#my brain is usually fried after i get done for the day
fashion4ducks · 1 year
I'll write that shenanigans fueled Nancy Drew fanfic this weekend I fucking swear.
So far I've got:
*scary George, chill Nick
*Bess up to something
*sleep deprived Ace
*and Nancy's couch
The angsty one I want is not coming along like I want it to. Shame, it includes a very conveniently placed and very deep cut requiring immediate medical attention but *somebody* is not going to the hospital cause she's *stubborn* nor does she feel like explaining *how* she got said cut.
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peppermintquartz · 1 month
"No, you beat the egg in with the rice-"
"No, you add the egg at the end, that's what Jamie Oliver said-"
Tommy takes the rice and eggs away from Evan and narrows his eyes at the man he loves. "Jamie Oliver doesn't know shit about egg fried rice."
Evan folds his arms and glares. "He's a professional chef."
"Who knows nothing about egg fried rice." Tommy points to the abomination in a jar on his table. "That 'chili jam' is proof."
They stare at each other, neither backing down. With a huff, Evan leaves the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" Tommy calls after him.
"I'm getting tacos!" Evan yells back. And then the front door slams shut.
It's a stupid fight, and they both know it's a stupid fight. But two big men with a lot of pride and a lot of stubbornness can drag a stupid fight out for a week, easily, especially if they also have mismatched shifts.
Eddie says he is on Evan's side, more out of loyalty than actual knowledge of how a good fried rice should be made. But Tommy and Eddie manage to meet at a boxing gym for a couple of hours on their matching day off (Evan requested an additional shift, just so he can keep giving Tommy the cold shoulder). As Tommy punches the heavy bags and rants, Eddie listens and makes "Mm hmm, yep" sounds that suggests that he's not really listening.
"Look, I make a decent mac and cheese. Anything more complicated than 'throw in a pot and stew the hell out of it' is not my forte," says Eddie. "And honestly, is this about the fried rice or something else?"
Tommy lets his arms go slack. He's breathing heavily and he wants to feel some physical pain, damn it. "I don't know. Come on, beat me up so I can get out of my head."
It's a stupid fight and he wants to make up for it, but it's hard trying to get time to see his boyfriend.
Tommy is coming off-shift, waiting at an intersection and sending his usual message to Evan to say that he's done for the day (yes they're fighting, but they're not going to forgo the regular mutual reassurances that they are safe) when an SUV screeches across the junction and crashes into the side of his vehicle.
He's slammed out from his seat, the seatbelt digging into his chest, and hears the crack of bone as his head makes contact with something hard. Just before he faints, he thinks, Shit, Evan's gonna blame himself.
"...mie Oliver, I'll never look at his cooking videos again I promise."
The words drift over Tommy. He blinks. His brain is too big for his skull. "Ev'n?"
Evan's blotchy face. Red-rimmed eyes, pale skin, stubble. Beautiful.
Tommy smiles. "Baby. S'ry." His mouth is dry. "Water?"
Straw. Sips.
"Sorry," Tommy says again. Ouch. Ribs. And he can't move his left hand. "Made you worry."
Smiling damply, Evan brushes Tommy's hair back from his forehead. "It's okay. Go to sleep, wake up better."
Tommy lets his eyelids close.
It's not about Jamie Oliver and his monstrosity of an egg fried rice. It's about Evan not wanting to try things Tommy's way sometimes. It's about Tommy not entirely willing to cede his territory to someone else, even if it's to someone he loves.
It won't be their last fight. But Tommy knows that their next one, he'll remember how it felt to think he was going to die and leave Evan before they made up. He'll remember that, and never let that happen again.
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cod-sins · 1 year
Hi! :)
Can I request könig w/ a insecure chubby s/o headcanons? (If you're okay with writing that) I read your könig headcanons and this came in my mind
Have a good day!! :33
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed. Fat/chubby/plus-sized.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. NSFW UNDER CUT.
.ೃ࿐ Word Count: 725.
[A/N: Why not kill two birds with one stone? It's not just big girls he likes, it's big boys too! König likes 'em all. Also if this seems a little repetitive sorry my brain is fried and so is my laptop. P.S. My gay ass really likes cheek cupping so yall gon see a lot of that.]
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König understands what it feels like to be insecure about your own body. He was the tallest boy in his class and always felt singled out by his fellow classmates. There were times were he absolutely dreaded going to school knowing he would be ridiculed and teased about how tall he was. To him it was one of the worse things he experienced so he would never want anyone to deal with that ESPECIALLY his partner.
You would stare at yourself in the mirror, constantly comparing yourself to other people you saw. You always felt as if you weren't good enough when it came to everyone else. You tried to ignore it but the feeling always kept crawling back. It would get to the point where you feel like you weren't even good enough for your own boyfriend. You began hiding your shape, wearing clothes that were double your size, and switched out your things for stuff you'd normally wear in the Winter/Fall.
König would start to pick up on this. Noticing that you started skipping meals or wearing clothes that weren't usually your type. He would gently pull you aside to find out what's wrong. Probably waiting until you were both lying in bed to ask, so you couldn't dodge his questions.
"Liebe," he said softly while repeatedly rubbing circles into your back. "is, everything alright with you?" He continued with pauses in his sentence. You mumbled out that you were fine but this answer didn't satisfy König. He pulls you up, rearranging y'alls position so that you were making direct eye contact with him. Even on his lap he still managed to hover over you.
He asks you once again with a more focused look in his eye. “Schatz, what's the matter with you? You have been acting so…different lately. You aren't yourself these past few days.” He says frowning.
Unable to hide it any longer you begin to cry into his arms, confessing that you don't feel worthy about being his partner. You tell him how you don't feel attractive and that you aren't comfortable with your body anymore. König pulls you into a hug, kissing your head while muttering “Oh Liebeling, can't you see how beautiful/handsome you are? You shouldn't hide or change any part of yourself. You are so perfect the way you are, that's why I fell in love with you in the first place.” He says solemnly while cupping your face.
To counter the way you're feeling König would start spoiling you with brand-new clothes, taking photos of you, and giving lots of attention to parts of your body. Don't like your stretch marks? He's tracing them up and down with his fingers smiling. Dislike your stomach/fat rolls, well he doesn't! It's natural and a sign that you're body is alive and you're well taken care of. Think your fat fingers are unappealing? He's already placing them on his face and gently kissing them.
König is going to make it his mission to make sure you feel good about yourself.
Even though his social anxiety is bad he would try and take you out places to flaunt you off. He wants you to know that you can come to him when you feel bad about yourself he's your boyfriend after all.
[A/N: That was the SFW now for me to be a horny degenerate with some once again mild (very self-indulgent) smut. Picking up from the crying part.]
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The only time König wants to see you cry is when he's overstimulating you, so after he's done soothing you he starts kissing his favorite parts of your body starting from top to bottom. He kisses your cheek before moving down to your neck, sucking and lightly grazing it. Spending a considerable König continues to go lower and lower until you're on your back and his mouth is on your heat.
He'd spend hours down on you, sucking your dick/clit, eating your ass/pussy making sure you feel loved. He gets so much pleasure from watching your legs shake after giving him your third orgasm. You're vision is hazy and you have your hands buried in his hair. You could feel him slightly humping the bed for some form of relief.
By the time you're done you're covered in sweat and ripped lingerie. Bite marks, hickeys n bruises are speckled all over your body. König would savor this moment forever keeping a polaroid photo safely tucked away just in case he misses you too much on a mission. <3
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
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TW!!! — blood, scarring and mild body horror ahead 🥲
benny’s turn!
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before i start i wanna clarify i hesitated a bit on posting this because lovely mutual @vor-leser just posted his benny interpretation (go look at it and follow him btw), and idk if we like mind melded or smth but our human benny’s are super similar LOL. i damn near scrapped the whole thing out of fear someone would get mad at me but i Would Not be able to start over and get this done ever so this is as good as we’re gonna get. 😭 my apologies niko love u /p
this has been like a full 7 days in the making 😭😭 the art block that i felt coming on while doing ellen and ted hit me like an optimus prime sized semi truck this week along with a depressive episode so i definitely appreciate that happening and i am not upset about it at all! /s i’m totally good so don’t worry or anything /gen, mental health is just weird and i also wanted to explain the gap in my posts 😔
i do not know how to feel about this drawing if i’m so fr with you; i’m proud of myself for AM-ified benny cause i think i got the slowly rotting from the inside out primal freak energy down pretty good, but on the other hand this feels kinda empty?? i usually have a lot more commentary squished in here but i think my brain’s a little fried 🤦‍♂️ i love drawing me some beautiful buff men though so drawing normal ben was familiar territory. however his wack ass haircut i gave him is his punishment for being a PRICK!!! go sit in the corner and think about ur actions benjamin.
like ted n the rest of the sillies i’m not straying too far from canon with his personality, he’s an ass and a murderer and a hella smart dickhead who desperately needs to be punished by the universe (thank you for that one AM). hot take i did not like his “redemption arc” in his game scenario and i don’t think with how he was throughout the entirety of his life (and also throughout the game, main example his inner dialogue) he would actually go out of his way to help the kid because he means it??? n prove he changed to the guys he killed cause he means it??? i dunno maybe AM torturing him made him have a main character “omg i’ve been in the wrong this whole time!!1” moment like the game suggests i’m just not buying it 💀 i’m sure it’s just cause bennys scenario couldn’t be too long and they couldn’t fully flesh him out which i won’t fault the game makers for. i’m a steven universe fan, i know what time constrictions can do to a plot and redemption arc 😭 looking at you white diamond…
his wife n kids are up top and they’re kinda neat to me— i was considering the hc that part of the reason manya (his canon wife) left him is because she realized she was a lesbian which would be funny as fuck considering benny’s also One Of Them Queers 😭. i think during the brief times he was home and able to parent his daughters they got really scared and tired of him, one because he’s just a very threatening powerful and overbearing man, but also because i feel like he would’ve been on their ASS about everything. grades, extracurriculars, friends, wardrobe, this guy was micromanaging his family to an annoying extreme (ofc because of his perfectionist complex). he probably loved manya and the kids in his own weird way, but it was more contractual to him than any real personal relationship. maybe he inherited that from his own parents?? i doubt he ever talked to them after he moved out.
that’s about the end of my thoughts on this fucker. 🥲 funny storyyyy i just remembered i have laundry to finish so im gonna go do that, lord help me. thank you for reading all this if you did!!!!! we’re over halfway through so who do yall want next? wanna save AM or nimdok for last? i’ll see u guys later :]]]
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Hellooooo, so i wanted to request a oneshot of :
Romantic Yandere!Howdy Pillar x firefly!puppet!reader (gn). Reader is a new neighbor in town and just happen to catch the eyes of a certain caterpillar with their soft light...
Tysm for the request I hope you’re doing well or having a good day! This is a very exciting request I’m sorry most of mine are taking so long I’ve been having lots of testing from school and so my brain has been fried T~T. I literally had ask my mom what Lettuce was because I forgot what it was fucking called! Anyways moving on from that I hope I met your expectations while doing this request! I had done some studying of fireflies for this including Howdy because I had no idea how to write him.
Sparkle-group of fireflies ⚠️ warning- obsessive behavior
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You fluttered around the dim neighborhood as the sunsets glow lighted up your path. You had just moved into this colorful neighborhood. Finally after hours getting your boxes and bags unpacked you finally had some time to chill out in your half boxed up room. This was a start of your new life! You had wanted to explore and make your own path in life so you had separated from your sparkle even as your parents protested. Due to you being more fragile than most of your sparkle was the cause of your parents distress, but you brushed off their remark’s knowing that you’ll be careful as you always were. Even without your parents constant babying you had managed to thankfully never get hurt since you left. But after a whole year of searching you finally found the perfect place to stay for a few years so you wouldn’t have to rely on your parents care. This neighborhood was bright, cheery, and most importantly colorful you loved all the different colors here. And even the colorful neighbors brought you here.
You were wiping the sweat off your head stretching out your sore muscles. You usually slept in or just ate throughout the day, but you needed to get this done. So just as you were going to get some rest a sudden tall green man had waved out to you. Most of the neighbors had all brought you little gifts or greeted you throughout the day. All except for him being the finale one to and with a small basket of what seemed to be little goodies. Each one seeming to be all of your favorites from food to items.
“ Howdy Neighbor I’m Howdy!“ he chuckled extending one of his 4 long arms out to you to shake.
“ Nice to meet you too! I’m ____ you own that shop just across from here right?” You asked him as he smiled giving you the basket while you shook his big hand.
“Yup! That’s me come by anytime! I’d be happy to see you!” He waved to you as you both departed.
Well he seems nice!
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As the tall man departed he couldn’t help, but feel a longing as he left. Some odd feeling of wanting to go back over to you. Maybe because of the urge to talk to you more? It was it something else he couldn’t put his finger on. As he walked back to the small shop he owned. As he gazed upon the colorful road he still couldn’t brush off the feelings he had was he opened the door to his shop.
There must be something in the air today then. Or was it you corrupting his thoughts with your adorable glow?
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You stretched out in your bed yawning as you were woken from the sudden disturbance of someone knocking upon your door. Your feet tingled as they touched the cold floors of your new house as you sluggishly moved across to the door.
“ Hello Neighbor! I’m Julie this over here is Frank!” She happily introduced herself and her friend to you once again.
“ Julie I don’t even think they’re awake.” Frank remarked at your appearance.
“ …Oh! Yeah I remember you two you baked me that delicious cake yesterday!” You pointed out to her as she smiled brightly from the complement.
“ And you’re that guy who…Eddie right? Yeah, Eddie had dipped in the middle of the road correct?” You chuckled as he frowned even more turning his head around to hide his blush.
“ So wanna go out and find butterflies with us!?” She asked as you nodded.
“ Yeah it sounds fun just give me a minute I’m still in my pajamas!” You laughed before closing the door.
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Eventually after getting dressed you hung out with the two. You loved their differences in personality. Julie true to her last name was very joyful and quite the enthusiastic person. Frank on the other hand was very much the opposite of the blonde. He was sarcastic, grumpy, and seemed to only express interest in butterflies. Including a certain mailman too.
For hours you were surrounded by a gorgeous grill of flowers and tall grass surrounded you. As it sadly got darker the later you all stayed out. Losing track of time wasn’t the best for the two who seemed blind in the darkness. Frank had worried about the two of them going back home with suck darkness due to you all being far from the town.
“ Well than Julie how do we get back home? It’s not like one of us have some magical light on us!” He complained.
“Oh! I actually do.” You said lighting everything up to the shock of the man.
“ Wha…Oh yeah that explains the wing pattern and…” he muttered.
“ You’re like a human glow stick!”julie exclaimed in awe.
You lit the way for the two of them as you headed back through the darkened flowery fields while the grass tickling you. As the moons light now helped brighten your path a certain light of an opened shop owner had their eyes lingering on your bright glow. While you talked so joyfully towards your two new friends; he couldn’t help feeling that same feeling he had felt the other day. A slight ping in his heart seeing you with the other neighbors and not him.
Something in his heart felt as if it was pulling him towards you. Could this be jealousy? A deep longing? Or could it be both? What set him off the most was the angelic smile of yours as you waved to him almost had him drop his broom as he swept up.
What are you doing to him _____?
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You happily hummed a sweet melody while you were decorating your house in the late hours of the night. You didn’t ever really sleep that much so why not. As you were looking around the now not as messy household you could help, but notice something was missed. And then it hit you like a hard slap on the back.
You hurriedly stepped through the glass doors. It was late at night once again when you had come over to the shop. You panted as you ran in waving to the concerned shop owner.
“ H…hey Howdy! I’m ok.” You greeted him panting still.
“ Are you ok?” He asked coming over to you with his broom in hand while you nodded finally catching your breath.
“ Yup! Do you by chance have any ___? I’m so sorry to be coming in so late!” You apologized.
“ Don’t worry I think I have just the thing.” He reassured you before went to the back of the store bringing out just the thing you needed.
You gratefully thanked him as you were about to pay for the item. As you began to take the item from his large hands you had accidentally placed them onto pot his hand instead of your item.
“ Heh! Well this is awkward huh?” You nervously chuckled pulling your hand away from the shopkeeper.
“ I’m just gonna go now….thanks so much have a good night!” You said rushing out seeing the time.
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What is this feeling. It felt so peaceful when you were just here with him. Just you and him. Just you. Even as your hand held his he felt just so amazing. He bearly fleven knows you and yet he feels as if he’s been by your side for ages.
What are you doing to him? Why do you bringing whatever these feelings are with you each time you come near him. Each and ever time you smile his heart begins to race. Every beat booms out just for you. Each and every pang in his chest bursts out of his rib cage just for you.
Oh golly you’re just too much for his heart aren’t you?
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You have been noticing some odd things happening in your humble home.
But a main thing you’ve seen missing every time you’d hang out with the neighbors is photos. Not just any old photo but photos of you specifically. You couldn’t tell if they were pictures you hadn’t put up yet or did. You still were unpacking a few things left to decorate your house, but for any pictures of you to be missing you knew you packed seemed too out of place for you to forget.
You’ve been hanging out with most of the neighbors specially Julie, Frank, and Eddie most of the time. You would sometimes have a chat with Howdy because you didn’t want to accidentally take up some of his time while he was working. Plus it wasn’t rare for a certain small artist to try and steal apples. You remember once speaking to him while he hadn’t seemed too busy and next thing you knew he was kicking Wally to the curve with his broom. It was funny, but you felt bad after for being a distraction to him while the chaotic artist stole his apples. He even told you that it wasn’t a rare occurrence for Wally to steal apples from him. That guy must really love apples.
But besides that another thing you’ve noticed is the store owner acting a little odd. Maybe you just haven’t gotten to know him that well or you just assumed his personality too soon? But he’s seemed to know you a bit too well. You don’t mean like in a friendly. Well it was very friendly just in way it’s like “How did you know that”. For instance your recent conversation with the caterpillar.
“ Well goly look at the time! I better close up before it gets too late.” He noticed the once blue sky now turning into a darker hue.
“ Yeah! Well I hope you have a goodnight Howdy see you tomorrow!” You bid the caterpillar a goodbye before leaving.
As you looked over to wave goodbye to the tall shop keeper you were about to run into the wooden frame of the glass doors. Thankfully Howdy had managed to warn you as you smooshed your face into the window instead. Leaving an embarrassing and awkward out print of your face smudged onto the once clean glass.
“ I am so sorry!” You apologized holding your nose from the impact.
“ Are you ok!?” He panicked rushing towards you to see if you were alright.
“ I’m good just…smudged your window up.” You chuckled rubbing your noggin.
You kept reassuring him that you were fine he eventually stoped pressing you if you were 100% sure ok.
“ I’m just glad to see you didn’t chip a tooth again.” he chuckled.
“ Yeah… well see you later then.” You nervously said.
How did he know you’ve chipped a tooth on a door?
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I’m gonna make this a part two cause writers block has been a bitch to me recently. But I really loved this idea! I hope you’re all doing well or that things get better!
Sincerely- Cup1dT3a 💌
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
Just an Intern // Part 4.1
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pairing: austin x intern lol | word count: 4.7k-ish?
summary: the consequences of austin’s behavior catches up to him amidst battling the paranoia of an impending media shit storm. when a familiar stagehand nuance instigates a conflict, austin helps intern escape.
warnings/notes: usual angst, oral f receiving, jealousy, dom!intern / sub!austin ?? if you squint?, orgasm denial, protective!austin, physical altercation, 18+ mdni
notes: austin's POV was suggested / requested - i prefer/am better at writing in first person so, i really enjoyed doing this. writing from male character's perspective is something i love doing so - i apologize if it's not your forte. y/n is being addressed as Intern bc i want to make her an oc but am afraid of the commitment so lol i hope you give it a chance anyway ♡
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | see masterlist for all other fics ♡
vibes: just an intern playlist ⛓️
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This girl is a gun, before you know it, it’s done
And you’ll be wishing that you crossed your fingers
- Girl is a Gun - Halsey -
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I closed Intern’s hotel room door behind me after our argument. I headed towards the front desk, scuffing my feet across the glossy wood floor, my hand gripping the handles of my duffle bag. The hallways of the lodge were always so vacant despite being overly booked. The silence only amplified the cycling thoughts in my head. I didn’t know what the fuck I was thinking – talking to her like that, talking about her like that. I didn’t know what comes over me when I was around her.
But I felt it that first day in the trailer, this insatiable feeling of hatred. Everything about her annoyed the fuck out of me, and yet all my body wants to do is get on my knees and bury my tongue in her pussy. I shook my head of the thought. That’s what I got for being on a social media detox. I thought of hopping on Hinge or whatever app just to find something to fuck. But decided against it – besides, we were stuffed like abominable snowmen in that fucking wooden cage. Another idea of finding one of the extras to hook up with lit up like a glass bulb in my head, but it quickly dimmed. Extras were too easy, and desperation seeped through their pores like dirty nicotine. There was no challenge, no fun. And so, it destined to be a long, lonely night.
Regardless of the confinement and inconvenience, this little unplanned vacation brought a much-needed gift – no service. At least very little and I didn’t bother paying for wi-fi. I needed a break from my managers, and the unforeseen weather anomaly gave me an excuse to ignore them completely. If I ignored the rumors that were festering like an open wound on Twitter or the looming tension of the next big scandal, maybe it would all go away.
I’d always been quite good at that – ignoring and avoiding anything that bothered me.
Thankfully the extra room was still available and once inside I swung my leather duffle bag onto a blue fabric-covered wingback chair. I let out a sigh and pressed myself against the wooden dresser that was identical to the one in the room I shared with Intern. I both felt and heard a loud hunger pain rumble in my stomach and that’s when I remembered that the last thing I had eaten was those fries from the night before. I tugged at my bottom lip with my teeth and tapped my fingertips along the dresser assessing my options. The memory of the heaping bowl of fries – drenched in salt and grease – looped in my brain. Layered atop that memory came a sense of guilt, I couldn’t tell if it was about the meal or my actions in the lounge bar. Either way it evoked the same response.
Another loud hunger growl ripped through me and I rolled my eyes at the dramatics of my empty stomach. I pushed myself off the wooden furniture and went to the glass-door mini fridge. I tugged it open and steal a branded water, cracking it open and taking a sip. The cold water immediately soothed the length of my esophagus and pooled satisfaction in my belly.
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-4 Days Later-
When the snow melted, it took the peace of my cellular detox with it. Being snowed in on a mountain top was no longer a suitable excuse for neglecting the incessant phone calls and Twitter news updates from my management team. For those couple days in that stupid little lodge, I was able to just fucking breathe for the first time in months.
Not surprisingly, word got to the higher ups about the fight with her, they even heard about the small fight with Landon. I was reprimanded three separate times because of the events. If it weren’t for my integral role in the film’s publicity I would’ve surely been dropped. My career was hanging by a thread as it was, I needed to get my shit together. If anything got leaked it would collapse the shit storm that my team was so precariously balancing for me.
The three of us, Landon, Intern and I were all temporarily separated to different areas on set for the past few days. They finally brought on another makeup artist; a flamboyant man named Nick. Nick took over my makeup in the time we were separated. While he seemed to be relatively the same skill level as Intern, he was placed under her, making her his direct manager. I suppose he was the new “Intern” now, but she’d always be that for me – whatever that meant.
I regretted everything with her. Everything. The good and the bad. I didn’t know why I was so awful to her, only that she infuriated me so much.
And yet, I found myself noticing her absence on my side of the set. I noticed the lack of fluttery annoyance she usually brought and the quippy banter we’d exchange. I even noticed the quiet that filled the days without our incessantly heated back-and-forth. I noticed everything about her being gone. Perhaps noticed wasn’t the right word.
Maybe I missed the noise.
That morning we had new girls on set for some bar scenes and they needed more intricate makeup so, Intern was back in my domain. There was some unsettling feeling that came with her proximity, a confusion perhaps.
There were three new extras for this scene, a girl-next-door brunette, a freckly redhead and a busty blonde. On any other day, the blonde would be wrapped around my finger but today she was about as enticing as a plain bagel. That didn’t mean stop her though.
The petite blonde sporting frayed jean shorts and a plain white v-neck eyed me, while she stood next to the other extras and Intern. Her sauntered over to where I was leaned on my bike only a few feet from them. I squinted the sun out of my eye to look up at her, “Can I help you?” I asked, sounding more bothered than welcoming.
“Sure ya can darlin’” Her pink filled lips curled to a flirtatious smirk with a poorly mimicked southern accent.  “You can take me for a ride.”
I offered a small scoff, “Didn’t realize I looked like a ferris wheel.” The remark made her light brows scrunch in a confused way, like when a mall-santa claus is rude. I felt a pair of eyes on me instantly, but when I followed the feeling I was disappointed by the origin. Tom. He shot a warning glare reminding me that I needed to behave to prevent further repercussions. It annoyed me but it was a necessary reminder and I quickly turned on my press charm. I gave her a forced smile, “Sorry, I’ve just had a hard morning.” At least I was honest.
“It’s okay I forgive ya, my name’s Chloe.” The edges of her glossy lips turned upwards and stepped a foot at each side of my crossed ones. “Maybe I could make your day better.” Her suggestive voice quiet but not quite enough. My gaze wandered to Intern who’s face visibly twisted at the overheard remark but focusing on adding eyeshadow to the redhead’s eyes.
“Hey,” Snapped the blonde extra snapping fingers in front of my face bring my attention back to her, “I just gave you a pretty good offer and you can’t even look at me?”
Annoyance bubbled in me that I had swallow down.
Bitch I wouldn’t touch you with a 10-foot pole
-Is what I wanted to say but instead, “Sorry like I said, I had a shit morning.”
“Incredible, “ She sneered and propped her hands on her hips, “You’re exactly the monster the media portrays you to be.”
The last thing I needed was this dumb blonde who had only known me all of 5 seconds to be setting me off at 7 in the fucking morning. My jaw clenched holding back what I wanted to say but I knew my transparent poker face was giving away just how pissed I was getting. “Listen bi-“ I caught myself, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. “Chloe, you don’t know me at all, and I don’t think you should make assumptions of someone you barely know.” Attempting my best at keeping my temper tame.
An infuriatingly taunting cackle slipped her lips, “You know I didn’t believe the accusations, but I bet you really did everything that Madi-”
I shot up so fast I nearly knocked over my bike, “You don’t get to come on my set and talk to me like that, about shit you have no fucking idea about.” The hiss came out more apprehensive than I would’ve liked. I didn’t dare look over at Intern, I just prayed she wasn’t paying attention. I knew what she thought of me, she could think whatever she wanted. But her hearing any of the latest rumors swirling about me, would somehow be worse than anything I could’ve done to her.
She laughed at the fear in my tone, “Your set? You’re lucky you even landed this role with everything-“
“Who the fuck are you? You’re far too cocky for an extra, know your fucking place.” I growled, shoving past her and headed into the saloon set where we’d be filming.
I curled fingers so tightly into my palms as I heard steps following me, a vein pulsed in my forehead ready to burst open. I quickly pivoted back around, “What the fuck do y-” But instead of Chloe I found Intern, “Oh, hi.” My tone much softer, “What do you, um, what do you want?”
“I need to do your makeup.” She stated firmly while keeping her eyes focused on my chest, not looking at me.
“Right.” I nodded and followed her when she turned and walked towards her tented makeup station. I pulled myself onto the wood and fabric chair as she mixed up some foundation onto a metal palette. Then, she took a smooth flat brush and began painting the product down my face.
“So,” I hesitated as an awkward fog suspended in the air, “How’ve you been?”
She clenched her jaw and stayed silent.
“Isn’t it a little ridiculous that they separated us on set over a little rumor-”
“I see you found a new victim.” She sliced flatly, still not looking at me.
“Chloe?” I scoffed and her eyes snapped at me with a I’m-not-stupid glare. I sighed, I knew she wasn’t buying it, “Chloe? Are you kidding me?” I asked, then remembered how we got here in the first place.
She just raised her eyebrows in a ‘that’s not totally unbelievable’ kind of way.
I looked up at the tent as she patted makeup below my eyes with a small round brush. “If you think my taste is so low that I’d touch Chloe – you must not think very highly of yourself.”
She pressed her lips together before speaking again, “I just didn’t think you had standards, that’s all.” Her tone was light & bubbly, but the intention clearly wasn’t.
Anger began to pipe hot steam into my chest for the second time that early morning. I swore she tried to provoke me on purpose. My hands curled around the thick wooden arm rests and my nails dug into the grain. “And to think I almost missed you.” Her now powdered swiping motions halted as soon as she processed my words, her hand just barely trembling and her eyes locked on the area she was working. I couldn’t tell if I was mortified or glad that the words had left my mouth. Either way, it felt freeing, like I had finally told some secret I’d been hiding.
She continued finishing the work on my face in silence and stepped back. She set the black barreled brush down and kept her eyes low as she went to speak. “You’re done. Get out of my chair.”
I never thought pretending to seduce a pretty girl on screen would be as difficult as it was in my scene with Chloe. Regardless I felt Intern’s glare on me the entire time. My ego wanted to think it was jealousy but after what I pulled at the ski lodge and just before in the makeup chair, I knew it definitely wasn’t jealousy. Why the fuck would she be jealous after everything I’d done. Regardless, her stare burned like hot coals into my skin.
Directors cut for a 30 and I snatched a water bottle dodging every cast or crew member to find my bike. In the months of filming the vehicle had become some sort of comfort for me. Maybe it was me tapping into my character or the fact that it was the only thing that was constant, the only thing I could control.
I propped myself against the Harley unscrewing the cap of the bottle with a crack and taking a much-needed gulp. Before I could escape, Intern was making a b-line for me and I braced myself for whatever acid she was about to spew at me. But she walked past me, knocking my shoulder back and in a curt, but stern, tone, “I need to put something on your face.” Heading towards a trailer.
I let out a sigh, knowing whatever she was going to say would be even worse than I could imagine. I deserved it of course, but that didn’t make it any easier. I followed her to the trailer, pausing before the metallic door and taking a deep inhale before tugging it open. “We have no fight scenes Intern,” I exhaled clicking the door in place behind me, “What could you possibly need to put on my face?”
She straightened up, crossed her arms and puffed her chest out a bit appearing more intimidating, though there wasn’t much threatening about her. “Me.” She stated seriously, though her attempt at being menacing was almost comical.
“What?” I slightly stuttered not fully processing her words.
She shifted from one foot to the other before regaining her anger-fueled confidence. “I want to be on your face, I want to cash in my apology.” She blurted out quickly.
“I mean- I’m not saying no but just…why?” I questioned; I didn’t expect her to ever cash it in, nonetheless so soon.
“You and Chloe are fucking annoying and I just-“ Her was flustered, a light pink tinging her cheeks. Her fist balled at her side. “I don’t know, I just want my apology.” Her tone laced with false conviction. “I want my apology.”
“Okay…” I stated timidly, eyeing her wearily, “Are you sure?”
“Shut the fuck up and eat me out.” She sniped back, catching me off guard.
“Well I-“ Instinctively going to argue then realizing I had absolutely no problem with her request so, I shrugged, “Okay.” I looked her over, taking her in fully. I was trying to strategize how I was going to fulfil her request. She wore one of her flowy dresses, the ones that drive me insane – this one was powder blue with little white flowers. The dress hugged every part of her I enjoyed the most – it was tight around her waist and ruched around her full chest. The rest flowed down around her hips and thighs. I said a silent thank you to the universe for making it a warmer day. My gaze must’ve lingered on her too long because she took matters into her own hands.
“Jesus Fucking Christ.” She groaned impatiently, taking my face in her hands and practically smashing our lips together.
I let the inherent magnetism between us take over and took her face in my hands connecting our lips. She froze beneath my touch but quickly gave in, reciprocating the passionate kiss. Having her lips on mine again felt like a sip of cold water after a long drought – like an addict getting their first fix after sobriety. Her hands tangled into my perfectly styled hair for whatever scene I was meant to do next. Her tongue asked for entrance and I met hers voraciously. My hands trailed down to her sides and shoved her into the nearest wall. “Fuck.” I breathed out with my forehead pressed against hers. “I’m sorry.”
Her eyes fluttered up at me with flushed cheeks. “Make me believe it.”
My fingertips were on fire every place they met her skin, and I could’ve sworn I had become a vampire from how every part of me was screaming to sink my teeth into her neck. But the sugar high I was getting from her lips won the battle. Pulling away for a fleeting second, “I’m sorry.” I said against her lips.
Almost completely in sync, she wrapped her arms around my neck as I picked her up effortlessly pulling her legs around my hips. I carried her over to one of the empty makeup vanities and sat her on the edge – all while our lips were still locked with our tongues dancing in time. I drew away again, cupping her cheeks in my rugged hands, gazing down at her lust-dazed eyes, “I’m sorry.”
There was a glimmer in her eyes that made me think maybe she believed that one. “Beg for it.” She demanded.
My hands squeezed her thighs all the way up to her hips, pulling her dress up with it. I swiftly grasped her hips and drew her to the very edge of the table. I began peppering kisses down her neck, she tilted her head to the side for more access. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled against the skin below her ear and she let out a small whine.
“Keep going.” She breathed out, her body melting and reacting to my touch.
I pulled her skin into a suck, just soft enough to not leave a mark, “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.” Working my way down till I reached her collar bones. My hands trailed up her sides, lingering on the curves I liked most before they molded around her breasts. She let out another small moan as my thumbs traced over her peaked nipples through the sheer dress.
Her breath hitched as my lips savored every inch of her skin down her chest, “More.”
I kneeled in front of her, her legs easily parted for me and already had a damp spot on her baby pink panties. I trailed soft, but hungry, kisses up her thigh, accompanying each one with an apology. I hooked my index fingers at the waist band and slowly pulled down her panties down her legs, tossing them only a few feet from us.
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled against her lips and I could feel her writhing beneath my mouth. I drew my tongue slowly up her folds, tasting the juices I thought I’d never taste again. I let out a grown from her flavor and it gained a hand tangled in my hair, rougher than normal.
I swirled my tongue over her clit and she let out a surprised moan. “Fuck, Austin.” She struggled to get out. Her response only fueled my work on her. My tongue swirled around her swollen nub and my hand traveled up her thigh. I teased her at her entrance with my middle and ring finger before slowly sliding them in. She let out a slow whine as they slid inside her and began pumping into her sweet spot. In a rhythmic manner, my fingers and tongue danced where she needed me.
“You taste so fucking good.” I hummed against her heat as her juices filled my mouth and ran down my fingers. She tasted sweet, sweet like honey and I ate her like I had an insatiable sweet tooth.
My work on her distracted me from how hard I was, painfully restrained in my jeans. My free hand went to unzip them to fuck myself while I devoured her, but she tugged at my hair. “No.” She growled. “This an apology is to me, and you don’t deserve to feel good.”
This was new for me. I’d never had a woman talk like to me during sex before. But there was something so fucking sexy about it and it only made my cock throb more for her.
It seemed her little shift into dominance turned her on just as much as it did me, her moans increasing in volume and her hand gripping my hair-spray drenched hair. I knew she was close with the way her walls clenched around my fingers and her legs trembled around my head. I gazed up at her as she began coming undone – I always thought women were their most beautiful in the throughs of their orgasm, but this was different. The way she glowed in her climax made me want to keep making her look like that. She was angelic and her moans were harmonies – the sort of songs you just want to replay over and over, practically getting high off of them.
Sometimes I would get this twist in my stomach when I’m in business meetings where I know the executives are swindling me, or when I’m in interviews and I can tell they’re going to butcher my words for a scandal. In college I’d get it when I was at parties that would get raided or in high school when intimidating seniors would corner me. That looming churn bloomed in my stomach whenever I was in danger – and I could feel it when I looked at her just then.
Once she was finally spent, I hesitantly pulled myself up from the floor and wiped the excess juices from my mouth. I watched her, disheveled with her chest heaving, still coming down from the high. “So, am I forgiven?”
Her hooded eyes weakly reached mine. I expected there to be more light in them than before, I expected them to be softer and less angry. She pulled herself off the table and smoothed out her dress before looking me dead in the eyes, “No. Not even close.” She took a step closer to me. “But it’s definitely a start.” She spoke with a tone that felt like I was just the gum under her shoe.
She glared at me as if she was disgusted with how I made her feel and tugging the hefty trailer door open and disappearing behind it. It was only then that I realized how utterly foolish it was to think that eating her cunt would erase all the damage I’d done.
I recognized that warning sign in my stomach when I looked at her.
She was a warning I needed to head.
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-3 Days Later-
We were stationed along a long dirt road getting various riding and chase scenes. Bikes lined the side of the sandy road having to cut scenes constantly due to the still wet mud from last night’s unprecedented rain gunking up our tires and covering the ever-important sponsored logos on the bikes. The excessive wind whipping sand against us was also causing interruptions as Intern had to keep cleaning us up and reapplying. Between the shitty weather, the constant interruptions, and our fucking directors still hounding my ass harder since the ski lodge debacles, the day was not going well, and my patience was wearing thin.
I stood just beside my bike, trying to just breathe through the aggravation from the last cut as Intern used a brush to flick off the sand that had built up on my face. She used her pinky to dust off some extra then returned to the brush. Even though the brush was probably the softest thing I’d ever felt, it still mimicked steel wool compared to her touch. Out of everything that happened between us, and out of every memory that would make itself known to me, her touch was the one that lingered the longest. Sure, I thought about that night in the hotel where my cock was buried inside her as she rode me, or when I chained her to the trailer door… I thought about them a lot. But the ones that flickered constantly in my brain like flashing clicks of paparazzi cameras, was us in the hot tub or on the floor of that disgusting restaurant we broke into. My body seemed to remember her warmth on me when she was clinging onto me in the tub or when she held my face as I kissed her on the floor.
I’d never had memories or fantasies rile me up just as much as sexual ones. But my hands burned at the thought of touching her again, they ached just to be on her. I felt it when she was near me, when she touched me. It was magnetic. My cock craved her, of course, but my hands did too – it was something so foreign to me. And I fucking hated it.
It couldn’t happen again. I couldn’t let this happen again. Especially not after the warning siren that blared in the pit of my stomach every time she looked at me. One bitch was already on track to nearly ruin my career, I didn’t need another one. And from our track record, Intern wasn’t looking like the safest option anyway – already causing me fuck up in front of our cast and crew.
She was a warning I needed to head
I just needed to make it through the holidays and the rest of shooting, and I’d be done. I could forget all about her.
I kept my eyes on the floating clouds above us, just letting my thoughts flow in my head when I heard my bike engine rev and felt a splash of thick mud coat the side of my body. The sharp squeal from Intern told me she’d been hit too. “What the fuck!” Looking over at a stagehand, Ryan, the same one from the truth or dare debacle, being the only evidence of a culprit with hands on the vehicle.
He let out a cocky laugh, “Sorry man, was just tryin’ to clean up the bike.”
“You ruined my brushes!” Exclaimed Intern as she looked over the leather brush roll that thankfully covered all the products inside the cosmetic case. While the products inside were safe, her entire arsenal of tools were covered in mud.
This was the tipping point of the day, everything that had pissed me off culminated into the rage that coursed through me. The fact that it was Ryan and that I was now coated in mud, but most of all it was the mud on Intern’s brushes. I made it into Ryan’s face faster than I thought and grabbed him by his shirt. The threats from the directors and management were now faint memories as I held his shirt wrapped around my wrist. “What the fuck were you thinking.” I growled in his face.
“Austin! Let him go!” Shouted one of the crew members but I was too blinded with anger to decipher who.
“Who fucking told you you could touch my bike?” My fist tightening around the dark material.
Yet Ryan looked unbothered, “Sorry man, was just tryna clean it up.” He repeated though his voice was laced in competitive snide.
“Austin!” An even more aggressive shout, “Take a thirty!”
“I can’t work on anything more!” Perked up Intern shouting across set, her forced innocent voice didn’t fool me, she was livid. “My brushes are fu- ruined!”
“Fine. All three of you, call it a day. Go home.” Followed by a ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ muttered beneath the director’s tone.
I released Ryan’s shirt and shoved him back, “Fine, I’m fucking out of here.” Rounding the bike, throwing my leg over it and kicking off the stand.
Before I even moved, I glanced over at Intern looking absolutely defeated and furious, picking through her now destroyed tools.
“You comin’?” I asked over the engine rumbling, and she snapped her head up. Her frustrated watery eyes swirled with conflict; I knew she didn’t want to come with me, but I could get her out of there. She looked around weighing her options and ultimately her anger won. Her gaze landed on Nick, who gave her a little nod saying ‘I got this, go ahead’.
She quickly paced over to me, “Get me the fuck out of here.” She snapped in a whisper, and swung her leg over behind me, wrapping both arms around my torso.
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taglist; @missmaywemeetagain @pompeygirl89 @kendralavon7 @honey6578 @austinswhitewolf @lillypink @purejasmine @elvispresleyisfit12 @julie181 @kingdomforapony @navsblog @butlerprwsley @xstrengthxinxtragedyx @suspiciouselvis @xmusse @h3ll0k1tt9 @denised916 @bxxbxy @marlowmode @butlerstyles @tommydarlings @richardslady121 @loona-fox @dkfixates @lyla-tomtom @whoreforbrownies @slowsweetlove @ab4eva @steph-speaks @powerofelvis @samfangirls @stylespresleyhearted @18lkpeters @presleysdarling @angiedawn02 @nikkisixxwifee @darlinboypresley @guacala @mghy @unclecrunkle @galaxygirl453 @ccab @rairaielv @mazzystarwhor3 @verstappenmax1 @michellelv
If you'd like to be tagged in Part 4.2 + further parts, please comment 🩶
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thank you all SO much for all the love and support on this story, it has truly been overwhelming. i know my numbers aren't as big as others but they're big to me - appreciate EVERY comment, message, ask, etc. even if i’m not the best at replying 😭 i love you guys so much - i never expected this fic to get that much attention so again, thank you xx
if you enjoyed this story/my writing pls consider giving my main fic, Forever Winter, a read - if you like angsty sad smutty you’ll probably like it lol
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oonajaeadira · 5 months
Hi Adira!
Last week and next week I am living the life of a paid musician (pit then orchestra) and I am fried. Seeing as how you’re familiar with the professional performer life, I was wondering if you have any advice on how to make it mentally and physically sustainable?
I am hoping that more of these opportunities will come my way and I want to be able to do it without spending a week in bed afterwards…
Ooof. I've been there. I mean, you gotta do the basics--sleep, good food, water. I also rely on copious amounts of coffee.
But the thing that usually gets me through a prolonged show-mode slam is plan ahead and then literally taking it one. day. at. a. time.
Don't look down those calendar days and wish for Friday. It's only going to make you burn out on Tuesday. Literally living in the moment saves my ass every time. Assess what you need from moment to moment. Are you hungry? Need a snack? Just sit and rest? Got a couple of hours but just exhausted? Don't worry about the "other stuff." That will be waiting for you at the end of the week. Just do what you need to that day to feel rested in your mind and body. Even if it's just zoning out to tv; don't feel guilty about that. It's just for this moment. There will be productive moments later. This one is for Narcos.
This is not to say you shouldn't plan ahead. Get your laundry done before the big week. Make big batches of good food you can eat on the go or take very minimal time to prepare for a meal so you don't stress about food prep or fall into the trap of fast food which will zap your energy and time and moneys.
One of my biggest events of the year is a two-week period where I'm literally at the office at 10am, participating in the evening events from 5-11pm, and then co-hosting an after-event until around 1am. When you factor in drive time and showers, that leaves me just enough time to sleep. Sometimes.
So I make sure to do my laundry right before. I'll even maybe organize my closet in a way where I can just pull out clothes without thinking too hard. Take an assessment of your groceries/toiletries and make sure you have what you need, because nothing will frazzle you more than not having it and/or having to squeeze in time to get to the shops. (If you do have to have something, mail order.) Make a go-bag for the week with anything you might need (including an extra change of clothes if you need it).
And if there's anything you can put off until after the big event, PUT IT OFF. Just mentally prepare yourself for big focus on the performing for that short burst of time.
When my big event is coming up, this is an example of what I do for food:
Bag of nuts and/or trail mix to keep in my bag.
Bag of carrot sticks I can keep in the fridge at work and a jar of peanut butter at my desk specifically for them. Fk spooning that shit out, dip your sticks in it.
I will boil up an entire family-sized package of Buttoni tortellini, dump in a whole container of the brand's pesto sauce, one whole chopped bell pepper, three whole packages of sprinkle tomatoes (or one package of halved cherry tomatoes), a whole package of peas (steamfresh microwave packet), and half a chopped red onion. MIX. That will give you a pasta salad for at least a week that you can eat cold right out of the fridge or warm up real quick and has a ton of veggies. And if you need protein, you can fix your meats separately and just add them in when you fix up a bowl. The key is to pack it full of tasty veggies you like that will balance the oils/fats of the pesto and turbo charge the carbs for lots of energy. (Pro tip: get a pair of really good kitchen scissors if you're like me and bad at chopping veggies or have terrible knife skills or terrible knives. So much quicker to cut.)
Starbucks via packets are a life saver if you have access to hot water and don't have time to make/grab coffee.
Laugh when you can. Step outside and focus on one thing--one flower, the way the sun hits a stop sign. Let your brain be simple for a little bit every day--I call this "letting it hang to get the wrinkles out". When you've been stationary too long, stretch. And when you feel stressed, close your eyes and imagine Pedro gently placing a finger on any spot that is tense until you let it go.
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blossomingframe · 5 months
Horror house part two
This is part two of the monster fucker feedism story. This is also the section that will make the least sense if you read it by itself because it contains lore. Yes I’m writing porn with lore.
Kinks; weight gain, burping, farting, slob kink, musk, hypno, intox (weed, tobacco, alcohol), monster fucking, CNC, voyeurism.
Tw; coercion, weed mention, tobacco mention, alcohol mention, disordered eating.
Howard’s speech
Charles’s speech
“How’s my burrrrpp handsome pig?” Charles answered with a sequence of burps and a mischievous smile. Howard had been his fatness tutor for a week now and he was having the time of his life. He started each day around 10:00 with a joint, a beer and a greasy fried breakfast. He kept his brain as fuzzy as possible so he could eat more and keep a loose attitude. This morning he had slept over at Howard’s so there was also his giggly new love attitude. Howard was so painfully sexy. When they have sex Howard will probably crush him. Howard said Charles had to gain 20 pounds before they could fuck. They still cuddled though at every possible point touching each other’s bellies.
After breakfast they would cuddle or wrestle for a couple of hours. Charles liked it best when Howard sat on him and farted on his head. They had also been stinking out a pair of boxers together. Once it was almost time to leave they would get dressed helping each other get each garment on. Charles had very quickly gone from hiding every extra pound to showing off his softening body. That day it was an old muscle shirt that highlighted his belly and a pair of skinny jeans that strained and creaked against his butt. He farted whenever he put on pants now, same as Howard. Being high and constantly letting out gas makes gettting dressed very interesting. So does having a monster boyfriend who growls and moans every 30 seconds.
Work went fast. The early day barely made a dent in Charles’s energy. That was probably because of the sheer amount of chocolate, red bull, pretzels, monster, biscuits and coffee he consumed. Because of his clientele, he could just let rip mid-shift. Which he did multiple times a day. He actually got tonnes of compliments and encouragement when he belched and farted infront of the succubi. They loved it. A couple of them even got unmistakably blushy especially if he burped in their faces. Then it was the end of shift which he marked with an edible and cleaning up his supplies per usual. When him and Howard got to the car he got handed a canned cocktail. Howard knew how to look after him.
That night Howard took Charles back to his house then cooked for him. Enough spaghetti carbonara, garlic bread and tiramisu for ten people and a six pack of beer each. They both ate with their hands, smearing the mess on their clothes. “Hey babe” “what” “this” Charles got up,climbed up on the sofa then sat on Howard’s head. Then he started rubbing his own belly and farting loudly. Howard coughed underneath him. The farts stunk so bad even Charles’s eyes watered. When Charles got down Howard was smirking. “My love that was fucking disgusting”. “I know baby”. Charles felt so fuzzy and loved. Howard drove home then Charles went to bed still in his dirty, cum soaked clothes.
“Shit” Charles looked down at his belly. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” Suddenly all the memories came flooding back of everything he had done the past week. Every burp, every fart, every calorie-laden mouthful that passed his lips. He screamed. His head thumped harshly as the hangover from his week long bender washed over him. He immediately felt nauseous but he determined to go into work. He had to confront Howard. Even if that arsehole was actually going to help him financially he had no right to trick him like that or keep him drugged up for that long. Charles put on his largest hoodie and joggers then ran all the way to work.
“Hey baby you look cozy. Why are you wearing such baggy clothes though?” “What the hell is wrong with you? You tricked me and drugged me up so I’d eat too much, you said you’d provide for me so I’d let my guard down and you didn’t even have sex with me! Rot in hell. I’m gonna spend months cleaning up what you’ve done to me in a week.” “Look yes I shouldn’t have had you under the influence for so long but you’re so clingy! You didn’t want to let me go. We both know you were having more fun than you’ve had in a while” “look you’re not wrong but that little bender has ruined me” “you don’t look ruined to me. You look hotter, happier and healthier. I said I’d take care of you and I did.” Howard then turned around. “You have two options. Break up with me and go back to dieting or stay with me and go all in. I obviously have a preference but I genuinely love you and I want you to be happy.” “Well I love dancing but I can’t find work. I love you but how much of that is the magic? I’m so happy when I’m fuzzy but when I come down I’m miserable. You clearly love me but I unravel around you. I choose you but I’m still scared.” Howard turned around and said “that can be easily fixed” then handed him a chocolate bar. “Almost every succubus here has a crush on you. If we all turned on the charm you’d get so fuzzy every moment of self discipline would be erased” “you won’t get jealous?” “it’s considered an honour. Plus this is going to be fun as hell. Especially because it’s another long night.”
That night whilst Charles was doing makeup it was like he was in heaven. The succubi brought him food, burped and farted constantly, complimented every burp or fart he did, gave him forehead kisses whenever they passed by and showed off their bodies as much as they could. They doted on him endlessly. Howard was clearly enjoying himself as well. There was no hiding his massive boner so he just walked around with it. He watched the proceedings from afar whenever he could sit down. By the time the B-team arrived Charles’s once baggy hoodie was skin tight and riding up his belly. Charles was feeling better by the minute. All of his regret and anxiety washed away. All he thought about was being a good fat slut for all these cute succubi. The fae and other monsters didn’t seem to mind. When the shift was finally over Charles was stuffed, gassy, hungry, happy and horny. He lept at Howard and started grinding desperately on his leg. Howard grinned “not in public love” the mission was complete; Charles was completely fuzzy. His eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Howard picked him up and took him to the car.
Charles couldn’t resist any longer. The drive-thru line was so long and he was horny now. He pulled down his pants, put his hand down his underwear and started jacking off. Howard looked at him with both arousal and alarm. On one hand Charles looked so sexy tugging himself off in the passenger seat and was burping with every tug. On the other hand he did not want to get arrested for public indecency. He remembered that he kept a blanket in the footwell for stargazing and covered Charles up with it. His own dick was throbbing especially with Charles moaning and burping in his ear but he was hungry and they’re was no leaving the line now. Howard smiled to himself. Had no-fun clear head Charles rubbed off on him? Fuck that. He pulled the blanket off Charles then climbed up into his lap. There were quite a few drivers who apparently didn’t like this. Howard remembered how little he gave a shit. He started humping Charles and rubbing his belly. Charles returned the favour and they both started burping and farting way more than either of them had ever done. Howard clutched onto Charles hair as they both came into their underwear. Howard sat back in drivers seat while the rest of the queue looked at them in shock. The queue was finally moving.
The next morning they both woke up cuddled up together naked in Howard’s bed surrounded by fast food containers. They went back to sleep in absolute bliss. They mumbled to each other in their sleep. They had the day off and they spent it asleep. They had spend the whole night having sex. Charles had gained the 20 pounds.
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ckmstudies · 1 year
I just wanted to give a quick update on how my exam day went today since it was a complete mess. First off, my exam was scheduled for 8 am this morning and I got to the testing center at 7:30 in the hopes of starting early and finishing early which didn't work since I still had to wait in line for 30 minutes. I start to go though the check in process, which involves standing in front of camera to prove I don't have any writing on my wrist and getting metal detected to prevent cheating and I'm about halfway through when I hand over my driver's license as my form of identification and the machine the woman behind the counter puts it in won't accept it. After five minutes she realizes that my license expired TWO DAYS AGO and proceeds to tell me that this is no longer a valid form of identification and I cannot take my exam. The world dropped out from under me and I almost started crying in front of her. In the US there's a 60 day grace period if you get pulled over by a cop and you have an expired license. That grace period apparently doesn't extend to exam identification. So I had to drive across town to a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office and get my license renewed. The DMV is known for taking hours to get anything done and really long lines but this was the only good luck in my day since there was only once person in front of me when I got there and I had my temporary license within 20 minutes of being there. I went back to the testing center and checked fully in and started my exam at 9:15.
Now the exam itself also sucked as I was not expecting it to be as math heavy as it was. I had friends take it and say that maybe 40% of their questions involved math. At least 70% of my exam was math and I was not at all prepared for that. All three of my friends who already took this exam said that none of their four simulations had math and two of mine involved math. I honestly usually don't mind math but with over 90 formulas to memorize for this exam, there was no way I was going to be able to be prepared and with everything that happened before the exam, my brain was fried.
Anyways today was not a good day and I'm going to have to take this exam again in December for sure. But in the mean time, I'm going to prepare for my trip to Chicago for work orientation next week and then when I get back I'll start working full time and studying for my retake of my audit exam which is scheduled for November 15th.
Hope everyone else a good day and make sure you know when your identification cards expire 🙃
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such-a-barbarian · 7 months
weekly tag game - self care edition
thanks to @mybrainismelted, @jrooc and @transmickey for the tags this week
Name: Kell
What kind of day is it? I was home sick from work, so not a particularly great one.
When was the last time you ate? Like 7 hours ago. Around lunch time. I have zero appetite currently.
About how many hours of sleep did you get? I went to bed at 11pm and was up for the day around 5:30am. So 6.5 hours in theory, but my youngest is teething some morals so he was up several times throughout the night.
Name one thing you could do to make your day better right now: take some NyQuil and pass the fuck out.
Why are you not doing that thing? I’m filling out this tag game instead. 😂
What are you going to do tonight to relax? Probably read as much of Bridge of Sighs as I can before the NyQuil takes hold!
What comfort food do you not eat often enough? Poutine. 🤤
What’s stopping you? Here’s the thing with poutine (in my opinion - fellow Canadians don’t come for me. Lol) There is no such thing as ‘okay’ poutine. It’s either incredibly or awful - there is no middle ground. And making good poutine at home is actually very difficult. It’s hard to get the fries right without a deep fryer and fresh cheese curds are hella expensive right now. It’s just not worth the time and effort. And I’m not paid enough to eat out every time I crave poutine. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Have you ever had a professional massage? Oh yes! You better believe I use up every last dollar on my health insurance plan each year.
Have you eaten fruits and vegetables today? Nope, but I’ve also only eaten half a bagel today so…
How much water have you had today? More than usual. Haven’t been keeping track though.
Is there a self-care gadget you really want to buy? I literally cannot think of anything.
What is your favourite healthy snack? Lol. That’s nice of you to assume I eat healthy snacks! 😂 Do we consider cheese healthy? Cause cheese.
What is your favourite unhealthy snack? Now this is more like it! Probably Ruffles All Dressed chips. Or plains Lays chips with Heluva good dip. Or literally any type of chocolate.
What is one thing you are going to start doing RIGHT NOW to take better care of yourself? After answering the last two questions - probably start eating healthy snacks…
And to close, I want you to say one NICE thing to yourself that you really need to hear right now: you are good mother. It’s insanely hard right now and yeah sure, breaking down in sobs was not how you wanted your kids to see you this morning. But they are happy and healthy and great kids and they love you and you love them even if they are assholes sometimes. You are going great.
tagging @juliakayyy @francesrose3 @vintagelacerosette @ryantryinx @tanktopgallavich @iansfreckles @iansw0rld @krysmiss @lupeloto @babygirlmickey and anyone else who might want to. Also apologies if you’ve done this one already. My brain is mush.
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wooahaes · 2 years
it only takes a taste
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pairing: youtuber!hoshi x gn!youtuber!reader
prompt: so i made this post once.
word count: 1.6k~
warnings: food mentions. people speculating on reader n hoshi’s relationship (please respect CCs btw). also abrupt ending. very minimal proofreading.
daisy’s notes: i would teach him to cook. also spot the mark lee quote. also shout out to @savventeen for hoshi’s youtube channel name bc the man would 100% do a pun, thank you savv!! also yes the title is a musical reference shh my theatre kid is showing.
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Standing in your kitchen and listening to you do your intro was supposed to make all of this feel more real, and yet Soonyoung couldn’t believe he was standing with you.
This wasn’t the first time the two of you had even interacted at this point: you met up in a cafe to talk about recipes a few days ago and to formally introduce yourselves to one another. He had stupidly confessed he was a huge fan of your videos and often watched them before he went to bed, since your ASMR cooking videos were extremely relaxing--even if they’d always make him hungry--and your collabs were usually entertaining. It’d been a lot of praise toward you that made him flustered, and his heart had skipped a beat when you admitted to--despite not knowing much about the “KwonFire” YouTube channel--having binged his choreography videos over the past few days. You’d done a collab with Chan from Dino’s Danceology (a friend of Soonyoung’s), and that was how you were introduced to him. He was going to be in the area, Chan had suggested he meet you (completely because he knew that Soonyoung was a fan), and you were the one who suggested the collab.
He said yes, because Soonyoung’s stupid crush on you spoke louder than the voice in his head reminding him he couldn’t cook for shit. That little voice also was quieter than every “holy shit, they’re even cuter in person” thought he had in that cafe and during the grocery trip the two of you took (and recorded with the help of Wonwoo--your long-time friend who was the “brains” behind the channel in terms of editing and recording) to get the ingredients.
It isn’t until you turn to him after he introduced himself that he accidentally confessed a “I can’t cook,” with the most sheepish expression.
You had paused, uncertain of how to respond for a moment before smiling. “Some of my guests can’t,” you said with a shrug. “I do most of the work anyway,” you giggled, “all you have to do is stand there and look cute--and tell your story.”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes from behind the camera, unbeknownst to you. Soonyoung barely caught it, and grew a little more flustered as he smiled back at you. “I still want to help.”
You had said a quiet “don’t worry, you will,” that would get cut out in the video itself before the two of you started running through the recipe.
It felt surreal to watch you, in person, begin to run down ingredients. He’d watched you talk about Chan’s favorite spicy fried squid recipe, giving background information as you went--and even now, while running through the recipe for budae-jjigae that you two had settled on (out of several of his favorites), you gave the same attentive care. Even listening to you talk about the origins of the dish coming from people looking for food on American military bases after the Korean war was fascinating.
You turned the table over to him officially as you set him on opening up a few packages. Being in front of the camera, in a sense, was easy. He wasn’t Kwon Soonyoung, he was “Hoshi” from KwonFire who goofed off with his friends behind the scenes and made people laugh--especially in the outtakes of his choreography videos. Yet standing next to you, it felt like he was Soonyoung and only Soonyoung, who could still make someone laugh but was so quiet when around people he barely knew. He had met Wonwoo once through a friend, Seungcheol, way back before Wonwoo became your friend. Things had begun to flow easily when he had that in.
He was cutting SPAM into thin slices as you instructed, watching carefully as he worked, as he continued, “I like it because it’s a good dish to have with friends and family. Food brings people together, right?”
Something had lit up in your eyes that Soonyoung loved. He saw it in your videos, too: a genuine love of food and what it meant to people. “Right,” you said, and then gently reached out. “Be careful when you get too close to your fingers,” you said gently. “But you’re doing really well! I’ll check the ramen water if you can slice these into diagonal slices for me,” you slid over a package of thick sausages, “and the tofu into half-inch slices.”
Soonyoung had watched you step away for a moment, and immediately looked to Wonwoo for help. “Half-inch...?” He mouthed at him, and Wonwoo gave the smallest of shrugs before nodding for him to ask you. That was the point of the show, right?
Before he could even try to, your head shot up. “Oh my god, wait, no, one-and-a-half centimeter slices,” you immediately turned around. “Metric system. Right. My last few guests grew up in America so I converted the measurements--” You were so visibly flustered, apologizing again as you turned back to the stove top. 
Oh. Cute. Soonyoung smiled to himself as he set out to continue cutting up ingredients. That much he could definitely handle, after all.
Soonyoung listened carefully to you as you continued to walk him through a recipe you claimed to have not heard about until he told it to you. How much had you memorized? But you had placed most ingredients--save for things like the instant ramen and the rice cakes--into the pot, alongside the sauce and the chicken stock.
Even when the two of you sat down to enjoy the recipe later at your kitchen table, Soonyoung was positive he was making a fool of himself. Every time you spoke up, he looked up at you attentively enough that it made Wonwoo shoot you a knowing glance. Wonwoo fucking knew. Most people who knew him probably would, at least. Strangers in the comment section?
Also somehow knew.
He’d rewatched the video when it went up, listening to how he sounded when he was talking to you. He was, as Vernon had said when he sent him the link, “down bad” for you. And maybe he was: he liked your company. A lot of your online persona seemed to come from the real you: someone who loved food and was genuinely passionate about cooking it well. He started half-watching when he noticed the comments. Someone had said he’d practically had heart-eyes for you the entire video, especially whenever you praised him for doing well. Another person suspected that the two of you were dating, only for people to shoot them down in the replies--this sort of talk happened every single time you brought in a cute guest. Another dude had outright linked several timestamps with an “Oh, dude, he’s flirting” right after it. Someone else had linked a timestamp saying “LOOK AT HOW THEY LOOK AT HIM WHEN HE GETS EXCITED FOR THE FOOD” and he stupidly clicked on it. The moment the two of you had sat down to enjoy food and to talk about the experience, his eyes had lit up. You told him to have the first taste, and he swore that the food was better than any recipe he’d ever had before. 
You had this soft look in your eyes when you laughed, prodding fun at him, “Even better than your parents’?”
He shook his head. “Ah, no, she’s--my mom’s going to watch this, so I can’t say it’s better than her’s--”
And you had laughed again, and he saw that lovestruck look on his face. Even when--or especially when--Wonwoo had left a clip where you told him to set the camera down and come try some. He’d placed the camera where it could catch some of you and mostly Soonyoung, but not fully capture Wonwoo (people had seen his face before, sure, but he liked staying out of the spotline in your videos). It wasn’t a surprise that you cared for him, but Soonyoung was surprised that Wonwoo left it right where he did: in clear view of Soonyong looking at you like you were the sun, the moon, and everything else that lit up in the sky.
Vernon was right: he was down bad.
His mom had already called him, telling him that he didn’t have to lie to someone he was clearly trying to impress--whether your food was better than hers or not, she could take one lie for the person he liked. She was proud of him for trying to cook--maybe he should ask you to teach him. Or maybe you already were. She saw the way you two looked at each other, and she watched Chan’s episode too so he can’t lie and say that you did that with everyone--
He promised to talk to you before burying his face in his hands, face growing hotter by the moment. Okay. So maybe everyone did see it, including his own mom.
You had called him almost minutes after he ended the call with her, like you had a sixth sense for it. “Did you see the video?”
“I did...”
“You sound disappointed,” you had said, and he could practically hear you frowning. “Did Wonwoo leave in something he shouldn’t have? I can go back in--”
“Are you free on Saturday?”
Silence. He sat there, waiting for far too long for something. 
And you finally cleared your throat. “What?”
Shit. Might as well shoot his shot now, since there was really no going back. Either you’d reject him or you wouldn’t. “Are you free this Saturday?” He clarified. “We should get dinner together. If you want--I mean, you don’t have to--”
“Soonyoung?” You interrupted. He could practically hear your smile. “I’d love to.”
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general taglist: @wonuziex​ @twancingyunhao​
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dominic-sessa · 6 months
life update!!!!
hi hello friends good morning good afternoon good evening its that time of the month again! this isnt really a big life update like the last time bcs i just thought id list down a bunch of things ive had on my mind.
first of all, im very happy to announce that i was able to watch 16 movies last march !! exciting!! i know ive said the last time that i quit the bingewatching thing but HONESTLY im in a work from home setup and the only way to keep me inspired is by watching a movie ... i am yet to find other ways to stay inspired so watching movies will just do for now... ALSO im gonna try to update my newsletter for the first time this year and itll probably be about the movies that i saw this march that i liked ! im now comfortable with turning the newsletter to be more about movies bcs nothing major has been happening in my life lol . so pls stay tuned for that newsletter post if ur interested!
another thing is ive decided to make this blog more personal! for the past year ive made this blog to be more about movies and gifs and stuff, and as much as i love getting the notes and reading ppl's tags, im going to try and make this blog work for me this time :) hope it doesnt get annoying or something... im also in the process of fixing my about pages and tags and all. ive used tumblr since 2012 so im still struggling with the setup. LIKE yes i want to maximize the fact that you can edit html pages and its cute and lets me be creative but at the same time, im on my phone majority of the time . and i dont like being on my laptop after work because ive literally just been using a laptop the whole day. for work. im rly shy to post some stuff about me (bcs i havent done it before fr insert the tom hanks dialogue from joe vs the volcano abt doing some soul searching and coming to the conclusion that hes just boring so he stops doing it) so if u see me doing it as an attempt to fix the personal pages on my blog, im sorry! AAAND as for the gifs thing, im thinking of changing my film diary tag, one thing i really enjoy is taking note of dialogues i love from a movie so i might just do screenshots. i really miss making gifs even though most of the gifs i end up with are LQ , but it just really isnt feasible now . (also some movies are just so tempting to gif LIKEEE valley girl and everytime we say goodbye 😭😭 it physically hurts me that i cant gif josh whitehouse and tom hanks in those movies....)
ALSO im really very very happy that ive gained new followers recently. i enjoy chatting with you guys and get so happy whenever i get the notif that someone sent me an ask/message!! ive been idle on stan twt/fandoms in general so its been a really long time since ive actually... talked to people... it makes me really happy talking to u and im sorry if my happiness doesnt show in my replies/posts. as i said, its been a while since ive done this and i usually go on here as soon as im off work (when my brain is semi-fried and the words are not wording anymore) . i hope i dont come across as bored/uninterested :(
and it isnt just about fandoms too, im genuinely insterested what u guys are up to lately and all... (in a non stalker way). it just feels nice to have friends in general ^__^
SO YEA, i think thats about it :) if u've read this all until here ilysm! thanks for ur interest and lmk how ur day was! or just send me something u want to talk about !
have a nice day :)
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greensagephase · 9 months
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Hahaha!! 🤣🤣 I'm planning on posting part 12 on January 12th, so fingers crossed it all goes well! I relate to this reaction meme but in a different way. This is usually me the morning after I post a part. I'm like, "It's done. Another part completed. I can rest... for now." *Takes a sip of coffee whilst looking out the window, allowing the plot for the next part to marinate in my head.*
Lowkey, my brain is fried after hours and hours of editing (only for me to find some typo days later 😀🥲), but it's so worth it when I start receiving all the notifications and get to read the reactions and thoughts!! 🥹
This pov made me laughed and it's so sweet that you and a few other readers patiently wait for updates. I'm always shocked that some of you think about my silly fic in between parts - like you guys actually think about it? It seems unreal to me, but I'm always so, so thankful for the amazing support!!
P.S. hopefully you'll only have to relate to this pov for one more week before part 12 drops 🥳
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delzinrowe · 16 days
How would Reggie react if his wife (reader) is a bio terrorists ?
I'm so sorry it took me over a damn month to get to this, I'm so genuinely sorry. My brain has been deep fried and I haven't been in a Reggie mindset for years. But yesterday when I showered it hit me.
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Listen, Reggie would be FREAKED OUT.
He already has to do somersaults to keep his brother in check even without the smoke, but now he has to deal with his brother developing strange creepy powers? Safe to say that anytime he's home with you, his wife, he'd let out a big sigh as the stress falls of his shoulders. It's an almost daily occurence that you sit on the couch while he's laying beside you with his head on your lap, you stroke his hair as he tells you of all the mischief Delsin has done lately. Occasionally it makes you laugh because it seems so silly and you're not half as aloof as Reggie pretends to be.
However, when he comes home one day, fully ready to ramble on about Delsin's latest mishap, he's confused when he can't find you on the couch as per usual. Instead he finds you in the kitchen with your go-to stress snack, munching away as you look like you're about to take the biggest exam in human history. You have to tell him VERY slowly and calmly of your discover of your powers. At first he might think you're joking. He comes home daily, ranting about his brother's powers, surely you jest. But no. You assure him that you're genuine and honest.
Reggie.exe stopped working. For a solid few minutes he stands there with wide eyes, internally his thoughts are raging with the wildest emotions. Truth be told, except for sheer bewilderment he doesn't know how to react. He loves you, of course he does. He wants to support you and protect you, but you just told him you have similar powers to those other bio terrorists?
It would take him days, if not a full week, to come to terms with it. Only when he sees how hurt you are over the fuss he makes he realises what an ass he was with his reaction. It's not just his life that changed, yours changed drastically. You having to deal with those newfound powers must be a strain on you and Reggie realises almost too late that he only added to your destress.
One day after a logn shift he stops at your favourite fast food place and gets your go-to order. (this man has memorised every single one of your favourite things, no matter what. he's THAT whipped).
He also stops to get a nice flower bouquet so he can apologise. He makes a mental note to ask about your powers and your feelings about them, since he tried to avoid the topic.
You can't be mad at him for long when you see the whole load of gifts he brings home to apologise to you. He saw a plush that looked like you'd like it, and then he found another one, as well as some packs of your favourite snacks. He didn't mean to have a whole arsenal, but now he does and you can only smile.
It takes some getting used to your powers but it's you, after all and despite everything it's you, the one he married out of love and that won't change, bio terrorist conduit or not.
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jpat82 · 17 days
Death Lives
Chapter 1
It was just another day, get up go to work, put in a long nine hour day. Get off work and go to my parents. Most days I would hang around until seven and then actually go home, my kids live with them because I work crazy hours sometimes and it's easier on them if I don't wake them at four or five am, on the flip side sometimes I get off at eleven pm. I hated it but at the same time it was nice. I deal with people all day and I'm usually done with dealing with others by the end of my nine hours.
Today was supposed to be just a usual day, my parents decided to take me and the kids out to dinner. There was no reason to celebrate, no justifiable reason to just randomly go to a restaurant other then it was easier to not have to worry about what was being made for dinner. My teenage daughter had her headphones on while she happily munched away on her fries, watching some random YouTube video. My elementary age son rambled on about things going on in his game of the month. I nodded in response half checked out for the day, exhaustion slowly taking hold as the last remaining ounces of my energy drink I had on lunch faded.
Today was like any other day, I had driven separately to the restaurant and I watched as the silver van roared to life after I had buckled my son in and gave him kiss telling him I would see him tomorrow. He continued to talk about his game, throwing in an I love you mommy, and then going right back to his description of how kill to a character in his game. My daughter threw up a peace sign without so much of look.
Except today wasn't like any other day, I briefly looked across the street waiting for my family to pull out onto the side street to wave goodbye to them. There stood a young man, his dark hair curled out from under the edges of his black beanie. He was wore a thick black leather jacket over a deep maroon colored shirt, and had a deep red and grey flannel tied around his waist. He looked at me, and soft sad smile crossed his smooth face.
     The young man pulled his hand from his pocket and gave me a small wave, to which I waved back in reply. His smiled drop as his eyebrows pinched together, his head slightly cocking to the side, his eyes narrowing just a bit. With his hand still raised I saw him take a deep breath before he snapped his fingers.
Today was the worse day, the van passed us, and headed toward the intersection. The light was green and my dad pulled forward into the intersection. I heard an unmistakable sound, the sound of air brakes, the smell of rubber burning against a quick stop. Everything slowed down, my body turned as my brain attempted to register the white sixteen wheel semi colliding with the four door silver mini van. The sound of metal on metal crunching, the glitter of broken glass skipping across black top, the horn that wouldn't stop.
My heart pounded heavily in my chest, as I watched in horror, the semi's continuous push of a vehicle that stood no chance. The frame twisted and buckled, distorted beyond belief. I was glued in place as I heard a scream, my rib cage constricting around my lungs. The warmth of tears sprung forth and trickled down my cheeks with abandonment as everything began to crumble.
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, my knees buckled as my body slowly descended down, gravity taking it's hold. A whine of sirens in the distance, cars slowly going around the wreckage that how become my life. My kids, I can't move, I can't think, my life, world, everything in the twist of fiberglass and metal that used to my parents van. People slowly started to surround it, someone trying to pull open fiberglass that used to resemble a door. I could hear yelling but it sounded so distance, the words mumbled and jumbled.
Then I watched as my family walked out of throng of people that were obscuring my view of the van. My daughter looking around, completely unscathed, not a violet hair out of place on her spiked head. My dad had a bewildered face as he looked back towards the wreck, eyes wide, mouth slight open. My son, he looked to me, tears streaked his face as my mom held his shoulder keeping him from running to me, I could see him screaming for me. He pulled against her grip, desperately trying to come to where I was. There was a sadness in my mother's eye as she looked over to me, and a small shake of her head I knew and she knew.
I knew after today there would be no more normal days, no more usual day, no more days like the last. Today was the end of that.
My body slowly started to become heavy as I watched my family slowly leave me, just a shimmer and all traces were gone. I felt the warm cement under my body slowly start to fade as a shadow fell over me.
"You are so not going to do this me, are you?" His smooth voice questioned. "You've got to kidding."
The sound of shuffling next me as I stared up a crystal blue summer sky. I could no long feel the rapid and irregular thumps in my chest. I could no long hear the chaos going on around me.
"It's not your time, not yet." The young man from across the street told me as he knelt down on the sidewalk next to me. Deep blue eyes looking down at before everything went white.
@kitkatkl @devilbat
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What does a week in the life of a grad student look like?
So the answer to this will depend heavily on what stage of research you are in. I'll give my answer as someone who is currently in pursuit of a Master's degree, because this is currently my only firsthand experience.
As a Master's student, I am expected to take a certain number of courses, usually about three a semester. Often they meet just once a week, for 2+ hours at a time, and they are discussions/seminars rather than lectures.
On top of that, I have my teaching assistantship, which is contractually for 20 hours/week, but can go above or below that depending on when students turn in assignments.
With that being said, here's a week in my life:
Sunday: A heavy work day, during which I do most of my reading/work for Monday's class, catch up on emails, run errands that didn't get done on Friday. I do not go onto campus.
Monday: In the morning I finish up my reading for class in the afternoon. Depending on how much I have left to do, I will also do administrative tasks for my TAship, or work that needs to be done for my own research. Right now that means filling out internship and fellowship applications. Class from 2:30-5:15, after which I come home and eat dinner. From 6:15-7:30 I do reading for Wednesday's class.
Tuesday: No classes of my own today! If students for the class I TA have submitted assignments, I will spend an hour(ish) working on grading those. I am responsible for grading about 100 papers at a time. I try to spend no more than 2 minutes per paper/quiz. The class I TA meets from 2:30-3:45. The professor lectures while I do work on my computer. I get home and do more reading/work for Wednesday's class.
Wednesday: In the morning I finish any reading/work that needs to be done. If I have been productive in the front half of the week I use this time to run errands or do my own work. If I have not been productive I am cramming for class in the afternoon. Class goes from 2:30-5:15. I come home, eat dinner, and then do reading for Thursday's class until 7:30.
Thursday: In the morning I finish the reading for class in the afternoon. Class meets from 2:30-5pm. I come home and give myself permission to not do any work because my brain is fried and I do not have class tomorrow.
Friday: No class today! I start the morning with therapy, and then this is my day to attend to personal errands. This is mostly grocery shopping, laundry, and tidying. In the evening I often go out with friends to things like hockey games and bar trivia. Sometimes I go to Friday night Shabbat services.
Saturday: This is my day to decompress. I sleep in and then spend most of the early afternoon doing nothing. I paint my nails, read for fun, or take my dog for a long walk. In the afternoon I'll do something social—most weeks this is volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Not pictured are daily activities that include, but are not limited to:
Checking email. Seriously, so many emails. I was not prepared for how many emails I would be getting in grad school
Classwork that I need to be turning in like paper abstracts, discussion posts, meeting with faculty
Doctors appointments
Cooking for myself. Trader Joe's frozen meals are a life saver
Attending talks/programs held on campus, usually in the evenings. These are prime time for networking
Hanging out with friends before class sometimes
Miscellaneous meetings
Walking my dog
Evening routines like Duolingo, journal entries, creative writing time, etc.
Unexpected crises
Also, keep in mind that as someone living with a chronic illness/disability, I operate with less energy than some of my peers. But overall, my MA schedule is similar to my bachelor's one, but with fewer classes that each take up more time, and alongside working as a TA. My academic commitments with three grad classes are about the same as my undergrad semester when I took six classes.
As always, other people are free to chime in with their own experiences/observations.
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