taking the trash out, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn because "Mom, you deserve to get off your feet, you're working too hard"
I think him being a mama's boy and having so much respect for her would translate into huge respect for women in general
I like the idea of him painting his nails ❤
His room is like a walk-in freezer you can literally see his breath when he sleeps
Used to skateboard but eventually "grew out of it" (he actually broke his wrist and is too scared to do it again)
This toxic little fuck i love him
The most "dont talk to me until I've had my coffee" person you'll ever meet.
Not having consistent access to coffee must have been miserable for him when he was on the run. Doubly miserable for poor Jonah having to put up with a grouchy Adam for who even knows how long
You remember that tiktok trend from a few years ago like "I look really intimidating until I smile"? ADAM ADAM ADAM ADAM ADAM!!!
He's such an angsty little shit with the most severe case of resting bitch face disease but on the rare occasion he actually smiles??? Human sunshine
Definitely the type to look down when he smiles to try and hide it
Wouldn't be caught DEAD singing out loud, but will absolutely murmur songs to himself under his breath.
Just imagining him folding laundry or cooking and singing whatever song is stuck in his head to himself I LOVE THIS MAN
He likes rock music in general but I feel like he's really into songs like Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Yknow those really mopey mid 2000s ballads?
Shattered by OAR, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, stuff like that
Rip jonah you would've loved tiktok
Was a theater kid but he got kicked out of class. Dude was just too hyper to follow directions
What can he say? He just stole the spotlight 🤪 (he's crying inside)
Walks into every room twirling his car keys around his finger like a dork
Can not be trusted to stand still, it's best to just make him wear one of those backpack leashes for everyone's safety
A gamer but not in a toxic way. He's actually terrible at games but he thinks it's fun to dick around and goof off in them.
You knows those "girlfriend who bites" memes? That's him. He's the girlfriend who bites.
You've heard of wine moms, you've heard of wine aunts, well get ready for wine dad
I feel like he paints? He strikes me as very artsy
Loves plants but can't keep them alive for shit. It's not even that he forgets to water them, he follows all the instructions, the plants just hate him
Can't sleep without a TV on, or at least some sort of white noise or music playing.
Total garbage at gift giving lmao but he's trying his best
"I got you this card. Happy birthday."
"Thatcher, this says 'My condolences'"
"I know"
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snowandwolves · 4 months
lengthy ask anon here - i am currently freezing bc holy shit what is going on in the states rn negative degree weather sucks. also! i had to change my alarm and there was a windchime option which made me cackle lol
i hope this week is less stressful! and yes, therapy is the answer to everything lol well that, and the beautiful images you put in our heads bc the image of bea planning a surprise birthday party (and being huffy at her imperfect cake that ava thinks is perfect) my heartttt
speaking of cold - just how cold does it get in that town? curious if you came across that in your research
i love the thought you put in to choosing patatas bravas! does bea have a favorite food? also does she have a favorite food amongst ava's repertoire?
i was rereading and in chap 3, ava asks bea if she's ever been arrested (i still love the fact that she got into a bar brawl lol) but has ava ever been arrested??
also in chap 5 (storm scene, my beloved!), bea asks ava what she's afraid of (and hard agree, cockroaches - the flying ones esp - are fucked up) but what's bea afraid of?
do you have a favorite pun from the lighthouse au?
i'm gonna go make hot chocolate, too cold for iced hot chocolate but i will pretend i'm somewhere warm enough to have that. sending you good vibes and uneventful days!
me [living in a tropical country]: negative degree weather 🥺
hi lengthy ask anon, i have no idea how long it’s been 💀 lost all concept of time the moment 2024 decided to press fast forward akdbskd but i’m alive and still happy to answer questions!
1. negative 20s if i remember correctly! i had no idea how to write that kind of weather so i set it in… spring 😂 which is when i also started writing it. had to bookmark the weather of the location lmao
2. i tried to pinpoint a favorite food for bea, but i made myself sad doing it skdbs cos i was trying to go back to her childhood and then went “wouldn’t the food be tasteless if she’s having meals alone or with a family like that?” 😭 why am i like this 😭 but as for ava’s menu, i’d say she’s partial to anything they can make together because,,, soft gay lmao so nothing too complicated bec bea in the kitchen is a disaster waiting to happen. omelettes? bacon and waffles? literally anything even a 7-year-old can help with 💀
3. FOR STREAKING DEFINITELY 😭 dunno why but it’s the first thing that popped in my head
4. skin-deep level? worms probably. just because they wriggle and because she absolutely hates accidentally touching them 💀 soul-deep level? rejection. too many times from too many people just sows that in you ajdhsjd also storm scene, also my beloved, i waited so long to write that [sigh]
5. i was gonna say “legen-dairy” before realizing that’s a whole other fic (i’m fine obviously) but for lighthouse au, i think “it shore is bea-utiful” just because it was an all-in-one 😂
[lifts my mug of lukewarm coffee bec it’s too hot to drink boiling liquid] cheers lengthy ask anon. i hope the hot chocolate was warm and sweet 🥹 and i hope you’ve been having a good month!!!
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etherealdiva · 2 years
Profection Year Observations: 8th year
These are my personal observations and experience, not facts! It’ll be different for everyone.
First and foremost let’s figure out how to analyze. You can def use the profection year chart and on Astro-seek it’ll pull up the info for you by you putting in your birth info.
Example: if you’re in an 8 year profection then the theme is death, rebirth, sex, taxes, debts, power, transformation, healing & other peoples money. But look to see in your natal which zodiac sign is in that house and who is the ruler of that house. It’ll provide more insight to see how you’ll get affected. As well as looking at your solar return.
March 7, 2021-March 7, 2022: In my 8 year via my natal chart the ruler is Jupiter (8th house is Pisces and I believe you use the traditional ruler) although 8th house can be a scary one (doesn’t have to be but it’s not really favorable like tbh who really looks forward to an 8th year? Lmao) but with Jupiter in there and in my natal it’s in my 12th in cancer which is exalted. In my solar return Jupiter was in my 1st house in Aquarius.
I feel I did a lot of shadow work and self reflection (more than I usually do) ESPECIALLY after meeting who I think was a karmic in my 7th year. 8th is also an obsessive house because it’s naturally ruled by Scorpio.
I read from lunar liyah (really cute and informative blog!) @lunarliyah 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
“7th house profection years could be a time where you meet your twin flame. Or meeting your polar opposite. Someone who you get along with but y’all are very opposite, but it helps you learn about yourself which is what 7th is about. Learning about yourself through others. “
So my 7th year was in 2020 of march when I turned 30. I did meet someone in February of 2021 (I was still in my 7th year because it was a few weeks before my birthday and 8th year) and he really affected me. We were both obsessed with each other and it was toxingly beautiful lmao I can’t explain. It felt karmic but I was grateful I didn’t suffer extreme heartache (I was sad of course) but Jupiter kept me safe. Also in solar return the ascendant was Aquarius and the guy I met is an Aquarius rising.
Money was up and down. I had it and then other days I didn’t BUT I was still not broke. I feel I was always protected regardless from debt. That’s Jupiter in 12th in my natal.
I did however have financial debt to pay which wasn’t overwhelming but it sucks to have it you know?
During the 8 year, I went through deep processes of growth and healing and discovered power dynamics both within myself and with others. I feel I shed a layer and transformed into a different version of myself.
Jupiter in the 1st in my solar was giving a positive for the most part year where it wasn’t the worst time because I still found myself jovial and having fun while growing. Shadow work was still in play. Also it was about gaining opportunities through action but my self esteem was pretty good. Especially as an Aquarius rising for that year- I loved being rebellious and feeling different. I think this is when I was more open about my astrology knowledge.
In regards to the power dynamics- I was working at a job where I felt powerless. It was toxic. It wasn’t the worst cause I still did well (at least in my opinion) I stayed positive but yeah it was still a struggle.
In regards to death- ego death for sure. Absolutely. But not to scare anyone. My mom did get sick with cancer (or she always had it but we didn’t know and it was too late when we found out) doctors did say she had a good survival rate despite it being on stage 4. Idk, toxic optimism? Lol. Anyways she did pass away 9 days after my birthday so it was the closure of the 8th profection. Please know this doesn’t have to happen to you also. I entered a 7 numerology year and that’s spiritual but also loss and hardship. Tbh I had a feeling I was gonna lose one of my parents. 😢😣
I’m currently in my 9 year which is ruled by mars in my chart and in my natal it’s in the 6th house in Capricorn. I am a day chart so mars is malefic BUT mars is EXALTED in Capricorn so it’s not all bad. In my solar return mars is in my 9th (I have a 9th stellium for my SR) I’ll do another observation with the 9th.
Stay blessed ❤️
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lockandkeyhyena · 5 months
Tricks up my sleeves took YEARS to be completed and they want to pretend they didn't know about the drama until now? After admitting they unfollow anyone who DARES bring up what shitty things ppl in the community are doing?? It's such BS what are yall talking abt them acting reasonably. Have any of you read the actual comment they made, there's a reason they're being so vague about "problematic" stuff the artists did because both drew CP and one of them STILL HAS A PLATFORM. If you replaced problematic artists in their comment with "people who sexualize children" it'd sound insane hence why they're being so vague and weird about it. It's pure manipulation folks!! Also they supported JK Rowling with a drawing for her birthday on twitter and said they "didn't agree with her views" but were still gonna support her. This is that same attitude but for people who did something that is literally ILLEGAL what do u mean reasonable this is one of the worst responses I've seen in my life??
They made it all about "poor me the internet is so mean just bc I put some bad people who did bad things [they rlly don't wanna mention what was actually done LMAO] Im a grown ass adult who thinks I shouldn't have any responsibility to protect my mostly child audience pwease tell me I sound reasonable." We are not rewriting this narrative to be nice to them come on guys.
Their care about the victims to these people is SO PISS POOR, they won't even add A WARNING A WARNING a sentence in the desc saying 'hey these two people suck don't watch if that would upset you'. Then at the same time are telling people to just not watch it if they don't like it? HOW??? IF YOU WON'T WARN THEM WHAT'S IN IT THEY CAN'T AVOID IT?? Almost like admitting they have two abusers in their map would be like... A bad look or something and they care abt that more than others safety or comfort.
Also they deleted my reply to their comment saying all this so no, they're not "being reasonable" this is purely and simply protecting the horrible artists who did that shit. Let's not play devil's advocate for ppl who draw CP please-
jesus christ calm down i was just giving my uninformed opinion on the situation because people asked. did you not see my reply adding that if they purposefully blocked people warning about dangerous people in the fandom, they have no right to complain when people point out that they have unsafe people in their map?
how the fuck did you jump from that to me ‘playing devils advocate for people who draw cp’???
if i sound defensive its because i. am. obviously.
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ march 2023
words written: 13 235
projects worked on: technically i only wrote for Andromeda Rogue but i did rotate my other side wips rather violently in my head. like this is not a gentle rotisserie chicken rotating, this is a full-on centrifuge machine
proudest accomplishment: this is the month i've written the most all year ????? also i reached over 50K on AR draft 2!!!
books read: Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo; Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries #2) by Martha Wells; and i've also just started A Rival Most Vial by writeblr's very own @ashen-crest!
at what degree of sparse activity do i have to concede defeat call it a hiatus. i'm doing fine, i've just been really busy with work and haven't had time to devote to writeblr that much 😔
remember when i said i was gonna intro my Third, Secret WIP this month? yeah, that didn't happen. i'm trying to crack down on AR bc i have this goal of finishing this draft by my birthday in mid-May (although i don't think that's gonna happen at this rate...) so i don't think i'll be talking too much about my other wips here until then. but i'm definitely still playing with them every once in a while lol
uhh not much else to say as far as general writing comments go. have some reading comments: Hell Bent was good but felt a bit messier than the first book imo, 4 stars. Artificial condition absolutely fucked, 5 stars. and i'm not very far in A Rival Most Vial but i love love love it so far.
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
so yes this draft is coming along nicely.
right now i'm in the weird bit between the drama of the midpoint and the drama of the climax where things sort of slow down a bit... i'm trying to figure out if i need to add stuff to keep it from dragging but i'm stumped as to what.
i can't tell at what point i need to fix things now or leave things for Future Me. like i can't avoid my problems forever lmao i do have to become Future Me at some point...
there's also a few bits where i don't know if it's actually bad and needs to be fixed or if i'm just overthinking things lol. i've already bothered my rubber duckie (you know who you are <3) too many times for things that i thought were problems that in the end only needed the simplest of solutions... so maybe i need to just leave it be and see what my beta readers think?
speaking of betas... i'm a little *insert gif of me vibrating at the speed of sound* at the thought of people actually Reading My Writing... it feels like that might be happening soon... but i'm probably getting a bit ahead of myself 😅
i can never remember what i've posted for AR yet and what i haven't but i did change this scene a bit from the first draft. so without further ado, have some Azami being badass and standing up to a space pirate who had kidnapped her. warnings for weapons i guess, lmk if there's anything else i should warn for
With a smirk, Song let go of Azami’s wrist, and that was there he made the grave mistake of turning his back to her.
Petra caught Azami’s eyes flick down to his belt a split second before she pounced. Hands still tied, she gripped the handle of his plasma wand, yanked it out of its holster, and jabbed it at the back of Song’s head.
“Answer the question, asshole!” she shrieked.
Song stopped walking, but didn’t flinch. His smirk merely widened as he slowly turned around to face her. “Do you even know how to use that, sweetheart?”
Azami pointed the wand between his legs and squeezed a button. A flash of light filled the room as a blue laser shot out of the rusty handle. It flew just shy of Song’s crotch, singeing the fabric of his pants, before hitting the floor with a loud crack and a flurry of sparks. Petra yelped and jumped back. Song sucked in a sharp breath, finally dropping his cool demeanour.
“That was a warning. I’ll blast your balls clean off next time,” Azami promised, aiming the wand a bit higher.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepenss @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda rogue taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa @outpost51
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ncteez · 6 days
hi hii!! :D i just finished re-reading your drippin' fic and i don't think i've ever told you how much that fic lives in my brain fr. i read it last year and i still think about it to this day lmao😭 literally the thought would just come out of nowhere like earlier, i was just casually sitting on the couch minding my own business and then my brain went like "hey since you're on the couch rn, you remember that one 00line birthday orgy smut?"
i honestly CANNOT get over it, esp the way jeno took control over everyone good god... he'd already pulled sexy power moves with paying for everything, but when he's calling the shots???? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 also the full bladder thing unlocked something within me tbh. jaemin and haechan was so desperate, they lowkey looked pathetic and i'm loving it. so desperate to break her but ended up being the ones who moaned the most just from tasting her, so willing to get their faces used to get off. AND OMG RENJUN BEING THE NASTIEST MF OF THEM ALL??? bro literally came twice with little to no contact😭 all he did was hump her leg, suck her tits, and licked her pussy clean only for him to cum all over it. ANYWAYS did i say i love this fic? i love this fic so much🫶🏻
after that i scrolled through your masterlist only to find out that you have a mark religion fic?!?!?!? and oh god me WHEN. i'm a Christian myself but i'd be lying if i said i hadn't thought about having sex in a church at least once🫣 this fic absolutely gagged me and i would definitely come back from time to time to read this masterpiece🫶🏻
so sorry for the long ass ask, i didn't expect it to be this long lmao😭 hope you have a great day!!
DON'T EVER APOLOGIZE FOR LONG ASKS!!! this was so fun to read pls ;-; you're the kind of person i write for specifically, and im so so so proud to know my fic(s) have stuck with you in some way.
pls excuse me while i kick my feet and giggle?!?
also, yes, mark religion fic......i still think ppl are gonna have to rip religious mark out of my cold dead fingers. i could fr end up never writing for nct again but i will always have a fucking mark lee praying on his knees wip in the works.
anyway, im so happy you sent this ;-; im bad at responding in ways that matter but pls know that im in love w u now thank u
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puppyyboyy · 15 days
huge vent under the thingy
im really selfish i think, like i dont really do much for people and i dont like to talk to people anymore as much as i used to but i think im just scared of people now. my parents pulled me out of school so i wouldnt be bullied but i think it just made my social anxiety worse
im also really sensitive and cry easily and i dont like that, yesterday i almost started crying because i couldnt find a room number in school (i was there for exams) that was super embarrassing
today is my brothers birthday and he has special needs and i feel bad because he has no friends to celebrate his birthday and my sister left the house to go hangout with her boyfriend so its only my mom, dad and me there for him on his birthday and i feel so bad and im like miserable right now and i woke up really upset because i was almost late for my exam and i definitely failed it because i guessed on almost question and i talked about college today and my plans with my guidance counselor at school and she talked about what im gonna do after highschool and i dont know what i wanna do because i thought i was gonna kms at 11 years old and not have anything else ahead of me and im so lost now and i dont even know what to do anymore
and im crying because i cant stop thinking about all the stuff thats gone wrong in my life and if i did things differently i couldve been happier and a better person
and i feel bad cuz im ignoring literally everyone rn whos texting me and im just sitting on my bedroom floor crying and writing this lmao im literally venting on tumblr💀 how did i get this bad omg. i could use my notes app to vent but i also want someone to read this, like anyone idc who im not even asking for help i just wanna be seen in a way i think
and my head is always full of ideas and thoughts and its hard to do anything because its always racing and i dont like it at all and i cant ever find the right words to get all these thoughts out or draw them out because i make art but irs not good it sucks and i hate my art style and i hate how i cant draw poses right or render correctly it pisses me off
my sister is really good at art, she goes to college for it and is way better then me and my parents are always praising her about her art and i feel like ill never be as good as her with anything, shes an honors student and graduated almost top of her class and president of the art club at her highschool (currently my highschool) and i got pulled into a bunch of shit when i made friends at highschool and they are all older then me and have so much drama and i feel like no matter who im friends with i cant be friends with the other people i wanna be friends with because they have drama together and if im one persons friend then i cant be the other persons friend because then im a bad person and i just hate it so much i hate beiing around people and i hate having to pick sides and i wish i could kms and i wouldnt have to deal with anything anymore
and then with my sister- anything i do or make art of my parents are like "cool!" and move on with their rlife and when my sister does art they post it on their facebook and show other family members and praise her so fucking much. im not saying i want all that but it feels like they dont even care
and i also noticed i get less things at Christmas and on my birthday now ever since i came out as trans to my extended family like my grandparents and uncle and aunt, my sister and brother get a bunch of shit and ill get some books and some other shit i dont even want or asked for but my sister gets money and a bunch of shit she asked for (expensive things) and my brother gets new electronics every fucking year. he got the newest iphone and a ipad and a fucking 3d printer last christmas???? and i got books and a 20$ Michaels gift card? its so unfair i with i was cis and my family would like me more itd not even about the gifts its just in general they got so distant and weird with me i feel so odd when i go to family events
sexual talk here- and i feel really gross a lot of the time cuz im sexual a lot and i wish i wasnt because i always feel gross and idk it makes me feel weird i guess its just hormones and a trauma response from when i was younger but i just feel weird especially when im alone and im being sexual i feel gross after and i dont know why im like this
theres so much on my mind and im just like AGHHHH!!!!!! i wanna cut myself and bleed out everywhere istg (i wont actually cuz im very afraid of physical pain)
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lumiereandcogsworth · 1 month
Tell me about the worst birthday Belle ever had! :( But also... Tell me about the best birthday she ever had post-canon~
AGH!!!! i had so much fun answering this 🤧
okay, i think in GENERAL, belle has had pretty wonderful birthdays. pre-canon it’s just always been so sweet and lovely, spending time with her beloved papa. she’s always been rather content in this regard. and post-canon, GOSH, one of adam’s biggest love languages is gift giving, so you Know he just goes crazy every year. not to mention the balls and the trips they always have !! belle really has had some incredible birthdays.
BUT OKAY. TWIST MY ARM ! truthfully the only “bad” birthday she had, pre-canon, was this one time that it RAINED. on her BIRTHDAY. and it was so unprecedented and she was Devastated. i think this was maybe like her fourteenth birthday? and it just BUMMED HER OUT. because it’s Always so nice on her birthday!!! what the heck!!! but it was just a wild flash of rain that literally only lasted a day. and i think belle is Very affected by the weather; Really loves the sun and Really gets sad when it rains, so the fact that it was on her birthday just sucked😭 maurice still did everything he could to make it count. he made her favorite meals and they read her favorite stories. (AND HAD APPLE PIE !!! their birthday tradition!!) père robert even surprised belle and braved the rain to run across town and join them for dinner 🥰 which was lovely. so it turned out alright but i think she was Sad about it for a good chunk of the day :(
post-canon, like i said, she’s really had some incredible birthdays. adam really wins in this department. honestly, not to be too morbid, but i think her worst birthday post-canon would just be her first birthday after her father passed away ☹️☹️ i don’t wanna think about it!!!! but yeah. i don’t know how many months it is between his death and her next birthday, but regardless, i think it would just be very very very hard!! :((
BUT ANYWAY HEYYYY BEST BIRTHDAY POST-CANON?!? i keep saying it but that’s SO HARD!!!!!! i think her 21st birthday (first birthday with adam) would be AMAZING because WOWOW !!! BIRTHDAY WITH HUSBAND WHO LOVES ME SO MUCH !!! BIRTHDAY TRAVELING SOMEWHERE BEAUTIFUL !!! AAAHH !!! yeah that’s certainly an unforgettable birthday. and the NEXT birthday, omg ! it’s her first birthday as a mama!!! renée was born in april and so her baby girl is like a month old 😭 that was one birthday where she probably didn’t do too much, haha. probably just lots of soft kisses and snuggles in bed, THE THREE OF THEM 🥹🥹🥹
she definitely loves having birthdays as a mama, because her kiddos always love celebrating her 😭😭 SOMEONE GET HER AN 18TH CENTURY “WORLD’S BEST MOM” MUG RIGHT NOW !!! but anyway yeah she loves getting all their little craft gifts!! they’re so creative and cute!!!!!! they often put on shows for her, like writing silly scripts and acting them out with fun costumes, performing with their friends. VERY CUUUUTE.
she mostly loves when adam takes her to surprise places. in general they plan where they’re going together, but i think for her birthday some years, if belle can’t decide where she wants to go, (which happens frequently, she always wants to go everywhere), adam will pick a place that’s either new to them (or at least new to her) or a place he knows she loved but they haven’t been there in a while. and he’ll do the WORKS. making sure she doesn’t see any sign of where they’re going, covering up any indications, and blindfolding her when the ship (or carriage) is approaching the destination. and she’s always SO EXCITED SHE CANT STOP WIGGLING AND ASKING ADAM FOR CLUES!!! and he does give Some vague hints but he cuts her off eventually because girl you’re gonna spoil it!!! just wait!!!!! lmao. anyway she’s always SOOOO happy of course. i think one of her FAVORITE places to go is the scottish highlands, SPECIFICALLY to see those adorable ass cows. definitely one of her all time favorite animals.
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the first time they went here was probably pretty early in their marriage. and life is busy and there’s so much to explore so they probably don’t go back for a handful of years. so when they DO go back and it’s a SURPRISE !!!! she just explodes. definitely up there for one of her favorite birthdays ever.
she sees the baby highland cows and she asks adam every time if they can take one home. and he has to be like no, darling, they thrive best here. and we have cows at home. (THE COWS AT HOME ARE NOT AS CUTE AS THESE ONES!!! ADAM!!!!!!!!)
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legendarceus · 11 months
volo is cynthia / cyllene is cyrus au: family trees
and also me talking about them :)
put below keep reading bc its gonna be a lot lmfao
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cynthia (volo) family tree
cynthia is cogita's grandkid! her parents weren't present so cogita raised her until, of course, she got disowned for the whole trying to destroy the world thing. cogita sadly passed away before they could truly reconcile.
while there is no canon ancestor to iris, i think its fun to say that cynthia met iris' ancestor and they had kids and 200 years or something later, iris exists and cynthia gets to meet her great great great great grandchild or something. we'll come back to iris in a minute :)
i also think that lusamine also decended from cynthia, which means gladion and lillie also are related to cynthia! not that its important but you know. giant family.
i do ship cynthia and diantha. i think diantha is one of the few who know that cynthia is immortal but was most definitely the most recent to find out. iris is not aware of this. but these three are found family anyway <3
speaking of found family, prof. carolina and cynthia's younger sister are purely adoptive of sorts. but they're still found family. love them. wow cynthia 2 found families thats crazy.
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cyrus (cyllene) family tree
yes this looks odd without context but we do have context so it doesnt matter. cyllene x laventon is canon and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. too bad cyllene got widowed and then found out they were immortal AND trans after laventon died.
anyway, cy and lav were married and akari + rei were their adoptive kids. ingo was akari and rei's adoptive uncle too but that isnt relavent to the family tree. also laventon is a distant relative to leon and hop :) maybe he had siblings or cousins who are great (x?) grandparents to them. who knows.
anyway damn cyrus why do you got 2 found families. but yeah team galactic is naturally cyrus' found family of course. he is his commanders exhausted adoptive father since all of their families suck lmao
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mars family tree
i think mars and cynthia have the biggest family trees. anyway mars' was the first one that i did incase that wasn't obvious lmfao, but anyway, lets get into it!!!
arezu is ariana's great (x?) grandmother. ariana had a spouse that she had mars (maria at the time) with, but then she left them once she was like 'oh shoot im having silver!!!', so mars is vaguely aware that silver exists somewhere out there but she has no clue who he is otherwise. and then ariana and giovanni are married and had silver, who has no idea who mars is (he'd probably go through a crisis if he looked at sinnoh news, so lets keep it that way). silv and mars have a 9 year age gap btw just throwing that out there
silver found a new dad (lance) and some really weird teenagers about his age who he got stuck with. he's dating one of them. you have to guess. (i already know which one but im leaving it up to the mind bc silver isnt the focus in this au so imagine whatever you want).
mars and her silly little astronaut friends are her found family! i think arezu would flip her shit if she found out her great (x?) granddaughter was adoptive siblings with that one criminal lady (coin). but hey its fine!!! mars has her weird spaceman father and her weird astronaut siblings and life is good (mostly)
arezu deadass just has a bunch of decendants who commit various crimes
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saturn / jupiter family tree
i grouped these two together since they've got the smallest family trees.
saturn is (obviously) a decendant of coin, but he has no contact with his family and hasn't spoken to them in years by the time pokemon platinum takes place.
jupiter and fantina are siblings (fantina is older by a few solid years) but they really don't like eachother. they have little contact with eachother and dont exactly speak often. but they do wish eachother happy birthday sometimes so thats a plusside i guess.
and of course saturn and jupiter both have found family with team galactic. awww how sweet :)
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