#my brain just bluescreens
thywheelof-fate · 6 months
what if our hands accidentally brushed against each other during our weekly evil meeting and I act cool but then later I crawl back to my sewers and vomit out of anxiety and scrape my knees bloody as I pray against the altar of my father and swear, I swear, I don't love you, I don't even like you, and that my last actions on this planet will be to ensure that we die by the same blade, in the same motion, only after everyone else
and then I go back to you the next day and I'm like "hey :) feeling totally normal :) I only want to kill you the normal amount :)"
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vaniri · 7 months
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drowsyscatterbrain · 4 months
*it's freezing cold anywhere outside of the bed.
*you want to sleep in, too.
*but you need to get up. (for whatever reason)
*but you can't. why is that?
*your skelebabe is clinging on you, and seemingly not planning to get up anytime soon.
*but you REALLY need to get up.
*so you gently put your hands on his face, then started to plant kisses everywhere on his handsome ass skull until his face is entirely flushed with color.
*you planted one last kiss onto his forehead before dragging yourself away from him, and the comfy sheets to start your day.
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teamhawkeye · 4 months
me anytime someone tells me that I don't have to fight and kill my way through every single enemy in the video game i'm playing:
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radplaidtacofan · 23 days
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the-everqueen · 8 months
i feel like no one talks about the terrible in-between that's common in academia. i defended my dissertation with the belief that i would not have a job when i was done. i applied to approx. 30 postdoc and teaching positions. i'd been rejected from most of them. i got the call for my current fellowship the day i was scheduled to fly home because my lease was up, and where else would i go? i'd applied to 40+ non-academic jobs and was considering returning to freelance music teaching because despite having a doctorate that's all anyone in the non-academic world thought i was qualified to do. i spent the summer before my postdoc started working part-time with my previous supervisor because i needed to pay bills. all my savings went into covering expenses for moving, for keeping up my credit score, for scraping by. i started my postdoc a week later than planned because my mom was in a serious car accident. i have not yet been paid. i just registered as a person in this institution's system, and i don't know when i get paid or when my benefits start. all this time i have not been working on my academic projects. how could i? i thought for months i was going to have to let it all go and i grieved in advanced and screamed at the universe. then i got to hang on a little longer but i was too busy surviving. now i'm supposed to start the work like the grieving didn't happen, like i wasn't burned out by debt and overtime, like i'm not anxious about whether i will actually make rent. i don't have generational wealth. my parents are working class. my loved ones are clinging to the jobs they have. but i should be excited. i should be throwing myself into the next round of work. my continued funding depends on me fulfilling what i said i'd do in my proposal that i wrote a million years ago. my (potential) career depends on me building connections and meeting expectations here. i'm so lucky. i'm so lucky.
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hellcifrogs · 9 months
So we know Naruto, The Last Airbender, RWBY, and now Heaven Official's Blessing, what are some of your other fav stories we haven't seen yet? :3
Well there's Haikyuu :) And I am excitedly waiting for the Percy Jackson series <3
I must always mention Rise of the Guardians~
And since Brazilian mythology is my little special interests, there's this series I really love on netflix called "Invisible City". For non Brazilians feel free to take it as a little suggestion to check it out, for Brazilians please know the research they did for it was no joke *chefs kiss*
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arotechno · 1 year
November 2022 Carnival of Aros: Sentimentality
I am, perhaps ironically, a very sentimental person.
It’s a source of strife for me, as a nonpartnering aro. The prompt for this month suggested thinking about sentimentality in a romantic context, but I find that ironic—conflating sentimentality with romance isn’t something I want to do, at all. That belief, that there is no room for tenderness outside of romance, is the very thing that causes me such strife in the first place.
I’ve always been sentimental. I cried on my last day of elementary school because I was going to miss my bus driver. I’ve spent hours overcome with nostalgia for even the worst parts of my life, and waxing poetic about things that other people find meaningless. I’ve written love letters to friends like we were going off to war, even though we were going to see each other the very next day. I designed valentines each year for anyone who wanted them, I made my friends handmade cards and birthday gifts, I wrote a eulogy for my marching band career and cried when I realized I had grown apart from a very dear friend.
It’s never been about romance for me, or even love more broadly. It’s the kind of thing the world tries to beat out of you—the idea that even the most mundane things in our life should deserve to be treated with earnest tenderness and celebrated, rather than be met from an ironic distance, held at arm’s length. With platonic relationships, especially, we are taught as we grow older that such sentimentality should only be reserved for those we are romantically involved with, and that it isn’t appropriate anywhere else.
I’ve fallen victim to this in many ways, over the years. I have often been told that simple things are “not that deep”, that they do not deserve my nostalgia or my devotion. I’ve always rejected that, as I pride myself on caring deeply and openly about the things that move me, even if it makes others cringe.
But it’s harder when it comes to my friendships, as the guilt and shame I sometimes feel about being aromantic clouds my ability to express my feelings openly. I sometimes feel like my love is Too Much, or that I’m not feeling it or showing it right, or that it’s somehow overflowing and yet not enough all at the same time. I fear that my desire to treat my friends with the same unabashed devotion that one might reserve for their romantic partner will make them uncomfortable and drive them away, or send the wrong signals. It’s especially hard being non-partnering, as even in aromantic spaces many still conflate stronger or “deeper” feelings with a certain kind of partnership or a certain kind of love, and I’ve never been willing or able to categorize my feelings or my relationships with the people I care about in that type of way.
So I do not write love letters to my friends anymore, and I haven’t made valentines in years, and I don’t express my feelings like I maybe should. But I’m still a sentimental person; sometimes I look at my friends or my family or even a really beautiful sunset and am overcome with such a deep affection that I don’t know how to express anymore. So it all stays inside me, all stopped up with no place to go. And I’m not fond of that way of being.
I do think all of the people and places and things in our lives are worth getting sentimental over. It isn’t a crime to feel strongly, and I don’t think we should have to approach our own feelings from within a shroud of irony so as to seem cool or above it all. It’s fine if people aren’t sentimental, of course. We’re all entitled to our own way of interacting with the world. But I think we should be free to be sentimental about whatever and whoever we want, even if it makes other people cringe and roll their eyes.
I’m sentimental. I always will be, despite society’s efforts to purge it from me. I suppose it’s worth being proud of that, too.
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the-starlight-papers · 2 months
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norcumii · 5 months
Having a truly erratic memory means I get to have exciting discoveries like today's dive into my phone's notes program and wondering why on earth I have astonishingly in-depth notes for a fake marriage Rex/Obi, in which I'm VERY insistent about how several tropes must play out.
(It's only taken me hours to remember that weeks ago I got exceedingly indignant over how a terrible romance novel was approaching these tropes in a way that was cruel and squicky enough to have me quit part way through because the dynamic between the main couple was that toxic. Seriously gross.
The outrage of "well if I were doing this RIGHT" was insufficient to retain knowledge of its existence, but I remember all the plot points once I DID find it!)
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chernobyl-chan · 1 year
OPN doesn't give enough credit as a noise musician jesus christ
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the-tiniest-demigod · 1 month
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
So I got tickled dfghjhgfghj never give up from your dreams I guess SDFGHJ. Okay okay, lemme give you some context: just like the universe intended when it gave me all the opportunities to be a AGENT OF CHAOS and a proud GREMLIN I was hiding away my friend’s car key and using his distraction as he looked for his keys to hide eve more of his stuff (friendship <3) but the thing is, a few months ago, that human discovered that I was ticklish so rip me and my entire bloodline I guess because he keeps looking for opportunities to, ya know, ATTACK ME with one or two pokes but until that point he never took it farther than that. So. He already knew where this was going, you already know where this is going, I somehow DIDN’T HAVE A SINGLE IDEA of where this was going because the moment he realized that my overalls had pockets perfect for hiding stuff and I was refusing to take my hand out of one of them he began tickling my sides until I - in my dying breath, my last moments, with the last drop of coordination in my body - decided to give him his keys back so FGHJKJHGGHJK
 I lasted like 10 seconds like COME ON KANENE PULL IT TOGETHER MAH GURL
 Anyways I also discovered that I actually have TWO responses to being unfairly attacked with wiggly fingers and it’s pretending that nothing is happening while gradually getting more and more giggly and to try to become a ball which yeah it’s just as unsuccessful as fics describes so. there’s that.
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antisocialxconstruct · 10 months
a bunch of new people are following the WALL devblog even though I haven't updated the game in over a year
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keeps-ache · 1 year
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[tears in my eyes]
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Hmm. Megatron keeps having dreams about well Optimus. Considering his reaction to them, and how Megatron/Optimus isn't exactly in the main tags, this means something and I doubt that he exactly wants them.
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